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DEUS EX MANKIND DIVIDED SOULD MISSION. Go to OG29 offices. M11: Meeting with terrorist

Adam Jensen returned two years after the events Human Revolution. In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Jensen works with Interpol to catch a terrorist group consisting of aggressed people. The game begins with the cat-scene, where Jensen tells what happened in recent years, and why people fell on the aggregated.

M1: Purchase in the black market

This is the first mission, and she begins with a briefing, where James Miller tells how to grab Shepard, who sells weapons to the aggregate terrorists, as well as defend Arun Singha, the agent under the cover, which worked hard to get into the "Genn" - Iraqi smugglers . The mission will be held in an unfinished high-altitude hotel in Dubai (2029). Shepard will have a meeting of Sinich in the hotel's main atrium, while Ginnes will guard Penthouse. Our mission is to arrest Shepard for further investigation.

Jensen will be during the mission by itself after landing on the roof of the building. The main task will not allow "Ginn" on the party by blocking the elevator mine. During the briefing, Miller will provide you with a choice of how you want to pass the mission: with murder or without them, as well as choose a near or long-range weapon. Further guide talks about the secretly without killings. A long-range weapon (with a tranquilizer) was chosen as a weapon. Miller will also report that the storm is approaching, so it's better to do everything quickly.

Cut access to the atrium

After the cat scene, you can already directly control Jensen. To begin with, get used to the control, and then go to the entrance. On the roof, Miller will help you, putting the route, but the direct path can be risky. Go straight, then right and jump down. Then, crossed, pass through the input input. Turn right, and you will see the ventilation cover. Open it and climb inside. After climbing the stairs, you will see the blown pass on the right plastic boxes. Cancel them to clear the way.


Because This is your first task, you will be told about the basics of management. Close to a high ledge. When you get to the entrance, Duncan will update the goals of the mission and ask for a hack panel. To begin with, use the "supersening" from the aggregation wheel in order to find panels and secure routes. Break the wall and penetrate inside. You will find that the panel does not work. Use "Supervice" again to find the switch and provide energy to the panel. Drive through the switch and then go to ventilation directly.

Training Stels and Shelters

Use your hacking abilities to get access keys. Open the door, and the game will offer if you want, start learning how the shelter system works. Recommended training Do not skip and check your abilities. After completion of the training, do the same, but already directly in the game. Cut the guards, and then get to the penthouse on the elevator.

Do not miss the training of stealth, which will also help you understand the mechanics of the game. Choose two guards, and then take a heavy metal box and put it next to the ventilation so that it can be closed inward. When you choose out, you will be offered another training - the battle. If you want to pass the game, killing people, then this training will be useful for you. Remove security and descend down to the destination point where Shepard and Sin are found.

Hint: Search each dead body to replenish the stock of the grenade or other things.

Strip the signal amplifier (optional)

This is an optional task. Navigating the penthouse, in a place where there will be many guards, right up the vertical staircase and climb into ventilation. We go straight, without turning anywhere on the developments. As a result, we will get into the room with a muffler and two guards. They are easiest to neutralize from the tranquilizer rifle. After that, turn off the device.

Do not give a helicopter to leave

When you get to the control point, you will be waiting for another panel that will need to hack. As soon as it is hacked, the cat scene will begin. Get ready for a serious dump. Go down on the elevator in the atrium and begin to remove the terrorists of one by one. The sandstorm is approaching, so do everything quickly. Your secondary mission is Singha's defense. Go to the helicopter and get the battery from the panel. The easiest option to perform this task, while save the agent - immediately run to the helicopter, not paying attention to the enemies shooting in you.

Tip: Use "Supervice" to find singha and helicopter.

When the helicopter stops, the sandstorm will come, and the cat scene will begin. This is the end of the first mission.

M2: Morning has come too early

30 hours after the incident in Prague, you will receive control over Jensen. He is dumbfounded and after a short conversation with Alex, you need to meet with an expert on the aggregation, Wencesla Coller, and repair your augmentation.

Prepare before leaving.

You can freely move around the apartment and collect everything you find. Pick all objects, because They may be useful when crafting weapons. Starting from the bedroom, look at the shelves, the wardrobe, then in the restroom you can pick up an anesthetic, inspect the tumb, then continue in the hall. Under the floor of the bed do not miss the cache. One more will be in the living room - open with a laptop.

Read e-books, laptop, inspect the secret photo frame, etc. After you finish the conversation with David, go to the door, dress and leave the house.

M3: bring yourself to the best form

Find a collera in a bookstore

This task is given immediately as soon as you leave the apartment. Better to complete it first, because At the same time there will be several missions, because This will result in the order of Adam's augmentation.

After a small chat with a collabo, head to the bookstore. Several bully protected access to it.

Go to the marked location, but do not enter through the main entrance. Instead, go to the arc nearby, where the laser beams are prohibited slightly below the entrance. Rear to the lift, and then on the arch itself. Get to the apartment opposite and go inside. Close to ventilation. Find ultimately on the roof. We proceed to the arch, located opposite the bookstore, and come inside. From here it is easy to remove the enemies, but also a great chance that you will notice and raise anxiety. Therefore, we climb the roof of the building near and jump on the cornice. We wait until the panting patroling here leaves and jump on Earth. On the contrary, the wall of the bookstore is faces. We climb on them, then on the cornice and penetrate the building through the window on the second floor. There will be three enemy here. We understand with them alone from the shelters and pass under the passage.

Tip: Make sure that all items have gathered and checked all laptops for completeness of information.

Get into the basement collera

Once in the library, the coller will remind the secret book that needs to be pulled to open the passage into the basement. On the elevator, go down to the workshop collera, and the cat scene will begin. After learning a new aggregation, the coller will ask for something from Otar, which will help him optimize your aggregation, and you can use several of them at the same time.

M4: TE29 check

Go to OG29 offices

With the help of the metro, we get closer to the office. We go to the "Prague of Dovoda", which is a cover and pass to the marked post. We interact with it and open the panel with which you activate the elevator.

Install chip-stukach

We pass straight and climb the stairs. We speak with a friend and see near the ventilation grid. We climb into it. Next, the floor will be under voltage, so jump over the pipe to the left, and then on the closet. From there we turn off the electricity and check on.

Next will be the second-level code lock. You can hack it or get a pre-code in CyberCrimes Office on a laptop Celleina Carter - 7734. Install the chip and go out into the corridor in the same way that they came.

Meet Miller in his office

We speak with Miller and get the following task.

M5: Jurisprudence Practices

Go to Ruzicka.

We rose on the elevator back to the city and get to the subway to the destination. We speak with smiley.

Find evidence

Climb the stairs and go to utility room left. There will be a drawer on the stelede ahead on the top shelf. Move it and get access to ventilation. We get out and wait for the police contracts and will differ. While the woman does not see, climb the stairs. There will be a rounded room with many policemen. Do not lose time until they are instructed. On the right of the massive drawer will be ventilation.

Move the box (you need the appropriate improvement). On ventilation we go to the room with logs. In the far corner there will be another ventilation. Along it, we are under the hole in the floor. We get out and wait until the policeman in the excoratory will look at our side. We run to the specified room and take the round device DSD from the table.

Deliver the carrier smiley

Returning the same way. We go to the OG29 office and give the device smiley.

M6: Waving in business order

It starts even during the previous task, when you are already approaching the office.

Meet the Doctor Ozen

While you will go down on the elevator, Alex will contact you, and another submission will appear - "Meet the Vene in the clinic" Protane ". Go to the office to the psychologist, and she will ask a few questions, after which allows you to service. When you come out of the office, you will stop Chan, who will give a side quest, if you agree, of course.

Meet the Vene in the clinic "Protane"

Go to the marked point on the map. On the entrance door A complex code lock, but fortunately the password is known to you - 4464. Let's go down the stairs, we speak with Alex, after which we return back to the street.

Even in the basement, Miller will contact you and ask him to meet him. We go to the building nearby, enter the code 4465 in the panel. We go through the workshop and fall into the courtyard. Here we speak with Miller, and then a new acquaintance - the pilot.

Fly in gooler

Remember that the side quests started will be failed, if you go to the naked, without completing them. Therefore, at first, it is better to finish everything that everyone wanted, and then return to the helicopter and fly in new location.

M7: Deliver delivery

Pretty long mission. It will happen in the new location - the golem.

Put in an apartment

Arriving in place, we go behind the marker in the right apartments and talk to Adela. It turns out that Tibybor arrested and took it into the crow.

Find Tibils in Castle

We go to the very north of locations, we reach the protected territory and go down the stairs. Still not let's go. Under the stairs there is ventilation.

We climb into it and wait until the policeman leaves. Get out and hurt for drawers. When he returns - stun. The partner will not hear anything. After that, calmly pass through the doors and go to prison. Here I find the same tibal. It will not be able to pull it out, but we will have several possibilities for further passage.

Speak with Louis Galua

Go to the seller. Now just go through the other door. It is a little further and is located in the long part of the wall, where the tibal camera is located. We use "Supervice" or just hiding behind the wall and open the door. Look when one policeman remains next to and stand back to you. We pass behind him. There is a slot in the lattice.

Pick up Goods Gallois

Let's go down the stairs and reach the marker marked with a warehouse. It consists of several parts, and, in each individual input, protected by a code lock. The task is complicated by the fact that the policeman constantly runs. We are waiting until he goes to the long-distance side, and at this time we wake the first door. Getting inside, close the door and take the first box with suits.

Take the Neuropozin Galoa

As a reward, he will open the door for you behind him. From there you can immediately reach KPA. We pass through the door, climb the vertical staircase and go to the nearest door. But do not rush to do this if you have not fulfilled additional tasks. As soon as you go through this door, they will be failed, if they have not been fulfilled. Therefore, for perfectionists, after taking Galua supplies and get access, finish additional tasks, and then head to the kPa, and do it not through the door that it will open, but through the lift of Losyosa - so all the tasks of this mission will be performed .

Get the tibor key card (optional)

The key card will be at the officer. You can easily catch it - wait at the Market Square under the Galua store. He will go to the angle to hover. At this point, it can be calmly stunning and seize the body for a key card.

Free soul (optional)

Tibor will ask to free his brother. If you pass a little further, you will see how the interrogation is underway below. We wait until it stops, and the officer will leave. We descend on the inclined staircase, a little further, where there are several cameras. Just to rescue the sourana will not work. It is necessary to neutralize the four policemen, and one of them in the exocosm. Before doing something, learn the behavior of all goals.

Neutralize the police (additionally)

I hurt for a wide box near the staircase and when the soldier in the excogen will turn away, neutralize one police officer. Such a body for an angle so that no one suspects anything. The next goal is a policeman in the excoratory. With our bare hands you will not take it, the tranquilization rifle too. We will need a gun or other weapons with a silencer and EM-cartridges. I hurt for drawers closer to the place where the policeman stands in the excoratory and looks at the stairs. As soon as he turns away, immediately shoot EM cartridges into it. His turns around. At this time he is vulnerable, and you have a very limited time to neutralize it. Immediately head for it and stun. The body also drag off the corner to the previous policeman.

Two left. We take the tranquilization rifle and hurt for drawers near the place where the police neutralized in the exoskeleton. Remove first standing near the entrance and immediately, without waiting until the second policeman pay attention, shoot in the computer sitting. After that, you can safely go and free soul. In a reward, he will tell the password to get to the elevator.

Talk to love (additionally)

After the above, follow, can be approached by the elevator guard - love. The elevator is located on the market square under the Galua store. When he asks you to a password, select a slightly modified quotation of Solzhenitsyn as an answer as an answer: "The person who has selected everything, is no longer dissolved to you, it is free." After that, the elevator will be available to you.

Use the tibal card in the elevator (optional)

It is performed simultaneously with the previous paragraph when talking to the word.

Go to the territory

We go into the elevator and choose a "sip". We pass along the long corridor and go to the door at the far end. If it did not get on the elevator, but through the Galua shop, then this door will be immediately as soon as you raise the stairs.

Inside there will be a small cat-scene. We go further and see the lasers. On the side of the lattice there is a hole covered with a massive drawer. Move it (you need a special skill) and pass through this hole.

We fall into a huge tunnel. There will be a pillar to stand ahead. We wake the panel on it, after which the bridge will be prompted. The panel can not be hacked up, but simply enter the code - 3354 (recorded in the pocket secretary in the field before lasers).

