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Comic contests for the corporate party for the new year. How fun to meet the new year in the office

Most modern companies on the eve of the New Year are engaged in entertaining corporateries with games, entertainment and various adult competitions. Common holidays at work allows the team to rally and learn more about each other. But the guests of the event be really wondering, you need to pick up cool competitions that will be held at the table or in the office itself, its cabinets. Choose funny competitions for the 2018 New Year's corporate party can be among the examples below. You can also use the proposed ideas to compile an unusual holiday program.

Adult contests for the New Year's corporate party with jokes: ideas and examples of competition

Make a holiday held on the eve of the New Year, really fascinating and interesting will help the selection of non-standard competitions. In them, each participant will be able to show their talents, show their strength and skills. Include in the New Year's corporate program program you need to both contests with jokes that will help to raise all the mood present.

Ideas for the preparation of the New Year program on corporate party with cool contests

Conduct adults and contests on corporate enterprises better after a short feast. Thus, a greater number of people will participate in competitions. At the same time, tasks can be both teams and solitary. For example, you can carry out the following contests:

  • dance (who is better or longer, who can show a larger number of movements);
  • selection of steam (in the blind, by any signs);
  • musical (execution of karaoke songs, performance of compositions on purchasing, choir or duet);
  • quests (ragings of riddles, search for items, game of detectives);
  • desktop (from ordinary mafia to poker competitions).

Funny adult contest "Squirrels and Dubes" for a corporate party in honor of the new year

All guys from the company are in a small circle in the center of the room (the backs of the inside of the circle). Squirrel girls must run around this circle while music is played. As soon as the maintenance turns off, the squirrels must jump onto the dubs (you need to maintain the guys of the girls). Those proteins that did not find their oaks are removed from the playing field. Also on each level is removed and one o'er. Wins a couple that came to the end of the competition.

Interesting contests with jokes for the New Year's corporate party for holding a table

When all colleagues already have time to talk and dance, you can go to bedding games. They will help you have time to spend time and take a break from active contests. Choose contests with whiskers to the New Year's corporate for holding a table from the following example. Optionally, you can change it somewhat or add.

An interesting feast contest "Sold out a couple" with whiskers to the New Year corporate

Guests at the table receive pieces of paper with the names of celebrity pairs (if guys and girls are an odd amount, then some of them will not get a couple and should just shoot down other players with a sense). To find its half each of the men or women's participants, the game should ask from representatives of the opposite sex about their occupations, hobbies. The same couple wins, which is faster than the rest to reunite.

Funny contests for the New Year's corporate party "Question-Answer": with ideas and video examples

Fabric games on the corporate party can be not only intellectual, but also just funny. To do this, you only need to prepare the appropriate cards with questions, answers and choose the lead. It is advisable to ask players Funny or Caverzny questions: Then a drink game will be fun. About how the "Question-Answer" competition can be on the New Year Corporate, and how to prepare to him help learn the following prompts.

How to make a funny contest "Question-answer" to a corporate on the new year?

For the competition, you need to print separately cards with funny adult issues (how often do you wake up in someone else's bed? Have you had problems with a hangover long ago? Would you have a feat for a loved / beloved?). Separately, you need to prepare cards with universal answers (only on Mondays, from the very birth, I can not live without it). The host must read questions from the prepared cards, and each of the participants should choose the card with the table with the answer and read the response text from it.

New Year's corporate events can be truly fascinating and memorable. The most responsible task is to decide which games and competitions are the best.

Without looking at faces.

So, you must collect on one box of a leaf with the names of employees, and to another box - with wishes in the coming year. Notes need to pull at random. You just imagine what exciting and unusual, extraordinary and funny options can be obtained.

Command feeling elbow.

Each person should be hoping on the eyes of the dressing. You must inform the person's place in the queue. After the signal is heard, the participants must lines in the queue, focusing on their numbers. However, the task is complicated by the fact that a single sound cannot be pronounced.

I like.
You must take a box of big sizes in advance or bag.
This game is the perfect option only for the corporate company where all your own. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to eliminate the risks of relatively unpleasant moments and risky aspects.

