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Sleep: instructions for use. Sleep - instructions, indications, composition, method of application Bad: Sleepy machismo

active ingredients:

1 tablet contains dry extract of rhizomes with valerian roots ( Rhizoma cum radicibus Valerianae) (5-6: 1) (extractant - ethanol 70%), the content of sesquiterpenic acids - 0.25 mg, in terms of valerenic acid and dry matter; dry extract of hop cones ( Lupuli flos) (4-6: 1) (extractant - methanol 30%), flavonoid content - 0.33 mg, calculated as rutoside and dry matter;

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium croscarmellose, hypromellose, talc, magnesium stearate, sodium starch glycolate (type A), corn starch, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, sucrose (sucrose), titanium dioxide (Eglycol, polyethylene), propylene 6000 povidone, indigo carmine (E 132).

Dosage form. Film-coated tablets.

Basic physical and chemical properties: tablets are round, film-coated, from blue to blue, the top and bottom surfaces of which are convex. At the fracture, when viewed under a magnifying glass, one can see the core surrounded by one continuous layer.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Sleeping pills and sedatives. ATX code N05C M.

Pharmacological properties


Combined herbal preparation. Valerian has a calming effect on the central and autonomic nervous system, improves sleep. Hops have a mild hypnotic and sedative effect.


Pharmacokinetic studies of the drug have not been conducted.

Clinical characteristics.


Sleep disturbances, the characteristic features of which are disturbances in the process of falling asleep, frequent awakening at night, short night sleep caused by anxiety, anxiety, tension or irritability.


Individual hypersensitivity to valerian or to other components of the drug. Arterial hypotension. Severe renal failure. Liver failure. Depression and other conditions, accompanied by inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system. The period of pregnancy or lactation.

Interaction with other medicinal products and other types of interactions.

Valerian preparations can enhance the effect of alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics, analgesic, antispasmodic and anxiolytic drugs.

Application features

Patients who have had severe liver dysfunction or have had severe liver disease in the past should be careful when taking the drug.

There may be a specific sensitivity to valerian odor.

Patients with rare diseases such as galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or impaired glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this drug.

If you have an established intolerance to some sugars, you should consult your doctor before taking this medicinal product.

Application during pregnancy or lactation.

Do not use.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or other mechanisms.

You should refrain from driving or work requiring increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Method of administration and dosage

The drug is used for adults by mouth, 2-3 tablets 1 hour before bedtime.

When treatment is stopped, there is no withdrawal syndrome.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

Do not use the drug continuously for more than 1.5-2 months.


Do not use.


An overdose of valerian drugs can cause headache, drowsiness, lethargy, general weakness, abdominal pain, heaviness in the chest, dizziness, hand tremors and mydriasis, nausea, decreased hearing and visual acuity, tachycardia.

Adverse Reactions

Dizziness, drowsiness, depression of emotional reactions, depression, general weakness, decreased mental and physical performance; nausea.

Allergic reactions are possible (including rashes, itching, hyperemia, skin edema).

Shelf life

Storage conditions

In original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 0 С.


10 tablets in a blister; 2 blisters in a cardboard box.


PJSC "Technologist".

The location of the manufacturer and the address of the place of business.

Ukraine, 20300, Cherkasy region, Uman city, Staraya proreznaya street, house 8.


Instructions for use For sleep, approved by the manufacturer, is presented for informational purposes only and is not a reason for self-medication.
Only your attending physician can decide on the need to use For Sleep, prescribe treatment regimens and dosages, as well as discuss the compatibility of For Sleep with the medications you are using, explain side effects and contraindications.
Remember - self-medication is dangerous to your health.

Sometimes you can't sleep? You really want to sleep, get up early in the morning, but you still can't sleep, and you know for sure that you will spend several hours without sleep or wake up all night. Such sleep disturbances should not be tolerated because they can lead to serious ailments. And lack of sleep can take years off your life.

