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New Testament Bible for Children Proverbs. Children's Bible: The New Testament is a parable about the insane richer, the parable of the richer and Lazar, the parable of the lost sheep. Biblical parables. What they teach

Destruction of wicked

Gentiles are saved for kindness

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Is it possible to say that the parables is only what our great teacher is Christ?

In fact, parables in the Bible are much more common than we, people, usually present it. And when the disciples of Christ asked: "What are you talking about them?" "(Matthew 13: 10), then the response of the Lord showed the essence of not only the parable, but also of the entire Holy Scripture:

'' You are given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God, and the external things happen in the parables; So they look with their own eyes, and do not see; They hear their ears, and do not understand, so they will not turn, and they will be forgiven the sins "" (Mar.4: 11,12).

The word of God is written in such a way that each reading this book can understand it in his own way, as his inner essence tells him. And people often find those or other places from the scriptures that confirm exactly their views. But it should not be, since the Lord said: '' Blessed with a pure heart, for they are god prurusy, "(Matt.5: 8).

'' Blessed with a pure heart, for they are a bit of God "" (Matt.5: 8)

And in this article [showing care, with a request to the Most High about wisdom], we will try to impartially disassemble those allegories who are not expressing the prophets. We will also try to bring a certain principle that will help more adequately understand parables in the Bible.

Proverbs Solomon

Let's start with what I wrote about the collisions of Wise Solomon:

'' She listens to the wise - and multiply the knowledge, and intelligent will find wise advice; To intelligence a parable and intricate speech, the words of the wise men and their riddles "(Prov.1: 5,6).

And it was not just a rapid statement that jumped out of the head ... Many simply agree that Solomon was superior to the wisdom of anyone who lived before the arrival of Christ to Earth (3 sir.4: 29-31).

However, not many think about the fact that the Proverbs of Solomon are not just the book '' Proverbs '', this is a book of allegories, images indicating something greater.

This wise son of the world [Solomon] was the way the Great Teacher of Christ, who taught the parables (Matt2: 42. Mar.4: 33.34.). Nevertheless, the parables of Solomon people are still trying to perceive literally.

Take for example some Proverbs of Solomon:

1) '' Who is sick of his father and his mother, that lamp will go out among deep darkness '' (Prov.20: 20).

To think about a normal person to think about whether the lamp truly burns away from the fact that a person is evil and ungrateful towards his parents? .. undoubtedly, the law teaches to read his parents, however allegorically, it indicates the Most High Father, which was Abraham, as well as heavenly Jerusalem [Kingdom of Heaven], which was the wife of Abraham, Sarah (See Galat.4: 22-26. Mal.1: 6.).

The lamp, in this sense, is spiritual vision of a person (see Isaiah.29: 13,14. Amos.5: 18-20.).

2) '' Deep abyss - the mercy of the Bludnitz: Whoever does the Lord wants, he will fall there "" (Presents.22: 14).

How do you, dear readers, are you imagine? .. '' The real man '' is more noting attention not to beautiful words of literal clouds ... In this verse, we are talking about spiritual clouds.

Pay attention to this parable:

"" And here is a woman towards him, in the dressing of the harlot, with a cunning heart, noisy and unbridled; Her legs do not live in her house: it's on the street, then on the squares, and every corner is building came. Yes, your heart is not shied on her on the way, do not worry about her hats, because many threw it in wounded, and many strongly killed by it: her house - the way to hell, descending into the internal dwellings of death, "(Prov. 7: 10-12 25-27).

And later, the apostle John described the parable - the vision of the Bludnica Babylon:

"With her, he was clouded by the kings of the earth, and the wine of her crochetia was drunk those living on Earth (see Rev.17: 1-5).

Also, the apostle Peter warned about spiritual clouds:

"There were false prophets in the people, like you will have false devices who will introduce fearful heresses and, rejecting the most redeemed gentlemen, brought themselves to the ambulance death. And many will follow their debauchery, and through them the path of truth will be in dealing. And from love will catch you flattering words; The court they are ready for a long time, and the destruction of them will not sleep ... Eyes are performed by an uncertainty and incessant sin; They seduce the unapproved souls; Their heart is accustomed to love: these are the sons of the curse '' (2pete.2: 1-3,14.).

And how to understand words from the second part of parables: '' To whom the Lord wants, he will fall there. " (PRIV.22: 14)? .. This was written by the apostle Paul:

"With all sorts of unrighteous seduction of perishing for the fact that they did not accept the love of truth for their salvation. And for this, they will send them a borrowing action, so that they will believe lying, and everyone who did not believe the truth will be convicted, but who loved the lie "(2Fess.2: 10-12.).

3) There is in the 31st chapter of the book Proverb Description of the same and virtuous wife.

Pay attention to the words: '' There were a lot of wives of virtuous, but you surpassed them all " (Prov.31: 29.).

  • What is this super wife who surpassed all the other wives? ..
  • Or what is this husband who '' Known at the gate when sits with the elders of the earth. (Prov.31: 23)? ..
  • In fact, a majestic husband here is a king of kings, Christ (Rev.19: 11,16.).
  • The unsurpassed and virtuous wife in this parable is the image of the Church of Christ (Ephesus.5: 30-32. Ioan.14: 12.).

If you carefully examine the context, we can come to this conclusion - to compare:

1) Pri.31: 11. - Ephesus.4: 11-13. Matthew.25: 14-23.

2) Pri.31: 15.18. - Luk.12: 35,36.42,43. Matt.5: 14.

3) Pri.31: 22,25,31. - Micah 5: 5.7. Zakh.9: 16. Rev..2: 25,26.

Proverbs of Christ.

So, King Solomon was only the likeness of our king and the teacher of Christ (Matthew 12: 42.). And when our Lord came, he also used parables in the exercises. There is a reasonable suspicion that if the Gospels had not been an explanation of the Proverbs of Christ [judging by the fact that the majority was considered to literally perceive the Proverbs of Solomon and other allegorical descriptions in the Bible], the meaning of these [already explicitly expressible parables, most likely it would be so Mystery. However, the expansion of the parable of our Lord showed the possibility and the need to understand the allegorically many other secrets of the Bible, which we will also discuss later.

And how do we understand those parables of Christ, who did not explain the Lord? There is a principle: "With the litters of two or three witnesses will be firmly all the word" (2 Cor.13: 1). Therefore, the clarification of any place of Scripture should also be confirmed by other sections of Scripture.

And for a visual example, we try to understand and explain the two parables:

1) '' Like the kingdom of the Heavenly merchant, looking for good pearls, which, having found one precious pearl, went and sold everything that he had, and bought it "(Mattp.13: 45.46).

This parable implies our Lord of Christ, who redeemed his church, leaving what he had before his parish.

