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Cognitive games. Group therapy

Training is a security deposit. The brain is plastic, and thanks to this quality, it can be trained. Game on musical instruments Makes changes in the brain area that control the fine motility, and also improves the work of hearing centers. This means that we can train and those areas of the brain that are related to the volume of work memory. Despite this, psychologists by tradition consider the volume of working memory as a static and unchangeable value.

Of course, individual attempts to improve the working memory, in particular, in children suffering from various functional disorders have already been undertaken, in particular in the 1970s. American psychologist Earl Butterfield conducted a series of experiments in order to train children with mnemonic techniques, helping to cope with the tasks of the working memory 105. To remember the numbers, children gave the task to repeat about themselves only the first digits, and they remembered the last numbers, relying on passive memory. This technique was triggered only during operations with numbers, but did not help children with other types of intellectual activity. Thus, mnemonic techniques have a limited spectrum of action.

In another experiment, which took truly heroic efforts, the college student was constantly trained, repeating the arbitrary sequence of digital combinations 106. He read them out loud, at the hour per day, 3-5 days a week. And so for 20 months. As a result, by the end of the 20th month, the student was able to reproduce 79 digits. By the way, here is the refutation of the famous Miller's hypothesis about the magic number seven. The secret was that the student developed his methodology to memorize the numbers - he grouped them and compared with information that was kept in long-term memory. The student was fond of global records. For example, a combination of figures of 3492 he remembered because 3 minutes and 49.2 seconds are a world record to overcome the English mile. Etc. After a series of training, he still could remember most of the digital combinations. This information was kept in long-term memory. But when he was offered a test for memorizing letters, he was able to repeat only 6 letters. In other words, his working memory remained at the same level.

Mastering one or another reception, we are focused only on the fulfillment of purely specific tasks. Universal equipment to memorize a large number of information - digital or letter - does not exist. The technique that was used in the study of the brain plasticity, primarily monkeys, is based on training. And the more exercises, the more productive, and the exercise need long and regularly, gradually complicates the tasks.

So, training develops specific functions and those areas that are activated by this particular function. But if there are polymodal areas of working memory, that is, areas that are activated when performing different types Tasks for the working memory, regardless of what exactly should be remembered, and if these areas can be trained, then the dispersion effect should spread to at least various types of tasks for the working memory. In addition, in the previous chapter, we were convinced that the same key areas are also activated when performing other tasks, such as matrices equal, and if the amount of memory increases, you can also disseminate the dispersion effect on other tasks - by solving problems that are not Depend on the working memory.


The ability to workout work memory interested me at the end of 1999. If the volume of work memory can be expanded, it will have invaluable help to anyone who experiences difficulties with memorization. In addition, such training makes it possible to trace the dynamics of the patient's condition in the control group. In this case, the control group includes children with ADHD.

In my research, I used the most elementary tasks for the operating memory 107. For example, it offered to remember the location of the circles in the table. It turned out that it was not so easy to force ten-year-old boys and girls who are famous for foulness, for several weeks to perform monotonous exercises for work memory.

To facilitate the task and give exercises a more attractive look, I and my colleagues decided to use computer games. Junas Beckeman and David Scorelund, who have developed many computer games and educational programs for children aged 10-12 years have connected research. Since the buttons for different exercises were placed on different robot segments, we called the Robomemo computer program.

We took the following exercises that I and my colleagues were already used in different tests when they were offered to remember the location of the pictures or a combination of numbers and letters. Children were engaged in about 40 minutes a day, but the tasks changed. As soon as the results improved, we complicated the tasks. Children had to strive their memory as much as possible. To strengthen the motivation, we introduced the scope system, and the children competed with each other, trying to beat their own records. In addition, we have come up with another game reception: children earned points that they could spend at the end of the working day.

After a series of pilot tests, the program has been launched. 14 children with ADHD participated in the study. In principle, exist miscellaneous techniques Estimates of the results of training. For absolute accuracy, it is necessary to rely on the indicators of the control group. If you simply measure certain functions before and after classes and state that they have improved, we will get very approximate data. When summarizing, you should consider how re-execution of tasks affected the results, that is, take into account the so-called repeated test effect. Thus, the role of the control group is reduced to perform any alternative task, for example, to check how the placebo effect occurs.

To do this, we decided to use a computer program in which practically repeated exercises for work memory, but with a less complex task level. In the training group, the level of complexity of the program was constantly adjusted, depending on the individual abilities of children. Children from the training group were asked to remember 5, 6 or 7 digits. Children in the control group remembered only 2 digits. So in the control group there was a much smaller training effect. If we raise two-gram dumbbells, then these loads cannot be compared with strength training, when athletes raise gravity at the limit of their capabilities.

Children in both groups trained daily for 5 weeks, and we spent various tests with them - before and after training. After analyzing the data obtained, we found that the children who trained regularly not only improved their results compared to children from the control group, but also began to significantly better perform other tasks that were not in the program.

The lack of research was that the number of subjects was limited. Especially picky researchers also emphasized that "one experiment does not give material for far-reaching conclusions." This is a trick 22, with which you have to put up with most scientists. On this occasion, you can quote the statement of the psychologist William James: "At first, the new theory is proclaimed ridiculous. Then they are accepted, but they say that it does not represent anything special and clear as God's day. Finally, she admits so important that her former opponents begin to assert that they themselves opened it. "

To make sure the accuracy of the results obtained, we conducted a series of clinical trials. We collaborated with four university clinics and a total of twenty scientists involved, each of which performed its part of the work. Fifty children with ADHD for five weeks sat in front of computers, houses or school, and performed memorization exercises.

Children sent us reports by email to the clinic server so that we can trace whether all the tests really were performed properly. After almost two years, after conducting many tests and analyzes, we received the results that confirmed our expectations and initial conclusions: children from the training group improved operating memory performance compared to children from the control group. In other words, the children who performed the task of working memory on the computer, such as memorizing compositions in the table (4 x 4), and on time clicked with the mouse, began to better perform other types of working memory tasks, without the participation of the computer, for example, recalled In what sequence, the psychologist showed wooden cubes.

Indicators have improved by 18 percent; And when we made measurements three months after the end of the course of workouts, the result was the same. This means that the subject, which used to keep 7 positions in working memory, could now remember 8. Perhaps this is not a global opening. And yet we dare to say: working memory can be improved by exercise. We also found that brain systems are not static and that the volume of work memory can be increased.

But if the working memory is amenable to workout, it means that you can develop skills to solve different intellectual tasks. To make sure that we used the matrices equal. After a series of studies, we saw that the children who trained became much better to solve these tests. This is also confirmed by the results of another expanded study 108. When re-testing, children from the training group have improved their result by about 10 percent, which significantly exceeded the 2 percent result of the control group.

We also appealed to parents with a request to appreciate the behavior of children using the criteria for which the ADHD is determined, it turned out that, according to parents, children became much more collected, and it seems that the suggestion of the relationship between the symptoms of ADHD and the working memory that inspired us on The study was confirmed.

The recently American scientific group from the University of Notredam, Indiana, USA used our computerized method for training children with ADHD. They were able to repeat our results and found significant improvements: children successfully performed tasks for working memory, they learned to concentrate and manage attention. These results also confirmed the study of Karin Dalin and Murberg Mats from the Higher Pedagogical School of Stockholm 109. Our method is now tested in clinics of Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and the United States as an auxiliary program to improve working memory and concentrating in children with ADHD.

We had another study in order to find out how training on adults survived by stroke. Brain injuriesarising from stroke often lead to memory disorder, but so far we have not figured out whether these problems can be overcome using training.

Helena Westberg led the experiment in which nine adult patients were participating after a stroke 110. For five weeks, they trained the work memory, while other nine patients were included in the control group. Before and after training, scientists were compared how many subjects were able to remember, and the medical group significantly improved its result compared to the control. Apparently, working memory can be developed in patients who survived stroke.

Finally, we have distributed a list of questions to find out the experiment to find out how, in their opinion, their daily life has changed. There were changes to our joy here. We were especially pleased with the answers to questions related to the working memory: "Do you often forget that they were going to do while going from one room to another?" Participants now better remembered the action plan, that is, retained tasks in working memory.

Training of cerebral activity

But we first were interested, is it possible to consider changes in brain activity by the result of work in working memory? Is it possible to cut the brain card in five weeks of cognitive workouts, and what site changes will be fixed? To answer these questions, we conducted research with the participation of young people without ADHD, which for five weeks had to train their working memory for the same scheme that we used to use, testing children with ADHD. Now we have gained a group of adults, not children - for the reason that they were calculated to fix such minor changes in brain activity, which would be difficult to measure if not measuring for many times and for quite a long time. We believed that the children would not cope with this, because it was difficult for them to lie calmly, and this is a prerequisite for magnetic resonance research.

Using the technique of functional magnetic resonance tomography (FMRT), we measured brain activity at the time when the subjects performed the task for the working memory and the control problem 111. In total, we measured the brain activity of eleven people, we examined eight of them on tomograph for 5 days throughout the training period, that is, about 40 hours of measurements.

After a few months, studying the first cards that described statistically significant changes, we stated that after training, activity in the frontal share in the parietal share increased. It is extremely interested in two reasons. First, it turned out that a long-term intensive training of cognitive abilities can change brain activity, like sensory and motor training.

For example, we saw that if you train the sounds, the number of neurons participating in the task will increase. If the same principle refers to workout training, namely the number of cells active when performing a task increases, then you can explain the increase in the signal that we observed with the help of tomograph.

Secondly, we were interested in which areas there were changes. In visual, auditory and motor regions, we did not fix them. Changes were observed in the polymodal regions, "in the areas of partial coincidence". The most significant changes were also observed in the region around the intrapairuetal furrow in a parietal share. Just these sites are associated with the amount of working memory.

A number of other studies have been described in the scientific literature that we came to the same conclusions as we, namely, the work memory and stability of attention can be trained. One of these studies is studied by a method called "Attentional Process Training") 112. The method consists of several exercises that the subject performs along with a psychologist or assistant. The purpose of the exercise is, for example, to arrange words in alphabetical order, find specific goals among interfering incentives and catalog the words. As a result, one of the training that lasted ten weeks and in which patients with various brain injuries were participating, there was a significant improvement in the visual-spatial work memory (by 7 percent), as well as other operating memory indicators (for example, operations with ear numbers). It is noteworthy that at the same time the tests in which involuntary attention was measured were not shown any changes.

Scientists Vadzima and Sawaguchi (Japan) studied the results of workouts of working memory in hundreds of more children aged 6-8 years 113. Two months in a row, children trained daily, performing tasks that require activation of working memory, and the level of complexity was gradually adjusted in accordance with their results. It turned out that after training, overall operations of working memory improved. In addition, children began to better solve the tasks of the type of matrices equal.

And although such studies were carried out a bit, they testify that the working memory can be trained. Training of work memory, as well as other motor and sensory skills, leads to changes in the activated areas of the brain. Areas responsible for storing information in working memory can have the same plasticity as other parts of the brain. However, the results cannot be called revolutionary - 18 percent increases the amount of working memory and 8 percent improves the ability to solve problems. But it seems you can really expand the borders of the brain volume for information processing. If the working memory, designed to solve various intellectual tasks, is so important in everyday life, and also gives back training, it opens up broad prospects with us.


