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Features of the speech of men and women. Features of the male and female speech in the languages \u200b\u200bof the world

"It's a secret!"

Features of Men and Women's Speech

"The most important division of the human race into two parts (men - women) until recently did not attract special attention of linguists.
Sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics studied differences in the language and its use associated with differences between different groups of people, not paying attention to the differences in the floor. The groupings of another kind reflecting the differentiation of social, age, professional, local (place of birth and residence), ethnic, etc. and only relatively recently, scientists began to pay special attention to the features of male and female speech". These words began one of the first domestic studies on gender linguistics, belonging to E.A. Zemskoy, M.V. Khorgorodskaya, N.N. Rozanova.<...>
Term gender (GENDER) The floor is called a sociocultural phenomenon, opposed by the biological sex (Sex, Sexus), and the first term is wider than the second, includes it in its composition. The use of the term Gender is designed to emphasize not a natural, but the sociocultural cause of inter-volley differences.
In the science of language, gender studies have occupied a strong place, having received the status of an independent linguistic direction - gender linguistics, or linguistic genderology. The subject of this discipline, which is a new direction of predominantly sociolinguistic studies, is to find out how the floor factor affects the use of the language by men and women, which means there is a language for constructing gender identity than the male and women's communicative behavior (both verbal and non-verbal behavior differ (both verbal and non-verbal ).

