Repairs Design Furniture

Right corner of the roof of the house. The angle of inclination of the roof is the right calculation. Purpose of the underpowering space

a - one of the most commonly used Roof designs, having two inclined planes, separated by an edge - a skate.

Skates can be both the same, in cross section an isoscele-free triangle and different having different angles of inclination and area.

In addition, distributed mansard design Two-tie roofs when the rods consist of two planes with different angle of inclination.

This design allows more effective Use an attic space in economic or residential purposes.

The main advantage of double roofs is considered easy constructions and reliability in operation, lack of or small number of rtands or rashobods that promote water cluster or snow.

The design as a whole provides the optimal distribution of the weight of the rafted and roof on the walls, contributing to the maximum service life of the roof.

Details on how to make a double roof you yourself will read.

During the service life, the roof is constantly tested loads Miscellaneous. The problem consists not in their presence - this issue is easily solved strengthening . Case in diversity and in the unevenness of these loads.

Permanent and unchanged - the weight of roofing pie and the roof itself, they create continuous pressure on elements due to their weight. Additional belongs to the wind load and weight of drop-down precipitation.


These factors having worried about their unpredictability and big scattering values.

If moderate winds of a certain direction prevail in the region, the one-time rush of hurricane power may cause significant damning Or throw roof at all. In winter, with an abnormally large number of snow dropped, the load on the roof can exceed valid valuesIt is fraught with deformations or impaired integrity of the coating and the formation of leaks.

You can deal with such natural manifestations only by preventive measures:

  • Creating a stream of strength during calculations.
  • By consideration of winds prevailing in the region, their strength and directions.
  • By consideration of the average annual amount of precipitation, their composition and qualitative indicators.
  • The right choice of angle of slope.

The choice of the right angle of slope is one of the most effective techniques for neutralizing the harmful effects on the rafter system. It reduces snow pressure by eliminating its accumulation, adjust the wind load by reducing the roof sailiness and ensure the rainwater flow, excluding its freezing at night during the autumn period.

Wind Loads on Stropyl Systems

The dependence of the angle of inclination from the choice of roofing material

From the point of view of saving material and reduce the roof sailiness, the angle of inclination of the skates must be minimal.

At the same time, too common the roof will hold the large masses of snow or prevent the effective outflow of water.

But most main criterion The choice of angle of inclination is.

Its characteristics determine the optimum based on such indicators:

  • Rigidity. The value determining the allowable weight or pressure on the surface without causing deformations.
  • Plastic. The ability of the material to change the form under the influence of loads without destruction.
  • Waterproof. Water absorption contributes to rapid destruction material.
  • Surface quality. Snow masses are easy to go with smooth surfaces, freeing the roof from pressure. At the same time, the gathering of large volumes can cause defined harm People or property provided in the snow fall zone.

Based on these parameters, for each type of roofing material there are their limits of inclination of the rod. Several simplifying, it can be said that materials with a smoother and waterproof surface allow the smallest angle of inclination, and more rough and absorbing water - require a sharper tilt. Basically, prevail Values \u200b\u200bfrom 20 ° to 45 °.

The dependence of the angle from the angle and roofing material

How to measure the angle of inclination of the double roof

First of all, you should decide what an angle of inclination. This is the angle between the plane of the skate and horizontal.

Slot tilt across measurement in degrees or percentage. If everything is clear with degrees, then percentages are obtained from the ratio of the height of the skate over the overlapping of the upper floor to half the width of the building.

The use of interest is introduced for simplicity - complex trigonometric calculations Frames are fraught, And split one value to another easier and more accurate. Nevertheless, often resort to help bradys tables, To find out the exact value in degrees.

When calculating the angle of inclination of the broken skate, values \u200b\u200brelating to the detected areas are used. This refers to both widths - the part is taken into account that is covered by the roof site and to height above the overlap.

All subsequent calculations are made for each site separately, output and use some the average value is impossible.

This concerns both the definition of loads and the power of carrier elements and the calculation of the required amount of material.

How to measure the angle of the bone roof

Minimal angle of the tilt of the double roof

It is necessary to immediately determine the correct understanding of the term "minimal". This refers to the smallest permissible value of the roof inclination angle, taking into account the wind and snow load.

It is at this moment that many difficulties lick : These values \u200b\u200bin different regions are very different from each other, so it is necessary to know the average annual amount of precipitation., snow volumes and its quality composition (wet snow is much heavier dry and may cause destruction Incorrectly calculated roof).

In addition, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe prevailing winds, their strength and direction and, which is especially important, in the region of periodic busting of the wind of hurricane power in the region.


