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Psychological compatibility of zodiac signs. Compatibility of zodiac signs in love - accurate horoscope

Often, planning long-term relationships there is a need to determine what kind of man inside. In this case, the best solution will learn the date of birth and familiarize yourself with the necessary information about this sign of the zodiac.

Ideal relationships - those in which a man and a woman are suitable for each other, which means they understand. Unfortunately, it happens not always, because we all have a different temperament and character.

Very often, people make a mistake - choose a partner who does not suit them. Information about how people born at different times will be avoided this to be avoided. The horoscope compatibility of the signs of the zodiac will help familiarize themselves with the nature of the relations of various people and find a suitable partner.

Navigation for zodiac signs:

How to use a horoscope compatibility

The signs of the zodiac is only twelve, but it should not be seduced - the character of a person born under a certain sign depends on the year and the date of birth. A minor number of constellations generates a great many options for the development of events and destinies, styles of characters and possible compatibility.

Any scorpion or caller by date of birth has its own unique code.

Just one sign of the zodiac is a whole variety of characters other than each other. In the preparation of individual, which means the most accurate, horoscope, astrologers are oriented very strictly - by belonging to specific signs of the zodiac, by year of birth, dates and even time of day.

Thus, the compatibility horoscope is independently difficult, the result is unable to cover all variations of relationships between representatives of astrological signs. But even a generalized compatibility forecast will take into account the most characteristic features of characters and will help to avoid submarine stones when building relationships.

When someone interspersed interspersed, to say in advance, how only the emerging relationships will be collapsed. What does the future promise two people who have ever met? Perhaps they will love each other and will soon want to connect their lives.

Will their marriage happy and durable? Knowledge of a compatibility horoscope When choosing partners for serious relationships are not just helpful, often needed. It is astrological awareness that is most effective in the process of improving the quality of any human relationship.

In addition, the compatibility horoscope includes several species.

  • Compatibility in love. The horoscopes of future pairs are very popular. What is it connected with? Checking the compatibility of his sign and the partner's sign, you can prevent many unpleasant processes, bypass complex situations and disagreements in the formation of relationships. Leaving the place only for love and joint happiness.
  • Compatibility in bed. How many people are so many temperaments. One bit to experiment and experiments in sexual relationships, the other does not accept fantasies and considers them shameful. Horoscope compatibility will help to figure out the features and preferences of the partner, even before the first proximity is happening.
  • Marriage compatibility. Not always a wonderful in love with a couple becomes close to the spirit of a married couple. The subtleties of domestic communication between two people are also one and directions of the compatibility horoscope.
  • Compatibility in friendship. This horoscope calculates the likelihood of favorable friendly relations and the fortress of friendship with a specific person.
  • Compatibility in work and business. Another of the most popular aspect of the compatibility horoscope. In many foreign countries, smart chiefs, not wanting to get to come, before typing the employees team, they seek help for astrologers to draw up a horoscope for each of the workers.

Of course, take a compatibility horoscope completely on faith and rely solely on his advice when building relationships is not worth it. He is not a panacea problem solving and not the final sentence of the impossibility of relations with a certain person.

Using horoscopes compatibility in practice, you should not forget to listen to your own heart.

How does constellation affect the relationship between two people?

From the influence of the elements, the planets, the direct character of the person depends on the constellation. And it is formed from the moment of birth. It is necessary to understand that in the future you have to survive your relationship and whether it is destined to continue, the horoscope compatibility on the signs of the zodiac will help.

Lovers guy and a girl after a "candy-bought" period filled with romantic, at some point certainly decide to live together. But here it may be that they can not get along at all. This is explained by the fact that young people simply do not coincide on the signs of the zodiac.

The sign under which a person was born, affects his attitude absolutely to all:

  • to parents;
  • to friends;
  • to classmates;
  • to colleagues at work;
  • and, of course, to the chosen one (or chosen).

It is useful to have at least the slightest knowledge of the signs of the zodiac and occasionally use the horoscope compatibility of signs.

There are special people involved in drafting a detailed love horoscope, which will show how they can develop in the future. But no one is insured against the quantity. Many modern astrologers are simple amateurs trying to pull out as much money from the customer.

Fortunately, today the Internet makes it possible to draw up (and very easily and fast) horoscope compatibility on zodiac signs for free. This option is available to anyone, and therefore enjoys great popularity.

Compatibility of the horoscopes of men and women is based on the similarity of their astrological passports.

It is she determines whether two people will be good together. "Ideal relationship" - it sounds nice, but it is utopia, since there is no such relationship. Even if now between you and the second half a complete mutual understanding, passion and love, it does not guarantee that at some point you will not start quarrel and conflict.

  • It is worth saying that the character of a person depends on both the sign of the zodiac and from the specific date of his birth.
  • Although constellations are only twelve, destinations and compatibility of infinite set.
  • Each sign is a variety of characters.

This means that the horoscope compatibility on the signs of the zodiac in love independently write is extremely difficult, and to say more precisely - it is impossible at all. But even a superficial forecast will help to avoid many conflicts when building a romantic relationship.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage and love

Since the most ancient times, the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage represented for a person a constant interest. Love inspires, but this is still not enough to create a solid relationship, and even if so, it is often subsequently it turns out that the partner is at all and is not such as we imagined him.

Thus, knowledge of the zodiacal characteristic is intended to save us from annoying mistakes and choose a happy future, which largely depends on the compatibility of partners in love.


The sign of the fiery element, the Aries will suit the same fiery signs, crowded with energy, emotions and passion.

  • Aries and Aries. Their love looks like a fire that burns everything in its path, as both partners are unnecessary, if not to say, "explosive." Because of this, the bright and hot alliance cannot exist for a long time, often it turns out to be fragile.
  • Aries and Taurus. If Aries in love is active, then the Taurus even exists practicality in his thoughts, which becomes the reason for their gap. Although they are able to create a favorable love alliance, if they go to each other for concessions, as well as show sensuality in an intimate plan.
  • Aries and twins. They will have a strong tandem, as partners have a lot of common features - active and original, which is favorable on their relationship in an intimate plan. But in order to preserve love as long as possible, they sometimes need to relax from each other, for example, going on vacation with friends.
  • Aries and cancer. The love compatibility of these partners is based on mutual understanding, both in spiritual life and intimate, however, the novel may also end to end, as it starts, if it is constantly not to support beautiful and cute actions that should make both partners.
  • Aries - lion. These signs are very similar on temperament and character, therefore it seems that they are created for each other. But this is not at all like this: both in nature are domineering, which negatively affects mutual understanding. However, even in such a tender, a compromise can be achieved - the subordination of the lion of the Aries.

  • Aries - Virgo. They are two opposites that attract each other with magnetic power. Lovers are constantly quarreling, but immediately put up, and it is very passionate. Conflicts of them are like brighten, love is impossible without them.
  • Aries - scales. Romantic compatibility These signs are not just admissible, but also similar to a fairy tale in which Aries cease to show aggression, and the scales bypass "sharp corners". If the partners do not get rid of these shortcomings, their links will gradually come down.
  • Aries - Scorpio. For these signs, love is kept on passion, so they are a lot of time in the proof of their feelings spend in bed. However, on one Intim, heartings will not be able to build - for ideal compatibility, they need a mental harmony.
  • Aries - Sagittarius. This pair has excellent amur compatibility - they are unable to overcome the passion. It could continue forever, but after some time both begin to fight for their own independence - a frequent cause of conflicts and even parting.
  • Aries - Capricorn. The attraction of these signs is very low, since they have completely different temperaments and views on the relationship. Capricorn prefers calm, and Aries - passion, despite the sight of everyone, which is very annoying his passion.

  • Aries - Aquarius. They can be a harmonious pair, but under one condition that they immediately arrange, which of them are the main, and who plays the role of subordinate. Their gentle feelings depend on mutual respect to each other.
  • Aries - Fish. Compatibility of these signs in love completely depends on their physical attraction. If it is short, then only pleasant memories will leave, but if two passionately fall in love, then forever.


The earthly sign, personifying loyalty and reliability, ascending to the ideal idea of \u200b\u200bthe satellite of life. In a woman of this sign, you can find the powerful nature, which will be justified by the unshakable family values.

  • Taurus - Taurus. Their relationship is hard to call love, as the Taurus does not know how to love romantic because of his landing. But at the same time, the compatibility of the calves in love is quite high, just for it will have to run both.
  • Taurus - Gemini. These two signs attract each other with a huge force, they only need to trust the fate who collided them, and trust their fervent feelings. There may be not only physical communications between them, but also spiritual, only for this you need to make small efforts.
  • Taurus - cancer. The coexistence of these signs can be called perfect, as there are many common things between them - ideas and plans for the future. They will be able to build a solid alliance based on which complete mutual understanding.
  • Taurus - lion. In such a pair, love is a passionate sex. They have no spiritual connection - everyone is trying to prove their leadership, which often arises quarrels. As a result, the patience of the Taurus ends, and the pair stops its existence.
  • Taurus - Virgin. Compatibility of these signs is relatively high: both realists who are not waiting for romance and passion. For them, there is more important peace of mind that they feel, being near. Their union can be called quite durable.

  • Taurus - scales. These two as a key and lock, ideally suitable for each other. Their love relationship is stable and durable, as both adhere to opinions - feelings must be heard not only with the heart, but also a mind.
  • Taurus - Scorpio. In this pair, there will never be mutual understanding, since the Taurus is a landing sign, waiting for love primarily sincere unity, and the scorpion is more important physical attraction. Because of what they have conflicts leading to parting.
  • Taurus - Sagittarius. Two jeques who will not be able to calmly love each other, without having lost suspicions. Love compatibility in these signs is rather low, therefore the strong pair of Taurus + Sagittarius is a rarity, in a short time after dating, they run up in different directions.
  • Taurus - Capricorn. This union may exist, but under one condition, Capricorn must stop annoying the Taurians. It is very difficult for him to keep emotions under control, therefore, in an offended state, the Taurus can put a bold point in the relationship.

  • Taurus - Aquarius. The novel of this pair will resemble a hurricane, all who dens on his way. Taurus will deal with reworking Aquarius, which is a fairly useless occupation. As a result, disappointed, will come to the decision - to part. Aquarius will not object.
  • Taurus - Fish. The love compatibility of these signs is almost perfect - they will not have conflicts and claims to each other in an intimate plan, nor in life views. The only interference to create an excellent union is the jealousy of the Taurus, so the fish need to be careful in communicating with the opposite sex.


