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Business psychology - what is it? Successful businessman: psychological features

* The calculations use average data in Russia

25 000 - 90 200

Starting attachments

66 000 ₽

From 1 month.

Payback period

The number of psychologists increases with each year in almost geometric progression. The profession of a psychologist opens up great opportunities in front of people who want not only to engage in a favorite thing, but at the same time earn money. In order to work in the specialty, you do not need to rent a large office or acquire expensive equipment. Investments will be required only to education and experience. Of course, without minuses in this case also does not do.

Profitability of the opening of a psychological office

If we consider the private office of a psychologist as a business, then the main part of the clients will come to you, first of all, on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances, that is, by the so-called "sarafan radio". There is a lot of time and strength on the clientele, so at the first time a novice psychologist with private practice It is hardly possible to count on big profits. Moreover, it is best to combine work in your own office with work in any organization as a hired employee. So you not only do not lose in the money, but you will produce such valuable experience and practice for a beginner specialist.

Another disadvantage of this business is associated with a high level of competition in this area. Psychologists in the labor market in lately lots of. The demand for their services, however, is also high enough. But the offer has long exceeds demand. Here there are several factors. First, our compatriots have not yet used to solve their problems with the help of qualified specialists. The services of psychologists are not so much in demand, and their cost is equal to, and even exceeds the cost of consultation from the doctor.

At the same time, if the effectiveness of treatment in most cases can even be assessed by a person far from medicine (the advent of relief, the disappearance of the disturbing symptoms, improving well-being, etc.), then with psychological help is not so simple. If a doctor in many cases can give a patient a favorable forecast for the result of treatment, then the psychologist undertakes only to take everything you need to help his client, but no guarantees do not give any guarantees for a good result.

Another negative factor that adversely affects the reputation of psychologists and psychological assistanceIn general, concerns the lack of one legislative base. Today, in essence, even those people who have neither special education or any experience can be engaged in psychological counseling. Currently, there is only a bill "On the provision of psychological assistance to the population", which has not yet been accepted. This bill is also quite a lot of flaws and controversial moments, so his adoption is unlikely to change the situation for the better.

And yet, despite all the disadvantages, the psychological office is a good business idea that can turn into a profitable and profitable business with proper positioning and promotion.

Legal registration of the activities of a psychologist with private practice

To open the cabinet practical psychologistYou will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Make it you can four different ways. In the first case, you can register IP yourself. It is very cheap option: All costs will be 800 rubles for state duty. In principle, registration of IP is a case quite simple and does not take much time. But you can seek help in the registration of IP to the perpetrator - a law firm, which specializes in such services. Registration with an intermediary will cost more, rather than independent paperwork, but you will save a lot of time on filling all the necessary securities, and also get a guarantee that all documents will be decorated without a single error. Finally, the IP can be issued by proxy.

We will look at the option of self-registration as an individual entrepreneur. For registration, you need to prepare documents for the registration of IP (application for registration, application for simplified, receipt for payment of state duty); Register your IP to IFTS (tax registration, sending notifications to the supervisory authorities: Rospotrebnadzor and Gosavodornadzor), as well as in the FIU and FSS (Registration in the FIR, FSS, Rosstat, FOMS); Order Print for an individual entrepreneur; Open the bank account in the bank.

Documents required for registration of a psychological office

Consider in more detail the documents that you need to register as an individual private entrepreneur (IP): a statement of state registration individual As an individual entrepreneur in the form of P21001, a receipt for payment of state duty for the registration of IP, an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system in form No. 26.2-1 (optional), a copy of the passport. The simplified taxation system (it is also USN, UCNO, simplified) allows you to pay less taxes and significantly simplify the reporting you have been submitted than the main tax system). USN is very common among small and medium businesses. There are two options for interest rates of SCINO - 6% (from income) and 15% ("revenues minus costs").

An interest rate can be selected independently. If you have chosen the first option, you will pay 6% of any income, and in this case your expenses will not be interested in tax authorities (this option is preferable in our case when we are talking On the provision of any services and when expenses are much less income). If you prefer the first option, then the amount of expenses will be deducted from the amount of income, and the IP pays 15% of taxes from the difference received (this option is convenient in the event of trade). In this case, all expenses of the IP must be documented (that is, it is necessary to maintain checks, accounts, acts, etc.).

If you plan to apply a simplified, then you need to submit a notice of this in two copies along with the rest of the documents during registration. Please note: Jump to simplified can only once a year, starting from the beginning of the calendar year, so if you do not have time to apply, you will have to pay much more taxes and lead a much more complex accounting and reporting until the end of this year.

Ready ideas for your business

By law, you can apply for thirty days from the date of registration, but it is better not to postpone on the later and apply. Fill out the application for the transition to a simplified (USN) automatically and can be free with the help of a special service or manually. In the latter case, it will be necessary to download a statement on the transition to a simplified taxation system in form No. 26.2-1 (KND 1150001) (check the relevance of the form you downloaded at present). The application is applied in two copies, one copy remains with you (marked for adoption). Your instance needs to be saved. In addition to the application, it will also be necessary to provide a photocopy of two passport reversals (primary and with registration) on one page of the A4 format (also when submitting documents you may ask for copies of all pages containing any information).

When registering the IP, you will also need to choose oKVED codes. For psychologists who wish to arrange private practice or firm, the code 96.09 "The provision of other personal services not included in other groups".

The need for special education in a psychologist practitioner

Separate attention is the question of the presence of a psychologist a psychologist on a higher special education. On the one hand, the law on psychological assistance to the population has not yet been accepted, respectively, now a large number of So-called "psychologists" lead their activities without having a diploma of training. Nevertheless, from January 1, 2015, the Federal Law "On the Foundations social service Citizens B. Russian Federation", Where psychological assistance applies to social services.

Thus, the psychologist's activities involve the provision of psychodiagnostic, psychotherapeutic assistance, conducting psychological counseling and psychological correction. Psychological consulting is a type of activity in which a state-owned diploma is issued, therefore, a person who has declared the conduct of such activities, but not having a special education, can lead it to the first check, after which he can be accused of conducting illegal business activities. The check will be carried out after the first complaint of the unhappy client to the prosecutor's office.