Ignore such extreme weather manifestations for reasons "avoshu in no case can notbecause one single case is capable destroy the whole roof.

Considering these circumstances, the minimum angle can be defined as the smallest value declared in the bottom with amendment for climatic conditions. Experts are unambiguously considered for pitf roofs at least 20 °which is used only for non-residential or unused attic.

Search for a minimum corner

The optimal angle of inclination of the double roof

The angle of the correct bone roof lies within 20 ° -45 °that corresponds to the spread of the values \u200b\u200bof the properties of the material and the averaged climatic parameters.

The angle of the twinkage roof - an important indicatoraffecting the durability and integrity of the whole building, and refer to it as a secondary factor is impossible.

Accounting for all possible loads, both permanent and one-time extreme, will help ensure conservation and comfort of your home.

More accurate values \u200b\u200bare chosen on the basis of factors such as ::

  • Purpose attic.
  • Used roofing.
  • Climatic conditions.

Optimal bone roof inclination angle

What is affected by the angle of inclination of the roof

Roof construction is the last stage of the construction of the house. But no less important than the construction of the walls. After all, the roof protects our housing from bad weather, and the aesthetic side of our dwelling has a lot depends on the type of roof.

It was so necessary, but the flat roofs in our country can only be found in high-rise buildings. Cottages and private houses are crowned with pitched roofs. And one of the main settlement indicators in the construction of the house builders consider the angle of inclination of the roof. Let's look at how correctly you need to count this indicator, from which it depends and how affects the construction of the roof as a whole.

Types of roofs and their dependence on the angle of inclination

Depending on the roofing device, several types of roofs are distinguished:

  1. Single roof. The roof is an inclined plane that lies on the walls of different heights. For such a roof any material will suit.
  2. Gable roof. It is quite reliable and easy to install the roof. Consists of two slopes. The material for the roof can also be chosen anyone.
  3. Tent overlap. The roof is a construct in which several anose-free triangles are closed by vertices at one point. The rapid system in such a roof is quite complicated, but it will take a minimum of consumables for it.
  4. Walm roof. It has four skate (two triangular and two trapezoidal). The peaks of the roof are cut. By its design, the roof is very complex, but very economical on the consumption of material.
  5. Vaulted overlap. Such roofs are made only from brick or stone. And as they are very heavy, today in individual construction is almost not used
  6. Multi-line roofs. Very complicated, but beautiful configuration from sets of premiums and ribs.

So, the roof is considered scope if the angle of inclination of the roof exceeds 10 degrees.

Select the operated and non-exploitable roof.

The non-exploitable roof is when there is almost no space between the roof and the upper overlap, or this space is intended for technical purposes. Such roofs can be flat roofs with an angle of slope from 2 to 7 degrees. In such roofs, the height of the space between the roof and overlapping is not more than one and a half meters.

Build flat roofs profitable. Minimum of the cost of materials, work. The wind does not snew. Again, you can equip an extra room for recreation. Recently, a green roof is very popular on such roofs. But the precipitates such roof can be dug. Therefore, completely flat roofs do unprofitable. The sediments of the puddles will accumulate on the roof surface and destroy it.

In order to create a natural outflow of water pour onto a flat roof of a layer of ceramit under some slope.

The scanty roofs allow you to use the roof space for moreonal needs - the attic, attic, or even equip in them with careful insulation and residential rooms.

The factors from which the roof inclination angle depends the most

The main influence on the bias of the roof factors can be attributed:

  • Natural factors. The angle of inclination of the roof depends on the climate of the terrain where construction will occur. The wind has a huge load on the roof cover of the roof and on the solry system as a whole. A minor increase in the angle of the slope (about 30 degrees) increases the wind load almost 5 times. But a slight angle can also play the hand of the elements. So it will be easier for him to get into the roof through the coating joints and it is easy to rip the roof. Atmospheric precipitates can also destroyably act on the operational characteristics of the roof. But with the help of a competently selected slope, these troubles can be avoided.

Remember that the maximum snow load on the roof roof is achieved by observing the angle of the roof of the roof of 30 degrees. And with 45 degrees, snow and rain are not delayed at all.

Thus, it is obvious that if you are going to build a house in the region where the sediments are very frequent, the angle of inclination of the roof is 45 degrees - just right. But if there are not so many precipitation, but the wind blows the wind yearly, the optimal option is a roof with a slope of 30 degrees.

How to calculate the angle of slope

How to determine the bias of the roof that will be optimal for your new dwelling?

