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Where to emphasize in the word "contract" in the only and multiple number. How to say contract or contracts

To us, from the small years speaking in Russian, it is often difficult to believe foreigners when they studying Russian, call it one of the most difficult languages \u200b\u200bin the world. But this is how it is - in addition to the complex phonetic, syntactic and other components, the Russian language is characterized by the richest vocabulary. Unfortunately, often the Russian-speaking foreigners lexicon are more than more than that of the native language. It is even more interesting about the situation with alignment of stress - Not that the syllables in words become shocks by the will of the case, but also a completely clear mechanism also does not exist. Yes, there are certain patterns, but some words cause difficulties in many people. For example, many cannot determine what will be the correct stress in the word " treaty "? Let's try to figure out.


  • Literally a few years ago it happened, let's say update dictionaries Russian language. Along with other changes, such as the assignment of noun " coffee»Middle Eastern Male, Language rate has been modified in relation to the word" contract ". Accent now, it turns out, you can put both on the third and on First syllable - This is no longer considered an error. This decision caused a serious resonance - such a syllable " great and Mighty"Not everyone fell in the shower.
  • Anyway, most people came to the conclusion that, despite these changes, in the word "contract" the emphasis should have to be on the last syllable. The first syllable may be shock exclusively when informal communication .
  • No matter what is written in the dictionaries, if you put an emphasis in the word " treaty" on the third syllable - Do not lose.
  • It is impossible not to note another duality in the pronunciation of the word "treaty" is the use of it in a plural. The same language norm recognized the form "Contract" Although, again, it is most likely to unofficial communication.
  • However, do not exaggerate and treat biased to those who do not complain about simplifying in the language. Back in the distant 70s Chukovsky's roots It assumed that over time the pronunciation variant " treaty"And" contracts"Will be the language norm - and not he is alone. Even before Chukovsky about such a phenomenon mentioned S. Ozhegov and R. Avanesov (Handbook " Russian literary pronunciation and emphasis», 1959)
  • Whatever it was, now you are familiar with modern language standards and can decide for yourself - to communicate in a pure literary language, or afford the surprise.

How correct: "contract" or "contracts"? A comprehensive answer to the assigned question you will find in the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you about how to replace this word if you doubt it writing or pronunciation.

general information

About the fact that "contracts" or "contracts" know not all. And for most people who are directly related to the business sphere, such a noun becomes a stumbling block during preparing for a public speech or at a business meeting. That is why it is very important to know how correctly: "contracts" or "contracts"?

What is an agreement? Find out together

The contract is the agreement of two or more persons that establishes changing or terminating their duties and rights. The parties to such a document can be legal, and individuals, as well as various public-legal associations (for example, the state, international organizations, municipalities, and so on.).

Currently, the word "contract" is used in three different values:

Thanks to this diversity of values, it can be fairly easy to replace synonym. But at the same time, a new question arises: "Contract" or "Agreement" - how to? " It should be noted that there are practically no difference between these expressions. After all, the word "contract" denotes the same multilateral agreement in which the duties and rights of all its participants are negotiated. That is why, if you do not know how to pronounce or write a "contract", you should simply replace it with the most suitable synonym (document, contract, agreement, etc.).

How correct: "contract" or "contracts"?

What if you do not know how to pronounce this word? The answer is fairly simple: it is necessary to be guided by the orthoepic prescribing stylistic distinction between the use of the forms of the Agreement and "Treaties", depending on a particular speech situation.

Traditional form "contracts"

The multiple number of the word "contract" is "contracts". This form is a traditional way to form the names of the 2nd declination of the male genus. As you know, such words in the plural are formed using the following endings: - or -and. This rule is extremely important to know for the correct pronunciation of this expression.

So, I will present several nouns nouns in male genus in a plural:

  • turn - rotation (s);
  • instructor - instructor (s);
  • contract - contract (s);
  • circle - circle (s).

Causes of confusion

Why it is so difficult to remember how to write: "contracts" or "contract"? The word "treaties" is the only correct form in Russian literary language. It is this particular written and book speech. Its use is considered correct and relevant absolutely in any speech context. However, confusion often arises. What is it connected with?

Russian is rich and diverse. It has thousands of different spelling rules. So, the words of the plural name of the noun on 2nd declination have endings -but and -I:

It should be noted that in Russian there are many processes that violate a certain and existing norm, leading to the formation of new and stable forms. Confirmation of these words may well serve as a productive formation of nouns of the multiple number, which end on -but or -I by type of medium kind. Let us give an example:

  • board - board (a);
  • professor - Professor (A);
  • pearl - pearls (a);
  • treaty - Agreement (a).