As an air sign, these people tend to behave windy and partly to twist in the clouds, so it will be difficult for them to find reciprocity with earth signs requiring stability.

  • Gemini - twins. In this pair, love is possible, but it is quiet and calm - without manifestation of stormy emotions. Partners are not even jealous of their soul mate, which is rather strange for lovers.
  • Gemini - Cancer. The percentage of the coincidence of these signs is low, since they are very different people who rarely happen to find points of contact. Although between them there are strong marriages to deep old age.
  • Gemini - lion. There are harmonious relations between partners, full romance. They will never be bored together, because they have so much in common.
  • Gemini - Virgo. So that they have real feelings, the devies need to soften in relation to the twins, not always assembled and less pedantical than they.
  • Gemini scales. Their romance is initially doomed to parting, although at the beginning of the relationship everything will be romantic and passionately. But then the top of the negative features of the characteristics of partners will take.
  • Gemini - Scorpio. Love between these signs is similar to the swing: initially - passion and complete mutual understanding, and then a huge abyss in relations because of different views on general coexistence.

  • Gemini - Sagittarius. For a solid union, you need flexibility and sensuality that it is not enough for these signs, so they will not work for ideal relationships.
  • Gemini - Capricorn. Different views on the relationship are serious from Capricorn and non-permanently in the twin - negatively will affect their love compatibility. It comes down to zero.
  • Gemini - Aquarius. Passionate partners will be able to build a wonderful marriage. They with half-sleep understand each other, their hearts are fighting in unison, so they can be called an ideal pair.
  • Gemini - Fish. Wonderful friendship very soon develops into a strong love alliance built on trust and mutual understanding. They have perfect compatibility.


The sign of water, the most calm and stable in relationships, oriented to the creation of the family and the upbringing of children.

  • Cancer - Cancer. They are wonderful friends, which cannot be said about them in love. Even if you feel some kind of attraction to each other, it will be a fleeting feeling, which will very soon return to friendship.
  • Cancer - lion. This couple will never be able to reach a compromise in their views on the relationship: constantly arguing, swearing and trying to prove their right. Therefore, their pair is very soon decaying.
  • Cancer - Virgo. Wonderful tandem, as partners know how to make their soul mate happy. They relatively belong to the feelings of each other, protecting them as a crystal vase.
  • Cancer - scales. Their novel is rather reminiscent of mutually beneficial cooperation, and not passionate feelings. The reason lies in their completely different characters and life glances.

  • Cancer - Scorpio. Seeing each other, they immediately in love, while retaining their tenderness for life. In a pair, they constantly strive to update the feelings to save the emotions of the first date.
  • Cancer - Sagittarius. Partners are rare when they come on a compromise, because of which their connection is hard to call perfect. But over time, learning to give way to each other maybe they will be able to build strong relationships.
  • Cancer - Capricorn. This sign can create a wonderful love alliance if they stop pulling the blanket for themselves. Although they are difficult to do it, but still for each other they can try.
  • Cancer - Aquarius. Their relationship is quite complex, as both signs are not accustomed to adapt to others, so they often arise conflicts ending with long silence.
  • Cancer - fish. It is not necessary to talk about eternal love between them, but they will be able to create a harmonious union, which may be strong and will continue for life.

a lion

This zodiac sign has a more moderate temperament compared to other signs of fiery elements. Lions are sensitive to infringement of their own rights in family life, such a situation is unbearable for them.

  • Lion - lion. They will have bright and passionate relationships that they do not hide from anyone, rather, on the contrary, they like to expose their emotions to people. They often compete for the right to master in a pair.
  • Lev - Virgo. They can create an excellent union where respect and mutual understanding will reign. Initially, Lev and Virgo will be furious, and only then will understand that there is something more between them.
  • Lion - scales. This pair has bright and strong love relationships. It will no longer be bored, as they love exits into light and mass events that just fasten their ideal connection, making it even stronger.
  • Lion - Scorpio. They will be able to build a beautiful tandem if they won't fight for leadership. For them, sexual compatibility is important for them, which is ideal.

  • Lion - Sagittarius. Their relationship is built as much on feelings and passions as on mutual respect. This pair can be called happy and harmonious.
  • Lev - Capricorn. The novel of these two is a bit strange, but they are comfortable with each other. Although they are completely different and in nature and in their views, but mutual understanding reigns between them.
  • Lion - Aquarius. Their tandem is hard to call pleasant. Possible quarrels and quarid on scratch. Everyone has their own personal life, which will become a hindrance created by them by the Love Union.
  • Lev - Fish. Showing your best qualities, they will be able to create harmonious love relationships that will remain for life.


The people of earthly elements are distinguished by the special complexity of nature, which relates more to men. Regardless of the sign, the satellites of the virgins will not have easy.

  • Deva-Virgo. Their relationship will be similar to mother and son or father and daughter: they constantly point to each other, how to live correctly, what to say, and also choose clothes. The tenderness and dustiness in their union should not be expected, so he will not be strong.
  • Virgo - scales. If you pacify your egoism, you can create a favorable soil for a strong marriage. Otherwise, gradually the attraction is outraged by itself.
  • Virgo - Scorpio. They like a magnet attract each other, so they will be able to create a wonderful love alliance, where complete mutual understanding will be.
  • Virgo - Sagittarius. Only patience and federation will help maintain initially fervent emotions. If the partners do not cease to show their negative traits of nature, they will soon break out.

  • Virgo - Capricorn. In love, a couple waiting for complete idyll, since they rarely quarrel and argue, having the same views and marriage, and on life in general.
  • Virgo - Aquarius. Their love for others seems a bit strange, but they are comfortable with each other, especially since they rarely pay attention to someone else's opinion.
  • Virgo - Fish. Love at first sight, based on respect and understanding. They are open and mental, trust each other.


Optimistic and friendly, cute and cheerful - these characteristics are ideally suited to people who have appeared on the autumn months under the constellation scales. Scales all their lives seek to beauty and harmony, justice and peace.

Patronizing these amazing personalities of Planet Venus, named after the beautiful and mysterious Goddess of Love. In ancient Greece, Venus was called Aphrodite, she symbolized tenderness, passion and attraction. It's not by chance that the pets of Venus are considered the most attractive among the other signs of the zodiac - weights are simply impossible not to admire.

Element of weights calm and cold-blooded air, the main power of which is a conviction. The air guys are full of all sorts of ideas and plans, the scales constantly live in the world of thoughts and dreams.

  • Scales - scales. The tandem is perfect, as partners understand each other with a half-clow. They are romantic and caring. Keep the warmth of feelings until the end of life.
  • Scales - Scorpio. Complex relationships, but only until the lovers begin to consult each other. In pairs, the main role is taken by the scales, but they also show their feelings harder.
  • Scales - Sagittarius. Possible struggle for the championship in the Union, which will negatively affect the feelings. Gradually, they will come to no.

  • Scales - Capricorn. Holding constantly their emotions under control, they will be able to create a strong love alliance. They need as much time as possible to devote interests and the hobby of each other, it will build their marriage.
  • Scales - Aquarius. They are an ideal pair, because there is so much in common. Their love will be eternal - they rarely find out the relationship, often adhering to a single opinion on many questions.
  • Scales - Fish. If the romance is still present in their connection, then gradually the claims and discontent with each other will lead their union to unfortunate finals, where partners become enemies.


Emotionality and contradictions of the sign, intolerance to criticism eliminates the partnership with a representative of his own sign, so that they will only have to dream about peace of calm. With the power of their love potential, the scorpions need a partner, ready to divide passionate feelings with them, but not provoking an explosion.

  • Scorpio + Aries. Scorpio compatibility with this zodiac sign high. Aries for our sign - the most suitable woman. Scorpio, compatibility with Ova which is 100%, finds in a woman of a real friend and passionate mistress. In the marriage compatibility of signs of Zodiac Scorpion Men and Aries Women also high.
  • Scorpio + Taurus. These signs are primarily distinguished by their sexual compatibility. As for life in marriage, the male scorpion is very lucky with his wife, which may survive scorpion care and not pay attention to his attacks.
  • Scorpio + Gemini. In love, this pair is quite compatible. But family relationships are often spoiled because of the jealousy of a male scorpion. Compatibility cannot be called perfect and because of a woman who is not configured to be chained to a partner.
  • Scorpio + Cancer. Compatibility signs high, but not in marriage. Scorpio, who used to go to high targets, is incomprehensible to the experience of cancer about the house and family. As a result, a woman, accumulating offead, leaves her husband. That this was not, Scorpio should be a bit kinder.
  • Scorpio + lion. This is a bright union of two leaders. Compatibility of signs is better in love than married, because In family life, they will not give up each other. But in sexual life they have everything is perfect.
  • Scorpio + Virgo. A stormy man and a calm woman - who else can better be combined? The union of these signs is beautiful in love and married. Understanding each other throughout life, Scorpio and Virgo can achieve much together.

  • Scorpion + Scales. These signs are fine in sex, but the rest of the union is quite complex. Sensual woman often suffers from attacks of jealous scorpion. And if he does not temper his hot heat, the marriage will disintegrated.
  • Scorpio man + scorpion woman. In love, these signs do not know equal, but in marriage these two "time bombs" do not always get along. If both representatives of the scorpion sign will not learn to give together each other, then together they do not have.
  • Scorpio + Sagittarius. In this case, marks also foreshadows nothing positive, and everything usually spoils the male Scorpio. In love, a firmware compatibility is beautiful, but in family life a man limits the freedom of the Taurus.
  • Scorpio + Capricorn. Their pair can be called perfect. Both are romantic and do not seek freedom. Capricorn calmly transfers the character of scorpion, and therefore their marriage will be long and happy.

  • Scorpio + Aquarius. These signs are equally bright and stubborn personalities, and they can't give way to each other. Scorpion does not like in a woman excessive love for freedom and unwillingness to bother around the house. Therefore, in marriage, these signs are not delayed for a long time. But in love they are fine.
  • Scorpio + Fish. These signs are amazing that each of them can not fully understand their partner, but, nevertheless, stay with him and in love and in marriage for a long time.


It has a hot and cooked character, for a joint future, he should pay attention to representatives of the relative elements - Lion and Aries. It may impress that Sagittarius does not converge with any of the representatives of the zodiacal circle in family life.

