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For men born March 11, a woman will fit. Female expression in the horoscope

The day of progressive intuition.

March 11th birthday celebrities - Actor Yuri Chursin, musician Bangia Madden, FTbolist Didier Drogba, Basketball Player Rebecca Hammon, Artist Maria Aronova

Born on March 11, usually realize that if they allow themselves to be lagging behind, others will simply overtake them. However, an unavoidable perspective to see ahead of other people's backs absolutely does not suit these people. At the same time, many of them are willing to give way to an opponent, as it is clearly filtered by elbows - obviously not in their rules. Perhaps the idea of \u200b\u200bborn on this day is that sooner or later they will pay attention to themselves and advance. It is properly an assumption or not, depends on the environment where they work, and is largely from their personal culture.

If born on March 11 owns his own business, it means that they have already proven their indisputable talent to see hidden opportunities and skillfully use them. Having achieved independence, born on this day, do not regret funds for her support. By the way, people whose birthday is March 11, often become a measure of gambling players, as they are breaking enough to risk, and enough wise to avoid stupid mistakes.

Another trait of their character, which helps him well, is taste. They not only instinctively feel that well and valuable, but also quickly find out what makes ideas worthy, that is, really necessary and objective. What are the people whose sign of the zodiac on March 11? Some of them may even choose what surrounds seems fake and cheap, but, as it turns out later, it is this "fake" that has the greatest value.

Born March 11 is distinguished by demanding and self-control. As family members, they invariably discover themselves in the center of events where they have to make decisions affecting the lives of their children and parents. However, they should be fear of antagonism and inconsistency and from those who seery the desire to have greater freedom and independence. Perhaps, they need to become more condescending, since too hard control over the close - the right path to mutual reproach and rehabilitation of life.

Born on March 11, from childhood, he feels a special purpose, more often a spiritual sense, their special mission, his calling to a randering one of the secrets of Being. This is not surprising for their zodiac sign, fish. They do not feel their usual people and are not such: even their ideas for the transformation of the world and improving life are extremely unusual.

And, unfortunately, often unimpleable due to excessive idealism born on March 11. They love all humanity, which sincerely try to enable, they are stubborn in the way of achieving their not entirely understandable to most of the goals, they almost always look at this world under a non-standard angle.

Diseases born March 11

The March 11 born is very important attached to their appearance and impressive. They gladly care about themselves, attach great importance to the health of their hair, teeth, skin condition, nails. Born on March 11 a lot of money spend on expensive cosmetics, vitamins and biologically active additives for food. Usually they are excellent cooks, they are preparing not only tasty, but also beautiful, creating real masterpieces, and are suitable for cooking as creativity.

As for their diet, it is not abusing, they can eat everything. One should only limit the use of sugar, oil and oily cream. In sports, try to avoid competitions and aimed at victory, giving all attention to the quality of performance and the process itself.

These people live present and always contribute to the introduction of progressive ideas in the masses. Life they perceive as ring, where there is only power and fight. Hardworking enough, capable of making a career. Relax and "let go of themselves, they are only in the company of loved ones and friends. And then for them it is very important not to be ridiculous.

They are important for them to always be perceived seriously, even when they show naivety, sharing their thoughts and fruits of their rapid imagination. As real fish, they always rely in affairs on their chief trump card - stunning intuition. It is extremely rarely brought to them.

Born on March 11 understand the need for struggle and strength. They do not like to touch in the tail, but also do not always want to fight - it is natural for peace-loving contemplative fish. Most often, they try to wait until the rivals overtake them, and then, with the help of intuition, waiting for the right moment, resolutely intercepting the initiative. Their main advantages are a feeling of the desired moment and their charisma, with the help of which they are attracted to themselves.

Work and career of those born March 11

Fishes, born on March 11, perfectly see the essence of things and are able to use this knowledge in their own interests. With this ability, they can even conduct a business. Develop the potential of something - their excellent ability.

In matters, they often show unexpected wisdom: as they can play for money, but reasonably and cold, prudently, not falling into the excitement and insane race for the progress, in which you can lose everything. They love moderate risk, but only if they have enough money for this whim. Independence and financial independence is extremely valued.

