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Differences of male and female speech. Gender studies of speech behavior

Most scientists engaged in gender studies, especially gender differences in speech, argue that there is a difference between how men and women say.

For example, Belyanin V.P. In "psycholinguistics" suggested the features of the use of the language by men and women.

Features of the speech style of men and women manifests itself on two levels - speech behavior and speech. For example, men are more often interrupted, more categorical, strive to control the theme of the dialogue. It is essential that in contrast to the common opinion, men speak more than women. Men's proposals are usually shorter than women. Men as a whole much more often use abstract nouns, and women are concrete (including their own names). Men more often use nouns (mainly specific) and adjectives, while women consume more verbs. Men use more relative adjectivesAnd women are high-quality. Men are more often used verbs of the perfect species in a valid pledge.

Women's speech includes a large concentration of emotionally estimated vocabulary, and men's estimated vocabulary is more often stylistically neutral. Often women are prone to intensify primarily a positive assessment. Men are more pronounced using a negative assessment, including stylistically reduced, parangous vocabulary and inventive; They are much more likely to eat slang words and expressions, as well as non-leaturated and abnormative vocabulary.

When using syntactic communication, men more often use a subordinate, not writing communication, as well as pressing time, place and goals, whereas in women mainly prevail the apparent degrees and sedes.

Psycholinguistic experiments on the restoration of the destroyed text showed that women are more sensitive to the semantic structure of the text - the samples restored by them detect a large connectedness. Women are trying to maximize the source text, and men build a new one; Their texts are deviated from the standalone more than women.

A. Kirillin and M. Tomskoy in his article Linguistic gender studies "Dali distinctive characteristics Male and female written speech.

Men's written speech:

the use of army and prison jargon;

frequent use of input words, especially having a statement: Obviously, undoubtedly, of course;

consumption of a large number of abstract nouns;

use when transferring an emotional state or estimating the subject or phenomenon of words with the smallest emotional indexation; monotony of lexical techniques when transferring emotions;

combinations of officially and emotionally marked vocabulary when contacting relatives and relatives;

the use of newspaper and journalistic clichés;

use obscene words As the introductory (love, *****, found) and the monotony of unexpected words used, as well as the predominance of obscene incidence and designs, denoting actions and processes, as well as the predominance of the verbs of the active collateral and transition;

non-compliance of the punctuation of the emotional transmission of speech.

In one of the psycholinguistic analyzes of the compositions conducted by E.I. Growth of 97 parameters, it turned out that for men it is characterized by a rationalistic style, for women it is characteristic when they use an emotional style. Men's associative fields More stereotypes and ordered, the men's strategy of associative behavior (more explanatory and functional characteristics attributed to the stimulus) is significantly different from the feminine (situational and attribute) strategy. In addition, associative fields in the male and female speech are correlated with different fragments of the world's painting: hunting, professional, military sphere, sports (for men) and nature, animals surrounding the ordinary world (for women).

Men switched harder, carried away by the topic discussed, do not react to replicas with it related.

Of course, "impassable" boundaries between male and female speeches are defined as tendency of use. And, nevertheless, these data can be used when identifying the text written by a man or a woman.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

Higher professional education

Irkutsk State Linguistic University


on the topic:

Women's and men's speech:

similarities and differences

Department of Russian Language and Literature

Performed: Hogueva Eugene,

Student c. St1-10-01

Checked: Art. prep. Maclakova T.B.



Introduction………………………………………………………… ……...3

  1. Women's and men's speech ............................................. 4 - 5
    1. Differences .................................................................. ... 6 - 11
    2. Similarities .................................................................. ... 11
  2. Gender linguistics ..............................................12 - 15

Conclusion…………………………………………………… …………....16

Bibliography…………………………………………………… …..17


Differently in the same language say not only residents of different locations, not only representatives of different professions, not only people of different ages. It turns out that there are still men and women in different ways. However, in European languages \u200b\u200bthis distinction is usually not so noticeable, although linguists have recently and here it was possible to detect small, but curious differences. They manifest itself mainly in choosing individual words. For example, women speaking in Russian, more often use decreasing suffixes ( pretty, Pretty, Slavnya Handbag); the words a great or hefty Rather, they will meet in the speech of a man, and some charming or madly charming We almost certainly heard only from a woman.

The object of study in this work is feminine and men's speech; subject research - features of feminine and male speech.

The scientific novelty of the study is that the influence of sex on the speech behavior of a person has not yet been determined and even scientists cannot come to mutual opinions in this matter.

The material of the study was a vocabulary, which is used by people of different sexes, i.e. it is used with the official and unofficial communication of people of conscious age. At about the age of 15 - 50, and maybe more younger and older ages. Sources of material are thematically multidirectional books, sites, forums, articles and own observations.

The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of sex on the speech behavior of a person.

"Do not joke with a woman.
These jokes are stupid and inappropriate. "
K. Prtukhkov

  1. Women's and men's speech

The most important division of the human race into two parts (men - women) until recently did not attract the special attention of linguists. Sociolinguistics 1, psycholinguistics 2, Ethnolinguistics 3 studied differences in the language and its use associated with differences between different groups of people, not paying attention to the differences in the floor. The groupings of another kind reflecting the differentiation of social, age-related, professional, local (place of birth and residence), ethnic, etc. and only relatively recently, scientists began to pay special attention to the features of male and female speech.

In the period of activefeminist criticism of language 4 (70s - the beginning of the 80s. The twentieth century) Linguists insisted on existence intentivism, i.e., conscious maintenance of men of his superiority through speech behavior - the length of speech segments, frequency of interruptions, speaking simultaneously with the interlocutor, control over the subject of communication and the other. It did not take into account the high importance of social structures (schools, churches, army, etc.), making themselves to maintain male superiority and liberating individuals from the need to constantly reproduce it in all situations. Along with the intensalism, at this stage of research, excessive significance attached to the factory. However, further studies have shown that such situations and contexts are very common, in which the floor plays such an important role than the age factor, social and ethnicity, the level of education and the profession. However, as practice shows, the floor still affects the behavior of people, and therefore on speech.

Women's and men's speech is conditional name of lexical preferences and some other features of language use depending on the floor of the speaker. The sexual differentiation of speech became known from the 17th century, when new native tribes were opened, which had rather significant differences in speech depending on the floor of the speaker. First of all, it concerned women, since their speech behavior was regulated more than male, so the so-called "female languages" was discussed in the scientific description. Most often, the differences are manifested in vocabulary, but can also be distributed to other phenomena, such as, for example, in Japanese, sets of modally expressive particles, politeness form and other differences are distinguished. In European languages, some differences in language use are also noted, but they are not universal, but manifest as trends. Initially, speech differences were explained by the nature of women and men, i.e. were considered constant factors. In the 60s of the twentieth century, the probabilistic nature of differences was established with the development of sociolinguistics.

