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How to restore sincere equilibrium? How to gain peace of mind and not lose yourself


If you feel that they began to experience an inexplicable anxiety, quarrel without reasons with relatives and friends, often raise the voice to others, then you are clearly not in order. So, you need to find free time, at least one day, in order to relax and lead yourself to the norm. Even in the case of serious trouble, you can always find a way to remove yourself for a while. After all, ignoring your condition inner worldYou risk gaining health problems, and will overcome people who love you, but cannot understand such a state.

Postpone all the affairs and care, take the ran down, send a husband (wife) and to visit to relatives, turn off the phone, forget about all sources of information. Stay alone with yourself and spend this day in so that nothing bothered the absolute rest around you. Sleep off, then take a bath with some relaxing, aromatic butter or foam. Next, listen to soothing music or, for example, records such as the sounds of nature, the sea, etc. You can pamper yourself with something. These small joys will make you almost a new, able to rejoice in life again.

After rest you will have the strength and you can spend the evening with your loved ones. Visit some place with which you are connected with pleasant memories. A pleasant society and the situation will help your soul calm down.

If you have the opportunity, go on vacation. For example, to the sea. Water will remove, and the change in the situation and activities will be able to achieve inner harmony. Perhaps on those problems that seemed to be unresolute, you look with other eyes. Understand what peace of mind It is necessary for a calm, measured life.

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Successful man It is possible to determine not only by its achievements, but also by the internal state of satisfaction. It often manifests itself in life in the form of raised mood and enthusiasm. When looking at such a person, you can immediately say that it is in its place. That's just to find this place not everyone and not always succeeded on the first attempt.

What does "be in place" mean

On the question of, "his place in life," you can give several answers. For someone to be in place to successfully make a career or take place in a professional sense. Another person is enough to find a hobby in the shower, which will fully realize the internal creative potential. Third consider themselves in their place when they are surrounded by people close to the spirit.

Regardless of the individual value of this concept, find its place means to be in the comfort zone. In such an atmosphere, a person feels confident, does not doubt and does not spend time looking for his destination. Being in its place, the personality is satisfied, peace and peace. Even inevitable small troubles, without which it is difficult to do in life, they are not able to withdraw such a person from the state of spiritual equilibrium.

Searches for your place in life

Almost every person, with rare exceptions, builds his life by samples and errors. It is not so often you can meet those who have already realized their destiny, chose your professional path and the scope of application of its natural talents. To make the search for optimal life path The most short, it makes sense to engage in self-analysis.

To find own place In life will help a peculiar inventory of their abilities and interests. To get into your destination and feel in your place, it is important that the case that a person chooses as the main thing was in agreement with internal installations and human preferences. If you choose a niche for yourself to which you do not have interest, you can feel "not in your plate" until the end of your days.

It is best if in the process of finding the profession a person will find out for himself a matter that he causes sincere interest. To achieve professional success, you have to be given to work entirely, without a balance. It will be very difficult to maintain the necessary motivation if the case you do does not cause you. In this sense, find your place means finding the case you will be engaged with hobby.

Those who are still in finding their place in life and in thought, one can recommend a very strong psychological move. It consists in conscious expansion of the usual comfort zone. For this, it is enough to visit the places where you have not had before, to do business, which you consider to be unbearable for yourself, to get acquainted with new people or even completely change your surroundings.

Going beyond the same zone of life comfort, a person expands its capabilities and is often encountered on the most unexpected areas of application of their abilities. At first, the exit beyond the usual can cause uncertainty in their forces and temporary discomfort. But for many people, such a decision becomes an effective way to better know ourselves and fully realize their personal potential.

Rest in soul - what it is? This is a harmonious look at the world, calm and self-confidence, the ability to rejoice and forgive, cope with complex situations. Internal harmony is not so often found in the modern world, where everyone has a tight schedule of affairs and responsibilities, so it simply lacks a minute to stop and admire the sunset. Observe B. soul Peace is possible. Psychologists give several advice on this.


Rest And harmony is impossible without joy and in the heart. Do not be afraid to give your time and share my soulenergy, refer to people positively. If you expect from others good deeds, To see the best in humans and treat them with all, you can find that there are a lot of beautiful people around you. Treating people positively and friendly, you will notice that they are responsible for you. When everything is in order with the rest of people, it is good base For internal equilibrium.

