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Full passage of metal Gear Solid 5. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015) (full passage of the game)

Mission 7: Bloody Copper
Mission 8: occupation forces
Mission 9: Help and waste
Mission 10: Angel with broken wings
Mission 11: Surrounded by Silence
Mission 12: Road to hell
Mission 13: impenetrable darkness
Mission 14: Common language
Mission 15: Footprints of ghosts
Mission 16: Caravan Traitors Mission 17: Saving Scouts
Mission 18: blood bonds
Mission 19: on the trail
Mission 20: Voices
Mission 21: Military Economy
Mission 22: Platform Liberation
Mission 23: White Mamba
Mission 24: close contact
Mission 25: The right hand of the avenger
Mission 26: Hunting
Mission 27: a radical reason
Mission 28: Code Talker
Mission 29: Metal Archai
Mission 30: Skull
Mission 31: SahelanTrope
Mission 33: [Autonomy] Information War
Mission 34: [Extreme] Help and waste

The main task:

  • The Soviet soldier, recruited CIA, stopped contacting. Evacuate this "CROT".

Personnel with skills:

  • Climber
  • Electromagnetic Mines Specialist
  • Rocket Management Specialist

Additional tasks:

This is the main task, so you follow it in obligatory. The CIA agent escaped and is in the desert. His location will be marked with a yellow marker. When approaching the specified point, you will see how the desert in search of the agent is chosen four Walker Gear. You either eliminate these soldiers or imperceptibly to the agent and evacuate it. However, be careful, you have a little time until the search group soldiers find a fugitive.

The task becomes clear that the CIA agent needs to be evacuated before the search group arrives, which consists of four Walker Gear. As soon as you approach the desert, the conventional countdown of the agent search. For faster to get to a fugitive, take the SUV on the mission, or call what through support. Quickly pave your route along the edge of the desert, bypassing the search team members. As soon as you find the agent, evacuate it using Fulton. You can try to destroy the search group, but then you will have to run throughout the desert, since Walker Gear is going to the location of the fugitive from four sides.

The optimal option for performing this task is to wait until the search group detects the CIA agent, since after that all four soldiers will gather at one point and you will not need to run in the desert for them. As soon as they call the car to transport the fugitive, sweep their tranquilizer and evacuate.

After the search group detects the agent, one of the soldiers will cause an SUV for the transportation of a fugitive. After some time, a SUV will arrive. Your task to put the driver and evacuate it. This task can be performed in three ways:

  • The first way: Wait until the driver comes to the fugitive and evacuate it.

  • The second way: arrange an ambush on the path of the SUV from the Lamar Haate Palace. The road in the desert is marked by Karacy from cars. Drop the road by car, or just shoot the driver from the sniper rifle.
  • Third way: Evacuate the agent before discovering its search group. This will lead to the fact that the search group will endlessly search for a fugitive, and the driver with a car will constantly stand near the palace of Lamar Haate, waiting for the order. You will only stay to the palace of Lamar Haate and, together with an SUV, evacuate the driver.

  • The first prisoner is the village of Shago in a central building on the 1st floor. Be sure to evacuate it before the evacuation of the CIA agent, since after this event of the mission zone narrows and the village of Shago will become unavailable, with the result that you will have to go through the mission for the second time.

  • The second prisoner is located in the palace of Lamar Haate. It is concluded in one of the dungeons, which are located near the building of the Palace. When salvation of this captive there is no restrictions, so they can be done at any time.

To follow the task, you must proceed by a specific chain of events. After the search group detects the CIA agent, it will cause a car that will transport the fugitive to the Palace of Lamar Haate. The agent will be placed in the chamber and put the sentries. After some time, on the radio, you will be informed that unknown people captured an outpost and advanced in the direction of the Palace of Lamar Haate. Then the palace will drive a SUV from which the driver will come out in black balaclava. This is the Soviet soldier who has planned an attempt on the CIA agent. If he goes into the chamber to the agent, it will inevitably kill him and the mission will be failed. As soon as he breaks out from the car while drinking it with the help of a tranquilizer and evacuate.

Video passage on the rank "s" with execution additional tasks №1,2,3,4,5:

The past year was rich in immense, huge games. We managed to live in the third "Witcher", now I spend sleepless nights in Fallout 4, the happy owners of Wii U examine the world planet in Xenoblade Chronicles X, and someone still can't break away from the adventures Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.

Surprisingly, a series of Hydeo Codzima from chamber action about moral torment turned into a gas-platoon with an open world, and below we will give advice on how to behave in the "plot" missions, which are good fifty here. An unfriendly Afghanistan or gloomy Africa will understand where to go and what to do.


