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A story about autumn by famous authors. Autumn in the works of Russian poets

Literary drawing room "Glamor eyes - poetry of autumn"

To acquaint students with the works of Russian poets.
- Study the works of Russian poets;
- To develop students' interest in studying the works of Russian poets;
- Develop the communication skills of students;
- Develop expressive reading of students;
- To foster the interest of students in the study of poetry;
- To instill in students a love for their native nature;
- To cultivate a love for Russian literature, for Russia, for a small homeland.
Preparatory work:
Read and learn poems by Russian poets dedicated to autumn
to arrange an exhibition of books and portraits of Russian poets.
Material description:
I propose a script for a literary living room based on the works of Russian poets "Eyes fascination - poetry of autumn" for students in grades 7-8. This material will be useful for teachers of the Russian language and literature during the traditional subject weeks for many schools.

Reproductions: Levitan " Golden autumn", S. Zhukovsky" On the veranda. Autumn ", I. O. Ostroukhov" Golden canopy ", V. Kuznetsov" Autumn landscape ", Yu. Clover" Autumn park " musical accompaniment, projector, computer, presentation

Event progress

Hello dear friends! On this autumn day, we gathered in the literary living room to listen and read poems about one of the most beautiful and beloved by many poets of the season - autumn.

Tchaikovsky's work from the cycle "Seasons" - "Autumn Song" is played.

Lead 1:
The autumn queen approached with silent steps. She embraced nature, slowly picking up canvas and brushes in order to start painting everything around in motley colors with the artist's trepidation. Nature never looks so delightful and touching as nature in autumn.

A. Kuznetsov "Autumn Landscape"

Lead 2:
Autumn in Russia has always been at times, which was sung by many writers,
poets, artists and musicians. They saw in it the unique beauty of Russian nature, which in the fall dresses in a golden dress, shimmering with its lush multicolor, and dull landscapes, the autumn dying of nature and sadness for the passing summer as a symbol of life.

Lead 1:
"It is a sad time! The charm of the eyes! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me," - said A.S. about the golden autumn. Pushkin. Pushkin's poetry penetrates into our hearts and remains there forever, possessing some kind of mysterious power.

Reader 2:
It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.

Lead 1:
Autumn in the works of Russian poets is multifaceted and colorful. In the poem "There is in the original autumn" Tyutchev gives the autumn silence a special solemnity and charm and at the same time confirms the naturalness of what is happening, admiring the autumn silence, the emptiness of the fields, the fleeting beauty of autumn nature.

V. Polenov "Golden Autumn"

Reader 1:
There is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant ...
The air is empty, you can't hear the birds anymore,
But far from the first winter storms,
And clear and warm azure pours
To the resting field ...

Lead 2:
I. Bunin acts as a singer of autumn sadness in Russian poetry. With a bright and even dapper picturesqueness, he describes all the colors of the autumn forest - from crimson and lilac to dark and colorless. But this beauty is fleeting, it will soon be replaced by gloomy and sullen tones. The illusory nature of being in nature and life - such are the feelings of the poet.

A. Schilder "Ravine"

Reader 2:
The autumn wind rises in the forests,
Noisily walking through the thickets,
She picks off dead leaves and cheerfully
Carries in a frantic dance.

It just freezes, falls down and listens,
Waving again, and after him
The forest will hum, tremble - and pour
Leaves rain golden.

Blowing in winter, frosty blizzards,
The clouds are floating in the sky ...
Let everything that is dead and weak perish
And it will return to dust!

Winter blizzards are the forerunners of spring,
Winter blizzards must
Bury under the cold snow
Dead by the coming of spring.

In the dark autumn, the earth takes refuge
Yellow foliage, and under it
Dormant shoots and herbs vegetation,
Life-giving roots juice.

Life begins in a mysterious darkness.
Her joy and death
Serve incorruptible and unchanging -
To the eternal beauty of Being!

"On the veranda. Autumn »Stanislav Zhukovsky

The melody Anna German "Autumn Song" is playing

Lead 2:
Autumn! You are the most lyrical of all seasons! Rosehip, hawthorn, mountain ash are burning with ripe berries. And the trees are a solid ocean of gold. A spider web flies in the air, and there is a spicy smell of the passing summer. How you want this beauty to be eternal.
Autumn makes you want to wander in the forest, to feel its vastness. She makes you remember and summer days... Maykov's autumn is a memory of the summer that has just passed, of its colors. The poet uses the word like an artist with paints. It is no coincidence that one of the poems of Apollon Nikolaevich Maikov is called "Landscape".

Painting "Golden Autumn" Ilya Ostroukhov

Reader 2:
I love the forest path
Not knowing where to wander;
Double deep rut
You go - and there is no end of the road ...
The green forest is dazzling all around;
Maples are already blushing autumn,
And the spruce forest is green and shady;
The yellow aspen tree sounds the alarm;
A leaf fell from a birch
And, like a carpet, paved the road ...

You walk as if on the waters,
The foot makes a noise ... and the ear hears
The slightest rustle in the thicket,
Where is the lush fern
And there are a number of red fly agarics,
That the carls are fabulous, they are sleeping ...
Already the sun's ray falls obliquely ...
A river peeped in the distance ...
On the shaking wheel mill
They are already making noise from afar ...

