Repairs Design Furniture

Wedding album do it yourself: tips, ideas, photo examples. Wedding Album Scrapbooking

One of the most meaningful articles Cost of the wedding - photographer. And indeed this professional is like a wizard - he is able to stop time. Each photo conveys the emotions of people, on it captured. (Ideas for wedding photo session You will tell you). Browsing the photo album, you can remember own wedding, sink a little, remember your own dreams about the beautiful future and look at tomorrow. How any work of art photography requires a decent framing. That is why we suggest thinking about the beautiful design of the wedding album and offer our ideas.

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Photo Gallery: Ideas for the design of a wedding album

What paper to choose for a wedding album

Creating a wedding album - a difficult thing, but pleasant. Remember that you create a family relic that will remain with you for life. If the ideas do not come to mind, and the photos of the third month lie in the envelope, then follow our plan:

Another important detail is transitions from one partition to another. An excellent way to make your "story in pictures" is dynamic and consistent - the so-called "intermediate" photos. For example: a snapshot of the outgoing pair - an excellent transition from the section "Registration" to the "Banquet" section.

Do not be afraid of experiments with the size. Let one page of the album be fully filled with a huge portrait of the newlyweds, but the whole kaleidoscope of small pictures of smiling guests will fit. Well, now, it's time to talk about the design of a wedding album.

Design of wedding album

If you decide to make an album yourself, then in stores you will be offered three types:

Wedding Album Scrapbooking

Wedding albums in the technique of scrapbooking are becoming increasingly popular. They are easy to make with their own hands, most importantly, have qualitative materials and detailed instructions.

Necessary materials

To create an album you will need special large rings for binding, dense cardboard, wrapping and decorative paper, hole patch, pencil and ruler, scissors, double-sided tape, stencils for letters, decorative elements. It is necessary to choose the main colors for pages: there may be several of them. Additionally need paper for finishing. To make volumetric inscriptions from the cardstock, letters are cut and glued to double-sided tape.

An excellent idea is a small converter on the last page - for memorable little things and photos.

Instructions for manufacture

  1. First cut out the foundations for pages, they can be square or rectangular.
  2. Purley cardboard with colored paper, pay special attention to the corners. On the reverse side We glue a bright cardstock sheet.
  3. It remains to do hole hole and drive them on the rings.

The framework for the album is ready and you can fill in photos and decorate.

First page

Each book begins with the title page: When you open the cover, then you immediately fall on it. The viewer should immediately feel the style of your wedding album. Since this is the only single sheet, it will be appropriate to make an inscription, for example, the names of the bride and groom, the date of the wedding. You can choose a beautiful epigraph. For example: "Love is the only passion that does not recognize the past, no future," O. Balzac. Here is a portrait of newlyweds. It can be a photo from a wedding, engagement or just your favorite picture.

The remaining pages are usually double. Remember that they are "read" as a whole, therefore, they must coincide in color design and eventful fullness.

Leading topic

Choose a master theme for your album, this is not necessarily the same color or paper type for each turn. Best of all, if the style of photographs is one.

Chronological organization

The sequence of events makes it easy to organize an album. Do not try to make the number of snapshots in each section the same. Do not forget about the signatures, including poetic. You can read about wedding verses. Despite the fact that the photos say themselves for themselves, there are things about which they are not capable of telling, so do not skimp on the signature.

Here are the main points that it is worth paying a place in the wedding album:

We hope that the proposed ideas of the design of the wedding album will be useful, and you will create your wedding book - a unique and magical.

In the article you will find ideas for creating your own hands of a wedding photo album.

The creation and design of a wedding photo album is not only a symbolic, but also a very pleasant occupation for lovers of people. Of course, you can independently sew the ribbons or a deckling thread of a page from dense cardboard, but the most common classic "adhesive" photo album will fit as the basis (clean pages without liners, which should be pasted with glue).

