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Psychological tourism is a new direction in tourism. Psychological aspects when communicating with clients in the tourist business

Hiking managers are very important to take into account the psychological aspects of tourism, the possible indecent behavior of the participants in a hike, which can manifest itself in extreme situations. These are heavy long-term physical exertion on the entire body, the demanding of observance of discipline by the head, oxygen hunger at height.

Aspects of tourism. Psychology in campaign

From the competent and thoughtful solution from the created position often depends on the prosperous passage of the entire route, and even the life of its participants. Very good when the band is going from participants knowing friend For many years and previously we went to joint campaigns. But there are other options.

In the seventies, when I had not yet had enough experience in the knowledge of the psychology of people in extreme situations, on my initiative (then I worked as a senior instructor of the regional council on tourism) was organized by the Republican Tourism Expedition on the laying of new sports and planning tourist mountain routes

The route took place along the northern springs of the UGAM ridge and in the northwestern spurs of the Talas Ala-Tao - Dzhabaglytau, Alatau Bugultortau. In this mining hard country, Aksu Zhabaglinsky Reserve, which occupies 128 thousand hectares, created in 1926. The reserve flows two major mountain rivers - Aksu and Zhabagla, in their leaders, the reserves are not raised because of their hardness. They told me about it when I coordinated our route. And they also spoke about the presence in the mountains of a snowy person (Yeti), presumably in the upper reaches of these rivers.

To participate in the expedition, the Republican Tourism Council sent representatives from Karaganda, Pavlodar and Alma-Ata as participants, I picked up myself from Chimkent. The route was designed for 10 days and for the passage of five passages, of which three were supposed to be first. The group had 9 people, not counting the major homeless dog, which joined us at the beginning of the route.

In the first two days, one pass (2800 m, 1a K.Sl) was held and descended to the Cordon of the Darbaz Reserve, where Huntsh lived with his family. The path was technically simple along the path, with a smooth set of height and the same smooth descent, but from heavy backpacks in the evening of the back of the spin and demanded rest. From the cordon to the West, the dirt road was left to a small village, where the bus from Chimkent came once a day. And to the east, the road was part of the stone gate of the rock corridor in 5-8 meters wide, a height of 80-100 m and long meters in 500. The mountain river Bala Bala-Balaybeck rushed into a narrow deep bottom of the corridor.

Looking at this corridor from the side, the impression was created that they cut down a narrow long passage in a mountain massif. Huntsman told us that until 1953, a narrow-chain took place from the corridor railway Before the village, where the workshops and the database on crushing and loading of rock containing uranium ores were located. In the morning, we went through this dark gloomy corridor, then along the river turned along the right to the right and entered a wide gorge with high rocky walls.

Gradually, the gorge was pressed and, finally, by noon we reached the walls, with which the river fell numerous waterfalls. Here, in the birch grove, put a tent, and while dinner was preparing, we began to look at the top of the hanging valley with two ligaments. While they were looking for a more easy rise upstairs, while three forty-forties of the railing were hung, they found three hundred meters of 50 meters, then they went to the dumps and several sites on which the guard booths were stood.

In one of the shred, in the side of the opening, the light of the flashlight saw a human skeleton, chained to the wall of a five-meter chain. Below, in the valley of the gorge, they found another five stencil at the base of rock walls. And in the valley itself - the remnants stone walls Barakov, in which the prisoners lived from 1944 to 1953. Given the complexity of the lifting on the hanging valley and the further involvement of the path, I decided to organize a "throwing" of products here and pass the three-day ring route.

The next morning went up the railing with lightweight backpacks. Nevertheless, climbing demanded a lot of strength. After that, seeing that the lifting simplifies, I allowed two Chimcatents to go forward (they had a hunting rifle) to shoot wild pigeons, and after half an hour, a 15-minute hat arranged. At this time, two shots sounded ahead.

Member from Pavlodar (let's call him conditionally t. Zelentsov) jumped on his feet and, turning to me, shouted: "Pavel Nikolaevich, you hear it they kill the pigeons of the world! It is necessary to stop them urgently "in his gestures and in the sense of words was something unusual. I had a feeling that it was the beginning of a bad end. Need to do something. It came to him and calmly began to convince him that he was tired, and he needed to return to the camp accompanied by two experienced tourists. He immediately turned to these guys, offering them to go down to the camp and wait for us. The guys began to ask me to leave Zelentsov with a group that they would help him pass the route. Zelentsov himself was silent. When the rest of the participants began to ask me to leave Zelentsova, I was forced to agree, and we continued to rise in the alpine valley without a trail, on stones.

