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Presentation Psychological assistance to children victims of violence. Presentation on the topic: Psychological violence. Group work rules

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Presentation on the topic: Psychological abuse

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Psychological violence Psychological (emotional) violence is a periodic, long-term or permanent mental impact (parents, guardians, other adults) per person (child), leading to the formation of pathological properties of character or the inhibiting personality development.

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Under the conditions of the educational environment (school), such signs can be distinguished by signs of PN. As: threats to the learner; intentional isolation of studying; presentation to the learning excessive requirements that do not apply to age; insult and humiliation of dignity; Systematic unfounded criticism of a child, withdrawing him from mental balance; constant negative characteristics of the studying; Demonstrately negative attitude to the learning. Psychological violence can manifest itself in the form of ridicule, the assignment of nicknames, comments and biased estimates, humiliation in the presence of other children or adults, in refusing to communicate with victim of violence.

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having physical disadvantages of behavior - closed children or children with impulsive behavior; Features of appearance are undeveloped social skills; fear of school; lack of life experience in the team; diseases - epilepsy, ticks and hypercines, stuttering, enjoyment (urinary incontinence), enchnoze (incontinence ), Speech violations - Dilacia (oblique), Dysgraphy (violation of written speech), dyslexia (violation of reading), discalcium (violation of the ability to account), etc.; low intellect and learning difficulties.

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Children brought up in the conditions of maternal deprivation (that is, not visible love, care for parents, and "social orphans"), and "social orphans"), I can be prone to more violence than children raising in normal families. Incomplete families (there is an opinion The girl in such a family is significantly more often applied to other emotional violence than a boy). For example, families in which the mother has a negative attitude towards life. Mothers who do not trust the world and school, usually do not want to cooperate with the school. In this regard, the manifestation of violence in the child's mother is not condemned and not adjusted. In such cases, the mothers tend to justify violence as a natural reaction to communication with the "enemies". Available and authoritarian families. Education in the conditions of dominant hyperprojects is characterized by unconditional submission of the will of the parents, so children in such families are often crushed, and the school serves as a channel where they splash internally suppressed anger and fear.

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Families that are characterized by conflict family relationships. In families where adults often quarrel and swear, aggressively asserting in the presence of a child, the so-called "learning model" works. Children are assimilated and in the future use it in everyday life as a way to cope with the situation. Thus, one behavior model can be transmitted from generation to generation as a family curse. The fructuring and alarming atmosphere of the family forces the child to defend themselves to behave aggressively. In such families there are practically no mutual support and close relationships. Children from families in which violence is practiced, evaluate violent situations other than other children. In addition, low performance is also a factor in the risk of violence. Studies have shown that good items are directly related to higher self-esteem. For boys, academic performance is not so significant and to a lesser extent affects self-esteem. They are more important success in sports, out-of-school events, campaigns and other activities. The poor girls have a greater risk of aggression towards peers than boys with poor performance.

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historical prerequisites: Mechanical transfer in our time of pedagogical systems of upbringing traditional for past years; Psychological instability of teachers, poor microclimate in the teacher's team; professional failure, expressed in the inability or unwillingness of the teacher with respect to personality and problems of the child provoking non-standard behavior.

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In a large school team, a large anonymity predisposes to violence, i.e., a smaller probability of identifying an act of violence and its restrictions, due to the fact that the teacher is difficult to "reach" to everyone, to deepen in his problems, etc. No diversity of selection of educational institutions. Not every child, a large noisy school suitable for his features. Some children feel and behave better in small classes, while in a quiet team. The pervertedness of the curriculum. The noisy atmosphere can be negatively affected by emotionally labile and hyperactive children with an unstable nervous system, to start and excite them.

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Bad microclimate in the teacher's team. The violence in the behavior of the teacher is due, in principle, the same factors as in children. In teacher groups with authoritarian leadership style, the same relationship as between students and teachers. Irritability, the dissatisfaction of teachers can splash and move into aggression towards children (professional burnout can be rented on students). The people of people showing PN. (This can be facilitated indifferent and indifferent attitude, because If students and parents and the school leadership also include the teacher arbitrariness, the raptoma feels unpunished)

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The closest consequences include physical injuries, damage, acute mental reactions in response to any aggression. These reactions can manifest itself in the form of excitement, the desire where - it is to run, hide, either in the form of deep inhibition, external indifference, but in both cases the child is covered by fear, anxiety, anger. Among the remote consequences allocate various diseases, personal and emotional violations of physical and mental development, as well as severe social consequences.

