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How to learn to be happy. Knows how to eat, which means, can live. They see a good side

20 862 1 Hello! In this article we will tell about how to become happy man. And also about how a woman becomes happy and beloved, even if she is alone and she has no one. Today you get the best psychological advice on this issue.

Probably, each of us dreams, waking up once in the morning, feel the maximum of happiness and peaceful peace. Happiness is a state of complete satisfaction with its own life. This is an exceptionally subjective characteristic.. Looking at any person from the side, we can only assume that he is happy. Only he feels it.

The feeling of happiness never depends directly from the status, financial capabilities, social environment, etc. Often, people with material prosperity, many friends and good family feel unhappy. And sometimes a person, not particularly secured, with a hardest destiny, may experience real happiness. It all completely depends on ourselves.

What affects the feeling of happiness

  • Values. Each of us has a certain set of significant values \u200b\u200b( "Love and be loved", "Family", " interesting job"," Freedom "," Constant Development " etc.), and if they are present in our life, the feeling of happiness does not leave us.
  • Achieving goals. Some prevail simple and quickly achievable targets, others have ambitious and more important efforts. But anyway, the main criterion of happiness here is the result.
  • Satisfying needs. Key is the satisfaction of those needs that a person puts headed. You can be a hungry artist, but if it is most important to recognize or self-expression and it is realized, it is with a large share of probability will experience happiness. But if the most significant needs regularly remain dissatisfied, then a person is unhappy.
  • . If we are satisfied with yourself and appreciate ourselves, we become more confident and feel the inner harmony. If we are not in Lada with you, constantly engage in self-confidence, then we cannot feel completely happy.
  • Health. Health problems are always more or less reflected on the feeling of happiness. Therefore, it is important to take carefully to your state to be able to prevent serious violations in time.

What prevents being happy

Unfortunately (or fortunately, sorry for tautology), to be happy almost always prevent our own plants, beliefs, thoughts.

  • Creating obstacles.Quite often, we yourself come up with various difficulties and obstacles on the way to happiness, believing that it is easy not to be given and for everything you need to pay. It seems that true happiness must be built, conquered ... But paradoxically, we are struggling with the fictional barriers and obstacles, it goes away, and we do not notice it. We ourselves do not give yourself to be happy .
  • Cargo of the past.Being happy often prevent negative events that ever happened to us. Estimation associated with them constantly return us at the time, and we are loaning on the problems of the past.
  1. Wrap around. Just can not be such that nothing pleased and at least for a moment there was no reason for happiness. It consists of trifles. You made a compliment, you successfully completed work on an important task, you smiled at your baby, you visited an interesting event ... Every day we "lifted" a lot of reasons for happiness. Our task is to notice them and rejoice.

Playing birds singing, rustling grass in the wind and leaves under the legs - useful actions For internal soothing and establishing communication with the world. Rejoice in the simplest things. They charge positive energy and allow you to be distracted from bad thoughts, feel happier.

  1. Run the closed circle.

For example, we can peel about what we do not achieve what we want. And do not achieve due to the fact that we sit and do not take any action (or do not act like this), since all thoughts are engaged in unnecessary experiences and the search for the guilty. And often it seems that this circle does not break. We are still waiting that the circumstances will change dramatically or some kind of luck will fall apart. The probability of this is low. And the output is only in ourselves. You need to break the circle, having ceased to worry and starting to act. Any steps and attempts to change the situation or attitude to life will bring you to happiness.

  1. Trust.

You must have to do with the soul - what inspires you and charges energy. Creation, sports allows you to express yourself and cope with stress. But it may be not only a hobby. For example, the implementation of himself as a mother, a caring wife, the employment of household matters also make it possible to feel a truly happy woman at any age: and 20, and in 40 years.

  1. Rest and.

If you are exhausted and regularly do not fall out, you can hardly feel completely happy. Healthy sleep Not only helps to restore strength, but also to bring thoughts and feelings in order.

  1. Follow your goals and bring started to the end.

The more you have completed in the piggy bank, the freer and harmonious you will feel. And do not retreat from them, having met obstacles.

  1. Inhale the happiness of another person.

The more often you will do good deeds and please others, the happier will become ourselves. Positive energy from your good deeds will definitely be returned to you. Such is the pattern. Make gifts to others, say pleasant words, provide support, do charity. The feeling that you change the world for the better, helps to understand how happy becomes happy.

  1. Watch the future not with fear, but with hope.

Adhere to the principle and constantly remind yourself: " Now it's good, and it will be even better" Build plans and with anticipation wait for their implementation. The more active you can act and implement the intended, the more interesting you will seem like the future.

  1. Have a list of life-affirming phrases in the arsenal, raising the mood and allow you to feel happier. For example:
    "I'm better and better and I will cope with difficulties,"
    "I like me",
    "In my life there are many pleasant moments" etc.
  2. Weigh your "I want" and "I'm afraid".

It is more convenient to write them on paper in 2 columns. Try to remember as many of your "I want" and "afraid." Well, if the first will be much larger than the second. After all, the energy of desires always inspires us, it makes more confident, and the energy of fears inhibits the actions, forcing it to refuse its intentions.

How to become a happy wife

Creating a family, a woman always wants to be happy and beloved. What helps to achieve this?

  • It is important to remain feminine, affectionate and attractive. Let's feel with your men with reliable defenders and knights. This is a powerful incentive to self-realization.
  • Show care and attention towards her husband. Smile, waiting for his return from work, interest how his day passed, let him rest fully rest, please the delicious food.
  • Support a self-esteem of a man: praise it, admit achievements and abilities.
  • Do not be too demanding to my husband, do not control each step. He needs to sense a certain degree of freedom and independence.
  • Maintain the comfort and order of the house, watch the cleanliness, create comfortable conditions for the life of the family, show the maximum care for children. A man is always in a hurry to return to a warm homepage.
  • Give your love, strive for physical intimacy, trust him and respect him.

How to become a happy mom

For most fair sex representatives, the question of how to become a happy woman is equal to the task of becoming a happy mom.

  • Feel the joy from every contact with your child: when he smiles you when feeding him when you squeeze the lullaby and watch how he falls asleep when they play with him and simply communicate.
  • Let yourself relax and do personal affairs, because the child needs a lot of your attention and care. You need to restore your strength and charge positive energy. Do not forget about the full dream and your hobbies.
  • Love yourself and demonstrate the child confidence. This will be sure to be convinced that "I am a good mom and doing everything right."
  • Be active and emotional, communicating and playing with the baby. The more pleasant emotions you will experience with him, the higher your motherhood satisfaction will be.
  • Try to trust the child at any age, encourage his initiative and respect his personality. He feels and will treat you the same way.
  • Rejoice in the development of your chad, notice the positive effect of your educational impact.
  • Show flexibility, raising the baby, listen to its needs and mood.
  • In more often, attend cultural events with children. Interest is provided to you, and they.
  • Children develop us and change in best side. Be open to this experience. They really have something to learn.

We summarize the above in the following lines:

Happiness decorates our life

Seeds him in his soul Pose,

And others give him hurry.

Everything is good will return - to do it!

Video about how to become a happy woman.

Few people will argue with the statement that the quality and duration of human life depends on happiness. It is worth only to remember the past sad moments, as well as moments filled with joy and happiness. And compare them. You can be sure that the most alive person felt herself when he was happy and enjoyed every second life.

The problem is that constantly feeling happy and satisfied with life is not so easy. And for those who have difficulty in bringing joy into daily weekdays, here are 9 tips that can help.

1. Learn to communicate

A little percent of the population can truly communicate. But the real conversation (exchange of views, emotions, mutual understanding) gives a very large charge of positive. To be a good interlocutor and get a maximum of communication with others, just follow 4 rules:

Speak about what you feel and feel yourself. Do not draw conclusions about the actions and actions of other people. Do not blame anyone, do not complain.

Try to be the most specific. Avoid the use of words: "always", "never", "constantly", etc.

Concentrate on positive aspects, and not on negative.

Listen to the interlocutor. Let him speak, do not try to grow every time in the middle of the sentence with one or another remark. The ability to listen will give you amazing advantages, soon you will notice it yourself.