Remember that the greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the more expenses you will carry on construction work.

The magnitude of the inclination as the ratio of the size of the skate is calculated to half the width of the building and multiplied all this by 100. There are instructions and calculations for the calculation of the inclination of the roof of the roof. Most of them use calculation matrices and special charts. You can familiarize yourself with them in the World Wide Web.

The effect of the inclination of the roof to choose the roofing material (and not only)

The perfect roof, which would be suitable for all regions and roofing materials have not yet come up with.

So, the magnitude of the slope was calculated. Now we select roofing material. Slate and tile are suitable for the roof with an angle of more than 20 degrees. If the slope is smaller, the water will be dried in the joints, the snow will be clogged, and therefore, the service life of the roof itself will be reduced.

Bitumen-based rolled materials are used when covering flat roofs or angle of inclination of the roof, which exceeds 30 degrees. With a high level of heating with the Sun such roofs and with a larger roof slope simply, it can simply slip.

Metal and metal tile is used on the roofs with a slope of at least 10 degrees.

But the list of the most common roofing materials:

  1. Tile. Today enjoys almost mad popularity. There are a large number of varieties of this material. Such roofs are easily repaired. But paying finances for this material will have a lot, but this material is very durable. Its life can be calculated not only by decades, but also for centuries.
  2. Roofing panels. Such panels are made right on the factories and ultimately represent an almost finished roof. The panels immediately contain several layers - and thermal insulation and vapor barrier and slab itself. Install such plates are very simple. No special equipment needed. The panels are attached to each other with a special ribbon. But it is worth such material very expensive.
  3. Metal profile. Galvanized steel sheets. Fully easy and durable material. Does not succumb to rust and is environmentally friendly. Today you can choose any color and size and direction of the waves. Manufacturers provide a guarantee for this material for a period of 75 years.
  4. Pieces of wood, such as lane, chips and shingles. As a rule, no one uses such materials in modern construction. This material is not durable, may be rotted, microorganisms are multiplied on Nm and easily flammable.
  5. Slate. This material has long been reliable in operation, easy to install and inexpensive in acquisition. Moisture-resistant, frosty, fireproof. Yes, and the appearance today manufacturers have improved. You can choose the slate of any desired color.

Choosing the roofing material, remember, the more denser its structure, the less there should be a roof slope.

When using metal sheets and metal tiles on gentle roofs, it is recommended to pass joints with moisture-resistant and frost-resistant sealant. As well as the size of the allen sheets when installing the roof of these materials, also depends on the angle of inclination of the roof. Than the roof is steeper, the peak is less. This also applies to the sector.

When installing the roof, do not forget about the ventilation of the space under it. Scope roofs should also be equipped with a water-flow system.

Thus, it can be concluded that the angle of inclination of the roof is a very important indicator. Not only the quality of work depends on it, but also the life of the roof itself. The main thing is to correctly calculate the magnitude, choose the desired roof design, high-quality roofing material and a good work brigade. Well, of course, it is not for all this will be needed some bulk budget. Good luck in construction!

One of the most painstaking lessons during the design of the roof from the corrugation is the choice of its corner. No aesthetic considerations play here: the ratio of the height of the roof to its total area in the future will affect how many useful space remains in the attic whether there will be problems with the accumulation of snow, and will not even take the wind to your roof in a strong storm.

But this is not uncommon! Tell me? So what is he - the minimum bias of the roof from the proflist? And how to build a roof with a minimum bias - all the pros, cons, recommendations and subtleties of construction here!

Let's turn to official data. So, according to SNiP, construction standards and rules, it is possible to cover with a professional flooring any roof, which has a slope of at least 8 °. Only so precipitation will not be able to penetrate through the joints and self-tapping screws. The pitch of the crate with this scenario should be done 40 cm.

But 8 ° is the minimum angle of inclination for roofs of economic and industrial buildings, and for residential buildings this threshold is 10 °. And if the roof will fit in two and more layers, then the minimum threshold will be even higher. That is why modern construction firms provide guarantees to their work only provided that they cut the roof with a flap with a bias, at least 12 °. But the maximum corner for the roof from the proflist may be at least 70 °, and even more.

Therefore, for the profiled steel sheet as roofing material, the SNIP is recommended 20 ° of the slope as the most optimal option. But what if you need to build an almost flat roof? For garage, nozpostroy or arbors? Then just follow our advice - and no problems will arise!