Why can this be understood right? Considering the principle that "With two and three witnesses, there will be firmly all the word", we can pay attention to these Scriptures: (Prope 1: 5,6; 31: 10,15-18,23,29. Ephesus .5: 32.). Acts 20: 28. 1 Cor .6: 19,20.

2) '' It's also like the kingdom of the Heavenly Nevance, thrown into the sea and the capturing fish of all kinds of fish, which, when filled out, pulled off the shore and, sowing, good gathered in the vessels, and thin threw out. So it will be at the end of the century: Angels will be treated, and they are separated from the righteous environment, and they will plunge them into the oven fire: there will be a crying and crossed teeth '' (Mattp.13: 47-50).

Here we see that our teacher, for the most part already express this parable; However, so that she brought us more benefits, it is also important for us to understand her essence. For example, what criteria are angels, separating suitable "" Fish "from bad? In the book Lion.11: 10 it is shown that the fish that does not have [feathers] and scales are considered bad.

And notice when the first people were sinned, and nudity became a symbol of their sinfulness, then the Almighty himself gave them clothes (Gen. 3: 9,11,21.).

Throughout the Bible Book, clothing has a great symbolic meaning, showing how righteous is a person - see Rev. 3: 17,18. 2Kor.5: 3.4. Open.16: 15. Matt22: 11-13.

Proverbs from the book of Psalm

Proverbs used not only wise Solomon and our teacher of Christ, they were also used by David and other prophets. Pay attention to the key item:

'' Jesus spoke to the people of the parables, and did not tell them without parachi, and the robust one would come true through the prophet, who says: I felt in the parables. Izreku secretly from the creation of the world '' (Mattp 13: 34.35).

These words were brought from Psalm, which, at first glance, simply tells about the biblical history and infidelity of Israel (Psal.77: 2.3.). But the first impression is deceptive. In fact, this story is full of prophetic images pointing to Jesus Christ, and the Israel subsequently accepted.

To explain all these images, you will need to write a separate book (Ioan.21: 25.). Therefore, for comparison, we give only some points:

1) Psal.77: 14. - Isch.13: 21,22; 14: 19,20. OX.23: 20,21; 33: 2.3. Heb.4: 1-3,7,8. Matthew.9: 2-6.

2) Psal.77: 15-17. - 1 Cor.10: 4-6. Ioan.7: 37-40.

3) Psal.77: 23-25. - Matthew.4: 1-4. Ioan.6: 27,49-51.

4) Psal.77: 36-39. - Rome.3: 11-13,19,21,24-26.

5) Psal.77: 70-72. - Iz.34: 2.22-24. Matt.9: 35.36. Ioan.10: 6,11,14,15.

Also, a bright description of the parable, you can call the 126th and 127th Psalms.

At first glance it may seem that children are a blessing for any Christian. However, this happens not always in life.

  • For example, not all the righteous kings of Judah gave God-fearing children.
  • At the time of the sign of the last days was the prediction that

"The children will rise to their parents and will kill them. And you are hated by everyone for my name ... '' (Mar.13: 12,13).

So what we say in these words:

'' Here is a heritage from the Lord: Children; The reward from it is the fruit of the womb. That arrows in the hand of strong, then the sons are young. Blessed man who filled his quiver! They will not be left in shame when they will speak with enemies at the gate (Ps.126: 3-5)? ..

What is this person who '' Filled your quiver your ''?

The answer is given through the prophecy of Isaiah:

"Therefore, it says about the house of James, the Lord, who redeemed Abraham: Then Jacob will not be in shame, and his face will no longer pale. For when he sees his children, my hands, then they will holy the name of my and holy honorable Sainry Jacob, and a reverent before God is Israel (IS.29: 22,23. Just: Isaiah.49: 2, 3).

When the Pharisees tried to prove Christ that they were the children of Abraham, the Lord challenged it, indicating that their spiritual father was the devil (John 8: 37-44.).

The same meaning has the 126th and 127th Psalm, which indicates spiritual children [Abraham - as the image of the Heavenly Father, and Sarra - as the image of the heavenly kingdom] (Psal 127: 3. Isaiah.49: 14,20-22 . Galat.4: 22,24,26.). It is important first of all how such children a clean inner essence from the Heavenly Father.

Apostle Paul wrote:

'' ... for not all the Israelis, which are from Israel; And not all the children of Abraham, who are from his seed, but it is said: Seed will be admired in Isaac. That is, not carnal children the essence of God's children, but the children of promises are recognized as a seed. As and at Osi, he says: not my people call my people, and not beloved - Library. And on the place where they say: you are not my people, there are names there will be the sons of God living "(Rom.9: 6-8,25,26).

"There is no already Judea, nor a pagan ... If you are Christ, then you are the seed of Abraham and on the promise of the heirs '' (Gal.3: 28,29).

The above mentioned from the book Psalm is only a negligible small part of what is actually narrated in these prophetic songs (Dev.31: 19; 32: 1-44.). The meaning of our description is to show that the Bible is that a book that deserves not just reading, but also close attention - Prov.2: 1-9.

For example, a law that was given through Moses, does he always have a direct meaning? It is written: '' Do not block your mouth when he throws up (Dev.25: 4). If subsequently, the Apostle Paul did not write an explanation that it concerns the co-workers from the workers in the Church (1 Cor.3: 9; 9: 9,10), how would we understand this law on the will? .. ..

From this example, we can also understand that for the study of the Scriptures, as the Holy Spirit (1 Cor.2: 13,14), and efforts to understand the spiritual world from the Most High (Matt.11: 12,13).

Signs in the Bible

Proverbs in the Bible are described not only by any examples and images (Iz.17: 2-15; 20: 47-50).

For example, the Prophet of Ezekiel, an event, a prophetic action [or a sign] is described, which is also a kind of proverb. It says:

'' ... God says the Lord God: put the boiler, put water and pour into it; There are pieces of meat into it, all the best pieces, hips and shoulders, and fill with selected bones; The selected sheep take, and [Meld] under it bones, and boiling before and the bones are welded in it. Therefore, it says the Lord God: Mount the city of Blood! And I will decompose a big bonfire ... Add firewood, ruffle fire, digest meat; Let everything thicken, and bones will blown. And when the boiler is empty, put it on the coils so that he flashed, and that copper it fastened him, and melted in him the uncleanness of him, and his whole thoughts disappeared. Work will be heavy; But a big scale will not come down with him; And in the fire [will remain] on it boils it ...

In the uncleanness of your such an abomination that, how much I do not give you, you are all unclean; From the uncleanness of yours, you will continue to be clear, about my rage, I am not a clutter over to you '' (Iz.24: 3-5,9-13).

