Repairs Design Furniture

Pajama party. How to make a pajama party and to prepare

Idea : holding children's Day Birth in the style of a pajama party, that is, when guests stay with you all night.

Arrange a pajama party (they are very widespread in the West and in America, but and we only gain strength) for a birthday - it is great idea, especially for girls. #

    Planning. What do you need for such a party? As a rule, it is not necessary to prepare not so much: invitations, cutlery (plates, napkins, cups and spoons - forks), gift souvenirs, scenery, and sleeping facilities and a place where to put all the guests. In addition, you may need to rent a multiple disk with movies that girls can see only consult your birthday to choose which films.


    • Make sure that you discussed with your child all the rules of holding a party before it started to clearly know what it is possible, and what can not be done.

      For the case of urgent need to collect all those present by their contact information (phone numbers, parents, addresses)

      Learn from the parents of all your future guests, is there any allergies to something, does any of the guests take some special medicines and so on.

      Provide girls a lot of free time to just chat and have fun.

    Invitations. If you have time to make invitations with your own hands, then we offer you a few ideas:

    Print (order in typography or photomagazine) All parties and text of the invitation on clean white pillowcases. Fold them and send them in the wrapper paper.

    Send your invitations with a small bear or another soft toywhich guest will have to bring to a party.

    Punch with a hole in the usual postcard invitation, a custom ribbon and tie your invitation to a new small toothbrush and toothpaste tube. Your guests can bring them to a party! Such an invitation is best sent in soft envelopes.

    Add some funny words into the text invitations, for example:

Are you ready to giggle a little and suck?

Want to taste pizza, chips and other yummy?

Then come to ________ (name of the birthday girl) to the party for the whole night and do not forget his pajamas! It will be fun!

    Decoration and decorations. For most pajama parties, you need a minimum of decorations. However, if you wish to add a little extra brilliance, enable the following ideas in the case list:

    Take a few long ribbons, drape the walls of the room where the party will pass. Hang long narrow ribbons in a row above each entrance to the main room, creating such peculiar curtains through which guests will pass.

    Decorate the ceiling with stars and other figures that burn in the dark. Your guests will like to see various images that arise only after all the lights went out.

    Scatter a variety of additional (extra) pillows, sleeping bags and blankets in the bedroom area. Your guests can take advantage of them to relax even before it comes to sleep.

    Prepare a few disks and players so that guests can dance or sing under the phonogram their favorite songs.

    Well, for even more additional brilliance, you can hang on the entire perimeter of the ceiling of white shimmering lights.

    Food and treat. Traditional treat on a pajama party is pizza, chips, vegetables, fruits, lemonade and candy. But you can come up with something more funny and interesting. For example:

    • Funny face of a bagel - Cut the bagel into two halves along, if you wish, you can fry them. Sat it with melted cheese and serve children in this form. And the children themselves will be able to draw funny frills on them with a jam or jelly.

      Cooling drinks - Serve gas production, lemonade, milk with strawberry syrup and juice with such fun curved tubes.

      Sandwiches in shape - Prepare various sandwiches with butter, cheese, jam, sprats, meat cutting, etc., and to give them various forms. Use the molds to cut the dough for cookies.

      Popcorn with fantasy - Serve ordinary popcorn, and guests can add seasoning to it to taste them: cinnamon, satellite cheese, salt and pepper, chocolate or coconut chips, etc.

      Lemonade buoyes - Take any lemonade, pour them 2-3 tablespoons of vanilla ice cream in a high glass and serve with a tube and a spoon.

In the morning you can prepare ordinary breakfast dishes and / or something more unusual, for example:

    • Smiling pancakes - Prepare pancakes, serve the cans of whipped cream, chocolate chips, cherry (from boiling or liqueur), chocolate syrup, good outdoor nuts, blueberries and any other sweets, from which you can make a pancake eye, nose, mouth, hair and t d.

      Delicious waffles - Prepare the Viennese Wafers and serve with various goodies that can be used as a fill line: Cherry, whipped cream, strawberry, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. Let every guest invents his unique ?? y wafers.

      Fruits on chopstick - Cut with large pieces of pineapple, banana, strawberry and grapes, stuck in them along a wooden skeleton or toothpick and serve to the table.