The campaign was held at the end of September. Snowballs on the southern slopes almost gone. The right-hand orotor-and-water flow of Schunkulduk's river came out from under stones, there was no water further. Below, meters in a hundred - the last bushes of the Slynikova Archie, so they were forced to clear from the stones of the site and organize the night. In the morning, she continued to rise along the rocky valley of the Buckurbek to the exhaust, extending from the main ridge of the Ugam Range. This sorry and its further fork are called Mountains of Buckard. The origins of the Bike Dolley are in a huge circus. On the right, in the course, in the main ridge of the Ugam Range, the coat was visible (3300 m, 2a Right along the way, in the East, the pass is visible, which I will call the West Jettor in two years (3455 m, 1b K.Sl).

Behind this pass are seven hanging sowing small laders, and behind them - pass through the UGAM RANGE, which I called East Jettor (3550 m, 1b K.Sl). Under these names, they entered the All-Union classification. In the north, left along the go, there is a saddle of the Pass of Bibdardbeck (3300 m, 1b k.s.). Here on this pass, we started the rise in a long, rock-stony slope of the steepness of about 40 degrees. The rise to the pass lasted about three hours, I climbed into the passage with the main group, and I found a note of Tashkent tourists in 1962. Package lacquered 10 years.

It was already an hour, as we rose here, and no one can see anyone. Finally, in the distance, the figure of Sasha Schulakov appeared, who waved his hand, inviting to himself. I descended in 15 minutes to them, I saw all three of all three and heard from Alexander that Zelentsov began to hide behind the rocky islands from them, referring to fatigue. The offer to unload him, refused and did not give a backpack. In the backpack, besides his personal belongings, there should have been 2 kg of buckwheat.

Then the guys selected a backpack and shook the contents. In addition to buckwheat, there were three banks in the backpack, two jars of stews and two chocolate tiles. These products, he took from the "Raby" without permission. Simply - stole. To the question: "Why did he do it?", "Replied:" What if you leave me alone in the mountains? ". Assessing the situation, I came to the conclusion that it was dangerous next to the ring route. It is necessary to return to the basic camp. "It's only the beginning! Oh oh oh!" Volodya Kuznetsova sent to the top to explain what happened to sitting on the pass, waited for their descent and went down together, repeating: "Sudi His God." This I am now with Ironia remembered the verse Nikolai Nekrasov, and then I was very sad because I did not insisted on my decision earlier with the shipment of Zelentsova back to the camp.

They descended to the water and the fluttering Archi, spent the day and the next day they went down to the base camp. Here we were awaiting a pleasant surprise. Near the product "abandon", laid by stones, sat homeless dog, guarded the products and waited for us. I decided to take a trip, but not in the former camp of political prisoners, but below, in a wide valley with birch and rowan islands in the autumn golden orange color, near the river Bala-Baladarbeck. Water in the vendors were warm on the fire, from cobblestones, honeysuckle and tarpaulin's trunks and tarpaulin, the blessing of the firewood, to heat the stones of the Sausage, was a lot. Washed, wrapped in underwear. All the mood has improved, you can also sing songs under the guitar by the fire, which we did.

The next day, I decided to leave Zelentsov with two participants in the camp, and with the others to make a ring route through the Perevotnik-2 passes and an unknown, located in the sources of the Bala Bala-Balabek river and leading to the Ulkenak-Su river. With the onset of darkness, everyone went to bed. After three hours, I woke up with a feeling of some kind of unclear alarm, got out of the tent and began to check the presence of participants in the other two tents, feeling and counting the legs. One pair of foot was not honored. I had to wake all the guys, and it turned out that there is no Zelentsova, although all his things, a sleeping bag and a backpack were in place. There was no dog. In the predestal twilight examined the bank of the river, the pants and jacket of Zelentsova lay on the stones.