But whether such prophetic actions are a rarity in the scriptures? .. In addition to the explicit signs in the Bible, about the copper snake, which Moses was taken in the desert (John 3: 14.), and the prophet ion, formerly in the womb of the fish three days and three Nights (Matthew 12: 38-40.) In fact, there are many in Scripture.

Navelfe and his vineyard

For example, pay attention to the story with Navelfe.

‘’navaFea Israelian has a vineyard Near the Ahab Palace, King Samariussky. And Ahab Naviffe said, saying: Give me your vineyard ... But Navelu said Ahava: Save me the Lord, so that I gave you the inheritance of my fathers! ... and they made the men of the city of His elders and noble, who lived in the city of him, as Jezebel ordered them, as it was written in letters she sent to them. Announced the post and planted Navufay at the head of the people; And two unsuitable man and sat down against him, and testified these unkind people before the people, and said: Navelfe Hulil God and the king. And they brought him out of town, and broke it with stones, and he died. ... when he heard ahav that Navelfe was killed, Ahab got up to go to the vineyard NavaFea Israelian and take him to possession ''(3zar.21: 1-3,11-13,16).

What do you think, whom is the wildlife in the prophetic history about the vineyard? .. The Prophet Isaiah wrote:

'' The graceland of the Lord Savaof is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are a favorite planting of him. And he was waiting for justice, but here is bloodshed; [I was waiting for] Truth, and here is a cry "(IS.5: 7).

  • But the one who owned the '' inheritance of fathers '', in fact was the son of Davidov, Christ, the King of Israel (Matthew 21: 33-39.).
  • In this story, Navelfei Queen Jezebel was a manner of the priesthood of Israel, a spiritual prostitute (Iz.23: 4.45, Joan.19: 15).

Elisha, two bear and 42 children

The story about how Elisha cursed children, as a result of which 42 children were confused by two bears, someone may seem ridiculous. However, in this sentence, there is a deep meaning. Scripture tells:

'' And he went from there to bottle. When he was expensive, small children came out of the city and mocked him and told him: Go, Shuffle! Go fucking! He looked around and saw them and cursed them with the name of the Lord. And two bears came out of the forest and ripped out of them forty-two children '' (4zar.2: 23,24).

(14 + 14 +14 \u003d 42) "So all clans from Abraham to David fourteen childbirth; and from David before resettlement in Babylon fourteen childbirth; And from relocation to Babylon to Christ fourteen gods '' (Matf.1: 17).

What connection exists between these two facts?

We note such a parallel:

  • Elisha, was the successor of Elijah and received a double spirit (see 4The. 2: 9-11.).
  • Also, Christ was the successor of John the Baptist [more Elijah - Luk.1: 13,17.], And had an incomparabity of great spirit.

Subsequently, more Elisha, Christ cursed the 42nd rod from Abraham, saying:

"May all the blood will come on with you the righteous, spilled on the ground, from the blood of Abel the righteous to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Varajina, whom you killed between the temple and the altar. True I tell you that all this will come to the genus of this '' (Matt P.23: 35.36).

And who were presented in history with Elisha two bear?

The Prophet Malachi wrote:

'' Remember the law of Moses, the slave of mine, which I commanded him on Chorve for all Israel, as well as the rules and statutes. So, I will send to you or the Prophet before the onset of the Day of the Lord, the Great and Scary. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to children and the hearts of children to their fathers, so that I come, I did not struck the earth with the curse (Mal.4: 4-6).

These two Prophet [Elijah and Moses] were witnesses against the wicked kind, which did not accept Christ (Luk.9: 30.31. Ioan.5: 45-47.).

And in the 70th year AD Roman troops were destroyed by more than a million Jews together with the Jerusalem Temple (Luk.23: 28-31).

And can the signs in the Bible benefit us?

Apostle Paul wrote: '' This happened to them, [as] images; And described in the instruction of us reached the last centuries '' (1 Cor.10: 11). And therefore we will consider such an example: '' Just as it was in the days of Lot ... So it will be that day, when the Son of the human will appear "" (Luk.17: 28.30). Pay attention to the parallels that exist in Scripture, due to this topic:

1) moral decomposition of residents of Sodom (Gen..18: 20,21.), It is a prototype of the spiritual nature of Judaism up to the first century (Isaiah.1: 10.21.). In the last days of the wicked world, a measure of Christianity lawlessness will also be filled (2Tim.3: 1.5-9. 2Pet.2: 1-3,6-10. Dan.8: 23.).

2) Two angel witness were sent in Sodom (Gen..19: 1.).

In the first century, two witness angels were: John the Baptist and Jesus Christ (see Mal.3: 1. Mark.1: 2,4,7), which testified against the depraved genus of Jews (Acts 2: 40.). In the last days of the wicked world, there will also be witnesses from Christ: the apostles and the prophets. They are mentioned in Rev.11: 3-8. ZA.6: 1; 4: 11-14. Dan.13: 33.

3) Residents of Sodom did not take witnesses from the Most High, trying to make violence over them (Gen..19: 4.5.). In the first century AD Jewish corrupted genus, did not take two witnesses. Christ said: "But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and did not recognize him, but they did, as they wanted; So the Son of Human will suffer from them '' (Mattp.17: 12). Real followers of Christ will also be especially cruelly pursued during a sign of the end of the wicked world - Dan.7: 25; 11:36. Rev.11: 7.8. MICHEY.7: 6-9.

4) Lot's hospitality teaches us the qualities of dedication (Gen..19: 1-8.). Apparently, bearing in mind this case, the Apostle Paul wrote: "Stranger Do not forget, for some of him, not knowing, the angels were hospitable. Remember the prisoners, as it were, with them with them in the UzAs, and those who are lurking, as they themselves are in the body (Heb.13: 2,3). The best kindness is saved first. In the first century, no one really understood what Christ spoke with his life on earth; However, such qualities as: honesty, impartiality, kindness from God, helped some see the essence of their great teacher (Psalf.118: 165. Matt.25: 31-40.).

5) Finally, last: some may argue that they are nothing bad for others do, so they can also be saved. But here there exists a parallel: "As it was and in the days of Lot: ate, drank, bought, sold, Sadili, built; But a day, in which the lot came out of Sodom, shed rain from the sky. Fire and sulfur and destroyed everyone; So it will be that day, when the Son of the human will appear "(Luk.17: 28-30).

When the lot began to speak to his heads about the rapid destruction of Sodom, it seemed to them that he was joking [Bit] (Gen.9: 14.). Without believing the lot, they were destroyed with the city. It was also in the first century that happened in the first century: those who did not take seriously the news of the destruction of Jerusalem, died with sinners. Christ warned about this:

'' Do you think that these Galilean were the sinner of all Galilean, what were they suffered? No, I tell you, but if you do not run, everything will die. Or do you think that those eighteen people who fell Siloam Tower and beat them, were the most guilty of all living in Jerusalem? No, I tell you, but if you do not run, everything will also die '' (Luk.13: 2-5).

