Repairs Design Furniture

Training for staff "Emotional burnout prevention. Fast removal of emotional stress, anxiety and voltage

Exercise "Consider the subject"


Participants are invited to choose from those proposed leading or find any small item that will be interested in their appearance, and take it in hand. "Sit comfortably, relax and just carefully look at the item that is in your hands. Concentrate on it. Now there is only this subject for you, everything else has departed to the back plan ...

What are you interested in this subject? .. look out what is its color, form?. . What is he on the touch? .. Inspect it from all sides, in all the details ... Concentrate for a minute, another on this subject, notice such features that are not visible at first glance ... "

Meaning exercise

"You see how much interesting can be found even in the simplest thing, if you carefully look at it! We run somewhere, worry, fuss and just lookedched to look at what surrounds us. Want to relax, feel calmly and confidently - stop your bustle for a minute, open your eyes sewn and just look carefully what is around. And you will probably see a lot of interesting and unusual ... "


Each participant demonstrates its subject and tells that he was interested in noticing with his detailed consideration.

Exercise "Air Ball"


Participants accept a convenient posture, close their eyes, breathe deeply and smoothly. "Now we will learn to relax with breathing. Imagine that in your stomach you have an air ball. You breathe slowly, deeply deep, and feel like it is inflated ... So it has become big and easy. When you feel that you can not inflate it anymore, keep your breath, slowly count to yourself up to five, after which it slowly and calmly exhale. The ball is blown away ... And then - "again again ... Make it five or six times, then slowly open your eyes and quietly sit one or two minutes."

Meaning exercise

Effective voltage removal technique including both respiratory exercise and meditation element. When you feel that I am very frightened or losing control over yourself because of irritation, it is enough to ride such a way for two or three minutes, and it will become much easier.


Exercise "Seven Candles"


"Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You calmly, comfortable and comfortable ... You breathe deeply and smoothly ... Imagine that at a distance of about a meter there are seven burning candles from you ... Make a slow, inhabitual breath. And now imagine that you need to blew one of these candles. Spend as stronger in its direction, completely exhausing the air.

The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out ... You again make a slow deep breath, and then bloom the next candle. And so all seven ... "Exercise is best done for calm gentle music, in a semi-plane room.

Meaning exercise

Easy and efficient relaxation technique that combines the concentration on an imaginary object and breathing exercise.


How did the state of the participants change as this exercise? Where in real life situations may be helpful of such a technique?

Exercise "Shashore"


Participants are asked to comfortably sit down, relax and close their eyes. They are given the following instructions: "Imagine that you are inside, at the chest level, a bright lamp is burning covered with lampshade. When the light goes down, you warmly, calm and comfortable. But sometimes when we start nervous, the lampshade turns the lamp. ... A sharp light beats in the eyes, blinds us, becomes hot and uncomfortable.

Imagine this situation. But in our power to fix it. Imagine how the lampshade is slowly and smoothly rotates down, takes a normal position. The blinding light disappears, you again get warm, cozy and comfortable ... "

Meaning exercise

Such technique can be used for express regulation of your emotional state, quickly removing stress.


How detailed it was possible to imagine the described situation? How did the state of the participants change as they mentally turned the lampshade? Where and how in real life you can use such a reception of self-regulation?

Training on removal of emotional stress in the group

Emotional stress is the psycho-physiological state of the organism, characterized by the adequate severity of emotional reactions. Such a state allows you to best fulfill the goals and objectives. Emotional voltage resource at a certain time interval. Long-term foundation in emotional stress causes stress and state of chronic fatigue.

Emotional stress reduction strategies.

1. Strategy breakdown and decrease. Concentrate your attention on small details of any important business or situations for you, remove the result of the result.

"Eat the entire elephant is immediately impossible, in parts and gradually - you can". The concentration on particulars and small parts makes the whole situation not as significant so that it is very emotionally worried. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and common goal in order not to get confused in the details. Strategy for breaking and decreasing allows you to switch attention, which helps to reduce the level of emotional voltage.

2. Comparison of the situation or any activity with something big, the main thing. Reducing significance.

"All nonsense, compared with the world revolution." So they spoke revolutionaries and resistantly transferred the burden and deprivation of a revolutionary struggle. In business, you can argue so. The project, because of which you are experiencing, much less compared to the projects of the entire company. It was already doing others, they turned out, it means that you are.

3. Setting certainty. Often concern occurs when there is not enough information to make a decision.

Get the necessary information, find the necessary resources to eliminate uncertainty. "Knowledge is power" and calm, if there is an understanding of the situation, forecasting the result, possible action options.

4. Modeling a plurality of acceptable results.

Distribute all possible results of activities or permission. Find positive moments in them. Some options will arrange more, some less, but in any case, it is better to be ready for different options, while knowing how to use each result from the most efficient.