    Souvenirs for memory. If you want to thank your guests for the fact that they came to your holiday, then you can make them small gifts in memory of the beautiful time they spent with you. You can give one big gift like a CD or DVD with a film, or collect a gift from several small, for example, in pillowcase you can put: lotion, lip gloss, nail polish, candy, stickers, children's decorations, magnets, badges, pencil box, etc.

    Game "Guess the melody." Everyone will like this musical game. For it you will need a disk with popular music and player to listen to this disk. All guests sit around the player, the presenter includes all the songs in turn, and the rest should guess the song at the beginning of it, pronounce the name of the song and artist. As soon as someone knows the melody, he shouts "Stop!", The lead presses pause, and the player calls her. If he guessed, he was awarded one point, if not, everyone else continues to listen to the song, but this player has no answer (but only on this melody, the next one can already guess, like everyone else). Gambling na large quantity Melodies - wins.

    The game "Broken Phone". This fun game is known to everyone. Just give children to play it - a lot of laughter and fun provided!

    "Beauty relay." For this relay, you need a lot of space, determine where the starting line and where the return point. Divide all guests for 2 teams, build them in 2 rows perpendicular to the start. At the start near the first player, each team put on a single bathrobe, along a pair of slippers, one bath towel. Rules: The first players of each whistling team wear a bathrobe, slippers on their feet and a towel - on the head (as if only from the soul) and run to the return point, they unfold and run back to their team, they transmit all the equipment to the next player of their team. The team comes running first.

    The game "In Search Treasures". Before the part of the party, hide a few "treasures" - bags with sweets, chocolate gold coins, small toys, etc. You can make a list of tips so that they are easier to search. At the party, give the task for a certain time to find as many of these treasures as possible, or everything, if you have a "card" - list of prompts. The treasures found can be left as prizes.

    The game "I am grateful" is a very interesting version of the game of music chairs, when players are 1 more than chairs that everyone should sit on some particular team (usually, everyone goes around while music sounds, as soon as music stops, all Must find a chair for themselves and sit down to whom the chair did not get - dropping together with one chair). In this game there are few other rules: players also get up around the chairs that are one less. In turn, all players say the phrase "I am grateful to people ... with by brown eyes"I am grateful to people ... in jeans", "I am grateful to people ... in red", etc. When a player calls for that he is grateful, all those who do not have it should immediately sit on the chairs, but those who have It is starting to walk around to the music. As soon as the music stops, they must sit down. He who stayed standing out. When there are 3 players, the adult, who watches the game, should remove another chair to stay only one (i.e. 3 players and 1 chair), and say "I am grateful to people ... whose name is ..." and call All remaining players by name. Whoever sees the remaining chair, he won.

    Competition "Color". This competition can be held among very young children. Just distribute the coloring, pencils, markers, stickers and glue with glitter and time. Then devote the vote and select the best painted picture.

    Game "Beauty Station". This is a game of beauty salon, where at different stations your guests will be able to transform in real beauties. For this game you need adults at each station to trace and make some procedures themselves. So, at the "Hair Paint Station", guests can paint the hair into any unimaginable colors of the temporary satellite hair for hair, on the "hairstyle" they will make any hairstyle: curls, pigtails, tails, beams, etc. on "Manicure and Pedicure Stations "Processed (swell, cast, cut down, will be written) and paint your nails on your arms and legs. On the "Makeup Station" will make a beautiful makeup with a carcass, lip gloss, eyeliner, shadows, lipstick, etc.

    The game "Sleeping Beauty." Girls can play this game in turn. So, the leading - she is sleeping beauty - go to the floor or sofa and pretending to sleep sweetly. All other players should try to wake up (laugh), for which they can sing songs, tell the anecdotes or funny jokes, pronounce funny sounds, etc. When the sleeping beauty wakes up, she chooses the next beauty. If the sleeping beauty lasts a sleeping minute and does not shine, she gets a prize.

    "Pins of friendship." This occupation is very merry and only for friends! Make your girlfriends real homemade souvenirs for memory. Such beautiful homemade pins can be worn on a backpack, on shoes, clothes or cap! Experiment with pins of various lengths to get a unique gift! You can exchange them with your girlfriends or make such for your family. You will need: Safe pins different sizesSmall plastic and glass beads of various shapes and sizes. To make a simple single pin friendship, you just need to wear 4-6 beads on the pin on your taste - the pin is ready, it remains only to attach it to something and worn. And to make a more complex friendship pin, you need several (better than 10) single ready-made pins with beads to attach to one large pin.

