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Prayer to the highest forces is strong. Prayer to the highest reason appeal to your highest i

Higher I am your personal God. Often people pray to different gods, call on different teachers with requests for help and leadership. But for some reason, forget that each of us has its own personal God - our higher I am. Higher I am - you yourself are in full understanding of your capabilities. This is the driving force of all your actions.

Your highest potential is your Higher I, which exists here and now. We reveal our potential throughout our life while we grow, while we are developing, faster experiences, we can establish a connection with our higher

Sometimes all the necessary information for the life roar we already have here and now, you only need to feel yourself.

How often do we do not understand what is happening in our lives, we do not see our unconscious desires, we can do what we do not want to do, or not know what to do, what to do in one situation or another. It is at that moment that I helps us find a way to myself, to your best life.

Our higher I am the highest entity that exists outside this world, the essence of a very high level, which owns information about everything. And not only owning information, but also has enormous opportunities.

At first it awakens in us feelings and desires, after we begin to build goals on the way to achieving the desired, and we see concrete actions that later lead us to the best to which we unconsciously strive. This is a thread due to which we draw vitality.

You can not perceive the highest as something separate from us. It is also we also, this is also our, but at a higher level, in a different dimension, with another, higher consciousness. Having a little attention draws little attention to a person until he awakens spiritually.

And even when a person is awakened, but they manage the ego, the higher I most often just observe and allows you to make mistakes. In the event that before such a person there is a task of spiritual development, the higher I will create difficult situations in his life, pushing it to development.
And if it does not help, the higher I can lead it to a life deadlock when all areas of life will begin to fall apart.

It is in such situations that need to rethink their lives. And if a person is no longer kept for his ego, if he understands that the Higher I know better, how to build my life, then very quickly life is being established.

Many people are confident that they have contact with the highest me that they hear him. But often it is not so, they hear, at best, their own thoughts, and in the worst case - astral entities.

Higher I helps only those who work on themselves who learns awareness who develops.
If a person does not study anything, constantly comes on the same rake and only demands from the highest help, it will not help. We must pass our part of the way so that the Higher I was interested in us and helped us.

People who work with the Higher I begin to occur real wonders, the insights that they occur, the help they start to receive in various situations from their highest aspect, and about just wonderful, magical gifts from the highest I can really call real miracles.

It is with the help of the highest that we can combine material and spiritual. Higher I can manifest themselves through us in the material of the world, and it will do it if we correctly build relationships with it.

What do you need to do to feel your higher me?

To feel your Higher, I need to be aware of a person, you need to understand myself, perceive myself to the soul, be in harmony with me and the world. Higher I can not see the earthly eyesight, it can only feel, let it into yourself. It is necessary to look into yourself, feel yourself in all plans, on the deepest levels of consciousness and subconscious.

Each person, with a fairly developed soul, it will not be difficult to establish contact with the highest me. So, as it is now, the most favorable time for this, when the curtain between the real world and the world's spiritual is ajar for everyone. Feel the divine stream. The moment of meeting with the highest I will be one of the most spiritual moments in life. You will feel an unimaginable stream of energy of love passing through you.

When can I contact the highest?

You can seek your highest, when you please, when happy and when there is sadness in the soul, when it is necessary to find an answer to the life situation. Higher I can tell you the way in life, help pass through all the adversity and barriers. To gain contact with the highest, I need to tune in to the desired frequency, as in many activations, you need to start with meditation.

Meditation - Activation of Higher I

Take a posture for meditation in your cozy place. Start breathing, concentrating on the breath, feel like air passes through your nostrils, like the walls of the abdomen stretch and take the opposite position. Stop the internal monologue, concentrate only on breathing.

When you enter your usual meditative state of silence, start imaging the meadow along which you go. Be sure that you will find the highest and so it will be. Imagine a cozy house, and go to it, it is there you will meet the highest me. It may be light, a symbol of something familiar to you. Greet your way and feel the immense stream of love from it.

If you are ready for a more specific contact and want to learn something concrete, ask your highest to give you a message. Most likely it will be a stream of thoughts that are poured into your head. First, you will think that these are other people's thoughts, not yours, but then the awareness will come to you and you will find the answer to your question. The main thing is at that moment to trust this process and not distracted.

Try to return as much as possible during the meditations in this sacred place to know ourselves. It can be a ritual for you, communication with the highest me, who knows everything about you and leads you under your arm in life.

If you come back to the whirlpool of the Budanomy, try to find the time to return to your meadow, reach the house in which you will always wait for your Higher Self. It will remind you which you are true and holistic. Feel the stream of energy, love, supporting your Ya.

After your contact with the highest I will find stability and constant, you can hear his voice without meditation, and at any time of your being. Your Higher I know everything about you, about every talent that can be revealed, about every act who ever was performed, about all your lives. Higher I know both your future, which means you know it, it will be happy to support the conversation with you, and will answer any of your question prompting your way.

How to distinguish - with whom you can contact, and who should not?

Here you need to know several rules or provisions that should be guided until you learn to distinguish yourself - with whom you contact, namely:

  1. The entities of the light and including your highest "I" never give negative information, do not call the dates or deadlines of the upcoming bad events, do not injure fear or anxiety.
  2. The essence of light is not predicted by your future, because you are deprived of the choice of choice.
  3. The entities of the light do not give guidelines - what exactly and how should you do, as it deprives you of the opportunity to work out your experience.
  4. It is best to practice a dialogue in the form of questions and answers, when you ask questions. At the same time, the question must be set in such a way as to answer it could only be "yes" or "no".
  5. Do not ask questions like: "How to deal with me correctly in such a case, like that?", No one will decide for you or make a choice. If you are responsible for such a question - it means that they are not those "comrades" who should be trusted.
  6. It is more correct to ask: "If I do this in this situation, whether it will correspond to the execution of my individual plan of evolutionary development?" Any answer to such a question leaves you the right to solve and, accordingly, your carmic responsibility for the decision made.

Prayer as high impair technology

The word "prayer" comes from the Version Slavic "Polviti". That is, prayer is an appeal to God, which we assume something for something. But why are everything pray, and not everyone gets real results?

What we think about what we are talking about, comes to our lives, so we combine. We say "love" and in space there is a vibration, a wave, which unites us with the power of love, we come into resonance with this force, and it begins to come to our life, fills our soul.

Each land has its own energy, its vibration, which is displayed in sound, in the sound of the language of the people who live on it. If we move to Canada, Germany or somewhere else, then over time, accent will appear in our native speech. This is because we changed the place of stay and, accordingly, changed the vibration of this land.

We have something that gave us the Most High God: native language, native custom, native land. Using the native language and the custom we, praying to the Almighty, referring to its definite manifestations, forces, call these forces by those names that, vibrating in space, most quickly and effectively saturate us with the right forces, bring the desired life into our life.

Everything has its own place and time, their measure and purpose. The same applies to prayer. If it is unreasonable to suit prayer, it is unreasonable, then you can get direct opposite consequences to the expected. When we take a look at modern society, we will see that people want one, pray for one, and get quite different. Everything needs to be assessed, based on the principle of "French fruits".