In this case, it is important to understand the difference between a psychologist and psychotherapist. The psychologist is a person with a higher psychological education. Such specialists produce many universities in various cities of our country. Among psychologists there are social, general, medical, psychologists, teachers. Psychologists have the right to engage in science and teaching, carrying trainings, help with the choice of profession, work on the philch of trust, test the level of intelligence, detect the ability, advise, issue recommendations. Most often, all this is engaged in social psychologists.

General psychologists are mainly engaged in science, teaching and developing the theory of psychology. Clinical psychologists have an idea not only about the mental norm, but also pathology. They have the right to work in medical institutions and advise healthy people. They test the sick people so that the doctors can more accurately make a diagnosis. But an official psychologist has no right to engage in psychotherapy without special retraining.

Psychotherapist is a doctor who received a specialty "psychiatrist", and then passed additional training and became a psychotherapist. Only in this case, the specialist may officially be called a psychotherapist and engage in psychotherapy. It has a wide idea of \u200b\u200bthe human psyche and can treat patients both drug and non-medical drugs, have the right to carry out long or short-term, individual or group psychotherapy. There are many directions and methods of modern psychotherapy (art therapy, gestalt therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, etc.), and different psychotherapists specialize in different directions. A psychotherapist doctor has the widest possible ways, as it can advise in all cases, to treat his patients and discharge drugs when necessary.

Ready ideas for your business

If you do not apply for the proud title of psychotherapist, then, according to the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 128-ФЗ "On the licensing of certain types of activities", that the license to provide psychological assistance is required. However, you must follow the ethics and remember that human fate may depend on your professionalism, correctness and decency.

Open psychological cabinet

So, to open your own Cabinet of psychological assistance, the area will require an area for receiving customers, as well as the minimum set of furniture - comfortable chairs, a table and, possibly, a couch (although the latter is an indispensable attribute of the Cabinet of psychoanalyst and is unlikely to be needed by an ordinary psychologist), which can be replaced by Comfortable sofa. Beginning psychologists often do not want to spend money on renting a cabinet, preferring to take their customers from themselves or at home.

In fact, both, and other options have a number of flaws. If you are going to convert a room to your room in your apartment or home, then consider that your business day will be non-nodded. You and your households will have to forget about the peace of mind and personal life, and you - about rest and distraction from work. In addition, you violate your own personal boundaries, inviting customers to your home. As a temporary option, the home office is quite eligible for existence, but should not turn it into a permanent.

If you plan to go to your customers, then consider costs both cash and temporary on the road. In addition, as in the first version, the home furnishings are not the best space for psychological counseling or therapy. Yes, and no one has canceled your personal security question (it is no secret that most psychologists are women). To such a format of work, as a rule, resorted in extreme cases (for example, when a surplus patient appears as a client).

It is best to rent a room where you will take our customers. According to the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, the minimum area for the Cabinet of the psychologist should be 10 square meters. meters. The optimal option is hourly lease when you pay for a specific time of your stay in the workplace, and not a fixed monthly rent. You can find quite affordable options (300-500 rubles per hour). At the same time, you will not need to additionally acquire furniture or equipment, as such premises are usually already equipped with everything necessary.

The magnitude of the average rent for removal of office space in Russia *

Hourly rent offices, rub. Monthly rental of offices (10 square meters. M), rub.
250 7 400
* According to AVITO on 08/29/2018

The main thing is that your office is cozy, and the atmosphere in it has to rest and relax. Of course, this should not be a passing room: the issue of confidentiality is of great importance for your customers, and no one should disturb you during communication. Specialized Cabinets (for example, Cabinet child psychologist) often open on the basis educational institution. True, it is difficult to call this option to business. It is still better not to depend on third parties.

Ready ideas for your business

To open its psychological cabinet, taking into account its full equipment and rent for 3 months, about 90 thousand rubles will be needed. Accordingly, if you are removing the office with everything you need and use a personal computer or laptop, you can meet 25 thousand rubles that are required only for renting for rent for the first time. Of course, with this calculation, by default, we mean that the necessary education and skills you already have.

Investments in the opening of a psychological office

Sales and marketing in the opening of a psychological office

Beginning psychologists often wonder where they look for customers. The best advertising in this business is a sorrela radio. In second place there is internet: specialized sites, regional forums, social networks. Recently, psychologists have been trying to pay more attention to the social networks, creating involuntary content on psychological topics in VKontakte groups, in Instagram accounts and so on.

It is also worth thinking about creating your own website, but there is no point in investing in it. To receive applications from the site you need it to be displayed in the first search rows, you need contextual advertising, afford that in most cases psychologists are not able to. Therefore, for a start, you can do social networks, a business card site designed on a free designer or filled with profiles on the sites of psychologists like

Do not forget to indicate information about your education and experience on the site. Well, if in addition to a diploma, you have different courses, trainings, seminars, supervisions, etc., however, chanting for quantities, neglecting quality, is also not worth it. Do not embellish your experience, try to write the truth. With the complete absence of experience, you can always find additional work (for example, on the phone of trust or in the municipal center of psychological assistance to the population). Let it not be highly paid, but will give you so valuable first experience. It is not necessary to be a wide profile specialist. Even on the contrary, it is better to choose one or two directions and actively work in this area, improve your qualifications and work experience.

Separate attention is the issue of pricing for the services of a novice specialist. Immediately install high prices for their services is not worth it, but also dumping is not the best way. Your work as a professional should be dignified. If you yourself evaluate your services too low, then what kind of opinion is your potential customers? Work psychologist B. large city It can be estimated at 2500-3000 rubles / hour. But often the amount declared in ads is noticeably declining, and in small cities is 1000-1500 rubles per hour. Usually the course of short-term therapy is 10 meetings, each of which lasts 45 minutes.

How many psychologists earn and spend

Practical experience shows that in one day really take three customers. More - more difficult. And physically, and morally. Suppose our psychologist is a very popular specialist who takes three clients a day and works 5 days a week, and the cost of the session is 3000 rubles. In this case, his revenue is 198 thousand rubles. Given the small investments, it is possible to beat off the cost of the office from the first month.