We pass to the lattice door and hit the barn castle to open it. Use the KPA key card on the panel and call the elevator. Rising upstairs, we wake another barn castle and go straight.

On the way, Chicane will contact you. Then you have to wade, bypassing many enemies. We rise by the inclined staircase, and the cat scene will begin. I hide behind the pillar and wait until everything is different in different directions. After that, we go to the vertical staircase in the distance on the right. We are waiting until the woman in the saber goes on and climb into the ventilation behind her.

We wake a code lock on the door and pass through the shower to the window in the far side of the room. Open the window and jump into the corridor. Next we go up the stairs. There will be two guards. While they chat, immediately run to the door on the opposite side of the room. Next to the door to the right. On the way, see Nobody saw you. If anything - hide behind the drawers.

There will be a camera inside the room. We jump through the box under the camera, and then head to the next door. We open it, and hurt for the wall. Wait until they agree and differ in different directions. When one leaves, and the long-haired will stand at the side, we go to the elevator to the right and call it. While he did not arrive, hiding back in the same room. When the opportunity appears again, go to the elevator and go down.

Do not rush to immediately leave the elevator. Wait until the person passes by, and then hide behind the boards covering the staircase opposite. We wait until the guard floor above the right turns away, and quickly go down the stairs. If someone starts to pay attention to you, squeeze the stairs to the sibor. When no one will look in your direction, run into the nearest door.

We break through the lattice in the long part of the room (you will need a special skill). Next, we get into the corridor, where there will be a place with a floor, filled with water and torn wires in it. It's easy to go through this way, so do not rush down. Behind in a small deepening, we take the box and throw it down. We jump on it and then on a bucket with linen. From it already turn off the electricity on the panel.

Find Elevator

With us will contact our Pilot Chican. We go further along the corridor and climb in ventilation. Do not rush to jump down. Wait until two women go away and will not look into your direction. After that, we jump on the design ahead we climb the bridge on the contrary.

We climb again into ventilation. We pass around the room under the camera, and then neutralize a woman when it comes to the nearest laptop. After that, we go to the left, and then in the corridor, where in the far part of it is visible by the lasers passage. We get to the guard and when it appears, neutralize it.

Nearby, near lasers, there will be a room with two more fighters. Open the window while they chat, and hiding for the nearest table. When the long-haired will take place, we take the tranquilizative rifle and sleep it, and then the instructable neutralizing the nearest security guard. After that, we leave out of the room already behind the lasers.

There will be a turret ahead. I hurt for the box, then when the turret will not turn into our direction, move for drawers on the opposite side of the corridor. When the turret turns the next time, move behind the column near the turret. Next, you can safely go behind it and click on the lattice button to cause an elevator.

Interrogate Tilos Mante

Get to Evacuation Point

After talking with him, you will have much time to hide. In the table, he will have a key card for a bottle of alcohol. Take it and quickly go to the secret room on the left. Close up there and you can look a little.

After that, press the wall at the door and open it. Take a tranquilization rifle and one after another neutralize with it, first from two thugs in the room, and then the one that goes near the entrance.

We leave out. At the same time control the security drone so that it does not find us. Ahead will be another guard - we again use a tranquilizer rifle and put it.

We go straight and get into the room with five guards. It is easiest to be neutralized from the coverage of the nearest, then when one sees the body and will run, neutralize it. Next, using the tranquilizer rifle, we are straightened with the rest. In the far part of the room there is ventilation - we climb into it.

Immediately do not jump down, but gradually jump over the ledge. Next will be location with patrolling drone and thug. I hurt for the nearest column. As soon as Drone crashes into the window, and the guard will not look at our side, we are racing it with the help of a tranquilizative rifle and quickly run to the long part of the room and jump at the level below. Only I do not hurt for the nearest boxes - drone will find us. Therefore, as quickly as possible hurt for drawers, located closer to the massive door.

When the right moment comes, press the button to open the doors, and I immediately hurt somewhere. When no one will look again in our side pass through the opened doors and leave out. Here we gradually go down, first on the bridge on the right, and then simply jumping to the level below. After that, the cat scene will begin.

M8: Traveling of real terrorists

Meet the smile in his office

As soon as you complete the previous mission, you will contact you smiley. We go to the OG29 office and talk to him.

Find Nomad Majena

We go to the watchmaker's apartment. The traces of hacking are visible on the door, but inside nothing threatens.

Wake an apartment of the machine

We look at the apartment, in his office we use wall clocks located near the window to open the door to the secret room. Do not rush to climb a laptop. Sit and pull out the drawers from the table to free up access to ventilation. Also collect all items that you wanted, and only then wake up the laptop of the machine.

Get out of twilight traps

When you finish reading the correspondence, the room will begin to fill the poisonous gas. Cand in ventilation and choose out.

Interrogate the machine

Go to a bar marker. Come in the basement through the door behind the bar. We speak with the watchmaker, after which the quest will end.

Immediately after Smiley, Alex will call you. After that, you will have two story missions in the magazine at the same time. You can perform them in any order.

Wake an apartment Miller

We go to the residential complex. Apartment Miller on the second floor. You can not get into it without attracting attention in two ways: hack the code lock on the door or climb through the window. The window will be on the third floor, on the second - people will suspect. We climb on the third floor of the stairs, and then on the cornices we move to the window. Immediately do not jump - they break. Better gradually descend on the ledge on the left.

In the kitchen there will be a laptop on the table. Hacking it, you will learn some details about Miller. Next climb the floor above. Beam in a pear, and a secret door will open next to. Take a key card and exit back. In general, you can not hurry anywhere here - look carefully, you may find something useful. For example, in the floor next to the secret room there is a cache.

Meet with Vene near OG29

We speak with Alex in the designated place, and then go to the OG29 office. During the conversation, you will be the choice - to give Alex Arda, or not. The consequences of the choice under the spoiler:

If you give - closer to the end of the game, Alex will inform the code to open the door with Brown and delegates.

If not - code, respectively, do not get

Use the NPS device

We go to the Cabinet of our head of Miller. You can look around, for example, under the table there is a button raising the picture, followed by a safe. After that, come in relaxed room Neural Subnet. We find yourself in virtual reality. Behind one of the columns will be a triangular light source in the floor. We become on it and fall into the neural subnet.

Get data from 5 servers

Left approach the gray design, which you can hack. We wake, after which the design is cleaned, and you can go on. We go around the room with the first purple cube (server) on the reverse side. At the bottom there will be a hatch, closed with a similar design, which you just hacked. Open the ventilation cover and go inside.

Data towers hacking

We come to the purple cube and read the data from it. There are four more. We leave back through the hatch and pass forward. You can see another database on the right.

Pull the two designs next to it, and then we enhance the central part and put forward another bridge. Now calmly go to the second database.

The next cube on the opposite side of the room. Be careful - there are cameras there. Nearby there is ventilation, just need to push the box clinging it. We go on ventilation to the very end, and then put forward the design on the ceiling, blocking the chamber overview in the corner. We go to the long part of the room and climb the stairs. We break the next database.

Now just do not jump off right away, otherwise you will notice the camera. Therefore, we go back the same way that they came. Go down to the lowest on the steps and remove the design under the ceiling in the recess. Now access to ventilation will appear.

We climb into it. In the room we select triangular code, and then raise any of the columns on the sides. Jump on it, and then on the floor above. Raised the stairs. The next staircase is watched, after which we get to the fourth tower of the data.

I put forward the design in the central part of the room, then jerk on them. We look higher on the glass pyramid. There is a window above. Jump out on the pyramid and get to this window. Feed down and read the last data tower.

Exit from the NPS.

It will be not so easy to exit - an unexpected guest will be in the cabinet. For a long time to talk to you, so that you both caught up.

M10: Before the face of the riddle

Meet Janus

As soon as complete the previous task and go outside, Alex will contact you and say that Janus wants to meet with us. We go to a sealed building and climb inside through a broken glass. Hack the lock on the door, go into the room, and from it - in ventilation near the door. Go down and go into the room on the left, after which the cat scene will begin.

Slip away from drone

Now you need to quickly leave the room, but you can pay a few seconds and make sure the necessary items. After that, we open ventilation on the ceiling and jump from the table to it. We fall on the cornice. We pass quickly around the perimeter to the right and get to the opposite wall and reach the corner itself. When drones will not look at our side, jump down and go into the hole in the wall.

After that, go to the neighboring room and wait until the other drone is controlled in the floor. Jump down. So that you do not do, anxiety will begin.

There will be two drones ahead. Do not hurry to climb on the rags. Left there is a lattice door with a code lock. We wake it up and leave on the other hand. We move between the shelters to the left until the wall. When the nearest drone is on the opposite side, and then flies down, quickly climb on the pipe and move on the other side, immediately jumping into the shelter.

Next, pass through the lattice door. Next will be lasers. We go crop, at the laser itself. There will be several minutes in the tunnel. To deactivate them, standing, clamping and holding down, approach the head to the mine at the moment when the lights do not burn. Applying close enough, it will be possible to turn it off. Next, on the vertical stairs we leave out.

Option second (to obtain the achievement "Ghost"):

It is necessary to have the ability of invisibility. After a conversation with Janus, we leave through the door with the invisibility included, we climb into the ventilation shaft and hurt around the corner. We are waiting until the energy is restored. We activate this ability again and climb the stairs. Everything, now calmly climb on another vertical staircase and climb in ventilation. Then we go outside through a broken window at the door.

M11: Meeting with terrorist

Task we get immediately after the completion of the previous mission. Having reached the subway, you will call Alex and asked to fulfill the mission for her. Make both missions will not work simultaneously. On the consequences of the choice below under the spoiler:


The mission with the bank will remain unfulfilled forever. You will have to make a house full of segami sectarians. Miller will be pleased no matter how the mission will end. At the end of the mission, you will have to talk to Alison, as a result of which you can get a signal block, which will help almost at the very end of the game to save life, but this can be said about the thing that can be obtained in an alternative mission with the bank. Miller will die in any case.


Alison will be killed. We will have to wade through the protection of the bank. Miller will be dissatisfied, but your hackers will be glad. The award is somewhat more serious than in the version with Alison - information about the orchid and, if you find antidote against it (it is also possible, like a blocker, use to save lives in a later stage of the game). Miller can be saved. Also at the exit from the bank you can get started in storage cells if you have suitable keys.

Meet Nomad Stack

We speak with the watchmaker, after which we go to the door behind him.

Save Alison Stanekov

We fall into the community of sectarians-agics. Quietly pass through the building and go to the courtyard. On the right we climb on the roof of the extension, and then on the cornice.

You need to get back on the opposite side of the building. Only two mines are prevented. As in the previous mission, to deactivate them, standing, clamping and holding down, approach the head to the mine at the moment when the bulbs do not burn. Applying close enough, it will be possible to turn it off. Get to the long side of the building.

In the deepening in the wall will be weakness. We destroy it and make your way inside the building. We climb into the ventilation, located in the same room under the ceiling. We go on the ventilation body, and then we climb on the pipes. We get to the next mine ventilation, located at the far end of this corridor. Just be careful - the floor is energized.

We turn out to be over the restroom. Open the ventilation cover and shoot a tranquilizer rifle in a sectarian. Then we pass behind the woman on the sofa and go out to the dated stairs. I hurt for the side and wait until the sectarians treat and the nearest of them will not engage in a computer.

At this time, looking at the camera, moving along the bridge to the window opposite. We wait until the woman turns out and stun her. We pass under the camera to the adjacent room and again we climb into ventilation. We fall on the stairs. Now they are already calmly rising above, we wake the door and talk to Alison. If you want to save it, as well as that she gives you a signal blocker, which will be needed later in the game, then choose the following answers: the first three "closer to the topic", and the fourth, last, - "advise". Also in your inventory should be free two adjacent cells, because This subject is not a quest and it gets a common inventory - do not sell it by chance.

Meet Miller on the helicopter platform

When the cat scene is over, you will be free to examine everything, and no one will interfere with. In the house you can find a lot of useful, incl. Weapons and consumables. After that, go for the helicopter platform familiar to us.

Fly to the complex Garm

M12: Robbery

The second mission to choose which Alex issues. The consequences can be found in the previous mission.

Get to the bank

Going to the main entrance to the bank, Alex will contact you again and asked to pick up a package of car trunk in the parking lot.

Pick up the Vega Package

On the side of the square there is a Ludvik's institution.

