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Map of quality control of construction doc. Operational control. I Theoretical Learning Program

The "Operational Control Map" is being developed by the enterprise performing the manufacture, installation or repair of equipment (pipelines) or a specialized design and technological organization and serves to fix the results of work control primarily in the preparation and assembly of welding parts.

The following information should be reflected in the "Map ..."

the name of the enterprise and service that performs the operational control;

the name of the equipment (pipeline) and the designation of the drawing or welding form;

the presence of labeling and / or documentation confirming the acceptance of the material (semi-finished product) during input control;

cleanliness and lack of damage on the edges and adjacent surfaces of parts;

the shape and size of the edges, boring (distribution, calibration) of pipe parts;

the presence and type of special methods of preparation and assembly of parts (formation on the edges and internal surfaces, bending);

submitted, the temperature of the metal indicates the temperature of the metal when it is performed by this technological operation and the bending angle, and under the condition of the surfacing - its size, the welding method and the applied welding materials indicating the number of the party (smelting) and the standard, one or passport;

compliance with the requirements of the PTD of the material, the forms and sizes of the lining rings (melted inserts);

compliance of the PDD of the values \u200b\u200bof gaps, the displacement of the edges (from the outer and inside), the fracture of the axes and the planes of the parts connected in the compound assembled;

the presence of a protective coating on the surfaces of parts (in cases of the specified PDD) and the width of the zone of its application;

the correctness of the assembly and fastening of the parts, the size of the assembled node (last - in cases specified by the PTD);

date of control, surname, name and patronymic of the person (persons) who carried out the operational control and its (their) signatures;

conclusion on the preparation of details for the assembly for welding.

The conclusion of the quality of the preparation of parts and assembly of the welding compound is signed by the head of the preparation and assembly work and the head of the service that carried out control.

Program for training specialists for certification for the right

work and management work on visual

and measuring control

I Theoretical Learning Program

A. Community Course

Topic 1 Design and installation of equipment TPP and nuclear power plants

1.1 Equipment of thermal and nuclear power plants. Types of thermal and nuclear power stations. The main elements of the TPP and their purpose. Physical foundations of atomic energy. Principal technological schemes of nuclear power plants. Appointment and classification of pipelines and equipment TPP and nuclear power plants. Groups of equipment and pipelines of the NPP; Categories of welded connections. Categories of steam and hot water pipelines. Production, consolidation and installation of pipelines, structures and technological equipment.

1.2 Materials Science.

General information about metals, alloys and their properties. The varieties of steels, their characteristics, the concept of micro- and macrostructure, the relationship between the structure and properties of the steel. The technological features of various stamps of steels and areas of their application. Steel and alloys used for the manufacture of heat-mechanical equipment, pipelines and constructions of TPP and nuclear power plants. The influence of the physical and mechanical properties of steel (alloy) to choose the method of non-destructive testing. The basic concepts of the destructive methods of monitoring metals and alloys; Methods of destructive control and field of their application.

1.3 General information about welding and heat treatment of welded connections.

Welding methods used in the manufacture, installation and repair of equipment and pipelines TPP and nuclear power plants. Welding materials and areas of their use. Thermal processing of welded joints of products and its purpose. The effect of thermal processing on the properties of welded connections. Welded connections. Types of welded joints of pipelines; Requirements for structural forms of welded joints. The main zones of the welded joint: metal seam, fusion zone, thermal influence zone and main metal. The effect of structural features of the welded joint and metal of the product to select non-destructive testing methods.

1.4 Types of defects (discontinuities) of welded joints and base metal.

The concept is unpaid (defect). Classification of defects of welded joints and base metal products. Exterior (surface) and internal defects. Plane and volumetric defects. Types of defects, causes of their occurrence in welded joints and main metal products; Characteristic types of defects inherent in different welding methods. Measures preventing the occurrence of defects. Effect of defects on properties and technological strength of base metal and welded joints. Methods of correction of defects. Control methods, monitoring and rate of quality assessment of corrected sections of welded joints. The number of corrections on the same site.