105 For previous studies of the training effect, see: Butterfield, E.S., Wambold, S. & Belmont, J.M. ON THEORY AND PRACTICE OF IMPROVING SHORT-TERM MEMORY. American Journal of Mental Deficiency. 1973, 77: 654-669. Y6 about the student who studied to memorize the combinations of numbers: Ericsson, KA., Chase, W.G. & Faloon, S. Acquisition of a Memory Skill. Science. 1980, 208: 1181-1182.
107 For the first training study, see: Klingberg, T., Forssberg, N. & Westerberg, N. Training of Working Memory in Children with ADHD. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neurosschology. 2002, 24: 781-791.
108 For the repetition of training research in several centers, see: Klingberg, T., Fernell, E., Olesen, P., Johnson, M., Gustafsson, P., Dahlstrom, K., Gillberg, S. G., ForsSberg, N. & Westerberg, N. Computerized Training of Working Memory in Children With Adhd - A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Journal of the American ACADEMY OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. 2005, 44: 177-186.
109 For training research in the work of the vessel with a higher pedagogical school, see: Dahlin, K. & Myrberg, MBasta-Projektet - Basfardigheter Och Traning AV Arbetsminne Hos Barn Med Koncentrationssvarigheter. Den fjarde nordiska dyslexipedagogiska kongressen (abstract, manuskript inskickat for publikation. 2005. These investigations repeated by American scientists, see .: Gibson, V. Computerized training of working memory in ADHD. Conference for Children and Adults with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (abstract ). 2006. Independent Swedish scientists also repeated these studies, in particular, Maria Silverberg, Senior Children's and Youth Doctor psychiatric Hospital In Stockholm, as well as Per Gustafsson, Professor of Children's Psychiatry of Linking University. Clinical trials and sales of the training program carries out the company CogMed, based and mostly owned by Karolinska Development, whose task is to contribute to the commercial and practical use of inventions, the authors of which are scientists of the Caroline Institute. Inventors - Helena Vesterberg, Junas Becheman, David Skodlund and I - own firm shares, but do not receive any dividers.
110 for a workout of working memory after stroke, see: Westerberg, N., Jacobaeus, N., Hirvikoski, T., Clevberger, P., Os- Tensson, J., Bartfai, A., ForsSberg, H. & Klingberg, T. Computerized Working Memory Training - A Method of Cognitive RehaBilitation After Stroke. Brain Injury, (in print).
111 0 Functional magnetic resonance study of working memory training See: Olesen, P. J., Westerberg, N. & Klingberg, T. Increased Prefrontal and Parietal Brain Activity After Training of Working Memory. Nature Neuroscience. 2004, 7: 75-79.
112 Attentional Process Training: Sohlberg, M.M., McLaughlin, K.A., Pavese, A., Heidrich, A. & Posner, M.I. Evaluation of Attention Process Training and Brain Injury Education in Persons with Acquired Brain Injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neurosschology. 2000, 22: 656-676.
113 For research on working memory training in Japan, see: Wajima, K. & Sawaguchi, t. The Effect of Working Memory Training on General Intelligence in Healthy 6- To 8-Year-Old Children, (abstract). Society for Neuroscience Conference. 2005, Programno. 772.11.

Torkel Klingberg

Cognitive exercises

Cognitive exercises are aimed at development:

· Body schemes,

· Orientation in space,

· Quasisprolm performances,

· Spectatic, auditory and kinesthetic representations.

"Workplace organization" (the formation of the ability to follow the rules, control their activities, transfer the method of action from one situation to another).

"Listen to silence" (the formation of arbitrary regulation of its own activity, the development of an audible gnosis). The initial position is lying on the back. Close the eyes and consistently listen to sounds outside outside the window, then in the room, your breath, heartbeat.

"Leaf space organization"(Formation of spatial representations). The initial position is sitting on the floor. It is necessary to show children how to post pictures on the landscape sheet, scan lines: you should start working from the upper left corner, from left to right, top down. In the first stages of the work, you can lay the landscape sheet on stripes and cells, show the arrows of the direction of movement of the eyes. Work should be carried out strictly inside the cell or strip.

Cognitive exercise "Noisy boxes"(Audial memory formation). Source position - sitting on the floor. Instructor must prepare several identical sets of boxes filled various materials (Sand, Crupes, Clips, Paper Balls, etc.), which, by shaking, create various noises. Children with closed eyes listen to the noise of one of the boxes, which the instructor shakes, then move their boxes and find the same.

"Bowl of kindness"(Emotional development). The instructor explains: "Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine your favorite cup. Mentally fill it to the edges with your kindness. Imagine a different one, someone else's cup, it is empty. Place it from your kindness cup. Near another empty cup, also. Mold kindness from your cup empty. Do not spare! And now look at your cup. Is it empty full? Add your kindness to it. You can share your kindness with others, but your cup will always stay full. Open your eyes. Self and confidently say: "It's me! I have such a kind of kindness!"

"My hand, your hand"(Formation of spatial representations). Children are divided into couples and, sitting face to each other, determine at first, then the partner has a left hand, left shoulder, right knee, etc.

"Formation of quasi-spatial representations."Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor conducts with children to work out concepts: "To", "after", "before," later "," between ". He offers children to structure the sequence of time, year, the days of the week, months of the year. Then you can form orientation and time analysis skills on the arrogant clock.

"Cold-hot". The instructor hides the object in the room, and then with the help of commands leads the player to the target. Teams can be: "Step right, two steps forward, three left, etc.". If the child is well oriented in space, then you can use the scheme plan.

"Labyrinth" (Formation of spatial representations). The child must bypass chairs with advancement: on the right, to the left of the chair, above, under the chair. Mandatory condition Is pronouncing out loud of its spatial actions.

"Find Figure"(formation of tactile memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. Children in turn with closed eyes feel a series of figures with different surface textures: smooth, rough, spiny, slippery, velvety, etc. Then, without opening the eye, they should find items with the same surface and build them in a given order. The number of figures must be increased gradually. At first, one hand is participating first, then the other, both together.

"Pose" (Tactile memory formation). Children sitting with closed eyes in turn is attached to any posture (a complicated version - sequentially 2-3 postures). The child must feel and remember them, and then reproduce in the desired sequence.

"Traffic" (Motor memory formation). The instructor offers children a few consecutive movements (dance, gymnastic, etc.). Children must repeat them as accurate as possible in the same sequence.

"Rhythm" (Sitting on the floor). The instructor sets the rhythm, rejecting it with one hand, for example, "2-2-3" (at the beginning of development, visual reinforcement is given - the children see the instructor's hands, and in the process of development gradually pass only to the auditory perception, i.e. with closed eyes) . Then children are invited to repeat the rhythmic pattern with the right, left hand, two hands at the same time (cotton or shocks in front of them), combined (for example, "2" - right hand, "2" - left hand, "3" - both two hands). After mastering the first part of the exercise, children are invited to reproduce the same rhythmic pattern with legs.

« Invisible hat" (formation of visual memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For 20 seconds, children are invited to remember the items lying on the table, which the instructor covers the cap. Then the children are invited to remember and list all objects. Complication of the exercise is to remember the order of the objects, which the instructor can change.

"Superfluous word" (Development of speech soundness). Source position - sitting on the floor Children are invited to exclude from a number of words, which is not suitable for the rest of the words. For example, in the verbal row of "protein, protein, bleaching, white", the word "protein" is excluded. Children need to be explained why they excluded exactly this word.

"Octopus" (formation of visual and spatial memory). Children are located in a certain way around the perimeter of the room (in the corner of the window near the ball, etc.) and remember their place. The instructor includes a musical fragment during which children run freely around the hall. During the pause, they should return to their place as soon as possible. Complication Exercises - Children should take a place, one position forward when driving clockwise.

« Score" (The development of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to "go to the store" and lists the items that need to be bought. The number of items must be gradually increased from one to seven. You can change the roles (Seller, Mom, Child) and shops ("Milk", "Toys", "Boolean", etc.). "Seller" first listens to the order of the buyer, then picks up the "product". "Buyer" checks and carries the "product" home, where "Mom" checks the correctness of the purchase.

"Forbidden Sound" (Development of speech soundness). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to answer the question without using some kind of specific sound or replacing it with cotton in your hands. For example, the sound "M" is excluded. Then to the question: "What are the berries grow in the forest?" It is impossible to call raspberries and strawberries. Using cotton, the answer to the question will be like this: "(cotton) -Alin, Ze- (cotton) -lika."

"Fish, bird, beast" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor indicates each child and pronounces: "Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird, beast." The player who stopped the belonging should quickly call any beast. If the answer is correct, the instructor continues the game if the answer is incorrect - the child drops out of the game. The game can be carried out in different versions.

"Tell the word on the contrary" (Forming speech sound record). Children are offered in turn to say the proposal by the instructor the word from the end. It is necessary to start with short words (cat, house), gradually moving to longer.

"Color visualization. Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are offered to "fill out" the brain by any color (red, blue, green) by their choice. It is necessary to concentrate on the preservation of the color clear and clean. You can concentrate on the similarity or difference in colors. For each color you can choose a bodily pose that will help visualize the color.

"Encrypted Offer" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For memorization, short proposals are given, for example, "the children played in the yard." It is proposed to encrypt the proposal by adding through each syllable insert "HVE": "de (Hwe) TI (HWE) IG (HVE) -R (HVE) (HVE) in (HVE) DVO (HVE) Re (Hve)."

"Rhythm in a circle." Children sit down semicircle. The instructor retracts some rhythm. Children listen carefully and on the instructor teams repeat it (separately or all together). When Rhythm is mastered, children receive a team: "Let's turn this rhythm as follows. Everyone takes back in turns in one cotton from a given rhythm. From left to right. When the rhythm is over, the next round is waiting for a short pause and starts first. Who was late with his cotton, who did not stand the pause, who made extra cotton, gets a penalty point or drops out of the game. " Possible paths Completeness of the task: lengthening and complication of the rhythm, the rhythm backing by each player with both hands in turn, etc. Children can also offer to play sounds of different volume inside the rhythmic pattern (for example, quiet and loud).

"Cap my triangular" (Antique game). Children sit in a circle. All in turn, starting with the lead, pronounce one word from the phrase: "The cap is my triangular, a triangular cap. And if not triangular, then this is not my cap. " Then the phrase is repeated, but the children who fall out to say the word "cap", replace it with a gesture (light cotton palm on the head). Then the phrase repeats again, but at the same time two words are replaced with gestures: "Kolyak" (light cotton palms on the head) and "mine" (show your hand on yourself). When repeating the phrase, three words are replaced for the third time: "Cap", "mine" and "triangular" (the triangle is depicted by hands).

"Human visualization"(Sitting on the floor). Children are invited to visualize a familiar person (someone from those present). To do this, you need to focus on his face and carefully examine each item. Then mentally closer to the person, move away, look at him on the right, to the left, behind and in front.

"I know five"(development of nominative processes). Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are offered simultaneously with the blow on the ball to call five names of boys, girls, names of plants, animals, etc.

"Visualization of a three-dimensional object."Children are invited to mark any three-dimensional object (ball, chair, globe) in front of them and learn each part of the object, then submit it entirely. Then you need to resize, shape, color.

"Mirror movements"(body development). The instructor gets back to children and performs movements with hands, legs, body. Children repeat all the movements of the instructor. The complication of the exercise is that the instructor faces the person to children who must repeat his movement.

"Tuh-Tibi-Spirit"(Emotional development). In this ritual, a comic paradox is laid. Children pronounce spell against bad mood, offended and disappointment. They, not talking, chaotically move around the room and, stopping opposite one of the participants, should be angry with magic word "Tuh-Tibi-Spirit." Another participant can silence or three times to pronounce the magical word "Tuh-Tibi-Spirit." After that, keep moving around the room, stopping from time to time to someone and angrily uttering a magical word. It is important to say it not to the void, but a certain person standing on the contrary. After a while, children will not be able to laugh.

"Gold fish"(formation of arbitrary regulation and self-control). Source position - sitting on the floor. Each participant is proposed to describe famous plot, for example, the "fairy tale about fisherman and fish", on behalf of some character: old man, old women, fish, sea, etc. At the same time, the rest of the participants should carefully make sure that the story sounded exactly what was really to participate in the story This character, and ask provocative questions: "What did you feel?", "How do you know that, because you were not there?"

"Visualization of a large object." Children are invited to visualize a house, apartment, street. To do this, it is necessary to imagine yourself to the opening door and part of the apartment. Children can concentrate on the details of the fittings, curtains, paintings, etc. Then it is necessary to return back and carefully examine the appearance of the building.

"Wax Figure" (formation of arbitrary regulation and self-control). Participants with closed eyes "pose" from each other and the same sculpture. After that, each returns to the previously gone pose and retains it until the last copy is completed. Then children open their eyes, compare the figures obtained and discuss the result.

"Events in order" (Development of causal relationships). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to arrange events in order: I go to bed, I dinner, I watch TV, I clean my teeth, I play football, etc. Another option: in a year, the day before yesterday, today, tomorrow, a month ago, the day after tomorrow and T d.