We go into it and through the door behind the bar, we go down to the basement. We wake a code lock and climb in ventilation. Let's fall into the parking lot. When no one will see, we move to the blue car on the right. In the trunk take the package.

Get access to the terminal

After that, we go back to the area in the same way as they came. We pass through the main entrance. We descend the stairs in the far part of the hall. If the mission was already performed here for the editorial board "Samizdat", then it will be easier - the lion's share of all passage will coincide with the last mission, and the key card from the repository will not need to be mined again.

If the mission was not performed, then we go to the right, in a small snack there will be a room with a code lock. We wander it and fall inside. Under the table there will be a button that will open for us a secret safe on the wall. We hack it and take a key card.

We leave back to the hall and go to the repository, and on the contrary. We use the received card and wait until the doors open and the lasers turn off. In the long part of the premises on the right we wake up near the door another panel and go inside.

There will be ventilation on the opposite side of the entrance. It is chosen on the stairs already behind the guard and lasers. We rise above and hiding. When the guard with the cleaner is effective, at a convenient moment go to the toilet and cut down the guard in the adjacent restroom. We move into it and come out already on the other side of the corridor. I hide behind the column and wait until two talking in the distance of people will go away.

I cut the guard cruising here from the tranquilitory rifle here. We wake a code lock and go to the room on the left side of the corridor. Here on the right next to the entrance is ventilation - we climb into it. We fall into the technical room.

When the guard in the corridor leaves, we move into the room opposite and climb the stairs. Follow the camera and get to the code lock. We wake it up and pass inside. Here on the table we use a blue device-encoder, first inserting the key to it, and then pick it up.

Use elevator to corporate storage

This room has a secret one. Come to the rack with luminous cubes. Use the following combination: Raise - Rotate - Raise - Rotate - Rotate - Raise. After that, the door will open. If this puzzle has already solved earlier, it will not need to be done again. There is ventilation at the bottom of the left. They go straight to the elevator. We use the card on the panel and go down on the elevator in the repository.

Get into the Versalayph Storage

We are waiting until the guards leave and wake the code lock on the door at the bottom left. On the staircase behind the column top will be ventilation. We climb into it and go, focusing on the marker on ventilation. One moment will have to hack another code lock on the door. As a result, we get to the door in the storage. We go inside and use the panel in the center of the room.

When a huge safe drops, we apply your card and get inside. We look at the cat-scene, and then do not rush to get out - inspect everything around - you can find a lot of useful things. However, very important subject Lies in the safe to the left of the laptop, if you stand to it face. Hacking the castle, you will get antidote to neutralize orchids.

Get out of the bank

We leave back and climb the stairs to the side of this huge safe. Click on the button and climb upstairs. Next, jump over the bridge and click on another button on the wall to open the path above. Next will be on the way several storage facilities that can be asked if you have appropriate keys.

We rise above the vertical staircase, then jump over to the adjacent bridge and wake the panel. We put forward the repository and climb on its roof along the steps side. From there they jump above and rising the stairs again. We go to the door and open a few lattices. Next again on the vertical staircase. Open the next lattice, turn off the fan on the panel and go further.

We get on the well-known parking us. When no one will look at our side, make your way to the door opposite and then choose the area already on the route known to us. We come to the main entrance, after which we get the following task.

Meet Miller on the helicopter platform

Go already for your helicopter platform, where Miller and Chicane will be.

Fly to the complex Garm

Again the Chican will give us a choice - to fly now or later. If you fly now, all side quests will become unavailable, as the last time you left Prague.

M13: Garm

Regardless of which we chose the mission, save Alison or rob the bank, a little earlier, the game will continue to fly to the Alps, in the Garm complex.

Penetrate the complex

After disembarking, we go through the only possible path, we wake a code lock and open the door, then watch the cat-scene. When we come to yourself, we associate with any of the characters.

If you contact Miller, then in a later stage of the mission will be raised anxiety regardless of how you passed. If there is no alarm with Alex (if you do not raise it).

Leave the complex

We pass a little further and see the mine with a working fan. We go around the standing column and turn off the electricity on the panel. Now we return to the fan, remove the lattice and go further.

We climb into the ventilation, and then climb the stairs. When the camera does not look at the door, we go into the adjacent room and go to the far end of the room. If you have a remote hacking, then immediately after you get, on the left there is a staircase that can be pulled out. There, through the technical premises, we get there.

We descend the stairs, the guard can be cut off from the tranquilizer rifle or sricapass. We climb into the hatch in the floor under the ladder itself.

We pass under the orange arch and climb into the room through the hatch in the floor. In the same room there is another hatch in the floor - we open it and jump down. We pass under the arch and when the guard goes away, go a little ahead. Under the boxes near the lift there are ventilation in the floor. Move the box, open the lid and climb inside.

We go around the staircase on the opposite side of the room. When the camera and the guard will not look at our side, we move, hiding first behind the columns, and then behind the drawers under the stairs.

Climb up the stairs on several floors, we wake the door and climb into the ventilation under the table opposite the entrance. Jump down and destroy the panel. Turn off the electricity on the panel and climb into the pipe.

At a certain point, Chicane will contact you, after which the alarm will rise (if they contacted Miller at the beginning of the mission). Further on the pipe will be discharges of electricity, we go to the moments when they stop. We reach the end of the pipe and get out of the utility room.

Now it is necessary after one guard passes by and goes to the awning hangar, and the second will also pass by and become back to you, paying attention to the position of the camera, go beyond the boxes on the right. Use your "supersening", which is happening in the awning hangar on the left. When a security guard passes past the entrance inside him, go behind him and climb into the hatch in the floor.

We pass on the technical premises under the hangar and, when the guards leave, get out of ventilation and go to the construction ahead. Inside, hiding behind the distant rack on the right side and stun the entered guard.

We approach the door through which he entered and, being in the shelter behind the wall, open it. Ahead we see the staircase. Control the two guards and the chamber. At a convenient moment, we go for drawers under the staircase and wait until the guard leaves, then climb the stairs.

We go inside. We are interested in the room on the right. I hide behind the wall and open the door. When the guard goes out, go out into the corridor through other doors and further into the room opposite. We go to the long end of the room and go beyond the guard, hiding for the boxes, shoot it from the tranquilizer rifle. At him immediately, the shot does not work, and he will go to intelligence. Do not stick out of the shelter and wait until he is suitable for you, after which the sruppache stun it.

From the same position, it is possible to neutralize the entire tranquilization rifle of the guard, which patrols the entire room. There is still one, standing under the camera.

We go to the room behind him. On a laptop, you can turn off the camera so that it does not look at the elevator - it will make it easier for us to freedom. I hide behind the door at the door and open it. The guard will go check, after which they are stunning his handful.

We sit on the elevator and go out into the street where you will be waiting for Chicane. Sit into transport, after which the mission will be completed.

M14: In search of the latest hooks

M15: Security at the conference

We found themselves in London, and now our task will be to prevent disasters.

Meet Liam Slater in the main office

Go down on the elevator and speak with the guard for the glass. In a conversation, click "retreat" so that the guard is in its place.

Get to the Cabinet Slater

It will not be possible to meet with Slater in any case, so we go around the room with a security guard, with whom we just talked to the left and hack the code lock. It is worth noting to start hacking only when the patrolling Hall guard will pass by and head towards the elevator.

After that, we go inside when the camera will be turned toward the opposite door. Quickly hiding at the table behind the guard, and then pass the door next. Turn the left and go into the utility room near the stairs. We smack the grille and climb into the technical corridor.

By pipes we get up and remotely turn off the fan. We go further. We destroy two hatches and fall into ventilation. Coming out of her, on the eaves, and then pass through the air ducts to the very doors of Slater. Watch the guards and go inside or open ventilation lattice And jump down into the office.

Activate protection switch

We look at the mail on the laptop and get the code - 5359. We use it on the terminal.

Find key card to service area

When the guard won't stand near the door, go out into the corridor and climb into ventilation directly opposite, at the floor itself. We jump at the level below and go in the western direction, in where we moved to the descent.

We reach the ventilation lattice. Opening it and move the large box, and then jump down and hiding behind the extreme right cabinets. Naturally, with all this it is necessary to control the guard, which patrols here.

We pass through the room nearby and climb into ventilation on the wall in the corridor. Let's fall into a small room. Open the door. Now we need ventilation on the opposite side of the hall. It fell into the technical room where we climb into another ventilation.

We reach it before it and only then we get out behind the vending machine. Now we are not on the forbidden zone, so calmly pass by the guards and sit down in the elevator. Select the floor "Administrator".

Quietly neutralize the guards (additionally)

We fell into the hall where a party passes, so there are many guests here, which means that it is not so easy to neutralize 11 guards, without raising the alarm. It is better to perform this task, because Then it will simplify us the task. Also be sure to search the bodies of the guards, and not only for the presence of a key card.

We are waiting for near the elevator until civilians leave from this snatch, and we can do the nearest security guard. Watch out for the camera, come to the guard and inland cutting it. While the body is thawing closer to the camera so that it is not visible on it. We will wait until the camera looks at the door near the guard and wake it up, and then the body is dragged into this room. On the laptop, turn off all the cameras (password from it - Arcturus - you can find one of the guards, before this camera should not hurt you strongly).

We leave back to the corridor and hiding behind the corner, so that both guards standing on the balcony are visible. Neutralize both from the tranquilizer rifle. Body can be hidden in air ventilation. The nearest one can find the code - 1515 - it will be needed later.

We are going to the doors that were behind the long-range guard and go down the stairs. We are waiting until two guards will respond, and then stun the one who sat on the box (he find a password from a laptop controlling camera).

We go further and sleep with the help of a tranquilizative guard rifle, which walks near the stairs. After that, we rise above and wake the door (code - 1515). Hold off the side. Two guards speak ahead at the bottom. When they disperse, we sleep both of the tranquilizer rifle.

We leave back and go down to the bottom. Go ahead to the window. On the right there will be a toilet. One of the guards will go there. When it is suitable for a long wall, stun it, and the body hides in the booth. He will have the necessary key card, but it is better to neutralize the remaining guards. The guard at the entrance to the restroom to the tranquilizer rifle. The body is also hiding in the toilet.

Rising up above. In the center of the hall there is a security guard near big luminous letters. I hide behind the cabinets with these letters and stun this guard from the shelter.

Now we go again to the balcony, from where we removed the two guards talking to each other. Jump on the cornice, and then jump on the sofa. We approach the stairs and from the shelter using a tranquilizer rifle neutralize the last remaining guard. Body drag away from civilian eyes.

Explore service area

Near this staircase will be the door you need. Opening it with the key. Ahead will be a corridor with two guards. Both it is better to neutralize to win the time in the future.

We are going to the room backlit and see Miller. If you used to robbed the bank and took antidote from the safe, and did not go to save Alison, then you can save Miller, giving him an antidote. If you save it in myself, then in the future it will help win a little time and save delegates, if you don't have enough promundant.

Next, you will have a choice of two tasks - to deal with Marchenko and do not give it to blow up a bomb or save delegates. If you are fast enough, you can do both. For all about everything you have 10 minutes. You can perform tasks in any order, the only thing that will help you facilitate the passage - if you have a signal block, it is better to figure out the delegates, and then go to Marchenko if the antidote is the preferred order on the contrary.

M16: Stop Marchenko

Stop Marchenko to an explosion of highlight

We run back to the hall with guests, go down the nearest stairs and go to the door on the left. Then in the corridor on the left and fall to Marchenko. If we have a blocker, we use it if not - you have to be fast.

Fight with Marchenko will be any case, but it can not be killed, but only stun. To do this, throw a few em grenades around it, because He runs away if he sees it nearby, after which it is quickly running towards him and stun. You can use em-mines. Tour and drones will immediately self-suite. Next, the game or will end, if the delegates have already been from, or have to try to fulfill this mission. In the latter case, return back to the corridor, for which we hit Miller.

M17: Protecting the Future

Find and protect delegates

We go into the corridor and climb the stairs. We are waiting for two gold masks treat and disperse. After that, we go to the left, behind the shelters, after which we pass behind the turret into ventilation.

Coming out of it, we pass through the doors, and then at a convenient moment we wake a code lock on the door on the contrary. Inside the table there is a hatch. We climb into it. I get out of the ventilation mines and immediately hurt behind the door at the door in front of the ventilation movement. When the guard goes, climb the stairs and go to the left, to the alarm of the balcony. We wake a laptop and turn off the turret. After that, we throw a gas grenade in four enemies when they are near, and sit down on the elevator. Run out of the elevator and go forward to the desired door.

