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Fusion defice writing adjective rule. Complicated adjectives. Examples of complex adjectives

Each of us at least once was made to check how such adjectives are written as "scientific and popular", "zootechnical", "two-storey", "blue-green". It means to make a mistake - it means to allow coarse misses in the knowledge of the native language. At the same time, it is not always clear how the presence or absence of a hyphen is determined.

Adjectives, consisting immediately of two, and sometimes even from three bases are called complex. If you remember simple rules, you will no longer have to use search engines to check the next phrase.

When a hyphens is put between parts of a complex adjective?

Russian language provides for four cases in which the components of the adjective are divided into a feature.

  • If two words underlying, are inhomogeneous in their meaning. For example, "scientific and popular" - parts of the adjective do not complement each other, but describe two different concepts.
  • If the adjective comes from the complex noun, which, in turn, is written through the hyphen. For example, "Northeast" - since the original noun "Northeast" has a hyphen in its composition, then the adjective made from it is also necessary to supply a hyphen.
  • If both parts of the complex adjective describe any quality of the object - "blue-green", "sour-sweet".
  • If the word consists of two equal parts, and the hyphen between them can be replaced by the Union "and". For example, "literary and artistic design" - it can be expressed that the plan "literary and artistic", the essence will remain the same.

In what cases is complex adjective written in a punch?

Remember, in what cases the hyphen does not need to put, is also quite easy.

  • If the first part is numerant. For example, "two-storey" or "three-digit". Also, the hyphen does not put if the first part is adverbing with the end on "O" and "E". The words "minor", "flammable" will be examples.
  • If the adjective comes from a complex noun, also writing without a hyphen - for example, the word "semi-annual", formed from the "half of the year".
  • When the first or second part of the adjective cannot be used by itself. For example, in the word "width" the first part has a descriptive value only in combination with the second part.

In addition, a large part of scientific and lexical terms is picked. Does not put a hyphen in phrases with a subordination link inside the sentence - for example, the "blood vessel", that is, the "vessel carrying blood".

Complicated adjectives are parts of speech created as a result of a combination of two words. They can be converted again to the phrase that make up which will either have grammatical relationships, or simply adjust to each other. In the latter case, words can be connected with each other only in meaning.

Methods of education

In Russian, there are complex adjectives consisting of two elements, which in their original form are words associated with each other with grammatical coordination. For example:

  • russian-speaking population (Russian);
  • generalistically organic method (general history);
  • secondary school (general education);
  • severely ill patient (severe patient);
  • one-sided movement (one side).

Adjective names can be formed from nouns, interrelated with each other in such a type of grammatical value as management. For example:

  • metalworking machine (metal processing);
  • foresting sign (forest protection);
  • house-building company (building building);
  • car rolling enterprise (car rental);
  • small bourgeois thinking (small bourgeoisie).

Complicated adjectives can occur from words that do not have any grammatical interconnection, and the names of geographic objects. For example:

  • an easy-to-man (easy to hurt);
  • a sharp knife (sharply sharpened);
  • nizhny Tagil Plant (Nizhny Tagil);
  • north Ossetian branch (North Ossetia);
  • bolshevyazema Museum (Large Vyazemes).

Fusion Writing Termines

The spelling of complex adjectives may be different. It depends on the method of education and the field of vocabulary to which these words relate. In scientific and technical and medical literature, there are often terms originating from two words. For example: Oxygen-containing, vine-signed, spinal, thermal insulating, chromium-oxide, private, alkaline earth. Among these words are also such that cannot be transformed into phrase. For example: equestrian; herbivorous. The fusion writing of complex adjectives of this category cannot cause doubt because they consist of elements, one of which (and in some cases both) cannot be used separately. It should also be remembered that the adjectives that begin with such elements are always written, as generally, late-, Verkhne-, Old, Lower-, should always be written. Separately, it is also impossible to write words of terminological topics beginning with highly, widely, low, deeply, small, narrowly, multi-, strongly, sharply, cool, densely, and so on. For example:

  • potential sleeping pills;
  • highly developed country;
  • large-scale actions;
  • narrow specialized production;
  • dense-depleted point.

