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From the biography of Imam Ibn Casir. Ibn-Casir - Biography and Proceedings of the SCIENTIFIC ORGAN ACTIVITIES OF IBN CASIS IN DIFFERENT SCIENCES

Ibn Kasir Born in 1301 (701 years old) in the village of Madudal (Syria). His full name Abu Al-Fida, Imad Ad-Dean, Ismail Ibn Umar Ibn Casir Al-Kurayshi al-Buxavi hell Dimashka Ash-Shafii. The environment in which the future theologians grew, played a huge role in his formation as a scientist.

Ibn Kasira's father was a well-read and spent Friday Hutbook in his village, and Brother Abdulvahhab was famous by Alim. After the death of the father, he took care of Ibn Casire and taught him the sciences of Islam.

Ibn Kasir in Damascus

In 1306. Ibn Kasir The five-year-old boy moved with her brother to the scientific center of that period, Syrian Damascus. The purpose of moving was to study sciences. And this goal Ibn Kasir achieved. By ten years he learned the Quran by heart, and in the future he received wonderful knowledge in the field of Tafsira (interpretation of the Quran, Hadis, Fickha, history, Arab grammar and other sciences.

Socials of scientists about Ibn Casire

In his book " AD-Durar al-Fire » Hafiz ibn Hajar al-Askalani Said: " Ibn Kasir worked in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Hadisov studies on the topics relating to texts and chains of transmitters. He possessed good memory, his books became popular at the time, and people benefited from them after his death».

Famous historian Abu Al-Mahasin Jamal Ad-Dean Yusuf Bin Saif Ad-Dean said in his book Al-Mankal AS-Safi »: « Imam, Great Scientist Imad Ad-Dean Abu al-Fid. He studied a lot and was very active in search of knowledge. He was an excellent scientist in the fields of Fick, Tafsira and Hadisov Studies.

He gathered knowledge, was the author (books), he trained, handed the Hadith and wrote. He had huge knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Hadisov studies, Tafsira, Fickha, Arabic, etc. He gave Fatv (religious decisions) and taught until he died. Yes, Allah is melted over him. It was known for its accuracy and great knowledge, as well as as scientist history, Hadiths and Tafsira».

Proceedings Ibn Kasira

Ibn Kasiru owns the interpretation of the Quran, written on the basis of the traditions of Sunna and the statements of the prophet's associates (peace and blessing of Allah). Theologian believed that the Quran himself was the best interpreter. He said:

« The best interpreter of the Quran is the Koran itself. New Ayat explains the previous one, that is, in one place, it is concluded briefly, and in the second - it is explained in more detail. If something is difficult to explain, you need to turn to the Sunna of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah), it can comment on Quran and explain it.

If there is no clarification in the Quran and Sunna, contact the words of the associates, they know much more. The associates of the Prophet were witnessing events, about which those or other ayats were sent. These people have a complete and proper understanding of religion».

Method of interpretation of Ayatov Koran Ibn Kasir

1. Interpretation of Ayat with simple words explaining the general meaning of Ayat.

2. Interpretation of Ayaata Another Ayat, if any, so that the meaning is clear and his goal was understood. Ibn Kasir even brings several ayats to explain one.

3. Hadith's bringing, for the most part with chains of transmitters, and less often - without.

4. The interpretation of the Quran with the words of Askhabs.

5. Interpretation with the words of Tabian (contemporaries of Askhabs), Tabiu-Tabian (contemporaries of Tabianov) or those of the righteous Alimov, who followed them.

The activities of Ibn Casir in different fields of science

In addition to the most famous Tafsira, Peru Ibn Kasir is a lot of fundamental work, among which the most famous is " Albida Va An-Sea » ( Beginning and the end). Labor was published in 14 volumes and was an addition to the works of Al-Barzali. It consists of "beginning and end" of three parts.

In the first part of the book, we are talking about the creation of the throne, land, heaven, jeans, angels, Adam and other prophets to the last prophecy.