"Encrypted Offer" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For memorization, short proposals are given, for example, "My name is Her". Children are invited to encrypt the proposal by adding in front of each syllable insert "FI": "(F) (F) NA (F) -CO (FI) VUT (FI) GE (FI).

"Time and AntiToday" (Development of causal relationships). Source position sitting on the floor. Each participant is invited to describe some event (excursion, movie, story, etc.) first correctly, and then from the end to the beginning.

"Visualization of geometric shapes." Children are invited to present a circle (square, triangle, etc.), then mentally change its size, color, shape, rotate around its axis, remove and bring the shape.

"Ranging" (Development of the hierarchy of concepts). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor explains what ranking, and suggests to run on a specific principle of the following words: peas - apricot - watermelon - orange - cherry; Baby - Youth - Man - Old Man - Boy; silence - talk - scream - whisper; Snowflake - Soselka - Iceberg - Ltin - snowdrift; City - Apartment - Country - Earth - Street.

"The photo" (Emotional development). The instructor shows the photo with the image of a person with a certain mood. One of the participants should reproduce the phrase given to it with intonation corresponding to emotions in the photo. It is necessary to accompany the statement of the corresponding facial expressions and gestures. The rest of the children must appreciate the correctness of the task.

"Visualization of movements." Children are invited to present themselves anywhere in the globe. To do this, you need to feel easily floating above the ground, warm sun ray And the breeze blow, notice odors and sounds ...

"Wizard visualization". Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are invited to submit a good and wise person to whom you can ask any questions. You must carefully listen to the answers of this wizard. He can tell the extraordinary story of himself.

"Visualization of the Magic Eight." Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are invited to present a lying eight, which is located inside the head and stretches from the ear to ear. It is necessary to mentally follow the eyes of the eight trajectory.

"Superfluous word". Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children from a group of words (on cards) to choose an excess, not suitable by value:

· Plate, cup, table, kettle;

· Red, blue, beautiful, yellow, gray;

· Many, pure, little, half;

· Yesterday, today, in the morning, the day after tomorrow;

· Spanown, point, dash, union;

· Old, tall, young, elderly, young.


· Actual problems of neuropsychology of children's age: Tutorial / Ed. . - M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: NGO Publisher "Modek", 2001.-272 p.

· Velsel Neuropsychology. - M.: Ast Astrel. - 2005.- 384 p.

·, Balashov Children: neuropsychological diagnostics of difficulties in learning younger schoolchildren. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Society. - 2001. - 123 p.

· Semenovich in the neuropsychology of children's age: a textbook. - M.: Genesis, 2005. - 319 p.

· Semenovich correction in childhood. The method of replacing ontogenesis: a training manual. - M.: Genesis, 2007. - 474 p.

· Saprotyuk A. L psycho-physiological and neuropsychological support of learning. M.: TC Sphere. -2-3.- 288 p.

Cognitive games

Cognitive exercises are aimed at development:

Body schemes,

Orientation in space,

Quasi-spatial representations

Visual, auditory and kinesthetic ideas.

"Organization of the workplace" (The formation of the ability to follow the rules, control their activities, transfer the method of action from one situation to another).

"Listen to silence" (Formation of arbitrary regulation of own activities, development of an audible gnosis). The initial position is lying on the back. Close your eyes and consistently listen to sounds outside outside the window, then in the room, your breath, heartbeat

"Leaf space organization" (Formation of spatial representations). The initial position is sitting on the floor. It is necessary to show children how to post pictures on the landscape sheet, scan lines: you should start working from the upper left corner, from left to right, top down. In the first stages of the work, you can lay the landscape sheet on stripes and cells, show the arrows of the direction of movement of the eyes. Work should be carried out strictly inside the cell or strip.

Cognitive exercise "Noisy boxes" (Audial memory formation). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor must prepare several identical sets of boxes filled with various materials (sand, cereals, paper clips, paper balls, etc.), which, by shaking, create various noise. Children with closed eyes listen to the noise of one of the boxes, which the instructor shakes, then move their boxes and find the same.

"Bowl of kindness"(Emotional development). The instructor explains: "Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine your favorite cup. Mentally fill it to the edges with your kindness. Imagine a different one, someone else's cup, it is empty. Place it from your kindness cup. Near another empty cup, also. Mold kindness from your cup empty. Do not spare! And now look at your cup. Is it empty full? Add your kindness to it. You can share your kindness with others, but your cup will always stay full. Open your eyes. Self and confidently say: "It's me! I have such a kind of kindness!"

"My hand, your hand" (Formation of spatial representations). The children are divided into couples and, sitting face to each other, first determine at their own, then the partner has a left hand, left shoulder, right knee, etc.

"Formation of quasi-spatial representations" . Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor conducts with children to work out concepts: "To", "after", "before," later "," between ". He offers children to structure the sequence of time, year, the days of the week, months of the year. Then you can form orientation and time analysis skills on the arrogant clock.

"Cold-hot" . The instructor hides the object in the room, and then with the help of commands leads the player to the target. Teams can be: "Step right, two steps forward, three left, etc.". If the child is well oriented in space, then you can use the scheme plan.

"Labyrinth"(Formation of spatial representations). The child must bypass chairs with advancement: on the right, to the left of the chair, above, under the chair. Mandatory condition is to pronounce loud of its spatial actions.

"Find Figure"(Tactile memory formation). Source position - sitting on the floor. Children in turn with closed eyes feel a row of figures with different surface textures: smooth, rough, spiny, slippery, velvety, etc. Then, without opening the eye, they must find items with the same surface and build them in a given order. The number of figures must be increased gradually. At first, one hand is participating first, then the other, both together.

"Pose"(Tactile memory formation). Children sitting with closed eyes in turn is attached to any posture (a complicated version - sequentially 2-3 postures). The child must feel and remember them, and then reproduce in the desired sequence.

"Traffic". (Motor memory formation). The instructor offers children a few consecutive movements (dance, gymnastic, etc.). Children must repeat them as accurate as possible in the same sequence.

"Rhythm"(Sitting on the floor). The instructor sets the rhythm, rejecting it with one hand, for example, "2-2-3" (at the beginning of development, visual reinforcement is given - the children see the hands of the instructor, and in the process of development gradually pass only to the auditory perception, i.e. with eyes closed). The children are then proposed to repeat the rhythmic pattern with the right, left hand, two hands at the same time (cotton or shocks in front of them), combined (for example, "2" - with the right hand, "2" - left hand, "3" - at the same time with two hands). After mastering the first part of the exercise, children are invited to reproduce the same rhythmic pattern with legs.

"Invisible hat" (formation of visual memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For 20 seconds, children are invited to remember the items lying on the table, which the instructor covers the cap. Then the children are invited to remember and list all objects. Complication of the exercise is to remember the order of the objects, which the instructor can change.

"Superfluous word"(Development of speech soundness). Source position - sitting on the floor Children are invited to exclude from a number of words, which is not suitable for the rest of the words. For example, in the verbal row of "protein, protein, bleaching, white", the word "protein" is excluded. Children need to be explained why they excluded exactly this word.

"Octopus"(formation of visual and spatial memory). Children are located in a certain way around the perimeter of the room (in the corner of the window near the ball, etc.) and remember their place. The instructor includes a musical fragment during which children run freely around the hall. During the pause, they should return to their place as soon as possible. Complication Exercises - Children should take a place, one position forward when driving clockwise.

"Score"(The development of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to "go to the store" and lists the items that need to be bought. The number of items must be gradually increased from one to seven. You can change the roles (Seller, Mom, Child) and shops ("Milk", "Toys", "Boolean", etc.). "Seller" first listens to the order of the buyer, then picks up the "product". "Buyer" checks and carries the "product" home, where "Mom" checks the correctness of the purchase.

"Forbidden Sound" (Development of speech soundness). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to answer the question without using some kind of specific sound or replacing it with cotton in your hands. For example, the sound "M" is excluded. Then to the question: "What are the berries grow in the forest?" It is impossible to call raspberries and strawberries. Using cotton, the answer to the question will be like this: "(cotton) -Alin, Ze- (cotton) -lika."

"Fish, bird, beast" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor indicates each child and pronounces: "Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird, beast." The player who stopped the belonging should quickly call any beast. If the answer is correct, the instructor continues the game if the answer is incorrect - the child drops out of the game. The game can be carried out in different versions.

"Tell the word on the contrary" . (Forming speech sound record). Children are offered in turn to say the proposal by the instructor the word from the end. It is necessary to start with short words (cat, house), gradually moving to longer.

"Color visualization. Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are offered to "fill out" the brain by any color (red, blue, green) by their choice. It is necessary to concentrate on the preservation of the color clear and clean. You can concentrate on the similarity or difference in colors. For each color you can choose a bodily pose that will help visualize the color.

"Encrypted Offer" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For memorization, short proposals are given, for example: "The children played in the yard." It is proposed to encrypt the proposal by adding through each syllable insert "HVE": "de (Hwe) TI (HWE) IG (HVE) -R (HVE) (HVE) in (HVE) DVO (HVE) Re (Hve)."

"Rhythm in a circle."Children sit down semicircle. The instructor retracts some rhythm. Children listen carefully and on the instructor teams repeat it (separately or all together). When Rhythm is mastered, children receive a team: "Let's turn this rhythm as follows. Everyone takes back in turns in one cotton from a given rhythm. From left to right. When the rhythm is over, the next round is waiting for a short pause and starts first. Who was late with his cotton, who did not stand the pause, who made extra cotton, gets a penalty point or drops out of the game. " Possible ways of complication of the task: lengthening and complication of rhythm, rhythm retaliation by each player with both hands in turn, etc. Children can also offer to play sounds of different volume inside the rhythmic pattern (for example: quiet and loud).

"Cap my triangular" . (Antique game). Children sit in a circle. All in turn, starting with the lead, pronounce one word from the phrase: "The cap is my triangular, a triangular cap. And if not triangular, then this is not my cap. " Then the phrase is repeated, but the children who fall out to say the word "cap", replace it with a gesture (light cotton palm on the head). Then the phrase is repeated again, but two words are replaced on gestures: "Cap" (light cotton palm on the head) and "My" (show your hand). When repeating the phrase, three words are replaced for the third time: "Cap", "mine" and "triangular" (the triangle is depicted by hands).

"Human visualization" (Sitting on the floor). Children are invited to visualize a familiar person (someone from those present). To do this, you need to focus on his face and carefully examine each item. Then mentally get close to the person, exit, look at it on the right, left, behind and in front

. "I know five"(development of nominative processes). Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are offered simultaneously with the blow on the ball to call five names of boys, girls, names of plants, animals, etc.

"Visualization of a three-dimensional object." Children are invited to mark any three-dimensional object (ball, chair, globe) in front of them and learn each part of the object, then submit it entirely. Then you need to resize, shape, color.

"Mirror movements" (body development). The instructor gets back to children and performs movements with hands, legs, body. Children repeat all the movements of the instructor. The complication of the exercise is that the instructor faces the person to children who must repeat his movement.

"Tuh-Tibi-Spirit"(Emotional development). In this ritual, a comic paradox is laid. Children pronounce spell against bad mood, offended and disappointment. They, not talking, chaotically move around the room and, stopping opposite one of the participants, should be angrily pronounce the magical word "Tuh-Tibi-spirit". Another participant can silence or three times to pronounce the magical word "Tuh-Tibi-Spirit." After that, keep moving around the room, stopping from time to time to someone and angrily uttering a magical word. It is important to say it not to the void, but a certain person standing on the contrary. After a while, children will not be able to laugh.

"Gold fish"(formation of arbitrary regulation and self-control). Source position - sitting on the floor. Each participant is invited to describe the famous plot, for example, a fairy tale about fisherman and fish, on behalf of some character: old man, old women, fish, sea, etc. At the same time, the other participants should carefully make sure that the story sounded exactly What did this character really participated, and ask provocative questions: "What did you feel?", "How do you know that, because you were not there?"

"Visualization of a large object" . Children are invited to visualize a house, apartment, street. To do this, it is necessary to imagine yourself to the opening door and part of the apartment. Children can concentrate on the details of the fittings, curtains, paintings, etc. Then it is necessary to return back and carefully examine the appearance of the building.