    1. Differences:
  • Male speech is informative, straightforward, is saturated with facts, numbers and logical conclusions, words are dominated with a clearly defined value. The female speech is emotionally, not much more important than the words themselves, and the intonation with which they are pronounced, and among the women themselves, communication is generally at the non-verbal level. For example, a typical bachelorette party - all women speak at the same time, no one listens to anyone, the conversation is not going into the essence, but it receives true pleasure from the process. And the female speech is replete with interjections: "Oh!", "Ah!", "Well, in general!" and by different stylistic delights - epithets, metaphors, allegory and, of course, exaggeration.
  • Woman linguistically "faster" men, she masters faster foreign languagesBy introducing them to society: in Petrovsky times - French, in the XIX. - English (which for a long time It was considered the tongue of the lady, the boys were taught German). The linguistic question in women is always more answers, and the answers are given in almost one expressions, since the set of common words in women is always surprisingly coincided. Men show more individuality in choosing vocabulary. In general, men create stamps, and their women diligently retain.
  • In fluent speech, women more often use pronouns, particles, denials and other service words in which emotion can be invest. The speech of men is focused on nouns, which directly embody the concepts. "Male" terminuses of an abstract meaning woman prefers domestic words, but already having learned special vocabulary, it starts to even abuse it. However, it is possible to argue on this topic.
  • As the famous linguist V.V. Kollesov wrote, "Even in complex cases It is more convenient to ponder women out out loud, and then the monologue turns into a dialogue, often getting strongered gradually into the choir. " Thanks to the aspiration to the dialogue, women's speech is approaching the colloquial style, often violating strict laws of the literary norm. In a constant conflict between a sustainable literary norm and bizarre-changing Russian speech, a woman holds the side of the latter and introduces spoken expressions.
  • As for morphological preferences, the woman loves the adjectives, forms of Super Salary 5, expressive expressions ( Horror how much!), Disthemisms 6 ( crash, from mind can come together, idi here, I you now kill; In general, there are very many coarse dysfamisms, Masculinization 7 is reflected primarily on speech). Men prefer the language means of expressing an objective modality, and women - language means of subjective modality (particles, expression, interjections, dysphmisms, eufemism 8).
  • In the wordwork of women prefer Diminative 9 suffixes. While the man worked on the typewriter, she was a car, Since the beginning of the 20th century. He was changed by the "Pisch Bar" - and the car turned around machine. Linguists believe that vintage Russian words bowl, Misa, logian, ironing It was the woman who turned into cup, bowl, spoon, ironing. Typically female word Cosmeticichka.
  • According to American researchers, D.Gajaj and N. Benford, women begin their story not from the main thing, but with small inconcent details, which often causes irritation from the source or interlocutor. And there are no men, they are the opposite begin their story from the most important and very important to the interlocutor without emotions and "paints", exaggerations and distortions of information.
  • Scientists V.I.Zhelvis and A.P. Martynyuk celebrate such qualities of women as: a lot of politeness in contacting the interlocutor and a large restraint in the use of rude and faded vocabulary. For example, V.I. Zhelvis expresses the idea that women consider aggressiveness with an undesirable phenomenon and seek to avoid reasons to her occurrence. Therefore, they have less opportunities to show aggressiveness externally.

It should also be noted that the written speech of men and women also has a number of differences.

Men's written speech:

- the use of army and prison jargon;
- Frequent use of introductory words, especially having a statement: Obviously, undoubtedly, of course;
- consumption of a large number of abstract nouns;
- use when transferring an emotional state or estimating the subject or phenomenon of words with the smallest emotional indexation; monotony of lexical techniques when transferring emotions;
- combinations of officially and emotionally marked vocabulary when contacting relatives and relatives;
- the use of newspaper and journalistic clichés;
- the use of obscene words as the introductory (love, bl ... dy, found) and the monotony of used obscene words, as well as the predominance of obscene incidence and designs, denoting actions and processes, as well as the predominance of verbs of the active collateral and transition;
- inconsistency of punctuation signs with emotional speech.

Women's written speech:

The presence of many input words, definitions, circumstances, locomotive subjects and additions, as well as modal structures expressing different degrees of uncertainty, estimated, uncertainty (may be, apparently, in my opinion);
- a tendency to use "prestigious", stylisticly elevated forms, cliche, bookmarks (experienced a sense of junk and squeamishness; a sharp conversation; silhouettes of adolescents);
- the use of connotatively neutral words and expressions, euphemisms (obsteaded instead of mutilated; in drunk instead of drunk);
- the use of appraisal statements (words and phrases) with deactive lexemes instead of the name of the face by name (this bastard; these scums);
- Big pattern of speech when describing feelings, manifold Invective and their accentuation with the help of amplifying particles, adverbs and adjectives (and what kind of you are ...; there is ... whether it should be; hot e ... la). These features of the use of the surrounding vocabulary speak, according to the author, that each of them is given literal meaning, there is no different value of the value inherent in male speech. Inspections, as a rule, hide the biophysiological characteristics of a woman: appearance, age, sexuality;
- In the Incorts, zonimes are found high frequency (the sandy deaf, ram Malahol); Mushrooms are dominated by nouns and verbs in passive pledge (It will come out by moonshine; take it from work every day on a wheelbarrow);
- High-frequency is also the use of the designs of "adverb + adverb" (too ruthlessly; very good), simple and complex offers, syntactic revolutions with double denial; Frequent use of punctuation marks, high emotional coloring of speech as a whole. Analysis of Russian phraseology gives opposite results. As V. N. Telia notes, "For Russian ordinary self-consciousness, the perception of a woman as weak gender is uncharacteristic and opposing its" strong semi ": these combinations, which came out of the book-romantic discourse 10, did not become the affiliation of everyday use of the language." The study of the German and Russian phraseological foundation has revealed that in Russian material the image of a woman is wider than in German, not only in quantitative, but also in qualitative relation, it reflects a variety of social roles, degrees of kinship, stages of women's life, its various tasks and skills . These findings are confirmed not only in studies on phraseological material, but also in the work on the study of the mythological consciousness of Russian, reflected, in particular, in Russian folk magical fairy tales.

It can be concluded that the differences in writing speech and orally intertwined with each other, creating us the overall picture of female and male speech, but these differences are due not only to the differentiation of sex, but also social status and education and a number of other reasons.

