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Board Ticket for Train (Ticket to Ride)


I haven't written about the board games yet, but the desire to make understandable reviews of my favorite games ripen in me for a long time. The fact is that when I read the reviews of the tank on the sites or the rules of some game, I want to close it that is immediately immediately, because it is:
a) unreadable;
b) incomprehensible;
c) It feels that a person in this game practically did not play, but trying to explain something on duty (representatives of desktop games are sinned by this;
d) the explanation is scarce, many highlights are prescribed so that the reading puzzle of the ideas about the game does not develop and have to think independently;
e) or vice versa - a description is abounding with extra details, an attempt to tell everything in one paragraph at once.
Double Foffealm.
A person who is not familiar with the world of board games, after the first attempt to read the incomprehensible description completely disappears the desire to get acquainted with the game.
Yes, there is an option to come to the game where experienced comrades will be able to explain and show the features of a particular game, but such an opportunity exists not always, and not everyone is suitable.

Therefore, I will try to explain the rules and features of the game "Ticket to Ride. Europe" (ticket for travel. Europe) as I understand them, having a very long experience of acquaintance with this beautiful desktop game.

"Ticket to Ride. EUROPE" is one of the basic and most full games Ticket to Ride series. In this game, a number of improvements were introduced compared to its predecessor "Ticket to Ride. North America".
Why is this game is basic? It contains a complete set of all the figures and cards needed for this game or for add-ons to the game.
The basic games in this series are somewhat - "Ticket to Ride. Europe", "Ticket to Ride. Nordic Countries", "Ticket to Ride. North America" \u200b\u200band "Ticket to Ride" from the German publishing house Marklin, which is characterized by design cards.
Almost for all additions, there is a basic game "Ticket to Ride. Europe" and only for Supplement "Ticket to Ride: USA 1910" Need the basic game "Ticket to Ride. North America". For the sake of the possibility of expanding the game with different additions, we chose the game "Ticket to Ride. Europe".
To distinguish the basic game from add-on is very easy - the price of the supplement is different by almost 2 times on the price of the basic game.

"Ticket to Ride. Europe" is designed to players aged 8 years, but certainly you need to look through the child, since the game is based on logistic skills.
The game time is approximately 45 - 90 minutes depending on the number of players.
The number of players from 2 to 5 people (by the number of colors of plastic trailers).

The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible, building with plastic trailers and stations various routes in accordance with the received task cards (routes). The player receives glasses for each executed route and for each productive course during the route. The success of the game depends on the correctness of the selected route construction strategy. The element of luck in the game is present, but it is not so pronounced, such as in games with cubes.

That's how the set of the game is stopped:

Comfortable plastic containers For trailers and stations, player chips and cells for wagons and route cards. Everything is done very high quality, an embossed cardboard does not mind and does not rub even after fifty parties.

This is a card on which the game process unfolds.

The map is partly consistent with the map of Europe of the end of the last year - the beginning of the last centuries. The map shows the city of Europe and all of them are interconnected by routes. different colorsFor which we will lay our ways. Some compounds are unique and strategic, and some popular directions are duplicated with additional branches, which makes a special competitive moment in the game. By the way, there are even our native Kharkov on the map. :)

Cards of cars will be thrown like this:

All the color cards correspond to the route fields on the map. There are 8 colors of the cards and the corresponding color designations of the distils on the map itself. The deck has 12 cards of each color.

Distille is the distance between the two cities, part of the route. Each distillation is indicated by a certain number of rectangles (wagons) of the same color. The number of wagons in the distance can be different - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8.

This is how the constructed distillation looks like. In it 3 wagon orange color, For the right to put such a distillation, we will give up 3 cards exactly the same color.

For the three cars delivered on the route, the player receives bonus glasses and moves its chip on the map to the appropriate number of divisions.
Points depend on the number of cars supplied:
1 wagon \u003d 1 point
2 wagon \u003d 2 points
3 wagon \u003d 4 points
4 wagon \u003d 7 points
6 wagons \u003d 15 points
8 wagons \u003d 21 points
It seems that long distillations are strategically more profitable than short. The player gets more points and is moving forward faster.

In addition to colored distillers on the map we can also see and distillation gray. There are no such cards in the deck, which means that we can spread required amount Maps of any color. The main condition so that the maps are one color, and not dissolved. For example, on 4 gray rectangles in the rank, we can give 4 blue or 4 red cards of wagons and shy this distillation with your chips of the carriages.