1.5 Technical requirements for the quality of welded compounds and base metal.

General requirements for the quality of the welded joint and the main metal of the product. Input quality control of basic and welding metals. The requirements of the PTD on control in the process of preparation, assembly, welding (surfacing), heat treatment and when fixing defects. Technical requirements for structural forms and the location of welded joints on the product. Acceptance control of welded joints. NTD requirements to the quality of welded joints of TPP products and nuclear power plants.

1.6 Basic methods of quality control of welded joints (surfacing) of products.

Methods for controlling welded compounds (surfacing) and basic metal products non-destructive (physical) and destructive (laboratory) methods of control. Areas of their use and physical entity. Visual and measuring control of welded compounds (surfacing) and base metal products. Non-destructive testing methods: capillary, magnetic solid, ultrasonic, radiographic and tightness (gas and liquid). General information about the destructive methods for controlling welded joints. Advantages and disadvantages of non-destructive testing methods. Complex use of methods for controlling welded compounds (surfacing) and base metal products.

The quality of construction work should be in a special place. That is why the organization of such events requires primarily the organization of the employment process at a high level. At the same time, this includes not only the direct participation of persons in the construction of an object, but also logistics, which determines the methods, deadlines and the quality of delivery of the necessary materials or ready-made elements into the territory of construction. Therefore, simultaneously with the work related to the creation of a new object, actions are carried out to coordinate and verify the quality of the stages already passed.

Operational quality control of construction and installation work is part of the activities of supervisory authorities, which are designed to regulate the work in the field of creating new capital construction facilities. They track all types of technical measures for compliance with the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation. Each type of activity at a certain stage provides special rules and requirements to be followed.

Earthworks and first check

The initial and main work are primarily associated with the land plot, which assumes the construction of a new object or the reconstruction of old buildings. The guidance on the quality control of construction and installation work states that, if necessary, first of all, the soil section must be tested for compliance with the following conditions:

  • Is it necessary to additionally float the territory to bring it into a more even configuration;
  • Whether to create trenches, embankments or notes to create a favorable environment during construction and in accordance with the requirements of operational control

During the creation of new capital construction facilities, it must be remembered that for inspecting organizations it is important to fix each stage and every action in writing with the designations in the technical plan. The best option will be the magazine in which all technical documentation will be collected and the quality control system will be appreciated.

The scheme of operational quality control at this stage is aimed at checking compliance with citizens or legal entities the correctness of the location of the foundation, the correctness of the selected area of \u200b\u200bconstruction work. This includes a definition of use, respectively, a city-planning plan of the land plot and items established in building permission.

At this stage of activity, legal verification of the available documents occurs, as well as a visualized inspection of the territory to comply with the parameters of permitted construction and the presence of indents.

Bookmark Fundament

The most important stage, since it is it determines for subsequent actions. The integrity of the entire object will depend on the quality of the object of the property, the life of its service and the quality of the entire activities of the construction organization as a whole.

The organization of quality control of construction work in this case is aimed at checking the soil layer directly in the place where the foundation will be set. For this, it is additionally necessary to create a magazine quality of construction and installation work, which will be based on the shooting presented by the geodesist. Thus, there should be no construction debris or objects capable of disrupting the foundation layer. Also, all work should be carried out under normal weather conditions, without precipitation, or disruption of the integrity of the soil and its normal state.

It is important to take into account the quality of the structures that are made either from concrete or iron materials, their remoteness from each other and installation methods. Any violation of the scheme can lead to negative consequences, significantly reduce the life of the construction.

