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Mysterious chronicle of ancient Russia. What is the chronicle? Ancient Russian chronicles

  • The beginning of the chronicle

  • The authors of the first books

  • The first Russian book

  • Chronicler Nestor

  • Questions for repetition

  • Homework

  • The first Russian books

    • The first Russian books were the chronicles

    • Chronicle - genre of narrative literature in Russia 11-17 centuries

    • Chronicles were community and local

    • Preserved mainly in later lists

    Number of chronicle

    • Children originated in Kiev and Novgorod in the XI century

    • The first Russian books created in monasteries

    The authors of the first books

    • The chronicles were engaged in monks, especially those trained by senior masters

    • The first books wrote from hand to parchment , goose feathers, black and red ink

    Labor chronicler

    • The labor of the chronicler demanded a lot of tension and attention

    • Pisss worked from dawn to darkness

    • To distract a little, they made the sites on the fields:

    Design of books

    • Stitched parchment sheets were placed between two boards that served at that time

    • The cover was covered with skin, often decorated with precious stones, copper inserts

    • The text of the chronicles consisted of weather (compiled by year) records

    • Each recording begins with the words:

    • "In this summer", Next follows a message that happened in this "Summer" that is a year

    • Since those times, the expression "How old are you?"

    As the chronicles wrote

    • Records related to one year are called articles

    • The book was written in two columns with black ink

    • Capital letters wrote a cinema - red paint

    • Articles went in a row, standing out only by a red string

    Types of letters of chronicles

    • Ancient Russian books are written charter and

    • semi-owner

    • The messages were long, unfolded by the lines, and were very short:

    • "Into the summer 6898 The bridge in Pskov, IKO did not have currents; where it dug together, the one and five and a decorter put "

    • "Into the summer 6752 Not to be nothing

    • Some articles the chronicler gave title

    The first Russian book

    • « Tale of temporary years» - This is so called in the historic science, the oldest seminal arches that have reached us, entitled with the following words:

    What does the story tells about

    • "Tale of Bygone Years" tells about the origin of Russia, princes, events of the initial period of Russian history

    The creation time "Tale"

    • Drawing up "Tale" refers to the XI - the beginning of the XII centuries

    • This arch is also called Nestorova Chronicles, Temperator Nestor , initial chronicles

    • Nestor - the author of the first edition of the Tale of Bygone Years

    Authorship of chronicles

    • The lunaries were conducted on the command of this or that prince

    • But the chronicler always wrote "the whole of the good and not dream," without the presence of reality

    • Chronicles, with rare exception, did not indicate their names

    The role of books in society

    • Chronicle was an official document

    • People who could "speak" on the annals could say highly valued, that is, their content knew well

    Questions for repetition

    • What are the most ancient monuments of Russian literature?

    • How was the first Russian books?

    • Who was author the first Russian chronicles and as it was called?

    • How do you imagine the Russian chronicler, what qualities did he possess?

    • To this day preserved in speech phraseologic turnover "Read from the board to the board","fully". How do you explain his origin and what does it mean?

    • What is the history of the origin of phraseologism "From the Red Row"?

    • Would you like to get acquainted with the content of Russian chronicles? How can they interest modern readers?

    Chronicles are ancient Russian Scriptures, they had a description of the events by year, life was described. ordinary people And the princely courtyard, legal documents, church texts corresponded. They were covered in them different periods for description. In some description, it was from biblical events, and in some, ranging from the settlement of land with Slavs. The emergence of the state, the adoption of Christianity is described. They described all the historical events in ancient Russia. Each period described in them, of course, wears elements of ideology and promotion of the association, descriptions of the merit of princes. In addition to historical events, there is a description of the policy of the state, the lifestyle of the Slavs.
    Unlike European chronicles, which are written in Latin, older chronicles are written on old Russian language. What made them available, as there were many men and women trained in Ancient Russia, and there were also many very educated people.

    Chronicles Centers in Ancient Rus

    In the chronicles used various methods keeping and writing. Here, for example, we used lists. These are rewritten copies of the ancient chronicles. Changes contributed by different reasons. If the prince changed, then it was necessary to glorify the acts, to describe the events of the past years in a new way, making changes, given the new events. It was also done to make religious moments in writing.

    Also used the concept of "vaults" or "Consolidated Chronicles". The chronicle arch of ancient Russia is a description of what is happening in chronology. Description occurs in terms of ruling classThe whole chroniclery process was under the control of power. Ideology played an important role.