This is what the player's set looks like:

It includes a chip of the selected color and the corresponding 45 plastic trains for it to occupy routes and 3 stations to install them in cities to use the fragment of the route of another player (I will tell about it later).

In addition to ordinary color cards of trails in the deck there are locomotive bonus cards. They are only 14 pieces.

Such cards give some advantages:
1. The locomotive card is capable of replacing the missing card of any color. For example, we have only 5 cards yellow colorAnd for the execution of the run, you need 6 cards. So we can instead of the missing card, post the map of the locomotive and perform the distillation.
2. Also, steam locomotive cards are necessary for the construction of ferries.

The ferry in the game is called plots of distances passing not only on land, but on water. This is a plot of elevated complexity, and to build it necessary for us 1 or 2 map of the steam locomotives and several maps of ordinary cars of suitable color.
For example, we are building a ferry from London. For the right to build a steam in this case, we give 1 map of the locomotive and 1 card of the car of any color, since the ferry itself is designated by the rectangles of segores of color.

All ferries on the map have a special designation - a marvel stamp drawn on one of the rectangles in distillation. In some places, the ferry card requires the mandatory presence of 2 schemes of locomotives.

Maps of routes.
These tasks for the player, according to which the player develops its own strategy game.
Maps of routes 48, including 6 cards of long routes, one of which receives each player at the beginning of the game. Maps of long routes differ in color from maps of ordinary routes.

For example, there are 4 maps of routes (tasks). Major routes Madrid - Dieppe, Zurich - Brindisi, Sarajevo - Sevastopol and a long route Kobenhavn - Erzurum.
The digit in the circle in the lower right corner of the card denotes the number of points that the player gets the end of the game for the executed route.

The route is considered to be executed if the initial and final city is connected between the players of the player without breaking. Or are connected using trailers and stations.
For example, the Zurich route made - Budapest:

Now tell about the progress of the game.

At the beginning of the game, each player chooses the color to play. To the selected color, he gets a chip for performing moves, a complete set of trailers and stations. And also gets 4 cards of wagons, which are taken at random from the top of the deck.
In addition, each player receives 3 maps of ordinary routes and 1 long route map.
Cards are kept with you and not demonstrate anyone.
Before starting the game, each of the participants should decide whether it will perform all the routes received or not. On the hands you need to leave at least 1 route, and the rest return to the deck of routes (under the bottom of the decks) before the start.

After all the players decided on the strategy, the game begins.
5 cards of wagons are laid on the table, these are the so-called active cards. And the first player can take a move.
In one course, the player can make any of the following actions to choose from:
- construct a batter than (if available necessary cards and the corresponding number of carriages);
- put the station in an unemployed city;
- take 2 cards from active;
- take 2 cards at random from the deck of cars;
- Take 3 route maps.

If the player decides that he lacks colored cards to build a run, then he takes 2 any maps of the desired flowers from active or at random 2 cards from the deck. You can also take one card from active and one card from the deck.
At this, this option ends and the right move is transmitted to the next player.
For this move, the player does not receive glasses, since the course is not effective.

If the player took the card from active, then from the deck immediately need to lay missing cards on the table. Active maps should always be 5.

If a player decides to build a distille, as part of one of his routes, then he must show all the players that he has the required number of cards cards. And after that, put the trailers on the desired separation between the two cities. Distille must be fully completed. It is impossible to build a part of the run, just immediately all. Cards, which showed the player get into the back, and the player promotes his chip on the appropriate number of points around the fields around the field. This move is effective, since the player put the trailers. After that, the course is transmitted to the next player.

When the player completed all his routes, he can take 3 new routes from the deck. This is considered to be a move. The player has the opportunity to think, which of the new cards it will perform, and from which it will refuse and return them back to the deck of routes. It is necessary to decide until the next progress while the rest of the players go.
Completed route cards Player leaves, at the end of the game will be counting points earned on the routes.

Tunnels and stations.
"Ticket to Ride. EUROPE" is distinguished by the presence of such interesting moments as building tunnels and stations in any city.

The tunnel is a portion of the route of elevated complexity. Tunnels are long (8 wagons) and short (2 cars), colored and gray. Tunnels on the map have a special designation - cloves along the edges of the rectangle.
To build a tunnel, the player must not just give the required number of cards for each site of the tunnel, but also to perform an additional condition - pull out from top to from the deck 3 cards. If none of the pulled 3 cards coincided with the color you posted, then such a tunnel is considered to be built. And all the open cards go to the back, and the player puts his wagons and promotes the chip.