If you previously gave the ruda Alex, it will contact you and inform the code from the door that it will save us time - 2202. If you have an antidote, you can be late and not to meet in 10 minutes, because. poison does not act immediately.

After that, the game or will end, if Marchenko has already been, or will continue. In this case, you will have to return back to the corridor, as we hit Miller, the same way.

Passage Deus.Ex:Mankind.Divided It raises a lot of questions (and no, not all of them include the mother's set of words) - in particular, side missions and all sorts of calibers, the incomplete study of which will not give to get some achievements - but we will try to shed light on their finding.

In general, everything comes down to what you need to explore everything. That's just all. But sometimes, even when they examine, everything would seem - something eludes. And so, so that nothing eludes ...

Note: Yellow marked plot "points" - we will not disassemble them, because somehow they will be in the game. Blue - Side Tasks. Green - utility.


Deus.Ex:Mankind.Dividedit begins with a chic unfinished hotel - and, frankly, the first mission is quite linear, almost in the spirit "go there, bring something." But there is in it and a couple of Zakolekov.

1. Cache behind the ventilation grille - triangular code.

The use of aggregation "Improved jumps" - +400 loans.

Rift in the wall - it can be poured by using the "Punching of the Wall".

Closed door - Get to the distributor and play a mini-game, or enter "0451"; Biocolek.

Staircase at level 3.

The side room is the code "4801" (you can also get through the top level); Inside weapons and cartridges. If you hit the wall in the wall, the passage to the abandoned elevator shaft will open.

Entrance to the upper ventilation shaft.

Penthouse - Pocket Secretary.

A place with killing gas - you need to use the "return breathing implant"; You can get through ventilation, upper level or breaking through the wall - inside a lot of cartridges.

Surveillance Hall - Pocket Secretary with a Hall Code with Elevators (12).

Penthouse - electronic book And you can hack a computer.

The closed door is a mini-game or "0682".

Sniper rifle - you will need to use the lift near the elevator to go there.

Note: In Dubai, it will be impossible to return later, and therefore, during the passage it is recommended to collect and do everything that can be collected and done - before you get to the "point of non-return" (yellow 5 on the map).

South Prague

The first of the Locations of Prague, which will meet in passage Deus.Ex:Mankind.Divided. For the "transition" to the northern part of the city, the metro will be used (green 16 on the map). You can try to explore it all right away, but it should be remembered that in some parts it will be difficult to get - for example, due to the lack of one or another equipment or augmentation.

Side tasks(Blue marks): 1-6 - Golden ticket; 7-8 - 01011000; 9-10 - Reaper.

  1. The room over the police gear is an e-book, a triangular code (under the boxes), a bioclete, a combined computer and a pocket secretary in the ventilation mine.
  2. Yard - you can avoid direct clashes with protection, using the stairs; Two pocket secretaries in one of which the code to the repository (green 3).
  3. Storage is a mini-game for opening, or the code "1998". Safe is a mini-game, or "2489" (gives Milena, green 4) - 2 fragmentation grenades and a bunch of loans. Ventilation shaft leads to a room with Milena.
  4. The lower floor is a hatch leading to the fourth level of sewerage (the South Prague sewage card, green 3) - traps and cameras. Upper floor - office (Milena), e-book and triangular refrigerator code. After Milena comes out of the room you can hack her computer.
  5. Storage on the top floor - the guard has a pocket secretary, a computer, with which you can turn off traps and cameras - a mini-game, or "1980".
  6. Gallery - 2 e-books and pocket secretary in the basement.
  7. Mini market - e-book and computer.
  8. Little room is a pocket secretary, entrance to a ventilation shaft and a multitool under a red box. You can break the eastern wall - 2 units of neuroposine, combat and tranquilizer rifle.
  9. Little structure - you can go through a small door or window on the top floor. The switch to loosen the wall that can be poured, closed door, ventilation mines, two warehouses with weapons.
  10. Pereulok - you can exchange neuropoyssen for pocket secretaries.
  11. Roof - can be reached by elevator, pocket secretary.
  12. Commands over the street - you can get from the roof or billboard - e-book, computer, in a police van can be found a grenade launcher.
  13. The staircase in the sewer - leads to the first level of sewers (the South Prague sewage map, green 1).
  14. Ventilation Shaha (Upstairs) - Cache, Multitur.
  15. Bar "Freedom" - Teresa sells beer and first aid kits, it can also be exchanged for neuropozin on the code from the rear door, an e-book. Entrance to the basement is a mini-game, or "1015", e-book, pocket secretary, a button in the corner, which opens a secret passage. In the secret room 2 biocolets and passage to the fourth docking of the sewage (the map of the South Prague sewage, green 2).
  16. Chapec Station - You can get to Northern Prague, you can talk to the Santo representative, two locked doors that can be hacked - a pocket secretary, BREACH, bioclete, computer (disconnection of cameras).
  17. The yard is an e-book, protected by dealers, safe with loans, neuroposin and gas grenade (code "0310").
  18. Lombard - 2 Closed doors, multitool, six computers in the basement.
  19. NWS headquarters - e-book, the terminal opens access to the safe for the picture - loans, gun and hacking programs. You can get into the basement, hacking the door or through the ventilation shaft - a computer.
  20. Balcony - can be reached on the elevator, e-book and pocket secretary.
  21. You can break through the wall - a pocket secretary and a tranquilizer rifle on the mezzanine.
  22. In the apartment on the first floor e-book.
  23. Weak Wall - Through it can be reached into the basement of the Bar of Freedom.
  24. The Church of the Machine God is available only after the mission is completed "Meeting with Terrorist".

Note:During passage, one of the rooms in the building marked with green 9 will be locked, and it is possible to open it only by starting the side tasks "01011000". Also, during the first visit to Prague, it is highly recommended to explore everything, because in the third visit (after the Mission "Garm") will be announced and, if Jensen notice - will open fire, which can be avoided, well knowing all available workarounds.

North Prague

The most "saturated" on the location events Deus.Ex:Mankind.Divided - Here you can get into much large quantity Buildings, but not all of them will be available immediately, and for some required special augmentation.

Side tasks(Blue marks): 1 - Golden ticket; 2 - the cult of personality; 3-4 - samizdat; five - Neon nights; 6-9 - family matters; 10 - mysterious augmentation; 11 - 01011000; 12-13 - care to the shadow; 14-15 - "K" means each (14 is also a reaper); 16 - Last harvest.

  1. Closed area - you can break through the main entrance or ventilation shaft, the entrance to which is behind the building - a computer with a mini-game, or the "Samitachedog" password to disable the cameras and the security system.
  2. Shop - You can talk to the seller, Voltat 3000 for 250 credits will give advice, you can get along the stairs to the basement or through the ventilation mine outside the garbage box, also leads to 17.
  3. "Palisade" - at the end of the station behind the locked doors, the triangular code, and in the post of protection - BREACH programs, a pocket secretary, and in the cache opposite - bioclete.
  4. Apartment on the first floor - you can climb the Billboard ladder - e-book, bioclette, paralyactive and computer.
  5. Apartment - You can get by jumping from the Billboard staircase (the window is broken down with the help of weapons) - e-book, multitool and computer.
  6. Apartment in a red building - you can jump from the window of the apartment (5) and on the balcony of the Red Building - wedding photo (subject from task) and computer.
  7. Apartment in the second floor - you can jump from the roof of the neighboring building (outside, at the corner - ventilation leading in neighboring garages) - a computer and biocoletk, which you want to install in the device on the table to access the hidden safe.
  8. Two garages (the wall between them is weak) - in one of them you can climb through ventilation outside, for garbage boxes - cartridges, revolver, neuropozin and multitool.
  9. Lunge Ludwick - Pocket Secretary. In the basement (code "3419") a secret passage to the underground garage (10). Electronic book.
  10. The main entrance to the Bank "Palisaid" - on the opposite side, the entrance to the underground garage.
  11. Entrance to the sewer area of \u200b\u200bthe Chista region (Cleaning Calipation, Green 5).
  12. Apartment in the second floor - computer ("9410" and "Furvent6").
  13. Electronic book.
  14. Shop, access to rear garages.
  15. Descent in the sewage system "Clea" (Cleaning Calipation, Green 10), Garages are interconnected with a weak wall and shop (14) - BREACH programs, code to the door "9356".
  16. Through the billboard, you can get into the apartment upstairs - biocletics, neuropozin, a pistol housing (subject from the task) and a computer.
  17. You can buy biocletes, in the basement - BREACH programs, computer ("0710"), ventilation leads to the store (2). The apartment floor is higher - you can climb through a glass roof - you can find loans if you decide the riddle (button in the bathroom), carefully - gas mine.
  18. E-book on the shop window, the second is on the roof.
  19. The yard OG29 - two closed garages - two pocket secretaries (one is hidden for a small stone in the wall). In the northern corner of the courtyard - the apartment on the first floor, inside the safe ("3680") is a confidential medical conclusion (subject from the task), BREACH and computer.
  20. Two garages - in one of them you can get through the ventilation behind the building - the paralyzer, in the second one you can enter, using the "2469" code.
  21. Shop - computer. In exchange for neuropozin, you can get into the basement, mines to one of the rooms can be neutralized by pressing the button for the picture near the stairs - BREACH and safe programs. With the help of ventilation, you can reach 22 and the apartment upstairs - a computer and a pocket secretary.
  22. Shop - computer. In the basement behind a weak wall, a safe with a pocket secretary. Ventilation leads in 21. Over the apartment apartment with a computer that opens the safe in the wall.
  23. Garages - in the left pocket secretary, the right is empty.
  24. Police - computer. Basement.
  25. Station - e-book and at the end of the platform the door leading in the sewering of the clean.
  26. Center of Tourism - You can jump through small windows above parade door Or through the hole in the floor of the basement leading to the sewage system (the Cleaning Map of the Cleaner, Green 1) is a triangular code. At the top of the center, the BREACH and e-book program.
  27. Descent in the sewage area of \u200b\u200bthe Langui region (Map "Languy sewage", green 1).
  28. Cache with ammunition.
  29. Apartment in the second floor - you can get from a small roof near the balcony - a computer.
  30. Locked doors - a computer.
  31. Shop - computer. In the basement, you can insert a bioclette into the connector in the wall (in the corner) - the safe will open. In a closed room, you can get to destroy the weak wall. The room is connected by ventilation with the apartment (32), as well as from 34.
  32. The apartment is through a balcony or ventilation from the store (31) (poisonous gas) - computer and neuropozine.
  33. Pharmacy - Pocket Secretary. On the upper floor (in the rooms you can get through the ventilation with poisonous gas) - the computer ("OwningThedevil"). If you get on the ventilation further - you can find a cache with neuroposin, biocletes and painkillers.
  34. Secret passage (break through the wall) to the store (31).
  35. Shop - computer. In the basement you can open the doors using the clock button.
  36. In the basement (through ventilation) you can find a cache by clicking the button for the picture - a computer, triangular code and safe (golden statue of the aircraft to detect it; within loans and a pocket secretary).
  37. Box - You can get inside through ventilation in the north.
  38. In the old apartment on the top floor, the safe refrigerator.
  39. Coffee Shop - Pocket Secretary. In the basement - a cache (weak wall) and the door ("5622"), and there is a safe and access to the first floor. The apartment is an e-book and BREACH program.
  40. Cache, in which not to get without the eugmentation of the legs. Entry through ventilation in the clinic wall - inside the BREACH program, triangular code, neuropozin, biocletes and a pocket secretary.
  41. Pilgrim station - in the ticket office of the Pocket Secretary. Another one - in the first room for ticket office and triangular code in the box. IN last room - BREACH programs.
  42. Climb the arch - +200 experience.
  43. Bar, basement - ammunition.
  44. In the garage, you can climb through the hole in the wall.
  45. Entrance to the sewer.
  46. From the balcony of the upper floor, you can climb on the roof, there is a secret course leading to the theater - sniper rifle and ammunition.
  47. Apartment on the third floor - triangular code, e-book, computer.

Note: The eastern part of the map is the quarter of the Red Lanterns - will be available only after the task "Delivery of the Ruture" is fulfilled.

