Repairs Design Furniture

How to repair the old house with your own hands. Repair of the apartment with your own hands where to start: the start of repair in the apartment, the work plan is budget repairs in the old house

So, you start the overhaul of your home. It is no longer possible to postpone on it - almost everything happened over time. So work you will have a grandiose. How to start, what stages in the work are coming and who will do all this - you yourself or a hired team of specialists?

Where to start the overhaul of the house

With a real estimate of the position - the volume of work, your skills and repair skills, financial opportunities. Ideally, it is best to hire an experienced brigade led by a good foreman. He will offer the project of overhaul, will be responsible for the course and quality of repair. In Arsenal, the pros has all the necessary tools for any type of work.

But in practice, in order to save costs, the owners have to take a lot to themselves. Make a detailed plan, determining that you will change dramatically - roof, facade, communications, windows, doors. Surely something will require simply partial repair. Calculate the upcoming costs, to drafting the estimate should be done very carefully. Separately settle the calculation for all objects:

  • measure the area of \u200b\u200beach surface (ceiling, walls, floor);
  • measure the length of pipes, wires for communications;
  • consider the number of necessary materials (bricks, tiles, wallpapers, flooring, etc.), based on the measurements obtained.

Stages of major repairs at home

Overhaul of the house includes external work, replacement of engineering communications and internal work.

Replacing communications (water supply, sewers, electrical wiring, heating, ventilation, gas supply) not only time consuming, cost, but also requires special knowledge and skills. It is better to trust it by masters.

Since the repair of your home is capital, the replacement of doors and windows you will be spent. As for plastic windows, their independent installation is a risky occupation. Improper measurement or non-compliance with the installation technology can lead to a violation of the design geometry, which, in turn, will disturb the heat and sound insulation. But the doors can be installed independently:

  • we dismantle the old door with the frame;
  • in the opening we install a new door frame;
  • we blow up the mounting foam of the gap between the frame and the opening, let dry, plaster;
  • we wear the door to the pre-greased loops.

The foundation is the basis of the house. If cracks are found in it, it means that, over time, he gave a precipitate and will need to strengthen it:

  • clean the foundation from dirt and old plaster;
  • in the construction of the base, we score a metal grid, secure it to anchors;
  • we establish a formwork and concrete on the sides;
  • after hardening the concrete, we fall asleep trenches, each layer is tamped;
  • apply an external decorative facing layer.

Overhaul of a private house will clearly require roof repair. It may be dismantling the coating and its replacement, heat and sound insulation of the attic. The overhaul system may be required, if the damage to the rot will exceed 50% of the total area. From roofing materials, experts recommend metal tile or ondulin.

Then you can start updating the facade. Old walls, depending on the state, will have to pay special attention: if they were led, disassemble and put it again. And if the walls have not lost their strength, then the facade will be separated. To do this, you will have to remove the old coating, close the cracks. You may need to insulate the walls. After careful inspection, the method of thermal insulation (internal or external) is determined and the insulation technology is selected: "Wet method" or hinged ventilated facades.

After the end of the exterior work, you can start finishing indoors. Bathrooms and kitchens will take place first:

  • we start with dismantling old plumbing and pipes;
  • install and establish electrical equipment;
  • we carry out sanitary work;
  • align the walls and floors;
  • we produce tile work;
  • we repair the ceiling;
  • insert interroom doors;
  • install plumbing devices.

The decoration of the rooms is the final stage of the overhaul of the house. Removal old wallpaper, flatten the walls, glue new. On the ceiling, if there is a desire and means, set the suspension system. Covering on the floor choose to your taste - laminate, linoleum, parquet, carpet. Many for the insulation of the house use the "Warm floor" system.

Since overhaul must be prepared in advance, it would be nice to explore the topic in detail:

  • read construction logs;
  • examine thematic sites;
  • visit the forums where people sometimes give very valuable advice from personal experience;
  • browse the video tutorials from real professionals.

Even if you are involved in the work of the masters, you need to be in the subject, controlling the process. Drive the diary of the work, where you will record addresses and phone numbers of the desired stores, contacts of specialists, prices for materials, credit accounting. Make the mark, comments - everything is useful! After all, overhaul is not forever, after some time it will be necessary to reproduce something in the house.

Not many have the opportunity in a short time to make overhaul of the whole house in a short time, in this case divide this process at the stage.

Is it possible to do without attracting builders? It is unlikely that it will be definitely answered: yes or no. Of course, repair with your own hands will save a certain amount for payment for services. But if you allow mistakes, the alteration will fly into an extra penny. Independent overhaul at home is most likely stretched not for months, but for years. So we have all "for" and "against" - and good luck to you!

Installation of a warm floor under the tile:

Any private house, since the construction of which has passed 20 years or more, needs overhaul. Repair of a private house with your own hands, in addition to impressive financial investments on building materials, implies great labor costs. On how to save and get high-quality repairs, we asked the masters.

Where to begin

You need to start with the compilation of a detailed sequence plan, which can be considered complete. The more details of its items will be painted, the easier it will be to submit the scope of work required for repair and scope of financial costs.

