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Physical body improvement. My body: Improving VS Adoption

Principle 7. Many things harm the brain and complicate the improvement of the body. But a lot of others help the brain and contribute to the creation and maintenance of the welcome body

You will probably be surprised when I begin to list things that harm the brain and get up to the acquisition of a good physical form. Here are just a few examples of unwanted behavior, which I will tell about and further in the book. (This information is so important that the repetition does not hurt.)

Physical injuries.Serious damage, brain shake and even light injuries significantly affect your well-being.

Drugs. Marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamines, heroin and substances that use toxicomas, significantly reduce the brain functions. Not only forbidden drugs affect the brain, but also many prescription drugs (for example, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, some hearty medicines, etc.). Drugs and medicines can reduce or raise appetite, which leads to loss or weight gain, "pump out" motivation and energy, worsen the condition of the skin, nails, teeth, hair. Look at images of people before and after the use of methamphetamines. These photos will terrify you.

Alcohol.It is not necessary to be bitter drunk to harm the brain. Even moderate amounts of alcohol disturb the brain functions. Studies show that the brain of people who consume alcohol every day, less in size than non-drip. And when it comes to the brain, the size matters! Alcohol reduces the activity of the bark of frontal stakes responsible for prudence, forecasting and planning. Therefore, drinking, people take unreasonable solutions - it seems to sit behind the wheel or at three o'clock in the morning in the fast food cafe (although they have problems with weight), or have sex without a condom with a partner, which they see for the first time in life.

Obesity. Fat accumulates toxic substances. The greater the body of the adipose tissue, the worse for the brain. Obesity doubles the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and it is associated with a decrease in the amount of the brainstant.

Hormonal disorders. The imbalance of the hormones of the thyroid gland, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA (dehydroepiyndrosterone) or cortisol affects the body and on the brain.

Poor food. Every few months the cells are updated. The quality of new cells depends on food consumed, so you actually be the fact that you eat. Unhealthy food leads to brain and body disorders. Lack of vitamin D, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids harms brain tissues and body.

Chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation violate the blood supply to the brain and hearts and are considered the cause of many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity and Alzheimer's disease.

Anemia. Blood is important because it carries oxygen, sugar, vitamins and nutrients to the brain and takes toxins from it. Everything that worsens the blood supply to the organ (nicotine, caffeine, lack of physical activity), is prematurely old. This is especially true of the brain.

Chronic stress.Problem Marriage, responsible work, financial difficulties cause chronic stress. If you constantly feel yourself in a state of stress, the brain makes the body to produce more cortisol stress hormone. With elevated levels, cortisol enhances appetite, craving for sweet, increases the production of sebum (reinforcing the tendency to acne), increases the muscle tension (which leads to chronic pain), blood pressure and risk of various heart disease.

Sleep disorders. Sleep less than 6 hours per night reduces the brain function and makes the brain allocate hormones that boost appetite and the desire to eat sweet. People who are not sleeping enough, often consume more calories than they need, and gain weight. In addition, the lack of sleep becomes prematurely skin and leaves dark circles under the eyes.

Smoking. Smoking worsens blood flow in the brain and all body bodies, including the skin. The smokers is easy to identify according to the state of the skin - it looks older than its biological age. Believe me, the chicken brain looks the same. Smoking leads to very many serious problems with the brain and body.

Excess caffeine. Too many portions of coffee, tea, coffee beverages with caffeine worsen the flow of blood to the brain, dehydrate the brain, body and skin and deceive the brain, inspiring him that you can not sleep. It is harmful to the body and brain.

Hobby TV. Excessive passion for watching TV harm and brain, and body. Children TV enhances attention deficit syndrome, adults increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. View TV Over two hours daily, in addition, increases the risk of obesity.

Video games with demonstration of violence. Brutal video games increase the level of aggression and worsen learningability. In the pictures of the brain, we saw that this type of games affects the same brain area as cocaine, so children and adults are "sitting" on video games like drugs. More than two hours of video games per day add risk of obesity.

Dehydration. Your body is 70% consists of water, and the brain consists of 80% of it. If you do not drink enough, then worsen the function of the brain and the quality of the skin (more wrinkles appear).

Lack of physical activity. The lack of activity worsens blood circulation in the brain, body and genitalia. It is well proven that the lack of exercises poorly affects body weight and health as a whole and can reduce sexy drive.

Negative thinking. We conducted studies that showed that the concentration of things that you do not like, reduces the activity of the brain, step in the heartbeat, increases blood pressure and adversely affects many body systems. Negative thinking sabotages your attempts to lose weight, start exercise or quit smoking.

Excessive passion for communication on the Internet and on SMS.Neurologists have proven that "electronic dependence" leads to a deterioration of attention and may cause difficulties in personal communication. In addition, it distracts from workouts, promotes weight gain and generally impairs health.

I developed a course for high school students dedicated to practical care of the brain to teach teenagers to love the brain and take care of him. It was implemented in forty states and seven countries. Every time some "witty" student asks: "How to get pleasure from life if nothing is impossible?" Our answer is simple: who gets more pleasure from life, a person with a well-working brain or upset? No matter how old you are, if the brain is healthy - you will enjoy life. A person with a healthy brain is easier to keep track of what he eats, and physical activity, respectively, he will look good, he has a lot of energy to play a golf with a potential client or dance with his wife. But the guy with the brain disorders can happen impulsive overeating, which will lead to an increase in weight, type 2 diabetes and reduce the pleasure of life. And who of them two are more fun?