Lead 1:
Autumn gives a person the feeling of something dignified and solemn. And at the same time "autumn blows with melancholy, autumn blows with parting" (I. Bunin)

The work of A. Vivaldi "Autumn" is played.

Reader 3:
The forest, as if we were looking at a painted one,
Purple, gold, crimson,
With a cheerful, colorful wall
Stands over a bright glade.
Birch yellow carvings
Shine in the azure blue,
Like towers, Christmas trees are darkening,
And between the maples turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that little window.
The forest smells like oak and pine
Over the summer he dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...

Lead 2:
Speaking of Autumn, one cannot help but recall the amazing beautiful poetry poet " silver age"Sergei Yesenin. In his poems, he creates a special artistic world in which the main images are the earth and the sky. Yesenin's nature is a divine temple. The poet dreamed of harmony in the world and in the soul of a person, therefore he wanted to see him beautiful, strong, gentle, kind, walking in the world along a wide, clean road. Therefore, in his poems, the image of the path is most important. Let's listen to the poem "The road is thinking about the red evening ..."

Reader 4:
The road thought about the red evening,
Rowan bushes are foggy in depth.
Hut-old woman with the jaw of the threshold
Chews the fragrant crumb of silence.
Autumn cold, tenderly and meekly
The haze creeps to the oatmeal;
Through the blue glass, a yellow-haired lad
Shines eyes on the tick-off game.
Embracing the trumpet, sparkles according to the poveta
Green ash from a pink oven.
There is no one, and a thin-lipped wind
Whispering about someone who has disappeared into the night.
Someone's heels no longer crumple through the groves
Chipped leaf and grass gold.
A drawling sigh, diving with a skinny ring,
Kisses the beak of a ruffled owl.
The gloom is getting thicker, there is peace and drowsiness in the barn,
The white road will pattern a slippery ditch ...
And the barley straw groans tenderly,
Hanging from the lips of nodding cows.

Lead 1:
The beauty of life, the beauty of Nature was the meaning, goal and pathos of another poet of the "Silver Age" - Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont. Alexander Blok in his article "On Lyrics" (1907) wrote: "When you listen to Balmont, you always listen to spring." This is true even when you listen to his poems about Autumn.

Reader 5:
Outside the morning, prematurely cold
July noon at noon in September.
A tree dawn blooms in the forests
ruby-topaz chime.

Chu! The hounds run on a wooded slope
By pouring barking to a hare,
That you rush about in vain with an indirect jump,
That death passed over the green hiding place.

Small emerald sprinkled with ocher.
The saffron carpets fluttered
And the distance was dyed with fox fur.

The break in all the lines in the branch network is abrupt,
"There! There! About everything that is here "_
Pulling away, the birds screamed.

Yu. Clover "Autumn Park"

Lead 2:
Listen to the poem "Golden Autumn" by Boris Pasternak. In it we see a leisurely admiration for the beauty of the coming autumn, a philosophical reflection on life, on the change of seasons, on the eternity of nature. Autumn at Pasternak has many faces: it is the exhibition halls of paintings, then the young newlyweds - a linden tree in a crown and a birch "under a wedding veil and transparent."

Reader 1:
Autumn. Fairy palace,
Open for everyone to review.
Forest paths clearings,
Looking into the lakes.

As in the painting exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
In unprecedented gilding.

Linden hoop gold -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
The face of a birch - under the veil
Wedding and transparent.

Buried earth
Under foliage in ditches, holes.
In the yellow maples of the outbuilding,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs
And the sunset on their crust
Leaves a trace of amber.

Where you can't step into the ravine
So that it does not become known to everyone:
So raging that not a step,
There is a woody leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echo at the steep descent
And dawn the cherry glue
It solidifies in the form of a clot.

Autumn. Ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Leafs through the cold.

Guys, I suggest you listen to a poem about the fall of our Belgorod poet Nikolai Nikolaevich Grishchenko.
Loving A. A. Fet, N. N. Grishchenko sometimes imitated him (poems about nature), but at the same time he was individual, figuratively realistic, avoiding cold and natural aestheticism.
Nature itself is indifferent, but thanks to the pen of N. N. Grishchenko, it comes to life! Nature becomes like man: devoid of the halo of eternity, it suffers.
The poem "Autumn lays monotonous reflections ..." reflects the state of mind of the poet. The lyrical hero suffers along with nature, the heart revives only when the lyre speaks: "Carefully I touch the strings with my hand, And the dear words, quietly, but imperiously, They begin to circle over the quieted river ...". It is no coincidence that the image of the lyre is used in the poem, because it is a symbol of poetic inspiration and creativity.

Reader 3:
Autumn puts monotonous glare
On the veil of an extinct summer
The world falls silent ... with great sadness
The tired edge of the dawn breathes.
The sun rises, and they appear -
The herbs are dry, the county is empty.
Autumn came unexpectedly soon
And, flying like a cobweb in the sky,
I penetrated everything with invisible sadness,
I saturated everything with the warmth of the leaving ...
Only lonely geese scream
Flying by a thread torn to the south.