But, as you understand, all this is clean water theory. In practice, this amount is at best divided by three. And 60-70 thousand rubles per month is another very good result, which not all psychologists can boast. Why is that? There are a lot of reasons. And the demand is not the same, and customers in most cases are not ready to lay out, in their opinion "huge" amounts. Often, coming to a psychologist for the first introductory meeting, they believe that in an hour the psychologist will solve all their problems. As a result, the first meeting turns out to be the last. And indeed, as already mentioned above, in Russia to visit a psychologist: with sincere issues, a person will soon go to a friend or relative, but not to a specialist. Therefore, do not build too high expectations about the profitability of this business.

Keep in mind that the profession of a psychologist obliges constantly improving its professional level, and you will not immediately bear the cost of training, supervision, improve the qualifications. This means that at least 30-50 thousand rubles per year will have to spend on these purposes.

Options for increasing the profitability of the psychological office

A peculiar quiet harbor among psychologists is to work with the so-called VIP clients and corporate customers. Since with them a psychologist can earn more than more than with customers usual, he does not have a task in the influx of new customers. Moreover, premium customers often lead people from their own circle, which allows the psychologist to conquer authority from the "highest caste." Another thing is that it is very difficult to break through "Vipam". Therefore, many psychologists to provide themselves at least a stream of customers, rentabilities in universities, with all kinds of medical centers and try to make money on the traffic that is in these institutions.

Another option in which many psychologists leave are holding their own psychological trainings. Training is a massive event. Work occurs in groups, with alive and cross-communication between the participants. As a rule, each training is dedicated to one topic and can be included in a whole trainings program. For the same time, and practically with the same efforts, the host receives a much greater financial return. At the same time, the price for each particular person goes several times lower than the individual consultation.

Training programs developed on their own techniques bring the greatest profitability of psychologists. Such programs are well sold, give a psychologist a name in a professional environment and attract cash clients. In addition, today there are options for purchasing already ready and proven techniques on a franchise, when a psychologist is not only trained in a new method, but also give step-by-step instructions for conducting trainings and ways to promote them. In this case, real profits from individual consultations may increase to 100-125 thousand rubles, and when working in the format of the training center - up to 200-250 thousand rubles.

If all the options for increasing the profitability of a psychological cabinet do not meet your requests, do it search unusual ideas in this region. Perhaps the traditional psychological office is simply not your format, but the search for an effective business idea is to seek abroad or in an adjacent industry. In this selection, we collected 20 unusual business ideas for psychologists, which can help you.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salary + utilities, etc. rub.

Business for the repair of technology can be a good knowledge for that entrepreneur who himself is a master, otherwise, almost all incomes will go to cover costs. This type of business ...

Packaging gifts - a business for those who want to start their work without having significant financial resources. For the start, 30 thousand rubles are needed, basic skills and a competent business plan.

The growth of entrepreneurial activity usually characterizes the improvement of the economy and especially the economic entity. Contribute to understanding and evaluating the importance of entrepreneurship in the national economic and socio-political context is one of the urgent tasks of economic psychology.

In accordance with the legislation, entrepreneurship is defined as the initiative independent activities of citizens, carried out on its own behalf, on their own risk, under its property responsibility and is aimed at making a profit or personal income.

The conditions that contribute to the development of entrepreneurship include both objective opportunities in society for entrepreneurship and subjective prerequisites of people's psychology. Those and others form three main categories of conditions for the development of entrepreneurship. They are:

State policy regarding private business;

Culture, or system of values \u200b\u200bof the Company, which psychologically encourages and supports the spirit of individual initiative;

The inclinations and ability of people to entrepreneurship.

They generate three psychological problems of entrepreneurship: the political and psychological problem of the relationship between entrepreneurship with the state, the problem of the entrepreneur's image in the mass consciousness and, finally, the problem of studying the psychological portrait of an entrepreneur. Consider them.

Entrepreneur and state. The question of the relations of the state and entrepreneurship can be considered from the position of the system approach. Acting in the face of uncertainty, lack of guarantees, creating new, often risky combinations, allowing to satisfy public needs, the entrepreneur takes on the function of risk and progress in the economy. The control function in order to preserve the reliability and stability of the economy assigned to the state. This is how the functions between these necessary elements of the economic body are distributed between these necessary complementary elements.

Violation of the optimal ratio and functioning of components unified system leads to economic crisis. From the state, such a function of regulation is expected, which, on the one hand, would have given sufficient opportunities for the manifestation of the economic initiative, on the other, they would establish a barrier against arbitrariness in the interests of society.

There are various opinions about the social orientation of the entrepreneurial ideology. Some believe that it is focused on the subordination of society in the interests of capital. Others suggest that entrepreneurial ideology is aimed at self-insulation, a kind of business alienation from the state. Closer to the truth, the consideration of the ideology of entrepreneurship as a system of ideas reflecting the perception by the social class of its own functions in society and includes its attitude to other classes, the purpose of which is to maintain or change the material institutional system of society.

In the very nature of entrepreneurship, the contradiction was laid: on the one hand, the desire for maximum profit and the egoistic protection of their special and mainstream interests, on the other - a social role, i.e. The need to reckon with the interests and values \u200b\u200bof society, feel responsibility to him.

The concept of social responsibility in business received the greatest development in the United States in the 70-80s. In addition to the initial ideas, according to which it meant, first of all, compliance with the laws governing the social functions of the entrepreneur, its necessary signs began to be considered actions that satisfy social expectations and even their anticipation. The highest level of social and moral responsibility requires participation in the formation of public expectations in the process of entrepreneurial activity, when it is not easy to respond to requests, but also to form them, thereby taking a leadership role in the social life of society.

There is an opinion that only representatives of large and sometimes medium-sized businesses have a developed sense of awareness of belonging to their class, and therefore they can be considered carriers of the entrepreneurial ideology. Ideological and ethical systems large business And the so-called small business is different. But the differences between the ideology and psychology of the entrepreneur and the manager of the firm are smoothed into last years: And entrepreneurs, and managers are carriers of entrepreneurial ideology, but the leading role is still in that, and in another case belongs to representatives of large and medium-sized businesses.