A woman with a healthy brain huses well, wakes up having rested and smashing, which gives her confidence in relationship, she is attentive at work. And the woman with reduced brain activity accumulates fatigue, which worsens its professional results, prevents promotion. She looks exhausted, which reduces her self-esteem, and this badly affects the relationship. And who of them gets more fun?

I have excellent news for you! After many years of studying the pictures of the brain and the treatment of patients, I found that there are many simple household factors that help strengthen brain functions. These simple recommendations are the key to the improvement of the body. Further in this book you will find a lot of ideas about how to improve brain functions. That's just a few for starters.

Protect the brain. And your own and those who are dear to you.

Fit correctly. The brain requires high-quality nutrients: proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts, useful fats like olive oil. Studies show that the brain works better if you eat 9 servings of vegetables and fruits daily.

Take vitamins, minerals and fish fat everyday. Most of us are not obtained with food all the necessary substances. I recommend to take additives every day, as well as fish oil that helps reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation in the brain and fight depression.

Do physical education. Exercises rejuvenate the brain. They enhance blood circulation, increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, help to fight stress. It is very the best way Help the brain and at the same time improving the figure, mood, recharge your energy, including sexual, and correct health.

Purge. It is necessary at least 7 hours of sleep so that the brain worked optimally, adjusted your appetite and allowed the skin to look better.

Meditate. Meditation activates the deep brain structures and helps to make faithful solutions.

Relax. If you learn how to cope with stress and calm the body, it will help the work of the brain, improve the mood and reduce the blood pressure.

Be grateful. If you focus on what you love, the brain will work better, you will become more coordinated. Every day, write five things for which you are grateful to fate. You will see a significant sentiment shift in a positive trip on three weeks.

Do you have sex. Safe sex, especially sex in loving reliable relationships, is a good medicine for the brain and body, it helps to reduce the level of stress, strengthens the immune system, prolongs life.

Balance the hormones.Hormones, such as Estrogen and Testosterone, play a key role in maintaining the health and energy of the brain and body.

Treat mental disorders. There is a relationship between mental disorders and physical diseases. Treatment of mental ailments improves brain functions and general well-being.

In short, everyday life can improve, and worsen the work of the brain. What do you choose: healthy brain and comfortable life or sick brain and health problems and affairs? The choice is yours.

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Improving power

As long as you have not dedicated yourself to the embodiment of the idea, you will fluctuate, find ways to retreat and do not achieve the desired one. When it comes to the manifestation of any initiative (or about creativity), there is a single law, the ignorance of which is circumscribed on the failure of all the most ambitious ideas and beginnings: only acting, you acquire the grace of providence. If you are determined, then events, people, circumstances - everything around promotes the implementation of your aspirations. Dare, for in this impulse of everything - genius, power and magic.

In the ancient Eastern mythology, the dragon personifies the spirit and power. Great and Immortal, he commands the elements, exhibits the flame and has an insurmountable force. This winged snake is powerful generator Energy. He and the Lord of the Underground World, and the Heavenly Vladyka. He is omnipotent, impresses, he is the highest law of force.

Thousands of years of China's wise men, Tibet and Himalayans seek to gain the power of the dragon. Monks, hermits and warriors spend many years in comprehending the highest laws of improving the spirit, the knowledge of which gives them extraordinary power. The manifestations of supernatural strength, excellent health and longevity are characteristic of those enlightened, which traded hidden in all of us resources of creative and creative energy. This energy is not only a source of life, but the power of wisdom and creativity.

Vital energy, known as qi, Ki. and shakti.may awaken in any person. Various spiritual practices aimed at improving domestic personality resources contribute to strengthening its potential.

Those who managed to awaken in themselves the source of the internal force are called siddhami"Welfing power." Most Siddonhov leads hermit life in villages and temples in the distance from the Broken World; Rarely, which of them takes students. Some Siddhi live in the cities of incognito and are known only to a narrow circle of dedicated. However, in fact, people who developed incredible spiritual power, quite a lot, and they are not exceptional.

Like the dragon, Siddhi can command the surrounding reality. They know the secrets of healing herbs, they own martial arts techniques, practice yoga and meditation exercises, adhere to a ascetic lifestyle and thirst for knowledge. All this helps Siddham rule over the forces of nature and the energy of the first elements. Just as the dragon is the lord of the underworld and the Lord of Heaven, Siddhi penetrate the mysterious depths of human nature and wake up to the heights of the Spirit.

In Yoganushasanam, the Great Yogan sermon is said: "The warrior never surrenders the storm wave - he moves forward on her ridge." This statement is how it is impossible to characterize those who seek to rule over their lives. But how do these people acquire similar strength?

A dilemma with which many meet is in choosing a path. But most often the path finds us yourself. There are certain circumstances, and a person will obey them, starting to live as if everything was predetermined in advance. Although sometimes he is trying to choose between several paths, as if striving to make the most profitable deal. How does this happen? A person does not so much choose between different ways, how much is studying various methods, finding the most effective and refusing all others. However, it is impossible to choose your way as a couple of shoes in the store. It needs to be felt and realized because the process of awakening the soul is purely individual. Features of life experience of one person can be absolutely useless for the other, so the spiritual path must be determined on the basis of the internal needs of each individual.