Sagittarius and Aries

The union of fiery creatures is something. Relations between the Archers and Aries will be bright and passionate. As for the ideal compatibility, the pets of Mars and Jupiter do not even think about it. Yes, and harmonious communication in the understanding of the fiery guys does not boil down to joint gatherings by the fireplace. They will not miss the Archers and Aries next to each other, and every day, spent together, will become like a fairy tale. The only question is how many days will this fiery idyll last?

Sagittarius and Taurus

Miscellaneous Archers will be able to charm Tales. But the patience of earthly signs can burst, only they find out with what unpredictable guys they contacted. Are relations doomed to failure? The yield will be found: the archers should learn from the Tales to persistence, and it is advisable to earthly guys to live for some time without rules and restrictions. And there, before the ideal compatibility, to file, besides, there is a very strong attraction between the pets of Venus and Jupiter.

Sagittarius and twins

Windy twins and frivolous fittings - the perfect couple, otherwise you can not say. Fire-air creatures will find each other, and do not be able to part. Sagittarius will only think about the entertainment, and the twins are here as here - with a bunch of ideas and plans. Mercury's pets and Jupiter will come together in bed - there are enough passion for life, also remain. And the perfect compatibility, or just so? Fire-air guys there is no case to any celestial laws.

Sagittarius and cancer

Passionate romance? You are welcome! Strong friendship for life? That's no problem at all! And about the ideal compatibility in family life, the pets of the Moon and Jupiter fear even to dream, there are too obvious differences in characters. Yes, and the elements pushed - the driver of the crayfish and the fire of Sagittarov can not blame. Sentimental and impressionable cancers are warm with carefree archers, so the stars advise the water-fiery guys not to rush with a campaign to the registry office.

Sagittarius and Lev.

Perhaps the Universe will shudder when the lions and the Sagittarius will comply with. Idyll and harmony, compatibility and similarity literally in all - the pets of Jupiter and the Sun will invent all sorts of problems, just to diversify these wonderful relationships. Sociable fiery creatures will be a couple of all over envy and will be worn around the world in search of adventures to deep old age. The family will get wonderful, and kids in the fire union will cause a look.

Sagittarius and Deva.

Merry and restless shooters are able to captivate anyone - cute maiden won't notice how they will be in the arms of fiery guys. But demanding earthly creatures will take care of the Life of Sagittarov in a week of communication. Does Yupiter's pets are able to obey some rules? In no case - the Sagittarius will escape at the first opportunity, and do not even say goodbye. True, there is one point - the attraction in the earthly fiery union does not hide, and the novel can last for years.

Sagittarius and scales

Pets of Venus and Jupiter creating independent and freedom-loving. Sagittarius and scales are fascinated by each other in the first moment of the meeting, but to a serious relationship with air-fiery guys go and go. But if the scales with the shooters do not rush anywhere, they can enjoy rare, but unusually bright free relationships, stretching them into twenty-thirty years. According to the wards of Jupiter and Venus, in the registry office go in extreme cases - it is better not to risk.

Sagittarius and Scorpio

Water-fiery creatures can make friends, Sagittars and Scorpions are able to know the harmony in intimate proximity, but for compatibility they lack a small, but serious detail (the elements of Pluto's pets and Jupiter do not fit each other). But if the fiery-water guys will be attracted, they will have to survive in extreme conditions. Vlamitic scorpions and restless archers will arrange the tests daily and check each other for strength.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Two Sagittarius in one boat - you can present such a situation, but the fighter guys will not fall asleep. After all, each of the Yupiter pets will rock the ship and row to the right side. But fiery relations do not threaten the routine - the Sagittarius will ride with laughter and invent each other fun and fun adventures. In addition, intimate proximity to the wards of Jupiter at the height - live and enjoy until you get bored.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

Calm and practical Capricorns will fight with the frivolousness of Sagittarov in the hope of aligning the fiery guys on their own way. However, the efforts of Saturn's pets will be completely meaningless - the funny and restless wards of Jupiter cannot be changed. Reliable earthly creatures will even get acquainted with jealousy - Sagittarius will never give an oath of loyalty. But the fiery-earth guys may think about friendship - in this case, compatibility is quite possible.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

The impatient and gusty shooters will be able to surprise the aquaev - the air guys will be glad that they found pleasant interlocutors, and charming partners. However, soon the fiery signs will begin to act on the nerves calm and practical Aquarius - the Archers do not know how to plan at all, and change their hobbies ten times per minute. But the compatibility of air and fire is obvious - the pets of Jupiter and uranium can try and not be afraid of disappointments.

Sagittarius and fish

The fussy shooters will irritate quiet fish from the first minute of dating. Strange and mysterious fish will also force the Sagittarius to contend. Yes, and with the elements, not everything is in order - water and fire will not find a common language. You can hope for the attraction of opposites, especially, the pets of the Moon are able to hypnotize - if desired, they will inspire a cute archers anything. In principle, the chances of a water-fiery couple have and compatibility is possible, even if not perfect.


Symbolizes stability, reliability, materialistic principle, because of what it does not have a zyq with born under the signs of the fiery element.

Capricorn and Aries

Earthly fiery horned stubs can be bored by all their lives, and so they will not agree. However, surface and frivolous Aries can get caught on the bait of patient caperpashers. The earthly guys may so furnish the situation that the fiery creations will agree with all the rules and requirements of the Capricorn. The perfect compatibility of the pets of Mars and Saturn is not expected, but the relationship promise to be interesting - so why not try?

Capricorn and Taurus

Practical Capricorns and Realistic Tales - Lots of Earth Guys, but there is no mutual understanding and not. Maybe the case in different patrons - Saturn and Venus, of course, are far from each other, but against the union of cute earthly pets, the planets have nothing. Stars guess what the cause of disagreements is persistence of terrestrial creatures in the first place. But if love gets into this relationship, then the Capricors and Tales will be happy to throw off the horns and learn to give together to each other.

Capricorn and twins

Capricorns can observe the agents of the twins - earthly guys and words will not say if only fiery creatures will not cross the line. And Mercury's pets will not even notice that they have installed surveillance. Stars advise air-terrain creatures to negotiate on the shore - in the Union of Capricorgov and Gemini, love can settle, if the wards of Saturn and Mercury will learn to trust each other. And even if there is no mad passion in the relationship, but everything is reliably and clearly, as in the bank.

Capricorn and Cancer

Calm and laconic Capricorn will like the quiet and modest cancer in the first moment of dating - the Water and Ground Guys will feel the relationship of the shower. For several years, the pets of the Moon and Saturn will look closely to each other, waiting for a trick, but the stars advise to relax. The ideal compatibility of water-earth creatures is unlikely to achieve, but Capricorn and Cracks are not frustrated. No surprises, shake and clarify relationships - you can only dream about it.

Capricorn and Lev.

Temperamental and impulsive lions enchant Capricors in a couple of minutes, and the fiery guys themselves will feel the attraction to mysterious earthly creatures. True, on the ideal compatibility, the earthly fiery couple cannot expect - the stubborn Capricorns will lead the licorivers of Lviv from themselves, only read the two main rules for living together. A stormy novel remains, or a strong friendship for life - in this case, the pets of Saturn and the Sun will remain satisfied.

Capricorn and Deva.

Practical and demanding, accurate and neat - Capricorn and Virgo as if created for each other. Quarrels in the earthly union are possible only because of the pedanticity of Saturn and Mercury's pets, but against the background of the rest idyll, it will seem full nonsense. But earthly creatures are never late for a date - the clock can be checked on Capricorn and devices. Although there will be a lot of dates from earthly guys - why waste time on this nonsense, if you can do something useful for a couple?

Capricorn and scales

Cooling and calm Capricors will reset their serious mask, only in their lives will appear bright and cheerful scales. All-air creatures will, what to talk about, however, for the happy family life of this is not enough. Well, why would the pets of Saturn and Venus not to stay friends - the relationship in this union will be strong, honest and reliable. The scales will even forgive earthly friendships of excessive demands, because it is possible to rely on Capricors in any business.

Capricorn and Scorpio

Strong and hard scorpions, oddly enough, can become faithful friends and allies for Capricors. After all, the earthly guys do not differ in particular sentimentality, at least at first glance. The compatibility of water and land is obvious, and the pets of Saturn and Pluto are perfectly sex. Daily love confessions, and other romantic nonsense in the water-earthly relations will not be, but Capricorn and Scorpions are confident in the reliability of each other for all one hundred.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

The stubborn Capricors for the first time in life will face an unsolvable task - they will not be able to redo the fungoty. Fire guys will not agree to serious changes in their carefree life. Saturn and Jupiter pets are better to immediately leave the idea of \u200b\u200bperfect compatibility and think about the friendly Union. In this case, the relationship will only please - the Sagittarius will bring bright adventures to Capricors, and the earthly guys will teach fiery creatures.

Capricorn and Capricorn.

At first glance it may seem that two terrestrial stubborn will never find a common language and compatibility between them are unattainable. In fact, Saturn's pets will understand each other with a half-word - one patron and the general element will make their job. Capricorns can become faithful friends, reliable partners and passionate lovers - it remains only to choose what role the earthly creatures in the shower. In any case, the Earth Union will be strong, long and reliable.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Independent and active aquarities are unlikely to become a good party for calm and stubborn Capricarps. Some similarities in the characters from earthly air guys, of course, are, but for ideal compatibility, this will be not enough. If the Patoms of Uranus and Saturn are solved on the creation of a family, they should be prepared for the eternal battle for a major role. Aquarius can give way to Capricorn, but it will only be an illusion of mutual understanding. Stars advise the guys to stay on friendly relations.

Capricorn and fish


A woman will be comfortable with the partner, which will allow her to be her own, not trying to limit her freedom.

By reasonable compromises, the woman of the Aquarius can create a strong and long-term relationship with a man of authentic, weights, lion and twins. With a man, her relationship does not name ideal, because they are so different! But it was on this difference that the couple will come down, and it will be ready to exist together for a long time. Two Aquarius can become like perfect partners, in all suitable to each other and complete antagonists, it depends on what degree of freedom they will allow you to have each other in the Union.

With a male scorpion, a woman will be very difficult to find a common language - he remains incomprehensible to her.

A man of fish may seem initially an ideal companion and like-minded woman to a woman aquarian, but it will soon be found that this person has a "double bottom", and the real essence of the partner will be very difficult to disclose it - or unable.