5. Deposition for a time (if possible) decision making, resolving the situation. The ability to delay removes emotional stress, allows you to distract, switch attention, removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

So people are arranged that it is difficult to worry when you need to work intensively physically. Emotional tension falls with intensive swimming, visiting a bath, running. Any motor activity balances emotions, makes them more stable. For example, in a village, where heavy physical work begins at 4 o'clock in the morning and ends with a sunset, people are more emotionally stable than the townspeople. Once it is necessary to work.

7. Written fixation of the situation and the causes of emotional experience.

It is difficult to reflect its state on paper, however, this is an effective way to reduce emotional experiences. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations - not issued verbal, there is no accurate name. Describing its state on paper, you will formulate clearly that there is at the moment. The awareness and formulation of the problem situation reduces its emotional experience.

8. Humor and work with negative emotions.

Especially it is worth noting humor as a means of working with negative emotions.

Everything that becomes funny, ceases to be dangerous. Jealousy, treason, love, business - how many tragedies are written about it. And the same comedy reconciles people with reality when we laugh above jealousy, treason, love, business, more often, other people. Humor is infectious, and funny communication brings together and helps to go through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating a positive emotion.

It is useful to know the anecdotes, aphorisms suitable for you from life from life. And not just know, but to tie them to life situations where they will be, as they say, in the topic. You can simply create your collection of positive anecdotes and aphorisms that you like, they will be kinda, metaphors for specific situations. To laugh at something, it means to devalue, reduce the importance of difficult experiences. Even a simple holding smile for 5 minutes, allows you to improve the mood. There is a phrase "Try to be polite, then you will get used to", by analogy, "try to smile, then you will get used to a good mood."

9. bringing the experience to the absurd, for example, exaggeration or understatement, mitigation.

Emotions have their own dynamics, so it is useful to experiment and exaggerate the experience or smallest, watching how to change the emotional state. For example, if you are worried about the upcoming negotiations, imagine that this is the biggest world problem, much more serious than hunger in Africa, war, death. After all, if negotiations are not going on, then the sun will stop getting up in the east, the rivers will reverse, the earthquake will begin, life will stop. On the other side can be understood. Negotiations are an insignificant part of your great life how many years have lived regardless of the result of some negotiations, so it will be further, it's just one moment in the infinite communication of people, unless he can be important, etc.

The purpose of the training: Removing emotional stress, through group interaction, form a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increase group tone.

1. Exercise "Acquaintance" (7-10 min.)

purpose: Abstraction from real - social roles.

Materials: Badzhiki, handles.

Structure exercise.

Participants create a role (preferably abstracted from usual life). Invent the names, according to which they will contact them throughout the training. Then, in turn, each member of the group meets the rest, in accordance with a pleasant role.

Issues for discussion:

    Did you easily do this exercise?

    Your impressions of the exercise?

    Did you confuse during the task?

2. Exercise "non-verbal communication" (5-10min)

purpose: Configure participants to active tasks, training skills of a figurative expressive message, the development of abilities for group creativity.

Materials: not

Instructions: All participants become in a circle (back in the circle). "Let any of you think about any item that we will be incorrectly transmitted in a circle. The subject must be such that in reality can be transmitted to each other. ". Trener is waiting for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, asks the participant who has conceived the subject, not to call it out loud and gives it time to prepare for the transfer (1 - 2 minutes).

Structure exercise: "So, now the first participant will give his subject to the neighbor to the left. At the same time, he, and then, and we will all use only non-verbal means, and the one who is transmitted to, should understand what subject it received. The resulting item, in turn, transmits it to his neighbor on the left, etc. Thus, the item will move along an external circle counterclockwise and eventually should return to Eugene, if everyone is attentive and will not allow any object transformations. By this time, all participants will face a face in a circle, as each, passing the subject, can turn into a circle. Let's start".

After the subject returns to the sender, the coach, moving from the last, but now clockwise (in the opposite direction), asks everyone in turn, which everyone received, and what passed.

For complication of exercises and increasing activity, as well as in order to get more material for discussion, it is possible to propose simultaneously to start the transfer of your items to three members of the group, which is approximately an equal distance from each other in different places of the circle. When discussing, the attention of the participants may be drawn to those moments that contribute or prevent mutual understanding. This, in particular, can go that in communication each of the participants is responsible for the result. The one who conveys information should try to do it clearly, clearly understandable for the other, i.e. Transfer information spends certain efforts to think about how gestures used by them can be perceived, understood, interpreted by those people to which they are intended. On the other hand, the receiving information must, first of all, think about what sense could be in this or that gesture of his partner is not to rush to interpretation.

Issues for discussion:

    Have there been difficulties when performing a task?

    What prevented and what contributed to the effective achievement of the goal?