For each individual case, the plan will look different.

Work plan

  • drawing up a design project;
  • calculation of the necessary materials and tools, drawing up the estimates;
  • repair of communications (sewage replacement, water supply, heating and ventilation systems, electrical wiring, gas pipeline system);
  • replacement of windows and doors;
  • replacement or, insulation and soundproofing attic;
  • repair of the facade (dismantling the old finishing and installation of the new);
  • repair of bathrooms (replacement of plumbing and decorations);
  • repair or;
  • room repair.


For the embodiment, the minimum set of tools will be needed:

  • construction manual perforator (with hitting and drilling functions);
  • bulgarian;
  • electrolovik;
  • construction stapler;
  • screwdriver Set;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • passatia;
  • nippers;
  • scissors for metal;
  • hacksaws on wood and metal;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • construction rope;
  • plumbers;
  • carbon carbon;
  • chalk and pencil for marking;
  • master OK;
  • the spatula is large, small and ribbed (for cladding tile);
  • extension;
  • stairs;
  • possible shovel and trough (for kneading plastering);
  • scaffolding.

The price of the tool listed is large enough, so we recommend it to rent it.

Drawing up the design of the project

Before it is necessary to understand what result after its completion should be obtained. To do this, you can use a computer 3D program-visualizer, with which you can easily choose a cumulative view both inside and outside the house, pre-enlightened the plan and dimensions of the structure.

It can choose the texture and color of the finishing materials, to give the necessary shape, the facade, roof and stairs, provide accessories and even play the courtyard.

Based on the most liked color range and the texture of each element of the exterior and interior, appropriate materials should be selected.

Calculation of the necessary materials and tools, drawing up the estimates

The total number of necessary materials will be equal to the sum of the materials required for the repair of each individual component: rooms, bathrooms, roofs and attic, facade, communications systems.

It is necessary to clearly measure the surface area (separate sex, walls and ceiling) of each room, after which it is necessary to calculate the desired amount of finishing and auxiliary materials. It is also necessary to measure the length of the pipes and wires that will be used to lay the communications.

Tip! The amount of materials obtained in the calculations should be added 5-10% laid on repair waste.

Repair of communications

Repair of home communications systems is, perhaps, one of the few components of the global repair of the house, requiring the intervention of professionals. From how qualitatively the repair of the sewage, water supply system, electrical wiring, heating and ventilation will be carried out, the period for the further operation of each of the systems will depend on.

Moreover, the wizards will help to equip, for example, a heating system with minimal estimated heat loss, which ultimately will allow not only to recoup the cost of their call, but also subsequently saved on the use of energy carriers. Properly installed wiring can prevent short circuits and avoid the failure of household appliances.

Replacing windows and doors

If the independent installation of the doors is seen by the fully executable occupation, the installation of PVC windows instead of the old ones should be entrusted to those skilled in the art.

Both froze and the process of installing metal-plastic windows requires experience and skill, because the incorrect holding of any of the listed works can lead to the window that the window is simply not suitable or its installation will require expansion (narrowing) of the window niche.

The correct installation of the window will be able not only to extend the life of its operation, but also will be responsible to all modern requirements of sound and thermal insulation.

Self installation of doors:

  • the old door is dismantled together with the frame;
  • a new door frame is installed in the doorway (wooden with long dowels and self-tapping screws, metallic - wide metal pins, driven into the walls and screwed or welded to the frame);
  • then the slots between the frame and the opening are blended by mounting foam and is placed after drying;
  • on the pre-lubricated machine lubricant loop dresses the door.

Replacement or repair of roofing, insulation and soundproofing attic

Overhaul of the private house is unthinkable without upgrading or repairing the roof and attic.

This material has durability, and the color and structural gamma siding is ready to boast of a large variety (including can be performed in the form of a wooden, natural, brick coating). Such a variety will help embody the most original designer idea.

In addition, under the siding you can put an additional insulation, for example, mineral wool, thereby building the so-called ventilated facade.

Siding laying:

  • special metal brackets are mounted on the entire surface surface;
  • the brackets are fixed with a wooden timing with a cross section of 50x80 mm or a metal aluminum profile, thus creating a crate;
  • mineral wool sheets are attached to the walls of long nails with a wide hat, processing places of joints by mounting foam;
  • from above, insulation is covered with a special holding membrane cloth, which prevents the blowing out of the insulation from the cells and allowing it to "breathe";
  • from the bottom up attach to the crate of the siding panels.

Tip! For the greatest efficiency of the system, the gap between the inner side of the siding and the insulation layer should be about 4 cm.

Repair of bathrooms and kitchens

After the end of the exterior work, you can start finishing indoors.