Separate writing Termines

The announcement of complex adjectives is influenced by the presence in the proposal of explanatory words. More precisely, if they were presented, only writing separate words can be correct. For example:

  • densely populated area (densely populated by foreigners region);
  • low learned problems (a little science studied problem).

The spelling should also pay attention to the order of words. Complicated adjectives almost in all cases are preceded by the noun to which they relate. And free phrase, examples of which were considered above, should, as a rule, follow it. For example:

  • quick-drying paint (paint, quickly drying outdoors);
  • agricultural (solution, sharply smelling at high air temperature);
  • easy to suit target (target, easily achievable for a person who has special knowledge);
  • perishable milk (milk, soon sprinkling without prior pasteurization).

It should also be remembered that complex words, like all other, have only one stress. There are two phrases in phrases.

Complicated adjectives are also words, the first component of which is a quarter. For example: quarterfinal, quarter-bar.

Defisc in adjectives and nouns

Defisc and fusion writing complex adjectives - a section of spelling, nonsense of which often leads to the commission of spelling errors. In order to avoid them, you just need to remember a few simple rules.

It is necessary to know that through the defice adjectives are always written if they are formed from nouns with defisal spelling. For example:

  • social Democratic Party (Social Democracy);
  • southeast District (Southeast);
  • karachay-Circassian population (Karachay-Cherkessia);
  • new York Park (New York);
  • prime Ministerial Corps (Prime Minister).

But if such complex adjectives possess the prefix, they are written in a punch. For example:

  • antisocyaldemocratic views;


Always through the hyphens, words created from their own names are written. Then it is necessary to know that in such cases there must be a hyphen between the main elements of the adjective. For example:

  • ilfo-Petrovic characters;
  • mine Ridge;
  • robin-Gudov's exploits;
  • Potap Potapuchev Portfolio;
  • Ivan-Groznovsky time.

Adjectives, including two equal concepts

Writing complex adjectives depends on the semantic load, which each of the components bears. And if in one word contains elements having equal concepts, they are written through a hyphen. For example:

  • cultural and entertainment center;
  • reporting and examination concert;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • agitational and propaganda event;
  • english-German dictionary;
  • worker-peasant movement;
  • russian-Turkish war;
  • art and publicistic genre;
  • distillery;
  • electronically automatic method.

Adjectives formed from parts with inhomogeneous signs

The defisal writing of complex adjectives is applicable in the case when the word consists of elements that can be converted into nouns or other parts of speech that are not homogeneous member of speech. As the first part in such adjectives, such basics as mass, nationally, military, scientific, and educational- are often performed. For example:

  • research Institute;
  • folk applied art;
  • navy;
  • training and Consulting Center.

Adjectives denoting the shade of quality

If the adjective means any property, and an additional element is added to give it some shade, a defisal writing is applied. The same rule applies to the writing of complex adjectives, indicating colors and shades. For example:

  • sweet and sour sauce;
  • courageous-stern look;
  • anxious and obsessive thoughts;
  • good-natured-friendly smile;
  • pale pink lips;
  • bright red dress.

Writing Terms through Defis

Many adjective terminological characters are written through a hyphen. For example:

  • grass and legumes;
  • gastrointestinal collection;
  • magneto-soft materials;
  • stone-concrete foundation;
  • flowing valve.

Complex adjectives are not picked in the event that the first part of them is borrowing from a foreign language with a suffix "-IKO". When writing the words of this type, a hyphen is used. For example:

  • historical and ethnographic;
  • criticalo-journalistic;
  • medical and wellness;
  • political and legal;
  • chemical and technological.

The defisms and the fusion writing complex adjectives are found in the same definitions. Spelling in such cases depends on the context. For example:

  • courageous-harsh appearance (harsh and courageous);
  • courageous harsh appearance (courageous severity).

Adjectives are often consisting of elements that are separately synonymous. And their synonymity is a faithful reason to the defisal writing. For example:

  • naive-children's reasoning;
  • solemnly elevated vocabulary;
  • arrogant-contemptuous attitude.

