Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a little pond in the country. How to arrange a pond on your own dacha. Video - Creation of a pond from the film

How nice in a hot summer time spend a few hours at a shady pond or lake! Of course, it is great, if there is one in the neighborhood. However, most often we spend free summer days in the country, and not everyone has money for a large country house and landscape designer services. In this case, nothing else remains how to make a pond with your own hands, especially since it is not so difficult.

It all depends on your imagination, the size of the plot and what is available at hand. If you make a little effort and cash, then the country's pond will not only please you, but also cause a burning envy of your neighbors.

Your size and form are primarily dependent on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site allotted under these objectives. But the larger the pond area, the easier it is for him to take care - you need to clean more often. If you plan to start fish and plant a lot of aquatic plants, then a small reservoir will not suit you, because it is very difficult to maintain the right ecobalance.

The best place for the homepoint will be an open part of the site, at the same time protected from a strong wind. It is not worth placing a reservoir on a well-lit place: the location should be so that the sun's rays do not fall into the water for more than 6 hours in a row, otherwise it will bloom, and only frogs will be able to live there. Doubtful perspective, right? At the same time, if the lighting is insufficient, the plants will develop a slowly, and a beautiful corner for rest will not work.

If you decide to equip a small fountain, you will need a pond scheme to properly connect the pump and other equipment. Having attached a little effort, the plan can be sketched yourself. Of course, it will be necessary to think about the proximity of the location of the power supply network.

Do not have your home reservoir under the crowns of trees. First, it will lead to additional pollution of water with foliage foliage, and it will have to clean the pond much more often, and secondly, the roots of the tree can damage the reservoir bed, and it will quickly disperse.

Well, of course, all the idea becomes useless if you cannot enjoy a beautiful view from the window or from the terrace, so, planning to make a pond on the plot with your own hands, do not forget about the aesthetic side of the question.

Rigid-based home pond

If you are a supporter of thorough, durable construction, then you can approach the process with a scope: digging the pitted size and with the help of metal reinforcement and cement to cast a pond concrete bowl. Such a design will definitely cost a lot, but it will last for many years (at least 30). If you are not an adherent of a global approach, you can do the option easier and cheaper.

So, how to make one of the most elementary ways to make a dream to reality, is a ready "bowl", which can be purchased in the store. Perhaps the main disadvantage of this option will be that inventing your original reservoir form will fail, you will have to be content with the proposed assortment.

The most inexpensive solution is the plastic pond of a small size, from 4 to 8 m 2. Of course, there are more molds, but they already belong to the category of pools and are much more expensive. When choosing a container, it is necessary to pay attention to its depth - it should be at least 0.8-1 meters. In the summer, water in such a pond will warm up completely, and all its inhabitants will be comfortable, well, in winter, such a reservoir will not be lazy to the bottom, which is also very important.

If you decide to organize a pond on the plot with your own hands and want to use a ready-made basis for this, then first of all you need to study the materials from which forms are made - there are also several nuances here.

The simplest and cheap option can be the usual plastic container, but it has its drawbacks. First of all, you need to be very neat during transportation and installation - such a tank can crack even with a slight bend. The plastic also has the property of collapse from sunlight, which means that the life of such a product is not too large - 5-10 years.

If you want your reservoir to serve longer, choose forms from special reinforced plastic - they have a much longer life (up to 20 years). Such tanks are more plastic and less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

The most qualitative and, of course, expensive are products made of fiberglass on a rubber-based basis. Such a form is resistant to temperature difference, it does not destroy from the effects of sunlight and does not release harmful substances into the water, which is very important for the inhabitants of the reservoir. It will last such a reservoir for more than 30 years, in addition, it can be repaired, which prolongs the time of use practically for an unlimited period.

The construction of fiberglass bath ponds is a simple process, and its result is quite aesthetic, since these forms are of different colors, and on some even applied, imitating stones, sand or fine pebbles. This allows you to beautifully disguise the edges of the reservoir and give it the most natural look.

Build yourself

So, to build a pond on the site with your own hands, first of all you need to decide on the location and form of the reservoir. Defined? We proceed to construction work:

  1. To begin with, placing the contour of the pit. Make it very simple - set the form in the right place and outline its silhouette with the help of a regular bayonet shovel, tightly pressing the cuttings in the edge of the bath.
  2. To the resulting circuit, add about 20 cm to plug the plastic pond sand.
  3. If you have acquired a form with a ledge, then each level needs to be placed and digged separately, from more to a smaller, do not forget to add 10-15 cm on each floor for a sandy substrate.
  4. When the pit will be ready, his edges should be pretty loosen and tamped, choose all the glass, stones and roots of trees. If this is not done, you can damage the form. Then you need to pour and carefully tackle the sand with a layer of at least 10 cm - it will save your pond from drawdown.
  5. Install the plastic form and make sure that it costs exactly, for this you can use the rule. After that, carefully fill the pond with water by approximately a third, trying not to move it from the spot.
  6. The gaps between the edge of the pit and the shape carefully pour sand. It should be monitored so that no emptiness remains. For which periodically water the soil with water, but try so that the pressure is not too strong.