To understand the plot - one of the main episodes. It is absolutely not similar to the bulk of the game either stylistically or from the point of view of mechanics. The action begins after the numerous cat-scenes, which are noteworthy, and the spoilers do not need anything.

Having received the Office, we use to Izmail at the door - for this comrade you need to follow. Once in a room with shirms, hide in the one that the enemy just checked (not to inspect it). Next, just do not come to the enemies on your eyes, look for a staircase and go down.

Having received a gun, aim and shoot a fire extinguisher. The first enemies are defeated. Kill opponents from the balcony, not going down. They are dying from one shot in the head. The main thing is that the hero does not notice, otherwise to "fight" it will be harder. After the roller with a burning person, run away from it. Further video and shootout on horseback.

Chapter 1. Revenge

Episode 1: phantom limbs

We are in front of us Afghanistan, and the circle of Soviet soldiers (the Russian language in the game is correct, understandable; negotiations of enemies are perfectly perceived by hearing). We enter the iDroid (analogue of a pocket PC, only from the 80s) and see the goal, the village of Guvanda Har. We listen to Ocelot and look into binoculars. Request reconnaissance data, we get information about the village of Vial. We need us there. Do not run on foot, take the horse. We meet post, deal with two guards. Here is your first capture! In the future there will be many.

Next, you need to find a good point for observation (any hills will fit) and inspect the village into binoculars. We find out where the enemies are located (they will immediately be marked), what cars are there and so on.

We need to go to the building with the Red Flag. Inside there are data on where Kazuhiro Miller is hiding (Kaza), which you need to save. He is in the main village, in the building, which is marked yellow. There you need to rise to the second floor, take a cape on the shoulders and escape (and better to ride) to the place of evacuation. You are waiting for a meeting with a new kind of enemies reminiscent of the living dead. They should not come across. When you find yourself in a helicopter - the mission will end.

Episode 2: Diamond Dogs

We approach Ocelot, listen, we get a Fulton system (for evacuation of everything and everything, and most importantly - soldiers for your team). Next, train in its use. Open the iDroid, we understand with the intricacies of the base management and your army. We receive information about the basics of creating objects, various detachments. The mission in general is learning. Listen carefully, everything is visual and simple, but quite a lot of data.

When you understand that the practice is enough, specify the zone of planting the helicopter and sit inside. From the helicopter, we choose the missions - first is available three.

Episode 3: Hero Path

We choose the landing zone, equipment, the time of starting the mission. It is better to act at night - less chances to be discovered, although, visibility worsens for everyone. You need to get rid of the special forces commander. Reaching the desired point, read the camp and find your goal (in red bechers). Eliminate the soldiers on the tower gently: it is not necessary to kill, it is better to sleep and send to the team. The commander can or kill or evacuate, the choice is yours. Sit down to the helicopter and fly away.

Episode 4: Information War

Once on the ground, we start looking for the equipment of communication. When you find the database, read it with binoculars. Find three satellite antennas. They should either destroy, or find a radio transmitter. It is in one of the buildings at the top of which the antenna is located.

Episode 5: For the fence

Mission is best done at night. You need to pick up a prisoner on your base, which planned to escape from the barracks Wah Sind. They are guarded well. Want to shoot - your right, however, you can go unnoticed if you choose the path on the opposite side by the road with the barrier.

We take data from the house with the guard, after going to the barracks. We will rise to the security station (better to start), we go through the stairs and jump on the rock. A captive sits on the edge there. We evacuate it.

Additionally: again we go to the barracks, but to the destroyed building, to the right of which is built. There will be an engineer that needs to be evacuated. We can fly away.

Episode 6: Where does the sting hide?

We need to capture weapons, the "sting" system. There will have to run, as the helicopter will sit pretty far. We fall into the Fort of Sumy, we go to his back, we see a cave with candles. The tunnel leads down to the water lounge. We go to the door on the left, and there - to the rear room, where it lies "the sting". Further we are waiting for a meeting with the Skull Council. It is better to destroy them with the help of newly acquired weapons. Shoot stands when they are close to each other. Take care of ammunition to get a reward and for the "sting", and for charges for him. However, from the "skulls" you can escape!

In this mission there are other goals - the evacuation of the Hamid prisoner (if not to intercept it before the convoy comes to "sting", the hostage will kill) and the destruction of the helicopter (again, with the help of "sting").

Episode 7: Bloody Copper

You need to evacuate or kill commanders. Games are found in the village of Valo. One is there right away, two others will arrive a little later. Decide yourself, kill or take into your squad. The main thing is not to raise the alarm, because besides them here are full of other fighters.

Of the additional purposes: the evacuation of the soldiers and the commander is directly by car and the listener of the Commanders' conversation (they speak the tent when they are going together).