Here, first cases need to do more complex rooms, such as bath, toilet and kitchen. Due to the increased humidity in these rooms, the gender is more often covered with ceramic tiles, pre-(if desired and possibilities) by setting the "Warm floor" system and covering it with a non-splash. As for the walls, there are small differences:

  • almost completely performed from the tile or from more budget plastic panels;
  • the toilet is posted almost either, with a rare exception, the upper part (about 2/5 wall heights) can be saved by wallpaper;
  • in the kitchen, usually stacks are placed on the walls optionally near the working surfaces, the rest of the walls are covered with wallpaper.

With a sufficient amount of funds in each of these rooms, you can order a suspended ceiling, which is a very practical and visually aesthetic option, however, you can make a coating of PVC panels or simply paint the ceiling area.

The next step is the installation of plumbing, washbasin, furniture and other accessories.

Room repair

After removing old wallpapers in the rooms, the irregularities of the walls should be smeared with putty and give it to dry, after which you can glue new wallpaper. On the ceiling, you can order a suspension system or wake it with wallpaper.

Depending on the preferences on the floor in the rooms, parquet, laminate, linoleum, carpet. If the parquet has already been installed, it is grinding and lacked again. In order to insulate in the rooms you can also install "warm floor".

Repair cannot be finished, it can only be temporarily stopped. So they say about the repair of apartments, and what if the private home or cottage is repaired? After all, here, as a rule, everything is much more complicated. First, there are more space here - on average, the cottage has a large living area. Secondly, in a private house, its communications - heating from its own boiler, the electrician is laid with their own hands, like water, sewage and so on. Thirdly, the cottage is not only an inner residential space, there is still an outer part of the walls, the roof, basement, etc. It is important to age at home and materials from which it is built.

If you still decided to start, and plan to do the repair of a private house with your own hands, then of course you expect that it will not turn into an infinite and will not extend all the money from you. And for this you need to carefully plan repair and finishing work and take into account a number of features that we will tell in this article.

So you started repair. What is better to start? If you have some particular breakdown or repair requires one particular room - everything, of course, is extremely simple. We take and repair. But if repairs need to spend everywhere? This is relevant, for example, when repairing an old house. Let's look at the most difficult case, that is, when you need to overhaul. How to plan such work right? Principles such.

This is a fairly universal rule, suitable almost to any repair and finishing work. In practice, this means the following.

  • FirstlyYou should start repairing first the upper rooms, gradually going down below. Why? Yes, because the repair in general and the repair of the cottage in particular is a lot of garbage, and you will be so more convenient for you! The only exception is the repair of the basement. It is practically like the second floor, only down under the ground, and the dirt during the repair of the basement is formed for some reason significantly more. So, if the basement requires repair, it is better to schedule it one of the first points.
  • SecondlyBy repairing a specific room, first perform work on the ceiling, then - on the walls, and only then make the floor. The reason is simple - if you begin to paint the ceiling with the already downtrodted wallpaper and parquet floors, you can banally all blur. Imagine how will it be a shame if your new wallpapers are spattered with paint?

And finally, you need, following the principle "First the ceiling, then walls and gender," bring the room to the same degree of readiness, after which go to the next stage. For example, if you have naked walls in your room, you first spend all the communications, make a wiring, etc., then we swell the ceiling, after - the walls, then align the floors (pour, make a tie, etc.). That is, you get a room with a rough finish. And only after that you go to the painting of the ceiling, sticking wallpaper, laying the flooring, performing finishing the finish. Well, then - decor and furnishings. Causes are the same.

The second rule, we first repair the communication, then - the room itself

As a rule, all household engineering communications are laid hidden. Electric wiring, internet and television cables are hidden under putty and wallpaper, laid in plinths, lighting lamps pass under a putty and paint ceiling. Heating pipes pass through the walls, and sometimes also hidden in them. Warm floors - in the thickness of the floor, under the tie and parquet. Imagine you have already made the repair of walls and the ceiling, and suddenly remembered what to make wiring. What, you will hammer the shurpets under the installation of electricians in just finished walls, and then re-repair them? Agree, this is not rational.

Third rule framed all repairs to the steps

The main thing is not to start repairing the cottage in all places at the same time. For example, first choose a specific room or floor, then - the next part of the house and so on. This is especially true if you live in this house and do repair in parallel. Moreover, it is best to repair long and hard-to-reach premises - the upper rooms, cellars. If sooner or later, it will still have to repair the passage room, try to highlight the site in it, which can be swollen without risk.

The fourth rule first repair what is critical for normal life.

If problems with plumbing, they need to be solved first. If autumn is approaching, and you have a roof flowing - this is the problem of the most critical and it is necessary to eliminate it urgently. If winter is soon, and you have a good home keeps warm - urgently warm, and then we are doing everything else.

Five Rule Focusing on the season

If you need to repair a private house and inside, and outside, of course, it will be more correct to perform internal repairs in the winter and in the offseason, and work on the facade to schedule for the warm season. This is especially important when repairing a wooden house or house from other non-fatty materials.

It is also important to take into account when and what materials need to be delivered, where they are stored (for example, you do not stand slag blocks or boards to leave under the open air for the winter period, and combustible materials keep inside the house), consider who can help you in those stages of repair when repairing Alone can not cope purely physically.