During the week, after installation, regularly water the water of the earth around the pond and slut the sand as needed. After the soil sedimentation stops, it is possible to completely fill with reservoir, to decorate the edges of the pond bowl by stones, tumor and plant decorative plants.

Cottage water from flexible materials

Now let's talk about how to make a pond on the plot, if you buy the finished capacity is not possible or you want to equip a large bizarre form.

The fiscal option in this case will be the use of conventional polyethylene with a thickness of at least 500 microns. However, despite the fact that it costs quite inexpensively, there are quite a few minuses of such a coating. The fact is that polyethylene is a rather subtle material, it is very easy to damage, and under the action of sunlight, it becomes fragile and quickly collapsed. The reservoir on the polyethylene substrate will serve you for a maximum of 2-3 years.

PVC film for the pond - the material is also not too expensive, but much more durable, such a coating can withstand 8-10 years. Polyvinyl chloride coating is the usual and two-layer, in which a woven grid is laid for strength. Of course, PVC has the same disadvantages as polyethylene - destroyed under the action of ultraviolet, it is easily cut and rushes, but, unlike the latter, it can be repaired. For this, special sets are sold. In addition, PVC stretches better, and after filling the pond, most of the folds are stretched with time and straighten.

The most expensive, but at the same time, the highest quality is the coating made of butyl rubber: the service life of such a material is about 50 years, and the sun's sunshine is nipple. In addition, butyluccule is not afraid of low temperatures, so you do not have to merge water from the pond in winter. This is a very flexible and plastic material that can withstand significant loads, so if you decide to equip a spacious reservoir of an unusual form, without him you just do not do.

Location Kotlovan

To equip a pond on the plot with your own hands, you will need:

  • pegs;
  • rope;
  • film coating;
  • geotextile or felt;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone or large pebbles;
  • shovel;
  • special set for repairing film coating;
  • bricks;
  • garden hose for watering;

With the help of twine and pegs, it is necessary to place the desired form of the pit and start up to earthworks. If you plan to break the pond of quite large sizes, you can attract an excavator. During the work, it is necessary to ensure that the ledges and the descent are alternate, it will make the shores of the pond are more stable. It is also necessary to provide terraces (width of at least 30 cm) for planting plants. Descents from one level to another need to be made sufficiently gentle, with an inclination angle to 45˚.

It should be remembered that the depth of the pond should not be less than 80 cm, otherwise the water in it will freeze to the bottom, and its inhabitants will die. Thus, it is necessary to dug the pit, about 15-20 centimeters exceeding the intended sizes of the reservoir. This is necessary in order to be able to plug the terrace and the bottom of the pond with sand, to avoid drawdown and damage to the film. The sand pillow needs to thoroughly align and tamper, pre-removing from the bottom of all pebbles, sharp sticks and roots of plants.

Drainage and waterproofing

When the drainage pillow from the sand is ready, go to the next stage of work. So that the film for the pond remains as long as possible, the geotextile should be used on the sand layer, better in 2 layers. Next, we can weigh the film itself and fix it on the shores with the help of bricks or large stones. Do not try to straighten and decompose all folds - let it make water for you.

Flexible placing in such a way that its end is in the center of the future reservoir, and begin to serve water, following the pressure not too strong. As the pond is filling, the water is partially freeing the edges of the film and straighten it on the slopes of the pit. After the reservoir is filled to the edges, leave it for 1-2 days. During this time, under the severity of water, the film will place and fill all empties.

After it completely sees, you need to trim the extra pieces, leaving at least 40-50 cm for the arrangement of the shores. The edges are fixed with pegs or special metal arms, and after disguised with tilgear, large stones and pebbles. It's time to install the pump, reorganize the hoses from the fountains and do disembarking plants.

Pond over ground in the country

When there are kids in the family, then one of the main problems in the construction of the reservoir: how to make a secure pond. It is best that such a water will be slightly raised above the surface of the soil. First, it greatly facilitates care for it, and secondly, the risk of being significantly reduced that small children or pets are accidentally falling there.

In this case, you can not do without reinforced concrete foundation. Drop the pond in the deepest part of it, form the terraces for plants, as in the previous case. On the shores of the reservoir with a wooden formwork, fill the concrete foundation of the desired height, for strength it can be reinforced with a metal grid. After the foundation is completely dry and disappeared (for this you need at least two days), the formwork can be removed, and the inner walls are placed before smoothness. This will help avoid breaking the film. We put it down the bottom of the pit and fill the bowl of water. At the same time, the edges of the material are fixed so that they are behind the concrete fence. After the pond is filled, we give water to settle, cut off the excessive film, fix it and decorate the edges of the bowl.

