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The concept of "anomius" in sociology. Social anomiona

Anomie - this is a philosophical sociological concept expressing society (See), in which the absence or instability of social and moral imperatives and rules governing relations between individuals and society leads to the fact that a significant part of the population is "outside the society", it comes to confrontation with its regulatory prescriptions.

The annomy's problem was delivered by E. Durkheim in the book "On the division of social labor", where, during the analysis of the "abnormal" forms of this division, they were allocated anomios. According to Durkheim, the state of the anomium arises as a result of the separation of labor does not produce solidarity, and thus the totality of the rules, the spontaneously established between social functions, is further unable to regulate the relations of social structures. Anomy's condition can also characterize a separate individual who is in a state of conflict with society. In his work, Durkheim allocated three types of suicides: "egoistic", "altruistic" and "anemics". The latter tend to grow during socio-economic crises and cataclysms, when individuals cannot adapt to a rapidly changing social situation. Durkheim considered Anomy by one of the factors of public health or unhealthy. Anomy, in his opinion, generating systematic deviations from social norms, prepares and accelerates changes in society.

The Durkheim interpretation of the anomium was developed by Merton, who introduced a system of concepts describing the phenomenon of "deviating" (or deviant) behavior. Among the elements of the social and cultural structures, Marton allocates two main elements:

  1. system of goals, intentions and interests determined by this culture;
  2. elements defining governing and controlling acceptable ways to achieve these goals.

Very often regulatory norms and moral imperatives do not coincide with socially standardized ways to achieve these goals, that is, the choice suitable funds And methods are limited to the social and cultural norms adopted in society. According to Merton, the deviant behavior may be regarded as a symptom of inconsistencies between the defined culture of aspirations and socially organized means of their achievement. Merton distinguishes two possible types of inconsistencies between the elements of the sociocultural structure:

  1. situation when choosing alternative ways Achievements are not limited to any means, any means and ways to achieve these goals are allowed;
  2. the situation when activities to achieve goals becomes an end in itself.

In contrast to the concepts explaining the anemic behavior of biological entrepreneurs, Montour believes that the anomios "appears to life" not by some random objectives, namely adopted in society with generally accepted cultural values, which, in turn, is associated with various access to the possibilities of legal , institutionally permissible means of achieving the circumstances of the culture of goals. The high degree of disintegration between the means and objectives and the cash-class structure (leaving the individual in an indefinite, "declassy" state, without a sense of solidarity with a specific group), taken together, contribute to more frequent manifestations of the anomy. Thus, anomioma, according to Merton, is the result of the separation of these elements of the social and cultural structure.

Anomy theory is a fairly well-known concept in psychology, sociology and other sciences about man and society. The concept of Annomia introduced E. Durkheim, after him began to be studied by T. Parsons and R. Moton. They understood this phenomenon various deviations in the behavior of a person who lead to the fact that he ends up can become a criminal. In this regard, the Annomia also studies criminalistics.


Most scientists were asked and still wondering: where does Anomia come from, what factors of the formation of personality affect the fact that a person becomes "wrong" and violates the generally accepted norms. Responding to these questions, Durkheim, for example, believed that the concept of anomy is a certain state of society, in which there is no necessary moral and moral regulation of human behavior.

Rather, she was, but he lost their relevance, and the new standards had not yet taken root. It turns out that such a society can be called in some kind of anarchic. People lose faith in each other, and sometimes they are experiencing permanent nervous tension, subject to stress, and eventually acquire deviating behavior. A vivid example of such a phenomenon as social anomion is the post-prey-time time in Russia - the 90s.

The causes of the anomami social majority of scientists consider large number Public standards that contradict each other, so people - especially this applies to the younger generation - there is a kind of "nonsense": they do not understand how to behave correctly, and what behavior will be deviating.

Robert Merton, studying the anomy, said that the anomios often arises not when a person had greater freedom of choice, and then, when he could not follow certain standards. An example of such behavior, he believed that all Americans are striving for wealth, but not everyone has the opportunity to achieve their goal by law. Those who do not work, begin to do it illegally.

