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What radiators to choose in a private house. Radiators for heating - which is better for a private house which you choose. Disadvantages of aluminum heaters

Many of us, planning the construction of their housing or large-scale reconstruction, are interested in which heating radiators are better for a private house. And at least a definite answer to this question, naturally, it is impossible - too much depends on financial capabilities, and on personal preferences - we still give some recommendations for the selection of batteries.

Features of thermal networks in a private house

At home, unlike apartments, in the overwhelming majority of cases are equipped with autonomous heating systems. Accordingly, trying to pick up the best heating radiators for a private house, we should first take into account the parameters of these systems.

Key features We will try to analyze in the table:

Key factor Influence on the selection of radiators
Low pressure As a rule, in a private house, the coolant in the pipes is under relatively low pressure. On the one hand, this causes the need to use circulating pumps, but on the other, it reduces the load on the pipes and reservoirs of radiators, extending their service life.
Lack of hydrowards Since the system excluded the hydrowards, there is no need with a huge margin of strength. It is quite possible to limit the light thin-walled structures for which high heat transfer is characteristic.
Small length of communications Compared to an apartment building, in a private dwelling, the distance from the boiler or furnace to the radiator will be minimal. Accordingly, heat loss will also decrease, therefore it is worth buying batteries designed to work with a high-temperature coolant.
Using a small coolant The volume of water poured into the system is small enough. So we can not only provide decent cleaning by protecting radiators from damage to abrasive particles, but also replace part of the liquid with antifreeze or ethyl alcohol.

Despite the fact that the price of such additives is very significant, their use protects pipes and radiators from freezing during the long-term shutdown of the boiler, and also allows you to increase the heat transfer.

Significant area of \u200b\u200bheating The house area is usually larger than the apartment area, so you have to warm us very extensive spaces. Accordingly, deciding which heating radiators is better for the house, we must prefer the models that will ensure the most effective heating at minimal costs.

As can be seen from the table, analyze the range of the market we will have to be quite serious. That is why below we will try to bring information about the most frequently used varieties of batteries, which can facilitate the choice of radiators for a private house.

Material radiator

Cast iron

The key parameter determining the functionality of the radiator is the material of its manufacture. In addition to the actual heat transfer, the type of material used imposes restrictions on the design of the product, so you can implement certain technological solutions only when using a specific metal.

Previously and for installation in apartment buildings, and for heating of private housing, predominantly cast iron batteries were used. They were injected with a molded way, and were quite bulky structures.

For products from cast iron, the following features are characterized:

  • The material is characterized by good resistance to corrosion and pressure, however, the shock exposure tolerates badly. This drawback is especially relevant for products of the mid-end of the 20th century: to cast the radiator sections at this time, low-grade cast iron began to use, which often cracked when hitting.
  • The heat transfer in the cast iron is relatively low, which makes it use not too efficient. At the same time, such a battery will give the accumulated heat for a long time, because at night or for a long time, the heating bundle can be turned off.
  • Another disadvantage is a significant mass. Cast iron radiators can be installed either on floor fasteners or massive wall hooks. In this case, the carrier surface should be very strong: neither frame houses, nor the buildings from foam concrete such a load will not stand.

  • The pluses include product design. To date, many manufacturers are focused on the production of cast-iron batteries in the premium segment, and these models compensate for insufficient heating efficiency with an attractive appearance "under ancient".

The cost of vintage cast iron radiators is rarely less than 10 thousand rubles, because they will not name the fiscal such purchase.


Choosing, what radiators are better for a private house, many specialists stop on and panel products made of steel.

They have their advantages:

  • First, in the heat transfer, they exceed the cast iron, and quite essentially.
  • Secondly, they weigh much less.
  • Thirdly, the design of such batteries does not imply the use of thick-walled pipes, because the surface warms very quickly.

If we talk about the disadvantages of steel, then they are as follows:

  • The material is not only quickly heated, but also cool up, so that the boiler is dried constantly.

It is also characteristic of all other models of radiators, ranging from aluminum and ending with bimetallic.

  • Upon contact with water, steel rusts, because radiators must be cleaned regularly, and when signs of weakening of the strength of the walls appear - to change immediately.


According to a number of heat engineers, the best radiators for the heating of a private house (meaning price / quality value) make aluminum.

This has its own reason:

  • Aluminum is very well conducting heat, therefore the heat transfer of the battery will be higher than that of products from another metal.
  • The material does not rust, which allows you to use it for a long time.
  • Externally, aluminum radiators look quite attractive, although they do not always fit into the interior of a private house.

  • As for a relatively small resistance to pressure drops, here this characteristic is not a disadvantage: as we noted above, the hydroudars on the network are practically excluded.
  • The main complexity when using aluminum radiators is water treatment: before pouring the coolant into the contours, it is necessary to reduce its alkalinity. Otherwise, plates will accumulate on the walls of the batteries, and the radiators themselves will begin to be exposed to electrochemical corrosion.


Thinking on what heating radiators for a wooden house is better from the point of view not only functionality, but also design, it is not necessary to produce copper models from:

  • Of course, copper is very expensive, but it provides excellent heat transfer, so that there will always be warmth in the house.
  • The tanks of copper batteries are not subject to corrosion, because they will serve for a long time.

To avoid accumulation of deposits, it is worth embelling a filter for solid particles in the pipe.
If this is not done, then the suspension with abrasive properties will scratch the walls of the pipes, making them rough.

  • Finally, copper radiators just look great, and the appearance of the polished (or coated patina) of the metal is perfectly combined with wooden walls.

Bimetallic models

If we have to speak purely about functionality, then the best radiators for the house are still bimetallic:

  • These products combine significant strength and reliability of steel or copper pipes with good heat transfer aluminum panels.
  • In this case, aluminum does not contact with water, which provides protection for alkaline corrosion.