3. Main part (35-50min.)

Plasticotherapy is a soft and deep method of working with your personality. This training for those who are tired of negative emotions, and who wants to regain calm and peace. The technique can be successfully used to prevent and overcome the "professional burnout syndrome", which is well-known specialists of social professions.

purpose: learn a new way to remove stress, stress, fatigue; "Throw" negative energy to a safe way and convert it to a positive; harmonize emotional state; deeper to understand yourself; Feel a tide of creative forces.

Materials: Plasticine, Watman, simple pencils, suitable music and fantasy participants.


    Crave your emotional state.

    "Talk to him, expressing everything you want.

    Transform it (can be very rude) to what you want.

    Prepare many balls of different sizes from any plastic material.

    Closing your eyes, pull out anything from these balls.

    Make a group composition on a specified topic for a short time.

Structure exercise: The group sits in the table of the table, they are offered Watman, plasticine and simple pencils. Instructions are given, after which the participants proceed to the task.

Issues for discussion:

    Is it easy to do the exercise?

    What difficulties did you encounter when performing a task?

    Did the differences arise during the work?

4. Relaxation (5-10 min.)

purpose: Demonstrate and teach a method for the normalization of the emotional sphere, withdrawing negative emotions, enhancing positive experiences.

Structure exercise: Participants are sitting more comfortably, light turns off, music is turned on and a certain text is read.

Support text for exercise:

    My eyes are closing.

    I calm down.

    I am relaxing.

    I feel calm and easy.

    My body relaxes.

    With each exhalation my body is increasingly relaxing

    I'm calm.

    I am relaxed.

    I'm calm, easy and pleasant.

    With each exhale I am all calmer, lighter and more pleasant

    I rest, I feel good.

    My face relaxes.

    My forehead relaxes.

    The forehead is completely relaxed.

    My nose is relaxing.

    The nose is completely relaxed.

    My cheeks relax.

    The cheeks are completely relaxed.

    My face is completely relaxed.

    My head is completely relaxed.

    Relaxed right hand.

    Relaxed Right Brush.

    Relaxing the right forearm.

    Right shoulder relaxes.

    The right hand is completely relaxed.

    Relaxed left hand.

    Relaxed left brush.

    Relaxed left forearm.

    Relaxed left shoulder.

    Left hand completely relaxed.

    Both hands are completely relaxed.

    Pleasant warmly fills my hands.

    My hands are nanich with pleasant severity.

    I am completely calm and relaxed. My right leg relaxes.

    Relaxed right foot.

    Relaxing right shin, knee.

    Relaxed the right thigh.

    Right leg completely relaxed

    Relaxing left stop.

    Relaxed left shin, knee.

    Relaxed the left thigh.

    Left leg is completely relaxed.

    Pleasant warmly fills my legs.

    My legs are nanich with pleasant severity.

    I am completely calm and relaxed. Pelvic muscles relax.

    Relaxing back muscles.

    Abdominal muscles relax.

    My body is completely relaxed.

    My body is inflicted with pleasant warmth and severity.

    I am a calm person.

    I am a strong man.

    I rested.

    I feel like pouring ease.

    I feel a tide of strength.

    I am pouring freshness and vigor.

    I'm full of energy!

    I want to get up and act!

    Eyes - open.

    I get up!

Exercises for removing excess voltage

Exercise 1.

Standing and sitting to check from top to bottom, from the head to toe, the tension of the muscles, seeking the calm neutral state of the whole body.

First of all, the facial expansion is checked. Some people involuntarily move their eyebrows, pursuar eyes, the mouth is shoved, etc. All this can be eliminated by tip from the side or with a mirror. Very often, the neck is strained from nervousness, and the shoulders are raised. We must free them.

Then freely omit or fold the hands, which from the voltage have the property "Crash".

Then mentally check the spinal ridge, removing both excessive lethargy, leading to shortness, and excessive stiffness when they say that the man "swallowed Arshin".

Often, the voltage occurs in the legs, knees and feet. It urges a gait, makes it sharp and "wooden". And vice versa. The support on the toe fingers gives a gait plasticity and completeness.

Exercise 2.

Task: First you need to relax the muscles of your body from the fingers of the legs to the head, and then gradually restore the required voltage.

At the same time, participants need to be explained that the complete relaxation of the muscles is possible only when the exercise is done in the lying position. Sitting on a chair, you can completely relax only the muscles of the hands, legs, neck, faces. In the back remains the necessary share of the voltage, which does not give a seated fall from the chair. Raising the hand or foot of the sitting, the head of the lesson should feel the severity of the "born" muscles. If you unexpectedly lower your hand or leg, they should fall freely.

Sometimes people take muscle relaxation for their freedom. Relaxation is the same obstacle for normal well-being, as an excessive voltage, as it deprives people the ability to act. Muscle freedom is that dose (degree) of muscular voltage, which is necessary for action. If you, lighting a match of boxes, spend less power than you need, the match will not light up; If you attach more power - it will break. The movement will be free if there will be exactly so much forces as needed to find the match.