In the Indian Vedic tradition, which arose on the basis of the Slavic-Aryan Vedic tradition, it says that who does not pray before eating, will be born in the next life of the crow. In our tradition, it is recommended to pray at least 5 times a day: after sleep, before bedtime, and before meals (and this is usually three times). One of the prayers before meals says "Slavm the gods of relatives for our food daily, which gives us the work inspiration! We ask the gods of our native food to consecrate the ancestors of sacred to it to treat it, so that the whole of the earth with the birth of Heavenly, love and consent, wealth and well-being filled out! "

The prayer practice of Koloslov in Verper is a "means of massive revival" because it makes it possible to change its life very quickly, the surrounding space and revive the power of a kind. Traditionally, Verper has 64 beads (eight to eight). This is the number of our ancestors in 7 knees, which though blood drops are present in our blood, which we constantly, with each prayer in Verper support in the other world.

  1. the main
  2. »Prayer as high Mind Technology

Prayer as high impair technology

Any of us since childhood hears the "pray", "prayer", "miraculous prayer", "Prayer power, etc. What is" prayer "and why she helps someone, and someone does not have certain prayers Transfer from hand to hand and call miraculous, and other prayers are not so popular?

The word "prayer" comes from the Vine Slavic "Polviti". That is, prayer is an appeal to God, which we assume for something. But why are everything pray, and not everyone gets real results? Because prayer has clear mechanisms of action, of which certain rules and principles of prayer follow. In order to actually get the desired, it is necessary to understand the "technology" of prayer, to understand how prayer works. Therefore, let's consider this "technology", we will analyze the mechanism of work of prayer.

So, prayer is an appeal to God. But we understand that the Most High God unites everything in itself (that's the Most High). Most High God is the whole Universe as a whole that has a single soul and a single mind. Most High God unites all the forces of worldwide. But, referring to the Almighty, we are interested in a very specific aspect, quite a specific force (love, wisdom or other). Therefore, we call him some kind of quality (love, wisdom, etc.) or call it the name that the vibration is open to us, the strength that is most needed now or the most natural for our people.

The Most High combines everything and all: the forces of creation, and the power of destruction. Very often, these forces even hardly distinguish or separate: lightning cleans the air, destroying something, but creating clean life-giving air. Everything is a part of the Most High God and fulfills its function, mission, appointment, fulfills its role in world. It like each cell of our body has its own purpose.

Therefore, the appeal to the Almighty needs specification, needs a clear indication of the strength, the manifestation of the Most High, the verses, the parties to the world, to which we appeal, which we need here and now. This is just like we sit down at the table. We do not use everything together, but you choose exactly the product that we need now. That is why we, referring to the Most High God, describe the qualities that we are interested in now. We say "the Most High God, you are our love", "Most High God, you are an eternal wisdom," "Most High God, you are life, a source of strength and health", pointing to the quality that we need now

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Underwater Avissal Bonifatyevich (real name Kamensky Alexander Georgievich) - Russian.

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (Eng. Sri Aurobindo Ghose, pronounced and also often written as Ghosh), (.

Steve Rother.

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- Books Selite L.A., Strelnikova L.L.

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Quotes from books

Wunderkinda - these are not particularly gifted children, but just it is enough mature soulswho lived on earth many incarnations.

Prayers from the book "Magic Force" Joseph Murphy.

This prayer from the book "Magic Force of Mind" Joseph Morphy.

It will help to change the life of everyone for the better.

Good luck, my dear friends!

Effective prayer for prosperity

Gentlemen. With me, divine harmony, peace and abundance. Divine

love comes from me, blessing everyone who gets into my surroundings.

Divine love heals me now. Do not care evil because God

with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred halo of Divine Love and Power.

I argue I feel, I know and believe decisively and positively that

chairs of Divine Love and Vigilance Direct, healed and care

about all members of my family and about those I love.

I forgive everyone and

sincerely radiating divine love, peace and goodwill on all

people, wherever they are. In the center of my creature reigns the world, this is the world

God. In this silence, I feel his strength, leadership and love of him

Holy presence. I am divinely directed on all ways

mine. I have a clean bed for Divine Love, Truth and Beauty. I

feeling how his world river flows through me. I know all my

problems dissolve in the mind of God. The path of God is my ways. The words,

which I say, get there, where I send them. I am glad and perced

gratitude, realizing that I will get the answer to my prayer. And it is so. "

Listen to prayer, learn it by heart.

With the help of scientific prayer, you can connect to the divine abundance channel and get everything from the universe that you need. The only thing you need is the sincerity of your intention.

Prayers for money and rich.

Read all these prayers every 2 times:

I was born for success. Infinite, which is inside me, does not know failure. The divine law manages my life. The divine world fills my soul. Divine love saturates my mind. Infinite intelligence is delivered me. I succeed, I am moving forward, Rasta mentally, spiritually and financially. I know that these truths are immersed in my subconscious mind and will develop further.

"I know that God cares about my prosperity. Now I am leading life with good luck. I have everything that promotes well-being, progress and calmness. Every day I grow the fruits of the Spirit of the Lord within myself. I am calm, balanced, sincere and pacified. I A single whole with a source of life. All my needs are immediately satisfied. Now I am aiming all the "empty vessels" to God. All that belongs to Him - My. "

I realize the presence of the source inside me and in contact with my thoughts. I bring my gratitude to the Lord for the fact that now in front of me is widely opened the entrance to endless wealth and they freely come to me. Every day I get richer spiritually, mentally and financially. Money is the idea of \u200b\u200bGod, circulating in my life, and they are always enough

God is a permanent source that satisfies all my needs for every moment of life!

The Holy Spirit is my instantaneous and constant installation. He takes the shape of food, clothes, money, friends and everything I need right here and now. I argue this and know that now I get divine wealth.

I am absolutely believed in God and in all good. I know that I can cope with any situation at any time, because God is a direct source providing me with all the necessary ideas well and at the most suitable time. Divine wealth flows in my life and they are always in excess. As I repeat these truths, I feel how my mind is configured to receive goods from a divine inexhaustible source!

God sends me prosperity in all my ways and I am now accepting his gifts!

How to use scientific prayer?

Prayer about life with excess

"I know that it is to flourish - it means grow spiritually. God is now present in my mind, body and my affairs. Inside me, Divine ideas are constantly arising, bringing me health and wealth.

I feel a reverent thrill when I feel like God revives every atom of my being. I know that now he inspires, supports and strengthens me. My body is a perfect shape, filled with energy and power.

My business is divine activity, and it goes successfully and efficiently. I feel the inner integrity that operates in my body, mind and my affairs. I bring my gratitude to God and rejoice in life in wealth. "

Prayer to achieve an amazing future

The following, daily prayer used will bring you a lot of amazing results:

Prayer for business success and obtaining wealth

I'm a rastic in wisdom and understanding. My business is a divine business. Divine wisdom, located inside me, gives me ways and means with which all my cases are solved properly.

The words of faith, which I now say, open all the necessary doors and roads for my success and prosperity. I know that the Lord will make everything concerned about me. I'm on the right track, because I am the Son (daughter) of God.

The healing divine presence is now being taken for work, transforming, healing, restoring and managing all the processes of my body, according to his wisdom and divine nature. All my body is cleared and operates to the life-riding energy of God. In my mind and body is committed divine cleansing. The joy of the Lord is my constant force. Each particle of my body is healthy, and I will be paid my gratitude for this. Amen.

prayer for marriage

Prayer for the creation of an account in your "Bank of prosperity"

Method fourth. Prayer

Method fourth. Prayer

We remember the Bible: When the students asked Jesus Christ to teach them prayer, the teacher answered them: "Everything that will be asked in prayer, believe that they got, and will be you." Please note that he says: "Believe that they got," that is why you get.