Personal complicated adjectives are written:

1. Educated from nouns comply of complicated nouns, for example: plumbing(water pipes), agricultural (agriculture, agriculture), novosibirsky (Novosibirsk).

2. Educated from the combination of words, in their meaning of subordinates, one another, for example: railway (Railway), people's economy (National economy), natural scientific (natural Sciences), complexed (complicated by the method of submission), rail rolling (Rolling rails), nationwide (common for the people) marshy scrub (Forming protection for fields), metal cutting (cutting metal); This also includes denoting the unified concept of education (including terminological) from the adjectory and adjective (or communion), for example: low secure, nearby,litish, deeplywater, freshly baked, clairvoyant, potent,warring, evergreen, gladkyocracy.

Note. Complex adjectives, which include adverbs, should not be mixed with the phrases consisting of adverbs and adjective (or communion) and writing separately, for example: diametrically opposite, right opposite, pure Russian, childish naive, poorly hidden, pronounced.

3. As used as terms and formed from two or three bases, regardless of the nature of the latter, for example: brubobushny (block), indo-European (languages), old Waternesenetsky (language), bicarbonate (gas); also - deafonia.

They are written through the hyphen complex names adjectives:

1. Educated from nouns writing through a hyphen, from personal items - combinations of names and surnames, as well as from the names of settlements, which are combinations of names and surnames, names and patientities, for example: diesel Motor, social Democratic, buryat Mongolian, northeastern, alma-Atinsky, orekhovo-Zuevsky,nizhne-Maslovsky, ust-Abakansky, romain-Rollanovsky, walter Scottovsky, lev-Tolstovsky, erofey Pavlovichsky.

Note 1. Written picked adjective moskvoretsky.

Note 2. The names of adjectives formed from the names of their own, writing through a hyphen, and having a prefix missing nouns, are written in a punch, for example: priamdarya, cheatsekulsky.

2. Educated of two or more bases denoting equal concepts, for example: interest-free winning, break-naughty, party-Komsomolsky, garden-garden,meat-milk, anglo-Japanese, russian-German-French (vocabulary), blue-white-red(flag).

3. Formed from two bases and denotes: a) quality with an additional shade, for example: rasky-loud, gorky salty; b) Shades of colors, for example: pale pink, bright blue,dark blond, black and brown, blue blue, golden-yellow, ash-gray, bottle-green, lemon Yellow, razhesta-red.

4. Included in geographic own names and starting with east , west ,north and north , south and south , eg: West-Kazakhstan region, East China Sea, South African Union.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from two or more basics that are not suitable for the listed rules are written through a hyphen, for example: literary and artistic (almanac), political and mass (Work), word-technical (the Department), podzolisto-Bolotnaya, loose-comer-dusty, extension and Lanzetoid.

Note 2. Through the defisis is also written words, the first component of which are self- , itself- , eg: self-friend, self-third, self-Pyat, sAMA-PYA.

Defisc and fusion writing complex adjectives

Russian lesson in grade 6

Objectives lesson:

    The formation of knowledge of spelling complex adjectives,

    Develop analytical thinking, memory of students

    Contribute to upbringing responsible attitudes towards training work.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Checking homework

What are your home questions?

Children under dictation on leaves write phrases with adjectives, where they are written -:

    wooden products

    duck nose

    ordinary cutter

    glass decanter

    leather briefcase

    tin soldier

    sandy shore

    windless day

    peat swamp

    straw roof

Children should write numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10.

3. Preparation for the study of new material

On the change, the teacher distributes printed texts (one by one on the desk) - an excerpt from the work of I.A. Bunin

In the excerpt of the text that is opened for each student, it is proposed to highlight words that help the reel to convey the color and shades of colors.

One child reads out loud:

Above us, in the bottomless depth, cloud fabrics were painted in gentle-crimson color. In a moment, everything changed: the eastern wind became a blue-lilac, the sea above him is dense-violet. And the strips of a near-chain chaise flared up greatly.