First of all, you need to set a specific topic. Each participant appears, after which he says what he likes. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce an ironic phrase. Speeches will go clockwise. After the circle has been successfully completed, you need to choose a new topic. In each tour you need to choose only those topics that are directly related to the country, the city, the company. The game is a kind of exercise in wit, but at the same time the winner cannot get out.

Intenit it!

Called a simple phrase. Then each participant must utter a phrase with a certain intonation. In the voice should be felt different shades: a question, surprised, indifferent, Grozny. You should try and come up with a variety of shades in a voice. If the participant cannot come up with a new one in the intonation, he leaves. As a result, the winner must be defined, which managed to present his emotional world with the most diverse faces.

Dialogue deaf.

An animator invites the head and his subordinate.

The head puts on headphones. Subordinate must ask a variety of questions regarding its work. The harness is that the manager will not hear the questions of his subordinate, as music will play music at the maximum volume, but at the same time he must try to understand the questions, focusing on the movements of the lips and the expression of the face of the company's employee. The head must give answers, but most likely he will endure the misses. After that, the participants change in places. You just imagine how interesting and unusual answers will be.

I never…

Such a game is suitable for a corporate evening, if everything is familiar with each other well.

Each participant must report what has never done. Those people who possess the necessary experience bend a finger. A man who broke 3 fingers is dropped. It is necessary to honor the one who remained in the game in the game: "He tried little in life in life - he has everything ahead!" At the same time, this game can be coincided with decent toasts that will approach the meaning to the game and for the holiday, the new year, which allows you to hope for the opening of new faces in life.

In mandatory, the fingers need to be flexing honestly, as only in this case there is the opportunity to maintain the meaning of the selected gameplay. Perhaps the company's employees subsequently will be able to find new opportunities for communicating for themselves will share experiences.

Hot snowball.

It is necessary to imagine that in the hands there was a big hot snowball. If this snow will hold on long, it melts. All participants should be in a circle. Then you need to transmit a synthetic snowball to the music. After the music stopped, the participant comes out. So you need to continue until the last participant. Cheerful and unbalanced game that allows you to diversify a corporate event.

Entering buttons.

Participants are divided into 2 teams, each of which will be 4 people. Teams will stand for each other. It is necessary to prepare large buttons (for each command you need 4 buttons). Buttons can be made of dense cardboard. They should be put on the chairs next to the participants. At a distance of about 5 - 6 meters, the coils of large sizes are standing for which the rope is already wound. The first participant must unwind the rope and put it in the needle, after which - to transfer the next participant who sews a button. Then you need to pass again. All actions can be started only by command lead. The winner team must first cope with the task.


The number of participants is 2 people. To carry out game activity, you need to take 2 chairs that will be delivered at a distance of about 10 meters. In addition, 10 balls of 2-colors will be required, 2 empty bottles. After the lead distributed a signal, the shepherd should drive its sheep (a certain color balls) in chairs using plastic bottles. With this task you need to try to cope as quickly as possible. At the same time, the balls can not lose.

Dance with ball.

The number of participants is 5 - 6 people. To the left foot of the participants need to tie an air ball. You need to dance to the music, trying to burst with the right foot tied to the opponent. The participant should have only 1 ball.

Musical vinaigrette.

3 pairs participate in the game. Under modern songs, the couples should be diverse a variety of dances, namely Gypsy, Baryn, Tango, modern dance, Lezginka. Other employees of the company carefully monitors performances, after which they define the best participants.

Next year I must ...

This competition is ideal for the New Year's corporate event. Each present person must take pieces of paper and try to write 3 versions of what he will still do next year. Then paper folds into a common box, thoroughly mixed. Then the written phrases should be read out aloud with different people. You just imagine how funny will sound if a man reads that he will definitely give birth to a child, and the cleaner will read that she will definitely go to the Canary Islands for 2 weeks. The success of such a contest is determined by the fantasy of all participants.


You need to invite one participant to play. It will be closed with a bedspread. After that, they report that the people surrounding the thing that already exists on it. The participant must guess the mandated thing. For incorrect answers, the player must gradually take things. At the same time, the correct answer is covered, but the participant, despite the ease of response, does not recognize this.

Where I am last year.

