Repairs Design Furniture

Chimney in a bath from a simple iron pipe. Step by step guide to choose the right tube for a bath: external or internal? Design and installation of chimney

The bath is connected with a light steam and a pleasant crackling of firewood in the oven, hot stones in Kamenka and the smell of a freshly waved broom. But the live fire is connected with the smoke and if not to make a pipe, it is possible to choose carbon monoxide in 20-30 minutes. The pipe in the bath is planning before the construction of a bath, it should be high quality and correctly collected. Only so the bath will be safe and will not harm with its owners. How to remove the pipe in the bath with your own hands, what features and subtleties that you need to know will tell our readers.

The tube in the bath is displayed in two ways: inside and outside the design.

The smoke planning in the bath is always associated with the choice of design. It is necessary to understand all kinds, know how to calculate the size correctly, output and install. Before drawing up the project, it is necessary to briefly explore these aspects.

What pipes are used for bath

Chimney in the bath can have two devices: external and internal. Anyone has its own positive and negative sides:

  1. The exterior arrangement is less firewood, the installation with your own hands and the consolidation is also easier. The minuses are that the pipe goes to the street and heat loss increase.
  2. The internal arrangement is complex, but all the heat falls into the bath. The main minus, a big degree of fire hazard.
Sandwich tube is easily mounted with their own hands.

Disadvantages of construction can be prevented by using high-quality isolation. We advise, do not save on time and forces and carry out the inner chimney, it is even more difficult to be mounted, but the cost of heating the construction steps is reduced. For a small bath in the country area, it's easier to remove the outer chimney. In any case, the user chooses.

Materials for chimney take different: red brick, ceramics or metal. They are well tolerated temperatures above +100 ° C and durable.

It's easier to buy a ready-made Sandwich smoke. It is easily mounted and installed, and the inner asbestos gasket makes the device safe.

Design of external and internal chimney

The design of the chimney is selected depending on the features of the selected stove. Pipe equipment includes several nodes, each has its own functional features. For a bath with a brick stove, you can use brick, metal, ceramics, and for a metal furnace - a ceramic or metallic chimney. You can use brick, but put the pipe with your own hands it will be difficult. You will have to hire a mason - the bubble.

The main knots of the chimney (design enumerations begin from top to bottom):

  1. The head board (probe) - prevents sparks on the roof and neighboring buildings, as well as from poured during the rain.
  2. Master Flash.
  3. PPU (ceiling knot where it takes through).
  4. Double sandwich or brick chimney.
  5. Single iron pipe.

Choosing a brick design you need to be ready for complex cleaning, maintenance. A massive foundation is needed under the stove, since the brick chimney weighs a lot, all load will fall on the oven.

More simplet, not requiring special assembly knowledge - finished design from pipe sandwich. It consists of a double design between which asbestos is laid. The heat-saving and easy. Make up of individual elements: knee, deflectors, tees, antilivoral protection, adapters and chirate. Cold with brackets that are mounted by clamps.

What to pay attention to when installing

Give the pipe in the bath must be given by a number of its features (material, design). The installation is influenced by sanitary and environmental norms, the material from which was built by the bath. Do not forget that traditionally is a tree.

Compliance with some rules and rules will make the design reliable and safe:

  1. Anyone needs to isolate with environmentally friendly and non-combustible material: clamzit, asbestos, stone wool.
  2. It is necessary to heat the place where the chimney is used only by foil material. It is often confused with materials covered with foil from Lavsana, and it is easily flammable and melted at temperatures above 300 ° C.
  3. The chimney is removed so that the design does not touch any wooden elements: beams overlap, roofs, walls. For insulation, the joints of the joint are cured with metal sheets. The output location can be insulated only by non-combustible minvata or clay mound.
  4. Inside the overlaps you need to mount a special iron box, in which the design is created and fall asleep by clay. For sandwich, do not need a box.
  5. Top to avoid contact with the roof around the metal sheets are made.
  6. All joints and seams can be sealing a special iron foil tape or foil.

How to choose the size and shape of the chimney

Pipe output diagram in the bath.

Designing chimney in the bath must adhere to standard shape and size. The best cylindrical form. A simple form is associated with the fact that any bending of the knee additionally organize zones of the ash and soot, the design will often be cleaned. And to clean the design with numerous bends is more complicated.

The main dimensions with which it is necessary to determine this diameter and the height of the structure. They must be taken from the bottom.

Pipe diameter bath

The power and selection of the furnace is directly related to the choice of diameter and height of the chimney. We present some values \u200b\u200bfor a rectangular and square chimney in the form of a table:

Furnace power, kW Chimney diameter, mm
Up to 3.5 140x140.
3,5–5,2 140x200
5,2–7,2 140x270.

For a round oven, the diameter of the chimney is taken equal to or more output part of the stove. In order to calculate the diameter, it is necessary to know the formula that regulates that by 1 kW of the stove power, take at least 8m2 pipes. So, for the stove of 20 kW, the size of the chimney will be at least 160 m2. In diameter, it is not less than 14 cm.

Height of chimney bath

The height is calculated depending on the type and height of the roof ridge. Need to take into account the neighboring buildings, especially if the bath is attached to the main house. According to SNOP, the height of the chimney of the bath must correspond to the indicators specified in the table:

For a flat roof, the height of the ball chimney must be at least 1 m. For a high pipe (more than 1.5 m), it is necessary to install special stretch marks, they will strengthen the design.

It is important to take into account the moment of beveled and horizontal elements of the chimney. It is unacceptable for more than 1 m. The permissible size will not give so much to accumulate on the walls of the bath tube and does not prevent the pull.

