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Psychological tourism as a direction of integrative psychology. Theoretical aspects of studying psychological services in travel agencies

Psychological tourism is A fundamentally new direction of tourism, which is becoming increasingly popular every day. This phenomenon is due to the fact that many people living in major cities, are forced to constantly be in stress because of the mad pace of the metropolis. Bustle, noise, inability to relax And the constant hurry, without doubt, is very negatively reflected on the physical and emotional state of the person. Moreover, the weekend do not bring proper relief, because they are not enough for a person to rest full. Output from this situation can be psychological tourism. If you ignore between a week of self-development or rest to the sea, then you should choose both. After all, psychological tourism is just created in order to combine two imaginary alternatives and demonstrate this human travel benefit.

What is psychological tourism

Psychological tourism (psychodurism) is aimed at restoring the psychological state of a person, surrounded by most of the time concerns and problems. Such a rest is simply necessary for those who are configured for continuous development and improvement. Vacation in this format makes it possible to reveal to a person his internal reserves and adjusts it to positive accomplishments.

It is no secret that in addition to human physical and mental loads nervous system Emotions are also depleted. Negative experience, such as anger, fear or bad mood make a person inoperable, depriving his strength and soul equilibrium. Often emotional tension leads to depression. To get out of this "swamps", a person needs to make an emotional "reboot", under which the interesting trip is meant, in which something new and to gain unknown skills. New emotions and impressionsobtained during the trip will send your life for a more harmonious path. If you rest and gain psychological skills at the same time, then upon arrival you will observe positive changes. Week or two - the perfect period in order to master the time management, fast relaxation skills or effective communication. The choice is yours.

Currently, there are a large number of variations of psychological tourism. Among them:

  • Hike together with a psychologist and conductor;
  • A foreign trip that provides for the possibility of passing any trainings;
  • Eco-tourism, which gives a person to know the world around him and gain useful psychological skills. In most cases, eco-tourists live in tents in Nature Lon;
  • A trip to a major city, accompanied by interesting excursions and trainings.

It is worth remembering that effective psychodurism implies relaxation, mastering knowledge, the disclosure of human potential, psychological "reboot" and self-development. Ideally, rest should be harmoniously combined with travel, new dating and the development of internal force.

How the psycho program is organized

Often, each trip is formed in one context key. There is a basic travel theme that is harmoniously woven into all the details of the trip, such as place of residence, classes, excursions, the choice of attractions.

The optimal number of psychorests is from 12 to 14 people. The group leads a qualified trainer-psychologist. This person forms a program of trainings and meditations. He helps every member of the group to achieve harmony, relax and get rid of negative thoughts. In order for all psychers to feel more comfortable together with the group, the organizers of the trip are usually driving.

Fruits of psychological tourism:

Psychological tourism implies rest and psychological support at the same time. This concept Includes a mandatory personality program. A person discovers new expanses for self-knowledge and development. Psiturists enrich their own inner worldBeing in new conditions for them.

In order to understand what is psychological tourism, you need to try this at least once. Do not doubt, you will like it. No wonder this leisure was a real trend among lovers of personal self-development.

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Psychological tourism (Psi-Tourism) is a new and rapidly developing direction of modern tourism. The appearance of it is due to the intense rhythm of human life, especially in large cities, which constantly holds in voltage and does not allow for a moment to relax. Stresses, hurry, bustle, noises destructively affect both the physical and mental health of each of us. At the weekend, it is not always possible to fully recover. The only hope remains - vacation. How to spend it? On the sea or to engage in your development? Why not combine something else? To help those who want not just to relax, but also self-improvement, psychological tourism appeared.

What includes psychological tourism?

Psychological tourism is a specially developed technology for restoring and maintaining human psychological health in the modern world. It is known that the nervous system and the human body as a whole is overwritten not only and not so much mental and physical work, but the emotions received by him during life. The poor arrangement of the spirit, anger, fear, and other negative emotions deprive a person of cheerfulness, lead to decay forces, loss of mental balance, depression.

Sometimes to get rid of it, reboot, you need to leave, fully relax and gain new emotions, new knowledge, get new skills to put life on completely different rails. A combination of an interesting rest with the acquisition of useful psychological skills and skills and is psychological tourism. During this period, a person can both relax and learn, for example, efficient communications, quick relaxation skills, time management.

Forms of psychological tourism

Today there are many forms of psychological tourism.

This is I. traveling in Mountains with conductor and psychologist.

These are trips to various resorts, where rest accompanied by interesting trainings.

it ecotourismwhere a person is immersed in nature and at the same time learn from some psychological skills. We usually live on such programs in tents and exclusively in purely natural conditions.

There are more civilized tourism: In modern cities with an excursion program and its accompanying training.

Perfect psychological tourism is:

Combining recreation and travels in interesting places with the knowledge of the world of the soul, familiarizing with hidden power inside each of us.

Usually a group of people is overseen by a specialist who constitutes a program of meditation and trainings that contribute to the state of harmony, helping to fully relax and get rid of the negative.