Throughout the human history, the methods of awakening internal strength were kept in the strictest secret. Many of them were created and practiced in the most remote corners of the Earth like the sacred mountains of China, high-mountain plateau of Tibet or Himalayas. Before the invention of modern vehicle These places were very difficult to access, and only those who truly sought to gain spiritual knowledge came there.

And now the peculiarities of many practices force students to go to the most distant, quiet corners of the planet, away from the human bustle. In such conditions it is easier to tune in to the perception of subtle energies and biorhythms of nature. Also in solitude it is easier to maintain a deep concentration needed for comprehensive spiritual development. In addition, many of the methods of awakening the inner strength were kept in the strictest secret due to its inherent powerful energy potential. Therefore, only those who were able to comprehend them with subtle energies of such force could comprehend them.

However, over time, secret teachings became more and more accessible to the general public. This is largely due to the improvement of communications that have paved people to the most remote corners of the world, as well as with the publication of many secret sacred texts. Now more and more people comprehend the basics of yoga, they are engaged in meditation and learning martial arts. This is because previously hidden information has become more affordable.

Although even the best book does not replace the living teacher, nevertheless writing text can be very important in the process of self-development. The methods set forth in this book were once known only dedicated, and some of them are generally published for the first time. However, each of them is an essential tool for the development of body-mind.

Many believe that the body and the mind are two separate systems, although they are common. The body-mind is not only a source of knowledge, but also its tool. This is the essence of the spiritual path, the personification of Energy Energy and Heaven. Alchemist laboratory enclosed in the telephone, the warrior battlefield and the magic kingdom of the wizard. Without them, everything loses its meaning. Therefore, any student must for a start should bring the potential of his body to the highest level.

Before proceeding to targeted and methodical practices for improving the internal force, the student must decisively and consistently develop such an attitude to life and his practice that would help him in achieving the goal. To do this, you need to give yourself some internal vows, stick to which follows daily.

This is necessary in order to comply with some of the requirements of any spiritual practice and achieve success towards the development of your personality. Adhering to these vows, you start more consciously refer to the process of spiritual practice. Here are the most common and useful of these vows:

Pay special attention to your physical and spiritual health, try to live in such a way as to maintain the harmony between them. Avoid any circumstances or actions that are able to break your spiritual and physical equilibrium, except when it is necessary to sacrifice personal well-being for the achievement of higher purposes.

Feel one with all the world and lead a lifestyle that does not destroy this unity.

Reist from a negative attitude towards others and do not forget that only you are responsible for your feelings, thoughts and actions.

Live with solid confidence that the true nature of all living beings is spiritual essence.

Adhere to your vows decisively, courageously and with a sense of debt except when they can harm your spiritual development.

Strive to see the benefit in any life circumstances. Do not complain about life and injustice higher Forces, Take all ups and downs with gratitude.

Always feel about life with deeper reverence and reverence, supporting your spiritual potential at the highest level.

At first glance, it may seem that the practice of developing the body and mind should be divided into methods of physical and mental perfection. But it is not so. With the right use of physical development techniques, you can also develop the mind. Conversely, mental development techniques can help work on body improvement. Therefore, all subsequent practices are characterized not only by physical activity, but also a special mental concentration.

The purpose of parallel development of physical and mental abilities is such a state of body-mind, in which they turn into a single, coordinated, extremely sensitive mechanism, whose potential is much higher than that of a person far from such practitioners. Output in itself the highest potential of the body of the body, practitioners gain sharpness of perception and the ability to control subtle spiritual substances. It is thanks to these qualities among such people so many skillful healers. After all, the forces with which they work are also manifested as the energy of healing and updates.

The next chapter presents the model of the human being. It contains a description of the human energy system, including chakras - the main energy centers of the body-mind. And although this description is very schematically, it is useful for understanding and applying the technician who will be set forth in subsequent chapters.

If you have read many books on yoga, occult sciences or Taoism, you met with different descriptions of the human energy system and noticed the differences between them. The Chinese, for example, pay more attention to working with energy meridians - invisible lines of force passing through the human body. And Indian yoga, on the contrary, almost do not pay attention to these meridians. Their practice is concentrated at work with chakras and the central energy flow passing through the spine. Ancient Tibetans considered the main energy centers of the knees, which is not found in any of the other traditions. North American Hopi Indians used the human energy system model, which largely coincided with the Yogic Indian model.

Despite the fact that the model of the human energy system differ among themselves, there are universal techniques that can adapt to any of them. The most important thing is that the model you chose for yourself worked. If you are working with the chakras system, you should not only know it, but also take advantage of all possible benefits of this practice. Otherwise, none of the energy system model nor the practice associated with it will not bring the expected results.

In this book, I bring the classic Cundalini Yoga Chakre system. I myself enjoyed this system for twenty years and taught other people on it. Perennial practice convinced me in its efficiency and reliability. Despite the fact that the methods set forth in this book came from different traditions, they all perfectly harmonize with the chakras system. Personal classes will help you know the chakras system and work directly with it. Therefore, it is not worth loaning on the differences between the models of energy systems in different traditions. These models and work with them are just the means of achieving spiritual power.