To avoid this, try to establish sleep in a natural way - with the help of the phytocomplex Sleep Formula. Sleep Formula makes it easy to fall asleep and wake up happily! It contains soothing, relaxing and sleep-promoting herbs fortified with magnesium and vitamin B 6, which also influence ideal sleep. Magnesium reduces the excitability of the nervous system, while vitamin B 6 controls emotions. If your body lacks magnesium, you can take sleeping pills as much as you like - with a lack of magnesium they will have only a temporary effect 1. Only when you close the magnesium hole in your health with the Sleep Formula will you sleep better.

Sleep formula- a herbal complex that has a cumulative effect. As a result, sleep improves gradually. With regular use of the Sleep Formula, your sleep will be calm and deep, and your awakening will be joyful and light. Having a good rest during the night, you will wake up in a great mood, enjoying the new day!

Lack of sleep can take years off your life. Don't let this happen! Be sure to try to establish sleep in a natural way using the Sleep Formula phytocomplex.

Phytocomplex Sleep formula promotes:

  • relieving emotional stress
  • ease the onset of sleep
  • improving sleep quality and duration

The phytocomplex Sleep Formula has successfully passed clinical trials at the clinics of the State Research Institute of Mental Health of the Tomsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

How do components work?

As a source of iridoids, it has a calming effect and helps to maintain the functional state of the nervous system.

It is used for increased nervous excitability and sleep disturbances.

It has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

B vitamins(B 1, B 6, B 12) are necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, take part in the formation of the membranes of nerve cells, are a necessary factor for the transmission of nerve impulses. B vitamins work more effectively in a group than alone, and when balanced, they have an anti-stress effect.

Plays an important role in the processes of muscular and nervous excitability of the body, it is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, therefore it is called the "element of tranquility." Magnesium is involved in the activation of many enzymatic reactions, including activating the B vitamins.


microcrystalline cellulose (carrier); magnesium carbonate; Escholtia extract; motherwort extract; hop extract; film coating components (food additives): hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (thickener), titanium dioxide and carmine (dyes), tween 80 (emulsifier), polyethylene glycol (glaze); maltodextrin (vehicle); vegetable calcium stearate, amorphous silica and starch (anti-caking agents); vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride); vitamin B 1 (thiamine hydrochloride); cyanocobalamin.
Recommendations for use

Adults and children over 14 years old take 2 tablets 30 minutes before bedtime. Duration of admission is at least 20 days.
In case of sleep disorders, the reception can be repeated 3-4 times a year.


Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

State Registration Certificate (SOGR)

No. KZ.Е.000522.03.14 dated 28.03.2014

Release form Film-coated tablets
Number of tablets in a package 40 tablets 0.5 g each
Shelf life 3 years
Storage conditions Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° С

1 "Insomnia: how long can you step on the same rake?"
2 Does not exceed the upper permissible level

The product is available depending on the legislation of the country and the availability of the product from the distributor.

In the history of mankind, there are a lot of people who talked about the fact that sleep is a little death and a useless gadget that evolution has forgotten to get rid of. We are very fortunate to live in the era of MRI and EEG, because the light of knowledge finally illuminated the truth - quite the opposite is true.

In the 90s, scientists went even further and unraveled the molecular mechanism underlying CR, for which in 2017 the Nobel Committee allocated a prize and lam bucks. After that, circadian rhythms, which were fashionable to mention ten years ago, again entered the top list of hot topics.

The researchers rushed to find out why nature even needed to build internal schedules into its sons. One of the advanced hypotheses says: in the distant, distant times in the deep depths of the world's oceans, cyanobacteria obsessively took up photosynthesis and was very successful - the planet began to fill with oxygen. For most of the life forms of that time, he was more likely a poison, and in order to get along with an unpleasant neighbor, they began to be active at night when photosynthesis subsided. The time management of cyanobacteria was just the opposite.

There is debate about the correctness of the hypothesis, scientists offer alternatives, but their leitmotif is always the same - circadian rhythms help organisms to optimize life processes adequately to the environment. The cave fish Phreatichthys andruzzii, blind and living in eternal darkness, focuses on the diet, D. rerio - on light and food. Other marine life depends on the ebb and flow cycle, and for humans, sunlight is most important.

To recognize it, we have special cells with the dreaded name "photosensitive retinal ganglion cells" (pRGC). These are not ordinary cones-rods that react to colors and light - pRGCs are sharpened strictly for sunsets and sunrises. Therefore, the blind, who could not read this article, easily "read" the change of the day. However, pRGCs recognize one color - blue. That is why it is easier for us to fall asleep in the light of a warm table lamp and garlands, and more difficult - under a fluorescent one.