Many residents of the metropolis dream about the country house, but there will be considerable money to buy a good real estate, and build a house with zero will cost even more. Therefore, most prefer to buy old houses that require repair, which we will talk about.

How to repair the old house with your own hands

As noted above, the pricing in the real estate market is such that sometimes, in fact, it is more profitable to buy used accommodation. In addition to the financial benefit, there is another significant advantage of old houses - most often they are located in places with a well-developed infrastructure, whereas progress can be reached by new buildings.

If you buy a plot and build a house yourself, then you will have to put communication, which takes time and additional funds. And everything would be fine, but no one canceled the natural wear of the design, and often old houses need overhaul. What is better to start work and what to focus attention in the first place.

First of all, the shortcomings of second-hand houses are associated with the specifics of construction in the Soviet Union. In the past, most houses in the countryside were erected from a tree, and it is clear that 50 and more years these designs will need to be strengthened and restore. Inside the floor and walls, the beetles are most likely to live the beetles of wood, somewhere noticeable fungus and rot.

If you bought the housing of the Soviet buildings, then be prepared for the repair of the old house from the tree, you will need high costs, and in some cases it will be easier to completely demolish the box, repair and strengthen the foundation and build everything from scratch.

In the period of the 1990s, there was a high popularity of private house-building, and then a brick was used in construction. It would seem that more durable building material should continue its operational qualities longer, but the use of bad building mixtures, the lack of qualified architects, and sometimes just increasingness during the construction caused the majority of homes demanded considerable investments.

Usually in such houses, the inconsistency of the nature of soils and the designs of the foundation is traced - brick buildings have a lot of weight, therefore under them must be stable soil and a powerful base.

If you have to work with a box of a house that does not have interior decoration, then most likely, brick unprotected walls have already begun to crumble, for this reason will have to strengthen them or replace particularly destroyed areas.

The most common damage in old houses

Before repaid and buy construction materials, it is worth developing a detailed action plan. To do this, carefully examine the dwelling and evaluate its condition. What to pay attention to the repair of the old house with your own hands?

The most "weak" places in private houses of the old building:

  • The outer walls - often weak seams, cracks, driving water, rotten elements (beams, lamp), rusty steel beams, detached concrete. For example, wet walls in the basement indicate incorrect design or on the destruction of the waterproofing of the foundation. Separate attention should be paid to the internal ventilation and thermal insulation of the walls.
  • The inner walls are bad noise insulation, fire safety (finishing materials are not treated with antipirens easily flammable), due to poor-quality application or damp, plaster is tremended.
  • Doors and windows - in 99% of cases of the window will have to be replaced. Pay special attention to the windowsills (integrity, strength of the coating), insulation of metal frames (condensate is often formed on them). As a rule, locks and fittings suffer on the doors, sometimes in the shrinkage of the foundation they repaint, the seal is peeling. If there is no cold tambour in the house with a metal door, then condensate is formed on its inside.
  • In the 90s, the tile was most often used as a roof, which was stacked as hit. It is important to pay attention to the rafter design - whether the beams did not bother, did not overflow it. Roofing cake should include heat, hydro and vapor barrier, and also to be integer. If superstructures and flue pipes are used, check their integrity. Carefully inspect the drainage gutter and check how tightly they are fixed.
  • Interlated overlap - due to improper calculations of the beams of overlaps crackle or bend. If there is no waterproofing between the wooden beam and the wall, it will have to be replaced. In the basements, concrete overlaps or short steel beams are often detected.
  • Floors - Between boards Large gaps, wooden flooring, flooring parquet creak, cracks and holes in monolithic floors, burned or erased linoleum, shaky chipboard.
  • Stairs - Almost all wooden stairs require replacing spoiled elements or capital elements. There are often violated fire safety requirements - between bales minor distance.
  • Heating is a scattering furnace, the size of the adapter does not correspond to the connection to the gas supply system, too wide flue pipes (accumulate soot), unsuitable radiators (often cast-iron), no heating regulators.
  • Plumbing - closed or damaged pipes, an ill-conceived arrangement of communications, as a result, constant blockages occur, the impossibility of a gas column or a boiler to heal water. Almost in all cases, plumbing is recommended to change.
  • Electricity - small voltage, unsuitable electrical wiring (enough only to turn on the TV or light in the room, but not enough for the normal operation of household devices), old fuses.

Most of the above problems are eliminated during the repair, for example, the unusable wall cover is dismantled if you plan to enhance thermal insulation. Replace switches and sockets will also not be any difficulty, replaced the old plumber in a short time. If we are talking about a cracked foundation or a faulty roof, solve such questions will be expensive and not easy.

How to repair the old house with your own hands - repair planning

Overhaul of the old house should start with careful planning. After inspection of housing and identifying all serious defects, it is recommended to start implementing the project on paper. If you do not have the tasks of the artist, you can cope with visualization by design computer programs (Autodesk HomeStyler, 3DMAX, Sketchup Make, Ashampoo Home Designer, Sweet Home 3D, Sketchup Make).