To play you need to choose 3 - 4 people. They will stand back to other employees of the company. On the backs of people will be glued with sheets of paper on which the names of public institutions and organizations will be written. If the features of the relationship in the team allow you to relax, you can even choose such options as the maternity hospital, toilet. Participants should not know what is actually written. Each of them will hear certain issues that should gradually bring to the correct answer. In fact, participants will be difficult to immediately navigate, because the answers to the questions asked about the nuances of public institutions are funny and ridiculous. Thus, the atmosphere will definitely be a relaxing.


Initially, you need to call 2 men who will participate in a boxing duel. At the same time, participants must wear boxing gloves. Guests must take hands, symbolizing the rings borders. The presenter must gradually contribute to the increase in the situation of the situation, as if a real boxing match is carried out. Participants can settle, prepare, but as a result should be in the center of Ring. The judge talks about what scheme the battle should be carried out. Then the participants receive the same lollipop and should strive quickly, remove the wrapper.

Having a toy on the Christmas tree.

Participants must take Christmas toys, and then go to the central part of the room. They will be tied with eyes. The main task is to try to hang a toy on the Christmas tree. It is impossible to fold from the way. If a person initially went on an erroneous path, he must hang a toy for the item to which it came up. Some guests of the corporate party can host the room, getting up on different ways. The game will have 2 winners: the one who hangs the toy on the Christmas tree, as well as the one who will find the most unusual place for the Christmas toys.

Do not shoot!

This gaming activity can actually be very exciting. The most important thing is to prepare.

The opaque container needs to collect a variety of things.

According to the signal, which is published by the lead, participants must pass the box or bag each other. After the music stopped, you need to pull the thing at random and put on yourself. In obligatory in the next 30 minutes you need to walk with a thing of a thing.

It is best to take care to take a camera and a video camera, as a similar corporate chronicle should appear.

The game "flying gait".

For the game you need plastic or glass bottles.

Participants must become, and the bottles will be placed in front of them. Now volunteers must try to go through the obstacle blindfolded through the obstacle, do not stop the bottle. In fact, the participants will be outraged, because the task turns out to be difficult, but the obstacles need to be removed. As a result, you can carefully monitor how a person will carefully disturb all over the room. The most important thing is to avoid the tension of relations in the team after such New Year's games. Please note that the bottles need to be cleaned quietly, because they will be needed, and the participant should not guess what actually happens.


Any number of men can participate in the game. You will need inflated balloons, matches and high-quality scotch.

Most likely, the gameplay will be unusual and fascinating. If a man wants to seem pregnant and earn 1,000,000 dollars, you can play. Of course, the dream of pregnancy will not come true, but at the same time you can tune in to obtain significant finances in the coming year. Perhaps a man can even work hard to prevent his wife in the near future. In any case, the game may be one of the best during the corporate event.

Men's belly will need to tie balloons using tape. At the same time, before each participant you need to scatter matches. The main task is the desire, as soon as possible to collect matches, without allowing the "belly" to burst.

"Will be done".

Participants must be prepared for what they will perform various songs. At the same time with the skill of singing there may be problems.

So, you need to divide into several teams, focusing on the number of players. Now you need to choose the subject of the competition. Each team should remember the song on the topic of interest and fulfill the lines from it. The most important thing is to successfully hold out for a long time.

In order for the game to be remembered from the best side, you can be inventive and ready for a dispute.

"Test cartoon".

The optimal number of participants is 5 - 20 people. For the game, you will need pencils, eraser and paper.

Each player must draw a cartoon on the present. At the same time, portraits need to be transmitted in a circle. Each will be on the reverse side to write their assumptions. Then you need to calculate the number of points for each option. The winner must get the greatest number of points that will confirm the fact that the portrait turned out to be recognizable.

It is necessary to try to all turn out to be covered.

Games and contests will allow diversify corporate events, but you need to try so that no one is offended, upset. Corporate event, on the contrary, should be rally the team.

We are always waiting for the new year with a huge impatience, because this is a favorite holiday as adults, the same children. Each family is carefully prepared for it: you develop the menu, you plan guests, buy outfits, think over the course of the event so that it does not turn into a simple overeating. New Year's photo adult games The most optimal option for those who invited guests and wants to have fun. If you feel free to act as a master, it can be defined at the table. Therefore, boldly and without constraints, we appoint as responsible for the game for adults the most active of the guests. Well, to prepare them will not be any problems.