In men and women who enjoy the same ethnic language, there will be different language tastes and preferences, various communicative behavior and other differences of this kind. The ideas about the speech of men and women are available in all nations, and "these ideas live not only in the writings and minds of linguists, but peculiar to both the people's consciousness", which finds "confirmation of the presence of proverbs, sayings, sustainable expressions focused on this issue": With a woman you will not consist. Baby will not talk. Babi language, wherever they went, will get. Female word that glue sticks. Baba came from the city, brought Westa three boxes. Baby Language - Cherto Pomel.
All the proverbs negatively evaluate the female speech, which traditionally was always opposed to male (due to social reasons, men's speech was considered and considered as a norm, and female - as a deviation from her.) The polarity of the assessments of the male and female speech is due to the fact that all human consciousness is due to the fact that all human consciousness is due to the fact that all human consciousness, Regardless of its gender, through the ideas and values \u200b\u200bof male ideology with its priorities for male beginnings, the logic, rationality and objectivity of a man. "
People's Speech People's Speech Compared to Male look as follows: Women are very boltles; ones are fade and use rough, sharp expressions than men; Women are more polite; They prefer to use not direct, but indirect requests and orders, more often use euphemisms; Women are predist to excessive in estimates and appeals; They love to ask for and smaller interlocutor; Women often do not finish their speech, etc.
Consider how these and other representations of folk linguistics with scientific data obtained as a result of linguistic analysis are related.
Male voices are always lower, gross female, due to not only the characteristics of the anatomical structure of the voice tract of men and women (men are wider than in women, vocal ligaments are thick and thicker), but also various social roles and cultural installations. Men strive to talk as if they were larger and more significant than it really is. Women, on the contrary, and in speech try to seem miniature. There is not a single woman who would like to speak a lower voice.
Women when they communicate with men, you should know that men, "as a rule, poorly understand the intonational differences in the registration of speech, because men are worse than in women, sounded rumors are developed: the nuances of intonation, her shades of men understand worse than women ". In general, "men relatively little attention pays the form of speech, and more attention to its content; question "What tone did you tell me all this?!" - It is typically female, not male.<...>typically male question - "So in the end you want?"
Features of women's speech are most brightly manifested in the field of vocalism, male - in the sphere of consonantism. For women, the lengthening (stretching) of shock vowel sound ( Not de-e-e-bang more so), and for men, along with a stretching of a vowel, - not characteristic of women elongation of consonants ( I am dd-u, small about your offer). According to the observations of E.A. Gazeta, M.V. Kitaygorodskaya and N.N. Rosanova, "Typically, the female strengthening of an emotional impression is the widespread use of shocking vowel in words expression": Well, oh, very, o-very cute shoes!; Harmony movie!; What a cat-a-r!
In order to express the assessment of a woman, intonational tools are usually used, such as lengthening vowels in the estate syllables, while men are more often resorted to lexical means for the same purposes. excellent, cool, great, just wonderful, nothing to find and etc). Expressing a positive assessment, women often use designs with words so before, while stretching unstressed vowels: He is a pretty one!; The cake was up to-oh delicious!
In general, women say faster men, the total duration of the pause in their speech is less than in the speech of men. Vladimir Kolelesov brings the following data: "... In a conversation, men retain silence 3.21 seconds, and women are only 1.35 seconds."
Men and women talk about different: the theme of female conversations are usually children, a house, family, cooking, people, purchases; Male - politics, technique, work, sports, army. These differences are associated with the nature of the traditional social roles of representatives of the two floors: for women is a mother, wife, household house; Male roles in society are the owner (not only at home, and the whole life, including women), the defender, the minider (the breadwinners of the whole family), the master, specialist, professional (men love to demonstrate their competence and each other, and especially women) .
The consequence of such differences is a different degree of ownership of a vocabulary of a number of thematic groups. Even in domestic situations, men strive for the terminology of the wording, while women use approximate designations, so explaining something to a woman, a man "translates" the terminological vocabulary to the "language" is clear to her: "Do you have a LED on a radio tube? Well, a green light bulb?"
In the male speech, compared to the female, it is detected more strong influence Professional factor, therefore, men even in relaxed communication, including women, are characteristic of the use of professional terminology. For example: [Male]: We put Filönchatu's door here. [WOMAN]: Do you think I know what a Filong door is? Can you say easier? " Most often, it is in the technical sphere of a man draws tools for creating a figurative speech: "Our chief processor overheated" (not quite in order of head).
Linguists are inclined in favor of greater normality of women's speech, explaining that women have a great influence on the upbringing of children, as a result of which they strive to speak more or less correctly. Men more often than women use stylistically reduced words in their speech, including vulgar, parangious, obscene. Even with the manifestation of gentle feelings (communicating with children, pets and conversations about them), men deliberately harde their speech. For example: (referring to the cat): "Come here, infection. On, freast! This is not a cat, but a pig of a feline breed"; (Woman to the same cat): "Eat, Kisianka!" Men often use a negative-evaluative and grated vocabulary to express a positive assessment, praise, admiration, etc. For example: (a man looks a television transmission about ski competitions and talks about the athlete): "Dog, how to scratch!" (quickly goes on skis)
Women love to eat words with diminutive suffixes (Diminutives). Similar words are a characteristic feature of adult conversations with children, especially small, but in women's speech, this feature is most pronounced: "Ice cream lick on the droplet"; "Now I will eat porch"; "Carefully, look under the legs"; "Hold the back straight"
The diminutive words are firmly included in women's speech since childhood (in the process of games in the daughter of mothers, communications with kids, pets, etc.).
Excessive lentils of women to words with dimensional suffixes V.V. Wheels explains the emergence of a number of words in Russian: "A man worked on the typewriter, it was a car. Since the beginning of the 20th century, he was changed by the "Pishbar" - and the car turned the machine. All vintage Russian words like bowl, Misa, Logian, Taz, Plate, Vila (in the "Domostroy" XVIV. They are still such) It was the woman in the Speech Council consistently changed cup, cup, bowl, spoon, basque, plate, plug, turning the diminitious stuffing suffix -k- in the mandatory sign of the word affiliation to the names of the noun (indicate things that exist real) "
The typical stylistic characteristic of the feminine speech is a tendency to hyperbolyn expression, which is manifested in the wide use of words-intensives: incredibly, insanely, terribly (cf. terribly disappointing instead very disappointing), horror (word from the lexicon Ellochka-ogulovka), terrible, horror ( horror), a nightmare, nightmare, nasty, disgusting, the charm, delightfully, etc. Linguists have noticed that "to resort to extreme forms of expression is a characteristic bar of women's speech. For example, it is quite difficult to meet a man who seeing his friend in a new costume, could Exclaim: "You can go crazy!" For women's speech, it is typically, although no woman in the world has been crazy after the appearance of a new girlfriend's outfit. "
Women are most prone to the use of interjections that are a specific grammar agent designed to express emotions, feelings. It has been established that in women's speech most often used interomotion oh, whose typical position is the beginning of the phrase. For example: Oh, how beautiful!; Oh, I completely forgot! Interjection oh Women are often used to express apologies: (by phone): BUT: Svetolechek! It's you? B.: You did not get there. BUT: Oh sorry. Oh In conjunction S. not It serves as a female speech to a means of expressive objection: Oh no, I don't like it at all; Oh no, today I am busy.
In women's speech, it is much more common than in the male introductory structures with the value of uncertainty (it seems probably may be, maybe dr.), Including in the absence of the insecurity ( maybe yes - female expression consent). These language tools usually occupy the position of the proposal. Men, on the contrary, more often use introductory structures with the settional value (of course, of course, etc.). This is due to the fact that men speak much categorically women ( I said!), more dismaying tone formulates its allegations.
For women's speech, called exclamation deals are characterized: "What is love!"; "What a disgrace!"; "- What a merry sitter! - exclaimed in all respects a pleasant lady, looking at the dress just a pleasant lady" (Gogol. Dead Souls)
Women differ from men greater emotionality of speech, as women are more men focused on their inner world, from here and more words, grammatical structures that transmit feelings, emotions. "Men" genetically "are coarsely in the expression and manifestation of feelings," said I. Sternov, "he does not know how to express emotions and does not try to learn this, since unimointness considers as an important component of male behavior. Speak emotionally - this is in the men's perception, "not male".<...> In the dispute, the man tries to translate the conversation from the level of feelings to the level of intelligence, logic - in this area it is easier for him to conduct a dialogue, here he is more able to control the situation, feeling confidently. "
Men express their assessment moderately, they do not like extreme and too emotional assessments and exclamations and do not know how to deliver evaluations, preferring words not bad, nothing, suitable and under. Traditionally, men are associated with a reasonable, rational start, women - with the beginning of irrational, emotional. Standal, for example, in the treatise "On Love" noted that "women prefer the feelings of reason."
It is believed that women say more men. According to the observations of American scientists, men speak no less women, but with one essential feature - they speak a certain topic or on a specific occasion, while women speak just like that for their own pleasure, often thought out loud. "... in the speech communication of women, compared with men, the proportion of actual communicative acts is more significant, that is, those whose main goal is to communicate, contact."
A typical feature of female speech is the inclusion in the conversation of the theme that is generated by the consumption. Even speaking of "high matter", women are sensitive to what is located and happening around them. Men, on the contrary, are distinguished by the "psychological deafness", that is, focusing on the determined topics of the conversation, inability and reluctance to switch to the surrounding environment.
Women are superior to men in verbal skills. Girls acquire language skills faster than boys and, as a rule, begin to speak earlier, gradually mastering the sound of sound in the simplest combinations and so to a meaningful phrase. Compared to the boys, the girls seek great success in such criteria as the beginning of the poverty, the pronouncement of the first word, vocabulary in 1.5 years. The boys are shrinking for a long time, scaring inexperienced parents, but they begin to speak immediately with whole proposals, which neglects the items of pronunciation for a long time. Only about eight years of force are balanced. Thus, half a person is a powerful language of learning.
Compared to men, women understand the word thinner, it is better to distinguish functional styles, more like poetry. Paradox is that women are less likely to write men good poems, preferring to act as readers, most of the poets are men who most often compose poems about love for a woman.
Relying on research G.E. Creidlin "Men and women in non-verbal communication", we call gender communicative stereotypes, characteristic of European, including Russian, culture. Gender stereotype is "the opinion on the characteristics of the floors and the norms of male and female behavior in society or in some public team.
Women have greater communication sensitivity, compared to men.
Due to the fact that women, in contrast to men, are more responsible for their home, for the birth and raising of children, they are characterized by large socialization, the communicative orientation on the speaker and the subject of conversation, compliance with etiquette and tolerance. Speech styles of representatives of different floors differ from each other primarily to the extent to which the partner's reaction to the preceding statement is taken into account. Men are more oriented towards their own previous statement, and women are on the statement of the communicative partner. In case of incomprehension of the subject of the statement of the interlocutor with their own, women are trying to reorient, take into account the interests of another person; Men perceive a similar situation as a deviation from the right course of conversation and continue to build their statements with the previous thematic orientation.
The virtue of the man is considered eloquence, and not only verbal, but also gesture, and the virtue of a woman is silence, which directly communicates with obedience.
In the works of fiction and painting, the authors of which were the advantage of a man, a good-united woman was always depicted silent, which testified to its restraint, modesty, self-restriction and self-education. Silence is an ideal to which a woman, according to a man, should strive.
In the communicative behavior of women of emotions, expression, experiences more than men. Women are more often crying, ripped on a cry, laugh. Men's centuries-old traditions are prescribed not to show weakness, try to avoid sentimentality and not express, especially in humans, such "female" emotions, as caressing, tenderness (spoken phraseologism calf tenderness - "Excessive or inappropriate expression of delicate feelings" - has a negative evaluation, disgraceful and ironic characteristic). Boys since childhood are taught not to cry, keep courage and dignity in any situation. When a man behaves too emotionally, which is considered a feature of female behavior, it causes condemnation from those surrounding as an easily quality.
The predominance of subconscious, intuition in women and logic, the rationality of thinking in men.
The logicality and rationality of thinking are considered invading male qualities, which was reflected in phraseology. Jock, ironic phraseological women's logicit has next value: "On judgments that differ in the lack of logiciness, based not on the arguments of reason, but in feelings."
Communicative behavior of men is essential to self-affirmation, the implementation of social problems, knowledge and reorganization of the outside world; Communicative behavior of women - on the inner world and comfort of communication.
"When changing the situation, a woman demonstrates a conservative strategy - the desire to adapt to adapt to the changed conditions. A man demonstrates an active strategy - he tries to actively influence the environment, circumstances, change them in accordance with its plan, with its ideas and intentions."
Men are peculiar to communicative aggressiveness, and women are communicative tolerance.
In communication men more persistent, self-sufficient, cruel, sometimes rude; Women, on the contrary, more compliant, soft, they are more often than men, tend to see good and in the communicative partners themselves and in their behavior. A man tries to dominate the conversation, manage its development, its intentions to express directly, without using correct and too polite forms. This is due to such a peculiarity of a male character as aggressiveness, under which to understand high competitiveness, energy, enterprise, readiness and ability to defend their interests, striving for power, etc. It is the communicative tolerance of women and the communicative aggressiveness of men can, according to G.E. Creidlin, explain the absence of a pause in women's speech and their presence in male: "Long pauses, being not motivated, are often perceived as aggressive, like a threat to themselves. Perhaps, therefore, in the speech of Russian women, pauses are noticeably shorter, but relatively short silence Usually accompanied by gestures of hands and heads, shifts of poses, special glances. " Since the woman's communications are less aggressive than men, then in the dialogues they take more relaxed postures, their gestures and television activities are also more relaxed, non-aggressive, that is, do not hurt partner in physical or mental sense. As a rule, women control their behavior better than men; Women's behavior is distinguished by greater awareness.
For women, a big degree of empathy with communication partners is characterized than for men.
Women feel better feeling the state of others, that is, there are more empathy (compassion, sympathy) to partners in communication.
V. Humboldt in the work "On the difference between the sexes and its influence on the organic nature", which can be considered one of the first research on gender issues, noted: "Everything is male rolls more independence, all female - more compassionate susceptibility."
Women are less prone than men, substantiate their failures in the absence of knowledge, abilities or other objective reasons, but explain them by bad rice, evil rock, fate.

Thus, men and women, in different ways perceiving the world and themselves in it, differently assessing the same thing, in the literal sense they speak to different languagesWhen expressing your thoughts, feelings, emotions. This caused many communicative failures between the persons of the opposite sex. Literacy in communicating with the opposite sex is the most important component of human communicative literacy, assuming that men should know and take into account the features of female behavior and communication, women - male. The concepts of "Men's Language Person" and "Women's Language Person" can be introduced into the science of language with full right. Although in a number of works devoted to the male and female speech and non-verbal communication, it emphasizes that in communication between men and women there is no sharp impassable border, and there are only certain trends.
As V.Gamboldt also pointed out, "the highest unity assumes always focusing in two opposite sides." The world has integrity precisely because there is an opposition of male and female, which is one of the main evidence of the law of dialectics on unity and the struggle of opposites.