The image of the "entrepreneur". Unlike the population of the United States and Japan, which sees in a person's entrepreneur serving his needs and creating sources of income for a variety of hands, in Europe, the image of an entrepreneur as a whole is not positive. This is due to some mysteriousness of its activities, hidden from the eyes of the public; and with certain stereotypes of the perception of the entrepreneur as speculators, Deltsy, exploiter (especially in the context of the Russian economy, which for a long time was ideologized); and with some categorical of behavior and communication of entrepreneurs in the interests of the case and in connection with the economic necessity; And also with envy about its profits and income.

In the studies of the image of the entrepreneur, the fame of "distanted hypothesis" was recognized, in which the difference between the way of the entrepreneur "at a distance" and "nearby" is carried out. In the first case, we are talking about a more or less unconscious mass-psychological stereotype of the entrepreneur. He fixed in us in the concept of "new Russians". In the second case, it is understood as an individualized image built with a support for their own experience. These are the impressions of specific familiar people with their successes and problems. "The distanted hypothesis" means that the opinion "near" is more difficult and more positive than the stereotypical image of the entrepreneur "at a distance".

Psychological portrait of an entrepreneur. There are two approaches to the problem of finding subjective psychological prerequisites for successful entrepreneurial activities: the first one relates entrepreneurs to the special category of people endowed with certain psychological qualities; According to the second - all, all, but in varying degrees are possessing. Since the circle of entrepreneurs of entrepreneurs is small, the first approach is dominated.

The properties of entrepreneurship include the mobility and dynamics of economic activity, the freedom to choose and finding ways of economic actions, tactical methods of action, their relative short-term. Permanent entrepreneurial search, high level uncertainties, risk, threatening losses, responsibility. All this puts forward specific psychological requirements for an entrepreneur.

Many Western European and American researchers tried to draw up a psychological portrait of an entrepreneur, abstracting from specific features and qualities associated, for example, with a form of entrepreneurship (production, commercial, financial), or its level (large, medium, small business), as well as Is an entrepreneur an innovator or not and, finally, whether he combines the functions of the owner or owner with the functions of the manager.

Important quality for a psychological portrait of an owner can be combined into three blocks. In the intelligent block includes competence, a combination gift, developed imagination, real fantasy, developed intuition, promising thinking. The communicative block is the talent of the coordinator of the efforts of employees, the ability and willingness tolerance in communicating with other people and at the same time the ability to go against the flow. In the motivational and volitional block - this is a tendency to risk. Responsibility, the desire to fight and defeat, the need for self-realization and public recognition, the severity of the motive of achieving success. Considering that the entrepreneur, figuratively speaking, also self-reader, he needs good health, inexhaustible energy, optimism.

The full list of the characteristics belongs to the portrait of an ideal, not typical entrepreneur. What are the necessary combinations of qualities must be present in the portrait of a typical entrepreneur to ensure its successful activity?

Literary data prove only the mandatory presence of the components of the motivational-volitional block, for the entrepreneur first of all the figure is active, active seeking. The predominance of the motive of achieving success over the motive of avoiding failure, a tendency to risk, the need and ability to take responsibility remains necessary in psychological portrait Entrepreneur independently of the form, level or other specific traits of entrepreneurship.

On the basis of the qualities of the motivational-volitional block built one of the models representing another, more democratic approach to the portrait of the entrepreneur. So, according to psychologists, there are no two clearly distinguished groups of people, entrepreneurs and non-education. Differences between people are as many representative activity they show, and at the level of enterprise, which is in activity.

The entrepreneur is a complex of qualities that ensure the ability to achieve specific goals in the economic, social and other spheres of public life at the expense of its initiative, ingenuity, independence, resourcefulness, non-standard solutions, readiness to risk and be responsible for the results.

If we occupy a given more democratic (compared to the position of the psychological elimination of entrepreneurial activity), it is legitimate and talking about paraproopership as an activity form that is carried out in parallel with the budget or on its basis. Currently, this phenomenon is quite common in our country. From this position is comparable and the figure of the intraranger is a person working in an organization, but with the inclinations and abilities of the entrepreneur.

Are there any specific features in the portrait of the Russian entrepreneur? The definition of entrepreneurship given at the beginning of the topic will focus on independent activity involving the choice, risk, responsibility. Young Russian entrepreneurs have independence and autonomy expressed especially brightly. True, high independence indicators are often combined with reduced responsibility.

Russian entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses are more alienated from society and psychologically protected from social disapproval than German. This is due to the fact that russian entrepreneurship Developed in conditions of an unbalanced market in the absence of real consistent support from the state and in a socio-cultural environment of disapproval, demonstrating an open opposition to the business to the state and the extreme manifestation of individualism.

The differences between entrepreneurs and managers can be interpreted as follows: managers are more afraid of novelty, because their main goal is to maintain the organization, the team to which they manage, and the entrepreneurial activity they undoubtedly show, in a variety of situations aimed at Campaign survival. The entrepreneur, on the contrary, is committed to change, development, risk. Throughout the life cycle, the company needs both in the other entrepreneurial activity.

From the standpoint of innovative management, an entrepreneur is a converting leader in contrast to the leader of regulatory or administrative management.

There are no clear boundaries between entrepreneurs and managers. Two these figures can be represented in one person in a small business.

Contrary to popular belief, the psychology of the business is not only training of personal growth, effective management and increase sales. T & P learned from Professor Vladimir Serkina, than the image of the entrepreneur's world differs from the rest, as the collective memory arise and the thinking of employees and why the phrase "honest businessman" still sounds unnatural for us.

Most of your work is devoted to the problems of general psychology: consciousness, psychoshemant, the image of the world, neurosis and scenarios of pending life. What place do these topics occupy in the study of business psychology?

Any applied industry of psychology is still psychology. And the general substitution laws in business psychology also act as, for example, in age or engineering psychology, labor psychology and in all others. Now there are a lot of handicraft training and "trainingers", which have passed two-week courses and copying them. Such "specialists" often do not know and do not understand the general health patterns of interaction, real consequences different exercises and group forms of work, violate professional ethics and sometimes they are just harmful and to people and their business. Psychological changes in thin, individual, and "stamping" them for some one for all methods - profanation.