Male Aquarius attracts the attention of women with its intelligence. But lovers of bright hot temperatures will have to be disappointed - he is not used to setting sensuality into the chapter of personal relationship, preferring the model "Love-Friendship".

It certainly attracts beautiful women, but more - as a muse for his new inspirations in life. Although the man of Aquarius can be very inventive in sexual life, he does not seek to establish relationships through the bed, always stopping at a strong friendship.

He can be a reliable partner of a woman of Aries, a woman twin or a woman Lerl, if both of them will respect each other's independence, go for some concessions. With a woman to the Taurus it will be difficult for them to find a common language.

Nevertheless, such pairs are formed quite often, and partner relations are built on the desire for one common goal in life. The man will be calmly and comfortable in the society of a woman's female or cancer, but they should deal with their internal contradictions that do not give relationships to develop.

Mutual sympathy will penetrate the relationship of Aquarius and women of Sagittarius, and with a scorpion woman, a partner will have persistent disagreements leading to the divorce.

The most mysterious, mystical can be considered the relationship between the Men Aquarius and the Woman of Capricorn - they are so elusive even for partners, which are forced to constantly doubt their existence. Only due to the sense of humor, partners can find a common language, and make relationships are more realistic.


It is difficult for them to make a choice of satellite life due to ambiguity of their nature. Water element is the best partnership option for them, although in this case there is no guarantee of the stability of relationships.

Fish and Aries

Owls in their nature will try to subjugate to their influence of fish, regarding their calm as a weakness of nature. That's just fish not so easy to catch their networks, they all feel and easily avoid the traps placed on them. This pair is not to avoid a stormy novel, they are so much pulls towards each other, that this is obvious to everyone around. And even if fishing wants to float, they simply will not be able to do this. A stormy romance can grow into a family union, for happiness in which you have to compete.

Fish and Taurus

The elements of these guys perfectly complement each other. Problems may occur only because of characters. Fish and calfs are not like. Taurus can annoy the imperidity of the fish and their love of dreams. Fish either will not be delighted with too pragmatic tales. If even this couple will not reach the registry office, they have every chance of becoming better friends. The fish will help the Taurians to make many amazing discoveries, and Tales will teach fish not to be upset over trifles.

Fish and twins

Air with water is well compatible, but this pair will have to compete for their happiness. Gemini of nonsense, they can not live without adventure and new impressions, and fish can be perfectly living in their inner world, and the fact that it is illusory, they are completely confused. The twin will try to pull his pair to a noisy party, and the fish are only stronger than the warm plaid, well, why go somewhere if so cozy at home. It is better to be friends on the distance or tighten a hoarse and beautiful novel.

Fish and cancer

This union is able to conquer others, everything is fine with them. Couple can find true love, and they have perfect compatibility. Both sign slopes to mysticism, perfectly understand each other without words, sometimes it seems that they are able to penetrate each other's thoughts. In a word, between the wards of Neptune and the Moon complete mutual understanding. If cancer and fish are met, they can immediately go to the registry office, this marriage will endure everything, and the partners will be happy. And they lived for a long time and happily - this is just about them.

Fish and Lev.

Love between the lion and fish will arise immediately, but this is not the reason for creating a family, these relationships do not promise to be long. This couple can break up even before they can adapt and understand what they need for a happy life together. Neptune and Sun pets are very different, most likely, it attracts them, they will not be able to resist. It is better to agree on friendly relations and not attempt to go beyond pleasant communication and easy passion.

Fish and Deva.

The elements of this pair perfectly complement each other. Only the nature of picky virgins can spoil everything. They are idealists who are trying to improve in this world, so you will definitely try to re-educate and improve fish. But the fish are so self-sufficient that they simply make no sense to change, and the attempts of virgins will not lead to anything, unless they spoil the relationship. If the fish resort to their mystical talents and will be able to convince the virgins that everything is fine, then the couple will live together for a long time and happily.

Fish and scales

This couple can jointly engage in the construction of air locks, they will have it great. They can be friends all their lives, and between them will never be betrayal and large quarrels. Make the perfect closer relationships will prevent different elements, water and air difficult to conclude an alliance. Fish will be too impressionable and melancholic for optimistic scales. Nevertheless, there is a mutual attraction between fish and weights, and if sympathy turns into real love, they can be attended by happiness in marriage.

Fish and scorpion

These guys unites the overall element, perhaps this is what is predetermined by their amazing compatibility. The characters at the Neptune and Pluton wards are completely different, but it does not matter when there are general hobbies. Surprisingly, talents and habits are also similar. At fish with scorpions there will be no disagreement on how to arrange a house where to rest and in which school to give children. Scorpions who love power and always strive to her, the mysterious way will become good and cute next to the fish.

Fish and Sagittarius

For Sagittarov, life is a movement. They are important to travel, they physically need new sensations and adventures. This spirit of fish adventurism will not be able to understand why look for impressions in the outside world when you can find everything inside yourself. Sagittarov will annoy the mysteriousness of their satellites, they are bored, and maybe just too lazy to solve secrets. What can you do, the stars warned, fire and water can not be satellites. The chances of compatibility in this pair are minimal. Read more ...

Fish and Capricorn

At first, the Capricorn fish will seem too cold, they will scare the gloomy and calmness, only with a closer acquaintance they will change their mind. Patient Capricorns can seek their chosen as much as you like long until you receive your own. I will like your impressionable fish when they admire them, and if the Capricors love to truly, they will wear their pairs on their hands. They have every chance to create a strong family. Read more ...

Fish and Aquarius

Aquarius can be very demanding, but in the case of fish they can be confused, and the truth is how it can be claimed for what you do not understand. And let the fish and not the most stubborn zodiac sign, but they will definitely not allow themselves to redo or educate. Aquarius will very soon leave this idea and will enjoy relationships. This pair may have an ideal relationship in the intimate sphere, so that Aquarius and the fish are waiting for an exciting and bright novel. Over time, they will want more, and they can safely go to the registry office, this pair has compatibility. Read more ...

Fish and fish

One element and general patron, just near them can be closely. The ideal partner who understands you and feels like himself, perhaps it is good, but not for fish. It will seem strange, but the cause of the conflict and possible parting will be complete mutual understanding. Fish creatures are original and with the perfect partner they will be boring. If this stage of relationships is overcome, marriage can be preserved and even happily live in it

Types of relationships between zodiac signs

Aspect Connection - an orange symbol. Motto Couples - common interests.

When there are two identical signs of the zodiac, some unity immediately arises between them. Often they can feel each other with a semi-touch and understand from a half-clow.

  • This is the total energy that the man and a woman are divided into two lovers.
  • The danger to such a union will be boredom in love and excessive predictability of the partner's behavior.

Plus, the fact that many problems in this union will be avoided. For example, they do not need long to look for something in common or try to adjust their lives under the desires of a loved one.

Aspect of sextal - blue symbol. The motto of the couple is the desire for harmony of two dissimilar people.

In this aspect there are neighboring signs of the zodiac. Such couples are often found in life. And although mutual understanding between partners does not arise immediately, they are looking for harmony in love and often find it.

This union is more favorable for the preceding sign. He perceives the beloved as a clear and predictable person, with whom you can safely go through life.

But the subsequent sign perceives the partner as a riddle, the inner world of which is so complicated and diverse that in his depths it is hard to understand.

Aspect Sextile - symbol of blue. Motto Couples - Mutual Sympathy.

Here we are talking about the love compatibility of signs in one of each other. They relate to related elements. For example, in sextile there are signs of fire + air or water + land.

  1. In this relationship, people sympathize with each other, they feel mutual understanding.
  2. But at the same time, these are representatives of different elements, there are noticeable differences between them that attract each other even more.

This is a favorable aspect not only for love, but also for friendship or business union. Partners do not need to apply a lot of effort to understand, interest or please each other.

Aspect Square - symbol of red. Motto Couples - Dynamics and Passion.

In this aspect, little harmony and peace, but a lot of drive, dynamics and passion. Such a pair are waiting for a stormy relationship, because they are completely unable to negotiate peacefully and calmly. Read more in the article about the most incompatible signs of the zodiac.

  • A man and a woman pulls together to each other, the spark easily flashes between them.
  • But due to the fact that the characters are very different, a sense of irritation or misunderstanding often arises in relations. It is difficult for them to achieve stability.

Partners tend to move in different directions, pull the blanket for themselves. To love is long and productive, they must learn to look for compromises.

The aspect of trin is a symbol of yellow. The motto couple is harmony and grace.

The symbol of the triangle symbol in the compatibility table of the signs of the zodiac. This is the most stable figure that hints to us that the love between these people will be as stable and harmonious.

Both partners belong to one element. This generates a feeling of unity and mutual understanding, the community of views and interests. Often between them there is a deep connection, which is just stronger with time.

The signs of the zodiac in the aspect of Trina well join both in love relationships and in friendly or business. They will always find the points of contact and will be able to develop in a single direction for the benefit of each other.

The aspect of the KVIONS is a green symbol. The motto of the couple is the inconsistency of characters.

A man and a woman whose signs are in the aspect of the Kwikon, have little in common. This is one of the reasons for increased interest in each other.

Partners with passion explore each other, wondering every time their discoveries. The aspect enhances in a pair erotic attraction and desire.

Two people often do not understand why they want to be together, because they are so different. It is not even an attraction of the "plus" and "minus", but rather they are residents of different planets.

The aspect is good for short-term novel. But to build a long and steady union, you will need to make a lot of effort, strive to understand each other and be tolerant to the disadvantages of the partner.

Aspect of the opposition - the symbol of raspberry color. The motto of the pair is the attraction of opposites.

The signs of the zodiac of these people are one opposite the other. From this symbolism it becomes clear that we have partners who have direct opposite characteristics.

This is not an easy, but a very promising aspect for love relationships.

A man and a woman complement the missing quality of each other, creating a stable pair. Together they are stronger than one by one.

But the opposite also means that there will be a lot of time. All their joint life will consist of finding compromises and desire to take into account the interests of the partner.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

In 2003, the Era Aquarius, your sign, slowly begins to attack. Why "Slowly"? Because the beginning of the era is not marked by a clear date, but takes place gradually from 2003 to 2165. You still have time to choose a perfect partner.