The circadian rhythm of an ordinary adult Homo Sapiens is equal to 24 hours 18 minutes, and the suprachiasmatic (su-pra-hi-az-ma-ti-chesh-e) nucleus helps us to adjust it to the ideal 24 hours. It receives nerve signals from the pRGC and transmits the news of the change of day and night to the brain through commands for the pineal gland: to actively produce cortisol, the "stress hormone" during the day, and to produce melatonin, the "vampire hormone" at night.

Along with them, we have another regulator - adenosine. It accumulates as our cells work hard in the cells themselves or on their surface. By the end of the day, we feel sleepy because there is too much adenosine. It also makes us feel tired and slightly hungover - at its peak, this neurotransmitter drowns out the brain signals responsible for our vitality.

Sleep architecture

A clever girl who sleeps in a circadian rhythm, that is, at night and 7-9 hours a day, alternately goes through slow (FMS) and fast or REM sleep (aka REM). They're both pretty damn important.

Send a person in slow-wave sleep on an EEG and you will see long waves occurring 2-4 times per second. It seems that this is a slowdown in brain activity or coma, because during wakefulness, the frequency of the waves is almost 10 times higher. But everything is much more sophisticated: the work of the brain is synchronized and produces a single balanced rhythm.

At this point, slow waves send impressions, reflections and memories of the past day from short-term boxes to long-term boxes, that is, from the hippocampus to the neocortex. Experiments show that well-slept students in the exam pull answers from long-term memory, and those who did not sleep, on the contrary. Guess whose score is higher? Those whose slow-wave sleep processed and distributed all the useful information on the shelves.

The sponsor of the harmony of slow sleep is the thalamus (it is located at the entrance to the cerebral cortex, where our complex rationality sits, and weeds out sensory signals for it). In the phase of slow sleep, this "secretary of the cortex" is not active, and therefore the brain does not work to receive information and is calmly engaged in sorting it.

During REM sleep, the opposite is true: the thalamus plows, as if awake. But otherwise: it delivers sensations not from the outside, but from the inside, that is, it sends emotions, motivations, desires, fears, expectations for processing. Memories are replayed in all sensory regions of the cortex, and we again feel what we experienced. From this stream of internal signals, dreams are born, where the past and the present are mixed, emotional chains are rearranged and a single autobiographical narrative is born. According to some scholars, it is here that the history of individuality is happening.

During the fast phase, the areas of the brain that govern the ration fall asleep, and the mafia wakes up: the visuospatial area of ​​the back of the brain (responsible for visual perception), the motor cortex, deep emotional centers, the hippocampus, and areas responsible for autobiographical memory. These zones in REM sleep work 30% more actively than during wakefulness. At the same time, the level of norepinephrine associated with stress decreases - so we gain access to past memories and the ability to rebuild them without straining. This is why those who dream about traumatic events in the past often relieve stress and depression faster.

Bad: Night shift

So why does a freelancer working in Moscow Tokyo time, a night watchman or an avid party-goer suffer? Because a freelancer can be non-punctual, but his circadian rhythms cannot. Go to the very center of nothingness, where there is not a hint of the time of day, and you will still sleep and stay awake according to a certain pattern (7-9 and 17-15 hours, respectively). The peak of activity will inevitably overtake you closer to noon, because adenosine is still not enough, and the suprachiasmatic nucleus is already signaling: “The day has begun! Be active! " At 11 p.m. the systems will kick in and you will feel decrepit, weaker, sluggish, and sleepy, no matter how long you have been living in midnight mode.

Circadian rhythms can be shaken as the brain adapts to other pacemakers. Like the blind cave fish, we can adjust to the diet or exercise regime, temperature changes, and even social interaction. But it is impossible to completely "readjust" to the night mode until the sun goes out. This is why someone who looses their circadian rhythms by working the night shift is more likely to have health problems like heart disease, gastrointestinal distress, and an increased risk of cancer.