- The last part of the series tells about the cyber-future of mankind. Not the most happy future, by the way. The artificial evolution of a person brought him to such a "Tsuugunder", that during this very evolution, such a character was formed as Adam Jensen - our the main character. Receptions, half-breed, starting with all sorts of bioelectronic body kit in the form of implants adding a lot of skills, because it is RPG, despite the fact that the game itself looks like a clean FPS. Well, and most importantly, you need to say about what the red thread passes through the whole game - to go through Deus Ex: Mankind Divided can almost no one killing anyone, but you can brew such a bloody porridge that it does not seem to see anyone. Here you already choose to you, and, therefore, depending on the style of passage, pump appropriate skills.

Immediately it is worth saying that there will be spoilers in this material. We will try to minimize them, but they will still be, so I warn in advance.

The first thing you see is a 12-minute storyline, unfortunately, an unconnected video about the events of the previous part in the face of Human Revolution, when the modified part of mankind arranged a genocide not modified, reducing the livestock of the last one more millions of citizens, which they naturally did not forgive Therefore, in this part, Adam Jensen will be subjected to contempt and frank hatred.

Fundamentals of movement.

Despite the fact that in the game there is an opportunity to start throwing enemies from the very beginning, we do not recommend this, because the protagonist at the start is still weak, and he will have to be disadvantaged when the guard causes reinforcement, so the first hour or two only stealth and secretive killings If you want. Always stick the walls, stay in the shade, and try not to be caught by surprise on open place. Ideally, each of your jerks should begin with a shelter, and the shelter end.

Movement in this game is also complicated by the fact that it is easy to get lost here. Locations in Mankind Divided multi-level, layer, so to minimize the risk of getting lost in this manifold, constantly check with the card, for the loss of purpose and the lack of understanding where to go is one of the main troubles that will happen to you in this game. Orientation on the ground is quite simple: yellow marker is your current goal. The goal can be selected in the task log.

Mankind Divided has a lot to hide a lot, and the whole game can be held at all without murder


Learn to quickly hide your weapon, and also quickly change it. It will greatly help during the game. Since there is a mass of peaceful zones, where full of civilians, then walk among them, waving guns - it is not desirable, for the police will tighten very quickly. Unfortunately, because of the glitches to waving the weapon, society, and the police, they are not always reacting, but they hope on glitches, and they are not a root. Therefore, transfer the "Hide Weapon" command to the most convenient button, such as the central mouse key, or on some trigger, if you play gamepad, and you will be happy.

Also try immediately learn how to switch the weapon blindly, without looking into the inventory. The thing is that if you just decide to climb into the inventory, then the time is flooded, and you can dig there as much as you wish, but if you decide to get into the inventory in a hot moment, for example, when you notice after hacking the door, then the inclusion Inventory will not stop time, and the enemy attacks you, despite your employment. Fast access slots will help. Place all the most important and frequently used there. Separate Recommendation: Hide the pomegranate selection button on a separate key - this may be quite useful.


MANKIND Divided events are developing in the cyber world, so there are a lot of surveillance cameras there, but, personally, we believe that in the future they will be at times, there would be more orders, but it would break the gameplay, so the cameras have a pretty traditional view for our time.

One of the main duties is to remain outside the zone of the visibility of cameras, which, as a rule, turn out to be much smallest than simple guards. Your task is to get into the blind zones of the chambers. They are most often closer to the walls. It's not a secret if you have passed Human Revolution. Also, if the camera interferes very much, you can destroy it with a firm shot, but here one insidious thing lies. The destruction of some cameras can make it impossible to perform some quest. Shooting around the chamber, remember that it may need you, and its destruction can make you reboot from the last save. Cameras are needed in order to hack them, connect, and take control.

Do not buy weapons in stores. You can take it from defeated enemies

Sided missions.

Do not neglect secondary missions. They are in Mankind Divided less than in Human Revolution, but they still have, and their fulfillment will give Adam a lot of useful, first of all, money and experience. True, all this will take a lot of extra time, because a side quest needs not only to perform, but also to find, and for this you will need to study almost every square meter Each location. In addition to the above bonuses, the fulfillment of such tasks will give you more knowledge about the world, and will reveal some details of the upcoming plot. But when performing side missions you need to know one an important nuance: If you leave some part of the in-game world, such as Prague, you will not be able to go back and go an invincured. In other words: they scored sides in Prague - finish, for, if you leave, you will lose them.


Ventilation holes, gaping, then there, then there are wonderful places where you can hide. In addition, they can sometimes find any interesting, but first of all it is the secret LAZ, where you can run, if it becomes truly dangerous. Enemies in Mankind Divided - with all due respect to the game - they do not differ in mind and incentive, so how much we experimented, never climbed Adam in ventilation hole. Yes, and more: hide and seekers in the ventilation compartments - Alpha and Omega Game, for this manneur teaches us that you should always look for an alternative path.


The main character of Mankind Divided - Marauder and Thief. It is impossible to argue with it. That is why there is a pile of lockers, safes, boxes and chests, which, sometimes, can be discovered simply, and sometimes you have to hack, playing a mini-game, or finding nearby (and maybe not nearby) Secret code. In general, we strongly advise you not to skip a single locker, not a single shelf, and search, search, search. Yes, it takes a lot of time, but it is worth it, because biocletes, cartridges, first-aid kits and other utility - will never be superfluous. This is especially true of biocletes, with which you can develop your skills.

Communicate with NPC. It takes time, but rewards interesting by-mail quests.

Communication with NPC.

Non-characteries in Mankind Divided are not very much, but they are, and you need to talk. Unfortunately, after a series of useless, as they said in Odessa, empty conversations, many stop paying attention to the opportunity to communicate, and in vain, because sometimes (somewhere on a dozen) you will come, someone like a barmen for a rack that is not Only suggests you an extremely interesting quest, but also will ask for its fulfillment an interesting award, much more interesting than the one that can be obtained for many basic missions. In general, it is necessary to communicate. Well, and, of course, try to discuss not as it would lead to her in real life, and so to pull the necessary quest from the NPC, and not offend him ahead of time.

The shops.

Adam, despite his stern look, also likes to spend money, so do not neglect shopping by hikes. True, the absolute majority of such shops are hidden behind the stairs, disassembled under the sewer hatches, etc. This is again about the fact that the MANKIND Divided world needs to be explored scrupulously. The most interesting thing is to get on the weapon merchant. Such a citizen you can buy such useful things as a silencer, special ammunition, allowing fading robots-guards, biocletes, armor-piercing shells, etc. In addition, during the adventure, Mr. Jensen itself will turn into a bureau of finds, and in its inventory there will be a lot of all sorts of different things that it would be better to sell. But the weapon itself does not make sense to buy, for it can be selected from liquidated enemies.


We have already mentioned biocolets earlier. If you drop the claim name, and leave the essence, then these are special pieces that allow the hero of pumping. They can be found, or create themselves. With the help of biocletes, you can increase your inventory, which is especially useful for replenishing the ammunition reserves, for often shootouts can wear a protracted character, and you will be remembered with annoyance to remember piles of the cartridges that you left on the killed enemies. Similarly, with the help of biocletters, you can improve the effectiveness of treatment, as well as learn how much more practical to hack all kinds of protective systems. Therefore, in fact, stuck not only on the biocletes themselves, but also on the items necessary for their creation.

The end follows ...

Finally, the release of the continuation of the sensational game project Deus Ex: Human Revolution took place. In this article we describe in detail the passage of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and more precisely the fulfillment of its main scene missions - Additional quests will be considered in another guide.

Background Mankind Divided

The game events unfold in 2029, that is, a couple of years after the story, told in the previous honor of the series. At least, from the Panhai incident, which led to the death of millions of people around the world, the newest implants were installed on whom, and has already been established for 2 years, but it still did not reduce the level of distrust of the modified people from society. There is an incredibly large abyss between ordinary and aggressed residents of the Earth, which is now almost impossible to overcome.

In the prevailing confusion, high-ranking state figures and heads of transnational corporations sent all their strength to hide the real cause of what happened. They managed to take public opinion on their control and competently manipulate them throughout these two years, turning the situation to their favor.

However, they did not take into account that moment that Adam Jensen would not stop his struggle and would try to do everything possible to bring sales politicians and greedy corps on clean water. In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, he decided to leave the post of Sarif Industries security heads and become an interpol agent, joining Task Force 29. He also actively cooperates with a mysterious group of hackers, calling himself a team of Juggernaut, in order to reveal the plot of the Illuminati.

Together with his detachment, Adam is heading to Dubai to fulfill the next secret mission to capture a dangerous terrorist, collecting a real army from modified people under its beginnings. Here and the first mission begins ...

M1 - buying in the black market

The first task in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which starts with a briefing, in which James Miller lays out a plan on how to seize Shepard, a local weapon baron, selling weapons to terrorists with aggregates. We will also be defended by Arun Singh, a double agent who has spent a lot of strength to become a member of the smuggling cartel "Genn", operating in Iraq.

The actions of this quest will unfold in a huge unfinished hotel located in the capital of the UAE. Shepard is found with the Singh in the attraction of the construction, and the "Ginny" meanwhile will guard Penthouse. The main goal is to detention Shepard and helping Singha.

At least on the fulfillment of the mission and sent a whole detachment, however, Jensen will carry out its work alone. Its priority will not be the assumption of the cartel "Ginn" to the "Party", which will be held in the atrium. To do this, he will block all the mines of the elevator. During the briefing, Miller will ask Adam, as he prefers to go through the task - killing enemies or stunning them. Then he will offer him a choice of several types of long and melee weapons. We will try to pass the game without murder, so we take with you a long-range rifle with tranquilizers. At the end, Miller will report that the sandstorm is coming to the city, so you should hurry.

Close approaches to the atrium

As soon as the cat scene is completed, you will receive complete control over Adam Jensen. First, go to different directions and look at to get used to control, and after heading to the input. On the roof, Miller will continue to help you by developing a route to your goal. But he immediately will noted that in direct us better not to go. Therefore, we convert a bit forward, then we turn right and jump down. Sat and pass through the inlet, littered with fragments. We turn right again and find a ventilation grille. We open it and climb inside. We climb the stairs and see the right large boxes that blown the passage. We rearrange them to another place in order to clear your way.

Power Recovery on Panel

If we consider that this is our first task of this type, then we will look at it as much as possible. So, you should first climb on a high proof and go ahead to the entrance. Next, listen to Duncan, who will ask us to hack the panel. The first thing to activate supersensation (should be selected in the wheel of the augmentation) to find all panels and optimal routes. Then prolamed the wall and enter inside. There you will see that the panel is de-energized. We again turn on the supersening for detecting the switch and restore the supply of electricity. We jump over the switch and move forward over the ventilation move.

How to use shelters and stealth

Apply your hacking skills to receive access codes. After opening the door, the game will provide you with a choice: Continue the passage of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided or pass on the use of shelters. If you play this project for the first time, we do not advise you to skip the instruction. After you finish learning, you have to do all the studied tricks already with real opponents. Knock all enemies at the level, and then take into an elevator and climb to the penthouse.

We do not advise you to skip training on stealth, which will reveal the secrets of one of the main game mechanics. Observe with two guards, and then drag a large steel box to ventilation to get to the ventilation hole with it. When you find yourself in a new location, then the game will offer you to pass her one training lesson associated with battles. It will be especially useful to those players who are going to kill their enemies and pass the game in the image of Rambo. Eliminate opponents, and then go down to a specified point where the meeting between Singh and Shepard takes place.

Note: Do not forget to check the pockets from the opponents after they cut them down. The fact is that they often can be found ammunition for weapons, grenades and other useful things.

Jumping signal amplifier (additional task)

This is a small minor mission, which we did not specify in a separate guide. To perform it needs to be found in a penthouse place that guards a large number of of people. Turn the right and climb the ladder into the vent hole. Moving forward, without turning anywhere. As a result, we will be indoors with a silencer of the signal and two opponents. We advise you to deal with them with a rifle with tranquilizers. Now you can cut the muffler.

Do not allow the helicopter takeoff

At the checkpoint you will need to hack another access panel. As soon as you open it starts a new cat scene. Get ready for a serious battle. It will be necessary to go down on the elevator and start straightening with terrorists one by one. Soon all this place will cover the sandstorm, so the enemies should be eliminated as quickly as possible. Do not forget also about the protection of Singha. Go to the helicopter and remove rechargeable battery From the panel. If you do not want to bother with the murder of terrorists, but at the same time you do not want the agent to die, then we advise you to immediately run to the helicopter, without paying the slightest attention to the opponents shooting in you.

Note: Support should be activated, in order to quickly detect a helicopter and an agent under cover.

