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Boiler AOGV 11.6 Borinskoye repair temperature controller. Borinsky floor gas boilers: a detailed overview of the device. Distinctive characteristics of boilers

Distinctive feature boiler AOGV 11.6 (m) It is that all the connecting dimensions are made exactly like a similar boiler of the Zhukovsky plant. This will allow you to easily replace "Zhukovsky" to the "Borinsky" with technical changes.

Buying gas boiler AOGV-11.6 (m) Made at the Russian factory in the Lipetsk region skillful workers with a sober head and straight hands, you are first of all acquire comfort and warmth for yourself and your family. Boilers of OJSC "Borinskoye" do not flow and do not break t. The plant management takes care of the quality of its products and always stands out all the rules and GOST in production.

AOGV-11.6 (M) - One of the most popular among not expensive and most importantly reliable Russian boilers, for the heating of premises area from 40 to 90.

The boiler AOGV-11.6 (M) has a security system that is triggered during:

  • lack of gas or traction;
  • overheating water;
  • support for a given temperature;

Reliable and convenient automationSIT. With Piezorozhigi will provide you with a long, faithful service.

Attention! Copper AOGV 11.6 one-connecting and is intended only for the heating of your home. If using this boiler you want to have a hot water supply, then you need to use a double-circuit analogue - AKGV 11.6 (m) boiler

Technical parameters of the AOGV-11,6 boiler (m)

Factory manufacturer

JSC Borinskoye Russia

Warranty period

3 years (36 months)


Natural gas

Type of automation


Rated thermal power of automatic burner, kW (kcal / h)

11,6 (10000)

Heated Square, m²

Natural gas pressure in front of the automation unit, Pa (mm. Water. Art.)

- Nominal

1274 (130)

- Minimal

637 (65)

- Maximum

1764 (180)

Complete content of carbon monoxide in dry undiluted combustion products of natural gas,% no more

Efficiency of the device,% not less


Water GOST 2874-82

The parameters of the coolant, not more:

- absolute pressure, MPa

- Maximum temperature, ° C

- carbonate rigidity, mM-eq / kg


Size of gas supply fitting:

- Conditional passage of Du, mm

- carving according to GOST 6357-81

G1 / 2 - B

Safety automation parameters. Time to disable gas supply to the ostar and main burners, sec:

- with the termination of the supply of gas or the absence of a flame on the ignition burner, not more than

- in the absence of thrust in chimney

Pulvement in chimney for the apparatus, Pa (mm. Waters. Art.)

From 2.94 to 29.4
(from 0.3 to 3.0)

Conditional passage of water connecting pipes DU, mm

carving according to GOST 6357-81

G 1 ½ - b

Tank-heat exchanger capacity, l

Maximum temperature of exhaust to chimney products of combustion, ° C at a gas pressure of 180 mm of water. Art.

Mass of the apparatus, kg


- Width, mm

- Depth, mm

- Height, mm

Contents of delivery:

  • Copper AOGV-11.6 (M) assembled by foam in a carton box
  • Technical certificate
  • Certificate of conformity

On the territory of the Russian Federation and other post-Soviet countries are old water heating units. Together with them, such models such as the boiler AOGV 11 6 are the devices for the production of plants of the city of Zhukovsky and Rostov. The device works on natural gas - most cheap modern fuel. The boiler is unpretentious under operating conditions and care.

Fuel for this unit - cheap

Features AOGV

AOGV Abbreviation is simply decrypted - the device is heating gas water heating. The number after letters indicates the power of the model, that is, the AOGV 116 boiler is an assembly of 11.6 kW, respectively.

In the technical characteristics of AOGV 11 6 3, it is indicated that the boiler is designed to heat a residential private house, a garage or a small business room. The model is represented only in the outdoor embodiment, household units have a capacity of 11-29 kW. Fuel, which is used for the device operation, is natural gas.

At the bottom of the boiler is a heat exchanger, there is a gas burner under it. It is she who heats the water. The unit can be re-equipped To use liquefied gas. For the manufacture of the body of the device, high quality steel is used. The heat exchanger is made of tubes, which provides a high efficiency of the device.

In this video you will learn how to light the boiler AOGV 11.5

On the back there are two fittings for input and output. The top works with a straight line, the bottom - with the reverse. The upper part of the housing is attached to the chimney, its diameter must exceed 12 cm. Manufacturers produce two types of boilers - single and two-circuit boilers. The latter are designed not only for heating, but also for water heating.

Distinctive characteristics of boilers

Among buyers are specially popular with boilers model universal and economy. There are significant differences in the technical characteristics of the AOGV 116 of these series. Economy is manufactured using Russian automation, it is possible to control this unit using an electromagnetic valve and a temperature controller knob. The thrust and thermocouple sensor are connected to them - one of the most important elements of the device.