Before you begin to decorate pages and covers, you should decide with the style and pick up all sorts of decorations. You can buy them at any store accessories or needlework. You will come in handy:

  • Satin ribbons
  • Lace
  • Sequins
  • Putts
  • Organza
  • Mesh
  • Crystals and rhinestones
  • Pearl
  • Beads and semobusins
  • Bows
  • Rosets
  • Frames
  • Patterned paper cuts
  • Decorative sticking figures
  • Satin fabric
  • Guipure

Decorate you can not only cover. It looks much more effectively the album in which a certain topic is traced to the last page. Such an album can be safely put in a trilty so that it is proud and the highlight of your family, and every guest could admire them.

How and how to decorate a photo album:

Speecually and very feastfully look at the album with photos, decorated with volumetric and textured patterns, for example, flowers from phoamyran or satin ribbons. They can be put in the shape of a heart and add a variety of beads, sparkles, rhinestones. Remember that such a decor is the main and most bright accent And therefore, he must prevail on a simple background (lace, atlas or guipure).

Volumetric decorations in the form of flowers, leaves, petals or bouquets will help you create an elegant style for your photo album. It is not difficult to purchase in any needlework store. Just spread them over the cover as you think most beautifully, and then start gluing.

You yourself determine in what style should be your photo album. Focus on the photos themselves, for example, if the wedding was in classic style, do not do without lace, satin ribbons and pearls. Greek or beach wedding will be perfectly combined with turquoise paints, shells, stars. Wedding B. retro style "loves" bright colors And images, clippings, bows.

In addition to the photo album, you can also make a box or cover for its storage in the same style, color or with similar patterns.

It is completely uncomplicated to sew the pages yourself to get a unique photo album of incredible beauty. You can purchase the most simple shopping option and decorate under your taste, covering the cloth by reprint by beads, sticking lace or other decorations.

Of course, in the decoration of the wedding album can not do without the symbols of love and marriage. Suitable hearts, spending pigeons, wedding ringskissing couple, hearts. They should be sewed or glued, originating with different decorations.

If you want, every time you look at the wedding photo album you have created a certain mood, try to add the album decor by phrases and words, known quotes and statements about love, marriage and family. They can be written manually, cut with postcards or print on paper. it perfect decor Not only covers, but also each page.

In modern shops for needlework, you can easily purchase words drawings and patterns cut from a plywood wooden thin sheet. Such a decoration will perfectly complement the cover of the photo album in the spirit of minimalism, but it always looks spectacularly.

How beautiful to make a cover of a wedding photo album: ideas, photos


  • Scrapbooking -this is an technique of bulk decor using different species Jewelery: Dry flowers and fruits, burlap, greeting cards, cuttings, ribbons and beads, wooden patterns, Buttons and more. Such a decor always looks very effectively and perfectly suitable for the decoration of the wedding album.
  • a good way to decorate the album. It can be glued in the center, and around to beat with any decor in the form of lace or sequin, bulk roses and petals.
  • Embroidery -if you know how to embroider, you can embroider the words with beautiful gold threads on a white cloth, and then cover the cover.
  • Wedding Color -modern weddings necessarily have color and style. These parameters can also be followed when creating an album.
  • Creative -creative albums will talk about a pair as a creative and unusual family. You can find ideas for decor in any shop of creativity and needlework.
  • Book -modern printing houses will easily print a photo album with colorful photos in the form of a book, but you can decorate the cover for your taste.

How beautiful to make a wedding photo album sheets: ideas, photos


  • Designer paper -depending on the style you are haunting, you can choose several types beautiful paper With patterns or words and make a background on each page of the album.
  • Words and Inscriptions -print on normal or design paper with a printer (beautiful font) phrase, beautiful words About love or poems. They carry them next to each photo.
  • Paper Lace -special sheets of lace paper can be bought or cut independently, and then decorate the pages.
  • Decoupage -any drawing can be cut and apply to each page of the album.
  • Stickers -find in the store you can thematic stickers with hearts, recognition in love, images of the bride and groom, wedding cake and so on.
  • Envelopes -on each page, together with photos, you can also place small paper envelopes in which all sorts of notes or things associated with the day of marriage should be placed.