Aquarius - Aries. Aries fully complies with the Akivovsky representation of "Samts". But here the first impression is deceptive, because if everything succeeded with half-turn, then the connection will be short-lived. But on the contrary: first full apathy for each other, the man of this couple you accidentally, after a three-year stay at work, escorts home, and you suddenly understand that he has a soul that he is not so rude, as it seems at first glance. And fall in love with the ears!

Aquarius - Taurus. Very important ankleeval attitude towards sex. If the Aquarius is exalted and the desktop book is "Kamasutra", then the calf prefers more "about tasty and healthy food." You need to be able to delicious cooking and to be at the Taurus!

Aquarius - Gemini. The sexiest sign for the "modesty" Aquarius! The fact is that the twins love their heads and arms, and the aquities are easily excited for all sorts of erotic massages, and generally love "limbs."

Aquarius - Cancer. Ingenious and unusual, from the point of view of astrology, the connection of hearts. It seems to be an illogical combination, but the largest number of steam is with such a layout: cancer with water. Cancer is a sign of the past, Aquarius - the Future. In the compound, probably gives a powerful breakthrough to the present. There will be a lot of battles, but a lot and happiness.

Aquarius - lion. This is a slowly flashing link that requires time for eruption. The lion will easily be excited if Aquarius will be big beautiful, pronounced eyes. In your relationship with a "sunny man" there is something mystical, crazy. He can flip you over to his head, this is what you never have enough, and what both run without looking back. How do you feel about life? If Aquarius floats against the current, then the best coach you will not find in the whole zodiacal circle!

Aquarius - Virgo. Virgo is a slave of his habits, and all the signs of the zodiac "cuts under their comb." Of course, attracts a certain contest: who whom and in which round will put on both blades. But after the Virgin it is quite difficult to come to myself, the complexes will be a bunch, and self-confidence will disappear.

Aquarius - scales. For example, scales will be puzzled when it turns out that Aquarius is more interested in talking about sex than to deal with them - scales are more prone to carnal. And there are many such little things. But this sweet couple is from "Love at first sight." Both are similar, charming, careful, diplomatic, sexy, sensitive, pretty, romantic, and everything else in sweet expressions and compliments. Pulls to sweet - urgently look for weights!

Aquarius - Scorpio. You need to figure out on three: you, he and the housekeeper. Then you can still live. Otherwise, scorpion nails will score in the Sagittarius house, will buy books on cooking books and force crochet. Never Aquarius will agree!

Aquarius - Sagittarius. The thing is that the shooter can use Aquarius for mercenary purposes. Aquarius Sagittarius is very profitable, and the shooter can easily. Trust but verify. Better friendly situation or lover-Sagittarius than to live under one roof for many years.

Aquarius - Capricorn. Oddly enough, it may turn out a fairly interesting and long-term union. You pay little attention to each other, but if you turned, then this is not the stars, but fate. It should be noted that Aquarius focuses on solving world problems, and Capricorn is inclined to engage in more local issues of being. You will find common points of contact - you are glory!

Aquarius - Aquarius. Strange somehow! The Americans conducted a survey of the sexual attraction of the signs of the zodiac. And among men and among women, sorry, in the last place is worthwhile. Aquarius someone has to reveal, and in the "bed" too. Therefore, the connection is almost impossible.

Aquarius - Fish. At the beginning of the century it is one of the most ideal pairs. Each Waterword must have a fish "just in case", for the role of "buoy" to not swim far. In a more promising connection, I believe with difficulty. Both are strongly emotional gusts, so at the beginning everything will be developed without problems, but in the future these signs there are absolutely different purposes and vital tasks.

Fish (February 20 - March 20)

Fish - Aries. Be sure someone will fix someone. Whether Aries will drag the fish from the company of drinking companions, the fish will be displeased with a girlfriend lamb. Fish is always inclined to put pressure on psychology, for the subconscious, and the motto of Aries: "Be easier - and people will reach out to you." The closer to mature years (40-50 years), the more the chances of the duration of the Union.

Fish - Taurus. According to classical astrology, the Taurus needs waterfowl more than the opposite. Therefore, incomprehensible situations, the care of "English", intensifying third parties to their own relationships. Taurus sees his reflection in the fish, moreover, the fish personify "happiness" for the Taurus. Better pair attracts if the fish will be a woman.

Fish - twins. To leave them alone, you need to arrange a shipwreck, both to be on a desert island and live a year outside the sexual contacts (it is better not to see each other). The common field of activity is deception or self-deception. Here they are ready to extinguish with each other in equal weight categories.

Fish - Cancer. Classic Union. Marriage is to calm each other. Remember, like Pushkin: "The habit of above is given to us, the replacement of happiness is." But this distribution of the forces do not envy. Still waters run deep. And this pair got the explosions happen, they wear a deeper character. Severe on the day, they can part forever.

Fish - lion. They are two minuses. Each partner is looking for qualities that he does not possess. But despite all the unfavorable living conditions, most likely even a third party involved in their union, this marriage can take place. It often happens that "minus" yes "minus" turns out to be "plus"!

Fish - Virgo. Both should be disappointed in life, and in love to meet with each other. The most important thing is that a sensitive fish dreams of a calm Virgin, and Virgo will be able to reveal himself again, if the fish will take up for her upbringing. But this love is "at a distance." If they live and work together, they have a garden plot and a few children, the joint life is unbearable.

Fish - scales. These may fall on the fact that they do not expect an understanding from each other, and at all "for", hold within themselves a secluded place, where even the best friend is not allowed. I must notice that the fish affect the health status of the scales.

Fish - Scorpio. Fish is the most impressionable sign of the zodiac circle, and Scorpio is a fitting for insane fantasies of the sign. If you are not afraid to become a fanatik, then boldly join the relationship. At first, both will notice the secret signs of fate: each other's phenomenon in a dream, with a half-clow, you will understand each other.

Fish - Sagittarius. Fish need a shooter to stretched out the fish from the muddy water. There is one secret here: Strelchi-Larks will not really approve such an alliance, and he will be doomed to the collapse. But the owls (those who later fall and get up early) will be impressed from fish every minute and get the necessary energy.

Fish - Capricorn. In the ancient Babylon Capricorn called sea goat. The top was portrayed in the form of a goat, and the bottom of the fish. The Union will be successful if we assume that the fish will be your integral part (and life and creativity). Such was Chet Raisa and Mikhail Gorbachev.

Fish - Aquarius. At the beginning of the century, this one of the most ideal pairs. Each Waterword must have a fish "just in case", for the role of "buoy" to not swim far. In a more promising connection, I believe with difficulty. Both are strongly emotional gusts, so at the beginning everything will be developed without problems, but in the future these signs there are absolutely different purposes and vital tasks.

Fish - Fish. Look in the mirror and learn your reflection. Fish - Even in the most happy union - alone. For them, loneliness is not a wound, not sadness, not suffering, but a way of existence in this world. Therefore, the union of two waterfowl is very favorable for both. They will most likely live in different cities or countries, various events will happen to them, but the fish need to know that at the other end of the Earth, there is a twin brother, similar to it as two drops of water, which is not exactly the same Understand, like you, the birth!

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

In young sheep, problems in strategy: they are inclined in youth to "fall in love at first sight"; And every time they assure themselves that "it's for the rest of my life." Aries novels may arise fast enough (love cycles from year to three years), but also quickly and swell. For mature years (27.5 years and 29 years old) comes frustrated in his own, his intuition and choice. And "Larkor simply opened": Ohhenikha needs to be understood in itself and stop "starting to live with a white sheet" every time, it is necessary to learn to accumulate experience and analyze repetitive situations.

Compatibility of a woman-Aries and ... Men-Aries. Aries - the first sign of the zodiac, it is the original horoscope. The Union of two Aries is already a primitive purchase system. If you are not going to pay attention to the progress, you want to build in the literal sense of the word "paradise in a hut", hunt, fish, and then share the prey and extract the skin, then you cannot find the best ally.

Men-Taurus. Ova controls the militant Mars, Taurus - loving Venus. The compound of Mars and Venus gives an aspect present in the horoscope of Casanov. This is the best sexual compatibility of the entire zodiac circle, it is sexual relationships quickly focus and last a long time. In bed you will never get bored! It is better that the woman was an adult and the wiser of the Taurus, so that she had more sexual experience, otherwise the Taurus will be crowded with his ideas about life. It remains to add - Alla Pugacheva - Aries, and Philip Kirkorov - Taurus.

Twin men. This is more the Union of the two "informals", both are well suspended with a language and there is an ability to build attitudes on ironic remarks to each other. The more distance dividing this pair, the stronger the impression and love, but a long presence in the same room immediately reflects on behavior. This is a magnificent friendly, creative union, but the marriage can quickly fall apart due to the patients of one of the partners.

Men cancer. Action is not for nervous people! They talk in different languages, think in different planes. This man prefers a quiet homemade happiness, and the cherished dreame of Aries is to live outside the framework. This union can only be built on the misfortune of other representatives of the zodiac signs.

Men-lion. Such a union will be more likely the second, and then the third attempt to marry for both parties, although they have absolute physical compatibility - Aries considers lion the sexiest sign, the lion also finds the Aries very attractive.

Men-Virgin. Obenihu almost none of the men can stop, and even thus the wonder. He and love flashes over time, and she has "at first sight." In principle, there is nothing possible, but the Virgo clearly will be "under the heel" and will spend the rest of his life on, to feed the "call of the flesh" of Aries. As a representative of the male half of the population, I feel sorry for a male-male union, but in such unions, men are happy, especially since the karmic task of the Virgo to serve. Why not his wife!

Male scales. This "fist fight" for both partners. But it should be recognized that the Aries can learn from the scales a sense of beauty, to cope and master the harmony of space and time, and the scales, communicating with authentic, will become less coward.

Men Scorpio. For Aries, this is a sign of spiritual schooling, a sign of help in a difficult moment. Communication is initially associated with deep attachment to each other, passion, jealousy, and even the fatal or fatal confluence of the circumstances of living together is possible.

Male Sagittarius. This is a good relationship of any kind: marriage, sexy, business, friendly, creative. They are based primarily on the fact that both in a pair are given to relax each other. They are like in the sea ships: when they meet - glad and happy; When they part - both are confident that their "love ships" will meet again. Modern relationship.

Capricorn men. Remember only one rule: "Every Capricorn dreams to be raped"! This woman is an ideal for Capricorn - no one can relax it so much, increase presentability and make it not only a good leader, but also a talented lover and just a man. Unfortunately, not all "goats" understand. It all depends on the sheepih, and I suggested the key to you.