After you manage to stop the helicopter, the sandstorm will immediately begin and the cat scene starts. So the first task will be completed.

M2 - Morning has come too early

30 hours after the event that occurred in Prague, you will again be able to control the actions of Jensen. It will be shocked by what happened and after a short conversation with Alex decided to meet with an implant specialist - Wencesla Coller. This expert should help Adam to repair the augmentation.

Preparation before leaving

Inspect your apartments and take with you everything you think useful. The fact is that these things can be later used for the crafting of the weapon. Start your bedroom inspection: Look in the wardrobe, wait the shelves, go to the restroom (here you can find painkillers), open the bedside table, and then go to the hall.

Try to find a collection figure of Jaggernaut in the hall. Then read the e-books and activate your laptop. Explore the secret photo frame. In general, turn your apartment up to the bottom to be stubbing everything is not screwed into your pockets. Talk to David, and then get dressed and leave the house.

M3 - bring yourself to the best form

Search collera in bookstore

Talk to the coller over the network, and then go to the bookstore. A couple loud will guard access to a trading shop. As soon as you leave your apartments, head for the stairs, go down and go to the first door. Next, go to the window and jump down.

Go to the marked point, but do not go to the store through the main entrance. Better to locate on the roof and go inside from above. Take into the vent hole and raise up the destroyed bridge. From here it is very easy to remove opponents in quiet. Then climb into the building through the window located on the first floor. Disappear with louds and find the doctor around the marker. Once to the library, the coller will remind you of a secret book, with which you can open the entrance to the basement.

Note: Check all the shorts and laptops before going further, since you will not have one more chance for this.

Get into the basement collera

We get into the workshop collera on the elevator and look at the next cat-scene. We agree to the test so that the coller checked the presence of hidden augmentation and helped you unlock them. After testing, the doctor will ask you to get a certain item from an Otar, which will allow it to optimize the work of our implants, and then we can use several skills at once.

M4 - Check OG29

We go to the offices of the operational group 29

Using the metro, we go to the offices of the operational group. We are going to the building "Prague Revolution", which is a headquarters cover, and go to the post, marked on the map. Click on it to access the panel. Enter the code to activate the elevator.

Installation of chip-stukcha

We go ahead and climb the top floor on the stairs. We talk with a girl and pay attention to the ventilation grille. Prolazimm in it and get to the floor under voltage. Here you should jump onto the pipe located on the left side, and then jump over to the closet. I cut down the flow of electricity and climb on.

Here we will wait for the code lock with the second level of security. You can try to hack or enter access code (7734), found in the Laptop Celleina Carter, lying indoors of CyberCrimes Office. We place our chip and go back to the corridor.

Touch with Miller in his office

We go to the Cabinet Miller, talking to him and get a new quest.

M5 - Jurisprudence Practices

Go to Ruzicka.

We use an elevator to go back to Prague, and then go to the subway and come to the desired point on the map. We talk with smiley.

Search evil

The stairs rise to the top floor, we go to the floor located on the left and find a box located on the rack (top shelf). We move it by opening myself any access to the ventilation grille. We go into a hole and a half to the end. I wait a bit next to the exit until the police talk to each other and do not disperse in different directions. We get out of ventilation and go to the stairs, without falling through the look of unauthorized people. After passing a little forward, you will find yourself in a spacious room in which there will be full of police. We use the fact that all the cops concentrated their attention on the briefing and find the entrance to the ventilation hidden behind the large metal box.

Move the container (a certain augmentation will be required), we climb into the hole and go to the room with logs. In the far corner you will find another entrance to ventilation. With the help of it, we get to the hole in the floor. We leave out and watch the cop in the exocosm. As soon as the policeman turns out, run out of the shelter and run right room. Inside, we are looking for a DSD device (it will lie on the table).

We pass the smile carrier

We go back the same expensive in the headquarters of OG29. We find smiley and convey to it the device.

M6 - Waving in business order

The mission will begin at the time of completing the past quest when you will approach the office of the operational group.

Meeting with Dr. Ozen

While staying in the elevator, Alex will call you, as a result of a conversation with her in the diary there will be a new subplace, to fulfill which it will be necessary to meet with the Vene in the clinic "Protane". We go to a psychologist and respond to a few questions. After that, you will be allowed to work again. When leaving the office, you will come across the chane, which will give you a side task. You can agree to help him or refuse.

Meeting with Vehoy

We look at the card and go to the marker. On the door will hang a code lock with high levels Security, however, access code to you is already known (4464). We go down the stairs, talking with Alex, and then go upstairs and leave the building.

Meeting with Miller on the helicopter platform

Already in the basement you will call Miller and says it will wait for you on the helicopter platform. We go into the building located next to the clinic and enter the following access code to unlock the doors: 4465. We go through the workshop and reach the courtyard. We talk with Miller and get acquainted with the new pilot.

Fly in the golem

We note in advance that if you decide to fly in the naked, then all the side quests you take will be automatically failed, so we advise you to first fulfill all the sideings, and only then go to a new location.

M7 - Delivery Delivery

A very long task whose action will unfold in new region - Golem City.

Put in an apartment

Arriving into a new location, open the card and look where the point you need is located. We go after the marker and reach the marked apartment. We talk with Adela and learn that Tibor was arrested and stubborn in the cramps.

Find Tibils in Castle

We go to the northern part of the district and get to the territory under guard. We go down the stairs. You should not directly go - it is better to use the ventilation stroke located under the stairs.

We climb into the hole and wait until the cop does not leave your post. We are selected from ventilation and hide behind several boxes. As soon as the policeman returns again, immediately cut him down. Do not be afraid, other cops will not hear you. Then go to the doors, pass through them and get into the prison unit. Here we find tibal. Unfortunately, pull it out will not work, but you will have a couple of options for the further execution of the mission.

Speak with Louis Galua

Go to the merchant. It is necessary to go through another door located not far from the tibal chamber. We use supersening or hiding behind the wall and pass through the door. We observe the copies. When only one of them remains, we pass from behind and get to the ventilation lattice.

Pick up Goods Gallois

We go on the ladder down and get to the warehouse marked on the map. The warehouse includes several rooms with separate entrances secure access panels. In addition, the region patrols the cop. You need to wait until it leaves you as far as possible, and then hack the first door. We pass inside, lock the door and take the box with the goods.

Now you need to hack the door located in the middle, as it has the lowest level of safety. We take another box and come back to the merchant.

Take the Neuropozin Galoa

You have completed your part of the transaction, so the merchant will open the door behind him. Through the passing pass, you will be able to easily reach the kPa. Open the door, climb the ladder and go through another door. However, we do not advise you to rush and go inside, since in this case all the side missions that you have passed will be automatically failed. If you do not want this, we advise you to do as follows: after the transfer of the Gulo'a supplies will take over all available minor quests, and only then go to the kPa, and it is better to go there via the lift of Losyosa (so you will definitely make all additional tasks).

Get the Tibor Map (Additional Mission)

The key card can be found at the officer who can be easily caught on the market square under the shop owned by Galois. When he goes beyond the corner of natural need, cut him down and a hotel's body.

Free soul (extra mission)

When talking with Tibor, he asks you to help his brother. Go forward to see how the interrogation is spent on the lower floor. We are waiting until it end. Then go down the stairs to the room where several cameras are located. Now you will need to deal with four copies (one of them will be dressed in the exocosm). Before you start throwing police officers, learn their routes.

It is necessary to hide behind a big box near the staircase and as soon as the cop in the excogen will turn to you back, cut down the usual policeman. It is necessary to drag the body into the distant corner, so that no one found him, and the alarm was not raised. Now you need to deal with a guy in armor. You won't take it with conventional stunning blows, and the tranquilizers will not be able to pierce the costume. Therefore, it will take a gun with electromagnetic shells and silencer to eliminate it.

I hurt behind the box near the point of patroling the corop in armor and wait when it turns away. After that, we shoot it from the gun. His costume bursts, and you will get the opportunity to quickly neutralize it. It is necessary to approach it as close as possible and stun. Then drag the body at the same angle where you left the past policeman.

You must cut two more. We take into the hands of a rifle with tranquilizers and hide behind the boxes located near the place where we had previously stunned the soldier to the exoskeleton. The first thing to reveal the minister of the law, which stands next to the entrance, and then immediately shoot in the corop sitting at the computer. Now you can go to the soul and free it from the captivity. He will call you a password from the elevator.

Talk with love (additional mission)

After completing all the above tasks, you can approach the guard, standing near the elevator located on the market square next to the Galua shop. Tell me to love the next password: "The person who has selected everything is no longer considered you, he is free again." The guard will skip you to the elevator.

Use tibal card in elevator (additional mission)

It should be done simultaneously with the previous task after a conversation with the guard.

Go to the territory

We pass into the elevator and point the "throat" next to the inscription destination point. We go through long narrow corridor And open the door at the end. If you got $ using the hidden path in the Galua store, then this door will be immediately in front of you after lifting the stairs.

After entering a new location, a small cat-scene starts. Then go ahead and notice several lasers. We see a massive box on the side. Move it and pass to the vent hole.

Adam will be in a huge tunnel. We go a little forward to the post. We find the access panel on it and wake it up to push the bridge. If you did not pump the hacking skill, then use the access code that can be found in the pocket secretary hidden in the subsidiary, not far from the lasers (code: 3354).

Penetrate into the territory of the KPA

In a couple of minutes you will call Chicane. You have to go through the large territory, complete opponents. You should go upstairs on the inclined ladder and view the cat-scene. We hide behind the pillar and wait until all the enemies disperse at different parts of the card. Now you can go to the vertical staircase located in the far right side. Ahead, you will have a girl standing at the side. We are waiting until it continues patrolling, and then prolazis in the ventilation move, which is rear.

We open the code panel on the door, go ahead through the shower room and get to the window located in the far of the room. Prolazim in the opening and jump down into the corridor. Then climb up the ladder. We are imperceptibly made through two guards who chatting with each other, to the door located on the other side of the room. Then open the door to the right. Try to avoid patrols and, if necessary, hide the boxes.

There will be a camera in the room, so you need to act carefully. Pass under the camera, jumping over the container, and then go to the second door. We pass through it and immediately cover the wall so as not to get on the eyes of the guards. We are waiting until they talk to each other and do not disperse in different directions. One of them will go far away, and the second will stand near the sortier. We run to the elevator on the right, and activate it. It will go to you for a long time, so we advise you to hide in the room, from where you ran out. As soon as you have a chance, run into the opened elevator and go down to the lower level.

It is not necessary to immediately leave the elevator, as the patrol should be passed nearby. Wait until he leaves you, and then hide behind the boards covering the ladder, located opposite the elevator. On the top floor there will be a guy. At some point he decides to turn away in the other direction. It is then that it is better to go down. Some guards can still notice you. In this case, you need to cuddle to the sibor of the ladder and do not move for a few seconds. When you find yourself in the bottom, quickly run into the room nearest to you.

We divide the grid in the opposite part of the room (you will need special augmentation for this). We climb inside, pass a little ahead and find yourself in the corridor, in which the floor will be filled with water under voltage due to the broken wires. You will not go here, for this reason you should not hurry - it is better to go through a little back and find it in the recess box. Take it and throw it into the water. Jump on the box, and then jump on the bucket with linen. Already from it, you can easily cut the power supply to the cable.

Find Elevator

We will call Chicane again. I remember his words and move forward to the ventilation hole. We climb into it and reach out. However, you do not need to jump down down - wait until two girls decide to move aside. Then we descend, go straight to a small design, lay on it and get to the bridge on the contrary.

Now again we climb the ventilation move. We go to the room, trying not to fall into the lenses of the cameras, cut down the girl when it will be near the laptop. Next turn to the left and get into the corridor, in which the passage will be seen in the distance, protected by laser devices. We approach the guard and knock out it, waiting for the right moment.

Near the lasers there is a room in which there will be two more enemy. We climb the window, without entering your eyes, and hide at the table. We wait until the guard with long hair decides to sit for one of the tables, take the tranquilizer rifle and shoot it. The second enemy can be cut in hand. We are chosen from the room from the second entrance, thereby turning out that behind the laser mechanisms.

Go ahead to the turret. We hide behind the container, and when the turret will be rotated in the opposite direction, while overlooking the box, located in the other end of the corridor. We are waiting again until the turret will turn away and then we run to the column located near the deadly device. Now you can easily pass behind the machine gun and call the elevator.

