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Hospital sheet in IP employees. How the hospital sheet is drawn up for IP

At the same time, the charge is maintained for the IP to pay contributions to the FSS for a certain time. So, if the business leader goes to maternity leave, it is assumed to her the allowance established in the amount of 27455 rubles. The number equivalent to 140 days can systematically recalculate the legislator. For cases where the childhood of a woman was held in difficult conditions (complicated), the amount of benefits will be recalculated in proportion to the additional days of stay on the hospital. If a female entrepreneur before planned delivery paid contributions to less than a year, subsequently, she should continue to pay contributions. Nuances as in other similar payments, entrepreneurs must take into account some features of the accrual and payment of temporary disability leaves.

Hospital sheet for IP in 2018


IP takes into account:

  1. Minimum salary as a mean earnings.
  2. Work experience, for the period of which contributions were paid in Socots.

Starting interest from average earnings (minimum wage) 8 years + 100% 5-8 years 80% up to 5 years 60% important! The amount of benefits is calculated taking into account the minimum salary on the date when the insurance event occurred. Insurance experience is made up of time segments when IP:

  1. Worked on an employment agreement.
  2. Consisted in the civil service - at the municipal or federal level.
  3. She was engaged in other types of work, in the continuation of which contributions to the FSS were paid.

Important! The experience of the IP includes not only those periods of work when he carried out entrepreneurship and listed contributions to the FSS, but also other periods that he is able to confirm entries in an employer or an employer agreement.

Hospital for IP - Calculation of hospital IP in FSS

Today we will look at how to make a sick leave for IP. We'll figure it out in the nuances and features of filling, as well as receiving payments on the hospital leaf.


How to calculate the hospital sheet and where to get it, and also answer the most common questions. Mandatory and voluntary insurance at the individual entrepreneurs are provided for two types of social insurance:

  • mandatory contributions - for employees;
  • voluntary contributions for themselves.

When the entrepreneur has employees, it necessarily charges contributions to payments included in the Foundation Fund, in the amount of 2.9%.

Important! If a person works for an individual entrepreneur, and not in the organization, then it will also receive payments at the expense of social insurance.

Hospital for an individual entrepreneur

He issues an IP notification of the voluntary registration. Important! An individual entrepreneur receives payments for temporary disability and when leaving for decree, if paying voluntary contributions to the FSS.

The size of the insurance premiums of IP in the FSS is calculated taking into account the cost of the insurance year. Year of payment of Marot contribution rate Amount to payment Year of receipt of compensation 2016 6204.00 2.9% 2158.99 2017 2017 7500.00 2.9% 2610.00 2018 Calculation of 7 500 rubles.
(Mroth 2017) × 2.9% × 12 months \u003d 2610 rub. Important! From the table it is clear that in order to be able to obtain compensation sums in the current year, IP is obliged to fully settle down in the previous one. This is necessary until December 31.

IP and hospital leaf


The legislation limits the payment of payments to the following categories:

  • mother during the decree has no right to care for patients;
  • child parent over 15 years old, which is treated in hospital or has chronic diseases.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the employer-IP has no right to call an employee to work during hospital. Hospital with IP without workers If only one employee will be listed in the SP, that is, its owner, then the design of the hospital benefit has few differences.

The difference is only:
  • the director will personally receive monetary compensation from the Social Insurance Fund;
  • an employee hired by IP, payments produces an accountant or director from reserves.

It is worth noting that the sick leave opens on the day of circulation, getting a certificate "rear number" will not be released.

Hospital for IP without workers

To close the hospital, you need to contact the clinic, and in the Employer column it is necessary to indicate the name of the entrepreneur. If the accounting reports commemorates the entrepreneur or sick leave personally to him personally, then he fills the second part of the document.
When filling out an application for compensation for temporary disability on the IP itself, a line with an indication of the applicant and the employer will be identical. Since income from entrepreneurial activities is not taken into account in the calculation of insurance premiums and payments, in the case when IP did not conclude a voluntary insurance agreement with the Social Insurance Fund, the right to receive payments does not arise. According to the latest data, the number of PI, which voluntarily insured in the FSS, is radically decreased every year.

How to fill the hospital leaf IP

Home / Hospital / For II, labor legislation applies to individual entrepreneurs. Persons working on themselves have the right to take into account the hospital lists after registration activities in the social insurance fund.