Treat problems not as trouble, so inappropriately poured on your head, but how to task you need to perform. Many rushes to accusers colleagues, acquaintances and relatives, they are ready to reveal all the secrets of their life with a fellow traveler, complaining of life all the way, but they do not ask themselves what is the true reason. And she very often lies in the very! Try to understand if there is something that bothers you in you? Sometimes to gain harmony, you need to change. Do not blame yourself, but work on yourself.

Goodbye others. All make mistakes. If there are people who you can't forgive, you can not forget what they caused you - soulyou can't reach at home. Justice is the category of law, and there it is not always achieved, and man judges "by grace", so forgive. Moreover, forgiveness should not only be forgiven, but also yourself! It is very important, because many can not forgive themselves any laughter, accusing themselves in all failures.

Rejoice. From this there is a life, and not at all of serious and big events. If it is possible to make some small business that will delight your loved ones - do not miss the case to make it. Such things at first glance seem insignificant, but they allow to achieve a permanent good spirit, and from this to soulselief is one step.

Planning something, tell yourself not "I have to do it," and "I want to do it." After all, most of the cases you "must" are actually your planned and desired affairs that you really want to do. For example, without experiencing desires right now to go to the store for flour, you still have conceived it to bake something tasty and please your family. That is, in reality you should not go for the purchase, but you want to do it to achieve your goal.

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  • how to find peace of mind

Often you can hear how people complain that they can't find peace of mind. If you determine it as an inner and external human harmony, then this may mean reconciliation with him and the surrounding reality. This is a condition when you do not have internal contradictions and adjusted calm, friendly relations with those who are next to you. The peace of mind is necessary that all the misfortunes and diseases cost you.


In one of biblical Proverbs It is said that a person suffering that he had no shoes, comforted when he saw a man who had no feet. If you are bad, then send your strength not to suffering, but to help other people. If someone from your loved ones or friends is even harder, suggest your participation, help him. A grateful look will be enough for you to feel peace and happiness from what someone has become easier.

When you understand that your life and your happiness depend only on you, that only you know all of all that you need and cease to make complaints to others, then you will stop annoying and deceive in your expectations. Never copy the resentment, forgive people who have done to hurt you. Communicate with those who are pleasant and yours will be strengthened every day.

Hell appreciate life and notice how beautiful it is. Enjoy every minute everybody lived during the day. Understand that the external environment depends on your internal state. Depending on the mood, the attitude to the same phenomena changes. So control yourself and do not let malice and envy influence your world weight. Do not condemn other people, let them give themselves assessments.

Do not treat troubles as a punishment and barrier, be grateful to the fate for helping you to have their own character, achieve our goal, overcoming them. In any trouble and failure, look for positive moments And find them. Do not perceive every trifle as a confirmation that everything is in the world against you. Refuse negative and become free.

Live the present, because the past has already passed and suffer from it - a waste of time. The future begins today, so be happy with what you have now. Fill your soul with warmth and light, love and appreciate those who are next to you today, so as not to regret that they did not see and not appreciated it.

Sincere calm allows you to bring your emotional state by order. A man becomes more cheerful and happy. The quality and speed of work increases noticeably, and the relationship with the surrounding people is improved. But how to find peace of mind?

Manage your thoughts. Do not let the negative curb your feelings. If subconsciously look for bad in the surrounding things, they will soon be completely consisting of flaws. Program your consciousness on the positive stream of emotions. Teach him to see good even where nothing good seems to be. Learn to control thoughts. This will concentrate on truly important things.

Live today. The main enemy of the soul rest is the mistakes of the past and constant experience. It is necessary to confess to itself that the unrest will not help change the situation. It is better to take specific actions so that this error is not exactly no longer happening. Find positive sides In this unsuccessful experience, just stop being crowded due to a silly oversight.

Focus on your purpose. When a person knows what she strives for, his mental state becomes very. Do not doubt that you will achieve the desired one. Just continue to go despite all the obstacles. Constantly imagine that you have already received what you wanted. This will give you an additional influx for the fight against the negative.

Sit in silence. A few minutes of this practice make it possible to remove emotional and physical tension, fatigue and mental concern. At such moments, you can argue about life and make plans for the future. Regular reflections in silence make it possible to quickly find peace of mind.

The fussiness of modern life makes more often think about how to find the inner rest. After all, so I want to achieve equilibrium and arrive in the world with yourself. Make it in a state every person who dares to look at her life from the side and change it.


Love yourself. Learn how to take yourself as you are. With all the shortcomings, weaknesses and other frightening moments. Appreciate yourself, your personality and your body.

