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Learn the sea buckthorn is men's or female. Features of growing sea buckthorn and differences of the male and female plant. What can be planted next to sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn - Shopping, downtown plant, with same-sex pesting (female) and stamen (male) flowers.
Flower kidneys are laid in the attenuation phase of intensive growth of annual shoots in
length in mid-July - early August on the growth of last year.
Flower kidneys are formed on shortened converting and elongated growth escapes. Usually one kidney is formed in the top sinus.

Before the emergence of vegetative-generative kidney no other signs cannot be distinguished. Therefore, we will tell you more on the differences Male and female kidneys and sea buckthorn flowers.

When buying seedlings, first of all pay attention to the kidneys.
Pissile (Women's) and Stomaching (Men's) Kidney They differ among themselves: usually the larger is 2-3 times, and they are formed five to eight, sometimes up to ten fleshy scales, different in size, and the pestle only two or three, but large.
The photo shows the first - men's, second - female sea buckthorn tree.

Bookmark of sticky flowers comes before pestle for about a week.
Stitching flowers Appear one by one, their number in the generative escape area reaches four - six or more. The flower has a cupid, two-year-old, rounded-elliptic perianth of greenish-gray, with four free stamens. The sticky thread is 1.5- 2 times shorter of the perianth (1 mm), so the stamens look outwardly look almost sedentary. The boot consists of two connected belt-shaped filaments of white-gray.
Pollen is very small (diameter 18-38 microns). The flowering period of men's wrapping bushes depends on weather conditions, but usually lasts 6-12 days. Flowers on the axis of growing escapes are disclosed primarily, mostly during the air temperature above 6-10 ° C.

Unlike male fabulous individuals in female copies of the leaves of the zone of the emerging escape during the bootonization and flowering period, they grow more intensively, so they are somewhat larger than similar leaves of male plants, which seems to be
adaptation to pollination with wind. The sheet of sheet changes the direction of the air jet movement, and pollen cares on the pestle stil.

Pestish flowers, like the sticky, develop in the sinus liner single, less often - as an umbrella with two-three flowers. They are crap, cupid, flower color yellowish-green. The only pestle consists of a one-bearing launch with a single binary seedness, a short column and one-sidedly elongated stigger (2-3 mm long) yellowish color. The pestle is higher than the octalider, so immediately after flowering, the still rises above the perianth.

Women's and men's flowers do not have nectors, so they do not attend bees and other insects. A rare appearance of bees on sticky flowers is explained by the fact that insects are collected from the flowers to pollen as protein food. Wrinkle and partially Pestley's column surrounds a kind of tubular meaty organ - gipline (a blossom). In the absence of pollination, it does not grow and falls along with an inreted flower.

The difference between male sea buckthorn from female

Many gardeners dream of growing a bush-another sea buckthorn in their plot. Such addiction to this plant is not accidental. Everyone has long known miraculous drug properties and great benefits to the health of a unique combination of vitamins and microelements, which is contained in golden orange berries.

Unfortunately, not all gardeners manage to get the desired vitamin harvest. This happens from ignorance of one feature of the shrub. Sea buckthorn is a downtown plant, which means that on one plant, exclusively men's flowers flourish, and the other is covered in spring in spring only with female. Women's flowers subsequently form berries, but it can only happen if pollen will fall on them with men's colors. Consequently, to obtain a crop nearby, it is necessary to plant a fear of a man and a sewing and "woman". Landing one of the female plants of the desired result, that is, berries, will not give. For pollination of several (usually 6-8), women's bushes are quite enough single male instance.

Differences of male and female plants

How to understand when choosing seedlings, where women, and where is the male individuals, not to stay without harvest? First of all, it should be noted that plants from the third and fifth year of life differ markedly. The difference in less adult bushes is almost imperceptible. When choosing, pay attention to four main points.