    Kiev-Pechersk Monastery - Chronicles Center

    This place has always been the main shrine and pride. It was here that, having fun in the monok, after cutting, pulling away from the worldly bustle of life and life benefits, completely giving themselves the affairs of God, many of the brightest and most worthy people. This is not only a shrine, but also concentrating enlightenment. And later - the main concentration of the chronicles. It is in these walls for a long time The chronicle of the Tale of Bygone Years was compiled and recorded. And ink Nestor who created it and whole line other significant works, lived here, making a lot of saints, 41 years old. He, together with other inquars, compiled a Scripture on the Old Russian Church, described all the important church events and gave a description of its peculiarities in Russia. After his death, the net was transferred and still resting in the laurel cave.
    A special role is played by the imagination monastery. In the walls of the vythetsky shrine, Iegumen Matthew was engaged in the management of the Kiev arch, it chronopalized events in the period 1118-1198. They gave them a very accurate description and disclosure, without distortion of facts. This work is also one of the written monuments that plays an important role in the study of the history of our ancestors. It became a logical continuation of the entry of the chronicle of the "Tale of Bygone Years."

    The Kiev sample was based on the creation and application of the principles in writing the chronicles. It is here that the rules and methods are based.

    What was the names of the chronicles in ancient Russia:

    • Novgorodsky
    • Vladimir-Suzdalsky
    • Galico-Volynsky

    Novgorod Chronicles Center

    Novgorod was the largest city With a developed structure, therefore became the center of launching the chronicles. A description of the city can be seen in the "Tale of Ancients" for 859. In the XI century, Yaroslav Wise, having risen on the throne, was not in Kiev, his yard spent 10 years in Novgorod. All this time, the city was considered in fact the capital of Russia.

    Compilation began in the XI century with writing the first Novgorod chronicle. All of them were created four, but the rest are written later. It included:

    • Brief description of "Russian truth"
    • Brief description of the legal compilation
    • Description of occurring events and processes

    There were also vaults, they led them to landing butter. But I did not leave any information about it about him.

    Vladimir-Suzdal Chronicles Center

    The Vladimir Temple is a place where they were engaged in launch of the chronicles, An Inka was working. The chronicles, the earliest of those who came to us, are two, compiled from 1177-1193, describe the "chronicler of Pereyaslavl by Russian." They covered their policies, church life, described the life and main events at the princely yard. Everything was presented and interpreted from the point of view of the church. Only, at the beginning of the XII, the lunches began to be conducted at the princely yard.

    Galician-Volynsky Center for Chronicles

    For these lands, always confrontation between the prince and boyars was a big problem. The chronicles were created at the courtyard, so the main idea when writing was a strong and fair princely power, and the complete opposite - Boyarskaya. Perhaps the chronicle wrote the warriors. They described events as separate fragments and descriptions. They stood on the side of the princely power, so the idea of \u200b\u200bfighting boyars passes through the chronicle, the negative description of their desire for power.

    Galico-Volynsky chronicle refers to a later period, approximately 1201-1291. She entered the Ipatiev arch. Already later, it was issued in the form of chronology, until the design consisted of parts:

    1. Galician chronicle, drawn up in Galicia in 1201-1261.
    2. Volyn chronicle, composed on Volyn 1262-1291.

    Main feature: Church events and lines have not been described.

    First ancient Russian chronicle

    The oldest Russian chronicle was called "Tale of Bygone Years". " Created in the 12th century. This is a consistent chronological description of events in Russia, the place of creation is the city of Kiev. An unidentified number of times was redone, but no indigenous changes were made. In any case, officially consider this version correct.
    Contains descriptions until 1137, but originates from 852 years. Consists of a large number of articles of different in character. And each is a description of a concrete year. The number of articles coincides with the number of years described. As a rule, each section begins with the phrase in the form: "In the summer such" and further descriptions, excerpts from important documents or in the form of led is a description. The name got due to the phrase, which appears at the beginning - "Tale of Bygone Years."

    The most ancient chronicle archway specified by the oldest Russian chronicles, the "Tale of Bygone Years", which was able to reach this day, was rewritten by the monk Lavrentation and dates back to the XIV century. The original chronicle, unfortunately, is lost forever. Now found later versions with various modifications of other authors.
    On the this moment Many versions of the history of the chronicle. If you believe them, then it is completed in 1037, and the author is also a monk Nestor. She was even rewritten when nestor, because he made a change in the sake of adding Christian ideology to the sake of adding a political character. Ideology even in those days was an important tool for strengthening the princely power. In other versions it is said that the creation date is 1100 year. It is believed that the oldest Russian chronicles began the beginning of the XII century. It is the "Tale of Bygone Years."

    A distinctive feature is that it carries a structured description of events, does not try to interpret them to his own way. In the first place was the will of God, her existence explained by many events. The causal relationship was not interesting and did not affect the work. The genre of the story of the time years was open, there could be anything, anything, from various legends to weather reports. The chronicle had legal strength on a par with the vault of officially accepted documents.