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Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy

Faculty of Russian Language and Literature

Department of Russian Language and Literature

Features of Men and Women's Speech

(About the concept of "gender linguistics")

abstract on the theory of language (Introduction to Linguistics)

Performed 1 course student

Vakhrina Anna Alexandrovna

Professor A.G. Balacai.

novokuznetsk 2013


Before starting the reasoning of the actual peculiarities of the speech of men and women, it is necessary to understand what gender linguistics and to deepen a little in the history of this study.

Until no long standing, linguists attracted attention to only the study of differences in the language associated with differences between groups of people (psycholinguistics, ethnolinvistics, sociolinguistics). But at the same time no one paid attention to the difference in speech on the floor. Only relatively recently, linguists began to pay attention to the features of male and female speech. Some of the first domestic researchers in this area were such scientists like E.A. Zemskaya, M.V. Khorgorodskaya and N.N. Rosanova.

So, the term gender used in humanistic science to designate the floor as social concept and phenomena in contrast to the purely biological understanding of the floor (SEX). Paul Dan from birth, he is not chosen. Gender is a social organization of sexual differences. Gender The cultural characteristic of behavior that corresponds to the floor in this society at this time. Another definition of Gender: Gender "Socio-cultural manifestation of the fact of staying a man or a woman mastered characteristics, expectations and behaviors. Gender is a conscious sex value. " (Chicalova I. 2000: 1)

Gender linguistics - Scientific direction in the interdisciplinary gender studies, with the help of a linguistic conceptual apparatus we study gender.

"In the science of language, gender studies have occupied a solid place, having received the status of an independent linguistic direction - gender linguistics, or linguistic genderwork. The subject of this discipline, which is a new direction of predominantly sociolinguistic studies, is clarifying how the factor of sex affects the use of the language by men and women, which means there is a language for constructing gender identity than the male and female communicative behavior (both verbal and non-verbal behavior are distinguished. ) "(Popova E.A. 2007: 41)

The representation of male and women's speech is all nations. Interestingly, these ideas are not only in linguistic scientists, but also from the common people. This is evidenced by various sayings: Three women - bazaar, and seven - fair; volina Baba in the language, and the devil in Babi Kadyk; Baby fees - goose age; Babi Kadyk do not shut up either a cake nor a mittens; . All these sayings negatively evaluate women's speech. Male speech is considered as a norm, and female - as a deviation from the norm. The difference in speech estimates for men and female are due to the fact that all the human consciousness "regardless of its sex, through the ideas and values \u200b\u200bof the male ideology with its priorities of the male principle, the logic, rationality and objectiness of a woman" (Kirillina A.V. 2005: 13)

Thus, you need to consider the communicative behavior of men and women (verbal and non-verbal).

Features of the communicative behavior of women

gender Linguistics Communicative

As you can see, the speech of women is definitely different from the speech of men. To prove this, first consider how women behave in a particular speech situation.

Communication at work

The need for communicating many women is so great that if during the working day the woman fails to "chat", then this adversely affects their mood, productivity and quality of labor. On some "female" enterprises, breaks for 5-10 minutes for communications were introduced. On others - the desks workers rearranged so that they could talk without being distracted from work. These measures were economically appropriate.


For women, the process of communication is important. The beginning of "Let's talk" is suitable for conversation girlfriends, but not for conversation with a man.

A woman seeks to charm or arrange to himself.

What they say

The weakness of many women is to go about the house, downstairs, and even the peres. Women love to talk about their failures.


A woman thinks out loud that the man is perceived as a chatter. Women express her feelings easily, not embarrassed.

Interrupting the interlocutor

The woman is less common to interrupt the interlocutor, she better sees the interlocutor and understands his feelings.

After interrupting, the woman returns to the time of the conversation, which was then discussed.


The woman listens very carefully. For women's speech, the use of attention signals (for example, "Yeah", "Yeah", "Yes"). They perform an important function in women's speech: activate and stimulate the conversation.


With a conversation, a woman smiles and look into the eyes.

Women stutter very rarely.

From the comparison of the results obtained in assessing the expression and female individuals, it follows that most emotions (fear, disgust, joy, anger, surprise) are more accurately recognized in women.

For example, surprise - 96%, fear - 85% of women.

Woman can fool

A woman can always fool a man. Those who are self-administratively thinking differently may not be seduced: from the fact that the woman does not catch on a lie, it still does not follow that she managed to hold: just she does not want to drive into the corner of a man, fearing gap with him.

Non-verbal signals

The reason for the high sensitivity of the woman to the hidden subtext is in congenital ability to notice and decipher (so-called) non-verbal signals: poses, gestures, television, performed at the time of speech. They are produced subconsciously and give the state of the speaker.


It is customary to say to women compliments, because they are extremely needed in this ("Women love ears"). People (and men and women) are not spoiled by complinary accept favorably and flattery, although women are generally more picky for the quality of the compliment.

Women's experts argue that such a banal statement of a man in a dispute with a woman, as "you - my most expensive treasure," is the most irresistible argument, a peaceful woman.


Women are much more self-critical about their role in society. But they are more prone to the formation of behavior stereotypes and with great difficulty recognize that it can be improved.

Women are critical of their appearance.


Women's speech is more saturated than men. In the feminine speech, a lot of uncertainty, it is simultaneously invisibly present and "yes", and "no", and "maybe." And this requires more time to present.

Uncertainty is created at the expense of conditional ignition, which a woman uses 2 times more than a man. 5 times more by her restrictive expressions (like "if necessary").

Women are 3 times more likely asking questions and say "not so?", "Yes?", "No?", "True?". And apologize is much more often men.


Women attach great importance to the tallery of the conversation, painfully reacting to toughening tone.


Women's speech is usually emotionally a man's speech, it is manifested in greater use of emotionally painted vocabulary, interjections, metaphor, comparisons, epithets. Women consume more words describing feelings, emotions, psycho-physiological states. At the same time, a woman in his speech tries to avoid the elements of the "Panibrate" handling: nicknames, nicknames, humiliating appeals.


Interesting facts were found in the use of a woman and a man of adjectives denoting the names of flowers. Women has a dictionary of color matters wider. It consumes more specific colors names, many of which are foreign borrowing: "Moav", "Pervosh", "Mandent", "Beige".

Parts of Speech

In speech women more complex adjectives, excellent degrees of high-quality adjectives, shortcoming and unions. Women in their speech more often use specific nouns.


One of the most characteristic features Woman's speech is her desire for the use of "prestigious" (that is, oriented on the established society) of the language rules and norms.

Social prestigiousness is connected with the fact that women in attencils use literary forms of words and speech samples. A woman is focused on "open" social prestige, i.e. on generally accepted norms of social and speech behavior.

Lexical features

The female vocabulary feature is the use of words with diminutive suffixes ("pretty", "cute", "Slavnyaya handbag", etc.). The words "excellent" or "hefty" are most likely to meet in the speech of a man, and some words "adorable" or "madly charming" we will probably hear only from women.

Opinions of some researchers about women's speech

According to American researchers D. Geyja and N. Benford, women begin their story not from the main thing, but with small insignificant details, which often causes irritation from the source or interlocutor.

Scientists V. I. Zhelvis and A. P. Martynyuk celebrate such qualities of women as: a lot of politeness in addressing the interlocutor and a large restraint in the use of coarse and grave vocabulary. For example, V. I. Zhelvis expresses the idea that women consider aggressiveness with an undesirable phenomenon and seek to avoid reasons to her occurrence. Therefore, they have less opportunities to show aggressiveness externally.

Features of communicative behavior of men

Communication at work

Men rarely talk at work, as it is difficult for them to engage in serious affairs and talk. Also, men do not like to consult, they are more skeptical to their studies. This is due to the fact that men do not like to seek help, because it means for them to recognize their incompetence and failure.


In the process of communication for a man, the result is important. Men are better communicating when the goal of the conversation is known.

What they say

Men talk more about work, politics and sports. Men love to talk about their successes. They tend to brag about friends, talk about their victories.


A man prefers to reflect silently, expresses only the final result. Men's feelings are more complicated than women.

Interrupting the interlocutor

A man interrupts a woman 2 times more often than that of it.


Male on average listens to a woman carefully for only 10-15 seconds. A man is inclined when discussing any question to give finished advice, not particularly listening to the interlocutor and not asking him additional questions.