Reader 2:
On burnt grass, in a forest clearing
I stand in the middle of the autumn world
And the tired sun hangs over me
Forgotten in the sky
for a long time silent lyre.
Carefully I touch the strings with my hand
And the words are dear, quietly, but imperiously
Start to circle
over a silent river,
Continuing the melody of clear autumn ...

Belgorod poetess Svetlana Taplinskaya wrote a wonderful poem "White Autumn". It is dedicated to late autumn. Listen to him.

Extracurricular event on the theme: "Golden Autumn in the Works of Russian Writers"


Expand students' knowledge of Russian writers;

To acquaint students with the texts of the works of Russian writers and poets about autumn;

To develop the ability to express your feelings in relation to what you read, to learn to understand the mood, thoughts of the poet;

To teach schoolchildren to distinguish between the periods of autumn on the basis of a poetic and prosaic text;

Develop creative thinking

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, cards with texts of poems and prose, music

P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. October. Autumn Song ”, A. Vivaldi's concert“ Autumn ”. Literary

works (A. Pushkin "Dull time! Eyes charm", F. Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn", etc.)

musical compositions (P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons" "October. Autumn Song", 2nd movement of the concert for violin and orchestra, A. Vivaldi "Autumn" from the cycle "Seasons)

Watching a video about autumn.

What time of year did we watch the plot about?


In the harsh Russian northern nature there is a touching charm, unusually close to our hearts . Our endless meadows, covered with emerald greenery, are amazingly good, there is something in our native nature that is heard in a poetic syllable, that is sung in a folk song, that echoes in everyone's heart.
At one time, the Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin wrote: “Two suns walk across the Russian sky - a natural sun that gives us a stormy spring, red-hot summer, a farewell beauty autumn and severely formidable, but beautiful white winter, and the spiritual sun, which gives us in the spring - a holiday of light Christ's Resurrection, in winter - the promised Christmas and spiritually invigorating Epiphany ”.
Each season is delightful in the landscape of Russian nature, it evokes delight or nagging sadness, but in any case, a feeling of gratitude for what you saw.

In today's lesson, we will learn how the wonderful time of the year, autumn, is presented in the works of Russian poets, writers, artists, composers.

This is how the poet, writer and our fellow countryman I.A. Bunin. He was born on October 22, 1870 in Voronezh and lived there until the age of three. When the boy was 3 years old, the family moved to their estate in the village. Ozerki (now it is Eletsky district).

Poem by I.A. Bunin "Leaf Fall" will read ... (The student reads by heart)

Leaf fall

The forest, as if we were looking at a painted one,
Purple, gold, crimson,
With a cheerful, colorful wall
Stands over a bright glade.
Birch yellow carvings
Shine in the azure blue,
Like towers, Christmas trees are darkening,
And between the maples turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that little window.
The forest smells like oak and pine
Over the summer he dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower.

Most of Bunin's poetry is the lyrics of his native places, the motives of village life, the subtle painting of nature. Bunin is a master of unusually precise and subtle sketches of nature.

A teacher reading an excerpt from I.A. Bunin Antonov apples
“... I am reminded of an early, fine autumn. August was with warm rains ... Then, in the Indian summer, a lot of cobwebs sat on the fields ... I remember early, fresh, quiet morning... I remember a large, all golden, dried up and thinned garden, I remember maple alleys, a delicate scent of fallen leaves and - the smell of Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness. The air is so clean, as if it is not at all ... And the cool silence of the morning is broken only by the well-fed cackle of thrushes on coral rowan trees in the thicket of the garden, voices and the resounding thud of apples poured into measures and tubs. In the thinned garden, one can see the path to a large hut, strewn with straw. " It is home to bourgeois gardeners who have rented a garden. “On holidays, there is a whole fair near the hut, and red hats are constantly flickering behind the trees.” Everyone comes for apples. Boys come up in white manly shirts and short pantyhose, with white open heads. They walk in twos, threes, shallowly touching their bare feet, and look sideways at a shaggy shepherd dog tied to an apple tree.

"Vigorous Antonovka - for a Merry Year". Village affairs are good if Antonovka is ugly: it means that bread has ugly too ... I remember a good year ... "

For the 6th year in a row in the ancient Russian city of Yelets, the Antonov Apples festival has been held, which is associated with the life and work of the great Russian writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. The holiday is based on the writer's works, which created the image of Russian provincial life.

Autumn is the favorite season of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. “Autumn is coming. This is my favorite time, my health is usually getting stronger, the time for my literary works is coming ... "

"Boldinskaya Autumn" of 1830 stands apart in the poet's work. In 1830, Pushkin arrived in Boldino at the very beginning of autumn and lived here for three months - from September to November. It was the most amazing autumn in his life. The poet was used to working a lot in the autumn - with her arrival there was always a happy feeling of growing strength and creative lightness. But what happened in Boldino that fall was unexpected for him. So it was never written to him anywhere. Autumn seclusion, a sense of isolation from the outside world, a sense of complete freedom, even the local nature - calm landscapes with smooth rolling hills under a huge dome of the sky - all contributed to a special creative spirit of the soul.