In the most difficult moments of life, even unbelievers, atheists often appeal for help to the highest reason, whims from prayers.

For a believer prayer is an appeal to God, often rigidly regulated by intrafestational rules. Warning prayers, a man worshiped God, thanks for the gift of life and her good, asks for help, rushes in sins and asks for them forgiveness.

Prayer is a thought in our consciousness, a formulated request or desire facing the highest forces in which we believe.

Joseph Murphy meant under the prayer appeal to the unlimited and unrecognizable wisdom of the universe, which is carried out in free form, with faith in the fact that the highest forces are ready to hear and implement a request or desire clothed in a prayer.

He was confident that the person of any religion, and not even a believer, can use the power of prayer. Because the answer arises when our subconsciously responds to a mental picture or thought that lives in our brain, that is, in fact, we ourselves are responsible for prayer or request.

Your thought, idea, plan, or task are real exactly as really your body! So, success depends on how convinced and believe in your idea, in your dream.

I.e prayer will bring the result only if you certainly believe in its execution.

Do not attempt to use a volitional effort, do not force yourself and do not deceive yourself: only sincere faith will allow prayer to root in your subconscious.

Before proceeding with prayer, try to clean your consciousness from any obstacles or doubts: do not doubt your idea just as you do not doubt your own hands.

Word your idea or a task in a form that is convenient for you, repeat it until it becomes part of your picture of the world. After all, while you do not present what you want to get, you will not get it, because it will be done. Without crops there are no shoots!

Joseph Murphy also spoke about the so-called scientific prayer, implying under this that prayer well thought out, reasonable and conscious.

This means that your prayer is formulated as an undeniable and not subject to discussion, but it is in the field of executable. In this case, the prayer will be accepted by your subconscious in the form of an image, and the creative strength of your subconscious will begin to embody it.

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Sacred prayer

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32. Prayer in work

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Article Psychologist Center "5 Yes!" Marina Morozova

From time to time, each of us enters negative situations: conflicts, separation, illness, dismissal, financial problems. No one has yet managed to avoid unpleasant situations. So the life is arranged.

And all these negative situations are not given to us in punishment, but for our development, personal and spiritual growth. For example, make mercy, the ability to forgive and not be offended by trifles, take another person what it is.

The negative situation (including the disease) comes when we rolled out not there and began to destroy our soul. This is the faith of our soul.

This is a signal: "Stop and look around. What are you doing? Who are you? Where do you go? Why? How do you live? What do you breathe? What do you do in this world? Why did you come here?"

And when you understand that it is already impossible to live in the old way, and when the rethinking and transformation, the negative situation (problem, illness) goes out.

That is, the situation is our spiritual teacher. Also, anyone whom we met in life becomes our spiritual teacher, and you are his spiritual teacher. It does not happen so that you are a spiritual teacher of someone, and this man was only your student. You both learn each other.

If we did not understand the lessons that the situation gives us, it is not allowed or repeated, but it is aggravated. Therefore, the sooner we understand our lessons, the faster the situation will be resolved. Someone has several years or all life, and someone has several hours.

One young woman, which was put in the hospital for an operation with the Miser of the Uterus, managed to change this situation (with the help of psychotechnic) in a few hours. She did not do the operation, discharged from the hospital to not occupy the place.

If the event has already happened (you have already quenched or parted, the operation has already done), then a deep understanding of the essence of the situation will help you calm down and rehabilitate, and go to a new level: to find a new job or build new, more comfortable relationships, or save health for long Years, avoid relapses. Not an understanding of the deep essence of a negative situation leads to its repetition and even aggravation in the following relations or on a new job. Yes, people and scenery will be others, and the situation is still the same.

Fortunately, many people already know about it and try to realize the lessons that lives them in the form of negative situations. But why do not global changes in their lives do not occur? The situation is a bit or briefly improving, and then for some reason it worsens again.

The fact is that little lessons understand, it is also important to change, that is, stop doing what I did, and start living in a new way. In principle, the meaning of any negative situation is to send us not only to understand the lessons, but also to change.

The main thing is to understand that in one of the most simple negative situation there is not one lesson for us, but at least 10. And if you understood one or two lessons, it is usually not enough to resolve the situation. The harder the situation, the more lessons are laid in it. They can be 20, and 30.

Also in every even very negative situation, we receive our benefits that we most often realize. In other words, we get some kind of benefit from any unpleasant situation.

For example, sick, we get the opportunity to sleep, relax, recover, attract attention and care for loved ones. There are only more than 25 psychological benefits that we get during diseases.

In each particular situation, there is not one, but 5-7 unconscious benefits.

The awareness and study of these benefits helps a different look at the negative situation and allow it.

So, it was the theory that you could already know, and now practice practice. The following exercises must be done in order. Choose a negative situation that bothers you now or has already passed, but left the sediment in your soul.

1 Practice "Pickup Positive"

Practice Pickup Positive Do writing, it's better not on a leaflet, but in notepad, so that there is always the opportunity to return to what is written.

1. We ask yourself a question: "What does this situation help me (illness, problem, conflict)?"

2. And we write out everything that comes to mind, all the advantages that this situation gives you - and benefits, and spiritual lessons are everything. Minimum 10 points. In difficult situations of advantages more (20-30), but finding them more difficult.

Usually, in this practice, the mood is improved, a look at the negative situation is changing, it does not seem so negative.

I asked the question of consulting one of my client, which had a divorce with her husband on his initiative. She tried to save the family, but did not work. - How did the divorce help you?

And heard the answer:

I came to God, to the church, began to pray, confess, commitory.

I have become better and warmer relationship with your son.

I had to become more independent, I began to solve the questions that my husband had previously allowed (car repair, for example).

I changed the work on a higher paid and ranked leading position.

Made repairs in the apartment

Fascised psychology

Began to deal with a psychologist and allowed many internal problems

Engaged in spiritual and personal growth

Began to go to yoga

I quit smoking

Changed the image and the whole wardrobe

Found a lover - the opposite of her husband

Understood what it means when you love

Another woman who survived a heavy illness, found the following advantages in this situation:

I have improved relationships with children, we began to better understand each other

I came up with my mother, our relationship was warm.

Relations with dad became such as they should be between father and daughter (from her point of view)

I realized that I could trust my husband, I can rely on him.

Together we found another 20 advantages.

She began to appreciate every little thing in life (oh, the sun shines!), Stopped being afraid of death, changed its attitude to the money, which before it was very valuable (I can't take it anyway), she just became happy (after all, life won ).

Believe that it's just that, by chance, nothing happens to us. Any negative situations for some reason we need.

The more acute and difficult situation occurs in life, the more useful for our soul. In the process, a person can change the worldview at all.

I remember when I had an operation to remove appendicitis at 20 years old, I survived clinical death. Only then I read that many people live the same as I (flight on the tonnel to the light and return back).

This situation turned over my life, completely changed the worldview. Despite the fact that everything hurt, I felt happiness every minute (before that was constantly in depression), I changed my attitude to life, I had strengthened in faith in God (before that there was a lot of doubts (atheistic education was affected), I believed in the immortality of the soul, I felt an incredible state of flight and ease, I began to be interested in the issues of spirituality, came to psychology, became a psychologist, I am writing articles, books.