Attention to the entrepreneur is submitted to himself as a citizen, and not on the organizer of the business. Registration in the Social Insurance Fund is based on a voluntary basis, because in independence from state accounting, businessmen are obliged to pay the tariff for deductions established for the current year.

Does the hospital individual entrepreneur need? The start of accounting of personalized information is usually caused by the optimization of taxation. In particular, most of the funds for the payment of a long-term hospital list of IP can be carried out at the expense of the social insurance fund.

Calculation of the sick leave in 2018, examples of calculation in a new rule

An example of the entrepreneur Semenov V.N. Began his career since 2011. In 2017, he took the hospital and drilled 6 days. The sum of hospital for IP will be: (Mrot X 24/730) x percentage of the experience of the number of days.
7500.00 (Mrometa 2017) x 24 months: 730) x 80% x 6 days. \u003d 1183,56 rub. How to calculate the maternity payments of the IP If the Insured entrepreneur-a woman goes to the maternity leave, then she is made payments at the expense of social.

On the territory of the Russian Federation every year becomes more and more citizens registering the PI. In this regard, many situations over which ordinary person may not think, becoming more relevant and require additional study.

One of them is the payment of hospital in IP. And if it does not become a serious problem for an ordinary employee of the company, then for an individual entrepreneur, the decision of this issue will require some efforts. Let's figure out what to do if you have issued an IP, and you need to get sick leave.

Each individual entrepreneur, like other institutions, deducts insurance premiums for each employee. The amount of contributions is approved at the legislative level, and all payments are sent to the Social Insurance Fund.

However, the entrepreneur itself does not have a fixed wage, and the deductions may not exercise. In this regard, if the situation occurs, when the entrepreneur is ill, insurance payments to pay for the hospital from the Fund will not be made.

Situations in which IP can count on hospital pay

Perhaps this is if the individual entrepreneur encloses a voluntary insurance agreement with FSS. The implementation of this condition and following all the standards prescribed in this contract during the year will allow the IP to receive cash benefits for the following reasons:

  1. In case of loss of performance due to illness.
  2. If you have the need to care for a relative in need of assistance, or a child.
  3. During pregnancy or childbirth.
  4. One-time payday benefit.

All these reasons supported by the relevant documents confirming their reality will be paid in accordance with the law.

Registration of the contract with the FSS

Performance of this action will require the following documents from the entrepreneur:

  • a photocopy of a document confirming the identity of the entrepreneur. It is enough to make copies of the first two pages;
  • a copy of the document issued after registration in the tax service;
  • it will also be necessary to make a photocopy of discharge from the State Registry of PI.

Important! If you visit the FSS personally, then you will need to have both the original data of the documents. It is necessary to ensure that the Foundation's staff can make sure the authenticity of the copies provided by you and approve them. If copies are sent by mail by registered mail, then they must be assured by the notary.

Further, after five working days, the FSS should come notice confirming the registration of you as an insured person. After that, you need to make a fee, the payment of which, at the request of the entrepreneur, can be carried out as one amount, so to break it for several months.

Perform this condition is necessary until the last working day in the year. If an individual entrepreneur, for some reason, does not fulfill this condition, the FSS will terminate the existing contract. After timely payment of payment, the contract will come into force on the first calendar day of the next year.

How the sum of hospital payable by IP is calculated

Its calculation is made by a formula based on the accounting of the insurance experience of the entrepreneur and the minimum wage (minimum wage). The experience affects the indicators in the formula as follows:

  • insurance experience IP is less than five years old. In this case, 60% of the total minimum wage will be taken into account;
  • experience from five and up to eight years. A digit is taken equal to 80% of the minimum wage;
  • more than eight years - 100% of the minimum wage.

Note! The work experience includes the time of official work in any enterprise or IP, when insurance payments in the FSS were performed on you.

When calculating, the following formula is used:

Amount \u003d (Mrots x 24/730) x sn x x

where CH is the term of disability of the entrepreneur, the COP is the coefficient of experience.

When calculating the estimated payments, it turns out that in order to recoup the insurance deductions to the Fund, you need to spend about two weeks on a hospital every year. Because of this, many entrepreneurs prefer not to bother themselves with the procedures related to the registration of an insurance contract with the FSS.

Stages of receiving funds for finding a hospital for IP

If you are an individual entrepreneur, you got sick, then the first thing you need to contact the clinic at the place of residence. There, the doctor will issue a hospital on you, which will display the reasons for your disability, and its presence will be considered the basis for the receipt of insurance payments.