    1. Similarities:

Despite all the above differences in the speech of different floors, we can say that there are no sharp "impassable" borders between male and women's speech in Russian. The marked features of the male and female speech are defined as tendency of consumption. There are often cases when certain phenomena detected in the speech of men and women are associated with the peculiarities of their mental warehouse, character, profession, roles in society, but not with the difference in the floor. But on this occasion you can breed a variety of discussions and never come to a common opinion, because it is a very controversial question, in which you can quickly come to delusion or get even more confused.

  1. Gender linguistics

Scientists have established that each person has two types of gender: biological floor and sociocultural.

Biological floor is a combination of anatomical and physiological signs, thanks to which we can define a man or a woman in front of us.

Gender or human socio-cultural floor is a combination of social expectations and norms, values \u200b\u200band reactions that form individual features. In patriarchal heterosexual culture, gender is closely tied to the biological and anatomical characteristics of a person and acquires the nature of regulations.

And the study of the gender is engagedgender linguistics.

Gender linguistics (linguistic gender) is a scientific direction as part of interdisciplinary gender studies, with the help of a linguistic conceptual apparatus, studying gender 11 (sociocultural floor, understood as a conventional construct, relatively autonomous on biological gender).

The formation and intensive development of gender linguistics falls in the last decades of the twentieth century, which is associated with the development of postmodern philosophy and a change in the scientific paradigm in humanitarian sciences.

Work description

The material of the study was a vocabulary, which is used by people of different sexes, i.e. it is used with the official and unofficial communication of people of conscious age. At about the age of 15 - 50, and maybe more younger and older ages. Sources of material are thematically multidirectional books, sites, forums, articles and own observations.
The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of sex on the speech behavior of a person.

The second direction of feminist linguistics, as already noted, is associated with the speech behavior of women and in relation to women. "The orientation of linguistic research on speech and speech activity is undoubtedly the merit of sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and other modern scientific areas, which convincingly showed that the identification of speech activities can also be a decent object of linguistic analysis" / Schweizer 1976, 25 /. As is known, one of the directions of this analysis is the establishment of consecutive correlations between linguistic phenomena and the facts of public life (including hits of Kmmunicints).

For the first time, gender studies on the material of European languages \u200b\u200bwere carried out by Mautner / Mautner 1913 / and Esperesen / Jespersen 1922 /. Mautner explains the differences in the speech behavior of men and women with historical reasons: in the theaters dr. Greece and others. Rome all roles were performed by men, whose speech was considered the benchmark. Esperesen came to the conclusion that women and men make a different contribution to the development of the language: the speech of women is more traditional and conservative, they "usually go through the pretended linguistic path"; Men, by contrast, "often aims to strive to roll on a narrow road or even pave a new path" / Jespersen 1925, 231 /. Research Maunger and Espesen was rather intuitively descriptive than a scientifically based nature, but they are important as the origins of modern gender studies.

The beginning of modern studies of the speech behavior of women is associated with the names of M.R. Ki, R. Lakoff, S. Tremel-Retz. KI characterizes the language of women as a language of justification (Language of apology), and the language of men as the language of explanation (Language of Explanation) / Key 1975, 147 /. Lakoff believes that "the discusing woman is perceived as an object (sexy or other), but in no case as a serious identity with individual views" / Lakoff 1975, 7 /. In general, in the 90s studies, women's language receives the following characteristics / Samel 1995, 31 /:

* Women's dictionary contains mostly words related to the inherent sector of interest and activities - Kinder, K.ü che, Kleider.

* Women talk on a good, in the curd language, fearing someone to offend and show rudeness.

* Women prefer questioning intonation in narrative and motivating proposals.

* Women's speech style is uncertain, because Women are often resorted to secure issues (is it not true? Yes? So?), Instead of clearly formulate statements.

* Women often use specific markers that limit the action field of the said (you know, it seems to me it seems like).

* Women often use emptic adverbs or intensifiers ( as nicely, really nicely, so nicely).

* Women speak more correctly men. Their pronunciation and syntax closer to the norm (even hyperschec).

* Women consume excessively polite forms, fewer curses and vulgarism. They do not tell jokes.

The female speech style during this period is considered as a sign of powerlessness, subordinate position, insufficient self-consciousness and rejected as flawed. The cause of all feminist authors see in an unequal social situation, which forces women precisely to such speaking behavior. To overcome the dysfunctional position, the woman is invited to take up men's speech samples.

In the 80s, this point of view begins to be revised. It wins the opinion that the male language is undeservedly elevated to the norm and made Meril to assess the female language. So, Dale Spender believes that the characteristics of the feminine cannot be assessed negatively. Rather, on the contrary - restraint and politeness in the conversation testify to the strength of women / Spender 1980, 8 /. Johnson rejects the assumption that women can win from what will imitate the speech behavior of men. "The language of women and so quite adequate and does not need changes" / Johnson 1983, 135 /. In the hypothesis of "switching codes" / Eakins 1978 / the idea that women can switch from one speech code (female) to another (male), depending on the situation, adapting to social expectations. Negative estimates are appropriate only in cases where the code is not suitable.

The studies of the speech behavior of women are actively conducted within the framework of sociolinguistics, where the floor is one of the socio-demographic signs along with a professional, age, social origin, etc., defining the stratification and situational variability of the language. It was from sociolinguistics that the term was taken gendercot (by analogy with a dialect or socioctuate), which denotes the variability of the language caused by the floor. Gender, in contrast to biological gender (Sexus) or grammatical genus (Genus), describes the social floor. Gender does not specify nature, but is constructed by society, i.e. It is a product of our social actions (Doing Gender). "The gender factor, taking into account the natural half of a person and its social" consequences, "is one of the essential characteristics of the person and throughout the lifetime effectively affects its awareness of its identity, as well as to identify the speaker subject by other members of society" / Kirillin 1997, 18 /.

In general, studies of the 80s showed that the so-called gender or language of women as constant education does not exist. "Our language is up to grammatical structures dominated by men. Women are largely adjusted to this male language using it in accordance with their social role. In principle, women have no own language, which would be complementary with the language of men. Perhaps we can only proceed from the fact that women prefer to a certain language or speech style "/ Klann 1981, 15 /.