The teacher immediately asks the question:

What is this text about? (About nature, about the occurrence of the evening, sunset)

Let's find adjectives that indicate the shades of color and write them into the notebook:

Gently crimson Sina-Lilovy Dense-violet

What is the feature of these adjectives? The peculiarity is that these adjectives are written through a hyphen.

4. Explanation of the new material

The teacher following the child talks clearly to the rule: complex adjectives, denoting colors, additional shades of quality or sign are always written through a hyphen. The attention is focused on the word always.

For example:pale blue, sweet-sour, iscin-black and others.

The teacher proposes to open the textbook (textbook Grade 6 M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya) and will get acquainted with the rule of writing adjectives through a hyphen.

One child reads loud and comments on the rule, inventing its examples.

The hypis is used if a complex adjective is formed from complex nouns that are written through a hyphen:in the textbooksouthwest (southwest) , your example:northeastern (northeast);

The hyphen is used if the complicated adjective is formed by the addition of equal words, between which you can insert the unionand:

Example: gorky and salty (bitter and salty), Russian-English (Russian and English).

Complicit adjectives are picked together, which are formed on the basis of phrases: railway (railway).

Now the teacher proposes to perform the following task:

It is not possible to divide the notebook into two parts (filling the table to the rule has passed, the teacher is drawn in advance or is reroyed on the board):

Task: Fill the table with your examples.

Fusion writing adjectives

Defisy writing of adjectives

In the notebook for writing words, we write down the hard words with a green handle that you need to remember:socially useful and socurated political.

5. Primary fixing

The teacher reads the poem-tip, children listen carefully and write out complex adjectives, then explain, as they wrote in and what rule:

Dark-Rousse Paren Went to the northeast So he is tired by the evening That lemon yellow became But but it managed to understand Where in the words of the hyphen insert. Will you remember our lesson The school will say the teacher: "This guy is a head!"

The guys write out:dark blonde, northeast, lemon yellow.

(Most often, children come across a trick and write out the northeast as an adjective).

Explanation of children:

Dark blond - Complicated adjective indicates the shade of color, so it is written through a hyphen.
Lemon yellow - Complicated adjective indicates the shade of color, so it is written through a hyphen.

What part of speech isnortheast ?

Disguise student:

Nouns, you can form a complicated adjective -northeastern which will be written through a hyphen.

On the board recorded the wordgorky salty , Teacher asks the question: how will we argue when writing a complex adjective?

This is a complex adjective formed from two independent words, between which you can insert the unionand bitter and salty, so this adjective is written through a hyphen.

The textbook is orally along the chain, exercise is performed:

(Rural) economy, (physico) mathematical, (Russian) English, (steel) foundry, (average) century, (tight) fusible, (greenish) gray, (ten) storey, (steam transport) repair, (southe) East, (Izest) red, (three) meter, (gardening) garden, (rail) rolling, (north) western, (forty) kilometer, (ancient) Russian, (factory) factory, (cotton) paper, (two) room, (cast iron) Foundry.

Open the notebook Bogdanova G.A. P.39, UPR.79:

One of the students reads the task: Label the main word in phrases and dependent and form adjectives from them:

Far East - Ancient Rome - (Languages) Eastern Slavs - Black hair - Long Feet (Crane) - Wide shoulders (boys) - (home) from large pales -

The teacher asks selectively.

Guys, complex adjectives, denoting color shades or a combination of colors help "see" a variety, the distinction of the world around us.

In the works of I.A. Bunina - the Great Word Wizard - such adjectives are very often used (we have already been considered partly today).

Write out examples taken from the works of the writer, complex adjectives along with nouns. Insert the missed letters, open brackets:

    (Green) silver light,
    (No) Called Light
    Sunrise ... ton over the earth.

    1. (Transparently) pale, as in the spring,
      Sl ... Zit ... Snow (not) long ago.

      Suddenly zipper all the thickets зазарил
      Mysterious ... ha and (pale) blue.

    There are blocks (g ... LTO) ash stones.

    1. And berries (foggy) blue
      On juniper dry.

      Only the sea in the summer ... th shtil
      All the same bursts ... t Laskovo on reef
      (Azureno) phosphoric dust.

    In the family g ... Strelbz ... M (Sivo) of Iron Color.