The exercise on the liberation of the muscles must be continued until you learn at your own will instantly strain and release any muscle. This ability to mechanically find and remove excessively voltage is possible only with significant independent operation. Every day, systematically, at all times its existence it is necessary to produce this habit. Only in the event that the muscular controller will help you if you introduce it to your physical nature, make it your second nature.

Exercise 3.

Work over muscle attention skills - the ability to quickly and accurately direct muscle control to any muscle group.

Bend and wear all my might strain the index finger of the right hand. Check how the muscular energy is located, where does the voltage go? In neighboring fingers, and also? In brush hands. And then go. In the elbow, in the shoulder, in the neck. And the left hand for some reason strains. Check!

Try to remove excessive stress. Keep your finger intense, but free your neck. Free shoulder, then elbow. It is necessary that the hand moves freely. And the finger is tense, as before! Remove the excessive stress from the thumb. Now with Unnamed. And the index finger is still intense! Remove the voltage.

Strain the left foot - as if you were sticking a nail into the floor with a heel. Check how muscle energy is distributed in the body. Why strained and right leg? And there is no excessive voltage in the back?

Stand up. Bend. Strain the back, as if you put a drawer on your back with a big cargo. Check the voltage in the body. Knees are not too tense? And the eyes, why get out of orbits?

Exercise 4.

Tens up muscle control mechanism. Sit down Check if there is no excess voltage. The body is light, free. You are ready to get ready for any action.

Now pull out and strain the entire left hand, from the shoulder to the fingertips. Can you move your hand? It means it is not tense enough. Strain it extremely. Now remove the voltage from the shoulder as much as possible, but try to leave the same tension from the elbow to the fingertips. There is?

Remove the voltage in the elbow, leave the hand strained only. Check - shoulder and elbow must move freely. Now make the most difficult - remove the voltage surplus from the brush, focus it only in the last joints of the fingers. Try to leave the voltage only in the tips of your fingers, in the pads themselves. Remove all the voltage, in addition that keeps your hand elongated. There is? Remove all the tension and lower the hand.

Exercise 5.

Try to walk with a tense right foot, leaving everything else free. Then, according to its own or external signal, the foot is released on the go, and it is strained instead and then the hand or neck is released. In this exercise it is important to learn how to strain and free the muscles on the move. Therefore, such exercises are performed until they walked well to them.

Exercise 6.

Please accept some favorite posture and without changing it, determine where you have excessive tension. Remove it, leaving so much voltage as needed for this posture.

Exercise "Openness"

Purpose: Creating an internal openness state for communication.

To exclude emotions that block the dialogue, and create an internal state of openness, we offer such an exercise. Before you - the interlocutor (student, colleague at work, family member). Try to give your face goodwill, smile, nim the interlocutor as a sign that you are listening carefully. Swipe your soul in front of a person with whom you interact, try to go to him psychologically closer. Happened! Well, now join the dialogue.

Exercise "Hands"

Purpose: removal of fatigue, the establishment of mental equilibrium.

Sit on a chair, stretching a little legs and a twisted arms down. Try to imagine that the fatigue "flows" from the head to the shoulders, then by forearms, reaches the elbows, then the hands of the hands and "follows" through the fingertips. You physically feel the severity, moving along your hands. Sit so 1.5-2 minutes, and then slightly shake hands, finally getting rid of your fatigue. Easy, spring stand, walk around the room.

Exercise "Head"

Purpose: Removal of voltage, headaches, gravity in the occipital head.

Start straight, straightening your shoulders and slightly throwing back the head back. Try to understand what part of the head feel severity. Imagine that you will wear a bulky headdress that presses on the head in the place in which you feel severity. Mentally remove this headdress with your hand, expressively, emotionally throw it to the floor. Shake your head, correct your hair on my head, and then reset your hands down, as if getting rid of headaches.


    Sakovich N.A. Methodology for art therapy. -PB, 2005 - 42 p.

    Kopytin A.I. (Ed.) Art therapy. Reader. - SPB, 2002.- 320 p.

Stress removal

Stress is always tension. The tension of the mind, body and soul. To remove stress and you need to remove the voltage at all levels.

Stress leads to voltage. And the tension causes disease, anxiety, or panic attacks.

To heal the disease, physical or mental insufficient drugs, you need to remove the voltage.

Removal of accumulated voltage - It is prevention in the body, which means the prevention of almost any disease or a painful state.

Stress removal is the removal of voltage.

In this article I will give my favorite exercises TCM to remove stress and tension.

Exercises TKM for tension removal training

Exercises TKM. - This training for breathing, imagination and movement, which are carried out in a single rhythm, relate to each other and repeatedly enhance the effect. Sometimes TKM exercises are complemented by pressing certain points and.