A person who seeks to develop spiritual strength must adhere to the three basic principles.

First principle: The universe is the most favorable place for life.

This statement belongs to Einstein, and I absolutely agree with him. The universe is a positive generating structure. It was created higher Mind and operates according to its perfect laws. These laws are united for the Earth and for Heaven. They are designed to maintain balance, harmony and environmental purity of life. The human body-mind is similar to the Universe and is also a harmonious generating energy system. Understanding that the Universe is the most favorable place for life, allows the disciples of the spirit to realize their place in a space hierarchy.

Following this principle does not deny the mysteriousness, the power and danger of this world. The world is extensive and complicated, and its secrets will have enough for all seekers for millions of years. The forces on which the world holds is extremely powerful - this is the wind, water, fire, selences, spirits and gods. These forces, along with unpredictable circumstances, make the world as life-threatening, as favorable. But whatever our world, it is just a particle in endless expanses of the universe.

The second principle: Life is an extensive choice of opportunities.

People are created to learn and improve. Our ability to knowledge and spiritual growth is due to our attitude and awareness, and to a lesser extent - circumstances. At any time, human life was considered as the possibility of development and growth. But most people are inconsistent in spiritual development, therefore their growth opportunities are wicked. However, those people who devote themselves to the development of the "body-mind system" system will value every moment of being and use it for its own development. Moreover, they develop the art of choosing only those circumstances that contribute to spiritual growth. Perceiving life as an extensive field different opportunitiesThe person gives the strongest impetus to the process of knowledge.

Third principle: Anyone is free to be yourself and do only what he wants.

If you strive to become educated, rich or healthy, then you will choose exactly the path that will lead you to achieving the goal. If you want your lawn to be the greatest in the city, you can achieve this. Would you like to become an enlightened adept? And it's on your shoulder! You can achieve everything about what you dream, and do everything you want. However, for the embodiment of the dream of one desire little. Only rational planning And perseverance is able to help you in the implementation of your aspirations. All people have a powerful potential of spiritual power. But not everyone is born for greatness, the majority have to achieve his stubborn labor. By adopting the principle of unlimited human potential, any of us will be able to overcome the beliefs that prevent spiritual growth.

All of the above principles are tools that help consistently and successfully follow the spiritual path. They work and bring an extremely positive result. If you started doing spiritual practice, take the time to comprehend these principles. This will help you to achieve especially high, significant results in your practice.

The methods of this book reflect a comprehensive trip to the development of body-mind. It includes the following stages:

Body strengthening

This includes special exercises like a method. Fo Zhang Kung Fu "Palm Buddha" and Five Tibetan techniques aimed at strengthening and stretching muscles, ligaments and nerves. This practice helps to achieve excellent physical form. The biologicalness of the body is enhanced, and nervous system Rebuilding to the perception of stronger energies.

Cleaning and feeding the energy system

Includes Ten Tibetan breaths, exercises of five elements and kundalini Yoga Methods, which purify the body from negative energy And eliminate the stools in the energy channels. These techniques also contribute to the activation of the chakras and the accumulation of physical and mental energy. This practice is preceded by a wake kundalini-Shakti., pristine creative energy focused on the base of the spine and is an evolutionary force within human beings.

Cleansing and training mind

Contains the methods of activation of solar plexus, polarization of energy and meditation, developing the ability to concentrate the mind. These techniques help to achieve the purity of the mind, free from thoughts so that psychic energy could flow freely as a pure consciousness.

Applied magic:

Tengeting - This is a magical technique promoting the simple and effective distribution of mental energy and is not associated with primitive rites of ritual magic. Practicing this technique, you strengthen your intuitive abilities. And magic in this case is nothing more than an effective formula for the incarnation of ideas. That is, in what should be!

Improving the unity of the body-mind:

All methods described in this book work with the body-mind as a unified, indivisible system. With increasing practical experience The illusion of the isolation of the body and mind disappears. When the body and mind begin to function as a whole, there is a durable spiritual bridge between them, which contributes to the accumulation and harmonious distribution of higher energy.

Special diet

Despite the important role of the diet in the process of strengthening the unity and power of the body-mind, I do not bring it in this book. In his previous book "Improvement of the body: Healing with a diet and yoga," I concern in detail the power system. And since it contains comprehensive nutrition guidelines, food additives and healing herbs, I will not return to this issue.

Among the occultists the following statement is common: "Energy is directed by the power of thought." We think and give a stream of energy a certain direction. Thoughts also affect our feelings and behavior. One of the main tasks of any spiritual practice is the production of thinking capable of directing mental energy to achieving the goal. To improve thinking, it is simply necessary to master the force intent, will and harmony .

Intention - This is a concentration of attention. If you are related to work, just as responsible as the development of spiritual forces, then you can not do without the fact that Don Juan, Teacher Carlos Castaneda, called inflexible intent. Improving spiritual power requires complete restructuring of consciousness and lifestyle. Your life will change forever. But these changes require constant and powerful concentration on the process of change. Every day, every moment of your life should be sent to the implementation of positive changes.