Episode 8: Occupation Forces

There are two stages of task. First you need to remove the colonel in the village of Shahhar Ye, find his papers, and then destroy two tanks. On the way you can evacuate the hostage.

It is important to prevent tanks to the fortress. It is best to use an aviation strike by calling it through the iDroid. CLUG FOR CAPACEMENT, THERE, where tanks will be in 10-15 seconds.

Episode 9: Help and waste

Improve the power of aviation shelling and fly to the task. We see enemy combat vehicles. They need to be destroyed while they are within the mission zone. According to the task, it is enough to blow up and one, but to achieve an additional goal it is better to get rid of at least five.

Also on the map will appear a truck with ammunition. It is advisable to capture them.

Episode 10: Angel with broken wings

We arrive in the destroyed palace. There are several hostages that can be saved. One of them will say that Malac (the goal of the mission) is moved to another place. We are going to the database of jackets (at the top of the card), we clean the territory and pass inside the fortress. Search rooms there. One of them with the door of red color is the one that we need. I pull out the malaka, put in the helicopter and fly away.

Additional task: contact with Emmerich

To advance through the plot, you will have to fulfill an additional mission "Contact with Emmerich". To do this, go to the database of jackets, from there up to the ruins of Aaba Schifap. A plot episode will begin.

Episode 11: Surrounded by Silence

One of the most interesting episodes in Game. You have a battle with the boss, Sniper Molchunya. It is worth fighting against her with a sniper rifle, delaying the location through the sight. However, it is possible to cope easier - find it on the map and drop her head with ammunition. You can also use the tranquilizer (it's easier when Muschka jumps into the water and played with a rainbow).

Next, Snake becomes in front of the choice: to kill silence (so advises the KAZ) or leave the lives (version of Ocelot). Better, of course, leave - she is a very important storyline and scenes and missions are connected with it. In addition, Muschia as a partner is superior to the dog, and horse, and even the robot Walking Gear.

Scene episode: visit to meal

If Molchunya remains alive, this task appears on the main base. After completing the girl you can take with you on the tasks.

We continue the task "Contact with Emmerich"

We go to the serak power station, to its very end. There are two options: kill all enemies or sneak quietly. It is important to understand that when an alarm does not open the door. We fall inside, watch the video.

Episode 12: Road to hell

We go to big gate, neutralizing soldiers on the left. We rise to the platform on the right and learn the documents. Now you need to get to the camp of the central base in Afghanistan. The helicopter will appear here, there will be many strong enemies. We must find Emmerich. Again, inside the hangar, where he sits, you can get only if the anxiety is not raised or all the enemies are dead. Entrance - through one of the side doors.

We grab this unpleasant character and taking to the evacuation point. Then we run back, hiding from the gigantic robot, call the helicopter to another place. Sitty in it and fight with the Sahelanhrope with the help of a machine gun on board.

Episode 13: Improte Darkness

Here we are in Central Africa. First of all, it is necessary to burn the oil field. We go to the database (go for quite a long time), where you want to destroy the tank and turn off the pumps. The tank can be exploded with a grenade, and turn off the pumps through the console panel.

Episode 14: Mutual language

We go to the specified point, we find a suitcase, watch the roller. It is required to save the viscont. We look at the territory, we find a translator, go after him, without raising anxiety. He will give the opportunity to go on a hostage group with a viscont: looking like a linguist enters the building with a soldier. Captive will also lead here. You can intercept them along the way with the help of a night vision device.

Then you should evacuate and translator to understand what the local people say.

Episode 15: Footprints of Ghosts

Go to the village. We destroy or capture robots. All of them 4. Two are on tents to the right of buildings, two more - a little higher.

Episode 16: Caravan Traitors

There are two options for passing the mission: either pump fullton and evacuate heavy loads, or destroy all the protection and take a truck beyond the enemy territory.

In any case, first we neutralize the guards in the post. Then in the tent we find information about the truck, the route is specified. In the middle will find the airport. Here are our goals.

When we get to the truck, the Skull squad will appear, which you need to win. It is easiest to do this with a tank and a BTR. Showing enemies one way.

Episode 17: Saving Scouts

Go to the yellow point in the forest. There is a hostage. On the way, the dilution of the scout should be examined, and the host of the device itself can be found between the stones on Earth. It must be evacuated. We go to the next yellow zone, there is the second "patient". It is not far from two cells in the pit with wooden boards. He is wounded, so it is necessary to send it to the base on the helicopter, and not with the help of Fulton.

Episode 18: blood bonds

Here you have 6 goals. We go to the first location, we kill the soldier, hereinafter - to the mountain opposite, there are also enemies. Children are sitting in the mine. They need to withdraw to the Evacuation Place. One wounded boys will have to drag on itself, along the way, orders children to keep up. Squeeze all children in the helicopter. Everything! Next videos and conversations ...