Bad: Get up early, go to bed later

For the same reason, shifting your sleep schedule is a bad idea. Here's a tragicomic fact for you: after switching to summer time, when sleep time is reduced by an hour, the number of deaths and heart attacks increases sharply, especially in the first week. But it's not just dangerous games with circadian rhythms.

During the night, slow and fast dreams are constantly fighting among themselves and every hour and a half one of them seizes power. If a person is awake from dusk to dawn, on the second night his brain gets more slow sleep (evolutionarily more ancient), and on the next - fast. This means that both are vital for the brain.

Interestingly, slow sleep always dominates in the first half of the night, and fast sleep in the second. That is why, going to bed at midnight and getting up at six, you are deprived of not just a quarter of sleep, but 60-90% of REM sleep, and vice versa. Cutting the mode at your own will means tough saving or losing money on bonuses given to us by nature.

Bad: Sleepy machismo

On the other hand, it is known that after a good sleep, we get a balanced work of the amygdala (responsible for emotions and the response "fight or flight") and the prefrontal cortex (rational brake). And having lost sleep, we go too far with emotions and do not use the brake, that is, we return to the ancient model of behavior with atrophied self-control. Sleep deprivation puts us on an emotional swing - a light version of bipolar. Makes us anxious (especially women) and forces us to pay more attention to the negative and read the neutral as bad. Lack of sleep also takes away from the immune system - those who sleep 5 hours a day on average get sick 32% more often than those who regularly sleep for 7 hours or more.

Bad: Tesla could, and I can

Now that we know about the internal biological clock, adenosine, different types of sleep and lack of sleep, guess the riddle: what happens to the brain if we sleep 4 hours a day or practice polyphasic sleep for 20 minutes?

A modest example of what eccentric sleepy machismo does to us: the participants in the "sleepy diet" experiment, who slept for 4 hours six days in a row, constantly fell into microsleep (that is, they turned off for a short time during periods of wakefulness). Constantly - that's 400% more than usual. After 11 days, they were as productive as those who had not gone to bed for two days in a row. Interestingly, when participants were asked about their health, they grossly underestimated the decline in their performance. Similar results were shown by a 10-day experiment with those who self-confidently stated that they had enough scanty polyphasic sleep.

You can read more about why snatches of sleep is a bad idea, and genius people probably did not practice it.

Good: Siesta

And now about good habits. When European countries began to officially abolish the siesta, the risk of death of the control groups monitored by scientists increased by 37%. Assertions are linked directly. In principle, this significant fact could have ended, but we are chatterboxes and will tell you a little more.

Biphasic sleep - that is, 8-9 at night and up to 26 minutes during the day (as recommended by NASA) - is a natural form of sleep for Homo Sapiens, the most successful. The clue lies in the circadian rhythm - for the time after lunch there is a decline in activity, and filling it with naps is the best we can figure out from a biological point of view (well, the second after sex). Maybe that's why communities that love naps are often called "places where people forget to die."

An agile modern person who already has a schedule of work, friends, courses, yoga, two hours of meditation and going for an eco-lunch, will surely send to hell with advice to sleep in the afternoon. And he will be wrong. Spending 20 minutes on sleep will improve concentration and alertness better than spending 20 minutes on a coffee trip. A small siesta increases the speed of thinking, perception and stamina, boosts memory and improves actual memorization (for example, words).

Instructions for the medical use of the homeopathic remedy

Attention! The information provided in this medication guide is intended for medical professionals and should not be used as a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Sleep-norm is given for information purposes only and is not intended to prescribe treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need a specialist consultation!

Description of the pharmacological action Sleep-norm

A complex homeopathic preparation, it contains homeopathic medicines from herbal raw materials in a highly potentiated form.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action, affects all links in the pathogenesis of sleep disorders. It helps to normalize the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system, improves sleep, reduces the time to fall asleep, improves the quality of sleep without changing its physiological phases, reduces daytime sleepiness, reduces the influence of emotional, autonomic, motor stimuli that disrupt the mechanism of falling asleep. The nature of dreams changes (restless obsessive dreams, terrible, frightening dreams, awakening with fear, palpitations stop). Under the influence of the drug, sleep and awakening proceed physiologically, improve health, memory, increase efficiency and tolerance of mental and physical stress.