"Wax Figure" (formation of arbitrary regulation and self-control). Participants with closed eyes "pose" from each other and the same sculpture. After that, each returns to the previously gone pose and retains it until the last copy is completed. Then children open their eyes, compare the figures obtained and discuss the result.

"Events in order" (Development of causal relationships). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to arrange events in order: I go to bed, I dinner, I watch TV, I clean my teeth, I play football, etc. Another option: in a year, the day before yesterday, today, tomorrow, a month ago, the day after tomorrow, etc.

"Encrypted Offer" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For memorization, there are short proposals, for example: "My name is me." Children are invited to encrypt the proposal by adding in front of each syllable insert "FI": "(F) (F) NA (F) -CO (FI) VUT (FI) GE (FI).

"Time and AntiToday" (Development of causal relationships). Source position sitting on the floor. Each participant is invited to describe some event (excursion, movie, story, etc.) first correctly and then from the end to the beginning.

"Visualization of geometric shapes" . Children are invited to present a circle (square, triangle, etc.), then mentally change its size, color, shape, rotate around its axis, remove and bring closer shape.

"Ranging"(Development of the hierarchy of concepts). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor explains what ranking, and suggests to run on a specific principle of the following words: peas - apricot - watermelon - orange - cherry; Baby - Youth - Man - Old Man - Boy; silence - talk - scream - whisper; Snowflake - Soselka - Iceberg - Ltin - snowdrift; City - Apartment - Country - Earth - Street.

"The photo"(Emotional development). The instructor shows the photo with the image of a person with a certain mood. One of the participants should reproduce the phrase given to it with intonation corresponding to emotions in the photo. It is necessary to accompany the statement of the corresponding facial expressions and gestures. The rest of the children must appreciate the correctness of the task.

"Visualization of movements" . Children are invited to present themselves anywhere in the globe. To do this, it is necessary to feel easily floating above the ground, the heat of sunlight and the breeze blow, notice odors and sounds ...

"Wizard visualization". Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are invited to submit a good and wise person to whom you can ask any questions. You must carefully listen to the answers of this wizard. He can tell the extraordinary story of himself.

"Visualization of the Magic Eight." Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are invited to present a lying eight, which is located inside the head and stretches from the ear to ear. It is necessary to mentally follow the eyes of the eight trajectory.

"Superfluous word".Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children from a group of words (can be on cards) to choose an excess, not suitable for the value: plate, cup, table, kettle; red, blue, beautiful, yellow, gray; a lot, pure, little, half; yesterday, today, in the morning , day after tomorrow; comma, point, dash, union; old, tall, young, elderly, young.

The program of training cognitive and social skills (TKSN) in schizophrenia patients.

A.B. Cholmogorova, N.G.Garanyan, A.A. Dolnykov, A.B. Shmukler (Menium Psychiatry)

This program has been developed by the Laboratory of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Head A. B. Cholmogorova), together with the Department of Community Psychiatry and the Organization of Psychiatric Assistance of the MNII of the Psychiatry of the Ministry of Law B. Shmukler).

Relevance. Schizophrenia is the most expensive of all mental disorders. In the US, treatment and maintenance of patients costs $ 7 billion annually, which is 2% of the gross national product. Although the opening of neuroleptics in the 50s has significantly facilitated the process of treating schizophrenia, the problem of social adaptation and rehabilitation of these patients is still extremely acute. To date, there is no doubt that the most effective approach to rehabilitation is comprehensive psychopharmacological and psychosocial assistance. Psychosocial methods have proven itself as a necessary part of the rehabilitation process and continue to develop intensively and improve(Gurovich, Stordozhakova, 1998; Gurovich, Strozkova, Schmukler, 2004; Holmogorov, 1993, 2000).The proposed program is based on numerous scientific research data, including the most modern and reliable scientific data on the psychological mechanisms of cognitive and social dysfunctions in patients with schizophrenia.

The overall characteristics of cognitive dysfunctions in patients with schizophrenia.As revealed by numerous experimental psychological studies of mental functions (attention, thinking, memory) processing of information in patients with schizophrenia occurs extremely inefficiently. The metaphorically of their brain and consciousness as it were "twisted" with numerous incentives from the external environment, since the selection is broken, i.e. Retribution of "unnecessary" incentives.

Violations of selective attention in the form "Filter breakage is investigated and described in the psychological" filter model "(Mc Chie, Chapman, 1961, Payn, 1966). As consequences, there are disorders of concentration, distractions, rapid fatigue, and in behavior - uncertainty, bugness, since there is no protection against ultimulation.

Attention is not only a filter, but also readiness for perception and processing of information, i.e. a kind of waiting behavior or readiness for reactions coordinating protection against stimuli, maintaining a concentration. In this sense, D.Zhakov (Shakow, 1962, 1971 ) Speaks about the coented installations. The installation model ("SET-Modell") Jacina arose on the basis of the so-called "cross-over" effect, the essence of the disease in the reduced ability of patients to anticipate events in a probabilistic environment. Such features of the organization of attention can largely explain the well-known phenomenon of incompassity of attention and behavior, i.e. The difficulties of subordination of the last one goal. For example, the preparation of breakfast can be an overlap for the patient, since all the preparatory steps are poorly coordinated among themselves. On the other hand, patients are much worse performed tasks where flexibility and restructuring of the learned schemes and patterns is required (Kholmogorova, 1983. ). Rigidity notes as the most important characteristic higher mental functions of patients (Savina, 1982).

On the destruction of concepts - the erosion of their borders, a combination of excessive concreteness with excessive symbolization was written by many researchers, starting with E. Bleyler (K.Goldstein, N. Kameron, L.S. Vigotsky, S.Piro). This becomes an important barrier in intellectual activity and interaction with other people.

IN patriotic psychology Zeigarnik and her followers an attempt was made to associate impairment of thinking and other cognitive processes with motivation disorders in patients with schizophrenia (Zeigarnik, 1962; Kochenov, Nikolaev, 1978; E.T. Sokolova, 1976.). Motivation disorders are manifested in reducing the arbitrary regulation of mental functions - attention, memory, thinking, which is an important mechanism for reducing mental activity in these patients. Psychological mechanisms of violation of arbitrary regulation (disruption of mediation and target formation, an adequate response to the success and stimulation of the achievement motivation) were studied and described in detail by the National Assembly of the AMN Laboratory (Cretan, Meleshko, Polyakov, 1991; Savina 1982, Kurken, 1996).

Social motivation violations are also expressed in reducing the communicative orientation of thinking, i.e. In a situation involving the account of the position of another person, patients experience significant difficulties, when operating with stimulus, they often ignore this position (Cretan, Meleshko, Polyakov, 1991, Kholmogorova, 1983).

With all the discussion of any studies in the field of schizophrenia, most researchers agree that violations of cognitive processes play a very important role and may undermine other violations during schizophrenia. Therefore, cognitive violations in schizophrenia received the name of the central psychological deficit (core Psychological Defatiit).

From the above studies, a very important conclusion is followed about the danger of superflamming for schizophrenia patients, about the need for a very clear organization and, if possible, limit information and stimulation addressed to the patient. Since violations of attention are manifested primarily in the congestion conditions, K. Nomkhterline and co-authors (Neuchterlein et al, 1986 ) We concluded that violations of attention in patients are reduced to limited information processing capabilities.

The studies described play an important role in the development of goals and general principles Organization of psychocorrection work with patients.

The overall characteristics of violations of social functioning in schizophrenia patients.

Numerous studies show that social skills are violated: the adequacy of social perception, verbal communications, the ability to solve interpersonal problems and complex life situations (see Bulk Holmogorov, 2000). Thus, patients decrease the ability to recognize the emotions of another person, an adequate expression of their own emotions, the exact transmission of the verbal information obtained by them, the verbal expression of their own feelings and thoughts.

Schizophrenia patients exhibit an increased anxiety in relation to social emotionally significant incentives, their activities are easily disorganized under the influence of emotional loads. They hardly tolerate competition situations. The main impairment of the emotional sphere of patients is Angedonia - a reduced ability to experience pleasure (Garanian, 1986; Kurek, 1996.). Angedonia reduces the taste for life, worsens the ability to interact with other people, weakens the positive sense of self-esteem, reduces the social motivation of achievements and interest in activities.

Modern studies show an important role of social environment during schizophrenia. An important role is played by the nature of emotional communications with the nearest environment, especially with the family. Studies have shown that a high level of negative emotions in the family, an excessively critical and hostile attitude towards the patient sharply worsen the course of the disease. Studies have also shown increased sensitivity to criticism from other people (Voghn, leff, 1976; LEFF, 1989.).

Unlike patients with other mental disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia patients feel greater uncertainty and change after the undergoing attack, and relatives and acquaintances are often very wary and incredulously - these patients are especially often obtained by the "mad" label (Scheff, 1973. ). Thus, these patients are particularly often a shortage of social support when they need it (Brugha, 1995).

The deficiency of attention and the difficulty of processing information characteristic of schizophrenia patients, as well as their frequent sensitivity to emotional impacts increase the likelihood of emotional stress at ultimulation or with a negligible planned, insufficiently structured lesson. Such ultramilation leads, as a rule, to deterioration of the patient's condition. The "targets" of the impact on training activities are a shortage of social perception, inconsistency in solving everyday problems, poorly formed non-verbal behavior.

Existing approaches to compensation for cognitive and social dysfunctions.

For the first time, the program for the normalization of information processing functions was proposed by D.Maychenbaum and R. Kameron (Meichenbaum, Cameron, 1973 ). It is based on self-constructions and executing, which are used by patients to focus attention, self-concretion in difficult situations and even reduce nonsense and hallucinations. Then other more specified programs were developed.

The most common model of group work with schizophrenia patients, starting from the 70s and until today, is the training of social skills(Wallace et al., 1980) . American Psychiatrist A. Bellak (Belck, 1986. ) Determines the training of social skills as a structured training program that forms the skills of social behavior necessary to create a specific network of social contacts and reduce stress that has developed as a result of interpersonal conflicts and failures.

Lieberman with co-authors (Lieberman et al., 1986) It is believed that the efficiency of using social skills training is directly dependent on strictly complying with the principle of an individual approach. So, for patients who are able to assign strategies to solving problems related to social behavior, he recommends training focused on optimizing the process of information processing. In accordance with the stages of processing information in the training, three stages are distinguished: 1) working out the methods of receiving information; 2) selection of response; 3) Choosing a suitable response form. At all stages, the therapist stimulates the analysis of the problem situation, and gives the patient a constant feedback, encouraging any correct effect.

Summarizing the results of more than fifty studies conducted over the past 15 years and described in the relevant reviews (Wallace, 1984; Tarrier, 1989. ), R.P. Lieberman and T.A.Ekman (Lieberman & Eckman, 1989 ) It is noted that, firstly, social training is effective tool Optimization of social behavior in psychotic patients and, secondly, clinical symptoms are reduced as a result of the training and the probability of exacerbating the disease is reduced. Such results stimulate to further actively use the method of social training in modern psychotherapy of schizophrenia.

One of the most important rehabilitation tasks, which solves the training of social skills is to overcome the social isolation of the patient and the inclusion of it into a wider social network.

Violations of social functioning in schizophrenia patients are closely related to cognitive dysfunctions. Partly, this connection is straight and obvious. Violations of attention, memory, thinking lead to a decrease in the performance of patients, and, ultimately, can lead to disability and social disadaptation. There are, however, a more complex dependence: the above violation of social perception, the communicative orientation of thinking, attribute style lead to a constant social distress due to the total inadequacy of behavior. For example, failure in social interaction patients with paranoid symptoms most often attribute the ill-quality of other people. As a result of a special training of social perception, combined with cognitive training, they begin to interpret their past failures as a result of inequalities adequately behave and they have motivation to compensate for the corresponding deficits.

Violations of the recognition of emotional states of other people, the communicative orientation of thinking also leads to inadequate social behavior and, ultimately, social disadvantage.

Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining the training of cognitive function and social skills logically derives from existing studies.