But it is impossible to exclude the fact that the state of the anomium is sometimes useful for society. In particular, this phenomenon can act as an engine of progress, and the boundaries between normal and abnormal behavior are very mobile, and both in time and in space. Remember, if in the last century our grandmothers could hardly imagine a woman in trousers, today it is quite a common phenomenon.

Decomposition, decay and crime

It has already been noted that mostly anomy studies sociology, in sociology Durkheim, for example, identified this concept with the state of a decaying and degrading society, where there are no norms before the guarantors of public order. Most often, anomios manifests itself as:

  • Instability of social norms.
  • The impossibility of morality to influence society.
  • The lack of regulators of people behavior in turning periods.

Next, this concept of the anomium was somewhat modified by R. Merton. He, like his predecessor, argued that anomios is a completely natural phenomenon that has the cause of its destruction of ethical norms.

If the previous rules of the morality are outdated or simply ceased to be perceived by some part of society, and they did not come to replace new principles, the substitution of values \u200b\u200boccurs, and people often begin to behave unlawfully. Moreover, the phenomenon of anomy and deviant behavior can be observed in all layers of society, but still, first of all, it is inherent in the young generation.

It turns out that losing generally accepted norms, a person chooses his own behavior style and often becomes a criminal. Moreover, the sociological approach to the phenomenon of crime is very interesting.

For example, Durkheim considered it a completely normal phenomenon that does not give society to stop in its development. And this phenomenon is almost impossible to eradicate - even if society will get rid of maniacs, robbers, killers, etc., soon criminal acts will appear again, but will be somewhat different, those that were not previously.

If the criminals are not, then in society there will be no incorrect role-playing model of behavior, which is necessarily needed in order for normal members of society. And at the same time, Durkheim noted that the intensity of asocial behavior is growing independently of the political state of society or the level of development of its economy, if two main conditions are observed:

  • In Socyum, there is an introduced ideal for all of some common good.
  • Most of society does not have legitimate ways to achieve ideal.

Social vacuum

Many sociologists argue that anomioma is a kind of vacuum that arises on the site of the destroyed values, not yet appeared new. Moreover, every social pathology can be viewed as a social phenomenon, anomy.

Merton, for example, argued that suicidal behavior depends more from external reasons, and in less - from internal features man or his mental state. This is clearly traced on the example of today's situation in Russia, when adolescents led by someone on the Internet play in dangerous games, being on the verge of suicide.

At the same time, as the number of human abnormal social phenomena develops, it does not decrease away, and crime is constantly growing regardless of the level of development of society, only ways of abnormal actions and the reaction on them from others are changing. These ideas began to develop in the later works of other sociologists - for example, L. Klozer, who argued that the reasons for deviant behavior are socio-class differences, for example, between revolutionaries and conservatives.

By the way, Merton managed to introduce the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea that people can adapt to the emerging contradictions, and different methods. Most often it happens:

  • Conformism is an absolute adoption of objectives approved by society.
  • Innovation is when the goals are accepted, but the ways of their achievement are rejecting.
  • Retrism is an avoidance of social norms that manifests itself in passive form. Most. bright example This behavior is addiction.
  • Ritualism is a phenomenon in which people reproduce only the usual ways to achieve goals.
  • The insurgency is an active rejection of social norms.

Social control

Studying the theory of social annomy, it is impossible not to note such a phenomenon as public control. After all, it is intended to influence a separate person and society as a whole in order to regulate public law and order.

Social control can be divided into two types - internal and external. The external is a specific set of mechanisms that guarantee compliance with the society of behavior. It can be formal or informal. An example of formal social control is laws and other legal acts, and informal - public values \u200b\u200band moral norms.

Internal control in sociology is customary called self-control. It works as follows: a person himself controls his behavior based on generally accepted standards. In the process of growing, each individual learns the public rules so well that they are literally absorbed into the cutting of his brain.