Montage of the chimney do it yourself

Before working, you need to buy all the necessary materials and components. All work takes place in stages: preparation of holes for pipe output, installation of a protective box, a pipe assembly.

Preparation of holes for pipe output

Do not install a pipe with a too large number of bends.

The holes in the new bath under construction are better to do at the stage of assembling overlaps and roofs. In the already assembled design will have to do from scratch. If laying is selected inside the bath, the holes are cut into the ceiling and roof, the external provides one in the wall near the bantle oven.

The holes are necessary on both sides to decide the sheets of metal with a thickness of 0.5 mm. They will protect the surface from fire. Holes make a square cross section 450x450 mm. Dimensions depend on the tube sandwich adapter. For chimney from brick, the size of the opening should be equal to the specified width of the chimney masonry. Read more about how to make a hole in the ceiling Baths told on the video:

Manufacture and installation of a protective box

Protective box on sandwich pipe factory manufacture.

You can make an adapter for metal and sandwich pipes with your own hands: 2 metal sheets of 50x50 cm are taken and the output under the pipe is cut into the middle. Of 4 sheets, a box is made, which is connected by welding. The box is insulated with stone or minvats from basalts and covered with metal foil. A pipe will be inserted into it, it will protect the overlap from heating.

Next, attached to the roof metal protective apron. It can be purchased ready "Flash Master." The box is installed in the place between the transitions of the ceiling and fasten with screws. For a brick tube to make a metal protective box no need. Next, the chimney is mounted.

Installation of chimney

The pipe assembly in the bath must be completed with the installation of anti-virus fungus.

For fastening the pipe, it is necessary opposite the opening of the yield of the chimney to drill places for fastening. Sandwich Pipe is made so that all the details are simply installed in each other.

First, the first link from the oven with a length of 50 cm is mounted. It is fixed in the prepared holes using metal fasteners to the wall and furnace. Next, the second link is displayed in the metal box. If the diameter of the second level is less than the outlet of the first, then the special adapter uses.

By installing the second link, the box is covered with clay. If the stove is located not strictly under the hole in the ceiling, then the knee is used. It is not worth using more than three tribes in one design of the pipe, soot and the nagar will accumulate in the bath tub.

From above on the pipe mount the fungus, you can make it yourself with a metal sheet, an old canning can. It's easier to purchase ready.

The outer tube is going to with one difference, first mounted knee to the wall and only then the main design. In the same way, the transition box warmed and filled with cerazyt is put in the wall. The main pipe comes from the box. From the outside of the bath to the tube, a tee is attached, where they have a revision with a window. They will help to clean the structure from the soot. All parts of the pipe from the outside are attached to the wall in stages. On the facade of the bath, you can use only double sandwich design, only on top above the roof single. The wall under the pipe is insulated with metal or asbestos material.

Do not hurry to assemble the pipe, it is better to carefully fix each link. From how high-quality bath tube will depend on how much the fireproof will be the bath. The safety of not only wooden walls and balls of the bath, but also people who will use the structure are important. Do not save on isolation, it is better to perform its qualitatively from expensive material. Only so pairs will be lightweight, and the bath is safe.

Chimneys for a bathing furnace is the main type of work on the premises of the premises from smoke and fires. If you decide to perform work with your own hands, it is important to know how to calculate the design and step-by-step instructions for mounting steel and masonry brick chimneys.


Dryer Device for Bath Furnace

Chimney for the stove in the bath will need to be done regardless of the type of fuel or the size of the steam. The principle of operation of any device is based on the ability of heated air to rise up. Exhaust gases, leaving to the exhaust channel of the furnace, enter the chimney. They can be with a laying inside the building and over the outer wall.

Each species has a number of advantages, but the most common method of conducting pipes indoors is most common. When passing through overlaps and the roof yield is recommended to equip such places with an additional layer of heat and waterproofing. It is recommended to use heat-insulating clutches, or wrapped with mineral wool or other material.

Furnace chimney device in the bath

Gaza pass through the channels and go into the atmosphere. The second work of the chimney is to ensure reliable and sufficient thrust for normal fuel combustion. And if at the beginning, when drilling, it is possible to provide additional traction with the discovery of the ashtar and the chiere, then when combustion, the roller bookmark must be closed to the ventilation of the furnace - this is the care of the chimney.

Chimney output circuits

The chimney device in a bath for a wood-burning furnace, depending on the materials and features of the room, can be performed on several main schemes:

Conclusion through the roof

Through the wall

The choice of schemes and materials for installation depends on the possibilities of the owners of the bath. The main thing is to correctly perform the calculations of the optimal size of the chimney.

Calculation of chimney

For ease of calculations, it is customary to determine the main size - the internal section of the pipe depending on the power of the furnaces. The main dimensions and power of furnaces for individual baths are shown in the table.

In such a simple way, you can quickly calculate the number of materials and the size of the future chimney. The chimney protective visor should perform over the roof of 1000 mm. When calculating, it is important to take into account the need to arrange the design of the label. Only after determining the cross section and the length of the pipeline it is possible to install a bath oven with chimney.

Pipe height on the roof

Types of chimney

We will analyze some features of the design and the advantage of each type of ventilation pipes.

From brick

2 masonry methods are used in the production of brick chimney:

  1. Indigenous. Such designs are laid out next to the heater and are connected to it with pipes. Used when arranged furnaces from cast iron parts and in the production of brick stones. Such designs can serve several devices simultaneously.
  2. The onset type is laid out when he is erected. They can serve only one device.