  • First of all, you should examine the kidneys. Two types are formed on adult seedlings - vegetative and generative. In female plants, they look equally, but men's copies are characterized by larger generative kidneys. In addition, they are much more visible on the plant not only because of the size, but also due to the fact that no matter how contacting the escape and look like tiny cedar cones.
  • Male plants of the same age as women's, almost always higher, larger and stronger.
  • If you buy seedlings in the fall, then you can define their sexuality in color of foliage. In male plants, its shade is more prone, and women's individuals have traditionally green. But this feature largely depends on the varietal features and therefore is not too reliable.
  • More accurately distinguish the floor of the plant is possible on the shape of a sheet plate. In the female sea buckthorn, the edges of the leaves are raised in such a way that in shape resemble a boat or a pile. Men's leaves are deployed up on both sides of the middle veil, so the transverse cut resembles a bird with painted wings.
  • A few more nuances

    The most faithful way to get a male or female plant is to take one of the root siblings as a landing material, which in abundance are formed by the majority of both male and female plants. The pigs will always be the same gender as the maternal bush. It is possible to reproduce seeds, but in this case there is no guarantee of preserving varietal features.

    Currently, seedlings of female plants appeared on sale with pre-grafted male branches. This option is a very winning, as it guarantees a crop and saves seating areas.


    Sea buckthorn, how to distinguish a male plant from female?

  • The main difference in the kidneys of plants. For men, they are almost three times more than that of female and there are many scales on them (7-9 scales). And on women's women are only 2-4. You can recognize them or early in spring, or late autumn. But basically this distinction is manifested only at the tree which 2-3 years. There are practically no difference in small cuttings.

    Right answered, plants differ, in fact, only by the kidneys. I was helped by a similar picture from the book in gardening:

    I can also offer a comparative photo, but this is right here's the perfect picture - at least, I somehow were more like each other, at a male, although there are a lot of scales, but the kidney themselves are small and some loose, I had to carefully compare .

      I get all female. And I didn't even see any of the acquaintances. The problem is whether with male sea buckthorn trees? I will look for a male plant now. I hope it's not too late to correct the situation for the better.

      If you look at the sea buckthorn kidney, then there are so-called clay flakes on women, and on male more, somewhere 3-7, and they will be greasy. But it is extremely difficult to determine the floor in the early stages of development. The crop will be more abundant if there are 3-4 female around the male plant.

      Probably, no one needs to remind that the sea buckthorn is very useful, this is a whole storehouse of vitamins, contains a unique combination of trace elements. Sea buckthorn is consumed both fresh and in the form of decoctions, oils, bases for various drugs.

      But many gardeners putting a sea buckthorn, very long can not wait for the berries from it, and why? Sea buckthorn is divided into a female tree and male. Men's berry trees do not give, they only pollinate women's trees, and pollarious women give a very good result. How to distinguish men's trees from female?

      Kidneys on a male plant larger and they are triple, on women's smaller and double

      Male plant seedlings More, female less

      Raid on a male plant is more than on female

      Leaves on male sea buckthorn more squinty, on women they are greenish.

      I really hope that my information will help and you will finally determine what your sea buckthorn you have, male or female. Much a lot of berries and health.

      How to distinguish the sea buckthorn from female

      Attractive plant with bright orange berries - edible garden decoration and universal medicine for many diseases. Grow and collect the sea buckthorn harvest for both novice gardeners, and experienced professionals. Having learned how to distinguish the sea buckthorn for men from female, you can not get lost in choosing seedlings and competently plant culture on the site.

      What is male and female sea buckthorn

      A tree with golden fruits is a downtown plant. This means that flowers are blooming with some stamens on male seedlings, while there are pestile flowers on women. Therefore, fruits arise only on female copies. The role of a male copy is important because this plant pollines a female sea buckthorn in windy weather. For six-eight pollinated trees, pollen from one male tree planted within fifty meters from female.

      How to distinguish a sea buckthorn

      When the culture begins to bring harvest, then you can defectly determine what kind of wood is men's, and what a female. But usually the task, how to distinguish the sea buckthorn for men from female, stands in front of gardes before buying and planting a barbed tree. With a careful inspection of seedlings, three ways of difference should be known.

  1. By the type of kidneys. Culture with healing fruits blooms fruit and growth and growth kidneys. The last type of kidneys, of which young shoots and valuable leaves are developing, the same for female and male seedlings. Fruit and generative kidneys in a male plant are large, similar to cedar cones due to the scaly structure, confuse with female kidneys, small and double, difficult. Moreover, the kidney of a female seedling remotely resemble the back of a small beetle with folded wings.
  2. On a sheet plate. If the main part of the seafront sheet is flat, a little outward turned and looks like a seagull in flight, then these are signs of a male plant. For female species, concave leafs, reminiscent of the pile.
  3. Network. When comparing the leaves of different floors, you can notice a different shade of one color. The men's sheet seems to be covered with a grayish rode and seems to be seed, while women's plants are more green. If you get sea buckthorn in the spring, this feature will not be able to use, as the leaves will not dissolve. At the autumn, the density of the deputies to evaluate in aggregate with other ways. It is possible that different varieties of female culture will leave different color.