    The purpose of writing the first Old Russian chronicle called "Tale of Bygone Years" is to find out the roots of the Russian people, the philosophy of Christianity and the description of the Valiant Prince of Power. It begins with the story and reasoning about the origin and resettlement. The Russian people are shown as a descendant of the son of Noah, Jafeta. The basis, which is subordinated to most, consists of the legends on the Board of Yaroslav Wise, about wars and brave heroes. The ending consists of stories about the battles from the necrologists of the princes.
    "The Tale of Bygone Years" is the first important document, where the history of Russia from its very beginning was described. She played a very large role in further historical studies and is a very important source of knowledge about our ancestors.

    Old Russian chronicles

    Nowadays, information about chroniclers is going on grains. The centers of their writing were, as a rule, temples. Chronicles of Ancient Rus, names: Nestor and Iegumen Matthew. This is one of the first chroniclers, others later appeared. Initially, almost everywhere, the chronicles were written only in the temples, and later the prince's courtyards. Unfortunately, nothing knows about the life of Jegeum Matthew, except that he was engaged in the chronicle in the vydubetsky monastery.

    On Nestor, the chronicler we know a little more. Another seventeen teenager he received from the Feodosia Pechersky San San. Came to the monastery already competent and educated person, Kiev had many teachers who could teach him. Nestor In addition to the "Tale of Bygone Years" left us a lot of works, one of them: "The lives of Peterosius Pechersk", which he often saw, being a novice. In 1196, he witnessed the ruin of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In the last of his writings, he raised the topics about the union of Russia Christianity. The death of the chronicler at the age of 65.


    Until our days, the annals, consolidated chronicles and chronicle lists, which help to study the history of the ancient Slavs, political events, lifestyle, as a simple people and the princely yard, were partially reached.

    The wonderful phenomenon of the ancient Russian literature was the chronicle. The first weather records refer to the IX century., They were removed from later sources of the XVI century. They are very bright: notes in one, two lines.

    As a phenomenon of a state scale, the chronicles arises in the XI century. People became chroniclers of different ages, and not just a monks. A very significant contributors such as A.A.Shakhmatov (1864-1920) and A.N. Novonsov (1898 - 1965) were introduced into the restoration of the history of the chronicle. The first major historical essay was the Code, finished in 997, its compilers described the events of the IX-X centuries., Vintage legends. It includes even court epic poetry, praising Olga, Svyatoslav and especially Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, in whose reign, this arch was created.

    To the European-scale figures, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery of Nestor, who, by 1113, completed his work "Tale of Bygone Years" and compiled an extensive historical introduction to him. Nestor knew the Russian, Bulgarian and Greek literature, being very educated man. He used in his work more early vaults 997, 1073 and 1093, and the events of the turn of the XI-XII centuries. Lighted as an eyewitness. This chronicle gave the most complete picture of the early domestic history And copied for 500 years. It should be borne in mind that the Old Russian chronicle crops covered not only the history of Russia, but also the history of other peoples.

    School people were engaged in the chronicle. For example, grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh. It was as part of the chronicle that there were such wonderful works as "teaching children" (approx. 1099; subsequently supplemented, preserved in the list of 1377). In particular, in "teaching", Vladimir Monomakh conducts the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to remove the external enemies. Total "ways" - hiking in which he participated was 83.

    In the XII century The chronicles are becoming very detailed, and since they are written by contemporaries, then the class and political sympathies of chroniclers are very pronounced in them. Social order of their patrons can be traced. From the largest chroniclers who wrote after Nestor, you can allocate Kievianna Peter Borislavich. The most mysterious author in the XII-XIII centuries. There was Daniel Sharpener. They believe that he owns two works - "the word" and "prayer". Daniel Sharpener was an excellent connoisseur of Russian life, he knew the church literature well, wrote a bright and colorful literary language. He said about himself as follows: "My tongue was, like a cane of a scorpiral scribe and welllisy my mouth, like a river speed. That sake I tried to write about my hearts of my heart and broke them with the fierce, as in ancient times the babies were broken about the stone. "

    Separately, it is necessary to allocate the genre of "walkings", describing the travels of our compatriots abroad. First, it is the narrative of pilgrims who carried out their "walking" to Palestine and Parerarad (Constantinople), but the descriptions of Western European states gradually began to appear. One of the first was the description of Daniel's travel - Iguman of one of Chernihiv monasteries, who visited Palestine in 1104-1107, spending 16 months and participating in the wars of the Crusaders. The most prominent work of this genre is "walking in the three seas" of the Tver merchant Afanasia Nikitin, compiled in the form of a diary. It describes many southern peoples, but mostly residents of India. "Walking" by A. Nikitina in a duration of six years held in the 70s. XV century

    Very interesting "zhitsky" literature, as in it, in addition to the description of the life of canonized individuals, was given a true picture of life in the monasteries. Describes, for example, cases of bribery for receiving a church shank or place, etc. It is possible to distinguish Kiev-Pechersk graders here, which is a collection of stories about the monks of this monastery.