Men talking often look aside and do not show any emotions on the face

Who will deceive who?

Only a few men manage to deceive a woman. Mostly a woman immediately feels a lie.

Non-verbal signals

Men are not particularly sensitive to the concert context. They do not try to decipher some gestures, facial expressions. Men are concentrated on the subject of speech.


It is customary to say to women compliments, but men react to compliments to their address no less benevolently, only the external manifestations of them are stingy.


Men rarely criticize themselves. They are more confident in their appearance. Tips in their address man perceives as criticism, doubt in his competence.


Men's speech is more crawling than women's, as a man is more categorical in judgment. Also, men are harder to apologize than women.


Women attach great importance to the tallery of the conversation, painfully reacting to toughening tone. Men perceive a categorical tone if it is appropriate, as a rule, without any negative emotion.


Men have less emotional speech than women. Most often they hide their feelings. Also, any emotional speech a man perceives ironically and skeptical, with some alertness. Men speech is more careless and liberated.


In the speech of men, the names of the main colors of saturated tones are more common - red, black, dark blue, the woman prefers unsaturated - pink, dark red, yellow and blue.

Parts of Speech

Men in their speech more often use abstract nouns. The relative number of nouns per saying in the speech of men is significantly higher.

It was noted that men more enjoy the verbs of the active collateral. Explain this by the fact that a man in society takes a more active position. In the speech of a man of questioning, imperative and negative offers more than in the speech of a woman. It should be emphasized that the woman spends more words than a man on the expression of the thoughts of one content.

Oksana Shcherbataya wrote a poem where she clearly depicted a feature of male speech:

Undormatically vocabulary

Contains "hidden prestige":

If you mad a lot, -

So, "by saying"! ...

If you are blagovospitan

And your speech is like a stream, -

You are not a man - that's for sure!

Rokhlya ... Nizun ... books ...


If we generalize the consideration of male and female speech behavior, it should be noted that any speaking personality is influenced by some factors. Of course, the main factor is the gender personality of the speaker: "Women are more characteristic of fatic speech acts; They are easier switching, "change" roles in the interchange report "(Telia 1991: 32-33). Men switched harder, showing some "psychological deafness" - fond of the topic discussed, do not react to replicas, not related to it. In male speech, terminology is also noted, the desire for the accuracy of nominations, the stronger influence of the factor "profession", is large, compared with the female tendency to use expressive, especially stylisticly reduced funds, deliberately degrading speech. Abnormative vocabulary, according to the authors, are used in same-sex groups and men, women. However, it is not accepted in mixed groups. To the typical features of female speech, the authors include hyperbolamic expressiveness (terribly disappointing) and more frequent use of interjections like "Oh!", "Ah!", "Ah!". Associative fields in the male and female speech are correlated with different fragments of the world painting: Sport, Hunting, Professional, Military Sphere (for men) and Nature, Animals surrounding the ordinary world (for women). Women's speech detects a large concentration of emotionally estimated vocabulary. Male speech detects stylistically reduced, grave vocabulary.

Comparison of the characteristics of the speech of men and women allows the following conclusions:

1) Women more than men emphasize relationships with the opposite sex.

2) Women are generally more interested in other people than men.

3) women are more than men, interests the place of action, the quality of people, items.

4) Women are more interested in the present and future, men - past.

5) Women pay more than male attention to the content that they want to inform the interlocutor.

6) Women in negotiations are more lucky, rather than men.


1. Telia V.N. Human factor in language: Language mechanisms Expressiveness - M.: Science, 1991. Page 32-33.

2. Readings at the rate of the "Basics of Gender Research" I. Chicalova M.: MCGI, 2000

3. Popova E.A. On the peculiarities of the speech of men and women // Russian speech. - 2007, - №3. - from 40 - 49.

4. Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian nation


6. Kirillina A.V. Gender studies in linguistic disciplines // Gender and language. M., 2005. P. 13.

7. Belyaeva Yu. A. Speech and speech behavior of men and women. M.: Publishing House Eksmo-Press, 2000.

8. Skazhenik E.N. Gender aspect of communicative behavior // Business conversation Tutorial. TRTR, 2006.

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The conditional name of the lexical preferences and some other features of the use of the language depending on the floor of the speaker. The sexual differentiation of speech became known from the 17th century, when new native tribes were opened, which had rather significant differences in speech depending on the floor of the speaker. First of all, it concerned women, since their speech behavior was regulated more than men, so the so-called "female languages" was discussed in the scientific description. Most often, the differences are manifested in vocabulary, but may apply to other phenomena, such as in Japanese. Sets of modal-expressive particles, the form of politeness, etc. differ, and so on. In European languages, some differences in the use of the language are also noted, but they are not universal, but manifest as trends. Initially, speech differences were explained by the nature of women and men, i.e. were considered constant factors. In the 60s of the twentieth century, the probabilistic nature of differences was established with the development of sociolinguistics.

During the period of active feminist criticism of the language (70s - the beginning of the 80s. The twentieth century) linguists insisted on the existence of the intensalism, that is, the conscious maintenance of his superiority by men by means of speech behavior - the length of speech segments, the frequency of interruptions, speaking simultaneously with the interlocutor , Control over the subject of communication, etc. It did not take into account the high importance of social structures (schools, churches, army, etc.), making themselves to maintain male superiority and liberating individuals from the need to constantly reproduce it in all situations. Along with the intensalism, at this stage of research, excessive significance attached to the factory. West and Zimmerman argue that the permanent process that permeates all the actions of individuals is arguing that the design of its gender identity is constructed. Further study of communication showed that the situation and contexts in which the floor does not play a significant role, so it is necessary to take into account the "gender neutrality" factor (Hirschauer), since there is no reason to give gender more significance than the factor of age, ethnic and social affiliation, The level of education, profession, etc. Along with the term Doing Gender, the term Undoing Gender is also proposed for analyzing speech behavior for situations where the floor of the communicants is not significant. Modern studies show that the named parameters in most cases interact, therefore, to determine where the effect of one ends and the effect of another is becoming very difficult. During this period, quantitative research methods were also dominated, the most popular of which was the calculation of the duration of speech segments, the frequency of interlocutor interburs and the change of the dialogue. However, in the detachment of the context and the situation of communication, these characteristics cannot be considered indicative and acquire significance only in cooperation with other phenomena, depending on the cultural traditions of this society. The question is today not in how men or women say, but in how, with what speech funds, tactics and strategies, they create certain contexts. Next, it is necessary to investigate the parameters of these contexts and their impact on the success of communication.

In the late 80s - early 90s, the hypothesis of "Gender subcultures" arose, ascending to the work of Gumpec (Gumperz) on the study of intercultural communication, as well as earlier work on ethnology, ethnography, cultural history (Borneman, MEAD). In the works of Malts and Borker (Maltz, Borker) and Tannen (Tannen), the principle of intercultural communication is common for gender relations.

In this case, the focus was the processes of socialization. The socialization of the individual was considered as appropriating a certain subculture, which are characterized by special speech practices, different in the male and female environment. In children's and adolescence, people rotate mainly in same-sex groups, forming a subculture and absorbing speech etiquette them, which, in the view of the supporters of the hypothesis, in adulthood leads to misunderstanding and speech conflicts that are equal to intercultural.

The hypothesis of gender subcultures led to the appearance of the concept of gendercott - a permanent set of signs of male and female speech. However, the work of recent years is more clearly indicated that it is wrong to talk about gender (Samel, Kotthoff). The role of the subcultural factor in this case is greatly exaggerated. Differences in the male and female speech are not so significant, do not show themselves in any speech act and do not indicate that the floor is the defining factor of communication, as it was assumed at the initial stage of the development of feminist linguistics. It was also established that the same person in different communicative situations also discovers various speech behavior that the code switch is called. The study of communication of individuals of one sex, but various social and professional status also found a number of differences. So, the speech behavior of any face at home and at work, in a familiar and new environment differently. At the same time, today science does not deny the existence of some style features that are mostly characteristic of men or predominantly to women within a clearly defined communication situation. At the same time, it is believed that they arise under the influence of sociocultural (for example, the use of curses are condemned more than men's brains) and biological and hormone factors (see the hypothesis of the functional asymmetry of the brain). The output of gender studies beyond the influential European languages \u200b\u200band the development of linguoculturology allowed us to obtain data indicating also the cultural conditionality of male and female speech. The most promising and reasonable direction for the study of male and women's speech is currently considered to study strategies and tactics of speech behavior of men and women in various communication situations with compulsory consideration of the cultural tradition of this society. The point of view is also widespread that women consume more diminutive suffixes and polite forms, more often called communication partner by name and generally use more contact speech steps. Proceedings on the study of men's and women's associations also give reason to assume some differences in the male and women's associative picture of the world (see images of a man and a woman in the language consciousness). The reasons for differences are currently remaining a discussion issue, in the discussion of which bio-and sociodeterministal points of view are faced.