    1. Sickle of month, (turbid) red and dumped to side,
      Swayed on the edge of the sky.

    In the glades, in the sunny ... m brilliance, sparkled over the web and motionlessly delight (light) gold maples.

    Weakly barber ... t (blue) lead light of a fading day.

Pupils are fulfilled independently, the teacher in three students checks, puts marks, with the rest they check out loud.

6. The result of the lesson

Let us say again, when complex adjectives are written in a pony, and when separately:

Complicated adjectives are picked together, which are formed on the basis of phrases.

Railway< железная дорога

Through the hyphen, complex adjectives are written:

    indicate colors: yellow blue

    educated from complex nouns, which are written through a hyphen: Southwest< юго-запад

    The word is formed from the combination of independent words: gardening and garden< сад и огород.

There are words you need to remember:

Socially useful Socio-political

7. Homework

Homework teacher writes on the board. Homework at the discretion of the teacher. For example, UPR. 309. In one column you need to write complex adjectives, to another - adjectives that are written through a hyphen. One of the students reads the task. The teacher finds out whether everyone understands how to exercise.

Open lesson Russian language in grade 6

Theme lesson. Defisc and fusion writing complex adjectives.

Type of lesson - study of the new material.

Objectives lesson:

    educational: to know the conditions of the fusion and the dephysic writing of complex adjectives, be able to correctly write complex adjectives and justify the choice of mens or deification writing;

    developing: Improve orphographic area; develop monologic speech;

    educational: to educate the ability to work in a group, respectful attitude to the opinion of classmates.

Equipment: Multimedia installation, presentation, self-esteem sheets, multicolored figures, distribution material.

During the classes.

I.. Organizing time.

Hello guys sit down.

Well, check, guys, everything is in place, all right: handles, books and notebooks? Is everything right? All lies look carefully? Everyone wants to receive, only five ratings.

Therefore, I wish you an interesting and fruitful work in the lesson. And let's start a lesson from the design of notebooks. Write down in your workbooks the number, cool job.

II.. Check your homework.


What big topic are you studying now?

And what do you know about this part of speech we check. A chamomile will help us. Do you have to say, taking off the petal, is it right correct or not?

    The adjective name denotes the subject.

    Varies by childbirth, numbers, cases. This is a permanent sign.

    Adjective a rich experience) is relative adjective mamina (hands) - qualitative, adjective winter day) - Pretty.

    In the suffixes of the adjectives after hissing and c, under stress, it is written in an unstressed position E.

    If the adjective belongs to the words not, not and the like, it is written with not pony. If the adjective can not be replaced by synonym without not, it will be written separately.

    Selective dictation.

What an orthogram associated with the spelling of the adjective today is submitted to verify the exam in the Russian language. (N and NN in the adjectives.) Before you handouts No. 1. Specify the numbers of those phrases in which NN is written in the adjective.

    Wooden .. well, products

    Uti..y nose

    Capacity .. alto the cutter

    Glass .. Thin

    Leather..y portfolio

    Tin..y Soldier

    Song..y shore

    Limo..y juice

    Peat .. either swamp

    Tradiso..y dance

(Children must write numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10.)


Exchange with notebooks and check your classmate. Turn the notebook. We comment on the answers. (One student works.)

    Working with a list of self-esteem (for two tasks).

III. Studying a new material.

    The formulation of the theme, objectives and tasks of the lesson.

Today, at the lesson, we will have to complete acquaintance with the spelling of the names of adjectives.

Read the text.

South - West Wind challenge blue - green Waves gorky - Solenoye seas. On board rybolovetsky Ship standing high sedobornaya Man and watched the distance. On the horizon of loyalty threematch brig. Over him hung white - Pink Clouds. One thing was like a huge hororovyutasha.

What part of speech are allocated?

What distinguishes them from other adjectives?

Why are they complicated?

Tell me, the complex names of adjectives are equally written.

We repel the names of adjectives with the nouns to which they relate by distributing them on the columns: ply on / through a hyphen. We prove that the adjectives are complex. (Two student work.)