2. Learn to think always in a positive key

If you look at the world through the prism of the negative, then everything around will soon seem so gloomy and terrible that it does not want to live at all. So avoid negative thoughts and judgments, try to find in any situation positive moments. Smile people around, learn to take them as they are. Be grateful and do not forget to say "Thank you" even for the smallest, everyday, actions.

3. Think before something to say

4. With understanding and acceptance. Treat your emotions.

If you feel a huge desire to express your emotions, express them, do not hold back everything inside yourself. Want to cry? Play. Shout? Shout. You can even heat your feet and tear the paper that fell under the arm (though it is better to do in some room where you will be alone).

Remember that often constrained emotions lead to various unpleasant diseases. Therefore, do not copy them inside, fearing public condemnation. Think more about your physical and spiritual health than how you look in the eyes of others.

5. Learn to accept situations and people as they are

Do not try to change everything. When you are open, do not focus on your opinion, you can see the situation deeper, wider. You will have more opportunities to realize your potential, achieve more, become more successful. In addition, you will not be covered with the negative eye, and this will have a positive effect on your mood, and therefore on your performance.

6. Remember to rest

And rest does not mean lying in front of the TV on a soft sofa. Most the best way Relax - nothing to do any time. Just lie on the bed and look at the ceiling. Perhaps a little sleep, remedy. Allow your thoughts to calm down, give yourself to gain strength.

Daily fifteen-minute meditation (or just any breathing practice) will also lead to excellent results. You will notice that you have become calmer, collected, feel more rested, full of strength.

7. Do not forget to move

Movement is life, everyone knows. The movement gives the health of our body, and we yourself are a good mood. Therefore, it is very important to play sports, walk a lot, to do morning charge, play sports mobile games, swim in the pool, etc. The main thing is not to give your body slowly fade in immobility.

8. Mark more often

Laughter prolongs life, and this is true. He dispels stress, improves well-being, raises the mood. Never miss the opportunity to laugh away from the soul. And it does not matter if you are in the company of friends, or just at home, see funny videos on YouTube. You can raise yourself in any situation.

9. Leave the past in the past

Life is too short to spend it on memories. If you want to enjoy life, rejoice in every moment and be happy, let go of all the experiences, excitement and anxiety. Leave them in the past, where they should be. Forget about them. Let your present and your future do not darken sad memories And regrets about the made or negotiated.

- How to learn to be happy.
- 13 things from which it would be worth abandoning to feel long-awaited happiness and freedom.
- What prevents us from being happy.
- We make yourself happy.
- Ten small habits, sang your happiness.
- Secrets happy life.
- Be happy here and now.
- Remember it.
- Every psychologist himself or what is needed for happiness.
- 21 happing of happy people.
- Breasts fortunately.

What is happiness? It seems that billions of people are trying to answer this question, and their answers are different. We will now not go to the difficult concepts that you give us the all-knowing "Wikipedia" and other information resources. In general, happiness can be characterized as a complete satisfaction with a person with his life. Do I need to say that the indicators of the level of happiness have their own, and two different people can they be in the root different?

One smart book argues that happiness has four main components. First of all, this is health, without which all our achievements, money sales are reduced to zero. The second factor is love, without which everything completely fades. After all, who needs your success if you have no one to share it? The third figure is a career, work that brings money and money, and pleasure, because without something one person will no longer feel 100% happy. And the last, which also depends on our happiness - these are our future prospects, because modern peopleEven if they have already achieved a lot, hardly want to stop, and if they do it, they are bored, and I want to conquer all new and new peaks. Of course, the components of this formula can vary depending on the individual preferences and striving of a particular person.

And now let's go to that if you can learn to be happy? The answer is positive, because happiness is a simple skill that can be trained. There are some simple exercisesthat will help you find inner harmony, love for life and self-confidence, and also approach understanding the term "happiness." So…

1. Learn positive - Yes, yes, in a huge amount of cases of the cause of our troubles, problems, depressions, and so on, these are our negative thoughts that we inflate nothing in something completely huge. They are preventing us happy. Learn to relax, switch to something pleasant and find positive sides in everything.

2. Detect formulate desires ... - Happy not only the person who has everything he wants, but also one who knows what it specifically wants, and how he can achieve this. If you do not know how to formulate desires, it will be stupid to wait for their incarnation. A competent goal is a big step towards achieving the desired one.

3. ... and embody them into reality - Suppose you clearly decided on what you want, but this is not a reason to dip in idleness. Now we think that we can do, where to start, what way to go, and so on. Sincere desire, faith in yourself and active actions - then nothing impossible for you will not be left. And you will be happy!

4. Do what you love - Favorite work is the most important component of happiness. Whatever a successful accountant you are, and how much would earn, if you hate accounting with all the gutter, then you will not be happy, believe me. Favorite business I. stable income - This is what is never late to find.

5. Do not catch up - If you have problems in some one aspect of your life, then in no case can not be looped on them. Sometimes you just need to switch and cleanse the mind from the negative, and then the desired will soon fall into your hands. Subject to your activity, of course.

6. Love people - Love for people is a fundamental factor of happiness. Our success on the personal front, and the availability of friends and useful ties depends directly. Eliminate from your life such concepts as malicious and envy - not one person they did not help to become happy.

7. Wish the happiness to others. - Our life as a whole and attitude to us surrounding - this is a mirror of how we perceive the world. So, if you are sincerely (most importantly - sincerely) wish happiness and yourself, and people around you, you will immediately attract it to your life. Be kind and open with happiness - and then everything will be fine with you.

13 things from which it would be worth abandoning to feel the long-awaited happiness and freedom

We all interfere with something. Binds on the way to goal or better to say - fortunately. After all, it is difficult to live this, today's day or moment. I want to be good for many ... for this you need to work, work, work on yourself. It is not simple. Someone goes to forgive someone five years, someone else. But how well, when it turns out to let go of the past, how great it is! How great would not waste time on obvious things that would change their life immediately and without delay. Let's look at 13 things from which it would be worth abandoning to feel long-awaited happiness and freedom:

1. Release the need to always prove your right point. - Among us, there are so many of those who, even under the threat of a wonderful relationship, causing pain and creating stress, cannot accept the other point of view. It is not worth it.

2. Release control. - Be prepared to give up the need to constantly control everything that happens to you - situations, events, people, etc. Whether it is native and relatives, colleagues or strangers on the street - just let them be as they are.

3. Release the feeling of guilt. - Free from the need to accuse others for what you possess or do not possess, for what you feel or do not feel. Stop spraying your energy and take full responsibility for your life.

4. Stop a negative conversation with you. - How many people harm themselves, only because they allow negative thoughts and emotions to manage their lives. Do not trust everything that your logical reasonable mind says. You are better and capable of more than you really think.

5. WILL FROM HAVE Complaining. - The constant need of a person complain about many things - people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. No one can make you unhappy, no situation can disappear. Not a situation causes you for you or other feelings.

6. Refuse criticism. - Stop criticize people who are different from you, and events that do not meet your expectations. We are all different.

7. Release the need to impress others. - Stop protecting and be the one who you really do not. Remove the mask, accept and love your true Ya.

8. Stop resist change. - Changes are normal, they are necessary for us to move from point A to point B. Changes help change and our lives, and the life of those surrounding for the better.

9. Do not put labels. - Stop putting labels on people and events that you do not know or just do not understand. And gradually open your consciousness with a new one.

10. Release the past. - We know, it is difficult. Especially when the past like more than the present and the future is a little scary. But you need to accept the fact that the present is all you have.

11. Frequently from fears. - Fear is just an illusion, it does not exist - you created it. All this in your mind. Change your inner relationship - and the external will fall into place.

12. Stop justifying. - Expose excuse and send them to a pension. Most often we limit ourselves due to a variety of excuses.

13. Stop living the lives by the expectations of other people. - Too many people live the life that does not belong to them, only to live. They live their lives in accordance with the fact that others consider the best for them, they do what their parents, friends, teachers, government and society await them. They ignore their own inner voice, Internal vocation. They are so busy with the implementation of the expectations of other people that they lose control over their lives. They forget that he brings them happiness, which they really want ... and in the end they forget about themselves.