Detail outwardly resembles a thick rod made of copper. It is necessary to control fire on the stall. When the thrust level decreases, the sensor is triggered, the valve at this time must overlap the supply of natural gas.

Boiler AOGV 11.6 series The universal is made on the basis of Italian automation. The unit is distinguished by the presence of an automatic thermostat and piezoroca. The device can be turned on by pressing only one button, while there is no attachment to the networks of electricity.

There is another series of aggregates - comfort, it is equipped with American details. These models are also built into piezorozhig, but it has another design.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among all the characteristics of the AOGV 11.6 boiler allocate its main advantages and disadvantages. Several major advantages are noted:

  • the possibility of using natural and liquefied gas as fuel;
  • energy independence;
  • compatibility with any system material;
  • uninterrupted work with natural and forced circulation.

The unit can be connected to any heating system. It can be made of cast iron, metalplastic, polypropylene or steel. That is why such boilers consider universal. There are also some deficiencies of devices:

  • economy series is made using outdated parts;
  • when breakdown, masters are difficult to find suitable parts;
  • compared to other aggregates, this version has a fairly high price.

Since Economy boilers are produced using elements made by samples of Soviet engineers, they are very difficult to replace them during repair. It is better not to acquire the cheapest options., and stop your choice on the wagon. Although in the case of buying models with imported details, difficulties also arise, since they are not available in the domestic market. We have to order replacing damaged elements directly from the manufacturer. The average cost of boilers is 11-17 thousand rubles, which significantly exceeds the price of the aggregates of other manufacturers.

Boiler AOGV 11.6 (RK) with non-volatiletGV automatics was created at the Borinsk plant of the Gas Equipment of Lipetsk and is an absolute analogue on all connecting and overall sizes of the apparatus of the heating gas water heating (AOGV-11.6-3 ROSTOVGAZOAPAPATA). The gas boiler is equipped with a TGV-307 automation unit, which is made of reliable components that have proven themselves with reliable work. Control is carried out using the installed thermostat in a bundle with an electromagnetic valve. A thermocouple and thrust sensor are mounted in the automation system, which is driven by turning on and disconnecting the device at a given temperature. The design of the boiler provides for the ignition at the beginning of the ignition burner by means of a piezoelectric element, and only after that the main burner is a tag, which is made of the horn type and is more reliable and modern.

Gas heating apparatus AOGV 11.6 (RK) is perfect for replacing your round boiler production of growth, and both connections to the heating system are made of the same diameter DU-40, the nut G1 1/2 "and have an emergency distance of 540 mm. Distance from the installation surface The device to the center of the lower nozzle is 265 mm, which is also sustained as an AOGV-11,6-loving boiler produced. Gas pipe (gas supply fitting) has a Du-15 mm and a thread G 1/2 ", pipe chimneh The supplied to the boiler should have an outer diameter of 112 mm and also invariably joins the apparatus through the cap (tractor stabilizer) supplied with the boiler.
When replacing your gas boiler with a capacity of 11.6 kW on AOGV 11.6 (RK) No need to change project documentation, and the installation will pass quickly and without any difficulties.

One of the most popular for heating a private house can be called the boiler Rostovgazoapparat AOGV 11.6. Given not expensive components, ease of design and excellent reliability, these boilers have proven themselves to operate for many years. Such a boiler is installed for heating residential premises with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 120 square meters. Inside the water heats up using a burner, which is located below the water tank. Gas boilers connect to natural gas. However, if desired, you can replace the nozzles and translate the operation of the device to liquefied gas. The hull of the boiler and the heat exchanger are made of high-quality steel.

Boilers AOGV Rostov have found wide use in the heating of residential premises and when replacing it, if you do not find a suitable analogue on dimensions, accession and alarm, and simply purchase another boiler, in particular foreign production, then when installing can be faced with a number of difficulties.
The cost of such gas heaters is sufficiently high, and for the correct, proper work, it is often necessary to reorganize the existing system of heating of a private house. This is the replacement of pig-iron or steel radiators to new aluminum, and replacing the expansion tank for a new type of boiler with a pre-installed membrane. And since all modern boilers are designed to work in a closed heating system using a coolant and installation of an additional pump for a forced run. What ultimately may pour out substantial costs. It is always convenient and without high costs to replace the heating boilers to domestic analogues and save time and save yourself from unnecessary expenses for reworking heating, and also project documentation.

Construction and main parts of the apparatus of gas heating AOGV-11.6

The connecting dimensions of the nozzles and dimensions of AUG-11,6 kW Borino Analogue of the Round Boiler Rostov

The layout of the main and pilot burner in the circular boiler AOGV 11.6

We specify information on the presence when ordering.