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Competitions for youth party. Scenario of the youth disco "Summer - the time of young

The guys and girls are chosen not familiar with each other. Each couple dancing to the music. The first stage of the competition - the guy holds a girl in his arms; The second stage - the guy holds the girl on the neck.

The most dance couple wins, and the losers are considered to be the girl in which the girl touched the earth. The bottom line is that young people in the course of dance get acquainted with each other and try to defeat various tricks.

Letters and numbers
Girls are challenged cards with letters, young men - with numbers; Young people are built into the circle, the center of which rises leading. Driving calls the letter and the figure. The girl whose letter was voiced, must kiss the leading, but the fact is that the young man bothers it in this, and he must kiss this girl himself.

And so, it turns out a kind of love triangle. If a young man with a number still managed to kiss the girl before she was, he becomes in his place; If not - the players are chosen again.

Question answer.
Take a sheet of paper A4 and handle. The first person, a beginner game, writes on a piece of any question (which occurs in the head at that time; for example, "How old are you?") And wraps it, leaving only the word "how much". The next participant answers the question, without knowing its content (the answer can be anything; for example, "as much as Kangaroo in Australia"). After, he wraps the answer and gives a leaflet to another person who writes his question ... Next, everything is on the chain.

And so continues until the end of the paper, then all the questions and answers to them are read. The bottom line is that it is almost impossible to predict the correct answer to the assigned question and it turns out such an instance. It's very fun for a noisy company! Young people's birthday contests

Young people are built in the form of a circle (filling the circle itself), the rope is paved along its perimeter, tied to a circle. The young men take the rope in the hands - the effect of a broken rod wounded by threads. Girls in the meantime should knock down young people with legs, holding only for the rope and without resorting to power actions.

If the guys fell - the girls won. Possed the girls will not be able to blame the young men to the ground, but acting in one direction it can be done very easily. In this case, the guys will not lose in this case, the definite plan will help: they should be repelled in the opposite side of those where they are pulling them.

For this contest you will need children's tricycles. The number of "machines" is calculated by the number of participants along the line. Participants must pass by bike. Wins the one who overcomes the predetermined distance faster all. Very funny! Little children's bikes and high young people - a compatible compound.

Players are built up into two parallel sherring face to each other. One participant remains - he should disperse and jump between these "columns". People standing Catch the player and throw it up a couple of times. During this game, participants receive great pleasure: a jumping person from "flight", and the rest from the feeling of support. Next, people change.

From a psychological point of view, such a game brings together mutual assistance and responsibility for another person.

Who is faster?
Two teams are recruited, five people each. Before each team puts a saucepan with water, water in both sauces is at the same level. Which team will quickly drink water from a saucepan with spoons, the team and won.

To participate in the competition, 2 players are needed and two empty packs of cigarettes. Ropes are tied to the players to the players, at the end of which potatoes are tied. The essence of the competition is that the faster of this most potato, which hangs on the end of the rope, to reach the finish from the empty pack. Who will get the first to Finish, he won.

Find a candy
For the competition you will need a girl and a guy. The girl falls on the surface (table, chairs), and the guy tie his eyes. The lead says that the girl will be put on the body of the girl, the guy will need to find her mouth. As long as the lead explains the rules (the guy at this moment is already tied out), instead of the girl there is another guy. The seeker does not even suspect that he will have to look for candy not on the girl, but on the guy. Great reason to laugh.

Two participate in the competition. This will require 2 ropes, 2 pencils and 2 any empty bottles. At the end of the rope, a pencil is tied, and the rope itself is tied to the player's belt. Bottles are set between players' feet. The task of the competition is to get a pencil in the neck in the bottle. Who is the first to cope with this task, he won.

How to use?
For the competition required from 5 - 15 people. On the table in front of the players is made any item. Participants should take turns to say how this subject is used. The use of the subject should be theoretically to be true. The one who could not come up with the subject of use is dropped out of the game. The one who remains the last game, the winner.

For participation in the competition, 3-5 volunteers will need. Before each participant, a chair is placed on which the banana is. Playing tie hands behind her back, they kneel, everyone in front of her chair. The task of the competition is the one who is faster, without the help of hands, only with the help of the mouth, will clean the banana from the peel and will have time to eat it all, he will win.