She was the first to implemented Swiss researchers - a group of three psychologists and one psychiatrist, employees of the university psychiatric clinic of Bern and Münsterlingen. They developed a multistage IPT program (Integtratieves Psychologisches TerapieProgramm.) - integrative psychological therapeutic program(Brenner et al., 1987), unifying the training of cognitive functions and social skills. The program includes 5 steps: 1) Cognitive Differentiation; 2) Social perception 3) verbal communication 4) Social skills; 5) The solution of interpersonal problems. This program for 15 years has been tested in various clinics.

Controlled studies have proven IPT effectiveness. In patients, schizophrenia, which passed this program, there was a general improvement in cognitive and social functioning. These patients were significantly different in the indicators mentioned from the control group of patients who received non-specific supportive therapy in the same amount.

The basic principles of the above-described integrative Swiss program formed the basis of the TKSN program. However, the objectives and objectives of the TKKN are expanded and modified on the basis of these domestic studies on violations of arbitrary regulation of cognitive functions, the communicative orientation of thinking, intellectual and social institutions (Garanian, 1986; Zeigarnik, Kholmogorova, 1985; Zeigarnik, Holmogorova, Mazur, 1989; Cretan, Meleshko, Polyakov, 1991; Kurek, 1996 ;; Kholmogorova, 1983.).

Training Cognitive Functions and Social Skills


1) strengthening arbitrary regulation of memory and attention by learning how to use special Tools (training in switching and holding attention, selection of information, use of mnemotechnical techniques);

2) strengthening the communicative or cognitive differentiation of thinking (operating concepts with orientation to another person, joint activities in pairs and a group to achieve a common goal);

3) Development of cognitive accuracy and differentiation of social perception (training in recognition of non-verbal communications - Mimics, postures, gestures, analysis and qualifications of interpersonal situations, reproduction accuracy speech behavior partner);

4) a decrease in intellectual angedonia (binding of intellectual activity with the game component and success);

5) the development of the regulation of its emotional states, thinking and behavior through the development of the ability to self-observation, self-assistance and the compliant dialogue;

6) testing of social behavior skills (training in communications for different topics in a group, modeling and playing of real life situations);

7) teaching effective strategies to solve interpersonal problems (dismemberment of the problem into smaller, allocation of the stages of its solution and specific tasks, methods for solving these tasks).

Principles of selection in the group:

  1. awareness of patients of the corresponding deficits and the presence of motivation for their overcoming;

The efficiency of work is directly dependent on the motivation of participants, which develops from the awareness of their problems and features and interest in cognitive, intellectual, communicative activity as a whole.

  1. the patients close in the age, the level of intelligence and state are selected in the group;

If the group disintegrates (more saved, less saved, younger - older, etc.), it is difficult to propose tasks that meet the entire group and keep the atmosphere of interest, pleasure from activities. The situation is also unfavorable when there is one person in the group, different from all of some kind of quality (for example, one woman among men).

3) Group of 6-8 people.

The number of participants is determined by the need to provide group interaction and, at the same time, to keep all the participants in the field of attention, it should not cause a large voltage in people with problems of communication, to provide each of them necessary to fulfill all the exercises time. If the limitations of the upper limit of participants in groups of schizophrenia patients are pretty obvious, then the limitations of the lower limit should be noted. Many exercises "technically" cannot be made in a group of less than 4 people. In too little group, the subject is more difficult to choose a partner to perform the exercise and the leading more difficult to send this choice. Finally, all positive group effects disappear.


Training includes two stages - 1) intense in a closed group; 2) supporting in the so-called SLOW OPEN (partially open) group. Intensive training is carried out during their stay in the clinic or in day hospital with a frequency of at least 2 times a week. The duration of each lesson is no more than 60 minutes. Lonent exercises are tedious for patients. It is important to clearly observe the time of the beginning and end of the classes. The occupation begins on time, even if not all participants assembly. This emphasizes the importance of the specified time limits and contributes to the fact that the participants cease to be late. The "fines" system is sent to this - the participant's late must perform an exercise intended for him only.

The total number of classes at the stage of intensive training 16-20. The maintenance step is aimed at maintaining and fixing the cognitive and social skills developed during the intensive stage, as well as strengthening social ties and providing social support. So that patients can participate after discharge, as well as arranged to work, it is held in the evening in time once a week, the duration of each lesson is 60-90 minutes. At the supporting stage, the Group may include a larger number of people from different groups (10-14) who have passed the stage of intensive training. The total duration of both steps is at least six months. Possible individual variations.

An important factor affecting the effectiveness of classes in a closed group is the constancy of the composition of the group or the regularity of visiting classes. New participants can join the group no later than the second lesson (taking into account the individual conversation with the leading group and its rules). The non-permanent visit makes it impossible to clearly plan an occupation, reduces the effectiveness of group cooperation, reduces the motivation of other participants and makes the group knowingly inhomogeneous - because A man who missed classes does not know and does not know how to something that other participants can. In addition, the passage of classes means the pass of some kind of interaction of the participants of the group. The required gradual rapprochement and experience of communication with other participants of the group are interrupted, while the remaining members of the group are already at another stage of group cooperation.

Structure of classes

Classes begin and end with the same procedure. Each participant says two words about his mood in this moment And the exercise that he most remembered from the past occupation (at the beginning of the classes) or with just the ending occupation (at the end of the class). At the end of the lesson, you can also carry out some kind of motor ritual of the end of the classes. One of the leading first answers these questions, thereby setting the model of these statements. This ritual gives leading information about the emotional state of the participants and its dynamics, forces participants to once again recall all the exercises. Then, as a rule, a short exercise is carried out, aimed at the activation, "entry into work". It may be a "repetition of the past" - fixing the already worked stage. Then there are more time-consuming exercises that continue to be launched or introducing a new training subprogram. The results of these exercises are usually discussed. Often after such discussions when methods are detected that allow you to improve the exercise, the exercise is repeated again (in the same or modified form) to master and fix these methods. More long, requiring the focus of exercises alternate with short, often motor, exercises. At the end of the lesson, a short exercise is carried out, which should support a positive emotional atmosphere, create a feeling of success, pleasure. After each occupation, participants are invited to perform homework. It may in some form to repeat what was done in class or, on the contrary, prepare the material for the next classes. The homework saves time in the class and makes the participants exercise a certain activity in the intervals between classes.

The sequence of exercise by participants may be different. As a rule, the exercises are performed in a circle or - in a more complex version - the queue is determined by each other of the item (ball, soft toys). Many exercises are performed in pairs.

At the first lesson, leading once again report participants all the necessary information about the training, including the transfer of its goals, emphasize the importance of complex treatment, which includes drug treatment and psychological training, list the rules of the Group's work. The participants are issued a memo with a brief listing of training goals, the rules of the Group's work (with a small comment) and, if necessary, the schedule of classes.

Subprograms TKSN.

The intensive training phase includes 6 subprograms:

  1. training memory and attention;
  2. training of the communicative orientation and ability to cooperation;
  3. development of accuracy of social perception;
  4. the development of verbal communication;
  5. testing of social skills;
  6. development of problems solving problems.

Group work principles:

1) Clear, structured management style - all classes are clearly planned, held in strictly certain days and the clock, the duration of one classes is fixed, should not exceed 60 minutes, all instructions for exercises are extremely clearly formulated;

2) avoiding emotional and information overloads;

3) a gradual transition from a rigid structure with orientation to tasks to more and greater spontaneity in intergroup interaction;

4) a gradual transition from more directive style to less directive;

5) a gradual transition from emotionally neutral material to emotionally loaded;

6) phased introduction of new material and the transition to more complex purposes and objectives;

7) constant repetition and testing of preceding steps;

8) clear feedback from the leading exercises in terms of the correctness of implementation;

9) a ban on criticism - errors are fixed calmly, as a mandatory and inevitable element of workout, in the most benevolent form;

10) Saturation Classes positive emotions - Exercises are carried out in a game form, everyone, even small achievements and successes, are noted;

11) Exchange feelings, observations and experience at all stages of work (the key question after each exercise "What helped, what prevented? What techniques used?");

12) activation and unloading by alternating mental and exercise;

13) The group is carried out two prepared pots, which allows using the principle of modeling, track the exercise and the emotional state of each of the participants, to give the most complete feedback.

In the course of social skills training, well-known principles of social learning are also used, which have proven themselves as effective when working with this contingent: 1) instructing, how to behave in one way or another; 2) Feedback - analysis and reinforcement of certain types of behavior; 3) modeling - reproduction of the behavior model, alive (with the participation of the therapist) or symbolic (using a film or video); 4) playing roles; 5) Social reinforcement - the use of praise when the desired behavior is observed; 6) home assignments to work out the desired behavior (Corey, 1986).

Principles of interaction of potherapists. It is assumed to divide the functions between the main leading and co-support. The main lead gives instructions to the exercises and manages the overall sequence of work. The co-host helps lead in the exercise show, in situations where modeling is necessary, it distributes to patients with gaming material, cards with tasks. Both leaders follow the performance of exercises and the dynamics of the emotional state of the participants, give the necessary feedback to members of the Group. Both potters are constantly conducted by a diary of classes, record transitions to new subprogrammes, goals of each class and exercise, reaction and dynamics of the achievements of the Group participants. Koterpets jointly discuss every occupation: how much the goal has been achieved, what is the individual dynamics of his participants, as the exercises were performed how successful to their interaction were. Each next session is carefully planned based on the program strategy and analyzing the preceding classes. Testing is recommended for the main functions and abilities, the development of which is directed, before and after it.

Testing should be carried out before starting and after the end of the training.

1st unit (self-esteem of dysfunction and symptoms):

  1. Self-assessment of cognitive and social dysfunctions (the syringe of the cognitive deficit of Holmogorova, the survey of the social skills of Goldstein in the adaptation of Hlomov, Bablushinsky);
  2. Psychopathological symptoms (symptomatic survey SCL-90 of Drogestis);
  3. Emotional violations (anxiety questionnaire and beck depression);

2nd block (cognitive functions):

  1. Attention (account with the switching of Platonov, the search for Savina's words);
  2. Memory (10 words);
  3. Formal intelligence (progressive matrices are equal);
  4. Preposition - Latent signs (comparison of concepts, variant of the Polyakov laboratory);
  5. Communicative orientation of thinking (definition of the concepts of Holmogorova, Cowell-Meshko method);

3rd block (social function):

  1. Social perception (recognition of the Emotions of the Roger);
  2. Self-esteem (version of the demo - Rubinstein);
  3. The level of activity, the adequacy of the target formation (the level of slices of the sir);
  4. Requirements for yourself, quality standards, features of processing socially significant information (survey of Perfectionism of Garanian, Holmogorova);
  5. Social functioning (abbreviated version of the Moscow integrative questionnaire social network, Social Support Questionnaire, Füdrick)

Description of training routines.

Subroutine 1. Memory and attention training

Tasks: 1) Motivation, problematization, acquaintance; 2) creating a safe amosphere and positive mood, 3) introduction of group interaction elements; 4) working on gaming models of mnemotechnical techniques (support for semantic links) and focusing methods (performing exercises requiring process tracking, readiness for fast response), selection of information (for example, respond only to certain incentives, "black and white" not to call, etc.) and ordering information (drawing up a hierarchy of concepts and signs of concepts, building a senseless set of proposals in the story, etc.); 5) Discussion of difficulties, as well as developed techniques and ways to overcome them.

Subroutine 2. Development of the communicative orientation of thinking and ability to cooperation (2-3 classes goes as basic).

Tasks: 1) the introduction of interaction in pairs on the material of past classes (joint memorization, assistance in retention); 2) work with concepts (determining the defined concepts for another, guessing conceived concepts, joint dissection of the most informative signs of concepts, receiving feedback on the difficulties arising from partners); 3) interaction in pairs in order to jointly achieve a certain result (joint drawing of figures, overcoming obstacles, etc.); 4) Discussion of difficulties and means of overcoming them.

Subrogram 3. Social perception (2-3 classes goes as basic).

Tasks: 1) Training in the interpretation of non-verbal expression - the displacement of emotions, the expression of various emotions, the displacement of the emotional state of facial expressions and gestures; 2) training in the analysis of social situations on the material of pictures and slides - collecting information about the emotional state of the characters, the situation and other details; 3) training in the interpretation of the collected information; 4) training in classification and qualifications of various interpersonal situations; 5) Discussion of the difficulties and methods of their overcoming.