Poems by A.S. Pushkin is read by children (by heart)

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
Less often the sun shone
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She bared herself with a sad noise.
Fog fell on the fields,
Noisy caravan geese
Stretched towards the south: approached
Quite a boring time;
It was November already at the yard.

It's a sad time! enchantment of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush wilting of nature,

Crimson and gold-clad forests,

There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,

And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,

And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winters are threats.

Now we will listen to a poem by Konstantin Balmont and Fyodor Tyutchev

Lingonberries ripen
The days got colder
And from the bird cry
My heart became sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees shine
In a multi-colored headdress.
The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And she will cry sleepily.

Fedor Tyutchev

There is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And the evenings are radiant ...
The air is empty, you can't hear the birds anymore,
But far from the first winter storms
And clear and warm azure pours
To the resting field ...

Listen to N.I. Sladkov "Golden Rain". (Read by teacher)


All summer the leaves exposed their palms and cheeks, backs and tummies to the sun. And they were so full and saturated with the sun that by the fall they themselves became like suns - crimson and gold. They poured, got heavy - and flowed. Orioles flew in the wind. Squirrels jumped over the knots. They rushed along the ground like martens.

Golden rain rustled in the forest. A drop will click on a leaf - the leaf will break. Tits on a branch are brought in - leaves will sprinkle on the sides. The wind will suddenly fly in - a motley tornado will whirl. And if a heavy kosach breaks into the branches from the fly, a sparkling waterfall will rush. The trees stand knee-deep in leaves. Fir-trees were decorated with leaves. The ferns warm under the leaves. The mushrooms hid under the trees. Leaves rustle, scratch, mutter. Leaves fly, jump, float. Leaves sway on cobwebs. Leaves above, below and around.

The golden rain is rustling.

Questions about the content of the listened text:

How does this description feel?

What words depict leaves as living things?

What paint words does N.I. Sweet to show the colors of autumn?

What words do the sounds of falling leaves convey?

I. Tokmakova "The birdhouse is empty ...": (student reads)

The birdhouse is empty-
The birds flew away
Leaves on trees
Also does not sit.
All day today
Everything is flying, flying ...
Apparently, also to Africa
They want to fly away.

Work on the content of the poem:

1. What phenomenon of autumn does the poet describe? 2. With whom does the poet compare the leaves?

3. How are leaves and birds similar?

4. What mood does this poem create?

Poets write poetry in words, expressing their feelings, love for their native land, nature, and artists create their paintings with paints.

Acquaintance with the painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" and others.

What colors did the landscape painter use to recreate autumn? (Yellow, red, crimson blue, pink)

The beauty of an autumn day is conveyed through color, colors.

What feelings does the painting evoke? (Answers of children)

Listen to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Autumn".

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in his work conveyed the silence of autumn, the thoughtfulness of nature. October, mid-autumn. This is not an early, luxuriantly decorated and elegant autumn, but another - with falling leaves, dull, sad, with a quiet cry of autumn rain.

And now you are the artists. How you see autumn, show it in your paintings. (Children paint autumn)



What time of year did we talk about in the lesson?

What was your favorite description of autumn?

Everything is so, but is this a reason not to love autumn - after all, there is a special charm in it. It is not for nothing that Russian poets, from Pushkin to Pasternak, so often wrote about autumn, singing the beauty of golden foliage, and the romance of rainy, foggy weather, and the invigorating power of cool air. collected best poems about autumn.

Alexander Pushkin

It's a sad time! enchantment of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
And every fall I bloom again;
The Russian cold is good for my health;
I again feel love for the habits of being:
Sleep flies in succession, hunger in succession finds;
Blood plays easily and joyfully in the heart,
Desires are boiling - I'm happy again, young,
I am full of life again - this is my body
(Please allow me to forgive unnecessary prose).

State Museum-Reserve of Alexander Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye". Pskov region. Photo:

Nikolay Nekrasov

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired strength;
Fragile ice on the icy river
Like melting sugar lies;
Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Are yellow and fresh like a carpet.
Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
There is no disgrace in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps, and stumps -
All is well under the moonlight
I recognize my native Russia everywhere ...
I fly fast on cast-iron rails,
I think my thought ...

Photo: / S.Borisov

Constantin Balmont

And again autumn with a spell of rusty leaves,
Ruddy, scarlet, yellow, gold,
The dumb blue of the lakes, their thick waters,
Nimble whistle and takeoff of tits in oak groves.
Camel piles of majestic clouds,
The faded azure of cast skies,
The whole circle, the dimension of the cool features,
Ascended vault, starry glory nights.
Who is the dream of emerald blue
Drunk in the summer hour, yearning at night.
All the past rises before him with his own eyes.
The surf beats quietly in the Milky stream.
And I freeze, crouching to the center,
Through the darkness of parting, beloved, with you.

Fedor Tyutchev

There is in the lightness of autumn evenings
Sweet, mysterious charm:
Ominous shine and variegation of trees,
Crimson leaves languid, light rustle,
Foggy and quiet azure
Over a sad, orphaned land
And, like a presentiment of descending storms,
Gusty, cold wind sometimes,
Damage, exhaustion - and everything
That gentle smile of fading
That in a rational being we call
Divine bashfulness of suffering.