I can list my advantages for a long time. But I would like you to pay attention to yourself and did this exercise, found our advantages in our negative situation.

If nothing comes to mind or has a little plus, the next practice of "top view" will help you.

2. Practice "Top view"

This is the next step in changing the negative situation. If before that you looked at the unpleasant situation from our point of view, then this practice will help you to look at it from the side of the observer, from above.

1) Conveniently sit, close your eyes, focus on an unpleasant situation, calm down, relax.

2) Imagine that your soul on the wings rises to the top and looks at you and other participants in the events, on the situation itself from top to bottom. It is very important to see not only other people, but also yourself.

3) What does she see? What does another person or other people do in this situation? What do they feel?

4) What do you do? What do you feel?

5) What advantage do you get from this situation? Find 10 advantages (these are hidden benefits, and lessons).

6) Then your soul returns back to the body and fully connects to it.

7) You return to reality and open your eyes.

8) Continue the list of advantages by writing those that came to you in the process of this practice. The more advantages, the better.

This practice will help you not only find the pros, but also a new look at your behavior in this situation, distance yourself from it and calm down.

3 Practice "Appeal to your Higher" I "

In this practice, you appeal for help in finding lessons and benefits from a negative situation to your highest "I". In principle, you can seek help and to the guardian angel, and the universe, and to life (who you believe more).

1) Take a separate sheet of paper and write an appeal to your highest "I".

"Hello, my higher" I "help me understand what good I got in this situation (describe two-three words. Suppose" Help me understand that I received good in my dismissal, or in allergies). Please send me the answers over the next 5 days (the term may be any, but more than one day and less than 8 days) in the form of signs or thoughts.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Your (your name). "

2) Then, during the specified period, pay attention to all the thoughts that you come to mind, the words that people tell you, books, movies, transfers - everywhere there may be an answer to your question. Words that tell you people or heroes of gear, books, films, advertising slogans on banners, headache or itching nose - all this signs, through which your "Higher" I "(Angels, Universe) communicates with you.

Be careful and immediately write down, do not count on your memory. For now, do not analyze anything, but collect information. At first glance, these signs may not relate to the problem directly, but a little later you recognize this meaning.

If the body reacts pain, itching, voltage, discomfort (and always reacts), then this is due to this situation.

So, if the head hurts, it is possible that your permanent headaches are a consequence of this or similar situation from your past.

3) When the term passes, read all written - individual words, phrases, body signals - all connect to logical chains and analyze. You yourself will be surprised how much you know a lot about yourself.

And go to the next practice.

4 Practice "Steps to Transformation"

If life still taught you through this situation, then you can learn more attractive for yourself. Then this negative situation will not be needed for your spiritual development.

How can you learn how to learn how?

Come up with each lesson 3-5 new ways.

For example, if the situation teaches you to forgive, then you may have the following ways:

You can make several times for forgiveness.

As soon as you offended, immediately take and let go of your insult, let's say with the help of breathing practice

Go to the training on this topic

Learn to remove stress and apply these techniques in conflict situations.

Become more merciful who hosts towards other people

Choose more suitable 1-2 ways and lighten them.

Do not wait for life to teach you - learn.

Thus, you yourself made a direction for development.

5 Practice "Neutralization of Benefit"

Look at your benefits that give you this negative situation and think what other 3-5 ways you can get the same benefit without this situation. For each benefit, come up with 3-5 ways.

Suppose you advantageously be constantly in the role of the victim to regret yourself. Pity in this case is the equivalent of love. So you lack love for yourself.

What are there any ways to love yourself? How would you like to love instead of sorry?

You can burn, for example:

Praise yourself 7 times a day (the amount themselves determine)

Hugging yourself 8 times a day

Try not to criticize yourself (talking in these cases "Stop!")

Make yourself massage hands (stop, head, neck)

Change the wardrobe

Now you understand what you need to specifically do to change the situation. Start do it.

6 Practice "Analysis of several situations"

After you have found the spiritual lessons and the benefits of one situation, also pull the positive from other unpleasant situations that you have now in life. Now you can write separately spiritual lessons and hidden benefits from different situations. Often, different situations teach us the same and help us to extract us the same benefits.

Suppose, we can attract high attention to themselves and with the help of various diseases, and with the help of complaints about the Gada-Chief, and with the help of trouble with the child. And any conflicts, betrayal, rejection teach us to forgive us. As a rule, when aware of this and changes in their own behavior, several unpleasant situations are destroyed.

7 Practice "Line of Fate"

Analyze the same situation from your past. Pull out the positive of them, writing it on the same notepad.

Imagine that you seem to consider your life path on top, as a line of destiny, which marks significant events from your life (and with a plus sign, and with a minus sign).

You can even draw the line of your destiny and note important events in chronological order on it.

Also remember that they were preceded and noted and these seemingly not very significant events.

You will see that all situations have causal relationships. Each is the link of a single chain of events.

What spiritual lessons could you endure from our past situations?

What did you understand then?

What changed in yourself?

And what did not understand?

Write your spiritual lessons that you did not realize then. You will see that these are the same lessons that you pass now.

Look at the hidden benefits you received before in different situations. Are these the same benefits or now something new appeared?

Even by making the first practice of "pulling the positive", you change your attitude towards your negative situation, it will no longer seem such negative. You will change the mood and condition. And this already gives impetus to changing the situation. After all, for our soul it is important exactly how we react to negative situations. If you react calmly and judiciously - you are on the right track.

The most important question that is best to ask yourself, facing unpleasant situations - "What is it for me?". More often we ask yourself questions: "Why is it for me?" "Well, why did it happen to me?" "Who is to blame?".

I wish you new discoveries, effective changes and happy change!

If you want to more deeply work out your negative situations, come to my consultation. For independent work, I can offer you myself and to work out the generic and personal causes of your negative situations you can in placements or modeling of the situation.

When reprinting articles of the psychologist Marina Morozova active reference to this site and the author's name is obligatory.

The most detailed description: Prayer is strong strong forces - for our readers and subscribers.

Good luck - special capricious, nevertheless, she needs every person. People try to keep it with all ways, and if it does not work, resort to different kinds of tricks like conspiracies or prayers. Many refer to conspiracies with distrust and causticity, and in miraculous power of prayers do not believe, except, only atheists. Prayers for good luck (3 The strongest prayers will be lower) - a great way to make luck and success with its companion.

Strong prayer for luck to the Lord God

Who needs to be asked about good luck in the first? Of course, the very Lord God. Prayers addressed to our Creator have a huge force. True, it helps a person of the Almighty only when his prayers and intentions are deprived of mercenary motives when they are aimed at the blessing when no live soul suffers from them. Only in this case, the Lord will hear the prayer, will give him his blessing and illuminating his life with luck and luck.

It is necessary to pray to God about good luck before it is in front of the icon in the church or, if it is not possible to visit the temple, at home. Before contacting the Almighty with the cherished request, you need to light the candle and stand up with the procession, and then, giving the pods, pronounce the word prayer whisper. They sound like this:

This prayer is recommended to read before each important life event or case, on which your future depends. All your undertakings and steps will receive God's blessings if they do not mean anything bad and do not carry evil intent.