To get the money put you, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • make a statement in which the request will be specified about the transfer of funds for the specified current account;
  • to have a sick leave for IP filled with your doctor and confirming your temporary disability;
  • copies of certificates confirming the compliance of payments to the FSS, according to the required rules.

After that, taking into account the fact that all documents were completed correctly, insurance payments should be received within 10 days.

Important! After exiting the hospital, you can contact the FSS with a request to pay insurance compensation not immediately, but within six months. By their expiration, the allowed payments will not succeed.

When filling out the application, it is necessary to take into account the following details:

  • fill the blank need a black handle. Preferably gel;
  • letters must be not uppercase, but printed;
  • it is impossible to go beyond the boundaries marked on the form;
  • fix errors in the document is prohibited. In case of incorrect filling, you must take a new form.


To conclude an agreement with FSS or not - the personal cause of each entrepreneur. Many of the individual entrepreneurs prefer to issue all the required documents and have a progress in case of an emergence of force majeure. After all, even small amounts of payments put on the sick leave is still better than nothing.

However, some PIs refuse to design a contract with the FSS, motivating this by the fact that the amount spent on the implementation of this procedure does not pay off in the future. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the state increases the size of the minimum welfare every year, on which the number of payments depends, and it is trying to provide more comfortable conditions for the support of an individual entrepreneur.

A sheet of disability is laid by any employee. It gives the right to receive a complex of medical measures and subsequent compensation from the employer. At the same time, a person has the right to be both in hospital and at home. The decision takes the attending physician. There is a different question in the case of individual entrepreneurship.

Conditions for obtaining a disability sheet for an individual entrepreneur

The accrual of compensation payments for the employee must be performed by the formula as for IP:

The size of the hospital for hospital for workers IP \u003d Marlet * 24 months / 730) *% insurance experience * number of days.

In the event that entrepreneurs lead a business with the help of employees, then insurance deductions for each of them are required. At the same time, two expired years are considered as the estimated period.

In addition, it is taken into account:

  • maximum earnings in one day;
  • biennial income size;
  • the number of months or years during which the employee is a member of the Federal Insurance Service Program.

It is especially important to take into account that for employees of payments on the hospital on the basis of the minimum wage is allowed only when its experience is less than six months, and earnings do not exceed the minimum wage.

How to fill out a sick-sized hospital for IP

A sheet of disability of an individual entrepreneur is produced on the federal sample form. Its filling must be performed according to generally accepted standards, to retreat from which is prohibited.

Instructions for filling out disability sheet:

If at least one of the points of the Instructions for Filling the Hospital for IP without workers, you can take a duplicate duplicate doctor.

Anyone is sick from time to time. Individual entrepreneurs are not insured against this trouble. Like the usual worker, the entrepreneur can go to the hospital. For this, he needs to issue a sick leave according to all the rules prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The generally accepted norms of accrual of employment experience are distributed on the IP, so it does not lose anything during the care of a hospital person.

For the payment of benefits on illness, every citizen of the Russian Federation registered with the FSS (Social Insurance Fund) has the right to pay. Currently, each IP is obliged to register in the FSS, each has the right to payable hospital. The difference consists only that IP is not obliged to make money to the fund. If the entrepreneur does not do this, then for the payment to contact him for obvious reasons it is impossible. If he produces annual payments, then when leaving the sick leave receives a guide on general reasons, like any employee.

IP receives money to disability from FSS. This distinguishes it from the hired workers who pay their own employer on the hospital. When the IP is registered in the Foundation, the Fund assumes the obligation to pay such benefits in the event of proper and timely appeal.

Important! The entrepreneur is able to count on financial assistance only in a situation where it pays annually in the FSS a set amount of money. For different ways of taxation, these amounts differ, but everywhere payments are annual.

The legislative framework

Hospital for entrepreneurs is covered in several legislative acts:

  1. . This federal law is the main on this issue. It contains all the necessary information: for what reasons you can go to the hospital, how to get paid from the FSS, which documents must be submitted and what time frames are followed.
  2. . In this order, the form of submission of documents for the payment of benefit benefits is described in detail.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 74. It is prescribed by some subtleties - for example, the reasons why the handling time in the FSS can be increased.

