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Elephants on asphalt. Story. "Golden Elephant" flew away, but promised to return the play of the elephant acting persons

March 2016.

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Part of these magic stories was written for a long time. Let's say, not exaggerating, the years are forty (if not even more) back. It happened so that one day, still young and inconsistent, fate abandoned their author to a tiny garden, located several of his trees and bushes next to the lion's bridge, which was transferred through Griboedov the canal.

Oh, it was a wonderful time! Then people lived not to make money, but in order to receive pleasure from life: much beautiful poplar stood along the canal and lay the boat and boats upside down, and the embankment was paved in the world's most beautiful black faceted paving. Among other things, the rails of the 36th, almost always empty, tram, too, also, apparently, ran on the city, too.

This amazing oasis struck the imagination of the author that he decided to stay in him as long as possible - he walked himself nearby friends and acquaintances, and even tried to go here as much as possible, absolutely, however, without realizing that he was so smuggling. While finally did not make one very important discovery: it turned out that on one of the benches of the above-described kindergarten sometimes it is possible to compose small stories preferably magical content.

They were composed in those former times exactly five.

Then everything changed: pragmatists overwhelmed into place of romantics. The tightened precious slave, which went and drove not one generation of Petersburgers, they changed to a banal asphalt - as if rolled out a large gray pancake in the city. Canceled the circulation of unnecessary, by the standards of sound sensitory, tram. For some reason, the majority of old poplars saw. They removed the boats and boats from the canal. And at the site of the cozy garden, a very ordinary house was picked up, as it turned out, who was once standing here for a long time. (True, and now, after having penetrated into his courtyard, you can find two or three preserved wood from the former first and somewhat miraculously surviving bushes.) As a result of destruction made by pragmatists, life in the city became boring.

The next generation of Petersburgers may want to change it: it will return to the place a strong faceted wonderful paving. Spread on the embankment of the canal romantic boats and boats. Sticks the old 36th unnecessary tram and puts new trees on the spot of disappeared. It will be able to restore the normal life on the drawings of the magic fairy tales saved by the author, to which several other times have been added over time, but written in our uncomfortable times.

We want to offer one of these magical stories of the past time.

Andrei Zinchuk

There was neither winter nor autumn, nor spring, nor summer, but something not like that, when the sky is all in gray spots, which seems to be that it will never end, and if it will ever end, then it comes And or, God forbid, even worse!

There was an old house. There was a dark yard-well. In the courtyard there was a crushing repair - a heavy rink with a rumble was dulling back and forth on hot asphalt.

In the house there lived a small artist who was tired of the repair. And once ... Once he took the mirror, caught them the ray of the cold sun and painted a bunny under the window - on the asphalt, where there was a shadow, - a big elephant. I looked at him and smiled: the elephant lay, spreading his legs to the sides, and as if he had dreamed of something.

Here to Elephant, Fyrcch and smoothing the diesel fuel, rolled the rink and wound it on his huge iron drum. And the elephant went on the drum there and forth, back and forth, and the rink began to print on the asphalt of large solar elephants.

Elephants turned out to be similar to each other as brothers, but at the same time a little different (asphalt, like a lot in this city, was laid and so). So, one of them turned out to be fat, the other is thin, the third is short, the fourth, the tail, the fifth, the sixth and tenth looked quite decent, and the eleventh - the smallest - produced, right, say, a frivolous impression. The twelfth was lucky less than others - it remained at all without ears.

And at that time, the driver was twisted at the unfaithful rink, pulled the poisonous "Whiteor" and washed through the teeth of a cheerful song. Finally, he noticed that instead of a smoothly rolled asphalt, he turns out at all the devil knows that (nothing like that is not!), Stopped the skating rink and approached the elephant, who during the trip along the hot asphalt was so tightly glued to the drum, which did not seem , no way to tear it.

- Here I am, a sleepy! - said the driver and caught an elephant by mounting. But only scratched the drum.

