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Changing the standard schedule: take into account all the nuances. Order of making changes to staffing - make up correctly

A regular schedule is a major document of any organization that determines its structural component, as well as the level of earnings on each job. Correction of this standard can be carried out in two ways:

  • edition of the order with the adjustments;
  • drawing up a new edition of the main document.

The last method is relevant in cases where the affluent edits are large-scale. Legislation does not limit the time when it is possible to publish a new standard.

Numbness of the change of staff schedule

Notification of amending the staff schedule is sent to employees in the following cases:

  • when establishing a new salary size;
  • to rename the position or structural unit, the latter is relevant in the event that it is written in the employment contract;
  • when translating to another vacancy;
  • when reducing the state.

Other cases are also possible when adjustments must be made by the positions that are registered in the employment contract. The notification is sent when the corrections affect employees. If there are no such, it is not required to notify anyone about making adjustments.

Is it necessary to approve a regular schedule every year if no change

A separate question is the frequency of making the corrections of this document. Legislation does not prescribe any restrictions on this. That is, it is possible to change the document on the structure of the enterprise as in these actions the need arises. The main condition is the compliance of the design.

Most often, the procedure for compiling the main document provides for its approval for each year. The question arises whether it is necessary to change it if no changes are available. Since the annual renewal of the document is a recommendation, there is no decisions about the obligation of this procedure. That is, in the absence of changes, there is no need to compile a new edition.

Order of the change of salaries in connection with the change in the standard schedule

Changing wages It is a relevant issue that has its own solution procedure. The main aspect to which you need to pay attention is to have interested employees. If the vacancy is free, then for applying, it is only necessary to publish an appropriate act with amendments.

In case there are employed employees, you need to agree on the proceeds of the adjustments with them. Indicates that the notification of changes to the salary must be directed to the employee no later than two months before the entry into force of corrections. Especially if it comes to reducing earnings. If an employee agrees with the adjustments, an additional agreement is also drawn up to the employment contract.

Correction to the staff schedule for indexing and increasing wages is carried out by a similar procedure. For the introduction of adjustments by virtue after agreement with employees, a corresponding order is published. It indicates the document number, as well as those provisions that need to be changed.

Order of a change in staffing - introduction of new posts

Changing the standard schedule in connection with introducing a new position Also accompanied by documentary support. Depending on the scaligence of applied edits, it may be either a separate order attached to the main document, or a new edition. The second option is relevant in a situation where a large-scale reorganization of the company is carried out.

An important point on which attention should be paid in the preparation of an order is the rationale for introduced adjustments. In this role, one of the following reasons may be:

  • expansion of the company, attracting more employees and an increase in activities;
  • restructuring of a separate unit, service or editing of posts;
  • events on the redistribution of functional duties between vacancies.

Often such adjustments affect not only the correction of the structure, but also the design of the new level of wages.

Amendments to the staff schedule - Adding a regular unit

Many employers are asked if it is worth making a separate act if you correct only the number of employees occupied in this position. In solving this task there are two options:

  • if there is a decrease in the number of employees, such actions are a reduction in state and are drawn up accordingly;
  • if new units are added, this procedure is issued in accordance with the procedure for adding a new position.

The second option involves the publication of a separate order with appropriate edits. It is compiled by the same model as a similar document.

Changing the standard schedule in connection with renaming position

Order of renaming position in the staff schedule It is drawn up if the employee operating in this vacancy has been notified and agrees with the introduction of adjustments. Notice as in the case of salary, is sent two months before the new edition of the new edition.

An important point is the need for the design of all documentation. It prescribes that the name of the position occupied should be necessarily indicated in the employment contract. Accordingly, the change of the name must be accompanied by the preparation of an additional agreement to it. Also, in order must be given internal standards - personal cards of employees, instructions, positions.

Translation to another position due to changes in the staff schedule

The order to change the post in a staff schedule may entail personnel permutations. For example, the creation of a new department requires the transfer of part of employees to new vacancies. In this situation, the design procedure will be similar to renaming.

The employee is sent notice, in case of its consent, all necessary documents are prepared. The main thing is the following agreement to the employment contract. It is also necessary to make information about the transfer to the personal card of the employee, as well as its labor book.

Order on the change of staff schedule due to the reduction of state

Reduced staff and making appropriate information to the staffing schedule is carried out through a separate order. If employees come to the reduced vacancy, then article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation They should be notified of such actions in two months.