  4. Order FSS №335. This order establishes the formal form of an application. It is impossible to move away from this form, otherwise the application will not accept. Download the application application form on the payment of benefits. Download the form of statements and documents necessary for appointment and payments to the instructions necessary for the appropriate suggestions of the manuals. Download the application form for compensation for payment for temporary disability benefits by temporary disability. The form of notification of the presentation of missing documents or information is. The form of a decision on the refusal to the appointment and payment of temporary disability benefits. The form of an application for compensation for the payment of social benefits for burial -. The form of an application for reimbursement of expenses for the payment of four additional weekends to one of the parents (guardianship, trustee) for the care of children with disabilities. The form of an application for compensation for the value of a guaranteed list of services for the burial -. The form of a decision on refusal to consider documents. And the form of a certificate-calculation of the amount of payment of holidays (excess of the annual vacation) for the entire period of treatment and travel to the place of treatment and back -.

What does the concept of "sick leave" mean?

Hospital sheet is an important document, without which the patient has no chance to apply for a disease benefit. It is drawn up by the attending physician, and his first part, concerning the disease, fills the doctor, and the second, legal - the patient himself. For such leaves, there is a special form established by order of FSS №335. It is impossible to retreat from it: hospital, not in form, will be invalid and will not be paid.

This document is determining when receiving a manual. It was him with his passport that the entrepreneur must submit to the FSS department at the place of registration or residence. Based on the data prescribed in the leaflet, the exact amount of the benefit is calculated.

How does this document are issued for SP?

For registration leaflet, the entrepreneur must at the occurrence of illness to go to any in a clinic or hospital. State it or private - no matter. But the private walk does not make sense, because the doctor's reception will cost an essential part of the money from paying for illness. The attending physician must necessarily fix the fact of the disease.

At the same time, such nuances are observed:

  • the opening date sheet is set by the day when IP first appealed to the doctor;
  • the first part of the document fills the attending physician;
  • the second part, entitled "Filled by the Employer", fills the IP itself;
  • when the leafle is closed, in the "Employer" column indicate the name of the entrepreneur itself;
  • all sections of the sheet are necessarily assigned to the signatures of the PI.

In a hospital leaflet, an entrepreneur must specify such data:

  • the name of the IP is also allowed, and abbreviated;
  • insured number received by an entrepreneur in FSS;
  • INN and SNILS of the patient himself;
  • the amount of earnings without tax deductions;
  • territorial Code of the Insurance Fund (contributed to the Clastic "Subordination Code").

Important! Information on the Act of H-1 should be made only if IP received a production injury. If the disease is not related to production, then this section must be left blank.

When the sick leave is issued, the entrepreneur should be addressed to the FSS for receiving the benefit. Appeal to this fund occurs in the following order:

  1. Collection of documents. The package includes only 2 papers: passport (or other identity card) and a filled sick leave.
  2. Writing a statement. In contrast to the statement on the hospital, the appeal to the FSS can be created in free form.
  3. Submission of documents. This can be done in any FSS branch - not necessarily exactly where the IP was registered.
  4. Waiting for the solution. Usually everything is being solved on the spot: the Fund employee is considering a statement and gives permission to pay benefits.
  5. Receipt of payment. An entrepreneur can get money in cash or on a bank account assigned to him.

Important! When contacting FSS, it is necessary to comply with the deadlines established by law. If you break them, the application will not be considered.

Video - Hospital leaf for IP

How to fill out an application for a hospital sheet?

Individual entrepreneurs draw up a statement in the same way as hired employees. Filling rules are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to use a special form set by order of FSS №355. You can get this form when contacting the clinic and fill in the same place.
  2. Only black handle is used. It is also allowed to fill the blank on the computer, but the color of the letters should be black.
  3. If the form is filled from hand, then the letters must be printed. An important rule is no more than one symbol (letter, digit, punctuation sign) in one cell of the form. It is not recommended to go beyond cells.
  4. Nothing can not be corrected. If an error appeared, the document should be rewritten again.
  5. Both parts of the form must be certified by the patient's signature. This signature confirms that the document was filled with himself, and not a third party.

A sample of the filled hospital is shown on the illustration.

Deadlines for issuing a document. Turning to the FSS

The disability sheet is always issued for a certain period. Installs its attending physician, but the patient must check the information, because if an error does not have to pay for payment. Terms are as follows:

  • with general illness - up to 15 days;
  • during pregnancy - up to 140 days (it is understood that in the early terms, the entrepreneur does not need a hospital);
  • by receiving the dentist or the paramedic - no more than 10 days.