Men "S and Women" S Languages \u200b\u200b(English)


Zemskaya E. A., Khorgorodskaya M. A., Rozanova N. N. Features of the male and female speech // Russian language in its functioning. Edited by E. A. Zemskoy and D. N. Shmelev. M.: Science, 1993. P. 90-136.

Kirillina A. V. Gender: Linguistic aspects. M.: Institute of Sociology RAS, 1999. 189 p.

West K., Zimmerman D. Creating Gender (Doing Gender) // Gender Notebooks. Vol. 1. SPB, 1997. P. 94-124.

Borneman Ernst. Das Patriarchat. Ursprung und Zukunft Unseres GesellschaftsSystems. Frankfurt a. Main, 1991 (Zuerst 1971).


Glück Helmut. Der Mythos Von Den FrauensPrachen. In: Obst (Osnabrücker Beiträge Zur Sprachtheotie). 1979. BEIHEFT 3, S. 60-95.

Gumperz John J. Discours Strategies. Cambridge, 1982.

Hirschauer St. DekonStruktion Und RekonStruktion. Pladöyer Für Die Erforschung Des Bekannten // FEMINISTISCHE STUDIEN. 1993. N 2. S. 55-68.

Kotthoff H. Die Geschlechter in der Gesprächsforschung. Hierarchien, Teorien, IDEOLOGIEN // DER Deutschunterricht, 1996. N 1. S. 9-15.

Maltz D. N., Borker R. A. Mißverst DDNISSE ZWISCHEN Männern und Frauen - Kulturell BetrachTet // Günthner, Kotthoff (HRSG) Von Fremden Sttimmen. Weibliches und Männliches Sprechen Im Kulturvergleich. Frankfurt am Main, 1991. S. 52-74.

Male and Female: A Study of Sexes in a Changing World. New York: Morrow, 1949.


Tannen Debora. DU KANNST MICH EINFACH NICHT VERSTEHEN. Warum Männer Und Frauen Aneinender Vorbeireden. Hamburg, 1991.

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So far, all nations of the world have preserved traces of archaic separation of the language on male and female. Of course, the differences between them exist purely biological, at least because the female voice is above male. However, the linguists are more interesting to those differences that are due (directly or indirectly) social reasons. Despite the fact that living conditions and lifestyle have changed over the last century, the language changes much slower. And these residual phenomena - more significant or barely noticeable - even detects in modern societies. In the article by Professor V. M. Alpath, special attention was paid to Japan, where traditional way was preserved in many areas of life. The article is illustrated by photographs of our editor O. S. Belokoneva, which in 2001-2002 worked at the University of Osaka.

Even quite modern students of Japan adhere to traditions not only in festive clothing, but also in speech: it, as in ancient times, is quite different from how men say.

If a man and woman in Japan have to come up with the public, the way, as in everyday life, the partner is given a certain role.

After the Japanese woman marries, the scope of her interests, as a rule, narrows sharply - it is immersed in home affairs and care, which is reflected on her speech.

These little girls since childhood learn to wear kimono - traditional Japanese outfit.

Already in kindergartens and school institutions, girls are vaccinated certain rules behavior.

In some societies, various features of the construction of speech in women and men were complied with so strictly that even special language variants appeared. Sometimes it came to the fact that men and women generally spoke in different languages, as was observed in some Indian tribes of South America.

In Chukchi language, for example, differences on the floor are reflected in phonetics: men utter some sounds, and women use others in their respective words. But, as a rule, such differences are most brightly manifested in vocabulary: some words are forbidden to pronounce women - most often the names of her husband and his relatives, as well as words, similar to their names. In such cases, women use descriptive expressions or invent new words.

So it was before the beginning of the twentieth century and in a number of Turkic languages: Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Altai. (Such phenomena are observed and now in some Arab dialects of Maghreb, in the language of Zulu in South Africa.) For example, the Kazakhs should have had instead of the name of the husband to say the "Host of Fire" or "Father" plus the name of their son. At the Altaians, if the name of the husband meant "Six", the wife did not have the right to use this numerical and had to say "one more than five."

But it is not necessary to think that significant differences between the male and female speech are only peculiar to the peoples, where the archaic traditions are completely dominated. These differences are also found in modern developed countries that have retained the traditional way of life. It is of particular interest to Japan, on which we will focus more.

Even in the Middle Ages (IX-XII) in the Japanese court environment, there was a "men's" and "female" literature based on different systems Letters and in many ways in different languages. Men wrote scientific and religious treatises and business papers, used the hieroglyphs who came from China, the language of their writings was full of borrowing from Chinese. The court ladies composed the "female" novels and essays, wrote on a purely Japanese language without regard to a high Chinese style, used Japanese Azbuka Haragan (knowledge of the characters of the hieroglyphs was considered indecent). It was the women who was composed then the great works of Japanese literature "Tale about Genji" and "Notes from the head of" (in the "male" literature of the corresponding time, there was nothing so significant). Women demonstrated talent and education, but literary activities did not mean equal to the men. Just artistic prose was considered a frivolous occupation, unworthy of a man.

In modern Japan, men and women write more or less equally, but distinctive features In colloquial speech, continue to be very noticeable. It is impossible to avoid them. As Linguist Linguist Suguimo Maido admitted, she for a long time believed that, being educated and independent, does not say "in female", but, starting to observe himself, was convinced that the archaic features appear in her speech constantly.

For example, at the end of proposals, the Japanese constantly use various kinds of particles expressing the emotions of the speaker. A set of these particles in men and women is different. Different men and women use everyday words, such as personal pronouns. The most standard pronoun 1 of the 1st person for men - boku.; In situations that do not require politeness, they can also call themselves oRE. Women can not use these pronouns. In communicating with close people, Japanese will call themselves atashi.Men will not say that. Standard Female Pronouncement of the 1st Person are used, but less often, only in a conversation with officials. The pronouns of the 2nd person differ.

The presence of male and female options in Japanese is closely related to the speech etiquette. Its feature is a large number of so-called polite (and actually etiquette) words and grammatical forms. And it turns out that many of the most "polite" words and forms are used only by women, and the least "polite" - only by men. For example, many women to increase the overall politeness of their speech almost every noucent attachment attachment about-. Its use it only in strictly defined cases, first of all, with the official appeal to the upstream person. Because in our days, teachers of kindergartens and teachers elementary school Usually women, some boys adopt their habit of using this "polite" prefix everywhere, and then they have to gain.

Here is an example from the novel writer Matsumoto Satyo, where the action takes place in not so long time. The husband leaves for a business trip, and the wife, asking when he returns, uses the verb kaeru.`Return" in the form o-Kaeri-Ni Narimasu. Here, respect to the chapter of the family is expressed twice: as to the interlocutor (suffix -Imas-) and as a subject of action (polite prefix about-and auxiliary verb naru.). The husband answers using the same verb in simple form. kaeru.. In the dialog, this form is used in relation to the lower. Now such turns almost come out of use.

Differences between male and female speech are found even on the letter. Japanese researcher S. Makino asked the subjects to write an essay - retelling a famous tale about Cinderella. It turned out that men considered the most important statement of the fairy tale without emotions and evaluations. Women have definitely expressed sympathy with heroin, but very often retelling the text quite bitchily.

Differences can be manifested in speech behavior. Japanese psychologists K. Yamadzaki and H. Yurysia held such experience in 1984: the group of students broke into randomly selected couples from boys and girls. They were offered to talk about free topics, and the conversation was confirmed secretly from them. It turned out that in each pair, the domination of the tree is a man: he chose the topic, passed from one topic to another, interrupted the interlocutor, while his partner accepted the rules established by him and could not interrupt him. She basically answered questions and complemented the words of the interlocutor. In a Talk show on Japanese television, men usually lead the whole conversation, and women will give themselves and create an emotional background. True, B. lately The behavior of the leading changes. They adopt Western Manner.

