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Gender studies of speech behavior. Women say differently

The conditional name of the lexical preferences and some other features of the use of the language depending on the floor of the speaker. The sexual differentiation of speech became known from the 17th century, when new native tribes were opened, which had rather significant differences in speech depending on the floor of the speaker. First of all, it concerned women, since their speech behavior was regulated more than men, so the so-called "female languages" was discussed in the scientific description. Most often, the differences are manifested in vocabulary, but may apply to other phenomena, such as in Japanese. Sets of modal-expressive particles, the form of politeness, etc. differ, and so on. In European languages, some differences in the use of the language are also noted, but they are not universal, but manifest as trends. Initially, speech differences were explained by the nature of women and men, i.e. were considered constant factors. In the 60s of the twentieth century, the probabilistic nature of differences was established with the development of sociolinguistics.

During the period of active feminist criticism of the language (70s - the beginning of the 80s. The twentieth century) linguists insisted on the existence of the intensalism, that is, the conscious maintenance of his superiority by men by means of speech behavior - the length of speech segments, the frequency of interruptions, speaking simultaneously with the interlocutor , Control over the subject of communication, etc. It did not take into account the high importance of social structures (schools, churches, army, etc.), making themselves to maintain male superiority and liberating individuals from the need to constantly reproduce it in all situations. Along with the intensalism, at this stage of research, excessive significance attached to the factory. West and Zimmerman argue that the permanent process that permeates all the actions of individuals is arguing that the design of its gender identity is constructed. Further study of communication showed that the situation and contexts in which the floor does not play a significant role, so it is necessary to take into account the "gender neutrality" factor (Hirschauer), since there is no reason to give gender more significance than the factor of age, ethnic and social affiliation, The level of education, profession, etc. Along with the term Doing Gender, the term Undoing Gender is also proposed for analyzing speech behavior for situations where the floor of the communicants is not significant. Modern studies show that the named parameters in most cases interact, therefore, to determine where the effect of one ends and the effect of another is becoming very difficult. During this period, quantitative research methods were also dominated, the most popular of which was the calculation of the duration of speech segments, the frequency of interlocutor interburs and the change of the dialogue. However, in the detachment of the context and the situation of communication, these characteristics cannot be considered indicative and acquire significance only in cooperation with other phenomena, depending on the cultural traditions of this society. The question is today not in how men or women say, but in how, with what speech funds, Tactics and strategies, they create certain contexts. Next, it is necessary to investigate the parameters of these contexts and their impact on the success of communication.

In the late 80s - early 90s, the hypothesis of "Gender subcultures" arose, ascending to the work of Gumpec (Gumperz) on the study of intercultural communication, as well as earlier work on ethnology, ethnography, cultural history (Borneman, MEAD). In the works of Malts and Borker (Maltz, Borker) and Tannen (Tannen), the principle of intercultural communication is common for gender relations.

In this case, the focus was the processes of socialization. The socialization of the individual was considered as appropriating a certain subculture, which are characterized by special speech practices, different in the male and female environment. In children's and adolescence, people rotate mainly in same-sex groups, forming a subculture and absorbing speech etiquette them, which, in the view of the supporters of the hypothesis, in adulthood leads to misunderstanding and speech conflicts that are equal to intercultural.

The hypothesis of gender subcultures led to the appearance of the concept of gendercot - a permanent set of signs of male and female speech. However, the work of recent years is more clearly indicated that it is wrong to talk about gender (Samel, Kotthoff). The role of the subcultural factor in this case is greatly exaggerated. Differences in the male and female speech are not so significant, do not show ourselves in any speech Act And do not indicate that the floor is a determining communication factor, as it was assumed at the initial stage of the development of feminist linguistics. It was also established that the same person in different communicative situations also discovers various speech behavior that the code switch is called. The study of communication of individuals of one sex, but various social and professional status also found a number of differences. So, the speech behavior of any person at home and at work, in a familiar and new atmosphere Differently. At the same time, today science does not deny the existence of some style featurespeculiar mainly to men or predominantly to women within a clearly defined situation of communication. At the same time, it is believed that they arise under the influence of sociocultural (for example, the use of curses are condemned more than men's brains) and biological and hormone factors (see the hypothesis of the functional asymmetry of the brain). The output of gender studies beyond the influential European languages \u200b\u200band the development of linguoculturology allowed us to obtain data indicating also the cultural conditionality of male and female speech. The most promising and reasonable direction for the study of male and women's speech is currently considered to study strategies and tactics of speech behavior of men and women in various communication situations with compulsory consideration of the cultural tradition of this society. The point of view is also widespread that women consume more diminutive suffixes and polite forms, more often called communication partner by name and generally use more contact speech steps. Proceedings on the study of men's and women's associations also give reason to assume some differences in the male and women's associative picture of the world (see images of a man and a woman in the language consciousness). The reasons for differences are currently remaining a discussion issue, in the discussion of which bio-and sociodeterministal points of view are faced.

Men "S and Women" S Languages \u200b\u200b(English)


Zemskaya E. A., Khorgorodskaya M. A., Rozanova N. N. Features of the male and female speech // Russian language in its functioning. Edited by E. A. Zemskoy and D. N. Shmelev. M.: Science, 1993. P. 90-136.

Kirillina A. V. Gender: Linguistic aspects. M.: Institute of Sociology RAS, 1999. 189 p.

West K., Zimmerman D. Creating Gender (Doing Gender) // Gender Notebooks. Vol. 1. SPB, 1997. P. 94-124.

Borneman Ernst. Das Patriarchat. Ursprung und Zukunft Unseres GesellschaftsSystems. Frankfurt a. Main, 1991 (Zuerst 1971).


Glück Helmut. Der Mythos Von Den FrauensPrachen. In: Obst (Osnabrücker Beiträge Zur Sprachtheotie). 1979. BEIHEFT 3, S. 60-95.

Gumperz John J. Discours Strategies. Cambridge, 1982.

Hirschauer St. DekonStruktion Und RekonStruktion. Pladöyer Für Die Erforschung Des Bekannten // FEMINISTISCHE STUDIEN. 1993. N 2. S. 55-68.

Kotthoff H. Die Geschlechter in der Gesprächsforschung. Hierarchien, Teorien, IDEOLOGIEN // DER Deutschunterricht, 1996. N 1. S. 9-15.

Maltz D. N., Borker R. A. Mißverst DDNISSE ZWISCHEN Männern und Frauen - Kulturell BetrachTet // Günthner, Kotthoff (HRSG) Von Fremden Sttimmen. Weibliches und Männliches Sprechen Im Kulturvergleich. Frankfurt am Main, 1991. S. 52-74.

Male and Female: A Study of Sexes in a Changing World. New York: Morrow, 1949.


Tannen Debora. DU KANNST MICH EINFACH NICHT VERSTEHEN. Warum Männer Und Frauen Aneinender Vorbeireden. Hamburg, 1991.

"Male and women's speech" in books

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3.2. Men's and women's psychology

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Faculty of linguistics and journalism

Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication


Male I. female language in conversational speech

031202 - Translation and translationography

scientific adviser -

candidate of Philology,

Is done by a student:

group 741.



This work is a study of one of the most interesting problems of the differences between the male and female speech, as two subsystems of the language having their own characteristics and distinctive features. This problem attracts the attention of researchers over the past 20 years, but many issues still remain controversial and require additional research. In particular, along with the study of general problems of male and female speech, much attention should be paid to the development of the main theoretical provisions of the influence of sex factor in the language.

This work is an attempt to a systematic study of the subsystems of male and female speech. Such analysis is of interest from the point of view of the description of the Russian language, since the male and female varieties of the language make a special and special element of its structure. At the same time, they reflect some features of relations in Russian society and contribute to the best understanding of this society.

We define as main goals Our work is as follows: first, it is an attempt to analyze men and women's speech and find out how justified the hypothesis about the existence of two separate subsystems, and, if it is confirmed, to allocate the main characteristics of these subsystems. What affects the choice of one or another form of statement, in what situation the speaker trying to give his speech a special shade of "femininity" or "masculinity

At the same time, we put the task not only to classify and give a description of those or other features of male and female speech, but also to compare them, show how these subsystems interact are interacting which mechanisms are in place when choosing one form or another. The question of the further development of these subsystems and the prospects for their existence in the future is also important, which requires careful analysis of the data obtained and conclusions.

Let's point main goalsthat are put in our study:

1) determine the main parameters and research methods; identify the main theories and concepts that make it possible to effectively analyze;

2) to monitor the speech activities of men and women;

3) to analyze and summarize the results obtained and draw conclusions;

4) Explain the importance of the obtained conclusions.

As basic research methods Described and comparative, also uses the method of survey informants.

The main material for the coursework was the statistical data and polls, obtained by research conducted over the past fifteen years of linguists.

In our work, we will check the justification of the main stereotypes associated with the concepts of male and female speech, and try to find out to what extent they are reliable and effective in different contexts and situations.

Work has structureShe consists of two chapters. The first of them is devoted to the study of the general theory of the issue, i.e. The validity of the allocation of male and female speech as special subsystems of the language. This chapter also considers the history of the issue. The second chapter is devoted to the study of specific features of male and female speech in Russian on different levels. In addition, the stylistic features of the male and female speech are analyzed. Features of the male and female speech are not manifested in equitable extent at all levels, and in accordance with this, special attention will be paid to the most important points.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Basics of Gender Research

1.1 Gender Linguistics

Gender linguistics (linguistic gender) is a scientific direction as part of interdisciplinary gender studies, with the help of a linguistic conceptual apparatus, which is studied by Gender (sociocultural floor, understood as a conventional construct, relatively autonomous on biological gender).