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    Worldwide famous work The Old Russian literature was the "word about the regiment of Igor", the date of writing of which is referred to by 1185. This poem was imitated by contemporaries, I was quoted by PSKov, already at the beginning of the XIV century, and after the victory in the Kulikov field (1380) in the imitation of "Word ..." Was written "Zadonchina". "The word ..." was created in connection with the campaign of Seversky Prince Igor vs. Polovtsy Khan Konchaka. Igor, who was overwhelmed by ambitious plans, did not unite with the Grand Duke in Vsevolod, a big nest and was defeated. The idea of \u200b\u200bassociation on the eve of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion passes through the whole work. And again, as in the epons, here it is about defense, and not about aggression and expansion.

    From the second half of the XIV century Moskovskaya tempting is becoming increasingly important. In 1392 and 1408. Moskovsky chronicle vaults, wearing commonhouse character, are created. And in the middle of the XV century. "Chronograph" appears, representing, in fact, the first experience of writing world History Our ancestors, and at the Horronographer, an attempt was given to show the place and role of ancient Russia in the world-historical process.

    Traditionally, chronicles in a broad sense called historical writings, the presentation in which is conducted strictly by year and is accompanied by chronographic (annual), often calendar, and sometimes chronometric (hourly) dates. In the narrow sense of the word chronicles, it was customary to call the chronicle of the chronicles that have survived in one or several similar lists. Sometimes small in the volume of the chronicle - most often a muddy or chronologically limited nature - called chroniclers (Rogozhsky chronicler, chronicle of the beginning of kingdoms, etc.). As a rule, under the chronicles in studies, the complex of lists, united in one edition (say, Lavrentievsky chronicle, Ipatievsky chronicle). It believes that they are based on the general intended source.

    The lover was conducted in Russia from the XI to XVII century. Late Russian chronicles (XVI-XVII centuries) differ significantly from the chronicle of the previous time. Therefore, work with them has its own specifics. At that time, the chronicles as a special genre of historical narration was faded. A single species of historical sources came to change: Chronographs, Sinopsis, etc. The coexistence period of these types of sources is characterized by peculiar blurring of species borders. Chronicles are increasingly acquired by the traits of chronographic (more precisely, the graphic) presentation: the story is carried out on "faces" - the periods of the rules of the kings and the Grand Princes. In turn, late chronographs may include chronicle materials in their composition (sometimes whole fragments of chronicles).

    Back in the XIX century. It was found that almost all preserved chronicle texts are compilations, crops of previous chronicles.

    The reconstruction of text texts - the challenge of complex and time-consuming (examples of the ancient arch of 1036/39, the initial Code of 1096/97, I, II and III of the Test of the Tale of the Week, created by A.A. Chematov; Academic Edition of the Text Reconstruction Tale of time years, prepared by D.S. Likhachev). They are resorted to clarify the composition and content of the text of the hypothetical arch. Basically, such reconstructions are illustrative. At the same time, the case of scientific reconstruction MD is known. The sled Troitsky chronicle, the list of which died during the Moscow fire of 1812. Thanks to this reconstruction, the Trinity list was re-introduced into scientific turns. Program reconstructions are admissible, as a rule, at the final stage of the source studies, since it makes it possible to specifically submit the results of work on the texts of the chronicle lists. However, they are not accepted as a starting material.

    \u003e When working with chronicle materials, you should remember the inaccuracies and conventions of scientific terminology. This is due, in particular, with the "lack of clear boundaries and the complexity of the history of chronicle texts", with the "fluidity" of the chronicles, allowing "gradual transitions from the text to the text without visible gradations of monuments and editions." It should be distinguished, whether the study is underway on the chronicles as a conditional edition or a specific list; Do not confuse the reconstruction of chronicle protograds with the texts of the lists that have come down to us and so on.

    The clarification of chronicle of the terminology is one of the urgent tasks of chronicle sources. To date, "In the study of the chronicle, the use of terms is extremely vague.

    One of the most difficult in the chronicle is the concept of authorship. After all, as already noted, almost all the famous chronicles are the result of several generations of chroniclers.

    Therefore, the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe author (or compiler, or editor) of the chronicles is largely conditional. Each of them, before proceeding with the description of events and processes, an eyewitness or a contemporary that he was, first rewrote one or more preceding chronicles who were at his disposal.

    In other things, the chronicler approached the creation of the original, "author's" text about the modern events, the participant or witness he was either of whom he learned from witnesses. Here, the individual experience of the author or his informants could conflict with public memory. However, this explicit paradox disappeared when it was possible to distinguish the features of the highest for the Christian consciousness of historical experience. For the chronicler Sacred History - timeless and constantly experienced in real, "today's" events value. The event is essential for the chronicler in the postoline, since it, figuratively speaking, was an event.