I already represented to your attention simple exercises for relaxation from the "Qigong on the sofa" cycle - easy to learn and in the training.

There are many exercises TCM on the removal of voltage

To properly perform the ability and habit of controlling both parties to movement, which are presented in the space of consciousness by attention and perception, in the space of breathing - inhalation and exhalation, in the body of the body - the sensation and movement.

Removal of bodily voltage: exercise TKM "Compression brush in a fist"

The exercise of TCM on relaxation may be simple as a compression of a brush in a fist.

Hands semi-bent in the elbow, placed in front of her palms up.

In the first part, on the breath (Try to breathe slowly, smoothly, deeply, calmly, smoothly like when), in Lada with breathing, you compress your brushes into a fist, trying to distribute the effort so that the peak point of the voltage coincides with the end of the inhalation and filling the lungs.

However, it is necessary to focus on consciousness in the second part, directing efforts to exhalation, consequently, the release of voltage in the brush as the palm is extension, make as slow as possible, smooth and smooth.

This exercise on the removal of voltage in the body should be repeated six times, that is, to produce 6 complete inhalation and exhalation cycles.

Removing the mind tension: exercise TKM "Face Muscle Relaxation"

The main requirement for the state of mind in TCM is the lack of extra thoughts. A relaxed mind is the ability to focus on what is happening and released a reflection object, as soon as we move to a new case.

Strain the mind is much easier than relaxing, because the stress of the mind is his natural state.

A simple exercise of TCM on the relaxation of the mind is based on the fact that when the work of the muscles of the face necessarily occurs. If you relax your face, then the mind will relax.

You should sit down exactly, putting hands in front of your knees or on the table withdrawn up the palms.

On the breath Simultaneously with the compression of the brush in the fist, it is also slow and tensely close the eyes (gritting) and squeeze lips (into the tube).

The second part of the exercise is more important because it is necessary to make an effort to relax.

On smooth and slow Exhale At the same time, to open the palms, slowly release the tension in the eyes and face and slowly raise the eyelids.

To completely relax the mind, TKM prescribes to do this training six times.

Removing the tension of the soul: exercise TKM on the "ability to maintain balance of feelings"

In China, the ability to maintain mental, emotional equilibrium in all circumstances and in was always appreciated.

If you are a long-time subscriber of my blog, you know that feelings and emotions, human soul emanations are fixed in the muscles in the body. This means that the balance of the soul is directly connected with the ability to maintain a bodily equilibrium.

There is a simple exercise of TCM to develop a sense of equilibrium of the soul by relaxing - the ability to stand on one leg and smoothly carry the severity of the body from one leg to another. The most vulnerable to equilibrium emotions are the transition points from inhalation to exhale and vice versa.

Stand on the left leg arbitrarily, without tension, right to lower freely.

On the breath raise my right leg up, at the same time bending it in the knee, and on exhaling Lower it back, simultaneously blending. Wherein. It is desirable that the fingers of the legs stretch into your side, forming a straight angle with a stop and opening it with a surface.

Then, standing on two legs, shift the center of gravity from the left foot to the center and do inhale, lifting smoothly hands with palms down, on exhaling Lower hands.

Shift the center of gravity on the right leg, do inhale and exhale With lifting with lowering left legs.

Get smooth and slow steps from foot to foot. It is important that it was smooth, smooth, thin, deep and long.

The cycle of exercise TKM on the balance of the soul consisting of four parts is repeated nine times.

Exercise TKM: Samomassage with insomnia

In the picture "Samomassage under insomnia" show 5 reasons for insomnia as a state of stress.

Massage points from insomnia: TKM training

Training is a self-massage of certain points on the head, which is shown in the picture-illustration from the book on TCM receptions for self-healing.

Share the exercises training of voltage removal tools by TCM:

Meditation: the ancient wisdom of Lao-Jusun

Well when stress helps meditation. I suggest you to remember on the passage from the book Lao-Jun "reasoning about a hundred diseases and praise hundred drugs." Read what is a disease for a person, but what is the medicine.

Forgetting about the laws of life, pursue personal benefits is a disease.
Doing good deeds, wait for rejunction is a disease.
Giving something to people, regret it is a disease.
Talking with a fool is a disease.
consider people with curves, and directly the disease.

Do not take what it gets on top of the laid is a medicine.
Using the high position, create good deeds is a medicine.
Store the serenity of peace in the absence of aspirations is a medicine.
Contact, stopped, modest and compliant - this is a medicine.
Aspiration to the power of the Spirit and the suspension of the temptations of the flesh is a medicine.