Then the driver pulled out a puff out of his pocket, bought to the dinner of his beloved wife, and put her under the nose to elephant. The elephant from joy walked the tail, and the driver grabbed him over the tail and hedranched from the drum. The elephant flew through the air and slapped on the asphalt. Then he rose, shook and wandered along the wall, dissatisfied with the fact that he was not given to ride.

The driver climbed into the cabin, gave reverse and went for lunch.

The remaining elephants rose from the asphalt themselves, without help, due to one of the main reasons for all of what is happening in the world: from curiosity. And from curiosity, they scattered around the city. Everyone chose a corner darker and began to wait for the sunset - not without reason, he feared that the gloomy sun could easily deal with him - just getting his eyes!

At night, the elephants went to the streets. True, in the evening they were very fermented - they had to cover the darkest corners, but, nevertheless, they remained quite cute elephants.

Lanterns lit. And then, when the deep night came, and it was when the lanterns are most needed, they went out. And here the inhabitants of the city prepared as usual to swear, each on their own way:

- What a darkness! - Would go over one.

- Divaled here! .. Not a single lantern! - Bubnil would be different.

- How will I get to the house?! - Third and beat the third and trick in the opposite side of the side at this time. But this time it did not happen: one of the elephants touched him the road, and a late passerby, with a weakly shimmering light, managed to read the name of someone else's street and someone else's room at home. He immediately turned back, and Elephant Tihonechko shoved in the hope of gratitude.

The second elephant was attached to the drain pipe and observed how drops of night dew on its cold surface.

The third came on the embankment and started a long conversation with fishermen about the delights of night fishing.

The fourth went to visit his fellow in the zoo.

The fifth, the sixth and tenth just wandered around the city. And the eleventh peacefully swapped in the gateway near the janitor's storage room. The twelfth was lucky, as always, less than others - he had to be molded two of those who had arguing lovers. And then, as with the capricious children, wander around the city all night long so that they do not quarrel themselves or that someone does not offend them.

It is there, then here, on the street, then in the doorway, and then in the roof of the house there were lack of lights, and on them it was possible to guess that the city was going, swaying, sunny elephant.

The incredulous citizens responded to these events in different ways. Basically, as it happens most often, no one understood anything:

- Elephant? In the park? At night?! I do not believe! And I don't believe your honest word!

- On the roof? Saw? Who? That's what? .. With these eyes? Go catch!

- At night? Elephant? Highlighted the house number? You would have checked your wallet better!

And by the morning - the sinister rumors were prepicable - the sinister rumors were blooming that the Shaka of circus and illusionists flew in the city.

These rumors and the family of the driver were flown. He was awakened by the neighbors who brought news that the group of malicious persons was hijacked by his unloved skating rink! (What was immediately checked from the window of the beloved wife of the driver, and that, of course, turned out to be 100% lies!)

By morning, not only the whole police was put on the feet, but also a joke? - and urban hunting society. With guns. And - to say scary - networks!

And in the city this night there was not a single crime! The flickering mountain suddenly grown in front of the eyes of the robber, which was in a dark corner - someone strong and fearless wandered through the streets of the city in the deaf time of dislike, in a robbery. And, not sick beneath the legs, without disassembling the road, the robber allowed away, away from the place of a terrible meeting.

When the Elephants, tired of night duty, gathered together on the main square of the city, was mucified from the asphalt indifferent morning ...

But in the evening they appeared again, and again wandered through the streets, glowed, they guided their orders and did not give to sleep with boring sleepy citizens. And among the citizens, there was a rumor that white nights returned to the city.

In the St. Petersburg Russian State Institute of Stage Arts (so now called the State Academy of Theatrical Art) at the Faculty of the Theater of Dolls (the course of the Honored Artist of Russia Irina Kirillovna Laskari) began to rehearsals in this story - Restoration work began in the city of preserved drawings of magical fairy tales!