Degrees, interest and ratio

The slope of the roof is 8 °, which corresponds to the value of 1: 7 - this is the minimum value that can be at the installation of a professional flooring. And after completing all the work, it is necessary to carefully check the roof for ventilation. Only why roofers in the definition of the angle say not only about degrees, but also about percent and even coefficients? All this is the same thing, the difference is only for project documents and when ordering materials. We have prepared a table for you, which will help you figure out what: what:

Now let's figure it out in building terms. So:

  • Flat is called such roofs, the angle of inclination of which does not exceed 5 °.
  • Scanty those that are usually greater than 20 °. Naturally, the pitched roofs are more waterproof, and therefore more popular in private construction.
  • Roofs with a small tilt angle - Up to 25 °. Here you can already equip the attic rooms, but without windows.
  • Cool - those that have a bias of more than 40 °. Cool allow you to equip a good residential attic that is not excess.
  • It is big called that the bias of the roof, which comes from 45-60 °.
  • But the angle of the roof of 38-45 ° is considered to be ideal today.

So, the minimum inclination angle of the roof from the corrugated floor is 8 °. Here is a detailed video master class, such roofs are built:

If you need to build a roof of a smaller tilt, then the profiled sheet should already be at the bottom of the roofing pie - as overlapping. The principle of construction is simply changing.

Cons and pluses of the roof with a minimum bias

And now about what you have to face during the construction of the roof of the minimum slope and what to expect from it in the future.


Let's first list the advantages. The main advantages of building such a roof:

  1. Less material consumption.
  2. Lighter and safe roofing work.
  3. The absence of skates and problems associated with its sealing.

Consider such a moment: the higher the horse, i.e. The greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the harder it will be the roof itself. The material will go more. And this is a weighty pressure on the house and the foundation. In this case, the load will be insignificant.


And so we switched to annoying minuses. The minimum bias of the roof is bad because the rainwater will flock much more slowly, and will quickly find small gaps and joints to lean inside the roofing cake. The threshold in this regard is the angle of 12 °, which can still be done without additional sealing measures. Therefore, if you build a roof more common, the angle of a slide of which is less than 12 °, the places of adhesion of the proflists will have to be sealing with special roofing sealants.

From the selected angle of inclination will depend on what material you can use for the roof. So, for a flat roof and the roof with a small slope, only a durable carrying professional flooring is suitable, with a high corrugation. But on the roof with a steep slant, it is allowed to cover both universal and wall profile - after all, now the pressure on the sheets will be minimal. In other words, the same snow will easily roll down, and water will not delay in any way.

Second moment: material consumption will also increase, because The backstage of sheets on each other will have to do a little big. So, if you are going to build a roof with an angle from 12 ° to 14 °, it will be necessary to increase the back of the sheets, but without sealant you can still do, if less - you need, both. Why and the optimal for the roof of the corrugated is the bias of 15-30 °. Here is a more detailed table of this data:

Although for the device of steep roofs from the professional leaf you will have to build enough long rafters, and the bars will leave more, but you will save a lot on the roofing material. Professional flooring can be taken cheaper, with a smaller height of the wave, because now his bearing ability will play a smaller role than with gentle roofs

In addition, with an insufficient angle of inclination it is impossible to equip a residential attic, which reduces the heat loss of the house through the roof to 9%.

And finally, the roofs with a small angle of inclination require the construction of a much more complex rafter system, which would have been able to withstand high weight. The less the angle of inclination is the greater additional elements of the backup.

And now we are a little bitty of you: even by weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of the roof with a minimum angle, and giving your preference value of 8 ° as more suitable, it may not be possible to build this option. Rather, it will be even unsafe! Why? Read more!

Wind and snow load

To determine the angle of inclination of the roof from the professional flooring actually affects a lot of source data. First of all it is the climatic features of the terrain where your home is. Therefore, in advance, find out what is usually the height of the snow cover in the most winter days, how often it rains, how strong the wind is and what direction does it prevail:

After all, the bias of the roof of such material as a professionalist is calculated not from aesthetic considerations, but just based on weather factors. So, the bias of those houses that are in areas with strong wind loads seek to minimal value. In these areas, the so-called "Passage of the roof" is dangerous. Have you heard or seen how sometimes in the fields "walk" with wind powerful polycarbonate greenhouses? But they either did not put on the ground without fastening. And now imagine possible consequences if you already have a literal sentence part of the roof. Remember what the most important drawback of the professional flooring? "Sailing"!