Who coincided?
The competition requires a team of 10 people. A certain topic is given, and each player, secret from others, writes 10 words related to this topic. When the participants recorded their words, they begin to announce their records, how many people coincided with the list, they also put so many points. For example, in five people a word came out, which means each of them puts 5 points. If some word turned out to be only one person, it means he puts 1 point to himself.

As a result, who will have more than all glasses, he won.

Guess who?
A volunteer is called, he ties his eyes with a scarf or a scarf. To the touch, the player must determine who is standing in front of him.
In order for the competition to become more interesting, the guys can wear a female bra to mislead the one who guess.

On sheets of paper (or just shreds), part of the body is written, then the presenter turns them and puts them in a hat (or what caught her arm).

Then the first participants pull the sheets and touch each other by those parts of the body that are directly written on the leaves .. Next pulls the third participant and also pressed to the second and so on the chain (depending on the number of participants in the game). After the first, there is enough last hand (well, or that it remains free there) and go in a circle. It turns out very funny and fun, especially those who watch all this process.

Participants are collected (how much the soul is pleased, the main thing is not 1), the leading pronounces a certain phrase, which will make it in the head, for example, "Leshka went to the forest for mushrooms." After that, it must be pronounced all participants in turn, but each subsequent participant should pronounce this phrase with a new intonation (for example, expressing surprise, doubt, or even anxiety). If the player ended the ideas, then he usually drops out of the game, the most important thing is that in this game there is no one winner here at least 3-5, it all depends on the creative abilities of each of the participants.

Participants of the game are in a row or (all the main thing is sitting in the line so that it is clear where the beginning, and where the end). The first pronounces two words not connected with each other. For example: tree and computer. The next player must associate the not connected and describe the situation that could occur with these two items. For example, "the wife is tired that the husband is constantly sitting at the computer, and he settled with him on the tree." Then the same player utters the following word, for example "bed" the third participant should add to this situation and this word, for example, "to sleep on the branch is not as comfortable as on the bed." And so on so far enough fantasy. You can complicate both the game and add the following. The master interrupts who neither be from the participants and will ask to repeat all the words said, the one who will not be able to do it out of the game.

Find applications
The leading game takes a big bag and pours into it various subjects it can be anything combing computer mouse, ball, hair curlers and more. After that, the participants must shove the hand into the bag to pull out the subject and say that it can be done with it (the answers for combs are not accepted, you need to show fantasy and only accepted original solutions). Accordingly, those who could not come up with that neither be interesting, drop out of the game. In this game, you can use not only the presented template can also choose one item, for example, the piano and players in turns must say that you can do it. You can also use 2 subjects at once (that you can create with them).

Game "Dosor"
The meaning is that a company of 20-50 people is going to be broken down on the teams and perform (in advance written by the organizers) tasks, such games are held at any time of the day and night (especially interesting at night) because the tasks can reach the "Translate grandmother across the road" m All this for example at 3 am.

A pre-prepared program of entertainment activities and contests for young people will make a holiday bright and memorable. Original command Games bring together young people. Thanks to pair competitions for someone, a party can be a landmark event. Drawings and quizzes will freeze the company and configure young people to positive.

    Gesture Language game

    The game is built on the principle of pantomime. It involves everyone. They divide equally for 2 teams.

    At the beginning of the game, the first group of participants speaks at the ear to some representative from the opponent team any word on the topic "Colors". His task - with the help of facial expressions and gestures, depict their partners a picture that causes associations with the mandated color. Point to it on elements of clothes or interior is prohibited. Colors need to be made of simple, accessible understanding. The task of the second command is to guess the word displayed within 30 seconds. If she manages to give a right answer, she earns 1 point.

    After that, the second team makes its color to the first group of participants. The game continues until all players will show according to the word. For a variety you can come up with another topic (for example, "phenomena" - the eruption of the volcano, storm, tornado, thunder, etc.)

    Winning the team S. large quantity Points (which guess more words).

    Everyone will participate in the competition. Each participant receives a sheet of paper and handle.

    The task of the contestants is to come up with a funny instruction on applying any device or step by step to describe how to make any action. The more absurd the topic, the better. You can pre-prepare tasks on cards and offer participants to choose from.