The drug helps to improve sleep in children during teething, in patients who abuse coffee, alcohol, and smokers.

The action of the Sleep-norm is due to the summation of the action of the monopreparations included in its composition.

Coffea - reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, balances the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Facilitates and accelerates falling asleep by reducing the overexcitation of the nervous system and reducing hyperesthesia of the sense organs - hearing, vision (interfering with falling asleep due to the abundance of various sounds and light).

Ignatia - restores the physiological relationship between the phases of sleep, improves the quality of sleep, reduces the feeling of falling asleep, stops frightening dreams, sudden awakenings with palpitations, a feeling of fear, groans, crying in sleep.

Cimicifuga - improves the psycho-emotional state, eliminates the overexcitation of the nervous system, reduces depression, facilitates falling asleep, disturbed by the influx of sad thoughts, fantastic performances with the inability to be distracted, eliminates waking up at night due to strong thirst, acute hunger.

Arnica - improves cerebral circulation, improves the functioning of the brain in case of trace diseases - long-term consequences of injuries, concussions, exhaustion of the nervous system as a result of prolonged physical and mental overload, normalizes sleep, eliminates asthenia.

Indications for use Sleep-norm

Insomnia after psychophysical overload, stress, grief, hard physical labor, in athletes, students, as a result of prolonged forced sleep disturbance,
sleep disturbance in patients who abuse coffee, drugs, alcohol, smokers.

Release form Sleep-norm

homeopathic granules.

Contraindications to the use of Sleep-norm


Side effects Sleep-norm

Not identified.

Dosing and Administration Sleep-norm

Granules should be taken under the tongue until completely absorbed 15-20 minutes before meals or one hour after meals.

If necessary, the granules can be pre-dissolved in a small amount of water.
Take 5 pellets before bed.

In situations of prolonged psycho-emotional stress, it is recommended to take courses for 3-4 weeks with intervals of 7 days.

No addiction to the drug is observed.

The drug does not cause drowsiness during the day, therefore it is not contraindicated for drivers, representatives of other professions that require increased attention during work.

Overdose Sleep-norm

Not described.

Storage conditions Sleep-norm

Store in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Shelf life Sleep-norm

The Medication Guide is intended solely for informational purposes. For more information, please refer to the manufacturer's annotation. Do not self-medicate; before using the drug Sleep-norm, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace the consultation of a doctor and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

Are you interested in the drug Sleep-norm? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need a doctor's examination? Or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with the doctor- clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, advise you, provide the necessary assistance and diagnose. you also can call a doctor at home... Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

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You need to be very careful about your overall health. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. To do this, you just need to several times a year. be examined by a doctor, in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

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Sleep disorders occur in almost every person. In some cases, refusal to watch TV, a hot bath, and soothing tea help to fall asleep quickly. But in some situations and rest can only pills for insomnia.

Sleep pills

Sleep pills are called sleeping pills. There are 2 main groups of drugs:

  • with a narcotic effect: derivatives of barbituric acid.
  • without narcotic effect: benzodiazepines, melatonin drugs, non-benzodiazepine drugs (z-drugs), benzodiazepine receptor stimulants, antihistamines.

Important! In large doses, barbiturates have a narcotic effect. Overdose leads to respiratory failure, coma, death.

Indications for the use of tablets

Sleep medications are prescribed when the patient has difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently at night, or other problems. The reasons for this condition are usually:

  • psycho-emotional arousal;
  • anxiety;
  • depression;
  • flights (change of time zones);
  • obstructive;
  • pain syndrome;
  • mental and somatic diseases.

Having found out the cause of insomnia, the doctor prescribes drugs of various pharmacological groups.

Types of pills

There are several types of drugs that normalize sleep:

  • herbal medicines: contain only vegetable raw materials, have a mild effect, relieving anxiety;
  • drugs of synthetic origin: contain the sleep hormone melatonin, bromine and other substances that quickly act on the central nervous system are included in the list of prescription drugs;
  • combined means: one of the active substances can be phenobarbital and herbal components;
  • homeopathic remedies: contain only natural ingredients and sweeteners, have a mild effect, do not have a quick effect, and have a general strengthening effect.