Interrogate Tilos Mante

We are chosen from the elevator and moving forward, without distracting anyone. Talos will decide to invite Adam to his office. We pass to him and start a secular conversation.

Get to Evacuation Point

After the dialogue with the manner, you will have quite a bit time to hide anywhere. On the table you can find a key card located next to the bottle. We take her and run into the secret room, located on the left. Close in it and inspect the room.

Then it is worth clinging to the wall near the door and open it. Remove the tranquilizer rifle and start eliminating opponents one by one. First cut down two gangsters indoors, and then the enemy walking near the entrance.

We choose out, not forgetting to hack a security drone, otherwise it will raise anxiety. We understand with another security guard using tranquilizers. We go further and find yourself in a room with five enemies. Try to eliminate them from the shelter one. Go to the long part of the room and find the entrance to ventilation there. Prolazis in it and a half of the day.

Do not immediately jump down down - use ledges. You will fall into the location that drone patrols and one opponent. We hide behind the nearest column and wait when drone flies the window, and the enemy will not look at our side. Immediately shoot a guard from the tranquilizer rifle, and then we run to the opposite part of the room and jump down. Do not hide behind the nearest boxes, as Dron will definitely notice you. It is necessary to hide behind the drawers located next to the massive door.

We are waiting for a suitable moment, and then click on the button to open the door and hiding again in a secluded corner. When no one will look at your side, go through the door you open and go out. We go down the bridge, and then just jump. We look at the cat-scene.

M8 - Traveling of real terrorists

Meet the smile in his office

After completing the past job, you will receive a call from Smiley. We talk with him, and then head to the headquarters of the operative group 29. We go to the Cabinet of Smiley and come into dialogue again.

Find Nomad Majena

You should go to the watchmaker's apartments. Near the entrance you will find traces of hacking, but in the apartment of foreign people you will not find.

Wake an apartment of the machine

We start searching all the rooms. Get to the Cabinet and interact with wall clocklocated next to the window in order to open the door to the secret room. It is not necessary to immediately use a laptop - first remove all drawers under the table and thereby access the ventilation grille. Also, all the arms of the apartment also, and then start hacking a laptop.

Get out of twilight traps

After reading email Poison gas will be penetrated into the premises. It is necessary to crawl into the vent hole and get out.

Interrogate the machine

Go to the point marked on the map. You will get to the local bar. Come to the bar and go on the door behind the rack and leading to the basement. We call the watchmaker and see how the eighth mission goes into the section Completed.

M9 - Who is the main one here?

We talk with smiley by phone, and then immediately talk to Alex. In the journal, two plot tasks will appear at once. You can perform them in any order.

Wake an apartment Miller

Get to the residential complex. Miller apartments will be on the second floor. You can enter the apartment with two ways in two ways: either to crawl through the open window, or hack the access panel. You should select the window located on the third floor, as if you try to do it on the second, then you will immediately notice. First you need to climb the third level on the stairs, and then you get to the right opening. You should not jump immediately - you will break a couple of limbs (although it will not happen to Ikar). It is necessary to go down to the desired window on the ledge installed on the left wall.

In the kitchen, we find a laptop lying on the table. We hack him and learn new information about Miller. Then climb the next floor and hit the punching pear. This action will open the hidden door. We select a key card and go from the apartment. Although you can and linger to better inspect the premises. For example, not far from countersunk room In the floor there is alert.

Meet with Vene near OG29

We call Alex in the specified place, and then go to the headquarters of the operational group. With a dialogue with her, you have to make a difficult choice: give away Alex Ilit Rurate or leave yourself. You can get acquainted with the consequences below.

Spoiler: If you decide to give an evidence, in the last mission of Alex will help you, informing the code of access to the door, followed by delegates and Brown. If you do not give, then you will not receive any code.

Use the NPS device

Go to the office of Miller. Inspect the room. Under the table you can find a button that raises the picture hiding in the safe. Then go to the adjacent room Neural Subnet and get into the virtual reality. Near one of the columns is a bright light source. You need to get up on it to get into the neural subnet.

Get data from 5 servers

It should be approached to a gray object that is susceptible to hacking. We open it to remove from your way, and go on. We go around the room in which the first server is (a cube of purple color), on the back and we find the bottom of the hatch. It will be closed with a gray object similar to the one we hacked earlier. Open the ventilation grille and make your way inside.

Data towers hacking

We are approaching the purple cube and download all the information from it. There are four more servers. We are chosen out through the same hatch and go ahead. On the right we find another cube. You need to pull two gray objects near it, and then get around the central design and push the extra bridge. It will open the path to the new server.

The third database is located in the opposite part of the room. Carefully - there are several cameras. Nearby you can find the vent hole, but for access to it you will have to push the massive box first. We move along the ventilation move forward, and then remove the gray object located on the ceiling. With it, it is possible to partially tan over the overview of one of the chambers. We get to the long part of the room and go upstairs on the ladder. Then you load data from the next cube.

You do not need to jump down right away, since you will spend the camera in this case. Therefore, it is necessary to get out of the same way. We go down the steps and remove the gray object under the ceiling in the recess - it will open you access to the ventilation move.

We find the triangular code into the new premises, and then raise one of the columns located on the sides. We jump on it and climb on top level. Raised up again, but already on the stairs. We take access to another staircase and find yourself in the end next to the new server.

In the central part of the room you need to push all the gray objects, and then jump onto them. Raise your look up and see a pyramid of glass and a small window. We jump on the pyramid, and then reach the window. Jump down and discover the last purple cube.

Exit from the NPS.

It will not be so easy to get out, as you could seem at first glance, because an unexpected visitor will appear in the office. Long with him, the conversation will not last, otherwise you both cares.

M10 - in the face of the riddle

Meet Janus

After completing the previous quest, go outside and take the call from Alex, which will tell you that you should meet with Janus. We go to the closed structure and make it sneak into it through a broken window. We wake the door, go to the room and detect the vent hole near the doorway. Slazize in it and go down to the room on the left. We look at the next cat-scene.

Slip away from drone

It is necessary to get out of the room as quickly as possible. However, you can spend a couple of dozen seconds and pick up several useful items in room. Then we find the ventilation grille on the ceiling, we open it and jump inside with the table. We get to the eaves and run on it to the right. Once near the opposite wall, we go to the nearest corner. As soon as the drones turn away, jump down and find the hole in the wall. Move into the hole.

We go to the neighboring room and wait until the second drone is flown to the hole in the floor. We jump down and listen to how the alarm starts "yelling" (it will sound in any case).

On your way you will come across two more drones. It is not necessary to join them into the fight. Turn left and find the lattice door closed on the lock. Sleep it and go inside. Moving is secretive between several shelters on the left and reach it right before the wall. We are waiting for the closest robot on the far side, climbing the upper tube and run to another "shore". Then you need to jump and immediately look for the shelter.

We go further, pass through the second door and stumble on the lasers. Sat and messenger under lasers. In the tunnel we try not to adopt on mines. They can be turned off - for this, click on the Ctrl key and slowly approach mine, watching the light bulbs on it. From close distance you can easily deactivate Ma. We reach the vertical ladder and chose to the street.

M11 - meeting with terrorist

This mission will be given you as soon as you complete the past task. Once in the subway, Alex will contact you again, which will ask you to make her favor. Both quest will not be able to do, so you have to make a difficult choice. Learn about the consequences below.

Spoiler: If you select Alison, you will not be able to task with the bank. You will have to penetrate the house that is full of aggressed fanatics. Miller will be pleased with the result of the mission, regardless of how you complete it. At the end of the quest, talk to Alison, from which you can take a silencer. This device will help you save ordinary people in the most recent task. Miller in this case will die.

If you decide to choose a bank, Alison will kill, and you have to go through bank protection. Miller will not like your actions, but they will come to the soul. The award will be somewhat larger - information about the orchid and the ability to create antidote against it, which will help you in the last quest to save delegates and Miller. In addition, near the exit from the financial institution, you will find a lot of useful things in storage cells.

Meet Nomad Stack

We talk with a watchmaker, and then go through the door, located behind the quest character.

Save Alison Stanekov

We find yourself in the community of fanatics with aggregation. We get to the courtyard without any problems, and then we climb on the roof of the extension. After descending on the cornice. We go on it to another part of the construction. You can interfere with 2 mines. Need to reach them slowly, and then deactivate. We reach the opposite side of the house.

We find a weak place in the deepening and divide it. We pass inside the house and prolazis in the vent hole in the same room right under the ceiling. We move through the ventilation go, and then proceed to the pipes. They reach another ventilation, which is located in the other end of the corridor. Do not hurt down, otherwise you will immediately hit the current, since the floor is under high voltage.

As a result, we get into the restroom. We raise the ventilation grille and remove one sectance using a rifle with tranquilizers. Then we go behind the girl sitting on the sofa, and get to the launched ladder. I hide behind the side and wait until a couple of fanatics will finish your dialogue and one of them will not solve the computer.

Without having a look from the camera, go ahead along the bridge to the window opening. We wait until the girl decides to turn on the other side, and then cut it out. Moving further under the camcorder to another room and again prolazis in the vent hole. Find out on the stairs. We go upstairs, open the door and talk with Alison. Those who want to save her and get the muffler, it is worth telling her the following:

  1. Closer to the topic
  2. Closer to the topic
  3. Closer to the topic
  4. Advise

In your inventory there should also be free space for the signal block (2 cells). This device is not a quest, so it will be in general inventory. See, do not throw out or do not give it by chance.

After the end of the cat scene, you can examine the nearest locations - no one will interfere with you. In this building you can find a lot of useful things, including consumables and weapons. Then you can go to the helipad.

Fly to the complex Garm

M12 - Robbery

This is a second quest from Alex, who can either be done, or refuse to pass by choosing a task with a terrorist. The consequences of your choice are indicated in the description by the past mission.

Get to the bank

As soon as you come to the main entrance to the financial institution, Alex will immediately call you and ask you to pick up a bag of the luggage branch of the car standing in the parking lot.

Pick up the Vega Package

Next to the square is the building with a signboard Ludvik's. You need to go to it and come to the bar counter. From behind it will be the door. We pass through it and go down to the basement. We open the lock and prolazis into the ventilation move. As a result, we turn out to be in the parking lot.

We try to unnoticed up to the blue car, which is right. In his luggage department we find a bag. We take the right object and leave the parking lot.

Get access to the terminal

Once again on the square, move to the main entrance of the bank. Then go to the staircase located on the opposite side of the hall, and go down on it. If you have already been here earlier, when performing a side task "Samizdat", then difficulties with bypass security systems You should not have, since most of the passage will coincide with the implementation of a side mission. Plus you do not have to look for a key card from the repository A.

If you do not like to perform secondary quests, you will have to spend a lot of time bypassing the bank security system. So, turn the right and find in the far corner to the room locked by an electronic interface. Hacaw him and go inside. Under the table, you can find a button with the help of which access to the hidden Wine Safe opens. We open the safe and find a key card in it.

We are chosen back to the hall and head to the storage A, which is in the far of the room. We use the card we found and wait for the opening of the doors, as well as disabling lasers. We reach the opposite side of the new room, we discover another access panel and wake it up. Then we pass through another door.

Here on the other side of the door stumble on the ventilation hole. Prolazis inside and get on the ventilation to the staircase located behind laser turrets and the guard. Raised the stairs to the top and hide. As soon as the cleaner agrees with the guard, go to the toilet and knock out the watch. I hide the body in the booth, we move into the adjacent restroom and go out on the other end of the corridor. Help behind the column and follow two people speaking with each other and standing far ahead.

After they are talking and disperse in different directions, we find the guard patrolling here and put it with the help of a tranquilizer. We find the door on the left side of the corridor and open it. We go inside and climb into the ventilation move, which is to the right of the indoor entrance. We get on ventilation to the technical room.

We watch the guard standing in the corridor. When he leaves his post, go to the room opposite and go on the ladder upstairs. We try not to get into the lens of the camcorder and get to the access panel. We are hacking it and climb inside. On the table we find a device-encoder of blue color. Insert the key card into it, and then put in the inventory.

Use elevator in corporate storage

In this room you can find a hidden room. It is necessary to approach the table with luminous cubes. To solve this puzzle, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Raise the first post on 2 cells.
  2. Lower the first pillar completely down, and after lift it to 1 cell.
  3. Turn the platform.
  4. Raise the second pillar on 1 cell.
  5. Turn the platform again.
  6. Raise 2 columns on 1 cell.
  7. Turn the platform 2 times.
  8. Lower the pillar completely down.