Calm and order, general mental equilibrium is the desired states of each person. Our life mainly passes like a swing - from negative emotions in Euphoria, and back.

How to find and keep the point of equilibrium so that the world is perceived positively, calmly, nothing annoyed, did not scare, and the present moment brought inspiration and joy? Is it possible to find a long sincere equilibrium? Yes, perhaps! Moreover, the real freedom comes with calmness and simple happiness to live.

it simple rulesAnd they work strictly. You just need to stop thinking how to change, and start applying them.

1. Stop asking: "Why did it happen to me?" Ask yourself another question: "What happened wonderful? What good can it turn into for me? " Good have surely, just need to see it. Any problem may result in a real gift. More if you consider it as a chance, and not as a punishment or injustice.

2. Develop gratitude. Every evening let out the results: what can I say "Thank you" to the past day. If peace of mind is lost - remember the good things that you have, and about what you can thank life.

3. Load the body with exercise. Remember that the brain most actively produces "Hormones of happiness" (endorphins and enkephalins) precisely during physical training. Therefore, if you have overcome problems, anxiety, insomnia - go outside and walk for several hours. A quick step or run will be distracted from sad thoughts, they will raise the brain with oxygen and raise the level of positive hormones.

4. Work out the "free posture" and come up with a happy pose. The body knows how to help great when you need to return the mental balance. It "remembers" the feeling of joy if you just straighten your back, make your shoulders, will breathe and smile. Consciously hold yourself some time in such a posture, and you will see that thoughts in the head become calmer, confident and happy.

5. Return yourself to the state "here and now." Easily exercise helps to get rid of alarm: look around, focus on what you see. Start mentally "voice" a picture, inserting as many words "now" and "here." For example: "I'm going on the street now, the sun shines here. Now I see a man, he carries yellow flowers…" etc. Life consists only of the moments "Now", do not forget about it.

6. Do not exaggerate your problems. After all, if you even fuck you close to my eyes, it will acquire the size of an elephant! If some experience seems to you insurmountable, think, as if ten years have passed ... how many problems have already been before - you decided them all. Therefore, this trouble will be, do not dive into it with your head!

7. Laugh more. Try to find something funny in the current state of affairs. It does not work - then just find a reason for sincere laughter. Look at the funny movie, remember the funny case. The power of laughter is just amazing! Sincere equilibrium is often refunded after a good dose of humor.

8. Forgive more. Researches are like heavy, bad smelling stones that you everywhere with you. What peaceful calm can be with such a cargo? Therefore, do not hold the evil. People are just people, they cannot be perfect and always carry only good. So forgive the offenders and forgive yourself.

10. Chat more. Any pain hidden inside is multiplied and brings new sad fruits. Therefore, share your experiences, discuss them with loved ones, look for their support. Do not forget that a person is not intended for loneliness. The mental equilibrium can be found only in close relationships - friendly, loved births.

11. Pray and meditate. Do not allow bad evil thoughts to control you, sow panic, pain and irritation. Change them on short prayers - Appeal to God or meditation - a state of not-thinking. Stay the unmanaged internal conversation stream. This is the basis of a kind and stable mental state.

When you happen periods of disappointment and easy depression (however, you are not alone in this), teach yourself not to succumb to their influence and quickly eliminate. For this you only need to feel yourself a more cheerful and self-sufficient person. You can't control what is happening with you completely, but you are able to keep your own attitude to this taking place under control. Even if you had one of the worst days in life, you can easily create around yourself an aura of optimism and tranquility. And it is not so difficult.

1. Smile

The expression of your face can strengthen emotions, because you smile more often - it charges you with positive and kind emotions. The smile is one of the easiest, but literally the most magical things, because with its help you can affect the quality of both the life of your own and the lives of people around. It happens that the smile does not help you, but she may inspire others. But it is also great, right?

2. Do just what makes you happy

Listen to the music that you love, wear that clothes that you like, eat your favorite delicacies and do everything that in turn makes you happy. If someone discrete you to condemn you, boldly ignore it. Alien opinion and other people's rules should not touch you.

3. Forget about your mistakes

Having made a mistake, do not conine and do not execute yourself. It's just a lesson or even, you can say, acceleration so that you move on. Of course, periodically thoughts on the misses will pop up in your memory, but they should not manage your life. Golden Rule for real happy man - Think exclusively about good. And this is one of extreme ways Building your happiness.