In the 90s, the existence of a special female language with constant signs was finally refuted, which at one time described Robin Lakoff / Lakoff 1975 /. "Constant gender differences were not found in the volume of the dictionary, nor in the choice of adjectives and impoverished, which does not exclude that inside various social groups Representatives of various floors can use several different vocabulary. Also, in the field of syntactic designs of constant differences, it was not found, for example, in relation to the use of certain samples of question proposals. Female and male languages \u200b\u200bare more likely to burn gender similarity and differences than actually "/ Schoenthal 1992, 99 /. Russian researchers also believe that "features in the code (set of units) between men and women, apparently, does not exist"; We can only talk about the "typical features of the male and female speech, discovering the tendency to use the language of men and women" / Zemskaya ... 1993, 133 /.

Senta Tremel-Rullz nevertheless insists on distinguishing female and male languages, understanding the ideal models / Trömel-Plötz 1996, 386 /. The ideal model of the female tongue Trellz attributes, for example, such general characteristicsAs the establishment of equality, cooperativeness, generosity, conversion satisfaction, etc., and on a narrower linguistic level such communicative mechanisms as a connection, reflection, masking of dominant speech acts, etc. Interesting the author's thought is that the ideal models of male and women's languages \u200b\u200bare not It should be born using them exclusively by men or women: "In relation to the female language in the sense of an ideal model, I do not argue that it uses all women or exclusively women, nor the fact that men cannot speak in this language. I only argue that it is more often implemented by women than men ... "/ ibid., 369 /. Following the logic of the author, it can be argued that men can speak in women as women - on male.

Thus, it became clear that the gender factor does not cover completely differences in the speech behavior of men and women. "A speaking individual is woven into a whole network of determining factors that affect each other and must be analyzed in their unity" / Postl 1991, 30 /. "The topic" Paul and Language "requires accounting a variety of factors affecting the speech behavior of men and women" and should be studied "in a wide social context" / Zemskaya 1993, 135 /. Sociolinguistics uses in this case the concepts of stratification and situational variability, which is the speech correlations of which are stratification-situational variables that detect variability simultaneously in two planes - stratification (associated with social characteristics. gender) and situational (associated with parameters communicative Act). "Gender may proceed only from the differences and similar features of communicative strategies for men and women in each individual communicative situation" / Günther 1992, 140 /.

Characteristics of speech behavior of men and women.

Summarizing the studies of the speech behavior of men and women in specific communicative situations described in the works of D.Tannen, S.Thelel-Retz, I. Zameel, J. Gray, K.Timm et al. / Tannen 1994, TRömel-Plötz 1996, Samel 1995 , Gray 1993, Thimm 1995 /, you can allocate the following gender characteristics:

1. Communicative intentions, motivation.

· The conversation is negotiations from which the winner should come out by approving their status in the fight against the interlocutors.

· The conversation is negotiations, during which you should have support and approval, achieve agreement.

· Successful conversation should wear a non-personal, factual, argued and focused nature.

· A successful conversation should be a discussion of problems with all the details and details.

· A man establishes asymmetry at the expense of an underscore of the status inequality of the interlocutors.

· The woman sets the symmetry by alignment even in the original status of the interlocutors.

· The purpose of the conversation is to become a center of attention, to put off its achievements and abilities.

· The purpose of the conversation is to establish links, demonstrate community and the same experience.

Man. Female.
· Does not bother himself discussing details. · Discusses each trifle with a partner.
· Perceives sympathy as an expression of superiority. · Perceives sympathy as an expression of a friendly relationship.
· Does not tolerate the slightest hint of instructions or orders, rejects the requirements of others from the principle. · Watching what they require; Itself does not expose direct requirements, but formulates them as suggestions.
· Reacts negatively if the uniqueness of its own experience is questioned. · Reacts negatively in the inverse situation: if its statement is not confirmed by similar experience.
· Does not like to talk about your problems. · Had and often talks about their problems, trusts with friends intimate details.
· Positions: You have problems, and I have solutions. · Seeking the interlocutor not to solve his problems, but sympathy and understanding.
· Reluctantly speaks of thoughts and feelings (especially if he considers them insignificant). · Especially talks about thoughts and feelings, even mumbling.
· Never talk about fears and doubts, thereby creating a distance in relations with the interlocutor. · Speaks about fears and fears, seeking to avoid a distance that inevitably arises when a person keeps everything in himself.
· Soothes the interlocutor, proving that his problems are unnecessary and insignificant. · Soothes the interlocutor, showing an understanding of his problems, asking as much questions as possible.
· Intentionally gives complicated (dusty) explanations, sending a meta message about superior at the same time. · Attempts to be expressed as much as possible, sending a meta message about support.
· Loves to tell jokes in public, because It is believed that the one who brings people to laughter has at least temporary power over them. · Does not like to tell jokes in public.
· Arguments abstractly, considering that personal experience Not convincing evidence. · Attracts as arguments more personal experience than abstract reasoning.
· Collects social and meaningful information and creates a definite impression on its basis. · Accumulates information based on your own experience and comparing it with the experience of others.
· Do not like to receive information from others (especially from women). · Attempts to hide his awareness (especially from men).
· It believes that praising in conversation of his own merit is a necessity; Modesty is a sign of weakness. · It believes that any zazdaism, self-ability in conversation is unacceptable.
· Self-powered especially needed in a conversation with new people and people of a higher rank. · Self-powered is possible only in a narrow circle of friends.
· Takes apologies as something of granted without response steps. · It seems that she apologizes all the time; In fact, it is often not an apology, but the manifestation of sympathy: ES TUT MIR LEID.

3.Stories that are told interlocutors.

Male stories. Women's stories.
· The main thing actor In them - the narrator himself. · Talk to equally about yourself and others.
· Of all the situations in the stories, he comes out the winner. · Talks, including the manifestations of their own nonsense.
· In the center - conflicts between people. · In the center - the norms of the hostel, joint actions of people.
· Rarely actors are women. · Existing persons are both women and men.
· The main acting person rarely resorts to help or the advice of others. · The main acting person often resorts to the advice or help of others.
· Life appears as a struggle with nature and other people. · Life appears as a struggle with the danger of being isolated from its community.

4.Conversation style.

Man. Female.

· Cannot parry attacks, perceiving them as personal attacks.

· Especially enters conflicts.

· It believes that conflicts should be avoided whenever possible, does not allow open confrontation, does not try to establish a conflict price.

· It believes that aggressive speech behavior does not exclude friendship; The lack of consent is not a threat to friendly relations.

· Consent is a necessary condition for preserving proximity. For seeming consent, deep disagreements can be hidden.

· Clearly speaks in a wide circle unfamiliar people; Feels comfortable.

· Clearly speaks in a narrow circle of loved ones.

· Individuals speaks and perceives everything literally.