Purchase in nursery

Buy the desired view of the garden culture will be in the nursery. There, a tree with orange berries is breeding in a vegetative way and follows the seedling floor. In places where specialists are professionally engaged in breeding plants, offer to acquire women's seedlings with an adhesive branch of male sea buckthorn.

Plus, the nursery is that modern varieties of culture are sold there. From hand or on the market you can buy an old grade or dick, which are not fruitless and often sick.

Split yourself

If the medicinal sea buckthorn is propagated by seeds, track signs on the floor will not work. If we breed the root siblings of the tree, then the male root will be the root of male, with women in the same way. If the neighbors in the country have plants of the right floor, you can ask them from their root offspring.

Those who have only sea buckthorn girls grow on the site and are little fruit, the following way is useful.

  • Find a male culture from other gardes.
  • Cut two or three twigs from it and instill in spring in the crown of a female sea buckthorn.
  • If only the trees of boys grow in the garden, then you should look for a female look.
  • Do not worry if the selected and planted male sea buckthorn seedlings are not developed in the next three years. This culture is invisible to the eye enhances the developed root system. Help trees will be able to proper soil and infrequent fertilizers.

    In nature, it was originally no such a kind that would be with female, and with male features at the same time. Therefore, the advertising tricks should not be conducted. As described above, only grafted men's twigs in the female crown give a universal tree. But in this case, the trace of the vaccine and the spring has been distinguished from the vaccination and in the spring.

    To approach the selection of healing seedlings is carefully and leisurely. Guaranteed to guess with the purchase and get a rich golden harvest possible, buying a sea buckthorn in the nursery of plants. Copies with a pig will be useful only when there is a need for male copies. If such a goal is obligatory to check the kidneys at a seedling. Experienced gardeners advise to acquire and plant young trees in spring. And in a few years there will be a good harvest of amazing berries, the tincture of which will strengthen the body.

    The difference between male sea buckthorn from female

    Sea buckthorn is a lot of vitamins and a unique combination of trace elements, a practically complete natural pharmacy, allowing to cure from various diseases. It is consumed fresh, in the form of jams, decoctions, oils, bases for various drugs. This plant is striving to grow lovers and professionals in their sections. But if the last long time has been explained for themselves all the features of this plant, the first is still just learn to distinguish men's sea buckthorn from feminine.


    Male sea buckthorn - sea buckthorn is a downtown plant. And this means that in one case only female flowers will be present, which will subsequently give fruit, in the other - only men's, whose task is to produce the necessary pollen. Men's sea buckthorn does not give fruit, but it is extremely necessary for reproduction of berries. If we plant the whole garden only with female plants, the sense of this, because in this one-bedroom society there will be no pollution and fruits. And I would like it, and it is for this that there is a male plant (a pollinator tree), which is planted at about the ratio of one "man" at 6-8 "women."

    Women's sea buckthorn - It is pollinated by a male tree and fruit brings fruit. Women's sea buckthorn is very similar to male, especially at an early age, it is possible to distinguish it only for 1-2 years before the commemoration of the vegetation.

    We try to determine the floor of the sea buckthorn.

    Methods of distinction

    In the first year of life, kidney is taken for comparison. On female plants, they are small and double, and on male markedly larger and triple places. In addition, at an early age, men's seedlings are noticeably markedly, and women are on average below.

    You can consider the leaf plate of male and female plants. In the first case, we see almost flat and slightly twisted outdoor shape from the central vein. If you look at the transverse section, it resembles a seagull with straightened wings. The female sheet is shoved from the edges, and the transverse cut resembles a trough, a boat or a pile.

    In addition, it is worth paying attention to the density of the plaque. Men's leaf leaves, and female - green.

    Male plant sea buckthorn Women's plant sea buckthorn to content ^

    My flower garden!

    How to distinguish a male plant sea buckthorn from female?


    I have already grew in the plot of searches of sea buckthorn, when I purchased it. This year I expect to collect a good harvest - see photos.

    However, the sea buckthorn I like that I want to multiply this plant and, perhaps, to acquire several seedlings of another variety.