New Year's games for a small company

Feast fun competitions for the New Year holiday find easy, the main thing is to work out to be adapted to your company. If it is small, then entertainment should be selected respectively.


You will need radio-controlled machines, two pieces. Two contestants prepare cars and the "track" to any point in the room, put on their cars on the stack of vodka. Then neatly, not splashing, try to spend it to the destination, where and drink. The game can be continued, bringing more snack. You can also make it in the form of the relay, for this you will have to be divided into commands, the first must bring to the point and backward, pass the relay to another neighbor, the last player drinks a glass or what remains in it.

Cheerful artist

The presenter comes out something to the first player, he gets up in a pose, which characterizes what they made, not voicing it. For example: person screws a lamp. In turn, each participant must adjust to the previous one so that the picture was signed. The latter gets up as an artist with a tassel and an easel for drawing. He is also trying to tell what exactly "depicted". Then, each tells about his posture.

"I never" (or "I'm never")

This is comic recognition. Each of the guests invited to corporate, begins to confess the phrase: "I never ...". For example: "I never drank tequila." But the answers must go on the growing. That is, the one who has already confessed in trifles, then must talk about something deeper. Pagging recognition can be very fun, the main thing is not to be carried away, and then you can give the most intimate secrets.

Pitting games for a big cheerful adult company

If a big party gathered to meet a new year, it is best to conduct group, commanders.

let's drink

The company is divided into two groups and rises in a row against each other. Each in the hands of a one-time cup with wine (champagne and strong drinks is better not to take, as you can be suppressed). Glasses Place everyone in their right hand. According to the team, they must supply the neighbor in the order of the line: first the last person will send the penultimate, the next one and so on. As soon as the first got his dose, he runs to the latter and treat him. Who will finish first, those will be the winners.


Merry New Year's holiday is a necessarily a lot of decorations. The company is divided into two halves, they are issued on the box of the same sizes. Also, each team receives a certain number of different things: Christmas decorations, candy, candy, napkins, souvenirs, etc. It is necessary for a while and gently all put on the boxes, so that they are smoothly closed without convexities. After a certain amount of alcohol, this happens is not so simple.

Which team will fold things carefully and faster, that will be the winner. Quality should not suffer if it is so, you should organize a vote from people who are not involved in the competition.


Guests at the New Year's table share their row and sit on the chairs against each other. The first player put an apple on his knees, they must ride an apple on their knees from the first player to the latter. If the fruit falls, the group lost, but she can rehabilitate himself, if without hands raise it and returns to the very beginning.


It will be a relay. We set two stools, plastic cups with alcoholic beverage stools. They should be as many as players. We divide guests in half, it is possible by sexual sign, and put each other, opposite each stool at some distance from her. Hands in all behind his back. Near them place the basket under the garbage. According to one, they run up to the stool, drink without hands any of the glasses, then run back, throwing out the empty container in the garbage and return to the tail of the queue. Only after that can run the next person.

Games at the table for New Year's corporate

The entertainment program can be a drink type. Such a scenario is selected for a more shy group of people.

Merry singers

For this game, you should prepare cards in advance with any words related to holiday, alcohol, New Year's characters, etc. For example: Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snow, vodka, wine, sparks, candles, frost, Santa Claus, gifts. Then the lead, which will prescribe a player, pulls out the card and voiced the word itself. The selected person must sing a versicle or chorus with the participation of this word in the song. At meditation is given no more than 10 seconds. This game can be spent and crashing for teams, the result will be more songs performed.


All guests at the table get up in a circle. The lead card with the words "Wow", "Ah", "Eh" and "Oh". The player pulls the card, and the rest make it a desire. For example, he pulled out: "Oh." The team says: "hug three" or "Kiss of three" or "Catch three". Here is an example of a few desires:

"Go on hand";
"Stand on hands";
"Share about the news";
"Stoney for a guest";

"Tell everyone compliments out loud";
"Cricrichi, that you are burdock";
"Kiss two";
"Prickles between the legs of two";
"Tell the desire of loud";
"Find out with closed eyes two";

"Makes all";
"Hug everyone";
"Weight all";
"Pokes of all."

Funny answers can be invented before infinity, the main thing is to be observed by Rhyme.