· Giving will feelings, resorts to poetic freedom, uses excellent degrees, exaggeration, metaphors and generalizations.

· Before you start talking, I think about myself everything that was heard to give the most accurate answer. First, formulates your answer inside, then expresses it.

· Thinks out loud by demonstrating its internal "opening process" to the interlocutor. Only in the process of speech detects what exactly she wants to say. The expression of thoughts in the free association provides access to intuition.

· Feeling the challenge, automatically switches to hard tone, without noticing its unceremoniousness and rudeness. · Feeling the challenge, goes to an incredulous and negative tone.
· In mixed discussion groups, men speak more than women. · If they even say the same, everyone has the impression that women say more.
· The first asks a question during the discussion; His questions are more frequent, excellent, contain different kinds of explanations, references, retreat. Often asks incorrect causing questions. · Usually ask pleasant, correct questions.

· Loves to shine a beautiful, non-standard span, to attract attention.

· Attention is directed not on the form, but on the content.

· Often takes on the role of a mentor, turning a conversation into a lecture.

· Trying to hide my competence rather, so as not to offend the interlocutor.

· Actively determines the course of discussion, its beginning and ending, change the topic.

· Characteristically rather reactive behavior.

· Does not give almost no minimum reactions (feedback signals). · Often gives minimal reactions (AHA, MHM).
· Rather, the statement of the interlocutor is questioned, which agrees. · The approval reaction prevails; Reacts more positively and inspired.
· Adheres to competitive (competitive) conversation tactics, which rather serves the goal to take the floor, and not listen to the interlocutor. · Trying to encourage the interlocutor to continue the statement, emphasize the community of positions.
· Regards the minimum recipient signals otherwise than a woman. "Yes" means consent to the interlocutor. · "Yes" means "I listen to you."
· It expects him to listen calmly and carefully. · Waiting for active interest, support.
· Perceives women feedback signals as an expression of its chatty and interference conversation. · Perceives the lack of feedback signals as evidence that it does not listen to it.
· It believes that one must say in the conversation, and the rest are silent to listen. · Prefers a conversation where several participants speak at the same time.
· Women's approving comments consider both interruptions, attempts to control a conversation. · Often speaks in a "recessious" manner, while having pursued the goal to kill the interlocutor.
· Believes that if a person has something to say, he will be able to take the floor. · Waiting when she gives her word, he does not take him.
· Rarely uses question designs and question intignation. · Often uses tail questions (Nicht Wahr?) And other means mitigating the categorical of statements.

5.Non-verbal component of speech behavior.

Man. Female.
· The position of the body is equally both in purely male and in mixed discussion groups: relaxed; The body is spread, legs stretched out. · Body position in purely female groups open and relaxed, feel like "behind the scenes"; In mixed groups, the body position is clamped, composed, feel like "on stage".
· Sit at a sufficient distance from each other. · Sit tightly to each other.
· Do not look straight into the eyes, usually fix your look at any object of the situation. · Fix your view on the face of the interlocutor, rarely and briefly dismisted.
· Body position indicates visible disinterest, even boredom. · Body position indicates interest, attention, participation.
· Unbeliefly demonstrate indifference, even if you listen carefully.

· Unbellected demonstrate participation, even if they do not listen.

Studies also showed that the speech behavior of men and women can be perceived and evaluated in different ways even if they speak in a completely identical style. This led to the emergence of the hypothesis of "gender stereotypes", which proceeds from the fact that the actual differences in speech behavior are essential, and the stereotypical expectations associated with the male and female floors. Both hypothesis (gender and gender stereotypes) were tested during numerous experiments, which, however, gave contradictory results / TIMM 1995, 123 /. Obviously, in real conditions, the male and female speeches relevant to perception may be like our stereotypical expectations and actual differences.

There is no doubt that the role of stereotypes in the public consciousness is strong, and they can hardly be adjusted. So, in Cruz, Vaimer and Wagner conducted research press FRG / Kruse, Weimer, Wagner 1988 / and found that the media often associate women with affective states (love, hatred, anger or depression); A typical for a woman is the role of the victim, passive and dependent position. Men require more often, threatened or prohibited, they initiate and create relationships, assist. It has been established that the dichotomous oppression of the male and female and their hierarchy, where the masterful position occupies masculinity, is characterized by almost all directions of philosophical thought / Ryabov 1997, 29 /. "Anyway, the concepts of" masculinity "and" femininity "themselves received categorical status and were considered as prototypes to describe real men and women" / Kirillin 1998, 23 /.

On the other hand, it is impossible to deny that in the speech behavior of men and women, regardless of the existing stereotypes, there are quite real differences. These differences are partially explained by still existing social inequality of floors. The public status of women in general is lower than men, their opinions, statements are more often ignored, are considered less significant. Gender asymmetry is manifested in discrimination against women in the labor market, in their weak representation in the field of decision-making / Lahov 1997, 14 /. Therefore, for example, women engaged in high posts have to constantly "be in tension", proving their professional competence. It is with this that the more correct and correct speech of women / Johnson 1994 / is binding.

Another explanation of gender differences is the theory of "two cultures" / Maltz, Borker 1991 /, which, really does not cause unambiguous support. According to this theory, there are significant differences in the socialization of boys and girls who grow and form in two completely different worlds. Various approaches to education in the family and teenage games in single-board groups lead to the fact that since childhood, the speech of boys and girls becomes a means to achieve different purposes. The boys are a statement of their own status; Accordingly, they speak their special language - status language (StatussPrache). Girls are the establishment of relationships; Accordingly, they speak another language - BEZIEHUNGSPRACHE. Adherents of the theory of "Two Cultures" believe that over the years this distinction is not erased, but only gets further development. Having learned the various cultures of communication, men and women enter into intercultural communication, but at the same time, as a rule, they evaluate the speech behavior of a partner by the standards of their culture. It is this error that often leads to misunderstanding and conflicts.

Critical statements in the address of this theory are primarily noted by a too greater degree of generalization and underestimation of the entire latitude of the style of women and men / Kotthoff 1996, 11 /. According to H. Cothuff, when analyzing the speech behavior of women and men, a number of factors should be taken into account, such as power asymmetry of floors in society, pologenous division of labor, various socialization and related subcultural interactive strategies, distributed media ideal samples of masculinity and femininity, and Also own communicative individuals of the individual / ibid., 9 /. The fact of itself is the fact that the community of speech signs may be the result of a long-term social interaction in various speech groups (for example, peer groups) recognizes domestic sociolinguistics / Schweizer 1977, 72 /.