We teach students to act not blindly on one or two methods, but with understanding their generalicular base, their advantages and disadvantages, psychological processes occurring in the group in cooperation. It makes undergraduates not only more successful, but also more creative and responsible professionals. Sometimes our students at the beginning of their studies do not understand this and are asking for the methodology-algorithms on the principle: "Do Once, do two ...". But by the middle of the first year of study, everyone understands what advantages and opportunities in the profession gives not a narrow skill, namely the general substrate fundamental base. Only on such a base can be independently constructively compiled and implement the necessary research projects, solving problems, trainings, optimization, innovation, and so on.

Is there any specificity in the psychology of an entrepreneur?

Business, entrepreneurship is not only psychological, but also cultural, economic, legal and ethical concepts. At seminars, we do not go around their full difficulty. It is necessary to contact not only knowledge, but also to language competence, intuition, feeling. For example, whether the phrase "honest seller", "honest businessman", "honest prachter" sounds naturally in Russian. Why not always naturally and what to do about it?

The semantic field of the concept of "honest" is associated with the concepts of "truth" and "honor" that in Western psychology partially lost. For example, in the most common and well-known Western method of research of values, Sh. Schwarz do not have such values. To the Russian sample, such a technique is simply not applicable (the instruction offers to work with values \u200b\u200bonly from the list in which there are no most important values \u200b\u200bfor us). The phrases of the concept of "honest" with the concepts of other languages \u200b\u200b(businessman, PR) is not too natural for us: the language is a long-term result of the collective thinking of the people, based on experience. The "unnatural" semantics of phrases always talks about the welding and criticality of the social consciousness better than sociological indicators. I'm not saying that it is good or bad. Just those are facts. The semantic field has already been fully mastered in Russian, the words "Seller" today quite often include the concepts of "zulik", "weselordistic", "hangs", "comes up" and so on. Therefore, the phrase "honest seller" is still semantically contradictory. At the same time, no one denies the fact of necessity and the development of such a profession.

Semantic exercises-games are just one example, but it also shows how undergraduates learn to be more sensitive to the nuances of speech (individual use of the language) of the client, customer, contracts, declarations. The deeper and less responsible analysis level of the analysis can be applied using, for example, an analysis of deep semantic roles, but this is the topic of a special long conversation.

What is the difference between the professional specificity of the image of the world from psychoshemant profession?

Semantics is the doctrine of the meanings and sense, and psychosemantics is a psychological component of values \u200b\u200band meanings. The semantic layer enters the image of the world, but he is not the only one. In the most common model there is a nuclear layer, semantic and perceptual. The nuclear layer is the deepest, least changeable, this is what is formed from early childhood under the influence of education, education, experience, it includes values, meanings, motifs. In the literature, he is also called an exequate complex. Then there is a fairly movable semantic layer, which is under the influence of nuclear, because our experience and values \u200b\u200baffect what values \u200b\u200bwe attach the situations and subjects. The outer layer is perceptual, this is a perceived world. The person is different from the animal, that what he perceives is the small part of his image of the world. If for many animals specific situation And there is the whole world, then for a person the situation has temporary (back in the past or forward to the future), semantic, and, for example, cosmogonic perspectives.

What is studying the psychology of business, except for problems of relationships, management, leadership, organization development strategies that everyone is heard?

In business psychology, there is a layer of problems - the organization as "MegaMashin" (term G.P. Shchedrovitsky). Here we are talking not only about corporate traditions and "missions", but also collective memory, collective thinking and even consciousness, about "fate", the stages of life of the organization and its products. Another layer of problems - systems, networks, groups (sometimes - flocks) or community organizations, organizations on organizations (from V. Lefevra - "Systems drawn on systems"). For these layers, there is even no developed scientific terminology, a scientist here has something to work on.

In psychology, the effect of joint activities has long been marked: two people, working together, make much more than the amount of their work separately. Usually I begin an explanation of this phenomenon to students with such an example: "Two normal peasants can quickly take a long log in the ends and put it on a high log house. And one strongman (a little stronger than each of the men) can not even if it spends three more time and effort. " Even more strongly, such a synergistic effect is manifested with a good organization of work (the right allocation of joint activities) of the large team. Joint activity involves a joint goal, that is, a systematic subject of activity. And such a subject has systemic qualities that no one from the team included in the team (as water has qualities that there is no hydrogen in oxygen). It is such systemic "destinies", memory, thinking, attention, consciousness and other processes are not like human, as long as collective "destinies", thinking, memory, and so on. AA wrote about this. Bodaliev, B.F. Lomov, A.L. Zhuravlev and other domestic authors. But it is clear that all this is still anthropocentric reductionism (attributing the complexities of human qualities), since we are dealing with not yet investigated and not explained by the systematic qualities of organizations.

Is the wording exist psychological image The human world who is engaged in business?

As the founder of the first in the USSR, the Faculty of Psychology MSU A.N. Leontyev: "Activities constituted." That is, it builds a mental constitution of man. If you do any activity for a long time, you want or not, you will have professional skills, and professional worldview, and alas, professional deformations. Fortunately, this is not the only thing that you will have, because a person is always operating in several directions.

Bad, if a person does not see anything other than his professional activity. In the entrepreneurs involved, it often happens - he begins to perceive employees not as people, but only as functions. Employees feel and (the action is equal to opposition) meet the same. In half of the teams there is a similar one. And if someone from the staff does not fulfill their functions, the head does not even put the tasks of understanding the reasons. He prefers to replace him with another employee-function, but problems will also be sure to begin, since it is not a function, but a person.

"Action is equal to opposition" - not only the third Newton law, this is a universal law of all interactions, formulated by Hermes of Trismegist. We simply do not always see all the ring of interactions (and only a small arc of manifested). Often, but also not always, the head, only encountered with the "passive", "naughty", "hostile" attitude of employees, understands that it is necessary to turn to a psychologist-consultant, coach. The psychologist-professional can help the entrepreneur achieve a goal with comfort for himself and those with whom it interacts: effectively, without losing the face and human qualities.