    Therefore, I had a question how to distinguish men's sea buckthorn from female? Is it possible to multiply sea buckthorn? How many male plants need to have on the plot?


    Sea buckthorn - bombing plant. On male copies, the flowers are carrying only stamens, on women there are pestile flowers and fruits are formed. One male plant can pollimate about six female. It is necessary to plant them not far from each other, because pollination of the sea buckthorn occurs with the help of wind.

    It is possible to propagate the sea buckthorn and shifts, but the varietal signs are not preserved. However, sea buckthorn often gives root piglets (root siblings). They can be digging and used for breeding. Naturally, the root siblings from the female sea buckthorn will also be female, and the root siblings from male sea buckthorn will be male. Therefore, the reproduction of sea buckthorn root piglets is preferable to seed.

    Female (left) and men's (right) sea buckthorn - kidney shoots

    When buying a female plant, sea buckthorn can be distinguished from male in several signs, but not always. It all depends on the age of seedlings. Up to 3-5 years, it is actually impossible. The fact is that the difference between male sea buckthorn from feminine is to generate kidney. Generative kidneys are those from which flowers appear.

    Young bushes form only vegetative kidneys (of which leaves and shoots are developing). These kidneys are the same in male and female plants.

    Generative kidneys in female plants look just like vegetative, but the male sea buckthorn is larger, covered with 7-8 scales (resemble cedar cones). They are hurried from the branch, so well noticeable.

    There are still a little leafy seafronts of different floors. So women are stretched from the edges and resembled the pile, and the men's bent from the center and look like a seagull.

    SIZY TILE, which is covered with sea buckthorn leaves, the male plant is expressed stronger than that of female. If you buy seedlings in the spring, then the leaves will not be on them yet. In the fall, you can try to navigate on these features. But different varieties are somewhat varied in size and painting, so these signs are relative.

    Now many nurseries offer seedlings of female planting of sea buckthorn, to which the branch of the male instance is vaccinated. This is a good option that allows not to suffer with the definition of sex and saves a place in the country area.

    Sea buckthorn: landing and care, trimming and harvesting berries

    Early sea buckthorn gives a high harvest of berries, but, in order for this happens, you need to take high-quality seedlings and understand the peculiarities of the care. For landing, medium-sized seedlings obtained by drawing are needed. It is so easier to distinguish their seedlings and threshing plants.

    How to plant sea buckthorn

    Pollination of sea buckthorn. Features

    The sea buckthorn has male and female breeds of plants, it is pollinated by wind, so two sapling costs close to each other. Distances of 5-10 m sufficiently so that the plant is well pollinated and fertile in the fall.

    Proper sea buckthorn landing

    Women's plant sea buckthorn

    Male plant sea buckthorn

    Gardeners advise landing one female plant and two men's, since male has more chances to die, and in general, two plants can pollinate a female sapling much better, the berries will be more, they will be more pleasant to taste. Male plants can be planted next to each other, at a distance of less than 1 m.

    Selection of sea buckthorn

    Sea buckthorn grade Chuisa

    When is it best to plant and transplant sea buckthorn?

    The most favorable time for transplanting the plant is considered early spring than before - the better. It is badly experiencing wintering if the conditions are not the most favorable. For example, a negative impact on the shrub has a period of thawed, a vegetation begins early at sea buckthorn.

    An earlier transplant is needed by plants with an open root system, as well as individuals that may damage or lose the root system or part of it during digging.

    Planting sea buckthorn in spring

    A seedhold landing in the ground is an easier process, but only if the plant existed in a container year or more. In this case, its root system has a stability to the soil, it is hardened not the best conditions and perfectly "will pass the period after disembarking.

    Even if you do not have to plant sea buckthorn in the spring, then try to do it in the summer. Some prefer the autumn period, after harvesting, but in this case the root plant of the plant simply will not have time to grow to the approach of the cold. It can injure him.

    Choose a landing place

    Seashery plant in the garden or in the garden. If planting plants in the garden, then you need to carefully ensure that they are not too close to the landing zone of vegetables. Gardening soil is not quite suitable for this type of shrubs, and the sea buckthorn itself is its roots, branching on many meters around him underground, can cause damage to landings. They run not very deeply, just 20-30 cm deep into, because of what the root system is easy to damage. Sea buckthorn badly tolerates roots injury, she begins to root.