Afanasy Fet

When the end-to-end web
Carries the threads of clear days
And under the window of the peasant
The distant gospel is heard more,
We are not sad, scared again
Breath of the approaching winter,
And the voice of the past summer
We understand more clearly.

Sergey Yesenin

Quiet in the thicket of juniper along the cliff.
Autumn, red mare, scratching her manes.
Over the river bank
The blue clank of her horseshoes is heard.
Shemnik-wind with a careful step
Crumples foliage over road ledges
And kisses on a rowan bush
Red ulcers to the invisible Christ.

Painting "Golden Autumn". Ilya Ostroukhov, 1886-1887 Oil on canvas. Photo:

Ivan Bunin

The autumn wind rises in the forests,
Noisily walking through the thickets,
She picks off dead leaves and cheerfully
Carries in a frantic dance.
It just freezes, falls down and listens,
Waving again, and after him
The forest will hum, tremble - and pour
Leaves rain golden.
Blowing in winter, frosty blizzards,
The clouds are floating in the sky ...
Let everything that is dead and weak perish
And it will return to dust!
Winter blizzards are the forerunners of spring,
Winter blizzards must
Bury under the cold snow
Dead by the coming of spring.
In the dark autumn, the earth takes refuge
Yellow foliage, and under it
Dormant shoots and herbs vegetation,
Life-giving roots juice.
Life begins in a mysterious darkness.
Her joy and death
Serve incorruptible and unchanging -
To the eternal beauty of Being!

Painting “On the Veranda. Autumn". Stanislav Zhukovsky. 1911 Photo:

Boris Pasternak

Autumn. Fairy palace
Open for everyone to review.
Forest paths clearings,
Looking into the lakes.
As in the painting exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
In unprecedented gilding.
Linden hoop gold -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
The face of a birch - under the veil
Wedding and transparent.
Buried earth
Under foliage in ditches, holes.
In the yellow maples of the outbuilding,
As if in gilded frames.
Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs
And the sunset on their crust
Leaves a trace of amber.
Where you can't step into the ravine
So that it does not become known to everyone:
So raging that not a step,
There is a woody leaf underfoot.
Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echo at the steep descent
And dawn cherry glue
It solidifies in the form of a clot.
Autumn. Ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Leafs through the cold.

  • © Camille Pissarro, Boulevard Montmartre

  • © John Constable, Autumn Sunset

  • © Edward Cucuel, "Autumn Sun"

  • © Guy Dessart, "Autumn Motives"

  • © Wassily Kandinsky, "Autumn in Bavaria"
  • © James Tissot, October
  • © Isaac Levitan, "Autumn Day"

  • © Isaac Levitan, "Golden Autumn"

  • © Francesco Bassano, "Autumn"

  • © Vincent van Gogh, Falling Leaves

Shamina Anastasia

Research project"Autumn motives in the work of Russian poets and writers" was created by a student of the 4th grade, Shamina Anastasia. The aim of the project is to study the work of Russian poets and writers who turned to the theme of autumn in their works. Research methods: search, questioning, experiment.



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Research project "Autumn motives in the work of Russian poets and writers" Completed by: student of grade 4 "b", MOU "Gymnasium No. 17" Anastasia Shamina Supervisor: Baukina Yulia Aleksandrovna

INTRODUCTION Writers and poets have always been attracted by their native nature. She is dear to every poet and writer for her immediate life.

In the project, I would like to touch upon only a small part of the whole variety of poetic descriptions of nature, namely, the transitional period of summer into winter - the "golden" autumn.

The purpose of the project: and to study the works of Russian poets and writers who turned to the theme of autumn in their works.

Project objectives: - to get acquainted with the features, means of depicting native nature in autumn in poetry and prose. - conduct a survey of students - conduct experiments - try to create something new in poems about nature on the theme of autumn.

Research methods: search; - analysis and generalization of the studied; - questionnaire survey of students; - experiment.

Selective survey among students of the 3rd and 4th grades. Question: Name three of your favorite Russian writers and poets who wrote about nature in autumn period.

Questionnaire of 3rd grades - 18 students Questionnaire of 4th grade - 25 students Conclusion: the most famous and widely read poets and writers who wrote about autumn are A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Tyutchev, A.A. Fet, S.A. Yesenin.

Study of sources of information, collection of material

The legacy of Russian, Soviet writers who glorified their native nature. (Features, language of presentation and used artistic means in the description of native nature in the fall)

AS Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin always waited for autumn, which he loved with all his heart. For Pushkin, this was the most fruitful time of the year. Even the most dull pictures of autumn evoked inspiration. “It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes! I am pleased with your farewell beauty - I love the lush wilting of nature, In scarlet and gold-clad forests ... "

"crimson", "gold", "farewell beauty", "charm of the eyes" - these gorgeous epithets, metaphors emphasize how dear autumn is to the poet, he is ready to find the most excellent expressions.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet accurately describes the smallest details of nature in the fall. Associativity - form style Feta. "The forest covered its peaks, the Garden bared its forehead, September breathed, and the dahlias were burned by the breath of the night ..."