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Long psychological violence affects me a child. Self-esteem falls, he feels poisoned. Such a child continues to avoid relationships with other people. It often happens on the contrary - other children avoid friends with victims of violence, because they are afraid that they themselves will be victims. As a result of this, the formation of friendly relations can be a problem for the victim, and lower school currency is often extrapolated to other spheres of social relations. The role of the victim is the cause of low status in the group, problems in studies and behavior. Such a child has a higher risk of developing neuropsychiatric and behavioral disorders. Long stress generates a sense of hopelessness and hopelessness, which, in turn, is a favorable soil for the emergence of thoughts about suicide.

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organization of assistance to children affected by psychological violence; Identification of factors provoking ill-treatment, and conditions that reduce the possibility of aggressive behavioration of the prevention system - measures to reduce the likelihood of the manifestation of PN. in educational institutions (testing of teachers, children to identify risk groups; work with risk groups;); The system of measures to strengthen the mental health of teachers, the formation of a system of measures aimed at legal protection and understanding its rights by students and teachers

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diagnosis of psycho-emotional environment and motivational and educational work with the administration; Consultative and educational work with pedagogical personnel and parents; Consultative and Correctional Work with Children; information and educational work with children; Events aimed at ruling the school community to diagnose the state of the problem aimed at enlightening parents, teachers, students.

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1. Methods "Psychological diagnostics of the safety of the educational environment of the school" I.A. Babeva. 2. Methods of examination of the educational environment proposed by N.V. Kalinina3. Methods of diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout V.V. Boyko (as one of the manifestations of violation of psychological health of teachers). 4. Color test M. Lucher to determine the current psycho-emotional state of the client.5. Methodology for diagnosing the ideas of the child about violence "unfinished suggestions". 6. Methods "Anxiety scale" A.M. Parishioners, allowing to determine the level of personal anxiety of children. 7. The methodology for the diagnosis of interpersonal relations Lii. 8. Methodology "Analysis of family relationships" E.G. Eidemeyller, V.V. Justitzkis (DCA). Various methods are also used, such as: MM PI-II, Freibur FRI and MV Ti. MMRI II Methods, Methodology Smil 566, Test EP I G. Aizenka, MPV L. Sondi and 16 PF R. kettel.

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"Features of the provision of psychological assistance in support of children affected by sexual violence" Voronezh Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region GBU in the "Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Support and Development of Children"

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According to the center of social and forensic psychiatry. Serbian annually in Russia registers 7-8 thousand cases of sexual violence against children. Most often, children aged 3-7 years old are victims of violence.

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Sexually-vicious handling of children is an active sexual activity that goes beyond the scope of communication with him. Sexual violence against children is not necessarily coercion by a threat or force to perform sexual actions, but the very fact of sexual actions with them.

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Types of sexual violence Sexual violence involving physical contact sexual violence that does not include physical contact

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art. 64 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (the protection of the rights and interests of children is imposed on their parents); Art. 56 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the most minor to defense; Art. 56 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation P.3 Officials and other citizens who became aware of the threat of life or child health, about violation of his rights and legitimate interests, are obliged to inform about this in the guardianship body and guardianship to the actual finding of the child. Upon receipt of such information, the guardianship and guardianship authority is obliged to take the necessary measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child. Legal aspects of assistance to children affected by violence

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1. Establishing contact; 2. Active listening; 3. Providing psychological support; 4. Clarification of the request for help; 5. Passing all or the main stages of the conversation (depending on the appeal); 6. Fixing the case of ill-treatment of a child; 7. Filling out the form of collecting data on a child suffered from ill-treatment; 8. Transfer of information to the guardianship and guardianship authority. Algorithm of actions when reporting violence:

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1. State dynamics; 2. The degree of resolution of the problem / request; 3. completeness of handling; 4. Efficiency of adopted measures to protect the rights of the child (ensuring the security of the child; implementation of the search for interested adults; transfer of information to the guardianship and guardianship authority; establishing control over the situation). It is very important to determine:

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The basic principles of counseling of children affected by sexual violence 1. Sureness. 2. Lack of consideration. 3. Accuracy. 4. Special attention, understanding, support. The common goal in consulting children who survived violence is to reduce and eliminate traumatic experiences, overcoming the sense of own inferiority, guilt and shame.