    Seedling sea buckthorn in the garden

    Important: Sit the plant on the place where you will not need to handle and pull the soil around it. Most often, the sea buckthorn is distinguished by the site on the edge of the garden or the garden - at the fence or next to the buildings.

    It is also necessary to monitor even the amount of light receives a plant. Do not put it in a place where the sun does not fall, sea buckthorn needs light, darkened places are not suitable for it.

    Sea buckthorn grows well in the sun

    How to transplant adult sea buckthorn?

    The sea buckthorn landing is simple, because in its structure it almost does not have differences from the rest of the fruit plants. Some gardeners love to use a lot of fertilizers, which does not most best affect the life of the plant in the future. It is not necessary to relocate with organic and mineral fertilizers, there will be a bucket of compost (for transplanting, if you plan a young seedling, then this will be a lot), superphosphate (if the soil in your zone has the ability to scatter, then use double superfosphate).

    Superphosphate double granular

    If you wish, you can use comprehensive fertilizer, although it is not the most useful option.

    Replanting sea buckthorn from one place to another, it is necessary to carefully dig up the main part of its roots. Since they are very long, a few meters in length, then dig a plant, without damaging the roots, it is unlikely to succeed. In order for the new sea buckthorn in the new place, it was better and not started to fade due to the damaged root system, it is worth cutting and part of the above-ground area of \u200b\u200bthe plant. Of course, this will reduce its ability to be fruiting this year, but in the future such a measure will be useful.

    Landing young seedlings

    Sea buckthorn - reproduction with green cuttings

    If the plant is already large and has many branches on the sides, then they can be removed, thus "facilitating" a life with a tree. Leave only the main trunk, it will quickly turn back new branches.

    Ideally plant sea buckthorn at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the border of the site, the rows between the bushes of sea buckthorn should be 2x2 m. The landing pit must be a depth of 30-40 cm and a diameter of 50 cm. The bottom of the pit needs to be put on a broken brick, shell and rubble, the layer should be about 10 cm. On top of this layer, it is necessary to pour fertile soil, and above - fertilizers (do not overdo it with them).

    A young seedling should be no younger than bilateral age. It is worth planted directly, it is best to pre-put in the pit a pole, which will serve as the basis for the proper installation of a seedling. If it is initially incorrect to plant a tree, then later the trunk can very much to be twisted, which will lead to the fact that the tree may be damaged in the future.

    Just planted wood should be abundantly pouring water and compact the land at its base.

    Young plant sea buckthorn, 1 month after landing

    Sea buckthorn: reproduction root offspring

    What fertilize the sea buckthorn?

    After the landing itself, it is not necessary to cherish, fertilizing the soil. At this time, the plant needs peace, and unnecessary actions can disturb it. Make sure that the sun was enough, clean the earth around sea buckthorn from weeds, the rest will make nature.

    If your plant has been for several years, that is, certain fertilizer schemes and sea buckthorn dust.

    Some people are used to winning the soil before planting a sea buckthorn, the doses of lime depend on the type of soil in your garden. But for all plants there are certain norms of the beneficial substances that they should receive regularly.

    Facely the soil according to the scheme

    There is a soil fertilizer scheme in accordance with the objectives of obtaining a certain amount of fruits.

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    Sea buckthorn is a useful berry that pleasantly surprises with its taste and aroma. A tree with such berries can be a real decoration of any garden. Gardeners are very fond of sea buckthorn and know all the thoughts of care for her. What is the difference between male sea buckthorn from feminine and how to properly care for such trees - you will find answers to these and many other questions further.

    What is the difference?

    By nature, its sea buckthorn is considered a downtown plant, which means the fact that there is a female tree, but there is a male. It is not so difficult to distinguish the sea buckthorn of men's female. True, it is possible to determine the floor only when the kidneys appear.Now we will tell you more and more detail.

    "Boy from the girl" can be distinguished by the kidneys and flowers of the tree, these are their main difference. As a rule, a female tree is distinguished by same-sex pesting colors, and male stamen. Recognize sticky kidneys simply, as they are several times larger.

    Pay attention to the scales covering the kidney. The male tree has a minimum of 5-6 and they all differ in magnitude. And the female is only two or three, but very large. Purely visually, if you remember all these features, it is easy to find out what kind of tree in front of you.

    They differ in the leaves. The flatter leaves belong to the boys and they are covered with thick, almost gray raid. Bent leaves are a sign of "girls", they are practically no plaque, they are more green.