Invite friends. Remember that this is not a birthday party. Therefore, do not invite more than 10 people. Too many people are more difficult to merge, besides you will need more space and more food. Just invite your closest friends. You will be more fun with people you know well. So, you will be more comfortable with your friends. You can invite only one girlfriend, but usually with several friends more fun. A suitable number of people is from 3 to 6. Remember these tips when you decide who to invite, and who does not:

  • Invite a girlfriend you want to know closer. This does not mean that you need to call absolutely unfamiliar people. Perhaps you have a girl in school who loves, for example, the books about Harry Potter. If you have common interests, then, so you can make a new friends at a party. But do not invite more than two people who you do not know. Often in such cases an awkward silence arises, and your close friends can stay without your attention.
  • Do not invite "popular" girls. However, in addition to those cases when they really are your friends. But usually such girls are not the best guests for a pajama party. Just because it is popular, it will not make you "cool". What do you do? And what about real friends?

Cook food. You will need: lunch, breakfast, dessert, light snack, drinks. Purchase food just a few days before the party. So, you do not eat everything yourself! You can also go to the cafe to dine, breakfast or eat ice cream (but only choose something one!). Choose such a meal that will not be very different, anything that everyone likes. For example, you do not need to prepare fish or vegetarian hamburgers. Nevertheless, you can offer the choice of ordinary and vegetarian hamburgers. So you have to have a meal that everyone will probably eat. Below are given simple advice Food and beverages you need. But you can always come up with something your!

  • Lunch - the most common lunch at such parties is a pizza. Many people love her. Making pizza, always prepare at least one without stuffing and one with a filling. Pizza with Pepperoni always enjoys success. You can also cook chicken, pasta, hot hot dogs and hamburgers. Find out what your friends love. But even if you do not know, just serve pizza.
  • Dessert - Be creative in this matter! A good idea for a dessert at a party is ice cream with fruits, cupcakes or pie. You can decorate them or cook them yourself. You can also buy cake or chocolate semi-finished pieces. It will save time if you need to do a lot.
  • Drinks - you always have to be water or soda. "Sprite" is well suited as a drink, but if your friends love "Cola", "Seven AP" or Rutbir, then need to be stocking too. Also fit fruit juice.
  • Breakfast - Cook waffles or pancakes for breakfast. You can ask parents to help you. You can cook toasts from the French baguette. Always serve delicious fruit, as well as orange juice and milk.
  • Easy snack - of course she will need you. Pay attention to chips, dryers, vegetables with sauces. Serve popcorn, candy, fruit, etc. The food should always be healthy!
  • Think about where you will sleep. If your bedroom is big enough to take guests, then it a good choice. Make sure in the bedroom where you will spend the night, enough space on the floor. After all, it will be dishonest towards guests, if you sleep on the bed, and they are on the floor. This option is suitable if there is enough space on the floor. If it is not, select another place. If you have an equipped basement, you can stay with friends in it. Alternatively, you can choose a hallway or living room. Any place where there is a TV, there is enough space on the floor and the table for snacks, is an excellent option for a party overnight.

    • Choose a place where your relatives usually do not spend time. No need to distract you only if you do not want your brother or sister to join you. Think in which room they most often happen. Perhaps this evening they will not be at all!
  • Cleaning. Prepare a garbage bag and throw away any trash. Throw dirty clothes in washing machine or basket, and clean hide. Wipe the TV from dust and bring the pillow and sleeping bags into the room. Plus, if necessary. Put a snack into a big bowl and put it on the table. Charge an iPod (if you have it) so that they can use. Make sure you have a lot of games and movies. No need to do general cleaning. Just check that the floor is clean, and the house looked adequately.

    • Cleaning in the bathroom - also a good idea. Your guests will use it, so well if it is clean and fresh! Plus, parents will be proud of you. Remove the entire garbage from the bathroom, make sure there is toilet paper, soap and towel. Wash the sink. If you do not know how to wash the toilet, ask your parents to help you.

