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Preparation of a child to school - mathematics. Home preparation of children to school: developing tasks, games, exercises, tests. Psychological and emotional training for children to school: Testing

When a child was prepared for learning, he manifests the initiative in studies and extracurricular activities, he does not have difficulties in the process of studying and communicating with classmates. Prepare a child for school at home, to determine the level of his knowledge and motivational willingness will help this article.

Parents of future first-graders are worried about the question, is their child for school ready? After all, it is very important not to just give the baby to the first class, but to do it on time - when the child will be ready for visiting the school morally and is sufficiently developed for this.

The error in determining the readiness of the child can cost expensive: unwillingness to attend the school, refusal to learn lessons, depressive condition, unmanaged behavior - all will demonstrate a first-grader in the school "not on time". To avoid trouble and prevent psychological injury in a child, parents should be very careful about the question of compliance with the level of his knowledge and skills in modern requirements.

Requirements for the preparation of the child to school: List

By now, a whole list of what the future first grader should know and be able to know:

  • Confidently call your surname, name and patronymic
  • Date of birth
  • Home address
  • Full name Moms and Pope (grandparents, grandparents and other relatives - at will)
  • Place of work of parents
  • Famous in the country of poets and writers
  • Holidays
  • Discern the concepts: "Forward - back", "Right - Leo"
  • Days of the week
  • Colors and shades
  • Seasons (with months)
  • Rules of movement on the road
  • Distinguish between home and wild animals, call them young
  • Call Garden, Forest, Wild Flowers
  • Call migratory and winter birds
  • Fruit from vegetables
  • Know profession
  • Call the types of transport and method of its movement
  • Retelling heard
  • Anwser the questions
  • Make a story
  • Invent fairy tales
  • To tell the poetry by heart
  • Describe from memory
  • Copy text and drawing
  • Finish offer
  • Find an excess object, drawing, word, letter
  • Solve riddles
  • Count from 0 to 10 and back
  • Know the composition of numbers
  • Discern the concepts of "more", "less"
  • Know Figures
  • Write in cells
  • Know letters distinguish them from sounds
  • Determine the first and last letter (sound) in the word
  • Separate words on the suggested letter
  • To read simple words and syllables
  • Know when the offer ends
  • Cut down the contour
  • Hold a hand

Despite the fact that many of the listed skills the child should learn in primary school, Testing before entering the first class is carried out precisely on these items.

Cognitive interest, fast reaction, non-standard and logical thinking We will form a preschooler if we regularly carry out mathematical classes in a game form.

So that these lessons brought the child benefit and joy, parents should be taken into account:

  • the age of the child
  • preparation level
  • ability to concentrate attention
  • interest in class

Mathematical classes - These are not monotonous examples and tasks. In order to interest the child and diversify mathematics lessons, such types of tasks should be used in working with preschoolers:

  • tasks with geometric shapes
  • mathematical riddles
  • tasks - jokes
  • puzzle

Important: any task should be selected individually, given its degree of complexity and the level of child's development.

Mathematical games

"Dominics". Draw 3 three-storey houses, each on a separate sheet. On each floor, draw 3 windows. Arbitrarily draw the curtains in some windows. Tell your child that in apartments where there are curtains, people already live. Ask him to populate people to the rest of the floor so that every floor there was a row of tenants. Let he himself draw a multicolored curtains in the windows of those apartments where he settled people. Then ask to count, in which house tenants are more.

"Pictures of geometric shapes". Draw on a sheet any geometric shape. Ask a child to come up with a drawing by using the proposed figure in it. If the baby does not understand the task, show, for example, how easy the circle can turn into a sun, a snowman or a car wheel.

"Connect numbers." Ask a child to connect the numbers with lines. Explain that if he does it correctly, it will see a drawing. For young children, use pictures with numbers up to 10, for older children - more complex pictures with numbers up to 30 or 50.

Important: Group classes strengthen the child's interest in what is happening. Feeling of rivalry strongly developed in preschool age Most children will not allow the child to be distracted.

Game "Connect numbers"

Entertaining mathematical questions and tasks:

  • How many paws have three cats and legs in two birds?
  • How many ears in two mice?
  • Mom's Natasha daughter Masha, cat gun and dog friend. How many daughters at mom?
  • What is harder: 1 kg of stones or 1 kg of fluff?

Have five raids

On the grass with Momuy sit.

At another bunny - three

They are all white, look!

How many three and five will be?

Pears on the ground from the branches fell

Cried pears, tears dropped

Katya in the basket they collected them

My friends in the kindergarten distributed everything:

Two pavels, three earrings,

Marinka and Arinka,

Masha, Nae and Oksana

And one, of course, mom.

Count the ka as soon as

How many katini friends?

Five geese flew in the sky

Two decided to have lunch,

And one - to stay.

How much went to the road?

Led by a naid mother

Seven chickens in the garden take a walk.

All chickens like flowers.

Five sons, and how many daughters?

Four blue plums

On the tree hung.

Two plums ate children

And how much did you do?

Important: Encourage the child's interest in such tasks, praise if he is trying to independently come up with similar tasks.

Preparing for school: Developing tasks for children reading

Reading - One of the most important disciplines. The better the child will learn to read, the easier it will be to study at school. The purpose of training - Explain to the child the principles and rules of reading, to achieve a confident reading of letters, syllables and short words from the preschooler.

Important: Due to the fact that the information is perceived by young children somewhat differently than adults, it is necessary to conduct reading reading only in a game form.

Child reading plan simple enough:

  • Let's memorize the letters in that order: all vowels, solid ringing consonants, deaf and hissing consonants.
  • Get the rapid and unmistakable definition of letters.
  • Teach the child to read the sounds, that is, to pronounce the letters to him in a punch. Start with simple to read and pronunciation of syllables (on, ma, la, yes) and gradually go to more complex (Zhu, Ku, Gu, FD).
  • Go to reading short and consisting of several simple syllables of words (ma-ma, ba-ba, o-la, cat, house).
  • Every day a little complicate the task, enter several complex words.
  • When a child learn to read words, go to reading short sentences.
  • After the child learn to read offers, you can use various educational tasks in training.

IMPORTANT: During classes, you follow the purity of the pronunciation of sounds, explain, in what place the sentence needs to be paused between words.

Game "Find the word". Offer the child to find a certain word in a small unfamiliar text. Moreover, it is necessary for a certain time (for example, in one minute).