Inventory: What will take

Of course, the construction of ponds is not easy, but what you can't do for yourself, because if everything is organized correctly, the result will delight the eye more than one year.

However, it is not enough to build a domestic reservoir - you need to care for him. Here are some technical devices that you will be very useful:

Care rules for country reservoirs

The pond in the garden is definitely very beautiful, but if you do not want to become a happy owner of a personal swamp, in which frogs drink in the evenings, then you need to care for it. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the water in it does not bloom. Of course, it is best to purchase a special system of cleansing, but this is unfortunately, pleasure is not cheap. However, there is another, more affordable tool: Take a bag of canvas and score it to place such a "surprise" under water, and algae at the bottom of the pond will not remain.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the reservoir - regularly remove the garbage from the surface and topping the water as evaporation. If your pond is small, then for the winter period it is recommended to completely dry, and for large reservoirs, complete cleaning is needed at least 2-3 times a year, the water is needed to completely pump out.

From the fact that

And what to do those who do not allow the size of the site even a small reservoir? Do not get upset: a small pond can be equipped in a parisader, adapting a cropped metal barrel or just a large basin for these purposes. Such a minibar can be accommodated even on the balcony of the city apartment, reagreeing the container with brakes with pebbles or mosaic. Of course, the murmur of the fountcher at such a "reservoir" you will not hear, but the coolness and the rainy greenery of aquatic plants are provided to you.

The idea to dig up on his plud the pond came to me a few years ago. But, since the work is this time-consuming and difficult in terms of a creative approach, its beginning was postponed for a long time. Finally, during the next vacation, I decided to take the case and perform step-by-step all the actions necessary to create a pond. It was decided to make a pond film, with a geotextile lining. Plant with plants and start fish. For fish install aerator. Water circulation is also planned due to a small waterfall with three cascades. It was originally made, even before digging the pit under the pond, from the pile of stones laid on the man-made clay slide. Water will circulate along a closed circle from a pond to a waterfall using an inexpensive bottom pump.

That's all the source data. Now I start directly to the story about the construction of the pond, trying not to miss the details.

First of all, I took a shovel and dug the pit with dimensions in terms of 3x4 m. The form tried to do a natural, rounded, without sharp corners. After all, in nature, the coastal lines are always smooth, without straight lines, these must be adhered to and when creating an artificial pond. In the deepest point, the boiler reached 1.6 m below the ground level. It could be done less, but in my case it is planned to divorce the wintering fish for which at least 1.5-1.6 m is required.

There are 3 terraces on the lifting of the pit. The first (shallow water) is at a depth of 0.3 m, the second - 0.7 m, the third - 1 m. All 40 cm wide, so that there was an opportunity to establish pots on them with plants. The terracement is performed for a more natural type of water stroit. And also to accommodate aquatic plants, from the form of which will depend on the number of terraces and their depth. You need to think about it in advance. For the landing of Rhoze, for example, the depth is needed - 0.1-0.4 m, for nymphi - 0.8-1.5 m.

Drive under the pond should be multi-level, with several terraces

Stage # 2 - Staying geotextile

Kotlovan was dug, stones and roots were chosen from the bottom and walls. Of course, you can immediately begin the flooring floor, but this option seemed to me too risky. First, seasonal ports of the soil can lead to the pebbles that were in the soil thickness, change their position and sharp edges will break through the film. The same happens if the roots of trees or shrubs growing near, reach the film. And the last factor - on our site there are mice that the underground moves and, if desired, will easily get to the film. Need protection. Namely - geotextile. It will not give rodents, roots and other unpleasant factors to damage the film.

I bought a geotextile 150 g / m 2, gently lay it out and a little started the edge ashore (about 10-15 cm - as it turned out). Temporarily fixed stones.

Geotextile is laid with the head of the edges ashore

Stage # 3 - Waterproofing

Perhaps the most responsible stage - the creation of waterproofing. They can be neglected if the hydrogeological conditions of your site allow you to create natural reservoirs. But such cases are very rare and better not to risk, so that then I did not have to redo everything.

So, the waterproofing is needed. In my case, it is a dense butyl rubber film, specially intended for ponds and water bodies.

Initially, I want to dissuade you from the use of polyethylene films sold in ordinary shopping stores and used for upholstery of greenhouses. Especially if the pond is large enough. Says such insulation of 1-2 years, then, most likely, will give to flow and you have to redo everything. Excess headaches and spending are provided. Need a special film, for ponds - from PVC or butyl rubber. The last option is the highest quality, the strength of the butyl rubber film is enough for 40-50 years for sure, and maybe even more. Plus rubber waterproofing in the fact that it stretches perfectly. Water pressure in the pond will sooner or later lead to the sorting of soil. Film in this case is stretched. PVC can crack or disperse on the seams. Butyl rubber just stretches like rubber, it can withstand a significant stretching without consequences.