    When guests profit

    1. Make a manicure. Make a different manicure and pedicure yourself and your girlfriends. If you want, you can make a special nail design for greater chic. You can also use nails stickers. Have fun and creatively approach the choice of color and design. Read these articles on class ideas for manicure:

      • Newspaper manicure
      • Manicure "Panda"
      • Chess manicure
      • Manicure comics
      • Facebook manicure
      • Manicure "Harry Potter"
      • Popcorn manicure
    2. Play in the "True or Desire." Sit in a circle. If you want, you can enable music. Ask someone from your friends the question: "True or desire?" If your girlfriend chooses the truth, then ask her an embarrassing question. If she chose a desire, then make her do something terrible, a little painful or just some nonsense. Remember, do not need to truth too personal. You do not have to answer! The same applies to the desire. Never perform dangerous actions. Your friends will understand it, and if not, then, then they are not real friends you.

      • Good desires: Kiss with a pillow or teddy beast; Imprinkize someone from the group; Describe some of the girlfriends using only 5 words, and let everyone guess who it is; Talk to the wall.
      • Good questions for the truth: for which act you most ashamed; Who are you in love with; What is the worst in life you committed; If you could change three things in ourselves, what would it be?
    3. Play games. All that will come up with a wonderful choice, but here you have a few ideas: UNO, showing (for example, show your favorite movie), Twister or in board game Cluedo. If guests are bored, play one of these games. You can also play them just for the sake of entertainment. Make sure all the guys are familiar with the rules of games. If they are not familiar, then quickly explain to them or just start playing, and they will learn them, playing. Anyway, there are such games like Twister and UNO, very simple, and many people can play in them.

      Look at movies. What pajama party do without films? You will probably need to watch movies in the evening, but not when guests want to sleep. Make popcorn, turn off the light and allow guests to choose a movie to view. You can always see other films later, but take advantage of this opportunity after you look at your friends. Make sure your girlfriends are not against those films you offer. Their rating should be PG 13 (it is not recommended for viewing without parents to persons under 13) and / or R (not recommended to persons under 17 years), but only if you and your friends have been allowed. Here is a list of films for viewing that you probably like:

      • Harry Potter
      • Pirates of the Caribbean
      • Confronting
      • Enchanted Ella
      • Up
      • Sorry I.
      • Another story about Cinderella
      • Mean Girls
    4. Do your own hands. Crafts are a good idea if you do not want to get bored. It is also a memory for you and your guests, which they can take home with them. This occupation is inexpensive and at the same time cheerful. Just what is needed during a pajama party. Here are three simple ideas For crafts with explanations how to do them:

      • Make a photo frame. Make a group snapshot. Take a few wooden frames, paint, foam stickers and sparkles. Decorate the frame. Be creative.
      • Homemade necklaces. Take a thread, balls and scissors to start cool patterns. There are sets for making homemade necklaces. Therefore, you can use them if you need extra balls or threads.
      • Decorate pillowcases. Take a few bright fabrics, glue, gems and decorations. Decorate with pillowcases, paint and draw them! Your guests can leave their signatures on these pillowcases.
    5. Take off! Turn on the music and sing on the whole voice (but only if others do not sleep). You can sing under karaoke or just swelling songs from your iPod. Dance. You can make dancing competition if you want. But leave friends without attention. Let everything, to some extent, will win. You can come up with your own dance with girlfriends and record it on the video, then to revise. If you have a mirror ball or flashing lighting, do not forget to use them!

      Play in dressing up. You might think that already adults for such entertainment, but it is not so! You can also make a fashion show, instead of dressing up. Find old hats, beads, costumes for Halloween, wigs, all your guests can wear. Be judges in turn, appreciate each other's style (be kind), a creative approach, anything on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the highest result. Let each of the girls choose a song. Show your skill!

      We have casual conversations sitting in sleeping bags. Take yourself when you get tired, but you will not go to bed. Talk to each of the girls for souls! Do not insult each other's feelings. All love interesting gossip at such parties. Talk about who is in love with. What girls "do not"? Who is a pretty, cheerful, and who is full of stupid? If you want, look at boys in the old school album. You can also talk about sports (who loves or do not love) or school (teachers, test work, homework).