They need to work on their ability to generate such ideas that would come in handy in practical life and would be really embodied, and not utopian or non-exclusive for various reasons. The very top of the talent, which is available to many of these people is a bet on nonsense and losing ideas at first glance, which, however, later get into mainstream and become popular.

An indispensable quality to promote your own business! However, it is also necessary to work on it, not all of all born on March 11, this talent is fully developed from birth.

The undoubted dignity of these people is also in the fact that they are very demanding towards themselves and are capable of self-discipline. In the family, they usually occupy leadership positions, and may actively suppress the attempts of resistance and "rebellion".

Learn to make decisions based on compromise and mutual concessions, and be sure to listen to offers all family members. Remember that these opinions are really expensive to you people, even if you first seem to you that an elderly person or too young teenager says nonsense. Have wisdom to listen and take into account even such an opinion when making decisions.

Military Mars - the ruling planet of the decade. He puts in nature born in this period by masculinity and sociability. Such people know how to show themselves, they are polite and love to let dust in the eyes surrounding.
Important years: 12,15, 24, 30, 36, 45, 48, 60,72.
Lily - symbol These people.

11th of March

Fate: A lot of abilities giving fate born on this day. They are very talented, but incorrectly elected field of application of their talents can embrace all their rich entity. Once, choosing the way, it is necessary to spend the power and energy with the benefit, to create, carry good, not just as the generosity of your soul. The path of development and good will lead them to high goals, victories, thanks to which success will come in their lives, happiness, well-being.

Mystery of the birthday: Following the progress is distinguished by born March 11, and it does not matter, in which field their interests lie, what glances are adhered to, whether it is cranky conservatism or discreet liberalism. They confidently walk through the career steps, knowing the sense of strength and secrets of success. The world for them seems to be completed creation, in which everyone for himself. The pleasure for them to tell friends or family of their ideas, to share reflections, actively attracting fantasy to them, but they fear to be funny. Whatever their work, born on March 11, have the strongest intuition and actively use it, this is their compass leading on the right track and allowing to avoid troubles and errors. Born March 11 lives with conviction that if you are behind, it means someone will always be ahead, overtaking, ahead of. And to see the back of the opponent for them is not acceptable. Although they can and retreat from the struggle, if the case takes such revolutions that they will have elbows to pierce their way, it is not for them.

The main driving idea of \u200b\u200bborn March 11 is the inevitability of its success, they are confident in their promotion forward, which will happen anyway. The correctness of this belief is determined by the external environment, the work of born on this day and their personal culture. If they are successful owners of their own business, then undoubtedly, this is proof of their professionalism and the correctness of their ideas. Observing independence, they will apply effort to save it. Born on March 11, boldly plunge into the world of Azart, skillfully combined the sense of risk and wisdom, which do not allow them to exceed the limit of good luck. The taste is another distinguishing feature born on this day. Intuitive flair quickly recognizes the criteria of value and correctness of actions, they always know what can make them ideas worthy, objective and necessary. Some representatives sometimes give preference to something that is gentle and no matter now, but over time, such a "fake" suddenly gains great value.

Requirement and self-control in blood born on March 11. In family life, they turn out to be within the events affecting the life of relatives, and they have to make decisions affecting their fate. Although they often meet the unfortunateness from those who rob free and independence. Born on this day should be more condescension and tolerance to others, since tough control increases negative energy in the house and family relationships, and this alas, reduces life. Enlightened personality born on March 11, come to convincing the need to take other people's views and opinions.

Health: For those born on March 11, it is an third opinion about their appearance and impressions about them. Therefore, engaged in hair, nails, teeth, skin, they enjoy. As a rule, their first aid kit is filled with all sorts of vitamins, and the shelves - high quality cosmetics. And this testifies to their serious approach to their health. Of them are wonderful cooks, so their home is often filled with guests and "necessary" people, households they also often indulge with goodies. The aesthetic perception of food and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe art of cooking in the born on this day is excellent. For them, a variety of food is recommended, restrictions relate only to fatty foods and sweet pleasures. Energetic physical education will be for them just right, but it is better to give up from the competition.

Tip: Look in the depths of your thoughts and feelings. Tangible goals - is not the only thing that should be rushing. Develop the spiritual side of the person. Loosen the reasons, restraining other people's lives, die your desire to control others.

March 12.