    Examples of TEM

    • How to catch Muhu
    • How to eat crackers
    • How to teach a cat fly
    • How to use toilet paper

    Creative contest. It participates a few guys. They get on one pair of rubber boots, a set of gouashe colors and drawing brushes.

    The task of the participants - for 2 minutes, decompose the boots for their ladies for a certain topic. Options must be written on the leaves, fold them and give guys to choose from. At the end of the competition, the present girls choose the most interesting and original option Design.

    Examples of topics: boots for a campaign for an interview, on a date, to the club to the party.

    3-4 people participate in the competition. To carry it out, you need to prepare bridges with peas, corn, rice and different cuts from vegetables, meat, fish. You can use any products, the main thing is to be difficult to take them with chopsticks.

    Participants are obtained by a large flat plate and Chinese wands. The presenter gives them a task: in 1 minute to collect on a plate as much as possible products in the composition. After the participants cope with the task and begin to estimate, to whom it comes to the status of the winner, the leader declares the second stage of the Competition. Now you need to eat the contents of your dish as soon as possible with sticks. The participant wins, who is faster than the rest copes with this task.

    There are several pairs of guys in the competition. They become back to each other and clips their hands. Near each pair on the floor are apples (the same amount) and there is a big bowl.

    The task of participants is to collect all the apples from the floor into a bowl, not extinguishing the hands. Then you need to break down and one to transfer them to your basket, which stands at a certain distance from them. At the same time, only one participant can run from the collection site to the basket. He needs to bear the second on his back or drag the wolf behind him. Run to the basket should one, but return - the other.

    The couple wins, which is the first to collect all the apples in a bowl, takes it to the basket and return back to the start place. Competition can be diversified by adding different obstacles.

Autumn ends - sad, but at the same time extraordinary it's time. She gives us not only the abundance of fruits and vegetables, but also enough warm weather. If on this period you have a holiday or a catering you will like to taste Competitions on the subject of autumn.

Funny competition - "between two LBs"

The dancing couple should keep the apple "between two LBs" as much as possible. The couple that will last longer, the winner. Do not forget to give dancers.

Cheerful Competition for Youth - "Bite Apple"

Choose two people who want. It is necessary to ride apples in advance and hang in the area of \u200b\u200breaching the head of the contestants. Important: the participants should be associated with their backs. We interfere with the time (3 minutes), for which the contestants should bother the apple as much as possible. And it is not so easy to do. Gift to the destructive is a package of apple juice or some kind of pleasant trifle.

Competition - Autumn Quiz

Several people are chosen for participation, two-three. Competitors need to be called what holidays are noted in autumn. The lead calls the date, and the contestants answer that this is the day and what it is famous. You can offer the following dates:

Optionally, you can add religious holidays, for example, September 21- Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary, October 14 - Pokrov to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Autumn competition for youth - "Well, a song we are prey"

The one who understands the music will easily remember the songs with the word "autumn". We break your company for 2 teams, and let each other compete by calling the line from the song and artist, you can even go. First, the presenter gives some time to thinking, competing can make a blank on paper, and then in turn to call musical works. The winner team is awarded with souvenirs or sweet prizes.

Birthday Competition - "Twelve Notes"

The competition is not new, he has already been about 50 years already, but he will undoubtedly like young people who decided to meet Indian summer in nature. It is necessary to divide into two commands and get from a leading first landmark. Then there is a new note with a new search object. The master will have to make a route and write notes for an hour and a half before guests appearing, but it is quite real, since the preparation of a picnic and dishes is carried out in advance. Notes Very convenient to hide in fallen leaves.

Birthday for each of us is once a yearAnd I want him to be remembered not only by novelties of cooking and cooked toast, but became a pleasant surprise for all those who came. That is why the owner of the feast is worth stocking of interesting entertainment. Choosing them from the whole manifold, consider the age of guests, the floor and the degree of their acquaintance with each other. For guests harvest souvenirs or small gifts, they will be very nice! They buy key chains on the keys with names, magnets, knobs as gifts.

Competition with Phantom

A very simple game, the essence of which is that each sitting at the table takes turns the phanta from a hat or another capacity and performs the task specified there. Phanti should be prepared in advance, tasks should be made in such a way as to not offend anyone and not harm health. Here are 10 exemplary assignments for phantas:

  1. Pictulate any animal.
  2. Tell a funny joke.
  3. Tell the children's poem, getting on the chair.
  4. Picture boiling kettle, train, plane.
  5. Frew down the table.
  6. Dial a random phone number and play the interlocutor.
  7. Sing a song.
  8. Ask for guests alms.
  9. Quickly tell the patter.
  10. Move the money to the nose on the table to a certain reference point.