Episode 19: on the trail

As usual, we go to the marked point on the map. There, with binoculars, we study the base where you need to find an assistant Major. He sits inside a tent with two guards. When it comes out, you will be able to "scan it." We look where he sits down (he will change the car) - he will go there, where we need. Major and assistant can either kill or evacuate.

Skump to the checkpoint that is high. You need to go through the database, find the grid and the door. Next, we go on the way to another door. There is also a ruined bridge. Go to the waterfall, and then left. Next - through the tunnel to a white building. Inside will find a boy and let's see the video.

Now the fiery person will appear (the very, from the prologue). Switching out of the building, heading to the tunnel, through which they came, but it is already destroyed. Call the helicopter via the iDroid (preferably away from you). Now we find tanks with water. They need to be exploded when the boss is next to them. So you can neutralize it, but not kill. When it becomes saving energy, Snow the helicopter and fly away.

Episode 21: Military Economy

We go to the airport, hereinafter - to the take-off stripes. Immediately there is a helicopter area. The arms trader will arrive there. He will enter the building, rises to the second floor and will meet with your goal, which must be eliminated. Again there will be conversations and rollers. It will happen something unexpected.

Episode 22: Platform Liberation

We leave the room where the robot make. We call the helicopter, take the task, then go to the left on the second floor to the goal. We destroy opponents. Do not get to the very top.

Episode 23: White Mamba

We must track down and evacuate the boy, white mamba. However, everything is not so simple. It is surrounded by a whole gang of children who will attack you. You can not kill anyone, just stun. Reller you will find on a broken ship. You are waiting for a battle with him, tied in counterattacks. Mamba will move around the ship, so run behind him. When you win, fly to the base together.

Episode 24: Close Contact

You need to save two people. We go to the goal. We pass through the cashpost, then in one more. We look into binoculars, find the hostage in the car. Moving behind it. Save the girl. We go to the zone designated yellow. The second hostage is among the stones.

Episode 25: The right hand of the avenger

It is necessary to save the leader of children of commanders and headquarters. To be easier, take it with me sniper rifleequipped with a tranquilizer.

Fulton does not work here. Only a helicopter, so you have to run ...

Important: Next you will be waiting for the plot task associated with the disease based on the basis. You need to send to the quarantine of those employees who speak Kikongo. Only so you can stop the spread of the disease! We do it through the personnel management window. It may take a lot of time, as sick fighters hundreds and hundreds.

Episode 26: Hunting

It is necessary to get rid of the worker. We see marked areas, we first go to the small circle at the village. In the tent next to the antenna, you need to explore the information. After learn the goal route. It is necessary to kill him and guard before he comes to the camp of Kiziba (not critical, but extremely desirable).

Episode 27: Nongenic Cause

It is necessary to save the fighter of the squad. In the first post it is not, it is located on top, lies on Earth. Learn a big yellow circle, find. Evacuating with a helicopter.

Episode 28: Code Talker

The plot task associated with the search for an old man in the mansion. We go to the goal, we see fog. There are bosses from the skulls squad. This time, these are girls snipers, and they all come up. You can find them by the sight of rifles. Capture the goal binoculars and attack. It is easier to shoot from any rocket, takes more energy.

After finding a mansion, go around and find the door, here input. We go to the basement, we see barrels with wine. We go even lower, we find an old man. If there is no anxiety, watch the roller. If there are, they interrupt everyone and still look at the roller.

Now we raise my grandfather on my shoulders, we meet with Zombies. They are not too strong, so we cope. The old man needs to be delivered to the helicopter. And again the plot, plot.

Episode 29: Metal Archai

Mission is not easy! We must defeat 4 skulls. Previously will need to "remove" their protective layer, and then apply damage to the enemies themselves. When you fight, all attention is focused on one opponent. Shoot from rockets, grenade launchers. Call the weapon relief if required. After the victory, take the old man and again drag it to the aircraft. Rollers will be a lot.

Episode 30: Skull

Now we can take revenge on the villain! We find yourself at its base. There will be a lot of walking and a lot of videos, and then a long trip with a skull on a car under a stunning song. Mission is more contemplative, it is practically no need to act here.

Episode 31: Sachelanp

Here is the main boss, the local Metal Gear, the mighty robot of the Sahelantrop. The usual weapons in the fight does not roll with him. Below is a tank and installation with a cannon. They are suitable for damage to the enemy. When the giant runs at you, it is better to try to leave the zone. However, the powerful versions of rocket holders in the fight against Sahelanhropy will also be suitable (I destroyed it this way).