For example, I want to build a tunnel consisting of 2 green green wagons. I post 2 green cards of wagons and tall top view from a deck 3 cards. I pulled out the card orange, yellow and pink flowers. The tunnel is built. Cards go to the back, and I occupy the plot you need.

What to do in a situation if one (or more) card came across in 3 pulled cards, the color coinciding with my cards. For such a coincidence, I must give another card of the same color. That is, no longer 2, and 3 cards, although the distillation still requires only 2 wagons.

If suddenly the player lacks the card the desired color (or the locomotive that replaces such a card), then the tunnel is considered not fulfilled. The player takes his own cards, and 3 opened cards from the deck goes to the back. In this case, we cannot put the trailers and do not get any points.
In the next go, we can repeat the attempt to create the same tunnel.

It is not important from how many wagons consists of our tunnel, always from the deck 3 cards for verification are pulled out. Even if the tunnel consists of 8 wagons, we must post 8 of your cards of one color and get 3 cards from a deck to check if there are no matching coincidences.

Do not forget that locomotives can replace the card of the right color. It is very convenient.

In order to take advantage of the route of the Drego Player (or even a whole route), we will put the station in an unemployed city. The city in which there is not a single station and, of course, there is no one else and, of course, cannot be 2 and more stations in the city.
Why do we need it? To perform more routes to save your wagons or to build a route there, where some of the distils are already busy with a different player.
Unfortunately, the station does not bring us bonus glasses.
For each station, and we have only 3 of them, we must pay car cards:
1st station - 1 card,
2nd station - 2 cards of wagons of one color,
3rd station - 3 cards of wagons of one color.

For example, playing green I want to install 1 station in Frankfurt to crash into a yellow route from Amsterdam to Vienna. Then you can build your cars, having in mind that part of the wagons of your route is built by another player, and you used this part thanks to the installed station.

Some features of steam locomotives:
1. If there are 3 locomotives from 5 in active maps at once, all active cards are removed to be returned and new 5 active cards are pulled out.
2. If the player wants to take a steam locomotive from active cards, he has no right to take the second card (from the deck or from active). Only 1 map of the locomotive.
3. If the player comes a steam locomotive from closed cards from the deck, then point number 2 does not apply to this case. In this way, even 2 locomotives can be pulled out.

If all the cards ended in the wagon deck (left), then it is necessary to thoroughly mix your postback cards and put a deck again to continue the game.

And now, a few Lifehakov:
- to build long uprises more profitable than short;
- Sometimes it is more profitable to build routes not through the shortest path, but a little bypass to earn more points;
- it is very profitable if parts of your routes coincide;
- you always need to have a minimum 1 spare car selected color if you are going to build a tunnel;
- to use the sites of other people's routes with the help of stations is particularly profitable at the end of the game;
- Do not rush to give the locomotives, suddenly you will get a route with ferry;
- The longest route in the game is cool, but not always profitable, gaining large quantity routes chances to become the leader increase;
- More traveled routes - more points.

End of the game and counting points.

The game ends when plastic wagons ends with one of the players, and the player must prevent the rest of this at least 2 times to the planned ending so that other players do not score new routes.
Before counting points, players check whether all the routes are executed if some is not completely completed, then its glasses are deducted from the total amount of points.
All glasses of completed routes are summed up and added to points scored on a playing field.
A player having the longest route with the largest number of his cars in it receives a call map of +10 points.
For each not supplied station, which remained in his arms, the player receives 4 extra points.

I hope you are interested in this fascinating game. I will be happy to answer in comments on any questions about this game.

Thanks for attention!

"Ticket for a train. Europe" This has time to become a classic strategy for a wide range of players. The subject of the game itself fascinates, because it is dedicated to steam giants, for a long time The remaining one of the main types of transport. And if you are a fan of locomotives, then this game is doubly for you. After all, the goal of the game is to build railways. The rules of the game are very simple and accessible, but the depth is not devoid, which allows you to arrange tournaments on the game.


Based on the name, we will lay railways in Europe 19-20th century. Before the start of the game, each participant is distributed 45 non-ferrous plastic trains and 3 stations, and the corresponding markers are installed on the sight tracking track. Please note that several additional trains of each color are attached to the game - in case you lose some of them.

The deck of cars is mixed, each player gives up 4 cards, after which the "store" is formed next to the game field, which builds 5 wagons cards and the deck itself. Next, players receive three short routes and one long cards. Route maps are tasks, to perform which the player will need to build a railway between the two cities specified on them.

