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The most interesting job! Unique vacancies that few people know about. Questions at the interview

One of the most uncomfortable and cavities on the interview the applicants consider the question: why do you want to work in our company? Many of them think at such a moment: you found my resume, you were invited me, really not enough that I fill in your questionnaire, came to you for an interview and sit now in front of you, with all my might demonstrating my interest? Why do you need to invent something else? Let it be better for me that I will personally acquire good, if I agree to work in this company.

In fact, be just honest with yourself. And everything will immediately become clear. If you find it difficult to answer this questionThis suggests that interest to work in this company you have zero, or generally negative. Managers for hiring personnel ask this question not for simple formalities. Thanks to the answer to it, you can get a lot of information about you and make your personal characteristic. And not only, based on the content of the answer, but on how quickly you will reply, in what kind of manner is reluctant, irritably, hindering or easy, joyfully and with a burning look. Try to think logically. Put yourself in a person who spends your interview with you, and look at yourself with your eyes. This person needs to know your motivation. Now it is important for him to find out three main points:

1) How qualified by a specialist for the position you are applying for; 2) Whether you will work well for the benefit of the company; 3) As far as you are aware of pre-aware and loyal to the company in which you are going to work.

The company is looking for a new employee, not just in order to complete the staff (although such options also happen, but they are extremely rare). The company is looking for a specialist for execution necessary work And wants to make a valuable acquisition.

Now answer yourself honestly on questions: why did you get up at 7 am, drove through Polgorod and spend your personal time on an interview that already causes you negative emotions? Was it your conscious choice? That work about which this is speech And the company in which you want to get a job - is it really interesting for you and promising? Maybe you were here and now simply because the money ended, nothing to pay for the apartment and you need some kind of job?

Believe me, this is not the best motivation in the eyes of the employer, if you are claiming at least any interesting position. This may mean that you are just desperately looking for a job from ... hopelessness. At the same time, you already do not care where and with whom to work, if only a salary paid. If you are in such a situation, it means that somewhere in our past you made a number of errors. How did you happen that you lost the previous job? Well, let it happen not in your fault (reduced, the company collapsed, the relationship did not have a relationship with the boss), but why are you now enough for everything in a row suggestions, just to catch up somewhere? This may mean that you are short-sighted and irresponsible treat your career. It is possible, you just look for a "quiet harbor", where you can wait for a storm, because now you just need money and the social status of the worker. Therefore, now you want to get any work that guarantees stability, and immediately after that, you will begin to search the best place. It would be naive to assume that your potential employer wants to take into such an employee.

You can rightly indignant that all of the above is not your case. But your difficulty answer the question - why do you want to work in our company? - It can be interpreted in this way.

There are only two options:

1) You really admire this company and dream of this post. Then it will not be much difficult for you for a long time, enthusiastically and with a burning look to talk about what kind of reason you have made such a choice. You do not need to invent anything specially. You know your goals and desires. You can talk about them clearly and clear.

2) You are not delighted with this company and the position is so-so, but I really want to receive salary again. Then it is difficult for you to formulate your thoughts. You try to "guess" the correct answer. You cannot demonstrate sincere interest.

Should I deceive yourself? Time flies quickly, you have one life. If you understand that your option is number 2), deploy and leave. Look for the place where you really want to work, because you consider it interesting, beautiful and promising.

If your situation is so serious and hopeless that you urgently need any work, and for this you are ready to go to any transactions with your own worldship, then ... carefully prepare for the interview. Your confident I. positive setting It will help to hide your true motives. Read career forums and articles, select the appropriate wording for yourself. Experimental personnel is difficult to conduct, but at least you will demonstrate the readiness for the interview, knowledge of the etiquette of the interview and the ability to make compliments.

Examples of standard answers to the question - why do you want to work in our company?

I always wanted to work in a large and authoritative company in the business world.
I am sure that it is here that I can realize my potential. I am satisfied with the working conditions and attract career growth prospects.
I am attracted to the stability, the name of a well-known company, compliance with TC, development prospects.
Your company's offers coincide with my expectations, which means that our cooperation promises to be mutually beneficial.
Your company is a revolutionary market. I am interested in working in this area and contribute to your (I hope that I can speak ours soon) the company has become the market leader.