Cheerful Competition for Youth - Comic Horoscope

Learn in advance, to which signs of the zodiac include guests, and read them comic horoscope. It needs to be announced which excellent prospects will expect them, and mention a few traits of each participant of the feast. After reading, you can arrange a contest for the truthful prediction and hand the prize to the winner of the winning zodiac forecast.

No event costs without funny contests. They are not only walked guestsBut let them start chatting, create a more cozy and friendly atmosphere of the holiday.

This competition is suitable for any audience, even a nursery. Two foot pumps are needed, inflatable balls are connected to them, respectively, two helpers hold the balls with their hands. Pumps put on the chairs, choose two who sit on a chair with a pump and, jumping, inflated the ball. Everything is very simple. The one who inflated faster becomes the winner and receives a prize.

Entertainment Competition - "Hatspeetovka Mill"

The essence of the competition is that each of the participants (there can be 2-3) squeezed as soon as possible water from the usual medical glove. It is necessary to attach them to the chairs in advance and make several small holes in each finger, then pour into the water gloves and start the "milking" procedure. If the contestants have already been pretty, the process becomes more fun and ridiculous. Do not forget to pretend the winner, he did such a hard work!

Funny Competition for Youth - "Funny Interview"

This competition enjoys incredible success in both corporate events and home. To hold it in advance, it is necessary to prepare the leaflets with questions and answers to them. Of course, questions should not coincide with the answers, but in general, to express the idea of \u200b\u200ba certain nature or to have a subtext. Approximate questions you can use:

  • Do you often leave work ahead of time?
  • Do you like to eat well?
  • Do you rather do at night?
  • Do you often take a shower?
  • Do you like cognac?
  • Exemplary responses may sound in this way:
  • This is my favorite lesson.
  • I will never give up this.
  • My finances do not allow me to do this.
  • At any convenient case.

Cards with questions and answers fold in different hats, one person takes a question, the second is the answer. The number of questions and answers must coincide. You can continue these fun interviews until you get sick with laughter from laughter, or until you get bored.

If the contingent of your event is the youth, you should be stockpad and spicy contests. Note that this entertainment does not follow at the very beginning of the party, young people should have a little drink and relax. Otherwise, these efforts will be in vain.

Active Competition - "Kangaroo"

The presenter invites a volunteer who takes into a neighboring room. There he explains the task: the contestant must depict a kangaroo. At this point, guests report that they should not be "understanding" under any pretext, which see a kangaroo in front of them.

So, "Kangaroo" begins its actions. Guests go through all animals except Kangaroo. A poor participant jumps until he lost patience. At the same time, you can find out, whether the nerves are strong. The audience lies from laughter.

An interesting competition with lemons - "Lemon Paradise"

The girls lay on the table, all over their body laid down the lemons on the napkin. One slicker put in the mouth (It is impossible!).The guys tie their eyes, and they, choosing their girlfriend, start eating lemons. Salz can be littered with water or vodka, if it is difficult to burn. One who first coped with all the pieces of lemon.

Competition with chairs - "Soft place"

Items on the chairs of participants of different shapes: What the fantasy is posing. The girls blindfolded at the chair and determine the feelings that there is for the subject, what form and destination. The winner takes what he found under the "soft place."

How to spend at home youth party

From the word "party" deles comfort, with a camera, comfort. Party can be held in little room: room, living room, salon, cafe; But not in huge halls.

A party - It is always a circle of familiar people (friends, relatives, classmates, colleagues). The party also understand the pleasure of holding time with comrades and girlfriends.

For any parties master (however, have a good specialist In any area) it is clear that the party is successful, it is necessary to learn some nuances.

At the party, everyone will eat and drink, but the party is not only a banal dinner, even if a great prepared one. They talk here, argue, discuss, but the party cannot be considered a discussion club or reader conference. At the party everyone is playing games, participate in contests. Do not equate her to sports or to gambling. At the party, though dancing, but are not only dancing.