In the corner of the map, the number of victorious glasses, which the player will receive for completing the route. The catch is that if, before the end of the party, the player will not be able to complete this road, he will receive a penalty equal to the same number. Therefore, before the start of the party, players must explore the routes that have come and returned those that they did not like, leaving at least two routes cards.

Immediately I will say that the game is Little-dependent. Only the rules are written in Russian - the names of the cities on the English map. Yes, and old. Therefore, at first, a funny situation may arise when all the players will see the goal of their tasks, unless compromising himself. But you can learn geography.

Under the knock wheel

Each of the players can do one of the four actions:

1) Take two cards of wagons out of five open cards of the "store" or discovered from the top of the deck. Locomotive cards are "jokers" and are considered for the trailer of any color. Therefore, the locomotive lying in the open row is equal to two wagon cards.

2) Build one distillation between the two cities, paying so many card trains for it, how many gaps are depicted on the playing field. The color of the cards of the wagons should also correspond to the color of the run, and the gray air can be paid by the wagons of any one color. After payment of the construction of the distillation, the player places plastic trailers on it and gets victory points for it.

3) Build a station in one of the cities. The station allows you to use someone else's distils as part of your road and need for those cases when one of the segments of the route you spent turned out to be engaged in an opponent. For the construction of the first station, the player must pay one any card of the wagons, for the second two cards of any wagons of one color and for the third, respectively, three cards of any single-color trailers.
At the same time, every unused station at the end of the game will bring 4 victory points. Therefore, while there is an opportunity to build a way around, it is better to use it!

4) Take three new routes cards. Just as before the start of the party, the player must familiarize himself with them and lose unsuitable, leaving at least one route.

Victory glasses are accrued for each rope branch. The longer the road, the more glasses it will bring. So, the road consisting of only two wagons will bring a player 2 points. For the road of three cars, 4 points are charged, and the "Composition" of the four cars will delight its builder with 7 points. In Europe, there are two more special types of roads - ferries and tunnels, but these are nuances. The game ends as soon as one of the participants in the reserve will remain no more than two free trains. At the end of the game, the owner of the longest continuous road will receive a bonus "European Express" card, which brings him 10 additional victorious glasses.

"The train ticket" allows you to choose the strategy yourself. Make focus on the construction of long, but bringing many ways of roads or try to perform as much as possible sets of routes cards; collect cards of wagons in open or pull blindly, hoping to get a locomotive; Play straight or try to solve the plans of the opponent, breaking him the road with his cars - it all depends on you. The game is perfectly framed and perfectly balanced. The playing field, gradually filled with bright multicolored trapers pleases the eye.

It is easy to play both among friends and in the circle of relatives, with people of different ages. "Ticket for train" is an excellent game that has passed the test. It is perfect for beginners to get acquainted with the world of board games.

To the game there are several additions carrying events to other regions. In addition to new routes, they add new elements to the game. For example, Africa will delight you with special map of the terrain, with which you can double the glasses obtained for the construction of the distillers.

Put the playing field to the table center. Each player receives a set of 45 cards of wagons, threestensions of the selected color and the appropriate token for counting points, which it puts on the starting field of the calculation scale of points running along the edges of the playing field. As points earning in the game, the player moves his tokens to the appropriate scale field.

Mix the deck with cards of cars and trains, and hand out each of the players of four cards. After that, put a deck near the playing field, and next to each other next to a friend of five cards on top of the deck face up.

Card "European Express" and a card for counting points (as a "reminder" for players) also put next to the board.

Take a deck with routes of directions and separate the maps of long routes (six cards with a composite background) from map of ordinary routes. Pull the cards of long routes and pass it randomly to each of the players on one card. The remaining cards can be removed back to the box with the game - they will no longer need. At the same time, do not show the players, the maps of which routes are not riddled.

Now drag the maps of simple routes (with the usual background), hand out each of the players of three cards, and the remaining put a shirt up next to the board

Ready - You can start playing!

Beginning of the game

Before starting the first move, each player must choose from the routes received by the routes that he wants to save. The player should leave at least two routes (although it can leave and more). The remaining unnecessary maps of routes also remove into the box, without showing them to anyone. You can refuse both simple and long routes. The selected routes cards will remain with you until the end of the game.

Purpose of the game Ticket to Ride EUROPE

The goal of the game is to score as many points.