You have one life. She is right here and now. Live as you want, listen to your inner voice and do not allow other people's opinions to distract you from your path.

What prevents us from being happy

We are talking about happiness, about how to achieve this state and stay in it longer. But it is a concept very ephemeral: everyone knows about him, sometimes feel, but only a few moments are going on and you are no longer sure if it was happy. But to achieve the last state there are general paths that lead us to very unpleasant sensations. Having reveaning them in their behavior, we can help themselves be happy at least for a moment longer. So what are the common to all the way to feel unhappy?

The pursuit of excellence - Always everything is difficult if you are a perfectionist. Such a person is very difficult to achieve the state of happiness, because even the way to achieve must be perfect. There is always the one who in understanding the perfectionist is still better - the house, apartment, career, family, hairstyle, in the end. The moments of happiness for such a person are very fleeting and rare - only when he felt that he had done something perfectly, and until he saw that someone did it even better.

Communication with people who are always unhappy - Man is a social being. We cannot completely renounce other people and live with herds, no one listening to anyone. Those who we communicate with, have more impact on us. How can you be happy if people around you constantly say that life is a terrible thing and most of the unjust and cruel? It's one thing when such things speak in the case (the situation in the country, crisis, etc.), but completely different when such thoughts and opinions are predominant and relate to absolutely everything. Such interlocutors are better to avoid and eliminate this information noise from their field. If this is your inner voice, then you have to seriously work on yourself.

Permanent thoughts about the past and future - The rule "here and now" knows everything. Focusing on the thoughts of the future or past, we lose the feeling of the moment that occurs in the most important time, in time "now." We almost always loops on something negative, and much less often we remember pleasant moments. Usually these are the thoughts about why something did not work out, why we were refused why we did not do right, and that was generally right at that moment. Old resentment, failures - all this is biting a savory piece from our sensation of happiness "here and now." How can you be happy, remembering and analyzing failures? For all there is one time - buried, analyzed, made conclusions and move forward!

Comparison of yourself and your life with others "There is always something better for anything else, even if in the other aspects of life can be much worse than yours. At all, permanent comparison Himself with someone is not a good habit. And the more often you turned out to be better, the more it will be if someone is better than you. Often, people generally begin to compare themselves with a huge number of others, and everyone will definitely have something better. As a result, your self-esteem may fall below the plinth. And if this will repeat quite often, the reception of the psychiatrist and the loss of friends are provided to you.

Focusing on negative moments in life - It is not necessary to go far - go to your grandmother or wait in line, where many pensioners and presents of pre-age age, which draw the main news from TB transmissions and radio. As a result, all the conversations that around constantly steal, kill, dismiss from work and the "best" friends will lead to other people's husbands and wives from under the nose. Then the monologue should be standard on the topic "at the USSR there was no such". But normal people relate to this calmly and with mild caustial, realizing that this is part of life. Grandma lives in this every day, and these news for her are life itself. Yes, we will not envy the lives of our grandmothers, but we have any strength to change something. For example, stop looping on all negative.

Dependence on the opinions of others "Before doing something, you always think:" What will people think (say)? ". You may seem that you are in the center of attention of some people, and violating standard borders and standard behavior you will run the condemnation mechanism. If you are trying to do something new, you make it secret from your society. You may think that the source of the negative reaction of others is precisely you, absolutely without thinking about what perhaps someone simply turned out to be a hard week. Permanent looking back and oblique look at others (what will they say how to react?) Very clearly prevents personal development. And once prevents development, it means and prevents being happy.

Complication of life - Life - the thing is very interesting and at the same time incredibly complex. But the most interesting thing is that most of all the difficulties and "irresistible" obstacles we create ourselves. Some simply loops on the IF, THEN algorithm in the most negative manifestation.

What do we do with it?

Curb your perfectionism and set you a clear period of execution, realizing how long you invest and what you get at the exit;

Try to protect yourself from the negative at least TB and radio, limit communication with the "donings of the IA" and find new acquaintances with positive thinking;

Learn to let go on time; stop constantly comparing ourselves with others and switch to the comparison of yourself today's yesterday and become a bit kinder;

Learn to find more positive around even in trifles;

Do not look around for someone else's opinion, seeking to self-development and expand your consciousness;

Do not complicate your life to yourself and others, starting at least get rid of the pellets in the apartment (and at the same time in the head);

Try to avoid unnecessary conflicts, spend more time with friends, enjoy walks and breathe full of breasts, running away from myself away stress and negative thoughts!

We yourself make yourself happy

The concept of human happiness is being studied by philosophers, psychologists, theologians, physiologists - all sciences explain this feeling in their own way, but converge in one - learn to be happy quite real.

Happiness is a virus that lives through all the laws of the infectious disease. If there is friendly and smiling people around a person, then it is transmitted to him. In particular, the chance of man becomes happy increases by 25%, if happy best friend. The more often we communicate with the contented life of people, the higher our chances if not for happiness, then at least for a positive mood.

But physiologists believe that happiness depends on hormones - endorphine, serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin eliminates depression, improves mental abilities, useful for internal organs, settles work gastrointestinal tract. But serotonin works in a close bundle with a dopamine, a hormone of pleasure, and with GABC, responsible for the process of relaxation. The lack of even one of these substances is reflected in the mood, depriving a person of the feeling of happiness. To this not happen, you can make minor adjustments to the food, increasing the dose of certain products:

Serotonin is contained in eggs, low-fat varieties of cheeses, bird, avocado. Dopamine is contained in fruits and vegetables with vitamin C. GABA - contained in eggs, dark green vegetables, seeds, nuts, potatoes and bananas.

But happiness - it is not only delicious and proper food, but also in a good mood, positive worldview, the absence of stress, anxiety and experiences, as well as psychological and physical health.

How to learn to be happy?

1. Do not envy and do not compare yourself with others. "It is very important to learn how to be content with what you already have, appreciate it and get pleasure from it, without ceasing to strive for more. Alien victories and life benefits should not cause anger and irritation, but to motivate and inspire. The desire for nothing to lag behind others is one of the main enemies of happiness.

2. Do not stop on the achieved and constantly post new goals,let them and the global, such as building a house or visit the exotic country, and everyday, for example, to pass the report or start walking on fitness. Remember that become a doctor, grow a child or cook soup is all goals.

3. Do not regret anything. - If something has already happened - this is not changed. Thinking about what could be changed in the past - it is absolutely useless, it is better to concentrate on what can be done in the present and future.

4. Take the decisions yourself and carry responsibility for them.. - No one except you knows what is better for you. Of course, the advice is sometimes worth listening, but try on your life only on yourself.

5. Learn to relax, After all, rest and pleasure - An important component of really happy people. Do not sore with the rest of the sake of work or money - the first will always be a lot, and the second is not enough. Try to organize regular holidays with a rich program, do not forget about the daily rest, which includes not only sleep and leisure, but also a banal "barn".

6. Learn to forgive and forget the resentment. - After all, keep negative emotions In itself - the same thing that drink poison, but think that he poisoned someone else.

7. Suit on sports, fitness, regularly make gymnastics or at least just a lot of walk. - It is proved that during the physical stress, the brain absorbs more oxygen, and "hormones of joy" (dopamine, serotonin) are formed in the body, which increase the mood at least 4 hours.

8. Watch for health, After all, any disease is bad well-being and decay of forces, and it is much easier to prevent it than to spend strength, time and money for treatment.

9. Clear correctlytry to learn to avoid harmful products, for example, Fastfud, but at the same time enjoy meals. Not a single diet has made a happy man, but a delicious dinner - it may well improve the mood.

10. Learn every day to love yourself, respect and appreciate, thus balancing healthy egoism with proper self-criticism.

11. Smile, even if there is no one to smile. - Physiologists call a smile with a good mood button, joyful facial expansion of muscle clips and stimulates brain departments responsible for a good mood.

12. Surrive yourself with a positive - positive books, films, beautiful things, for example, flowers, photos or dishes, listen to good funny music.

Usually, the feeling of happiness is not enough ability to feel satisfaction. How many people do not give a man of good and pleasure, everything is not something, not so or a little. It happens - it is the inability to be satisfied, satisfy, prevents us from rejoice in life. By the way, the ability to be happy is laid back in the first year of life together with understanding the next things: Mom - she is mine, Mom loves me and rejoices, Mom always has enough milk for me and she loves to feed me.