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. He is called the "old man - the forest man" of Russian literature. Short stories about the nature of the autumn season of Prishvin in the form of notes convey the mood of romance and pleasant sadness that soars in nature in autumn. "Autumn Roska" Flies are knocking on the ceiling. Sparrows herd. Magpies graze in families on the roads. Roski are cold and gray. Another dewdrop in the bosom of the leaf will sparkle all day.

Comparative analysis "What mood prevails in each autumn month?" Title Color Mood September Merry. Admiration for the splendor of wilting nature Yellow, red, orange October Sadness from the immersion of nature in a dream. Brown, yellow November The joy of waiting for a snow-white winter with its delights. Gray, white, brown

Experiment # 1. On the subject of interchangeability of words and phrases in verses about the autumn nature of famous poets. 1. Already the sky was breathing in the fall Already less often the sun was shining, The day was getting shorter, Lesov's mysterious canopy With a sad noise, it was exposed (A.S. Pushkin) (replacement) Already it was doused in the fall again, And less often the sun was sparkling, The day was getting smaller, Lesov's mysterious canopy With a farewell noise, she bared

2. There is in the initial autumn. A short but wonderful time - The whole day is like crystal, And the evenings are radiant ... (FI Tyutchev) (replacement) There is a sad autumn. Short, but glorious time - The whole day is like crystal, From the gilding of the evening ...

Conclusion: I made several attempts to replace words and metaphors in the poems of the classics about nature and tried to write new poems. As a result, I got quite satisfactory quatrains about autumn. Of course to achieve accurate hit, or at least not make it much worse, the task is practically impossible, as I was convinced of.

Experiment No. 2. Autumn. Our entire poor garden is sprinkled. Leaves, yellowed, fly in the wind (A. Tolstoy) The air is empty, Birds are no longer heard (F. Tyutchev) Flocks of birds fly away across the blue sea (K. Balmont) And the garden darkens like oak trees As a reflection of the old past (F. Tyutchev) And the voice of the past summer We understand more clearly (A. Fet) And Autumn as a quiet widow Enters into his motley tower. (I. Bunin)

Autumn. Our entire poor garden is sprinkled. Yellowed leaves fly in the wind. The air is empty, Birds are no longer heard, Flocks of birds fly away over the blue sea. And the garden darkens like an oak tree, Like a reflection of the old past. And the voice of the past summer We understand more clearly. And Autumn as a quiet widow Enters into its motley tower. "Autumn motives"

Conclusion: The resulting poem has a good rhythm, the rhyme is preserved. The lines of one master of the artistic word did not in any way spoil the lines of another. It turned out colorfully and expressively.

Test of strength in poetry Trees are tired from the crown over the summer, A heavy dress is worn on the branches. But here comes September well done, The foliage is crumbling, the heat is over. In the morning it still pulls warmth from the ground, Fog on the water, cranes in the sky. Such a picture looks like a fairy tale, And I pick up brushes and paint. I love to watch the autumn time, Wander through the forests on an unfamiliar path. What a pity that it ends quickly, But there is no eternal, and life goes on. (A. A. Shamina)

Conclusions: Studying the work of Russian poets and writers about nature in the autumn period, I noted the following specific traits: colorfulness, imagery, expressiveness, associativity. After spending comparative analysis works about each autumn month, we can say that autumn causes not only sadness and sadness, but also a joyful, cheerful mood. 3. Search engine and research enriches the aesthetic experience, develops artistic taste.

Thank you for the attention!

Remember the song, three months are autumn, three months are winter and eternal spring ... Spring, probably, should always be in your soul, regardless of age ... this is waiting, awakening, dawn! The first autumn month, September, flies by quickly, it is still warm, affectionate in summer. October is starting to be flooded with rains, damp and foggy. Looking at the end of October, one does not feel lightness, weightlessness. Except for dry yellowed leaves, which, with the first gust of wind, come off the branches and fall to the ground. They say that autumn is the most charming time. I don't like autumn like other months. It is in the fall that you begin to notice how time flies, youth leaves, life leaves. There comes a time of reflection, self-awareness, a time of reckoning and a time to take stock. This does not mean that I would like to give it up completely, of course not. It just needs to be perceived as inevitable, to learn to perceive ...

After all, autumn is a small rehearsal of old age, and an annual one. Autumn is a rehearsal of the end of the life of nature, just like human life ... In early spring, only a warm ray touched him, he is from a young green sprout, breaks into the white light with joy and enthusiasm. It grows, gets stronger, gains strength in the summer. It blooms with its bright outfit, inherent only to him, which nature has awarded him, gives fruit ... It seems that one could still bloom, live ... But, now the strength is not the same, and diseases prevail, and the wind is cold and the rain is not a joy ... Now more and more drawn to sleep. Wrap myself up warmly and fall asleep, forgetting myself in a long sleep ... So the gray hair covered my head and dried it up, just like gilded a leaf of a tree ... And slowly circling, in thought ... not yet realizing that everything ... the leaf lay on the ground and snow, at first light and fluffy, that's all crushes him harder with his shroud. And there is winter.