Subprogramme 4. Verbal communications (2-3 classes goes as basic).

Tasks: 1) Training in the accuracy of reproduction of the received verbal information, such as a small dough fragment or little story; 2) training in drawing up proposals, questions and answers to the specified topic; 3) joint interviewing of one or two members of the group on the specified topic; 4) free communication on a given topic; 5) Discussion of the difficulties and methods of their overcoming.

Subroutine 5. Social skills (2-3 classes goes as basic).

Tasks: 1) Elimination of difficulties in everyday life and self-service; 2) development of self-standing skills (for example, planning of fees before exit; planning actions when going to the store, planning for breakfast preparation, etc.); 3) exhaustion and discussion of real interpersonal situations causing difficulties; 4) Discussion possible options behavior and dialogue in these situations; 5) holding a role-playing game (at first the model can perform a pottery);

6) Discussion of the results of the role-playing game, the dissection of ways to overcome difficulties.

(completes the stage of intensive training).

Tasks: 1) Development of self-surveillance skills with the help of a diary for registration of situations and related emotions and thoughts ("Three columns" methods); 2) the deduction of the reasons affecting the mood - provoking situations (for example, the need to exit home), negative thoughts (for example, "I will not succeed", "people look ill-minded", etc.), dysfunctional beliefs (for example, "It is necessary to do everything well or at all on doing", "people are unfriendly", etc.); 3) the development of alternative thinking skills and cooping dialogue; 4) the degeneration of typical problem situations, their concretization and dismemberment of smaller (for example, a device for work); 5) stages and discussion possible methods solutions.

Examples of classes for training routines.

Subroutine 1. Memory and attention training

Example classes plan.

1 Exercise "Black and White".

2 .. Creating "10 words".

3 .. Option "10 words" - memorization with strong and weak associations. Discussion.

4. Exercise "Totatic investigator".

5. Exercise "Dog-Dog".

Homework - come up with questions for the exercise "Black and White"

Exercise 1. "Acquaintance"

The first exercise for memory, which is at the same time and the beginning of contact between the participants of the group is to memorize the names of the participants and call them by name. Initially, all participants call themselves in a circle. Then the lead calls himself again, followed by someone from the group participants and throws him the ball. And so, while all the names are not called quickly and confident.

You can get acquainted with the help of the procedure of extensive memorization (when each next participant repeats the names of all sitting in a circle to him before and adds its name), but this is a much more difficult procedure, it puts participants in an unequal position.

The acquaintance procedure is carried out, as a rule, not only on the first, but also on the second classes. Participants should not just remember the names, but also get the skill of appeal to each other by name: throw the ball with the words "Your name Masha", "Your name is Sasha", etc.

Exercise 2. "Two text"

The exercise is addressed to a greater degree of attention (possibilities to select information), in less memory. It is used for problematization. With it, it is very easy to show that it is impossible to perceive and remember the two text at the same time and that there are ways that facilitate perception and memorization

For it, four are approximately equal in the complexity of the text.

Two leaders read each text aloud out loud. Initially, the participants are given instructions to listen both texts, and then reproduce them. Then the group shares in half, each half listens only to one text while reading both.

It is discussed how much the second text prevents to focus and perceive "your own", which is perceived from each text.

Exercise 3. "Text and Account"

If the group is only one of the leading objectives of the problematization can be the modification of the previous exercise, when the lead reads the text, and the participants must listen to and in parallel to read in the mind (or invent words per letter of the alphabet).

Exercise 4. "Black and White"

The exercise requires attention, but to a greater extent, it is aimed at creating a cheerful atmosphere and the playing attitude.

It is a children's game. The master asks questions, the participants should answer them, observing the condition: "black and white not to call," yes "and" no "not talk." As a complicating condition, you can enter the requirement not to speak untrue.

For this exercise, you need to have a pre-harvested list of provocative issues (for example, what color is the zebra stripes, whether the occupation has already begun).

This exercise, after performing it in class, can be used as one of the first homework. Participants are invited to come up with suitable questions they ask each other in the next lesson.

The exercise 5. "Men's-women's names"

Participants should call names - the first and second - the male, the third female, the fourth - again male, etc. You need to call full names. The exercise can be repeated and varying the complexity, asking other concepts (two animals - one plant, etc.) In this exercise, it is important that the participants understand the entire breadth of the task proposed on them and did not narrow it (you can call foreign names, exotic plants). After exercise, it is discussed, as you can facilitate the implementation of this task. For example, to present your relatives, the heroes of the film, the zoo.

Exercise 6. "Quarter"

Exercise for attention, quite light, introducing motion elements.

The presenter tells some story. Participants must respond in a certain way to a given type of concept - clap if the story mentions something on four supports (dog, bus) and stump to mention emotions.

Exercise 7. "Electricity"

Exercise requires motor coordination. It can be performed if the presenter is confident that participants have no specific problems with tactile contact and the first stage of entry into psychological contact has already been passed.

Participants are sitting in a close circle, put their hands on their knees to the neighbors (left hand - to the right knee to the neighbor on the right, right - on the left knee of the neighbor left) and begin to clap the knee, so that the sequence of the knees, for which the "electric current" is passed . It is complicated by accelerating the movement and variation of the direction of the "current".

Exercise 8. "Floating Top"

A certain version of "electric current", which does not require tactile contact with other people, but requiring more concentration. Each participant puts his hands on his knees. Consistently, as if transmitting a current, the participant slams himself on his knee with his right hand, then his left foot. Then it slams himself on the knee, etc. The exercise becomes complex when changing directions and side - clap with his left hand, to turn the right foot.

Exercise 9. "Typewriter"

This common exercise is aimed at training attention and creating a cheerful game atmosphere. The letters from which the pre-harvested phrase is compiled are distributed among the participants (2,3,4 letters). The phrase is hung or written on the board. The rules prescribe to the participants in each other to clap his hands, as if someone presses the keys and print the letter beyond the letter. Cotton - blow to the corresponding letter). The end of the word is marked with a top of the top, the point is to get up. Compilation or selection of phrases can be homework.

Exercise 10. "Antiverea"

Exercise from the book N. Tozen and A. Pakhomov "Psychotechnical games in sports"

To tell about something in the reverse order, as if scrolling back a film show (for example, how I spent the day, as I came here, familiar to the whole fairy tale). Exercise is not such a simple, as it may seem at first glance. For example, even the told in the reverse order of such a simple fairy tale as "repka" requires a certain concentration and is fraught with errors.

Exercise 11. "Main investigator"

The participant is proposed in detail to describe a part of the room behind his back, which he currently sees. The exercise requires a certain technical organization so that everyone has its own "invisible" plot. It must be applied to the specific conditions of the room where the occupation is conducted. To give it the exercises of the game element, you can set the game instructions, for example, "detective", as if the investigator in detail describes the crime scene

Exercise 12. "Description of the picture"

The presenter shows the participants a picture with sufficient number A variety of objects on it for a short time, then the picture is cleaned, each participant must write a list of all the objects depicted in the picture.

Exercise 13. "Witness DTP"

It looks like a "meticulous investigator", but there is much greater requirements for the adequacy of interaction and contact between the participants. In the presence of such an adequacy, it contributes to the contact between the participants, the Group's cohesion. It can be carried out only in a group where there are no participants with pronounced violations of communication and social perception.

Participants are given instructions. Radio from each other. To write down the description of the clothing of all participants in the group, while not using the estimated categories.

Exercise 14. "Cold-hot"

Along with memory and attention, the exercise is also aimed at the ability to interact, to decentration, the ability to focus on the instructions.

One of the participants comes out of the room, the rest must agree and change the position of the pre-agreed number of objects (3-5) in the room. The released returns and his task - to find all changes. The remaining participants help him, accompanying his actions with the words "cold", "warmer", "hot", etc.

In this exercise it is important to encourage the remaining in the room to help someone who is looking for changes.

Exercise 15. "Dog-Dog"

This exercise is effective for discharging, raising the energy level. Each participant calls some animal. Everyone must remember who called which animal called. The first one at the same time bleats twice into his hands and twice calls "his" animal twice, then twice clap my knees and twice calls "someone" the animal. He whose animal called, makes the same procedure and calls someone else. Gradually, the speed of cotton and calls should increase.

Exercise 16. "Memorization of Pose"

One of the participants takes a certain posture, while others turn away or closes their eyes. Then a few seconds, everyone is looking at this posture, after which the posture changes and everything except the "author" must repeat the most accurate position of the body, limbs, facial expressions, and the position of the fingers. This exercise can be effectively complicated for the development of social perception. It is necessary to portray a look at any emotion, the same, who looks at and repeats the pose, you need to guess this emotion.

Exercise 17. "10 words"

You can offer participants to remember 10 single-double words, then also to memorize 10 words, but in different versions - using strong and weak associations, emotionally charged and neutral words, using mnemonics (for example, mentally hang words on an imaginary street). As a result of comparing the results obtained and their discussion, the participant can see what conditions will improve its ability to memorize.

Exercise 18. "Memoring words with the condition"

Participants in turn come up with words (in a circle or with a ball) corresponding to a certain condition (on some topic, starting with one letter, etc.). In a more complex version, it comes up with a second word in response to the first (opposite in meaning, starting to the last letter of the previous word, associated with the first one) or the phrase using the first word and with some more condition. For example, in the phrase it is necessary to include the word and word specified participant in the previous participant. You can ask for participants to invent phrases that would make up the story. After that, the participants are invited to remember and write down all these words. During the discussion, it is detected, which helps that it interferes with memorization, as this information can be used to memorize in everyday life.

Exercise 19. "Memorization of two-digit numbers"

Initially, the subjects must remember 10 single and double-digit numbers that do not carry an explicit associative painting, then the presenter proposes to remember the numbers that have some cultural associations (31 - New Year 18 - age of majority, etc.) and calls these associations. Then discusses how easier to memorize which associations can come up with everyone. This exercise is convenient to use to demonstrate "egocentric thinking" - which associations are understandable to all people belonging to this culture, which - only some group, which are only the author who have invented the Association. To do this, in the list of numbers that have explicit associations, you can enter a number that is significant for members of the group, for example, the room number where occupations are held, the bus number that goes to the occupation site, etc.

Subprogramme 2. Development of the communicative orientation of thinking and ability to cooperation.

Example classes plan.

1. Exercise "Memory with the condition".

2. Exercise "Definition of Concept". Discussion. The choice of the most successful definitions.

4. Description of the picture. Discussion. Choosing significant signs.

3. Exercise "Unmanned plane". Discussion.

5. Exercise "Electric Current"

Homework - Prepare descriptions, definitions for exercise "Watching who".

Possible exercise options.

Exercise 1. "Defining concepts"

Exercise is addressed to the communicative component of thinking.

Each participant determines, describes this leading concept so that all other participants can more accurately guesses what it describes. If some concept has been restful for a long time, it is important to discuss why it happened and whether there are any ways to describe it differently.

As an option of this exercise, you can exercise"Definition in the picture." This requires a picture with a sufficient number of similar objects (for example, an interior with different furniture objects) or several similar pictures. The lead calls the signs of the subject of the subject until the participants guess which subject is planned. Then discusses which items are distinguished by this item from others. Participants can act in the role of the host.

Exercise 2. "Strong and weak signs"

To illustrate the presentation of significant and insignificant signs, the presenter can describe the participants of the concept at the most significant, "strong" signs and in the "weak", insignificant. It is possible to calculate how many signs it took to guess what is the question in the first case and in the second. You can give examples of signs that are significant for some people and are incomprehensible to others. After that, the subjects come up with definitions of the concepts defined by the leading or invented themselves. You can set the topic, for example, describe the concept belonging to the autumn.

Exercise 3. "Half Description"

Participants are distributed by dried in the image, each should describe half a half so that the owner of the second half guess in the description of the missing half.

Exercise 4. "Automatic"

Exercise is a well-known game. One of the participants ("Avtomat") makes the concept, others ask him questions to which he can only answer "yes", "no". We introduced the third option - "I can not answer" for those cases when it is impossible to clearly agree or reject the question. Comparison with the machine helps the responding not to get back to the deployed answers. Specifying questions are penalted by one minute silence if they asked the question to which the answer implies greater than "yes" and "no" and for the statement of a specific guessed that turned out to be incorrect. Discussed - what questions and why help faster to come to the goal, what answers were inaccurate and confused asking.