The last days of the wicked world was predicted:

"Due to the multiplication of lawlessness, in many will cool love" (Matt.24: 12).

As a result, many Christians will lose spiritual vision, giving preference to care about their financial well-being.

So, friends: if we delve into the essence of the biblical parables and images, they will help us more deeply and brightly see spiritually.

Sometimes it may seem to us that much in Scripture is already clear to us. However, this superficial impression is deceptive; Rather, this is due to our self-confidence. Let the curiosity of the Apostles of Christ serve as an example for us (Mark.4: 10-12.). To ensure that we read from the word of the Most High, it has become part of our inner world (PRIT.2: 10-12,16,17). Amen.

S. Iakovlev (Bohan)

For our readers: Parable from the Bible with a detailed description of various sources.

All shortest

Fruitless fig tree 1 0

Valtsarov PI 0 0 grapes 0 0 Vineyard Navafea 0 0 Virsavia, Uriah and David 0 0

The death of Samson 0 0

David and Saul 0 0 Virgin wise and Virgo unreasonable 0 0 Good Samaritan 0 0 debtor and king 0 0

Sacrifice of Abraham 0 0

Mystery and Samson's anger 0 0 buried talent 0 0 Cameras and Favorites 0 0

Ifafai and his daughter 0 0 ion in whale whale 0 0 Isaac and Rebekka 0 0 Isaiah about the vineyard 0 0

Lot and his daughter 0 0

Mercenaries 0 0 Invalid guide 0 0 Unreasonable young man 0 0 Beggar Lazar 0 0

0 0 Okhodiya 0 0

Transition through the Red Sea 0 0 Pleallies 0 0 Parable of the Produal Son 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 1 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 10. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 11. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 12. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 13. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 14. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 15. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 16. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 17. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 18. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 19. 0 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 20. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 21. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 22. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 23. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 24. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 25. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 26. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 27. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 28. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 29. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 3. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 30. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 31. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 4. 0 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 6. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 7. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 8. 0 0 Burner sold 0 0

Sower 0 0 Mathematics 0 0 Solomon solution 0 0 Changing 0 0 Judge Unlighted 0 0 Susanna 0 0

Interpretation of Daniel Sleep Nebuchadnezzar 0 0

Pharisee and Mytar 0 0

Christ about slaves awake 0 0 Christ about the lamp 0 0

Kingdom of heaven 0 0 king of trees 0 0

What is just stronger? 0 0

All shortest

Fruitless fig tree 1 0

Grapes 0 0

Virgin wise and virgin unreasonable 0 0 Good Samaritan 0 0 debtor and king 0 0

Burned talent 0 0 Cameras and Favorites 0 0

Isaac and Rebekka 0 0 Isaiah about the vineyard 0 0

Lot and his daughter 0 0

Mercenaries 0 0 Invalid guide 0 0 Unreasonable young man 0 0 Beggar Lazar 0 0

About the merciful king and ruthless lender 0 0

Tares 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 2. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 5. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 9. 0 Burner sold 0 0

Sower 0 0 Mathematics 0 0 Solomon solution 0 0 Changing 0 0 Judge Unlighted 0 0

Pharisee and Mytar 0 0

Christ about slaves awake 0 0 Christ about the lamp 0 0

Kingdom of heaven 0 0 king of trees 0 0

Adygean Proverbs Armenian Proverbs African Proverbs Bible Proverbs Buddhist Proverbs Vedic Proverbs Eastern Proverbs Greek Proverbs Daoist Proverbs Zen's Proverbs Jewish Proverbs Indian Proverbs Chinese Proverbs Proverbs for Children Proverbs of Jesus Christ Proverbs Leonardo Da Vinci Proverbs about the good Proverbs about the friendship of parables Love Proverbs about Happiness Proverbs Osho Proverbs About Children Proverbs about Khoja Nasreddin Russian Proverbs Family Proverbs Modern Proverbs Sufi Proverbs Tatar Proverbs Hasidic Proverbs Christian Proverbs Esoteric Proverbs Japanese Proverbs

Biblical parables are very important for a believer. They are especially needed for the younger generation, when the formation of morality, relationships, values \u200b\u200band perception of the world is. Of course, an adult can learn a lot of useful for himself.

What is parables and what is their value?

Biblical parables are in some kind of fairy tale and narration, which give reason to think about life and their actions, carry an edification point. In each of them there is a grain of wisdom, which slowly germinates and gives its positive shoots. Permanent reading of such narches has a comprehensive impact on the inner world of man.

The value of parables from the Bible is that it considers human relations and actions from the point of view of spirituality, divinity. Other similar stories are more humane, there is no mysteriousness in them, although they may be no less ancient and instructive.

For the younger generation, it is biblical parables that can be the first acquaintance with faith, God, Christ. In the future, this can help them in spiritual life, will teach the way to build his way as the Lord tells, to act on conscience, think about his soul and her next time.

Biblical parables. What do they teach?

What do biblical parables teach us? They are forced to think about their actions, understand their consequences. As a result of all this awareness, there is a formation of positive qualities, such as mercy, kindness, compassion, love for people. It comes to understanding that everything is God's will.

For an adult person, the parable can become a guiding star at a certain moment of life, as well as a sign and answer to the question. In addition, they are quite simple, there are no more nimble, which is not clear to everyone. You can really talk about the wisdom of these editing stories.

Biblical parables for children

If we talk about small fans of biblical stories, it should be noted that not all of them will be able to comprehend the truth of divine scriptures. And, of course, they will need a good interpretation and explanation of the read. Biblical parables for children must be read with parents or educators who are available to explain what the baby could not understand because of its age.

Almost every child, matured, applies in life what was transmitted to him with love in childhood. Therefore, it is not necessary for the power to push him into him, in order not to dismiss it from the Lord at all.

You should try different topics of stories, to see what more like. For example, there is a group of parable about the mercy of God to the sincerely repentant to the person (about the prodigal son, Outar and Fariser, etc.). There are also several stories telling about the kingdom of God (about the grain mustard, about the pelevisions, etc.).

Biblical parable about wise and unreasonable virgin

If we consider some biblical parables, then among them you can allocate a few most instructive. For example, the one that tells about ten devies, five wise and five unreasonable. The meaning of this parable is that it is necessary to be vigilant constantly, as it is not known when the last test comes (death or a terrible court).