Who requires a plan:
  1. You will have an idea that in which sequence needs to be done.
  2. You will see in advance how the house will look, and compare the result with virtual.
  3. You will calculate the exact number of building materials.

If you are planned to transfer or demolition of walls, heating or gas devices, plumbing equipment, replacing the electric furnace to gas, such actions will require documentary permission. To do this, you will have to contact the relevant authorities in the area.

To correct the vehosparer at home, it is necessary to write a statement and prepare a package of documents, including a description of the upcoming work. To determine whether it is necessary to obtain permission to be repaired, look at the serviceport - all structures available in the plan can be repaired. However, to attach additional area, for example, summer kitchens, you will need permission. Otherwise, an extension can calculate illegal and just demolish.

How to repair the old house with your own hands: Internal work

The rapid rhythm of life forces people to spend time on the road or constantly work, but even the most busy person holds a third of his life at home, not to mention children, housewives and retirees. Therefore, it is very important to create a favorable atmosphere, and this applies not only to finishing, but also lighting, warm, ventilation and other important points. It is from them that the psychological and physical health of households will depend on.


It is important that the house has natural lighting, and what is more, the better. Windows must occupy no more than 10% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house. Imagine only how many discomfort will feel a person who is regularly in the shaded room - it will spoil your eyesight, in this room it is impossible to fully get used, ventilated and grow indoor plants. In addition, the disadvantage or absence of windows will lead to extensive costs of electricity, and now even wealthy homeowners are trying on electricity.

Attention! Earlier in wooden houses, small doorways and small windows were made to reduce heat loss as much as possible. In those days, used simple glasses that were protected from the cold is not very good.

However, just to cut the beach window in the wall nobody will allow you. For expansion, transfer or replace windows, certain standards are provided. Please note that for all regions of the country there are separate norms, since the natural light coefficient is different.

Online illumination damage affects not only the size of the window, but also the glass you use. It's no secret that the glass pump or ordinary glass does not miss UV radiation, which means to make a luxurious greenhouse or solarium will not work. Quartz glass applies for this, but they will cost expensive, so they are purchased for certain needs.

How to lay the windows in the house:

  • The windows in the bedroom and kitchen should go to the south-east side so that the sunset does not blind households in the evening, and in the morning there was natural lighting.
  • The windows of the living room usually have to the west so that the light can be included with evening rest as long as possible and admire the sunset.
  • The windows of the utility premises must be focused on the north, as usually there is a technique, tools, materials and products that do not need bright natural lighting.
  • If there are several windows in different sides in the room, then small must be oriented to the north, and large - south.
  • The windows overlooking the South and the West should be shaded naturally through the structural elements of the building (protruding roofing or balconies), eaves or shutter growing near the trees.

Warming at home

A lot of comfortable microclimate in the house depends on the humidity and temperature of the air. In turn, these factors are ensured by the right pair and thermal insulation and ventilation of space.

The temperature in the house consists of two components - the temperature of the surfaces (ceiling, walls and floor) and air. The optimal surface temperature is + 17 ° C, air - + 20 ° C. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the individual features of tenants. For example, for the elderly housing should be done warmer, so it is better to install the heating regulator in each room so that each can configure the desired temperature.

As a rule, in the houses of the old type, insufficient thermal insulation of the walls, or it is simply absent. For this reason, the difference arises between the temperature inside and outside the building, as a result of which condensate is formed, humidity and household increases badly due to constant stuffiness. If you cannot disassemble the wall, we recommend to make high-quality heat insulation of walls from the inside or outside.

Ventilation in the house

Due to the violation of the natural air exchange, the structures of the floor, walls and ceiling are spoiled over time, which can also cause respiratory disease. Previously, rarely who wondered about creating ventilation in the roof and walls, and the reason for this was often not just the preoccupation of builders, but also the lack of well-thought-out projects.

At that time, such ways to ventilating foundations, facades and roofs were not yet known, which are applied in construction today.

Separate attention deserves ventilation of premises with excessive humidity - bathroom, kitchen, basements. If high-rise buildings use exhaust ventilation, which works through cold and warm air pressure drops, then for private houses this method is unacceptable.

In the house for two to three floors, the air pressure is very weak, so the air exchange is carried out through the walls. To ensure it, it is worth putting vaporizolation and insulate the "breathable" materials. These include mineral wool plates, polystyrene foam (extruded and ordinary), foamflex, etc.

Additional ventilation should pass through windows and windows, but in the winter this method delivers inconvenience. As a result, in the cottage construction there is always an exhaust ventilation system that work on the fans - they take the warm air and bring it out, delivering fresh air from the street. The photo below shows the principle of exhaust ventilation.

Electricity in the house

Unfortunately, the power supply of old houses almost always leaves much to be desired. If the past tenants did not take care of the improvement of the system, then such work will fall on your shoulders. The main problem in these cases is not in the rotational wiring and old sockets, but in insufficient power.

Previously, people consumed not so much electricity, since there was no abundance of electrical appliances. As for entertainment, it was except that radio, television, now there are game consoles, computers, music centers, etc.