In general, according to the Japanese linguist C. Ogino, the differences in male and women's speech increase with age, reaching a maximum in the age group of 50-60 years. Then they decrease slightly. What once again proves that existing speech differences are related to the social status of Japanese men and women. All other things being equal, the man turns out to be dominant.

Features of women's speeches are associated with the limited spheres of life with whom they dealt with. The relationship between the status of a woman and its speech features in different age groups is obvious. There is no special difference in the social roles of boys and girls or even students and students, but when, in accordance with the traditions of the Japanese society, a man begins to rise through the social staircase, and the woman goes into households, their roles are increasingly disagree. Men achieve the peak of their career in 50-60 years, but in old age when they leave work, the roles again come closer. All this is still reflected in the language.

Of course, the domination of men in the Japanese society is even more pronounced much more than in modern Russia or in the West. But times are changing. Many Japanese women in recent years continue to work after marriage; Women appear - managers, heads of companies and even ministers. Accordingly, speech differences begin to smooth and speech differences. Not all spouses are talking to each other as a writer Maumo Sat in the example above. The language itself changes. For example, in Japanese, there are more than a dozen words corresponding to the Russian wife, one of them may indicate only their wife, others - the wife of another person. And these words are closely related to the traditional position. married woman. For example, our wife is often called kanai.that literally means inside the house. But one Japanese in a conversation with me, learning from what country I am, said that his wife was there as a tourist. And he had nothing left how to call her waifu.from English wife.. If a woman travels without a husband, then she does not kanai..

Traditions include in the social hierarchy. The sign of sex in Japan is still strong, including among the women themselves. Very often, for the reason that many language and speech features are complied with automatically and unconsciously, persists simply by tradition, even among independent women. For example, students who are less than other women tend to say "in female", sometimes, using even male pronouns, they continue to use archaic expressions. Japanese experts agree that the stability of many expressions with residual phenomena will remain quite long.

In Russian, English and other languages, the differences between how men say and women say, of course, not so noticeable. For example, in Russian there are no special male or female pronouns and particles, and in the dialogue, the woman often interrupts a man and asks him the topic of conversation. But this does not mean that there are no differences at all, just some words and expressions are more likely to use men, and others are women. Absolutes and only the differences dictated by the system and the norm of the language are absolute. So, a Russian man will say: I came, and woman: I myself came. But it is often quite obvious that only a man or only a woman can be expressed in this way (although it may be, not everyone or not every one), although the language of the language does not require this.

For example, in one article described the case of a strong speech disorder, in which only about two dozens of simple words and sustainable combinations could have a patient. The patient's floor was not indicated, but a dictionary of his speech was brought, in which there was such a class among the preserved units: Oh, girls!Obviously, it could only be a woman. This expression (consisting of two words, but the playing role of whole interjections) is peculiar only by the emotional female speech when contacting inside the women's team. Man if it turns out, then only a joke; In his main dictionary, this expression will never enter. However, not every woman will eat it daily. And there are many such cases in Russian, we just do not notice them often.

These distinguishing features of the construction of male and female speech are manifested at different levels. For example, in a large number of languages, they are very noticeable in intonation, they are naturally in vocabulary, whereas in the pronunciation of sounds or in grammar is usually not so great (the Chukchi example is rare). Language units denoting feelings, desires, internal state of talking, men and women use unequal. Examples with Japanese emotional particles and with Russian expression Oh, girls Believe just to this row. Some linguists consider the tendency to emotional painting with a common feature of women's speech. But in the sphere of language associated with the designation of the phenomena of the outside world, such differences are expressed significantly less. Therefore, in household speech, they are much more noticeable than in scientific or business texts: the author of the author of the scientific report or business letter is usually difficult to determine. But in fiction literature, more connected with the sphere of emotions, this is manifested brighter. Even cases of coincidence of sexual differences with genre, as in medieval Japan, are known. No wonder and now there is a concept of "female novel". Although there are examples when the male authors are printed under the women's pseudonyms, foliating under the female style, and their books are successful at the "weak half" of humanity.

It should be borne in mind that most of the grammar and textbooks of specific languages \u200b\u200btraditionally have "male orientation". For a long time, the peculiarities of the female speech were not engaged and did not notice them. But recently, in Western Science, this topic has become very fashionable, the so-called gender linguistics has actively started to develop. She revealed that the differences between male and female speech existed always and everywhere. But a truly deep study of all processes in this area is still ahead.

The second direction of feminist linguistics, as already noted, is associated with the speech behavior of women and in relation to women. "The orientation of linguistic research on speech and speech activity is undoubtedly the merit of sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and other modern scientific areas, which convincingly showed that the identification of speech activities can also be a decent object of linguistic analysis" / Schweizer 1976, 25 /. As is known, one of the directions of this analysis is the establishment of consecutive correlations between linguistic phenomena and the facts of public life (including hits of Kmmunicints).

For the first time, gender studies on the material of European languages \u200b\u200bwere carried out by Mautner / Mautner 1913 / and Esperesen / Jespersen 1922 /. Mautner explains the differences in the speech behavior of men and women with historical reasons: in the theaters dr. Greece and others. Rome all roles were performed by men, whose speech was considered the benchmark. Esperesen came to the conclusion that women and men make a different contribution to the development of the language: the speech of women is more traditional and conservative, they "usually go through the pretended linguistic way"; Men, by contrast, "often aims to strive to roll on a narrow road or even pave a new path" / Jespersen 1925, 231 /. Research Maunger and Espesen was rather intuitively descriptive than a scientifically based nature, but they are important as the origins of modern gender studies.

The beginning of modern studies of the speech behavior of women is associated with the names of M.R. Ki, R. Lakoff, S. Tremel-Rollz. KI characterizes the language of women as a language of justification (Language of apology), and the language of men as the language of explanation (Language of Explanation) / Key 1975, 147 /. Lakoff believes that "the discusing woman is perceived as an object (sexy or other), but in no case as a serious identity with individual views" / Lakoff 1975, 7 /. In general, in the 90s studies, women's language receives the following characteristics / Samel 1995, 31 /:

* Women's dictionary contains mostly words related to the inherent sector of interest and activities - Kinder, K.ü che, Kleider.

* Women talk on a good, in the curd language, fearing someone to offend and show rudeness.

* Women prefer questioning intonation in narrative and motivating proposals.

* Women's speech style is uncertain, because Women are often resorted to secure issues (is it not true? Yes? So?), Instead of clearly formulate statements.

* Women often use specific markers that limit the action field of the said (you know, it seems to me it seems like).

* Women often use emptic adverbs or intensifiers ( as nicely, really nicely, so nicely).

* Women say regarding men. Their pronunciation and syntax closer to the norm (even hyperschec).

* Women consume excessively polite forms, fewer curses and vulgarism. They do not tell jokes.

The female speech style during this period is considered as a sign of powerlessness, subordinate position, insufficient self-consciousness and rejected as flawed. The cause of all feminist authors see in an unequal social situation, which forces women precisely to such speaking behavior. To overcome the dysfunctional position, the woman is invited to take up men's speech samples.

In the 80s, this point of view begins to be revised. It wins the opinion that the male language is undeservedly elevated to the norm and made Meril to assess the female language. So, Dale Spender believes that the characteristics of the feminine cannot be assessed negatively. Rather, on the contrary - restraint and politeness in the conversation testify to the strength of women / Spender 1980, 8 /. Johnson rejects the assumption that women can win from what will imitate the speech behavior of men. "The language of women and so quite adequate and does not need changes" / Johnson 1983, 135 /. In the hypothesis of "switching codes" / Eakins 1978 / the idea that women can switch from one speech code (female) to another (male), depending on the situation, adapting to social expectations. Negative estimates are appropriate only in cases where the code is not suitable.

The studies of the speech behavior of women are actively conducted within the framework of sociolinguistics, where the floor is one of the socio-demographic signs along with a professional, age, social origin, etc., defining the stratification and situational variability of the language. It was from sociolinguistics that the term was taken gendercot (by analogy with a dialect or socioctuate), which denotes the variability of the language caused by the floor. Gender, in contrast to biological gender (Sexus) or grammatical genus (Genus), describes the social floor. Gender does not specify nature, but is constructed by society, i.e. It is a product of our social actions (Doing Gender). "The gender factor, taking into account the natural half of a person and its social" consequences, "is one of the essential characteristics of the person and throughout the lifetime effectively affects its awareness of its identity, as well as to identify the speaker subject by other members of society" / Kirillin 1997, 18 /.