This symbolic history depicted a wedding rite, which was at the time of the Jews. Such a ritual took place at night when it was dark and artificial light was required. The groom could come for the bride at any time, and she had to wait him with his friends. Therefore, the girls were covered with oil if suddenly he had to wait long.

In Christianity, the marriage feast has always symbolized the kingdom of God, and the bride and the Lord, with whom they join after death. Citation of parables is that every moment in your life needs to be listed consciously, to know that every action will be appreciated on God's court. Remember that when the groom comes and get the pane (death will come), then nothing will be changed.

Of course, such biblical parables are needed for the child with an interpretation of an adult and knowledgeable person. Also gradually should be about the deep spiritual sense of this story, about building your life in God.

Parable of the Prodigal Son

This is perhaps the most famous and teesting of all biblical parables. A truly repentant sinner can hope for mercy to be farewell, even after committing bad acts.

The biblical parables about the prodigal son is a classic example of returning to the path of human spirituality, who has lost in a slutty and meaningless life. It is also an example of the behavior of modern youth, which does not know the path of true, and is looking for freedom, leaving the parental home and from its roots. As a result of all this, more and more young people appear who are not interested in their past, and their future also does not care. All this affects the general development, both one particular person and society as a whole.

The prodigal son from parables is almost every one of us, torn away from God, from his defense, who wondered his condition not only physically, but also spiritually.

However, God is not only punishable, but also gives the Milosts. As a father who has gone to his repentant Son, so the Lord behaves in relation to sinners. Everyone can return to the path to God. It is this parable that allows you to hope for a more meaningful and complete life.

Proverbs about mustard grains

This parable is mentioned in the three Gospels, which indicates its undoubted importance. Of course, writing a little varies, but the general meaning is preserved.

The story itself is not too great, but it makes it huge and very important. The mustard seed is a belief of a person who grows into his heart due to a conversation with the Lord, prayer and other worthy acts. At first, the grain is small, but after certain actions and finding in the fertile soil it grows into a large tree.

Some wise men compare such a seed with Christ, who was also an ordinary person, but his faith was so great that he was able to give a great sacrifice for us, ordinary people. And now they come to the soul and find a consolation.

Cartoons on a biblical topic

For small kids who prefer to watch, and not to read biblical parables, the cartoons will come out of the position. Of course, even you need to look with adults so that difficult moments can be expanded. It is possible if in incomprehensible places there will be an appeal to the printed source, then the child wants to read it, as the cartoon may differ somewhat from the original.

Now almost all parables are broadcast on television in the form of cartoons. Here, every parent must choose suitable, which is more close to the original and contains instructive moments.

Of course, some may not agree with the use of the cartoon, but still it is worth considering the current growing generation. You can not always eliminate the viewing of the TV or computer, so it is better to choose a more suitable TV program for your baby from a small years.

Biblical legends. Legends from the New Testament. author unknown

Proverbs (II)

Proverbs (II)

Parable about merciful Samaryan

Jesus Jesus, one leg said:

Teacher, what should I do to inherit the life of the eternal?

And what's written in law? - asked Jesus.

Love the Lord God with all your heart, and everything is your soul, and your whole fortress is yours, and your all understanding. Love your neighbor as yourself.

That's right, "Jesus told him. - So do.

And who is my neighbor?

I'll listen to what I will tell you, "Jesus said." A certain man got robbers, and they divided him, beaten and left, barely alive left him. The priest went on the road, saw him and passed by. He was at this place Levit, looked and also passed by. And some samarian squeezed over the poor man. He bandaged his wounds, indulging oil and wine, brought unfortunate to the hotel on his donkey and there he also took care of him. The next day, when Samaritan was leaving, he gave two dinaries of the hotel to the hotel and asked to take care of the patient. "If you exist more, I will pay you on the way back," said Samaryan. Which of these three was, in your opinion, the closest for a person who fell into trouble? Priest, Levit or Samaritan?

The one who had mercy, replied the leg.

Go and you do the same.

Maria and Martha

Jesus came to one village, where the woman named Marfa invited him to his house. She had a sister named Maria. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to his word. And Martha had trouble treating, so she came and said:

Lord, don't you see that my sister does not help me?! Tell me to help.

Marfa, Martha! You care about many things and worry, but you just need one thing. Maria chose the best that he was not taking away from her, - Military Jesus.

About the dangers of wealth

Some young man asked Jesus:

Good teacher! What should I do good to have eternal life?

Nobody is good, except God, - Jesus replied .- If you want to enter the everlasting, follow the commandments.

Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, not false witness, read the father and mother, love the near, like yourself.

I keep all this for a long time. What makes me still not? - The young man was surprised.

If you want to be perfect, "Jesus replied to him," sell your estate, distribute money to beggars and those who will acquire the treasure in heaven. Come then and follow me.

He heard such a young man and went into sorrow, because his estate was great.

It is difficult to enter the kingdom of heavenly rich, "said Jesus to students. - It is easier for a camel to pass through the needle ear.

Then Peter said to Jesus:

So we left everything and followed you. What will be to us?

True telling you, "Jesus answered, - when the Son of Human will sit down on the throne of the glory of His, sit down and you are on the twelve thrones. Everyone who leaves his house, sisters and brothers, father and mother, wife and children, he will receive a hundred times more and inherit eternal life. The first will be the last, and the last - the first.

Parable about employees in the vineyard

And he told Jesus to the disciples of parable.

There was a certain owner of the estate, and he once went out in the morning to hire workers in his vineyard. He agoned with employees to pay the Dinalar a day and sent them to work.

The owner again came out in the third hour and saw that people stand idle.

Go to the vineyard, I will give you everything that is supposed, "the owner said, and they went.

The same did the owner in the sixth and ninth hour. Finally, already about eleven, he found other people standing idle.

What are you standing here all day? - the owner was surprised.

Nobody hired us.

Go to my vineyard, I'll pay you.

When evening came, the owner said to his helper:

Call all workers and give them a fee - starting with the latter and ending first.

Those that came about the eleventh hour were received by Dinalar. Who came first hoped to get more, but they were given themselves according to the dinaria. Then they began to rap on the owner:

These latter worked one hour, and you compare them with us who suffered the burden of day and heat.

The owner said in response to one of them:

Friend! I do not offend you. Didn't you agree with me for the dinarial? Take your and go. I want to give this latter the same as you. Doesn't I do what I want? Or your eyes envious from what I'm kind? So: there will be the last first and the first - the last, because there are many souls, but few chosen.

Parable of Lost Sheep

Come to Jesus Mytari and sinners to listen to him. Parisies and scribes have grumbled on it:

He takes sinners and eats with them.