The formation and intensive development of gender linguistics falls in the last decades of the twentieth century, which is associated with the development of postmodern philosophy and a change in the scientific paradigm in humanitarian sciences.

In general terms, gender linguistics studies two groups of issues:

The reflection of the gender in the language: nominative system, lexicon, syntax, category of kind and a number of similar objects. The purpose of this approach is to describe and explain how manifests in the language. The presence of people of different sexes are attributed to what the assessments are attributed to men and women and in which semantic areas they are most common, which linguistic mechanisms are based on this process.

Speech and generally communicative behavior of men and women: is investigated, with what means and in which contexts gender is designed, as social factors and communicative environments affect this process (for example, Internet). In this area, the theory of sociocultural determinism and the theory of biodeterminism is competing to date.

From the mid-nineties of the twentieth century in Russian humanitarian science begins the rapid development of gender linguistics associated with the development of new theoretical installations. At the initial stage of the study, not differentiated; The focus of scientists were in general methodological questions.

In recent years, there has been a variety of methodological approaches to the study of gender, ascending to various understanding of its essence and discussions of supporters of bio and sociodeterminism. Features of the gender concept in different languages and cultures, their incomprehension, as well as the consequences of this discrepancy in intercultural communication, are also of interest to scientists. The data obtained in a number of studies make it possible to conclude the unequal degree of androcentrism of various languages \u200b\u200band cultures and varying degrees of explicitness of the expression of the gender.

1.2 History of linguistic research on the influence of sex factor in language

In the middle of the XX century Attention was drawn to the influence of extrallinguistic factors in the language of some nations. In the 40s and 50s. XX century In the works of anthropologists-linguists, it was noted that the floor of the speaker plays an important role in different language situations. Especially the work of E. Sepir "Language, Culture and Personality" ("Language, Culture and Personality") published in 1949, in which he, conducting an analysis of the Yana tribe of the tribe, was investigated by the use of the male and women's subsystem of the language and their connection With the concept of "floor" in Yana. He found out that men of this tribe use male speech for mutual communication, while women's speech was used by women to communicate with representatives of both sexes, and men to communicate with women. Consequently, the question arises how justified to talk about the existence of two parallel and equally significant subsystems in the language of Yana. It seems that in this case there are a standard language, widely used by all native speakers, and a special "male" jargon. Another type of separation of the language on the basis of Paul was found by M. Haas, exploring the Louisiana Muskodin tribe Indians in the south-west of the American state of Louisiana in 1978. She found that both men, and women owned both subsystems, and used them if necessary Depending on the situation. In the modern era, the women's language subsystem in this tribe is preserved only in the speech of women of the older generation. Young people fully absorbed men's speech as they began to engage in the same types of activities as men. This phenomenon seems particularly interesting in the light of the changes in women's speech in Russia.

However, the first fundamental linguistic studies of this phenomenon were undertaken only in the 60s. XX century With the development of sociolinguistics. Attention was drawn to sociocultural factors affecting the formation of speech and language. As already mentioned, among them particularly began to allocate such characteristics of the speaker and interlocutor as age, gender, social status. A detailed study was conducted by V. Labov (1966), which analyzed the distribution of five phonetic options for the combination of "Ing" among men and women in New York. He studied the influence of public status factors, nationality, gender, age and environment. This study is extremely important, since the respondents were middle-class representatives, conventional urban residents, carefully selected by sex, age, social status. Everyone responded was analyzed in various situations, from formal to informal, while simultaneously from the point of view of several factors - linguistic, sociological and situational. This study gave scientific recognition to the assumption that the floor is one of the factors affecting speech.

In the 70s G.G. All over the world, a new wave of interest in women's speech, associated with feminist movement begins. A number of scientists argued that the use of certain stereotypical "female" forms adversely affects women's attempts to conquer an equal position in society. This point of view is often found and later - for example, in the works of X. Abe, S. IDE, K. Marie, M. Nakamura, R. Lakoff and others. The main areas of research were phonetics, morphology and lexicology. The classic was the study of R. Lakoff (1975) "Language and the situation of women." It caused a lot of disputes. The author was criticized for the fact that she was analyzed on his own intuition and was looking for the causes of female speech solely in social factors. In this study, there is a shortage of specific data. The author fuckedly divided the influence of the sex factor, on the one hand, and traditional ideas about the role and relationship between men and women in society, on the other.. Lakoff took male talk about the norm. This distracted the attention of researchers both from a more systematic learning language in the complex and from the study of male speech, in particular. Despite all the disadvantages, this work has become a fundamental female speech phenomenon in a number of studies. It can be said that she laid the beginning of the inexhaustible stream of scientific papers on this issue. In Japanese Sociolingwist, this approach is observed in many authors and now. The number of works devoted to the feminine speech is much superior to the number of works on male speech. After the study of R. Lakoff, many scientific works were devoted to the analysis of women's speech, for example, in english language. Studies of women's speech were carried out in three areas:

1) Analysis of how the woman is designated in a particular language and how the attitude towards it is manifested in the language;

2) Analysis of how women say;

3) Analysis of what communicative strategy women use in communication.

Over time, the question arose: Is there any universal principle that acting in all languages, which has become the basis for the separation of colloquial speech on the male and female option, or in each language the influence of the sex factor for speech is based on the special characteristics of mentality, culture and state of society of this people . Scientists rushed to search for universals in the ratio "The floor of the speaker / Paul of the source - features in using the language." They tried to find out whether the molds caused by the difference in the field of the speaker and the interlocutor are used in the same areas of grammar in all languages \u200b\u200bor there are special rules for use depending on the language. To determine this, you needed data from different languages. The relative shortage of research, their non-library, constantly changing priorities in the directions of linguistic studies led to the fact that the issue of universal remains open to this day. But the very formulation of this issue led to active search, accumulating a large amount of data and their subsequent processing in a number of languages. Such a kind of research was carried out mainly on the material of the English language. For example, P. Tradzhil (1974) conducted a study built on the same principles as the analysis of V. Labov, in Norwich (England).

The emergence of gender studies in domestic linguistics is usually dating from the mid-nineties of the twentieth century. It was during this period that the term gender appeared in the Russian scientific literature, and foreign theoretical works on gender issues became available to the domestic reader.

The domestic linguistics, however, did not ignore the sex problem, and considered it (even before the term, the term Gender) within the framework of other linguistic disciplines. These studies were not systemic, did not claim the status of the scientific direction and were not associated with the theory of social constructivism, but domestic scientists contributed to the development of issues, later enhanced by gender studies. A distinctive feature of Russian studies is an implicit assumption of the social conditionality of many phenomena, reflecting the relationship of sex and language, which apparently is due to the domination in the Soviet period of the Marxist theory.

A characteristic feature of the Soviet, and then Russian linguistic genderworks can be called the practical focus of the study of the male and female speech: a large number of works is associated with the needs of forensic examination. They are focused on the diagnosis and establishment of identification signs of male and female speech. The most significant for this type of research is the development of methods for determining the imitation of the speech of the face of the opposite sex. It turns out how to establish the identity of imitation, which signs of the text allow you to establish falsification. Obviously, to solve this problem, it is necessary to have a clearly verified set of signs of male and female speech. So, T.V. Homon believes: "In order to conclude the fact of imitation of the speech of the face of another sex, you need to establish which complex of classification features (identification characteristics) of female and male speech is a catchy, often occurring and easy to simulate, and what signs to imitate more difficult, which is due to the depth Processes of speech generation and cannot be hidden, disguised. " The author allocates a complex of surface and depth signs of male and female speech. The surface includes a competent description of fragments of reality, where women are traditionally dominated: cooking, orientation in fashion problems, education, households (we emphasize that the causes of such division of labor are not considered non-delentable), - or men: repair of equipment, home work with help Plumbing and similar tools, knowledge of sports teams, etc. Such signs can be relatively easily falsified. The author believes "the presence in the text, composed on the face of a woman (men), characteristics, more reflecting the psycholinguistic skills of men's (female) written speech in the text. To them, the author relates:

At the same time, the data on the gender specificity of speech behavior is very contradictory, to which McCobi and Jektlin psychologists also indicated, analyzing almost all the experimental work on the differences in the speech of women and men at that time. Today it is believed that gender features should be considered in combination with the status, social group, education level, situational context, etc., as well as taking into account the changing situation in society. For example, in Japanese, there is a culturally attached tradition and a previously mandatory tradition of speech differences between men and women, which is expressed in the use of different suffixes, different names of the same items, etc. It was noted, however, that young working Japanese refuses the so-called "female language" and enjoy "male" speech funds.

Since the mid-nineties of the twentieth century, the domestic humanitarian science begins the rapid development of gender studies itself. Initially, gender issues carried away young scientists. In linguistic circles, researchers treated it with a large proportion of skepticism, which may be associated with the rejection of the feminist component. At the initial stage of scientific development of gender issues, the study developed undifferentially, the focus of scientists were in general methodological issues, in particular the ontological status of gender.