Strong prayer to his guardian angel - for good luck

The guardian angel is attached to each person. This is an invisible defender, designed to protect his ward from any evil and trouble, from human goats, from unclean power, from negative magical impact (damage and evil eye). This is a patron, whose task is to direct a person on the righteous way.

To secure the patronage of the Guardian angel, a person must lead a pious lifestyle: not to be fed, not becoming a slave of detrimental habits, not bonus in sins. Otherwise, you can lose the guarantee of your divine defender and unscrew it from yourself.

Prayer for good luck, addressed to the Guardian Angel, is a strong charm who is capable of changing the life of a praying person (of course, for the better). To enlist the support of your invisible defender and attract good luck in your life, the intimate words need to be pronounced every day before going to bed. The text of the prayer is as follows:

The guardian angel constantly prays for his ward in heaven, puts out the sorry for all his earthly sins from the Lord. And this prayer will definitely attract good luck in all matters.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker: Strong prayer for good luck

Nikolai Radish never refuses to help those who appeal to Him with Holy Prayer. This is a strong patron, who helps everyone in need.

If in your life is not enough good luck - ask for Nikolai Wonderworker about it using prayer given below. It is better to read it in the walls of the liturgical institution - in this case she will have more power. To pronounce at home, be sure to buy an icon with the image of a holy elder, words prior to the light of a lit church candle. Text of prayer:

Thanks to this prayer, you will always be under the protection of Saint Nicholas, he will owe you from any evil and negative.

In general, Orthodox prayers designed to attract good luck, there is quite a lot. Above the three are the strongest of them. What kind of prayer (Lord, Guardian Angel, Nikolai Wonderworker) choose for yourself - to solve only you. Listen to your heart, trust your intuition, your soul - these three most reliable prompts will help you make the right choice. And your life will certainly be filled with luck and Divine blessing.

Whatever prayer you prefer, remember that when you pronounce any of them, you need to create a specific attitude. The power of prayer directly depends on the faith. The desire, the strength of thought and energy praying is important. Appeal to the highest forces with a prayer attaches to suffering confidence, faith in itself, gives hope and strengthens his consciousness.

The God and His Holy Assistants will be heard only sincere prayer coming from the heartly praying. At the same time, his intentions should also be chicted, deprived of egoism, a pearlist or anger. Turning to God from thin motives, a person risks to draw the wrath of the Creator. And this means that luck will not only turn away from him, but it will leave him for a long time - until he fails to reaping his sins and pour forgiveness from the Higher Forces.

I am Azizov Saidali Oktyabraovich disabled person groups. I believe in God and in his faith. I think that God helps in the completion of my house and greenhouses, I have long dreamed of it.

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Miraculous power of prayer

Everyone living on the land of the people, there are special words that are transmitted from generation to generation and with whom a person appeals to the highest forces. These are words prayers. To ask about what you want with all your heart, ask for help in the most difficult matter - that's why prayers are intended.

Prayer affects the world and man in the most direct way. The ability to pray is real art for the soul and mind, and we will tell how to make a prayer for an effective, i.e. how to find a prayer gift. A man using the words of prayer, repeatedly enhances the energy of desire, and this energy acquires strength that is unattainable without prayer. Words in which there is no sense of confidence, will never gain the power of prayer. Remember that without a sincere faith of prayer will remain a set of words.

Prayer - the breath of our soul

Prayer - This is an appeal to the highest forces, it is praising or gratitude, a request that comes from a person to the Divine. When we ask for forgiveness, we admit to sins and purify when I praise the Lord - we rejoice in the world, that we live, breathe, love; When we ask about the fulfillment of desires - we look into the intimate depths of our own Ya. Prayer helps a person to return to himself - such as he was conceived, feel in peace, to feel his movement, energy.

People who sincerely believe know that prayer It has a miraculous force, because God cannot leave her unanswered. The universe created by him is perfect and can exist without any help, but the person is not perfect, though, and created in the image and likeness of God. Having granted an apple from the tree of knowledge, humanity fell into the whirlpool of sins and now it is no longer able to harmoniously manage the world, which he went to the gift. But the Supreme Creator of Wise and with love refers to his brainchild. He can't throw us on the mercy of fate and therefore helps listening to our prayers and requests. Otherwise, a person will turn into the original chaos universe again, because he has already changed his "talent" of the destroyer.

Sincere requests of believers reach God, and he takes trouble from humanity. The man was created by God and, it means that he contains a particle of his wisdom. That is why a person sees evil, poverty, hatred and asks God for justice. Prayer is our connection with God, our conversation with him.

Breathing connects man with peace. This connection is interrupted - and life stops. Prayer is the breath of our soul, she connects us with God. When this connection breaks down, God does not hear us, the soul suffers and accumulates desire.

Understanding the meaning of prayer, we must treat it more seriously. Prayer is great art, no wonder believers say: "Cool prayer." Baunting words are unlikely to be understood by God. Therefore, we turn to the masterpieces of recognized masters of faith. Before you, the rules of true prayer, which, subject to a clear him, will bring your request to the creator.

Basic rules of true prayer

First, it is important to correctly formulate your desire in prayer. You do not need to list all your problems and ask for help for each of them. God himself will see what you need, and will give you it. Prayer should contain a request for support, about the emphasis of the forces and opportunities for self-execution of desire.

Secondly, it is necessary to tune in to the state of prayer. Prayer is a kind of meditation. At the time of prayer, your soul, mind and body should not pay attention to the surrounding and tune in to communicate with God.

Soul. So that our request reached God, it should be filled with energy, otherwise you will not be heard. The person has very powerful energy reserves, but most of us waste them are watching empty small things. We do not love the neighbor, as we were taught, but love is energy, we have been afraid of paying for the lean sins, but after all the fear is a loss of energy. We are indigrant, I'm angry, and a drop of a drop of power leaves us. When we are trying to create prayer, it turns out weak and lifeless. Therefore, before taking Prayer, you need to get rid of anger, hatred, sinful thoughts, envy. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness from our neighbors and forgive them themselves. After such a cleansing, a lot of energy will be liberated in your soul, which will reflect in prayer. Believers say people: "Be angry and pray - the same thing that sow in the sea and wait for the harvest."

Mind. Not only the soul should take part in prayer, but also the mind. The main task of the mind is to delve into the text of the prayer. You must carefully read the prayer, understand and feel every word, in the meaning of prayer and then convey this knowledge of your soul. If you burst the words of your message to the highest forces, your soul will not be able to get into work, she just will not understand you. But God lives in the soul of man, and not in words. "Because not from the set of words, and hearing depends on the sobriety," they say believers.

Body. A person who is accustomed to pray to be easy to set his soul to communicate with God. However, the one who only takes on this path must be followed by a certain ritual to create the desired attitude.

Additional rules of true prayer

Time. It is best to pronounce prayers in the morning before the start of work and in the evening after it, when you can focus.

A place. During prayer, it is best to retake, find a quiet place where no one will interfere with you. "When you pray, enter your room and, having done your door, Pray your father, who is secret" (Matthew. 6: 6).

Body position and prayer gestures. Some provisions of the body and gestures contribute to prayer and help to achieve internal concentration. This is a cross sign, bows (earth and belt) and prayer arrangement of hands. All this favors strengthening the feeling of humility, reverence, worship. Praying can be standing on the knees, sitting, lying. The main thing is that you feel convenient to feel joy, ease and could forget about your body for the time of prayer. Orthodox priests advise: "It is better to pray sitting and thinking about God than knees and think about the legs."