March 13

Fate: The fate of the birth born on this day was originally originated, they have an analytical mindset. They shine wit, and can also manifest intellectual abilities in various fields. Using the correctly given potential, sending it to the bed of good, they will find a happy life. Early marriage them is not recommended. Born this day should learn to be independent, to show decisiveness, perseverance, hardness to eliminate innate modesty, which will interfere with them in life.

Mystery of the birthday: The life of born March 13 can be called fatal, looking at her in retrospect, it can be noted that it became such thanks to several random, in essence, events. Most Fatalists born on this day, following the predetermination of fate, but they love to predict events around the world and the lives of other people. And in their statements sometimes vitates the prophecy. Their words are often convincing, as if they know, as will be in reality. Intellectual individuals are fond of philosophy, spiritual surveys, theoretical assumptions, scientific, analytical systems. For them, the human mind is much more complicated and multifaceted than the whole universe, they make it the subject of worship.

In born on March 13, the ability to overcome the catastrophe, irresistible for others, in any sphere - economic, physical, psychological. And in this regard, men are more sustainable, despite the generally accepted opinion on the resilience of women. Thanks to her fatalism, born on March 13, the decline of the head takes the blows of fate, badly and humbly, sometimes without changing the rhythm of life. It happens that the birth of March 13 does not suspect the presence of talents, the strength of the Spirit until the time is the time to show them in fact, unconsciously. So trouble can cause the discovery of their internal potential, to appear bridge to new discoveries within themselves. And it can undermine their established essence, but despite all the firmness, pride and self-confidence.

Difficulties reveal the nature born on this day, they study their identity and purpose. For them, self-realization is of great importance, and creative victories strengthen the desire to develop even further. But many born on March 13 turn off the main path to the action of some metaphysical energies, unscakers for them. They unconsciously choose dangerous trails in the aspirations to change the events occurring in the present, and all their actions are carefully planned by their sharp mind, and the size of the failures that they have already happened are not even important. One of the persistent desires of born on that day is the desire to inspire others and find listeners for whom their words will benefit.

Born on March 13, it is still necessary to restrain its prophetic attacks, especially with respect to loved ones, as they can affect the events of the future.

Health: Accidents from born March 13 are often frequent. They should follow the limbs and pay attention to the legs. For those born on this day, moderate load and regular exercise for maintaining their health are recommended. For benefit will go long walks, dancing, ta-shi, yoga, swimming, it is desirable to conduct classes individually. Also for health requires a diet from croup, vegetables, fruits, nuts. To avoid problems, they need to consult with doctors in a timely manner, to eat and resort to homeopathy under medical control.

Tip: Be softer. Reduce demands and seriousness in relation to yourself. Admit, you can't always know. In the work, perceive the difficulties as a given, but do not turn them out on other people's shoulders.

March 14th

Fate: Talented people are born on this day. The vibrations of the day are consonant with positive traits of personalities, they enhance them. Such people were born under the star of good luck, which will constantly shine them, give success, well-being, happiness. Although the role of a person here is also important. Having chosen loneliness, rushing to the wrestling, confrontation, he can waste his potential, and may elect other use of its abilities, for benefit.

Mystery of the birthday: Often born on March 14 trying to understand themselves through the prism of relations to the surrounding people. They are important to their status in the family, in society, as based on it is determined by the structure of daily workflows for them. The topic of relativity across them is very clear. They easily refuse their point of view that is not accepted by society as it is. Move your opinion to the background - habitual for born on March 14, such a phenomenon is not even worth their attention. The most convinced of any people born on this day are ready to make a turn of 180 degrees, if that there are reasons. More intelligent personalities can be concentrated immediately in several areas - emotional, physical, spiritual, not missing any of the species.

Many prefer to observe the development of a personal world, which includes momentary interests and desires, with universal, including generally accepted principles. Sometimes they can follow some abstract truths, such as the existence of God, progress in the development of science and man. At the same time, they can spend all their lives in search of the meaning of existence. Born on March 14, they adhere to the opinions that any item is available under different points of view from which it will look different. In this connection, they are trying to find the most faithful angle of view. As the independence of those born on this day splashes through the edge and it is difficult to call on to connect with any group, they should be taken with caution to handle people who can perceive them for alienated, removing and confidential.