"Loud, quiet, about yourself". Ask a child to read that quieter, then louder, then to myself. According to your instructions, it should switch from one type of reading to another as quickly as possible. Watch that the reading rate does not change.

"Slot on cards". Write on the cards of syllables in such a way that words can be made up. Ask a child to help lost syllables to find your friends and gather in words. Play the game every day, gradually adding new syllables.

"Vowels consonants". Let the child call for 30 seconds or write as many consonant letters as possible, and then vowels.

"Answers on questions". Prepare a few simple questions in the text. Offer the child to find answers to these questions while reading the text.

"Reading with interference." Teach the child to read regardless of the environment. Include a while while reading music or TV. Getting the child paying attention to changing the sound background, continued to read.

"Size letters." Reading texts with different fonts should not be a problem for a child. For this daily, offer him yourself to print and read the letters of different sizes.

"Words - Transfer". Show the child words that change the meaning when reading them on the contrary: "Cot - Current", "WHO - Call", etc. Explain that you always need to read from left to right.

"Reading through your teeth". Complicate the usual daily reading with an unusual cheerful task: the child must read, not blurful teeth. After reading the text, you need to retell it.

"They missed the letter". Write 5 - 10 words familiar to him, in each of which skip in one letter. Ask the future first grader insert the missed letters in words.

"Related words." Write a few pairs similar to writing, but different by the meaning of words: "Cat - Kit", "Hand - River", "House - Smoke." Ask a child to read the pairs and explain the meaning of each word.

"Read per minute". Offer a child to read "at the speed" one and the same text. Pay attention that every day he reads faster and clearer, and for the allotted minute moves further. For clarity it is better to use hourglass.

Sometimes children arise in difficulties in performing developing reading tasks. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Uncertainty. To make sure that the syllable or word is read correctly, the child rereads it several times in a row.
  • Scattered attention. Preschoolers are quickly losing interest in boring, in their opinion, classes.
  • Insufficient concentration of attention. The child cannot perceive the whole word, and concentrates only on the first few letters or syllables.
  • Little margin of words. Esnignant Words The child utters uncertainly at reading.
  • Bad memory. The child does not remember the letters, sounds, forgets the principle of formation of syllables and words.
  • Violations of the speech apparatus, chronic diseases of ENT organs (otitis, increased almonds).

Video: How to teach a child to read?

Preparing for school, developing tasks for children in writing

The greatest difficulties at all, without exception, first-graders arise when performing graphic tasks. This happens for three reasons:

  • insufficient child's interest
  • the immaturity of musculature of brushes
  • inexperience

To facilitate the process of mastering the letter in school, parents should begin to deal with the child from early age. Integrate preschooler will help game developing tasks.

"Labyrinth". Offer the child to find a way out of the Maze, running away from the cat, or a bunny, retaining from his mother. With the help of the handle or pencil, you need to specify the faver right.

"Dorisuy Figure." Draw a bouquet of flowers and suggest the baby to draw a vase for a bouquet, let the fish in an empty aquarium settle, the door will draw the door. The more such tasks will perform a child, the more confident he will hold a pencil in his hands.

"Drawing by points". Ask a child to connect the dots among themselves in such a way that the drawing is. If a child has difficulty when performing this task, tell me.

"Hatching". Ask a child to perform any exercises where you need to shake the drawing. These tasks are mandatory to work out graphic movements. During the execution, make sure that the lines go from top to bottom to go right.

Important: Development of shallow motility in children contribute to the modeling, games with mosaic, designer, beads, finger gymnastics.

When a child learn to confidently hold a pencil in the hands, suggest it to dotted. You can immediately get funny children's pictures, then letters or their elements.

School preparation: Developing tasks for speech development of children

It is easy and easy to develop a speech in a child using merry tasks and exciting games.

"Impromptu". Prepare 5 - 7 cards with familiar child familiar situations or actions. Spread the card with a drawing card before the child. Offer him to choose any card and ask for a story about it. In order for the child to be interesting, you can attract the task of other family members and arrange a competition for the best story.

"Associations". Show the child a picture on which any familiar action is depicted (birds fly south, a woman buys bread, children go to kindergarten, etc.). Ask a child to name the words that are associated with the image in the picture.

Adjective game. Ask a child to form adjectives from the words provided by answering questions: "What", "What", "What"?

  • Light (light, bright, light)
  • House (home, home, homemade)
  • Tree (wooden, wooden, wooden)
  • Iron (Iron, Iron, Iron)
  • Snow (snowy, snowy, snow)
  • Sand (sandy, sandy, sandy)

Synonyms and Antonyms. Ask the child to pick up the same and opposite words to an arbitrarily taken adjective.

To achieve the purity of the pronunciation of sounds will help regular execution of speech therapy exercises:

"Angry cat". The child has a mouth open, the tongue is resting in the lower teeth, while the cat is striking the back, when it is angry.

"Pencil". Pencil put in front of the child, at the level of his lips, on any solid flat surface. Ask a child to set the edge of the language on the bottom lip and in this position heavily at the pencil. Exercise is considered to be executed if the pencil rolled.

"Nut". The child rests the tongue right cheek, then in the left. At the same time, the mouth is closed, the muscles of the cheeks and the language are tense.

"Snake". The mouth is open. The child puts forward and hides the language so that he does not touch the lips or the teeth.

"Clock". Child lips are ajar, smiling. The tip of the language concerns the right, the left corners of the lips.

"Toothbrush". The tongue is mimicing the actions of the toothbrush. Thus, it is necessary to "clean" the lower and upper teeth, inside and outside. It is important that the lower jaw remains immovable.

"Fence". The child 10 - 15 seconds shows the "fence" of the teeth, as widely smiling for it.

Important: If you can fix the pronunciation of some sounds, it is not possible to refer to the parents to the speech therapist.

Home Preparation of Children to School: Educational Games

Home preparation for school It implies systematic classes of parents with a child. It is important to give a preschooler at least a few hours a day, turning ordinary affairs and ordinary joint walks in exciting games. Parents should show fantasy, find an individual approach to her child, act, according to his interests.

Here are just a few options for joint educational games with the preschooler:

"Name number". During a walk, ask the child to call the rooms of houses and passing transport marked on the signs.

"How many trees?" Together, consider all the trees that come across you on the way while walking. You can also consider passing cars, all or specific colors (size, brand).

"Who has changed places?" Put in front of the child 8 - 10 soft toys, Ask him to carefully look at them, and then turn away. At this time, change some toys in some places. When the child turns, let him try to guess who changed in places.