In the children's library of history and culture of St. Petersburg, on Marat Street, 72 (branch No. 2 of the Central City Children's Library. A. S. Pushkin) For the year later, the "fairy tales of our city" - an amazing and magical joint project of the Faculty of the Theater of Dolls of RGISI and Libraries (project coordinator - the world of Lvovna Vasyukova, head of the library).

Project Manager St. Petersburg playwright Andrei Zinchuk says:

"Tales come to the guys who are written about our city, or fairy tales, born directly in it, because they are the living, the mystery, the magical and immortal soul of St. Petersburg, touched by which at least once, you can understand why What is so inappropriate and unusual our city and what it differs from hundreds of thousands of other cities. "

The director of the sketch of the future performance "Elephants on Asphalt" -
Natalia Khokhlova (4th directing course Z.R.K., Professor N. P. Naumova),

Artist Laurita Arrow (3rd rate of artists-producers ZDI, Professor V. G. Khovralova).

Actors - 2nd course Z.A. RF, Assistant I. K. Luskari:

V. Chernyavsky,
A. Bulygin,
M. Gelstein,
Y. Zhuravskaya,
P. Glagolev,
P. Yeryshev, D.
M. Timofeyev,
A. Larkin -

All from the Faculty of the Theater of Dolls of the St. Petersburg Russian State Institute of Scenic Arts.

The magazine "Bonfire" congratulates
All wonderful students and teachers of the Faculty of the Theater of Puppet RGISI
With the International Dollhouse Day, which is celebrated on March 21

Andrew Zinchuk
Artist Vera Rogozhnikova
Page of the author Artist page

On Wednesday the theater of drama them. Lomonosov presented the prejudice of the play "Elephant" on the play of the playwright Alexander Copkow, who wrote it in 1932. The author never saw her on stage - the play was immediately forbidden. Alexander Andreevich went to the front in July 1941, in September 1942 he died.

Censors found the "elephant" by an anti-collebristive play, chanting the Golden Taurus. A play of richness that falls like snow on the head, becomes relevant again.

The general run begins with the participation of the audience. The main director of the theater Andrei Tymoshenko warns: "I can stop at any time and make a remark to artists." But never stops the action. Although in the first five minutes of the performance scries a whole sheet. Two hours later in the hands of the director, a thick pack of paper with comments.

"The premiere is not a sentence of the play. We are improving something all the time. The performance is made in large strokes. Then you start to cut into some nuances, add something delicious. As soon as comments end - the performance can be written off, "Tymoshenko says after the foresee.

The play "Elephant", without a doubt about the dream of each of us, that we all want normally or even richly live and do nothing.

"This is a desire in our blood. I ask: raise your hands, who of you do not want to live "for free"? Several people do not raise. But it is not fair. We all want to do nothing. Someone is guided by moral laws, someone religious, but, nevertheless, the nature of a person somewhere yes, he fits: I want to do anything and have everything, "says the main director.

Tymoshenko notes that there is no mockery over the Soviet authorities in the performance, all sharp moments should be perceived as a normal humor. And, by thinking a little, our interlocutor returns to the author, regret that he wrote so little in his life.

"I believe that Alexander Kopkov is a great playwright. It happened so that he wrote one play. If he did something else, it would be as brilliantly, "Tymoshenko shares.

According to Wikipedia, the cops still wrote two plays "Elephant" and "King Potap". Both they were banned.

The premiere of the play will take place today at 18.30.

in the children's library of history and culture of St. Petersburg on the street. Marat, 72.