Gloomy assumptions and bad thoughts climbed into my head. I sent three along the river to inspect the coast, two to the surrounding neighborhood, and with two comrades went up the river. River, though full-flower, but not so much to knock down. It can be proceeded, because here, in a canopy valley, the flow rate decreases. But the water is very cold. Passed up near a kilometer, did not find anything, except for a small herd of roeers and grunts of wild boars. They moved away from the river and went down the path. Ahead of the excited voices were heard and saw the Sayna Copper, which the hunts harvested, two of our guys, Zelentsova and a dog. It turns out that when the guys along the trail rose up and reached the shock, the dog got out of her, and then Zelertov in shorts and T-shirt. When asked why he was here, Zelentsov said that, afraid of beatings from the guys, spent the night in a stack in an embrace with the dog.

In the camp I gathered all the participants and announced that I remove Zelentsov from the route and send him through Cordon Henser to the nearest village accompanied by two guys. In the evening, from this schedule, a schedule was to leave a regular bus to Chimkent. Gave Zelentsov money on the road. In order not to disappointly accompanying, set up for a group of the foal. Just in case, the protocol of the meeting with its decision and asked those present to subscribe.

By sending Zelentsov and accompanying, giving them the relevant instructions, we took all the products, and went up the trail along the Bala-Balaybeck bed to its origins, two gorges with karovy laders. Having organized the basic camp before the Morany, and leaving two participants, I with the rest made a radial way out to Passube-2 Pass (3350 m, 2a K.Sl). The lifting to the first-high ice circus on three high marine shafts (height is about 100-150 meters) is relatively simple. Exit to the snow slope. On the rocky saddle, the pass saw two bearded mountain goats with high curved horns, gracefully jumping along the rocks. With the pass, the peak Syram and four-thousand peaks around it are visible. But the descent from the passage along the rocky siders and steep rock plates requires climbing equipment and appropriate training, well, and time, of course. But we no longer had time, it was gone on the fadders of Zelentsov, so we descended from the pass along the way to the base camp.

By evening, two accompanying, Edik Kripuelich and the Gena of Slepts were approached. They safely fulfilled my order. Early in the morning of the next day, taking all the products and equipment, we began to rise to the pass first on a major screech, and then through a steep rocky slope (up to 45 degrees). Three periodic ropes were hung, and approached the rocky jumper of the height of meters 30. The first one left the climbing without a backpack, scoring the rock hook and hanging the carbines, organized upper insurance, and we all rose to a narrow rocky saddle. They called the "Brigantine" pass, his height is about 3,500 meters. Subsequently, they qualified him as 2a to. Sl. When they sat on the pass and dined the dryness, heard the cloth of the Himalayan Ular, and then they saw how this mountain chicken flew from the rock on the rock. The keklikov we met many times, but ularov - for the first time.

The descent from the pass is quite steep (about 40 degrees) by firboan slope in a small rome glacier about 200 meters long. The glacier language ends with the icefall, which costs the right on the rocks. Below is a small nasty lake, then several sea shafts, from which a multi-water stream appears. He is the left tributary of the Ulkenak-Su river. The slope is covered with yellow-green wagged grass and exist with a lamb of red groundwork. Most holes are already scored from the inside of the earth. On the courtyard September, Surki go into hibernation. Following his merging with the River Ulkenak-Su (translated - "Big White Water"). Multi-water mad stream, tossing stones, dug deep into a narrow gorge in a narrow gorge.

Leaving the backpacks and a few people, I went up with the guys a barely noticeable path, most likely a beser, because after 15 minutes we saw a small brown tian-chant-hanny bear on the trail. He snorted in displeasure, with the agility agility quickly rose along the rocky slope and disappeared in the thickets of the Turkestan tree Archie. Having passed from half an hour before an avalanche removal from the right rocky siding, saw a white skull in the stones with large steep horns of Arhara (mountain ram). He looked well, and there was a great temptation to take him with him, but he weighed kilograms 15. I had to leave. The gorge was further narrowed and moved to a narrow canyon, turning smoothly into the east. In the southern direction, the saddle was viewed in the sun, or in the main ridge crest, or in his outstretch.

They turned back and in an hour they descended to the comrades who were waiting for us, after half an hour they descended to the merger of Ulken-Aksu and Kshaiak-Su (translated - "Small White Water"). These two multi-water racing threads form the Axas River, which shall be carried down, fascinating the huge cobblestones and dormitory deep-row in the rock. Deaf roar stands over the river. Here the gorge is expanding, and we come down already at the high archery forest, which creates an unusual, unique look of the landscape. And the air! Archa highlights volatile essential oils, and phytoncides are purified and heated air, creating a stable antimicrobial zone. Therefore, Yeti (a snowy man) living in these places is so high and large. Huntsman Cordon Aksu, located in fifteen km below on the right bank of the canyon, said that he saw a shaggy broom several times, in the wool of a mighty man at the end of the autumn in the first snow.