Breath. Breathing can reassure the body and sleep feelings. Thus, a person is preparing for prayer. Before the beginning of the prayer to make two or three deep breaths and exhalation, and then, as soon as the breath goes into ordinary rhythm, forget about him.

During prayer. A beginner need to pronounce prayers out loud or in a low voice. It helps to focus. At the same time, the voice must vary depending on the prayer: praise should be pronounced loudly and joyful; Requests are humbly and modestly, and repentance - with a sense of crushing, shaming the perfect sin.

The order of prayers. Initially, you must thank and reclaim God, then ask for forgiveness for sins and at the end to mention your petitions.

Prayer should not turn into a daily, routine ritual. Sincere, sincere prayer, filled with faith and love for God, is able to work wonders. The story knows a lot of examples of how true prayer was heard by the Lord.

Before you one of the oldest and most beautiful Russian legends about the strength of the flame prayer.

Having conceived a new thing, he did not turn to people with requests for help, and began to pray to God hardly about the success of the conceived. As a result, he had the necessary funds for doing business.

Let your faith become a fertile land where the seeds of your desires can be ashamed.


Prayer Lovera

Castle in the sea, key in the mouth. As a castle from the sea is not to remove and the keys are not to get out of the mouth.

From the wrath of the head

To protect against anger of the chief, you need to read such a prayer:

"The will of the Lord sent me to me, the guardian angel, the defender and the guardian of mine. And therefore I appeal to you in a difficult moment in my prayer, so that you wrap me from a big trouble. He oppose me clothed with earthly authorities and I have no other protection, except for the power of Heaven, Cyuy over all of us and the world is managed by our world. Holy angel, charming from harassment and offense from those who raised to me, remove from their injustice, because I suffer to this reason without any reason. I forgive God as God taught, the sins of them before me, for the Lord elevated the raised muddy me and experiencing me. On all the will of God, from the same thing, that over the will of God, save me, my guardian angel. Oh, I ask you in my prayer. Amen".

Cleansing prayers

Contact God with the following prayers.

"OUR FAVE, SUBJECT IN SKYES! Yes, your name is holy, yes your kingdom will come; Yes, there will be the will of yours both on earth and in heaven; our urgent bread give us to this day; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our; And do not put us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil; For yours is a kingdom and strength and glory forever. Amen".

"The Most Holy Virgin"

"On the Most Holy Lady of the Virgin, the Heavenly Queen, save and nice us, the sinful slaves of yours; From vain slander and all sorts of misfortunes, misfortunes and sudden death, survive in the day clock, morning and evening and at all time save us - standing, sitting, on every path of walking, in the night hours of sleeping, stuff, stand up and cut, protect. Master of the Virgin Mary, from all enemies of visible and invisible, from all evil circumstances, at any place and in every time be us, the mother preparing, the necessary wall and a strong intercession is always now and are constantly and forever. Amen".

"God will resurrect"

"God will resurrect, and the enemies rush, and it runs from his face. How the smoke disappears, and they will disappear; As wax falls from the face of the fire, so yes the demons will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godfather, and in the fun of the verbolovy: Rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Main, run to the demons of the silence of our Lord of our Jesus Christ, to hell and the focus Devil, and who bestowed himself, the cross is their honest to the defendance of every spare. About the predigant and life-giving cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Mrs. Virgin Virgin and with all the holy forever. Amen".

"Life-giving cross"

"Fences me, Lord, the strength of an honest and life-giving your cross, save me from any evil. Weaken, leave, forgive, God, our forelegations, free and involuntary, as in the Word and in the case, as in jurisdiction and not in ignorance, as in the days and in the night, as in the mind and in the crumb, we all sorry And a humus person. Hate and offend us forgive us, Lord a good man. Charless Good Benefit. Screenshots and affinations of our giving Luza to salvation for forgiveness and eternal life. In the unfortunate visits and healing Darui. We manage to use the sea. Traveling confusing. Recommendance to our servers and sinks. Delivered to us, unworthy, pray for them to have mercy on the great mercy. Rubbing, Lord, before the deceased fathers and our brothers and their rest, where your faces of your face. Look, Lord, the brothers of our prisoners, get rid of them from any circumstances. Remember, Lord, Fruit-seeing and vasting in the saints of your churches, give them the way to the salvation of petitions and the eternal life. Roman, Lord, and Us, Sfeed and sinful, and unworthy slaves of yours, and to educate our mind of your mind of your mind, and make us for the path of the commandments of your own, the prayers of the Mary Master of Our Virgin and Nesthelnomy Mary and all your saints, Yako blessed Esi forever centuries. Amen".

"Holy Great Matching and Healer Pantelemon"

"O Great Christ, the plenty of the Great Martyr Panthematon. The soul in the skies of the throne of God, the trepidate of His glory enjoy, the body and the face of the saints on Earth in the Divine Temples and give these more grace of various sources of wonders. Watchly a gracious Okom on the upcoming people and your honest icon with a healing assistance and interpreting, sending their warm prayers to the Lord to the Lord and we succeed to the souls to leaving the souls. Ce below will revive the voice of prayer to him, in the deity in impregnable glory with the heart of the infringement and the spirit of humble the messy and the prayer and the prayer officer for our sinners. Yako, you accepted the grace of Him from having to drive away and heal the passion. We ask you, do not win us unworthy with you and your assistance requiring; Whether in the sadness of the comforter, in the illnesses of a lousy, the doctor who is awarded the inspection of the gift, with the existing and infants in the sorces of the preparing ideas and healer, creating everything, all to salvation useful Yako Yes, to God to God with prayers, get grace and mercy to glorify all good sources And the god of God is one in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and is confined and forever. Amen".

"The Most Holy Virgin"

"The Most Holy Lady is my Virgin, the saints, your holy and all-plating pliers of an alignment from me, the humble and punk slave, despondency, oblivion, nerazuma, the magnification, and all the bad, saint and consistency."

"For the peace of the warring"

"Vladyko is humanitfully, the king of the ages and the submarine, who destroyed the hosts of the mediastinum and the world, submitted to the human, giving the world and now the world of your slaves, to reconcile your fear of your, to each other, the love approve, fade away with anything, we have all the differences, seduced. Yako You are our world, you are fame. Father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and are dreaming of centuries. Amen".

"Vladyko, the Almighty, the Holy Tsar, are punished and not killed, saying the falling and remove the abandonment, bodies of grief people correct, pray for you, our God, the slave of yours. Favorite to visit your deliciousness, forgive him any sinning free and unwitting. His, Lord, your medical power from Heaven was sent, touched the body, fierce firing, decorate the passion and every sorts of melting, be a doctor's doctor's discovery, erect him from Odra painful and from the bodies of the whole and all-in-free, give him the church of your prosperous and creative will Yours, yours is, hedgehogful and save us, God, and you fame to you, the father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen".