In the White Library Hall, real theatrical scenery and real preparation for the event - the sketch of the future performance:

They launched the hall of small spectators-schoolchildren in front of the door:

Playwright Andrei Zinchuk and head. library Mira Lvovna Vasyukova - a few words about the continuation of the project "Tales of our city" (joint work of the library and faculty of the theater of dolls of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art):

Before the performance of the traditional workout of the hands of dollup actors:

Children with pleasure they repeat it:

Well, now, in fact, the very idea.
But if earlier students did stage chute, today the show is already a sketch of the fairy tale Andrei Zinchuk "Elephants on Asphalt". Looking forward, we note that after watching the work of students, the head of the 2nd Actor Course I. K. Luskari offers sustaining the director Natasha Khokhlova to continue working on the performance to include him in the repertoire of his course.
Some of the most characteristic moments:

If in a nutshell about the amazing events taking place in this fairy tale, then this is a story about solar elephants. The first of them drew a small artist on the asphalt with a sunlight, and then rolled the large skating rink along the hot asphalt on the hot asphalt. The solar elephants imprinted on it as a result of exciting adventures conquered the city, and in the end they arranged in it white nights. Something like that ():


Producer Natasha Khokhlovabout this work:

Becoming bonds (about them from excitement Actors forgot):

Coordinator Vasyukova of the world of Lvovna, Head of the library

Increasingly, life, and not only theatrical, gives reasons to recall that my literary specialty is the Soviet 1920s. The desire to be analyzed by the rear date - and simultaneously attempting to build forecasts for the near future (well, or vice versa ... Task priorities can be placed in different ways) - how changes and hopes lead to stagnation, terror and war, reasonably prompted to refer to the first period ( And the latter, I would clarify ...) Decades of Soviet power. As for theaters - they show active, increased attention to drama, in general, to the literature of the 1920s, looking for rare writings, which is a special pitue, maybe they do not deserve, well, or valuable in the context of historical and literary, but with difficulty Adapt to today's art standards. Put in the quantities of unthinkable, extremely weak plays Andrei Platonova; The opts of the authors are staged, whose names are forgotten - although they once thundered.

Copkops - from this row, and not that its "elephant" (1932) is completely "lost", but the few of the weather periphery did not do, and for a full-fledged "return from non-existence" the play is objectively much lacking a lot: it's in the spirit The time worked by the "bolage" satire on the permanent coincidence, which "remnants of the past" interfere with building a "bright future", but Satire is honest, and therefore the ambiguous, double-edged. In the plot of Guryan Mochalkin, no anti-Sovetchik, on the contrary, the collective farmer and the candidate for party members even finds the "treasure of the wall of razin" - the Golden Elephant! "And he tries to hide him, makes the clay uluage with the calculation to deceive countrymen, and the gold does not make a public domain, but to assign, leave himself. A stupid wife and a tricky daughter supported him, "Idea" son is not very, but when a scam with a dummy crashes, "ideological" son-scientist is manufactured under the sight of the father's Berdaninka "Power", on which Mochalkin expects to fly to America, and if in America The crisis, then where there are no collective farms or crises, even on Jupiter. Felt far away did not fly away, but it landed, not killed.

Sergey Barkhin arranged the space, as was to be expected, with a light-up to architecture and design of the constructivism of the 20s, the name Melnikova is present as an element of a red-white decoration that resembles a "book" of Mosselprom's house. Relevant accessories - sickles and hammers, dads and budennovka - included in the kit. A somewhat excess, overwhelled soundtrack (little phonograms - characters and for anyone they are taken to sing a choir) compiled on purpose of the conditionally and Soviet shots from the songs of the civil war to marches from the movies of the second half of the 1930s, which, probably, little confuses, but In my opinion, it makes some chronological confusion, because between the period of the Civil War, the time of the "great fracture", industrialization and collectivization - a big difference, and between the "great fracture" and "big terror" - the difference is huge, although it is with the so-called . The "great fracture" is associated with the appearance of an elephant abbreviation. The chronological nuunting in working with Soviet literature of the 1920-1930s is a serious problem for literary critics, and for historians, and for, in particular, theatrical practitioners today.