The feeling of satisfaction, the ability to understand "sufficiently me or not" is laid at the time of feeding the child and is regulated by the eye contact: if the mother does not take his eyes first, gives the child this contact and allows you to be in it as much as he wants. If my mother takes his eyes first or at all looks at the kid, he does not understand, does not feel his saturation and the accompanying joy is not complete, the feeling of satisfaction does not come, such a person in the future will be badly understood himself and his desires.

Also, the feeling of happiness prevents biased attitude to life, in other words: "There must be something like that." The chase at the template of satisfaction does not bring. And in general, happiness is rather a feeling of fullness, and not "hitting the target." When in the soul is not empty, but just the opposite. This is actually - internal wealth.

The feeling of happiness is quite promoted by a sense of gratitude. At a difficult moment of life it is useful to just think about who and for what you are grateful. It greatly strengthens faith and spirit, contributes to well-being.

People with disgusting health and disabilities are rejected for themselves to rejoice, meaning, motifs, reasons to act. You have two hands and two legs, you have a great eyesight, rumor and so on. Therefore, you just do not have the right not to be happy! As long as we have health - sin to rap.

Ten small habits sanging your happiness

1. Focus on the lives of other people and do not think about your

Do not be content with the life of other people and do everything for them, while forgetting about your own life, not embodying its goals and desires. Each person has everything you need to achieve success in life. After all, excellent changes occur only when people decide to take responsibility for their lives. They start to take less and give more. Refuse the habit of being slave, do not allow to think more, speak and decide for you.

At the same time, you have to learn to listen to yourself, respect and use your own ideas and intuition, just so you can form your approach to life. Those who wish to conquer new heights should clear the way, get rid of the past, which gives and prevents the takeoff, but pick up, what gives strength and wipes. Its desires and goals need to keep nearby and every day allocate time to implement them. If it really cares about your goals and work hard to achieve them, then there is almost nothing, which cannot be achieved.

2. Wait for the perfect moment

Do not believe myth about the perfect moment. There is no ideal moment, they become perfect when a person begins to do something. Many people wait until the stars are lined up in the right composition to start acting. Perfect moment, an ideal opportunity, the perfect state of life and so on. Wake up! The perfect point is myth, it does not exist.

Achieving your own success is directly related to the willingness to act in conditions when you have to wait for the ideal moments. You can wait long and not to wait for the perfect moment. And having learned this to see - you can start your way to develop.

3. Work for salary

If a person is not interested in his work, then she is perceived by him as a prison. Even if it is not possible to get involved in professional activities on a complete coil, you can at least show interest. Human life, where work is only the source of his suffering and the need to visit daily workplace For the sake of obtaining funds for paying bills and buying products - such people end up feeling that they spend their life.

Think about this issue. The time spent at work is a significant part of a person's life. But this conversation is not about money, but about your personality. You should not pay attention to an imposed opinion, especially if it comes from people who say: "Work is not a decisive factor in life," "I will do the work that will make me meaningful." As a result, when a person begins to perform work for survival, the work becomes the source of his actions, and not his desire and man feels empty.

Outcome: Interest in work makes it more high quality, and its performer is happier. You should not agree only for salary, look around, move from place to place until you find, the job that will be interesting for you.

4. To drain the sense of hate

Martin Luther King, once expressed an amazing idea: "Darkness cannot drive darkness, only the light can do it. Hate cannot be expelled, only love is capable of it. " When we open hatred, she begins to pull the best of us. This feeling begins to control us. And people begin to hate someone just because they hate, without any reasons, just for the sake of hate itself. This leads to the fact that a person begins to experience this destructive feeling towards himself.

All people and all things you hate, constantly live in your head and heart, and take a lot of space there. So, if a person really wants to get rid of something or someone, he needs to forget about hatred. To start moving on, disconnect this feeling and never look back.

5. Hold for care and fears

Once, looking at the life passed, you will realize that all past concerns, anxiety and fears have never been implemented, they did not have any reason. So why not wake up and do not understand it now. Looking backing back, you can see how many opportunities for joy were destroyed due to unnecessary anxiety and negative. And if with the past missed opportunities to rejoice everything is solved, they are irretrievably lost, it can be done very much for those who are still in the future.

You will once you understand that you just need to give some things to leave, because they are heavy for the heart and soul. Release them. No need to clamp ankle shackles of fears and fears. It's just to forget about them and enjoy life right now, regardless of the situation. To do this, just need to let the stupidity, which to put pressure and pull down.

It is necessary to let go of all worries, fears, rage and jealousy, as well as the need, always be right and manage other people. We must leave your claims to life. Under all these strata of nonsense hides a happy and productive person. When you start to rake all this garbage and just appreciate everything in what is happening as it is, you will understand that life can bring amazing satisfaction.

6. Talk about problems

A bad day is just a bad day, and do not make anything more from it. Of course, difficult times inevitably affect life and work, but still you should not let them affect who you are always at the head of your life. You need to take note of the failure and adapt to them, but do not wind yourself in order to make them most of your life.

Every day - the source of new lessons and new opportunities. There is always a way to take the next step on the selected path. Events can be terrible and inevitable, but a person always has a choice to surrender or tolerate and go ahead.

7. Constantly search for fleeting satisfaction

There are two options for satisfaction in life: fleeting and long-term. The fleeting is achieved at the moments of material comfort, and long-term is a consequence of work on its own growth. Moments it may be difficult to understand this, but over time it becomes obvious that the latter is much stronger.

Outstanding satisfaction with life, supports itself throughout life with any falls, and this makes it possible to people to stay confident and in the world. On the other hand, when life is focused on fleeting pleasures, the vital obstacles are even the most minor, can lead a person to madness. Physical amenities can not make a happy person for a long time.

8. Trying to change the world and others

Those who want to change the situation in the world should begin with the world around themselves. Creating global changes is usually impossible, and the process begins to strain much. But at the same time you can change my life every moment and it is usually quite easy. You can focus on communicating with one person, and change the relationship with him.

Such work will spread as circles on water and changes will pass naturally. If there is a desire to change the opinion and mood of a person, you need to change the mood of people around it first. If you make one person smile, his smile can infect the happiness of everyone around. In such a fine way, you can change the masses without highlighting yourself.

9. hold on to those who harm you

Sometimes you need to leave people not because you do not want to take care of them, but because they do not do it for you. When someone is constantly, again and again hurts you, you need to take the fact that this person will never take care of you. This is a bitter medicine, but it must be taken. No need to try to make the impression on such people on, do not waste no longer a second to prove to them anything, you will not be able to do this. Forget about them and never remember.

10. Exaggerate the value of physical appeal

Choosing a pair on the basis of an exceptionally appearance, the same as you choose food only on the basis of the smell without taking the taste. It's pointless. These are just hereditary characteristics that create an impression of attractiveness. Someone loves the smell of mint, and others prefer cinnamon. Of course, there is a magnetic component that attracts individuals or things to the qualities of individuals, it can even be scars. Giving a soul only for appearance People create shackles that can keep for many years.

Secrets of happy life

Happy and joyful life - the dream of every person. But often such a dream is not destined to come true. Why happiness does not want to knock on our doors? A happy person is noticeable immediately. His gait is confident, he smile and friendly in relation to others. A happy person personifies his actions, his behavior. Calm and ability to appreciate every minute of life - the main principles of a happy man. Why not every person gets happy? Everything is simple - not everyone knows the little secrets of happiness. These 7 secrets how to make your life happy, they will help attract more harmony and happiness to your life.

1. Secret of Freedom - Do not worry about what others think about you. Do not constantly dwell on how others treat you what they think about you and your actions. It is worth remembering that in the world there is no absolutely perfect person who liked everyone without exception. Your behavior and acts personify the main character traits, talk about your individuality. Completely stupid can be called behavior when a person, contrary to his desires and goals, is valid in accordance with the opinion that the surrounding people express. Act over the pointer of other people means losing yourself as a person. Remember that you are a free and independent person, you may have your own opinion. And let it be great from the opinions of others, but it reflects all the individual characteristics of your personality, your thoughts and goals.