"Live in help"

"Alive in the help of the Vyshnyh, in the blood of God's heaven ruffles. Decisses the Lord: my intercession is also refuge, my God, and I hope for him. I will save you from the network of catching and from the words of rebellious; The shoulders will be squeezed by his own, under the wings, they hope; Weapons are created by the truth of him. Not surely from the fear of the night, from the arrows flying on the days, from the thing in the darkness coming, from shaking and demon of the moon. It falls from the country of your thousand, and the darkness is our best, you will not get closer to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch and the reward of sinners of vrudeshi. Yako you, Lord, Hope my; Vyshnya put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not get closer to your body, IKO angels to me to meet you about you, preserve you in all your ways. In my hands, you will take you, but not when you are pushing about the stone of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of lion and serpent. Yako on my Uporna, and get rid, and I'll get rid and, I also know my name, will call me and hear him; With him, everyone in grief, Izmu I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, I will tell him the salvation of my ".

"Reverend Moses Muurina"

"Oh, the great power of repentance! Oh of the immeasurable depth of the Mercy of God! You, Reverend Moses, was before the robber. You horrified our sins, reckled about them and in repentance came to the monastery and there in the great crying about his lawlessness and in difficult exploits spent his days before the death and won the sorry and the gift of the miraculous. O, Reverend, from grave sins, reached strict virtues, help and praying to you, the slaves (name), inhalled into the destruction from the fact that they indulge in the immeasurable, harmful to the soul and body use of wine. Sloni on them their gracious eyes, do not rejoint and do not despose them, but they hurt them, resorting to you. Moths, holy Moses, the Lord of Christ, so that they do not reject them, merciful, and the devil the devil of their death, but will spill the Lord of these powerless and unfortunate (name) who took possession of the destructive passion of the drunkenness, because we are all of God's creation and redeems Blood son him. Hear the same, reverend Moses, their prayer, eating the devil, giving them the power to defeat their passion, help them, send your hand, bring them away from slavery and get rid of the winery so that they are updated, in sober and the light mind, they loved abstinence And piety and always glorified the all-bad God, always saving their creations. Amen".

"Symbol of faith"

"I believe in a single god of my father, the Almighty, the Creator of the sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible, in the Unified Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beef, and from the Father born before all century; Lights from the light, the God of Truth and the God of God, born, is not created, the father is unique, the whole house. For the sake of the sake of the person and our sake of salvation from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of the Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Consistent in the Pontic Pilate and suffering and buried. And risen on the third day of Scripture. And asked to heaven, sitting on the scene. And the Paki of the coming CO wakes alive and dead, his kingdom will not end. And in the Spirit of the Holy, Lord of the life-giving, and from the father outgoing. It is also with the father and son of spolarm and a sum of the verbal prophets. In the United Sacred Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead and the life of the future century. Amen".

"On the sanctification of salt"

"God, the Savior, who, who appeared through the Prophet Elisa in Jericho and so through salt, made healthy harmful water. You yourself bless this salt, make it an offer of joy. For you are our God, we will delight glory, father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever. Amen".

Daily prayers

Waking up in the morning, mentally say the following words:

"In the hearts - the Lord God, ahead - the Holy Spirit; Help me with you to start, live and finish. "

Going to the far way or just for any cases, well mentally uttering:

"My Angel, let's go with me: You're ahead, I'm yours." And the guardian angel will help you in any start.

So that your life has improved, it is good to read the next prayer daily:

"Lord is merciful, the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit of the Holy Save, save and nice me, the slave of God (name). Remove with me damage, evil eye and pain body forever. Lord is merciful, drive a demon of me, the slave of God. Lord gracious, healed me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

If you have anxiety for loved ones, pronounce the following prayer, until calm comes:

"Lord, save, save, hindle (the names of loved ones). Everything will be good for them! "

If you have anxiety on your soul and it seems to you that everything is not like that, or not enough strength and confidence to continue the work started, read these prayers. They will fill you with the energy of faith and well-being, surround the power of heaven and protect from all adversity. They will give you strength and confidence.

Prayer for the coming dream

Purification of the apartment

Paging on a penny

Miraculous prayer to St. Nicholas

Rejoice, getting rid of sorrow; Rejoice, challenge grace. Rejoice, unhahered as a voyage; Rejoice, the desired good towers. Rejoice, a quick contestant in the troubles; Rejoice, terrible to the prisoner offended. Rejoice, miracles of the baudes, the god is poured; Rejoice, the law of Christ the screened God written. Rejoice, strong borrowing; Rejoice, the right to standing approval. Rejoice, Yako to you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, Yako to you, every truth comes true. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Prayers for prosperity and relief from the need

Prayer Guardian Angel

In your patience, the goodness of his own, the righteous, according to the commandments of the Lord, he lived in perfection, was loved and comforted them; Pray Christ to God about saving our souls.

Saint God John, gracious defender of sirah and living in disasters! We are resorting to you and you pray, the opposite of all the seekers from God the troubles and sorrows from God; Do not fully pray to the Lord about everyone with the faith of those who came to you! You were filled with Christ love and goodness, appeared as a wonderful mistake of the virtues of mercy and earned the name merciful; You were like a river, incessantly the currently current mortar and all thirsty attacked. We believe that, by resettlement from the Earth on the sky, aggravated in you the gift of graceful of this and what was becoming an inexhaustible vessel of all blessings. Create your petition and intercession before God all sorts of consolation, and let the world and a serene coming to you; Give them consolation in the sadness of temporary and allowance in the needs of everyday, all the hope of perpetual rest in the kingdom of heaven. In the life of yours on the earth, you were the refinement to all those who live in every misfortune and the need, offended and sick, and none of those who came to you and those who have requested mercy have not been deprived of your blessing; The same and now, kingdom, with Christ, God in heaven, Javi all worshiping before worthy of honoring your icon and praying for help and intercession. Not only you yourself created mercy helpless, but also the hearts of others erected to consolation of the weakness and to care for poor: the foggy and now the hearts of faithful to intercession for sirah, to the consolation of the mournful and calmness of the poor, but do not induce the grace gifts in them, just Mixed in them and the House of this, where they care about the suffering, peace and joy about the Holy Spirit, in the glory of the Lord and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Feodoro Tironu

About the precessive and sacred and grace of the Holy Spirit fulfilled, the Savior and Father, the Great Bishop, the warm, our oppressor, St. Martine, comes to the throne of all kings and enjoying the light of a single trinity and Cherubi with Angels who were headed by a song with the song, the great and unexplored boldness All-storey Vladyka, moths about the salvation of the flock of Christ, the goodness of the Holy Churches approve; The bishops of the wellness of saint decorate, monasticing to the feats of good fortification, reigning degrees and all hails and countries in good preservation, and faith with the holy immaculate observance of the mind, the world of all the past of your Smiri, from hunger and dying to save us, and from the attack of the invalid Save, old You are comforting, young to mention, crazy umudri, vodovitsy hollow, for orphans implicit, babies, prisoners, prisoners, weak and praying for you from all the misfortunes and miscarriage of yours; The moths about us are all common and human-loving Christ of our God, and on the day of the terrible coming of him from Schioo (Shuya - left hand. On the terrible court there are sinners, who will burn forever in hell.) Standing will save us, and the joys of saints will create All holy events. Amen.