If you are engaged in oriental martial arts, then you should be as deeply involved in the learning process. Even if you just cut vegetables, it is necessary to do it as consciously. Exactly intention - That power that helps you to engage in spiritual practice and achieve your goals. If yours intention Inherent in a strong concentration, you never forget about your goal for a minute. But to work out unbending intentionFor a start, it does not interfere with deciding with desires.

Do you want to achieve the full development of your body-mind?

Before you give a certain answer, you must understand what this path will require you. The better you are aware, the more you understand. In other words, the acquired information will either strengthen your intention, or make it refuse it.

Will - this is a force contributing to the implementation intentions. This is absolute confidence in its aspiration. Will can overcome any obstacles. In the world there are thousands of such obstacles, and each of them may prevent the process of gaining internal force. But if you, in spite of everything, are moving towards your goal, the strength of your will becomes a kind of fuel for the mechanism to overcome obstacles. Will is the cornerstone for grinding a perfect mind. When you take certain actions to achieve the goal, only the will helps you survive and overcome any difficulties and tests.

Single way to develop the will is system Following Favorite Goal. For example, if you seriously decide to engage in spiritual practice, then scroll it into certain steps or stages. First decide that within a month you will allocate at least an hour per day for reading spiritual books and the study of the subject. Strictly follow your plan. Then turn on something that requires greater responsibility. For example, decide that you will pay meditation for forty-five minutes a day for six months. Follow and so much and follow this plan. Assign your time and stick it. Gradually, your will strengthen so much that you will be able to do even more serious and demanding practice.

But whatever you do, do it. for yourself. Do not go on someone else's opinion and do not engage in spiritual practice just because someone considers it - "so necessary." Improve your own will, since this is your good.

Harmony Means the sequence. A harmonious person always lives in Lada with himself, his thoughts, feelings and intentions. All of his intentions and acts are consistent with each other, without causing insoluble contradictions. For example, if you strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, you will not abuse alcohol. And the point is not at all in a moral aspect, but that any excesses contradict the desire to be healthy. Moreover, you can do physical exercise because it is consistent with healthy way Life.

Harmony You can compare with a trip by speed highway. When the smooth road, free movement, the weather is favored, and the car is in excellent condition, then the trip will pass without adventure. However, if the road is uneven, it rains, and the car is faulty, then the trip will bring only one headache. Therefore, internal harmony contributes to a smooth, measured life, and disharmony leads to a conflict with himself.

However, this does not mean that a harmonious person can avoid vital difficulties. Unfalieniated problems, strange coincidences, as well as accidents and tragedies may also happen to him. But internal harmony helps prevent many personal problems. However, there is something else. When a person is harmonious, he has an unlimited spiritual force. He does not have "leaks" of energy, since it is not involved in conflicting activities. Therefore, the power of a harmonious person comes, and its energy is stable and dynamic.

I also would like to add a few words about attitude . If classes do not give you pleasure, then why are they needed? I knew many people whose attitudes towards spiritual practice was so serious that it came to fanaticism. In my opinion, this is the purest madness. Excessive seriousness - the most true way Place your life. Why do we live if we can not enjoy life? Yes, the world is cruel and dangerous. Yes, awaken spiritual power - it's not a lung. So engage in spiritual practice sincerely, with full return, but do not feel about it too Seriously.

Spiritual growth never stops. There is no absolute goal, the path has no end, there is no complete enlightenment. Perfection is an infinite process, a constant desire to rise above itself. You will not get just abandoning him, wash your hands or move aside, because the inner thrust for the development of insurmountation.

Always remember that power is a perfect way to perceive the world and the opportunity to adapt to changing living conditions in the universe. Do not neglect her!

    Xi Shen Improving the body / personality, self-improvement. Adopted ch. arr. In Confucianism, the designation of activity aimed at bringing personal qualities in line with the task of maximum self-realization in maintaining social and ... ...

    Xu Shen (whale, literally improving the body / personality) The concept of Chinese philosophy, adopted, ch. about. In Confucianism, the designation of self-improvement. The content of the concept of it, Shen, relies on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe person as an unnecessary with ... Philosophical encyclopedia

    See body / personality ... Chinese philosophy. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

    Activities that generates new values, ideas, man himself as a creator. In modern scientific literature, dedicated to this problem, a obvious desire to investigate specific types of T. (in science, technology, art), his ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

    Special Sanskrit term for the designation of psychotechnics, oriented purely to the deep transpersonal states of consciousness. Literal translation denotes "Communication, compound", which is wider than "binding together, pairing ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary

    S; g. [Lat. Cultura] 1. A set of achievements of human society in a manufacturing, social and spiritual life. Material to. Spiritual to. Achievements of Culture. History of culture. K. Antique World. TO. Ancient Russia. Medieval to. 2. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    I Medicine Medicine System scientific knowledge and practical activityThe goals of which are the strengthening and preservation of health, the extension of people's lives, prevention and treatment of human diseases. To perform these tasks, M. studies the structure and ... ... Medical encyclopedia

    SOUL - [Greek. ψυχή], together with the body, forms the composition of man (see articles Dichotomism, Anthropology), while being an independent beginning; D. Human makes the image of God (according to some fathers of the church; in the opinion of other, God's image is concluded in everything ... ... Orthodox encyclopedia

    In recent years, the new scientific direction "Psychology of Health" is formed in our country and abroad. This branch of knowledge is the synthesis of psychology and valeology. Valeology is a science on individual human health and ... ... Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia

By drawing up training, you should always focus on the features of your body. If flexibility does not allow you to correctly perform some power exercises, you must first stretch the clad muscles. Spoil the technique and weak muscles that are not able to ensure stability - keep the body in right position Throughout the exercise.