Summarizing the foregoing, we note:

1. In Western linguistics, active gender studies have been carried out since the beginning of the 70s and are carried out in two main areas: gender asymmetry in the language and its functioning; The speech behavior of women / men and speech behavior towards them. In Russian linguistics, gender studies are in the formation stage.

2. Gender is not a biological, but social characteristics of individuals. The gender system created by the society (Doing Gender) is a semiotic apparatus that organizes the social inequality of floors. Gender relations are produced and supported by cultural symbols, regulatory installations, social institutions of society.

3. Gender asymmetry (sexism) in the language contributes to insufficient or erroneous identification of women, retains and replicates stereotypical representations against sexes and thereby infringes in social, professional, civil, etc. Women's rights. According to representatives of the feminist linguistics of the Federal Republic of Germany, the system of patriarchal languages \u200b\u200bcan and should be reformed, because The language is not a natural, but a socio-historical phenomenon.

4. The existence of stable female and male languages \u200b\u200b(gender) was not confirmed during the studies. Constant differences were not detected in any of the subsystems of the language. We can only talk about feminine and male languages \u200b\u200bas ideal models that accumulate gender similarity and differences. However, these ideal models are not necessarily implemented in the speech practice of concrete men and women: on the so-called "male" language, women can also speak, just like men - on the "female".

5. Talking individuals (men and women) are woven into a whole network of determining factors that should be analyzed in their unity. The speech behavior of men and women discovers variability at the same time in two planes - stratification, reflecting the social structure of society, and situational, reflecting the parameters of the communicative act. This fact does not take into account the adherents of the theory of "two crops", which, when analyzing the speech behavior of individuals, absolutize the factor of differences in socialization, leaving no attention to a number of other factors, such as power asymmetry of floors, pollarized labor separation, replicated media images and installations, etc.

6. With equality of other conditions (social and professional status, a communicative role, etc.), men and women can choose various strategies of speech behavior, which gives reason to talk about gender features of male and female speech. During numerous studies, Western linguists identified differences in the speech behavior of men and women from the point of view of goals, motivation, content, styles of conducting conversation, non-verbal components, etc.

7. Even the same speech behavior of men and women is often perceived by recipients as different. This fact led to the emergence of gender stereotypes hypothesis, which, when evaluating the speech behavior of men and women, the dominant role is not actually distinguished, but established in society stereotypical expectations.

8. The study of gender features of speech behavior seems fruitful from the position of the theory of linguistic personality, since the latter allows you to cover all the characteristics of the individual participating in the generation and perception of meaningful text. Until now, in the framework of gender studies, there remained an emotional component of speech behavior and gender features of the verbalization of emotions. In this regard, it is of particular interest to consideration by the emotional level of Yal in the gender perspective.

Differences in the language of women and men
The topic "Language and Paul" has recently been actively developed in linguistics. One of the first works in this area is the book of American Researcher Robin LakoffRobin Lakoff) "Language and place of women"("Language and Woman" S Place ", 1975) . According to Lakoff, there are the following main differences in the female language from the male:

1. women use more "empty" appraisal adjectives (for example, "cute");

2. women use question molds where men use affirmative;

3. women more often use polite forms;

4. women more often use shapes expressing uncertainty ("You know", "I think", "probably", "maybe")

5. women more often use amplifiers ("so cute", "charmingly");

6. women more often use hyperctuate grammar.

Gender opposition is manifested in different ways in the worlds of the world. An attempt to systematize them is undertaken, for example, in the work of J. Sherzer(Sherzer, 1995); It is necessary to consider that the following types are not mutually exclusive.

1. Mandatory distinctions on the basis of male / female in the language.

We are talking about mandatory distinction of two options for one language - male and female (most often this distinction is noticeable on the phonetic and / or morphological levels). One of the most famous examples is the language of the island Caribbean in Central America. When the Europeans first found themselves on the Small Antilles, they noticed that men and women say "in different languages": he was distinguished part of the vocabulary (roots), as well as several grammatical indicators. When referring to a man, a "male version" was always used, with access to a woman - "female". The XVII century reports noted that violation of the established norms was considered a serious crime.

To explain this and the like, phenomenov put forwardhypothesis taboo. When men went on the path of war, they may have prescribed to use some set of "male" words. In this case, women and children were forbidden to pronounce some words that could "warn enemies", "attract spirits" or "scare up prey", - Otherwise, luck would have turned away from warriors and hunters. Tabo factor could have an impact on the differentiation of the language depending on the floor. This hypothesis is not confirmed in relation to the caribbeans (although it is not directly refuted by historical facts, but it finds sufficiently many typological parallels.

An example of a language in which the tab of the taboo is the causethe emergence of differences on the basis of gender - Zulussky. Zulusskaya married woman The names of the father and the husband's brothers could not be pronounced out loud. In some cases, it was forbidden to pronounce the sounds that could somehow associate with taboo names, i.e., a woman did not have the right to utter any, even the most common word, if it contained a characteristic sound in the names of men 'relatives. Such a system of taboo could well lead to the appearance different options Language divided by gender.

Another example of partition differentiation -personal pronouns systems . So, in Russian, English and many other languages, differentiation on the basis of gender is manifested in the pronouns of only the 3rd person and only in the singular: it is she, but they;he., she., but they. In French, such differentiation is found in the plural:ils. - elles.. In Finnish and in the 3rd face single number Personal pronoun is not differentiated by half:han.. In some languages, the semi differentiated and pronouncing the 2nd and 1st person: so, in Thai language in a polite conversation of people with an equal status, a man will tell about himselfphom., and a woman - dichan..

2. Different speech styles in men and women .

In this case, the style is understood as a complex of linguistic traits - phonetic, rhythmic, intonational, morphological, syntactic, lexical, which are associated with male or female speech behavior. Women can speak faster or slower, more or less, more for more than men. Women can "swallow" endings, but no men, or vice versa. Women (or, respectively, men) can speak with special intonation, etc.

It should be noted that, as it often happens, cultural norms captured in the consciousness of the members of society may not coincide with real practice. With regard to the problem under consideration, it is not so important, there are actually in a particular society such differences in the speech of men and women; essential what is in this societythere is a conviction that women and men speak differently . For example, the carriers of the Russian language may say that women say more and faster men- But it will not necessarily be confirmed statistically.

3. Different principles of organization of speech behavior .

Studies have shown that men and women behave in different ways during the conversation, they use the language in different ways during the conversation. In such studies, the number of "distractions" is usually calculated from the main topic of the conversation, the transition from one topic to another, unexpected appeals to another interlocutor, interrupting the interlocutor, etc. It can also include differences in the frequency of use of some linguistic traits. The use of some phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical features in the male and female speech, according to statistical analysis, it turns out to be significant (at the same time, in contrast to the situation described in the previous paragraph, members of society can be confident that "everyone speaks the same").