4. Stop being pessimist

It is difficult to stay positive in difficult times, but who said it is impossible if a sober mind can really help cope with the problem. When you encounter a difficult situation, just keep calm and clarity of mind to quickly find the way out of the situation. Often, pessimists are not able to overcome even a minor obstacle because of their concern and anxiety, and this only aggravates their condition.

5. Make a break

Take away from problems and no reality to you to tune in to a more positive wave. Read the inspirational book, look at the informative TV program or listen to good music to raise the mood. Try to set out all your life difficulties On paper, because such a written expression of feelings and emotions can help you in clarifying the situation and developing a new approach to it.

6. Do not concentrate on the negative

What do you first notice in a person at the first acquaintance? If you are rushing to the remnant clothes, kosonazychiya or lack of good manners, then why not focus on finding positive qualities in this person? There are many not very pleasant people in the world, but sometimes you can see really magnificent human qualities. Looking for always and in everything only positive.

7. Show the initiative

Even if you feel sad and depressed, it's not a reason to sit at home alone. Yes, sometimes it takes time and privacy to restore, but such "therapy" should not be a habit. Show activity and initiative, invite friends for dinner or arrange a cute party. A little fun and carefree communication will help you forget about troubles and spend time with those who please you.

Many of the people ask themselves the question: "How to gain peace of mind and calm, which will make harmoniously interact with the outside world, while maintaining the interaction of the balance at all levels (mental, emotional and physical) personality?

Improved by passing through the veil of oblivion and while in the process of life under the influence of many catalyst energies, to remember the true and gaining the inner balance is not an easy task and this is the challenge that stands before each.

The top of this is available to everyone, and all the faces of it and so are in our inside. Each installs and configures its system in a comfortable range and borders.

The inner balance of a person cannot be achieved by an extraneous effect, it should be born inside, it does not matter how it will happen, with an awareness of or without it, but the essence will proceed from the inside. Outer side Can help only with the direction, but not with self-organization.
Moreover, random and "raid" on self-development here are not helpers. To achieve internal purposes - you need to carefully treat yourself and systematically work.

The acquisition of spiritual equilibrium and harmony with himself is the level of our state that is available in every moment of our reality here and now.

The nature of these things is not passive at all, but on the contrary - is very dynamic and implemented by a variety of other factors. All this is organized by a combination: mental activity, energy, body, emotional part. Any of these factors has a serious impact on the rest, by organizing a person being in a single whole creature.

Before each of us is a challenge and he is accepted by each of us, manifests itself in our free choice.

Internal balance of man - this is required conditions For life in our world. And if we ourselves do not form it, it will be formed without our conscious participation and entered into a certain low-frequency range allows you to manipulate, manage, and take energy.

That is why our question is directly related to the real freedom and non-volatility of each.

Modes of formation of mental equilibrium and harmony

Achievement is possible in two modes:

First mode

Conscious, personally managed process of building, adjustment and configuration of all components of internal harmony. In this case, an individual equilibrium built in the process is stable, positive, energy filled and optimal.

Second mode

Unconscious, chaotic, when a person lives, unconsciously obeying and following the automatic inclusion of a chain of thoughts, emotions and actions. In this case, our nature is built in the low-frequency control range and is implemented as destructive and destroying for humans.

Over time, entertaining a positive working worldview, we can create our own ways to integrate and install internal balancing at any time, even the most critical.

Factors affecting the formation of spiritual equilibrium

1. Speed \u200b\u200baccommodation

The desire to accelerate the flow of events in life, intolerance and a negative reaction in the form of irritation due to how soon the events unfold, the rejection of what is happening contributes to the emergence of an imbalance.

Stay in the moment, the adoption of the circumstances that we cannot affect, promotes only better decision questions. Our reactions to the external events occurring are key and defining it. Only we ourselves choose how we react to emerging situations and events.

All external catalysts are originally neutral in their essence, and only we decide what they will be, reveal their potentials.
Giving time is to concentrate on each action. It does not matter what you do, staging buttons, cook food, wash dishes, or something else.

Step by step, we should pass our way, to pay our attention only to the present, not to accelerate the movements that move with due speed. Let's let a small thing in your world, give him completely, should not constantly betray what you care about you, you need to learn to distract the mind.

Such simple actions for pumping awareness, but the stone water sharpens and what you will achieve will hit you. It is the little things that we start the way make our consciousness more plastic and weaken all that tensions that will be copied in us for years, pushing us into an unreal world. We do not dream of how it should be, we are moving to it yourself. Once, just wash the dishes with an obvious interest, think only about it, do not hurry, let the thinking process do everything for you. Such simple logic reveals the usual at a completely different angle. Moreover, the world itself becomes more understandable attentive and thinking, already at this stage retreats some of the fears.