"Favorite cartoon". Look together with the child his favorite cartoon. Ask questions on its content, ask the child to tell what he is.

"Tale for grandmother". Read the baby fairy tale. Ask to tell grandmother (dad, tet, sister) about what this fairy tale, describe the heroes, their appearance and character.

Regular clamping, drawing, game in puzzles and mosaic Carry in the child and, at the same time, contribute to the development of fingers in shallow motility.

IMPORTANT: Do not rush to the child, do not be angry, if something is managed not immediately. Educational games should not only teach a child, but also to become entertainment.

Home Preparation of Children to School: Educational Exercises

Developing exercises with preschoolers can be performed not only in the notebook, sitting for letter table, but also on the street. Lessons on fresh air They will come to the soul and will be remembered for a long time every child.


  • Stroll with a child by autumn Alley. Show the future schoolboy colorful leaves different trees. Tell us about the days of the year and those changes in nature that occur with the onset of autumn, winter, spring and summer. Let the child choose a few beautiful leaf And save them at home, between the pages of the Tolstoy Book. When the leaves are dried, let the child circles them along the contour on the sheet of paper and color.
  • IN snowy winter days Get out together feed the sparrows and cinemas. Tell your child about the winter and migratory birds. Houses ask to draw those birds that most liked.
  • Spring Show the child the first blooming flowers. Tell me that the flowers are field, forest, garden. Ask for sound analysis of words: "Rose", "Snowdrop", "Buttercup", "Forget-me-not,".
  • During summer walk Pay attention to the child to an increase in the temperature on the street. Explain what happens summer and winter clothes. Let the child name the clothes that need to wear in the summer, in the fall, in winter and spring. Houses ask the child to draw summer.

"Application from Crupes and Macaron". Offer the child to make an applique with rice, buckwheat, pasta, mankey, pea and other croup. Similar exercises are well developing fine motility. In operation, use PVA glue.

"Snowflakes". Teach the baby cut snowflakes. On folded 4 and 8 times a sheet of paper Ask it to cut different geometric figures. Expand the snowflakes and evaluate the result.

"Fruits and vegetables from plasticine." Show the child, as from multicolored plasticine you can easily make fruits and vegetables. Immediately the child must roll the ball, and already turn it into the desired fruit or vegetable. It is easiest to make a bunch of grapes, beets or carrots - a little more difficult.

Developing lesson "Seasons"

Psychological and emotional preparation of children to school: tasks, games, exercises

Offensive school Life It implies that the pre-school period is over. Children have to quickly adapt in new conditions, to get used to the training load, get acquainted with teachers and classmates.

In order for the period of adaptation passed as easier as possible, parents and teachers try to prepare a child to the upcoming changes in life. Most successful group games and exercises.

"One color". Two groups of children need to find in 10 seconds the greatest number Objects of one color. That group wins, which will delete more items.

"Magic Circle". Children offer to circle a circle on the pattern and draw any geometric shapes in such a way that the drawing is. When everyone cope with the task, the teacher suits the drawing contest.

"Reat". In the group of children from 5 - 7 people choose the lead. The presenter comes forward and shows the children any pose. Children try to copy this pose. The new master becomes the one who managed better than the rest to cope with the task.

"Well no". Instead of the answers "Yes", "no" on the issues offered by the teacher, the group of children clap or tolerates. It is necessary to agree in advance with the guys that "yes" means cotton, and "no" is a top of his legs. Questions can be chosen arbitrarily, for example:

  • "Flowers grow in the field?" And "Flowers fly in the sky?"
  • "Hedgehog carries an apple?" And "Hedgehog climbs on trees?"

"Meow, Gav". Children sit on chairs. Leading with closed eyes walks next to the children, then sits on his hands to one of the sitting guys and tries to guess who it is. If the lead guessed, the child says "meow", if I was wrong - "GAV".

IMPORTANT: such classes and games help to form advocate the skills of communication, develop confidence in own power and opportunities, adequate self-esteem, independence.

You can independently determine whether the child is ready to enter the school using several simple tests, the results of which are quite trusted.

Test "Draw School"

Give the child album leaf and color pencils. Ask the future first grader to draw your school. Do not suggest a child, do not help, do not ask the leading questions, do not rush. Let it independently depict the paper on the paper that it seems to him.

  • plot
  • line drawing
  • color spectrum


2 points - The school is located in the center of the sheet, the picture also contains decorations and decor, trees, bushes, flowers around the school, students and (or) teachers going to school. It is important that the figure is shown the warm season and the bright time of the day.

0 points - The drawing is asymmetric (the school building is located close to one of the edges of the sheet), people in the picture are missing or portrayed sad children leaving school; On Autumn or Winter Street, night or evening.

1 point

Line drawing:

2 points - Lines of objects without breaks, carefully drawn, smooth and confident, have different thickness.

0 points - lines fuzzy, weak or negligent, pattern schematic; Double or intermittent lines are used.

1 point - The figure there are elements of both characteristics.

Color spectrum:

2 points - The predominance of bright and light colors.

0 points - Drawing in gloomy colors.

1 point - In the picture there is both dark and light colors.

The amount of balls speaks about the readiness of the child to school:

From 5 to 6 "The child is ready for school, he has a favorable attitude towards the learning process, will interact with teachers and classmates.

From 0 to 1 "The child is not ready for school, a strong fear will prevent him from learning normally, communicate with classmates and teacher.

Determine whether the child is focused on the school visit, the educational process, whether he imagines himself in the near future, will help test undetented.

Important: This test should be carried out only with those children who are already visited training courses At school or well acquainted with the learning process.

For each of the issues submitted, there are three options for answering: A, B, V.

BUT - Rental orientation, is estimated at 2 points

B. - Education orientation Surface, not formed finally, attract external bright attributes of school life - 1 point

IN - Local orientation is missing, the child prefers out-of-school classes - 0 points

Set the child the following questions by offering choosing a response from three options:

Do you want to go to school?

A - yes, very

B - Not sure, I do not know, I doubt

In - no, I do not want

Why do you want to go to school, what are you interested in there?

B - I want me to buy a beautiful portfolio, notebook and form, I want new textbooks

In the school fun, there are change, I will have new friends, I'm tired of kindergarten

How are you preparing for school?

And - I teach the letters, I read, I am writing proper, I solve examples and tasks

B - Parents bought a form, briefcase or other school attributes

In - draw, play, pole from plasticine

What do you like in school?