The order reduction order must contain the following information:

  • necessarily indicates the basis, due to which there was a need to reduce jobs;
  • specification of vacancies, the number of places and structural departments that are abolished;
  • dates are specified when the document comes into force;
  • the introduction of internal documentation is prescribed in accordance with the new provisions.

Such a document must be signed by all the persons he affects. A separate application creates a list of employees, which are reduced, with an indication of their familiarization and consent with measures carried out.

Not only are made when the employer needs to introduce new professions. It also changes if it is necessary to withdraw from the schedule a regular unit.

You can do it:

    with the help of the order;

    approval of the new shr.

Consider, in what order there is a disposal.

Exception of specialty shr

If place is vacant

If necessary, the employer has the right to exclude a specialty or department from the work schedule. For this, the order is made to exclude from the staff schedule of posts. There is one nuance here: if the position is planned to be removed from the document, free, then notification of the reduction of the number or state is not required.

In connection with the reduction

In this case, we can approve a new SD without inclusion of specialties to be reduced, as well as to issue an order to exclude from the SD positions subject to reduction and approve a new document after the date of the upcoming changes. Employees falling under, followed by a written document under the signature, in two months. An indication of it is available in part 2 art. 180 TC RF. According to this rule, the date of entry into force of changes to the working routine cannot occur earlier than two months after the publication.

The order to exclude the position from the SD can be drawn up by the employer in arbitrary form. Specify in it the size of the rate or salaries is not necessary.

The order should indicate:

    information about the event;

    the date of making planned innovations

    the name of the division, profession and pho of citizens who will affect the reduction;

    rights and guarantees of reduced workers

After the publication of the disposal, the employer must familiarize with it reduced employees.

Storage of orders

SD, as well as orders relating to the disposal, should be kept in the enterprise constantly. And all proposals concerning its development and change should be kept in an enterprise archive for at least five years. The same storage time is set for standard schedule projects.

The staffing schedule is a production document that is not created for a long period of time. Permutations in the state, reducing or increase in salary, as well as other circumstances need adjustment.

Making changes to staff schedule It is an ordinary procedure and must be carried out, according to the prescriptions of the law and the rights of workers. Important stages of this process are presented in this article, they will help prevent errors in the enterprise documentation.

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Grounds and reasons for making changes

Taking into account the reference book on the qualifications of the posts of workers, bosses and their subordinates, for the execution of the state schedule is responsible economist in labor. But not all the facilities have this economist and the boss independently decides - who will fulfill this work.

Regular schedule usually make up based on production tasks, as well as work volume. According to these data, the state is gaining and calculated the fixed assets for which the salary is determined within the legislative norm.

But organizations tend to change, develop, and also transform. Changes can be increasing in an increase in service areas, or in the adjustment of activities. Because of these circumstances, the form of labor changes, which means that the workers can be both in an excess and disadvantage.

In addition, make adjustments to important paper can due to changes in tariff rates. The federal law regularly make adjustments to the minimum wage, and the authorities of the organization, if the funds allow, can raise the amount of salary in the percentage of the salary.

The basis for changes in the staffing schedule is able to perform accounting documentation.

In addition, the results for which a reduction in profitability or termination of deliveries was revealed, may be the reason to reduce some employees. And if the administrator is a document in which they say on the increasing amount of work due to the introduced innovationsThis will be the reason to recruit new people in the state.

What can be adjusted?

Making adjustments to the staff schedule and their order depends on how much changes will be global. Mostly changes are as follows:

How to notify employees?

The head of the organization should inform its subordinates about all the changes that occur at the facility provided that they are associated with the performance of production tasks of workers. The acquaintance should occur both at and in the course of activity.

If the staff schedule is changing, but it does not affect the activities of workers, then the boss not obliged to report About this to your employees. This means that if the leadership decided to replenish the staff of additional posts, then it is not necessary to know the subordinate.

If the reduction is planned, then it is necessary to know those workers, which decided to dismiss. It is reported to reduce the notice in the form of an order, which the manager must provide employees to the painting.

Naturally, the subordinates should also know about changes in the salary. In the course of the case are introduced by those citizens whose salary will affect changes. Acquaintance must be carried out according to 74 article TK.

How often can you change the staff schedule?

The legislation does not spend restrictions on the number of possible changes in the staff schedule. This means that the head of the Organization has the right to adjust the document as if he wants. But, at the same time, he must act, according to the process, permissible at the level of legislation.

If we assume change in the amount of salary, or in the title of position, then it is necessary to report this in a two-month term.

In the middle of the year, the staff schedule must be changed in two cases:

  • Formation of the new staff schedule.
  • The old timetable is taken as the basis and form anotherBy making some adjustments. Start work on this document from the middle of the year, or from its start.