These are the requirements of SNiP about this. With an average wind load value, the angle of the skate must be made 35-45 °, and with strong wind - 15-25 °. In the same place, where strong winds are the norm, the angle of inclination of the roof from the proflist is close to the minimum to reduce the wind resistance. But almost flat roofs from this material are risking to be easily torn, and therefore the complete absence of steepness in this case is also no better. Here is a rather impressive entry from the DVR, where the wind breaks off the canopy roof just from the professional flooring:

Therefore, do not think that the wind load is more harmless than the snow. In the Novgorod region, for example, the average of such a value is 23 kg / m, where the snow is about 75 kg / m.

Then you should not do all the roofs flat? Not at all. Snow in Russia, as everyone knows, in the winter it happens in the throat. But such fragile at first view of the snowflakes actually weigh a lot. For example, for one, no remarkable winter on a flat roof can be gathered as much snow as if the whole company would be close to it. No rafters will stand this, and therefore in areas with significant snow loads the bias of the roof have to do up to 45 ° - so that the snow is not delayed. Then, in strengthening, there is no problem there is no - precipitation on such a basis will not be linger at all. After all, the snow slides only with steep roofs.

Here is a map for which you can find the parameters for your location:

We scare: In Yakutsk, the snow load on the roof sometimes reaches 550 kg per square meter. And this is half a thin! That is why roofs of houses in this region are always so high and cool. But in southern countries, they can be although straw in a horizontal position.

Even a small layer of snow in weight is much harder than you can even imagine. And, unlike the rain, the snow is delayed on the roof, and in some regions of Russia, its height on roofing sometimes exceeds more than a meter. And the worst in this regard is just a minimal bias.

Therefore, make a decision on whether the corner of the roofs from the corrugated is so small, we must weigh.

How to calculate the angle of inclination yourself?

First of all, pay attention to which roofs are from your neighbors. We mean the place where you are going to build. Usually they have almost the same bias, the value of which is sting with centuries and checked by hurricanes. And you can calculate the exact angle of inclination of the finished roof as with the help of special graphs and matrices and armed with a conventional coal.

Professional builders, for example, calculate the bias of the roof using such an appliance as a shaders, or using some geometric formulas. The result is written in degrees or ratio:

Or even easier. As you probably remember from the school year of geometry, the first thing you need to learn the length of hypotenuse and the category. Hypotenuse is a straight roof slope, and the distance from the skate to the overlap is the opposite catat. The distance from the middle of the overlap to the cornisic skate is the prurcious catt. And now we use trigonometric function or armed with an engineering calculator:

The second is no less common and such a sure way: we determine the ratio between the skate height to the overlap, and the half of the overlap width. We divide the height of half the value of the width of the building, and multiply on 100. Just!

So decide what will be the slope of your roof, based on four main factors:

  1. Planned budget.
  2. Estimated snow loads.
  3. Average wind value.
  4. The need for a useful underpowering space.

And, if you still came to the decision that you need a roof with a minimum angle, we will tell you how to avoid mistakes in construction, and what will need to be done.

Other important aspects of construction

Usually, the minimum covers of the roofs with reinforced rafters are made in the roofs of those houses that are located in areas with frequent sunny days and a small amount of precipitation. To reduce the heating of the inner premises, insulating materials and ventilated clearance are provided in the roofing cake. Otherwise, it remains to take care only that water did not get into the house.

Protection against leakage

At the gentle roofs when installing professional flooring, be sure to use sealing tapes and masts for overlap and sheets of sheets. And from leaks and damage such roof protect special membrane waterproofing materials. Here is a standard pie of such a design: professional flooring \u003d\u003e rafters \u003d\u003e insulation \u003d\u003e Waterproofing \u003d\u003e Oven.

There is still such a moment. If you make a roof with a slope less than 10 °, use a modern three-layer membrane as a waterproofing. Only this material will be able to protect roofing pie from dampness inside.

And finally, how minimal there was no bias of the roof, the drainage system for him will still have to build. Moisture, like snow, delayed on such surfaces more than many expected. Therefore, plan a bias so that it goes to the side of the waterfronts if the collection system is internal or towards the grooves, if the outer.

System rafters and doom

As in conventional projects, with a minimum bias, the professional flooring also stacked the crate and fastened with self-refinery with rubber gaskets. But the nesting, from 10 cm to 20 cm, tackle with steel rivets. We recommend to make the overlap of two waves.

There is such a dependence: the less the angle of inclination of the roof, the wider it is necessary to make the back of the sheets. And the smaller the effective area of \u200b\u200bthe material is already:

  • In the range of 15-30 ° tillest, take 15-20 cm.
  • But when building a coolest roof, with an angle of 30 °, the nest must be from 10 to 15 cm.
  • If the angle of inclination of the roof is already less than 14 °, then the sheets need to be preserved horizontally with an adhesive 20 cm.
  • With a minimum angle of 8 °, the tilt of the metal-plated roof of the joint between the sheets must be made double, carefully close by their sealant so that water does not get inside.