I walked for the choice of profession a personnel manager for a long time, tricked differently: geology and pedagogy, accounting and library business. And the dream came true: I got a new education and began to develop a new thing.

Work on the newly received specialty was surprisingly fast. I came to the brave new office And - oh, horror! - Then I only understood that one on one with a new profession, a new team, a new leader, was left. Then I did not think about any creative component, the issues of harmonization of routine work and human relations were not very careful. At first it was necessary to learn the people with whom I had to work, to understand the needs of the head.

Now, having mastered in this profession and worrying in it for a long time, I have no doubt: the choice is made correctly, I'm in my place and I like what I do. Like, first of all, the fact that the work is extremely diverse. Questions that have to solve relate to both the rights and finance, and features of individual psychology, and interpersonal relations. Working with the staff is attractive and at the same time difficult to do that you always need everyone, you are aware of all the cases of a rather big enterprise, and sometimes just "tearing". The profession is also useful in that, by referring to the documents of employees and enterprises, systematize their own thoughts.

And ... Probably many know what it means to successfully close the vacancy? How many people need to listen and evaluate, persuade or be able to refuse so as not to offend a person and show that it is not suitable for this vacancy, and is not "inappropriate in general." Then convince the head at the appropriateness of the adoption of this particular, and not a different candidate for the position. The more serious the position, the more responsible should be an assessment of a specialist. As a result, you get great pleasure from what the same employee adopted that the company needs.

Routine work, of course, is: it is a table and orders, regular schedule and official instructionswho are not going anywhere. They need to be done on time to not run. However, the routine I. creative work In personnel business - two halves of one apple, and the diversity is enough in that and in the other.

Tatiana Borisova, Head of the Department for Work with Human Resources CJSC "Wururt Ural"

I got into the sphere of personnel management by chance. My supervisor suggested that I try myself in a new capacity, I risked and understood - this is mine. Of course, I had to learn a lot in the seminars, and studying special literature, and the adopted experience of colleagues. It seems to me that the position of personnel manager and suggests a continuous process of self-education, and in various fields.

In my opinion, the creative component in the activities of the personnel manager prevails. Rutins in our work are not so much, because we work with people. Every day you have to deal with the most diverse issues and problems. It is possible to harmonize the ratio of routine and creative components, if you do not focus in one direction of activity. Including the employees of the unit to load different tasks so as not to "zakisali" to bring a fresh jet into their activities. Sometimes an employee who decoys similar tasks, every day begins to make them like a pattern, and the connection to solving the problem of the "new" person can give amazing results.

If you remember extraordinary tasks, there were a lot of them. Here, perhaps, one of the most funny: at the time of the training for the company's employees, food was ordered with delivery to the office. In the morning of the day, the corporate training was to take place, a few hours before dinner, they call me from a catering company and they say that they will not be able to fulfill our order; After several unsuccessful calls to other companies, I went to the store, bought the products and myself prepared dinner to colleagues.

There was a situation where one of the company's employees had to be attended by negotiations with an important client, and in children's gardenwhere her child went, whether Quarantine happened, whether the water was turned off. We had to help her: the child was led to the department, and at the time of negotiations we held it (the benefits of felt-tipisters and paper were enough).

On the example of his friends, former personnel, I can say with confidence that it is quite good "sales" from the personnel positive examples marketers. As for me, I feel so harmonious in this area, I think I can be a person all my life.

Like many doubters in their own choice of profession at the age of 17, I entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Urga. Being a student, I tried myself in different areas Activities, one of which was personnel management. Later when combining the teaching and scientific activities It has become difficult to work in the field of HR, I made a choice in favor of HR and adopted the company MTS company, in which I have been working for more than 3 years.

Working the personnel manager, you get an incomparable pleasure from the fact that a person finds a favorite thing. He starts to be repaired, what he wanted what he wanted, and the company acquires a motivated, employee-oriented development. Such a coincidence of interest is possible under the condition of mutual openness and mutual compliance of agreements. Therefore, satisfaction with the work and motivation of the personnel manager itself often depends on corporate culture And the company's HR-policy in which it works. It is very important, in my opinion, the personnel manager is in one value plane with the company. Only in this case the process of enrichment and development of the employee and the company Rashimman.