If you planned the laying of the "Warm floor" system, do not want to turn off the computer to turn on the washing machine or just risk the efficiency of expensive equipment, you will have to contact the district energy supply organization and ask to increase the quota for the house.

Unfortunately, for most old houses it is impossible to do, so the only right solution will be the installation of its substation. The event is quite costly, but it can pay off in the first few years and, as a result, will save money and control the energy supply.

In the event that everything is fine with power, and you need to replace only the wiring, you need to make a diagram of the ready-made system. It is not easy for fast and coordinated replacement, but also for subsequent repairs in the house. So, if you conceived to demolish the wall or doorway, then there is a high probability to de-energize the entire house.

Mostly open wiring in old houses (wires are located outside the walls, pass in the corners from the floor or under the ceiling), so it will be easy to make it a scheme. If you use the wiring of a closed type, we recommend calling a specialist.

Attention! When compiling the wiring scheme, we recommend specifying not just the location of the sockets, but also the power of the devices that you are going to connect to them. It would be nice to make a small reserve of sockets, if in the future you plan to install additional techniques.

High-quality heating in the house

The most common problem of old houses is a high consumption of electricity to the heating of the room. First of all, this is due to poor heat insulation of gender, walls and ceiling and outdated heating system. To reduce costs, except heat insulation, it is worth replacing old radiators (usually cast-iron). Separate attention deserves thermal insulation of the roof, since most of the heat goes through it.

Attention! If you paint the batteries into black, and there is a foil material between the wall and them (the reflecting side should be out), then the house will be much warmer. Black color contributes to the fastest heating of the battery, and the foil will reflect heat in the room, whereas previously it went through the wall.

It is especially important to determine the right choice of heating equipment. Thus, modern solid fuel boilers are able to maintain the optimal temperature at the outlet of the boiler in automatic mode, they can be connected to the capacitive thermal battery to them, which in the afternoon will accumulate excess heat, and at night - to give. It is convenient if the tenants are missing, and it is simply no one to warm up.

Recently, gas-generated boilers are gaining great popularity. Their efficiency reaches 90%, as not just wood, but also a wood gas. They give a slight amount of zone, significantly save fuel and do not produce soot.

As for the pyrolysis boilers, they are perfect for homes having centralized gas supply, the electrical is recommended to be used as a protective version, if suddenly your boiler fails. They are unfavorable financially and consume a lot of electric energy. However, even a high-quality boiler does not avoid heat loss, especially if it is installed in the old house.

There are several ways to help minimize heat loss:
  • compact or replace windows and doors;
  • between the floor and doors, install thresholds and sealing gaskets;
  • if only one glass is installed in the windows, provide it with the second frame or place the second;
  • hang dense heavy curtains in the living room, bedroom and children's, but so that they do not cover the radiators;
  • to ensure the insulation of the floor in the room above the basement, using a cork or felt substrate, a linoleum, a thick carpet, heat-insulating plates, to enhance the effect, follow the insulation of the basement ceiling;
  • we recommend the external surface of the heating boiler, it is recommended to put the non-combustible insulation, you can determine which the heating equipment loses a lot of useful energy;
  • in the summer, special solar collectors, heating water, will save in the summer;
  • in those places where the heat lines passes through the unheated room, isolate it with foam or mineral wool.

Interior decoration

When with the replacement of electrical wiring, water supply, vapor insulation and insulation of surfaces, it is possible to proceed to an interesting part of the repair of the old house with their own hands - interior decoration. The specifics and scope of work directly depends on the selected material for the walls.

For example, plasterboard partitions can be coated with wallpaper, while brick walls require priming and alignment, unless, of course, you do not plan to perform the finishing of PVC panels.

Interior wall decoration is necessary not only for external attractiveness. Its main task is to protect the thermal and vapor barrier layer and the material from premature damage and damage. Therefore, choosing materials for finishing is only taking into account the specifics of the room. Washing paints or putty are suitable for kitchen and children's kitchen, it is better to give preference to something more comfortable, for example, vinyl wallpapers, wooden panels are perfect for the working office.

Before the finishing finish of walls from a tree, it is necessary to treat them with anti-view compositions that protect the tree from fire. In such a plan, paint is the best option, as it performs and decorative and protective functions.

However, it is worth choosing cautiously. Like other finishing materials, paints can be for internal and external work. The main difference between the "inland" paints is that they are not so resistant to negative external influences, temperature drops and UV radiation, but they have greater shelterness and aesthetics.

Ecology material plays a huge role. In old houses, you can still meet the surfaces that are covered with heavy paints (in their composition contains lead). It is also better to abandon inexpensive oil-alkyd paints, as they highlight harmful chemicals.

As for water-based paints, they are perfectly suitable for finishing the premises. They are safe for health and do not violate natural ventilation, that is, allow the walls to "breathe".

Paul in the house

As a rule, floors in old houses are covered either by boards, or a creamy parquet, or exterior linoleum. Consider each of the options in more detail.