Through Defis

Fisherman ship

Southwestern wind

Sedo-breeding man

Blue-green waves

Three Mail Brig

Gorky-Sole Sea

Hororovote Tasha.

White-pink clouds

And we can explain why there are no uniformity? Not.

Therefore, try to formulate the topic of our lesson.

We write the topic of the lesson in the notebook. (Slide)

What is the purpose of the lesson, what do you think? (To know the conditions of the fusion and dephysic writing of complex adjectives, be able to correctly write complex adjectives and justify the choice of fusion or deification spelling.) (Slide)

How will we achieve this goal? What tasks need to do for this? (Get acquainted with theoretical material, perform different exercises to work out and securing the rule.)

So, we solve the first task. To do this, we split into groups. You have a material with the rule on the tables. Examine it. The first group is preparing to talk about the complication of complex adjectives, the second group on the defisal writing of the complex names of adjectives.

    The protective word of each group.

    Independent work in groups.

Let's return to the adjective of the text. You have a crushing material of yellow color on the tables. Consider the group and prepare to explain why some adjectives from the text are written through a hyphen, while others are punk.

    The protective word of each group. (Now it is necessary to change the comment: The first group speaks of a hyphenna spelling, the second - about the merchant.)

Look carefully, what did we do? But it turned out essentially graphic designation of the spell. It remains to correctly comment on the orfig. Let's listen to how it can be done. (Teacher gives an example of reasoning)

IV. Fastening the material studied.


Once - climb, stretch.

Two - burn, raise.

Three - in your hands three cotton,

Head three nodes.

Four - hands wider.

Five - to wave.

Six - in place quietly sit down.

    Selective distribution check.

The group 1 disclaims phrases in which complex adjectives are written in a punch.

The group 2 issues phrases in which adjectives are written through a hyphen.

Pay attention to the numbers in brackets. We write out the phrase in the column along with the number. Graphically designate the spell.

(Bole) Quenching (8), (Paro) Chardged beep (12), (vegetable) Animal world (9), (green) Golden fields (11), (rail) Road station (14), (six) string guitar (16), (North) East wind (13), (sour) Sweet sauce (17), (take-off) landing band (20), (water) Wired crane (20).


If everything is correctly performed, then the amount should turn out the number 70.

(Bole) Quench (8),

(Paro) Confessing Beep (12),

(rail) Road Station (14),

(six) string guitar (16),

(Water) Wired crane (20).

Through a hyphen:

(vegetable) animal world (9),

(green) Golden fields (11),

(North) East Wind (13),

(sweet) Sweet sauce (17),

(takeoff) landing strip (20).

Guys, what does the number 70 say? (This year we will celebrate 70 years, as the Warm ended.)

Why do you need to remember this event?

    Work with a sheet of self-esteem (all work in the group).

    The game "Fourth Advanced".

It is necessary to write down only the phrase, which is superfluous.

    (Paper) Cardboard Combine, (Russian) German Dictionary, (fruit) berry juice, (Truu) Wired Channel. (Educated from the complex noun, which is written punk.)

    (Wide) shoulder man, (five) storey house, (white) birch birch, (red) orange disk. (Indicates the shade of color.)

    (High) quality product, (Poole) NOTE FIRE, (VERTO) FIELD GUL, (LESSO) Park zone.

    (Gray) blue scarf, (light) blue takes, (sweet) Sweet tea, (Osin) black belt. (You can insert Union I.)

    (Bright) red ball, (moisture) protective raincoat, (South) West Wind, (chess) Shahnuzhen tournament. (Formed based on phrase.)

    Work with a leaf of self-esteem.

    Find compliance.

1 (blue) Presidency

BUT Ply, from the noun, which is written in a punk

2 (Labor) loved man

B. Through a hyphen, from the noun, which is written through the hyphen

3 (North) Western Direction

IN Through a hyphen, you can insert the union and

4 (Meat) Dairy Product

G. Through a hyphen, indicates the color shade

5 (footpath

D. Ply, formed based on phrase

We comment on the answers.

Check with the key.

V. The outcome of the lesson.

Let's go back to the purpose of today's lesson.