The personnel manager is a universal profession in which you can develop both as a managerial and as an expert in your professional field.

We talked about how to competently build your answer to the question: "Why should we take exactly you?" However, employers also love to ask: "Why do you want to work with us?" R HEADHUNTER Career Services Card Marina Hadina will tell how to prepare for this issue .

The response strategy is that you are pretermatitably appreciated that it distinguishes this proposal from the rest (the content of the tasks, the company's development period, corporate policy, the complexity of the tasks set, etc., including location).

Here are some examples of answering such a question:

1. I have a serious mathematical education, I like to implement such research. I had similar experience in NN. I will gladly come back to such work, but already at the new level.

2. This work is the perfect continuation of my professional career. There is a good combination different regions activities (clarify what) in which I just have experience in different periods My career (transfer) . This is a unique opportunity to use to the maximum what is, and bring the benefit of the company.

3. This is not the only opportunity I consider, however, your company is the only place where my qualifications will be fully in full. In particular, I as a personnel manager own special knowledge in the field of mass selection of personnel, and it is in your company that will be so claimed. In addition, the task implies the need to organize remote hiring management. It will be a growth zone for me. It is this work that I will wait with a look every morning.

4. I am interested in this vacancy, because It most corresponds to my experience, combining and selling, and marketing. As I have already mentioned, at the last work I reached an increase in sales in a new channel for a channel by more than 25%. In addition, a team of professionals with which has to work, made a huge impression on me.

5. I have a clear understanding of what your company is a company where I can make a lot of useful now. We discussed plans for the launch of new business areas in the coming year. I want to be part of the team in a period of such growth.

6. I will not hide my interest in this post you have (for example, accountant) because Firstly, this work is familiar to me by 99%, which will allow me to quickly imagine and start working, and secondly, I will be as motivated as much as possible, because The office of the company is close to me. It is a big luck - get a combination of interesting work and work next to the house.

It is important to know that modern recruiters along with professional qualities of employees are very appreciated such a thing as loyalty. All other things being equal to your sincere interest in the company can play in your favor and allocate you from a series of other candidates. Specially for such purposes on Headhunter has a service: with the help of it you can always give about yourself to know the company of your dreams.

Good luck on interviews!

What to talk about interview

1. Tell me a little about yourself.

When you answer a candidate for a question, pay attention to the following: - Formally sets out the biographical data or immediately lay out the "trump cards", emphasizing his desire and the opportunity to take this position; - only the main thing, that is, speaks of his qualifications, experience, responsibility, interest, diligence and decency, or leads not relevant facts; - Says briefly, exactly, clearly or for a long time, mumps and poorly expresses his thoughts; - keeps or speaks calmly, confident or unsure of himself.

2. How to look at life: what do you see difficulty in it and how they do?

Some people speak in the sense that life is difficult, there are a lot of problems, most of which are unresolutes that people are evil and unfavorable that there are few joys in life and everything decides fate, a case or other people, but not he himself. It means that you are a passive person, insecure, not trusted by another, pessimistic and unhappy (loser). Other people speak out about life positively: life without problems does not happen, the difficulties are overcome, the fate and career of a person in his hands, people are friendly and ready for cooperation, the man himself of Kuznets his own fortune. So says a person who is active life positionaimed at success, ready to take responsibility, successfully interacting with people and able to enjoy life.

3. What is your job attracted in this position?

Poor, if they meet crowd phrases: "I am attracted to the prospects for growth, interesting work, a solid firm ...". Must cause serious and concrete arguments: the desire to apply your qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of work in a strong team of professionals.

4. Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

it the best question For a candidate, so that without false modesty to name its main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must demonstrate his ability to convince, emphasizing its advantages. Bad, if the candidate and on this question meets weak arguments and leads its formal biographical characteristics.

5. What are your strengths?

The candidate must underline first of all the qualities that are required for this work and bring convincing confirmation on specific facts. But you can hear stamps, repeating thousands of times: "I am sociable, neat, executive", etc. Ask to clarify what its sociability is manifested, accuracy, the execution, what is his manner to listen to the client, which he reached, thanks to his strong qualities.