A - lessons, classroom classes

B - change, teacher, new parties, school type and other, which does not directly refer to the process of learning and receiving knowledge

B - Physical education lesson and (or) drawing

If you did not go to school, nor in kindergarten, what would you do at home?

And - read, wrote letters and numbers, solved the challenges

B - played the designer and painted

In - cared for cat (or other pets), walked, helped mom

0 – 4 - The child is not aware that it will go to school, interests for upcoming learning does not show

5 – 8 - there is a superficial interest in the learning process, is initial stage Formation of the position of schoolboy

9 – 10 - The attitude to school is positive, the child feels like a schoolboy.

Diagnosis of general training for school: tests

The diagnosis of general training for school to school is carried out by a psychologist on special tests. Here is some of them:

Test "Yes - No". The psychologist asks the child to respond to questions in any way, the main thing is that he does not use the words "yes" and "no". The child tries to find the necessary words, focuses on not to disrupt the rules, so his answers will be as true as possible.

  1. Want to school?
  2. Do you like tales?
  3. Do you like cartoons?
  4. Do you want to stay in kindergarten?
  5. Do you like to play?
  6. Want to learn?
  7. Do you like to root?
  8. You have friends?
  9. You know what time of year is it?

When evaluating the results, the teacher determines whether the answer is satisfying the rules of the task. Answers: "Yeah" or "Nea" error are not. One error \u003d 1 b. All answers are faithful - 0 b.

0 – 2 - attention is quite developed

3 -5 - developed medium or weak

5 – 10 - bad, unsatisfactory attention

Definition of motivational readiness. The psychologist asks a number of questions, gives the child time on reflections and reasoning, helps, in case of difficulties:

  1. Call your name and age
  2. Name, patronymic and surname Moms and Pope
  3. Where do you live?
  4. Name members of their family
  5. What are you interested in your city?
  6. What if you see a person who fell?
  7. When are the kidneys and leaves appear on the trees?
  8. Why do you need an army?
  9. How and where do you cross the road? It is right?
  10. How to find out what has recently been raining?
  11. Why do you need ears and nose?
  12. Want to school? What will you do there?
  13. How many days later?
  14. How many times of the year? Months? Name them
  15. Your favorite and unloved professions
  16. What do you like to watch on TV?
  17. What country do you live in? What else do you know the country?
  18. If you broke my knee and went blood, what should I do?
  19. What kind of utensils do you have in the kitchen?
  20. What do you know the products?
  21. What animals are homemade, and what kind of wild? What is the difference?
  22. What is day? Night?
  23. If you took to play a toy and lost her, what will you do?
  24. Calculate from 1 to 10 and back, call the number that stands before 5 and after 8
  25. What is more than 2 or 3?
  26. What is interesting at school?
  27. How do you behave visiting?
  28. Why don't children be allowed to play with matches and fire?
  29. What does it mean: "Do you like to ride, love and sanochos to carry"?
  30. What are the difference between people from animals?
  31. Why are you paying money in the store, in the bus, in the movies?
  32. Who is Gagarin?
  33. What will you do if you see how the house burns?

When evaluating the results, the ability of a child to reason, lead a conversation.

"Snake." Test on determining the level of development of small motor skills. In 30 seconds, the child must draw point in circles. The more he has time to leave points, the better. One point \u003d 1 point. When calculating points, only those points that hit the circle are taken into account. Dots on the border are not considered.

34 or more - Excellent development

18 – 33 - above average

12 – 17 - Insufficient development

11 and less - Low level, unsatisfactory result.

If a psychologist after tests come to the conclusion that the child needs to stay in the garden for another year, the parents should listen to the opinion of the specialist. Perhaps this year will change a lot in the child's life, during this time he realizes its role in school, will show interest in gaining knowledge.

Video: Preparing for school, preparing children to school, preparing a child for school

Kudryavtseva Oksana Igorevna, Studentin Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of FGBOU VPO "Vyatsky State Humanitarian University", Kirov [Email Protected]

Features of the mathematical readiness of children to school

Annotation. The same is devoted to the issue of mathematical readiness of children to school. The components of both a common and special (mathematical) readiness of children to school are also identified and analyzed. Based on an empirical study by identifying the characteristics of the mathematical readiness of children to the reservation of recommendations to parents and teachers, the adventure of knowledge, skills and skills in the field of mathematics. Welcome words: mathematical readiness, common readiness for school.

Overall readiness to school provides for specializing educational institutions of pedagogical work. Such an organization creates conditions that contribute to the increase in the development of children of senior preschool age. In addition to the overall development, the work of the children's pre-school general education institutionApsespare-specific training of children to the study of educational items in elementary school.

In this article, we will pay attention to mathematical readiness, since in the XXIVEKEPBLE, mathematics training is becoming increasingly important. Mathematics is a complex science that causes children difficulties in the development of a school curriculum in mathematics. It is possible that some of the children who came to school does not own elementary mathematical ideas and does not have a tendency to study this science. Such is the effectiveness of the mathematical development of the child in the preschool, the success of the mathematics in elementary school. Fitting the foregoing should be concluded Tom, from the main criteria for children to school training, is mathematical readiness.

Before the disclosure of mathematical readiness, should be taken into account brief description CHILDREN'S CHILDRAPHES TO SCHOOLS.VOPROMS, related to the general preparations for school and foreign and foreign authors, as A. L. Sudrotyuk and M. M. Bezruch, D. B. Elkonin, L. A. Wenger, V. . Mukhina, A.V. Zaporozhets, L. I. Bozovich, A. Anastasi, I. Shvanzar, S. A. Amonashvili, R.S. Bura, A. M. Raeva, G. N. Tsukermani Dr.Proanizing the interpretation of the concept of "readiness for school education" The above authors should examine the overall development of the person, which is enjoying the master's program, is systematically included in the process of learning and possessing the properties and qualities that need to be seized in preschool age through mental, mental, aesthetic and physical development. Incidentally, the concept of "readiness for school learning" Holistic education, which requires complex psychological pedagogical examinations. For the study to conduct a level of general readiness for school learning, it is necessary to know that the following components are made in structural readiness:

1. Certificate readiness.2. Wow readyness. 3.Inlectual readiness 4.Sotocynxicheological readiness. 5.Finth readiness.

Explore the analyzingcomponents of the readiness of children to school, put forward in the works of the following authors. O. Gonina, N.I. Gutkina, G. V. Fadinaid., You can submit them in Table 1. Table 1 Completeness of readiness for training in school