In modern domestic science, there is a wide variety of methodological plants in the study of the gender, ascending to a different understanding of its essence in the discussions of supporters of bio and sociodeterminist approaches. The concepts of foreign scientists were initially systematized, the possibilities of applying a number of foreign methods and methodologies on the material of the Russian language were also discussed, the material of domestic studies belonging to gender issues was collected and summarized. Pragmatics and semantics category of the genus became the theme of a number of dissertation studies. In other words, there was an understanding of the floor not only as a natural, but also as a conventional phenomenon.

Growth and Kirilli in their works considered gender affiliation not as a biological floor, but as a social role, to be a man or a woman. And in accordance with this, the commission of the relevant culture of actions, including the speech.

Studies of speech men and women show that there are differences between oral and written speech between men and women. It is legitimate to talk about certain peculiarities of the speech style of men and women.

1.3 Characteristics of male speech features

Most scientists engaged in gender studies, especially gender differences in speech, argue that there is a difference between how men and women say.

For example, Belyanin V.P. In "psycholinguistics" suggested the features of the use of the language by men and women.

Features of the speech style of men and women manifests itself on two levels - speech behavior and speech. For example, men are more often interrupted, more categorical, strive to control the theme of the dialogue. It is essential that in contrast to the common opinion, men speak more than women. Men's proposals are usually shorter than women. Men as a whole much more often use abstract nouns, and women are concrete (including their own names). Men more often use nouns (mainly specific) and adjectives, while women consume more verbs. Men use more relative adjectives, and women are high-quality. Men are more often used verbs of the perfect species in a valid pledge.

Women's speech includes a large concentration of emotionally estimated vocabulary, and men's estimated vocabulary is more often stylistically neutral. Often women are prone to intensify primarily a positive assessment. Men are more pronounced using a negative assessment, including stylistically reduced, parangous vocabulary and inventive; They are much more likely to eat slang words and expressions, as well as non-leaturated and abnormative vocabulary.

When using the syntactic bond, men more often use a subordinate, not writing communication, as well as pressing time, place and goals, whereas in women mainly prevail the apparent degrees and sedes.

Psycholinguistic experiments on the restoration of the destroyed text showed that women are more sensitive to the semantic structure of the text - the samples restored by them detect a large connectedness. Women are trying to maximize the source text, and men build a new one; Their texts are deviated from the standalone more than women.

A. Kirillin and M. Tomskoy in his article Linguistic gender studies "gave the distinctive characteristics of male and female written speech.

Men's written speech:

the use of army and prison jargon;

frequent use introductory wordsespecially having the meaning of the statement: obviously undoubtedly, of course;

consumption of a large number of abstract nouns;

use when transferring an emotional state or estimating the subject or phenomenon of words with the smallest emotional indexation; monotony of lexical techniques when transferring emotions;

combinations of officially and emotionally marked vocabulary when contacting relatives and relatives;

the use of newspaper and journalistic clichés;

non-compliance of the punctuation of the emotional transmission of speech.

In one of the psycholinguistic analyzes of the compositions conducted by E.I. Growth of 97 parameters, it turned out that for men it is characterized by a rationalistic style, for women it is characteristic when they use an emotional style. Men's associative fields More stereotypes and ordered, the men's strategy of associative behavior (more explanatory and functional characteristics attributed to the stimulus) is significantly different from the feminine (situational and attribute) strategy. In addition, associative fields in the male and female speech are correlated with different fragments of the world's painting: hunting, professional, military sphere, sports (for men) and nature, animals surrounding the ordinary world (for women).

Men switched harder, carried away by the topic discussed, do not react to replicas with it related.

Of course, "impassable" boundaries between male and female speeches are defined as tendency of use. And, nevertheless, these data can be used when identifying the text written by a man or a woman.

1.4 Characteristics of female speech features

Features of the speech style of men and women manifests itself on two levels - speech behavior and speech. Women more often use specific nouns (including their own names). Men more often use nouns (mainly specific) and adjectives, while women consume more verbs. Men use more relative adjectives, and women are high-quality. Men are more often used verbs of the perfect species in a valid pledge.

Women's speech includes a large concentration of emotionally estimated vocabulary, and men's estimated vocabulary is more often stylistically neutral. Often women are prone to intensify primarily a positive assessment. Men are more pronounced using a negative assessment, including stylistically reduced, parangous vocabulary and inventive; They much more often consume slang words and expressions, as well as non-veterinary and abnormative vocabulary, while women hold words with neutral stylistic color. Typical features of the female speech include hyperbolamic expressiveness and more frequent use of interjections like oh! terribly hurt; colossal troupe; Mass of assistants.

Women's written speech:

the presence of many input words, definitions, circumstances, locomotive subjects and additions, as well as modal structures expressing different degrees of uncertainty, estimated, uncertainty (may be, apparently, in my opinion);

the tendency to use "prestigious", stylisticly elevated forms, cliche, bookmarks (experienced a sense of junk and squeamishness; a sharp conversation; silhouettes of adolescents);

the use of connotatively neutral words and expressions, euphemisms (obstended instead of mutable; in drunk instead of drunk);

consumption of appraisal statements (words and phrases) with deactive lexemes instead of the name of the face by name (this bastard; these scums);

the high image of speech in the description of the senses, the diversity of the extension and their accentuation with the help of amplifier particles, adventures and adjectives. These features of the use of the surrounding vocabulary speak, according to the author, that each of them is given literal meaning, there is no different value of the value inherent in male speech. Inspections, as a rule, hide the biophysiological characteristics of a woman: appearance, age, sexuality;

in the Incidents, zonimes are detected high frequency (sandy deaf, ram Malahol); Music-noun and verbs in a passive pledge prevail (it will come in a moonshine; take it from work every day on a wheelbarrow);

high-frequency is also the use of the designs of "adverb + adverb" (too ruthless; very good), simple and complex proposals, syntactic revolutions with double denial; Frequent use of punctuation marks, high emotional coloring of speech as a whole.

In one of the psycholinguistic analyzes of the compositions conducted by E.I. Pea is 97 parameters, it turned out that for women it is characteristic when they use emotional style. At the same time, the women were characterized by greater wealth of the dictionary and more complex syntax. The results of the associative experiment also showed that a women's associative field turns out to be more deployed, and men's reactions show a more stereotypical picture. For female associative behavior, a greater variety of reactions is characterized, large quantity Reactions with adjectives (men in reactions are much more nouns), fewer failures of response, women often react with philantal words for stimulus words.

Women in Russian culture are more characteristic of actual speech acts; They are easier switching, "change" roles in the certificate act.

As arguments, women are more often referred to and summarize specific cases from personal experience or the closest environment.

2. Study of the characteristics of the colloquial speech of representatives of two gender groups

During this term paper An experimental study of the peculiarities of male and female speech at different levels of language was carried out. The goal is to identify a certain tendency and, thus, check the hypothesis advanced, on the existence of two subsystems (male and women's speech). We had a task - to justify our assumption that the features of the male and female speech are manifested in varying degrees when expressing thoughts, that is, when designing monologic speech.

To check the installed hypothesis, we interviewed 20 respondents: 10 men and 10 women. There was a prerequisite for the experience of the respondents, taking into account all the features affecting the person, therefore men and women aged 19 to 24 years old, students of humanitarian universities of the Southern Federal District, unmarried or non-natives participated in the experiment. Theirs were notes from the newspaper "Evening Rostov", covering the most important and actual problems and events occurring in the Rostov region.

Experimental material is presented in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. The following articles were offered to respondents:

1. "The crisis drives from the shooting apartments"

2. "Menthol cigarettes harmful than usual"

3. "Lada beat drivers even steep foreign cars"

4. "Trains could go off the rails because of the" October "garbage"

5. "Crisis beats and customs."

Thus, the choice of topics is objective, as there are no such samples of the text that target only on male or only to the female audience.

After reading the respondents, it was necessary to draw up their own opinion about all the problems covered in newspaper articles and set out it in writing in the form of the way they spoke orally. Before them, a specific task was put forward - to express their point of view according to these issues.

As a result of the experience, we received 20 questionnaires, on the basis of which in the practical part we analyze the features of male and female speech and make the appropriate conclusions.

Comparing offers of representatives of various gender groups, we definitely reveal the following trend - men write short sentences while women actively use definitions involved and verbal gains.

This conclusion also proves the difference in the speech of men and women, from the point of view of psychology. Men are building a proposal logically, the devils, clearly and concisely expressing their thought and trying to minimize the number of language funds. Women talk to complex structures, making their speech with bright, emotional and expressive. Women can say so confusing, breaking off suggestions, not overhanging their idea that many of their statements begin to leave further and further from the problem, and at the end it is possible to transition completely to another subject of conversation.

For example, an article under the heading "crisis drives from removable apartments" caused such comments:

1. "I have the family itself, so I'm worried about the problem of housing. But in Rostov, nothing to find nothing, no matter how they were not called, elite or how else is there"

2. "In fact, it is terrible to become people who remain without housing. Especially if it is a single mother with children! I myself touched it. At work they dropped the salary, and the owner of the apartment on the contrary raised the price of housing. Communal clips up, child things need to buy, in the country there are no support for unfortunate Russian women "

Obviously, the first comment belongs to the respondent's man. Statement categorical and does not bear any for more informationIn addition to the one that a person has an idea of \u200b\u200ba problem and judges, relying on his own experience.