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maintain the ability to differentiate interaction with the surrounding people; evaluate their attitude to violence; provide the opportunity to the child to control the distance between themselves and the consultant; When establishing a psychological contract, consider the phenomenon of resistance. Important:

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1. Who is a psychologist, why go to him? 2. What will my friends think if you find out about it? 3. Will I be comfortable? 4. How many people will talk to me? 5. Can I finish a conversation if I don't like it? 6. What should I talk about my family, do I really have to say something bad? 7. Does this psychologist tell others what I told him? Questions that may arise from a child affected by violence:

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1. Anxiety for its autonomy; 2. Failure to talk or do something; 3. Feeling anger on a psychologist; 4. Feeling of fear to tell about what happened; 5. Resistance that manifests itself: in silence, reluctance to tell until the end of what happened and so on. Problems arising in the process of counseling

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1. Sincere interest; 2. Friendliness; 3. Independence and "heat", which comes from a psychologist. Overcoming the resistance of a child can help:

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1. Focusing on injury; 2. Estimates of the level of risk factors; 3. Relationship of a child with an offender. When assisting it is important to rely on the principles:

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The main goal of helping the child who affected the domestic violence is to reduce and overcome the consequences of traumatic experiences. The share of injury in the occurrence of PTSD is about 50%, the remaining 50% is determined by the life of the child after injury and, above all, the effectiveness of the help provided to him.

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Features of the counseling of a child affected by violence: 1. Assessment of the degree of safety of the situation in which the child is located. 2. Formulation of issues. 3. Accounting for the level of personal development of the child. 4. Use of an active hearing. 5. Rendering a child support. 6. Clarifying the child to the further development of events.

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Inefficiently (it may harm): 1. Ask, did not provoke a child's action of the offender; 2. Ask questions that enhance the feeling of guilt; 3. To ask why the child did not have enough resistance or did not call for help; 4. Talk about what you would do in a similar situation; 5. Give advice and impose your own solutions; 6. Speak "calm down, do not worry ...", that is, deny the feelings of the child; 7. Being cold and detached, not to show empathy; 8. To speak "I understand you ..."; 9. It is too deeply emotionally included in the situation, which makes it difficult or impossible to assist; 10. Even if the child lied, to accept his information and later discuss what reasons pushed him to this.

Children are the most victim's category and often become victims in various situations. They may be victims of home and / or school violence, to become victims of violence on the street, to be abandoned or streetless. Ppm Asanova allocates four main types of violence over children.

  • physical Violence is a kind of attitude towards a child when he is deliberately placed in a physically vulnerable position when it deliberately cause corporal damage or does not prevent the possibility of its causation;
  • sexual Violence is the involvement of functionally immature children and adolescents in the sexual actions that they do without understanding them completely to which they are not able to give consent or who violate the social taboos of family roles;
  • psychological Violence is an act perfect towards the child, which slows down or harms the development of its potential abilities. Psychological violence includes such chronic behaviors, such as humiliation, insult, bullying and riding a child.
  • neglect - Chronic inability of the parent or care person, ensure the basic needs of a minor child in food, clothing, housing, medical care, education, protection and supervision. With physically disregard, the child can be left without the necessary nutritional age, it can not be dressed in weather. With emotional abandonment - parents are indifferent to the needs of the child, ignore it, there is no tactile contact. Neglecting may manifest itself in the launch of the child's health, the absence of the treatment necessary for it. Neglecting the formation of a child can be expressed in the fact that the child is often late for school, missing lessons, it remains to look after the younger children and so on.

Ruth Soonets (2000) refers to violence over children, along with violent actions and abandonment, excessive custody. Under violent actions, she understands: emotional, physical, psychological, sexual violence.