    What is fruitful?

    Having learned all the details of the differences, it arises quite a logical question - which of these trees will bring those most useful fruits? As a rule, berries sea buckthorn appear on a female tree. But if there is no male tree nearby, then, respectively, and the fruit does not bring such a plant.

    In windy weather, a male tree will pollve the female, after which orange berries will appear on it. It is worth noting that for 6-7 women's trees will be quite sufficient one male. Remember that it should not be planted too far, the distance should be no more than fifty meters.

    Varietal features

    It would seem that sea buckthorn is just one species. This is the very tree that we used to see in the gardens from childhood. But in fact there are many different varieties. We will tell about the most popular now.

    "Favorite", "Girlfriend", "Amber", "Excellent" - all these are popular sea buckthorn varieties. Their main difference is that these varieties are growing almost without barns, thanks to which it will be much easier to collect a harvest. For example, the "excellent" variety is distinguished not only by the complete absence of spines, but also the fact that berries are easily assembled and absolutely not damaged during the collection. The remaining grades grow with rare spines.

    All berries are obtained by juicy, fragrant, medium size. They are great for both winter blanks in the form of jam and for consumption in the form.

    Among dessert varieties can be noted as follows: "Roots", "Teng" and "Elizabeth". The first of these varieties is distinguished by the fact that it gives an abundant early harvest. The spikes of this variety are short, the berries are small, but very tasty. "Elizabeth" perfectly tolerates the winter and is considered a later variety. The bush of this variety is compact, and the berries are special, pronounced taste. "Tenga" is the sweetest variety among the above, trying which it is impossible to stop.

    All listed varieties are varieties of female trees. As for male, namely, varieties of pollinators, it is worth noting "Gnome" and "Aleu." Both options are perfectly withstanding frosts, give a lot of pollen and occupy a little place in the garden, so that other trees and plants are not blocked.

    Subtleties of care

    We hope that all our tips will help you choose the right seedling, and soon in your garden there will be another yield tree. It is important to note that it is necessary to plant a sea buckthorn in the most sunny and bright corner of the garden, as the tree loves light and warmth.

    Sold together men and female tree we do not recommend. It is best that the male tree is located in the center, and women's around him.This will help him to pollize all seedlings, the kidneys will be in time and fuse correctly, which will lead to the right growth of plants and, accordingly, to a good crop in the future.

    Many amateur gardeners arises the question of whether the vaccine needs this type of trees. Instant, of course, you can. The main thing is to know all the subtleties. Remember that you can only pick up well-growing, strong shoots. It is best to do this week before flowering, the method of improved copulating.

    This tree does not require much care. Therefore, at the beginning of spring, as soon as heat comes, it is necessary to carry out the processing of a tree. Namely, remove the sluggish, dried and sick branches. Already in April, you can start to loosen the earth, and a month later - water.

    It is important to start watering on time, especially if the winter was not snowy, and there was little rain in the spring. If the whole winter lay in the winter, and spring began with abundant rains, then put watering trees at a later time.

    In the summer, in no case do not allow the soil drying.Do not let we also grow up the weeds around the trunk, remove them on time. When the ripening of fruits begin, it is important to make backups for heavy branches. You can begin to start the harvest when the berries will completely mature.

    • Remember that sea buckthorn loves water very much, so it is important to provide her regular watering. During the period of fruiting the tree will need water twice as much.
    • Do not allow water stagnation to not harm the roots.
    • It is recommended to regularly loose soil, but it is worth remembering that the roots of this tree are pretty close.
    • If, during flowering trees, there will be no wind at all, pollination will have to be carried out as follows: cut off a small twig from a male tree and shake out above the crown of female.

    Secure the information obtained in this article will help the video below.

    The sea buckthorn is a fairly common berry culture and is successfully grown in most regions of our country. When choosing a sea buckthorn variety, it is necessary to give preference to zoned varieties, in addition, not only female, but also male plants should be planted on the site, in the ratio of 3-4: 1, which will ensure pollination and fruiting.

    How to distinguish the sea buckthorn from female

    The annual and abundant fruction of the sea buckthorn can be achieved only when in one section together grow both female and male type of plants. When purchasing planting material or independent reproduction with stinginess to distinguish a sea buckthornmale from feminine is easy.