Brick chimney requires experience and work skills. It is important to reliably seal the seams, just lay each brick in all planes. It is important to adhere to the laying scheme of parts at all stages of the pipe. The advantages of such a design include:

  • creates a constant and sufficient thrust, regardless of the strength of the wind;
  • brick - Durable material, capable of serving for a long time;
  • the material is absolutely not affected by open fire;
  • bricks are able to accumulate and gradually give heat;
  • such tubes are attractive than steel.


They are easier and faster, the price of such materials is attractive to the brick chimney. And more modern sandwich tubes are manufactured with a thin, but sufficient layer of insulation. But the reliability and durability of the pipe from steel is inferior to brick.

Among the advantages are distinguished:

  • installation speed;
  • low material price;
  • the smooth inner surface prevents the rapid deposition of soot on the walls, but due to the temperature difference on the steel walls, the condensate layer is postponed.


Pipes for bath stainless steel stains with an inner layer of thermal insulation are available. Such materials are safe for people. With the help of a bilateral steel pipeline, you can conduct external systems for removing gases. It is recommended to use parts with a wall thickness of 8 mm, with a layer thickness of heat insulation from 5 mm.

Use chimneys for baths from ceramics. Such products will be taken to the country from Europe, so the price does not allow to use such parts with a wide circle of consumers. The inner surface of the ceramic chimney is absolutely smooth, so the condensate is not retained on them and rolls into the furnace.

What is better to choose?

Regardless, what chimney is used in your steam room, a metal bath oven with a brick chimney or chimneys for bathing stained stainless steel. Their main work to remove spent gases from the room. Steel pipes are not durable, but they are easily replaced and the price of such parts is much lower than bricks.

The brick chimney takes more space, the soot layer is lowered on it faster, but above the level of accumulation and gradual heat recoil. Ceramic expensive. Each chooses based on their requests and capabilities. The choice of ways is individual, everyone has advantages and disadvantages.

Production of chimney

We will analyze in detail the process of manufacturing the main designs of chimneys with their own hands.

From brick

The robot is divided into several basic steps. First of all, it will be necessary to perform preparatory work.

Materials and tools

To work, you will need to cook:

  • master OK;
  • celma;
  • building level;
  • sample clay or simple clay with sand;
  • sufficient amount of refractory brick;

The pipe to the stove in the brick bath will require work in a certain sequence.

Step-by-step instruction

Depending on the type of chimney, you will need to perform different types of work. We will analyze in detail the chimney laying simultaneously with the masonry stove (nozzle type of ventilation pipe).

Brick chimney device for a bath furnace

Manufacturing instructions:

Montage of chimney Baths from brick is ready.


Such a pipe is installed quickly and simply.

Materials and tools

Pipe for a bath furnace from steel pipes will require to buy:

  • billets for the pipeline of the required diameter;
  • clamps for fastening;
  • protective visor;
  • ready sleeve for isolation of the location of the passage through the overlap;
  • mineral wool;
  • ruberoid or rigid roof details.

Step-by-step instruction

Works are performed in several stages;

  1. Before starting the installation, we protect the wall with a layer of thermal insulation. To do this, you can use foam plastic with a mirror outer surface with the inner layer of Minvati.

    Wall insulation

  2. On the outdoor tube from the furnace by installing the first short segment with a girlfriend. The covered Sewber makes the air mixture with depleted oxygen and firewood gradually smooth. This design saves firewood.
  3. Pipes are connected in a fool, use asbestos cord to seal joints. Be sure to install joints in the direction of the exit of smoke. At the joints, fasten the pipes with clamps and secure them to the wall.
  4. At the place of passage through the plates, we install the heat insulating sleeve, we carry out the pipe and close the hole asbestos cord and trim.

    Option 1

    Option 2.

  5. At the outlet through the roof, we make a hole on the diameter of the pipe, reliably fix the pipe with stretch marks and clamps. You can wear a sealing rubber ring or wrapped with a cord from asbestos. We warm the passage, close with a sheet of metal, close in a layer of refractory sealant, we lay the roof coating on top.

  6. We bring the pipe to the necessary height, fond with stretch marks if necessary.

  7. Install the protective visor.
  8. All connectors are tightened by wide clamps.

Installation of the chimney of the bath furnace from steel pipes is over. Extends the service life of the chimney from different materials timely and full maintenance and repair.

Cleaning and care

The main work is to clean the internal surfaces from the soot. With the first decrease in the level of traction, it will be necessary to immediately clean the channels from the nanileous soot. Such work for prevention is carried out at least 1 time in 30 days.

Work is simple. For cleanings, skip the cable or wire from above. Below we tie a metal rash to the diameter of the pipe and stretch it along the entire length. You can bind to the cable of the weight and clean the soot from above, lowering a heavy blank. After the work, general cleaning of the steam room will be required, so it is better to close the shelves with polyethylene and endure light things.

People use several other cleaning methods. In winter, rolling the snowball on the inner size of the pipe, it is lowered into the pipe and he, dropping, will consider soot from the walls. The easiest and most effective way is to burn the aspen firewood in the furnace. Aspen highlights moisture, which settled on the soot layer, will cause its collapse.

You can install a powerful fan and send air flow into the pipe. Just do not forget to prevent your neighbors about your operation. Otherwise, the troubles and washing of neighboring things you are guaranteed.


Make independently chimneys for furnaces - a fully executed occupation for men. The brick tube will require knowledge and hard work in its manufacture, but will serve for a long time. Steel pipes mount easily and quickly. The main thing is to make the chimney of normal sections and the fragrant atmosphere in the pair will not be overshadized by smoke clubs.