2. Secret reality - Every our thought is necessarily materialized. Motialize and turn into reality may thoughts positive and negative. Therefore, if a person is mentally tuned to a bad one, the negative will soon manifest itself in his real life. If a person thinks about good and positive things, strive for happiness - everything changes in his life for the better. To gain happiness, you need not only to think about good, but also try to attract all the good in your life: to surround yourself with positive people, create harmony in your home. Happiness is next to him just need to stretch your hand, take one step.

3. Secret of beauty - Love and take your body as it is. Many cannot find happiness because unhappy with their own appearance. Perfect appearance may not be every way, but do not care and get upset about this. Moreover, if your appearance becomes an obstacle to your happiness, then you can not fall into the despondency. It will be better to think about how to correct the flaws, or how can you skillfully hide using clothes and accessories. Do not deprive yourself of happiness just because your appearance is far from ideal. Surely the shortcomings of your body are compensated by some positive qualities of character.

4. Secret of friendship - Do not condemn and do not criticize yourself and others. In the life of every person, there are some kind of friends or girlfriends. What is friendship? Friendship arises against the background of the common interests of values, affection for certain things and actions. It is very important to learn to be friends not only with the surrounding, but also with yourself. Inner harmony will help a person to streamline thoughts, put in order feeling and desire. The main principle of friendship is the lack of condemnation and criticism in relation to itself, and to others. Criticism is the enemy of friendly relationships. Criticing the other, we are in his eyes an unpleasant and undesirable person. And in this case, about friendship speech can no longer go. In friendly relations there should be no suspicion, disputes, radical criticism. Friendship involves consideration of the individual characteristics and character of the interlocutor, the understanding of the fact that everyone is characterized by some actions, and others are completely unacceptable. Friendship is selflessness and understanding of the motives of the interlocutor. If a person understands which foundations are based friendly relations, He will be able to pick up the keys to his happiness.

5. Secret of love - Give love and do not alter your loved ones. In love it is necessary to comply with the main rule: to give it unselfishly, without requiring nothing in return, and in no case try to remake your loved one "for yourself." One of the important abstracts of love is the saying that they love not for something, and just like that. Loving man I do not notice any drawbacks in the object of your love, so the question of changes in the nature and behavior of the partner simply does not occur. If you have noticed that the partner goes wrong, as you want, then there are two outputs from this situation. It is necessary to understand and accept the actions of the object of love, or to part with it (in the event that the adoption of its values \u200b\u200band aspirations is not possible for you). Happiness between spouses who refuse to understand each other can not be. Happy love is built on trust and understanding between spouses.

6. Secret of wealth - Learn first to give, and then get. Wealth is not only material values, this is also the inner fullness of the soul. To gain the wealth of material, it is necessary to first show generosity towards the neighbor, to a friend or friend. If there is a person who needs money more than you, he needs to help. Money spent for the benefit of the other return to you, but already in an increase in the number several times. A person must learn to give first to get later. This principle is guided by novice businessmen who understand that at first it is necessary to make their contribution to the business, and then, after a while, to make a profit.

7. Secret happiness - Think less, you love and rejoice. The secret of happiness is simple - you need to live with the benefit every minute, not to be despondency. Happiness can prevent the despondency and bad thoughts. Do not dwell on bad thoughts and desires, pay more time to love and joy. Happiness is always next to the person. However, not everyone can see because they are engaged in everyday worries, achieving goals and other small problems. And happiness, just passes by. You need to learn how to see happiness in simple things, do not dip with your head in a vital whirlpool, at least stop and look around for a minute.

Be happy here and now

Dream about happiness? Then do not wait for it to come to you itself, and make it with his reality right now! Happiness is a natural state of a person. Watch out for young children: What, what is not it, emit these widely revealed enthusiastic eyes? For each of us, childhood (whatever it is) is a country in which happiness lives. At that time, we did not know how to evaluate it, calculating and programmed - we were just happy. And it seemed that it would always be so, because for childhood youth with her love, the openness of everything new and unknown. But in the end, we matured, they were settled and began to "live-wait yes good to find."

And all of us appeared: material security, social status, family and children, only life for some reason ceased to be a fairy tale. Do you often see the expression of sincere happiness on the face of an adult? Usually we see respectability, awareness, experience, confidence. Only direct, awesome and charming all its vital power Happiness is difficult to find in an adult world. But why? Maybe, happiness is something completely superfluous for adults, like a dummy or a rattle, which should be left in the wheelchair and never return to it anymore? Or maybe in a fairy tale under the words "good story" it was implied not at all that we began to pay so much attention to, mature?

Obvious evidence

Once Socrates asked his listeners, which, in their opinion, is the most important thing in life. Someone from the respected citizens said that the main thing is health, someone called a well-folded body and success at the opposite sex, and some insisted on the priority of security and provisions in society. Socrates asked and the most important thing for him in life, and he answered: "Be happy."

With the fact that neither health nor a wonderful body nor the security and high position in society is a guarantee of happiness, everything agreed. But is it important to happiness? Then Socrates asked what kind of curses will turn out his listeners, if they have a problem: to a healthy, beautiful, rich, no reasonable or happy? And everyone chose the advisers of a happy healer. So the philosopher easily and simply proved that it is happiness that is the most important value of our life.

Recipe of happiness

Everyone is well known that you can buy food for money, but not appetite, bed, but not sleep, medicine, but not health, entertainment, but not joy. So happiness to nor buy, nor borrow, nor stealing it is impossible: it is our subjective experience. It is impossible to weigh it, nor measure nor compare with something - it's just happiness, it is absolutely!

The happiness of the child who received the desired toy, the schoolchild, who solved the complex task, and the Nobel laureate will be completely the same as the same: the immediate experience of the joy and completeness of life. If we are hungry, it will not matter than we are quenched our hunger - simple food or delicacies. We will be equally happy and in the first, and in the second case, because they will satisfy their true need.

But if we make a conclusion that we will be touched by delicacies - this is happiness, it is very soon to be happy, we will lose your appetite, we will spend more and more time and money for sophisticated dishes, and pleasures getting less and less. Why? Yes, because we are no longer hungry, and what made us happy once, no longer relevant now. After all, happiness is fleeting. Only one who understood it, opened his true recipe.

Hiking for happiness

Probably, you noticed that it is worth wanting to stop a magical moment, as it eludes straight from our hands. Just we enjoyed the wonderful landscape and did it happy. Then we decided that by purchasing a house overlooking this beauty, we will experience happiness every day. But "privatization" brought us so much trouble as it was once in the window, and a landscape is somehow already asleep, lost its paints.

But we experienced real pleasure from comfort in your home: so warm and joyful in the soul, when comfortable comfort, cleanliness and order - now there are more friends to invite! And we rushed to improve the interior, acquire beautiful furniture, observe impeccable cleanliness and became the owners of the perfect home.

Only the feeling of happiness disappeared somewhere, and there is just no friends to invite friends. Let's listen to the advice of Jerome K. Jeroma: "Let there be an easy roaster of your life, take it only the most needed ... And then you will see that the rook of yours will swim more easily that she is almost not threatened with the danger to turn over. Yes, and not trouble, if it will turn over: it is not good, the good load is not afraid of water. You have enough time and thinking, and for work, and to enjoy sunlight Life, and to listen to hopping the breath of Eolo Harmony, which the breeze sent by God removes the human heart from the strings. " So what do we really need to take with you, going on a trip for happiness?

Want is not harmful

Be sure to grab your own true desires - Only they will make you happy. In the ancient Vedic tradition, it is a desire (kama) is considered the main driving power Life. The desire to be rich, healthy, well-known or beautiful is not at all vicious. The main thing is that this is your true intention, and not imposed from the outside. How to distinguish it? True desire can always be satisfied.

It will not make you either a wedge, nor a liberter, nor a chinese or a careerist. It will make you develop, grow, overcome difficulties, and the reward for the path being passed will be the condition of happiness. Then the desire will retreat, inferior to other targets and desires. But artificial desire is impossible to satisfy, so it does not know the measures and leads to increasingness, suggestion, emptiness. The phrase "Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity" - nothing else like the slogan of those who fell victim to artificial desires. These sufferers remained one hope: maybe at least ever this meaningless amount will turn into the quality of happiness?