As soon as you release a pillar, the door you need will open right away. If you have already solved this mystery before, you will not have to decide again. IN new room Lay the vent hole. You can get straight to the elevator. We use a key card and go down to the storage on the elevator.

Get into the Versalayph Storage

It is necessary to wait a bit while the bank's guards do not disperse in different directions. After that, approach the left door and we wake her castle. We reach the first staircase and look up - there is a ventilation grid behind the column. We climb into it and climb ahead, watching the marker. At a certain point, it will be necessary to hurt another access panel. As a result, we turn out to be near the door leading to the repository. We make your way inside and activate the interface located in the center of the room.

We are waiting when the down will go down the big safe, we use the card and go inside. We look at the cat-scene, and after it looks around well around - here you can find a lot of useful things. The most valuable thing is located in a safe located near the laptop. We open it and detect antidote in it, with which you can neutralize orchid.

Get out of the bank

We leave from the safe and go upstairs on the ladder. Then jump on the bridge and the jadack on the button located on the wall, to open the path. Ahead can be chopped by a couple of storage facilities in the presence of certain keys.

We go upstairs on another ladder, and after jumping on the nearest bridge and open the code lock. From the wall promotes storage. It is necessary to climb on it along the steps located on his side. From the roof of the repository can be buried to the next level and again use the stairs. We access the new grille, cut the ventilation system using the access panel and pass forward.

We turn out to park cars. Make sure that no one saw us and get to the door leading to the exit. We fall on the square and go to the main entrance. Access to a new goal will appear.

Meet Miller on the helicopter platform

We go to the helicopter platform, where we talk with the pilot of Chicane and Miller.

Fly to the complex Garm

Again, the pilot will offer us a choice: to fly right now or a little later. If you select the first option, all side tasks will be automatically failed, so we advise you to first execute them, and then fly to a new location.

M13 - Garm

Regardless of what task you decide to do - penetrate the bank or save Alison, you still have to go to the Alps, in a well-protected complex called Garm.

Penetrate the complex

Go forward through the only way available to you, hack the access panel and open the entrance to the building. See the short cat-scene, and then try to contact some character.

If you decide to contact Miller, then at the end of this quest will sound anxiety, even if you did not light up any of the cameras and did not come across anyone. Therefore, we advise you to choose Alex.

Leave the complex

We go ahead and discover the mine in which a large fan works. We pass next to the column and deactivate the power supply to the panel. We go to the fan again, remove the grid from the ventilation and move on.

Prolazis in the vent hole, and then go upstairs on the ladder. We are waiting until the camcorder turns to the other side, and we run into the adjacent room. After you get to the far corner of the room. If you have an "remote hacking" augmentation, then after receiving control over Adam you can push the staircase located on the left. Through the technical premises it will be possible to get into the place you need.

We go on the stairs down, cut down the guard in the near battle or with the help of a tranquilizer and a ventilation prolazis, which is under the ladder. Make yourself under the arch orange color, we get to the new premises and find a new hatch in it in the floor. We jump down, prolazis through another arch and follow the guard. As soon as he leaves his post, moving a bit forward and find the vent hole under the boxes. Drag / pass one of the containers and climb into ventilation.

Near the stairs we find a way out. We watch the security guard and the camera - when they turn away over the other side. Rubberies will have to do a couple of times. First, hiding behind the columns, and then behind the containers under the ladder.

We go to the top level. We open the door and prolazis in the ventilation move, located under the table standing opposite the door. We jump down and destroy the panel. I cut the power supply from the panel and climb into the pipe.

Then will call Chican and earn anxiety (if at the beginning of the quest you decided to contact Miller). We go ahead, trying not to get into the electric pipes of the pipe. We get to its end and get into the road.

Wait until one of the guards passes by you and does not go to the hangar, and the second will not get back to you, and then quickly run to the boxes on the right. Turn on the supersening and see what happens in the left hangar. It will be necessary to wait for the moment when a person passes next to the entrance to the entrance, stand behind him and crawl into the vent hole in the floor.

We move forward by the technical premises located under the hangar, and then selected from ventilation when the guards leave the room. It is necessary to hide behind the rack on the right and cut out the included patrol.

We get to the door, through which the guard has just entered, is covered by the wall and open the door. We find a ladder ahead. We are watching the camera and two guards. At a suitable moment, we run for containers under the stairs and wait. When the guard leaves his post, climb the top floor.

On the right we find the room. Go inside, hide behind the wall and open new door. We are waiting until the guard leaves a little further, we choose in the corridor and run into the room opposite. We go to the other end of the room, pass by the guard and hiding near the boxes. I cut down the guard using a tranquilizer. From one shot, he will not fall asleep, however, will be interested, where the fire was moving. It will suit your shelter, and then you can knock him out in the near battle.

From here you can cut down the second guard that patrolling the entire room. Only one person will remain, who is constantly standing near the camera. On the laptop you can cut the camcorder so that it stops looking at the elevator. Then they hide behind the wall near the door and open it. The guard will decide to check why it opened in itself. We run up to him and cut it into a near battle.

We climb into the elevator and climb the street. There we will expect Chicane. We go to the transport, and we are watching how the thirteenth mission goes into the gray section.

M14 - In search of the latest hooks

Let's fly back to the capital of the Czech Republic. This will be our third visit to Prague for the whole game. The authorities decided to introduce a curfew, so the movement in the city will be difficult.

Meet the Vene in the clinic "Protane"

We choose out and see a short cat-scene, after which I immediately come to the clinic you need.

Meet Miller in his office

Having obtained the above goal, you can achieve it in two ways. If you have opened augmentation that improves jumps, then try jumping into the hatch installed on the ceiling. Here you will find a lot of interesting things and you can get into ventilation. We are chosen on the street and jump on the truck. Next, we go down to the ground and hide behind the flower.

The second way involves going out on the street from the main entrance. Once outside, immediately covered by the wall. We are waiting for the policeman next to you, and then run left in the arch and jump onto the cargo car. Now you need to jump from the truck to the ground and hide behind the flower.

We watch the cop. When he stops watching our side, jump through the flower and turn to the right. We go ahead on the bridge, again choose the right track and reach 2 warehouses with code locks. We wake the one who has a low level of security, go into it and on the ventilation move to prolazis in the next storage room.

We divide the ventilation grille and find ourselves on the street. We jump over the fence and immediately sit down on the bench so that the patrol, standing next to the advertising shield, did not suspect you in dark divids. We get closer to the cop and wait when it starts to get to the local - we pass for his back and hiding in the shelter. We find the courtyard, highlighted by the marker, and go to its territory.

We search for an open window, we climb in the building, we go to the elevator and go down to the headquarters of the operational group 29. Next, we talk with Miller.


We are chosen on one of the city streets and go to the left until we do not have a "Protane" clinic. Do not forget to hide from the police. We pass even further, trying to keep the right side of the street. Watch the patrol, wait for a convenient moment and run the back of a person dressed in the exocosm. Then cover the van.

Go to the next street to be in the right area. Now you can not rush. Go to the club "Red Queen" and find three twisted. Pay attention to the one who has a long hairstyle. Watch him. As soon as it turns out to be at the second level in the far side of the corridor, not far from the cabins, cut it off and pick up the key card that opens the gate two.

It is necessary to go outside and walk to the tunnel, which is indicated by a mini card. Again we age not to get caught by the police. We use the card taken earlier and open the gate. However, it is not worth a hurry to go inside, since the side of hostile "monkeys" will immediately be sketched.

Wait a suitable moment, and then head to the left shorn, located right in front of the building. We climb on top level by vertical ladders. Hold around the corner of the structure and cut down one enemy using a tranquilizer. We move to the roof of the building, where the enemy just had and hurt for the dome. We deal with the second patrol in the same way.

Brave under the camcorder. From above it will be a ventilation stroke. We move the box to the wall and climb ventilation. Then we jump onto the pipe, and they move to the ledge with the rupture destroyed. We again find ourselves in ventilation. Having reached the development, turn right. Then jump into the toilet.

Find the Cabinet Radic Nizhdzez

The wall in this room is destroyed, so it is necessary to wait for an opponent to her and break it by pulling off the guard. Turn to the left, go ahead to the end of the corridor, and after passing through the door. There will be a camcorder that covers a large zone, including the ladder you need. We are waiting for a convenient moment, and then we run to the stairs. Go down on it down, we run around the corner and open the lock on the door. We move forward.

We go out into the corridor and come up to a robot guarding the perimeter. On the right you can see the stairs. We go down on it and find ourselves in the new corridor, which was pointed to the marker. We get to the quest door and watch the cat scene.

In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided quite a lot of side missions, some of them are easy to skip, while others will only appear if you complete the previous side tasks correctly. Below you will find a list of all side missions of the game with a brief explanation of where you can take a mission and what to do to get the next side mission in the chain (if it is).

To telegraph


In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided quite a lot of side missions, some of them are easy to skip, while others will only appear if you complete the previous side tasks correctly.

Below you will find a list of all side missions of the game with a brief explanation of where you can take a mission and what to do to get the next side mission in the chain (if it is).

Where to find a side mission 00 - Neon nights

This task can be taken at the very beginning of the game. Walk along the house of Adam - a few floors below you will see an apartment, highlighted on the map of the Red - this is a forbidden zone. You can get inside in two ways: hacking the door or taking advantage of ventilation. With a person inside the apartment, you can do whatever - the main thing is to inspect the computer hidden behind the beer box in the kitchen.

Where to find a side mission 01 - Golden ticket

You can start this task on the northeast gearbox district Fountain Chapeca. Come to the police passing, and tell me what you want to get a pass. A policeman will be corrupt and send you to a fake ID trader.

Where to find a side mission 02 - the cult of personality

Not far from the house in which Adam lives, there is a hatch leading to the sewer - you go there. After the descent, turn right, then left and go ahead until you see the right round tunnel. Go straight until we get in the gate, and then talk to the characters at the gate.

Where to find a side mission 03 - Mysterious augmentation

Coller found out that additional implants are hidden in Adam's body? Excellent. Go to your apartment and call Sharif with the remote control remote controllying on the table in front of the TV. After that, you have to wait a bit - a full quest is activated only after you return to Prague from Golem City.

Where to find a side mission 04 - Calibrator

Not far from the metro station Palisade there is a cozy courtyard with sewer hatch - He is right behind Tubehouse, you probably found it. Go down to the sewer and go to the left on the tunnel. Quite quickly you are tranquil in a casino, with the owner of which, octar, you need to talk very carefully. During the conversation, talk three times with Otar frankly, and then take his invitation - the quest in your pocket.

Where to find a side mission 05 - samizdat

This quest can be taken during the first visit to the headquarters of the detachment 29, where he serves Adam. To activate the task, talk to Peter Chang, it can be found at the headquarters of the detachment.

Where to find a side mission 06 - 01011000

The task apparently appears at a random moment shortly after returning to Prague from the golem City. Watch on the sides if you notice a buggy advertising panel (you are not mistaken), then go closer to her - she will send you to the store not far from Chapec Station. Come inward, descend the stairs and use one of the computers.

Where to find a side mission 07 - Shadow care

The mission will appear after you explore the network found in the Miller office (this is a plot task). Talk to the doctor of the squad 29 and tell me that you want to help her - it activates the task.

Where to find a side mission 08 - Fix

This task will appear in your second visit to Prague, immediately after performing a side task 04. You will call the coller and will offer to meet - go to it.

Where to find a side mission 09 - all in the family

To begin with, you must complete the side task 04. After you have dealt with Louis in Golem City and returned to Prague, you will call Otar - go to the Red Queen and meet with an area.

Where to find a side mission 10 - Reaper

After your return from the golem City, it turns out that there was a murder right next to the house of Adam. Go across the alley to the south of the house until you come across the characteristic scene of the crime. Talk to Lysis detective, and after him - with a girl witness.

Where to find a side mission 11 - Last harvest

If during the passage of the previous mission, you did everything correctly, it will become clear that the murder is committed by the imitator and the person whom the police considers the main person involved, has no relation to the murder. Tell us about this detective and wait for the call.

Where to find a side mission 12 - to mean cazdi

If you have passed a side task of 05, then during the third visit to Prague you will have a point of interest somewhere in the sewage. Go there and talk to to which your help is needed. Agree.