The normal system of the rafter is installed in increments from 60 cm to 1 meter, but with a minimum roof slope, it is better to reduce this step to 40 cm. The base will be stronger, and easier will take place the accumulation of snow on the roof.

In addition, when the minimum values \u200b\u200bbetween the System of Slinge and the professional floor, the ventilated gap is also required - this is also a measure of reducing heat loss. More specifically: the less the angle of inclination, the more wider you will have to make a gap for ventilation - and this is at least 50 mm.

Subtleties of mounting

Here is a detailed master class, how is the installation of a corrugated flooring on such a roof:

Observe the technology, follow our advice - and everything will work out!

In civilian low-rise construction, the most common, rational and economically appropriate views of the roof, experienced builders call scanty structures. They may consist of one, two, three or even four slopes, planes that are closed at one point called the skate. From flat roofing, the slope distinguishes the angle of inclination, which, according to the construction standards, must exceed 2.5 degrees. The choice of anxchange is an important stage of creating a project, on which the strength, carrying the ability and durability of the structure depends. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right angle to facilitate the gathering of snow in the winter.

The angle of inclination of the roof is the parameter of the engineering calculation of roofing structures, reflecting the ratio of the height of the skate to the width of the base of the skate. Scope roofs may have a bias of 2.5-80 degrees, however, the optimal range of inclination angle values \u200b\u200bis 20-450. Skate area, wind resistance and snow load depends on this parameter. The following terms are found in the special literature:

  • Minimum bias. The minimum angle of inclination as a whole for is 2.5 degrees, but depending on the waterproofing material used, this parameter may increase. Less than the minimum angle of rolled bitumen and membrane coatings, it is 2-4 degrees. The minimum allowable value for metal tile and professional flooring is 11-12 0, for ceramic tiles - 22 0.
  • Optimal. Optimal is the most suitable bias of the roof in these climatic conditions when using a certain waterproofing material. The optimal angle of inclination provides an independent one of the snow, facilitating the roof service.

Important! The bias of the roof can be expressed in degrees, as a percentage or as the aspect ratio. To calculate this parameter of the roofing structure, it is necessary to divide the half of the width of the facade to height, and then multiply by 100 percent.

Criterias of choice

Selection of deviations is based on the engineering calculation, taking into account the climatic conditions of the zone where the construction is carried out, the characteristics of the roofing coating and the carrying capacity of the rafter frame. In order for the design to be reliable, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  1. Wind load. The cooler of the roof, the stronger its sailing ability. Therefore, in the regions with a strong, gusty wind, more gentle roofing structures are preferable. Although on the other hand, from low-tone rods, the wind can tear the waterproofing material.
  2. Snow load. The greater the snow load, the more indoiled the skates. The angle of inclination of the roof of 40-45 degrees provides an independent one of the snow from the surface of the roofing material.
  3. Features of the finish coating. Each coverage for the construction of the roof there is an optimal bias that must be considered when designing a design.
  4. Carrier framework. The smaller the cross section of the frame of the frame and the longer the distance between them, the higher the steeper should be a slope to withstand the snow load.

Optimal indicator to facilitate snow

The limiting factor when choosing an angle of inclination of roofing rods in the middle lane of Russia is a high snow load characteristic of this area. A large amount of snow falling in winter increases the pressure on the rafter system, leading to the deformations of the frame and roofing material design. Experienced masters believe that there is a steady correlation between a slope and snow load resistance:

  1. If it is less than 30 degrees, then the snow accumulation on the surface of the skates. Snow nanos and score has a significant mass, due to which the load on the rafter frame increases, reaching critical readings. However, part of the snow is blown away from the surface by the wind. If the angle of inclination of the roof is in this range, then snowstores are not installed on it, especially if the roofing material has a rough surface.
  2. With a value equal to 0 degrees (i.e., for flat roofs), the snow load on the surface reaches maximum values. Snow on such structures accumulates into large drifts, which lead to the collapse of the frame, if the roof is not cleaned periodically.
  3. If it is a roof of 45 degrees and above, then in the calculations of the load on the rafter frame weighing snow, you can neglected, as the snow from the skates is scattered independently, without lingering on the skate. To protect the operation of the roof having a large angle of inclination, it is installed on it snow-planes, cutting the snow reservoir at a shorter plate, having a smaller speed and energy of the fall.