The second part begins with the description of the vitality of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) and covers the period of righteous caliphs and the subsequent eras of the Omeyad and Abbasid.

The third, final section there is an article about the troubles and the beginning of the Judgment Day, its events, hell, paradise and resurrection.

From a huge number of predecessors, Ibn Kasir based on whose works, it is worth highlighting Ibn Asira, Al-Masidi and At-Tabari. Ibn Kasiru managed to write the chronology of events, starting at the most important points, after which he passed to the biography of those times and often quoted Ayati Koran, which are associated with the facts given in his works. The works of the scientist dozen times reprinted.

No less important historical labor Ibn Kasira there was an essay " Difficulty on jihada" It describes the struggle of Muslims and Crusaders in the 8th century Hijra. He witnessed these events. This work was also reprinted several times.

Peru Ibn Kasira belongs to a lot of works on Hadisovy. Many books were lost and did not reach our time.

Ibn Kasir lived more than 70 years. By the end of life because of frequent nightlings, he lost sight. It was a time when he was the book " Jami Al Asanid " Theologians died 1373 in Damascus, where he was buried on the Sufi cemetery.

Mahach Gitinovaovas

Ibn Kasir is an Arabic tornneet, known as the interpreter and the connoisseur of the Quran and Hadiths.

He taught in the largest madrasas of Syria - al-Ashrafia and An-Nadzhibia.

As a religious thinker, he was a student and a follower of such figures as Ibn Timiya and Az-Zhabai.

Thanks to this, Ibn Kasir became a supporter of a thorough study of the Quran, the sacred legends and statements of the Mohammed Supports, the Zeper "Right" Islam, purified from foreign elements.

In this regard, the statement of Ibn Kasir himself is characteristic: "The best interpreter of the Quran is the Koran himself." According to him, the Ayata (chapters) of the Quran is complemented and reveal each other, therefore, if something is incomprehensible in one age, it is possible to understand its meaning from the following.

If it does not help, then you can contact the "Sunna of the Prophet", as well as the words of students and the associates of Mohammed, who seemed to have seen what is posted in the Holy Book, and the closer to the religious ideal.

Years of life

Ibn Kasir was born in Syria, in the village Madudal in 1301. When the boy turned three years old, his father died. His teachers were Ibn Timia and Az-Zarabi. For some time he lived in Iran, then returned to his homeland. Died in 1373.


  • Ibn Kasir in the Muslim world of Ibn Kasir is considered to be an active scientist who left behind a number of works.
  • "Tafsir Ibn Kasir" is the most famous composition in which his interpretation of the Quran is set out.
  • "Start and end" - extensive work consisting of several parts; It sets out the "Sacred History" - from the creation of all the existing (including Ginov, Angels, Heavenly Throne and Adam) to the "Judgment Day".
  • "Prophetic biography."
  • "Suffering on the way of Jihad" is a book based on the own observations of Ibn Kasir.

He lived in the era of the struggle of the Crusaders and Muslims (XIV century) and described what he saw. Naturally, in his essay, he defended the position of Muslims. Here, the term "jihad" is shown in the context, habitually inexperienced Europeans: under Jihad is understood to be the "sacred war against the wrong" (in reality "Jihad" means first of all the change in the world for the better in the religious basis, the execution of his moral, social and professional debt and etc.).

"Start and end" is one of the most famous historical writings of the Islamic world. It describes the most significant events of history - both mythological and real, there are biographies of historical figures. Ibn Kasir often leads to the book passages from the Quran, illustrating the descriptions of historical realities.

Ibn-Kasir is a famous scientist-laws of Islam, stories, the interpreter of the Hadiths and the Quran. He was born in 1301 in the village of Madudal (Syria). His father died when Ibn Casiru was 3 years old. His teachers were recognized by the scholars of Islam of the time: Ibn Timia and Az Zhabai. Died in 1373.