The dimensions of the film necessary for my pond, I calculated as follows: The length is equal to the length of the pond (4 m) + double maximum depth (2.8 m) +0.5 m. The width is defined in the same way.

I spread the film on top of geotextile, withdrawing 30 cm edge ashore. She tried to smooth out the folds at the bottom and walls, but did not exceed it. I decided to leave, as is. Moreover, the folds will compensate for the temperature changes and pull it too tightly just necessary.

Kotlovan, covered with butyl rubber film, will hold water in the pond

After layout, it is necessary to fix the edges of the film. It is impossible to leave them open on Earth, because water will fall between the film and the walls of the pit. Inevitably the appearance of water bubbles, due to which the film will have to be removed. And this is very difficult, especially at large sizes of the pond.

I decided to stick the edges of the film and thereby firmly fix them. At a distance of 10 cm from the edges of the pond, I dug a groove, a depth of 15 cm. I lay inside the edge of the film and poured them with the earth. From above, it ended the whole thing to the turf. It turned out a real coastline, overgrown with grass!

Stage # 4 - Water Running

Now you can run water. I threw the hose in the pit and pumped water from the well from the well. Water was recruited several hours. As the folds fill, the films were knocked out, they had to paint them. But at the end, the stretch was quite uniform.

Pond, filled with water, should be stated for some time to install biobalans

And another important detail, which is worth mentioning. Together with clean water from the well, I flooded in the pond of a bucket of water from a natural reservoir. It is necessary to accelerate the formation of biobalans. In other words, water from the reservoir with an existing biosphere will help to quickly install the same in the new pond. There will be no balance, water will fit and green out in a matter of days. And in a short time, it will be not a pond, but a swamp with greenish fat. The activation of the biosystem will also contribute to the plants planted into the water to the bottom.

At the depth of 0.5 m, I immersed the pump, the water is fed to the upper cascade of the waterfall and on a small garden fountain. The separation of water is adjustable directly on the pump.

Circulation of water in the pond occurs due to the fountain and waterfall

Stage # 5 - Plant Locking and Running Fish

Plants - a separate topic. I wanted to plant a lot of things that the pond immediately, from the first days, created the appearance of a natural, natural reservoir. Therefore, I went to the market and scored the swamp irises there, white workers, water hyacinths, a few nymph. For landscaping the shore, he took a couple of buns of Lobelia, a coychant velbeyn, White Call bulbs.

Upon arrival, it seemed to me a little, so I made a pickup on the nearest pond (from which the water scum for biobalansa) and dug out several bushes of the young Rogoznik. It will grow and clean the water. It is a pity that there is nothing more suitable in this pond. And I would not have to buy anything. You may be lucky more and in a nearby pond you will find all plants for landscaping your own pond. After all, almost all aquatic plants grow in our natural reservoirs. With some fraction of luck, you can find and narrow the Courtyard, Rogoznik, Yellow Iris, Air, Derboynik, Kubashka Yellow and much more.

On the upper terrace I put balcony boxes and baskets with hungry, white-boxed, water hyacinths, swamp irises. Salted in heavy fertile soil, covered with pebbles from above, so that the fish did not remove the soil and did not pull the roots.

Nymphi planted in the basket - I have 4 of them. Also on top hopped pebbles. Placed baskets on the middle terrace, the one that is 0.7 m in depth. Then, as the stalk grows, I will lower the basket below until I install it for 1-1.5 m above the water level.

On shallow water planted in baskets and drawers aquatic plants

The flowers of the nifs are held only a few days, then close and fall under the water.

Lobelia and velbeyn coinsulated seedlings along the coastline. There was Calla on the side of the bulb. The shipyanik very quickly began to lower his branches directly to the pond. Soon and the films on the rise will not be visible! Everything will tarnish grass, truck, whitefly and other planted plants.

Initially, the water in the pond was clean, like a tear. I thought it would be so. But, after 3 days, I noticed that the driver was cloudy, the bottom was not already visible. And then, a week later, she became clean again - a biological equilibrium established. I waited two more weeks and decided that it was time to start the fish - all the conditions for her stay were created.

I went to the bird market and bought a few suitable copies of the comet (almost a goldfish) and crucia - gold and silver. Total 40 fish! Released everyone. Now be frozen near the fountain.

Pond with launched fish looks magic!

Aerator was connected to a comfortable fish stay. The compressor is 6 W, so it works constantly, no consumption of electricity. Winter aerator is especially useful. Water saturation with oxygen and wormwood will be provided.