Points can be earned as follows:

  • Create a route between two neighboring cities on the map;
  • Create a continuous route between cities listed on your route map.
  • Create the longest continuous route in the game to get a map of European express;
  • As well as for each unused railway station.

If by the end of the game the player was unable to create a route specified on his route map, then the number of points is subtracted from the account.

Order of moves

Player who visited all his life the greatest number european countries, starts first, after which the move passes counterclockwise.

During his turn, the player must make one (and only one) of four actions:

Take cards of wagons - a player can take or two cards of wagons, or one train map, if she lies face up

Build a route - Player can build a route if he has on his hand sufficient number Maps of wagons needed for color route. After that, it puts on the playing field the trailers of its color on each cell of the route, and moves its account to the account scale to the corresponding route length. Played car cards are postponed separately from other cards into one stack.

Take a map of the route - the player pulls three route maps, and chooses from them at least one, which will leave.

Build a railway station - a player can build a station in any city in which it is not yet. For the construction of the first station, the player must give one car carriage of any color. For the construction of the second station, it must use two cards of the same color. And for the construction of a third station, it must use three cards of the same color.

"Ticket for train / Ticket to Ride" - The famous game, who has time to become classics in the world of board games over the years of existence, stand up with such games as » and. Many versions of the game have been released, with cards with any corner of the globe, for every taste of the buyer.

- The most popular version of the game, maybe because the city of Russia occupies a significant part of the card? One way or another, today we will review this game.

Age: from 8 years;

Duration of the game: from 30 minutes;

Number of players: 2-5;

Manufacturer :
Hobby World,, Edge Entertainment, Days of Wonder.

approximate cost : 2990 rubles;

The set of the game includes: Map of Europe, colored trails of different colors, railway stations of different colors, trains cards, route maps - long and ordinary, European Express card for the longest route, map-memo to count the glasses, player's chipsets, game rules.

Rules of the game "Train ticket. Europe / Ticket to Ride EUROPE »

Purpose of the game:

To gain the largest number of victorious glasses by building the railway, as trying to perform the tasks on the construction of the route.

Before the game spread the map of Europe. All europe is permeated with multi-colored railroad tracksconnecting different cities. Each player is given the wagons of the color chosen by him and the player's chip, which is put on the "start" calculation scale.

Distribute each 4 cards with cars.

Mix cards with a "long" route and blindly distribute one. The rest we clean back to the box, in this game they will not be needed. Mix the cards with the main routes and distribute another 3. You have the right to throw away the non-routes that have not liked, be sure to leaving at least two.

The table is laid out in open 5 cards with cars, the rest remain near the deck.

Mechanics game Simple: To pave the way from one city to another, it is necessary to collect the desired number of wagons of a certain color. The desired color is indicated on the map - there are rectangles of different colors between the cities, which, along the game, you need to install your cars.

What are the routes?

Cities are connected by routes. Routes are drawn in the form of multi-colored rectangles, their number can be different. To build, you need to collect cards with the wagons of the desired color and quantity and "pay" the route by placing the card into a separate stack.

On the map there are gray rectangles - you can pay the route cards of wagons of any color, just just like.

Double routes.

Some cities are interconnected by double routes. Those. Two players can pave their paths there.

Ferry crossings.

In order to pave the route across the ferry, you need to make the specified number of locomotives and add missing cars of the same color.


Do not quite easily deal with the construction of ways through the tunnels. Miscellaneous situations: collaps, earthquakes.

What does it look in the game?

The player makes the specified fee for the construction of the route, then takes 3 upper cards from the deck. If there were maps of the same color among these cards, the player is obliged to make the same cards of the wagon in the payment of the construction. Makes so many additional cards as expected from the deck. If the player has more cards of cars of this color, he just takes himself back in his hand his cards and moves to another player.

Short route.

May take several cities, it does not need to make titanic efforts.

Long route.

Each player has one long route map. Usually it crosses the entire card and with successful execution can bring good glasses. If the points are not fulfilled, the turn is removed.

Short routes can coincide with long, which is very convenient. All routes hold secret from the rest of the opponents, since often players try to destroy the plans and can greatly harm.

Glasses for routes are charged at the end of the game.

In your course you can commit one Action from the following:

  1. Take 2 cards with cars. You can take cards from open access from the table and in the blind from the deck. Either one from the table, second from the deck. Either one map of the locomotive "Joker".

"Joker" is a card that can become a car of any color, according to your desire. Also, the locomotive is needed when building a ferry crossing.