The second sample is an example of women's speech. From the main question of how the economic crisis has affected the tenants in the Rostov region, the respondent translates the topic to the region of global problems in Russia and emphasizes the problems of "unfortunate Russian women". So, the respondent's female departs from the established topic and raises the issue of support for motherhood, that is, what is important for a woman to a greater extent than for a man. Therefore, to determine the author of the author in this case is not difficult.

Male and female vision of the world cannot be evaluated by parameters "better - worse" or "higher - below." Interest is the conceptual significance of a female look, thinking and logic. A woman is able to contribute to all areas of activity such universal values \u200b\u200bas sympathy, care, mutual understanding, support, which are paramount in motherhood experience. It is the mother's image that is the main orienting manner for the formation of a polyassal identity. As a mother, a woman forms the future generation - from her education, social status, health depends on how humanity will be in the future. In this work, women demonstrated laid by nature features other than men. Women more often mentioned reliability, protection, and all statements contained an assessment: "Good-bad", "harmful-safe."

The following example combines the manifestation of the mother's mother's approach to the problem already mentioned by the specifics of the deviation from the main topic and the assessment from the position of the woman:

"I immediately did not want to read about transport suffering. A nightmare! I will never learn to drive. And what if my 18-year-old brother got a concussion. I am always worried when he is sitting in his tweln. What the parents only think when they buy mopeds ?! In the hospital there are inexperienced drivers of mopeds Autumn often and not all are separated by concussions of the brain !!! The chambers are littered. "

The identification of the author's floor for this fragment of speech does not represent complexity, even if the respondent did not use the verb in the form of a female family, then according to the mentioned factors of a psychological nature, it would be possible to establish the belonging to this or that gender group.

Speech indicators create an image of an emancipated woman, which speaks about sociocultural shifts in society and on increasing tendencies of the erosion of existing gender stereotypes in the language. However, the main type of social relations affecting the speech behavior of communicants in a gender aspect is still the ratio of the superiority of the man and the subordination of the woman.

In addition, it was confirmed by the fact that men's offers, and statements in general, shorter than women who may be longer even in cases where the problem is not interested. Women justify their indifference, and men will write briefly, as in our case, roughly and unefrevatically:

"Why do you have all the arts such strange, if anything has been positive. Art. No. 4 I do not read further ..."

"After reading this article, a sense of irritation arises. Again, the selected cases are happening.

"Hour from the hour is not easier"

In women's speech, a lot of uncertainty, in it simultaneously invisibly present and "yes", and "no", and "maybe." And this requires more time to present.

The study refutes the view that women are more likely referring to their own experience or experience familiar when considering the situation. Men and women equally consider their experience as the basis for subsequent conclusions. Therefore, representatives of both sexes willingly talked about their practice of removable apartments when they commented on the housing crisis, and with understanding belonged to those problems with which they themselves came across.

Women give even punctuation marks. With exclamation proposals, they express their attitude to the topic and feelings arising after reading. For example, female respondents wrote:

"It's horrible!"

"Idiota situation!"

"And we have a mustache in our country!"

"Oh! It's just awful!"

"That's strange!"

"To horror! This is news!"

"Again" crisis "! What else can you say! No stability nowhere!"

"Tobacco is poison!"

The submitted statements of respondents confirms the thought from the theoretical part of this work that women's speech really includes a large concentration of emotionally estimated vocabulary, and the men's estimated vocabulary is more often stylistically neutral. The above examples belong to the respondents' women, this feature does not stand out in male questionnaires.

The specifics of women's speech is the use of interjections (from our examples: "Oh!", "... oh God ...", "Oh!", "Yes, ..."), and men tend to start a proposal from introductory structures, such as "in my opinion "," I think "," I think "," in my opinion. " Therefore, we can argue that women unconsciously littered, men, on the contrary, seek to streamline their speech and make offers clearly structured.

Considering Speech by lexical levelWe were convinced that the choice of words by men differs from the vocabulary that women consume. Men more often use slang words and expressions, as well as non-veterinary and abnormative vocabulary, while women use diminishing words, expressing quite different than the opposite sex. The following fragments from the questionnaire of a woman are a visual example:

"Time! Well, you need to be more accurate. And the municipality should take care of garbage cleaning"

"It's good that I have my warm and cozy apartment!"

"Stupid editors!"

"Let the authorities understand, they receive money for it, and a rather big, and the poor grandmothers remove the garbage in the courtyards almost free"

Men practically absent high-quality adjectives in comparative degreeAt the same time, in women's speech, such forms dominate. ("Well, carefully ...", "... There are habits of worse!", "... what cigarettes are more harmful ...", "... foreign cars are more reliable ...") Thus, women's speech has a natural feature - the desire of all lexical and syntactic means to express the evaluation.

In the questionnaires men met the following deviations from the norm and examples of stylisticly reduced vocabulary:

"... most profits go to" left "..."

"Our roll !!!"

"Wrap and did not know"

"... In our country, everything is forever through the" ass "(I'm sorry) ..."

"What do we care about Harvard University!"

"I do not trust my life with a domestic fuffer. But the foreign car is a retail. In general, brothers walk on foot, if you want the Tank Castle was"

"Customs crisis will not kill. And if I kill, so it needs a hood. There is nothing to rage with fat"

The fact that women are trying to restore the source text to the theoretical part are installed in this experiment. Women more often inserted fragments from the articles presented:

"'' The crisis drives from removable apartments '' - the name sounds frightened ..."

"" In the dark, the "six" and "Mercedes" "" - reminds the plot of the anecdota, "

"'' The collapsed mortgage lending system buried and hopes for affordable rental" - a statement sounds threatening "

"They wrote:" Cigarettes with Menthol harmful than usual "Is it not clear that now everyone will escape the usual buy?!"

So, in socially oriented communication, the peculiarities of speech behavior should be taken into account, where the compliance of the norms is accompanied by a more stringent control, the importance of speech strategies and tactics applied by communicative strategies and tactics aimed at harmonizing in a communicative act, where Gender is a means of ordering the picture of the world as a whole and the organization of the entire social system relationship.

Compare the speech of women and the men's speech outlined in the same matter. As a review of a note called "the trains could go off the rails because of the" October "garbage!" Respondents wrote the following:

1. "Oh! It's just a horror! We live in a pigsty! And who is to blame? Yes, we ourselves! Yes, and the government also does not really care this problem. Why in European countries Clean the streets? Yes, because people do not want themselves walk and stumble about your own trash that stinks under the legs. And if someone accidentally throws a piece of chocolate, then there is a strict uncle-police officer, but finfing so that next time you think 10 times before throwing out On the sidewalk something. And on in the country of Bardak! But everyone is nice, when it is clean, but everyone thinks that nothing, if I throw the cigarette cigarette, and not in the trash, nothing happens! "

2. "In my opinion, the problem was eliminated and needed to put a point. This should not repeat. I want to believe that it was not damaged by rail transportation so much"

So, we have two fragments, the first of which belongs to the female respondent, and the second - male floor. We presented two samples, reflecting the features of the male and female speech, to emphasize the gender differences in the language and psychological levels.

Obviously, women's speech is longer and more difficult. The woman constructed a whole situation and considered the problem from different sides, while the respondent begins to talk about global things, comparing how it is in European countries with what is happening in Russia.

A man thinks already. Its judgments are specific and founded.

The illustrated example reveals in women another feature of building a speech statement other than male. A woman asks questions and herself answers them. Thus, the structure "Question-answer" is artificially created. So women streamlines their speech, giving it both shape and emotionality. And the man, as already mentioned earlier, declared his speech only by introductory structures. And for the expressiveness, male statement is inferior to female, saturated interjections and exclamations.

So, in the course of this course work, we managed to identify the distinctive features of the male and female speech. I analyze the syntax and vocabulary, and accepting certain trends in the use of grammatical forms, you can identify the author of the speech statement. It should be borne in mind that these differences are characterized in a greater degree of conversational, that is, spontaneous, unprepared speech than other types of speech, when talking tries to use neutral means to express thought.

Differences in the speech of representatives of different gender groups are explained by the fact that the men's psyche differs from female, and different floors have different paintings of the world, that is, the processes of perception and, accordingly, the processes of expression, in this case orally, have discrepancies.

At the same time, we revealed contradictory theories feature. And men and women tend to contact their own experience, assessing this or that situation, although this specific feature of speech is more often attributed to the female sex.

As a result of our research, on examples, we have proven that there is a difference between the male and women's speaking speech. But we do not declare that this difference is manifested in any situation. This is only a trend that manifested itself during our experiment. The study is presented in the table.

Table 1

Use in speech

Male speech number of people

Women's speech number of people.

short sentences

complex structures

exclamation proposals

emotionally estimated vocabulary


introductory structures

stylistically reduced vocabulary



abstract nouns


This work is devoted to the scientific direction - gender linguistics. In the first chapter, information on gender studies, which, for 20 years, conducted scientists around the world, were carried out by one of the first to pay attention to the difference of male and female speech was E. Sepir, who analyzed the Yana tribe Indians. Another variety of language separation on the basis of Paul has found M. Haas, exploring the Turkin Tribal Indian language in the south-west of the American state of Louisiana. V. Labov also engaged in gender studies, and carried out experiments in New York, his study gave scientific recognition to the assumption that the floor is one of the factors affecting speech. In the 70s G.G. All over the world, a new wave of interest in women's speech, associated with feminist movement begins. The classic was the study of R. Lakoff (1975) "Language and the situation of women." The emergence of gender studies in domestic linguistics is usually dating from the mid-nineties of the twentieth century.