    Hence the description of the description - through direct or indirect citation of authoritative (most often sacred) texts. Analogy with already known events gave the chronicler with a substantial typology. That is why the texts of the sources that the chronicler relied was, were for him and his contemporaries by the semantic foundation, from which it remained to choose ready-made cliché for perception, descriptions and simultaneous evaluation of what happened. Apparently, individual creativity affected the main form and to a much lesser extent the content of the chronicle report.

    The idea should allow consignatory to explain: 1) the reasons that prompted to create new vaults and continue the one-time statement; 2) the structure of the chronicle narration; 3) the selection of the material to be subject to 4) the form of its feed; 5) Selection of sources, which relied on the chronicler.

    The path to identifying the plan - inverse: on the analysis of the content of texts, which led the chronicler (and the general ideas of the works, which he took, as the basis of the presentation), literary formsAs held in the chronicle, the content of chronicle reports should be restored for the chronicler and its potential readers, and the arch of the whole, and already on this basis, try to strip the basic idea that caused this work to life.

    7. Tale of temporary years: origin, authorship, editorial office, internal structure. The beginning of the Old Russian chronicles is made to communicate with a sustainable general text, which begins the overwhelming majority of the chronicles that have come to our time. The text of the Tale of Bygone Years covers a long period - from ancient times before the second decade of the XII century. This is one of the oldest chronicles, the text of which was preserved by the chronicle tradition. In different chronicles, the text of the story reaches different years: up to 1110 (Lavrentiev and lists close to him) or until 1118 (Ipatiev and lists close to it). This is usually associated with repeated editing a story. The draining of both editors led A.A. Shahmatova to the conclusion that the text of the first edition was preserved in the Lavrentievsky chronicle, implemented by the Igumen of the Vestubitsky Monastery Sylvester. Text of articles 6618-6626. Completed with the second edition of the Tale of Bygone Years, spent, apparently, with the senior son of Vladimir Monomakh novgorod Prince Mstislava. At the same time, an indication that the author of the story was some monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, Nestor. According to A.A. Chehamatova, the chronicle, which is customary to refer to the tag of time years, was established in 1112 by Nestor - presumably the author of two well-known agiographic works - readings about Boris and Gleb and the lives of Feodosia Pechersk.

    The chronicles preceding the tales of temporary years: the text of the chronicle of the chronicle of the old years preceded as part of the Novgorod I chronicles. Tale of the time years preceded the arch, which A.A. Chess offered to call the initial. Based on the content and character of the presentation of the chronicle, it was suggested to date 1096-1099. According to the researcher, on the basis of the Novgorod I chronicles. Further study of the initial Vault, however, showed that he was based on some kind of work (or works) of the chronicle. From this L.A. Chess concluded that the initial camp was based on some chronicle, compiled between 977 and 1044. Most likely in this gap L.A. Chess counted 1037, under which Praise was placed by the prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich. This hypothetical chronicle work researcher proposed to be called an ancient arch. The narrative in it has not yet been broken for the years and was a storyline. The annual dates (chronological network) in it introduced Kiev-Pechersk Monk Niko Great in the 70s of the XI century.

    M.P. Tikhomirov drew attention to the fact that the time of the reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich was better reflected, than Vladimir Svyatoslavich and Yaroslav Vladimirovich. On the foundations of a comparative study of the story and the Novgorod I chronicles, the scientist concluded that the story was based on a monothematical story about the beginning of the Russian Earth, who told about the foundation of Kiev and the first Kiev princes.

    D.S. Likhachev believes that the initial distribution of Christianity on Rus is preceded by the initial extent. It was a monotematic story compiled at the beginning of the 10th year. XI century The legend included: the legends on the baptism and the death of Princess Olga; On the first Russian martyrs Varyagakh-Christians; On the baptism of Russia; About Boris and Gleb Igor Vladimirovich's prince Yaroslav.

    L.V. Cherepnin, comparing the text of the story with the praise prince Vladimir Jacob Mnich, came to the conclusion that at the heart of the latter lying in 996. This text was based on brief chronicle notes that were conducted with a tentine church in Kiev. It was also suggested that Anastas Korsunyanin was involved in the preparation of the Church of the Tentine Church.

    Novgorod vaults of the XI century: together with the Kiev-Pechersk arch of 1074 (the so-called arch of Nikon), he lay down the initial arch. At the heart of the Novgorod Code of the Third quarter of the XI century, as A.A. Chess, lay the oldest Kiev arch of 1037 and some earlier Novgorod chronicle of 1017, compiled at the Novgorod bishop of Joachim.

    B.A. Fishermen connected the compilation of such an arch with the name of Novgorod Postener of Ostrusira (1054-1059). According to the researcher, it was a secular chronicle, justifying the independence of Novgorod, its independence from Kiev.

    Oral sources as part of the Tale of Bygone Years: Under 1096, the chronicler mentions Novgorod Guryan Rogovic, who told him the Ugra legend about the peoples living on the edge of the Earth in "Sunny countries".