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No bath oven can do without the right equipment of all its parts and departments. The chimney device in the bath is somewhat different from the chimney system of the heating furnace for the house. Therefore, to achieve the greatest efficiency of the functions of the bath furnace, it is very important to take into account all the nuances of the construction not only the fireboxes and heaters, but also the chimney.

Device of chimney in a bath for a wood stove

It is necessary to immediately note that the device of this main bath structure will better fulfill an experienced master, but if there is a desire to try your hand, you need to carefully understand in all subtleties. Not only how quickly and well warms the bathroom, but also its fire safety.

Basically, during the construction of a bath furnace, two types of chimneys are used - these are indigenous and mandatory.

  • The indigenous chimneys are built separately, next to the furnace, and are connected to it with a special nozzle, which takes the smoke to the main channel. This species can even be used for two or three furnaces. Naturally, in this case, it must have the corresponding inner diameter, and the pipes from different heating devices are mounted at different heights.
  • The smoke-sized systems with an oven pipe differ from rooted in what is installed directly on the nozzle of the furnace and is removed on the street through the wall or roof. In the baths buildings, the hosts are more likely to prefer precisely by the dehima.

Also, chimneys can be divided into rigs and internal.

  • The first are removed through the wall, and their main part passes down the street, where it is fixed to the wall surface with the help of brackets. But immediately need to say that the outdoor view of the chimney is not suitable for the bath, as it cools faster, no matter how well he is insulated. Namely, for a bath, you lose too much warm - unforgivable luxury.
  • Internal chimney systems are installed more often, therefore it is worth learn more about them.

Chimney passing indoors through the ceiling

One of the main advantages of the VN Morning Chimney is its maximum verticality, which contributes to a good pull. However, he has, of course, and its shortcomings:

- For its device in the finished building, it is necessary to cut through (punch) holes in the overlap and roof, as well as make reliable waterproofing. In addition, you will have to work hard to isolate the passage in the ceiling of the heat-resistant material;

- Chimney passing outside, much easier to repair than the inner.

But despite the possible cons, warmth, given to the room, is much more important for the bath, so it is better not to be lazy and spend it inside, so as not to lose the bath heat and do not burn with too much fuel.

Materials and features of the manufacture of chimney for a wood stove

The choice of material for the chimney will depend on which the furnace is installed in the bath.

  • The brick furnace can be equipped with chimney, also laid out of brick, metallic or made from asbestos cement.
  • The metal version of the furnace with the equipped heater is usually complemented by the same chimney (less often from asbestos cement). But most often it Metal pipes with a layer of insulation, so-called sandwich chimney.
  • Asbestobeton The variant of chimneys, especially for bath furnaces, undesirable at the most important reason is the porosity of the material. Due to the structural features of asbestos cement, condensate remains on the walls of the channel for a long time or even absorbed into them, which leads to the destruction of the material. Such a pipe can burst or turns, even explode. So that the condensate is formed less, the asbestos cement pipe is dressed in thermal insulation and laid brickwork.

From whatever material, the chimney pipe is performed, its parts should be sealed together, and the brickwork should not have cracks. These flaws make it possible to get into the cold air, which not only reduces the craving, but also contribute to the formation of condensate.

The diameter of the trailers should also be calculated correctly - if it is more necessary, smoke that rises through it will quickly cool, which also contributes to the formation of condensate.

It is worth paying special attention to the choice of the thickness of the chimney tube bath. The internal variant of the chimney should have the walls of at least 12 cm, and the outer - 38-40 cm thick. It also will also save from rapid cooling, which means that moisture condensation.

The most important factor for this furnace department is the ideal smoothness of the inner walls of the pipe. It will provide the desired craving, which means that the soot will not be postponed on the walls in large quantities. The porous surfaces are able to scap a large number of Gary, from which the chimney will have to clean quite often. If a chimney brick tube is built, then in the attic room it is watched by a clay solution and produce it. Thanks to such precautions, in the event of cracks in the masonry or other defects, they can be immediately detected, since the black smoke will leak through the cracks of the grouts, and it will be clearly visible on the whim. This is a visual signal of the need for urgent repairs.

Sometimes for bath furnaces use combined chimney design. In this case, its lower part is erected from the brick, and the upper passing through overlaps and roof is made of modern sandwich pipes.

This option allows you to arrange neat small passages, which make it easier to arrange the heat-resistant material.

Safety in the chimney device

It is necessary to ensure high fire safety of the chimney for the bath. For this, as mentioned above, pay special attention to the tightness of the compounds of individual parts of the pipe, as well as on the cut when the chimney pass through the overlaps and the roof.

In places where the pipe will pass through the ceiling, it is necessary to isolate it from the wooden elements of the heat-resistant material - it can be asbestos, mineral wool, sand or clay.

  • To do this, on the ceiling in place passage of chimney A metallic panel is fixed with a hole through which the pipe will be skipped.
  • From the side of the attic a peculiar box is arranged, which should be above the attic floor for 10-15 centimeters. It is stacked or covered with an insulating material that will save the wooden overlap of high temperatures in the chimney pipe. The pipe must be at least 25 centimeters from combustible overlap materials.
  • It is very important to arrange thermally insioning Protection not only in ceiling overlap, but also on a wooden bath wall. Basically, the bath buildings are built out of pine, and its wood is sufficiently resinist and can easily overheat and even burn from high temperatures passing by a number of chimney. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the wall with a non-combustible material - it can be special plasterboard, asbestos, stone masonry, foil minvat or a combined option.
  • After passing through the attic, the chimney channel is displayed through the roof and rises at no less than one and a half meters.
  • Around the chimney, with a pass through the roofing coating, waterproofing is satisfied, which will keep the roof crate from moisture ingress, and hence the appearance of mold fungus and destruction.
  • From above, a special protective fungus is put on top of the tube and a spark-rider is satisfied.