Exercise 5. "Without what does not happen?"

It is necessary to highlight the main signs of some proposed leading concepts, without which it is impossible to determine exactly. For example, the school does not happen without a teacher and students.

As a result of the implementation of these exercises, one way or another associated with the allocation of significant signs of concepts includes a list of significant signs of concepts.

Exercise 6. "Watching who"

The exercise requires decentration, the ability to look at the situation from the position of the other. Having highlighting essential signs of concepts, it is important to emphasize that they may vary depending on the specific partner on interaction. Participants are given a task to explain the same different people. For example, explain the road to coming or local resident. An option of this exercise is the exercise"Chick-Cat" . It is necessary to describe the room from two positions - flying the birds and wage cat.

Exercise 7. "Circus"

Exercise is directly directed to decentration. Initially, participants come up with associations, which causes them some well-known and having a "cultural uniqueness" concept, for example, Circus. And then they must come up with what associations causes a circus from different people (and not only people) - a child, parent, director, veterinarian, trainer, tiger.

Exercise 8. "Unmanned plane."

Participants are combined into pairs. Each pair receives a leaflet on which 2 "bases" and "obstacles" are drawn. One participant assumes the role of "dispatcher", another - "aircraft". The "plane" puts the handle on one "base" and closes his eyes. The dispatcher gives the team to carry out the "aircraft" on the second "base", not enthusiastically "obstacles". The "plane" leads the knob on the sheet in accordance with the instructions of the "dispatcher". Then the participants change roles. It is discussed, what role was easier why, what feelings were experienced whether "airplanes" could fully trust "dispatchers".

Exercise 9. "Blind and guide"

Common exercise. It is similar to the previous one, but imposes great requirements for interaction. Exercise is done in pairs. One of the participants closes his eyes, "obstacles" (chairs, other large, but not dangerous items) are set up around the room. The second partner ("guide") words sends the actions of the "blind" so that he bypasses all obstacles and reached the "goal". Then the partners change roles. As an option of this exercise, we used an exercise"Manevier steam locomotive." Participants are becoming a chain, keep each other for the waist. "Dispatcher" gives team first in the chain - "steam locomotive". It is important to discuss what "wagons" oriented are more oriented - on the team of the dispatcher or the movement of the previous "wagon".

Exercise 10. "Figure in parts"

Participants are invited to draw a drawing, for example, a little man. Each paints only a portion of the man, starting from the head and from the top of the sheet of paper, then wraps the paper so that only the most is visible to the next participant bottom part Figure, and transmits it. The next participant should guess which parts of the little man should continue to draw. Then the drawing is transmitted to the following. This simple task may be unexpectedly difficult if the first participant leaves the "tails" to which the second can draw its parts, or if the second does not think about what has already portrayed the first (in other words, if the participant does not focus on the partner).

Exercise 11. "Joint Drawing"

Participants are given the theme of the pattern or some of its item. The exercise can be performed in pairs, then it is important to direct and discuss the distribution of roles. It is possible to complicate it with the requirement of silence.

The second option, if it is impossible to break the group on the pair, is performed in a circle. In this embodiment, it is interesting to ask not only the topic, or do not ask the topic at all, but to specify a part of the pattern (for example, a circle). The first participant must somehow beat this item, and the rest only to develop the idea laid first. But for this, the first must leave sufficient space.

Subrogram 3. Social perception

Example classes plan.

1. Exercise "10 words" with memorization of two lists - neutral and emotionally painted words. Participants are invited to determine what the difference between the lists.

2. Exercise "Who is experiencing." Discussion.

3. Drawing up a list "How do we learn about the emotional state of another person?"

4. Exercise "Stupid Secretary". Discussion

Homework - inventing the posture expressing some kind of feeling.

Possible exercise options.

Exercise 1. "List of emotions"

At the beginning of work on this subprogramme it is useful to make a list of emotions. It can be used for several lessons. Participants call all emotions coming to mind, a general list is drawn up, which is hanging on the universal review.

If it turns out that the participants remember in the overwhelming majority of negative emotions, and begin to explain it with their global predominance in the world, you can exercise"Exotic fruits" Participants are asked to write a fruit and vegetables for a rather short time. As a rule, it turns out that conventional species write more than exotic. You can draw a parallel with the fact that the feelings that prevail at the moment are remembered easier, like the fruits that we eat and see more often. But this does not mean that we are not familiar with other fruits. As well as in other moments of life, we can experience more positive feelings.

Exercise 2. "Who is going through?"

The well-known artwork is chosen (as a rule, fairy tales or cartoons are as follows), for example, "Fishing about fisherman and fish", "Cinderella" and participants call emotions that heroes can feel. Special attention is paid to the moments where the hero can simultaneously feel different feelings or says one thing, and in fact feel another.

Exercise 3. "Dull Secretary".

Situation is set: visitors in the receiving boss really want to know - in which he is a mood, but the secretary cannot call any emotional state ("does not know Russian well"), can only answer questions about the external manifestations of emotions. Participants ask questions for which one can guess the emotional state of another person. A list of features are drawn up for which we judge the emotional state of a person (words, mimic, gestures, physiological manifestations of emotions, movement).

Exercise 4. "Drawing emotions"

Participants are invited to portray a person on paper or a person figure experiencing this or that feeling. Then these leaflets are started in a circle, and everyone signs how the feeling sees him in this picture and wraps his inscription so that others cannot see it. Discussed, whether the views of the audience coincided with each other and with his conceived by the author feeling, which contributed and what prevented this coincidence.

Exercise 5. "Spoiled phone posture"

One participant thinks and depicts some emotion in pose and facial expressing - shows it to the following (the rest of the eyes are closed), the next should assume that the emotion is conceived and show the same position to the next participant. Then compares what was at the beginning and what happened at the end, everyone calls the emotion, which he expressed the pose.

Exercise 6. "Emotion of the picture"

The host shows the participants several reproductions and proposes to determine with what feelings is associated with each of them. Another option is to pick up the corresponding picture of the leading emotions. This allows you to realize how to match or not to coincide the feelings caused by the same stimulus, and discuss how it is manifested in real life and what options for behavior are followed.

Subroutine 4. Verbal Communications

Example classes plan.

1. Associations. Participants coming up with associations or all - on one defined concept, or in a circle, for the previous concept. At the end of the invention, you need to remember all associations.

2. Exercise "Detective". Discussion of difficulties. Inventing other endings of stories.

3. Exercise "Floating Top".

4. Creating a "Cat Bird" with the instruction to come up with a monologue from the face of the heroine.

4. Exercise "Emotion of the picture".

Homework - Exercise "Renaming"

Possible exercise options.

Exercise 1. "Detective"

Drawing up a story on pictures - each participant chooses a certain number of pictures and comes up with "Detective" - \u200b\u200ba completed story with some "detective" plot.

Exercise 2. "Different definitions"

The concept is coming. Participants in turn define this concept so that the next participant understand what is discussed. Each participant must in a whisper determine the same concept for the next, but be sure to give not the definition he heard. Then, all definitions are pronounced out loud, discussed which were closest to the concept, which helped and what pregnant to guess.

Exercise 3. "Compilation of the story"

Participants are offered a list of words in which there are words, not too closely related to each other. Need to make up short storywhich use all these words. You can set the topic of the story. At the same time, one participant may invent a whole story or in turn - everyone comes up with a suggestion in the general story.

Exercise 4. "Renamation"

Give new names to well-known works (books, films) that would reflect their essence and were clear to others. It is discussed how other participants perceive these names, "author" explains its reasons for a new name. It is important that these works are really familiar to everyone. Initially, the list for renaming can offer a presenter, then the participants themselves can rename the works planned by them, and the rest - to guess about the initial name.

Subroutine 5. Social skills

Example classes plan.

  1. Exercise "Memory with the Condition" with the theme of social interaction (for example, meeting).
  2. Exercise "Why did you move?" Discussion.
  3. Exercise "Alien". Discussion of emerging difficulties.
  4. Exercise "Why was late?"

Homework - Exercise "Fees on the road".

Possible exercise options.

Exercise 1. "Fees on the road"

A few situations, real or unreal travel, participants make up lists of things that need to take with them to each of the travels, is discussed that it is necessary to take exactly on this journey than the equipment is different for each trip and why. At the end, the lead calls important forgotten things (for example, they took all the equipment, but did not take anything from the clothes).

Exercise 2. "What happened?"

The presenter tells the emergence and end of some situation and asks to come up with what could happen in the interval, the motives of the actions of the hero. The presenter can offer some kind of not very obvious motive of the behavior of the hero (for example, one man rustles from the tram of the other - maybe this one has attacked someone himself). It is discussed to guess about the motives of the actions of another person, standard and non-standard connections between motifs and behavior.

Exercise 3. "Why did you move?".

The situation is set - a person enters the bus, sit on a free place, and at that moment a neighbor sit down from him - why did the neighbor move? It is necessary to come up with a maximum of the reasons and it is important to allocate the reasons that are not associated with the seashest passenger.

Option of this exercise"Why was late?" - call 10. possible causes Developing to occupation.

Exercise 4. "Alien"

Exercise on the skills of non-verbal communication - you need to explain to the partner without words. Depending on the state of the group as a whole and each patient individually, you can make a task more or less complex. Participants can do it in pairs, in teams, all together. You can set one task (for example, find out time) or several (someone learns time, and someone asks to give way to a place). In the latter case, you need to set a certain situation (trolleybus trip).

Exercise 5. "Sperture Comrade"

A well-known unpleasant situation (for example, "evil traffic cop") is set. It is possible to choose a situation that is significant for participants, but in this case it should not be a relevant heavy psychotrauming situation (the loss of close, etc.) one takes on the role of an unfortunate who fell into this unpleasant situation. All others should express him sympathy, and he gives feedback - whether he helped him sympathy and what.

Subprogramme 6. Emotional self-regulation and solving problems

Example classes plan.

1. Drawing up and discussing a list of complex situations. Choosing a situation for the role-playing game.

2. Role-playing game "Difficult situation". Discussion.

3. Memorization of sculptural postures (the "topic" is set by the posture, reflecting something that happened in the role-playing game).

Homework - exercise "Help yourself".

Possible exercise options.

Exercise 1. Role-playing game "Complex Situation"

It turns out what social situations are complex, unpleasant for participants. The situation is selected, meaningful for the majority that can be played. Such a situation may be household ordinary situation. For most people, these are subject to communication situations with sellers, cashiers. The presenter plays the role of a negative hero or one who generates this complexity. Participants interact with it. Typical behavioral methods and evaluation of this situation are dealt and played. The presenter can play an inner monologue of a negative character from which the reasons for its irrevocable, rudeness, etc., are important to emphasize those reasons that are not related to buyers, customers. Then the constructive method is selected or several response to this situation. The same situation is played in the "constructive key".

Exercise 2. "Help yourself"

It may be the proceedings of the previous exercise or a separate exercise. It starts the same as the previous exercise, but the situation of failures is considered when it is impossible to solve the situation when it is not possible to affect the source of unpleasant experiences. A phrase is coming up, of which the participant can help himself, even if he cannot change the situation ("I am right," "I can", "I am decent").

Exercise 3. "Stigma"

In an effectively working group, in which trust relationships and a high level of mutual understanding between participants can be played by the situation of stigmatization. Disassemble whether participants are afraid that those surrounding learned about their mental illnessWhat exactly they fear how to react to such a situation.

Exercise 4. "Shipwreck"

The exercise is aimed at improving self-esteem, for self-consciousness. Everyone must call their advantages, thanks to which it can be useful, valuable worthy of attention in some situation. The situation is set to a certain degree critical. You can not start not with the name of the qualities, but with the mention of specific useful actions that the participant can do in this situation.

Exercise 5. "Compliment"

Exercise is aimed at improving self-esteem. Each participant draws his self-portrait and writes the quality that he appreciates, good wishes to himself. This sheet is transmitted from one participant to another, and each writes something positive to the author - a good wish, notes some positive quality that it was nice to communicate with this person. This exercise can be completed by the group.