Men-Aquarius. Sometimes in such relationships there is a full "femur". But the woman-Aries and this strange can reveal to the fullest. It can open and unwind any male zodiac sign. And it will imperviously like it. The pair is better at work and at home to be together, the more parting, the less confidence that you ever meet. Both love freedom and fully take advantage of the absence of one of the partners.

Men fish. Be sure someone will fix someone. Whether the sheep will drag the fish from the company of drinking companions, whether the fish will be dissatisfied with the girlfriend lamb. The male fish is always inclined to put pressure on the psyche, for the subconscious, and the motto of Aries: "Be easier - and people will reach out to you." The closer to mature years (40-50 years), the more the chances of the duration of the Union.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

From April 21, 2003, the Zodiac sign is beginning to rule the Taurus sign. Taurus the most diligent, most cheerful zodiac sign. They do not need to dig deep, climb on tops: the easier - the better. Simplicity in everything - the key to the genius and happiness for the Tales. We congratulate all the calves on your birthday and wish them to find their golden fleece.

Taurus-Aries. Ova controls the militant Mars, Taurus - loving Venus. The compound of Mars and Venus gives an aspect present in the horoscope of Casanov. This is the best sexual compatibility of the entire zodiac circle, it is sexual relationships quickly focus and last a long time. In bed you will never get bored! It remains to add: Alla Pugacheva - Aries, and Philip Kirkorov - Taurus.

Taurus-Taurus. The great similarity of interests can bother with any signs of the zodiac, except for the union of two tanks. They will be happy from each new purchase and to old age can be able to live carefree. Neskuly together.

Twin Taurus. One of the strange couples of the entire zodiac circle. It is quite often found (Natasha Queen and Igor Nikolaev). But partners live in different interests. It remains a mystery, which attracts both each other: maybe aesthetic looks for life?

Taurus-cancer. It is so similar couple, that even trite! You want calm, iron family men, the worst of life - be sure to pay attention to this zodiac sign. In principle, even when love ends, they cannot part with each other, and another 20 years live on inertia, and then begins more than love ...

Taurus-lion. They are similar in something, especially in their alkovenses. For Lion, Taurus is a sign of fulfilling all the desires, but who will lead in marriage - the question. Taurus more lion seeks to enter into a legal alliance. While the lion is the happiest zodiac signs who can live alone.

Taurus virgin. If the chick is a woman, then everything in the union is easy and calmly: Virgo will bring all the paying home, envelops on 10 works, the wife prepares delicious lunches, many children and grandchildren. When a man is a calf, everything is more difficult: sexual attraction after 1.5 or 3 years of living will experience only one of the partners, and, most likely, they will be the Taurus himself.

Taurus-scales. "My favorite partner" - both signs say. For a long joint path, scales are looking for loyalty and understanding in the Taurus. In addition, the calf is so tasty, even if he is a man! With both signs, the rules are beautiful, carnal, voluptuous, financial and beautiful planet Venus. Joint business can only rally and strengthen your union.

Taurus-scorpion. Taurus - earthly sign. It is not for nothing that he personifies the stupid arable land, the carnal perception of the world. And Scorpio for you is the devastating force, the trait when you jump out the old and start living in a new way. Age when you can easily come together in this union: at school, or after 42 years of age.

Taurus-Sagittarius The bull hoofs firmly rest in the ground, and the head of the reckless arrow hovers in the clouds. Therefore, if no one will substitute the stairs, they never even kiss. But according to statistics, this marriage turns out to be one of the longest - more than 10 years.

Capricorn Taurus. And on theory and in practice - the most perfect couple for both. Tales are the most attractive sign and in sexual relationships and married. So you are Romeo and Juliet of the zodiac circle. You allocate a very strong relationship - according to statistics, this is the longest to the duration of the Union.

Taurus-Aquarius. Very important ankleeval attitude towards sex. If the Aquarius is exalted and the desktop book is "Kamasutra", then the calf prefers more "about tasty and healthy food." You need to be able to delicious cooking and to be at the Taurus!

Taurus-fish. According to classical astrology, the Taurus needs waterfowl more than the opposite. Therefore, incomprehensible situations, the care of "English", intensifying third parties to their own relationships. Taurus sees his reflection in the fish, moreover, the fish personify "happiness" for the Taurus. Better pair attracts if the fish will be a woman.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

Gemini - Aries. This is more the Union of the two "neformals", both are well suspended with a language and there is an ability to build attitudes on ironic remarks to each other. The more distance dividing this pair, the stronger the impression and love, but a long presence in the same room immediately reflects on behavior. This is a magnificent friendly, creative union, but the marriage can quickly fall apart due to the patients of one of the partners.

Gemini - Taurus. One of the strange couples of the entire zodiac circle. It is quite often found (Natasha Queen and Igor Nikolaev). But partners live in different interests. It remains a mystery, which attracts both to each other: maybe aesthetic looks for life?

Gemini - twins. They won't let each other words to say - they will hide her mouth, throw it with the objects that fell at hand. First love is still possible, but only in kindergarten, sexual desires arise at school. And the union of two twins is a union two two in one bottle. After all, one twin life is equal to the other remaining signs of the zodiac. No and no! If only one twin is atypical, and still after 2-3 days they will delight each other.

Gemini - Cancer. The overall sphere of interest is a story. From two teachers at the university to gossipants who collect stories about their colleagues. As lovers, these partners are more suitable for each other, there are always novelty and freshness in their relationship.

Gemini - lion. They have psychological incompatibility. In such a love alliance, the lion becomes more permanent, while the twin after 4.5 years of joint residence begins to miss.

Gemini - Virgo. To be honest, any astrologer will say that it does not happen worse. That this can be only a strange experiment in a youthful course or to expand sexual contacts aged 30 to 40 years. Then why so many such experiments? Related planets: Mercury manages the twins, and the Virgin is not yet open prosepine. This is the relationship between the brother and sisters of the zodiac circle. True, you will have to abandon sex, since one of the partners coolly cools.

Gemini - scales. One of the most common connections. Let's just say any scales should experience a feeling of easy love before marriage to twins.

Gemini - Scorpio. Scorpio is a twin doctor who will help or advise you to cure you with an unconventional way. The twin grasps quickly, but also quickly releases. This union will be held only on a mutual desire to master each other.

Gemini - Sagittarius. The similarity in this union is only one thing - they are not looking for love for life. Oddly enough, it is this quality that gives the Union a special charm. Without creating a framework and family laws, this union will last more durable than ordinary marriage.

Gemini - Capricorn. This union is not only unusual than we imagine it, it is much more unusual than we can imagine. This is the connection of the equator and iceberg. In geography, this combination is impossible, but in life it is found, and quite often. We must learn to relax from each other.

Gemini - Aquarius. The sexiest sign for the "modesty" Aquarius! The fact is that the twins love their heads and arms, and the aquities are easily excited for all sorts of erotic massages, and generally love "limbs."

Gemini - Fish. To leave them alone, you need to arrange a shipwreck, both to be on a desert island and live a year outside the sexual contacts (it is better not to see each other). The common field of activity is deception or self-deception. Here they are ready to extinguish with each other in equal weight categories.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23)

For them, life is empty and boring without love. They love them selflessly. Natural extremes, fully given to its feelings and even passion - a classic love disease. At such a time they are able to suffer with insomnia and lack of appetite. Although sometimes it can impress nature with a variable and cold. They have a very high level of personality claims, so it is difficult for them to find an object of love. But, having loved, they can pursue their object attention for years.
Cancers are ideal wives, good owners and mothers. We usually love more children than spouses.
"The path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach" - this is especially suitable for macks, who especially love care of themselves and good cuisine, although they can cook themselves. Cancer - homemade man, soft, kind, approximate and exemplary husband. Craks are rarely married at an early age, since it is hard to leave the parent house and too tied to the mother. Cracks - owners, they are jealous (very). Well gets around with a lion, a virgin, scorpion, fish, taurus. But conflict with weights, Capricorn, Ova.

Lion (July 24 - August 23)

For Leo - Love life itself. They are romance, love the adorations and even the cure. Although they adhere to public opinion and promotion, for the sake of love, lions are able to break through all borders.
Women lions are sexy and attractive. Lions are sentimental, love flowers and love letters. Lion's wife is a gem. She is responsible, true, good owner, always follows his appearance, requires a lot of attention. Woman Lion is a find for an ambitious man.
The husband is generous, but very jealous. Men-lions - perfect lovers, passionate, skillful, generous, love to make gifts, are attentive. Against the lion difficult to resist! For a lion, a spouse is needed, which could understand that the "lion roar" is only a sound, it is necessary to help solve the problem of life with a calm reson. Lions love society and can hardly be happy at home, sitting by the fireplace.
The ideal life satellite for Leo is, in many ways he is inferior to: Virgo, scales, Sagittarius, Aries, twins and cancer. Mutual coldness with aquatic and taurus.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

The most incomprehensible zodiac sign. Virgo is dual and contradictory. On the one hand is cold, on the other - attractive. Very often this coldness is deceptive. Nature of Votes explained Greta Garbo: "I want to be alone." Perhaps the Virgin is too legible and excessive analysts. One of the possible problems faced by the Virgin is the fear of misunderstood. They are afraid of critics and too sensitive.

Virgin is wonderful wives, witty and reliable. Virgin husbands often have a weak side - excessive care of their health and cleanliness in the apartment.

Virgin less interested in the sexual side of marriage than, for example, scorpion or fish. But they are attentive to their spouse. We need a partner who does not require constant events in love and does not flow into romantic fantasies. Moreover, they need a person whom they respect. They are optimists to the bone's brain. Virgin is very happy with weights, tales, scorpion, Capricorn, Cancer, Lv. They can get along with Archers, Fishes, Gemini.

Scales (September 24 - October 23)

Adorable and charming. They can fall in love at first sight. They know a lot about love! But they usually have some hobbies. They are happy when their feelings appreciated. Sentimental, love to leave something in memory of love.

Women scales are very feminine, love when they are raised to the pedestal. Scales - marriage constellation. They tend to make marriage early and create a happy family. Women scales are wonderful wives and mothers.

Husband scales is a large specialist in love, although often weighing the pleasure of a bachelor life. They love music, art, good society. With its charm, the scales easily conquer partners, but sometimes it is difficult to live in the world because of their huge queries. They require love, attention, peace.