After three hours, going through the animal trails along the left wooded slope, we were traversed towards the exit of the gorges from the mountains. The mountain gorge gradually turned into a unique phenomenon of nature - Canyon Aksu. This is a huge crack in the earth's crust. From the exit from the mountains to narrowing, it stretches for 18 km, the greatest width between the edges comes to 400-500 meters. The depth of up to 500-600 m. The sheer and straight walls of the canyon are falling into a depth of 200 meters. In some way they form shelves and small terraces, replacing steep cornices, passing into vertical walls.

Such a variety of challenges can be observed almost along the entire length of the canyon. Arched forests and gentlemen from evergreen, high-power juniper in the gorge are replaced by wild apple forests from the relict apple silence, wide forests from the relict frame of the Caucasian (iron tree). Walnut and oak groves. Therefore, many boars live in the canyon, roe deer, badgers, foxes, hares, stone cunits, Lask, and bears come here on the winter. There are many caves, grots, cavities in the sheer slopes of the canyon. After a month after the campaign, I came to Zeger, left a motorcycle from him and he found a 200-meter descent on his tap on the bottom of the canyon. In the caves and cavities, on the shelves under the eaves, I was looking for Mumiya and, being there, had the opportunity to make sure there are different animals inhabiting the woods of the canyon.

At the exit of the AKSU gorge, in the foothills, on the outskirts of the archers, we found numerous oblong earthy hills that hide stone foundations former buildings. Later, reading the archival history of the population of these edges, I learned that the fortress and the fortune were here. Successful location: from the north - impassable abyss, from the east and south - mountains, and from the West - urban walls from stone. That's here archaeologists to dig.

We completed my expedition in a small village, where it was separately in conservation and under the protection of the former base of prisoners who mined uranium ore. Now there is silence, and only every other day there comes a regular bus, a yard and raising road dust. Behind, we had a not fully traveled route, but impressions from what they saw and experienced - mass. I still remember. Especially the fads of the nature of nature, which gave birth to a person and a variety of all living things, which fills our land and especially the mountains. Mountains - they are also alive.

Returning to the initial topic of his essay - about inadequate psychological behavior A person in extreme conditions, which can lead to a sad outcome, will tell briefly about two cases. On the turbase, the "Gorgeon", above the city of Alma-Ata, at the School of Mountain Tourism Instructors held classes on the descent of Dulfer on a sheer cliff. The released instructor (master of sports V. Popov) in a small platform checks for the descent of the student (conditionally call it block), I stand almost nearby, waiting for my turn.

Suddenly the face of the block is distorted from pain, he began to shake, his body was bent. I instantly understood what was the matter, grabbed him by the shoulders and pressed against the ground, giving all the corps. He was still five minutes later in convulsions and then calmed down. Blocks came with me from Chimkent. There I heard from the comrades that he sometimes occur to epilepsy. He was engaged in tourism for a long time, under his leadership, a group of young people were formed, he drove into a day off day. Well played the guitar and sang. He had a huge desire to study at the school instructors. But it could have ended tragically, the cliff was near, and he was not yet on insurance. We must pay tribute to the school leadership, which allowed him to go through the whole course of study and participate in the taught hike. For that period, he had no epilepsy attacks.

The second case took place in the Alpalar '' Talgar '' at the stage of a set of aspirations on the 3rd category. From early morning and before the evening we were on training sessions or on the climbing on tops. In the evening, in a circle of separation, the instructor analyzed and evaluate our actions. At the next time, the instructor from Krasnoyarsk A. Holmogorov began to talk about the general moral climate of the department, which consists of the behavior of its individual participants. If one of the participants, in addition to the overall feeding at a certain time and in a certain amount, constantly chews something in the sleeping bag or when driving on the route, then this remains a negative reaction and alienation, which in extreme conditions may cause undesirable consequences.

All this, A. Holmogorov outlined delicately, without calling the last name. But we then understood, about whom there is a speech. We had a friend from Norilsk, who kept in her backpack onion, fat and stew. There, in the city of Norilsk, he underwent due to specific living conditions. I learned this from him when I once talked to him. He did not steal, just in the kitchen in the camp asked the additive, and the onion was eaten like bread. But the rest did not know this and might think something bad.