In what cases should this or that form should be used?

So how to correctly pronounce the word "contract" in the only and multiple number? To properly use this expression during the third vowel emphasis. Moreover, due to all of the foregoing, it can be noted that in modern Russian, both presented forms of nouns names in the plural can coexist and not be considered a violation however, they are still divided by the stylistic principle.

So, the use of forms of the type of "contract", "scooter", "cruiser" and other norms correspond only to a narrow-professional and oral speech. As for the use of a multiple number of the noun "contract" in the form of "contracts" (the emphasis falls on the third syllable), the rules of orthoepia strongly recommend using this option in journalistic and official-based business styles. This will allow you to avoid incidents during public speeches at official meetings or receptions.

Let's summarize

Now you know when and how to write: "contracts" or "contracts". To remember this rule, consider what the difference between these words is:

Thus, thinking about how to correctly pronounce the word - "contracts" or "contracts", it is necessary to remember what context you do. If you just communicate with friends or colleagues, both forms are appropriate (more often "contract" with an emphasis on ending). If you need to repeatedly repeat this word on a public speech (for example, at any conference) or use when writing a scientific text, an article, it is required to use this word in the multiple number "contracts" (accentuations on the third voice).

Pronunciation standards - a thing is not the simplest. Most often, questions arise in cases of consumption and writing words in the plural. If the noun feminine is more or less understandable, then the words of a male family (second declination) can cause serious difficulties. For example, how to say: contracts or contracts, directors or director, fluel or flaggel?

Confusion with endings (-Y) and -a (s)

In ancient Russian language, only forms with endings existed for a plural number of male genus. M. V. Lomonosov allocated only three exceptions to the rule, prescribing that it was necessary to say "eyes, sides, horns", and in other cases, or in the end of nouns.

However, the form of words, s -a at the end confidently conquered popularity. In modern language, it meets often, especially in colloquial speech (contract, corrector). While the end of the Smy today is often the shade of the "book", the official.

In modern Russian, part of the words in the male race multiple number are used only with the end - and run, the other part is pronounced only in conversational speech, and when the letter is necessarily used, and in the remainder of the cases The form C-and remained incorrect (authors). Because of such confusion, with the endings, questions constantly arise about how to write and say something correctly, or another word.

Words with the end of

Among the words with the endings - (s), whose writing often causes difficulties to meet such words:

board, buffer, boaera, fuel, monitor, bill, director, doctor, huntsman, gutter, millstone, boats, nurse, dome, bell, masters, rooms, stacks, guard, paramedic, farm, shower, stamps, cheeler.

The end of them, but permissible to use -a (contracts)

A lot of cases when the strict literary norm is the end of the native (s), but in conversation it is permissible to use -a (s). A vivid example is the word "contract". It is properly used both in oral and in the written speech "contracts" (emphasis on the third letter O), but in the situation the informal one can say "contracts" - it will not be a big mistake.

Here is a list of such words where the end is needed (-Y), but it is allowed - and (s):

bunkers and bunkers, years and years, inspectors and inspector, feed and feed, proofreaders and corrector, cores and boxes, bodies and body, contracts and contracts, leave and vacation, searchlights and spotlights, editors and editor, sectors and sectors, locks and Fixing, Flygeli and Flygel, Follards and Poplar, Come and shops.

Ending or-and is used depending on the value

It happens that the answer to the question is how to properly use the word, it depends entirely on the meaning of the noun.

  • If boars, then hooks. If chimneys, then borov.
  • About the torso say the buildings, about the buildings - the housing.
  • Political groupings are a laguery, but at the military, tourists - camp.
  • In the book, movies, there are images of heroes in the pictures. But the images write on icons.
  • If we are talking about the skin of animals, you need to say fur. If about bags for the transfer of liquids, then the bellows.
  • Societies of knights or monks called orders. Differences are called orders.
  • When something is happening to overlook, it is skipping. But documents for entering - skipping.
  • While sable animals, they are written with. When turned into skins, they are already a sable.
  • You can listen to the tones in the heart, adjust the tones on the guitar, but tones differ in the pictures.
  • Obstacles are called brakes, and the technique may refuse brakes.
  • School teachers are a teacher, and the founders of some theories, inspirationors - teachers.
  • The cereals on the root are bread. The store sells breads.

It can be concluded that the norms of pronunciation continue to change today. Forms on-and confidently pierce their way and is possible that someday, after 70 - 100 years old, they will become the main.