Herbs TKM (Fungology) from Stress \u003e\u003e\u003e

  • 9 Tactic to say "no" and establish boundaries in the relationship. To be able to say no - an important skill of communication, which will help you feel beautifully [...]
  • Training on removal of emotional stress in the group

    Emotional tension - the psycho-physiological state of the organism, characterized by the adequate severity of emotional reactions. Such a state allows you to best fulfill the goals and objectives. Emotional voltage resource at a certain time interval. Long-term foundation in emotional stress causes stress and state of chronic fatigue.

    Emotional stress reduction strategies.

    1. Strategy breakdown and decrease. Concentrate your attention on small details of any important business or situations for you, remove the result of the result.

    "Eat the entire elephant is immediately impossible, in parts and gradually - you can". The concentration on particulars and small parts makes the whole situation not as significant so that it is very emotionally worried. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and common goal in order not to get confused in the details. Strategy for breaking and decreasing allows you to switch attention, which helps to reduce the level of emotional voltage.

    2. Comparison of the situation or any activity with something big, the main thing. Reducing significance.

    "All nonsense, compared with the world revolution." So they spoke revolutionaries and resistantly transferred the burden and deprivation of a revolutionary struggle. In business, you can argue so. The project, because of which you are experiencing, much less compared to the projects of the entire company. It was already doing others, they turned out, it means that you are.

    3. Setting certainty. Often concern occurs when there is not enough information to make a decision.

    Get the necessary information, find the necessary resources to eliminate uncertainty. "Knowledge is power" and calm, if there is an understanding of the situation, forecasting the result, possible action options.

    4. Modeling a plurality of acceptable results.

    Distribute all possible results of activities or permission. Find positive moments in them. Some options will arrange more, some less, but in any case, it is better to be ready for different options, while knowing how to use each result from the most efficient.

    5. Deposition for a time (if possible) decision making, resolving the situation. The ability to delay removes emotional stress, allows you to distract, switch attention, removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

    So people are arranged that it is difficult to worry when you need to work intensively physically. Emotional tension falls with intensive swimming, visiting a bath, running. Any motor activity balances emotions, makes them more stable. For example, in a village, where heavy physical work begins at 4 o'clock in the morning and ends with a sunset, people are more emotionally stable than the townspeople. Once it is necessary to work.

    7. Written fixation of the situation and the causes of emotional experience.

    It is difficult to reflect its state on paper, however, this is an effective way to reduce emotional experiences. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations - not issued verbal, there is no accurate name. Describing its state on paper, you will formulate clearly that there is at the moment. The awareness and formulation of the problem situation reduces its emotional experience.

    8. Humor and work with negative emotions.

    Especially it is worth noting humor as a means of working with negative emotions.

    Everything that becomes funny, ceases to be dangerous. Jealousy, treason, love, business - how many tragedies are written about it. And the same comedy reconciles people with reality when we laugh above jealousy, treason, love, business, more often, other people. Humor is infectious, and funny communication brings together and helps to go through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating a positive emotion.

    It is useful to know the anecdotes, aphorisms suitable for you from life from life. And not just know, but to tie them to life situations where they will be, as they say, in the topic. You can simply create your collection of positive anecdotes and aphorisms that you like, they will be kinda, metaphors for specific situations. To laugh at something, it means to devalue, reduce the importance of difficult experiences. Even a simple holding smile for 5 minutes, allows you to improve the mood. There is a phrase "Try to be polite, then you will get used to", by analogy, "try to smile, then you will get used to a good mood."

    9. bringing the experience to the absurdity,for example, exaggeration or understatement, mitigation.

    Emotions have their own dynamics, so it is useful to experiment and exaggerate the experience or smallest, watching how to change the emotional state. For example, if you are worried about the upcoming negotiations, imagine that this is the biggest world problem, much more serious than hunger in Africa, war, death. After all, if negotiations are not going on, then the sun will stop getting up in the east, the rivers will reverse, the earthquake will begin, life will stop. On the other side can be understood. Negotiations are an insignificant part of your great life, how many years have lived regardless of the result of some negotiations, so it will be further, it's just one moment in the infinite communication of people, unless it can be important, and so on.

    The purpose of the training: Removing emotional stress, through group cooperation, form a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increase group tone.

    Exercise "Do we know each other"

    All set into the circle back to the one who is in the center. Driving calls each name from the back. When the participant correctly calls someone's name, he turns and sits down, if not, continues to stand back to him. If someone did not remember several names, then you need to work with him to the dawn.

    Exercise "Journey to the newspaper"

    Need: Whistle, newspapers.

    Structure exercise:Participants are divided into subgroups of 4 - 5 people. Each subgroup is the crew of the spacecraft. On the floor, the newspapers are unfolded by the number of crews. The task of the crew - everyone without exception to accommodate its spacecraft.

    The whistle of the leading crews occupy their places. Two whistle - returned to its original position. The newspapers are twice as well, and the game is repeated. This is happening until at least one carriage can find a way to take your "spacecraft".

    Exercise "Ivanov family"

    The game promotes

    Materials and equipment:chairs, cards by number of participants.