Use a universal formula: strengthen weak muscles, stretch hard. Equally develop the mobility and stability of the joints.

Do not forget about mobility and stability

Mobility of the joint is the ability to move in a wide range of movement. If you sit on the twine, you have a mobile hip joint, if you can't reach your fingers to your fingers - no.

To develop the mobility of the joints, you need to stretch the rigid muscles that surround the joint and do not give it to move in a wide range.

Sustain Stability - Ability to Keep proper position Body. Stable joints allow you to avoid dislocation and stretching during training. Strong muscles do not give the load to go on tendons that are poorly stretched and quickly damaged. To increase stability, you need to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint.

Mobility and Stability of Joints /

Our body is designed so that different joints are responsible for movement and stability. Mobility is required in the joints of the neck and middle of the back, hip and ankle joints. The knee joint I. lumbar department The spine must be as stable as possible to ensure the correct position of the body and exclude injury and stretching.

How to find out what you need to develop

To understand which muscles need to be strengthened, and what to stretch, you need to carefully examine your body.

Tests for the mobility of the joints

Mobility of the cervical spine

The rigid muscles of the neck do not affect the posture, especially those who often sit at the computer for a long time.

  1. Tilt the head forward and touch your chest chin.
  2. Tilt your head back. The look should be sent to the ceiling.
  3. Turn the head to the side. The chin must be in the same plane with the shoulder.

If you have not passed these tests, it is worth doing stretching the muscles of the neck. Here are a few for this.

Mobility of ray-tailed joints

Flexible wrists will be needed for many power exercises - movements with weights, squats with a barbell on the chest, push-ups.

  1. Stand straight, pull your hands in front of yourself and deploy them with your palms to each other.
  2. Bend the wrists so that your fingers of both hands looked at each other.

Checking the flexibility of wrists

If the corner in the wrist is 90 degrees, you are flexible enough.

For exercises on the horizontal bar and gymnastic rings, racks and walking in the hands of hands are important. You can check it like this:

  1. Sit on your knees and put hands in front of yourself on the back side of the palms.
  2. Translate your hands on the fists and lower back.

Checking the Push Power

If you managed to do this exercise without pain, then you have developed wrists. If not, you need to strengthen them with the help of the exercise presented in the photo. When it starts to get good, try the same thing in Löj's stop.

Exercise for the development of pedesty

Mobility of the shoulder joint

From mobility of the shoulder joint depends, whether you can correctly make a squat with a barbell over your head, gymnastic bridge, the upper block traction for the head and other exercises, the shoulder muscles.

  1. Raise your right hand, bend it in the elbow so that the wrist touched the back.
  2. Left arm behind your back and try to connect the wrists of two hands.

Left - good result, right - excellent

If you can connect your hands behind your back or touch the fingers of one hand to your fingers, then you have enough mobility of shoulder joints. If there is a distance of one of your palm between the wrists, then you have the average mobility of the joints. If more than one palm, there are problems with mobility.

Mobility of the thoracic spine

The fastened spine has a negative impact on the lower back. The body always compensates for the lack of mobility in one area of \u200b\u200bexcessive mobility in another. The inflexible thoracic spine is compensated by mobility in the lumbar, which should be fixed and stable in almost all power exercises.

  1. At the level of the shoulder, put the label on the wall.
  2. Stand left sideways and try reaching tagged right hand, do not tilt the hips.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

Checking the mobility of the thoracic spine

If you managed to reach up to the mark with both hands, you have enough mobility of the thoracic spine.

Mobility of hip joint

If you do not have enough hip mobility, you will not be able to perform squats correctly, becoming traction and other exercises that require right inclination With a straight back.

  1. Stand straight, lean forward with straight knees and get your fingers to your fingers. If the hands are reached only below the knees, mobility is not enough.
  2. Stand straight, lift the leg to the side. If you managed to raise your leg so that between the thigh and the case there is an angle of 90 degrees, mobility is enough. If less than 80 degrees, you have where to strive.

Checking the mobility of hip joint

Muscle Stability Tests for Stability

The stability of the lower spine provides the muscles of the bark. They support posture and do not allow you to fake in the back during pushups, squats, styling of traction and other exercises.

To check the power of these muscles, use the test from the FMS functional estimate:

  1. Lie on the belly, feet twitched together, socks rest in the floor.
  2. Palms put on the floor at the forehead level (for men) or chin (for women).
  3. Perform push up, saving the case direct. Breasts and stomachs come off from the floor at the same time, without a deflection in the lower back and bend the knees.

Checking Muscle Cora

To evaluate whether you will perform push-ups, while maintaining a direct body, put a PVC stick or Bodybar on the back.

If you have not happened to perform this exercise with a straight back, it means that the muscles of the bark are not developed enough to hold the case smoothly during the power exercises. It will negatively affect your technique, preventing the exercises correctly.