When everything becomes red around (but it happens when the enemy has less than half of HP), you need to get out of the lesion zone and hide, otherwise there is a chance to die from one shot. In the end, when the enemy almost does not have enemy, the robot begins to be a vessel again. It will be on the hill, comes with two rays will show the direction of the shot. I hide and shoot from the shelter. Most often I died at the last stage of the battle.

Chapter 2. Race

So, we watched a lot of rollers, and now you can proceed to performing new tasks. However, not all of them are really new ... Many mission of the second chapter - the repetition of the already past, only with new conditions and elevated levels of complexity. There is no sense to describe them in detail.

Episode 32: Too much knowledge

After hitting the card, capture the deposit nearby. Next, we go to the goal, we see Walker Gear. It is not necessary to destroy them. You can just wait until they leave. You need to save the CIA agent lying on the rocks in the grass.

Additional task with plot: elay test

We again encounter a white mamba - a guy who is the name of Elai and who will later play a key role in the whole Metal Gear Solid. In this task with him again will have to fight. The battle is the same, built on counterattacks.

Episode 33. Information War (condition - autonomy)

Such an episode was already in the first chapter. Only this time all items and weapons need to be mined in place, it cannot be taken to the mission. Non-available partners. Otherwise, the task is similar.

Episode 34: Help and waste (Condition - Extreme)

Another episode with an increased level of complexity. We destroy the fighting machines.

Additional task: Evacuation Capsules II

It is required to fly to Afghanistan and pick up a capsule with artificial intelligence. No, this is not The Boss. When you get it, suspicion of the most annoying character of the game Emmerich will be confirmed. It is necessary to either get rid of all enemies, or to sneak unnoticed. Inside the building there is a computer with lights of red. Activate it and run away.

Additional task: capture of the remains of a burning person

Remember what happened to the burning person at the end of last chapter? Now you have to pick up his remains. However, it is not so easy to find it on the basis. There are rooms on both sides, but no need to go inside. We go to the center of the base on the street, we find the platform, there see the corpse on the litter! Come and watch the video. Suddenly, yes?

Episode 35: Damned Inheritance

The task of the old man Code Talker "a. Go to the same house, where it was once discovered. There are many very strong enemies. It is better to avoid them. You need to catch one enemy and interrogate it, finding out where containers are located. We go to the house, there On the table, important information about containers. Under interrogation, you can find out how many fighters they are guarded. By sending one of them to the base, it will begin to count the time before the helicopters appear. Act quickly and have time to escape before.

Episode 36: Footage of Ghosts (condition - invisible)

In this episode, it is necessary to do everything as before, just only with the condition that you should not find enemies.

Episode 37: Caravan Traitors (Extreme Condition)

A difficult version of the mission traveled from the first chapter.

Episode 38: Unusual Phenomenon

We go to the fortress, getting rid of enemies. Now open the iDroid, we look at the "tasks", we study the description of the goals. Below their photos. True, the frames are blurred and something is not so easy to understand. After some time, Ocelot will send a normal picture. You need to go to the southern part of the ruins. There are columns. On the side of one of them there is a container with a film. His and you need to pick up.

Search escaped children 01

We go to the database, go down the cliff, there is a fence, it must be climbed. To find out where who is (and enemies and the goal), take a dog or silent with you. Go to the goal quietly, without causing the fire of soldiers and flying in the helicopter sky. Taking a child, sit down in the car and leave with enemy territory.

Search for escaped children 02

We go to the house of Code Talker "and where the child is. How to find out where? Interrogate the soldier! Then we take the boy and the thing is done.

Search for escaped children 03

Before the start of the mission, it is necessary to pro-write Fulton that it would be possible to evacuate children. To do this, your scientific department should be no less than the 24th level. Then we go to the location, where they fought with Molchunya and perform a mission.

Search escaped children 04

We go to half the destroyed structure, we deal with the enemies. On the street there is a car with a radar. It must be destroyed, then the enemies will not be able to cause reinforcement. Next, we go to the building and climb the 3rd floor. The floor is destroyed, but it is still possible to go through overlaps. There you will see a child.

Search for escaped children 05

Snake wanders on the caves in the rock. It is also helpful here - it will find a child, will show where zombie soldiers. We go to where there is a reservoir. From here leads tunnel up, a boy sits there.

All, with children figured out!

Episode 39: For the fence (condition - invisible)

The mission needs to go unnoticed. True, if you call the shelling from the air, the task will still be fulfilled. Next will be a lot of a lot of plot.

Episode 40: Surrounded by Silence (Condition - Extreme)

Again the same mission, only with the condition that Muschia kills from one shot. You can act as before, but you can simply call the tank and shoot the girl from it.