All these subtleties of psychological aspects of tourism need to know the head of the group, in order to create a healthy moral atmosphere in a timely manner and avoid manifestation of negative deeds leading to sad consequences. Live and learn! Read, listen, delve and analyze your and extraneous actions. The more you know, the more pleasant to communicate with people and nature. '' And otherwise, why do you live on earth this eternal? '

Pavel Kamaev.

Psychological tourism (psychodurism) is a completely new, gaining popularity to the direction of tourism. This type of tourism appeared in response to an ever-increasing pace of life and the level of stress in people living in metropolis. People have learned to rest well and restore forces, and constant stress at work, noise and hurry - all this is perniciously reflected on our health and health. The weekend for a full-fledged rest in such conditions is not enough. Therefore, psychodurism appeared and began to develop, which would have to do those who want to relax at the sea, and at the same time have time to pay attention to their self-development and self-improvement.

What is psychodurism?

Psychological tourism is aimed at the physical and mental state of a person exhausted with stress and problems typical of urban residents, careerists. Many residents of megacols suffer from depression, mental disorders. To get out of such a "swamp" best to produce an "emotional reboot". Perfect option Such a reboot is a journey, new acquaintances, everything that "pulls out" from the usual reality, where you can forget about everything that remains at home. Such a vacation - perfect combination Cognitive excursions and new knowledge in a interesting area of \u200b\u200bself-development.

If you just go to rest, on returning all the problems are returned anyway, but after training on self-development or time management, or communications, or on motivation and goaling, or meditation and relaxation, people return not only rested and inspired, but and armed with specific skills and knowledge that will help solve some problems, or even send life to a fundamentally new channel.

To date, there are different directions of psychological tourism:

  • a trip to another country or a city to pass any training that includes interesting excursions,
  • ecotourism (most often it happens in nature, participants live in tents, know the world and acquire any useful skills),
  • hike with a psychologist and conductor, etc.

Efficient psychological tourism includes a psychological "reset", receiving new skills, high-quality relaxation, disclosure of its potential and self-development. Such a rest should be combined with the knowledge of other cultures, acquaintances with new people and self-development.

Tourist program

As a rule, the trip is devoted to some particular topic, based on which the most suitable place for living, seminars and excursions are selected. The most optimal number of participants is from 10-12 to 15 people. Usually, such a group is accompanied by a psychologist who constitutes the training program itself, and also helps all participants relax, reach harmony. Also, such a group usually accompany people responsible for organizing comfortable conditions for participants.

If the program is selected correctly, the participants are returned to restored physically and morally and full of fresh ideas.

We must try to understand whether such a type of tourism is suitable, but this direction confidently conquers more and more fans.

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Can we rest effectively?

Work, yes, we can and love. But with rest, as a rule, does not develop. Waiting for a long time, then when it comes to relax something else compelling, trying to "decide" before "or at all, to think about the development paths, so to speak to the" fresh "and calm on vacation.

And when can we relax without loading ourselves with the development of your business or other "heavy" thoughts?

Then when we switch to a different kind of "thinking". Sorry for such a word, but it is precisely the best of all symbolizes our not the ability to turn off the brain and relax. This is a tribute time. Nothing can be done, the speed of living is increasing, but here, joy from this very life, unfortunately, is not added at the same speed.

How to learn to switch during rest?

How to effectively use the vacation time, so that after returning home and it was something to remember, and it was something to demonstrate? I do not mean a beautiful tan and touched a slender figure. Although they are also worthy of attention, especially if the vacation has managed.

Today, I want to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the new, which appeared several years ago a view of the holiday - psychological tourism.

What it is?

Psychological tourism - This is a view of the rest, when during the trip you are accompanied by a practitioner psychologist or a group of psychological organizers who provide the program of your journey and act as a guarantor of it. They fill the program by cultural and mass events (visits to the places of power, temples, cultural and historical centers), and also offer you master classes, seminars or entire training for spiritual and personal growth in the process of rest. As a rule, the subjectings are negotiated before the start of the trip. It may not significantly change if the team has a request from the group to add or replace learning modules. It is important to understand that only a psychologist can make such a decision (about changing the topic of the training), if a request has a request from the group.

Psychological tourism - before that the new kind Recreation with deep immersion in the resource states of your psyche, which arose at the junction of passionate people travel and psychology. Since rest is intertwined (travel) and development, it becomes very attractive every year, everything for more of people.