Guryan Guryanych Mochalkin from "Elephant" Copkova - Rustic, collective farm option Semyon Semyon Sunchalnikov from the "suicide" Erdman, a rural "man in the street", which is not against Soviet power, but also to act, especially something to sacrifice for the new world, but He would sit out, sequel; Mochalkin also lucky more, in his "asset" is not just a lavetled sausage, but gold on Milong. But that he shines with this gold on the "collective farm land" - also understandable. The subsectors and the mochalkins were ridiculously ridiculated by the playwrights, until the turn of the playwrights themselves came (Erdman stuck in Siberia, the cops died at the beginning of the war). Nevertheless, today's righteous desire to replace the original accusatory pathos of these purely satirical plays with a humanistic promise, well, at least in the subtext, it comes to the resistance of the material: the ambiguity, suspicious in the 1920s-E30, today turns around the opposite side, but does not disappear and so easily Do not throw off.

What is valuable in the play of Yanovskaya - I want to sympathize with Mochalkin, but I can't consider it a disaster victim, I, at least, did not work out, despite the multiple reminder of another elephant, the Solovetsky camp of a special purpose, which sounds (on the phonogram recorded personally by Henrietta Naumovna) as an epigraph and further repeats constantly over two acts; Despite the piercing, despite the fact that, put the hand on the heart, a rather predictable final with a shot of an uncharged Berdaninka (however, Guryanych and his wife falling "shot", so that they immediately bring up with a question - that is, not until the complete death seriously, The martyrdom is completely "bolage"). Still, it is clear how white day - give this guryan, "with an elephant", the opportunity to realize his dreams - and it will not seem little, it is unknown yet, what kind of prospect is worse, the one that came shortly (and shot no longer subsener and uroalky , and those who were kinded, which is characteristic!), Or the one, about which Mochalkin dreams, tilting "for the dreamy" one mug of mogon after another.

Communicating after the premiere with Ginkas, I had the opportunity to Kame Mironovich to say that in the Vilnius Museum of the Holocaust, where about the ginks of the employees, confess, little heard, in the honorable place the casual pages of the book memories of Mironeas Ginkas about Kaunas Ghetto - In response, Ginkas told me The story is even more surprising, which he himself learned relatively recently: Hinkas's mother grandfather in the 20s wrote to Yidish Utopia, published in Kharkov, and later translated into English (the fact in the book of Interviews Ginkas and Yanovskaya "what it was "Not entered, because the publication came out before). About the literary advantages of the Opus of his grandfather Kama Mironovich himself and himself can not judge, not knowing the language, but the other thing is important: the 1920s - the time of utopia, and by no means anti-spectopy, and it is impossible to ignore this fact, turning out of the day today. Masterpieces or dramaturgical "non-heredes" Andrei Platonova, that the authors are simpler, but the same era and in the same categories of thinking. Accused of "anti-Sovetchina", they were not conscious "anti-sakes" were not and "prophets"; They were, each at their artistic level, honest chroniclers, and at the same time using relative creative freedom, did not adapt to ideological clichés, and the clichés themselves were still in the process of crystallization (which is why to dump in one end of the 1920s and mid 1930 "It is impossible).

The genre of anti-nightopia in his modern understanding, let's say, leads its own countdown from "We" Zamyatina, and this is 1920 - in 1931, Zamyatyat went to the USSR forever, but surviving in Paris, did not refuse Soviet citizenship. In fact, it is possible to go deeper, remember the "republic of the southern cross" Brysov and continue to go through the centuries, however, the canon of the genre of anti-nightopia in its current perception, initially as it is "anti-Soviet", in 20-30, it is only formed: "On the wonderful new The world "," blinding darkness "," 1984 "- and even later spread widely when" left "not without tips from Moscow quickly saddled this against them a directional tendency, the anti-nightopia became" humanistic ", then the anti-bourgeuismic, kissing in capitalism, society consumption; All these "Bradbury" went with a jamb. But at least even Stanislav Lem, his "Solaris", "Magellanovo cloud" - are it utopias or anti-astope? In general, the Soviet fantasy of the 1960-80s, fiction of the socialist, this endlessly concentrated "Strugatsky" world - he "anti-" or how, after all, quite officially existed "under the cover" "humanism" and "anti-bubbury"?!