The completed route at the end of the game will bring you points indicated on the map. If you have left unfinished routes, the same glasses are already deducted from your scored amount of points.

  1. Maps with route. If you have successfully coped with your tasks, and the game continues, you can score more routes. To do this, pull into the closed first 3 cards from the deck. At least one you must leave, the rest can be removed under the bottom of the decks. You can leave all 3, but do not forget about the risk of penalty points.
  2. Build a station. Each player has 3 stations. When can they be used?

Often situations occur when opponents interrupt your route. In such cases, you can put the station in any of the two affairs of the route you need. To build a single station, you need to reset any card of the car's car. For the construction of the second station - 2 cards with car wagons. For the construction of the third - 3 cards of the same color. But try not to get involved in this, because at the end of the game for each unspent station receive 4 points. And the cards of the wagons are needed more to build paths.

End of the game.

The game ends as soon as the player has 2 or less cards of cars. The remaining players finish the circle and the scores begins.

How to determine the winner?

During the game, players are charged with glasses for the United cities. At the end of the game, players show their cards with routes. They accrue points for completed tasks and take away for unfulfilled. The number of these points is indicated on each route map. Then there is a counting of the longest continuous route, its owner is charged 10 more additional points. Calculate unused stations. Each brings 4 points. And Ta-yes! Receive the winner!


"Ticket for a train. Europe / Ticket to Ride EUROPE » - A wonderful "family" game, dynamic - the move is very quickly moving towards another player. Despite the simplicity of the rules, the competition in the game there is a competitive spirit and the party "flies" instantly and tense. Suitable as novice players, and hereby gickens. Quality of components at height. The game is not bored for a long time. But even if this happened, a lot of additions released to the game, which will make the necessary variety.


  • Mastering the game - 90 points
  • Mechanics game - 90 Points
  • Plot and atmosphere - 70 points
  • Convenience to play - 70 Points
  • Quality and design - 90 points
  • Received fun - 90 points

TOTAL - 84 points

This is classic mathematical task About how ideally transport routes should develop. Railways must be a slender scheme that allows the most and effectively to achieve the right cities as quickly and efficiently ... But, of course, in reality, everything is far from the so. The "train ticket" will help you answer the question why, when you buy a ticket, say From Moscow to Rostov, there it costs 2000 rubles, and back (the same train in the same place) - already 3000 and the trip lasts for a couple of hours. This game will help you understand why some schemes railways Remind a web, and some - a tree, braided by Lianami.

The thing is that there are competition in rail transportation

The farther and successful route you pave, the better. The more competitors you cut off from important transport hubs - more profit Get in the future. Passengers and cargo? Yes, damn with them, with passengers and cargo, let the excess day hold on the road and will be forced to make a big hook, because the main thing is your transport empire. (True, it should be noted that the grateful passengers pay more, so the choice is not always unequivocal.)

But back to the game

At the beginning of the game, each participant receives several routes cards, of which you choose a minimum of two. Task - Build these routes best way. If the player until the end of the game is the route - it gets glasses. If at the end it turns out that the route is not assembled, then the player will deduct the glasses. Extra glasses are given for the connection of neighboring cities, as well as for the construction of the longest railway track.

What do you need to be able to?

For victory, it is necessary to properly make decisions on the need to connect certain cities, the use of ways and the application of their capabilities. The level of influence of the factor of luck on the game is average, so the victory equally depends on your skills and on how much the reality will correspond to your ideas. Very interesting point is bluffing: After all, you may not disclose your main direction of construction, forcing competitors to overlap the stations unnecessary to you .

How dynamic is the game?

For an acquaintance with the rules will leave 10-15 minutes. It also takes the same as well to navigate on the map. Well, when everyone understands where which city is located, the most interesting will begin. The game delays much stronger "monopoly" and many strategic board games. It is important to note that if, for example, in the "risk" there are always fierce disputes between the players, in the "train ticket", even in the most difficult situations, good relationships are always preserved. This is a calm and very exciting game for the audience of any age.

What are the closest analogues of this game?

Fussy connoisseurs of board games will find analogies with the "Royal Mail" and computer game Railroad Tycoon. However, the "train ticket" is an independent and unique game that differs significantly from its analogues.

Game set

In the box you will find a map, 240 color cars, 15 railway stations, 158 cards: (trains, routes, longest route), 5 tokens for the calculation of game points, detailed Russian rules and access code to the Internet games "Days of Wonder". The design of the set deserves all silence: from the point of view of ergonomics and artistic performance, the game is simply great.