Water Tuck

In the chimney system of the bath, erected from metal sandwich tube, sometimes the metal tank is embedded to heal water, inside which passes uninsulated part chimney. Tanks can have a different volume - this first of allwill depend on the power of the selected furnace.

Choosing this accessory for the chimney, it is best to pay attention to the product of stainless steel, which will serve a long time. Naturally, you need to focus on the diameter of the delay of the chimney, to which the tank will be fixed. It is better to acquire the entire set in the set so that you do not have to disassemble the already collected design.

On the water tank there are nozzles for which smoking pipes are put on. They must be shied tight with each other, otherwise the thrust will decline, and carbon monoxide can fall into the room.

The metal tank for water is embedded in the design of a brick chimney. In this case, hot air from the furnace passing next to it heats the water spanned into the tank. Built-in capacity, you need to provide a place in the wall of the chimney, where the crane and the tip with the tank will be located for filling the tank.

Scheme of a device of a bath chimney

On this scheme, all the above parties of the smoke-sized system of the bath furnace are perfectly visible.

It is worth noting that the bath oven is usually in another room - Pregnant. It is provided for the risk of having to burn during washing, and so that the buyer has the opportunity to put firewood all the time in the furnace.

Directly in the bathroom there is a furnace with a metal crate, which enters the hot walls and is 10-15 centimeters from them. At this distance and stacked the goals, which, heating, give heat into the room, and if you wish to get steam - they should be splashing with ordinary water or infusion of fragrant herbs. The chimney and the tank arranged on it in this embodiment also placed in the bathroom.

The figure also shows how the chimney should pass through overlaps and roof and how to ensure the full safety of its functioning.

Relying on this scheme, you can easily arrange chimney yourself, if strictly observe all the rules, rules, sizes and volumes of insulating materials.

Video: An interesting variant of the chimney device in the bath

All work - both by building a furnace and on the device of its chimney system - must be carried out with full responsibility and accuracy. It must be remembered that not only the safety of the bath itself will depend on the approach to this issue, but also the lives of people who use it.

When designing a bath, it is important to provide a qualitatively equipped chimney so that the combustion products be easily left from the room without creating hazards for soaring. How to remove the pipe from the bath through the ceiling correctly with your own hands on the steps? This question will consider in this article.

One of the options for the output of the chimney is to withdraw it through the ceiling space and roof. This option is more reliable and durable.

To make such chimney, you can use different types of materials, but, in any case, it is necessary to comply with the rules of finishing technology.

Types of pipes

Today, several varieties of chimneal pipes are used:

Increasingly, people begin to pay attention to more expensive chimney finishes, preferring reliability and safety. Conventional metal chimneys can provoke fire fire, while the brick tube or Senvich chimney reliably protect the bath from fire.

Smoking Pipe Installation Rules

There are several rules that should be observed when installing the chimney:

  1. before installing, it is important to carefully plan its location;
  2. plot pipe located horizontally from the furnace to the insert, should not be more than 1 meter;
  3. metal pipe should have a gap to flammable finishing elements of at least 1.5 m;
  4. chimney should be installed so that its cut does not come to the lever zone. This will significantly reduce the power of natural traction;
  5. in the gas duct, it is necessary to provide the possibility of cleaning the pipe, including condensate.

Professionals also advise you to protect the single-perched pipe with a layer of thermal insulation material.

Most often use basalt fiber for this. Outside, the insulation layer is closed with galvanized steel casing. It will impede the formation of condensate and protect the attic from the fire.

Stages of the installation of chimneys in the ceiling

It is possible to divide the process of installing the chimney pipe into the ceiling space into several steps.

1 Stage: Design

Previously need to make a detailed plan for the chimney.

It is important that the chimney is convenient for soaring, it was not too close to the beams and rafters, as well as to provide the necessary gap to flammable finishing materials.

Stage 2: Buy the chimney and the necessary materials

At the design stage, it is also worth decreasing what kind of chimney will be installed in your bath. After the choice is made, you can safely go for the purchase. Do not forget also to clarify the consultants in the store, what additional materials will be needed to install the chimney.

3 Stage: Marking of the ceiling surface for chimney hole

In order to correctly determine the place of the future chimney, it will take construction kit, with which we mark the place where the remove the tube from the furnace should be located.

4 Stage: Cut the hole for the pipe

According to the previously made markup, we make a hole in the ceiling surface for the future chimney. It's not scary if the hole is a pair of centimeters more laid.

From the inside, the gaps will be closed with a special box, and from the attic side it will be possible to isolate the gaps with a stone cotton wool or other suitable material.

5 Stage: Place Markup for Pipe

This is an equally important stage of work, which implies the markup of the surface of the roof under the chimney. The fact is that the roof surface usually has a slope. Accordingly, the larger the roof slope, the greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole carved under the chimney should be.

Stage 6: Preparation of the hole in the roof

The hole in the roof is cut in the form of an oval, and the more bias, the greater the area of \u200b\u200boval. For the closure of the opening from the street, special rubber seals are used in the future.

When choosing a seal, it is very important to take into account the bias of the roof.

7 Stage: Chimney Installation

When choosing a metal chimney, it is necessary:

The asbestos sheet is pre-wetted in water to avoid cracks and faults when wrapping, and on top turns wire, to avoid climbing the material.

In the steam room, the resulting hole is covered with a thin metal sheet or asbestos to reduce heat exchange between chimney and finishing finish. On top of the metal sheet, it is possible to float with a clay or put basalt insulation.