Nevertheless, in practice performances on Soviet plays and prose of the 1920s today - contribute to the most serious authors of the era, consistently, persistently try to rethink the material as anti-utopia through the prism of the later historical and artistic experience; See in it prophecy, warning, skepticism and fear - and not a dream, not faith. Here and Semyon Seeds of subsectors from Sergey Genssic in the "suicide" turns out to be an unexpectedly cute "little man", from which all of something they want, and he wants to eat a slow sausage and nights to eat at night.

Also, Guryan Guryanych Mochlikin in the play Henrietta Yanovskaya just waged to use the find (not stolen, not by their apartments mined, as, for example, another Ostap Bender Ostap Bender, but only discovered at the bottom The well of gold), not causing harm to others - but the ideological, and the economic foundations of the new world questioned, for which it should be liable: an uncharged Berdanka, who fell into the hands of the "ideological" son of the Mochlikin, to the Final of the play Yanovskaya shoots Guryan Guryanica and In his wife. However, after the shot, they will also raise and be surprised by what happened to fall again, already finally - the Fars Yanovskaya does not transform irrevocably in the tragedy, deftly balancing on the verge.

Without actor, Taragezhina is difficult to imagine many performances of Ginkas, from the "happy prince" to "on the road to ...", but such a significant and complex role, like Mochalkin, Alexander Taragezhin in my memory did not receive, and fantastically spends it from the boalan caricature Games to the tragic pathos, without falling into vulgarity, the risk of what is preserved throughout the performance. Arina Nesterova (wife of Mochalkina), Sofia Slivina (daughter) and others - all at height; Very funny head of the collective farm Kuritsyn in the performance of Igor Balalayeva (from all the cracks is superimposed, henced; he is often welcoming out loud remarks to strengthen the "effects of the reach", although in recent years this technique is used too often); And the appearing from the stove in the second act of Nas Lukyan, who wants to sell the soul to the line (following the example of Mochalkin, as he believes), I did not immediately recognize, despite the fact that he seemed familiar to me - then it came out, this is Sergey Aronine! The directing work I still estimated low (but I have not seen the "flying monk" by A. Bitu), and as an actor, although I watch him since Hitis, Aronient in the "elephant" with his father Lukyan just struck me, and if in the image created by a taranchinist, the farce began is transformed into the dramatic, reaching the tragedy by the middle of the 2nd act, gradually, then in the role of the Aronian, comic and tragic coexist at the same time: what is to go to Guryan, Lukyan's father is already He passed into the civil, "survived the revolution", but the consequences for his psyche and the worldview were hardly no more catastrophic than for the Moalkyan family - an attempt to assign a gold elephant.

Of course, none of America, especially for Jupiter, will not fly away Mochalkin - let and high-quality "Power" made under the sight of the Berdanniki his scientist Son Mitya (Anton Korshunov). The land of Mochlikin will attracted - collective farm, Soviet, this is on the play, and on the spectrum, and in life ... in the collective farms of Lee (about which they do not remember today ...) The source of evil, in Soviet Lee (and she also cried. ..) power? Yanovskaya, it seems, "Elephant" returns mentally to his long-standing works of the 1980s - to "Dog's Heart", where (there are very interesting reflections in the book "What it was") the greatest sympathy caused her not Preobrazhensky and not even became the victim of the professors of the balls, but the fanatically confined to the new world of the Schwonder; And especially to the play, Gud-Bai, America! " According to Mr. Twistenter, Marshak, where the beautiful inturists fell into the Stalin's Hell, skillfully accustomed to earthly paradise. With the difference that the characters borrowed from the Marshak satire voluntarily arrived in the USSR from America, and the hero of the "elephant" tried from the USSR to America, and it would be good and far away from here, fly ... But this is just a utopia: Russia is the birthplace of elephants, but Guryanych believes in miracles, Guryanić goes to heaven ... and eventually stuck together with his wife.