Episode 41: War of others

It is necessary to destroy the technique of the enemy. Shelling from the air, rocket and tank - your best assistants in the task. When all the enemy machines are blown up, a helicopter will arrive on the map. It should also be knocked down.

Episode 42: Metal Archaei (Condition - Extreme)

These guys were strong and without "extreme". Now they apply more damage, and they themselves became even more powerful. What to do? Take suck with you the most powerful rifle and the best rocket, to use the shelling from the air.

Episode 43: Restless Light

Probably the strongest head of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. We will find out the truth about the new epidemic ... on the basis we go to the specified point, we communicate with Ocelot and fall into the infected compartment. The game turns into a shaped Survival Horror with an appropriate atmosphere. We go upstairs, open the doors, watch the roller. After going down, we kill all infected. In order to determine who is sick, you need to wear glasses. Next, get to the room where there are a lot of fighters. It is necessary to kill almost everyone except one. We will try to save and take it out to exit ... But, alas.

Episode 44: Impropering Darkness (condition - invisible)

All the same as last time, just need to remain unnoticed. Silent to help! As well as shelling from the air.

Episode 45: silent

To activate this mission, it is necessary that the level of relationship with the pierce is maximum. To do this, it is necessary to take it more often on the missions, pay attention to her.

It should also be executed Additional mission 150 (Capture Molchunya), having learned where the girl holds. To appear this sided MissionYou need to listen to all important audio cassettes in MGS 5 (important ones are marked with yellow).

When all the conditions are completed, the mission of 45 begins. It is in captivity of the USSR soldier near the destroyed palace. The slaughter begins. Many technicians and fighters are trying to prevent Snake and his partner. You will handle if you take a rocket with me and call the shelling from the air.

We are waiting for the sandstorm, and we endure the helicopter to the helicopter. Here Snake bites a snake. Evacuation is engaged in Molchunya. Having woke up, Snake does not see the heroine, but finds an audio institution on a hill near the tree.

It is important to understand that if you do this task, Molchuny will no longer be in your team. She left irrevocably. Think carefully before acting.

Episode 46: True: a man who sold the world

This is the repetition of the prologue. Full and unconditional. With the only difference that you have a truth event background. After passing, you will be given an excellent award and show the turning story of the entire series Metal Gear Solid movie.

We also have in the reserve of Mission 47, 48, 49 and 50.

Episode 47: Military Economy (Condition - Invisible)

Honest fulfillment of this mission is very problematic. It is easier to take a powerful rocket launcher with you and shoot enemies from afar. If you have a silence, it will also come in handy.

Episode 48: Code Talker (Extreme Condition)

Episode 49: Occupation Forces (Condition - Autonomy)

This is an episode 8, only with the condition that all weapons will have to find in place.

Episode 50: SahelanTrope (Condition - Extreme)

Again the battle with the boss. He does all the same, only now has become even stronger. Choose tactics yourself, but you can win and acting in the old man.

On this passage of Metal Gear Solid 5 ends!

Episodes with groove

To further reveal the story and return the memory of the heroine of the groound (from Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes), which is located on the first deck of a medical platform (it is easy to skip it), you need to find photos with memories. To do this, evacuate soldiers in certain missions. Such photos 10. These photo soldiers can be found in the missions of 51-60. There are 11th photos available after collecting the first 10. It appears outside the room of the groove on the wall.

At the beginning you will be offered to take binoculars and explore the territory around you. You will immediately find three enemies - one on the tower, two more - near the gate. To get into the database, you need to neutralize what is on the tower. Only so you will have a chance to be noticed.

On the right you can boil to the place where your tranquilizer gun will easily use. Meanwhile, we wonder the light of the spotlight. After sending a security guard to knockout, you can easily run on the base.

Inside, hidey so that you will not find a driver of a jeep riding on the road. Next - turn to the right and go east to the place where prisoners are. Before the "prison", another ambush is found. Here - three guards, two inside the building and one on the street. Choose all three tranquilizers, hide the body and make your way further carefully, everything is also not under the light of the searchlights.

Continue to move east. Here you will find the enemy again. Again the tranquilizer and hide the body again. A little further hold Ceco (Checo). It is guarded by two - one goal, the other front. We again use the tranquilizer. Having done everything right, you will remain unnoticed.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes - Salvation Groove

You saved Ceco. Immediately detects the path to the beach. Call the helicopter, he will take the keko. After examining the film, this Ceco, return back - you need to save the groove. On the way back you will see a truck. Challenge into it, he will take you to a well-protected section of the "Fortress", where there is a groove. Hurry up to leave the body before he finishes turn, and immediately hide from the guard. It can be either cut into a tranquilizer, or to use CQC melee techniques, or to leave alone, it will not be particularly interfered.