How beautiful to arrange wedding photos: ideas, photos

What can decorate photos in albums:

  • Satin ribbons bows
  • Dried colors and petals
  • Cut-off patterns from lace
  • Sparkles and golden sand
  • Decoupage
  • Rhinestones
  • Polobusin
  • Cutting
  • Verse
  • In words
  • Wishes

Words for photo album pages decor

What are the inscriptions for wedding photos: tips, ideas

You will complement your photos and pages of the album Beautiful words and wishes. Check out the proposed options to pick up the most suitable.


Registration of wedding photo albums and photos: Best examples

To draw ideas for decorating your album you can view already ready work. Album number 5.

How to buy ready-made wedding photo album in online store Wildberries and AlExpress: Links to the catalog

If you prefer the store version of the photo album what you can do with your own hands, pay attention to those options that can be purchased on the pages of the modern store Vaildberry . Here the goods are assembled only highest quality, stylish design, with liners or with glue pages.

In addition, if you are looking for a special album that will be unusual and stylish, view the range of store Aliexpress where there are many available and extraordinary album options for newlyweds, as well as many options for their decor, and a variety of decorations.

Video: "Wedding album in the style of scrapbooking"

Human memory is selective. Alas, but even the brightest and long-awaited events in time begin to fill up and get into memory. But so I want them to always please the freshness of impressions.

For this, wedding albums have been created, the preparation of which is customary to trust professional photographers and designers, but you can do it yourself.

Classic location of photos in the wedding album

We make a wedding album with your own hands

In memory of the first family celebration, the newlyweds remains a huge archive of photos that will be the basis for a memorable album.

When going to arrange a kind of photo of your own, you need to collect pictures, consider them and choose the best.

By the way, it is worth asking for all guests of the celebrations that came to a holiday with cameras, show their pictures.

It is possible that there will be interesting frames among them that will take a worthy place in the album.

Wedding album Reminds the joyful moments of the beginning of a joint life

Collage in wedding photo album

Selecting the photo, do not forget about the possibility of creating collages that can very brightly emphasize the individual moments of the ceremony. They can be performed on the computer in the "Photoshop" type programs, and you can select and glue the "Anglassy" from printed photos.

Photos in many wedding albums can be placed as you like

Wedding photo album: We subscribe each frame

Soe the signature to each snapshot. Traditionally, these are short and capacious comments at the time of the celebration depicted in the photo. But you can do differently. Write a beautiful story about the wedding, divide it into small passages-pieces and use as signatures to pictures. Prepared and signed photos are inserted into the album. It is necessary to choose it not only for the design of the cover, although it is also important.

Wedding photo albums: what to choose?

All photo albums can be divided into groups:

Wedding photo album "under the sticker"

It is distinguished by the presence of pages of dense cardboard, possibly with slits or corners for attaching images. Photos are attached to the sheet with special stickers, corners or simply glue. Such an album is very convenient because it allows you to post pictures of different formats and at any angle. Pages can be decorated with your taste, adding various inscriptions, appliques or drawings.

One of the options for a wedding album under the sticker

A significant disadvantage: the pages are not protected and can be spoiled over time. In addition, it is almost impossible to change the location of the photos, without spoiling the page.

Wedding photo album with "magnetic" sheets

In such an album, pictures due to a special adhesive basis are attached directly to the page and closed with a thin protective film. Options for different formats and sizes are available, albums are found in which it is possible to add sheets as necessary.

Wedding photo album with magnetic sheets

The album with wedding photographs is a family relic that reminds one of happier days in life. You will show it to your children and grandchildren. The album should be durable and beautiful. It is quite difficult to arrange such an album: it is a thorough, painstaking work that requires a big taste and a lot of time. But this is possible. We will tell how to make a wedding photo album stylish and original.

For the creation of unusual photo albums corresponds to a separate direction of decorative and applied art with a somewhat ungrevnial name of scrapbooking. IN lately This flow has become very popular: Hand-Maid Albums create on the occasion of birthdays, anniversaries and other holidays, as well as just to give a decent frame with the most important and beloved pictures.