... about us, and the golden elephant - the myth we live

Ancient Comedy-anecdote "Elephant", written by the playwright Alexander Kopkowy in the early 1930s and represented by the Children's Pop Theater "Boys and Girls", combines a simple plot, humor and topicality, telling about how the collective farmer Mochalkin (Andrei Lubomirov ) There was a dream to get rich, and he suddenly disappeared. In addition, the scholar Son Guryan Mitrey (Maxim Ivanov), who slipped his bourgeois book was becoming kind of fault. He did it, so that the parent hate the damned bourgeois, and the father of the progress is different: how, having money, you can entertain.

Family of Guryan, Kolkhozniki, guess where he could go. Marfa's wife (Angelina Biryukova) saw only how the family of the family fled in the shitiblants in beds to the Volga.

- We will find it alive - fight, and the dead - as the parties are borony! - Chairman of the collective farm Ivan Davydovich (Artem Chizhov) is tightly expressed, concerned about how harvesting will pass.

And the Guryan is declared, and he has a golden elephant for her sinus. In the family, the stir: how to be with him? The son of Mitrey suggests to pass into the police, the eldest daughter (Elizabeth of Kurakina), stunned in the brides - to dig at least one diamond eyebound and sew an outfit. The find becomes known for the whole village.

- We are in the collective farm, the whole relatives, it means that you need to go together! - Such verdict of the public.

Having seated the guests at the table with the treats and last year Kvaas, the owners hope that those will forget why they came. Guryan tells about the find, that he wanted to give it to the bank, but the voice inside whispered "glow to the ground."

"Do not resurrect in the Kolkhozika Kulakov," Son advises him.

- I will give to the collective farm, and what kind of honor I am? - exclaims Guryan.

- Monument on the grave We will put it, on the balalaica you Semen Egorovich Tsaplin (Yegor Yezhzhzhzh) will play!

It does not suit this parties, and guests drive away.

Before you leave, with screams: "Well, not with the empty hands run away?!" They arrange in the wabble searches, they grab that it comes across hands.

A little later, the father of Lukyan (Stepan Zhdanov) falls through the chimney in their house. Having learned that the hell wanted to buy a soul of Guryan for a million, he is ready to sell his own and exclaims:

- Millen?! I will not give me, I know my Popovskaya soul! And do not give up the capitals, they will forget with the money of God at all. Let's build a church better!

In thought, how to be, Guryan is ready to walked, rather than "give an elephant without an effect."

- People live on one earth, and happiness is different. For someone, elephant - happiness, and me - at least remember! - he complains.

The decision comes unexpectedly: build airship and fly to where there is no crisis, for example, to Jupiter or to America, no one will prevent the bourgeois of Mr. Cooper.

Flew in a balloon to a better life, not against and pop.

But the plans of entering into collation to comrades are not destined to come true. The elephant turns out to be in the hands of the chairman of Ivan Davydovich, who intends to break down at least the tail of the collective farm. And the Guryan family will have to keep the word before the People's Court.

"Soon the court and heal well," he calms his family.

And at that moment an uncharged Berdanka shoots, whom close people frightened each other.

"Sin and stick a little," sighs in the final of Martha's performance ...

For a long time, the play "Elephant" was banned by "for slander to Soviet reality." Her the author fell into opal and was repressed. In July 1941, Alexander Kopkov went to the front and died in September 1942. In the theatrical environment, interest in the work of Copkow (he managed to write only two plays, the second - "King Potap") resumed only at the turn of the century.