However, the sense of humor in the birth of March 14 does not take away, they have no fear to break something superfluous and incorrect, they openly express their position, not forgetting to exercise caution. And if in society a stranger, then in general, you can not wait for a word. In a personal life born on this day try to show openness, enterprise and tolerance, as they are guided by the principle - someone may be right, and someone is not, but it is worth understanding. Unrequited love of born March 14 can be the beginning of their idolatry to the idol, the role of which usually acts as the object of their love. Non-distilled individuals from born on this day are often faced with family problems that are coming from their frivolousness in relation to the family.

Most of these people love to feel the pleasure that one brings joy, another disappointment. The most fortunate will reveal their potential where there is objectivity in estimates and there is no comparison with others. They are drawn by the shortcomings and the merits of others, so people they consider unique personalities.

Health: On March 14, a natural tendency to leaning is peculiar. Entering family relationships, they, as a rule, carefully relate to the health of loved ones, and it is to put it mildly. They can be called fanatics of medicine and the skill of healing, because any ailment and "sneeze" of a close person becomes the cause of their bright digging in symptoms, a detailed study of the so-called problem. With age, they may have problems with a circulatory system and blood circulation, in particular in the legs. From born on this day, first-class cooks are obtained. Family lunch and cooking process becomes a way of their creative self-realization and a pleasant pastime. Born on March 14, do not really like to play sports, even aerobics, tennis, oriental gymnastics, so unfounded, do not cause interest. Therefore, it is desirable to at least go on foot, and also periodically visit the pool.

Tip: Show demanding to yourself and personal development. Try to turn into a good person as much as you succeed. Do not miss true love, spending a great feeling on empty relationships. Set for yourself the principles from which it is unacceptable in any cases.

Often they are considered bold and arrogant. But we care you. This is just a mask. Actually Fish cute and sensitive zodiac sign. Such an image they create as a means of protection against external stimuli. On March 11, the sign of the zodiac is most of all in the world, so that pleasant things have occurred unexpectedly.

March 11, what zodiac sign - fish

Born 11th of March Men, in the soul always children. They appreciate people not mind, talent and beauty. And the soul and empathy. It happens that their struggle for justice comes to the absurdity.

The feature of the birthdayniki March 11 is that how many times do not let them, they will still do everything at the last moment. They will find a thousand and one excuse just not to get up with a beloved bed. Laine almost always takes over the top. Yes, and they themselves do not mind soaring in bed a couple of the top three.

Especially for you, dear readers, a list of your idols, which appeared on March 11. Actor Anton Yelchin and Maxim Drozd. Producer Christoph Hans, Writer Alexander Vortyansky and others. Read more :.

Fish nature born March 11

Just the countability is not inherent on March 11. Psychoanalytics picked up four negative and positive species of the traits describing March 11. Let's start with the first. March 11 is a prudent, farewell, downtry, rational, man. Also this personality is stinging, plump, suspicious transgent.

The most valuable in their lives, these virtuosos consider memories. They keep them so far and deeply that, perhaps, open a little.

  • Boldly step in the future, burning bridges. There you are waiting for a bouquet of new, vivid impressions.
  • Show the initiative in those situations where it does not expect it from you. This effect of surprise will give you an advantage over the enemies in any problem position.
  • Stretch yourself. So you never achieve anything. Only unattricible work, corn to blood, a whole car failure, will lead you to the right way.
  • We know everything about the biggest passions of March 11. Cute if you want so much, travel health. Do not regret any money neither precious time. Life is alone and she needs to live with dignity.

Probably, no to whom the fate is not so favorable and generous as to those who are the world on March 11. They have a lot of unique talents. Everything will always develop exclusively in their favor. As early as possible and more accurately decide on the sphere of its activities - the only thing that is required from you, if you born on March 11, the sign of the zodiac from your fish, which will continually contribute to your success. Understand what your soul is lying, and direct all the forces on it only. Writing its potential for insignificant affairs and the inability to find a worthy application by the fateful talents - errors that are unforgivable for such specials.

Although they make them extremely rare, because the desire for perfection and progress among fish, which were born on March 11, is developed in a sufficiently strong degree. They try to keep abreast of all new, enrich the arsenal of their knowledge and skills, for them you just need to be competitive, and the relevance of their knowledge should help in this. They understand that as soon as they stop developing, they will be collided with busy positions, and it will be extremely difficult to return to them. They are not them those who are ready to go slippers, ruthlessly eliminating rivals.