The nature of the repair work directly depends on the flooring of the house:

  1. Wood coating.

Most often there is a boardwalk, as the floorboard provides aesthetic and comfort indoors and stood inexpensively. It is a durable and environmentally friendly, for this reason, if you got such a floor, do not hurry out the boards - if it is competently repaired, no modern coating can be compared with it.

Over time, the board is breathtaking, begin to spring, creak and stagger, and some places there are holes from the beetles-tree bits. In this case, strongly damaged boards should be replaced. If you decide to replace part of the board, the patch should be relying on two lags, otherwise it will be unstable. That the floor does not creak and was smooth, the floorboards are splitting.

For this, the floor is disassembled, marking the location of the boards to continue not to break their order. Then you need to check the condition, replace or lay the substrate if it spoiled from moisture or time.

If the floorboards begged, it may mean that under them is little lag and not enough high-quality support. Therefore, it is easy to remove the boards and add lags at the place of deflection. If suddenly you have discovered holes, chips and cracks in the floorboards, they can be sealed with a wood putty.

  1. Parquet coating.

Parquet is especially common in homes that were built in the 60s and 70s. last century. One of the most common problems of parquet of those times is the creak and swelling of the flooring. Such elements will have to be replaced with new, unless, of course, the parquet did not swear all over the perimeter, since then its complete replacement will be required.

Often, the cause of the screens are awesome boards or uneven base. Previously, the parquet was drowned directly to bitumen mastic, and no substrates from the tube or plywood did not go and speech. To detect the cause of the screens, you need to remove the floor and carefully inspect the base. It is best to overrably a creaking parquet.

In the old parquet there are cracks in which garbage is regularly clogged. They are necessary to close. To do this, clean the gap and fill in a special putty. If it is big, then use a wooden patch for its elimination, which is planted with epoxy glue.

If you encountered antercourse, scratched and darkened parquet, the output is only one - the cyclove. The squabble machine removes the top layer of parquet and removes the lacquer coating, after which you can proceed to climb the slots and cover the floor with fresh varnish.

  1. Linoleum.

If the floor lies the old linoleum, it is easier to replace, rather than repair. This is one of the budget coatings, so you do not lose financially. In addition, modern linoleums are produced with dense noise and thermal insulating substrates, so they will be better than the previous coating.

In the event that the linoleum is in good condition, but there are small holes or dents on the place of furniture, put patches. Attach a new piece of linoleum on a damaged plot with a small allowance, cut the patch, capturing the old linoleum below.

So, you will have a patch, and a suitable remission for it. Melt thoroughly by glue the edge of the hole in the old linoleum and the bottom of the patch, and for better fixation, install the load on top, while the glue is dry. Moreover, using such patches, you can create an original floor covering if you have a linoleum segment with different patterns.

How to repair the old house with your own hands: outdoor work

If you made the repair of the old house from the inside, then for external work you will most likely need special technique and hired workers. First of all, it concerns the external decoration of the walls on the second floor and repair of the roof.

Features of the design of foundation

Buying an old private house, first of all, you need to pay attention not to wallpaper, pipes and wiring, not even on the condition of the roof and walls, but on the foundation, because if the basis is faulty, then it is very expensive to repair it and is difficult or not even possible .

The destruction of the foundation can lead to many problems from the flooding of the basement and cracking of the walls and before the collapse of the entire box of the house.

One of the most common problems is to change the physicochemical properties of the soil. If earlier the house was built on a steady land, then this does not mean that years later the soil did not blur and the level of groundwater became higher. As a result, the foundation falls under the ground or throws.

When draining the foundation of the house, it is necessary to reborn such a process as quickly as possible. Usually for this, under the base, put the beams so that they can take the load during repair. To strengthen the foundation throughout the perimeter, a reinforcing grid is used, which will improve the supporting ability of the foundation, expanding it to the parties.

Anyway, the repair of the foundation is a responsible event that is associated with a risk for life and implies cash with high qualifications, so it is extremely recommended to do it on their own.

Outer walls

In most, old outer walls are eloquently talk about their rotten age of the weathered joints of the solution, peeling plaster, frank cracks or wet subtexts. And if the plaster can be replaced, the crack in the wall can talk about a serious fault of the foundation, so before buying an old house, carefully inspect the walls.

If the mold or mold is seen on the inside of the wall, this indicates absent or impaired waterproofing - the temperature difference outside and from the inside of the house causes the formation of condensate. But in order to eliminate several problems at the same time: the preservation of heat, recycling walls, the creation of ventilation and energy savings, it is worth taking care of the laying of pair and thermal insulation.

If the wall insulation was performed, the laying of the vaporizolation membrane and the thermal insulating layer will not allow the formation of condensate.

To improve the ventilation of the intrauterine space, it suffices to take several simple measures:

  1. Carry the room as often as possible.
  2. Do not make the furniture for the walls close - let the distance of 5 cm be between them.
  3. Between the crate and vapor barrier for interior decoration, make an indent for ventilation.
  4. Replace the rotten elements and treat the rest with the help of anti-corrosion compositions.