Errors in our oral speech - frequent phenomenon ... in, calls or calls, contracts or contracts, how to pronounce this or that word and not to be ridiculous in society? According to the strict literary regulations of the Russian language, "contracts" should be said. However, recently, many sources argue that the word "contract" begins increasingly and more often used in business and business spheres. "Contract" is a kind of professional expression, such as "director" instead of "directors".

According to the assumptions of some scholars-these, this word can strengthen in Russian and become an aesthetic norm of speech, both literary and conversational.

Why nevertheless "contracts"?

The word comes from the verb "to negotiate" consisting of a particle "to" and the verb "speak". This is a Praslavyan form, now for more than a dozen centuries not changing. Once again we emphasize that "contracts" is an absolute literary rate, therefore this option is the only correct method of pronunciation.

It is a literary language that is the guarantor of the preservation of Russian culture and the Russian language as a whole. It acts as a certain standard of behavior, which determines the unambiguousness of the words used by different people. If anyone wants to invent new ways of pronunciation and stress words, then people simply stop understanding each other.

Even on the example of the words "contracts" and "contract" you can see this misunderstanding, when a person says this word somehow otherwise than his partner for communication. This partner begins to listen not to the fact that he wants to give him a person, but begins to notice that he says the word "contracts" is incorrect. This leads to mutual misunderstanding of the parties.

The correct pronunciation of words is of great importance for effective communication between people. The correct understanding of the communication partner is based not only on a unified system of speech symbols, but also at the same understanding of these characters. Therefore, there is a single point of reference - a literary standard of the language. People could not build the Babylonian tower, as God confused all languages. By this he erected a communicative barrier, to overcome which people were unable. As a result, they did not finish the tower.

Is the joke, but how many conflicts, including at the world level, occur only because of the misunderstanding of the parties at the language level? A lot is enough, if not all of them. In today's world, people are in dire need of a single symbol system in order to build their relationship not only with their fellow citizens, but also with citizens of other countries. The trend is such that the year after year, English is becoming such a global language system.

Speak correctly! "Contracts", but not "contract".

The rules of the modern Russian language allow staging to "contract" both on the first and third syllable. However, these two options are not equal.

The strict literary norm is "Treaty": on the last syllable: and when the declination of this always remains in the same place: "contract", "contract", "contract" and so on. This variant of pronunciation is absolutely in all situations.

But the emphasis in the word "contract" on the first "o" ("contract") is considered permissible only in the situation of "relaxed oral speech", that is, in everyday domestic communication. In all other cases, emphasis on the first syllable can be considered an error.

Some believe that the admissibility of the accumulation of the "Treaty", the cutting hearing of many, is one of the encouraging illiteracy of innovations of recent years. In fact, this is not the case - the admissibility of such pronunciation in colloquial speech The authors of the dictionaries were noted in the fifties (for example, "Russian literary pronunciation and stress" Avanesov and Ozhegov, 1959 of the publication). Thus, the "permit" to put in the word "contract" an emphasis on the first syllable for more than 50 years, but during this time such a pronunciation was never recognized as full. It is unlikely to happen in the coming decades. So, if you do not want you to be considered an uneducated person - do not hesitate, put an emphasis in the word "contract" on the last syllable, this rule will remain relevant very long and very long.

How to form a multiple number of the word "contract"

The situation with the word "contract" in the multiple number is similar to the situation with the emphasis. In the Russian literary language, the option "contracts" is unconditionally and relevant in any situation. The emphasis, naturally, falls on the third syllable, and in all cases ("contracts", "contracts", "contracts" and so on).

The formation of the form of a plural number with the help of endings or is characteristic of male genus II (for example, "turns", "circles", "engineers"), while the ending -A (s) in the plural more typically for Nouns of the middle kind (for example, "clouds", "lakes", "sat").

However, constant changes are characteristic of the language, and a number of words of male genus "showed a tendency" to form a multiple number inherent for the average (for example, "board", "boats", "professor"). Since the language is peculiar to constant development, now such variants are multiple parallel with literary. They are not considered a mistake, but at the same time are usually stylistically limited and allowed only in conversational or professional speech.

Therefore, the form of "contract" (the emphasis falls on the ending in all cases) is considered an option for the norm, but strictly tied to the fact that linguists call the "speech situation": only in a professional environment and in colloquial speech. In writing speech, it is better to use a strictly regulatory option, excluding except that there is a relaxed communication in messengers and social networks.

And the "contracts" is appropriate in any situation, in all literary styles, including publicist and official-business.