  • Amendments are made to the staff schedule.
  • Adjustments are made when it considers necessary so to do the head. The document will be spelled out the reasons due to which the document had to be adjusted. In addition, changes are recorded.

Can it be dismissed due to a change in the standard schedule?

When adjustments are made to staff schedule, the head has the right to dismiss several employees, and this option is provided by law (paragraph 2 Article 81 TC). The instruction forms the order of this process.

A regular schedule is a fundamental document that should be at each enterprise. Naturally, in state-owned enterprises, it is developed and is issued strictly in accordance with the established rules, and in private enterprises in a more free form.

From the correct placement of frames depends clear well-coordinated work of the whole teamwhere the number of regular units on the work performed corresponds to its volume, should not be places where the person is serving the time, while in the neighboring department for the same money they work "without raising their heads."

As a company is organized, from which departments, workshops, the brigades it consists, how many people are employed by how many work, all the information can be obtained from this document.

For the registration of a staff schedule, there is a special form approved in 2004.

With a small number of workers, the composition of the composition is possible on the same form, in other cases the composition of each structural unit is drawn up on a separate sheet.

It begins to fill the schedule from filling out "caps". Fits:

  • the enterprise code corresponding to the classifier of enterprises and organizations is reduced by OKPO.
  • the name of the organization, as it is recorded in the constituent documents.
  • the date of the full-time schedule is assigned a number, at the beginning of the year, this is usually the number one, but it is possible to number and by year. The dates of compilation and approval may not coincide.

Download Sample T-3 form to change the standard schedule.

Station Schedule Action Period

Usually, the staff schedule approve for a year.

Under the word "I claim" the number of the order is written, which is carried out by a staffing schedule, his date, and the number of full-time units, which come with summing up the results by column 4 are written.

  • In the table itself, the name of the structural division and its code is written, if there are many in the enterprise
  • In the third column, all positions are transferred for each structural unit, starting with the controlling link and ending with employees indicating the qualifications, degree, discharge
  • In the fourth column, the number of regular units on this specialty with this level of qualifications is minimally from a quarter bet and more, there may be several
  • In the fifth column indicates the corresponding position of the salary per person
  • The following graphs indicate all sorts of monthly surcharges, for additional skills and non-standard situations, such as a degree, severe working conditions, for knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200band others.

For each line, the size of the salary and the premiums are summed and multiplied by the number of rates.

For example, there are two rates of the truck driver with a salary of 15,000 rubles. Part of the route in their work accounts for abroad, therefore the allowance is provided 1500 rubles. for knowledge of the language, for the difficult working conditions of 1000 rubles.

We fold 15,000 + 1500 + 1000 \u003d 17500 rubles x 2 people. We receive a monthly driver payment fund.

The results obtained in all positions are summed up, and the amount obtained will be a monthly salary fund of the enterprise.

The staffing schedule is signed by the head of the personnel and chief accountant, or simply the chief accountant at a small enterprise.

All the names of structural units, posts, allowances for state-owned enterprises should be taken only from the corresponding approved listings, the position incorrectly included in the employment record can deprive his pensions. The size of the salaries cannot be less than the approved minimum.

When is it necessary to make changes to the staff schedule?

The changes of the standard schedule reflect changes in the enterprise.

Whether the discovery of new promising branches, the closure of non-profit of workshops, change the names of departments or posts, replacing some other, the emergence of new, elimination of posts and structural divisions, changes in payment, for all actions there are specific workers who carry out specific work.

And when changes occur in the structure of the enterprise, they are reflected in the staff schedule.

Sometimes it is enough to make changes to the staffing schedule, and sometimes they are too much and it is necessary to make a new one, which is approved by the order to create a new staff schedule and it receives another number.

What is an order for making changes to the staff schedule?

1. The head manages to prepare an order for amending staffing. The order indicates:

  • name of the organization, city, date of the order, its number.

2. Then the wording is followed: about making changes to the standard schedule.

3. Indicates the reason why change. It sounds like this:

  • Due to the improvement of structuring,
  • In connection with the improvement of the enterprise,
  • Due to the increase in the number of these services, etc.


5. In the last paragraph, it is indicated who will make changes to and in what time frame.
Signed by the head, performer. Persons relating to this order leave their signatures under the title with the order acquainted.

This is the traditional form of compiling an order, since a clear approved template does not exist.

Orders concerning the change of position should be given an employee to familiarize themselves, and a written consent was received from him, an entry corresponding to the workbook is given.