The tasks of operational quality control of construction work at the time of direct activities on the construction of buildings or structures are:

  • Creating a specific scheme of operational quality control of the used building materials and mixtures. Visual inspection of bricks, blocks, beam elements and slabs of overlappings to the outer state, the elimination of chips, damage and other disadvantages prohibiting the use of such elements during construction. Note in the magazine of flaws and measures taken to replace them;
  • Accounting for quality control circuit at the end of the device's main designs. Thus, a log is underway, which indicates the order of construction and installation of blocks and other systems (slabs of overlapping, beam elements and columns).

Such tasks are always solved in two stages. Initially, inspection occurs, and then check for compliance with the construction project. The entire spectrum of these checks is entered into a journal of work and then can serve as a basis for drawing up an act of hidden deficiencies in the implementation of installation organizations. It is important to remember that any deviations from standards at this stage will affect the quality of operation in the future. That is why the organizations first of all should think about security, which will guarantee the quality of their work.

Determination of roofing and insulation works

The start of repair and installation work occurs when installing insulation systems from water, noise and other negative factors. The construction scheme is not different from the type of buildings. Therefore, even non-residential premises should be decorated in such a way that the rules established by the technical supervision service were fully respected.

If we are talking about the reconstruction of any object, it is necessary to consider in what state is the entire systems of this structure at the moment. Therefore, in this case, control is reduced to checking the current state of elements of hydro and noise insulation, and then a plan to strengthen or replace current systems is produced.

As can be seen from the above, the operational control consists of many systems that cannot act separately from each other. A clearly developed scheme is needed and the maximum responsibility for the work done.

Any construction and installation work is accompanied by the quality control of the actions performed. Operational quality control of work is part of the activities of supervisory authorities involved in the creation of new capital construction facilities. Specialists of these bodies track all types of technical measures for compliance with current legislation.

The regulatory authorities will not complaints with construction and installation work:

  • if it is strictly withstanding the construction requirements set in the rules and norms;
  • fulfill all activities in accordance with state standards and documents of state supervision bodies;
  • take into account all the requirements of project documentation.

Operations of operational control are used materials. In addition, during control, the condition of the equipment and technology is checked, the presence of the necessary construction and installation documentation and much more.

Operational control is performed at different stages of construction: at the stage of excavation of earthworks, at the stages of the foundation, installation, carpentry and finishing actions.

Consider more each of these stages.

Control of earthworks

Initial construction works are associated with a land plot on which a new object is erected or the reconstruction of the existing one is performed. At this stage, a frustration can be filmed, the development of recesses, the arrangement of trenches and embankments.

When conducting control measures, experts visually check the labels for the rejection of land building formations from design parameters. In addition, specialists are checked by the compliance of geometric parameters and pitchers the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the project documentation. In parallel with the supervisory authority specialists, the documents are verified for their compliance with general regulatory requirements.

Thus, the operational control scheme at this stage is aimed at checking compliance with the correctness of the arrangement of the selected area for subsequent construction work.

Bookmark Fundament

One of the most important stages of construction and installation work is the bookmark of the foundation, which begins immediately after the completion of earthworks.

From the quality of the foundation of the capital construction object, all its integrity, reliability and durability will depend on the basis.

The control measures at this stage are aimed at checking the soil layer on which the foundation laying will be made. Experts check the composition of the soil, which should not contain the construction trash, ice and snow particles, any other rotting elements.

At the same time, the supervisory authority specialists determine the characteristics of blocks and structures that are planned to be used when booking the basis of the structure. The quality of the installation of building elements is monitored, the correctness of their location in the structures, distance from each other, the density of information and integrity. Any violations identified at this stage if they are not eliminated, in the future can lead to negative consequences and significantly reduce the life of the object.

Monitoring of installation work

Monitoring of installation works includes a large amount of activity. At this stage, the installation of reinforced concrete colon, beam elements, plates of overlapping, mines and panels are controlled.

The entire supervisory process can be divided into two stages:

  • external and measuring test of the used building materials and structures (assessment of the correspondence of beams, plates and other materials with the requirements of project documentation);
  • monitoring installation actions after their execution (checking the installation of objects to comply with the initially defined location).