On this master class can be completed. I think that it turned out very well. The most important indicator of this is clean water. As such, I do not have mechanical filtering. The balance is regulated by a multitude of plants, aerator, water circulation through a waterfall and a fountain with a pump.

As for Finance, the most funds went on a butyl rubber film. Kotlovan Fly I myself, if you hire an excavator or a dog brigade will have to pay, but the pit will be dug quickly. Plants are not too expensive (and if they take them from a natural pond, then in general - free), fish - too.

So everything is real. If significant labor costs are not afraid (especially for killets) and the need for a creative approach - ahead. As a last resort, if the designer vest is not lucky, extract photos of ponds in magazines or on the pages of specialized sites. Find what you like, and try to make something similar. And then - enjoy the resulting result and its own reservoir on the site.

Ivan Petrovich

Artificial reservoir - the spectacular component of the landscape design, designed to give peace and pacification. What could be more pleasant than sitting in the served roses and admire the mirror surface reflecting the snow-white clouds and blooming shrubs? We have long been dreaming about a small pond, but there is not enough money for its arrangement? No problem. You can make it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. All that is necessary for this is to carefully read this article and apply the knowledge gained in practice! So, how to make an artificial pond: instructions for creating your own hands.

Artificial pond on the plot

Choose the right place for the pond

The right choice of place for the pond is a guarantee that he will really please the gaze of clear water, and not to scare the surrounding stormy "blooming". Artificial reservoir should be lit by the Sun 6-7 hours a day. It is important to find a gold middle, because The surplus of the Sun will lead to intense reproduction of algae, and its disadvantage - to the complete extinction of "decorative inhabitants."

The pond should be located on an open surface, in relative distance from trees. Otherwise, you encourage yourself for constant leaning from it branches and fallen foliage. In addition, the root of the plant roots can damage the base or break the film. Do not forget that homemade lake needs from time to time to clean and change water in it. Well, if the source of pure water will be nearby - this will solve the problem of filling.

Registration of recreation area with a small reservoir

Dimensions and design

As for the sizes, everything, of course, individually and depends on the area of \u200b\u200byour possessions. It is believed that the reservoir should occupy about 3% of the land area. But it is already to solve you. It is not necessary to make a pond too deep - it will be difficult to care for him. Provide three degrees of depth. The first will belong to coastal plants, the second - water lily, the third - fish.

If we talk about the design of the future reservoir, then you should be repeated from your preferences and style of an existing landscape. Would you like to emphasize the rigor and geometry of the house? Square or rectangular pond - the best solution. Those who dream of filling the space eastern motifs should be supervised for small irregular shape reservoirs, bounded by smooth boulders and low trees with bright foliage.

Original artificial reservoir

Round ponds on a green lawn are very popular, surrounded by original lamps. You can make a bridge from a terrace board through a reservoir of a terrace board, smash the flower beds nearby, form the stone tracks, thus creating an ideal atmosphere for a full-fledged rest.

Reservoir perfect round shape

Materials for artificial reservoir

Pond can be made from different materials. Most often used film, butyl rubber rubber or ready-made containers. Which option to choose is to solve only you. But before - consider their advantages and disadvantages.

  • PVC film. Beautiful material for homemade reservoirs. You can easily build the design of the desired form. If you need to disassemble, this will not be difficult. The available price of the film provides each opportunity to become the owner of a beautiful pond without significant financial costs. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the disadvantage of the material, i.e. After some time, you will have to take care of the construction of a new reservoir.

The process of laying PVC films in the pit

  • Butyl ache tires. Like PVC, the film allows you to create ponds of any form, but has a lot of additional advantages. Rubber is able to withstand high loads and maintain excellent strength characteristics for a long time. Of course, these advantages do not directly affect the cost - in this case it will be an order of magnitude higher.

Butyl rubber tires for the pond device

  • Ready plastic tanks. The fastest way to get an attractive lake. Plastic containers are durable, resistant to adverse weather conditions, but have a limited range of sizes and shapes.

Small pond from the finished tank

Some craftsmen build ponds from what is found in the garage - from the old bath, barrels suitable in size pelvis, trough and even tires from the tractor. Well, you can and so. Originally and fully deserves attention.

Sequence of work

Creating a pond with the help of PVC film is considered the most common, so consider it.