Unfortunately, such people simply work on someone else's field: their true desires and, as a reward, happiness are very far from what they do. Be careful to your desires and treat them with respect. IN ancient Greek Happiness was marked by the word Eudaimonia (composed of two words: EU - good and daimon - a deity) and literally meant that the fate of a happy person is under the auspices of the gods. In Russian, the word "happiness" was previously interpreted as "finding under the grace of the Higher Forces" and only later began to identify with a secured calm life without grief and worries. It was then that the word "good" began to interpret mainly as property.

Pure Chalton

Do not forget to take your heart on a trip for happiness - otherwise how can you distinguish "happiness" from "misfortune"? And if you are afraid of experiences and leave your heart closed, then how do you feel the feeling of happiness, which is the crown of human ability to empathize? Do you know why all lovers are so beautiful, full of energy and fearless? Because, not suspecting, they are guided by psychology of abundance: they do not want to take something from each other - they are full of desire to give.

And they have it perfectly well - until their heart fears, do not hide, yielding a place in the whole doubtful mind-mind. "Or maybe they love me not so much as I love? Maybe I chose a wrong partner? Does it seem to him that he could give me more love? "," This tempter whispers. And, listening to him, we suddenly find ourselves in a completely different place than they were for a moment before, with a completely different person. Instead of Paradise, Shalash, instead of a cute - an unworthy spouse, and instead of love - one solid "marriage". What to do? Search for new happiness? That's just the experience shows that if you do not learn to live with an open heart, then only "Shalash" awaits us ahead. Love: a man, work, children, parents, animals, flowers, sky, earth, life. While you love, happiness with you!

Great Dar

But without loneliness, you can not do. Each of us life carefully awards loneliness, and it is impossible to neglect this gift. It is said that a person is born lonely and the same dies. Of course, close people can be around it, but he cannot share what is happening. Even the guinea and her child are in different states, experience different experience. Therefore, loneliness should not be avoided - you need to meet him. And if you rush into love experience, give birth to children, communicate with friends, go to work just because you are afraid of loneliness, it will not bring you happiness.

After all, your true goal in this case is not to love, work or educate, but to run away from myself. But if life makes you go through suffering and still lead to loneliness, believe me, you will be rewarded. When nowhere will have to run, you will stay alone with you and suddenly understand how beautiful it is!

In the silence of privacy, when all fears, hopes and doubts were falling down, the heart is filled with this unconditional love. Now you can love - and be happy, raise children - and not be disappointed, to work - and get pleasure from it. Do not waste time and forces in vain, use any opportunity to be alone with you. Slowly walk around the city, watch his life, listen to yourself. Or, pick up a cozy chair, snapped with a blanket and listen to silence in your home: She will tell you many things and teach to be happy.

Stairway to Heaven

To get happiness, you have to ... dance. Why? Because your true desires live only in your feet, knees, hands, in your stomach, sunny plexus, heart, throat and head, thanks to which all parts of this living mechanism are not scattered, but are a unique creation - your body.

That's just personally, you can never join this miracle. You run, fuss, suffer, dream, and the body, meanwhile, performs its special mission, providing you with a huge number of features that you can do not use. The wise men say: listen their body - in it the key to happiness. No wonder in the east, the body is identified with the temple in which the deity lives. Feel your feet as they come into contact with the Earth, gives you stability and calm - this is the basis of your temple.

Do you feel the way at the bottom of the abdomen bloom and pleasure? This is your life force. Do you feel determined and desire to act in sunny plexus? Your heart beats calmly and joyfully, words, as if silver bells, vibrate in your throat, Chelo did not have the crowded wrinkles of fear and doubts, and the feelings in the painter can be described in a word: grace? If you are all able to feel, it means that you are already involved in the great dance of God, creating the world, and you don't chase with happiness - it finds you yourself. And if you do not feel, just dance: I can't anything. The main thing is in contact with your body, listen to him, take up, develop, let the emotions and sensations freely flow from one body sections to others. Learn to trust the body and follow him. And happiness will definitely find you!

Magic holiday

The holiday is a celebration, on which the main and honorable guest is our happiness. We worked so much, invited, called him in our lives and achieved considerable success! It remains only to meet it. But what is it? Are you standing all day at the stove, get upset and plan yourself and loved ones about the failed cake or loosen meat?

You are worried about: Does everyone like a treat, did you have a perfect order, will you have fun guests? And by the time of the holiday, tired, irritated, not feeling no taste of food, nor a sense of humor, you meet the long-awaited guests and wonder: where is happiness? As a shame: you could not stand the latest exam! Do not worry - you just need to master the white magic of the holiday. The first ritual rule is lightness: it should be in everything. For example, if some kind of dish gives you too much trouble, refuse him or order it anywhere, but do not waste energy on its cooking: it is still useful for you. It also applies to your clothing, makeup: if you belong to this with ease, you will look at ease and elegant.

The second rule is creativity. Prepare what you are interested in cooking, invent, experiment. Let its guests participate in the preparation for the celebration. This, of course, does not mean that you will force them at the last moment to clean potatoes or run on shopping, but take part in the table setting, decorating dishes or inventing funny competitions And the drawing will be a less more interesting for them than sad sit in the corners in anticipation of the holiday.

And the third rule: TOOLS FOR HAPPINES, HEE HEARE HIS Melody through the ringing of glasses, cheerful noise of friends, Gomon Death and even through the murder of spilled red wine on your snow-white tablecloth. And then, looking at their loved ones, children, on their own house, feeling at the same time your own loneliness and huge love for the world, you will understand that happiness came to you.

Remember it

I will tell you 13 secret phrases about life that will help you start living in happiness, love, welfare, abundance:

1. I love you not for those who are you, and for who I am when I am with you.

2. No man deserves your tears, but those who deserve will not make you cry.

3. Only because someone does not love you as you want, does not mean that he does not love you with all the soul.

4. A true friend is the one who will keep your hand and feel your heart.

5. Worst way Missing a person - it's to be with him and understand that he will never be yours.

6. Never stop smile, even when you are sad, someone can fall in love with your smile.

7. Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world.

8. Do not waste time on a person who does not strive to spend it with you.

9. Perhaps God wants us to meet not those people before we meet that single person. To, when it happens, we were grateful.

10. Do not cry because it ended. Smile because it was.

11. There will always be people who hurt you. You need to continue to believe people, just be careful.

12. Become better and understand who you are before you meet a new person and you will hope that he will understand you.

13. Do not make so much effort, all the best happens unexpectedly.

Every psychologist himself or what needs for happiness

Dear readers, let me offer you some advice on the topic "Everyone myself a psychologist, or what is needed for happiness." Tips at all give easily, as everyone seems. In fact, letters of the Soviets are observed not only for criticism, but also for a huge responsibility, as there are always people who immediately perform any advice, without even bothering to think about how it can affect their continued life.

I now mean tips from the morning and evening, however, and daytime, too, talk shows, scripts and directories of which only put one goal: Rating. Since the rating is earnings.

Therefore - the Council is the first. - Dear, if you want to live a rest of your long life happily - filter tips from TV screens, Internet sites, printed publications. (My tips - no exception, filter, and then be sure to use it on health). I give advice that you see here, by law, not only a psychologist who thoroughly studied people a significant part of their lives, but also experienced them (tips) on themselves. Go to the main topic by performing the main task This post is to make you today a little happier.

Tip number 2. - When it seems to you that you are very hard, remember the famous Axoma "Everything is a comparison." And compare your problems not with those who are better now, but those worse than you. Do you think you have little money? Do you think that less than all others? SURE?

Then Council №2 - a. - Remember whether you really have less money at this moment than ever before in your life? Ahh, was it still worse? So, now is not so bad, compared. I feel some mashut negatively head, they say, it used to have more money.

Then Council №2-b. - Are you sure that in the future they will not be less than now? Not sure - it means today, again, not everything is so bad! And this is a reason for joy, not for chagrin! After all, each person needs different for happiness, every person is unhappy with something with something, as they say, "someone soup is liquid, and someone is petty pearls."