So, it was established that English-speaking women mostly show the tendency to ask questions, support a dialogue, express solidarity with the interlocutor, often stimulate, support a conversation in the form of minimum answers (cf. Russian interdimensions of this type - "Mm-M", "Yeah " etc.). Men, on the contrary, often interrupt the interlocutor, tend to disagree with the partner, ignore the statements of the interlocutors, more rigidly control the topic of conversation, prone to direct expression of opinion. Women avoid open rivalry in the dialogue at the level of speech (their rivalry is usually more hidden), are waiting for signs of approval and support in the form of nods, interjections, they themselves show marks of interest and attention. The roots of these differences lie in the misstitution of education, basic guidelines for the behavior of boys and girls.

P. Tradgil (TRUDGILL, 1995) Shows which options for pronunciation are men and women in English-speaking countries according to the Pestrupure / Disaster parameter. On average, there is a steady tendency towomen choose a more prestigious pronunciation option. . Obviously, it is also associated with stereotypes of female and male behavior existing in this culture.

D. Tannen (Tannen, 1982) Provides data on the experiment, which she conducted to identify the tendency of the three groups (Americans, American Greeks, Greeks from Greece) and two floors to the interpretation of speech as a straight line (having a direct, unambiguous meaning) or indirect (having a second, additional meaning). The subjects received the following task.

The text was given: married couple leads a conversation:

Wife: John Party. You want to go?
Husband: OK (good).
Wife: I'll call and say that we will.

Based on this conversation, mark one of the two proposals, which, in your opinion, explains what the husband actually had in mind, saying ok (good):

A: The wife wants to go there, once asks. I will go to make her pleasant.
B: The wife asks if I want to go there. Perhaps I want to say yes.

What in the words of the wife and husband makes you choose one of the proposed options? What should a wife or husband say so that you choose another option?

The experiment showed that differences in ethnic groups exist.

Thus, American women are much more often American men are looking for a second meaning in the words of the interlocutor.

4. Select language men and women in multilingualism situations and bilinguals .

Men and women behave in different ways in situations of multilingualism and bilingualism. Men are more actively involved in bilingualism - because of their activity in trade, hunting, other classes forcing them to leave the house. So, in the border area of \u200b\u200bAustria, where a part of the bilingual population and where there are men and women who speak German and Hungarian, men prefer Hungarian, and women - German as a more prestigious(GAL, 1978).

5. Gender distribution of "genres" and roles in conversation .

J. Shercer. (Sherzer, 1995) Notes that among the Indians of the Kun, living in Panama, purely male genres - this is all kinds of public speeches, told tribal myths, magic chants; Women's genres - singing of lullaby songs, crying.

6. The choice of men and women of various models of speech behavior .

As an example, a Malagasy society often leads, in which there are two such models - direct and indirect speech. Direct speech is characteristic of women rather and is used in trading relations, which are involved in the main woman. Indirect speech is associated with public performances, i.e. with politics, other spheres where social activity is manifested, which is characteristic mainly for men.

This is the case with the realization of a male / female feature in different languages. At the same time it is understood that society takes various social roles to men. However, these roles may change over time, and language changes are usually lagging behind the change of social roles. When social roles or public stereotypes come in a contradiction with language standards, people begin to consciously break the linguistic formulas that focus on stereotypes based on gender differentiation and discrimination on the basis of gender. Hence the "Exile" of actually Deceantized suffix -man. In words likechairman. (Chairman) and turning it intochair Person. From here adopted in today's written norm of English "Sophisticated pronoun" in cases of type"WHEN A CHILD ACQUIES A LANGUAGE, HE / SHE (Option: S / HE) First Learns Only One Variety of IT" (letters "When the child is mastering the language, he / she first learn only one of his option") - or even use in such cases of pronounshe..

So, men and women speak differently, and these options do not depend on the situation: almost there are no "female situations" and "male situations", when the same person would choose one or another option at Wis. A woman says differently than a man, and listening to distinguishing the speech of women from the speech of men not only on the voice of the voice. It becomes especially noticeable when the rules are violated (CP. Typical characters of comedian films are men who speak "female", and vice versa).

Analysis of functioning different languages indicates thatwomen in their speech practice are usually more conservative Than men: Usually, all innovations fall into the tongue through a male speech. As a result, women's forms on origin are usually older than men: Language changes occur primarily in the speech of men. So, in Chukchi language in some dialects, the intervocal consonants persist in the speech of women, but regularly fall into the speech of men: the male version -ank "At.- female option -ank'anat 'these' .

Some researchers defend the point of view, according to which people cannot be considered as speech prototypes of their sexual group and should rather say not about the feminine and male speech, but about the degree of "female" and the degree of "menititude" in the speech of the individual. Sociolinguistic study involves working with socio-demographic categories, but these categories themselves should be treated with caution. Socio-demographic categories can easily turn out to be a myth, prejudice or error, therefore, it would be not necessary to use non-critical categories, as the floor, should not be used. Just on the contrary: studies should be sent to the process of designing these categories: these categories are constantly constructed, created and recreated by the members of the group themselves, and are created in many ways in the process of speech interaction.

GOU VPO Ufim State Aviation Technical University

Message on the topic:

Speech men and women.

Performed: SAU-104 student

Rafikova S.I.

Checked: Melnikova A.N.

Features of building the speech of men and women.

Distinctive features of the construction of male and female speech are manifested at different levels of communication .. For example, in a large number of languages, they are very noticeable in intonation, they are natural in vocabulary and in the pronouncement of sounds

Even in the Middle Ages (IX-XII) in the Japanese court environment, there was "men's" and "female" literature based on different letters and in many ways in different languages. Men wrote scientific and religious treatises and business papers, used the hieroglyphs who came from China, the language of their writings was full of borrowing from Chinese. The court ladies composed "female" novels and essays, wrote on a purely Japanese language without regard to a high Chinese style, used Japanese Azbuchi Haragan (knowledge of women of hieroglyphs was considered indecent). It was the women who was composed then the great works of Japanese literature "Tale about Genji" and "notes from the head of the head" (in the "male" literature of the corresponding time, there was nothing so significant). Women demonstrated talent and education, but literary activities did not mean equal to the men. Just artistic prose was considered a frivolous occupation, unworthy of a man.