At the first stage, the surfaces are inspected, the presence of cracks, concrete influx and other defects is checked. At the second stage, the existing deviations are estimated, the reliability of the fasteners. The results of the conducted control measures are the basis for drawing up the act of hidden deficiencies.

Control of joiner and finishing works

At the following stages, joiner and finishing works are controlled. As a rule, carpentry activities include mounting window and door blocks. Before installing them, the characteristics of the material used, including its compliance with the declared requirements, is performed. The appearance is estimated, the accuracy of the parameters is estimated, after which they are controlled directly by assembling actions, insulation of block structures, the correctness of their locations.

After that, finishing works are checked: the quality of materials, their compliance with environmental and project requirements.

The completion of finishing works entails control of the operational properties of the finish. At this stage, possible shortcomings of coatings are revealed and recommendations are given regarding their elimination.

Roofing, insulation and final events

Almost every project provides for the implementation of hydro, noise and thermal insulation activities. They are mandatory both for residential buildings and for most production facilities, and are designed to neutralize negative factors affecting an object from the outside.

Special attention is paid to the control of roofing.

Checked both the main designs and the quality of roofing materials, their density and reliability.

Thus, operating quality control includes a whole set of measures that should be implemented at each of the stages of construction and installation measures. Control measures provide for a high degree of responsibility from the auditory structures, since the quality of operational control does not directly affect the safety of the construction of the construction object.