The wording "Everything will be known in comparison", applies, of course, to any of your states "oh as badokoooooo", whether it is not on time a disconnected light, a naughty child, a minor husband, a mistreatment wife or boring parents.

Tip number 3. - diligently we are looking for, only very diligently, to the result, positive parties in any negative. So, the next axiom: "If life offered you an acidic lemon, - take and make sweet lemonade from it."

I will give a few practical examples, and you try to remember who and when in your family or among your acquaintances has already successfully used this advice, and what was the result.

Well, for example, suddenly the snow unexpectedly fell in the winter, and from 8 am to 22 pm he did not stop at a minute. Inconvenience? Oh, of course, this is a passing part and the paths slippery, and where there is no slippery - just to the ankle fall into the snow, well, just horror !!! And if you look at this event on the other hand? Maybe not so scary?

Is it sliding on the roads and paths and remove snow earlier than the public utilities, it's not wonderful winter sports? Free simulators that strengthen muscle mass and burning fat. Yes, outdoor. Yes with the adrenaline, if behind the wheel or on the heels.

If desired, the positive can be found absolutely in everything, I assure you. The difficulties either raise us up, make a little one, or train our will, or body ... I can list a lot. And if this formula is added to this formula №2 (see above) - and consider what it seems to you, already in two angles - Council №2 plus Council №3, comparing with: other weather, other victims from this weather, and t .. etc. - I assure you, after half-hour self-analysis, your mood will improve significantly.

the main thing - First, hees more comfortably, turn off distracting stimuli and calmly think about the problems of your life circumstances.

21 happing of happy people

It turns out that you can become happy voluntarily forcibly. Just need to try a little and get some useful habits.

- They surround themselves happy people

The joy is infectious. Researchers from Framingham Heart Study, engaged in the "spread of happiness" for more than 20 years, found that those who are surrounded by happy people, "most likely will be happy in the future." Sufficient reason to reduce specific gravity Sad friends at the expense of cheerful.

- They are smiling

Even if you do not feel cheerful, think about something good and smile at this thought. This should help. But it is important not to pretend. If you smile, and think about bad, it will only be worse.

- They develop the ability to recover

Psychologists believe that it is the ability to restore - antonym depression, not happiness. Happy people know how to recover from shocks. This is a kind of weapon against the inevitable shit, which happens in the life of every person. Japanese saying reads: "Fall seven times, stand eight."

- They try to be happy

Yeah, it's just as simple as it sounds: just try to be happy very much increases the internal emotional background.

- They are attentive to good

Celebrate important achievements to which it is long and difficult to go, it is important, but happy people pay attention to the little victories. When we spend time to notice some good little things, we get a little big emotional return, which allows us to feel better during the day.

- They appreciate simple pleasures

Eat ice cream on a bench in the park, sweating the dog behind the ear, feel, see the rainbow. Happy people really appreciate such things that do not stand anyone at all and appear by themselves. Find happiness in trifles and be grateful for everything you have, directly related to the feeling of joy.

- They dedicate part of their time to give

Even despite the fact that in the days of only 24 hours, positive people spend some of these hours to create good, which will certainly come back, and bring something good in their lives. Volunteer work or simply disinterested good deeds Perfectly affect both spiritual and physical health. And in depression such people fall less frequently.

- They allow themselves to lose the feeling of time

When you are immersed in something damn complex, inspiring and significant, you experience something that you can call "stream". Happy people subconsciously seek some lesson that will require certain skills, will be a challenge, it will motivate them and has clear goals. In order for their "burned" to this thread, causing a sense of success.

- They prefer deep communication of light chatter

There is nothing wrong to exchange with someone pair of light phrases, but to sit for a long conversation to serious topics is a great practice in order to feel joyful and alive. And it brings more satisfaction than the simple fool. One of the five main regrets of the dying people - "I would like to have more courage to talk about my feelings." The sentimental thing, which actually shows that we are more talking about the weather than what makes overwhelming our hearts.

- They spend money on others

Money can buy happiness. But only if you spend them not only for yourself, but also on other people. Giving - cooler than to take.

- They know how to listen

When you listen, you will open up for new knowledge. When you say, you are blocking them input. In addition, listening, you show people confidence and respect for them. And people cannot stay to this indifferent, they experience positive feelings that make you a little more happier. The ability to listen is the skill that strengthens the relationship.

- They support communication

Write an example, call or post something on social networks is fast. But the flew is full to see the dear friend - much cooler. Anyone needs a sense of involvement in other people, and for this you need to communicate with friends. And not online. Social networks Do not give us to touch a person, and this is very important for happiness. It has long been proven.

- They see a good side

Optimism perfectly affects health: less stresses, which means less heart problems and best tolerance of pain. And if you choose the intentional search for good in everything that is happening, then you choose health and happiness.

The same Seligman in one of his books led one of the best characteristics of optimists and pessimists: "The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they believe that the bad will last long, destroy everything they achieved, and in their own fault. Optimists who oppose exactly the same difficulties of this world think about bad luck in the opposite key. They believe that defeat is temporarily that these are not their fault: circumstances, bad luck or other people. There are no such people defeat. Surrounded by troubles, they perceive them as a challenge and just try more. "

- They appreciate good music

In music power. Such as she can surrender with the power of massage. The choice of suitable music is an important factor. A cheerful or sad song can influence our perception of the world. In one study, people asked to determine by photographs, the people depicted on them are happy or sad. In most cases, their response was determined by the mood of the music, which the experimental listened at that time. This means that you need to try to listen to more joyful music.

- they are disconnected from the network

Technology, news, the abundance of information will not disappear anywhere if you just get away from the computer for some time, you will not take a tablet with you or turn off the phone for a while. Digital detoxification gives your brains the opportunity to recharge and relax.

- They are engaged in spiritual practitioners

The expression of gratitude, sympathy and mercy is an important part of almost any religion. The production of "big questions" gives our lives context and meaning. In 2009, a study was conducted, which showed that children who believed that they had a goal and the highest destination in life were the happier of peers who live just like that. And it's not just a religion, of course, and in any spiritual practices. "Sacred rituals", which are in our lives. Whether it is meditation, prayer, just time for pondering on an ongoing basis. Every day, weekly, monthly - no matter. The main thing is to have a similar anchor, which organizes life, makes it spiritually more saturated and gives us a breather from the eternal race.

- They are engaged in physical exercises

Physical exertion give a man endorphin. Endorphin makes man happy. Training facilitate the symptoms of depression, anxiety, depression, thanks to chemical reactions in the brain. Plus, workouts give us the opportunity to appreciate your body and love it, and this is very important for a good mood. Interestingly, even if a person does not lose weight from physical exertion or does not reach the vertices, he still loves himself more.

- They go to walk

Nature is fuel for the soul. Even a twenty-minute walk in the fresh air well affects our well-being. When we feel sluggish, we pour themselves coffee, but it would be better to just stroll and recharge from nature.

- They are lying in bed

"Get up not from that foot" - not such an invention. Awakening in the correct period of sleep is one way to avoid bad mood during the day. Doctors do not recommend jumping away from bed and run, it is better to start awakening not on the legs, but in the comfort of blankets and pillows. And, of course, you need to get enough sleep.

- They laugh

You have heard about it a hundred times: Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter provokes the production of the right hormones in the brain, which allow us to feel happier, reduce the sensitivity to pain and stress. And, by the way, it is better to laugh on a regular basis. It is believed that the brain reacts to regular laugh as well as the body react to regular training.

- They walk wide

And this is not a metaphor. Happy people walking free, relaxed, and the steps are wider. And it triggers a chain reaction in the same brains. Than we go, we are happier, no matter how paradoxically sounded it. Try to walk with small shocking steps, staring at your feet. Do you feel happy? That and it.

Brears to happiness

Each person about something dreams, sets her various goals. But what we would not dream about, ultimately everyone wants only one thing - happiness. But why not all people are happy? What prevents achieving happiness? Consider some barriers that prevent us from living a happy life. Broceries on the way with part:

1. Approval of others

How often many of us are waiting for the approval of other people, making decisions, think, and what they say others, constantly look back, thinking, approve or not they are our decision. And is it important, you need to remember that our life is our experience, and what decision we would not accept, for everyone is the right decision. It is necessary to listen to the advice, however, never let them make decisions for other people.