Tell about the hostess (owners)

Everything is very simple here. In advance for guests, you should prepare questions, like:

If this is a couple, then:

  • "Where these people got acquainted."
  • "How many years they live together."
  • "Favorite vacation place."


The first participant is the pen and a piece of paper. He writes briefly his big desire: "I want ...". The rest fit only adjectives: let it be fluffy, it should be iron or simply - smelly, meaningless and so on.

Complete adults, funny and funny entertainment

Adult games for the New Year's table are not suitable for each company - this should be considered. But after a certain amount of time, you can try to offer them some of the repertoire below and further navigate the situation. Answers can be both serious and funny.

Christmas tree

For the competition you need to stock up with Christmas toys (desirable such that they do not fight) and clothespins. Pre-all toys for string attach to the clothespins. Several pairs of the opposite sex are called, men tie their eyes, for a certain period of time they have to hook as much toys for women's clothing. The game can be "diluted" by changing steam and removing clothespins from other women. You can also change their roles - women will dress men. And do not forget to rate each Christmas tree, because he will win the one who will have the most elegant, and then, under the stormy applause of the company, remove the toys.


Any short fairy tale is absorbed, all participants in the New Year's table become a circle, leaving the center free. The author is appointed, who reads a fairy tale, for example, "three piglets", it is not very short, but it is easily cut to the page. Then each in a circle, chooses a role. And not only animated heroes, as well as natural phenomenon or objects. Tree, grass, even the phrase "lived - were", you can beat.

The story begins: they lived - they were (they went or went "lived - were") three piglets (piglets went). The sun shone the sun (the sky glows, holding the sun). The piglets were lying on herbal (laying "grass", and better three herbs, piglets fell on it), etc. If there are few people, the freed heroes in the form of herbs can take the following roles to continue the game.

You can play not only a fairy tale, but also a song or poem, but you can come up with your funny stories.


Several pairs opposite are selected for the game. Men tying their eyes, women put on pre-prepared tables or chairs (sports mats). By their body, there are napkins, which leave chocolate candy without freaks. Then the man will summarize them, and it must be without hands (respectively, without an eye) find all the candies. It is not necessary to eat them. So that there is no confusion, it is best to call spouses or a real pair. But adult people, especially over the New Year's table, with a good sense of humor, which is seasoned with a glass of champagne, usually no problems arise.

Eat the banana

Several pairs are called. Men sit on the chairs, a banana clan, women fit to their pairs and hiding their hands behind his back to clean and eat it. The procedure for adults is given a certain amount of time. Instead of bananas, you can also use cucumbers.


New Year's games for a funny company should be prepared in advance. Especially if guests there will be many and among them there will be unfamiliar people who need to know as much as possible. Entertainment contests for the New Year's table in adults are diluted with dances or singing karaoke for a variety.

Packaging games 2020 can be carried out both for interest and for encouraging prizes. If you choose team adult games, then the counting of votes make each group. If the participants compete alone, encourage them with chips, and then by counting the chips the prize gets the winner. The rest of the New Year's table in adults will be content with consolation gifts.

In 2017, a fire cock will come to the Chinese calendar to change the monkey - energetic, colorful bird. He will not tolerate a sad celebration. We celebrate the new year with a scope, we encounter a rooster incendiary contests and games.

1. "New Year's toast"

Number of participants: 5.

The presenter offers guests to pronounce a collective toast and devote him to a symbol of the upcoming year - fiery rooster.

The presenter distributes to the participants of the sheets of paper with letters (P, E, T, Y, X) and reports conditions: they must come up with a New Year's wish, and it will begin with the letter that they got. For example, the letter "P": "Weather today what is needed, and we gathered in this room to wish everyone happiness in the new year." The next participant continues the thought of the previous one to make a meaningful toast.

2. "Sack with a surprise"

Number of participants: 2.

The presenter pre-prepares props. On dense sheets prints two pictures with the image of the rooster and cuts each of the 5-7 elements, mixes them and folds into the bag.

Santa Claus presents the participants of the competition bag with a surprise.

At the command of the leading participants, the contents of the bag are scattered and try to collect their rooster.

Wins the one who did it faster.

3. "Dressing a rooster"

Number of participants: 4.

Two men and two women are invited to the scene, they are divided into pairs.