Cognitive exercises are aimed at development:
body schemes,
Orientation in space,
quasi-spatial representations
visual, auditory and kinesthetic ideas.

"Organization of the workplace" (The formation of the ability to follow the rules, control their activities, transfer the method of action from one situation to another).
"Listen to silence" (Formation of arbitrary regulation of own activities, development of an audible gnosis). The initial position is lying on the back. Close the eyes and consistently listen to sounds outside outside the window, then in the room, your breath, heartbeat.
"Leaf space organization" (Formation of spatial representations). The initial position is sitting on the floor. It is necessary to show children how to post pictures on the landscape sheet, scan lines: you should start working from the upper left corner, from left to right, top down. In the first stages of the work, you can lay the landscape sheet on stripes and cells, show the arrows of the direction of movement of the eyes. Work should be carried out strictly inside the cell or strip.
Cognitive exercise "Noisy boxes" (Audial memory formation). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor must prepare several identical sets of boxes filled with various materials (sand, cereals, paper clips, paper balls, etc.), which, by shaking, create various noise. Children with closed eyes listen to the noise of one of the boxes, which the instructor shakes, then move their boxes and find the same.
"Bowl of kindness" (Emotional development). The instructor explains: "Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine your favorite cup. Mentally fill it to the edges with your kindness. Imagine a different one, someone else's cup, it is empty. Place it from your kindness cup. Near another empty cup, also. Mold kindness from your cup empty. Do not spare! And now look at your cup. Is it empty full? Add your kindness to it. You can share your kindness with others, but your cup will always stay full. Open your eyes. Self and confidently say: "It's me! I have such a kind of kindness!"
"My hand, your hand" (Formation of spatial representations). The children are divided into couples and, sitting face to each other, first determine at their own, then the partner has a left hand, left shoulder, right knee, etc.
"Formation of quasi-spatial representations". Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor conducts with children to work out concepts: "To", "after", "before," later "," between ". He offers children to structure the sequence of time, year, the days of the week, months of the year. Then you can form orientation and time analysis skills on the arrogant clock.
"Cold-hot". The instructor hides the object in the room, and then with the help of commands leads the player to the target. Teams can be: "Step right, two steps forward, three left, etc.". If the child is well oriented in space, then you can use the scheme plan.
"Labyrinth" (Formation of spatial representations). The child must bypass chairs with advancement: on the right, to the left of the chair, above, under the chair. Mandatory condition is to pronounce loud of its spatial actions.
"Find Figure" (Tactile memory formation). Source position - sitting on the floor. Children in turn with closed eyes feel a row of figures with different surface textures: smooth, rough, spiny, slippery, velvety, etc. Then, without opening the eye, they must find items with the same surface and build them in a given order. The number of figures must be increased gradually. At first, one hand is participating first, then the other, both together.
"Pose" (Tactile memory formation). Children sitting with closed eyes in turn is attached to any posture (a complicated version - sequentially 2-3 postures). The child must feel and remember them, and then reproduce in the desired sequence.

"Traffic". (Motor memory formation). The instructor offers children a few consecutive movements (dance, gymnastic, etc.). Children must repeat them as accurate as possible in the same sequence.

"Rhythm" (Sitting on the floor). The instructor sets the rhythm, rejecting it with one hand, for example, "2-2-3" (at the beginning of development, visual reinforcement is given - the children see the hands of the instructor, and in the process of development gradually pass only to the auditory perception, i.e. with eyes closed). The children are then proposed to repeat the rhythmic pattern with the right, left hand, two hands at the same time (cotton or shocks in front of them), combined (for example, "2" - with the right hand, "2" - left hand, "3" - at the same time with two hands). After mastering the first part of the exercise, children are invited to reproduce the same rhythmic pattern with legs.

"Invisible hat" (formation of visual memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For 20 seconds, children are invited to remember the items lying on the table, which the instructor covers the cap. Then the children are invited to remember and list all objects. Complication of the exercise is to remember the order of the objects, which the instructor can change.

"Superfluous word" (Development of speech soundness). Source position - sitting on the floor Children are invited to exclude from a number of words, which is not suitable for the rest of the words. For example, in the verbal row of "protein, protein, bleaching, white", the word "protein" is excluded. Children need to be explained why they excluded exactly this word.

"Octopus" (formation of visual and spatial memory). Children are located in a certain way around the perimeter of the room (in the corner of the window near the ball, etc.) and remember their place. The instructor includes a musical fragment during which children run freely around the hall. During the pause, they should return to their place as soon as possible. Complication Exercises - Children should take a place, one position forward when driving clockwise.

"Score" (The development of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to "go to the store" and lists the items that need to be bought. The number of items must be gradually increased from one to seven. You can change the roles (Seller, Mom, Child) and shops ("Milk", "Toys", "Boolean", etc.). "Seller" first listens to the order of the buyer, then picks up the "product". "Buyer" checks and carries the "product" home, where "Mom" checks the correctness of the purchase.

"Forbidden Sound" (Development of speech soundness). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to answer the question without using some kind of specific sound or replacing it with cotton in your hands. For example, the sound "M" is excluded. Then to the question: "What are the berries grow in the forest?" It is impossible to call raspberries and strawberries. Using cotton, the answer to the question will be like this: "(cotton) -Alin, Ze- (cotton) -lika."

"Fish, bird, beast" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor indicates each child and pronounces: "Fish, bird, beast, fish, bird, beast." The player who stopped the belonging should quickly call any beast. If the answer is correct, the instructor continues the game if the answer is incorrect - the child drops out of the game. The game can be carried out in different versions.

"Tell the word on the contrary". (Forming speech sound record). Children are offered in turn to say the proposal by the instructor the word from the end. It is necessary to start with short words (cat, house), gradually moving to longer.

"Color visualization". Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are offered to "fill out" the brain by any color (red, blue, green) by their choice. It is necessary to concentrate on the preservation of the color clear and clean. You can concentrate on the similarity or difference in colors. For each color you can choose a bodily pose that will help visualize the color.

"Encrypted Offer" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For memorization, short proposals are given, for example: "The children played in the yard." It is proposed to encrypt the proposal by adding through each syllable insert "HVE": "de (Hwe) TI (HWE) IG (HVE) -R (HVE) (HVE) in (HVE) DVO (HVE) Re (Hve)."

"Rhythm in a circle". Children sit down semicircle. The instructor retracts some rhythm. Children listen carefully and on the instructor teams repeat it (separately or all together). When Rhythm is mastered, children receive a team: "Let's turn this rhythm as follows. Everyone takes back in turns in one cotton from a given rhythm. From left to right. When the rhythm is over, the next round is waiting for a short pause and starts first. Who was late with his cotton, who did not stand the pause, who made extra cotton, gets a penalty point or drops out of the game. " Possible ways of complication of the task: lengthening and complication of rhythm, rhythm retaliation by each player with both hands in turn, etc. Children can also offer to play sounds of different volume inside the rhythmic pattern (for example: quiet and loud).

"Cap my triangular" . (Antique game). Children sit in a circle. All in turn, starting with the lead, pronounce one word from the phrase: "The cap is my triangular, a triangular cap. And if not triangular, then this is not my cap. " Then the phrase is repeated, but the children who fall out to say the word "cap", replace it with a gesture (light cotton palm on the head). Then the phrase is repeated again, but two words are replaced on gestures: "Cap" (light cotton palm on the head) and "My" (show your hand). When repeating the phrase, three words are replaced for the third time: "Cap", "mine" and "triangular" (the triangle is depicted by hands).

"Human visualization" (Sitting on the floor). Children are invited to visualize a familiar person (someone from those present). To do this, you need to focus on his face and carefully examine each item. Then mentally closer to the person, move away, look at him on the right, to the left, behind and in front.

"I know five" (development of nominative processes). Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are offered simultaneously with the blow on the ball to call five names of boys, girls, names of plants, animals, etc.

"Visualization of a three-dimensional object". Children are invited to mark any three-dimensional object (ball, chair, globe) in front of them and learn each part of the object, then submit it entirely. Then you need to resize, shape, color.

"Mirror movements" (body development). The instructor gets back to children and performs movements with hands, legs, body. Children repeat all the movements of the instructor. The complication of the exercise is that the instructor faces the person to children who must repeat his movement.

"Tuh-Tibi-Spirit" (Emotional development). In this ritual, a comic paradox is laid. Children pronounce spell against bad mood, offended and disappointment. They, not talking, chaotically move around the room and, stopping opposite one of the participants, should be angrily pronounce the magical word "Tuh-Tibi-spirit". Another participant can silence or three times to pronounce the magical word "Tuh-Tibi-Spirit." After that, keep moving around the room, stopping from time to time to someone and angrily uttering a magical word. It is important to say it not to the void, but a certain person standing on the contrary. After a while, children will not be able to laugh.

"Gold fish" (formation of arbitrary regulation and self-control). Source position - sitting on the floor. Each participant is invited to describe the famous plot, for example, a fairy tale about fisherman and fish, on behalf of some character: old man, old women, fish, sea, etc. At the same time, the other participants should carefully make sure that the story sounded exactly What did this character really participated, and ask provocative questions: "What did you feel?", "How do you know that, because you were not there?"

"Visualization of a large object". Children are invited to visualize a house, apartment, street. To do this, it is necessary to imagine yourself to the opening door and part of the apartment. Children can concentrate on the details of the fittings, curtains, paintings, etc. Then it is necessary to return back and carefully examine the appearance of the building.

"Wax Figure" (formation of arbitrary regulation and self-control). Participants with closed eyes "pose" from each other and the same sculpture. After that, each returns to the previously gone pose and retains it until the last copy is completed. Then children open their eyes, compare the figures obtained and discuss the result.

"Events in order" (Development of causal relationships). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children to arrange events in order: I go to bed, I dinner, I watch TV, I clean my teeth, I play football, etc. Another option: in a year, the day before yesterday, today, tomorrow, a month ago, the day after tomorrow, etc.

"Encrypted Offer" (Formation of lubber memory). Source position - sitting on the floor. For memorization, there are short proposals, for example: "My name is me." Children are invited to encrypt the proposal by adding in front of each syllable insert "FI": "(F) (F) NA (F) -CO (FI) VUT (FI) GE (FI).

"Time and AntiToday" (Development of causal relationships). Source position sitting on the floor. Each participant is invited to describe some event (excursion, movie, story, etc.) first correctly and then from the end to the beginning.

"Visualization of geometric shapes". Children are invited to present a circle (square, triangle, etc.), then mentally change its size, color, shape, rotate around its axis, remove and bring closer shape.

"Ranging" (Development of the hierarchy of concepts). Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor explains what ranking, and suggests to run on a specific principle of the following words: peas - apricot - watermelon - orange - cherry; Baby - Youth - Man - Old Man - Boy; silence - talk - scream - whisper; Snowflake - Soselka - Iceberg - Ltin - snowdrift; City - Apartment - Country - Earth - Street.

"The photo" (Emotional development). The instructor shows the photo with the image of a person with a certain mood. One of the participants should reproduce the phrase given to it with intonation corresponding to emotions in the photo. It is necessary to accompany the statement of the corresponding facial expressions and gestures. The rest of the children must appreciate the correctness of the task.

"Visualization of movements". Children are invited to present themselves anywhere in the globe. To do this, it is necessary to feel easily floating above the ground, the heat of sunlight and the breeze blow, notice odors and sounds ...

"Wizard visualization". Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are invited to submit a good and wise person to whom you can ask any questions. You must carefully listen to the answers of this wizard. He can tell the extraordinary story of himself.

"Visualization of the Magic Eight". Source position - sitting on the floor. Children are invited to present a lying eight, which is located inside the head and stretches from the ear to ear. It is necessary to mentally follow the eyes of the eight trajectory.

"Superfluous word". Source position - sitting on the floor. The instructor offers children from a group of words (on cards) to choose an excess, not suitable by value:
Plate, cup, table, kettle;
red, blue, beautiful, yellow, gray;
a lot, pure, little, half;
Yesterday, today, in the morning, the day after tomorrow;
comma, point, dash, union;
Old, tall, young, elderly, young.


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