The guard came out around the administrative building not so much, but the cameras abound. Pass the back of the building, opposite which the truck parked - so you do not hit the camera. Before small buildings stands the enemy - CQC to help. Take off the body into the shadow - here you can interrog it, then kill or just cut out. Then you will see two more guards.

Follow the yellow steps down, and you will find yourself literally next to the place where the groove is kept. Before the entrance is one guard, and within two more. Spicy and take them off using tranquilizers. More enemies will not be! At the end of the way, turn right, then left. Here you will find a groove.

Freeing the comrade, be careful - on the way back you will meet at least three guards. Put the groove in a dark angle, disappear with the first enemy, then hide behind boilers and cut down two more before going out.

Then you have to go with a groove on your back on the main street, trying not to get caught on the camera and straightening with the enemies using a tranquilizer. Behind the gate, call the helicopter in a place where it is safe, as in dangerous place There is a chance that it is destroyed. It is better to call the turntable for the groove in the same place where you did it for Ceco, well, or where they started the game. When the groove is in a helicopter, shoot around 15 seconds. All, the end! You have passed Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes.

Not the most obvious gameplay mechanics, hidden capabilities, unusual scenes and other oddities Metal Gear Solid 5

Hideo Codisima - a big amateur of all sorts of references and secrets (enough to remember the advertising campaign Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty), Therefore, it is not surprising that Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain under the eyeballs are packed with non-obvious gameplay mechanics and hidden opportunities.

With them and will introduce this material. In addition to undocumented (or not described in detail) features of the gameplay, the text below will be able to find unique scenes with the participation of various characters, as well as references to various works of art, including other works of Codzima.

Neutralization of opponents and traps

  • The enemies can be pined (R2 button on the GEIMPAD PS4).
  • To disarm the enemy, hit it (R2) and clamp the aiming button (L2).
  • By sending a weapon to nothing suspecting soldier, it can be immediately interrogated - to put the knife for him to the neck.

  • Among other things, it is possible to stun an enemy using a sight-heading in the head of the store, a few in a row of strikes from the position of lying, the activation of "mines with a doll" or a discharge of cargo.
  • You can beat with a bionic hand from running out - press the sprint button (L3), and then shock (R2). Stunning such a gadget is even through tent fabric, and not only in the case of people, but also animals.
  • If you get up on the central platform of the main base near the declaration of hazards on the construction site, you can get a box on your head. Make a soldier to this place to stun it.
  • Not all methods of neutralization are equally effective: the most effective is CQC-combo out of five blows, then stroke, shot with a sleeping cartridge. The remaining techniques are out of order of enemies for too short time to catch up, for example, a whole base.
  • If, standing with the enemy in the water, order him to lie on the ground, he will choose.
  • The surviving soldiers with the old base can be easily neglected, approaching them in the box.

  • You can destroy the helicopter with one accurate shot in a pilot from a sniper rifle.
  • The water gun is able to disable enemy communications (radio for some reason waterproof) and power supply, stew small bonfires, and stunning a burning person in Mission No. 20 ("Voices").
  • Small mines can be neutralized by a tranquilizer gun, and to restonate C4 - with the help of a water pistol.
  • The smoke grenade will not work (or will do it partly), if you throw it in the reservoir.
  • The scatter of the bullet is less when using a first-person type.

Tricks and hidden features

  • You can switch between the main and auxiliary weapons when aiming can be single - "Square".
  • Flys hovering around the hero make it more noticeable for enemies.
  • "Hide" from the effect of light or discontinuous grenade can be in the box.
  • The box can also be used for quick ("square") descent on stairs and slopes.
  • Cardboard boxes fall apart in the rain, and waterproof - no.

  • Founding in the world of games Posters can be trailed on the front side of the box (this is done through the radial menu of auxiliary items) to avoid detection, distract or disarm the enemy.
  • It is possible to wash off the hero in the hero, it is possible not only in the shower cabins on the basis, but also with the help of any natural reservoir, as well as a water pistol. In this case, however, you will not receive a five-day bonus to the continuity of the effect of "reflex", health and probability of successful Fulton-Evacuation.
  • As such a difficulty level in The Phantom Pain No, but there is its modifiers - on the right side icons interactive map. What they are red, the more difficult you will have to wear the enemies to wear helks, night vision glasses, use sniper services, etc.
  • To "reset" this system, it is enough to use the chicken cap (for this you need to die several times in the same place) or send your fighters to the external mission to destroy the arsenal and enemy reserves.
  • To save evacuate enemy fighters along with vehicles.