To close the hole in the roof, the rubber sealer will not suit, as it will not stand the high temperature. The metal sheet should be used, which is placed on the hole, and the resulting gaps are close to the rope asbestos, abundantly moistened in the cement solution.

Sandwich chimney

The simplest in the installation will be a sandwich chimney, which is easily mounted and provides fireproof construction.

Sandwich pipes, as a rule, consist of several metal sheets, between which the fire-resistant material is stacked.

Work plan:

  • a node for dense fixation of the chimney pipe is installed on the roof of the bath;
  • the pipe is installed in the prepared hole in the roof;
  • the space formed between the sandwich tube and the pipes of the larger diameter is covered with sand or clay;
  • if the use of a larger pipe is undesirable, a box for sandwich pipes should be used, the cavity of which is also covered with clay;

It is important to observe the interval from the sandwich tube to finishing finishing materials. In no case should not come into contact, so as not to create a fire hazardous environment.

Brick chimney

The most reliable and preferred, but also quite expensive, the design is a chimney of a brick. Before it is installed, it is necessary to carefully plan everything, not forgetting the fact that the installation of such a chimney in small baths is inappropriate.

Work plan:

  • a hole for the pipe is done, the diameter of which must exceed the diameter of the pipe for 20 cm;
  • then the chimney is excreted through the surface of the roof and isisulated with a metal sheet;
  • the design is sealing, the factory of the metal sheet under the roof;
  • then the umbrella of metal protecting it from moisture is fixed to the installed tube;
  • the finish finish of the chimney is to apply heat-resistant paint on it, which will protect the metal parts from corrosion.

Having finished installing the outside, proceed to the installation inside the steam.

Initially, the box is isolated by basalt and is trimmed with a foil insulator, and the first chimney element adjacent to the furnace is installed.

Then the second chimney link is installed, and the box is covered with clay. After all the remaining segments are recorded, and the metallic umbrella is installed.

On this work on the installation of chimney through the ceiling is over. As can be seen, this is not such a difficult phased procedure, which, however, requires certain theoretical knowledge and professional experience.

In any case, manifesting a little desire to make this work independently, without the help of professionals.

Useful video on the withdrawal of chimney from the bath

The most complex in the construction of the bath is the installation of chimney. People who do not have the relevant experience prefer to order ready-made chimneys for bath furnaces, the benefit of the modern market has a lot of different variations of such products.

Nevertheless, the bath tube can be made and installed on its own, there is nothing complicated in this, the main thing is to determine the material and act in accordance with the instructions presented below.

Bath pipes have a lot of classifications. For example, depending on the location, they may be external and internal. The first are mounted outside the room, which allows you to free up a considerable amount of space and partially exclude the possibility of obtaining burns.

Such tubes for baths have a significant drawback: you literally will be touched by the street.

Smashing pipes for baths, located indoors, should be mounted particularly carefully, observing all the rules. The edge of the chimney in the bath produced with the slightest disorders may cause serious consequences: ranging from fire and ending in a choking.

No less common is a classification based on materials from which chimneys for a bath are manufactured. It includes the following types of chimney channels:

  • brick;
  • modular stainless steel having one or two contours;
  • corrugated;
  • ceramic;
  • polymer, etc.

The following are all types of chimney baths. In addition, there is a lot of useful information, which will certainly facilitate the installation of structures.

Types of chimneys and requirements for them

The chimney for the bath furnace must correspond to a number of requirements. The slightest inconsistency can cause a weak thrust. Therefore, performing a chimney device in the bath should be paid to the following factors:

  • The front side of the pipe should not have damage. The consequence of this can be an excessive formation of condensate.
  • The inner surface should be smooth. Various irregularities contribute to the rapid accumulation of soot and Gary.
  • Chimney in the bath with their own hands or with the involvement of specialists is placed not only in vertical, but also in the horizontal plane. Due to this, the heat in the literal sense does not fly into the pipe, with each horizontal component of the chimney channel should not have a length of over 1000 mm. Otherwise, the thrust will be weak.
  • Chimneys for bath furnaces mounted through overlap must necessarily be equipped with fire structures. For example, steel and ceramic chimneys are placed in special boxes.
  • I solve how to install the pipe in the bath - through the ceiling or wall, not least you should think about the diameter of the pipe. It depends on the power of the furnace directly and, as a rule, varies from 100 to 350 mm.
  • A part of the chimney canal, located outside the building, should be made of strong durable materials that can resist aggressive environmental impact (rain, wind, snow, etc.). To greater extent it concerns pipes installed outside the room. In such a situation, the pipe in the bath through the ceiling and the roof has more advantages, because only its small part is outdoor.

Do not forget about the dimensions of the chimney channel. Before people who bought a furnace produced at the factory, this question is not so acute. After all, it already has an input to attach the chimney channel. Thus, the pipes of a smaller diameter cannot be used, and more does not make sense, because these are additional costs per gearbox.

If the furnace is self-made, then you can use an arbitrary diameter of the pipe, varying within the values \u200b\u200bindicated above. High accuracy here is unimportant, as well as complex mathematical calculations. Leave them to specialists engaged in the design of channels for the output of combustion products in huge buildings.

This also applies to the height of the pipe. The main rule of its installation states that its outer part should exceed the highest point of the roof at least a meter. Thus, having decided to make a chimney independently, you do not need to deepen into calculations.

After reading the basic requirements, you should think about how to bring the pipe in the bath. There are three ways to install chimney:

  • On the foundation of buildings or overlap. The first way is ideal for people building a bath from scratch, the second for those who decided to re-equip any room in the pair.
  • Over the stove. Such chimney is suitable for owners of metal furnaces.
  • On the facade of the building, that is, through the wall.