And what will happen tomorrow?
- And tomorrow will come!
And the torn-off leaf will whirl alarmingly,
He is a little chilled and chilly in the cool wind,
But what can you do about it? Nature's autumn whim ...
- And what will happen to the summer?
- And the summer will go away for a while,
And it will hide somewhere, where the forest is like a blue strip,
It will fall asleep very quietly in the clouds until spring,
Yes, summer has many mysterious, fabulous places ...
- And what will happen to the sun?
- And the sun will shine on us,
But just not the way it shone in springtime,
It will be difficult to find him in the midst of bad weather,
It will hide behind the clouds, as if behind a mountain ...
- And what will happen to us?
- And the rain will remain with us,
Knock on the rooftops and look through our window,
And there is winter ... Are you waiting for her appearance?
This is how everything changes, like a color movie ...
- And what will happen to the world?
- Yes, everything will be fine with him,
Time is changing, we fly up or down
You will find a yellow piece of paper as a lucky ticket,
and then you will go into this bright, long Life ... (internet)

And so autumn and its sub-seasons: From September 1 to 23 - are considered the beginning of autumn, from September 24 to October 14 - the time, from October 15 to October 22, deep autumn begins, from October 23 to November 26 - the pre-winter period, from November 27 to 90 November is already the first winter. For those who are waiting for Indian Summer, it starts on August 28 and lasts until September 21. Young summer from August 28 to September 11, and the old one, but now they began to call it Men's Summer: from September 14 to September 21.

What are the most common autumn signs:

1. In autumn, the leaves of birch trees turn yellow from the tops, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, it will be late. 2. There were mushrooms - the summer is over. 3. Breadbeard - before the severe winter. 4. Autumn rain is sown finely, finely, lasts a long time. 5. In the spring, what it spills like a river - you won't see a drop, in the fall it will sift with chintz, and even draw a bucket of water. 6 Although the leaves have turned yellow, they fall off slightly - frosts will not come soon. 7. If the birds fly high in the fall, it means there will be a lot of snow, and low - there will be so little snow. 8. The bird has gone together in flight to be strict in winter. 9. Birds flew low - to cold winter, fly high, to warm. 10. Meadows, entangled with cobwebs and snares, geese leisurely walk in herds, starlings do not fly away for a long time, and hares do not turn white, then the autumn will be long and buzzing. 11. Mosquitoes in late autumn - mild winters. 12. A lot of viburnum and mountain ash will be born by the harsh winter. 13. Winter is snowy and harsh, when there are few mushrooms, but a lot of nuts. 14. Wait for a cold winter if squirrels make a large supply of nuts. 15. Onion skin is thin - winter will be mild, thick skin, but rough - and winter is harsh. 16. A large pile of ants, it will be a harsh winter. 17. Chickens molt in early autumn - warm winter. 18. There are a lot of mosquitoes in late autumn - to mild winter... 19. Hares worked up a lot of fat, then by the frosty winter. 20. Mice have made a nest in flax, the winter will be snowy. 21. Mice dig holes on the warm side - winter is frosty. 22. Moles and mice prepare large supplies - for the harsh and snowy winter. 23. Moles carry a lot of stubble or straw into their holes in autumn - winter will be cold. 24. A lot of cobwebs hung in the Indian summer - clear autumn and severe winter. 25. The web has spread out - to the warmth. 26. Bees cover up the beehive with wax, winter will be cold, if they leave the hive open, it will be warm. 27. The cat hides its muzzle, it will be cold.

How many poets praise autumn. She's probably worth it!

Autumn comes again with a royal gait.
does not ask for anything.
Proud posture, glance of heavenly blue.
Gold dress, thin waist of the goddess.
A spider web of lace, a view from under a veil,
And the sounds in the royal hall fall silent.
Sighs of admiration - maple gentlemen,
Red, heads bowed.
Reverance birches do, embarrassed,
Shyly hiding behind a golden fan.
The lace handkerchief is spinning in the air
On his shoulder, trustingly, he sits down to me.
Golden leaf, I won't touch you
I'll just straighten carefully the Autumn crown.
The author of the poems is Olga Fomicheva.

Tell me, beautiful autumn,
How did you decorate the forest with gilding? ...
And tender lilac blue
Again you paint with gouache with care ...
Tell me, girlfriend,
About the foliage that swirls with leaf fall -
Whisper quietly in your ear ...
Dress up all the birches smartly ...
Show me, sorceress, a miracle
Give inspiration to the wind ...
Everything in autumn is close and loving to me ...
I am in love with her selflessly ...
Julia Chereshenka

Autumn sketch
Not enough music and light
To express earthly beauty.
The songs of windy summer fell silent,
The day goes into the etheric wave.
I threw a forest of pastel patterns
White snow has fallen, the world has changed suddenly.
The night will quietly close the eyelashes-curtains,
Don Cupid will raise his bow from the ground. Excerpt Igor Tabakaev.

There is a charm in early autumn ...
In it are intertwined in a whimsical pattern
The omnipotence of beauty and sorrowful knowledge,
Doubt of a sage and girlish fervor.

And generous, she is in the midst of a riot of clear colors
Full of semitones, magically earthy
Reassuring themselves in the carelessness of summer dances
With the harsh simplicity of a pagan winter.