Now work is underway to study the professional specifics of the image of the world and the lifestyle among representatives of different professions, but specifically in the image of the world of the entrepreneur, there were no work, it is just planned for the 2015/2016 academic years. But now we can talk about some features. Much simplifying, business is one and two target. In everyday consciousness it is believed that the first is aimed at making a profit, the "application" of any benefit is added in the second to profit. In this sense, for example, in the conditions of our country, receiving profit is usually either resources or resale. And in order to benefit, you need something you need to produce something else (product or service). "Pure" useful cases, such as protection ambient, we have a business on semantics words in everyday consciousness are not considered.

Who is the use of this benefit? Consumer, peace or yourself too?

If you mean social recognition, self-realization, then business is not the most best field, self-realizing better in creativity, if there are some abilities. From a person who organizes the case and encountered with different administrative and objective barriers, certain business and volitional qualities are required. In the conditions of tough and not always correct competition, it is necessary to constantly think about the benefit, profitability and its own interests. To be successful in the modern Russian market, you need some insincerity and the prediction or something, since ultra-scientificity can play dishonest competitors. For example, you are standing on the market and honestly tell the buyer that the tomatoes are Chinese and nitrates, and through the row your competitor speaks about the same tomatoes that they are Turkish and clean. Who will buy - understandable. The question "What should I do that in such a market it is not broken?" Open for everyone. Alas, the highly moral person will be extruded from this market almost instantly. We need and communicative qualities, because, how much I know entrepreneurs who work alone, they all people are wealthy, but will never rise above a certain ceiling. To grow further, you need a team. Yes, for the entrepreneur is useful and be susceptible, but everything should be in moderation. If you are too sensitive, can you gradually demand something from a person? Therefore, there is a recommendation, if possible, do not conduct a business with friends and relatives precisely because you cannot ask them to truly ask them, and disagreements will go into personal relationships.

Are there any peculiarities of the nuclear layer of the image of the world, about which you told above, characteristic of the personality of the entrepreneur?

In some sense, we are all entrepreneurs, just a businessman takes something for the market. The nuclear layer changes only in extreme situations, professional activities affect it little, in contrast to the perceptual layer. My former graduate students and students did research on various professions: teachers, teachers, economists, doctors, prospectors, geologists, military personnel and concluded that the image of the world is not different in the core, but in the external layers - semantics and perception. Therefore, it can be assumed that the businessman's image of the world will differ from other professions in these layers, and there will be no nuclear layer with no specificity. But since so far there were no such research, we can only assume it.

How does entrepreneurship associated with neuroses of pending life?

This concept was introduced back in 1997. Now it is widely used. The neurosis of the pending life (knife) is rare, often happens, the so-called scenario of deferred life (coolant). Especially from startarters. When a person decides to organize a business project competently, he constitutes a plan and is aware that its implementation will begin in a year (if things go very well) or after three to five years (which is more likely). All this period before stability he spends its energy, time, funds, sometimes everything that he has, to implement the plan. Accordingly, he has no energy, time and money for good relationship with others, to a certain standard of living, rest. He says himself that all this will be later, and this is normal. The overwhelming majority of the population thinks: "I will receive a diploma, a healing" or "I will become the director, a healing." In addition to small neurotic phenomena, it is not fraught with anything, but at the same time imposes restrictions on external freedom, because sometimes it is impossible, for example, to express its point of view or swearing with someone. And according to the laws of psychology, permanent external becomes internal characteristic.

Each person can withstand some kind of definite cargo of unresolved (and, the worst, irresistible to the "start of real life") problems, their number is individually. And when this cargo exceeds the ability, a person begins to break down, which becomes noticeable for others. Then we talk about the knife. However, even most of the mortgages feel more or less stable, although they are limited to the conditions (many years of rigid cyclic scenario) of the contractual life. Some are even proud of what kind of volitional people are. But psychological changes occur anyway, since a person has two types of motivation. External - "I have to do what circumstances are forced me," and the inner - "I do what I strive for." And in such situations, external motivation begins to prevail over the inner over the years.

What are these psychological changes?

First of all, it is self-limitation that becomes an internal property. The man does not notice this and believes that everything is fine. In this sense, neurosis has not yet developed. Any neurosis develops in the presence of an external or internal irresistible obstacle, frustrations important motivation. With coolant, the person himself freshes the implementation of some important motives according to the scheme: "I first get, then healing." A person could ponslaw his problems, but he does not allow himself yet. That is, the normal person behaves like a neurotic accumulating problem. We see that many entrepreneurs at some stage of the implementation of their startpaps are broken, becoming downshifters, are arranged on budget workThat is, they are looking for stability by sacrificing independence. And often experiencing real relief, realizing unresolved motives (starting with "Widow to sleep quietly", "do what I want" and so on). But these are those who have created the conditions already. And if the internal resources just ended, this breakdown is a neurotic symptom. And it is not always bad. Sometimes a person is better to leave the business and implemented in another sphere.

Can a person feel the background of a breakdown?

Most people feel them, but this does not mean that they can control them. A person knows that his energy or patience end, but at the same time cannot regulate their behavior. Here the scheme is common: both neurotic and an ordinary person always have many problems, especially if a person is active and tries to implement his project. What is the project? This is a change in reality. And any reality resists in person changes, such as officials and other circumstances. A normal person decides not all, but most of their problems. That is, the difference between the normal from the neurotic is that the first problem does not dig, he decides and dreams of, for example, about life in the country where new problems (as it seems so far) does not appear. The neurotic does not solve the majority of problems, postpones, is looking for explanations why they do not need to decide now, gives them other wording, trying to forget. And the problems do not go anywhere, they dig. Frams manifest themselves in the fact that a person, for example, cannot support normal relations with others: he constantly carries wear, and he has no strength for everything else, it aggressive or hysterite, or his asthenic reaction until "throw everything and cry."

Does this mean that a person does not do something?

It is very individual. For someone means, someone has a reason - in circumstances, and someone - in a lack of volitional qualities, for example. In this psychology, generalized recommendations or do not always work, or they need to be very subtly "tune and adjust" under a specific person. Personal consulting while closer to art than to methodical recommendations.

Probably no one no one surprises that the business in Russia has become more serious: almost in Western. That is why many began to interest such a category as "psychology of entrepreneurship and business."