Regulatory documents regulating the quality of construction and installation works, building materials, products and structures
Test methods and quality control of building materials, products and structures when performing construction and installation work
Part 1. Construction work
A. Earthworks
1. Development of recesses (tranches) under construction
2. Development of catlovanov excavators
3. Development of trenches under pipelines in unknown soils
4. Backside
5. Vertical layout
6. Device of embezzlement
B. Foundation Device
7. Installation of belts of tape foundations
8. Installation of blocks of walls underground buildings
9. Installation of blocks of a glass type
10. The device of pile foundations
11. Device of teams
12. Device of monolithic scratch
13. The device of horizontal waterproofing foundations from cement solutions
B. Concrete work
14. Installation of inventory formwork
15. Revenue work
16. Laying concrete mixes
17. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete walls
18. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete columns
19. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete foundations
Mr. Stone Work
20. Laying of walls
21. Laying partition
22. Laying Pillars
D. Mounting work
23. Installation of reinforced concrete columns of single-storey buildings
24. Installation of precast concrete columns of multi-storey buildings
25. Installation of reinforced concrete rheel, beams, farms
26. Installation of slabs of floors and coatings
27. Installation of staircase marches and sites
28. Installation of balcony plates and jumpers
29. Installation of outdoor wall panels of frame buildings
30. Installation of panels, blocks of bearing walls of buildings
31. Installation of bulk blocks of elevator mines
32. Installation of precast concrete ventilation blocks
33. Installation of bulk blocks
34. Installation of sanitary cabins
35. Installation of gypsum concrete partitions
36. Installation of asbestos-cement extrusion panels and plates
37. Installation of frame-and-wing partitions
38. Installation of walls from the Sandwich panels and polystic assembly
39. Welding of mounting compounds of reinforced concrete structures
40. Anticorrosive protection of steel mortgage products
41. Sealing joints
42. Measurement of joints and seams
43. Device of the garbage industry
E. Roofing and insulating work
44. Preparation of bases and underlying elements of insulation and roofing
45. The heat insulation device from bulk materials
46. \u200b\u200bHeat insulation device from plates
47. Device of isolation from rolled materials
48. The insulation device of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions
49. Roofing device from roll materials
50. Roofing device from piece materials
51. The roofing device from polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions
52. Device of the roof of metal
J. Joiner's work
53. Installing window blocks
54. Installation of door blocks
55. Device of antlesole, cabinets
Z. Flooring device
56. Preparation of soil bases under the floors
57. Device of a concrete underlying layer, screeds
58. Floor sound insulation device
59. Device of the floating waterproofing floor
60. Bitumen waterproofing device
61. Device of monolithic coatings
62. Flooring device from ceramic tile
63. Device of mosaic floors
64. The device of floors from polymeric materials
65. Laying of lags in floors floors
66. Laying of Lag on the Pilthies on the Soil Base
67. Device of board floors
68. Flooring device from piece parquet
69. The device of floors from the shield parquet
I. Finishing work
70. Plastering (simple plaster)
71. Plastering (improved stucco)
72. Plastering (high-quality plaster)
73. Plastering (coatings made of dry plaster plaster)
74. Painting works (painting by water compositions)
75. Painting works (painting anhydrous compositions)
76. Facing work
77. Wallpaper work
78. Glass work (glazing of the binding)
79. Glass work (installation of glass blocks and fiberglass)
80. Device of fencing of fiberglass
81. Finishing (facing) walls panels, sheets with factory finishing
82. Installation of suspended ceilings in the interiors of buildings
K. Improvement
83. Drainage device
84. Device of a cabinet from concrete and asphalt concrete
85. The device of sidewalks and tracks from the plates
86. The device of a rubber base and asphalt concrete coating
Part 2. Repair and construction work
1. Repair and strengthening of old foundations
2. Laying of precast concrete slabs of floors when reconstructing brick buildings
3. Device of monolithic sites in overlaps
4. Installation of slabs of floor beams
5. Strengthening brick columns and common
6. Installation of metal jumpers
7. Installation of stairs on metal cosos
8. Device of a chalk system from wooden elements
9. Repair of plaster
10. Repair of plaster facades of buildings
11. Coloring facades
12. Installation of stucco parts of facades
13. Installation of drain pipes
Part 3. Mounting work
1. Device of holes and furrows for laying pipelines
2. Installation of cast iron pressure pipelines
3. Installation of pressure pipes from asbestos-cement pipes
4. Installation of indoor cold and hot water pipelines
5. Installation of reinforced concrete and concrete non-pressure pipelines
6. Installation of sewage pipelines from ceramic pipes
7. Installation of the internal sewage system and drain
8. Installation of waterborne reinforcement
9. Installation of the bath and washbasin
10. Installation of sanitary devices
11. Installation of the internal heating system
12. Installation of metal air ducts
13. Electrical displacement device
14. Device of round reinforced concrete wells
15. Installation of heating chambers
16. Installation of disadvantaged channels
17. Isolation of pipelines of heat

Operational (or intermediate) control is carried out at construction sites in the process of performing production operations or construction processes and should ensure timely identification of defects, the reasons for their occurrence and acceptance of them to eliminate and prevent.

The composition and maintenance of operational control is regulated by the instructions of the RSN-73. These knowledge establishes the overall procedure for monitoring the implementation of construction and special work when erecting buildings and structures of various purposes. The task of operational control is to ensure the compliance of the construction and installation and special work of the project and the requirements of the regulatory document (SNiP, GOST, OST, etc.), as well as in increasing the responsibility of the performers for the quality of the works.

Intermediate control is carried out according to operational control schemes (Sokk).

The quality control circuit must contain:

■ Sketch of the design with the point of control point on it;

■ permissible deviations for SNiP;

■ basic technical characteristics of material or design (strength, frost resistance, fire resistance, etc.);

■ List of operations, the execution of which should check with reference to those who carry out this control - master, foreman);

■ control composition;

■ control method;

■ timing (stages);

■ List of operations controlled with the participation of a construction laboratory, a geodesic service, as well as specialists of certain types of work. If necessary, operations that require special tests (systems, nodes, etc.) are indicated;

■ List of hidden work subject to delivery of the customer technical supervision (examples of registration and content of operational control schemes are given in applications 2 and 3) ..