Know the conditions of the mens and the dephysic writing of complex adjectives, be able to correctly write complex adjectives and justify the choice of fusion or deification spell.

Did each of you reached the goals?

    Test (using signal cards).

through Defis?

A) (good) desirable

B) (north) oriental

C) (two) room

In which case, complex adjective is written ply?

A) (Russian) German

B) (documented) artistic

C) (long) legs

Complete adjective sweet-sweet written through a hyphen because

A) you can insert the union and

C) is formed from the noun, which is written through a hyphen

Complete adjective essentialwritten pony because

A) you can insert the union and

B) formed based on phrase

C) is formed from the noun, which is written picno

In which case, complex adjective is written through Defis?

A) (dark) chestnut

B) (white) trunks

C) (five) summer

    Work with a leaf of self-esteem.


Look at your self-esteem sheet and tell me how you felt at the lesson today. To do this, use multi-colored figures.

Coped independently with all tasks

Coped, but with the help of classmates, teachers

Assistance is required from the teacher

And now the little man on the stairs of success, which speaks of your state of knowledge on the subject of today's lesson.

VI. Homework.

Your homework today has multi-level. You yourself evaluate your capabilities and perform the task either by 3 or 4, or by 5.

Guys, I am glad that we have successfully studied the topic. I wish you success. Thank you for the lesson!

Appendix 1 (homework)

Task 1 (on "3")

Task: Circuit the numbers of words that are written in a punch. Fold all of them. As a result, the number 86 should be.

1. (Many) Summer.
2. (housing) construction.
3. (People's) liberation movement.
4. (Mechanically) Mathematical Faculty.
5. (East) European Plain.
6. (Volga) Don Shipping Company.
7. (Fresh) baked.
8. (Quickly) running.
9. (floor) Noble.
10. (nine) Summer.
11. (ancient) Russian.
12. (Pure) woolen.
13. (Sedo) beard.
14. (bright) red.
15. (North) Ossetian art.

Task 2 (on "4")
Creative dictation

Task: From combinations of words, form the phrase "adjective + noun", and the adjective must be difficult.

1. A car that cleans cotton.
2. Tube that holds steam.
3. Light-sensitive paper.
4. Plant where ships are built.
5. Factory on which silk is hidden.
6. The average for the year.
7. Culture of ancient Russia.
8. Wind from the North-West.
9. Work factories and factories.
10. Dictionary Russian and French.
11. State bourgeois and landowner.
12. Industry, leather and shoe.
13. Literature on agriculture.
14. Section chess and coarse.
15. Plant where wagons are repaired.
16. Depot wagon and locomotive.
17. Face matte and pale.
18. Lemons are yellow and amber.
19. A man with a pale face.
20. Nature of the Far East.
21. Forest from low growth trees.
22. Tackle for fishing.
23. Sails of different colors.
24. Butterfly with yellow wings.
25. Hordes of Tatars and Mongols.
26. The holiday is common to the people.
27. Girl with blue eyes.
28. He is deeply respected.

Task 3 (on "5")
Distribution dictation

Task: Distribute the data below the words in two columns: with defisc and fusion spelling. Explain the writing.

(Medium) monthly salary, (left) careful lowland, (finely) large-scale, (Robin) Gudov adventures, (general) folk, (journal) newspaper, (large) overall, (scientifically) educational, (people's) poetic, (educational ) auxiliary, (moderately) cold, (medical) judicial, (vocabulary) technical, (social) historical laws, (social) dangerous elements, (morally) sustainable person, (scientifically) popular, (hundred) kilometer, (spontaneously) Bunlet , (dark) eye, (dark) hair, (dark) gray, (fruit) berry, (weakly) sour, (vocabulary) grammatical, (vegetable) canning, (military) administrative, (scientifically) research, (medium) Asian , (chess) checkered.

Appendix 2.

Work in the group

"4 too much"


Assessment of teacher

Self-assessment sheet of scientist ____ 6 grade _______________________

Work in the group

"4 too much"


Assessment of teacher

23-24 Excellent ("5") 22-18 Good ("4") 17-10 satisfactory ("3")