Among the factors provoking domestic violence against children can be allocated:

  1. Socio-economic - low income, unemployment, incomplete and / or large family factor, belonging to a group minority and so on;
  2. Factors caused by the family structure and model of communication - MANDINATION, parenting with a parent, raising the receiving parents, the presence of stepfather / stepmother, conflict / problem relationships between spouses, inter-floor transmission;
  3. Risk factors caused by the Personal Parent - Low Social Skills, Mental Disorders, Somatic Disease, Alcoholization / Narcotics of Parent;
  4. Risk factors related to the features of the child are the unwaniness of the child by their parents or his birth after the death of another child, the presence of innate mental psychic / physical disorders, behavioral features (for example, amphibiousness, impulsion), personal features (autification), habits, features of its appearance.

In school, negative factors causing violence can act: a bad microclimate in the teacher's team, an indifferent attitude of teachers to what is happening in the class and so on. School violence has a direct and indirect influence on children. On the one hand, aggression aimed at the child leads to the experiences of the feeling of seed, hopelessness, despair, decrease in self-esteem, identical impairment. On the other hand, the position of the degradable reduces the social status of a child in the group, other children cease to be friends with him, which also affects his self-esteem, strengthens the already heavy experiences. Compounds may apply to other areas: the child may have problems in studies and behavior.

One of the most dangerous forms of violence over their consequences is sexual violence. According to the center of social and forensic psychiatry. Serbian annually in Russia registers 7-8 thousand cases of sexual violence against children. Most often, children aged 3-7 years old are victims of violence. Signs of violence may be:

  • body symptoms: oral, anal, vaginal symptoms;
  • changes in the behavior of a child: not appropriate awareness in the field of sexual relations, interest and games of sexual content, seducing behavior, sexual use of younger children;
  • changes in emotional state: closure, disgust, shame, cruelty, alienation from relatives;
  • changes in the identity of the child: humility, inability to protect yourself, the adoption of the parental role in the family, a decrease in self-esteem;
  • the emergence of neurotic and psychosomatic symptoms: fear remain alone with a certain person, fear of undress (for example, during a medical examination), headaches, pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, hearts.

One of the worst forms of sexual violence is incest. Incest (healing) - sexual connection between close blood relatives (parents and children, brothers and sisters). For families in which Incest occurs, characteristic dysfunctionality: the communicative connections are weak, borders in relations are broken, mother often lose power so much that they cannot Prevent instications, typically unquestioned subordination of younger seniors, highly emotional tension. Around the child who overshadowed the sex barrier, on the one hand, an intimate vacuum is formed, the secrecy of what is happening with it is preserved. On the other hand, the situation of such a child can become privileged, the girl can use the defense of the Father, receive gifts, its family status can be higher than the status of the mother. In the family, where many children, incestuous relationships can continue with all children at the same time / consistently or affect only someone from children. At the same time, secrecy persists in such a way that each of the children may not know that his brothers / sisters are also victims. Secrecy in such families is maintained due to the isolation of the victim, threats, deception or bribing the child.

Psychological work with children undergoing violence is very complex. It requires psychologist sensitivity, slowness and accuracy. Children who survived violence need special attention, understanding and support from a psychologist. The presence of a strong sense of guilt does not allow them to discuss their problem directly: they consider that somehow provoked an attack towards themselves (especially in the case of sexual violence). Shame for myself does not give children to open. Therefore, in working with children it is important to avoid closed or guiding questions.

A common goal in working with children who experienced violence (as with adults) is to reduce and eliminate traumatic experiences, overcoming the sense of own inferiority, guilt and shame. In working with the child, it is important to maintain its ability to differentiate interactions with the surrounding people, to promote his personal development.

Chatting with the child, it is important, first of all, to evaluate your attitude to violence. An adult, having his own problems in this area, may face significant difficulties, it will be harder for him to cause confidence in a child.

It should be used to use group methods of work with great care, especially at the initial stages after what happened. Consulting is better to spend in the game office or relaxation room, and not in the class. Meet the child is better in the same space, not in different places. The consultancy process is more successful if the child can control the distance between himself and adults. With the optimal version, the psychologist is located opposite the child (or at an angle), and next to the coffee table, so that the child can hide, using it as a barrier. Before working with the child, you need to collect information about the child, his family, interests, violence situations.