What chimney is better for a bath? The answer to this question should be made independently, comparing the goals and means. The information presented in this article will certainly help make the right choice.

Steel pipe chimney

The withdrawal of the pipe through the roof of the bath is a rather laborious process, so the first thing should be considered the option of mounting the chimney through the wall. With such a task, any person will easily cope, even having an appropriate experience. For work will be required:

  • three knees of different sizes that directly depend on the location of the furnace (if the furnace stands near the wall, then the knee of the following dimensions are suitable: 200 × 1200 mm, 160 × 1200 mm and 160 × 100 mm);
  • a tee with a plug;
  • the fungus to be protected from water and garbage in a smoking line.

Strike all the necessary materials, it should be started to install the chimney in the bath with your own hands, step by step guide:

  • First of all, it is necessary to conduct preparatory work. The passage of pipes is not needed, so the preparation is reduced to the drilling of the wall. Taking into account the parameters of the pipes taken, the hole diameter should be 160 mm.
  • Next you need to connect all the knees. Usually for these purposes used screws.
  • A fungus is installed in the upper part of the design.

This installation of chimney in the bath is usually resorted if the design is temporary. Therefore, most people are interested in how to make chimney in the baths through the ceiling.

This is the right approach to solving the problem, because the pipes laid down the street do not contribute to the early warming of the premises. Alternatives may be chimneys in the bath through the wall, containing materials that contribute to the preservation of heat in their design.

Stainless steel chimney channels having heat conservation system

The most popular is a pipe for a bath furnace, which contributes to the preservation of heat, having an cavity in its design filled with thermal insulating materials. Such flue pipes for the bath are more eliminating the possibility of obtaining burns and fires, rather than saving heat.

Thus, the installation of pipes in the bath eliminates the need to use additional fireproof materials when laying through wooden walls.

If the main task is to maintain heat, then you can use a stove tube for water-cooled bath. The use of such systems has a lot of advantages:

  • First, chimneys for furnaces in the baths become completely safe in terms of the possibility of inflammation in contact with combustible materials. In other words, there is no need to use fireproof materials in the place of contact of the pipe with the wall.
  • Secondly, the possibility of getting a burn is excluded.
  • Thirdly, the pipe for the stove into the bath serves as a heating element, which eliminates the need to install a boiler.

Smoking pipes for baths made of stainless steel are a cheaper option. Their installation does not require special experience and additional knowledge, so the installation can be held by any person who can hold construction tools in the hands. The main thing is to observe all precautions.

Chimneys from ceramic materials

Speaking about chimney channels from ceramics, first of all, ceramic pipes should be mentioned. Their installation requires much smaller effort than the installation of brick structures, while the roof cutting is largely simplified.

Ceramic pipes in the role of chimney have a lot of advantages:

  • they are able to withstand high temperatures;
  • ceramic pipes are not terrible corrosion;
  • smooth inner surface significantly reduces the ability to accumulate soot and Gary, so cleaning is required infrequently;
  • ceramic pipes are highly not thermal conductive. Due to this, the heat does not go outside, and the ability to burn completely excluded.

Do not forget that the installation of a ceramic pipe does not require dismantling the ceiling and roofs in a large volume. You only need to drill a hole for the pipe.

Corrugated pipe chimney

Corrugated pipe is often an integral part of chimneys for baths. In most cases, they are replaced by the knees connecting horizontal and vertical pipes of the chimney channel. Thanks to this approach, you can save a lot of space.

Bath furnaces equipped with a chimney tube fully made from corrugations are rare. Despite the simplicity of installation, such chimneys have a lot of flaws:

  • Lack of necessary thermal insulation characteristics. Leaving a corrugated pipe, you can get a burn. With long-term exposure of the temperature above 900 degrees, the material begins to collapse.
  • Corrugated pipes are easily amenable to corrosion, which, together with high humidity, steam room leads to their rapid failure.

Only temporary chimney can be made from the corrugated pipe. At the same time, it is necessary to protect against the ignition of the ceiling and passage assembly, otherwise the occurrence of ignition will be only a matter of time. This also applies to other places in which the chimney comes into contact with combustible materials.

What material to choose for chimney mounting

The choice of material for the edge of the chimney depends on many criteria. In this process, everyone should be taken into account: since what the ceiling and passage knot you want to do, and ending with the view of the furnace. Ideally, the chimney for the bath must comply with the following requirements:

  • Promote fuel combustion in full.
  • Provide high-quality heating of the stove walls. In other words, heat should not fly into the pipe.
  • There must be a good thrust. It is provided by the competent selection of the diameter of the pipe and the absence of horizontal parts of the chimney longer than meter.

In addition, the chimney must be easy to maintain. Any chimney over time requires cleaning, so when installing should be collected such a design that will not complicate this process.

Mounting chimney for metal and brick oven

Installing the pipe without joining the furnace is a fairly simple process with which any person will cope. It is much more difficult to make the chimney pipe to be properly attached to the stove. The correct installation is as follows:

  • First you need to establish supports having gaps, because the chimney is expanding when heated. The design with asbestos will become excellent support for the chimney. This material is resistant to high temperatures.
  • If the chimney hole of the furnace is in close proximity to the wall or the channel will not go through the wall, then the use of support structures is not required.
  • The place of the joint of the tube with the furnace should be perfectly decorated. This eliminates the possibility of cracking and, as a result, smoke entering the room.