Getting along with scorpion, Silver, Aquarius, Gemini, Lvom, Virgin. Do not love cacurases and Aries.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

King sex! Dynamic and passionate, attracting like a magnet. But despite all this, it can have a happy family, daring to marry. Scorpio does not like light flirting. They are given to every novel with all the heart and soul. They feel subconsciously people sincere or false, so they are rarely mistaken in choosing partners. If the marriage develops unfortunately, the scorpions become brutal and vengeful.

Men scorpions usually love their family, but they can be stubborn and selfish. If you gave your heart Scorpio, remember: they do not like to share their thoughts, they are owners and jealous. Never flirt in their presence - they do not forgive betrayals!

Scorpions are compatible with firing, Capricorn, fish, cancer, virgin, weights. Hate Aquarius, conflict with Taurus.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Sign of bachelor. They are less than others are located to romance and love, although Sagittarius is good-natured and sociable. In love, Sagittarius sincerely and believe in the best qualities of people. They rarely have owners or have a feeling of jealousy. Unfortunate marriages for Sagittarov - a rarity.

Sagittarius woman can be an unfaithful wife, but she is always a wonderful comrade and friend, a good mistress who loves to receive guests. She is happy only possessing freedom. Therefore, she should not have a jealous husband.

Men-Sagittarius give a lot, but also the demand is very high. By nature, they are not located to family life. They love hunting and stayed at work. Agamen needs a wife who can provide him with freedom and divide his interests. Sagittarius do not bring critics and foul language.

They are compatible with Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Lvom, Weighs, Scorpio. Do not love fish and virgins, as well as twins.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Capricorns are late dissolved, but retain their charm until the oldest. They are practical in everything, even in love. Although they often have many novels, but with difficulty fall in love. Very critical, obviously, therefore, their choice is usually achieved. Capricorn do not bring loneliness.

Female-Capricorn women are not easy to confuse with charm and flattery. They strive to have husbands of influential and practical.

Capricor husbands are very reliable, but they often strive for autocrats in their home. Capricorns with difficulty express their feelings, there is no slightest hint of romanticism. Too few, they will not hear neither praise, nor approval too many Capricorn husbands believe that they express their love by what they contain a family, and the wife what she prepares and removes the apartment for her husband.

Capricors have a huge need for reliability and stability. They, as a rule, wink money and very stupid, adhere to any kind of conventions, do not like extravagant in clothes or thoughts.

Similarity with water, fish, taurus, Virgin, Scorpio, Silver. But they are difficult with authentic, cancer and weights.

There are many different systems that allow us to find out compatibility, similarity on the signs of the zodiac. We will consider an interesting theory, orient in which the zodiacal circle will help you. In this case, compatibility is considered from the point of view of how much about your account is the sign of your partner (at the same time your sign is considered first). So you will find out the similarity of the signs of the zodiac in love and relationships.

Compatibility on the theory of the zodiac circle

Horoscope compatibility and similarity of the zodiac signs: Sign number 2 or number 12

This compliance applies to such pairs of signs: Scales - Scorpio, Cancer - Lion, Fish - Aries, Leo - Virgin, Scorpio - Sagittarius, Aquarius - Fish, Aries - Taurus, Taurus - Gemini, Gemini - Cancer, Sagittarius - Capricorn, Capricorn - Aquarius, Virgo - scales. This is one of the most difficult versions of the Union in which people either suffer, or reach it impossible. This union gives people and torment, and pleasure, and dependence, and indifference. Just with a big desire, such a couple will be able to get along. These relationships can be described as a prisoner - the warden, the patient - the nurse, the rescuer is drowning, the servant is the owner, the victim - the executioner.

Compatibility with sign number 3 or №11 from your

This category includes such pairs like Aries - Gemini, Capricorn - Fish, Aquarius - Aries, Scorpio - Capricorn, Taurus - Cancer, Fish - Taurus, Scales - Sagittarius, Sagittarius - Aquarius, Cancer - Virgin, Virgin - Scorpio, Gemini - Lion, Leo - Scales.

Such relationships are often laid in children's or school years thanks to friends and loved ones. These are marriages between friends, like-minded people. However, their temperatures will be most likely to be different, although the similarities between the signs of the zodiac are great in certain matters. Partners in such a pair are great friends. They are open and not looked at each other.

Compatibility with sign number 4 or number 10 from your

In this category, there are such signs like Aries - Cancer, Gemini - Virgin, Scorpio - Aquarius, Cancer - Scales, Aquarius - Taurus, Scales - Capricorn, Fish - Gemini, Capricorn - Aries, Virgo - Sagittarius, Taurus - Lion, Sagittarius - Fish, Lion - Scorpio.

You can describe such relationships as a hunter - the keeper of the hearth, in the light - in the shade, work -. This is not the easiest marriage, but in such a union the relationship has an excellent prospect and reliable rear. People who stretch to such an alliance often have common interests in the form of power, money, career and achievements. There are such marriages between the aristocrats and the strengths of this world. In such marriages, true feelings are extremely rare, mainly calculation and benefit. This marriage will be held until the game rules will follow both partners.

Compatibility with sign number 5 or number 9 from your

Couples like scorpion - fish, Aries - Lion, Scales - Aquarius, Capricorn - Taurus, Gemini - Scales, Aquarius - Gemini, Lion - Sagittarius, Cancer - Scorpio, Virgin - Capricorn, Fish - Cancer, Sagittarius - Aries, Taurus - Virgo.

These relationships are a gift of fate, the relationship of the writer and the muse! Inside such a couple will always be a light, pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, joy always reigns in their house and fun. These are ideal conditions for creative realization, raising children and just a happy life. Such a couple is not afraid of anything, because when they are together - they are invincible! Their life will be saturated with impressions, the similarity of people on the sign of the zodiac in such a pair is very strong.

Compatibility with sign number 6 or number 8 from your

Couples include Cancer - Sagittarius, Sagittarius - Taurus, Aquarius - Cancer, Aries - Virgin, Fish - Lion, Taurus - Scales, Capricorn - Gemini, Scales - Fish, Scorpio - Aries, Leo - Capricorn, Virgin - Aquarius, Gemini - Scorpio .

This type of relationship is similar to the relationship with 2 and 12 sign - these are the relationship of friends, partners. However, one of them will always be in a dependent position, and roles can change periodically. These are unstable, but tempting unions.

Below you can use the compatibility table of the zodiac signs.

A horoscope describing the combination of signs of the zodiac makes it possible to find out how much the partner is suitable for marriage or friendship, will the relationship with him comfortable and strong. This will allow you to protect yourself from unnecessary disappointments and offend in the future. There are exceptions to the rules (for example, signs that are completely incompatible can live long and happily many years), so you should not fully rely on compatibility tables. After all, in addition, there are still many factors affecting the relationship in life.

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Horoscope Compact in Love Relations and Marriage

Often there are situations in life when people live unfortunately or the relationship of the couple in love is not folded. In ancient times, the ancestors believed that the wrong selection of a partner may be leading. For those who want to check whether he chose himself a satellite of life, and there is a zodiac sign compatibility table.

Compatibility of zodiac signs:

Zodiac sign Characteristic of combination
AriesThe most suitable partner for the tying relationship or marriage will be Lion or Sagittarius. With the lion of the Aries, there are similar ideas about the world. The Sagittarius shares his unpredictability and active life position. It is not recommended to bind life with aquiet. He is too freedoming and does not tolerate pressure on himself. Scorpions are also not the best partners for Aries
calfA good spouse for Taurus will be Virgo or Capricorn. Both sign are independent, but at the same time wounds and need support. Avoid relationships should be avoided with scorpions. They are also independent, like the Taurus, and love to be the main. Well, cancers are too gloomy to have feelings for representatives of this sign.
TwinsThis sign perfectly feels like aquatic and weights. The first shares thirst for freedom, and the second contributes to the life of the twins and stability. Often, twins have relationships with lions, but nothing good from this pair will not work. Capricorns are also not the best party, as too sociable and hyperactive for twins
CancerMany common crayfish with fish and scorpion. Therefore, relations with them are harmonious and durable. It is often tied a novel with weights, but they are too inconstant for cancers. The most unfavorable sign for marriage is the Sagittarius. It is inclined to unpredictability and treason, which is quite painful perceived by cancers.
a lionThat and the case of Lions come closer. But this union is not long, as the lion loves to dominate, and the twins does not suit it. Passionate, but a short novel happens to Lviv with a scorpion. After that, they often remain friends. Avoid the relationship with the devies. They are too meticulous, and the lion does not like to hear constant criticism in their address
VirgoThe best option for the Virgin in terms of a serious relationship is Capricorn. He loves to be a defender, and Virgo often needs to be protected. With Gemini and Saglot, it will not be possible to build a solid couple, with them only friendship is possible. Well, the Aries must be bypass as far as possible, since his passion of the Virgin eats
LibraScales can successfully build relationships with water and twins. These signs contribute to too balanced scales. Bright paints. With calves, because of their too power-loving nature, only friendships may develop
ScorpioScorpions love to be the first in all matters. That is why their union will be successful with cancers who do not like to stick out. Also, scorpions perfectly get along with fish and firing. But representatives of their own sign better to avoid
SagittariusThis sign is most suitable for this sign, which will always support and instruct the right path. Good relationships with auto are possible only with the complete submission of Sagittarius. Do not build plans for life with Taurus, he suffers jealousy
CapricornExcellent partner for Capricorn is a practical Virgin. She will be an assistant in all endeavors. With Taurus, family life will be close to the ideal, as these signs are very similar in the worldview. But with windy twins do not bind. Their tendency to entertainment on the side is very painful perceived by alolyubami-Capricorn
AquariusThe most suitable partners for the family life of Aquarius are scales and twins. These signs are often associated with common interests and will always find a topic for conversation. Often, Aquarius is a lion and archers, but this relationship does not last long. Cracks repel the aquaev with their gloominess and reluctance to communicate
FishAn excellent satellite for fish will be cancer, which can listen and understand. A good marriage is a decisive and reliable scorpion. But with restless fishes will not be comfortable in marriage

Woman twins which man needs her

According to the Chinese horoscope

The eastern horoscope claims that the compatibility of people in love and family relationship is determined by the year of birth. All those who believe Chinese astrologers are considering their horoscope of compatibility before starting relationships.

A pair of signs, which is placed opposite each other in the compatibility table, is considered incompatible. People born in the appropriate year are not very well combined.