For the older group of the theater team "Boys and girls" (Andrey Lyubomirova, Angelina Biryukova, Maxim Ivanov, Elizabeth Curakina, Artem Chizhova, Elizabeth Polynskaya, Stepan Zhdanova, Yegor Yezhin, Victoria Yakovleva, Alina
Nikolaova, Anastasia Gusacova, Artem Patty) The play "Elephant" became the graduation. Each of the young actors played a lot of bright memorable roles in Mat. This is what the guys themselves say.

Yegor Yezhzhzh:

- For me, for me for all the years in Dat, the most memorable role - Macchita in the play "Three-minded opera". She allowed to feel like others. This hero has other than me, character, other behavior, it is guided by other principles. This difference carries. And to try on the role of a high level, perhaps the most difficult job for the actor. And the movies of movies, photos of the proposed era, of course, actors playing with me on the site, have helped me to get comfortable. Olga Anatolyevna Cresser knows how to combine a single creative case, and each of us becomes part of a collective process, in which we are "tied" to each other, and we have no right to bring the team.

Andrei Lubomirov:

- Accurate number of roles played, I can hardly call. At first there were secondary, then they became more significant. At the beginning of the way it was difficult for me because of the impairment. As it comes and communicate with the guys, I joined the team and became part of Dat. To release, I was entrusted with the main role of Guryan Mochalkin in the play "Elephant", which I am very happy. My character is the owner of the defects: misfortune, boasting, cowardice.

It was not easy to store into the role. Olga Anatolyevna helped, directing me. If I had the opportunity, I would like to replay all my roles anew to play them even better. All the years in Dat - wonderful, fruitful, full joys and new emotions. It is a pity that classes approached the end. April 15 we have a graduation evening.

Elizabeth Curakina:

- Theatrical life of Deta is an exciting, hard work on the role, over himself. I was very remembered by the role of polli in the "three-chief opera". First, it was my first major role, secondly, this girl was close to me in spirit. But no matter how much the hero is close to you, every time we did all the work. And especially our mentor Olga Anatolyevna. Over the years in Dat, there was any, but as it should, clearly remember only positive moments that have added many bright colors in my childhood and youth. Knowledge that Olga Anatolyevna handed us will help. Performance - life from the side. Participation in the production helps to make lessons for real life. We are the actors of Date, one family.

Angelina Biryukova:

- For 12 years, the Palace of Culture has become the second home for me, and Olga Anatolyevna is the second mom. Over the years there was a lot of wonderful moments, behind the backs of very many played roles. The most memorable? .. Probably the role of Martha. In the play "Elephant", I first played a major role. She was not very difficult for me, because I had long dreamed of playing exactly such a role. This performance will be remembered for a lifetime, because he is the last one. Learn to the theater and movie scope I will not go.

Head of the Children's Pattern Theater "Boys and Girls" Olga Krasztsky:

- The repertoire we always select on the existing acting composition, literally by the number of actors. And, of course, according to their knowledge, skills and creative experience. The main thing is to rally all. It is noticed that in the process of creativity, the guys are more good than sometimes in conventional communication. Each individual is individual. I love individuality, dissimilar in people, so "dragging" their creative handwriting.

In the 30s-40s of the last century, the author of the "Elephant" play was forbidden, it was worth paying attention to this fact. It is difficult to play what was not fitted in the generally accepted framework, but these frames are strong and hard, with the mark of quality, as they say. And they are still present in the lives of many people. And the "elephant" is actually a protest that did not become happiness and dear to the fulfillment of the dream. And the life of the chief hero would have to return to the right track ...

Comedy to play difficult. For guys, this is another step in skill and creativity. They coped with the task than pleased me very much. It is fine that they have a desire and desire to delight others.

Editorial note . The premiere of "elephant" was held at the "Hurray". The performance could not fail, because young actors created a kind of "gift to the collection of elephants", which their leader collects. (In the collection of Olga Anatolevna more than a thousand elephants from a variety of materials and corners of the world).

Good luck to you, our children!

Let all your bold plans are embodied!