  • The hero can also be returned to the database using the Fulton system - for this you need to climb to the escaped container and attach the necessary device to it.
  • Evacuate enemies can be equipped with D-D-DOG assistant.
  • If on you in the presence of D-Dog attacked red wolves, your faithful dog will kill them. Just do not count on her help in bad weather - during the fog D-DOG almost blind.
  • All that you destroyed in the world of games are sentient towers, antennas, etc., - will return to its place after five missions performed.
  • When you land from the helicopter, immediately (before it flies) Send it to any other point of disembarkation. Repeat until you do not need evacuation - this method Save you money necessary to call a helicopter.
  • If you order the delivery of supplies to the site behind the room of the groove, then the parcel will arrive in the chamber inwards, proving its ephemerality.

Effects of audio cassette

Many audio cassettes are scattered around the world, which by including columns on their iDroid can be used in various purposes. Be careful: Playing records sooner or later will lead to their breakdown.

  • Afghan Lullaby - Speals Soldiers in Afghanistan.
  • African lullaby - shifts soldiers in Africa.
  • "Decitment of love" - \u200b\u200battracts surviving soldiers with the old base.
  • "Theme of Molchuny" - will calm the sight with long-range shots.
  • "The enemy is destroyed" - hearing this signal, the opponents will stop haunting the hero.
  • "Recording from the toilet" - the enemy will not go to the toilet in which you hide, if you hear these sounds.
  • "Bird Creek", "Goat Blade", "Konsky rye", "Wolf War", "Bear Ryv" - Hearing Animals Sounds, an enemy patrol (not in a state of battle) will cease to suspect that the hero is somewhere nearby.

Unique scenes

If you do not play the Phantom Pain for several months, then you may find a D-D-D-DOG on the main database, if there is no hero in the team, Diamond Dogs staff.

If the balance of your account goes to "minus", the staff of the main base will begin to arrange fights, one of which is sooner or later, the hero will call Miller.

If you look at the main base on your birthday (which you specify at the very beginning of the game), Diamond Dogs staff will congratulate you on the holiday - the cake is attached.

If at the same time your relationship with silence is developed to the maximum, a kind of congratulations can be expected from it.

If you do not wash several in-game days, then on returning to the main base Ocelot will try to extract you a bucket clean water. Punch your relationship with Maximum - Let's go to the shower silent sniper.

If you want to see the scene of the confrontation of Ilay and Ocelot, look at the main base between the capture of a young blond and its subsequent conclusion in the second chapter.

The most elusive scene throughout the game - the hidden final, activating automatically, when all users of The Phantom Pain on a particular platform decide to get rid of nuclear weapons. This did not happen in two and a half years from the output of the project and, probably, never happen.

Squeezing and Easterca

The Roman and the film "1984" did not bypass The Phantom Pain. First, the game events occur in 1984. On the main base, you can see posters with Big Boss, made in the style of "Big Brother", and the phrase about 2 + 2 \u003d 5 when you try to put Ocelot, sending players to the scene of torture from the work that takes place in the room number 101. In the room with the same number on the base will be tortured Hewie Emmerich.

If you shoot a pig in the head of ilaya, she squeezes

In scenes with Ilah and his soldiers, children traced clear parallels with the novel "Lord Mukh" William Golding. They indicate the heads of pigs on the necklaces, the sink (the symbol of power in the work) on the belt at the ilaya and the entire cut mission number 51 called the "Kingdom of Muh".

Codezima and referring to its own works: In the extreme version of the task "surrounded by silence", silent is dressed in a sniper suit Wulf from the first part of Metal Gear Solid, and half-ocelot, whom the player tried to plant a tranquilizer, can damage the phrase "La Li Lou - Lu-lo ", which is the code name of the secret organization" Patriots "from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Capsule artificial Intelligence Located on the top tier of the research deck

The artificial intelligence capsule stored on the main base is able to quote the Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Metal Gear Solid 3 dialogues: Snake Eater. The title musical theme of the latter sometimes sounds in the "cabin" of Molchuny on the medical deck.

P.T.(player camper canceled Silent Hills.) I found my place in the Phantom Pain as an early version of the bait (instead of the Lisa doll - a ghost of P.T.), and in one of the tents (mission number 20 called "Voice") you can hear the audio recording of a straight line from the tizer.

The Codisim itself in the game can also be found - in the side task number 112, you need to save from the captivity just a Japanese developer. Codisima, apparently, loved the work of the singer and musician David Bowie, once in honor of his album Diamond Gods called the private military organization of Woman Snake.

In the reflection of the window of the East (air traffic control center) at night, you can see the true face of the main character, which hints at the final of The Phantom Pain. The reference to it can be seen if Ignilate the assistant and the Savior of the Main Hero in the prologue - a temporary paradox, caused by the premature death of the present Bizza of the Boss, will happen.

Dmitry Rud.