For the design of the original wedding album in the technique of scrapbooking, a lot of tools and materials will be required. All of them are not suiced, so if you do not plan to engage in the creation of hand-maid albums, postcards and photo frames in the future, it makes sense to lend them or do the minimum set. You can buy everything you need in specialized stores for creativity. In large stationery stores, as a rule, is also a large selection.

So, to the most necessary tools Refers a rug with cutting with a centimeter grid, a stationery knife (better to buy a high-quality knife in a construction store, a very useful thing), scissors, a wide range, better metal, tweezers, hole punch (there are also special curly holes, but this is the next level) .

In addition to the tools, we need materials from which you can create a decoration of a wedding album. This is primarily paper. You will be surprised how many paper varieties exist. First, it is a cardstock - a dense paper from which it is fashionable to make an album cover, a postcard or photo frame. Density and colors vary. Secondly, it is decorative paper: decorations are made of it, as well as album pages themselves. Third, paper with frames, tags and other details that are cut and pasted into the album in the right places. Typically, sold by sets, on one sheet is located with a dozen of a variety of screen decisions in one style. Finally, it is necessary to buy high-quality glue (the usual PVA is not suitable, it will be good adhesive Pistol), as well as bilateral scotch. The brush for applying glue is also not placed. The album can be decorated with lace, ribbons, beads, rhinestones, paper applications and fabric, so that such a decor is worth stocking in advance.

Artificial flowers from paper, fabric or tapes are also suitable, as well as real - dried herbs, petals, inflorescences. It is also worth having acrylic contours at hand different colors. A variety of wedding album frames can also be signed on the Internet and print on the printer, only you need to use high-quality paper.

Now that you have everything you need, you can start exploring the basics of scrapbooking. There is no single template, only a variety of techniques that you can combine on the basis of your taste and preferences. How to arrange a wedding album with your own hands you will learn from this master class, here are the basic equipment design techniques:

In the same technique, you can make a wedding album for the wishes of the guests: in fact, these are objects from one set, so it will be beautiful if they are solved in a single stylist.

The classic scrapbooking album is a set of manually decorated pages and a homemade cover, which are fastened with ribbons, glue or otherwise. However, it is possible to do it easier: buy a beautiful wedding album with dense white pages without decor and arrange it according to your taste. Finally, the easiest option leaving all the same space for creativity and fantasy, this is a magnetic wedding album. Photos are attached due to the magnetic adhesive film, unlike traditional photo albums, you can post pictures of any size at any angle.

You can also put photos from the wedding of parents, as well as grandmothers and grandparents, and brides, told about the roots of the family. In the same section, you can put an artificially aged photo of the newlyweds themselves.

One more interesting idea - Install in the wedding hall the cabin cabin. Everyone will be photographed in it, one snapshot to give newlyweds to decorate the album, and the other to take themselves.

Where to buy a wedding album

You can buy a ready-made wedding album. There are specialized shops of wedding albums and other accessories for the wedding ceremony. You can also place an order in the online store: as a rule, the choice is more here, and the prices are lower.

There are both factory albums and stylish designer things. Frequently manufactured by the factory photo albums come in a set with a book for the wishes of guests and have the same design.

Best of all, of course, buy a wedding album handmade. You will independently determine the design in accordance with the colors of the wedding and the design of other accessories. In addition, you will get a really high-quality and stylish thing that will be nice to store and show friends. Wedding albums to order make many masters. To be confident in quality and durability, it is worth viewing the previous works of the designer. The album can be made beautiful, but due to bad materials or inept use of technologies to spoil over time. It is worth trusting masters with a name that have many orders and a good portfolio.