Psychological tourism allows you to effectively relax at 100%., Because it combines three types of activities at once, which are useful and very effective:

1) rest, as a way to relax and restore

2) psychological unloading accompanied by professionals

3) Training for Growth and Development

Rest, as a way to relax and restore

Sea Sun, fresh air or mountainous terrain at any time of the year, have a strong healing effect for humans. Human body When communicating with nature, it begins to restore the lost balance, especially if a person has no connection with his "ordinary" life. In many trainings that pass in the format "Psychological tourism", recommend turning off the phones and communicate with natives only on top days and hours. The rest of the time to give it completely and your body. Pay attention to this and follow these tips.

Sea air By itself is a healer. Due to the presence in it large number free iodine, it stimulates work immune system, satures the bloodstream with iodine and pure oxygen. And at the mental level helps to increase the number of joy and happiness. Therefore, often on trips to the sea, use gymnastics or other practices directly on the seashore. This simultaneously improves the well-being of the participants and strengthens their health.

The sun. Very useful for a person is contemplation of sunsets and dawns. If they are not provided in the travel program, give them yourself. Any "contact with the Sun" through meditation affects the hormizing person's subconscious. Looking at the sun, at an unconscious level there is a negative transformation into a positive, a natural cleaning from negative programs and dissolving the blocks of "fatigue". The sun should be able to take how you take food, how to take gifts, etc. The sun must be respected and read, then you will not burn on the beach, but only enjoy it. During psychological travel, you learn including and interact with all the elements: the sun (fire), water, air and earth. This in the complex gives you a general harmonization.

Water. When you swim, you relax as much as possible and allow all the forces of your body to help you. The muscular corset of your body relaxes and blooms, you acquire the plasticity of the element of water. In water, "dissolves" your tension and overwork, which you have accumulated for labor weekdays. And if you like to dive, swim with scuba or catching sea fish, you can enable it in your recreation program. Only, agree with the psychologist-organizer or make the initiator for the group, perhaps someone wants to make you a company.

Psychological unloading accompanied by professionals

The organizers will offer you many psychotherapeutic practices and you will undoubtedly pick up something that you will use and return home.

Meditation. Very often in such programs, you will be offered of different types Meditation. They can be like separate blocks, and is carried out in places of force, which will be included in the program. But first of all, remember that modern scholars meditation usually exhibit as a powerful tool to overcome stress. Scientists have proven that meditation leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes: oxygen consumption decreases and the extraction of carbon dioxide is reduced; The level of lactic acid salts in the blood is reduced. This became a significant discovery, since the level of milk acid salts in the blood is associated with the state of concern and voltage in humans. It accumulates in the body and causes syndrome. chronic fatigue. Another shock was the discovered relationship between meditative practice and the form of certain brain waves, which are of great benefit for deep relaxation organism. Therefore, I recommend you to meditate during the rest, when it is much easier to stop the inner dialogue as "the stream of thoughts of a smart person."

Consultation. You can get advice on the questions exciting you, the truth must be clarified how long it is allocated for this in the tour. After each classes or block, there is always time for questions to a psychologist. But, remember that it is already being in a group of like-minded people will allow you to answer a lot of questions that you were worried about in life. Sometimes, for an additional fee, psychologists hold consultations in the class-free time. You can also use it, having agreed in advance. In any case, remember that for any deep processes that you launched while traveling is responsible, first of all, you yourself, and the psychologist organizer only helps you to realize them and pass.

Training for growth and development

Training. You not only learn something interesting and new about the country in which you go, but also know yourself from the new face of the person. Namely, how you adapt to the conditions new cultureAs you feel about the historical value of humanity, as you can interact in the presence of a "language barrier". Also, during such travel, you participate in trainings that help you acquire new skills, develop new behaviors, learn new and systematize what has already knew. The only difference is that you are not significantly limited in choosing. You, staying deep dive into your own materialYou can immediately ask for the help of a psychologist who accompanies the group. IN ordinary lifeWhen passing training exercises, participants are often distracted by other, not related to the training, questions that affect the degree of their immersion.

Power places. During psychological tourism, you enrich your inner worldThrough the prism of a changing external, often through immersion in another era, through symbols, signs, emblems, architecture, religion that will be found on the way. Especially useful, visit historical places that are always places of force not only of this country, but for all mankind. In order to plunge into the energy of these places as much as possible, find out the organizers where you will go with the group and read about this place before the start of the trip. It will help better understand and experience the power of this place.