If it happens that a person has forced to break through a certain line, then he later begins to experience the torment of conscience. Note that social control, according to scientists, is 70% composed of self-control. It turns out that it is the identity of each individual who determines the behavior in society as a whole. The higher the level of self-consciousness of citizens, the less in society there is manifestations of deviant behavior. Posted by: Elena Ragozina

Anomie - This is a state of public or individual moral and mental consciousness, which is characterized by corrupting moral norms, the collapse of the moral and value system. The concept of anomios is proposed by a sociologist from France by Durkheim Emil to the interpretation of a devoid behavioral response, for example, suicidal intentions, unlawful acts. The state of the annomia is inherent in society during the times, revolutions, rebuildings, the society crisis, due to the contradiction between the promulgated objectives and their impracticity for the prevailing part of the subjects, that is, in those periods, when most members of a particular society lose confidence in population of moral values, moral landmarks and social Institutions. The problem of an anomia with professional degradation, disappointment in life and work carried out, the alienation of an individual from society, which is consistently related to the described phenomenon, is closely connected.

Social anomiona

In the course of a rather sharp change of targets and morality of a certain society, individual social categories cease to feel their own involvement in this society.

The concept of anomios is the process of destruction of the fundamental foundations of culture, in particular ethical standards. As a result, there is an alienation of such categories of citizens. In addition, they reject new social ideals, norms and morality, including socially proclaimed samples of behavior. Instead of using generally accepted means of achieving the objectives of an individual or social orientation, they nominate their own, often unlawful.

The state of the anomium, the assisted under social jets, all the layers of the population are particularly strongly affected by the youth.

Anomy is in sociology any kind of "deviations" in the value and regulatory system of society. For the first time introduced the term anomiona Durkheim. He considered an anomia lack of law, behavior standards, or their insufficiency. Durkheim emphasized that the problem of the annomia originates more often in conditions of dynamic reforms and during periods of economic crises. The concept described provokes a certain psychological state characterized by a sense of loss of life orientations, which is emerging when the subject becomes before necessary to fulfill the norms contradictory norms. In other words, this state is born when the former hierarchy is destroyed, and the new has not yet been formed. As long as the public forces, which in crisis periods are provided to themselves, will not arrive in equilibrium, the comparative value of them cannot be taken into account, therefore, any regulation is discovered for some time insolvent.

Later, this phenomenon is understood as the state of society caused by the redundancy of contradictory norms (Marton Annomia). In such conditions, the individual is lost, without understanding what standards it is necessary to follow. It collapses the integrity of the regulatory system, the procedure for regulating public relations. People in the described conditions are socially disoriented, they are experiencing anxiety, a sense of separation from society, which naturally provokes reacting, crime, marginalness and other asocial phenomena.

Durkheim saw the reasons for Annomia in opposition "established" and modern industrial society.

The problem of annomy is caused by the transitional nature of the historical period, a temporary decline in the moral regulation of new economic and capitalist relations.

Anomy is a product of incomplete transformation from mechanical unity to organic unity, since the objective foundation of the latter (public distribution of labor) progresses more intensively than the moral basis in the collective consciousness.

The factors of the emergence of the anomium: the collision of two categories of socially generated phenomena (the first - interests and needs, the second - resource for their satisfaction). According to Durkheim, the prerequisite of personal integrity is a cohesive and sustainable society. With the generally accepted orders of the ability of individuals and their needs were pretty simple, since they were held back at a low level collective consciousness, preventing the development of individualism, personal liberation, establishing strict limits of what the subject could have been legal in this social situation. The hierarchical feudal society (traditional) was constant, because it put various goals before different layers and allowed each member to feel its own being meaningful inside the limited closed layer. Development social process It provokes the growth of "individualization" and at the same time hesitates the force of group surveillance, stable moral boundaries inherent in the old time. The degree of personal freedom from traditions, group morals, prejudice, the presence of an individual choice of knowledge and means of action is sharply expanding in new conditions. The relatively free device of industrial society ceases to determine the vital activity of individuals and constantly recreates an anomy, implying the lack of sustainable life ideals, norms and behavior patterns, which puts most people to the situation of uncertainty, deprives collective unity, the feeling of communication with a certain category and in general with all society. All of the above leads to an increase in the society deviating and self-destructive behavioral reactions.