Taking into account! According to construction climatology, the territory of Russia is divided into 8 climatic zones, each of which corresponds to their average annual snow load. This reference value is used to calculate the roof slope, the thickness of the cross section of the elements of the rafting frame and the choice of roofing coating.

Impact on the design

It is important that the change in the slope to facilitate snow is strongly affected by the roof design as a whole. The increase in the steepness entails the following consequences:

  • Increase the weight of the roofing cake. The weight of 1 square meter of roofing cake with a slope of 50 degrees is 2-2.5 times higher than the roof with a slope of 2 degrees.
  • An increase in the skate area. The cooler of the roof, the greater the area of \u200b\u200bits skates, the greater the flow, and, therefore, the cost of roofing material.
  • Relief of the rafter frame. In the absence of snow load, you can easily facilitate the roof frame to save on wood.
  • The impossibility of using rolled materials. If the bias of the roof exceeds 40 degrees, it is not recommended to use bitumen and membrane rolled materials, as they are under the influence of high temperature can simply "slide" down.

Experienced masters note that the right choice helps to increase the service life of roofing structures, facilitate the operation and maintenance of the roof in the conditions of snowy Russian winters. Errors in the project associated with the incorrect choice of optimal angle lead to the deformations of the rafter, the collapse of the crates, the pouring of atmospheric moisture into the surmatic space during oblique rain or with thaws.

Video instruction

The roof of the house should be reliable and beautiful, and perhaps this is possible to define its inclination angle for this type of roofing material. How to calculate the roof inclination angle - in the article.

Purpose of the underpowering space

Before calculating the angle of inclination of the roof, it is necessary to determine how the attic room will be used. If you plan to make it a residential, the angle of inclination will have to do big - so that the room was spacious, and the ceilings are higher. The second way is to do broken ,. Most often, such a roof is made of two-tie, but maybe it has four slides. Just in the second version, a solid system is very difficult and without an experienced designer simply can not do, and most prefers to do everything yourself, do it yourself.

With increasing angle of the roofing angle, you should remember a few things:

This does not mean that the roofs with a small bias are better. They cost the materials cheaper - less roof area, but have their own nuances:

  • Require snow monitoring measures to prevent avalanche-like snow gathering.
  • Instead of snowstores, it is possible to make a roof heating and - for the gradual melting of snow and timely removal of water.
  • With a small slope, the likelihood that moisture will fall into the joints. This entails reinforced waterproofing measures.

So the roof with a small bias is also not a gift. Conclusion: Calculate the angle of inclination of the roof is necessary so as to find a compromise between the aesthetic component (the house should look harmoniously), practical (with a residential subligal space) and material (expenses it is necessary to optimize).

The angle of inclination depending on the roofing material

The roof on the house can have almost any kind - can have low rods, maybe almost sheer. It is important to correctly calculate its parameters - the cross section of the rafter feet and the step of their installation. If you want to put a certain type of roofing on the roof, it is necessary to take into account such an indicator as the maximum and minimum inclination angle for this material.

The minimum angles are written in Guest (see the table above), but often manufacturers give their recommendations, so it is desirable to determine the specific brand in the design stage.

More often the corner of the roof skate is often determined on the basis of how they are made by the neighbors. From a practical point of view, this is correct - the conditions for nearby houses are similar, and if the neighboring roofs are good, do not flow, you can take the basis of their parameters. If the neighborhood there are no roofs with the roofing material that you plan to use, you can start calculations from average values. They are shown in the following table.

Type of roofing materialRecommended inclination angle minimum / maximumWhat slot slope makes most often
Roofing from roofing with a spript3 ° / 30 °4 ° -10 °
Two-layer fat4 ° / 50 °6 ° -12 °
Zinc with double standing fold3 ° / 90 °5 ° -30 °
Tiling with 4 grooves18 ° / 50 °22 ° -45 °
Dutch Tile40 ° / 60 °45 °
Normal ceramic tile20 ° / 33 °22 °
Professional flooring and metal tile.18 ° / 35 °25 °
Asbicated slate5 ° / 90 °30 °
Artificial slate20 ° / 90 °25 ° -45 °
Straw or Ramysh45 ° / 80 °60 ° -70 °

As you can see, in the column "how they do" in most cases there is a solid range. So it is possible to vary the appearance of the building even with the same roof. After all, in addition to the practical role of the roof also decoration. And when choosing an angle of its inclination, an aesthetic component plays an important role. Make it easier in programs that give the ability to display an object in a volume image. If you use this technique, then calculate the roof inclination angle in this case - select it from a specific range.