Today it is an integral component of commercial success in all new endeavors, business projects. After all, in essence, the appearance of a modern entrepreneur is the main element of the success of his business.

So, what should be real, and most importantly - in perspective? Here is its main characteristics:

    enterprise - the ability to independently create profitable, promising business projects;

    flexibility, creativity, the latitude of thinking - stamps, rigidity, limited mental processes have long been in the past. If you have not yet been released from them, then today is the very day when it's time to finally do it;

    - The ability and desire to achieve their goals at almost at any cost. A businessman should always move in the selected direction and be able to overcome obstacles in its path;

    goaling - the ability to correctly schedule goals and plan the algorithm for their achievement to the shortest way and with the lowest losses;

    rationalism is the rationality of actions, thinking. Even creativity must be analyzed by reason not to turn into recklessness;

    logical thinking - use in mental processes of certain logical structures;

    stress resistance - the ability to confront negative external and internal factors and emerge from complex situations without losses for psycho-emotional state;

    - the world is right the optimists, and the pessimists are only the involuntary spectators of a big performance named "Life";

    high degree of adaptation to the slightest changes - the ability to quickly adapt to any life, working situations;

    resourcefulness - the ability to find a way out of the most confusing situations;

    fast learning - skill quickly and with benefit to absorb and digest useful information;

    leadership deposits - this part is necessary only to those who want to work in a team. A single businessman is quite possible to do without them;

    pragmatism - an understanding that the theory is only the foundation, and the practice is the essence of the business;

    objectivity - the ability to objectively assess its capabilities and folding situations in order not to take care of the load greater than you are able to carry;

    self-improvement is a permanent work on oneself, an increase in its professional level.

Thus, the psychology of entrepreneurship and business is considering the most important question concerning the personality of the entrepreneur, a businessman and related conditions for the success of the case.

Also for beginners their business in the team is required. Because with some leadership ambitions will not leave.

It is necessary to be able to test people behind them, inspire them, correctly motivate the actions you need.

If you will not only manage the case, but also to participate directly in it, then you also need the theoretical and practical basis for the work in your chosen entrepreneurship segment. To do this, you will need to work out a unique method of working or adapting already existing ones.

What else can advise the psychology of entrepreneurship and business to beginner entrepreneurs? Believe in yourself and understand that the restrictive frameworks exist only in our consciousness.

We ourselves define the limits of our opportunities, saying that this is not forces. However, as soon as we move these frames, the world around us immediately begins to play with new paints.

The school of psychology and business teaches an entrepreneur to cope with falls, take-offs, emotional experiences and why are they needed? Own entrepreneurship is a frankly difficult area of \u200b\u200bactivity, and emotional overloads are characteristic of almost everyone who works in this area. However, a person, opening his work, immediately realizes that thereby he subscribes to a serious risk. Faced with strong emotions during the development of their own business, do not be afraid, the optimal approach is psychological. It is necessary to figure out what provokes experiences, and turn them for yourself.

Who am I?

Such a question usually does not occur in a person who has chosen classic option Employment. Having received a position in an existing company, you know exactly your duties and opportunities, the sphere for which you are responsible. As learning a book on business psychology, everything is not so in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. Do not count on certainty. The most important thing for himself to determine what a person seeks who he sees himself in the future. Organization of your own business is always a search for answering questions "Why?", "Why?", "Why?" The entrepreneur itself asks his obligations and determines its own importance regarding what is happening in the activity.

Of course, the awareness that everything depends only on you, can put it very much. It's not easy to cope with this load, but numerous trainings come to the rescue, which reveals the secrets of the psychology of entrepreneurship and business. Do not neglect them, and not only free, but also paid. This will help to find out how other businessmen are coping with similar situations, including those who have already come to success.

What do we do?

The psychology of business management is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bself-definition of the activities of the enterprise. At first in front of the activist - literally white, blank sheet. The company begins with the entrepreneur - and at first and ends them the same. This means that there are no cards nor assistants, no guide to the ocean of business will have to travel at its discretion.

It is also an art that is also an art, and it is usually trained in schools of practical psychology and business. On the other hand, no one is right to indicate such an entrepreneur what to do. Therefore, immoral solutions can be avoided, and unfavorable, it is fully responsible for determined as a basic course. Of course, no doubt do not do - they are at all. In order to succeed, you need to effectively solve controversial issues, feel confidence, your own, as well as learn to solve permission of any complex situations. It must be remembered: the responsibility for the one accepted alone completely falls on the one who chose the course of movement.

Contracted and stress

The length of the entrepreneur is well acquainted with a combination of both panic, and joy. Doubts always adjoaded with the passion of the chosen affair. Contradictions are an important part of human psychology. To learn to understand it and take, you can go through special training for the psychology of business success. However, there is enough independent analysis of the situation or reading specialized literature. It is necessary to realize: contradictions is the natural state of a person who sees wide possibilities, not only positive, but also negative. For a modern entrepreneur, it is simply impossible to present business activity without such a complex feature of one's own feeling.

As they are told in numerous modern institutions of psychology and business management, a key feature, without which it is simply impossible to come to success - the ability to cope with stressful situations. But they luster the entrepreneur literally at every step. To understand how a particular person behaves, you need to present the situation of the phone call on the day off. What thoughts come to mind, what emotions immediately overlook? If it is predominantly negative expectation of trouble, it is important to assess, analyze the cause of such assumptions. It is impossible to turn away from the problem, even if it prevents personal life. At the beginning of the way, when own business is also built, you need to understand: all the time you have to give to work, and it should be psychologically ready for this.

When money playing your role

Finance is the first one, on which the failure of entrepreneurship is reflected. Psychology of business is the ability to cope with the situation of losses, delays with payments, without undermining their own emotional and mental health. At the same time, a person perfectly realizes that his money problems have an impact not only on personal financial condition, but also of his whole family, as well as hired workers and their relatives.

Why do I need it?

It may seem that all the topics of business psychology topics indicate that the occupation is nervous, useless and unpromising. Statistics in turn disruptively talks about a high percentage of failures. And yet, from year to year, the number of entrepreneurs is growing - beginners and already achieved success. This phenomenon has repeatedly attracted the attention of psychologists, and he managed to find an explanation.