6. What are your weaknesses?

From a smart candidate you are unlikely to hear repentance in sins and a long list of its flaws. He will try to turn the answer so as to increase its chances even more. For example, say: "Many consider me a workaholic" or "I can relax, I feel good only when I work" or "too demanding to yourself and others." If the candidate is too glanced and you will want to bring it to the frank recognition of your flaws, you can tell him such a joke. In a similar situation, the candidate characterizes himself: "Good, hardworking, I do not drink, do not smoke ..." Then he is surprised: "You do not have a single drawback?" "One is - a candidate is recognized - I love to learn."

7. Why did you leave with the previous work?

Bad if there was a conflict of care if the candidate scolds the former orders and his former head. Care from work due to conflict is a flight from difficulties, recognizing its own defeat that imposes an imprint on self-esteem. The negative attitude towards people, the habit of conflicting with employees, and especially with the leadership, is a sustainable personality characteristic and will definitely manifest themselves in one form or another new work. A good candidate will emphasize that positive, which was in his previous work and relationships with people, and will call such decent reasons as the desire for more interesting (highly paid, which gives the possibility of professional growth) work and the desire to most fully realize their capabilities.

8. Why did you decide to change the place of work?

This question is asked to someone who works at the time of the interview. As and when answering the previous question, not with best side Describe a candidate story about conflict. While the desire for professional growth, expanding the scope of their knowledge and skills, is respected and welcomed in all developed countries.

9. Have you received other job offers?

The authority of the candidate will rise if he tells about other invitations to work, but will notice a special interest in this. Well, if the desire to get the maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood not only affects his health and moral climate in the team, but is the most important prerequisite High performance of labor, a reliable guarantee from errors, negligence and marriage, and ultimately the main key to the prosperity of the company.

10. How many successfully did you pass the interview in other places?

It is important to find out for what reasons did not pass the interview in some places and successfully passed in others. If convinced that you are interested in your competitors, then you try to keep it.

11. Does your personal life of this work, associated with additional loads (non-normalized working day, long-term or long-distance business trips, permanent connectors)?

This question is often asked for women. In some firms, trying to bypass the law, they put tough conditions, such as not to start children a certain time, do not make out hospital lists Care for a child, not to make holidays without maintaining content, etc.

12. How do you present your position in five (ten) years?

Many sensitive people who do not plan their careers and life answer that they do not imagine such long-range prospects. And a person aimed at personal success will readily talk about his planned professional growth, and perhaps and personal goals. Max Eggert in his book "Brilliant Career" told about the importance of career planning. In one famous business school on the first day of classes, students were asked who writing writing the stages and goals of the personal career. Only 3% of them raised their hands. After 10 years, it was these 3% that achieved financial success more than everyone else, combined.

13. What changes would you make on a new job?

Well, if you show your initiative, acquaintance with the situation of innovations and reorganization. However, this is permissible only with deep knowledge of problems on the company. Bad, if the state of affairs knows not too well, but strive to remake everything in your own way.

14. To whom you can seek your feedback about your work?

Must be readily to provide phone numbers and addresses of former colleagues and managers. Cashing such information will immediately find the lack of positive recommendations or inexperience of the applicant.

15. What salary do you expect?

Russian proverb says: "Whoever does not know about themselves, he will always be extended." Good specialist Always knows the price calculates on a high salary. Let the candidate better will overestimate the expected payment of his work than she will take off. If the proposed salary, do not forget to "increase the pie" and list the benefits available in the organization: Prizes, Medical Insurance, Children preschool institutions, free travel and meals, free advanced training and other manifestation of personnel care. [...] If the candidate is clearly bluffing, you can "knock it out of role", cool it with a sharp understatement of the salary and benefits. Remember a similar joke? The arrogant young artist retracts its conditions to the main director of the theater in the device to work: "Salary 500 dollars, main roles, 8 performances per month and the provision of a separate apartment." What the chorement calmly puts forward his: "50 dollars, daily performances, extras and a room in a hostel." - "I agree".

On the main one, you can add another 5 questions.

16. What can you tell about your professional connections that could be used on a new job?

17. How do you raise your professional qualifications?

18. What do you like to do in your free time?

19. What time can you start a new job?

20. What questions do you have?

V. Polyakov
Excerpt from the book "Career Technology"