Then Jesus told them such a parable:

Which of you, having a hundred sheep and lose one of them, will not leave the ninety nine and will not seem to seek the lingering sheep? As soon as its owner finds, he will be happy and everyone says: "Reprove with me: I found a lost sheep." Also in heaven more than the joy of a single sinner than the ninety-nine righteous righteous, who have no need for repentance.

Parable about drachmas

And then said Jesus: - What a woman with ten drains and lost one drachma will not lit a candle and will not be a revenge room until she finds lost? And how will find, right there and boasts neighbors. Just the joy of God's angels and about one sinner.

About the prodigal son

Some person had two sons.

Father! - said the youngest son. - Give me my part of the inheritance.

Divided the father of the estate, and after a little time, the youngest son went to the far side and slipped his share in a slit life.

Soon the great hunger came, there was nothing to eat the youngest son, and he had no money. He passed to one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent him to graze pigs. Hungry was hungry, the younger son, I would be glad and the acorns to nourish with the pigs, but nobody gave him. He came his senses and said:

My father and mercenaries are not eaten, and I die from hunger! I'll go to my father and attend. Let me take me at least a mercenary.

He went to his father, and he saw him still from afar, ran to meet, hung around her neck.

Son says:

Sinning I'm in front of you, father! Not worthy and your son is called!

Return of the prodigal son

And his father orders the slaves:

Draw here the best clothes, shove him and the ring is put on his hand! Rather, the fatal calf is rapidly so much for us and have fun, for my son was dead - and came to life, disappeared - and found.

And the fun began.

The eldest son was at the time in the field. In the evening he goes home, hears the singing and jersey and calling the servant:

What does it mean?

Your brother returned, and your father ordered to score the calf.

Overded the elder brother and did not want to go to the house. I learned about the father, ran out, I began to call him into the house, but the eldest son said to Father:

How many years we serve you, and in all, I was obedient, but you never even gave me to stop me to have fun with friends. And this all droinched, and you for him - the calf coulted scored!

My son! - the father replied. "You are always with me, and everything is yours." But you need to rejoice and have fun, because your brother was dead - and came to life, disappeared - and found.

Rich and Lazar

There was a rich man, dressed in Purpur and a gentle cloth and drank every day. And at this time, a poor named Lazar was sitting at the gate waiting for crumbs from the rich table, and the dogs lick him.

Rich and Lazar

Died, and then rich.

And now it turned out to be the rich in hell, raised his eyes in the flour and suddenly saw Abraham with Lazar.

Father Abraham! - I prayed the rich. - I went to the lap, let me open the finger in the water and cool my tongue: choking on fire!

You have already received a good time during life, and Lazarus got evil. Now his turn is to be comforted, and yours is to suffer, "Abraham said." And besides: there is a great abyss between you, so that neither here to you nor from you to us can go.

And then said the rich:

Let's go, the father, with my father's house, to my brothers, let him tell them everything, so that they do not get into hell.

They have the laws of Moses and the Scriptures of the Prophets, let them make your brothers, - answered Abraham.

No, Father! But if someone from the dead will appear to them, they are shown.

Then Abraham said:

If Moses and Prophets do not listen, they will not be resurrected.

Parable about Farisae and Mytar

Those who considered themselves the righteous others, Jesus told the following parable:

Pharisay and Mytar came to the temple to pray. And the Pharisee says to himself: "Thank you, God, that I am not like other people - robbers, offenders, adultering or like this sootar." And Mytar stood in the distance, did not bother to raise the eye to the sky and whispered: "God! Be merciful to me, sinner! " I tell you that Mytar is more justified before God than the Pharisay, for anyone, towering himself, will be humiliated, but humiliating himself is raised.

Pharisee and Mytar

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From the book of the Son of Man Author Smorodinov Ruslan

Proverbs "Tsar Solomon" was the wiser of all people (...). And he is spent three thousand parables "(3 Tsar.4: 31-32). Queen Savskaya (???????????????) "I came from the limits of the Earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomonovoy; And here, here more Solomon "(MF.12: 42; Wed 3 Tsar.10: 1). Pritcha in Jewish - Masha? (??????); Aramaian

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Chapter 8. Proverbs Proverbs are one of the most vibrant and non-standard features of the Gospel tradition. According to the Gospel of Mark, in his sermon Jesus used them constantly ("" without parables did not tell them "MK 4:34). If the ethical teachings considered above the above

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2. Proverbs about repentance as we have shown in Chapter 5, in the center of the preaching of Jesus, there was a call for repentance on the eve of the Spear Kingdom (MK 1:15). It is not surprising, therefore, that parables about repentance occupy an important place in the gospel tradition. One of these parables is a quintessence

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3. Proverbs about the court Previous materials can leave one-sided "Pink" impression, if you do not remember that Jesus they were balanced by the Court. In the end, with all the importance of God's grace for him, he remained a student of John the Baptist and was waiting for

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Two parables I want to complete this book with two stories from life - I regard them as parables about two alternatives: life in faith and life without faith. I first found in the preaching of Frederick Buchner: "This story is possible only in the XX century. She is so terrible that it is difficult

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Proverbs of Solomon. David wisely sang. Solomon wisely said. In any case, this is the official version. Let us, entitled. "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord." Don't start. Wise. That is how Solomon begins an educational conversation with her son. "If

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18. Proverbs referring to people with the Word, Jesus showed himself a skilled speaker and a storyteller using a wide variety of forms of oral speech. First of all, those that were associated with the tradition of wisdom and the prophetic tradition of Israel (for example, the commandments of bliss, crying,

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Proverbs in the history of the cause of the long history of the wrong interpretation of Proverbs can be traced before the words of Jesus himself recorded in MK. 4,10-12 (and parallel MF. 13,10-13; LC. 8,9-10). When Jesus asked about the purpose of Proverb, he seems to suggest that they contain a secret for those who are dedicated to

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From the book Biblical legends. Legends from the New Testament. Author author unknown

From the book Biblical Legends Author author unknown

Proverbs The word Parable is the transfer of the Greek word Paraballo, which means "placing in a row". Thus, the parable is what is delivered in one row with something for comparison. In the usual parable, the usual event of everyday life is used to emphasize

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The parables of Jesus (I) was held by Jesus in the cities and villages, preached and missed the kingdom of God. The apostles with him and some women were with him: Maria Magdalene, from which he drove seven demons, John, Susanna and many others. Many people from All

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Proverbs in the Gospels Jesus is often described as explaining his views through Proverbs. These are short stories that can be perceived in the literal sense or can be compared at the points with a similar idea about the relationship of God and man. And it is immediately after

For our readers: Biblical parables are short with a detailed description from various sources.