Women, "chicken" should dress up their man- "Cockerel" to everyone than the fantasy tells them: Mishura, candy, christmas toys. Time to perform the task is 1 minute.

Guests of the applause are determined by the "rooster" - the advantage.

4. "Whose rooster is more

Number of participants: not limited.

The presenter causes everyone to the stage, distributes the sheets of A4 format and markers, and suggests drawing a fiery rooster ... without hands.

Participants are given exactly 1 minute.

Typomolsters usually turn out to be in the teeth at the "artists".

5. "Attention, news!"

Number of participants: not limited.

The presenter distributes pre-prepared cards with several words that are not associated with meaning. For example: Rooster, milk, space, billiards (one of the words should be the word "rooster").

Each participant has half a minute to come up with an informational message by using all the words, and with the intonation of the speaker to pronounce it.

Unfortunate "News" make guests laugh from the soul.

6. "Cockflets"

Number of participants: 2.

Two "roosters" are invited to "ring", the lead distributes the boxing gloves.

The host is glowing the situation, and before the start of the battle ... distributes to the participants of the candy in wrappers and announces the rules: in 1 minute in boxing gloves, deploy the greatest amount of candy in boxing gloves.

7. Talisman

Number of participants: 4.

Two pairs are invited to the scene: a man and a woman. The host presents each pair of scissors, a sheet of paper with the image of a rooster and offers to cut his mascot.

Couples are holding hands, and they are trying to cut the rooster with free hands.

The one who will make it faster and better, he won.

8. "The brightest rooster"

Number of participants: not limited.

In the bag in advance clothes: hats, underwear, swimwear, stockings, socks, skirts. The funnier clothes, the better.

Music sounds, the participants form a circle and transmit a bag of hand to hand.

When the music is interrupted, the participant in the hands of which is the bag, at random pulls out of it and puts it.

9. "Follow the rooster"

Number of participants: not limited.

Chairs are placed in chaotic order, participants are sitting on them - "Chickens". Guests of the evening choose Petuha.

To the music, he passes between chairs and cotton in his hands collects "Chickens". By forming a "train", participants with a leader at the chapter pass between chairs.

When the "Cockerel" slaughter in his hands two times, "chickens" should sit on the chairs. The complexity is that the "rooster" should also sit on a free chair, and one participant will stand. He will become a new "cock."

10. "Chicken Racing"

Number of participants: 2.

Participants ties a computer mouse ("chicken") so that it does not take 10-15 cm to the floor.

According to the team, the participants spend their "chicken" through obstacles that prepared the lead. The difficulty is that participants must constantly squat and look back.

The first who comes to the finish line, bypassing obstacles, is considered the winner.

11. Game "Guess the Beast"

Number of participants: The whole audience.

The presenter displays one person from the hall and asks him to portray the rooster so that the audience in his hall guess.

So far, the participant is preparing, the lead sentences the room intentionally calling the wrong options.

It's funny to watch how a furious "rooster" is trying to give all his behavior!

12. "Whose scallop is better"

Number of participants: 4.

For the competition, men and women are invited to be divided into pairs.

The lead gives women hair accessories (hairpins, rubber bands, scallops). According to the team, they begin to build on the heads of their partners "scallop" on the heads.

Spectators decide, whose "scallop" from "Petushka" turned out to be more beautiful.

13. "Kids, it's time to go home!"

Number of participants: 2.

For the competition you will need two chairs, two plastic bottles and air balloons of two colors.

Participants with the help of bottles should drive "chickens" (balls of a certain color) in the "chicken coop" (under chairs).

One who first will collect her chickens.

On the eve of the New Year, most companies and organizations arrange corporate workers. Someone prefers to go to the restaurant, someone suits the holiday right in the office, and someone prefers the active type of rest at all. Anyway, as a rule, any corporate party is remembered by colleagues not only because of delicious treats, but also because of the New Year program for the corporate party.

New Year's contests for the corporate party are the best way to "revive" a holiday, to enable the event to take part in the event to each employee, and even rally the team, not to mention the good mood and unforgettable impressions. Also select the thematic for colleagues.

Competitions for corporate party

To a New Year's holiday in a circle of colleagues passed without a championship and long thought about to do, it would be better to prepare a competitive program in advance, as well as props (if necessary) for competitions and games.