Already little girls are much more superior boys in their speech. Over the years, this advantage is preserved. The average volume of communication in women is more than one and a half times higher than the volume of men's communication. Communication at work The need for many women's communication is so great that if during the working day the woman fails to "chat", then this adversely affects their mood, productivity and quality of labor. On some "female" enterprises, breaks for 5-10 minutes for communications were introduced. On others - the desks workers rearranged so that they could talk without being distracted from work. These measures were economically appropriate. Goal For women, the process of communication is important for men - the result. Men are better communicating when the goal of the conversation is known. The beginning "Let's talk" is suitable for the conversation of the girlfriends, but not for a conversation with a man. Where a man prefers to make and buy, a woman seeks to charm or arrange a companion to himself. What they say The weakness of many women is to go about the house, downstairs, and even the peres. Men talk more about work, politics and sports. Men love to talk about their successes, and women are about their failures. Reflections A man prefers to reflect silently, expresses only the final result. A woman thinks out loud that the man is perceived as a chatter. A typical male question (not always, the truth, asked out loud): "When does she think if he says all the time?" The men's feelings are more complicated than women. Interrupting the interlocutor The woman is less likely than a man, interrupts the interlocutor, she better sees the interlocutor and understands his feelings. After interrupting, the woman returns to the time of the conversation, which was then discussed. A man interrupts a woman 2 times more often than that of it. Hearing The woman listens attentively much longer than a man. A man on average listens to a woman carefully for only 10-15 seconds, after which she is inclined to answer, without specifying information. Mimica With a conversation, women are more often smiling and looking into the eyes. Men talking, often watching. Women stutter very rarely. From the comparison of the results obtained in the assessment of the expression of male and female individuals, it follows that most emotions (fear, disgust, joy, anger, surprise) are more accurately recognized in women. For example, surprise - 96%, fear - 85% of women. Only the grief is better recognized on the faces of men (58% against 50% in women). Who will deceive who? A woman can always fool a man. But only a few men manage to deceive the woman. Those who are self-administratively thinking differently may not be seduced: from the fact that the woman does not catch on a lie, it still does not follow that she managed to hold: just she does not want to drive into the corner of a man, fearing gap with him.

Non-verbal signals The reason for the high sensitivity of the woman to the hidden subtext is in congenital ability to notice and decipher (so-called) non-verbal signals: poses, gestures, television, performed at the time of speech. They are produced subconsciously and give the state of the speaker. Thanks to the foregoing, women in negotiations are more successful than men. Compliments It is customary to say to women compliments, because they are extremely needed ("Women love ears"). But men respond to compliments to their address no less benevolent than women, only the external manifestations of them are stingy. People (and men and women) are not spoiled by complinary accept favorably and flattery, although women are generally more picky for the quality of the compliment. Women's experts claim that such a banal statement of a man in a dispute with a woman, as "you - my most expensive treasure," is the most irresistible argument, a peaceful woman. Critical Women are much more self-critical about their role in society, rather than men. But they are more prone to the formation of behavior stereotypes and with great difficulty recognize that it can be improved. Women are critical of their appearance than men to their abilities. Men more critically belong to interlocutors than women. Brevity Men's speech is more crawling than women's, as a man is more categorical in judgment. In women's speech, a lot of uncertainty, in it simultaneously invisibly present and "yes", and "no", and "maybe." And this requires more time to present. Uncertainty is created at the expense of conditional ignition, which a woman uses 2 times more than a man. 5 times more by her restrictive expressions (like "if necessary"). Women are 3 times more likely asking questions and say "isn't it?", "Yes?", "No?", "True?". And apologize is much more often men.

Key Women attach great importance to the tallery of the conversation, painfully reacting to toughening tone. Men is a categorical tone, if it is appropriate, perceive, as a rule, without any negative emotions.

Emotionic Women's speech is usually emotionally a man's speech, it is manifested in greater use of affected and emotionally painted vocabulary, interjections, metaphor, comparisons, epithets. Women consume more words describing feelings, emotions, psycho-physiological states. At the same time, a woman in his speech tries to avoid the elements of the "Panibrate" appeal: nicknames, nicknames, humiliating appeals. Colors Interesting facts were found in the use of a woman and a man of adjectives denoting the names of flowers. Women has a dictionary of color matters wider. It consumes more specific color names, many of which are foreign borrowing: "Moav", "Pervosh", "Mandent", "Beige". In the speech of men more often than in the speech of a woman, there are names of the main colors of saturated tones - red, black, dark blue, the woman prefers unsaturated - pink, dark red, yellow and blue. Parts of Speech In the speech of a woman more complex adjectives, excellent degrees of high-quality adjectives, shortcomings and unions. Women in their speech more often use specific nouns, and men are abstract. The relative number of nouns per saying in the speech of men is significantly higher. It was noted that men more enjoy the verbs of the active collateral, and the women were passive. They explain this by the fact that a man in society takes a more active position than a woman. In the speech of a man of questionative, imperative and negative sentences more than in the speech of a woman (especially clearly, these differences are visible in the use of imperative proposals). It should be emphasized that the woman spends more words than a man on the expression of the thoughts of one content.

Prestige One of the most characteristic features of a woman's speech is its desire to use "prestigious" (that is, oriented on the sample established by society) of the linguistic rules and norms, while the men are more careless and liberated. With social prestigiousness, the fact that women in their speech are more than men use literary forms of words and speech samples. A woman is focused on "open" social prestige, i.e. At the generally accepted norms of social and speech behavior, while a man is to froning - deviating from established norms and rules of communication. Paul stereotypes With the concept of "social prestigiousness", the concept of a "floor stereotype" is closely connected. This is a system of conditioned prescriptions of what a woman should do and what to be in society is a man, and what is a man: in behavior, skills, thoughts, aspirations, character, appearance, etc. deviations from regulatory samples of behavior (including speech) for Women in a much greater degree threaten the danger of public rejection than for a man. Hence the more polite, "warning" nature of the conversation in a woman. Education Affect the degree of manifestation of differences in speech behavior and social factors such as education, social environment, professional activities. With an increase in the level of education, the differences in the speech of men and women are somewhat reduced. It is characteristic that representatives of the middle layers there is the highest degree of differences in the speech of men and women, as well as the highest orientation of a woman on "correct", "prestigious" forms of speech.

Comparison of the characteristics of the speech of men and women makes the following conclusions: 1) Women more than men emphasize relationships with opposite sex, 2) Women are generally more interested in other people than men, 3) women more than men, interests the place of action, the quality of people , items, 4) women are more interested in the present and future, men - past, 5) Women pay more than men paying the content that they want to inform the interlocutor.