Component Component Readiness Successful Component Commmising Celebration Readiness for School Learning includes the developed child's need for knowledge, skills, as well as the desire for their improvement. Certification readiness for school is a prerequisite for the successful adaptation of a child to school, adopt a schoolboy's position (a child wants to go To school, understands the importance and necessity of teaching, manifests a pronounced interest in gaining knowledge). If the learning motivation of the child is formed, then difficulties arise in adapting it to new conditions, for example, to the class team and teacher. The following manifestations may be: the child does not well perceive school material well, insufficient emotional resistance, apathy, etc., which leads to disadaptation in the class team. 2 Will the child work diligently, fulfilling the requirements of the teacher, the adaptability to the school regime, the ability to manage their behavior and mental activity. Creation of the main elements of the skill-acting end of the preschool period: the child is able to put a goal, make a decision, outline the action plan, execute it, to show a certain effort in Case overcoming obstacles, assess the result of your action. 3The respondents of the future schoolboy to mastering such mental operations as analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization and classification; The ability to establish in the process of learning activities caused by intellectual readiness for school training involves: 1.Elements Indicators An idea of \u200b\u200bliving and inanimate nature, some social phenomena, systematics of these ideas.2. Cognitive activity: attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech. Prerequisites Investigative links between objects and phenomena, resolve contradictions. Developing intellectual readiness for school training also implies certain knowledge of the world around the world and some training skills. For the formation of training activities: the ability to perceive the tasks, instructions of an adult and managing it yourself, to fulfill the rules.3 . Elementary training skills: the implementation of sound analysis of the word, reading, account and calculation, the preparedness of the hand to the letter.

4Salo-solicity seems to form the formation of the communicative qualities necessary for communication with other children, teachers. Includes the availability of the social position of the schoolboy: the child must be able to establish contacts of the elders in the age of people with peers, fulfill the reference of the teacher, to produce behavior. personal qualities necessary for the adoption of a new social position. Parameters required for successful training by the child: 1. I carefully listen to the speaker and accurately perform the tasks offered in oral form. 2. The ability of children consciously exposing the action to the rule that determines the action method. 3.Mion to navigate On a given system of requirements.4. It is possible to perform the desired procedure for a visually perceived pattern.

Consequently, the concept of "readiness to kshkogl training" is integrated. If you consider each component separately, it gives an idea of \u200b\u200ba certain side of the child's readiness to school. Complex use in the study of five components of readiness allowed the psychologist on time to produce a corrective work with a future first grader for a successful transition to systematically organized learning. Conducting the essence and content of the general The readiness of children to school, should be moved to the characteristic of the mathematical readiness of children to school. A large number of scientists were engaged in the mathematical readiness of children to school to school, but the most important, in my opinion, are Dr. Pedagogical Sciences, Russian Pedagog Methodist L. M. Peterson and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N. B Eastromer. After exploring the interpretations of the concept of "mathematical preparation for school training", it is possible to submit it, as degree in mathematical content aimed at the development of creative creative cognitive abilities Children's ability to identify, compare, compare, establish patterns of T.P. in the structural studios of children in the school proposed

E.I. Scherbakov, which includes the following components, whose characteristics are presented in Table 2.Table 2 characteristics of components of mathematical readiness

Component complex component1


Positive attitude to school and academic activities in the shallow motivation of an etostimul, which is consistently achieving a positive result for future educational activities. Interest to the mathematical side. RealityMatics for children of preschool age. Sophisticated science, which is often distinguished during school training, so the development of a preschooler interest in mathematics in early age greatly will make it easier for him to study at school. We will study mathematics

In the process of studying mathematics in a child, cognitive interest is formed, wishy the new, formation of primary mathematical ideas, motivational states (interest, curiosity, desire, etc.). Interest in mathematics leads to a deeper and durable study of the material.

The volume and quality of mathematical knowledge: awareness, durability of memorization, flexibility. The consciousness of mathematical knowledge is expressed in understanding the relationship between them, in understanding the principle of operation of the relationship and the mechanism of their formation. As well as the flexibility of mathematical knowledge is characterized by the possibility of assimilating them in independent activities. Speech development (the assimilation of mathematical terminology) The approximate knowledge of words prevents the full absorption of concepts, in addition, it makes it difficult to use their use at the time of the production of connected statements. cognitive activity Associately assimilation educational material It depends not on one activity of the teacher, but also from the cognitive opportunities and abilities of students. 3.


1. figure digits up to ten2.Counts and countdown of objects of the specified number.3. Note the numbers within ten 4. Signs of "plus", "minus", "equal", the ability to use arithmetic signs of actions. 5.Initation to call the previous and The subsequent number is from the specified .6.Valuity of the composition of the first ten numbers (from individual units) and from two smaller numbers. 7. Itemant on a sheet of cellular paper.8. Creating a number and number of items. 9. Delicate compose and solve simple task addition And subtracting.10. Signs of geometric shapes: Circle, square, quadrangle.11. Items to divide a circle, square into two and four parts. Items and skills of training activities Actually admission to school accounts to be able to plan your learning activities, independently perform it, exercise self-control and self-esteem.

The motivational component ensures the orientation of the assimilation of the knowledge and development and skills necessary for the formation of mathematical readiness. The action of the meaningful component of target enrichment of preschoolers with knowledge, the development of speech and increase in cognitive activity. The procedural component is aimed at developing in practice preschoolers of skills and skills necessary for the formation of mathematical readiness. Surveys the theoretical essence of the general and mathematical readiness of children to school, it is necessary to conduct an experimental work of the sketch of identifying the characteristics of the mathematical readiness of children to school. With the purpose of identifying the peculiarities of the mathematical readiness of children to school, an experimental work was carried out, which includes a statement experiment. The procedure for the diagnosis of mathematical readiness for school was carried out with the help of an experimental conversation, observation and complex techniques consisting of seven tasks. The result of the experimental conversation showed that 67% of the subjects of the study of mathematics study at school was formed, in 25% partially formed and in 8% was not formed in 8% . The result of the observation is such that 4 subjects from 12 (33%) there are some deviations in the development of speech, in 8 out of 12 tests, the development of speech corresponds to the norm. In 3 subjects from 12 (25%) there is a low level of cognitive activity, while 9 under the test level of cognitive activity above average. The result of a comprehensive technique showed that 68% of the subjects have a high level of formative knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills, 16% of the average and 16% low. The results of the experimental conversation, the complex technique and observation aimed at identifying the formation of mathematical readiness, can be represented by the form of the diagram (see Fig.).