The organization of operational control and verification of its implementation is usually assigned to the main engineers of enterprises that are required to ensure the instruction of linear engineering and technical personnel (before the start of work) on the procedure for conducting operational control with the appropriate record in the journal of work on the construction of an object. Projects (masters) that produce operational work control should fill in special statistical control cards, which reflect the performed operation with a violation of regulatory requirements and not accepted from the first presentation. Detection during operational control defects, deviations from the project, GOST, remain completely eliminated before the execution of subsequent operations.

Installation of blocks of underground parts of buildings

13.03.01-87 PP. 3.5, 3.6, Table. 12

Limit deviations:

- from the combination of installation landmarks of walls of walls with risks of the center axes is not more than 12 mm;

- From the vertical of the top of the planes of the wall blocks -12 mm.

The solution march must match the project.

The mobility of the solution for the device bed must be 5-7 cm.

Installation of wall blocks should be performed with ligation.

Not allowed:

The use of the solution, the process of setting which has already begun, as well as the restoration of its plasticity by adding water;

Contamination of support surfaces.

Stages of work Controlled operations CONTROL

(method, volume)

Preparatory work Check:

Surface quality and appearance blocks, accuracy of their geometric sizes;

Transfer of the main axes of foundations for clutch;

Preparation of foundation blocks

to the installation, including the purification of support surfaces from pollution and land

Visual visual



Visual, each element

Passports on Plates and Locks, General Journal of Work



Installation of foundation blocks, matching their position in terms of and in height of the project requirements;

The density of the adjoining of the soles of the foundation blocks to the surface of the base;

Filling seams by cement solid according to the requirements of the project


General Journal of Work



Deviation from the vertical of the planes of wall blocks;

Deviation of the axes of the foundation blocks relative to the centering axes;

Filling seams between multiple blocks

Measuring, Each Element


Executive geodesic scheme, act of acceptance of work

Control and measuring instrument: Level, Roulette, metal line, plumb, rule.

Operational control is carried out: Master (foreman), geodesist - in the process of work. Acceptance controls are carried out: an employee of the quality service, master (foreman), a representative of the customer's technical supervision.
Requirements I am quality used designs

GOST 13580-85 *. Plates reinforced concrete tape foundations. Technical conditions. GOST 13579-78 *. Concrete blocks for basement walls. Technical conditions.

Up to 1000 mm - +10 mm;

St. 1000 to 1600 mm - ± 10 mm;

St. 1600 to 3200 mm - ± 15 mm.

Allowable length deviations and widths:

Deviation of the position of the mounting loop over the plane of the plate + 10 ... -5 mm. Deviations of the position of mortgage products:

In the plane of the plate - 10 mm;

From the plane of the plate - 3 mm.

Indirectinity of the upper plane plate in any section on the entire length or width:

Up to 1000 mm - 1.5 mm;

Over 1000 to 1600 mm - 3.0 mm;

Over 1600 to 3200 mm - 4.0 mm.

Not allowed:

On the surface of the shell plates with a diameter of more than 20 mm or chip edges of more than 20 mm.

Allowable block sizes deviations:

In length - ± 13 mm;

in width and height - ± 8 mm;

In size cuts - ± 5 mm.

The deviation from the straightness of the profile of the block surfaces should not exceed 3 mm on

the entire length and width of the block.

Not allowed:

- cracks, with the exception of local, surface, shrinkable width not more than 0.1 mm;

- exposure of reinforcement, with the exception of issues.

Instructions for the production of work SNiP 3.03.01-87 PP.

Installation of foundation designs is allowed only after the entire complex of earthworks, breakdown axes and base devices. Prior to the start of installation on the upper cuts of the foundation plates and blocks and their bases should be applied to the incommable risks, which fix the position of the plates and block axes, the supporting surfaces of the plates and blocks should be cleaned of contamination. The installation of wall blocks should be made, starting with the installation of the light air blocks in the corners of the building and at the intersection of the axes. Light blocks are set by combining their axial risks with the risks of the center axes in two mutually perpendicular directions. The installation of ordinary blocks should be started after reconciling the position of the lateral blocks in the plan and height.