All shortest

Fruitless fig tree 1 0

Grapes 0 0

Virgin wise and virgin unreasonable 0 0 Good Samaritan 0 0 debtor and king 0 0

Burned talent 0 0 Cameras and Favorites 0 0

Isaac and Rebekka 0 0 Isaiah about the vineyard 0 0

Lot and his daughter 0 0

Mercenaries 0 0 Invalid guide 0 0 Unreasonable young man 0 0 Beggar Lazar 0 0

About the merciful king and ruthless lender 0 0

Tares 0 0 Parable about the seeder 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 2. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 5. 0 0 Proverbs King Solomon. Chapter 9. 0 Burner sold 0 0

Fig tree 0 0 Solomon solution 0 0 Changing 0 0 Judge Unlighted 0 0

Pharisee and Mytar 0 0

Christ about slaves awake 0 0 Christ about the lamp 0 0

Kingdom of heaven 0 0 king of trees 0 0

Adygean Proverbs Armenian Proverbs African Proverbs Bible Proverbs Buddhist Proverbs Vedic Proverbs Eastern Proverbs Greek Proverbs Daoist Proverbs Zen's Proverbs Jewish Proverbs Indian Proverbs Chinese Proverbs Proverbs for Children Proverbs of Jesus Christ Proverbs Leonardo Da Vinci Proverbs about the good Proverbs about the friendship of parables Love Proverbs about Happiness Proverbs Osho Proverbs About Children Proverbs about Khoja Nasreddin Russian Proverbs Family Proverbs Modern Proverbs Sufi Proverbs Tatar Proverbs Hasidic Proverbs Christian Proverbs Esoteric Proverbs Japanese Proverbs

There is such an expression among Russian people - "speak riddles", that is, to be explained in an allegorical form, not speak directly, but in a figurative value. Once in the east, the wise thoughts were the usual things in the east. Such stories were called parables.

The meaning of parables

The main purpose of parable was the disclosure of religious or everyday sense in a short story. Heroes Proverbs wore a certain social status (rich, king, traveler, vineyard, father and son) and did not have deep descriptions of appearance or character.

Biblical parables explained how to behave to live well before people and God. They affect consciousness stronger than simply accusatory or edifying words, because they showed the rules of conduct on the example of specific people. When a person saw a sample of actions in parables, he wondered what was leading the wrong life, or remembered the lesson embedded in a small story, and tried to avoid embitractions in his life.

Proverbs King Solomon

Solomon was the son of King David, after the death of which was the throne of Israel. He ruled the country for 40 years, did not fought with the neighbors, investing all the forces and means in the development of the country. People came to the king for advice, if they themselves could not solve the dispute, and once the queen of Savskaya came from the distant lands once. She was heard about the wisdom of the ruler and personally was convinced of the right of human senses.

Solomon wrote a trillion book that became part of the Bible. The authorship of Solomon is attributed to the book of Ecclesiast, which shows reflections on nonsense daily bustle, the true meaning of life and speak of human death.

Most of the parable teaches the fact that:

  • sons must be obedient to parents and God;
  • the advantages of wise people over stupid;
  • if you gave the floor, you need to hold a promise;
  • the example of a real and loyal wife is shown;
  • walking to the harlotes (prostitutes) will corrupt and destroy a person;
  • gives an algorithm for the behavior of a wise person.

Proverd book consists of 31 chapters. In her chapters, very many life situations are briefly considered, and then Solomon says how to behave to come well and have success.

Proverbs of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ not only walked from the city to the city, healed the patients and worked wonders, he taught people of the righteous and right life, including with the help of parable.

He told the parables in such a way that only his students or those who want to go behind him, and not the Pharisees and scribes, who were looking for a chance to kill the Savior.

Biblical parables of Jesus Christ are filled with bright images. Do not search in the parables of the Savior hidden and encrypted messages. The lessons of biblical parable are to bring the wisdom to bring briefly from social life.

Parable of the Prodigal Son

Father had two sons. The younger child asked the Father to divide the inheritance with the elder brother and, having received the money, went to live in another city. There he spent the whole fortune, and when hunger came, he decided that he was better to return home. Father accepted him with open arms and in honor of the return of his son arranged a feast. The eldest son did not want to come on the feast, he expressed his father discontent that he, not flexing his back, works, and his father never even gave him a little goat, so that he was having fun. At the end, the head of the family smoothes the conflict and reconciles sons.

Here is a brief story, probably the most famous biblical parable about the prodigal son. What does this parable mean? Father is God, and his sons are us. We go away, run away from God and think that in a foreign land we will live happier than at home. But still return to the native house: beaten, exhausted, tired. Father always meets us with joy, give meals and roof over your head.

The image of an older brother is a showful faith of legislates - people who believe that God is obliged to save them for their merits in front of him. They do not want to share inheritance with others, because they think only about themselves.

Parable about good samaryanin

One of the largest and plot parables of Jesus Christ is the parable of good Samarist. Let's look at the brief plot of the biblical parable. One person returned home, but the robbers attacked him on the road, beat and took everything he had with him. A priest and Levit were passed, but did not help the wounded traveler. Only passed by the Samaritan rided the wound to the victim, took him to the hotel and instructed that the owner of the hotel would take care of this person.

When Christ was asked who will be close to us, then he brought this parable as an example. As a result, it was not his countrymen, but a samaryanin hostile to the Jews. The one who also has mercy, kindness and generosity - close to us.

Samaris did not love Jews, but in this parable, who was supposed to be an enemy of Judea, took care of him.

Another interpretation of parables can say that the Samaritan is the Lord himself who implies our spiritual wounds and leaves the hotel until time. But the time will come when he comes after us.

Parable about the seeder and its interpretation

On the shore of Lake Jesus Christ told the instructive parable, having more spiritual subtext. It was a parable about the seeder. The sower throws seeds in different places: on the road, on a stony place, next to the thorny and good soil. The seeds of the seeds embarrassed the birds, on the rocky field the plant burned the sun, the seed, which grew up with Turn, was destroyed by weed. And only in good land, the seeds gave fruit.

Consider this biblical parable with interpretation in more detail. The sower personifies the Lord or Teacher who says the Word of God (the image of the seed). Birds are carrying out the seed: when a person hears the Word of God, but the devil led him from faith, seducing various thoughts and offering sinful alternatives. Seeds that fell into stony soil mean non-permanent people: now they believe in God, and when they pursue the faith or the trouble arises, no longer believe in it. Seeds in the weed (thorny) - people hear God's Word, but forget him, because they love this world and spend time in fuss. Grains that grew up in good land This is an image of people who heard the Word, who remember him, make good deeds and have peace in the shower.

Parable tells about four types of people who hear the gospel, but in different ways take the word of God. Success will have the person who, as a kind land, takes into his seeds that God wants to grow in us and grow a tree that bringing the fruit.