    Game description:At the beginning of the game, there are chairs in the number of families of families formed backs inside the circle (one chair for one family of 4 people).

    Participants are distributed Cards on which the roles of family members are indicated. The family consists of 4 people: Father, Mother, Son and Daughter. For example, Ivanov's father, Ivanov's mother, son of Ivanov, Ivanov's daughter (also with other families: Petrov, Sidorov, Klochkov, balls, bagels).

    According to the signal of the leading participants, they go through the audience and exchange cards (cards are held by the backward side).

    By the signal "Family!" Participants need to read the inscription on their card, collect families and sit on one of the chairs as follows: The first father sits down, behind him - mother, then the son, and, finally, the daughter (participants get to his knees to each other). The family wins the first to fulfill the task.

    The game can be repeated by starting it from sharing cards.

    Exercise "Collance on a free topic"

    Purpose of exercise: Develop the ability of the group to come to the general opinion, to compromise, be able to negotiate.

    Materials: Watman, simple pencils, glossy magazines, glue, appropriate music and fantasy participants.

    Structure exercise:

    The group sits around the table, they are offered Watman, simple pencils, glossy magazines and glue. The group is determined with the subject of collage (nature, animals, etc.), together agree together who draws the selected drawing (preferably so that together, the drawing should be volumetric). Participants must distribute colors and then place on the Watman, which they will fill.

    Issues for discussion:

    1. Is it easy to decide on the topic?

    2. Were there difficulty choosing a picture?

    3. Are disagreements arose during the work?

    Exercise "will have time - will not have time !?"

    The game promotes creating a favorable atmosphere.

    Materials and equipment: Two scarf, tape recorder.

    Game description:Participants are in a circle. The 1st and 8th participants receive one sharp, they throw them on their neck and tie into two nodes.

    By command of the leading participants, they begin to transfer the scarf clockwise to the music. At the same time, each participant must throw him on her neck, tie into two nodes, then untie them and convey to another.

    Scarves must "catch up" each other, being on one player.


    purpose: demonstrate and train a method for the normalization of the emotional sphere, withdrawing negative emotions, intensifying positive experiences.

    Structure exercise: Participants are sitting comfortable, light turns off, music is turned on and a certain text is read.

    Support text for exercise:

      My eyes are closing. I calm down. I am relaxing. I feel calm and easy. My body relaxes. With each exhale, my body is increasingly relaxing. I am calm. I am relaxed. I'm calm, easy and pleasant. With each exhalation, I am still calm, I am easier and more pleasant, I rest, I feel good. My face relaxes. My forehead relaxes. The forehead is completely relaxed. My nose is relaxing. The nose is completely relaxed. My cheeks relax. The cheeks are completely relaxed. My face is completely relaxed. My head is completely relaxed. Relaxed right hand. Relaxed Right Brush. Relaxing the right forearm. Right shoulder relaxes. The right hand is completely relaxed. Relaxed left hand. Relaxed left brush. Relaxed left forearm. Relaxed left shoulder. Left hand completely relaxed. Both hands are completely relaxed. Pleasant warmly fills my hands. My hands are nanich with pleasant severity. I am completely calm and relaxed. My right leg relaxes. Relaxed right foot. Relaxing right shin, knee. Relaxed the right thigh. The right leg is completely relaxed by the left stop. Relaxed left shin, knee. Relaxed the left thigh. Left leg is completely relaxed. Pleasant warmly fills my legs. My legs are nanich with pleasant severity. I am completely calm and relaxed. Pelvic muscles relax. Relaxing back muscles. Abdominal muscles relax. My body is completely relaxed. My body is inflicted with pleasant warmth and severity. I am a calm person. I am a strong person. I rested. I feel like pouring ease. I feel a tide of strength. I am pouring freshness and vigor. I'm full of energy! I want to get up and act! Eyes - open. I get up!

    Exercise "Impulse in a circle"

    Everyone becomes in a circle and take hands. The presenter begins to transmit the "impulse" by the participant's hands on the right, he transmits the following, and so in a circle. When the "impulse" returns to the lead, it transmits it with a new force, the rate of transmission of the "impulse" is accelerated. The presenter stops the transmission of the "pulse" when it considers that the positive effect of the exercise is achieved. All begin to applaud.

    Socio-psychological training: "I and Stress".

    (9-11 classes)

    Purpose:the search for ways to exit the stress and the development of the ability to see not only negative sides in it, but also positive.


    Develop the ability to see positive and negative in stress

    Master individual methods for removing neuro-muscular voltage

    Detect the feeling of optimism.

    Ritual greetings: Greetings with different mood: sad, sad, calm, fun.