Here you can show the entertainment number, but this does not mean that this is a concert. Under it, there is still a rest, designed for a group of people who goes in a cozy room and includes food, communication, songs, dances and games. At this holiday, there must be dancing, since the New Year party without dancing is equivalent to soup without salt. Dances are separate, independent part Evenings or may be arranged along the way.

Party Scenario (for Youth)

The party for young people in the scenario is held by two leading: a young man and a girl, filled to grandfather and grandmother.

Grandma, leaving the scene: Look, grandfather! How many people gathered here! And what is happening? What kind of party?

Grandma: Ah, it's like me. Seagull drink and sleep.

Grandfather: almost so, grandma. Only the seagull they already drank, they will read now, to the music will be remembered in bed.

Grandma: Well, and we are with you, grandfather, in front of bedtime, wrap up, listen to the songs with the youth and bed. Creek the patefone, put our favorite.

Grandfather: What is it what?

Grandma: Yes, where silver singing with Tolkunoye ... "The Wire shakes outside the window ...".

Grandfather: You are what, grandmother. Yes, they fall asleep under this song. Clockwork need, mischievous.

Grandma: Well, so the coherent soon, and we say a lot, and they are silent, they miss.

The grandfather puts on the disc player. From the speakers sounds the song "Fashion Dance" Disco Accident.

Grandfather and grandmother: Everyone is dancing!

Grandfather: Everything, tired. Let the grandmother rest.

Grandma: what a rest. Only started all. That's fine, we started, but something, not enough.

Grandfather: I want the queen!

Grandmother: And you don't want to get a stick!

Grandfather: Yes, you stand! Queen Bala needs to choose, and even better, and the princess.

Grandma: And how to choose them? The most lubricant, or what?

Grandfather: banal it. We have an unusual evening. Come on, let the highest lady we have a queen, and the most miniature-princess.

Grandma: We ask our ladies, contenders, go to the scene. Grandfather take a ruler, measure.

Choose the Queen and Princess Bala.

Grandfather: Everything, decided! Here they are, our beauties!

Symbolic crowns are placed on the heads of the girls.

Song of A. Barykina "Queen Bala" sounds.

Grandma: now you can relax. Here I have a bottle there. Pepsi. Big. Raise it among our men 'kings. Competition them, so that they shine with their mind, surprised the girls. Magic fluid will receive the one who will present us your handkerchief.

Boys show their scarves.

Grandfather: The applicants were determined. How will we share the prize?

Grandma: And the prize will receive the one who has big sizes.

Young men unfold scarves. Award the winner of the party.

Grandfather: warming up successfully! Now we need two teams of five people on a literary contest!

The task is: each participant must write two stitches on a sheet of recalculated poem. Then, all of these lines make up a poem. The winner defines the hall.

Grandma: And that we are all for young! Our old men have honored and respect. You need to listen to us for the soul.

Grandfather: Yes, I know that it will come to us and guests of the evening. The song is alone, she sing grandmothers advanced, creative such. I forgot how to call them.

Grandma: yes from Buranova they. Buranian grandmothers.

Song sounds: Party for everybody performed by Buranian grandmothers.

Everyone is dancing.
Grandfather: Well, you grandmother and give! Won and sand with you became. Not young, because already, so dance.

Grandma: look at yourself. Beard on the side, the mustache missed. Soon you will fall out in the sediment!

Grandfather: Nothing you, grandma, do not understand. This youth returns. Energy gained in me from communication with young people. Eh, the nodded forty dropped probably.

Song of the song of the group christmas "youth" sounds.

During the execution of the song, the grandfather and grandmother remove the makeup and turn into young.

Grandma girl: Miracles however! Who we turned into!

Junior grandfather: These are nanotechnology. Young people, music and dancing anyone will make it rapid. Well, since, continue the disco party. Wear, people!