      • If you see that everyone quit, release a couple of jokes, tell the scary stories or play questions. For this game, ask turns to do. For example, would you better lose your arms or legs? Kiss or ___, threw out in glass wall Before ___ or it would be for a huge pit before ___?
    6. Burst your goodies. Popcorn, chips, ice cream, pizza and lemonade are quite suitable. If someone has anything allergies, then you do not need to buy such products.

      If you have a computer and music player, then download dance music there. Dress up, Clear, Dance, Rest!

      Rent a few films. It is desirable, however, that the films were different genres - comedies, dramas, horrors, and so on, so that everyone is satisfied.

      And you can just watch TV.

      If everyone is already gathered, and time is not later, let's play on the street. Options Weight:

      • Catching: one drives, the rest - run away. When the one who drives, catch up and concerns one of the runaways, the roles are changing. If 6 people play or more, you can share the groups.
      • Hyperships. One person considers with closed eyes Up to 30, the rest at this time are hiding. The one who will find first, begins to look for the rest - although, in general, the rules on this bill are different.
      • Volleyball, football and other games with ball.
    7. Let the parents intersect the fire and eat you on it. What do you need for this? Well, at least marshmallow! Tasty will be, mmm!

      When it is dark, you can stay to play on the street or go home and watch the movie. If you have a trampoline in your yard, you can jump on it at night (or, if it's cold outside, you can stay at home).

      • Play truth or desire.
      • Talk to each other horns.
      • If not very late, parancoam.
      • Apply Makeup friend friend.
      • Take the gymnastics.
    8. Breakfast the next day with friends. A few hours later, when everything discern (or when only the closest friends remain with you), you can start cleaning.

    Fast ideas

      Here are some simple lessons for your party. Do something one or several of them. You do not need much and will still be fun, be it at home or on the street.

      Prepare a light snack. You can decorate the cookies with icing, confectionery sprinkle and M & M-som. You can cook Chex Mix flakes before watching movies. Put drying, M & MS, popcorn, raisins and marshmallows. You can also fry the marshmallow on the outdoor fire in the evening.

      Go out! Play the catch-up with lanterns. This is the same as simple catch-up, but in the dark and using flashlights. In the summer you can run through sprinklers, if there is no pool nearby. Just take a walk on the street, if still light. You can also work out at physical culture (if all the guys know how to do the wheel at least, and if they do not know, then teach them).

      Have fun in the room. Do not worry if it rains on the street. Just go to the movies. You can make makeup with eyes closed (make sure that after you wash it). Play the hairdresser. Tie your hair into a braid or make each other tails. You can stick the hair with cool hairpins, put on the berets or gum for hair. If you bored, play charaks. Remove deeper own video or take pictures of each other. Play in Wii. Some good games: Mario Kart, Wii Sports and Just Dance 2. But any other option will also come down. Hyperships are also a wonderful game that does not require additional costs.

    • A wonderful idea is to arrange an old good fight with pillows.
    • Try not to play in computer games too much. If you look at one or two video on YouTube, it is normal. But if you look at videos for an hour, it will already be harmful to health. Whatever it was, this time of spent is not very interesting, and not everyone can be at the computer at the same time.
    • Is there inflatable balls? Type water in them and combine the balls! And you can inflate them and just play volleyball.
    • Do not lead yourself strictly with friends. For example, you say: "I have an idea. Maybe we ___" instead of saying: "Let's do ___, rather!"
    • You can always arrange a spa party! Make masks for face and makeup. Let the houses be gift sets with cosmetics.
    • If the weather is good, you can go to the pool. Just warn girlfriends to prepare for the campaign to the pool. Take with you aquapalki, swimming circles and inflatable balls to play in the pool.
    • Telephone draws Cheerful occupation. Play a boy or an annoying girl. But if your girlfriends want to call the pizza pedestal, do not do it. They work a lot and spend money on gasoline. You do not need to spoil them the evening.
    • Come up with games with words. You can use ready-made games, for example, MAD-LIBS, or come up with your own game.
    • Play on the street. Play Volleyball, Lov or just to the ball. You can go for a walk and chat with girlfriends.
    • Remove video parties, take a photo, and you can see them later. They help create excellent memories. You can even remove the movie!
    • Ask girlfriends to bring cinema if you do not have good films. You can rent them.
    • Some girls love to watch the films about Barbie to laugh at them. If there are no good films, but there is a movie about Barbie, look at it.
    • You can just watch TV. Make sure your guests love entertainment serials. You can see "Aikarley", "Dance Fever", "Sponge Bob" or "Victoria-winner".
    • You can make a photo frame and put a photo taken during a party.
    • Dial the invitations on your computer or write them from your hand. You can just buy them in the store and make names.
    • Sleeping devices must be prepared in advance. Find out where you are sleeping bags. Thus, you save time and do not forget to provide all guests with sleeping bags.
    • Prepare luminous sticks and turn off the light. Make a tent from blankets, chairs, sheets, etc. Turn on cheerful music. Distribute girlfriends luminous sticks when the light is on. Turn off the light, and then guess who and what color the wand holds. In the end, such an event will end with full fun.