Usually, every journey is built in a single contextual key, the stated travel topic sounds a leitmotif in everything: in places selected for accommodation, for classes, in the training itself, in excursions, in choosing resource places to visit. This is prescribed in the program and participants who have agreed to work in the group, must comply with the rules of work in the group, realizing that their desire, anything can be changed by the coach only in emergency situations. You must comply with respect for all members of the group if you want to have a rest.

The result of psychological tourism will be:

  • training, according to the topic you choose, in the context of relaxation and peace;
  • acquisition of new practical skills of self-regulation and recovery;
  • restoration of energy resources of the body through rest and psychological unloading;
  • correction of ineffective models (strategies) of behavior with the help of a psychologist, which is always near;
  • positive structuring of thoughts and fixation on a new sense of feeling of "harmony with the world";
  • performing a tourist program with visits to places of power of the Earth.

Before you use the proposed programs for psychological tourismYou should clarify such information from the organizers:

  1. The topic of training, the regulation of work on direct classes with a psychologist (clarify what equipment you need to take with you whether handouts will be handedride).
  2. Specify issues related to your departure (voucher, accommodation, meals, transfer, who will solve questions arising there)
  3. Find out the organizer's phone number, especially if you leave abroad, on which it will always be available.
  4. Read about the country in which you are heading. Find out how much you need a "pocket" money and which souvenirs for your loved ones can be brought from there.
  5. If you eat with a child or the whole family, find out whether leisure will be organized for all members of the group, whether your relatives will interfere with the format in order to know and prepare.
  6. Find out which countries which groups this psychologist already drove. If he has such an experience, feel free to go with him. You can request from him the contacts of the former participants to receive feedback and reviews.

13 Chose

I love to travel, open a new one, share photos from traveling with others. And in connection with this, I do not like terribly ... Tourists. More precisely, I do not like one completely defined type of tourists: those who walk with hundreds of twenty people ...

Just because it is impossible! You are trying to take a picture of the beauty of the place, and there is a bus with a crowd of people who worries mainly the opportunity to make a dozen personnel in the style of "I and Vooona that horse." As a rule, tourists of this type at all photos from the trip exclusively they are favorite. In this situation, by the way, it is still very sorry for the guide - at best, a couple of people listen to him. But we will throw in the direction of discontent and look wider and understand what other tourist types exist?


By the way, there are also different. There are absolutely exhausted people who have no strength to new impressions, but you want to lie down and move away from stress. And there are the most people who around the world cause a unique negative reaction and dismissive shrugs in their direction. They say that to take - sandboxes ... If you are selected on excursions, then turn into that type of tourists, which I do not like that.

Impressive seekers

Very extensive subgroup. It fall into it:

Food tourists - For them, the main thing in the country is her taste. In such a way, it is important to try all the most authentic. By the way, most often they understand that the authentic food in the same Thailand is not at all at all street eaters.

Photo tourists- Crazy people who do not part with kilograms of photographic equipment. For them, the quality of the trip is determined by the number of successful frames.

Extremes - Surfers, snowboarders and other trekking lovers. "Movement - Life!" - Here are their motto. After the journey, the stories will be mainly about how many kilometers they passed and how successfully dived with scuba.

Shopping tourists - Their trips pass strictly during the sale days, they know the location of all fashionable boutiques of Paris and Milan, as well as are able to list all the shopping centers that are on Orchad Road in Singapore.

Back packers - They have no suitcases, they have backpacks. And with these backpacks, they are able to heat the whole world if they do not stop them on time. They do not chase luxurious hotels and expensive restaurants. For them, the main awareness of what they were in this country.

All four subgroups can mix about randomly. I noticed that very often extremals and photo tourists are the same people.


A completely special type of tourists. They come to the country and after a couple of days decide to stay here for a couple of months, remove the apartment and just live. Sometimes they are sent to the shopping, sometimes - pithography or lie on the beach. If the country really liked and allows the budget, such a tourist will acquire its own housing and turns into a local resident.

And what type of tourists do you consider yourself? It is clear that, depending on the circumstances, priorities may change. But which type is close to you most often? I am a hybrid of photo and food tourist with a resident.

Elena Evstratova ,