    1. Exercise "Cotton Transfer".

    Psychologist:Guys, as a warm-up today we will pass cotton. The whole secret is that at first you must meet, and then only clap your hands. We work in a circle. And now we change the principle of work. The first participant meets the second with the second, clashed at the same time in his hands, approach the third, give him his applause, the applause of the whole group itself.

    Reflection exercise: Were you nice to receive applause?

    Statement of participants.

    Psychologist: We often say and hear the word "stress". Please call me what you understand under this word.

    Statements of participants.

    Ø bad estimates

    Ø expelled from the lesson

    Ø quiet with mom, dad, girlfriend, friend

    Ø Family scandals, parental divorce

    Ø Transition to another class, school

    Ø Moving to another country, city

    Ø extort money

    Ø Love without reciprocity

    Ø Disconnected hot water in the morning

    Ø hit hard and can't walk

    Ø sat on chewing gum

    Ø fell with all class

    Psychologist:To continue our work, we will break into 3 groups on the principle of "fruit salad - apples, pears, tangerines" and will define who are pessimists, optimists, realists.

    Speech by groups.

    Pessimist - man of pessimistic warehouse.

    Optimist - Man of an optimistic warehouse.

    Realist - A person, taking into account the conditions of real reality, practical.

    Pessimism - Gloomy (filled sadness, sadness, hopelessness) The worldship, in which a person does not believe in his future, in everything he sees sad and bad.

    Optimism -cheerful and cheerful worldview, in which a person sees the bright parties everywhere, believes in the future, in success, in the fact that the world is dominated by good and positive start .

    Reality -genuine conditions of reality

    Psychologist:Hans Selre, a scientist who introduced the concept of stress, said that stress is not only bad, there are positive parties in it. The next stage of our work is to write on a poster: "Pressimist's perception of a pessimist." "The perception of stress optimist" "The perception of stress a realist." Work time 10 - 15 minutes.

    Speech by groups.

    "The perception of stress pessimist."

    "Perception of stress optimist"

    "The perception of stress realist."

    In humans:

    Worsen health

    Man is upset

    Begins to conflict more

    Depression may begin


    He does not please

    Man begins to "move",

    Internal forces of the body are activated

    Faster begins to think and think

    Visited life experience

    Learns to make decisions

    Hardened moral and physically

    Brought up the power of will

    A person can configure himself that everything in this world is changeable, you can not get anywhere from stress.

    People are gaining experience in the stressful situation.

    Exercise "I am the most"

    Purpose: Removing internal clamps, search for internal resources.

    The group rises in a circle and each in turn says: "I am the most ...", and the group repeats "he is the most ...". For example: "I am the most beautiful, smart, creative, etc.", and everyone repeats "he is the most beautiful, Smart, creative, etc. ","

    Reflection exercise: Were you nice to hear compliments? W. Every person is improving the mood when it is praised. Statement of participants.

    Psychologist: Many people experience significant physical and emotional tension, trying to change events or manage those of them that are outside their control. It is not always possible to control the situation that causes stress. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain emotional control not on the situation, but above its reaction to it. The ability to regulate its psycho-emotional state is a way to gain control over its own emotional and physiological reactions instead of allowing other people to influence this process. Now we will perform the exercise "Seagulls", which helps to remove nervously - muscle tension.

    3. Exercise "Seagulls".

    Purpose:getting rid of negative emotions, removal of neuro-muscular voltage.

    Psychologist: This exercise will help you withdraw tension and get rid of negative emotions, experiences, feelings. Now I will explain the technique of performing this exercise. Sit comfortably, hands freely along the body on the knees. We consider from 1 to 10 by changing the volume: from the whisper to a loud cry. After the figure 10, at the maximum loud dynamics, screaming "A" 3 times, depicting a cry of chap. We raise the corners of the lips as close as possible and screaming with a shrill voice. "

    Reflection exercise: What emotions have you had when you performed this exercise? Statement of participants.

    Psychologist:i showed you one exercise that acts as an ambulance, anti-stress assistance. And now we will continue to work in groups and you will have to offer your ways out of stress within 5 minutes.

    The speech of the participants that the children themselves do to cope with stress: listen to music, communicate, walk with friends, engaged in sport IT.D.

    Psychologist: We know the world through 5 senses. Tangerines lie in front of you. Do you see them? Eyes work. What a beautiful orange color. Take in your hands, feel roughness - they went tactile sensations, inspire the smell - the smell of citrus fruits very beneficially affects the nervous system of the person, now mentally clean and eat with pleasure, you will do it after the training. Try to hear how mandarins fall from the tree. Now we will juggle tangerines. First we work with two hands - throw one, catch it, now - right-left hand, we catch two. Fine, now you have two hemispheres. (Juggling is carried out under the music "Orange Sun")

    Reflection: Before you are a feedback questionnaire, fill them in. Statement of participants.

    Farewell ritual: Now we deliver the words "How cool I lived today!" - Calmly, joyful, with flashes.