    • Do not think that the pajama party should be too fun. This is just a party, so too many games can tire everyone. Just spend time with friends.
    • In the game "True or Desire" do not force guests to make inappropriate actions, repeling things or something personal. You also should not do this when you are executable.
    • Be careful when cooking a dessert or breakfast. If you need help parents, ask them about it.
    • Do not deprive your friends. Whether during games, conversations, etc.
    • Do not lead yourself strictly with friends. You need everything to be melted. But guests can choose themselves than they do. Let them choose entertainment.
    • Make sure the age of your friends allows them to watch your selected movies. Thus, you will not have trouble.
    • Do not wake friends if they have already managed to fall asleep. If they are tired, it is normal not to disturb them. Never hook over them if they are very susceptible to jokes.
    • Do not awake all night. You just feel fatigue throughout the day. At least sleep a little.
    • Some of your friends can be vegetarians, so cook for them appropriate food.
    • Make sure your parents will be at home and do not mind your party. They must approve this event.
  • How to organize a pajama party for girls? How to make the original invitation to the pajama party with your own hands?

    What contests to prepare? What food and drinks to buy? Answers to these and some other questions you will find here.

    Chat and have mercy all night long with your girlfriends, go to bed in the morning, and then wake up from the smell of a delicious breakfast, cooked a caring mom - almost an ideal way to celebrate your own birthday for girls from 10 to 16 years. But the pajama party is not at all necessary to arrange only on the occasion of the birthday. Help your child to organize an unforgettable leisure. A pajama party, like any other, requires careful preparation. What should I do?

    Everyone knows that the pajama party will pass successfully, if you have a non-ferrous soft blanket, a DVD player, books with terrible stories and a few desktops (in our case - "less" or outdoor games). In this article we offer to your attention the ideas that will help make a holiday special.

    First, you should think about the invitation! How to make an invitation to a pajama party with your own hands?We suggest try two original ideas.

    Invitation to a pajama party with your own hands

    Invitation to the pajama party №1 "Invitation in the pillowcase." No one can leave such an invitation. And make it very easy! You will need: a piece of fabric (for example, 24x12 cm.), As well as carved outcard-invitation card (10x5 cm) carved from blue cardboard. Sign the postcard, decorate it to your own taste and desire. Fit a piece of cloth in half (you will get a rectangle with a size of 12x6 cm), cut it on the sides from the wrong side. Remove the resulting pillowcase, put an invitation in it. Is it really a charming invitation?

    Invitation to a pajama party №2 "Invitation under a blanket". You will need: two sheets of paper. From one you fold the envelope - "bed", from the other - wake up an invitation that invest in it. The envelope can be done very easily, just after folding the sheet in half and gluing his edges (do not forget to make a slot where the edge of the blankets). Invitation can write on simple paper, folded several times (as a simple note), draw eyes and mouth on it, "put" on the pillow, putting the bulk of the note under the blanket.

    In invitations you can write that you should bring to guests with you (toothbrushes, slippers, a favorite movie, etc.).

    How to decorate the room to a pajama party?

    After invitations are ready and awarded to guests, it's time to think about preparing the premises. The ideal pajama party that guests spend lying on the floor. Therefore, the bed in the children's room is a big warm carpet, lay out on it as much as possible decorative pillows, plaid. Pick up lighting on the occasion: you will be useful for a small night lamp with pink, red or orange lampshade.

    What things are needed to guests and hostess parties?First, the camera (be sure, girls will start to pose each other as soon as you leave the door), secondly, TV and DVD player with your favorite disks of the hostess. Well, of course, do not forget about the pajamas! We also advise you to leave the paper, handles and pencils in the room - can come in handy for contests.