Many synthetic tablets have a number of contraindications and side effects. Only a physician should prescribe a drug.


Do not prescribe a potent sleeping pill for people who have the following problems:

  • sleep-related respiratory failure;
  • chronic impairment of pulmonary function;
  • people who drive vehicles in the morning;
  • addiction (alcoholic, drug).

Each medicinal product has a number of its own contraindications, therefore, it is necessary to study the annotation before use.

Important! Sleeping pills are not prescribed for children under two years of age. At this age, there is an increased risk of death during sleep, since the respiratory center is not fully formed.

Side effects

Prescription drugs have many side effects. The main unwanted actions include:

  • addictive;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • withdrawal syndrome with prolonged use;
  • decreased cognitive functions (memory, attention).

Each drug can have different negative effects. Common: allergic reactions, headache and dizziness. Among the side effects are often decreased libido, dyspeptic disorders, weakness. Therefore, you should ask your doctor which pills help you fall asleep without consequences for the body.

List of lungs without prescriptions

Mild sedatives with sleeping pills have various names. Usually, herbal ingredients are the basis of the preparation.


Plant-based product. Prescribed for irritability, depression. Available in pill form to improve sleep. The medicine enhances the effect of other hypnotics.


  • has an antispasmodic effect;
  • promotes rapid falling asleep;
  • relieves anxiety and nervous tension.


  • with prolonged use causes constipation;

Do not appoint in case of allergic reactions to components, hypotension, children under three years of age.

Patient Testimonials mostly positive. Negative responses are associated with decreased concentration during the day or poor performance.

Price an average of 300 rubles.

Analogs: Novo-passite, Alora, Dream Interpretation.

Prices for Persen Night capsule 10 pcs.

Prices for Persen tablets 20 pcs.

Prices for Persen tablets 40 pcs.


Plant-based. Relieves fears, anxiety and excitement, helps to fall asleep. Available in tablets and syrup.


  • helps with overwork well;
  • relieves tension headache;
  • weakens the symptoms of neuroses.


  • may cause allergies;
  • constipation with prolonged use;
  • causes drowsiness during the day;
  • provokes dizziness.

Mostly there are good reviews about syrup and pills for non-addictive insomnia. Patients also have a negative attitude towards the drug. The depressed state and lack of effect are noted.

Price an average of 300 rubles.

Analogs: Phytosed, tincture of motherwort, peony, valerian.

Prices for Novo-Passit tablets 10 pcs.

Prices for Novo-Passit tablets 30 pcs.

Prices for Novo-Passit tablets 60 pcs.

Prices for Novo-Passit oral solution 100 ml vials

Prices for Novo-Passit oral solution 200 ml vials

Motherwort forte


  • have an anticonvulsant and diuretic effect;
  • lower blood pressure.


  • provokes allergic reactions;
  • digestive problems are possible.

Do not appoint with hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, pregnant and lactating.

According to reviews people with problems falling asleep with irritability helps well. However, it can cause allergies and is ineffective.

Average price RUB 150

Analogs: motherwort tincture, motherwort P, valerian.

Prices for Motherwort Forte Evalar tablets 40 pcs;

Prices for Motherwort Forte tablets 28 mg 10 pcs;

Prices for Motherwort Forte tablets 500 mg 20 pcs;

Prices for Motherwort Forte tablets 28 mg 40 pcs;


Used for REM sleep. The medicine has a sedative effect. Belongs to the group of anxiolytics.


  • reduces anxiety;
  • does not provoke memory loss;
  • is an adaptogen.


  • the effect appears after 3 weeks;
  • causes allergic reactions.

Has contraindications:

  • age under 18;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity.

Of the positive reviews it can be noted the lack of addiction, improved mood, mild action. Negative responses are associated with the ineffectiveness of the remedy.

Price from 350 rubles.

Analogs: Adaptol, Mebikar.

Prices for Afobazole tablets 10 mg 60 pcs.;


Available in plant-based drops. Has a sedative effect, helps to fall asleep quickly. Applied in case of falling asleep disturbance.


  • normalizes the autonomic and central nervous system.
  • Helps with mental fatigue.