Roof of the house

The roof appears not only to protect against cold and rain, but also determines the appearance of the house. Depending on the design, the "mood" and exterior of the house is changing. If there were bustal tiled designs earlier in the fashion, now the majority prefer the "European" direct roofing. They are much easier to operate, create a concise and stylish image, and they can be applied as an additional useful area (concerns flat roofs).

The preservation of heat and microclimate indoors directly depends on the integrity and state of roofing cake. The most common problems of the roofs include damage or impaired coating density, which rotted the rafter system, spoiled waterproofing, which was proceed or missing thermal insulation. If you have a roof of slate, then most likely, it discovered from humidity and time.

From practical considerations, the old slate is better to change to exclude the possibility of leaks, especially if you bought the house in the summer and do not know what to wait with the arrival of the rainy season.

How to repair the old house, it is definitely impossible to tell, since the specifics and the amount of work directly depends on the nature of the damage. Above, we looked at the most common faults. If you are just planning to buy an old house outside the city, pay attention to the above moments, especially on the condition of the bearing walls, the foundation of the roof, and then maybe you can avoid expensive overhaul.

That's how it looked before the repair ... Wooden rotten frames, closed outside with double film, from cold and wind ... On the left old veranda with a shattered visor porch ...

For those who have to do repair in their home, it seems ...

These were the windows and window sills.

Started the house in order with the foundation.

Alternately reveal the corners of the house, we remove the crisps that rotten logs with chainsaws, put the formwork, put large stones and rubble, lay the reinforcement so that its ends remain open (for subsequent fastening it with the bay foundation), the crown of the crown to wind up and foul in concrete. Finished stand.

And so all four corners of the house and the middle of it, around the perimeter. Total - 8 Tumb. The process is time-consuming, heavy, but the result is worth it ... When it was finished with the couches, we made Zavaling around the perimeter. The continuation of outdoor work was postponed for the next summer. And we took up the internal repair of the house ...

This is a big room and start with it. She looked before repairing like this:

This is its right corner ... And this, in the photo below, the left corner. In the process of writing the topic, I will hold these two corners ...

At first, all the layers of old wallpaper were completely delimited. The windows were still old, but we have already waited for Masters on the installation of plast.

The old stove disassembled ... And the liver folded the new one.

And the result was not forced to wait a long time ... one window decided to close at all and make one big-there will be a dining room.

After installing windows, the men began to disassemble the old floor, align the lags and put the brick courses for them ...

Then the floors were mounted with old boards (they will serve for a very long time, as fat and dry), and in places where they were rotten, replaced with new boards.

Set the metrophrophilic frame for the walls and the ceiling ... My mistake was that you first need to do the ceiling, and then the walls, and not on the contrary. The equipment of these works I found on the expanses of the Internet, I will not stop on it in detail. If you do There will be any questions, I will answer with pleasure that I know ...

On the ceiling, mount the frame is much more complicated, the neck hurts ...

When metal carcars is completely ready, you can sew it to it, it is preferably in a checker, starting from the ceiling! Do not forget to scatter the wiring and hide it in a hafrolanal, for the profile, and the boxes are distributors in a convenient place for you.

In this picture, you see wooden lumps, I screwed them for the subsequent fastening of the bookshelves. Equally the same, only a thorough, fasten under the ceiling above the windows (for fastening the eaves).

When all the walls and ceiling are covered with GLK, we will put off the spatula and align all the joints between the sheets and the screws in the screws of the screws here ...

In the corners and seams, we lay the reinforced mesh for the strength of the compounds, and after everything is dry, sandwiches, we applied to the walls and the ceiling.

And now the most interesting moment-sticking wallpaper. I took vinyl white on the ceiling and with gentle roses on the walls ...

When dried out the wallpaper, I am by mutual consent

invited the brigade of the masters to finish their work in this room through the windows (slopes and window sills).

After that, I stuck the ceiling plinth, hanged the shelves on the wall, put the flowers on the windowsill, which we already installed the guys from the company ...

The carpenter helped put the door interroom, only then I learned that it stands up with my legs ... (what's the difference!) If only I function normally ...

Door loops pasted with a white corner on a liquid nail. On the right side, the oven new, heels all the rooms immediately.

The firebox itself is in the bathroom ...

On the draft floor put the substrate, then Fiberboard and linoleum. Then the floor plinth screwed up self-drawing and voila-beauty !!!

This is what this big room is ...

Some of you wanted to see more detail about concrete courses, so I added details ... So, the windows layer are inserted, the house will be covered with a flat slate and a packer has been made around the house, until the next summer ...

Now we continue about the outdoor work, after the expiration of the cold winter and spring ... the next summer.

When all the cabinets are ready, gradually, revealing each of the sides of the house from Zavalinka, we remove the rotten birch of the lower crown, dry-wind the waterproofing,

We set the formwork, lay the reinforcement, connecting it with the ends of the armature of the corner tumb and fill with concrete ...

This we do together with a man, under my sensitive leadership ...