When changing salaries and allowances, the employee must be notified in 2 months, changes are reflected in the employment contract.

A special case: Reducing the number of employees of certain levels of positions or positions themselves. If it entails the dismissal of employees to reduce, Article 81 of the TC, the administration is obliged to prevent them in two months, Article 18 of the TC.

Approved by order, for example, on January 1, the modified staffing schedule begins to act in two months, March 1.

What are the important changes in the order?

All orders for personnel, where there is a mention of his position, movements, payment, registered in the book of orders and are kept constantly, the copy is fed into the personal matter of whom it concerns.

With any controversial issues, the order is necessarily taken into account by the court.

Disputes about illegal dismissal, improper payment of compensation, issues arising from the accrual of pensions make orders about changes in staffing with objective testimony and irrefutable evidencewhich is clearly indicated by the correspondence of the salary and the allowance of the position.

It is not so difficult to get material assistance from the organization. The sample application and the rules of its preparation are.

Who does the preparation of orders?

Drawing up orders for personnel work, if there is no personnel department, executed by order of the head by the person who ordered such a duty to the order. If the enterprise is small, usually impose recruitment to the secretary or accountant and are issued by a special order.

In addition to the fact that the regular schedule reflects the structure of the enterprise, it clearly demonstrates the costs of salary, which contributes to the proper planning of the process, the distribution of personnel, and, ultimately, affects the effectiveness of the organization's work.

It must be in each organization, it allows you to correct errors in work and be in touch with customers. Read on the rules for the management of this book by reference.

Production of changes orders helps to monitor the statutory schedule status, notify employees about changes, a copy of the order is given to the accounting department for timely accruals, and are fed into personal affairs of those employees they concern, they are recorded in employment records, and they are stored in personal affairs, helping to resolve questions about accruals, in case their occurrence.

About how to change the staff schedule to ZUP 3.0, see this video:

The local act in the enterprise, which determines its organizational and staff structure is a regular schedule. It is used when concluding labor contracts and planning in the enterprise. When carrying out activities at the firm, adjustments can occur to be reflected in the staff schedule. For these purposes, an order is used for making changes to a staff schedule.

Changes can be considerable and no. In the first case, it is recommended to draw up a newable schedule. If the changes are not formed, then they can be issued using the order of the leader.

How to make an order for making changes to the approved staff schedule?

For such a document, legislation does not establish any particular form. It can be compiled using a corporate form, however, it is necessary to use a set of mandatory details.

Creating an order should be started from the top of the page. This indicates the full name of the company, you can also put it in brackets and abbreviated. Then the word "order" is recorded on the next line, its chronology number of creation, and then the next line - briefly the content of the document.

For example, it may be "on making changes to the company's staff schedule." Next, on the new line, on one side of the page, the date of registration is indicated, and on the other - the place (city).

Then the text of the document begins. First of all, it is necessary to designate the reasons for which the decision is made to change the staffing schedule.

Here in the text it is desirable to refer to the internal act (the protocol of the meeting of participants in the Company or the solution of a single participant), which was taken by such a step. Also in this part of the document you need to specify the props of the standard schedule (its number and date) in which changes are made.

Then the word "order" is recorded, after which the changes are recorded on the items that you need to produce in the document.

Depending on the need, they can content guidance on:

  • Increase salary by posts - It is necessary to write down the list of posts and new values \u200b\u200bof salary;
  • Change title posts - first the old name is recorded, after which it is indicated for which it should be changed;
  • Elimination of posts - It is performed only if it is vacant and no longer needed in the performance of the production process. The order indicates its name, as well as the corresponding number of full-time units;
  • Introduction of a new position - The process is performed in the case when the production is performed, new works or services are introduced. The order needs to put the name of the new position corresponding to it the size of the salary or the tariff rate, as well as the number of regular units;
  • Reduced staff - Perfect if busy posts are excluded from the staffing schedule. In the order it is necessary to record their name and number of reduced units;
  • Changing the salary on the tariff rate - Such a step can be taken only with the consent of the employee, as well as, provided that his new earnings will be no less than the old. Change is performed in two actions - first from the standard schedule, a position with salary is displayed, and then the same, but with a tariff rate is being introduced.

After that, it is indicated from which date to be entered with the new schedule. If the date is not specified, it is believed that this is due to the approval of the order.

Attention! It is also necessary to assign responsible employees who will issue the necessary papers and notify employees who will affect these changes.

The order approves the head of the company. Also below should be provided for individual graphs in which those mentioned in the document will be signed.