Selection of photos and pictures for the album - the case of taste and your own preferences

It is said that marriages are to heaven, and only the celebration of an important event takes place on Earth. The wedding is the day when absolute happiness comes, the holiday is accompanied by noisy fun, an atmosphere of love, joy, consent. The event that the lovers and excited parents are waiting for so long, will fly, as if one moment, but the memory of him will forever remain in the heart

At the same time simple I. in the original way capture a happy birthday new family is an wedding scrapbooking. Today there are many different photo albums on sale. But if you want to avoid templates, having received an exclusive product as a gift, then a wedding album made by your own hands is a worthy framing of unforgettable moments of a happy celebration.

Advantages of a memorable album

Harvested holiday, emotions were lightened, the noisy walks subsided. In the silence of the family nest, the new husband and wife want to survive the unforgettable moments of the holiday again, looking at the photo. Before them is a whole head of touching, cheerful, curious pictures that require exclusive design. Love Story in Scrapbooking Engineering - unique way creating a truly family relic.

An example of an anniversary album design

Wedding albums made by scrapbooking possess a number of advantages:

  • Uniqueness. There will be no longer a single pair anymore, because scrapbooking products in its design are invariably exclusive.
  • Independence. By creating a masterpiece, the master invests not only labor and skill. On each page there remains a piece of his soul with good wishes.
  • Fantasy without borders. It is such a factor that gives the product by peculiarity, in the scenery, there are a new family fairy tale, which is interesting to read, lish pages.

Works performed in the art of scrapbooking is not only external originality, but also durability. Wedding is the first important event for the newlyweds. There will be many memorable moments in life, but the family's birthday is the main holiday. The wedding is worthy of keeping the memory of her for a long time in a beautiful memorable book. With careful storage and proper selection Materials, the album can be inherited by future generations.

Several regulations

Scrapbooking - art with history, interest in it does not subside over time. Fans of creativity are in creative search New forms, variations of decor, styles, ideas beautiful decor His masterpieces. The industry also does not stand still, surprising the needlewomen with new auxiliary instruments, materials with which you can experiment, amazing, creating really original hand Made Thousands.

For work, not only scrapbooking paper is needed. In creating a wedding book, do not do without special tools. You will need curly holes, all sorts of stamps, artistic knife and other auxiliary fittings.

Materials and tools

Newcomers should be known that it will be necessary to work for work:

  1. Basic materials. These include substrates from the sheets of beer cardboard, cardstock, pastel paper and parchment, scrapbooking paper.
  2. Decor. It all depends on the imagination and personal preferences of the author. Lace and satin ribbons, chipboards in the shape of heart, cutting, semi-graysins, artificial flowers made of fabric or paper, rhinestones, volumetric applications and much more. The theme of the decoration will emphasize not only the decor. On the pages you can place wedding invitations, napkins, stickers and everything that will help to restore the picture of the celebration in memory.
  3. Instruments. For work, the standard stationery set with scissors, PVA glue and double-sided tape, ruler and pencil are useful.

Choosing materials, preference is worth paying wear-resistant and durable, which will retain a valuable and memorable heritage for the descendants. It is important to think optimal size album.

Secrets of the decoration of the wedding album

Standard sizes to choose from only three:

  • 30 * 30 - On the pages you can place several pictures, generously decorating each of them. Such an album is somewhat heavy, it is volumetric and impressive size.
  • 25 * 25 - " golden mean"The pages will fit either several small pictures, or one, but large format.
  • 20 * 20 - a compact book, but only one photo 10 * 15 will fit the page. For lovers miniature, this size is optimal.

Choosing a suitable format, it is worth considering that the weight and volume of the album affects not only the size and number of pages. A consistency method is considerable, the choice of materials and the amount of decor on the pages.

Selection of decoration style

For wedding albums there are no separate stylistics. Registration can be performed in any style, boldly experimenting, surprising and creating a romantic mood. In scrapbooking there are many directions of decoration, with its own rules and principles.

Styles of decoration

As creative practice shows, several styles are most popular for wedding theme.


Wedding is not only funny walking and noisy feast. In the process of the ceremony, we can observe the miracle of the birth of a new family. Shebbi-Chic is a romantic and gentle scrap method, for which pastel scene palette is characteristic. Light green, gentle blue, shade of pink fog or spring lilac - all these colors are relevant for stylistics. As for the decor, everything is suitable for romantic associations. This is a lace, satin ribbons, pictures, chipboard and cutting from cardboard on the theme of love.