    Foreign sources of the Tale of Bygone Years: a significant part of them are foreign chronicles, first of all Greek. The most numerous borrowing from the translation of Chronicles George Amartol. The chronicle itself was created around 867 and covered the world history from Adam to the death of the Byzantine Emperor of Fofila (812). From the chronicles, information related to the history of Slavs were borrowed, and above all with the first hikes of Russia to Constantinople.

    Another important source of the story was the chronicler of the Konstantinople Patriarch Nikifora (806-815), which contained a chronological list of the most important events of the World History, brought to the year of the author's death (829). Another important source of the story, according to A.A. Chematov, supported by a number of researchers, became some kind of a chronograph of a special composition before our time. It included fragments of the already mentioned chronicles of George Amartol, as well as the Greek Chronicles of John Malal, Chronicle Georgy Sinkella and Easter Chronicle.

    It was used in the story and the text of the Jewish chronograph Book of IPILIKon, compiled in southern Italy in the middle of the X century. At the heart - the Latin translation of the "Jewish antiquities" and the retelling of the "Jewish war" of Joseph Flavia. The main source of shaped representations of the first Russian chroniclers were the works of a sacred character, primarily the Holy Scripture.

    Apocryphah literature, which in the XI-XII centuries, was widely attracted to the compilation of chronicles. He told along with the liturgical books. It was used by the compiler of the story and life of Vasily New - the Greek Agiographic Work.

    Internal structure: PVL consists of undated "administration" and annual articles of different volume, content and origin. These articles may have a character 1) of short factual notes about a particular event, 2) independent novels, 3) parts of a single narrative separated by different years In the timing of the initial text that did not have a weather grid, and 4) "annual" articles of complex composition.

    8. Logging 12-15 century.Basic centers, features of chronicle content.

    Local chief spelling of the XII-XIII centuries. South Russian Lettering Sources of Studying South Russian Chronicles of the XII-XIII centuries. Serve, first of all, Ipatievsky (the beginning of the XV century), close to him Khlebnikovsky (XVI century), Poghodinsky (XVII century), Yermolaevsky (end of the XVII - beginning of the XVIII century) and other lists, as well as lists of Voskresensk and the main Editorial offices of the Sofia I chronicles. In the XII-XIII centuries. In the south of Russia, the Logging systematically was conducted only in Kiev and Pereyaslavl South. In Chernigov, there were only family princely chronicles.

    K and E in with to about e chronicles, on the one hand, as if it continued the tradition of the Tale of Bygone Years. On the other hand, a national character has lost and turned into a family chronicle of Kiev princes. It was carried out continuously throughout the XII century.

    The chronicles of the North-East sources of studying the chronicles of the Russian northeast for the XII-XIII centuries. Include Radzivilovsky (end of the XV century) and Moscow academic (XV century) lists ascending to a common protograph (Radzivilovskaya chronicle), the chronicler Pereyaslavlvalvalvalvsky (list of the 60s XV century) and the Lavrentiev list of 1377. According to M. D. Promotelkov, the central idea of \u200b\u200bthis (Various Vladimir Code of 1281) of the Code was the proof of the priority of Vladimir "among the allied feudal Russian principalities (as opposed to Galitsky, the end of the XIII century).

    Vladimir-Suzdalskoye chronicles as an independent branch begins his beginning from 1158, when in Vladimir-on-Klyazma, continuous local entries were launched at the court of Andrei Bogolyubsky. In 1177, they were combined with individual chronicle notes of Yuri Dolgoruky in the Grand Duty Arch, relying, in addition to the Episcopian South Russian (Pereyaslav) chronicler. In the continuation of it was the chronicle of 1193, which also included the materials of the princely chronicler of sorry. In 1212, the facial arch was created on its basis (that is, decorated with miniatures whose copies now can be seen in the Radziwilovsky list) of the Grand Duke Vladimir. Up to this point, the chroniclel was probably conducted at the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. Then the chronicle arch has acquired secular features, which is associated with the deterioration of the relationship between the Vladimir Prince Yuri with the Bishop of Ivan. Most likely, the compilation of the Code of 1212 was instructed by a man who is close to the great prince. In the future, as a result of the Mongolian invasion and ruin of Vladimir, the Vladimir School of Language fades.

    Rostov Schooling continued the tradition of Vladimir Big Couples. Here at the beginning of the XIII century. A local princely chronicler was created, in many respects similar to Vladimir. In 1239, there was a continuation of the grand permanent Vladimir Vault, who was also known and the news of the Rostov Code 1207.

    The northeastern chronicle of tradition was based on the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving the center of the Russian Earth from Kiev on Vladimir-on-Klyazma.

    Novgorod decree in the sources of study of the Novgorod chronicle of the XII-XIII centuries. serve as a synodal list (XIII - the first one third of the XIV century) of the Novgorod first chronicle (elder origin), as well as the lists of the commission (XV century), the academic (second half of the XV and.) and Troitsky (second half of the XV century), united in Her younger faith. Their analysis allows you to establish that in Novgorod from the middle of the XI century. The chronicle tradition was not interrupted until the XVI century.