Fig. 1. The general result of the stateing experiment to identify the level of mathematical readiness of children to school

Thus, it can be concluded that 67% of children possess high levels Mathematical readiness, which indicates that they have a high motivation and sufficient level of mathematical knowledge, 8% has an average level of motivation and preparedness, and 25% have a low level of motivation and preparedness for the development of mathematics at school. In order to increase the level of general and mathematical readiness of children with a low indicator, it is necessary to compile the following guidelines Teachers for forming in children motivation learning at school, knowledge, skills and skils of the mathematician successful development of the school program in mathematics and the formation of a general readiness for learning in general:

1. The child has an interest in mathematics, motivate it to the studied subject. To do this, you need to associate the performance of mathematical tasks with an interesting story Coid a character who needs to walk to the targeted goal.2. Ride the child's spatial thinking, i.e. Learn it to determine where the right and left, where the top and bottom. For this, offer the tasks of the species: "Count the butterflies flying to the left, write ..." .3. The child call the previous and subsequent number from the given 4.This. To do this, you should decide with the child logical tasks. For example, "... Fix in a blue number, which are more than 7, but less than 9, and the red numbers that you get in the answer, having solved examples ...". 5. Develop and form a child. The ability to draw up and solve examples, tasks for addition and subtraction. For this, it is possible to use plot pictures, as well as conditional figures. 6.The you have the ability to determine the basic geometric shapes and perform with the help of their different kind of task. For example, "Look at the picture and Tell me how many figures needed to compile a giraffe? ". 7. Handshaw" Plus "signs," minus "" more "" less "," equal ".8.Foin in a child competent speech, in particular, mathematical (mastering mathematical terminology). In the process of performing tasks, demand from the child so that it reflects aloud. 9. Whether the child has the ability to work hard, perform the requirements, manage your behavior, i.e. Development of the availability component. This development contributes to the tasks aimed at assisting the chief hero (or their companion) and the desire to achieve a specific result.10.

Form the child with a positive motivation to school. It is possible to push in a game form with children at home. eleven.

Raise the overall intellectual level of the future schoolboy for successful mastering them school program, in particular, in mathematics. Finish tasks for classification, comparison, generalization, memorization, etc. (.12.

Increase the level of cognitive activity.

Formulate in children of quality, thanks to which they could communicate with other children, teachers. Each child should be able to interact with both peers and older.

Promote the formation of a child with the personal qualities necessary for the adoption of a new social position (independence, responsibility, hard work, attentiveness, etc.). 15

Create a success for a child.

Thus, it should be concluded that one of the important tasks of parents and teachers is the development of the child's knowledge, skills and skills in mathematics development is motivating to study mathematics at school. The use of developed methodological recommendations through working with children to promote the development and formation of their elementary mathematical representations of motivation to school training.

References to sources1.Antonyuk, V.Z. Formation of the intellectual readiness of the senior preschooler to school at school [Text] / V.Z. Antonyuk // Baltic Humanitarian Journal. Kaliningrad. 2013. No. 3 (4) P. 57.2.Gonina, O.O. Motivational readiness for school learning and the content of communication of preschoolers with parents [Text] / O.O. Gonin // International Experimental Education Journal. 2014. № 3. S. 8184.3.Korukova, N.N. On the issue of the problem of the socialoshological readiness of children with a general underdevelopment of speech to school [Text] / N.N. Koryukova, V.N. Ponya // Mistress Bulletin. 2012. №910. FROM. 3538.4.Stherbakova, E.I. The theory and methodology of mathematical development of preschoolers [text] /: studies. benefit / E.I. Shcherbakova. M.: Isvor of the Moscow Psychological Institute; Voronezh: Modek "Modek", 2005. 392 p.

speech therapist.

What the child should be able to enter the 1st school class:


The child of preschool age should be able to count to 100 units and dozens (10, 20, 30, 40 ...), call the numbers in direct (from 1 to 10) and reverse the insertion (from 1 0 to 1), correlate the specified number Items with a digit, determine the missed number, call it, define the previous and subsequent number to the named or designated number. Well, if the baby responds immediately, without the help of an adult to such questions as: "How much?", "On which in account of the place?"

Composition of numbers

The child of preschool age should be able to be on a visual basis of the number within 10 of the units, explain that, for example, 5 is 1, 1, 1, 1, and another 1, or 1 0 consists of 10 units.

In order for the child to understand, from which numbers this number consists, he must be able to lay it on two smaller numbers (for starters within 10 and on a visual basis) and compose from two smaller more. For example: the number 8 consists of 4 and 4 or out of 3 and 5; And, on the contrary, numbers 5 and 5 are the number 10. The child should be able to determine the missing number. For example, the number 7 consists of 4 and ...? The child must call the number 3.

Well, if the baby is able to make numbers within 20. And within 1 00 it will be enough for him to be a number of dozens. For example: 60 consists of six tens, etc.

Comparison of numbers

A preschool child should be able to compare numbers on a visual basis and verbally. Well, if the baby knows how to compare both nearby, and not nearby numbers. For example, six more than five, and five less than six; Two less than eight, and eight more than two.

The child should be able to understand the difference comparison of the numbers. For example, five less than six per one, and six more than five per one.

Well, if the baby knows how to get equality from inequality or inequality from equality, adding to a smaller number of one item or removing from more One subject, for example, five less than six: if you add one more subjects, then there will be six items, i.e. equally; Six more than five: if from six items remove one, then five, i.e. row.

To this age, children should distinguish and understand such mathematical signs as more (\u003e), less (

Solution of examples

The child of preschool age should be able to solve examples of addition and subtraction within twenty, as well as within one hundred dozens. Well, if a child knows how to perform calculations in the mind within the first ten, without support for visual material. More complex examples Within the second ten, the child can solve with counting sticks or other countable material.

The preschooler should know and be able to write mathematical signs "+", "-", "\u003d"; distinguish and call arithmetic actions - "Addition" and "subtraction"; Alone to record examples under the dictation of an adult.

Solving tasks

Preschool child should be able to make and decide math problems For addition and subtraction, as well as write their decision and know the mathematical signs "+", "-", "\u003d".

Well, if the preschooler knows how to allocate its components in the task: the condition, the question, decision, answer; It understands that it is impossible to solve the task if there is no condition or question.

By the time of arriving at school, the child should be able to solve not only the tasks accompanied by illustrations, but also to perceive the tasks for rumor or read the condition and the question independently.