Effective psychological tourism develops from recreation, training, psychological unloading, disclosure of its potential and development.

In a short time, a person can have a good rest, so to learn, for example, meditation, communicability, energy breathing, etc.

As a rule, on returning home after a properly selected course, a person feels a tide of energy, forces, emotionally, physically and spiritually updated, filled fresh ideas And ready to create and achieve new goals.

The atmosphere is improved both in the family and at work, because the perception of life changes, the energy resources of the body are restored, ineffective behaviors are adjusted.

Plipsky Igor V.


Terminology - What is the speech

This lecture is devoted to the disclosure of several topics, as part, in something whole - this is a whole, it can be designated as "tourism psychology", "Tourist Psychology", "Tourism and Psychology" or "Psychology and Tourism". No matter how much the topic, the following is important - we will talk about one of the sections of applied psychology, i.e. On psychology in its private application to the practice of tourist activity. To understand the essence of the problem under consideration, it is immediately necessary to deal with terms that occur in its name.

Under tourism, two little intersecting areas usually understand - it is, firstly, a focused (or aimless) more or less long life of a person (or groups of people) in the conditions of wildeened (or practically uncomplicated) nature (in the forest, steppes, deserts, mountains , caves, etc.), and, secondly, travel-excursions by cities and weights in order to examine man-made and non-home attractions (with accommodation in hotels and hotels, food in restaurants and dining room, and so on). Each area has its own specific psychological color. This lecture is focused on the first of the above regions.

Psychology (Psycha - Soul, "Logos" - Science) - Science about the soul. What is meant here under the word "soul"? Anyone knows how to think, has the ability to feel, can set goals and achieve their achievements - Mind, feelings and will are different manifestations of the human soul. It is these manifestations in their unity studying science psychology. For those interested in the appendix to lecture there brief certificate On the state of psychology at the present stage.

In general, it should be noted that each of us is inherent in one degree or another, moral consciousness, moral feeling (conscience) and moral will. Usually they say either about the moral side of the soul, or separately the moral side of the person, calling it "Human Spirit". Studying the problems associated with conscience, as a rule, goes beyond psychology.

Conclusion: B. general, speaking of tourism psychology, we are talking about the state of the soul (mind, feelings, will, moral sphere) of a person who is either located in the conditions of wildeened nature, or prepare for stay under these conditions.

The importance of studying tourism psychology

Any tourist is known that the main problem of tourism, the solution of which is a lot of effort, is the problem of the security of this type of human activity. The tourist needs to return from the hike alive and healthy - this is an axiom, with which one can hardly argue. In normal practice, this task is solved through the physical and technical training of a tourist - there is theoretical learning (lectures, etc.), of different kind Physical and technical training, competitions. But if you analyze the various kinds of emergencies, which happened in the campaigns, it is clear that the main cause of most of these events are certain factors of the psychological plan. There is another problem. It may happen that for one reason or another, the person will lose his psychological health after the first hike - falls into pessimism, despair, despair. Naturally, such a loss of health is less noticeable than dislocation, fracture, frostbite - just a person no longer appears in Turkluba, his future life is unknown. And if, with this, as a result of his deep despair, a person is unmanned with it, or it will decide to leave life to arbitrarily, it will be no less disastrous than, for example, the death of a breakdown from the rope.

Thus, you can safely declare psychological training Tourist is a security factorAnd it should take its place, becoming next to physical and technical training. In my opinion, each tourist needs to learn the elementary techniques of psychological training, and constantly engage in such a type of training (this, by the way, will help to keep yourself and in ordinary everyday urban life).

Example. In extreme danger, person is instantly developing emotional stress fear. The reaction of most untranslated people to strong fear is to first fall into the "stupor" when the muscles are mowed and it is impossible to move, and then instantly move to a strong psychological (thinking is frantically looking for a way out of the situation) and a motor (person runs unknown where) activity. But during the "stupor", the situation can become uncontrolled, and the active phase prevents soberly to assess the situation - both options are fraught with injuries or death. Training can help develop in themselves, for example, another response to fear is a sober assessment of the situation, and fast, but at the same time smooth, caring from danger.

It remains only to add that psychological science has currently allocated such a concept as a security psychology, and the relevant scientific industry began to develop. Its task is to study the influence of various inner and external factors on the occurrence of neuro-psychological disruptions, and ways to prevent related problems.

Psychological tourism is a new interesting and popular variety of tourism. The emergence of this type of tourism is associated with the need to relax from the rapid pace of life in the cities, recover after stress, gain new knowledge and skills, the ability to combine travel and self-development.

What is psychological tourism?

The modern pace of life, frequent stress, the fuss leads to a rapid waste of forces, and inability to rest correctly and lack time for relaxation exacerbate the situation: human health deteriorates. Psychological tourism can help recover, the purpose of which is the harmonization of the state of the person, self-development and self-improvement. Psiturism allows you to take a pause in life and identify personal reserves for recovery.