    The history of the chronicle of Novgorod the Great. Around 1136, apparently, in connection with the exile from Novgorod, Prince Vsevolod, a Sofia Lord Code was created on the instructions of Bishop, reworked by the Novgorod Princely Chronicle, which was conducted from the middle of the XI century. Another source was also also the Kiev initial arch of 1096, the most as the basis of the Novgorod chronicle. Perhaps, the famous cleric of Novgorod Sophia Kijik participated in the creation of the first dominical arch. At the beginning of the XIII century. There was a new dominous arch. Its creation was somehow connected with the fall of Constantinople in 1204. VTO any case, he was completed by the story about the capture of the Byzantine capital with crusaders.

    To the XIV century The first chronicles applying to cover the history of all Russian lands (although they actually disappeared in them, as a rule, only events that happened and northeastern Russia). Sources to study the origin of communional chronicles are primarily the Lavrentiev and Trinity Chronicle.

    Due to the fact that in 1305, the Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavich, the Great Prince, Mikhail Yaroslavich, was moved to Tver, where, probably, at the end of the XIII century, became Mikhail Yaroslavich. The chronicle records begin. The creation of a high-grade arch of the beginning of the XIV p. Coincided with the assimilation of Mikhail Yaroslaviz a new title - "Grand Duke All Russia."

    As a communional, the arch includes not only local, but also Novgorod, Ryazan, Smolensk, South Russian news and had an explicit antiordin orientation. Code of 1305 g, became the main source of Lavrentiev chronicles. With the transition of a label, a great reign in the hands of Ivan Kalita, the tradition of communional chronicles in Tver goes to Moscow. Here approximately in 1389, the chronicler Great Russian was created. The analysis shows that during the prince of Yuri Danilovich in Moscow, apparently, the chronicle records were not conducted. Separate fragments of such a work (family chronicle) are celebrated at the Moscow Princely Dvor, only from 1317. A little later, since 1327, the lunches began to begin in the Metropolitan Department transferred for the year to Moscow. Apparently, since 1327, a single chronicle is continuously carried out here.

    Most likely, the chroniclel at that time was conducted in the Metropolitan yard. This indicates the nature of annual records: the chronicler relates much more attentively to changes in the Metropolitan throne, and not on the grand mining. However, it is quite explained. Let's not forget that it was Metropolitans, and not the great princes traditionally had the mention of "All Russia", which they (at least nominally) obeyed. Nevertheless, the appeared arch was not actually metropolitan, but a grand-road-metropolitan. This arch (according to Datrovka A.A. Shamatov - 1390) was probably the name of the chronicler Great Russian. It should be, however, it should be noted that the horizon of the compilers of the new arch was unusually narrow. The Moscow chronicler saw significantly less than the compilers of the Tver Grass Monasters. However, according to Ya.S. Lurie, the so-called chronicler The Great Russian could be both Tverskiy for his origin.

    The next stage in the development of communional chronicles in existing independent lands and principalities was associated with the strengthening of the role and influence of the Metropolitan "All Russia". This was the result of a long confrontation between the Moscow Grand Duke and Church during the reign of Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. With the name of Metropolitan Cyprian bind the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new chronicle arch. He included the history of Russian lands, which were part of Russian Metropolitan, from ancient times. It was necessary to enter it, if possible, the materials of all local chronicle traditions, including individual chronicle records on the history of the Grand Principality of Lithuania. The first community metropolitan arch was the so-called Troitskaya chronicle of 1408, which was reflected mainly in the Simeon list.

    After the invasion of one and in connection with the following, the struggle for the Moscow throne between the heirs of Dmitry Donskoy, the communal chroniclel, once again moved to Tver. As a result of the enhancement of Tver in the 1930s of the XV century. (according to the last datrovka Ya.S. Lurie - in 1412) here a new edition of the arch of 1408 appeared, which was directly reflected in the Rogozhsky Chronicler, Nikonovsky and (indirectly) Simeon chronicles. An important stage In the formation of the communional chronicles, the formation of an army was based on a large group of chronicle lists, united in Sofia I and the Novgorod IV chronicle. The calculation of the years, placed under 6888 (1380), allowed L.L. Shakhmatov determines the date of its creation as 1448. The compiler of the Code of 1448 reflected the changed horizon of the reader of his time. Under his pen, it was quite clearly an idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to unite the Moscow lands with Rostov, Suzdal, Tver and Novgorod the Great for the joint struggle with "Pogan". The chronicler "for the first time put this question not with the Uzosokoskovskaya (or Tverskaya), but from a communional point of view (using South Russian Schooling in this case).