Ibn Casiru owns the interpretation of the Quran, which dates back to the taphsirs written by the traditions of the Sunna and the statements of the prophet's students (peace and blessing of the Most High!). Excerpt of one of Ibn Casir's statements:

"The best interpreter of the Quran is Koran himself. New Ayat explains the previous one, i.e. In one place sets out briefly, and in the second it is explained in more detail. If something is difficult to explain, you need to turn to the Sunna of the Prophet (peace and blessing of the Most High!), It can comment on Quran and explain it. If there is no explanation in the Quran and Sunne, contact the words of the associates, they know much more. The associates of the Prophet were witnessing events that were sent to the Ayati, these people have a complete and proper understanding of religion as the mother of all things. "

The activities of Ibn Casir in different fields of science

In addition to the most famous Tafsira, Peru Ibn Casir, the famous scientist, belongs to a lot of fundamental work, among which the most famous is "beginning and end". Labor was published in 14 volumes and was an addition to the works of Al-Barzali, who supplemented this essay, but did not finish it. It consists of "beginning and end" of three parts. In the first one we are talking about the creation of the throne, land, heaven, Ginov, Angels, Adam and other prophets to the last prophecy. The 2nd part begins with the death of the Prophet (peace and blessing of the Most High!), Which occurred in 768 by Hijra. The third, final section will be an article about the troubles and the beginning of the day of the day, its events, hell, paradise and resurrection.

From a huge number of predecessors, Ibn-Kasir based on whose works, it is worth allocating the works of Ibn Asira, Al-Masidi and AT-Tabari. Ibn-Casiru managed to write the chronology of events, starting from the most important points, after which she moved to the biography of those times and often quoted Ayati and poems of the Quran, which are associated with the facts given in his works. Works scientist dozens times reprinted.

No less important historical work of Ibn-Kasir was an essay "Trying on the path of jihad". It describes the struggle of Muslims and Crusaders in the 8th century Hijra. He witnessed these events. This work was also reprinted several times.

These two works can also be attributed to the book "The Best-Fiction of the Prophet".

Peru Kasira belongs to a lot of works on Hadisovy. Many books were lost and did not reach our time.

From the biography of Ibn Cassira

He is a respected imam, an outstanding interpreter of the Quran, Abu Al-Fid, Imad Ad-Dean, Ismail Ibn Umar Ibn Casir Al-Kurayshi al-Boursavi (from Borsra Rod) Dimashka (from Damascus to upbringing, education and residence). Ibn Kasir was born in 701 by Hijra (about 1326 in the Gregorian calendar) in the city of Bucera.

His father gave the chut's [sermon] on Fridays in his village, but died when Ibn Kasiru was only four years old. Brother Ibn Casir, Sheikh Abdul-Wahheb, took him to care and taught him until he moved to Damascus in 706 g. When he was five years old.

Teachers Ibn Cashira

Ibn Kasir studied Ficks (Islamic jurisprudence) at Burkhan Ad-Dina, Ibrahim Bin Abdu-Rakhman Al-Fizari, known as Ibn Al-Firman (died in 729 by Hijra).

Ibn Kasir listened to the Hadith from Isa Bin al-Mutia; Ahmad Bin Abi-Taliba (Ibn Ash-Shahnhah) (died in 730 by Hijra); Ibn al-Hajar (died in 730 by Hijra); and the transmitter of Hadith Shama (modern Syria and the surrounding regions) Bach Ad-Dina Al-Qasim Bene Muzaffar Bin Asakira (died in 723 by Hijra); and Ibn Ash-Yhiraza; IS.x.aka Bin Yakhi Al-Amidi, also known as Atif Ad-Dean, Sheikh Zahiriiya (died in 725 g.); and Muhammad Ibn Zakam.

He stayed and studied with Jamal hell-din, Jesuf Ibn Az Zaki Al-Mizzy (died in 724 in Hijra). He received knowledge from him and also married his daughter.
He also read with Sheikh-Ul-Islam Taki-Ud-Din, Ahmad Ibn Abdul-Khalim Bin Abdus Salaam Bin Taimia (died in 728 by Hijra). He also read with Imam, Hafiz and the historian Shams Ad-Dina Muhammad Az-Zarabi (died 748 in Hijer); as well as with Abu Musa Al-Karafi; Abu, Fath Hell Dubbucki and Ali Bin Umari Ace Suwani; And with others, who gave him permission to transfer the knowledge he received from them in Egypt.