Social norm and social anomios

One of the fundamental concepts of sociology is a social norm, which is considered as a mechanism for assessing and regulating the behavioral response of individuals, categories and social communities. Social norms are referred to as prescriptions, installations, expectations of proper (socially approved) behavior. The norms are some ideal patterns that cause the fact that individuals should speak, think, feel and done under certain conditions. The system of norms that act in a particular society forms a holistic set, various structural elements of which are interdepended.

Social norms are the responsibility of one individual in relation to another or social environment. They determine the formation of a network of public relations of the group, society. Also, social norms are expectations of groups of various numbers and in general society. The surrounding society expects from each individual who adheres to standards, a certain behavioral response. Social norms determine the development of a system of social relationships, including motivation, ideals, aspiration of subjects of action, waiting, estimation.

A social condition consisting in the loss of its members of the importance of social attitudes and ideals, which provokes multiplication of deviating behavior, is referred to as a social annomy. In addition, it manifests itself:

  • in the absence of reference standards in people, social assessment of their own behavior, which provokes a "lubricated" state and loss of group unity;
  • in the inconsistency of social goals, approved ways to achieve them, which pushes individuals towards illegal means of achieving in the event of unresponsibleness by law.

Sociologists, comparing the concept of anomios, deviant behavior, considered the intersection point of their non-compliance with members of the society established by him. The main difference between the terms of anomios Deviant behavior is a public scale of the factors provoked their manifestation. The nature of the anomium is much deeper. It is caused by serious social transformation that affect society as unified system And on his individual members.

Anomy's theory

Anomy is called the state of lack of law and lawlessness.

Anomioma is in sociology. The state of social immunity applicable to great communities and small groups. The foundation for the origin of the theory of anomy, which explains the causes of crime, laid Durkheim.

The theory of Anomy Durkheim. The French sociologist argued that socially deviating behavioral reactions and crime are quite normal phenomena. Because if there is no such behavioral response in society, then, therefore, the society is under refinement under control. When crime is eliminated, progress stops. Illegal actions are a fee for social transformation.

The theory of Annomia Durkheim is based on the postulate that society is unthinkable without criminality. Because if the acts, which are considered illegal in modern society, are considered illegal, then in the category criminal acts will have to be credited to some "fresh" variations of behavioral reactions. Durkheim argued that "crime" is indestructable and inevitable. The reason for this lies not in weakness and natural people, but in the existence of an infinite multitude of various types of behavior in society. Unity in human society is achieved only under the condition of the use of conformistic pressure against such a variety in behavioral response. Such pressure can provide punishment.

Durkheim argued that crimes will be small and not large-scale in society, in which human unity and public cohesion. When social solidarity is destroyed, and its withdrawal composite elements Increases, increasing behavior increase and, therefore, crime. So the anomios Durkheim appears.

In the problem of maintaining the solidarity of society with a huge meaning, in Durkheim, the punishment of criminals is possessed. The correct understanding of the "laws" of decency and honesty is the initial most important source of the unity of society. To save the love of this social structure of an ordinary citizen, the punishment of the criminal element is necessary. In the absence of a threat to punishment, the average individual may lose its own deep attachment to a certain society and its willingness to bring the necessary victim to preserve such affections. Also, the punishment of the offender serves as visible social confirmation of its "social ugliness."

Anomy examples. Modern sociological science is interconnected as a state characterized by the absence of self-identity, goals or moral and ethical landmarks in a separate subject or a complete society. Below are examples of situations indicating the presence of anomy phenomena in a particular society:

  • state of public disorder;
  • separate elements of society do not understand life senseFor them, the main problem is the problem of survival;
  • loss of confidence in the upcoming day.

Overcoming anomy, for the most part, is characterized by the dependence on the specifics of the cause of an anomy and the type of conflict that has generated it. In situations where society is not able to form a new regulatory and value system or erected into the rank of a commonly private one, it turns to the past, it seeks the grounds for solidarity.

In sociology, the phenomenon of the anomium was studied not only by Durkheim, a sociologist from America Merton Anomiomia was significantly developed, according to his ideas, is the orientation of individual citizens and social situations that do not correspond to the objectives determined by the culture of society. In Durkheim, the phenomenon described means the inability of society to manage natural impulses and aspirations of individuals. In turn, Merton believed that many of the commitment of subjects would not necessarily be "natural", often they are determined by the educational activities of the Socium itself. Public system limits the ability of individual social groups Satisfy your own aspirations. She "presses" in society certain individuals, forcing them to act illegal.