  • Compile plan. Before proceeding directly to the work, sketch the approximate plan with the width and depth of the future pond. It is advisable to think in advance decoration. This approach will avoid alterations and as a result, to get what I wanted;
  • Decess the contours of the pond. It is possible to do this by means of an ordinary hose or simply scattering sand on the estimated borders of the reservoir. Think again, whether everything suits you - at this stage you can change something;
  • ROOM KOTLANA. We start excavation work. We form the first two yarus of the reservoir. Approximate depth - 30 cm, width - 20 cm. Then dig up the main bowl. Please note that the general depth should be more than 80 cm. Otherwise, in the summer, it will be too hot in your pond, and in winter it is too cold. In such conditions, there is hardly someone or something to live there;
  • Measure sizes. Boiler is ready, now we measure its size and depth. Adds 50 cm around the edges, and with the figures obtained boldly go to a specialized store to purchase the desired amount of film;
  • We put the bottom and walls of the film. To extend the life of the polyvinyl chloride, geotextiles, linoleum, rubberoid or at least pour sand under it. If you do this on a hot sunny day, you can achieve a maximum elasticity from the material and easily give it the desired form;
  • Fix the edge. To do this, dig a trench, we put the wrapped ends of the film in it and fall asleep with crushed stone for greater reliability. To eliminate the sinking of the edges of the reservoir will help pipes made of plastic, nailed to spickers;
  • Decorating the pond. Decorate the edges of the reservoir by stones, install a backlit fountain, place containers with plants into the bowl. In the coastal zone you can settle the bow and the marsh iris. In shallow water - Ramysh and Air. Deepodye will be a great place for water lily, aqueous hyacinth, aldosei, aponoghethon;
  • Pour water. After graduating from the preparatory work, you can pour water into the pond. Prevent the stress will help the stream, which will ensure continuous circulation. The source is raised above the reservoir level, the water is supplied with a pump that rests on the bottom. Do not forget to install the cleaning filter.

Video: Instructions for a pond on a small plot

Pond is ready. It remains to run fish. It is better to keep unpretentious karas, Koi carps and voualehvostov. Registration of the nearby territory is a purely individual. Some will want to build a gazebo, others - to break the flower beds, the third - to establish a brazier.

Koi carps in an artificial pond

How to care for

Care of artificial reservoirs does not require large strength and time costs. If the pond is drying, then pour water into it. In the summer, remove the filamentous algae and weeds around the homely lake. In the fall, clean the pond from falling leaves. It is possible to facilitate the task and pull the grid over the aqueous surface. With the onset of cold plants, the plants are transplanted into other containers and sent to wintering. The equipment is also cleaned. The spring wall of the pond scrapes from El, and everything returns to the circles.

As you can see, the arrangement of the pond with their own hands is not such a difficult task. You will only need a desire, droplet free time and a little fantasy. Dare!

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

To ensure your site, you can build a beautiful pond in the country with your own hands using modern landscaped ideas with examples of photos and designer techniques. Artificial reservoir will make harmony into the surrounding space and add originality to the landscape design.

Natural green pond in the territory of own cottage

Pond in the country

Sometimes an artificial reservoir in the country area is more likely to be needed than decoration. If a long stream is flowing through the territory or there is a marshy soil, the shortcomings can be turned into advantage. The pond at the cottage built by her own hands will create an atmosphere of calm and relax.

What type of reservoir can be created in the country:

The first garden reservoirs appeared in the countries of the Ancient East, and only then this fashion has reached Europe and Russia. Near the palaces began to build fountains and mini-waterfalls with massive stone crossing.

Pond can be:

The pond can be executed in different styles:

Improvement of a picturesque pond at the cottage made by hand using landscape designer ideas, shown in the video below with the photo examples and detailed instructions.

Competent planning

When arranging an artificial water branch in the garden, a detailed project plan and comply with some conditions.

Actions should be step by step planned:

  • Select location.
  • Determination of sizes and shapes.
  • Selection of necessary materials.
  • Stylistic solution.
  • Plants and flowers.
  • Decorative elements.

To begin with, it is necessary to go through the territory of your cottage, carefully examined every corner and sketching the form of a future reservoir on paper.

Place for water branch

This is an important stage of planning, in which several criteria should be taken into account:

  • Features of the soil.
  • Landscape relief.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Illumination.
  • Green vegetation.
  • The presence of a natural reservoir in the territory.

In such a pond, it is unlikely to be able to contain large fish or swim in hot weather, but the places should be enough for the location of the design and water removal. The home eco-system should resemble a mirror reservoir, not a swamp.

How to choose a place:

Zoning of the reservoir:

  1. Coastal part. It takes about 12-30 cm, used for the vegetation of shallow water and arranging the input zone.
  2. Shallow part. Zone for plants and colors - from 30 to 90 cm.
  3. Deep sea part. The size can be from 1 meter, must be below the level of soil freezing. Here can dwell fish for decor or breeding.

An excellent idea will be the addition of beautiful backlighting by musical accompaniment. This design looks spectacular and impressive.


Building materials must be durable, reliable and durable. Most often used concrete, but today there are easier materials and structures, for example, polyethylene or butyl rubber rubber.

Most popular options:

To protect the film when laying out the bottom, a small layer of geotextiles should be applied under its surface. So rubbank and sharp stones will not be able to damage the film structure.