To study the influence of the gender into the language, it is necessary that gender features are considered in conjunction with the status, social group, education level, situational context, etc., as well as taking into account the changing situation in society.

The second chapter of this work is an experiment that was carried out in order to prove the hypothesis nominated. In the course of this study, we sought to confirm in practice the fact that there are two separate subsystems (men's and women's speech), and to allocate the main characteristics of these subsystems. As a result of the written survey of our respondents, the hypothesis was confirmed.

A survey was carried out by 20 respondents, 10 male and 10 female. They were all born and live in the Southern Federal District, their age from 19 to 24 years old, and all of them are students of humanitarian faculties, are not married. All of them were invited to leave a comment on five different articles that were taken from the newspaper "Evening Rostov", which is neither female nor a male publication. During the analysis of the comments of respondents, it was revealed that there are differences on the syntactic, lexical and grammatical levels, and it is not much difficult to identify the floor of the one who gave one or another comment.

We identified trends will help us in the problem of the identification of the floor of the speaker. For example, in the forensic sphere and the sphere of public safety.


1. Belyanin V.P. Psycholinguistics. M.: Flint, 2004.

2. Belyanin V.P. Basics of psycholinguistic diagnosis. (Models of the world in the literature). M.: Flint, 2000.

3. Gender as intrigue of knowledge: Sat. Art., Compiled by A.V. Cyril - M., 2000.

4. Homon T.V. Study of documents with a deformed internal structure. Diss. Cand. jurid Sciences M., 1990. p.96.

5. Goroshko E.I. Language consciousness: gender paradigm. - M., 2003.

6. Zavadskaya A.A. Introduction to psycholinguistics. M.: Science, 1999.

7. Zemskaya E.A., Khorgorodskaya MA, Rosanova N.N. Features for men and women's speech // Russian language in its functioning / ed. E.A. Zemskoy and D.N. Shmelev.m., 1993. P.90-136.

8. Winter I.A. Linguopsychology of speech activity. Voronezh: ed. Voronezh GU, 2001

9. Kirillina A.V. Gender: Linguistic aspects. - M., 1999.

10. Kirillina A.V. Gender aspects of language and communications: author. dis. - M., 2000.

11. Kirillina A.V. Gender: Linguistic aspects; Goroshko E.I. Language consciousness (gender paradigm)., 2003.

12. Kirillina A.Vt Tomskaya M.A. Linguistic gender studies.\u003d10388numid\u003d23

14. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Science, 1990.

15. Romanov A.A., Vitlinskaya T.V. Features of the male and female consumption and expressions of insteading // Androgynost discourse. - M., 2000.

16. Sugar L.V. Introduction to psycholinguistics: course of lectures. L.: Ed. LSU, 1989.

17. Sepir 1993 - Sepir E. Male and Female Speech Options in Yana // Sepir E. Selected Works on Linguistics and Cultural Studies. - M., 1993. - p.455-461.

18. Spivak D.L. Changed states of consciousness: Psychology and linguistics. St. Petersburg: ed. St. Petersburg University, 2000.

- 90.50 KB

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

Higher professional education

Irkutsk State Linguistic University


on the topic:

Women's and men's speech:

similarities and differences

Department of Russian Language and Literature

Performed: Hogueva Eugene,

Student c. St1-10-01

Checked: Art. prep. Maclakova T.B.



Introduction………………………………………………………… ……...3

  1. Women's and men's speech ............................................. 4 - 5
    1. Differences .................................................................. ... 6 - 11
    2. Similarities .................................................................. ... 11
  2. Gender linguistics ..............................................12 - 15

Conclusion…………………………………………………… …………....16

Bibliography…………………………………………………… …..17


In different ways, not only residents of different locations say in the same language, not only representatives of different professions, not only people of different ages. It turns out that there are still men and women in different ways. However, in European languages \u200b\u200bthis distinction is usually not so noticeable, although linguists have recently and here it was possible to detect small, but curious differences. They manifest itself mainly in choosing individual words. For example, women speaking in Russian, more often use decreasing suffixes ( pretty, Pretty, Slavnya Handbag); the words a great or hefty Rather, they will meet in the speech of a man, and some charming or madly charming We almost certainly heard only from a woman.

The object of study in this work is feminine and men's speech; The subject of research is features of feminine and male speech.

The scientific novelty of the study is that the influence of sex on the speech behavior of a person has not yet been determined and even scientists cannot come to mutual opinions in this matter.

The material of the study was a vocabulary, which is used by people of different sexes, i.e. it is used with the official and unofficial communication of people of conscious age. At about the age of 15 - 50, and maybe more younger and older ages. Sources of material are thematically multidirectional books, sites, forums, articles and own observations.

The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of sex on the speech behavior of a person.

"Do not joke with a woman.
These jokes are stupid and inappropriate. "
K. Prtukhkov

  1. Women's and men's speech

The most important division of the human race into two parts (men - women) until recently did not attract the special attention of linguists. Sociolinguistics 1, psycholinguistics 2, Ethnolinguistics 3 studied differences in the language and its use associated with differences between different groups of people, not paying attention to the differences in the floor. The groupings of another kind reflecting the differentiation of social, age-related, professional, local (place of birth and residence), ethnic, etc. and only relatively recently, scientists began to pay special attention to the features of male and female speech.

In the period of activefeminist criticism of language 4 (70s - the beginning of the 80s. The twentieth century) Linguists insisted on existence intentivism, i.e., conscious maintenance of men of his superiority through speech behavior - the length of speech segments, frequency of interruptions, speaking simultaneously with the interlocutor, control over the subject of communication and the other. It did not take into account the high importance of social structures (schools, churches, army, etc.), making themselves to maintain male superiority and liberating individuals from the need to constantly reproduce it in all situations. Along with the intensalism, at this stage of research, excessive significance attached to the factory. However, further studies have shown that such situations and contexts are very common, in which the floor plays such an important role than the age factor, social and ethnicity, the level of education and the profession. However, as practice shows, the floor still affects the behavior of people, and therefore on speech.

Women's and men's speech is conditional name of lexical preferences and some other features of language use depending on the floor of the speaker. The sexual differentiation of speech became known from the 17th century, when new native tribes were opened, which had rather significant differences in speech depending on the floor of the speaker. First of all, it concerned women, since their speech behavior was regulated more than male, so the so-called "female languages" was discussed in the scientific description. Most often, the differences are manifested in vocabulary, but can also be distributed to other phenomena, such as, for example, in Japanese, sets of modally expressive particles, politeness form and other differences are distinguished. In European languages, some differences in language use are also noted, but they are not universal, but manifest as trends. Initially, speech differences were explained by the nature of women and men, i.e. were considered constant factors. In the 60s of the twentieth century, the probabilistic nature of differences was established with the development of sociolinguistics.

    1. Differences:
  • Male speech is informative, straightforward, is saturated with facts, numbers and logical conclusions, words are dominated with a clearly defined value. The female speech is emotionally, not much more important than the words themselves, and the intonation with which they are pronounced, and among the women themselves, communication is generally at the non-verbal level. For example, a typical bachelorette party - all women speak at the same time, no one listens to anyone, the conversation is not going into the essence, but it receives true pleasure from the process. And the female speech is replete with interjections: "Oh!", "Ah!", "Well, in general!" and by different stylistic delights - epithets, metaphors, allegory and, of course, exaggeration.
  • Woman linguistically "faster" men, she mastering foreign languages \u200b\u200bfaster, introducing them to society: in Petrovsky times - French, in the XIX. - English (which for a long time It was considered the tongue of the lady, the boys were taught German). The linguistic question in women is always more answers, and the answers are given in almost one expressions, since the set of common words in women is always surprisingly coincided. Men show more individuality in choosing vocabulary. In general, men create stamps, and their women diligently retain.
  • In fluent speech, women more often use pronouns, particles, denials and other service words in which emotion can be invest. The speech of men is focused on nouns, which directly embody the concepts. "Male" terminuses of an abstract meaning woman prefers domestic words, but already having learned special vocabulary, it starts to even abuse it. However, it is possible to argue on this topic.
  • As the famous linguist V.V. Kollesov wrote, "Even in complex cases It is more convenient to ponder women out out loud, and then the monologue turns into a dialogue, often getting strongered gradually into the choir. " Thanks to the aspiration to the dialogue, women's speech is approaching the colloquial style, often violating strict laws of the literary norm. In a constant conflict between a sustainable literary norm and bizarre-changing Russian speech, a woman holds the side of the latter and introduces spoken expressions.
  • As for morphological preferences, the woman loves the adjectives, forms of Super Salary 5, expressive expressions ( Horror how much!), Disthemisms 6 ( crash, from mind can come together, idi here, I you now kill; In general, there are very many coarse dysfamisms, Masculinization 7 is reflected primarily on speech). Men prefer the language means of expressing an objective modality, and women - language means of subjective modality (particles, expression, interjections, dysphmisms, eufemism 8).
  • In the wordwork of women prefer Diminative 9 suffixes. While the man worked on the typewriter, she was a car, Since the beginning of the 20th century. He was changed by the "Pisch Bar" - and the car turned around machine. Linguists believe that vintage Russian words bowl, Misa, logian, ironing It was the woman who turned into cup, bowl, spoon, ironing. Typically female word Cosmeticichka.
  • According to American researchers, D.Gajaj and N. Benford, women begin their story not from the main thing, but with small inconcent details, which often causes irritation from the source or interlocutor. And there are no men, they are the opposite begin their story from the most important and very important to the interlocutor without emotions and "paints", exaggerations and distortions of information.
  • Scientists V.I.Zhelvis and A.P. Martynyuk celebrate such qualities of women as: a lot of politeness in contacting the interlocutor and a large restraint in the use of rude and faded vocabulary. For example, V.I. Zhelvis expresses the idea that women consider aggressiveness with an undesirable phenomenon and seek to avoid reasons to her occurrence. Therefore, they have less opportunities to show aggressiveness externally.