When establishing a contract with a child for psychological work with it, it is important to take into account the phenomenon of resistance. Children of victims of violence are awake strong fear when meeting with any unfamiliar person, as well as when visiting a new place. Often they do not know where and why their parents lead. This may affect the formation of a child of negative expectations from the meeting. The child may have the following questions:

  • Who is a psychologist, why go there?
  • What will my friends think if you know about it?
  • Will it hurt me?
  • How much do I spend there?
  • Will I be able to leave from there if I won't like it?
  • What should I talk about my family, do I really have to say something bad?
  • Will this adult tell others what I told him?

In the counseling situation, the child can worry about his autonomy, refuse to speak or do something. Children of victims of violence can be angry with a psychologist, feel the fear of telling what happened to them. Resistance can manifest itself: in avoiding contacting eyes, late, hostility, hiding (for furniture) and so on.

Overcoming the resistance of the child helps interest, friendliness, sincerity and heat, which comes from a psychologist. Only in this case (perhaps not immediately) the child will feel heard and can trust. It is important that the child felt comfortable in the specialist's office, it is achieved by the constancy of the place and time of consultation, security (no one is included in the office during operation, no phone calls, counseling begin on time). Violation of these simple rules destroys the safety of his presence for a child and ultimately destroys the psychological work itself.

Sometimes at the beginning of working with children it is important to propagate the situation of violence and determine the phenomenology of the child's experience. The survey is usually carried out in the form of a game or game tasks. The following tasks options are possible:

  • Playing with dolls: for children from 2 to 7 years;
  • Drawing: for children from 5 years;
  • Treating stories: for school children who have sufficient verbal abilities and good vocabulary.

Playing with dolls. Children who have not experienced violence are reproduced in the game everyday life. Children who survived violence (especially sexual), often undress dolls, look at them, put together in bed, lose the appropriate roles.

Painting. Pictures of children serve as potential indicators of violence. To diagnose the peculiarities of the child's contact with the environment, you can use pictures on the topic: draw a picture about your family, draw a picture about yourself, spontaneous drawing.

For drawings of children who survived violence are characteristic: drawing a drawing, excess hatching (especially in the mouth or genital), aggressive and frightening items (for example, knives), drawn mimic (tears, frowning eyebrows), too highlighted and abundant drawn hair or Full of their absence (indicates anxiety, confusion, inadequacy), lack of hands in the figure (loss of control over events, guilt), the absence in the figure of the lower body, selected phallic characters and so on.

Treating stories. The storytelling of stories can be: according to standard pictures, on specially designed tests. During the story of the child, it is important to pay attention to his comments to depicted persons, the reaction of fear, excitement. Memories of experienced violence may occur during the story, depending on how often the child was rapidly, how long has passed since the last case and how injured.

In working with children - victims of violence, various psychotherapeutic approaches can be used. However, the most suitable type of psychological work for children under 12 is the game therapy. The game is the only activity of a child who has a place at all times and in all nations. Children do not need to learn to play: they play spontaneously, willingly, with pleasure, without pursuing any goals. Z. Freud wrote that "In the game, every child is like a writer: he creates his own world, or, otherwise, he satisfies this world as he likes more ... The child belongs to the game very seriously and generously invests its emotions into it "[CIT. At 45: p.19]. According to J. Piaget, the game is a bridge between specific experience and abstract thinking, and it is the symbolic function of the game that is particularly important. In the game, the child on the sensing engine level demonstrates with the help of specific items that are a symbol of something else, the fact that he ever experienced directly or indirectly. The game attaches a specific form and expression to the inner world of the child. The main feature of the game in working with the child is to turn something into control of the situation.

Currently, there are different forms of game therapy, including policy therapy, non-viewing game therapy, game therapy in the framework of the Gestalt approach, game therapy in the framework of a psychoanalytic approach.

When using directive game therapy, a psychologist uses the game as a means of interpretation, watching the gameplay and the plot. At certain points, during the conversation, the psychologist helps the child to realize their thoughts and feelings, as well as how the game situation is associated with real life, in particular with the suffered violence. The psychologist guides the child's activities in such a way as to "play" the traumatic situation, concomitant of her thoughts and feelings and new, more constructive ways out of it.

Nonlarizing game psychotherapy. This approach is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bK. Rogers that each person has a subconscious desire for independence, personal growth and maturity, so the child is important to take what he is, and not as adults would like to see it. The psychologist makes it possible to feel that he is free to express his feelings and thoughts, reflects his reactions at the verbal and non-verbal levels.