Step-by-step instruction of the arrangement of the "flexible" pond

Film-based pond is easier than made of concrete and more reliable than from plastic form. The recommended film length should be equal to the length and the double depth of the reservoir + an additional 40-50 centimeters just in case. The desired film width is the width, the dual depth of the pond and 40-50 centimeters to the residue.

The main stages of arrangement:

  1. Preparation of soil and markup.
  2. Earthworks on the creation of a pit.
  3. Mounting bowl or flooring film.
  4. Filling with emptiness with river sand.

What may be required for work:

  • Construction shovel.
  • Hose for watering.
  • Pump to determine the pressure of the bay of water.
  • Compressor (for a pond with fish to saturate water with oxygen).
  • Purifier filter (for fish breeding).
  • Cord, rope, pegs or light sand for marking areas.
  • Sterilizer for water purification.
  • Building room for land.
  • Boutherchka film.
  • Adhesive for film ("Tangite", adhesive tape, etc.).

Production of a reservoir:

  1. Creating a sketch. Drawing on paper shape, all parts, decor and arrangement of auxiliary equipment, taking into account the size and depth of the bottom.
  2. Transferring a mini-diagram to the soil with a garden hose or river sand. The contour should be placed sand, different in color with the ground. According to the applied outlines, the groove should be dug up to 25 centimeters.
  3. Removing the fertile layer and digging the pit. This will require a shovel (building excavator for the pool or a large pond with a fountain) and a trolley for the export of land from the territory. The pit is digging in accordance with the depth of coastal, shallow and deep-sea zones, calculated in advance. The deepest part should be in the center and be laid last. Each time it should be fixed with the layout of the markup.
  4. Measurement of the size of the pit. The walls of the pit are well tampled, and to the edges you need to add an additional 40-50 centimeters to determine the future size of the covered material. Parameters are measured with a cord or rope, and then transferred to the film.
  5. Waterproofing film. The bottom of the pit is covered with a small layer of sand and geotextile to ensure reliable protection of the film surface. When the substrate is ready, the film neatly stacked, tightly fixed to the base with glue and pressed well to all surfaces.
  6. Filling with water. Water poured gently and gradually with the help of the hose, while a sharp pressure should be excluded.
  7. Fastening. The edges of the waterproofing are fixed in a predetermined trench along the contour with a depth of 25 cm and fall asleep the ground and rubble, after which they are well tumped.
    The edge of the reservoir is fixed by rods, stones or large boulders. This stage is suitable for placing and disembarking plants and colors. Be sure to leave a small fold at the bottom so that when filling the water, the film does not break.
  8. Water standing. The finished reservoir should be left for 1-2 days so that the water well stand out, after which the extra ends of the film are trimmed. During this period, you can form beautiful sides, place the remaining decor and finish working on landscaping.

To strengthen the flight shore, you can use a geogrine or geomat in combination with clay and chernozem so that the pond looks gently and well.

The size and shape of the artificial reservoir depends not only on the dimensions of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, but also from the fantasy owners themselves. The aesthetic and decorative component undoubtedly play an important role here. If you comply with all the recommendations and a clear consequence of the instructions, you can create a pond of your dreams in the country. How to make your own hand in the garden, using landscaped ideas with photos and schemes, shown step by step in the video below.

Reservoir always attracts attention and causes positive emotions in people. This is due to the fact that natural or artificial reservoirs promise a pleasant pastime - fishing, bathing, growing aquatic plants and just contemplation of beauty. Even if the country expanses cannot boast the presence of a pond, then you can not be upset and make an effort to create it personally in the country.

Even if the cottage area does not have large sizes, modern technologies allow you to create small but very cute ponds. Build a decorative homemade mini-pond can be used from the finished tank or use sweater materials (car tire, barrel, plastic pelvis, etc.).

In the photo of logs on landscape design or on the pages of the Internet, you can find a lot of useful ideas, and even step-by-step instructions.

Each new project requires a serious approach and consultation specialists.

It is known that even with a small estimate, you can organize a pond and use the firing materials.

Before deciding which form will be a pond, you should decide on its placement site. It is recommended to consider the general style of the site and the preferences of its owners.

The form of the future reservoir can be both geometrically correct and arbitrary with bends and bays.

Of course, much will depend on whether it is planned to use a homemade bathing pond, there is an intention to breed fish in it, or it will decoration of landscape With beautiful plants and framing.

It should be remembered that if the surface of the reservoir is under the rays of the sun longer than 8 hours, then water in it can be green and blooming.

Too pretty place is also not welcome. Located near the artificial reservoir, deciduous trees will serve as a source of garbage.

The place blowed by the wind is unacceptable in the event that the owners intend to swim in the pond.

It should also be taken into account the terrain.