If IP receives sick leave due to the care of a pleasant relative, then the time depending on the age of the patient:

  • for a child from 15 years or adult - up to 3 days;
  • for a child from 7 to 15 years old - no more than 7 days;
  • for children under 7 years old - indefinitely, to complete recovery.

Important! The FSS needs to contact no later than 10 days after the design of the leaflet. According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 74, this period may be missed by weighty reasons. These include: unforeseen incidents (fire, flood, etc.), long-term disease (at least 6 months), death or severe ailment of a close relative, as well as relocation.

How to extend the hospital?

If the hospital's term was not enough, the entrepreneur may apply to the same doctor as when opening a sheet, and initiate a meeting of the medical commission. Doctors will examine the patient and will decide whether to extend the hospital. The term of extension is established by the Commission within 30 days. If this term was not enough, the extension can be initiated again. In general, the number of renewals is not limited, but the total durability cannot exceed 12 months.

Important! If the sick, on the contrary, wants to go to work earlier, then he can initiate the closure of the hospital at his own desire. For this, as for renewal, you need to come to the attending doctor who opened the sheet.

Disabled to closing the hospital. What are the consequences?

The entrepreneur must come to a doctor either on the day of the expiration of the hospital, or the next day. If for some reason he could not come to close, then the FSS studies these reasons and concludes whether they were respectful.

For good reasons include:

  • serious illness that makes it difficult to move;
  • forced departure;
  • emergency circumstances.

If the FSS recognizes the reasons for the non-appearance of the patient with respectful, then the manual will be given in full. If the causes will be disrespectful, then the amount of benefits will decrease. The amount of this "fine" directly depends on the number of missed days.

Important! If the patient was transported to treatment to another city, then it can close the hospital leaf. No need to return to that clinic, where the leaflet was opened.

Is it possible to make a hospital "rear number"?

The issuance of this document "rear-number" is permitted only in special situations:

  1. If necessary, for a child-disabled child, also by the need to care for children with onco-scab, HIV, tuberculosis.
  2. If the alert began during a foreign business trip, and the local doctor of the entrepreneur was issued a document confirming the fact of the disease. Then, on arrival home, he has the right to ask the doctor to arrange a document for the past number.
  3. If the patient late in the evening was taken to ambulance. An urgent doctor cannot produce a sick leave, so, as a rule, the doctor's doctor puts the next day in the document yesterday's date.
  4. Based on the certificate of registration in women's consultation. If a woman brings such a certificate to his doctor, he opens a hospital as a date of reference, and not at the current date. This case is regulated by Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Important! Sometimes the document is created by the "rear date" to conclude a medical commission. Such an opportunity is spelled out in Article 14 of the order No. 624.

If special conditions are not respected, the hospital "rear-number" will not be paid, and in some cases the entrepreneur can even be attracted to administrative responsibility.

Features of design for IP without workers

Compared with the general procedure for designing the document, IP has several features:

  1. Since the entrepreneur draws up the document itself, he must independently fill it with his second part (in other cases the doctor fills first, and the second is an employer). Both parts of the IP should assure the signature.
  2. Due to the fact that IP himself makes insurance premiums, the amount of payment is determined on the basis of these contributions. The average salary in the region does not play any role, in contrast to similar payments for employees.
  3. To get the right to pay for illness, you need to be registered in the FSS at least 2 full years. The term is counted at the time of opening a sheet in the hospital, and not on the day of submission of an application to the FSS.
  4. An exception from the previous point is pregnancy, as well as childbirth. In such situations, a mandatory registration date for IP is only 1 year.

Important! The term of the hospital is always included in the insurance experience of the IP. Even if it is a long sick (for example, pregnancy or a little child's illness), every day of disability is counted in the experience.

Video - who should pay sick leave

Features of maternity hospital and childbirth

The issuance of this document in connection with pregnancy and childbirth is characterized by a number of features:

  1. The special status of a woman (pregnancy) does not affect the subtleties of the document design. This status is reflected only for the issuance of a leaflet, as well as in an increased period of its operation (up to 140 days with the possibility of extension).
  2. In order for the woman who owns the IP, could count on receive benefits, the pregnancy should begin not earlier than one year after the start of SP contributions to the FSS.
  3. In addition to the hospital, the FSS needs to provide a certificate of pregnancy.
  4. The mathematical calculation of the amount of the benefit occurs on the general reasons. So, if the IP was disabled for pregnancy and childbirth 120 days, then he should pay in the amount of four minimum wages. Additional bonuses are not provided.
  5. Payment is made one by one, in 100% size.