Logic tasks

The development of logical thinking is one of the important conditions. successful learning Child mathematics. In this section you will find several types of logical tasks that are usually given to future first-graders on school testing.

The child of preschool age should be able to solve entertaining tasks with mathematical meaning. Some tasks are solved using arithmetic action, others - with logical reflection.

The tasks of logical thinking encourage the child to think, arguing, analyze, establish links between phenomena.


The child of preschool age should be able to distinguish between geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle, trapezium, rhombus), draw them on a sheet of paper, learn in the surrounding subjects the form of familiar geometric figures. For example: the sun looks like a circle, a book - on a rectangle, road sign - on a triangle, etc.

Well, if the preschooler knows how to make one of two figures. For example: from two or four triangles one polygon, one large quadrangles from small quadrangles. The child should be able to distinguish between geometric bodies, compare them and find differences.

The kid should understand that geometric bodies are bulk figures. From the bulk figures, it should distinguish the ball, cube, cylinder, cone, parallelepiped.

The child should know straight, curves and broken lines. Well, if he knows how to distinguish the line, segment and beam, straight, stupid and acute angles; May show the top and side of the angle, measure the length of the cut line, draw the specified segment, show the intersection point of the lines.

Orientation in space

The child of preschool age should be able to orient it in space, as well as on a tetrad or album sheet. Orientation in space includes the ability to determine the direction of movement, move in a given direction (forward-back, up-down, right-left). The preschooler must be able to identify the words of the subject in relation to yourself (ahead of me - the table, behind me - the wardrobe, to the right of me - the door, left - window).

Well, if a child knows how to determine the position of various items in space, using words: "below", "at the top", "ahead", "rear", "before", "for", "between", "next".

On a sheet of paper, the baby must be able to show the upper right corner, the left upper angle, the right lower and left lower corners, the middle of the sheet.

On a sheet of paper in a cage, portraying various subjects And the figures, the baby should understand the words "left", "right", "above", "below", "from", "to", "over", "under". Also, he should be able to portray shapes on a sheet of paper, srinking from a sample or under dictation (graphic dictation: one cell up, one cell right, one cell down, etc.).

Orientation in time

By the time of arrival at school, the child should clearly navigate the time of day (morning, day, evening, night), their sequences, as well as in such concepts as yesterday, today, tomorrow, to understand the meaning of these words. He must know the sequence of the day of the week, call what day today, what was yesterday, what will happen tomorrow, to unite these concepts in one thing - these are all the days of the week.

Well, if the kid knows the names of all months a year, at the same time knows how to call them in the right order. The preschooler should also share all months per year for winter, spring, summer and autumn, know that in every time of year to three months.

We all want our child is the smartest, most educated, most successful and, of course, happy. For the sake of him, we are ready to sacrifice everyone, to give him a whole world, to teach everything, and learning the account is not the last in this row. But, unfortunately, we do not always know where to start learning mathematics, what to demand from it, and in general, how to prepare him for school.

Why Math Math?

There are two reasons why children need to teach mathematics. Mathematical calculations are one of the highest functions of the human brain. Only a person is able to account. Moreover, without an account, we cannot do the day. Everyone is considered: both schoolchildren and housewives, and businessmen, and scientists.
The second reason - the score contributes to the physical development of the brain, and therefore the child's intellect. The main thing for the preschooler is to learn to mention logical processes.

What should the future schoolboy know?

To prepare a baby to school, the main thing is to teach the child to count to ten (there and back), fold and deduct within a dozen. Then he will be much easier to master the score to 20, 30 or up to 100. Now there are many books and notebooks-color for kids "Learn to count", "learn to think." On the back side Books authors explain their tasks. Choosing literature, proceed from this.

To school, the child should know the direct and return account to 10 (minimum) or up to 30 (it depends on the child), be able to add and subtract within these limits. A 6-year-old preschooler should be able to solve different arithmetic tasks when it can be clearly counted items.
For example, 2 vases with apples are shown. In one 2 apple, in the other 3. How many apples need to add to the first vase so that they work as much as in the first vase? "
The child should be able to solve the tasks deciding in the mind. For example, "imagine that in a pencil box 4 pencil, and I add there again 2. How many pencils become in the box?"

School in the child is formed the primitives of abstract representations. In the preparatory group, the child should know geometric shapes, movement directions, orient on the clock. It should be formed by measuring skills, he must be able to compare the sets (more - less). For example, in one box 5 pencils, in the other - 6, it means that in the first box of pencils for one less than in the second.

How to start learning mathematics?
Our fingers believed

Account learning needs to start with 3 years.
The first stage is the development of quantity. We start with quantitative ideas, such concepts as "a lot - little", "one - a lot", "nothing - a lot." Then, when the kid is aware of the number "one", gradually add the following numbers.
The child meets mathematics, starting with himself, from his body. He learns that he has one nose and two eyes, two hands, two legs and one mouth, and five fingers on one hand. Consider his ears, eyes ("How many handles do you have, eyes?"), Consider your fingers on one hand, on the other, on the legs. Periodically ask him questions: how many legs (eye, ears) at mom, dad, grandma, doll, have a teddy bear (how many upper paws, how much lower).

Training mathematics a child can be between business. For example, playing, walking, my dishes (how many cups, I washed the plates as it remains). During the walk, consider leaflets, flowers and petals, birds and pebbles.
When the kid plays with toys, ask how many cars, dolls, cubes, balls, how many machines on the floor, and how many in the box. Teaching the account of girls and boys is exactly the same. Just operate with the toys depending on the floor of the child: talking about his cars with a boy (how many wheels, car rolls), with a girl - about dolls.
So, take a doll and its things (for example, 2 panties, 5 dresses, socks). Invite the girl to play: "Come on the doll. How much do you need dresses, socks to wear a doll? How much did you take the panties? Socks?"
When a child learns to easily consider items, the task is complicated: we consider pictures with objects and consider them in the picture.
Learn with a baby typper, songs, poems, including an account. They help the child remember the sequence of numbers.

Account learning: two plus two are four.

The second stage of learning the account is folding.
Take one ball (glass, cube) and at the same time slowly tell me "one plus". Then take the second subject and simultaneously tell me "one equals" and, having engaged to the baby both items, pronounce "two". Repeat again these actions with the words "one plus one is equal to two" or "one plus one - two." Let the child speak with you.
Then you can put one ball in front of him, then another and ask how many goals in front of him. Help, tell the baby, without irritating. He is not obliged to be a welderkind. Explain why the ball has become two, recalculating both balls again.
When the child wakes, that one plus one will be two, complicate the task: add one more balls to two balls. After solving the child of one task (but not earlier), put another one. Each lesson should consist of no more than three equations.