    Regardless of the type and variety, it is necessary to pay attention to the following features of the popular berry culture:

    • the plant has two types of kidneys that are called growth, or vegetative, and fruit and vegetative, or generalative-vegetative;
    • the plant is not distinguished by Rostov kidneys, which in men's and women's plants are practically the same;
    • fruit growth kidneys have significant differences and allow you to easily determine both female and male plant;
    • male kidneys have larger sizes and are characterized by the presence of several pronounced scales.

    Gudders should take into account the fact that the kidney is formed exclusively growth type on young plants, therefore, with one hundred percent reliability, it is possible to determine the floor of the berry culture about three to four years.

    How to plant culture

    Features of agrotechnics of garden sea buckthorn are quite simple. It should be remembered that this light-loving culture grows well on an unnecessary buildings or other tall plants. The landing in most regions must be carried out in the spring according to the following rules:

    • section for growing sea buckthorn should be represented by light, fertile, sufficiently moistened soil;
    • it is impossible to plant berry plants in areas with water stool and high groundwater location;
    • too acidic soils need a mandatory preset lime to hated lime at the rate of 0.5 kg per square meter;
    • work on deep peopling of soil and lime is best carried out in the autumn period;
    • heavy drum soils need to improve air permeability performance, so it is required to make coarse river sand, humid or peat;
    • looking out plants can be kurtna, placing a male plant in the center, and there is a female bushes around it;
    • an ordinary landing is allowed with a standard distance between the plants of about 2.0-2.5 m.

    With autumn peopling, it is advisable to enrich the soil with the main nutritional elements. For this purpose, 0.25 kg of superphosphate and 40-45 g of potassium salt should be added to each square meter. If necessary, potash and phosphate fertilizers are made directly into the landing pit. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers and lime fall asleep into the landing point it is impossible, which is due to the risk of burning the root system. It is necessary to plant a sea buckthorn in pre-prepared landing pits with dimensions of 65x65x65 cm. Best for two year old seedlings, located according to the 2x4 m or 1.5x3.5 m scheme.

    Further care

    Sea buckthorn can be attributed to the category of unpretentious and having sufficiently resistant to adverse external influences of berry crops. Plant requires minimal attention, and the main agrotechnical activities carried out in the conditions of household gardening are as follows:

    • in the early spring period, it is necessary to conduct a sanitary trimming of the crown, removing all dried, frozen or thickening branches;
    • at the end of May, sea buckthorn plantings are sprayed with a carbofos solution, divorced in an amount of 25 g by 10 liters of water;
    • the preventive purpose is recommended to spray plants with 0.2-0.3% chlorophos in the first half of July;
    • if necessary, twice a year, in spring and autumn, a moisture profitable watering is carried out with subsequent soil in the coil circles;
    • for feeding, sea buckthorn can be used as an organic in the form of manure or aviation and mineral complex fertilizers.

    With a proper landing and good sea buckthorn leaving, the berry culture is able to be plentifully fertilized every year until 30-40 years.

    Of course, it is preferable to acquire saplings of berry culture in special crop nurseries, where experts will help determine the gender of the plant. Meanwhile, experienced gardeners are recommended when choosing a planting material to navigate the following features:

    • male plants have a practically flat and slightly twisted leaf plate;
    • a cross-section of a male plant sheet can remind a bird in flight;
    • the leaves of a female plant bent off the edges and resemble a boat;
    • the transverse section of a female plant sheet can remind the pile.

    Differences are visible in the density of the plaque on the leaves. Such a raid on male plants has a more nasive shade, while the leaves of female plants are painted as close as possible to green.

    Sea buckthorn - a tree that took one of the honorary places in the household sections. This happened due to the valuable properties of sea buckthorn berries, its decorative and practical significance. Its berries are used to prepare wines and tinctures, juices and compotes. In the field of medicine, sea buckthorn is used to prepare sea buckthorn oil having an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The same properties have creams, ointments and lotions created on the basis of sea buckthorn.

    At the soil of sea buckthorn, it has a positive effect - it fastens the sands of its upper layers. Therefore, plantings from this plant can often be seen on slopes, ravines. Sea buckthorn plant planted as a decorative plant (as a living hedge). In winter, sea buckthorn berries - food for birds. Leaves of this tree use as raw materials for tacking.

    Sometimes it happens that even with a thorough care, planted shrubs or sea buckthorn trees do not bring harvest - this is due to the lack of one of the individuals - that is, only men, or only women's individuals grow on the plot. The harvest of berries at sea buckthorn will provide only the presence of 2 individuals - and the male and female tree. Such a separation from the tree is available for the reason that the sea buckthorn is a representative of the class of dietary plants.