If there is an intention to use decorative elements in the form of highlighting, organization of fountain, waterfall, and other things, it is worth worrying about it is convenient to produce electrification.

As for the depths of the future pond, it will depend on the desire of the owner and how the finished form will be used or the waterproofing layer.

If it is planned to settle fish, then the depth in it should be sufficient otherwise the cold-blooded simply will not be enough oxygen.

Those who have not yet decided what form to organize a pond and for what purposes it will serve and how to enjoy it, we recommend paying attention to photoyidates that you can find a lot of design options on landscape design sites.

Pond in the country

Ready forms for artificial pools can be made of:

Cheaper option is a pit with a bottom of an insulating film.

The sequence of creating an artificial pool with their own hands with the help of finished tank

  1. choosing a suitable place for a pond;
  2. designation of the boundaries of the future reservoir along the contour of the finished form;
  3. digging care;
  4. the form is placed in the pit and filled on ¾ water;
  5. after the shrinkage, all the empties of the construction sand should be filled;
  6. full filling of water tank;
  7. refining the territory and landing of suitable plants.

Ready capacity allows you to quickly make a mini-pond or a large reservoir in its plot and without additional costs.

Good to know! Plastic containers allow you to quickly make installation, but, despite sufficient strength, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the integrity of the form will gradually collapse. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the tanks with the rubber base from fiberglass.

On colorful photos of small water bodies, you can see a lot of options that I want to apply in your summer cottage.

To reduce the budget, it is possible to perform with water without a finished tank.

The film is chosen special purpose, defined density, resistance to mechanical damage and color.

The film will be more elastic if it is spread before using a previously on a flat surface under the sunny beams. For durable fixation of the edges, it is recommended to break through the perimeter of the reservoir and fasten the film edges with soil, gravel and stones. The battery of the film should be at least 50cm.

So, you can pay attention to the film of black color that will create mirror effect The future "Lake". If you stop your choice on a brown film, this color will simulate the presence of a ground layer at the bottom of the reservoir.

If you choose the film material of blue, it will be created similarity with swimming pool or for fish content.

The use of the finished form does not leave a lot of option for creativity to the owner, while the film bottom allows you to create reservoirs of a wide variety of configurations.

Step-by-step guide to the creation of a pond with a film bottom

A pond in the country's own hands a video instrument will help to make step-by-step.

If there is a desire to organize a minibar, then you can use as a container car tire and film. The tire deepens in the ground in the place you like, and the bottom is performed from a durable film. On the Internet you can find a lot of photos of such lifts. Pond from the film with their own hands of impressive sizes filtering system.

This equipment without problems can be purchased in a specialized store. The instructions accompanying them will allow installing installation without problems.

No less important is the final stage of refining the territory of the cottage and plant landing at the pond.

An important final stage of the creation of a pond is to improve the territory around the pond, selection and plant landing.

The surrounding landscape will determine the topics of the pond. Possible options for the framing of artificial reservoir in the country can be viewed in the photo. Most often natural materials are used, among which the stone leads. Stone-flasher or pebbles are laid out around the perimeter of the pond, and the adjacent area falls asleep with rubble or placing the lawn grass.

Beautiful vases, statues, lanterns are used as decor. Can be created from stone colorful waterfalls and cascades. Only such solutions are not too suitable for mini-ponds, but make only large and medium-sized reservoirs.

In the event that it is planned to swim in the pond, it is organized by the flooring of a wooden board, which will successfully fit into the surrounding design.

Plants for decorating a pond in the country

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands and decorate it with beautiful plants?

When you decide to plant a breakfast fish, you can land in water such plants like a tail and a graonist. Lilies, nymphi and hyacinths are suitable for coating the water surface. You can decorate the progressive zone with a reel and fern, hosts, iris, garden tradescania, etc., etc.

Registration of a pond in the country can be made in the country as intuitive, relying on your own taste and imitating photoeides of designers.

The most successful ideas of decorating the plants of the pond can be borrowed with the photos available on the thematic pages of sites. Little decorative bars on the cottage with their own hands to decorate easy. This will require only a few boulders, lanterns on solar panels and plants.

If the topics of the bars in the country emphasizes the rustic flavor, perfectly fit into the general view of the bridge made of wood. The tracks leading to the bridge and the area around the reservoir can be decorated with gravel and cooled among it with spike trees (dice).

The landscaped stone slide, built from boulders, and decorated with jugs, seashells and statuette, looks amazing.

The original decoration solutions of the pond at the cottage there are many. Floating flower beds look very stylish. It is possible to make not sinking structures from foam, with a sufficient soil layer on the basis and plants planted in it.

Decorators advise to decorate the space around the water bodies stones Various size. To the root system of plants between boulders not too much expanded, it is recommended to plant them into containers.

It is not very convenient to place plants on the sheer surfaces, so it is better to decorate such places with vases or statuette.