Not everything in life we \u200b\u200bcan control - this means that it does not quite make sense to fight, such is reality. And it often happens that any other impact will bring only the harm of the situation and mean that it will be consciously gaining peace of mind and harmony in ourselves are not ready.

2. Moderation

Care from the surprise of surroundings of survivors, the ability does not divide the world on black and white, the ability to clearly understand the level own forces, not to waste time in your mind - all this makes it possible to accumulate the necessary potential of our energy to further use it when creating a positive internal balance (equilibrium).

3. Image of thinking

Thoughts are an energy substance within us. To establish harmony, it is necessary to distinguish and track them. But not every thought that we catch inside ourselves belongs to us. We ourselves must choose what to believe. It is necessary to consciously distinguish the thoughts coming to us.

Our motives are mirrored in the world around, the negative state of thoughts will apply to the world weight as a whole. Inciting himself to track thoughts and making a conscious choice, we take responsibility for our lives, achieve a mental balance and harmony with yourself.

Tracking thoughts involves not reacting to the resulting images reflexively, automatically. Make a pause, feel what feelings and emotions this thought is, and make a choice like it, or not.

An unconscious quick automatic emotional response to emerging negative thoughts launches the process of developing and emissions of negative low-frequency energy, which reduces the frequency level of energy bodies and, as a result, lowers in low ranges.
The ability to distinguish, track, and choose thinking makes the opportunity and creates the conditions for creating or restoring personal soul equilibrium and tranquility.

4. Emotions

Human emotions are an estimated identity relationship and response to the impact of external life catalysts.
With a conscious attitude, our sensual sphere, our emotions are the divine gift and the creative force, uniting with the highest aspect of the Superstone, an inexhaustible source forces.

With an unconscious attitude and automatic emotional reactions to external catalysts, the cause of suffering, pain, balance disorders.

If thoughts, figuratively speaking, the "trigger" starts the launch of energy processes, then emotions are those driving forcesthat give acceleration (acceleration) these processes. It all depends on the direction of attention of the vector and on how consciously or unconsciously dive into this accelerating flow. Everyone chooses how to use this force for creativity, creation, strengthening communication with its superdad, or for destructive explosive emissions.

5. Physical body

The body is just a continuation of our thinking.
At the level physical body The energy circuit is closed by the binding thoughts - the body, emotions - the body, the harmonic system - the emission of energy.

For the use of specific thinking with the addition of an emotional cocktail, an influx of an individual type neurotransmitters, which determine which personal physical and moral feeling we will experience

  • Positive emotionsthey cause relaxation and tranquility, allow our body and not to overcome energy and work in the right mode.
  • Negative emotions on the contrary cause local dstruses, which can manifest itself with smooth muscles and deformations of tissue shells, spasms and compression, have an accumulated effect, so lead long-term negative processes throughout the body

The hormonal system of man reacts to an emotional state, which means that it has a direct impact on the body of the body in the moment, with back side, with an increase in the level of some hormones, emotionality grows.

As a result, we are able to learn to control emotions, driving to some extent a hormonal level of the body, and this will give us the opportunity to easily overcome part negative emotionsWe will receive control over them. This skill will largely determine our potential to damp against many painful states, and later life expectancy.

7 Soviets for the acquisition of sincere equilibrium and harmony

1. Abandon strict planning

When plans are created to draw the goals of development, sales of maneuvers, achievements and results - then everything is in order. But when we control every minute of our living space, we demoralize themselves from the fact that behind. We need forever to run somewhere and all the time. In this mode, we yourself are closed on domestic aspects and miss special opportunities to solve situations. You should be more plastic and open to maneuvering on events without emotional suffering.

It is difficult to see every little thing from possible events in the future, but if we are capable of adjustments in the moment, nothing knocks us out of the rut, and we confidently float in line with life, deftly driving our "paddle", returning to the right balance on time.

2. Symbols are not accidental

Nothing happens by chance. If we are able to see, distinguish and believe the signs that we are sent from higher plans, we can manage our balance and avoid many troubles. Training a vision and feeling of signs can be avoided in a timely manner negative influences And following in the optimal frequency range of settings, adjust the destruction in the stream of energies, enveling mental equilibrium and calm in life.