    Code of 1448 did not reach us in its original form. Perhaps this is due to the fact that he interspersed, due to the time of his creation, was a compromise, sometimes paradoxically uniting Moscow, Tver and Suzdal point of view.

    Nevertheless, he lay down the basis of almost all Russian chronicles of the subsequent period (first of all, Sofia I and Novgorod IV), one way or another we recycled it.

    Great philosophers often repeat that people who do not know their past have no future. The history of his family, his people, their country should be known at least in order not to have to do the same discoveries, make the same mistakes.

    Sources of information about the events of the past are the official documents of the state level, the record of religious, social, educational institutions, preserved eyewitness evidence and much more. The most ancient documentary source is considered the chronicle.

    The chronicle is one of the genres of the Old Russian literature, which existed from the XI century to the XVII century. In essence, this consistent presentation is significant for the history of events. The records were carried out by years, in terms of its volume and the details of the presentation of the material they could vary greatly.

    What events deserved mention in the chronicles?

    First, these are turning points in the biographies of Russian princes: marriage, the birth of the heirs, the beginning of the reign, fighting feats, death. Sometimes the Russian chronicles described the wonders originating from the relics of the princes, for example, Boris and Gleb, the first Russian saints.

    Secondly, the chronicles paid attention to the description of heavenly eclipses, solar and lunar, epidemics of serious diseases, earthquakes, etc. Often, the chronicles tried to establish the relationship between natural phenomena and historical events. For example, defeat in battle could be explained by the special position of the stars in the sky.

    Thirdly, the ancient chronicles told about the events of state importance: military campaigns, attacks of enemies, the construction of religious or administrative structures, church affairs, etc.

    General features of famous chronicles

    1) If you remember what the chronicle is, you can guess why this genre of literature received such a name. The fact is that instead of the word "year" the authors used the word "summer". Each recording began with the words "in the summer", then followed the indication of the year and the description of the event. If, from the point of view of the chronicler, nothing significant happened, then there was a litter - "in the summer of XXXX, silence." Fully skip a description of one or another year the chronicler did not have the right.

    2) Some Russian chronicles begin not with the emergence of the Russian state, which would be logical, but from the creation of the world. Thus, the chronicler sought to enter the history of his country into the universal history, show the place and role of his homeland in the modern world for him. The dating was also conducted from the creation of the world, and not from the Nativity of Christ, as we do now. The gap between these dates is 5508 years. Therefore, the recording "in summer 6496" contains a description of the events of 988 - the baptism of Russia.

    3) For the work of the chronicler could use the works of his predecessors. But he not only included the materials left with them in his story, but also gave them his political and ideological assessment.

    4) From other genres of literature, the chronicle is characterized by special stylistics. The authors did not use any artistic techniques for decorating their speech. The main thing for them was documentary and informative.

    Communication of chronicles with literary and folk genres

    The special stylistics mentioned above, however, did not interfere with the chroniclers to periodically resort to oral folk creativity or other literary genres. The ancient chronicles contain elements of legends, legends, heroic epic, as well as zhitsky and secular literature.

    Turning to the toponymic legend, the author sought to explain where the names of Slavic tribes, ancient cities and the whole country came from. Echoes of ritual poetry are present when describing weddings and funerals. For the image of nice Russian princes and their heroic acts, epic techniques could be used. And for the illustration of the life of the rulers, for example, the pirms suitable - elements of popular ledges.

    Liordy literature with its clear structure and symbolism gave chroniclers and material, and the method of describing wonderful phenomena. They believed in the intervention of the Divine Forces into human history and reflected it in their writings. Elements of secular literature (teachings, leads, etc.) The authors used to reflect and illustrations their views.

    The texts of legislation, princely and church archives, other official documents also climbed into the tissue of the narration. It helped the chronicler to give the most complete picture of important events. And what is the chronicle, how not a comprehensive historical description?

    The most famous chronicles

    It should be noted that the chronicles are divided into local, which have been largely distributed during feudal fragmentation, and all-Russian, describing the history of the whole state. The list of the most famous is presented in the table:

    Until the XIX century it was believed that the "Tale of Bygone Years" is the first chronicle in Russia, and its creator of the monk Nestor - the first Russian historiographer. This assumption was refuted by A.A. Schmatov, D.S. Likhachev and other scientists. "The Tale of Bygone Years" has not been preserved, but its individual editions are known on lists in later works - Lavrentievsky and Ipatievsky chronicles.

    Chronicle in the modern world

    By the end of the XVII century, the chronicles have lost their historical meaning. More accurate and objective ways of fixing events appeared. The story began to be studied from the standpoint of official science. And the words "chronicle" have an additional meaning. We no longer remember what the chronicle is when we read the headlines of the "Chronicle of Life and Creativity N", "The Chronicle of the Museum" (theater or any other institution).

    There is a magazine, film studio, radio transmission with the name "Chronicle", and the game "Chronicle Arkhem" is known to lovers of computer games.