It is known that a person gets tired and physically, and emotionally. Negative emotions (Anger, fear) is depleted by the nervous system, making it more vulnerable and sensitive to stress. Over time, performance decreases, and have to apply more effort to perform tasks, since the body gets tired and requires rest. Permanent emotional stress displays from mental equilibrium and can lead to depression or other mental disorders, such as anxious-phobic, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic attacks and etc.

Psychological tourism contributes to the emotional "reboot", deliverance from negative experiences. This is an interesting trip where you can get new emotions, exciting impressions, gain valuable knowledge and skills. Such tourism combines a pleasant and useful: rest and acquisition of psychological skills of self-regulation, relaxation, development of the ability to manage personal time, efficient communication. Usually the trip lasts 1-2 weeks.

Varieties of psychological tourism:

  • hike with a psychologist and conductor coach,
  • a trip abroad with the passage of training on self-development,
  • a trip to the big city with excursions, trainings,
  • eco-tourism: the knowledge of the surrounding world + self-knowledge and gaining new psychological skills. Most often, such tourists live in tents in nature.

Components of psychoduism are: new knowledge, disclosure of personal potential, emotional "reset", self-development, relaxation. Psiturism program is a journey union, recreation on fresh air with personal development, self-knowledge.

This type of tourism allows for some time to leave care and the usual way of life and engage in the knowledge of your soul and restoration in nature. Considering in the new environment, a person produces new adaptation strategies, meets new people, learns new useful information from a psychologist. All this contributes to emotional unloading, it appears the opportunity to look at the world in a new way and to master the horizons previously unknown.

Psychological tourism How to rest with soul and body

Each trip is chosen the main theme. It is closely intertwined with the choice of place of residence, excursions, learn sights, etc. Travel topics are known in advance, a psychologist can slightly adjust the topic if there is a group request.

Usually the group consists of 12-14 tourists (this is the optimal number) and a psychologist's coach. It constitutes a program of psychological trainings. The psychologist also works with each participant in the developing journey to teach to get rid of bad and negative thoughts, master the skills of self-regulation and meditation. The organizers of the trip often ride with the group so that the journey is more comfortable and well-planned.

What is included in the program of psychological tourism?

The basis of psychological tourism is the basic provisions of GestaltTeeping. The main objective of this type of rest is the acquisition of internal harmony and psychological integrity, making themselves, filling life with meaningfulness, harmonization of relations with the world with the help of specially organized psychological assistance, trainings and classes. In psychodurism, there are many interesting techniques such as photo and video therapy, etc.

The program of psychological tourism often includes:

What is needed and what does psychological tourism give a person?

Thus, psychological tourism is a new and efficient way of rest. He contributes to getting rid of psychological tension and the restoration of human health, expands the horizons of personal development, forms the ability to take responsibility for organizing their lives and the way of thinking, promotes the acquisition of new effective coping strategies and skills to cope with stressful situations. This is a great opportunity to relax, developing and learning ourselves.

Psychological tourism (psychodurism) is a completely new, gaining popularity to the direction of tourism. This type of tourism appeared in response to an ever-increasing pace of life and the level of stress in people living in metropolis. People have learned to rest well and restore forces, and constant stress at work, noise and hurry - all this is perniciously reflected on our health and health. The weekend for a full-fledged rest in such conditions is not enough. Therefore, psychodurism appeared and began to develop, which would have to do those who want to relax at the sea, and at the same time have time to pay attention to their self-development and self-improvement.

What is psychodurism?

Psychological tourism is aimed at the physical and mental state of a person exhausted with stress and problems typical of urban residents, careerists. Many residents of megacols suffer from depression, mental disorders. To get out of such a "swamp" best to produce an "emotional reboot". Perfect option Such a reboot is a journey, new acquaintances, everything that "pulls out" from the usual reality, where you can forget about everything that remains at home. Such a vacation - perfect combination Cognitive excursions and new knowledge in a interesting area of \u200b\u200bself-development.

If you just go to rest, on returning all the problems are returned anyway, but after training on self-development or time management, or communications, or on motivation and goaling, or meditation and relaxation, people return not only rested and inspired, but and armed with specific skills and knowledge that will help solve some problems, or even send life to a fundamentally new channel.

To date, there are different directions of psychological tourism:

  • a trip to another country or a city to pass any training that includes interesting excursions,
  • ecotourism (most often it happens in nature, participants live in tents, know the world and acquire any useful skills),
  • hike with a psychologist and conductor, etc.

Efficient psychological tourism includes a psychological "reset", receiving new skills, high-quality relaxation, disclosure of its potential and self-development. Such a rest should be combined with the knowledge of other cultures, acquaintances with new people and self-development.

Tourist program

As a rule, the trip is devoted to some particular topic, based on which the most suitable place for living, seminars and excursions are selected. The most optimal number of participants is from 10-12 to 15 people. Usually, such a group is accompanied by a psychologist who constitutes the training program itself, and also helps all participants relax, reach harmony. Also, such a group usually accompany people responsible for organizing comfortable conditions for participants.

If the program is selected correctly, the participants are returned to restored physically and morally and full of fresh ideas.

We must try to understand whether such a type of tourism is suitable, but this direction confidently conquers more and more fans.