It should also be noted that the written speech of men and women also has a number of differences.

Men's written speech:

- the use of army and prison jargon;
- Frequent use of introductory words, especially having a statement: Obviously, undoubtedly, of course;
- consumption of a large number of abstract nouns;
- use when transferring an emotional state or estimating the subject or phenomenon of words with the smallest emotional indexation; monotony of lexical techniques when transferring emotions;
- combinations of officially and emotionally marked vocabulary when contacting relatives and relatives;
- the use of newspaper and journalistic clichés;
- the use of obscene words as the introductory (love, bl ... dy, found) and the monotony of used obscene words, as well as the predominance of obscene incidence and designs, denoting actions and processes, as well as the predominance of verbs of the active collateral and transition;
- inconsistency of punctuation signs with emotional speech.

Women's written speech:

The presence of many input words, definitions, circumstances, locomotive subjects and additions, as well as modal structures expressing different degrees of uncertainty, estimated, uncertainty (may be, apparently, in my opinion);
- a tendency to use "prestigious", stylisticly elevated forms, cliche, bookmarks (experienced a sense of junk and squeamishness; a sharp conversation; silhouettes of adolescents);
- the use of connotatively neutral words and expressions, euphemisms (obsteaded instead of mutilated; in drunk instead of drunk);
- the use of appraisal statements (words and phrases) with deactive lexemes instead of the name of the face by name (this bastard; these scums);
- Big pattern of speech when describing feelings, manifold Invective and their accentuation with the help of amplifying particles, adverbs and adjectives (and what kind of you are ...; there is ... whether it should be; hot e ... la). These features of the use of the surrounding vocabulary speak, according to the author, that each of them is given literal meaning, there is no different value of the value inherent in male speech. Inspections, as a rule, hide the biophysiological characteristics of a woman: appearance, age, sexuality;
- In the Incorts, zonimes are found high frequency (the sandy deaf, ram Malahol); Music-noun and verbs in a passive pledge prevail (it will come in a moonshine; take it from work every day on a wheelbarrow);
- High-frequency is also the use of the designs of "adverb + adverb" (too ruthlessly; very good), simple and complex offers, syntactic revolutions with double denial; Frequent use of punctuation marks, high emotional coloring of speech as a whole. Analysis of Russian phraseology gives opposite results. As V. N. Telia notes, "For Russian ordinary self-consciousness, the perception of a woman as weak gender is uncharacteristic and opposing its" strong semi ": these combinations, which came out of the book-romantic discourse 10, did not become the affiliation of everyday use of the language." The study of the German and Russian phraseological foundation has revealed that in Russian material the image of a woman is wider than in German, not only in quantitative, but also in qualitative relation, it reflects a variety of social roles, degrees of kinship, stages of women's life, its various tasks and skills . These findings are confirmed not only in studies on phraseological material, but also in the work on the study of the mythological consciousness of Russian, reflected, in particular, in Russian folk magical fairy tales.

It can be concluded that the differences in writing speech and orally intertwined with each other, creating us the overall picture of female and male speech, but these differences are due not only to the differentiation of sex, but also social status and education and a number of other reasons.

    1. Similarities:

Despite all the above differences in the speech of different floors, we can say that there are no sharp "impassable" borders between male and women's speech in Russian. The marked features of the male and female speech are defined as tendency of consumption. There are often cases when certain phenomena detected in the speech of men and women are associated with the peculiarities of their mental warehouse, character, profession, roles in society, but not with the difference in the floor. But on this occasion you can breed a variety of discussions and never come to a common opinion, because it is a very controversial question, in which you can quickly come to delusion or get even more confused.

  1. Gender linguistics

Scientists have established that each person has two types of gender: biological floor and sociocultural.

Biological floor is a combination of anatomical and physiological signs, thanks to which we can define a man or a woman in front of us.

Gender or human socio-cultural floor is a combination of social expectations and norms, values \u200b\u200band reactions that form individual features. In patriarchal heterosexual culture, gender is closely tied to the biological and anatomical characteristics of a person and acquires the nature of regulations.

And the study of the gender is engagedgender linguistics.

Gender linguistics (linguistic gender) is a scientific direction as part of interdisciplinary gender studies, with the help of a linguistic conceptual apparatus, studying gender 11 (sociocultural floor, understood as a conventional construct, relatively autonomous on biological gender).

The formation and intensive development of gender linguistics falls in the last decades of the twentieth century, which is associated with the development of postmodern philosophy and a change in the scientific paradigm in humanitarian sciences.

Work description

The material of the study was a vocabulary, which is used by people of different sexes, i.e. it is used with the official and unofficial communication of people of conscious age. At about the age of 15 - 50, and maybe more younger and older ages. Sources of material are thematically multidirectional books, sites, forums, articles and own observations.
The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of sex on the speech behavior of a person.

"The most important division of the human race into two parts (men - women) until recently did not attract special attention of linguists.

Sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics studied differences in the language and its use associated with differences between different groups of people, not paying attention to the differences in the floor. The groupings of another kind reflecting the differentiation of social, age-related, professional, local (place of birth and residence), ethnic, etc. and only relatively recently scientists began to pay special attention to the features of male and female speech. "These words began one of the first domestic studies. According to the tender linguist, belonging to E.A. Zemskoy, M.V. Korodskoy, N.N. Rozanova. The first authors were written in the Soviet linguistics of the article on gene-tree issues published in the magazine "Russian Speech".

Term gender (GENDER)called the floor as a sociocultural phenomenon, opposed by biological semi (sex, sems),and the first term is wider than the second, includes it to its composition. Using the term genderit is intended to emphasize the non-natural, but the sociocultural cause of interpopers.

In the science of language, tender studies took a solid place, having received the status of an independent linguistic direction - gene-turpentine linguistics, or linguistic genderwork. The subject of this discipline, which is a new direction of predominantly sociolinguistic studies, is to find out how the factor of sex affects the use of the language by men and women, which means there is a language for the design of tender identity than the male and female communicative behavior (both verbal and non-verbal behavior differ (both verbal and non-verbal ).

In men and women using the same ethnic language, there will be different language tastes and preferences, various communicative behavior and other differences of this kind. The ideas about the speech of men and women are available in all peoples, and "these ideas live not only in the writings and minds of linguists, but are also peculiar to the people's consciousness," which finds "confirmation in the presence of proverbs, sayings, sustainable expressions oriented on this issue."

Features of women's speech are most clearly manifested by the sphere of vocalism, male - in the sphere of consonantism. For women is characterized by lengthening (stretching) of shock vow (Not de-e-lapse more so)and for men, along with a stretching of the vowel, - not characteristic of women elongation of consonants (I dD-U is small about your sentence).According to the observation of E.A. Zemskoy, M.V. Kitchenskaya and N.N. Rozanova, "Typically feminine enhancement of an emotional impression is the wide use of the stretching of the shock vowel in the words expression": Well, oh, very, o-very cute shoes!: Horo-a feat film!: What kind of cat-a-r!

In order to express the assessment of a woman, intonational means are usually used, for example, lengthening vowels in the estate syllables, while men are more often resorted to lexical means for the same purposes. (excellent, cool, great, just wonderful, nothing to doand etc.). Expressing a positive assessment, women often use designs with words such beforestretching with unstressed vowels: He is the same cute!; Young I was ta-a-kaya pretty!; The cake was up to the ta and delicious!

In general, women say faster men, The total duration of the pause in their speech is less than and speech men. V.V. The wheels lead the following data: ",... The conversation of a man retains the silence of 3.21 seconds, women only 1.35."

Men and women talk about different: the theme of female conversations are usually children, a house, family, cooking, fashion, shopping; Men's polyics, technique, work, sports, army. These differences are associated with the nature of the traditional social roles of view of two floors: for women is a mother, wife, household house; Male roles in society are the owner (but not only at home, and the whole life, including women), the defender, the minider (the breadwinners of the whole family), the master, specialist, professional (men love to demonstrate their competence and each other, and especially women ).

The consequence of such differences is a different degree of ownership of a vocabulary of a number of thematic groups. Even in domestic situations, men tend to the terminology of the wording, while women use approximate designations, therefore, explaining something to a woman, a man "translates" the terminological vocabulary to the "language", it is clear: "You have light-emitting diodeon a radio tube lights up? Well, green light bulb.1

In male speech, compared with the female, the stronger influence of the professional factor is found, therefore, men even in casual communication, including women, are characteristic of the frequent use of professional terminology. For example: "[man]: We will put the door here pilencut.[Woman): You think I know what is pilencataa door? Can you say easier to say? "Most often it is in the technical sphere of a man draw funds to create a figurative speech:" Our chief the processor overheated "(Not quite in order of head).