Do not be afraid of the words "plus" and "equals." Do not explain their meanings, the child will understand this from the context.
Always stick to one manner of presentation by using the same terms. If you said once the phrase: "One plus is two equals three," you should not change it to others, for example: "To add two three".
Children see not symbols, but facts. When you teach them the facts, they themselves draw conclusions and comprehend the rules. If we change the terms, the child has reason to believe that the terms have changed with the terms.
Children are small scientists. They have an amazing ability to discover laws if we inform them. In the first three years, the child absorbs more facts than for the entire subsequent life. Then he systematizes them to detect the laws they submit.

The next stage of learning mathematics is subtraction.

The principles of learning mathematics at this stage are the same.
You show 2 cubes, then remove one, at the same time saying: "Two minus one equals one."
At the beginning, teach the baby to fold and deduct on the subjects, then in the pictures where these items are depicted. And only then use scene pictures. For example, Polyana is drawn in the picture, on it 4 mushrooms. Protein takes 1 mushroom. You carefully consider the picture: Polyana, Mushrooms (count them), Squirrel with a mushroom, then ask: "How many mushrooms remain in the meadow?"

Once, two, three, four, five, learn to consider ...

At 4 years begin the baby to acquaint with numbers. The figure is a symbol denoting the quantity, and when we use the word "number", we mean the real number (not a symbol, but a fact) of the objects themselves.
Make a white cardboard cards, write the numbers with a red felt-tip pen (the attention of children is best attracted by this color, especially since it creates a good contrast on a white background). When writing, use the same font.
At the beginning, select a set of numbers from 1 to 3. Show in order, then - by breakdown. Then make light equations. Use the signs of the plus, minus, equality.
By the way, the pre-school mathematics includes ideas about the form, size, duration, length, space, location between objects and arrangement in relation to the child (in front of the back, on the left and right).

At 4, the child should not only be able to count to 5, but also to get acquainted with the concepts of equality - inequality. For example, if there are 2 pebbles in one hand and two pebbles, then the number of pebbles in both hands is equal, and "two are two are two". If in right hand One pebbles, and in the left - two, then the number of pebbles unequal, and "two is not equal to one."
In 5 years, the child should be able to count to 6-8, in 6 years - up to 10, fold and deduct within these limits.

Preparing for school: quick score. Does he need?

I wanted to teach my child a rapid account, "Mom's 9-year-old Igor shares with me. - made special cards (up to 100), pasted points on them (on the last cards it was 99, 100 points). Showed their baby quickly, it determined the number of points on the card. Then it was with the equation cards, and sufficiently complex (for example, twenty points plus fifteen). My son already could solve mathematical tasks for three years. But it turned out, everything was in vain. When I gave him to a kindergarten, the educators were not very glad to the successes of my son. And in school, he generally began problems with mathematics. It turned out that, carried away by the equipment technique and bringing it to automatism, we missed another, no less important thing - logical thinking. Now catch up with the rest. "

It - home Error Parents. Deciding to raise a small genius, they strive for the heights of mathematics and computer science, and forget (of course, for not knowing) to instill elementary skills. For example, there are children who consider great decisive tasksBut not knowing the composition of the number within a dozen. They know how to count automatically, but how to do it, they do not understand logically. An uncommunicable account later will turn into problems with mathematics, the child will be confused. And it is always more difficult to redeem.
And what mistakes do parents still make?

Preparing for school: parents' errors

1. Often parents try to accelerate the learning of a child in mathematics, stepping through the important stages of its development and the knowledge necessary for the child at his age. This can not be done. There are children who know how to play in computer gamesBut do not know how to play with toys and do not know the poems of Chukovsky. And toys (learning an account on toys) and children's poxes, it is more important for him at this age. And this omission will definitely affect the further development of the child.

2. Some parents, chasing the high results in the account of the account, forget to give the baby ideas about the magnitude, shape, space, time, length, and duration. Some children consider up to 100, but do not know how to compare the values: a high house or low, a long or short road, a narrow or wide scarf, do not know geometric shapes. By the way, the tasks for comparing items on features and properties develop logic. And they cannot be neglected. To understand this kid should be in preschool age, then it will be more difficult for him, and later this will lead the child to problems with geometry at school.

3. Another mistake of parents: they often overestimate the requirements for the child, without considering his age. For example, in 2 years demand from the baby so that he knew the numbers, and in this age there is still no abstract thinking.

4. Often parents scold children, annoyed if they consider slowly or wrong, do not understand something. Not all are born with mathematicians and logic. Maybe your baby is humanitarian and his close art and creativity. Then it is not necessary to "sculpt" the genius of mathematics forcibly. Reveay that he is so emotional, gentle, feeling, understanding.

5. Parents, unfortunately there is no account learning system. It is typical of them in teaching mathematics to jump from one level of complexity to another. As a result, the child has not yet mastered the notion of the number, and he already ask how many will be 2 plus 3. It is especially difficult for children raising at home.

6. Even worse, when parents put several tasks immediately before the child. It is not possible to solve them at times. Let it be able to cope with one task, will understand the essence of her decision, and only then let him another task.

7. Most often mathematics at home, children are explained on the fingers. The child is difficult to understand what this is speech Due to the lack of visual material. To understand, he needs to see everything and touch. So at home (even if the child goes to kindergarten) must be a countable material so that the child can consolidate children's garden material.
Counting material can be bought, but you can make yourself together with a child of lackless cardboard, preferably colored (or stick to white cardboard colored paper), and then cut the figures in the form of houses, fungi, christmas trees, ships, birds, mice.

8. Many parents are not patient and hurry a child during accounting ("Well, well, how much?"). The main thing is not speed, but an understanding of the essence.

9. Preparing the child to school, many parents turn learning a bill into boring, tedious classes that resemble school lessons.
Mathematics - abstract science, so when teaching a baby's account you need to interest. Remember that classes should enjoy both you and a child, and pass in the form of the game.
The game is the main activity of preschool. Conduct only in a good, raised mood (in order not to discover the desire from the child to study, to learn something). How it will not seem paradoxical to attract the child's interest in this abstract science, you need to be very emotional with him, even emphasized emotional. And therefore, be joyful and friendly.