How to make a training session on the results of tests

When you know your weak sides, you need to add exercises to training that will help strengthen weak muscles and stretch the rigid.

If you do not have enough mobility of the joints, include in your workout exercise for stretching and relaxation of hard muscles. Here are exercises for stretching, and you will find exercises for stretching shoulders with an expander.

To relax the muscles of the thoracic spine, perform an exercise on a massage roller:

  • Lie on the massage roller so that it is located below the blades.
  • Bend the legs in the knees, the feet stand on the floor, the hands are folded behind the head.
  • Rock back so as to touch the floor head. Tell a few seconds, stretching your back.
  • Lift the housing to the same position, straining the muscles of the press to protect the lower back. Do not fix the feet on the floor, hiding them under the closet, sofa, horizontal bar. In this case, the exercise can become dangerous for the lower back.

Development of the mobility of the middle of the back on the massage roller

Here are a few that will help increase the mobility of the thoracic spine and at the same time enhance the muscles of the bark. And in you will find exercises for the development of mobility of hip joints.

If you lack the strength of the muscles of the bark, add your workout with exercises. Such exercises involve the muscles of the bark that ensure the stability of the body.

By drawing up training, always make an emphasis on underdeveloped areas, prefer them. For example, if you sit on the twine, but at the same time you can not connect your hands behind your back, you should not spend a lot of time on stretching and so stretched adductors and biceps of the thigh. Instead, dedicate the time stretching the shoulders and wrists.

This does not mean that some exercises for stretching or muscle strength should be completely thrown out of the program. Do not give them preference, forgetting about other areas.

Observe the balance in training, then your body will be uniformly developed, flexible, strong and healthy.

Abstinence in a broad sense is useful both for the body and for the creation of the pure consciousness of the individual. All actions and understanding of vital laws are held on this, the most important factor of passion, desire, torrenting person, without the right direction lead to slow, but correct destruction of the body. At the same time, mental health loses its roots, go deep into the subconscious. Clear subconscious seems difficult and practically impossible for many of those who have no elementary about it, but very important for our lives of concepts. Let us leave the terminology to specialists - psychologists and try together with you to figure it out in the work of this still a little learned "underground kingdom".

The man is due to the obviousness of his thoughts, desires, passions, it happens, "is broken" for hundreds, or even thousands of parts that make up his personality both for public opinion and for understanding and acceptance by man himself. Opinions, judgments, dogmas, society, a staircase neighbor, who expresses its not always distant judgments, is all this and much more is our personality - a word similar to the larva, a mask than an individuality. Make up, like cubes, our concept of ourselves and, most sad, the common acceptance of yourself.

We rarely, and sometimes with great reluctance, we think about what we really are. Sad picture. A fragmented, torn to thousands of opinions a person can not remember and understand - who is he? What is he really? It becomes a little easier when there are fir-handed and unnecessary classes - then you can forget, not to think, to get away from the question that crawls literally from all the cracks when a person is lonely or anything is busy. And these rags, these holes, it is an old opinion of the opinions and judgments, glued on our society, we sometimes call the letter. We never want to put it out before anyone else nor in front of themselves. Why? What are we afraid to see? Maybe emptiness? It really scares. How so? I, dear or not very (that in principle still - this is also component judgment), I, Semyon Venediktovich (and I could be and Marya Pavlovna), the Hero of Labor, the grandfather of his grandchildren, having a separate apartment, a collection of brands, Chiffonier. I am an empty place, am I - emptiness?! But all of us will appear sooner or later, "naked", without all this and much more, that we are afraid of losing, in the face of who created us. We are so afraid of death, destruction. We painfully love our shackles that give us the feeling that we are, the fact that they interfere. Who? Of course, we. They give us to feel like. And by whom? In principle, no matter. It is better, of course, someone respected and, even better, causing envy.

Very good, if it seems funny to you. This means that you have already understood something in this strange and tangled life. And if not? Sit in silence and discard all the thoughts accumulated about yourself as someone else. You are not this. You are in some distance from it, just look. Look, and you will feel. Maybe first it will be fear as a fall in the abyss. Just feel without reflecting. You will see emptiness. But in this void there is everything. You see, feel. This is what we have happened and what our winged spirit seeks. This is freedom. Freedom...

Have you ever thought that a person in principle is a creature that survives in any conditions? Bird, animal concluded in the conditions unbearable for this type, ceases to multiply and dies. Man is not such. A person survives in the most terrible and unacceptable conclusion conditions. Will to live? Instinct? I think something else is different. Freedom and independence inside is felt and kept by a person always, despite the fact that he understands, he is aware of it or not. If the egg, representing himself only by the shell, could look through the thick shell inside themselves, it would be surprised. There is what it represents. There is life. With understanding and awareness, with the vision of this and begins true work. It begins the understanding of the sense itself, which is so long they seek around and about, not guessing (or fear) to look inside. Yes, losing the support, "house built on the sand", collapses. But it only means that he was fragile, and it's time, it's time to lay a stone foundation so that he stood forever. Even after the architect himself leaves.