And only in the circle of loved ones, in the atmosphere of home heat and comfort, born on March 11, forget about his perfectionism and just enjoy the present moment. They adore long conversations with relatives, during which they can express their original ideological position. At the same time, it is important for them to get approval, and misunderstanding or even piercing can insult them and undermine the faith in their capabilities. Although the inner voice helps them navigate in any situation and avoid awkward moments.

The most important thing is to achieve certain success for persons born March 11: the zodiac sign helps them understand that you need to take our place, firmly become on your feet, be independent. This, firstly, will provide them with harmony and stability, and secondly, will help to prove those survivors. Sensing one day the taste of victory, such personals will never allow defeats and will be treated with their achievements, only multiplying them. A high level of self-consciousness and demanding as to himself and to others, gives the sign of the zodiac of people born on March 11. Their principle and rigor are often excessive, which is especially dangerous due to their invariably dominant role in the family. To preserve the world in your home, they need to become more tolerant and indulgent.

Zodiac sign March 11 - Fish

Born on March 11, usually realize that if they allow themselves to be lagging behind, others will simply overtake them. However, an unavoidable perspective to see ahead of other people's backs absolutely does not suit these people. At the same time, many of them are willing to give way to an opponent, as it is clearly filtered by elbows - obviously not in their rules. Perhaps the idea of \u200b\u200bborn on this day is that sooner or later they will pay attention to themselves and advance. It is properly an assumption or not, depends on the environment where they work, and is largely from their personal culture.

If born on March 11 owns his own business, it means that they have already proven their indisputable talent to see hidden opportunities and skillfully use them. Having achieved independence, born on this day, do not regret funds for her support. By the way, these people often become a member of gambling players, because they are quite bold to risk, and wise enough to avoid stupid mistakes.

Another trait of their character, which helps him well, is taste. They not only instinctively feel that well and valuable, but also quickly find out what makes ideas worthy, that is, really necessary and objective. Some of these people can even choose what the surrounding seems fake and cheap, but, as it turns out later, it is this "fake" that has the greatest value.

Born March 11 is distinguished by demanding and self-control. As family members, they invariably discover themselves in the center of events where they have to make decisions affecting the lives of their children and parents. However, they should be fear of antagonism and inconsistency and from those who seery the desire to have greater freedom and independence. Perhaps, they need to become more condescending, since too hard control over the close - the right path to mutual reproach and rehabilitation of life.

Love and compatibility

Friendly and sociable, you like to contact with people and produce a good impression. You are attracted by optimists and pragmatics capable of giving a good advice or resolve the problem.

Your dynamism and artistry talk about the need to avoid excessive power in relationships with loved ones and friends. You will extract much benefit from contacts with those who can intelligently stimulate or will contribute to the disclosure of your creative abilities.

Work and career

You are able to be an excellent manager or administrator and usually better show yourself as a manager. Business flaw and practicality can attract you to business, where you are expected to be a big prospects, especially if you can combine your common sense, imagination and creative abilities.

The ability to conduct reforms will allow you to distinguish between trade union activities or in the struggle for people's rights. Excellent speaker, you may be passionate about politics. In addition to the struggle for freedom, born on March 11, may be interested in education or public service. The need to express your creative personality can attract you into art, music, dancing or the world of entertainment.

Health and illness

For those born on March 11, it is an third opinion about their appearance and impressions about them. Therefore, engaged in hair, nails, teeth, skin, they enjoy. As a rule, their first aid kit is filled with all sorts of vitamins, and the shelves - high quality cosmetics. And this testifies to their serious approach to their health.

Of them are wonderful cooks, so their home is often filled with guests and "necessary" people, households they also often indulge with goodies. The aesthetic perception of food and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe art of cooking in the born on this day is excellent. For them, a variety of food is recommended, restrictions relate only to fatty foods and sweet pleasures. Energetic physical education will be for them just right, but it is better to give up from the competition.

Look in the depths of your thoughts and feelings. Tangible goals - is not the only thing that should be rushing. Develop the spiritual side of the person. Loosen the reasons, restraining other people's lives, die your desire to control others.