In general, studies of the 80s showed that the so-called gender or language of women as constant education does not exist. "Our language is up to grammatical structures dominated by men. Women are largely adjusted to this male language using it in accordance with their social role. In principle, women have no own language, which would be complementary with the language of men. Perhaps we can only proceed from the fact that women prefer to a certain language or speech style "/ Klann 1981, 15 /.

In the 90s, the existence of a special female language with constant signs was finally refuted, which at one time described Robin Lakoff / Lakoff 1975 /. "Constant gender differences were not found in the volume of the dictionary, nor in the choice of adjectives and impossible, which does not exclude that inside various social groups, representatives of various floors can use several different vocabulary. Also, in the field of syntactic designs of constant differences, it was not found, for example, in relation to the use of certain samples of question proposals. Female and male languages \u200b\u200bare more likely to burn gender similarity and differences than actually "/ Schoenthal 1992, 99 /. Russian researchers also believe that "features in the code (set of units) between men and women, apparently, does not exist"; We can only talk about the "typical features of the male and female speech, discovering the tendency to use the language of men and women" / Zemskaya ... 1993, 133 /.

Senta Tremel-Rullz nevertheless insists on distinguishing female and male languages, understanding the ideal models / Trömel-Plötz 1996, 386 /. The ideal model of the female tongue Trellz attributes, for example, such general characteristics as the establishment of equality, cooperativeness, generosity, conversion satisfaction, etc., and on a narrower linguistic level, such communications mechanisms as a connection, reflection, disguise, dominant speech acts, etc. The author's thought is that the ideal models of male and female languages \u200b\u200bshould not be connected using them exclusively by men or women: "With regard to the female language in the sense of an ideal model, I do not argue that all women or exclusively use it Women nor the fact that men cannot speak in this language. I only argue that it is more often implemented by women than men ... "/ ibid., 369 /. Following the logic of the author, it can be argued that men can speak in women as women - on male.

Thus, it became clear that the gender factor does not cover completely differences in the speech behavior of men and women. "A speaking individual is woven into a whole network of determining factors that affect each other and must be analyzed in their unity" / Postl 1991, 30 /. "The topic" Paul and Language "requires accounting a variety of factors affecting the speech behavior of men and women" and should be studied "in a wide social context" / Zemskaya 1993, 135 /. Sociolinguistics uses in this case the concepts of stratification and situational variability, which is the speech correlations of which are stratification-situational variables that detect variability simultaneously in two planes - stratification (associated with social characteristics. gender) and situational (associated with the parameters of the communicative act). "Gender may proceed only from the differences and similar features of communicative strategies for men and women in each individual communicative situation" / Günther 1992, 140 /.

Characteristics of speech behavior of men and women.

Summarizing the studies of the speech behavior of men and women in specific communicative situations described in the works of D.Tannen, S.Thelel-Retz, I. Zameel, J. Gray, K.Timm et al. / Tannen 1994, TRömel-Plötz 1996, Samel 1995 , Gray 1993, Thimm 1995 /, you can allocate the following gender characteristics:

1. Communicative intentions, motivation.

· The conversation is negotiations from which the winner should come out by approving their status in the fight against the interlocutors.

· The conversation is negotiations, during which you should have support and approval, achieve agreement.

· Successful conversation should wear a non-personal, factual, argued and focused nature.

· A successful conversation should be a discussion of problems with all the details and details.

· A man establishes asymmetry at the expense of an underscore of the status inequality of the interlocutors.

· The woman sets the symmetry by alignment even in the original status of the interlocutors.

· The purpose of the conversation is to become a center of attention, to put off its achievements and abilities.

· The purpose of the conversation is to establish links, demonstrate community and the same experience.

Man. Female.
· Does not bother himself discussing details. · Discusses each trifle with a partner.
· Perceives sympathy as an expression of superiority. · Perceives sympathy as an expression of a friendly relationship.
· Does not tolerate the slightest hint of instructions or orders, rejects the requirements of others from the principle. · Watching what they require; Itself does not expose direct requirements, but formulates them as suggestions.
· Reacts negatively if the uniqueness of its own experience is questioned. · Reacts negatively in the inverse situation: if its statement is not confirmed by similar experience.
· Does not like to talk about your problems. · Had and often talks about their problems, trusts with friends intimate details.
· Positions: You have problems, and I have solutions. · Seeking the interlocutor not to solve his problems, but sympathy and understanding.
· Reluctantly speaks of thoughts and feelings (especially if he considers them insignificant). · Especially talks about thoughts and feelings, even mumbling.
· Never talk about fears and doubts, thereby creating a distance in relations with the interlocutor. · Speaks about fears and fears, seeking to avoid a distance that inevitably arises when a person keeps everything in himself.
· Soothes the interlocutor, proving that his problems are unnecessary and insignificant. · Soothes the interlocutor, showing an understanding of his problems, asking as much questions as possible.
· Intentionally gives complicated (dusty) explanations, sending a meta message about superior at the same time. · Attempts to be expressed as much as possible, sending a meta message about support.
· Loves to tell jokes in public, because It is believed that the one who brings people to laughter has at least temporary power over them. · Does not like to tell jokes in public.
· Arguments abstractly, believing that personal experience is not convincing evidence. · Attracts as arguments more personal experience than abstract reasoning.
· Collects social and meaningful information and creates a definite impression on its basis. · Accumulates information based on your own experience and comparing it with the experience of others.
· Do not like to receive information from others (especially from women). · Attempts to hide his awareness (especially from men).
· It believes that praising in conversation of his own merit is a necessity; Modesty is a sign of weakness. · It believes that any zazdaism, self-ability in conversation is unacceptable.
· Self-powered especially needed in a conversation with new people and people of a higher rank. · Self-powered is possible only in a narrow circle of friends.
· Takes apologies as something of granted without response steps. · It seems that she apologizes all the time; In fact, it is often not an apology, but the manifestation of sympathy: ES TUT MIR LEID.

3.Stories that are told interlocutors.

Male stories. Women's stories.
· The main acting person in them is the narrator himself. · Talk to equally about yourself and others.
· Of all the situations in the stories, he comes out the winner. · Talks, including the manifestations of their own nonsense.
· In the center - conflicts between people. · In the center - the norms of the hostel, joint actions of people.
· Rarely actors are women. · Existing persons are both women and men.
· The main acting person rarely resorts to help or the advice of others. · The main acting person often resorts to the advice or help of others.
· Life appears as a struggle with nature and other people. · Life appears as a struggle with the danger of being isolated from its community.

4.Conversation style.

Man. Female.

· Cannot parry attacks, perceiving them as personal attacks.

· Especially enters conflicts.

· It believes that conflicts should be avoided whenever possible, does not allow open confrontation, does not try to establish a conflict price.

· It believes that aggressive speech behavior does not exclude friendship; The lack of consent is not a threat to friendly relations.

· Consent is a necessary condition for preserving proximity. For seeming consent, deep disagreements can be hidden.

· Clearly speaks in a wide range of unfamiliar people; Feels comfortable.

· Clearly speaks in a narrow circle of loved ones.

· Individuals speaks and perceives everything literally.

· Giving will feelings, resorts to poetic freedom, uses excellent degrees, exaggeration, metaphors and generalizations.

· Before you start talking, I think about myself everything that was heard to give the most accurate answer. First, formulates your answer inside, then expresses it.

· Thinks out loud by demonstrating its internal "opening process" to the interlocutor. Only in the process of speech detects what exactly she wants to say. The expression of thoughts in the free association provides access to intuition.

· Feeling the challenge, automatically switches to hard tone, without noticing its unceremoniousness and rudeness. · Feeling the challenge, goes to an incredulous and negative tone.
· In mixed discussion groups, men speak more than women. · If they even say the same, everyone has the impression that women say more.
· The first asks a question during the discussion; His questions are more frequent, excellent, contain different kinds of explanations, references, retreat. Often asks incorrect causing questions. · Usually ask pleasant, correct questions.

· Loves to shine a beautiful, non-standard span, to attract attention.