    Menu for a pajama party

    It all depends on the preferences of children. But there are some products and treats that go with a bang:

    · Popcorn

    · Fruit juices and lemonades

    · All sorts of sweets

    You can inspire the following idea: try creating cake in the form of a bed and sleeping girls. For this you will need biscuit korzh, biscuits oval and round shape, cream, chocolate for decoration. Biscuit korzh need to cut so that it becomes rectangular shape. Use the cream to make pillows. Next, it is necessary to post cookies (oblong, and above it - round, it will be a head). Cream Cover the lying figures - it will be a blanket. If you manage to achieve at least minimally similarities with guests when drawing with a cream of parts - the cake will have a stunning success!

    What contests and games can be held on a pajama party?

    We bring to your attention an article "Contests for a pajama party" (here you will find the ideas of organizing the evening).

    More games and contests for a pajama party Look in the article game for a pajama party (in this article you will find materials for games and contests you can download and print for free)

    One of the most interesting options For a birthday or friendly evening is a pajama party. After all, this kind of party is extremely rare, interesting and unusual.

    Your party will be remembered by all those present if you take into service our ideas for a pajama party at home.

    How to arrange a pajama party so that she remember?

    To begin with, pay attention to. After all, as you know, people meet all "by clothes", which is why it is necessary to take everything with organizational rigor :).

    So, in order to send an invitation to a pajama party to guests, you can use the banal option - to create a group or event in VKontakte and invite everyone to all you want to see.

    However, this is no longer surprised by this. Maybe we will try to come up with something new?

    For example, send an invitation by mail. To do this, you need: the mailing address of friends, envelopes and brands. Printing invitations on a color printer and sent them by mail, you create a long-tailed tradition - Sat each other letters.

    In the invitation, do not forget to specify a party type, a place - most likely a pajama party will take place at home, date and time and special conditions, if they are of course there.

    Below can be attributed that all those who come with their pillow receive a prize. As a prize, you can use candy, a jar of condensed milk or lullaby in the performance of the evening mistress.

    A more lightweight option for guest invitations can be the use of e-mail. Just develop an invitation design in Word and, filling it in the previous scheme, send to your friends addresses.

    You can also give the invitation to all friends in person personally, because you are most likely to meet at school, institute or at work.

    Samples for which you can make your unique invitation to a pajama party You can find a little below 🙂

    So, guests are invited, now we have to come up with What you need to enable in the menu for a pajama party and how to entertain guests 🙂

    I must say right away that a pajama party is not a standard feast that is popular at the bottom of birth. No hot dishes, salads and other things.

    A pajama party is a kind of buffet, where people move and sit where it is comfortable, and each in their hands is a small plate, full snacks.

    The approximate menu can be compiled by using the article "". However, there are several items that are indispensable on a pajama party.

    • An interesting move will be using a milk cocktail in the menu.
    • Also, do not forget to take care of the availability of tea, coffee, warm milk or cocoa.
    • Come up with a special dish, which will be served to guests as "hello from the cook" and come up with the original name to him. For example, snack "Sleeping Beauty" or Cocktail " Good night, kids "

    It is also necessary to think about how to spend and file a pajama party In my house for the marked number of guests.

    Count, who will sit, have enough to be enough for all cozy and warm places. Sofas, chairs and chairs, you need to hide the plaids, you also need a large number of pillows to create a warm atmosphere.

    For a pajama party, it is forbidden to use high top light - use sconces, small table lamps With lampshots of peach, yellow, red and barded tones.

    Not sufficient number Plaids? Ask all those invited to come with your own :).

    Many immediately arises the question - what to do on a pajama party? The answer is simple - have fun, like on any other, listen to music, tasty to eat and take pictures.

    You can jump on the bed, arrange a battle with pillows or arrange a contest for the best pajama suit :). You can also think about the game on a pajama party in advance:

    • Prepare a field and a place for twister, hide and seekers, battle with pillows or darts.
    • Arrange interesting team contestsfind which you can in our article.
    • Play in the usual "". I note that a person showing a lamppost in pajamas is a fun sight.
    • For a pajama party will also be very relevant and will help to entertain guests.

    If you decide to hold a pajama party like a birthday, then take care of the presence of balloons that will create an even more festive atmosphere.