Competition "Parodies"

Everything takes part in the competition. The lead writes on a piece of paper and the names of all office staff. Then, each in turn blindly pulls the piece of paper with the name. The participant's task enters the help of a pantomime to show a person whose name is written on a piece of paper, while others must guess who specifically shows a player. The one who is most interesting and accurately sparkles his colleague is defeated.

Competition for accuracy

Men and women are divided into couples. Each man on the belt is mounted empty canning bank. Women depart from men by 10 meters, they are issued 20 times. The task of a woman is to get a coin into a jar. At the same time, men can help their ladies, for example, to rotate the waist. But, it is impossible to move from a place to a single participant of the competition. Wins the one who will be able to throw more coins. Think in advance how to corporate.

Competition "Noev Ark"

Leading corporate writes on pieces of different animals. Animals must be pair, for example, 2 elephants, 2 rabbits, 2 bear. You can make a contest even more thematic, and be sure to enter the animal symbol of the coming year goat. Further, the participants of the competition pull themselves the animal. It turns out that everyone has a couple, but you have to find your couple.

The task of the participant with gestures, movements find their animal. Talking and issuing sounds forbidden. The first who guess where his couple wins. In order for the competition to be more interesting, it is better to make such animals that are less recognizable, for example lynx or hippopos.

Funny New Year competitions for corporate party

Nothing helps to relax like funny New Year competitions. In addition, the fun competitions not only asks a relaxed atmosphere, but also help workers to liberate.

Competition "Televents program"

This cool New Year's competition for the corporate party can be carried out even at the table., Because It is not active, but Positive.

For the competition, you should prepare so many cards in advance how many people will be attended by the Corporate. On each card it is necessary to write 6 words unrelated. For example:
1. Vase, elephant, government, ball, coin, broom;
2. Sheep, medicine, president, parachute, kebab, backgammon;
3. Australia, Tree, Thief, Windmill, Ski, Microphone;

Participants pull one card, and read about themselves what is written there. Then, the participants are given 1 minute to come up with one sentence from words. The proposal should sound like hot news about a kind of event, which, allegedly, happened on the eve of the New Year. All words from the card must be involved in the proposal, they can be inclined and convert to any parts of speech. It turns out very funny!

For example:
"In the Australian supermarket on the microphone, they announced that the thief, a windmill, stole the Christmas tree and disappeared with the scene scene."

Competition "Dance with balloon"

In this mobile competition, everyone can participate, the main thing is that the balls are enough. An inflated balloon is tied to the left foot of the participant. Then, music is turned on, and everyone starts to dance. The task of the participants includes the ball with the right leg of his opponent's ball. You can only use the right leg! Wins the one whose ball will be untouched.

Competition "Music Assorted"

Participants go to the dance floor. What is a modern melody turn on. Competition participants must under this melody to dance several types of dance: Lezginka, Polka, Hip-Hop, ballet, tango. At the end of the competition, you can assemble the dance around the Christmas tree, and also to dance something unusual, only by the whole team.

Contests for corporate party in the office

When a decision on where to conduct a corporate party will fall on the wall of the office, the task of the organizers is somewhat more complicated, because Not always the place in the office allows you to walk on a wide leg. Therefore, when choosing New Year's competitions for a corporate party in the office, this factor should be taken into account. Fortunately, there are many fun competitions that can be held in the office!

Competition "Retrospective Events"

This competition can be carried out at the table. Each employee in turn should remember some fun or important event from the life of the office, which happened in the outgoing year. He who cannot remember the event falls out of the competition. The one who will last in the game until the very end receives a prize. Sometimes memories reach even the most ridiculous events! But this is what makes a contest funny.

Competition "Not Looking"

All participants tie their eyes to all participants and in the ear reported one digit. This figure is its sequence number in the queue. After a loud signal. All participants must be built in the queue in order of numbers, and it is impossible to talk and whisper!

To extend the contest, you can then declare that this is a queue for gifts, and distribute comic prizes. At the same time, each gift should be intended to be a specific person. So, if someone in the queue takes not his place, he will receive someone else's gift. Before the start of the competition, it is necessary to make sure that the office has enough space, and that no extraneous items will interfere with the participants. Before corporate, browse