In his book Al-Mujam Al-Mukhtas, Hafiz Az-Zarabi wrote that Ibn Kasir was "Imam, jurisprudence scientists, educated by the Hadith scientists, the famous fake and scientists of Tafsira, who wrote useful books."

Also in AD-Durar Al-Fireplace Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Askalani said: "Ibn Kasir worked in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Hadiths on the topics relating to texts and chains of transmitters. He possessed good memory, his books became popular in his time, and people benefited from them after his death. "

Also famous historian Abu Al-Mahasin Jamal Ad-Dean Jusuf Bin Saif Ad-Dean said in his book Al-Mankal AS-Safi: "He is Sheikh, Imam, Great Scientist Imad Ad-Dean Abu Al Fidida. He studied a lot and was very active in search of knowledge and records. He was superior in the regions of Fick, Tafsira and Hadiths. He gathered knowledge, was the author (books), he trained, handed the Hadith and wrote. He had tremendous knowledge in the field of Hadiths, Tafsira, Fikha, Arabic, etc. He gave Fatv (religious decisions) and taught until he died. Yes, Allah is melted over him. He was known for its accuracy and great knowledge, and as a scientist of History, Hadiths and Tafsira. "

Ibn Kasir

one of the most prominent Muslim scholars in the field of history, the rights, interpretation of the Quran and Hadiths. The full name with the kunya is Abu Al-Fid Ismail Ibn Omar Ibn Casir al-Bourbai. Born in the village of Madudal near the city of Bursras in Syria. Ibn Kasir has lost his father early and after receiving primary education went to Damascus, where he studied at the well-known scientists Burkhan Ad-Dina Al-Phazari (mind in 729/1329), Ishak al-Amidi (mind in 725/1325). Abu Al-Hadjaj Al-Mizzy, who he studied the Hadiths was played in the scientific activity of Ibn Kasira. Another His outstanding teacher was the same Ad-Dean Ibn Teymia (mind. In 728/1328). After the completion of his formation, Ibn Kasir was still a recognized scientist in the field of interpretation of Islamic primary sources, rights and history, and taught in the most famous Madrasa Damascus. After the death of Zarabi, he headed Madrasa "Umma Salich". His students became such famous people like Ibn Hadzhar al-Askalani, Shihab Ad-Dean Horti and others. Ibn Kasir died at the age of 74 in Damascus and was buried near the grave of his teacher Ibn Taymy. Ibn Kasir was the author of a significant number of books that enjoy authority in the Muslim world until today. His world-famous historical work is Al-Bidaaya Va'n-Sea, in which he described the various events of Muslim history from the creation of the world to 767/1366. This book also shows sources on Islamic history. The second most famous and popular work of Ibn Casira is the interpretation of the Koran "Tafsir al-Kuraniel-Azim". In this work, he commented and explained the various Ayatsii Koran on the basis of this book similar in the meaning of others, or by the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. If you could not explain certain sources on these sources, Ibn Kasir resorted to the statements of the associates of the Prophet Muhammad. He also led to the statements of Tabuanov and Tabatabiunov. The conclusion, he gave on the basis of all sources known to him and at the same time he applied the arguments of his own mind and thinking (ar-paradise). Ibn Kasir often referred to the data of the taphsirs of their predecessors - Ibn Jarira AT-Tabari, Ibn Abu Khatima, Ibn atia, as well as on the famous experts of the Hadiths, for example, at Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Ibn Kasir critically considered many legends common in the Muslim world, and pointed to their borrowing from the Hebrew tradition (Icerailant).

(Source: "Islamic Encyclopedic Dictionary" A. Ali-Zade, Ansar, 2007)

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