These signs are considered the most combined in all spheres of life:

  1. 1. Rat, dragon, monkey. Passionate and strong people born under these signs. They often suppress their partners who do not have such energy. They need relationships on the verge, only then they feel happy.
  2. 2. Bull, snake, rooster. Calm and balanced people. They need stable and weighted relationships in which they can show their loyalty.
  3. 3. Tiger, horse, dog. They value independence and freedom, but at the same time they crave to find a soul mate. Relationships with signs of their groups will be the most harmonious.
  4. 4. Rabbit, goat, pig. Soft and fascinating from all signs. Do not accept cruelty and rough circulation. They need to be especially careful in choosing a partner.

Male Capricorn how to behave with him

By elements

Compatibility in love relationships is estimated not only by the year of birth and the sign of the zodiac, but also in the element in which the sign is located. For those who are interested in more detailed information about their romantic relationships, it will be useful to learn about the combination of elements.

All the signs of the zodiac are divided into 4 elements:

  1. 1. Air is Aquarius, twins, scales. All representatives of these signs of windy and freedomist. This does not mean that people born under these symbols will be incorrect. They just know the price of their freedom and value it. Astrologers argue that the greatest compatibility in love occurs with fire signs. But here should be careful, this union is explosive.
  2. 2. Water is scorpion, cancer, fish. Water signs strive for family life from an early age, seeking to gain self-confidence. But at the same time may be incredibly demanding and selective to the partner. The easiest way to find a common language with the signs of the Earth.
  3. 3. Fire is the Sagittarius, Lev, Aries. Representatives of these signs are combined with all other elements, but best with air. The signs of fire with representatives of their own fiery group are not addressed.
  4. 4. Earth is Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. Earth signs love to control the situation and do not tolerate any pressure. The most harmonious relationships are developing with their own group. Difficulties may arise with fiery signs, as they are difficult to interact with each other.

How different zodiac signs fall in love

Combatability in friendship

If the zodiac constellations are incompatible, then tie friendly relations will be problematic. That is why astrologers advise before starting such relationships, learn the horoscope compatibility of signs.

Zodiac sign Characteristic
AriesAries are open to communicate only with those who admire them. They can only support relationships with those who obey their mad energy, but they themselves are interesting bright and charismatic individuals. The strongest connection is tied by Aries with representatives of air and water signs
calfTaurus is characterized by funity and ease of communication. Easy comes to help friends, not asking anything in return. But the calves are very offended and for a long time remember their chagrins. Well converge with representatives of the elements of fire and land
TwinsGemini always have many friends and quickly forget them, it is worth interrupted for a short time. People of this sign fantasies and good storytellers, with them there is always something to talk about. Most often, strong friendship arises with representatives of their element, air and fiery signs
CancerCracks are dark and uncommunicative, so there are no big number of friends. But those who were lucky enough to become their friend, raks will give everything they have. Well know how to listen and understand the interlocutor. Good compatibility in friendship with air signs
a lionThis is a sign of friendly and sociable people who can appreciate friendship. All their friends are checked and tested by time. Preferring friendly relations with people with whom the resemblance of interests are preferred. Best compatible with fiery signs
VirgoVirgin is suspicious and often closed to communicate. Friends practically do not have. In all difficult situations, their knowledge is relying, so they do not find a common language with others. Good compatibility with earth signs
LibraThey are interesting in communication and are always ready to come to the rescue. But there are few real friends from the weights, as they value sincerity and dedication in humans. Perfectly compatible with representatives of their own elements
SagittariusSagittarius is quite sociable and friendship takes not the last place in his life. Have many friends and acquaintances, but very quick-tempered and often quarrel with them. Well converge with representatives of the Earth's element
ScorpioOne of the most difficult signs in friendly signs. Scorpions envious and too practical. Maintain good relationships with them is not easy. Well converges with water elements
CapricornRarely gets friends because of its natural incredulsion. But in friendship generous and always comes to help in difficult times. Compatible with representatives of the elements of water and land
AquariusOne of the most sociable signs of the zodiac. Compatible with almost everyone, except watermarks. Most close contact establishes with representatives of their own element
FishReliable and loyal friends, but only for few chosen. Always wait for response, if they helped something. Compatible with water and earth signs

Compatibility of parents and children

In order for parents to have the opportunity to communicate with their children and well understood them well, they need to study the horoscope compatibility with their child. Astrologers assure that the nature of the relationship with children is precisely according to such a horoscope. Thanks to him, you can find the right approach:

  1. 1. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo. These are very difficult parents. Suppressing a child with its energy, they do not give it to develop independently and make their own decisions. Therefore, their relationship with children is often stretched. The perfect combination will be with children born under the element of air.
  2. 2. Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. Practical and demanding. Push your children a sense of confidence and calm. Often conservative in matters of education. Good relationships will be with children born under signs of water and earthly elements.
  3. 3. Scorpio, Cancer, Fish. Very caring, but quite democratic parents. Give children a certain freedom of choice. Often at the intuitive level feel the needs of your child. Compatible with air element representatives.
  4. 4. Scales, twins, aquarius. These signs are the best parents. They become not just mentors, but friends who trusts his secrets. Compatible with children born under any sign.

Having studied information on the compatibility of a sign, a person will be prepared for various underwater stones in relationships.

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When it comes to personal life, the laws of astrology should not be unreserved, but to study its forecasts regarding the favorableness of the future union is useful.

Astrologs have its own methods for determining the combination of zodiac signs that can help real feelings overcome any obstacles.

The interaction of people in society, friendly and love relations are not subject to any laws, since each person is a person, on the formation of which is influenced by many factors.

The relations of two people are always accompanied by various problems that are characteristic of all pairs, but if some of these problems are particularly pronounced, then others can be barely noticeable.

The answer to many questions regarding the compatibility of people with each other can give astrology in which their methods are used that determine the combination of signs of the zodiac.

Astrological combination

In order to find out whether each other two people are suitable from the point of view of astrology, a fairly capacious analysis should be carried out. For a more thorough picture of compatibility, it is necessary to study the horoscope of each person, given its name, date of birth, the typicity of the sign of the zodiac and the criteria.

But there are basic ideas about the compatibility of two opposite people. They are built on the basis of accounting only the zodiac accessories of people.

The following types of astrological compatibility are distinguished:

  • Couple of opposites.
  • Partners in similarity.
  • Love neighbors.
  • Relationship relations.

Zodiac signs that are opposite, for example, scales and Aries or lion and aquarius, may form a solid alliance, but it will definitely be based on a certain refusal of its internal ego. People such signs are able to understand each other only indirectly, by abstraction from their principles for the sake of a partner. But in such pairs there are always common interests and goals in life, which are one of the main motives for preserving relations.

Unions that are based on partnership In similarity, they are formed from people who have the same zodiac signs. Such couples are quite rare, but if they are formed, throughout their lives, they experience a certain sense of struggle in relationships. This happens because of similar views on life and attempts to dominate their second half, whose behavior can easily be predicted.

If in a pair, both partners were born at one time years, but under different signs of the zodiac (for example, Scorpio and Sagittarius), then it costs on the principle of "love of neighbors". It is most often observed division of common space on its own and someone else, as well as the desire to conquer a more profitable position in relations. In such unions, an emotional atmosphere and a constant clash of opinions prevail.

Relationship relations Observed in alliances, where each partner draws the missing qualities of his personality from each other. Thus, throughout the whole life, partners are engaged in some self-debit, seeking to make their own personality.

Zodiac sign compatibility table

To determine the degree of compatibility of people only by the sign of the zodiac, there are special tables developed by astrologers.

One of the simplest tables is as follows:

The number at the intersection of two signs of the zodiac shows the degree of compatibility of their owners. The higher the number, the more compatible, according to astrologers, are partners.

Numeric indicators mean:

1-10: The lowest level of compatibility, which is the cause of misunderstanding in a pair, mutual conflicts and disrespect. The reasons for this are differences in the elements that own the signs of the zodiac, which means there are differences in character.

11-20: Low compatibility, which often generates problems in everyday life and when compromising compromise. Such couples are often based on passion and physical impulse, which may be a deterrent for a long living together.

21-30: The average compatibility of the relationship. Due to the frequent misunderstanding of each other, partners can face conflicts and indifference. However, in such pairs there is an understanding and awareness of the value of relations.

31-40: A sufficient level of compatibility. This indicator is average, so the partners may form a solid alliance, provided that each of them is ready to follow concessions to each other.

41-50 : high level of compatibility. Most often, mutual understanding and comfort predominate in such pairs, supported by a strong physical activation.

51-60 : Very high compatibility. Partners trust each other, reinforcing love relationship with friendship and common interests.

61-70: Almost the perfect level of compatibility. This indicator speaks of complete mutual understanding, harmony in relations and mutual care and respect.

71-78 : Perfect compatibility. Such couples are the most rare, but it is in them an ideal harmony, calm, equilibrium and love.

Elements and Triads

Astrology involves the division of the calendar year on 12 parts, similar months. A man born in a certain month acquires one of the 12 zodiac signs.

All signs of the zodiac, in turn, belong to one of the four elements: air, fire, water or earth. Each element is obeyed by 3 signs of the zodiac.

Thus, there are 4 triads of signs of certain elements:

The benefits of love horoscopes

The predictions of astrologers relative to the compatibility of the couple in love though are not fundamental when choosing a partner, but are able to help pay attention to the features of relationships.

Having studied the astrological forecast regarding the combination of the zodiac signs with each other, you can prevent a number of problems with which lovers may be faced in advance.

For example, knowing that the partner is excessively emotional due to the affiliation to the aquatic element, should be prepared for differentiations in his mood and consider their behavior in such situations.

In addition, forecasts for joint future, astrologers regularly make a love horoscope for the coming week, month or year. Tracking it, you can consider the predictions to build plans for the next periods of time.

For example, choose the most favorable time to travel or buy an apartment.

Also, taking into account the love horoscopes, many are planning a family planning, determining the best time for the wedding or the birth of a child.

Astrology pays great attention to the problem of the combination of signs of the zodiac. Each person is already born with a certain set of qualities laid by the natural element, under the sign of which he was born, which means his position in the family, society and in love relationships will largely depend on these qualities.

Wanting to build a solid relationship with a partner, it is necessary to take into account possible contradictions that may arise when comparing the elements of incompatible zodiac signs.

Video: What signs of the zodiac can be happy in marriage