  • long-term treatment;
  • low efficiency in severe sleep disorders.

Contraindications include:

  • low blood pressure;
  • allergy to components.

Some patients are dissatisfied with the effectiveness of the product and the price. With long-term treatment, it normalizes normal falling asleep.

Price from 900 rubles

Analogs: Alora, Novo-passite.


On natural herbal ingredients. Prescribed for fatigue, nervous tension, tension headache.


  • strengthens the vascular walls;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • improves metabolism;
  • helps to fall asleep.


  • does not apply to fast-acting drugs;
  • provokes allergic reactions.

The drug is not prescribed for individual intolerance, pregnant and lactating women, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

There are more positive reviews about the medicine. Negative responses include cost and inefficiency.

Price starts from 1000 rubles.

Analogs: Persen, Novo-Passit.


The product is available in tablets or alcohol tinctures. During treatment, it has a slow but stable sedative effect.


  • reduces the excitability of the nervous system;
  • does not make you feel tired;
  • shows a choleretic effect;
  • eliminates spasms;
  • slows down the rhythm of the heart.


  • provokes dyspeptic disorders;
  • causes lethargy;
  • the appearance of muscle weakness is possible.

Do not prescribe with depression, gallstone disease and bradycardia.

The remedy has good reviews... Of the negative responses about sleeping pills, there is no effect, slow action.

Price an average of 50 rubles.

Analogs: solution of peony, motherwort, lemon balm.

Prices for Valerian P tablets 100 pcs.;

Prices for Valerian medicinal tablets 20 mg 50 pcs;

Prices for Valerian medicinal tincture 25 ml;


The active ingredient B is an amino acid that has a calming effect on the nervous system. The tool belongs to nootropics, improves metabolism in brain tissues.


  • helps with emotional stress;
  • prescribed for alcoholism;
  • reduces nervous tension;
  • reduces the time to fall asleep;
  • improves condition after ischemic stroke;
  • reduces hyperactivity in children.


  • in rare cases, it causes allergic reactions.

Among the contraindications only hypersensitivity to the drug. Many patients write that sedative pills do not help with insomnia. Some people note that taking a course of the medication helps to reduce nervous tension and fall asleep quickly.

Price from 25 rubles.

Analogs: Trigamma, Vitagamma, Tenoten.

Prices for Glycine tablets sublingual 100 mg 50 pcs.

List of powerful over-the-counter sleeping pills

If sleep problems are chronic, doctors recommend using stronger insomnia tablets.


Strong hypnotics are prescribed for falling asleep and maintaining sleep.


  • reduces the time to fall asleep;
  • does not change the phase of sleep.


  • provokes urinary retention;
  • decreased performance.

Do not prescribe with angle-closure glaucoma, prostate adenoma, urinary disorders. Cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 15 years of age.

Patients note daytime sleepiness, dry mouth, with prolonged use, constipation and urinary retention. In some cases, tremors appeared and anxiety arose.

Price from 130 rubles.

Analogs: Doxylamine, Reslip.

Prices for Donormil tablets 30 pcs.;


The active ingredient is melatonin. These are night pills for sound sleep.


  • has an adaptogenic effect;
  • not addictive;
  • normalizes circadian rhythms.


  • may cause allergic reactions;
  • do not recommend being in direct sunlight;
  • can interfere with fertilization.

The drug is contraindicated in cases of impaired liver and kidney function, diabetes mellitus, myeloma, leukemia, leukemia. According to indications, the remedy can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Some patients noted the occurrence of swelling, dizziness, headache. Testimonials about the medicine are mostly positive.

Price an average of 600 rubles.

Analogs: Circadin, Vita-Melatonin.

Prices for Melaxen tablets 12 pcs.

Prices for Melaxen tablets 24 pcs.


The drug contains phenobarbital. This strong sleeping pill has a calming effect and helps with cardiac neuroses.


  • quickly acts in case of nervous tension;
  • reduces the time to fall asleep.


  • dizziness;
  • in large doses, it causes tachycardia, nervous overexcitement, anxiety, nausea;
  • with prolonged use can cause depression, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, ataxia.

Do not appoint with craniocerebral trauma, pregnancy and lactation, renal and hepatic failure.

The drug has good