2. Resenting and anger

Very often we are offended at loved ones, relatives, colleagues, thus cleaver their energy on such a destructive feeling that destroys us from the inside. Psychologists say that it is impossible to offend, you can only take offense. What is resentment? This is an unjustified wait, i.e. We expect something from a person, and he behaves contrary to our expectations. Therefore, it is very important to take people as they are, remember that we are all different and allow others to be different. Savage for a long time The insult, as a rule, does not lead to anything good. Worse do you only. As for the wrath, remember that the one who is angry with the control of you. Learn to control your anger.

3. Not perfect body

Today from the TV screens, on the pages of glossy magazines, they tell how to look like us, and most people put experiments on their body in pursuit of perfect forms. How often are our friends, relatives suggest how to look like it should be changed in their appearance. Your body is that little that really belongs to you, so who, how not to you, decide how it should be? Your body is the temple of the soul, and the most important thing is how you feel, and not compliance with modern standards.

4. In pursuit of ideal

We are all raised on fairy tales, films, novels about perfect relationship And the perfect partner. And becoming adults themselves, being far from the ideal, looking for the perfect partner, which must comply with a certain set of qualities. And when we build relationships, we can not enjoy what we have, we do not accept, do not appreciate, focus our attention solely on the negative qualities of a person. And as you know, where attention is, there is energy. There is no ideal partner and perfect life, but our life is what we invest in it. Only from us depends on how to live your life. We are the creators of your life, and only we can create the most beautiful world.

5. Thoughts about the past

Another reason to make people unhappy, this is what many people live with past memories, or constantly think about their former lovers, in many respects idealizing those relationships. But, looking back in the past, the future will never come for you. If you broke up, it means that there were causes and need to learn the lessons that gave you life. Thinking about the former, sorry about the past, you, thereby, send all your energy not in the direction. And, as a result, you just do not have enough strength to achieve your goals today.

6. Your goal is money

Yes, we live in the material world, in which money decide a lot, but not all. Many rich people are unhappy. For money you can buy things, but not feelings. You can live all my life, earning life, but it does not feel the taste of life. If you want to be happy, find the way to combine pleasant with useful. Find your passion (what you get better and what is fascinated, what you are willing to do constantly) and move in this direction. When you are the best in something success, money and recognition will come yourself. And remember, the money should not be the goal, they are a resource, but not a goal.

7. Exchange

Many people love to look for an excuse for themselves, their uncomfortable dreams and not being established life. Be honest with yourself - when you say "I don't have time," you really have no desire. Justification is just your attempt not to feel your guilt for the fact that you once again have not done what has long had to do.

In order to be happy, you need not so much:

Love yourself First of all, no one will make you happy and will not give you love if you do not like yourself.

Do not envy other people, do not condemn, because you will never know how a person really lives.

Do business that brings pleasure you.

Live here and now, and remember - you are the greatest creation of God, and you are the Creator of your reality.

The world is a mirror, your reality is a projection of your thoughts. Look around yourself. Your life matches your expectations? If not, it may have come time to change your thoughts, your thinking ...

The site wishes you health!

Hello, dear readers! Today I would like to talk about a happy life, about how to live to be happy. After all, many people themselves drive themselves into the framework of misfortunes, hope for a miracle, waiting for magic. In fact, everything is within us. If you can understand a few simple things, you can be happy regardless of the circumstances.

What is happiness

Begin, perhaps, follows from the definition of happiness. For someone to be happy, meaning to be rich or successful, have a yacht and a castle in Europe, to become famous, be honored with a big circle of people and so on. I want to open a terrible secret to you - all this has no attitude towards human happiness.

Having achieved wealth, you only achieve a specific goal. There comes the moment of satisfaction, and then. The goal is achieved, and this is no longer needed. Either the new task is set, or the fear of losing the reached wealth appears. Thus, we understand that happiness is not in wealth. There is also a success. Man reaches a certain success. The goal is achieved. Satisfaction. The fear of losing your success.

People often change concepts in places. Being happy does not mean rejoice at the next thousand rubles in the wallet, does not mean rejoice in a new relationship.

Do not confuse emotions of joy, satisfaction with happiness. Happiness is something that is always inside the person.

It is always with you, it is worth only to release it out. It does not depend on your financial condition, it does not affect your relationship with others, it is still on your achievements and successes. All these components help you experience emotions of joy, pleasure, as well as negative emotions: fear, disappointment, pain and bitterness.

What prevents person to be happy? It is the substitution of concepts and an emergencyness of happiness within himself. If you can separate your emotions from happiness, even when you are in sorrow, you are on the right track to a happy life.

If you can separate your happiness from the husk of fleeting emotions, then you will be happy for the rest of your life.

The working process

For some comrades, happiness lies in a successful, highly paid job. Do not bind the concept of happiness and satisfaction from work. Quietly continue to work and do not associate an office with your inner state. , Often, work is accompanied by stress, avral, reporting, last minute, and so on. Do you really let it affect your personal happiness?

Work is your way to make money for your provision. Work is your opportunity to realize your potential. Here you should be focused, confident in yourself.

If you are not sure that your job is your vocation, I recommend you to get acquainted with my article "". But remember that the calling also does not affect your happiness. Thanks to the vocation you can achieve great success in a certain case, it brings pleasure, satisfies your desires and needs. No more.

Remember that work is just a part of your life. Part cannot affect the whole happiness. It does not consist of a piece of work, a piece of family, a piece of communication and so on. Happiness is very fully. It is all completely and completely, is inside you. It is worth only to see it.

Personal life

Another misconception: my happiness depends on another person if I am alone, it means I'm unhappy. The most, in my opinion, is a terrible error. Human happiness can not depend on who he lives with. Today with one, and yesterday with another, and ten years will pass and there will be a completely different person. So what happens? Does your happiness define a new person every time?

Fifth Council - Check out the article "". There you will find the sea of \u200b\u200btips that may interest you.

Tell us what is happy for you? How do you imagine your most joyful day? What helps you in life overcome difficulties? Do you have a secret tool from depression?

I hope you will discover the secret of happiness inside yourself and never in life will not be unhappy!


To learn to be a happy person, review your scale life values. Analyze why are you unhappy? Do you have objective reasons for this? Everything is relative. Think what you lack for happiness? Perhaps some unnecessary thing, baubles like the next gold ring with a diamond or a new trendy outcome of the wardrobe? But someone for normal life and happiness lacks clean drinking water, simple food, peaceful sky over head, vital medication, etc. Think about whether your misfortune is already great compared to the problems of these people?

If you have such an opportunity, help those who need your help - disadvantaged people, homeless animals. And this assistance may not necessarily: good wordMoral support is very necessary for everyone who has fallen into trouble. So the world is arranged: you get something in return, giving part of your soul, love, showing mercy. If you sow around yourself one anger, irritation and other negative, happiness to you, alas, do not find.

Put in front of yourself real goals, free yourself from greed and envy. Remember that the path of man on earth is relatively short and all the cost material wealth sooner or later will turn into alert. Kept the fact that you have, thank God or the Universe for those gifts that were sent to you over. First of all, the love of your loved ones and friends, their health and happiness belong to them.

Do not turn into a pessimist no matter what life difficulties You are not collided. Each new blow to fate perceive as a valuable lesson for you, remove the maximum benefit from it. Learn with dignity to overcome difficulties.

Communicate with happy people. They will infect you with their optimism and cheerfulness, will help you revise your worldview and feel joy even from the little things.

Do not be afraid to change your life. What exactly makes you an unhappy person? Lack of second half? Look for her by all possible methods! Not bringing pleasure work? Change it to another! Bar neighbors? It is time to change the place of residence for a new one!

Remember that every person has the right to live as it seems necessary. Stop matching the expectations of your parents, friends, boss, colleagues, relatives, etc. Look for yourself, strive for the implementation of your dreams, do not be afraid to seem like funny or ridiculous to look in the eyes of other people. After all, everyone comes to this planet only to learn to be truly happy!