There is in early autumn ...
In it, the black tallow of spring rings through the dry summer!
She charms the world - and hears the spell
Not a motley moth, but a whitened husband.
(Mikhail Galin)

Light silk of golden hair

Unlucky fashion designer.
It's fog and wet rains again,
Cold and gloomy evening again.
The cranes are talking about kurlychut: - You wait for us!
Wait for us, summer ... - See you!
And the trees, as if saying goodbye to the warmth,
They cry quietly, dropping leaves down,
Their soul, silently, grieves for the past,
Or remembering someone's Love.

The charm of these gloomy days

But after all, Autumn is not only rain and sadness,
Autumn is still Inspiration ...
This is a cloud, slowly floating into the distance,
Contemplating renewal.
This is the sun in the fog and mushrooms in the leaves,
And crickets, barely audible, sighs ...
This is the pride of the forests - century-old oaks,
Dressed up like buffoons.
This is the gold of herbs and grapes in the garden,
Light smell of baked bread ...
Destiny does not spare us any awards in this life
Look only at the starry sky.
And I believe that we will remember more than once in our life
The charm of starry nights ...
Indeed, in the heart of each of us,
When it becomes Wise.
Here, waking up, one day, breathing in the silence
And feeling the dampness of the dawn,
You will doubtfully say: - Damn, I don’t understand,
What have I been looking for so long around the world? ..
What I was looking for everywhere and where did I look for:
Beauty, the Meaning of Life and Happiness? ...
When all this is near, like an abyss by the rocks,
What, at times, we contemplate with a glance.
When friends and a darling threshold are near,
When everything that is dear to us is near.
And I know you couldn't be happier
Even a paradise strolling through the garden.

The charm of gloomy days and starry nights ...
After all, Autumn is in the heart of each of us,

And I know that we will remember more than once in our life
The charm of these days and nights ...
Indeed, in the heart of each of us,
When it becomes Wise ...
Vitaly Pisarenko

Let the rains pass, let the years pass -
We will be reflected again, as then:
You are in my eyes, I am in your eyes,
Tea will again become tea for two.
Igor Priklonsky.

Light silk of golden hair
I entered the tops of the square, -
This vagabond wind has brought to us again
Unlucky fashion designer.
Smiled into the mirror lake,
I danced slowly ...
Who said about autumn "sad"?
Look - how good it is!

I asked yesterday at the falling leaves,
What is needed for happiness in this life?
The leaves whispered to me in pursuit:
Don't chase like a child
Do not call with beautiful words
Happiness is like rustling underfoot.
Happiness has no smell and color.
Happiness is where youth and summer are.
I asked the wind what was walking
Maybe he knows something about happiness.
The wind answered me with a light whistle:
Do not look for happiness in a hazy heart,
It will not enter that door without knocking,
For which, bitterness and separation.
I asked the stargazing yesterday
Is happiness a gift or a reward?
Where to look? What yardstick to measure
To be happy, how to believe in yourself?
The stars answered me, burning:
Happiness is not dear
You won't sell it, you won't buy it,
Only the poor soul can be ruined.
Do not go to the ends of the world for happiness
In ourselves, happiness lies somewhere. (internet)

Golden drops of October
I will put it in sparkling links.
Let me kiss you
In the middle of a random moment.

I will stroke your hair ...
The sky became cloudy and humid.
This one was invented for two -
The rest is essentially irrelevant.

Protecting from autumn thunderstorms
I will warm you as I can.
Fallen Star Necklace
You will put it regally around your neck.

Please turn to me.

Smile in the evening silence -
It's okay that autumn has come ...

Golden drops of October
The wind blows away the stars with leaves ...
Let me kiss you
It's okay that autumn has come ...
Peter Davydov

Autumn reigned in the old park,
Painted trees and bushes.
throwing on his shoulders,
She put canvases for artists.

Slightly smeared with blue watercolor
The smooth surface of the pond and the sky is high.
Has bloomed with tender pastels
Clouds adding purity.

Looked into the old alleys
Rustled with wind and rain.
Not sparing beauty and affection,
She covered everything with gold leaf.

Ran like a red fox
On the long-unmown grass ...
And a big, disturbing, bright bird
Swept away into the cold blue.
(Lavrova Tatiana)

The golden autumn is coming.
Leaving the foliage, the trees,
Whirling, flies and freezes,
It covers the whole earth with a carpet,

And on the rustling carpet
The people walk in the morning
And the breeze here and there
Throws gold at his feet.

And the sun looks tenderly
Trees crown gilded
And generously gives everyone warmth
In spite of the rainy months.

After all, the world is flooded with beauty -
So why does the soul hurt?
She is full of doubt:
Will he come to me again ...
(Raisa Black)

August ... Velvet and daring,
Warm, affectionate and mischievous.
The smell is spicy and slightly harsh
Apples, mint and thunderstorm rain.

You touch autumn inaudibly
Gentle, sensitive, subtle soul
In it, you are still a boy -
Generous, kind, well ... and groovy.

In a whirlpool of bottomless and beautiful,
Sadness lurks a little in the corners.
It's dangerous to look into this blue -
Having plunged, you can drown.

Generous in gifts and hospitable,
In the haze of cool evenings
Like a flying breeze, free
From fairytale worlds.