Merton considered an anomia as a crash of a system of management of individual desires, as a result of which the individual begins to desire more than it is capable of achieving in a specific social structure. He notes that the described phenomenon appears from the impossibility of many citizens to follow the norms fully accepted by them, and not from the presence of freedom of choice.

Anomy examples can be brought to the model of the device of modern American society, where all citizens are directed to wealth, those of them that cannot legally achieve financial well-being are achieved by its illegal means. Therefore, in many respects, deviations depend on the set of institutional agents and the presence of cultural purposes, which should and use one or another subject.

Anomy state is the absolute discrepancy between the declared and civilizational purposes with socially structured means of their achievement. Applicable to a separate member of the society of anomios is the eradication of its moral installations. At the same time, the individual loses any sense of tradition, continuity, loses all obligations. Communication with society is destroyed. Thus, without updating spirituality and moral landmarks, the radical transformation of society, the development of new values \u200b\u200band norms, the overcoming of the anomium is impossible.

Social norms and regulations and therefore relatively high frequency of deviating and self-dissemination, behavior up to suicide; 2) no standards, comparison standards with dr. People who allow themselves to evaluate their social status and choose samples of behavior, which leaves an individual to nepoles., "Declassable" state, without solidarity with a specific group; 3) a discrepancy, a gap between universal goals and expectations approved in this society, and socially acceptable, "authorized" means of their achievement, which is practical. Inaccessibility for all these goals pushes many people to illegal ways to achieve them.

The term "A." Injured Durkheim, who considered it as a permanent and normal state of "industrial", i.e. Capitalist, society. As this encourages the same for all the goals and values \u200b\u200bof individual success, most people who have been deprived of wealth, power, high prestige, inevitably turn out to be conflict with social norms or regard their failed. But A., generating .tich. Deviations from social norms prepare and accelerates changes in society.

Sovr. bourges. Sociology is significantly psychologiz-Rovala A. She, first of all, is considered as personal properties and only then - social conditions. In the sociology of crime, deviating behavior and mass movement, such contradictory consciousness anomich is empirically studied. Personality, as helplessness, isolation, emptiness, irresponsibility and lack of a moral goal, on the one hand, and C -, ethnotritrism and politics. extremism. The emergence of many contradictory definitions A. Makes this concept very vague.

Durkheim E., Suicide, per. from franz., St. Petersburg, 1912; Sociology of crime per. from english, M., 1966; MERTON R.K., Social Theory and Social Structure, Glencoe (111.), 1957; Ano-Mie and Deviant Behavior: A Discussion and CritiQue, Ed. By M. Clinard, N. Y., 1964; M C with L O S K at H., S with H A A R J., Psycfiological Dimensions of Anomy, "Amer. Sociol. Rev., 1965, v. 30, No. 1; F R O M M E., ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM, N.?, 1971.

Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. GL Editorial: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


(from Greek. A - negative particle and Nomos - law)

the concept of sociology introduced. Sociologist E. Durkheim and denoting any kind of "violations" in the value-regulatory system of society. Among them, "", or the absence, trial norms, the ineffectiveness of their influence as the means of impact on the social, their vagueness, as well as the inconsistency between the norms that determine the goals of activity, and the norms allowing the funds to achieve these goals. As a result, the anomium is often weakly regulated in society infinite in nature, human desires, and the lack of effective norms of their regulation makes individuals unhappy, leads to manifestations deviant behavior. The concept of "anomius" is most suitable for various transitional states of society (periods of revolutions, reforms, rebuilding epochs, etc.).

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .


Anomy (Franz. Anomie, English. Anomy, from Greek. A- negative particle, νόμος-law) - society in which certain areas of social life, types social relationship And the behavior of people falls out of the sphere regulatory regulation From the Company, when there are no norms necessary for this or when a significant part of citizens does not consider it necessary to follow existing standards. Anomy records the gap between the goals and expectations approved in society, on the one hand, and the real means of their implementation - on the other.