How much is the registration of hospital for IP?

As for the hired employee, for the entrepreneur this document is absolutely free. No need to pay a piece of paper in the clinic, nor for the application form in the FSS. State duties are also absent.

How is the amount of benefits calculated?

The key criterion for calculating the payment for the IP is the insurance experience of the entrepreneur. Also plays a significant role of the minimum welfare in the region where IP is registered.

The principles of calculation are specified in the table.

Important! According to the Federal Law No. 421, the minimum wage is 9489 rubles for 2018. But in some regions of Russia there are higher amounts.

Example of calculation

Consider a sample calculation of the amount of the benefit on a specific example.

IP Ivanov I.I., registered in the Moscow region, has an experience of 9 full years and 8 months. Since its experience is more than 8 full years, Ivanov I.I. It is entitled to get paid in the amount of 100% of the minimum wage. Hospital sheet was taken by Ivanov I.I. For 15 days - the maximum possible term for the total disease.

The Moscow region has a more substantial minimum end compared with the legislative minimum. Namely, from April 1, 2018, Mrots in Moscow and the region - 14,200 rubles.

Given these circumstances, the amount of benefits for IP Ivanova I.I. Calculated by such a formula:

  • (Mrots / 100%) / 30 * 15 \u003d benefit.

In this formula, 30 is the number of days of the month, and 15 is the number of days of the disease according to a sheet of disability.

Total benefits Ivanova I.I. It is (14200/100%) / 30 * 15 \u003d 7100 rubles.

Video - Decree for IP


Registration of the hospital and subsequent payment is a simple, but quite laborious for the entrepreneur. Unlike a hired worker, for whom the employer does, IP receives payment from its own insurance premiums. Therefore, with uncomplicated diseases, the duration of which does not exceed 15 days, this document does not necessarily issue. Payment will be very modest.

But during long-term hospital, provoked by pregnancies, childbirth or care for a seriously ill small child, IP can get substantial payments. In addition, with a long period of disability, the hospital should also be issued to preserve the employment experience. After all, every day of the hospital is taken into account in the experience, thereby increasing the possible payment in the event of subsequent diseases and beneficially affecting the future retirement.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the hospital for an individual entrepreneur.

Today you will learn:

  1. When can claim a hospital allowance, who pays for it;
  2. How to draw up an agreement with the FSS on voluntary insurance premiums.

Is the Hospital sheet of IP paid

In FSS only for employees, and when they are not, then the IP does not interact accordingly with the fund, and the insured person is not considered. But how to be if the entrepreneur himself falls, is it worth waiting for money compensation for the days of working idle?

Receive by illness, as well as on pregnancy and childbirth, IP can only enter into an appropriate agreement with the FSS.

Temporary disability allowance is assumed to all citizens of the Russian Federation insured in the FSS.

After the SP concludes a contract with the FSS and at least one year complies with all its conditions for payments and reporting, it can receive a manual:

  • In their illness;
  • Care for child or other need relative;
  • For pregnancy and childbirth.

How to issue an agreement with FSS

If IP decides to conclude a contractual relationship with the FSS and voluntarily pay insurance premiums for themselves, he will have to do the following.

Step 1. Collect and provide a package of documents (copies of them).

  • passport (photocopies of the first two pages);
  • OGNIP;
  • extract from Egrip.

You can pass the paper to the social insurance fund personally, then besides the copies you need to take with you the originals of all documents. Or by mail, in this case, the departments sent will have to preserve the notary.

Step 2. Get notifications.

It should come for several days, on average - 5 business days.

Step 3. Pay insurance premiums.

Make it you need until the last working day in the current calendar year. Otherwise (if the total amount was not paid before the end of December) the voluntary insurance agreement will be canceled. Even if the application was filed in the middle of the year, all 12 months from January to December will have to pay.

If all contributions are committed correctly, by virtue of the contract will join on January 1 of the next year. You can pay at once all year or in parts - the entrepreneur has the right to choose a convenient option for itself.

Voluntary insurance premiums of entrepreneurs are calculated by the formula: * 2,9% * 12 ., where 2.9% -Tarift insurance contributions

Step 4. Reporting.

Representing the reporting in form 4A-FSS canceled from 2016. (See Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation №213n dated 04.05.2016), so IP does not represent it anymore.