Oh good our shepherd and the Bogomdrog Mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! You hear us sinners, praying for you and calling on your quick intercession; See us weak, from everywhere of persecuted, all slands deprived and mind from a malnuary stared; Do mercy, the ward of God, do not leave us in the sinful captivity, let them not be in the joy of enemies to our and do not die in the evil deeds of ours; moths about us unworthy creator of our and the lord, you are with the obverse of the faces; Sloni of the merciful God of our for us in the present life and in the future century, do not pay us on our affairs and on the impurity of our hearts, but by our goodness we will be rewarded; We hope for your petition, you call your intercession to the aid, and to the Most Holy Diving Fresh, please help; Getting rid of us, the waters of Christ, from the evils, who are on us, and tighten the waves of passions and misfortunes to us, but for the sire of your prayers will not hurt us and do not wonder in the punch of the sinful and in the Tine of our passions; Moths, the saint of Christ Nikolai, Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and great mercy, now and are also confessed and forever.

"Angels give us messages from the Divine Mind of our Creator. They are as a gift from God, so that we always remember about our divine nature, remaining good and loving, discovered and developed their talents - for the good of the world - and burned themselves from any harm. "
Dorin Verche

How often do you appeal for help to spiritual mentors, angels?

Do you always get support in the form in which you would like?

If you do not see the answers or do not understand what you want to say your invisible assistants, it means that you do something wrong.

Activation of unconditional love in chakram

These short meditations will help you activate unconditional love for yourself in every chakra of your physical body.

The main condition in which angels, archangels, spiritual mentors and masters can help you - this your request, appeal.

Under the law of freedom of will and choice, being on the other side of the curtain, they cannot interfere in circumstances without your permission.

The main function of our mentors, guardian angels - help and send We are in life path.

Therefore, when you contact them, they are with a big hunting and honor seeking to fulfill your requests.

And from how these requests are executed, depends on the wording that you used to appeal to them.

Of course, there are no strictly approved communication rules with its mentors.

But if you want to get help and supporting the highest strength, something you need to know when you come to contact them.

1. Ask for yourself to myself

In the books about the angels, in prayer, it is described as it is necessary to contact the archangels, angels, how to read the kettles and prayers.

I am not a supporter of such communication. The main thing is that request be from the soul and you understand ourselves.

Many prayers are written in a specific language that is little understandable.

Therefore, if you use ready-made kettles, replace them with the words you closer.

2. Clearly formulate request to angels

"A man rides in the subway and thinks:" The wife is a fool, friends - traitors, life failed. " Behind the back is an angel, writes in a notebook and thinks: "What strange desires, and the main one and the same every day! But nothing can be done, you need to execute! ".

Your mentors understand everything literally, so clearly and specifically formulate your requestsIf you want to understand you correctly.

Before you call, think it out well. It should be clear not only to you, but also to others.

Our spiritual teachers and mentors in this regard no way differ from the real interlocutors.

Put yourself in place of one to whom you contact, read the request and rate how exactly it gives the meaning of the said.

Would you understand what they said?

It is mistaken to believe that God, the Universe and so knows what you want, because you constantly think about it.

We usually think that we do not want to get or about what bothers us.

Analyze what thoughts most often appear in your head. What do you think. As in the anecdote about an angel.

Angels respond to our requests, only we do not always understand or see the answer.

3. Ask about the way to solve the problem

Although the angels are attached to us for help, but we chose life lessons yourself.

In other words, they will not make order in the house or make a living for you.

To give strength, confidence or show a way to exit a problem situation, they can, but perform actions - this is your prerogative.

What is the meaning of contacting them if you still have to solve problems yourself?

With the help of higher strength, you will find much faster to find a way out of unpleasant circumstances, and in some cases "miraculously" will allow them by the party.

At the same time, aware of the difference that you are not consistent with my responsibility, and convey a solution to the problem more wise part of you.

Angels are the same we, if you believe in the concept that everything is one that all there are particles of God.

Watch the video and find out about the non-standard way to solve problems.

4. Do not hesitate to demand

Appeal to the spiritual mentors, Archangelam is not a plenty of help. You have right ask and even require.

People are accustomed to thinking that contacting the highest forces need to be trepidated and even fear.

And then sit and wait for the blessing. If they did not help, it means that something is punished, it means a bell, choose yourself.

But spiritual mentors only waiting when we ask them. They know that we do not know, being in a three-dimensional world, in human bodies.

Many are afraid to ask, think that it is necessary to do somehow on special, and they will not understand or worse, they are angry, because they did not properly turned.

Angels, spiritual teachers are not better than us, just their vibrations are higher. Therefore, they see the whole picture, and we are only part.

But in some situations you need to be able to firmly declare About your needs.

Below in infographics are described such cases, and on the contrary - ready-made requirements that you can use if you find yourself in similar circumstances.

In an emergency, when life threatens danger, the angels have the right interfere without your request.

Participants in the closed group The golden keys in Facebook shared personal experience with the highest forces:

"I do not know the requirement it or an ultimatum or something else ... I have such examples.

So at one time I bought an apartment, at market prices at 15-20, bought for ten.

There's upwards, honestly, I did not think where I sent, I just stated: "And I have 10 not yet, so. But for 10 ready to buy. There will be no apartment, there will be problems ... I will not survive this .. That's how you want. "

What if I stay a little later in that space, my health will suffer very seriously, and a crying outcome is possible ...

I was very a twist .... And the main thing was confidence that there are only such options. Other is not accepted.

A year before the purchase, I designated the date - until April 30th. The deposit on April 29 ... so if short. "

Nadezhda Gunko

"I start every day with gratitude and finish the same.

It is on the machine, but consciously, sincerely)) as registration for first grades - in obligatory. Only I have it part of my being, life, a particle of me.

And I do this ritual always with love. Fix with prayers - and boldly walk in a new day!

When I call for my angels to help in a particular case, I give a decree.

Please arrange everything with the safest, environmentally friendly, as easy as possible for me and all the participants in the process methods for the highest good of all!

Most recently got a tooth. Calcated to the aid of Archangel Rafail and his assistants.

Asked to help weaken the pain and save tooth, if it matches the divine plan.

I asked me to cover me the emerald beam of healing and be with me.
After a couple of minutes, the pain gone, I fell asleep. Later, the tooth trembled, all OK "

Irina Lomak

"From my experience. When there were several problems at the same time, I needed: "If you show me so much, then make it easier for you to ease. Let everything work out the package in a dream! "

A few nights I "spent" in the purple temple, and somehow everything gradually subsided.

Now if this is repeated, I do not forget to contact the highest forces.

Be sure that you really need something you need, and then your request will be sure to be heard!

How and when to communicate with spiritual mentors

What form and at what time communication with the angels and mentor spirits will be most efficient?

1. Before bedtime and after awakening

And also at night, if you can not sleep.

Use this time to communicate with your invisible assistants. In such periods, the brain work slows down and goes into alpha frequency mode.

It is this state that we achieve with immersion in meditation. At these moments, the chances of hearing a voice true Ya.

2. in writing

When you write your request, the subconscious opens. It is possible that the answer will come almost immediately.

If this does not happen, you will have the opportunity to check your request for concreteness and evaluate whether it is understandable.

A request that is written from hand has a great power than uttered in mind.

So he acquires a physical form. And that's accelerates the result.

Even if you are used to doing everything yourself, remember that your invisible friends are always near you.

Do not rely only on your own strength. You can always refer to the wise part of you, and your question will be resolved at times faster and easier.

When you set a close connection with the spiritual world, you will be in the Divine Energy Stream, learn trust, get rid of anxiety.