Game therapy in the Gestalt approach aims to study the unsatisfied needs of the child. What feelings and reaction causes the child's surrounding desires (direct statement of needs), determines the way to handle his needs: it can notice them, ignore, get frightened, sharpen. In contact with a psychologist, a child can better know his needs, learn to talk about them, develop adequate boundaries, restore the ability to creative adaptation.

In a psychoanalytic approach The game technique is considered as a means of analyzing the unconscious: it is assumed that, like adult behavior, a children's game is sent to hidden motivations and free associations. Psychoanalytic gaming therapy allows you to penetrate the unconscious, open the past and strengthen the "ego" of the child.

Domestic violence: types, forms, consequences Violence is one of the most acute and common social problems. Violent actions are made specifically and aimed at achieving a certain goal; damage (physical, moral, material) to another person; violates the rights and freedoms of this person; Make it impossible to effectively self-defense of victims from violence (one who commits violence, in most cases has advantages) scientific research has been established that: violence in one form or another is performed in each fourth Ukrainian family; annually about 2 million children under the age of 14 beaten by their parents; For 10% of these children, death becomes the outcome, and for 2 thousand calamine; More than 50 thousand children leave the house during the year, escaped from their own parents, and 25 thousand minors are wanted. In 2008, 1914 children died from ill-treatment of children, 2330 children were crippled; About 10 thousand parents are listed by the courts of parental rights and more than 2.5 thousand children are closed from parents without such a deprivation, since finding a child in the family is a threat to his life and health. In 80% of cases, children fall into shelters and orphanages due to non-fulfillment by their direct duties on education, which creates a real threat to their lives and health. The main reason for the ill-treatment of children is an internal aggressiveness of an emotional state that occurs as a reaction to the experience of the overwhelming of some barriers or the unavailability of something desired. Types of violence against children in the family physical violence; disregard; psychological ill-treatment; Sexual violence. Physical violence physical violence physical violence is deliberate injury and / or damage to the child who cause serious (requiring medical care) violations of physical, mental health, development in development. Physical abuse as well as involvement of a child into alcohol, drugs, toxic substances. Physical abuse of a child can make parents, persons who replace them, or other adults. Most often this happens in families, where: I am convinced that the physical punishment is the method of choosing to raise children; Parents (or one of them) are alcoholics, drug addicts, toxicomicians; Parents (or one of them) have mental illness; Disrupted emotional and psychological climate (frequent quarrels, scandals, lack of respect for each other); Parents are in a state of stress due to the death of loved ones, illness, loss of work, economic crisis, etc. ; Parents impose excessive requirements for children who are inappropriate for their age and level of development; Children have features: presence in history, the presence of somatic or mental diseases; They are hyperactive, nonsense. Physical abuse is manifested as: strikes on the face; shaking, push; Pinkish, suffocation, kicks; conclusion in the locked room where they are held by force; beating with a belt, ropes; Applying injections with heavy objects, even a knife. Psychological violence psychological (emotional) violence - permanent or periodic verbal insults of a child, a threat from parents, guardians, teachers, humiliation of his human dignity, the accusation of what he is not to blame, a demonstration of dislike, hatred for a child, permanent lies, deception Child. The psychological violence includes: threats to the child who are manifested in verbal form without the use of physical strength; insult and humiliation of his dignity; open rejection and constant criticism; deprivation of a child with the necessary stimulation, ignoring its basic needs in a safe environment, parental love; presentation to the child of excessive requirements that do not correspond to its age or capabilities; Single rude mental impact, which caused a psychic injury in a child; deliberate isolation of a child, deprivation of its social contacts; Involving a child or encouraging to antisocial or destructive behavior (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.). Features of children undergoing psychological (emotional) violence: Mental Delay; the inability to concentrate, poor performance; low self-esteem; Emotional disorders in the form of aggression, anger (often facing themselves), an depressed state; excessive need for attention; depression, suicide attempts; Inability to communicate with peers (incorrect behavior, excessive fasciance or aggressiveness); False, theft, deviant (or "deviating", asocial) behavior; Nervous and psychosomatic diseases: neurosis, enuresis, ticks, sleep disorders, disorders