· Attention is directed not on the form, but on the content.

· Often takes on the role of a mentor, turning a conversation into a lecture.

· Trying to hide my competence rather, so as not to offend the interlocutor.

· Actively determines the course of discussion, its beginning and ending, change the topic.

· Characteristically rather reactive behavior.

· Does not give almost no minimum reactions (feedback signals). · Often gives minimal reactions (AHA, MHM).
· Rather, the statement of the interlocutor is questioned, which agrees. · The approval reaction prevails; Reacts more positively and inspired.
· Adheres to competitive (competitive) conversation tactics, which rather serves the goal to take the floor, and not listen to the interlocutor. · Trying to encourage the interlocutor to continue the statement, emphasize the community of positions.
· Regards the minimum recipient signals otherwise than a woman. "Yes" means consent to the interlocutor. · "Yes" means "I listen to you."
· It expects him to listen calmly and carefully. · Waiting for active interest, support.
· Perceives women feedback signals as an expression of its chatty and interference conversation. · Perceives the lack of feedback signals as evidence that it does not listen to it.
· It believes that one must say in the conversation, and the rest are silent to listen. · Prefers a conversation where several participants speak at the same time.
· Women's approving comments consider both interruptions, attempts to control a conversation. · Often speaks in a "recessious" manner, while having pursued the goal to kill the interlocutor.
· Believes that if a person has something to say, he will be able to take the floor. · Waiting when she gives her word, he does not take him.
· Rarely uses question designs and question intignation. · Often uses tail questions (Nicht Wahr?) And other means mitigating the categorical of statements.

5.Non-verbal component of speech behavior.

Man. Female.
· The position of the body is equally both in purely male and in mixed discussion groups: relaxed; The body is spread, legs stretched out. · Body position in purely female groups open and relaxed, feel like "behind the scenes"; In mixed groups, the body position is clamped, composed, feel like "on stage".
· Sit at a sufficient distance from each other. · Sit tightly to each other.
· Do not look straight into the eyes, usually fix your look at any object of the situation. · Fix your view on the face of the interlocutor, rarely and briefly dismisted.
· Body position indicates visible disinterest, even boredom. · Body position indicates interest, attention, participation.
· Unbeliefly demonstrate indifference, even if you listen carefully.

· Unbellected demonstrate participation, even if they do not listen.

Studies also showed that the speech behavior of men and women can be perceived and evaluated in different ways even if they speak in a completely identical style. This led to the emergence of the hypothesis of "gender stereotypes", which proceeds from the fact that the actual differences in speech behavior are essential, and the stereotypical expectations associated with the male and female floors. Both hypothesis (gender and gender stereotypes) were tested during numerous experiments, which, however, gave contradictory results / TIMM 1995, 123 /. Obviously, in real conditions, the male and female speeches relevant to perception may be like our stereotypical expectations and actual differences.

There is no doubt that the role of stereotypes in the public consciousness is strong, and they can hardly be adjusted. So, in Cruz, Vaimer and Wagner conducted research press FRG / Kruse, Weimer, Wagner 1988 / and found that the media often associate women with affective states (love, hatred, anger or depression); A typical for a woman is the role of the victim, passive and dependent position. Men require more often, threatened or prohibited, they initiate and create relationships, assist. It has been established that the dichotomous oppression of the male and female and their hierarchy, where the masterful position occupies masculinity, is characterized by almost all directions of philosophical thought / Ryabov 1997, 29 /. "Anyway, the concepts of" masculinity "and" femininity "themselves received categorical status and were considered as prototypes to describe real men and women" / Kirillin 1998, 23 /.

On the other hand, it is impossible to deny that in the speech behavior of men and women, regardless of the existing stereotypes, there are quite real differences. These differences are partially explained by still existing social inequality of floors. The public status of women in general is lower than men, their opinions, statements are more often ignored, are considered less significant. Gender asymmetry is manifested in discrimination against women in the labor market, in their weak representation in the field of decision-making / Lahov 1997, 14 /. Therefore, for example, women engaged in high posts have to constantly "be in tension", proving their professional competence. It is with this that the more correct and correct speech of women / Johnson 1994 / is binding.

Another explanation of gender differences is the theory of "two cultures" / Maltz, Borker 1991 /, which, really does not cause unambiguous support. According to this theory, there are significant differences in the socialization of boys and girls who grow and form in two completely different worlds. Various approaches to education in the family and teenage games in single-board groups lead to the fact that since childhood, the speech of boys and girls becomes a means to achieve different purposes. The boys are a statement of their own status; Accordingly, they speak their special language - status language (StatussPrache). Girls are the establishment of relationships; Accordingly, they speak another language - BEZIEHUNGSPRACHE. Adherents of the theory of "Two Cultures" believe that over the years this distinction is not erased, but only gets further development. Having learned the various cultures of communication, men and women enter into intercultural communication, but at the same time, as a rule, they evaluate the speech behavior of a partner by the standards of their culture. It is this error that often leads to misunderstanding and conflicts.

Critical statements in the address of this theory are primarily noted by a too greater degree of generalization and underestimation of the entire latitude of the style of women and men / Kotthoff 1996, 11 /. According to H. Cothhoff, when analyzing the speech behavior of women and men should be considered whole line Factors, such as power asymmetry of floors in society, poloinated division of labor, various socialization and related subcultural interactive strategies, distributed media ideal samples of masculinity and femininity, as well as their own communicative preferences of individual / ibid, 9 /. The fact of itself is the fact that the community of speech signs may be the result of a long-term social interaction in various speech groups (for example, peer groups) recognizes domestic sociolinguistics / Schweizer 1977, 72 /.

Summarizing the foregoing, we note:

1. In Western linguistics, active gender studies have been carried out since the beginning of the 70s and are carried out in two main areas: gender asymmetry in the language and its functioning; The speech behavior of women / men and speech behavior towards them. In Russian linguistics, gender studies are in the formation stage.

2. Gender is not a biological, but social characteristics of individuals. The gender system created by the society (Doing Gender) is a semiotic apparatus that organizes the social inequality of floors. Gender relations are produced and supported by cultural symbols, regulatory installations, social institutions of society.

3. Gender asymmetry (sexism) in the language contributes to insufficient or erroneous identification of women, retains and replicates stereotypical representations against sexes and thereby infringes in social, professional, civil, etc. Women's rights. According to representatives of the feminist linguistics of the Federal Republic of Germany, the system of patriarchal languages \u200b\u200bcan and should be reformed, because The language is not a natural, but a socio-historical phenomenon.

4. The existence of stable female and male languages \u200b\u200b(gender) was not confirmed during the studies. Constant differences were not detected in any of the subsystems of the language. We can only talk about feminine and male languages \u200b\u200bas ideal models that accumulate gender similarity and differences. However, these ideal models are not necessarily implemented in the speech practice of concrete men and women: on the so-called "male" language, women can also speak, just like men - on the "female".

5. Talking individuals (men and women) are woven into a whole network of determining factors that should be analyzed in their unity. The speech behavior of men and women discovers variability at the same time in two planes - stratification, reflecting the social structure of society, and situational, reflecting the parameters of the communicative act. This fact does not take into account the adherents of the theory of "two crops", which, when analyzing the speech behavior of individuals, absolutize the factor of differences in socialization, leaving no attention to a number of other factors, such as power asymmetry of floors, pollarized labor separation, replicated media images and installations, etc.

6. With equality of other conditions (social and professional status, a communicative role, etc.), men and women can choose various strategies of speech behavior, which gives reason to talk about gender features of male and female speech. During numerous studies, Western linguists identified differences in the speech behavior of men and women from the point of view of goals, motivation, content, styles of conducting conversation, non-verbal components, etc.

7. Even the same speech behavior of men and women is often perceived by recipients as different. This fact led to the emergence of gender stereotypes hypothesis, which, when evaluating the speech behavior of men and women, the dominant role is not actually distinguished, but established in society stereotypical expectations.

8. The study of gender features of speech behavior seems fruitful from the position of the theory of linguistic personality, since the latter allows you to cover all the characteristics of the individual participating in the generation and perception of meaningful text. Until now, in the framework of gender studies, there remained an emotional component of speech behavior and gender features of the verbalization of emotions. In this regard, it is of particular interest to consideration by the emotional level of Yal in the gender perspective.