    If you have questions, how to organize and make a pajama party, then I am happy to answer them in the comments.

    I wish to have fun!

    Do not know what to prepare contests and games for a pajama party? We present a selection of cheerful entertainment for maidial gatherings. Using these contests and games, you will resolve a crazy pajama party for the company, both schoolgirls and adult girls!

    Contests for a pajama party

    Competition "Fight pillows"

    Battle pillows - classic pajama party. And it is not surprising that there are several options for this contest. The main thing is that the pillows are not very large and with artificial fillers.

    Option number 1

    On the floor there are two hoops (they can be replaced with ribbons laid out in the form of a circle). Each participant becomes the center of its circle and begins the pillow. The battle continues until someone from the opponents comes to the hoop limits. You can complicate the task, offering participants to become only one leg.

    Option number 2.

    Participants are divided into pairs. The rivals take turns in turn opposite each other, "armed" with pillows. "Fight" lasts a certain time, for example, 3 minutes. Then everyone receives awards in comic nominations: "The most elegant blow", "the most loyal attitude to the opponent", etc.

    And do not forget to make a photo during the custodial battle or remove everything for the video!

    Competition "Best Pajama"

    Why not arrange a defile in pajamas and not define best outfit? Let each contestant present his outfit and tell why he chose him. Then voting is carried out and the best pajamas is determined in different nominations "the most glamorous", the "most original", "most comfortable", etc.

    Competition "Best History"

    History of the holiday you need to buy "Kinder surprises" - one for each girlfriend. For the game, everyone disassembled one "egg", in turn printing them and get the toy. Then you need to come up with a story in which the main character is this toy and necessarily "pajamas".

    After all the stories are voiced, the most original (cheerful, terrible, etc.) is selected. His author receives a prize. You can come up with several nominations so that no one is offensive.

    Competition "Find your pillow"

    Since the pajama party involves the night, then many pillows have already been prepared in the room. They need to be folded into one row - it will be the props for the game. One participant is selected. She is offered to consider their pillow, take her hands, feel it, remember Features. Then the girl tie his eyes. The pillow is put among the rest. Participant need to find the power pillow. The time spent in search is recorded, and at the end of the competition, the winner is determined - the one who has found a pillow faster than others.

    Competition "Where My Slippers"

    This comic competition is suitable for a pajama party with the number of guests from five to six. Since the dressing code includes slippers, there will be no problems with the details. All home shoes participants need to be collected in a bunch. At the command, players run up to slippers and are looking for their pair of slippers. Wins the one who will cope first. To complicate the task, you can add a couple of "Self-Tapkov" a couple.

    Games for a pajama party

    For entertainment, requires props: sheets of paper, handles, beautiful box. Take care of the good camera, as it will see what. So, first distribute parties for several sheets of paper and handles to all guests. They need to write to one word on a specific topic: the name of the action, food or emotion.

    Then all the pieces are folded into the box, mixed. Each participant of the game chooses one note. She needs to portray the written word, and the audience - to guess it. The brightest moments take a picture!

    Fun will like all guests party, regardless of their age. For the game you will need socks (as many as participants) and various small items: beads, buttons, details of the designer, candy, hairpin, cap from the handle (the main thing is that there is nothing dangerous). In each sock, the leading is hiding in advance one object. Then guests take turns choose their own sock, sit on the chair, put it on foot and try to determine what is inside. You can only use fingers to feet!

    Excellent entertainment for a crazy pajama party for which ordinary soap bubbles are needed. Participants are invited to compete in the following nominations: "The biggest soap bubble"," The most long-lived soap bubble "," the far flying soap bubble ", etc.

    This is fun - not just a game for girls on a pajama party, and a way to better know your girlfriends. You need to prepare a card for each participant in advance with questions:

    • Favorite dish -
    • Favorite color -
    • Favorite actor -
    • Favourite song -

    The list can be continued at its discretion. Girls are invited to answer themselves, and then - about each girlfriend. Then all the answers are checked. For each coincidence, one point. The girl who scores a greater number of balls is wins.

    Each participant receives an air ball and a marker (for disks or glass to draw well). All the same task is the same: blindfolded with eyes, nose and mouth on the ball. Then the premises are decorated with the received masterpieces.

    We wish a fun and bright pajama party!