3. Practice faith in God and serving to the highest forces

We must have a sacral place in direct (physical) and figurative sense (aspiration and faith), this allows you to maintain "cleanliness", "confidence" and "form" the right goals. Trust! Trust Divine Providence, Flow, Most High, and also as a Creator - the key to follow the flow, the key to a successful, calm, filled, realized life. Do not pull out the "steering wheel" from the hands of the highest providence, let help you with the present.

4. Forget the problem at time and trust the universe of its decision

Often we can not stop your thinking mind, because we are bothering us a large number of Problems. One of good technician - Learn to "forget" a request. If you have some kind of problem - you formulate it, and then "forget." And your vision at this time independently finds a solution to the problem, and after some time you can "remember" your request along with his decision.

Learn to listen to your heart, to your inner voice, Facey, to his supernatural intuition, which tells you - "I don't know why I need it - but I'm going there now," "I don't know why it is necessary to leave - but it's time for us," I don't know why I need there Go - But for some reason I have to go. "

In the state of the balance of equilibrium, we can act, even if we do not fully know or understand the situation logically. Teach listening to yourself. Allow yourself to be inconsistent, situational and flexible. Trust the stream, even when it is difficult. If difficulties are observed in your life, while you are sure that they have listened to themselves, their intuition, and did the best that they could in the current situation - do not hurry to accuse the stream, ask yourself what this situation teaches you.

What does the flow take me through this situation? If there is no answer to this question - just release it. Trust. Perhaps it will be revealed later - and you will learn, "Why was it all." But even if it does not reveal, trust anyway. Once again - confidence is the key!

5. Treat the time correctly

Do not go to the past - the past has already happened. Do not live by the future - it has not come, and may not come, but may come completely different (the most unexpected). All we have is the present moment! Concentrate at each time of your existence when the time flow is at the level of your.

Skill be It manifests itself in a conscious attitude towards consciousness slows down, and in this moment you can feel the taste and completeness of all the lifelong it would seem like a simple action. Feel the taste of her in the taste of food, in flowers flavors, in the blue sky, in the rustle of the leaves, in the murmur of the stream, in the flight of the autumn leaf.

Every moment is unique and unique, remember it, charge them and these feelings that you experienced in this unique instant moment. Your feelings, your perception is unique in all universe. All that everyone has collected in itself is its gifts of eternity and his immortality.

The equilibreence is nothing but the desire to live in this world at the speed, with which it actually goes, that is, simply do not rush it. Testing irritation and have a real opportunity to influence the speed of occurring events - completely different things.

And if something depends on you really, it can always be done calmly. And most often the real symptoms of irritation are nervous gesticulation, rage, accusatory speeches that we say to ourselves, a delicious feeling "Well, why am I?" - They appear only at the moment when it is already crystal clear that we are absolutely powerless and can not affect the process.

The only thing we can is in one moment, not irritating and not accelerating, enjoying, thank for him. And it is with such a choice and the relationship in this moment that the unique and optimal our mental equilibrium and harmony with themselves is supported.

6. Creative potential

At the level coming beyond our linear thinking 3-dimension creative potential is the disclosure of the highest divine potentials of one endless creator at the personal level. The disclosure of the creative potential fills the positive energy, allows you to be maximally balanced, increases the frequency of the energy-level, and strengthens your personal relationship with its superdad.

Practicing the classes of your favorite thing, especially if it is connected with the hands of some small motor work - you enter the state when your mind is automatically calmed. Right today, right now - find moments how to do what you like to do. It may be cooking, making souvenirs, writing paintings, writing prose and poems, walking in nature, car repair, listening to your favorite music and much more, which brings you personally joy.

Do not ask yourself - why? Throw rational, "correct" questions. Your task is to feel the heart, feel the course of circumstances, and the easiest way to do this, performing what I like. If you like to cook - prepare if you like to walk - walk, try to find what "includes" you in the "live / live" state.

7. Take from people and life what she gives you currently with love and gratitude both in terms of material and emotional.

Do not demand more or better, do not try to aggressively influence, offended or "learn" of the other.
Finally, look for and experiment that it helps to calm your thinking mind. What exactly allows you to relax, and get into space without thoughts? What method works well for you? Find these ways and make the most important thing - practice.

Our optimally balanced personal equilibrium is associated with the Divine Energy Stream. Therefore, in order to be in this thread, we need to assemble yourself in such a way that our frequencies are configured to this thread. Feel this stream at the level of heart, feelings, thoughts, remember these frequency settings, integrate these frequency settings in your energy source and make them your integral part.

To be here and now in one moment of eternity at the frequency of love in infinity of one endless Creator!