The term "anomioma" met already in. 16 - 17th century as disregarding divine law. As the sociological "anomion" was introduced by E. Durkheim. In the absence of collective establishments necessary for the normal functioning of social structures, Durkheim saw not private disadvantage, and the disease, affecting industrial society. Encouraged by the Company's value of individual success face the inequality of members of society in possession of funds and resources necessary to achieve it, which generates anomy. R. Moton argued that in a highly competitive, segmented society, there is an atmosphere of mutual distrust, social disorganization, when common values \u200b\u200bare shipped in confusion of private interests, and the society itself is arena for "rival deceptions". According to Merton, anomios is a consequence of the mismatch of two elements of the value-regulatory structure of society: culturally prescribed and certain goals and interests of people, on the one hand, and socially authorized paths and methods of their implementation, on the other. The focus on the purpose if it is not equalized by the corresponding focus on socially prescribed methods and means, leads to the fact that the behavior of people is demoralized, and the public system is disintegrating. According to T. Parsons, the spread of anomy is opposite to institutionalization, means the destruction of any regulatory order based on institutional fixation role expectations and appropriate sanctions.

V. M. Bychenkov

New philosophical encyclopedia: 4 tt. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stupina. 2001 .


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Deviant behavior

Even in the most highly organized society, it is not possible to achieve such a situation, when all of its members strictly followed the standards and regulations established in it, strictly fulfilling the socially prescribed social. Roles. As a result, there is a violation of these rules with which society cannot put up and uses the control mechanism for this. Such social. Deviations, such behavior in sociology is called deviation (the concept introduced Durkheim, suicide is the most striking example).

Deviant behavior is deviating from generally accepted norms and causing appropriate response from society or social. Group behavior.

In a broad sense, the concept of deviant behavior covers any deviation from social. Norms - both positive (heroism) and a negative (crime). Most often, this concept is understood only a negative deviation from the affirmative legal, moral and other norms, because It is this behavior threatens the society. Stability. In real life, it is almost impossible to ensure complete compliance with all social. Norm. Therefore, deviations are allowed within certain limits that do not violate the functioning and integrity of the social. Systems. It's one thing when it manifests itself in an offense, crime, violation not only moral, but also legal norms, and the other when we are talking On deviation only from moral norms.

Deviations can manifest themselves both in an explicit, open form (hooliganism) and in the hidden (bureaucracy). It can be individual and group, primary and secondary, etc. The deviations of multi-sided, the boundaries of them are mobile and often correlate with changes in social. values. Capable to be upgraded and adapt to changes in social. Conditions. The evidence assessment occurs from the position of culture adopted in this society.

The causes of deviation are determined ambiguously: associated with weakness and inconsistency of social. norms and values; With a gap between socio-cultural purposes and socially approved institutionalized means of their achievement. Deviation is usually not caused by a certain reason, but a combination of conditions and factors of an objective and subjective nature. The development and distribution of deviation leads society to the state of social. Anomy, which becomes soil for new deviationations.

The development and distribution of deviation leads society to an abnormal state - social. Anomy, and this last one in turn becomes soil for new deviationations.

Soc. Anomy is a negative, painful, crisis state of public life, in which most subjects violates the established social. Norms or relates to them indifferent, and regulatory social. Regulation turns out to be sharply weakened due to its inconsistency, contradictory and uncertainty.

Durkheim, who introduced this concept into sociology, considered social. Anomy as a manifestation of organic solidarity in the society, and one of its bright expressions is the widespread suicide. The number of suicides is inversely proportional to the degree of integration of those social. Groups that include individuals.

Merton under social. Anomy understood the state of consciousness, which is due to the inability to achieve individual goals by legitimate ways and means, which leads to an increase in deviating behavior. Having put forward on the forefront in its theory of social. Anomy problem of the ratio of social. goals and means of their achievement as various phases of social. Structures, Merton shows that social. Anomy grows from the status of equilibrium between them.

Today the concept of social. Anomy is most often used to characterize the state of society in transient, crisis situations, when the alienation of the individual from society, disappointed in life, apathy, crime - ZB is sharply intensified. Modern Russian society.