Linguists are inclined in favor of greater normality of women's speech, explaining that women have greater influence To raise children, as a result of which they strive to speak more or less correctly. Men more often than women use stylistically reduced words in their speech, including vulgar, parangious, obscene. Even with the manifestation of gentle feelings (communication with children, pets and talk about them), men deliberately harde their speech. For example: (referring to the cat): "Come here, infection.On the, fRAThis is not a cat, but a real feline breed pig "; (woman to the same cat]:" Eat, kisianka "."Men often use a negative and evaluative and branch vocabulary to express a positive assessment: praise, admiration, etc. For example: (a man looks a television transmission about ski competitions and talks about the athlete): "Dog,as scraps) "(quickly goes on skis).

Women love to eat words with diminutive suffixes (Diminutives). Similar words - a characteristic feature of adult conversations with children, especially small, but in women's speech, this feature is pronounced brightly: "Ice cream lick on droplet ";"Now kashkhawe will be "; "Carefully,look under legs ";"Comeva bookwest ";" Hold backstraight".

The diminutive words are firmly included in women's speech from childhood (in the process of games in mother's daughters, communications with kids, pets, etc.).

Excessive lentils of women to words with dimensional suffixes V.V. Wheels explains the emergence of a number of words in Russian: "While a man worked on the typewriter, it was a car.From the beginning of the XX century. He was changed by "Pisch Bar" - and the car turned out machine.All vintage Russian words like bowl, Misa,

logian, pelvis, plate, forks(in the "Domostroy" XVI century. They are still) it was the woman in his speech consistently changed in cup, cup, bowl, spoon, basque, plate, plug,turning the diminitious suffix -to-in mandatory sign Supplies words to names nouns (indicate things that exist real). "

The typical stylistic characteristic of the feminine speech is a tendency to hyperboidal expression, which manifests itself in wide use of ELA in-intensives: incredible, incredible, insanely, terribly(cf. terribly disappointinginstead very disappointing; Terribly worriedinstead i worry hard), horror(word from the ello-elder-head lexicon), terrible, horror (as much as much), koichar, nightmare, nasty, disgusting, charm, delightfullyand others. Linguists have noticed that "to resort to extreme forms of expression is a characteristic bar of women's speech. For example, it is quite difficult to meet a man who, having seen his friend in a new suit, could exclaim: "You can go crazy!" For women's speech, this is typical, although no woman in the world has been crazy after the appearance of a new girlfriend's outfit. "

Women are most prone to the use of interjections that are a specific grammar agent designed to express emotions, feelings. It has been established that in women's speech most often used interomotion oh,the typical position of which is the beginning of the phrase. For example: Oh, how beautiful!; Oh, I completely forgot!Arctic ohwomen are often used to express apologies: (by phone): A: Svetolechek! It's you?B: You did not get there.BUT: Oh, sorry. Ohin conjunction S. notserves butwomen's speech to the expressive objection means: Oh no, I don't like it at all; Oh Pet, today I am busy.

In women's speech, it is much more common than in men's introductory structures with the meaning of uncertainty (It seems probably maybe possibleet al.), including in the absence of the most urgency (maybe yes- female expression consent). These language tools usually occupy the position of the proposal. Men, by contrast, more often use introductory structures with the settional value (Of course, of courseand etc.). This is due to the fact that men speak much categorically women (I said."),more dispersed tone formulate their allegations.

For women's speech, calling exclamation offers are characterized: "What is the beauty!"; "What a disgrace!"; "- What a cheerful sistychik! - exclaimed in all respects a pleasant lady, looking at the dress just a pleasant lady" (Gogol. Dead souls).

Women differ from men greater emotionality of speech, as women more men focus on their inner world, from here and more words, grammatical structures,

feelings, emotions. "The man" genetically "is rude in the expression and manifestation of feelings, - I.A. notes Sternov, - He does not know how to express emotions in words and does not try to learn this, since unimointness considers as an important component of male behavior. Speaking emotionally - this is in the male perception, "not male".<...>Gullshop, a man tries to translate the conversation from the level of feelings to the level of intelligence, logic - in this area it is easier for him to conduct a dialogue, here it is more able to control the situation, it feels more confidently. "

Men are appreciated moderately, they do not like extreme and too emotional assessments and exclamations and do not know how to give deployed assessments, preferring words not bad, nothing, suitableand under. Traditionally, men are associated with a reasonable, rational start, women - with the beginning of irrational, emotional. Standal, for example, in the treatise "On Love" noted that "women prefer the feelings of reason."

It is believed that women say more men. According to the observations of American scientists, men speak no less women, but with one essential feature - they speak a certain topic or concretely, while women say simply for their own pleasure, often thoughts out loud. "... in the speech communication of women, compared with men, the proportion of actual communicative acts is more significant, that is, those, the main goal of which -samo communication, contact" FL. P. 111].

Typical trait Women's speech - inclusion in the conversation of the subject, which is generated by consultation. Even speaking of "high matter", women are sensitive to what is located and happening around them. Men, on the contrary, are distinguished by the "psychological deafness", i.e. Concentration on a certain topics of conversation, inability and reluctance to switch to the environment.

Women are superior to men in verbal skills. Girls acquire language skills faster than boys and, as a rule, begin to speak earlier, gradually mastering the sound of sound in the simplest combinations and so to a meaningful phrase. Compared to the boys, the girls seek great success in such criteria as the beginning of letteen, pronouncing the first word, vocabulary in a year and a half. The boys are shrinking for a long time, scaring inexperienced parents, but they begin to speak immediately with whole proposals, which neglects the items of pronunciation for a long time. Only about eight years of force are equalized. Thus, half a person is a powerful language of learning.

Compared to men, women understand the word thinner, it is better to distinguish functional styles, more like poetry. The paradox is that women are less likely to write good poems.

preferring to act as readers, most of the poets are men who most often compose poems about love for a woman. Relying on research G.E. Creidlin "Men and women in non-verbal communication."

1) Women have greater communication sensitivity, compared to men.

Due to the fact that women, in contrast to men, are more responsible for their home, for the birth and raising of children, they are characterized by large socialization, the communicative orientation on the speaker and the subject of conversation, compliance with etiquette and tolerance. Speech styles of representatives of different floors differ from each other primarily to the extent to which the partner's reaction to the preceding statement is taken into account. Men are more focused on their own previous statement, and women -na say the communicative partner. In case of incomprehension of the subject of the statement of the interlocutor with their own women try to reorient, take into account the interests of another person; Men perceive a similar situation as a deviation from the right course of conversation and continue to build their statements with the previous thematic orientation.

2) The virtue of the man is considered eloquence, and not only verbal, but also gesture, and the virtue of a woman is silence that directly communicates with obedience.

In the works of artistic literature and painting, the authors of which were the advantage of a man, a respectable woman was always depicted silent, which testified to the rest of restraint, modesty, self-restriction and self-education. Silence is an ideal to which a woman, according to a man, should strive.

In the communicative behavior of women of emotions, expression, experiences more than men. Women are more often crying, ripped on a cry, laugh. Men's centuries-old traditions are prescribed not to show weakness, try to avoid sentimentality and not express, especially in humans, such "female" emotions, as caressing, tenderness (spoken phraseologism calf tenderness- "Excessive or inappropriate expression of gentle feelings" - it has a negative evaluation, dismissive and ironic characteristic). Boys since childhood are taught not to cry, keep courage and dignity in any situation. When a man behaves too emotionally, which is considered a feature of female behavior, it causes condemnation from those surrounding as an easily quality.

3) the predominance of subconscious, intuition in women and logic, the rationality of thinking in men.

The logicality and rationality of thinking are considered exclusively male qualities, which was reflected in phraseology. Jock, ironic phraseological women's logicit has next value: "On judgments that differ in the lack of logiciness, based not on the arguments of reason, but on the feelings" | 11]. The prison was the expression from Roman I.S. Turgenev "Rudin": Twice two - stearin candle.The hero of this novel - Pigasov, speaking of a difference that exists between the logical mistakes of a man and a woman, says: "... a man can, for example, say that twice two are not four, and five or three and a half, and a woman will say that twice Two - Stearin Candle. "

4) the communicative behavior of men is aimed at self-affirmation, the implementation of social problems, knowledge and reorganization of the outside world; Communicative behavior of women - on the inner world and comfort of communication.

"When changing the situation, a woman demonates conservative(here and then italics our. - E.i1.)the strategy is to adapt to adapt to the changed conditions. A man demonstrates activethe strategy is trying to actively influence the environment, circumstances, change them in accordance with its plan, with its ideas and intentions. "

A man is always configured to take something. It is not by chance that a woman who does not know what to do in one situation or another often says a man: "You are a man, so think of something"; "You are a man or who". "Do (do) something!"

5) Men are peculiar to communicative aggressiveness, women - communicative tolerance.