Private blocks should be installed, orienting the bottom on the edge of the blocks of the bottom row, the top is on the center axis. The blocks of outer walls, installed below the soil level, need to be aligned on the inside of the wall, and above - on the outer side. Vertical and horizontal seams must be filled with a solution and embroidered on both sides.

Installation of balcony plates and jumpers

Technical requirements

SNiP 3.03.01-87 PP. 3.5, 3.6, Table. 12
Balcony plates:

The difference in the plane level of the plane of the balcony and floor of the room should be no more than 80-1000 mm;

The slope of the balcony plate from the outer wall is 2%.


Allowable deviations of the stamping surfaces of the wall -10 mm;

The magnitude of supporting jumpers on the walls - by the project;

The side surface of the jumpers should not go beyond the wall plane.

Requirements for the quality of the materials used

GOST 25697-83 *. Plates of balconies and loggias are reinforced concrete. General specifications. GOST 948-84. Jumpers are reinforced concrete for buildings with brick walls. Technical conditions.

Composition of operations and controls

Stages of work Controlled operations CONTROL

(method, volume)

Preparatory work Check:

Availability of a document on quality;

Surface quality

accuracy of geometric parameters, appearance of plates, jumpers;

The presence of marking determining the design positions of plates and jumpers


Visual measuring each element

Passports (Certificates), General Journal of Work
Installation of balcony plates Control:

Installation of balcony plates in the project position;

Quality of welding work;

Installation of reinforced concrete jumpers in the project position

Measuring, Each Element

Visual, measuring measuring, each element


journal of Works, Journal

welding work

Acceptance of work performed Check:

The actual position of mounted plates and jumpers;

The quality of the welding compounds, insulating the joints;

Appearance of elements

Measuring technical inspection visual Act of inspection (acceptance) of work performed

Metal Tools: Metal Roulette, Metal Line, Reference, Level, Level.
Operational control is carried out: Master (foreman), engineer (laboratory manter) - in the process of work.
Acceptance controls are carried out: employees of quality service, master (foreman), representatives of the customer technician.

Name deviations NAME Limit
From geometric parameter geometric parameter Deviation, mm.
Line-sized deviation Length of products, mm:
up to 2500. ± 6.
sv. 2500 to 4000. ± 8.
sv. 4000. ± 10.
Width and height ± 5.
Deviation of mortgage positions Position of mortgage parts:
details in the plane 3
from the plane 5
Deviation from straightness Straightness of the face surface
by lenght ± 3.

Jumpers reinforced concrete is allowed to be manufactured with a technological slope of side and end faces. The size of the lower edge of the jumper can be less than the corresponding size of the upper face:

In length - up to 20 mm;

In width - up to 8 mm.

The values \u200b\u200bof real deviations of the geometric parameters of jumpers and balcony plates should not exceed the limit specified in the table.

Fat and rusty spots are not allowed on the front surfaces of reinforced concrete products. Marking inscriptions and signs are applied on the end side of the jumper, and on the balcony plate - on the end face hidden in the wall. Marking inscription must contain:

Brand of product;

Short name of the manufacturer;

Date of manufacture;

The magnitude of the mass of the product.

Instructions for the production of work

SNiP 3.03.01-87 PP. 2.112, 3.4.

Balcony plates and jumpers are mounted simultaneously with the construction of exterior walls. Supporting parts of masonry under the precast concrete structures should be performed from the whole brick with tile rows.

When installing balcony plates, it is necessary to perform temporary mounts in the form of backups from the bar. Immediately it is necessary to perform a constant mount in accordance with the requirements of the project. Metal mortgage parts hidden in masonry are subject to anti-corrosion coating.

On the welding of reinforcement, mortgage parts and on the seal of balcony plates, acts of examination of hidden works should be drawn up.