How to get sick leave

To declare your intention to get a hospital manual, IP must provide in FSS:

  1. Help from polyclinic on temporary disability. It is obliged to give the attending physician at the request of the patient, with hospitalization, the sheet is issued during the discharge.
  2. Application for payment of the hospital sheet to the account of the IP. It is written in free form. To refer to the application is necessary for the Federal Law of N255, specify the requisites of the IP, its name, address, telephone number and the desired method of obtaining benefits (bank account number).
  3. Copies of receipts on payment of insurance premiums.

SP Hospital is charged within 10 days.

The filling of the sheet begins the doctor in the clinic, continues the employer, and in our situation the IP itself (or with the help of an accountant). Fill a sheet of temporary disability needs carefully. Rough errors can cause refusal to pay benefits.

The main rules are as follows:

  1. Writing with black gel handle with printed letters.
  2. Do not go beyond fields.
  3. Do not make corrections. If a correction or error made a doctor himself, it is necessary to demand from him to give a duplicate of the hospital sheet. An error document may not be accepted - it does not matter who performed this error.
  4. The "Employer" column indicates the name of the entrepreneur. This graph will coincide with the name of the patient, and this should not cause any problems in the future.

To contact the Social Insurance Fund is necessary for six months after the closure of the hospital, as well as the end of the "maternity leave" or a child achievement of 1.5 years. Otherwise, payments will not succeed. In rare individual situations, the period of acceptable treatment can be extended.

Calculation of hospital

The size of the IP hospital benefit is also like a hired employee, in many respects subject to labor experience. All periods are taken into account when the citizen received deductions to the FSS. It does not matter whether it was in the status of the IP, a hired employee, or a military personnel.

For the calculations, the IP revenue is taken, but the minimum wage. From January 1, 2018, it is equal to 9,489 rubles, and since May 2018, up to 11 163 rubles will be increased.

In the calculation of the benefits are fees in two past years. Therefore, if IP for the first time made insurance payments in January of the current year, and it fell ill in March, he cannot claim a manual.

Hospital manual IP \u003d (Mrometa * 24/730) * interest rate corresponding to the experience * Number of days of disability,or divided by 731, if the estimated year leaps.

If a hired employee is part of the hospital list of the employer, the IP, working on himself, fully receives compensation from the FSS.

When IP is a hired employee

In practice, situations are possible when IP not only behaves its own activity, but also works on the Polish. What does it happen to hospital in this case?

Situation Payment of hospital leaf for IP
Ip three years and leads. He concluded an agreement with the FSS, independently makes insurance premiums for himself. At the same time, the employer also produces deductions for his employee IP can get hospital benefits immediately from two places
IP works on the company's employment contract and conducts its own activity, but does not pay insurance premiums for itself IP receives benefits from the last job
For more than two years IP collaborated with FSS and different employers IP can choose where to receive benefits (with independent contributions, or from the last employer)

Hospital for pregnancy and childbirth

Such a manual is put on all pregnant women who have consistently made contributions to the FSS, were registered there at least a year. It is late to conclude an agreement with the Foundation and begin to implement insurance payments after the occurrence of pregnancy, because it will be possible to claim only next year.

Sum"Decal" calculatedbased on the minimum ones, and its minimum size is currently:

* Payments for early registration fixed.

Payment can be increased if pregnancy multiple or proceeds with serious complications.

Apply for payment of the hospital for pregnancy is no later than six months after its end.

Does the hospital IP need

We figured out, IP. But is it favorably incorrect to the individual entrepreneur to voluntarily insure itself in case of illness? Solve the IP itself, but let's try to calculate when the annual contributions really pay off.

Suppose IP has an income of 200,000 rubles per year, and work experience 3 years.

Its annual contribution to the FSS: 9 489 * 12 * 2.9% \u003d 3 302.17 rubles.

7 days of the disease will be paid in size: (9 489 * 24/731) * 0.6 * 7 \u003d 1 308.44 rub.

The amount is small, because the grade is taken into account. For some regions of Russia, it is clearly not worth all those spending time and strength that IP should spend on interaction with FSS.

With such calculations, IP needs to hurt for about three weeks to regain annual contributions. What damage like a simple in activity will bring business depends on each specific case.

Female entrepreneurs planning pregnancy is much more profitable to conclude an agreement with FSS than men. Maundated maternity leave is much more pleasant if it is paid well. But men are sometimes more profitable not to go to the hospital than to pay contributions to the FSS on an insured event that may not happen.