In communication men more persistent, self-sufficient, tough, sometimes rude; Women, on the contrary, more compliant, soft, they are more often than men, tend to see good and in the communicative partners themselves, and in their behavior. A man is trying to dominate the conversation, manage its development, its intentions to express directly, without using correct and too polite forms. This is due to such a feature. male characterAs aggressiveness, which should be understood as high competitiveness, energy, enterprise, readiness and ability to defend their interests, striving for power, etc. It is the communicative tolerance of women and the communicative aggressiveness of men can, according to G.E. Creidlin, explain the absence of a pause in female speech and their presence in male: "Long pause, being not motivated, often perceived as aggressive, like a threat to themselves. Perhaps, in the speech of Russian women, the pauses are noticeably shorter, but relatively unhappy

rOE Silence is usually accompanied by gestures of hands and heads, shifts of poses, special glances. "Since the women's communications are less aggressive than men, then in the dialogues they take more relaxed postures, their gestures and gestures are also more calm, non-aggressive, i.e. Neither hiding partner in nor in physical, nor in the mental sense. As a rule, women control their behavior better than men; the behavior of women is more awareness.

6) The women are characterized by a great degree of empotion with communication partners than men.

Women feel better feeling the state of others, i.e. there are more empathy (compassion, sympathy) to partners in communication. Typically female are the following judgments: "I am more nervous (worried, worry), if you are nervous"; "I am so sensitive to the mood of others that ..."; "Your bad (good) mood is transmitted to me."

V. Humboldt in the work "On the difference between the polls of his influence on the organic nature", which can be considered one of the first studies on tender issues, noted: "All male rolls more independence, all female - more suffering susceptibility."

7) women are less prone than men, substantiate their failures in the absence of knowledge, abilities or other objective reasons, and explain their bad luck, evil rock, fate (Not lucky).

Thus, men and women, in different ways perceive the world and themselves in it, differently estimating the same thing, in the literal sense of the elephant speak different languages \u200b\u200bwhen they express their thoughts, feelings, emotions. This caused many communicative failures between the persons of the opposite sex. Literacy in communicating with the opposite sex is the most important component of human communicative literacy, assuming that men should know and take into account the features of female behavior and communication, women - male. The concepts of "Men's Language Person" and "Women's Language Person" can be introduced into the science of language with full right. Although in a number of works devoted to the male and female speech and non-verbal communication, it is emphasized that in communication between men and women there is no sharp impassable border, and there are only certain trends.

As V. Humboldt pointed out, "the highest unity assumes always focusing in two opposite sides." The world has integrity precisely because there is an opposition of male and female, which is one of the main evidence of the law of dialectics on the unity and the struggle of opposites.


1. Zemskaya E.A., Khigorodskaya M.V., Rozanova I.I. Male and Women's Speech // Russian language in its functioning. Communicative-pragmatic aspect. M., 1993. P. 90,

2. Zemskaya E.A., Khorgorodskaya M.V., Rosanova N.N. What and how women and men say // Russian speech. 1989. 1.

3. Dal V.Tolkova dictionary of the living Great Russian language: at 4 t. M., 1989-1991. T. I. P. 32; T. III. P. 271; Proverbs of the Russian people: Collection V. Dalya:In 3 t. M., 1993. T. 2. P. 63-68.

4. Kirillina A.I.Ternyh research in linguistic disciplines // Tender and language. M., 2005. P. 13.

5. Sternov I.A. Schedule with men and women. Voronezh, 2002. P. 14.

7. Wheels V.V. . Language and mentality. St. Petersburg., 2004. P. 216.

8. ibid. P. 217.

9. Creidlin G.E. Muzchiki and women in non-verbal communication. M., 2005. P. 146.

10. Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language; In 2 tons. Sost. A.I. Fedorov. M., 1997. T. 2. P. 24.

11. Dictionary of modern Russian literary language: at 20 tons. Ch. ed. K.S. Gorbachevich. M., 1994. T. 5-6. P. 105.

12. Humboldt V. On the difference between the floors and its influence on the organic nature // Humboldt.V. Background. Cultural language and philosophy. M., 1985. P. 148.

Popova, E.A.On the peculiarities of the speech of men and women / E.A.Popova // Russian speech. - 2007.-№3.

28. The task:

Read the text. Highlight the main information from the question and from the answer to it in the article. Compound indicative abstract (abstract-resume), disclosing only the main provisions that are closely related to the topic of the article (secondary topics are not taken into account).

  • Fight for justice
  • And talk? ...

In Japan, more than a thousand years old men and women spoke different languages. Fabulous, but up to the present day, the Japanese language was officially divided into male and female. Once women did not have the right to speak male language; If their vocabulary consumed a representative of a strong sex, he was considered a man of unconventional orientation. In addition to the Japanese, residents and residents of the Caribbean Islands said in different languages. Some sources indicate that violation of the norms was considered a crime and entail the corresponding punishment.

In fact, such a distinction of the language on the basis of gender should not be tied in shock. Probably, you probably seemed to you that you with your second half speak different languages? But this is not a reason for the disorder, but an excellent opportunity to master another "foreign" language and learn to understand your partner.

Fight for justice

Differences in the Language of men and women are not only a reason for woven in their circles, but also the subject to study the individual science - gender linguistics. It is she considers how the psychology of floors is reflected in the speech, that is, the speech behavior of representatives of each of them.

One of the impetus to the development of this science was, oddly enough, the feminist movement. The fact is that the human language is focused on the male part of the population. This proves a number of examples. Have you ever seen a sign at the entrance to the medical office "Doctor Polonskaya A. M."? Or a competition called "teacher of the year"? As a rule, these "female" options for the names of occupations sound somewhat negliguously, with a fraction of irony. That is why we will call a woman specialist doctor, teacher, director, that is, using a noun male genus. Another proof: in many languages \u200b\u200b"man" and "man" - the same word. But we will find more offensive confirmation of injustice in Chinese. There, the word, as you know, consists of several hieroglyphs, each of which means any concept. So, the hieroglyph "woman" enters into such words as envy, jealousy, illness, prostitute, hatred ... than a woman did not please the male part of the Chinese population, it is completely incomprehensible.

It is seen that these and many other unfair peculiarities of the language fought Bocheh for justice (in no case "wrestlers"!) Organize an important branch of gender linguistics - feminist linguistics. One of the results of this was some "equality" of the male and female lexicon in European languages. But it seems, our great and mighty feminist movement bypassed. Maybe for the better? Maybe it costs to perceive this as a pretty feature of the system of patriarchal (yet) society and look for a key to mutual understanding?

And talk? ...

If a woman is discussing a question on the phone, which a man would decide in a matter of seconds, this fact does not indicate any of its mental disabilities. It is completely normal for female halvesSince communication is the most important component of its existence. The need for communication in many women is so great that if during the working day they fail to chat, it adversely affects their mood and productivity. On some "female" enterprises, even 5-10-minute interruptions for communications were introduced. On other tables, the employees rearranged so that they could talk without being distracted from work. The measures were economically appropriate! Of this, of course, it does not follow that men can perfectly do without communication, but it takes them less time, and the motivation for communication in the floors is completely different. It turns out that the conversations of women are aimed at the relationship, the conversations of men are to conquer the authority.

That is, the ladies are important to feel "one field with berries", and men, on the contrary, are independent, unlike others. If a woman is important to hear from the girlfriend, that the similar problem, each representative of the strong floor is inclined to think that his situation is exceptional.

Men speak briefly, in essence, rarely applying generated tools. Their speech is different (usually!) Smooth intonation, and no matter if they express their feelings to you or talk about the fall of the dollar. The woman, on the contrary, will wrap on you richly intonated speech: "There is a rain today, well, just a nightmaar!".

The same applies to the correspondence in social networks and messengers. Suppose you came such a message from the lover: "Good morning." What might think the representative of the beautiful floor? "He did not put" smiley ", did not use an exclamation mark, did not even call the sun. Probably, he had something happened, or, even worse, he cooled to me. " In the meantime, the author, most likely, a wonderful mood, and he would have come to mind, what kind of secret meanings hides his deeply lyrical message. If a man and in speech does not use the appropriate means to transfer their emotions (intonation, diminishing words), then in writing it will avoid them all the more. So, finding the lack of endless emoticons and exclamation marks in a man's message, do not worry: it does not mean anything. Another thing - if this kind of message came from a woman. An ill-wishing point at the end of the message (or, even more terrible, the absence of a punctuation mark in principle) may imply anything.

Gender differences in the language still quite a lot. For example, women often use a questionnaire of proposals, men - affirmative. The first usually use complex structures, the second is simple statements, but the interconnected logically related. Most often, polite forms use women, they also seek to talk according to the norms of the language, and men often have these norms and tend to admit abnormative vocabulary. The lady usually uses such exclamations as "oh!", "Oh oh-oh" and so on, whereas in the speech "Macho" they are missing. All differences in language behavior are explained. different device Psyche and stereotypes of upbringing. "The boys should not cry," the girls should not swear, "the rules from childhood since childhood often and form the speech behavior of both sexes. Nevertheless, do not forget that everything is purely individually. We only tell about traditional cases.

Silence - gold, or how to find a common language with a man

"We are not given to predict how our word will respond ...", or how to find a common language with a woman

You can not fit such a difficult thing as communication between a man and a woman, in a few (even if the most "golden"!) Rules. However, remember: To ensure that the representative of the opposite sex is understood, you need to learn how to speak his tongue. Peace to you and harmony!

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