    Therefore, to obtain a crop, you need to pay attention to the following items:

    1. Flowers - In the male tree, the flowers have greenish-silver, as if with a spraying, flowers, the female individuals of yellow color. In addition, women's sea buckthorn flowers are collected in inflorescences;
    2. The shape of the leaves - female leaves resemble a bowl (pile) in a cross-section, and in general, the sheet has a boat form. The men's individuals leaf is almost flat, or a slightly deployed dust, in the context, has the form of a bird in flight;
    3. When the leaves are finally formed in the amount of late spring - it is necessary to pay attention not only to their shape, but also on the shade. The female plant has bright green leaves, sometimes with a slight nude, at the moment when male leaves have a gray-green shade with a more dense bending;
    4. The shape of the kidneys is the sea buckthorn of 2 - growth and fruit-growth. Growth kidneys in seedlings of different plants almost the same. But in an adult plant, they are quite different from each other - men's kidneys are triple, somehow resemble a bumps (because there are several damaged flakes on the surface), on the shoot, they are going to a few pieces, thereby forming a kind of inflorescences. Female kidneys are double, do not form inflorescences and do not have buried plots, they are noticeably less than male kidneys, there are arid by each other.

    Attention! Sellers claiming that their male seedlings or women's individuals may be misleading - only (!) Rostile kidneys are growing on seedlings, according to which sexual differentiation cannot be performed. Only aged 3-4 years can be accurately asserted - you are a male or female plant sea buckthorn.

    Landing sea buckthorn

    The purchase of seedlings is better to exercise in special nurseries - disembarking and care specialists unmistakably choose the plant you need.

    If the choice is made correctly, and you have seedlings and male and female individuals, you need to put trees correctly. This is necessarily a condition for pollination, which means - for high yields.

    In addition to the fact that the female writing will be pollinated by male, promoting this process will be air flows, wind, insect pollinators. Despite the fact that a male person in a single copy in one site is capable of pollium to 5 female individuals at a distance of 10 meters and more from it, it is recommended to plant plants close to each other. The closer the trees will be planted - the better pollination and yield.

    A place where the sea buckthorn will feel comfortable and good to grow, should be filled with light - it is better to eliminate the neighborhood of sea buckthorn with high trees having a wide crown - they will not pass to the sea buckthorn.

    The soil for disembarking should be neutral acidity - if it is raised, treatment is necessary for a haired lime in a ratio of 0.5 kg per 1 mq. It takes into account its fertility, looseness and nutrition. When disembarking sea buckthorn, it is recommended to avoid areas where the soil waters are located too close to the surface of the soil or the soil of wetlands - in such conditions, a shrub can perish. On the soils of a loamy type, air permeability is difficult - making peat, humidiation, river sand will be saturated with oxygen.

    The male plant sea buckthorn is better located in the center of the plot, surrounding it with female individuals. If this type of disembarkation is impossible, it is possible to plant sea buckthorn by rows, while observing the distance between the bushes 2 - 2.5 meters. Good accessibility is marked in two-year-old seedlings.

    Care for sea buckthorn

    Nutrient elements are better to make autumn - for this superspat and potash salt will fit. They can be made to a pit for planting a sea buckthorn (unlike nitrogen fertilizers that can cause strong burns roots of seedlings).

    Sea buckthorn is unpretentious in the care of the plant, with indicators of resistance to diseases and pests above average. With proper planting of the tree and further care for it - high yields every year 30-40 years old are provided.

    Care rules:

    1. Spring trimming - produced in March in order to remove patients, old and jerked branches;
    2. Weeds growing around the tree, recommended to delete;
    3. In the second half of May, sea buckthorn is better treated from pests - for this, a carbofos solution will suit (25 g per 10 liters of water);
    4. Twice a year, it is better to carry out watering, followed by the soil of soil in the rolling circles. In a hot time, increase the volume of injected water, watering to carry out with sprinkling;
    5. Organic fertilizers are suitable for sea buckthorn - bird lips, manure, and complex mineral supplements.

    For our climatic region, the Orange, Chui, Moscow Beauty, Garden, Amber, are suitable for our climatic region. Different individuals and the right sea buckthorn landing - a guarantee of a good crop.