Short biblical parables

In the gospel tells a lot of parables. There are among them long, and there are very short, but no less instructive. The following stories can be attributed to the short biblical parables:

  • fruitless fig tree;
  • parable about the grapeters;
  • virgin wise and unreasonable;
  • king and debtor;
  • wrong governor;
  • burned talent;
  • rich and Lazar.

These short parables teach us what we need to be honest, correctly fulfill the case entrusted to us, do not hover your abilities in the ground, but to serve God and people.

Consider some of the shortest parables of Jesus Christ.

Rich and Lazar

The rich is dying and falls into hell, and the beggar of Lazarus is taken to heaven. Bogach begs to pick him up on the sky, but he is refused, and it's not about his wealth. The rich is incorrectly ordered by money, using them on entertainment, he did not think to help Lazar, who was hungry all his life.

Parable about grapeters

This is a story about how the owner of the vineyard gave it to the grapes, and they first killed the servant of the owner, and then his son, in the hope that they would become the rulers of the vineyard. But the owner came with them in fairness. In the son of the owner, the features of Jesus Christ, whom the father sent to this world, and the Pharisees and scribes (grapeters) killed him.

Biblical parables for children

In the Bible there is no proverb specially intended for children. It all depends on the age of the child and on how a specific parable to present him.

Children, teenagers can be attributed to the story of a lost sheep. In this little parable, it is said that the sheep ran away from herd, and when she found her shepherd, she hugged her and with love accepted back. The shepherd in the parable is presented with good and loving, for which every sheep is important. So the Lord Jesus Christ came to the ground to save us from sin, and every person is important for him, even the one who runs away and then, as a prodigal son, returns home.

Any parable can tell the child with a simple and clear language so that he understands and realize the truth that biblical parables can carry.

Parable of the Prodigal Son

One person had two sons; Once he said the youngest Father: "Father! Give me the following part of the estate. " And the Father divided the estate.

After a few days, the younger son, having gathered everything, went to the long side and there was spreading his estate, lively. When he lived everything, the great hunger was in that country, and he began to need; ..
Read completely -\u003e

Unreasonable young man

Once I watched my windows at my house, through my grille, and I saw among inexperienced, I noticed between the young people of an unreasonable young man, passing the area near the angle of her and the smoking on the road to her house, at twilight in the evening of the day, in the night darkness and darkness ...
Read completely -\u003e

On the transition through the Red Sea

Lord Moses said, saying:
- Tell the Sons of Israel, so that they appeal and settled the mill to Pi-Gahirofom, between Migdol and between the Sea, before Waal-Cefon;
Read completely -\u003e

About the sacrifice of Abraham

God silent Abraham and told him:
- Abraham!

He said:
- Here I am.

God said:
- Take your son, the only one you love, Isaac; ..
Read completely -\u003e

About David and Saul

David lived in secure places of En-Gaddy. When Saul returned from the Philistines, he was notified, saying: "Here, David in the desert of EN-Guddi." And Saul took three thousand selected husbands from all Israel and went to look for David and his people in the mountains where sulfas live.
Read completely -\u003e

Jesus, preaching the people, said: "Look, take care of love, because the life of a person does not depend on the abundance of his estates." Then he told them a parable: "One rich man had a good harvest in the field, and he argued himself with himself:" What should I do? Nowhere to collect my fruits. "And he said:" That's what I will do: I'll break my grandmother and build a big one, and I will collect my whole bread and all good, and I will say my soul: soul! A lot of good lies with you for many years: it's peaceful, eat, drink, have fun! "But God told him:" Mad! In this night, your soul will take you; Who will get what you did? "So it happens with those who collect treasures for themselves, and not in God is rich. Jesus is stilling:" So, do not look for what you have, or what to drink, and do not worry, because That all this is looking for people of this world; Your father knows that you have the need for; We also look for the kingdom of God, and it will be all applied to you. Do not be afraid, a small herd! For the father of yours fagged to give you the kingdom. Sell \u200b\u200byour estates and let's alms. Prepare the vagina is not choping, the treasure is inconsider in heaven, where the thief is not approaching and where the mole does not eat; For, where your treasure, there will be yours there. "
Luke 12: 15-21, 29-34

In this parable, Jesus refers to two people whose life varied. One person lived richly, but unjust, the other - in poverty, but righteous. "Some man was rich, dressed in Porphira and Vison and each day feasting. There was also some beggar, the name Lazar, who lay on his gate in the scabs and wanted to soak themselves with crumbs falling from the rich table, and dogs, coming, squeezed him . Died and attributed to the angels on Lono Abrahamovo; died and bored him. And in the hell, being in torment, he raised his eyes, he saws away Abraham and Lazari on his lacquer and, reopening, said: "Father Abraham! We need to be soaring me and went to the climb, so that I worked for my fingers in the water and slammed my tongue, for I suffer in the flame of Sem. "But Abraham said:" Chado! Remember that you have already got the good your life in your life, and Lazar - evil; Now he is comforting here, and you suffer; And in addition, the great abyss is approved between us and you, so that you don't have to go to you from here, you can also not pass to us. "Then he said:" So I ask you, for me, went to my father's house, For I have five brothers; Let him witness them so that they do not come to this place of torment. "Abraham said to him:" They have Moses and the Prophets; Let them listen to them. "He said:" No, Father Abraham! But if someone from the dead comes to them, "then Abraham told him:" If Moses and the Prophets do not listen, then if someone from the dead will not believe, "in this parable I wonder what the rich is put in it. Unnamed, and poorly named Lazarre. This, as it were, confirms that the names, once famous on Earth, are forgotten, and the righteous, unknown to the world, are glorified in heaven. From parables it is clear that death, interrupting the earthly existence of a person opens the beginning of life In eternity. The way we lived on earth will predetermine and our future eternal life.
Luke 16: 19-31

Parable about lost sheep.

Jesus was so loved the human genus that he left the fame of heaven and came to the ground to recover and save those who died in sins who had retreated from God and forgotten his people. He, as a good shepherd, is always looking for a misfortune sheep. In one of his parables, Jesus said: "Which of you, having a hundred sheep and lose one of them, will not leave ninety-nine in the wilderness and will not go for the missing until it finds her? And finding it, he will take her on his shoulders with his joy and Having come home, applies friends and neighbors and says to them: "Reveay with me: I found my missing sheep." I tell you that so in heaven more joy will be about one sinner who goes out, rather than ninety-nine righteous, who have no need for repentance ". Great joy will be in heaven, when someone from readers, who has not yet adopted Jesus in his heart, will turn to him with the heart prayer of repentance. Jesus will understand, hear, forgive, will give his soul peace and peace.
Luke 15: 3-7