The influence of climatic factors

An angle of inclination of the roof is affected by the amount of snow falling in the winter in a particular region. Also, when designing wind loads are taken into account.

Everything is more or less simple. According to perennial observations, the entire territory of the Russian Federation is divided into zones with the same snow and wind load. These zones are applied to cards, painted in different colors, so navigate easy. On the map determine the location of the house, find the zone, according to it - the value of the wind and snow load.

Calculation of snow loads

On the map of snow loads there are two digits. The first is used when calculating the strength of the structure (our case), the second - when determining the allowable beam deflection. Once again: when calculating the angle of inclination of the roof, we use the first digit.

The main task of calculating snow loads is to consider the planned bias of the roof. The cooler of the skate, the smaller the number of snow can retain on it, respectively, the smaller cross section of the rafted or a greater step of their installation will be required. For accounting for this parameter, correction coefficients are introduced:

  • the angle of inclination is less than 25 ° - coefficient 1;
  • from 25 ° to 60 ° - 0.7;
  • on the roofs with a slope of more than 60 ° snow loads are not taken into account - the snow is not held on them in sufficient quantities.

As we can see from the list of coefficients, the value changes only on the roofs with an inclination angle of 25 ° - 60 °. For the rest, this action has no meaning. So, to determine the actual snow load on the planned roof, we take the value found on the map, multiply on the coefficient.

For example, we calculate the snow load for the house in Nizhny Novgorod, the angle of the roof of the roof is 45 °. On the map is the 4th zone, with a medium snow load 240 kg / m 2. The roof with such a skate requires adjustment - the value is multiplied by 0.7. We get 240 kg / m 2 * 0.7 \u003d 167 kg / m 2. This is only part of the calculation of the roof angle.

Calculation of wind loads

The effect of snow to calculate simply - the greater the snow in the region, the greater the possible loads. Predict the behavior of the wind is much more complicated. One can only focus on the prevailing wind, the location of the house and its height. These data, when calculating the angle of inclination of the roof, are taken into account using coefficients.

The position of the house relative to the wind rose is of great importance. If the house is worth between higher buildings, wind loads will be less than when it is in open area. All houses by type of location are divided into three groups:

  • Zone "A". Houses located in the open area - in the steppe, desert, tundra, on the shores of rivers, lakes, seas, etc.
  • Zone "b". Houses are in wooded terrain, in small towns and villages, with an obstacle for winds with a height of no more than 10 m.
  • Zone "B". Buildings that are in areas of tight construction, not less than 25 m high.

The house is considered belonging to this zone if the specified environment is at a distance of at least a 30-fold height of the house. For example, a house height is 3.3 meters. If at a distance of 99 meters (3.3 m * 30 \u003d 99 m) there are only small one-storey houses or trees, it is considered belonging to the zone "b" (even if it is geographically in a large city).

Depending on the zone, the coefficients that take into account the height of the building are introduced (listed in the table). Then they are used when calculating the wind load on the roof of the house.

Building heightZone "A"Zone "B"Zone "B"
less than 5 meters0,75 0,5 0,4
from 5 m to 10 m1,0 0,65 0,4
from 10 m to 20 m1,25 0,85 0,55

For example, we calculate the wind load for Nizhny Novgorod, the one-storey house is in the private sector - refers to the group "b". On the map we find the zone of wind loads - 1, the wind load for it is 32 kg / m 2. In the table we find the coefficient (for buildings below 5 meters), it is equal to 0.5. Alternate: 32 kg / m 2 * 0.5 \u003d 16 kg / m 2.

But that's not all. It is necessary to take into account the aerodynamic components of the wind (under certain conditions it strives to rip the roof). Depending on the direction of the wind and its impact of the roof, it is divided into zones. Each of them has different loads. In principle, in each zone you can put rafters of different sizes, but do not do it - it is unreasonable. To simplify calculations, it is recommended to take indicators from the most loaded zones G and H (see the table).

Found coefficients are used to the wind load calculated above. If the coefficient is two - with a negative and positive component, both values \u200b\u200bare considered, and then they are summarized.

The found values \u200b\u200bof wind and snow loads are the basis for calculating the cross-section of the rafter feet and the steps of their installation, but not only. Total load (roofing weight + snow + wind) should not exceed 300 kg / m 2. If, after all calculations, the amount you have turned out more, you need to choose lighter roofing materials, or reduce the angle of inclination of the roof.