Thinking about how to make a pipe, some owners of the bath do not know whether. If you decide to assemble and set the chimney in the bath with your own hands, the installation of the valve will largely complicate the process. If you buy a finished chimney, you can choose a model with a valve.

As a rule, this element of the decoder system is designed to preserve heat after burning fuel, there is no such need. If the valve plays an important aesthetic role for you, you can make a passage in a pipe or use extra knee.

Traditional chimney

The classic chimney is a burning outflow system.

Under it implies the passage of the pipe through the ceiling of the bath. It is called classic due to the fact that in the past it was such chimney channels. If you are interested in the diagram of the chimney of the brick, it can be easily found on the Internet, on numerous resources dedicated to construction. The scheme is also in specialized literature.

The advantages of installing such a chimney are as follows: low cost, strength and increased operational characteristics. Bricks are perfectly tolerated both high and low temperatures. The rules for installing the chimney of bricks are quite complex:

  • The first rule implies protection against fire. It is provided by a high level of fire safety. Having wondered: "How to make a chimney from a brick and take into account the fire safety rule?", It should be remembered that the minimum distance between the chimney canal and the wall should be at least 380 mm. In areas where chimney passes through overlaps, special extensions are created.
  • The thrust directly depends not only on which diameter of the chimney pipe is selected. This indicator depends on the height of the structure. To achieve maximum thrust and, as a result, heat transfer can be if the height of the pipe is equal to five meters.
  • Fireproof depends directly on the thickness of the chimney walls. The skinless wall, the most reliable and safer. The minimum thickness must be 100 mm. Thus, if the diameter of the pipe is large, then with the thick wall you can get a rather bulky design.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear: before choosing a chimney of bricks, you should think well. Its installation may be unbearable for you.

Think maybe it makes sense to make chimney through the wall or ceiling, applying the above methods.

Rules for masonry chimney of brick

The masonry should be started on top of the stove. Pre-on the furnace is installed on the oven. The laying of brick is conducted, as when the walls are erected, but there are a number of nuances:

  • So that the furnace helped the heat, and the smoke went through the channels, it is necessary to closely monitor the design level. Use the measuring instrument to be used after each row posted.
  • Building a chimney of bricks, however,, like a furnace, it is necessary to use a non-standard solution, which includes cement and sand, but to add to the mixture of clay. The proportions of the solution are as follows: 2: 5: 1.
  • The thickness of the solution layer should vary in the range from 5 to 10 mm. An indicator equal to centimeter is critical. If you exceed it, the laying will quickly collapse;
  • Shakes between bricks should be carefully embedded. If you neglect this procedure, the sparks can get into the room.
  • Installation should be made exclusively from whole bricks. The use of quarters and halves can lead to the need to increase the consumption of the solution, which is unacceptable.

Of the foregoing, the following conclusion should be done: the chimney of the brick has a lot of undoubted advantages, but its installation is complicated by many factors. Therefore, to establish it with your own hands, without having an appropriate experience, it is unlikely to succeed.

Roof cutting chimney

If you do not fit the idea of \u200b\u200binstalling the chimney in the bath through the wall, then carefully examine the types of roof cuttings. This procedure is an integral part when installing the chimney from the steel pipe and other materials, through the roof.

Cutting chimney is a mandatory procedure. It guarantees safety, heat and dry room, so when installing you need to use any cutting method.

To choose the type of cutting, you should decide on a number of factors from which it directly depends. At the same time you can decide how to isolate the pipe in the bath. Factors affecting the cutting such:

  • the material from which the chimney is made;
  • roof type;
  • view of the roof and so on.

By making the pipe in the bath through the roof from the sandwich panels, you need to use a metal cone for cutting, fixed on apron at a low angle. This type of cutting is suitable for chimney in a bath for a wood-burning furnace. Other solid materials can be used as fuel

The arrangement of the chimney in the bath through the ceiling and the slate roof implies the use of lead apron. Thanks to the plasticity, it easily acquires the desired shape. It is necessary to carry out such work immediately after installing roofing material in your place. Pros and cons of the use of a lead apron are as follows: Reliability of adjustment, simplicity of installation, against low melting point.

Round pipes and metal wavy roof are prerequisites for using polymer-based penetrations having a metal frame. Installation instructions for cutting is quite simple:

  • in the cap, consisting of polymers, it is necessary to make a slot in size corresponding to the external diameter of the pipe;
  • next you need to put on the product on the pipe;
  • the base sheet is easily strung in the form of a roof.

The cutting of this type guarantees the complete tightness of the penetration through the roof.

Do you need drawings for chimney mounting

As a rule, the installation of chimney in various buildings requires the advanced manufacturing of the drawings, indicating all the main nodes. Using the drawing, you can gradually make installation.

When installing the chimney in the bath, such difficulties have nothing to do. Everything is done much easier. The necessary data and instructions are given above. Using them, you can easily make chimney for the bath with your own hands.

Final chimney mounting stage

When all the nodes from the optimal materials are installed, you need to check the efficiency of the chimney.

Tests are better spent in the evening or at night. It is important that the ambient temperature is lower than indoors.

Otherwise, smoke during the crossing will be included in the room even with a good chimney. Desirable, but an optional condition is the presence of wind - the thrust will be better.

Roach furnace should be taken carefully. A competent bin when conducting such a procedure uses a minimum of fuel. This allows you to apply the appropriate measures if the work of the chimney pipeline will be unsatisfactory.

If the ignition has passed successfully, the smell of smoke indoors does not feel, then add fuel, choosing raw firewood, giving more smoke. From well-isolated chimneys, smoke misses the room. The reverse situation is a direct indication of a thorough check of channels for inaccuracies of installation and damage.