When we start becoming mature, when the illusions and dreams, dreams, dreams in reality are distinguished so that we can see them, it comes deep awareness, harmony and peace. Then the oscillating bowls of the scales begin to come to balance, many doors open. In this world, everything is balanced, and nothing conflict neither in itself, nor with others, except for a person. Trees do not refuse soil and air, do not fight with birds. Flower with gratitude takes a bee. Animals are not prone to suicide. Everything dies in harmony and equilibrium. And only a person is in suffering and separation. If you understand this, let's finally commit to it, what to pull? There is nothing new in this world, there was no and will not. Only you can update yourself, clear, become different.

Probably, each of you have acquaintances, constantly complaining about their well-being. What is something else, and so without end. They just can not live without it. The disease gives them a feeling of themselves. While there is their disease - they are! It is difficult to refuse. After all, they are regretted, they are listening to them, they pay attention to which they so crave in their own inferiority. Post carefully, are you not from that? If not, then thank God! When a person, getting lost, despair (that there is a sin, irrelevance, ignorance) and, sitting under the tree, does not try to fight for himself, - he is most likely dies. Diseases are often not given in punishment, but as a warning - something is wrong. Movement in the right direction brings healing, relief, understanding, greater susceptibility, openness in its capabilities and interaction. You can say: "I understand everything, I really good manWhy does the disease sent me? " Dear friend, I will take the courage to answer - for your development! For your good, understand! Do not feel yourself punishable for your or other people's sins, do not feel cucked - it's not like that! On the contrary, existence wants to help, tell you, bring to new level, Think about it! .. Just think ...

Those who come with their sores without trying to change anything, are in the darkness of misunderstanding. Give the Lord, the minds of them before they finish their path in this world the darkness of their own consciousness, but rather, unconsciousness, for consciousness is light. So, we approached the factor of awareness in our lives.

"Abstinence as golden mean» ...

In contrast to the animal, a person is determined by the presence of a holistic - spiritual and physical factor. The world is divided into black and white, love and hatred, good and evil - all the sides of the same medal, as well as harmony and chaos. The path of man is an intermediate, the mid-way of fulfilling its highest destination and is the "narrow road" that few choose, while the "wide way" leads to degradation and death. Harmony - what a person is trying to initially - and there are definitions of love, God, Higher. The motto of the new millennium should be "starting with themselves." If each of us begins to improve not from society, even if not from your own family, namely, not everything then will change for the better, will it not be then to fulfill our destination? "Love your neighbor, like yourself," ... Let's start with the main one, from the main one. When you learn to help yourself, will we still be able to help others? The experience of global changes in the structure of society over the centuries again and again leads to sad results. Conquest of Genghis Khan, Napoleon, despotic manifestations of Hitler, Stalin, etc., etc. - Isn't that bright examples Neon understanding of the basics of life itself, replacing true, internal changes in ourselves to external? You often hear: "The whole world is crazy." But the world begins with us. Will not be that the world will mean for us? Jesus once said: "Your faith saved you" ... Will we have to save themselves now, for no one can do it for us? Each individual is unique in the whole universe, but in one we are all brothers and sisters - that we are - people. And as each person - we are consisting of two halves - the spirit (which includes both a reasonable start) and the flesh, which, belonging to different substances, are constantly both in relationships and confrontation. In their harmonization and leaving for a new level, the task of every reasonable person on this planet consists of a new round of development. As you know, there is no limit to improve, let's take at least the first steps on this path. Abstinence as the Golden Mid is acceptable, however, only after a complete understanding and awareness of previous delusions and mistakes, without which, as well as without experience, human life is impossible ...

"We are already at home" ...

I can never act for coercion - it is clear. But in most cases we do this in such a way that, as a rule, does not bring satisfaction, and positive results are thus minimized. The force of action is equal to the strength of opposition. As a result, we get zero. No one can force us, impose reasonable approaches. We must analyze and seek to know the truth yourself. And this is true, as the fact that no saint has become holy without testing, no scientist has come to a one-time genius conclusion, without having done hundreds of experiments and calculations before it. Life is not calculating. The fate of each of us depends on how we live, despite the circumstances arising around us. Passing tests in the form of deprivation or diseases, how to do - depends only on us and the solutions selected. And from what our solutions depend?

The answer is one - from the image of thoughts and the degree of intelligence of perception of the factors around us. But the mind is exactly what distinguishes us from animals. The abstinence from fearful acts and thoughts comes as a consequence of awareness, rationality, as forced, to the end, unknown, unconscious, but executable, as it were, against the will leaves us in ignorance even deeper, because nothing is misleading, as a semi-truth, for She looks like the truth. The first step is a question, research, the second - understanding, awareness. The third step is the action in this world, based on love and deep respect for yourself and people. How, ask you, love and start respecting yourself when everyone around does not like and do not respect each other? I tell you again - weak seeking the cause, strong - acts. Think, existence has already chosen you. Among the immensity of the universe on a single living planet, among billions of probable and incredible combinations and opportunities you were born, carried out in this world by a person, the creature, who was appointed to be the highest, king, the crown of nature itself. Is it not enough to fully respect yourself and give your love to everything that surrounds you? Is it the most understanding of this understanding to start acting from the fact that you are not a slave, but king? We are the intermediate, connecting the link between the sky and the earth, the matter and the Spirit. We are embodied harmony. We are already at home, and the essence of life is nothing but a direct execution of your destination, the dance of which from the highest - to develop and improve in order to go fully prepared for the next level ...