As experts tell, the main moving force, found by the approaches of the psychology of the business - is a passion. A person literally with his head is absorbed by emotional experiences, forgets about fears, doubts and go ahead, aware of his right and strength. This is a truly strong feeling that literally subordinates the person and helps to find one's own destination, the path in life.

Emotional overload is only a part of the path you need to pass in order to achieve your dreams. Of course, this may be over the strength of a particular person. Therefore, success comes far from each. But the ability to cope with overloads, a reasonable approach to the tasks set - the key to success. Many entrepreneurs say that once tasted the joy of risk and victory, a successful solution to a complex problem, it is already simply impossible to return to the predictable world of routine daily.

Practical psychology

At the moment, there are several business institutions and psychology on the territory of our country. As part of the educational course, you can get acquainted with the fundamental approach to the training of professionals in the field of entrepreneurship. Such courses are primarily intended for those who want to improve efficiency (business, personal), to reveal the possibilities of themselves, applying the most modern and efficient psychological approaches.

As part of the educational program, interested can receive professional competencies are really relevant to the application in the business environment. If you explore the programs of business institutions and psychology, it can be noted that mostly time is given to the development of knowledge gained, and the theoretical excursions themselves rarely occupy more than a quarter of the program. But the listeners perfectly assimilate the behavioral models that help to properly file themselves and get out of the brilliance of various situations.

Manage with mind

Business Psychology is the ability to control career. For success in this area, the entrepreneur must know how to interact with other person, what algorithms are guided by decision-making. It is usually considered not only a business life, but also private, since in many respects personal dating allow a young businessman to promote their enterprise. By knowing the negotiations with partners and understanding the interests, hidden, including strategies used by counterparties, you can learn how to influence them to turn any situation in favor of your company.

At the same time, it is important to be able to manage emotions (with their own interlocutor), to defend themselves from the pressure from the opponent and correctly build the line of behavior when conflict situation. Effective tool The public statement becomes. As part of the psychology of career management, attention should be paid to the skills of the presentation and product implementation.

Business psychology is also the ability to manage human resources. This includes the concepts of coaching, psychodiagnostics, motivation, stimulation of working personnel. Must know how tools, techniques allow you to correctly evaluate the activities of the staff, how to organize the work process and digitize it for unsuccessful solutions. The task of the businessman is to form an effective management team and find reliable performers.

What to pay attention to?

Some time ago, the book of the author of Marina Melia "Business is psychology". Currently, many respond about this edition positively. The author has revealed interesting features, was able to explain them understandableThanks to which the world of entrepreneurship has become closer to ordinary people. Especially valuable is this publication is considered in the medium of novice businessmen drawing from materials inspiration. You can find answers to the burning issues related to the psychological aspects of entrepreneurship.

As follows from online stores, the book of Melia "Business is psychology" can be purchased almost at any modern online sales point both in electronic and paper form. The publication is represented in most domestic network stores and is relatively inexpensive. Many recommend to read it to those who are just starting their way on the field of business to learn to cope with the peculiarities of their own personal perception, as well as master business interaction with other people.

The main disciplines necessary to understand the psychology of the business

This (reviews about curriculum confirm such a statement) the following areas, to study which must devote their time a novice entrepreneur:

  • psychology of Personality;
  • general direction;
  • psychology of character;
  • psychology of society;
  • laws of organizational development.

The listed areas will give an idea of \u200b\u200bhuman mental processes, features of the formulation of the concept of personality, social interaction and behavioral strategies in groups. Entrepreneur, thoroughly studying the material, will represent what life cycle Enterprises, which classical errors allow management structures, and which pathologies can meet in the organization. Carefully reading the material, having learned him in theory and consolidating in practice, you can successfully avoid common problems, and this will be a key to not only a good financial result of doing business, but also to minimize the emotional workload in the work process.

What will I teach me?

If you go to a specialized educational institution, which is engaged in the business psychology, within the framework of the educational process it will be possible to master all the knowledge. In good institutions, the Working Program is built taking into account the vital realities of each of the listeners, they select the tasks corresponding to the professions, human personality. According to the results of such a training project, serious institutions make it possible to protect the diploma in the selected direction. This allows you to work the most interesting area for a particular person under the guidance of experienced specialists. It is possible, in particular, to consider the psychological aspects of the management of the enterprise or the peculiarities of working with personnel, its development.

The greatest effect brings practical classes under the guidance experienced psychologists, businessmen, coaching. When choosing an educational institution should pay attention whether it will be possible to consult on personal, professional issues. The possibility of such communication is a significant plus in favor of a specific option.

Business: What is it?

We all familiar to us, subconsciously we understand the essence of the phenomenon encoded by him, but to formulate a more or less clear definition - the problem is not simple. This is connected with the versatility of this type of activity. This affects the psychology of activity. Aspects are a lot, including relations between individuals and personal features of all involved. Business is an altruistic activity, masterfully mixed with manipulation strategies, the formulation of goals applicable to achieving methods, methods that make it possible to make decisions. How is it from all this chaos to form a clear, easily aware of the understanding of the essence of this concept?

Modern business is an activity aimed at improving its financial condition, but extremely difficult in terms of values, psychological aspects. By the way, it is reflected in the presence of numerous books, considering how to relate to money (from the point of view of psychology).

Business: What is needed for success?

While one is firmly confident that it is possible to achieve good results, if you skillfully manipulate others, others believe that such an approach will not bring real benefits in the long-term perspective. Indeed, it is possible to conclude some successful deals, but the persistent, reliable, calculated for the years and decades of business to establish on such a foundation is hardly. Therefore, for a modern entrepreneur, the first task is the formulation of its unique, individual path. It will be filled with numerous milestones, changes.

Moreover, many emphasize the fact that at a certain point, the businessman faces the need to abandon creativity, individuality, freedom - in all of the time that this path was chosen. Only having mastered the opposite, regular approach, organizational science and administration, can be counted for success.

However, you should not be afraid of ahead of time. As a rule, at the initial stage there is enough foresight, the premonition of the development of the situation. If a person can feel what is the requests of the market, to predict the most promising niches, you need to use this ability without a branch of conscience. This is already after that the scale will increase significantly, you will have to start developing the match.