For Shebbi Chic characterized by the use of fabric. Ideally decorate the pages of scentes or cotton flaps with floral ornament. Angels, Hearts, Glass or Pearl Beads - All this will be able to fill with meaning and reveal the subject.

Retro or vintage

Similar to among themselves styles are often used to create a wedding album in scrapbooking technique. Easy trunk of antiquities, romance and mysteriousness - it distinctive features Styles.

Stylistics retro or vintage is unthinkable without journaling. Memorable inscriptions, quotes or lines from poems "in the topic" will create aura of romanticity and love, looking at the pages of the wedding album.

Wedding album in retro style

In order for the stylistics with the stylist of the antiquity, it is realistic, artistic techniques such as distressing, craklers or patina are used. Journaling can be separately printed on the old printed machine, page decorate artificially aged letters, postcards, tickets to cinema or theater.

Vintage wedding album

Vintage stylistics will help to emphasize the metal suspension in the form of a key and a lock, intricate heart, clock.

American style

American traditions in decorating enjoy the greatest popularity in creating scrap products. Bright color palette, simplicity of forms, many decorations, but mandatory composite. A chaotic and inconsistent decor tires the eye, so the sense of measure is always important. For pictures, you can prepare separate inscriptions in order to revive the events of the wedding celebration at the case.

American style design lesson

The main thing is the emotionality of the design, which is created by inciting brands, labels, programs, tickets to the wedding trip, etc. Creating a composition, always need to remember that the first place is a wedding picture, and the decorations are just a bright addition to it.

Create yourself

Experienced masters eventually manage to turn the hobby in successful business. Looking at the perfect products, it is difficult to believe that the work is under the power of everyone. To create an exclusive wedding book, you will need only a desire, creative mood and fantasy, as well as a set of tools and materials for the decor.

Design of wedding album

Thanks detailed master classEven the newcomer will be able to create a beautiful and memorable masterpiece.

Simple master class

The paper needs stationery tools, curly holes, paper for scrapbooking, cardboard sheets, stamps in wedding themes (pigeons, wedding rings, glasses), fabric, sintegone, decor for wedding design.

Wedding book wishes

Stages of creating the following:

  1. Initially, we define the size of the book, make the blanks of sheets from cardboard. It is possible to use textured white wallpaper as sheets, but the sheets should be pre-stroke so that they are not wrapped.
  2. We are preparing substrates for photos from office paper, on top of which paper for scrapbooking is pasted. The edges can be toned beige or golden paint.
  3. Separately prepare ready lace napkins. Using curly holes, you can create an openwork personally.
  4. Lay out the composition page. To do this, glue a blank cloth, on top of it a substrate, and on it a photo. The edges decorate the lace or satin ribbon, add cutting from cardboard and chipboard. From the fate, we make a bow, flower or fan, sew it to the edge of the page. We add beads, we put the accents with a stamp, glitter or paints. Similarly, we make all the album pages. Each page should be strained on the typewriter, so work has a more accurate and completed look.
  5. Create a cover. Cut the two identical blanks and one for the original cardboard source. On a beautiful cloth, we decide the blanks from the cover of the cover, in the middle there is a middle, indent from the root of one centimeter. Gently wrap the fabric inside, glit. Paper for scrapbooking is glued on the inner side. We decorate the cover with roses from fabric, beads, rhinestones, lace, cutting and volumetric appliqué.

    To make every guest celebration felt welcome at the holiday, the book of wish wish is filled. Relatives, colleagues and friends can leave the wish to newlyweds, several lines as a farewell to the future family life. Such a folio can also be issued in the scrapbooking technique, years after rereading warm words.

    For the decor of scrapbooking products there are many ideas. Some materials, such as wedding paper, thematic pictures, inscriptions or stamps, are designed specifically for the design of wedding albums. The main thing is to follow the subject, creating a harmonious composition.