of appetite, obesity, skin diseases, asthma, etc.). Features of the behavior of adults who make emotional violence: do not comfort the child when he needs this; publicly insulting, the fermented, humiliate, ridicule the child; Compared with other children not in its favor, it is constantly supercritical to it; accused him of all his failures, make a "scapegoat" from the child, etc. Neglecting neglect of the basic needs of the child (moral cruelty) is the absence of parents or persons who replace them, elementary care for it, as well as the unfair fulfillment of responsibilities for the education of the child, as a result of which his health and development are violated. Most often neglect the basic needs of children parents or persons who replace them: alcoholics, drug addicts; Persons with mental disorders; young parents who do not have experience and skills of parenthood; with low socioeconomic levels of living; having chronic diseases, disability, mental backwardness; having suffered a cruel appeal in childhood; Socially isolated. The consequences of cruel treatment of children in the family care in religious sects; associations into informal groups with criminal and fascist focus; aggressive, criminal behavior of children; The children who escaped from home die from hunger and cold, become victims of other children who also escaped from domestic violence and others. Sexual violence of sexual violence (seduction) is the use of a child with an adult or another child to meet the sexual need or getting a chaser, attracting a child to prostitution , porn business. Sexual abuse is most often happening in families, where: Patriarchal-authoritarian way; Bad relationships of a child with parents, especially with her mother; conflict relationships between parents; The mother of the child is overly busy at work; The child lived for a long time without his native father; Instead of native father - stepfather or mother's humor; Mother has a chronic disease or disability and a long time lies in the hospital; Parents (or one of them) are alcoholics, drug addicts, toxicomicians; Parents (or one of them) have mental illness; Mother in childhood was subjected to sexual violence, etc. Homemade violence is repeated with increasing cycle frequency: physical, verbal, spiritual and economic insult in order to control, intimidation, suggestion of feeling of fear. Economic violence: refusal to the content of children, concealment of income, the waste of family money, independent adoption of most financial decisions - this may manifest itself, for example, in the purchase of products, the needs of children or wives are not taken into account, and as a result, children may not get the necessary for them age nutrition; Wife, making purchases, must report to checks, etc. How does violence manifest? Intimidation and threats - the suggestion of fear of cry, gestures, faithful; Threats of physical punishment by militia, special school, God; manifestation of violence over animals; Threats to throw a child or take it, deprive money and others. 2. Isolation - constant control of what a woman or a child do, with whom they are friends, are encountered, talking; ban on communication with loved ones, visiting spectacular events, etc. 3. Physical punishment - beating, slapper, torture, drawing for hair, cigarette, etc. 4. Emotional (mental) violence - not only intimidation, threats, isolation, but also humiliation of self-esteem and honor, verbal insults, rudeness; The suggestion of the thought is that the child is the worst, and the woman is a bad mother or wife, humiliation in the presence of other people; Constant criticism to a child or woman, etc. Causes of violence: - material difficulties; the presence in the unemployed family; unresolved housing problem; alcoholism and drunkenness among family members; Availability of drug addicts; incomplete family; stepfather or stepmother in the family; disabled child or health problems; unwanted child; difficult child; removing many moral prohibitions; family conflicts; self-affirmation due to the weak; The cult of cruelty, promoted in society. The consequences of family violence The child learns violence; The child becomes anxious; The child is not sure that he loves him in the family; Where to seek help? Department of Family and Youth Affairs. Address: Lenin Ave. 70. Tel. 54-17-92 2. Service for children of Ilyichevsky district administration. Address: Metallurgists 193.Tell.: 47-30-53 3. Internal affairs bodies. Tel 102 4. Social services centers for family, children and young people. 5. - Mariupol City Center for Social Services for Family, Children and Youth. Address: Bul. Khmelnitsky, 24-A.Tel.: 33-52-25 6. - Ilyichevsky district center of social services for family, children and young people. Address: ul. Karpinsky, 56. Tel.: 4731-03 7. - Primorsky District Center for Social Services for Family, Children and Youth. Address: Builders Ave., 85-a. Tel.: 54-37-83. 8. - Ordzhonikidze district Center for social services for family, children and young people. Address: per. Riga, 40. Tel.: 24-71-51 9. - Zhovnevysky district center of social services for family, children and young people. Address: Bul. Khmelnitsky, 24-a. Tel.: 54-38-54 10. 5) Tel. Trust: 24-99-99 / 23-99-99 1.

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