Who does not like parties? It is rumored that there are such people, however, no one has seen them. This is an article for those who are ready to hold a party at least every day, but wants to do it beautifully. Looking for ideas? Here you have 50 ideas for thematic partieshaving fun on health. I think, in this list, everyone will find for himself what suits him.

one. . Your prom I came and left, but this does not mean that you cannot survive him again.
2. Arab party in the traditions of Morocco. You can adopt the traditions of Morocco or any other country of the Arab world. Imagine - dancers, traditional Moroccan mint tea, exotic clothes.
four. . It is not so difficult to organize, only thirty years have passed. No need to buy special costumes and there are no problems with music, you can listen to the all night not aging Madonna.
five. . Tequila and incendiary Mexican music
6. Night in El Morocco: Recreate a well-known club, which was in New York from the 1930s until the 1950s in your own home. Retro style, cocktails and jazz music.
7. Party Contest Princess. Let all girls wear the diadems
8. Shrimp party. Prepare shrimps by thedium different ways. Arrange contests, competitions will be fun.
nine. . Why not invite friends on a spa party? You can arrange a contest of manicures, and all guests will be in masks for the face.
10. Party in the style of the 20s. Retro style, hats, boa, veils and all languidly squeeze cocktails
11. With ice cream. Very convenient, no food is needed. Ice cream, liqueurs, champagne, everyone is delighted.
12. . Repeat the chip of the legendary hood, let all guests are dressed only in black and white with mandatory masks
13. Flower party. Flowers on the table, on the floor, on the walls, on dresses and on the lapels of the jackets.
fourteen. . Sea beer, giant glasses, comic posters, hats in the form of beer glasses, contests.
15. Party in the pool. Bar on a floating table, playing ball, swimwear competition.
16. 60s. Stirsters, dick coloring ties, shoes pants. Well, if there is a friend who played on saksa.
17. Glamor party in Hollywood style.
eighteen. . All guests in Toga.
19. .
20. pajama partybut better let it be a bachelorette party.
21. Masks committent
22. Party in the casino. Create a casino at home at home. It is not necessary to play for money, but on undressing you can.
23. A terrible clothing party. We all have an ugly sweater or a funny hat. Than ridiculous look, the better.
24. Party tea party. The main corresponding attributes, and you can not only drink tea.
25. Ask guests to dress as they went to school.
26. Alice in Wonderland. Let the guests dress in the characters of this fairy tale.
27. Karaoke party. If you have karaoke, then everything is very simple, the main thing is more drinks so that it does not dry in the mouth.
28. And where else to find a reason to dress with a pirate.
29. Parisian cafe. Prepare several dishes of French cuisine, buy croissants and start a party with a bottle of good French wine.
30. Scientific party. All dressed in white bathrobes, on the walls posters with formulas, vodka is poured into the flasks, drink, naturally, from the tubes.
31. Cheese party. Wine and a pile of cheese varieties. We are tasting, discuss. Ask guests to bring on a piece of your favorite cheese, there will be a good reason for the discussion.
32. WIN tasting party: Put 5 bottles of your favorite wine on the table, cover them with paper bags. Guests try, write the result of tasting on the leaflet.
33. Party B. japanese style. Guests and samurai guests, from you lanterns and bamboo mats. If you do, organize.
34. Candle party. A lot of candles, slow music, high glasses with champagne. Do not forget to prepare a fire extinguisher.
35. Italian party. Everything is clear here. Pizza, Spaghetti, Good Italian Wine and Magic Italian Music
36. Hawaiian party. Bright shirts, necklaces of flowers, for extremals Herbal skirts
37. Music party. All Male guests with overhead mustache and beards. Prepare the camera, it will be fun
38. Party in the jungle. Make from the jungle room. Artificial lianas and all that.
39. .
40. Dress code in the style of James Bond.
41. The Lord of the Rings. Elfs can be glued with ears, hobbits let them go without shoes, and Gendelf acts as a leading party. Who will be Hollum, let it decide the lot
42. Roaring the 30th, prohibited whiskey, widespread hats and tightly shuttered windows
43. Party in the English pub. How to make a pub at home? Chips, beer, fish and checkered tablecloths. Something like this.
44. Red party. Doodle the whole room with red material, guests are dressed in everything red, on the table red tablecloths. Red velvet, flowers and napkins. Terribly and romantic.
45. Party in Russian fairy tales. We must negotiate in advance with the guests so that there are no two warehouses.
46.. Bright clothes and more drive.
47. Harry rubbed. Excellent theme for focus and original costumes.
48. Cankan and refined french-style furnishings.
49. Brazilian carnival. If you turn on the fantasy, you can break through the full program.
50. Svetsky Raut or Party in English. There may be various scenarios, but with strict costumes and evening dresses.