  • On the other hand, the cost of such products is sufficiently high, so allowing the installation of bimetallic radiators may not be every owner of the private house.

Selection by productivity

Calculation of total batteries thermal power

If you search for answers to the question of which radiators it is better to choose for a private house, you should not be limited only to the analysis of the material and the comparison of the appearance of the models. Batteries should heat the room as efficiently as possible, and therefore it is necessary to purchase products with sufficient heat performance.

As a rule, instructions for equipment contains information about its heat transfer, so that for calculating the volume of purchases, we need to determine the need of our house in heating.

Sectional heat transfer radiators are indicated at the same section, panel models are on all the product as a whole.

This value is quite simply calculated by your own hands:

  • You can use the simplest proportion: 1M2 area needs 100 W heat from batteries.. Of course, this calculation is very approximate, but on the order of numbers it gives a fairly complete performance.
  • There is a more accurate technique. To determine the heat consumption, we multiply the room in cubic meters at 41 W (standard coefficient for the middle strip of Russia).

  • The resulting value is divided by the heat transfer of the battery, and we obtain the number of radiators for the selected room you need. Round down the number is better in the big face, since the power supply will not hurt!

If there are windows overlooking the street in the room, or other objects that are the source of heat loss - it is worth adjusting the power consumption:

  • For premises with a window and two outer walls, add 20%.
  • For premises with two windows and two outer walls - 30%.
  • If windows leaving north or northeast - 10%.
  • If radiators are planned to be installed in wall niches - 5%.
  • If you plan to use protective screens for batteries - from 15 to 20%.

More recently, heating in a wooden house was organized on the basis of a brick stove. It was she who represented the main source of heat and was almost the main place inside the construction.

Today, everything has changed. Due to the active development of technologies, any owner of a tree house can implement a heating system scheme that will satisfy all its needs. The main thing is to know what to choose and what nuances to pay attention to.

First of all, the house can be heated using an autonomous design with the forced or gravitational (natural) circulation of the coolant. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there are situations when it is better to use a particular type.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural circulation

The gravitational transfer is entirely based on the laws of physics. To speak more precisely, the thermal carrier moves through the pipeline due to the weight difference between chilled and heated water.

Hot liquid has a significantly larger volume, but much less. Accordingly, it rises to stand up, moves further along the pipes that are laid under a slope, and pumps down in heating radiators, where cooled.

Before making the final choice in favor of a certain type of fluid circulation in the system, you need to consider the pros and cons of each of the heating options.

The list of advantages of such a solution should include simplicity of installation. The system with natural circulation is much longer serves and is distinguished by stability. At the same time, the absence of a pump allows you to get rid of excess noise and ensure independence from the presence of electricity.

As for the shortcomings, this kind of decision can only be used when heating a small area of \u200b\u200bthe house. In addition, the system needs a large diameter pipe laying, which significantly increases the cost of organizing the heating system at home.

When choosing a natural circulation, it is necessary to accommodively approach - errors will result in a serious decrease in the heat carrier pumping rate

Distinctive features of pumping systems

So that the water in the pipes move faster, the heating system is cut into the heating system. With it, you can move the carrier with almost no temperature loss. As a result, a wooden building warms up much faster that saves a considerable part of the fuel.

The main advantage of forced circulation is that the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated house can be almost unlimited. In this case, the owner is given the ability to control the amount of heat and the speed of the pump. The minuses of such a solution is the dependence of the system from the presence of electricity and high noise of equipment.

When installing the heating pump, you can use small diameter pipes. It saves on the purchase of sanitary fittings

Types of thermal carriers

To transfer heat from the generator to heating room, water is most often used, which was heated to a certain temperature and circulates through the pipeline.

To date, this is the most affordable and simple solution. That's right and, you can organize a high-performance system that does not need any special care.

In addition to water heating, in a private house from wood applies:

Also often used combined option. A competently designed scheme provides an opportunity, without spending a large amount of money, to build a system that will completely warm the house for the watch.

In the case of water use as heat carriers, it must first be filtered. This will significantly increase the service life of the heating equipment.

Criteria for the choice of thermal generator

The market shows a huge selection - domestic and foreign manufacturers offer a wide variety of models. From such an assortment, the buyer with any level of income can pick up something for himself.

In order not to guess the purchase of the boiler, it is necessary to check what type of fuel is most available in the region. It is also important to correctly calculate the power of the equipment.

Advantages of gas aggregates

The overwhelming majority of the owners of wooden houses stops precisely on gas equipment.

The popularity of wall-mounted and is determined by the fact that such fuel in many countries is one of the cheapest. In addition, it is possible to organize a fully autonomous and non-maintenance system of heating.

The list of benefits of gas boilers must be supplemented:

  1. High efficiency. Even the low-power device produces a greater amount of heat than its analogues operating on other types of fuel.
  2. Simplicity of operation. No need to break your head where fuel will be stored. At the same time, it is easy to use such equipment - just adjust it only once.
  3. Durability. A high-quality gas unit will serve at least 15 years.

The main disadvantage is the need to obtain a special permit for its installation. All other minuses are completely leveled by the advantages.

If you need to warm up a large house with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100 m 2, then it is better to refuse the gas boiler. In this case, it will be an economically unfavorable solution.

Diesel component in the system

Diesel equipment has been gaining increasingly popular equipment. First of all, cheap in service and easy to install.

It does not need to organize the complex design of the chimney - many models operate on light furnace fuel. The only thing that will be needed is to organize the withdrawal of the pipe in the form of a sandwich. It has a special turbine, pushing air.

If it was decided to establish a diesel boiler, then it is necessary to understand that this method of heating will cost expensive. After all, the efficiency of this equipment varies from 75 to 85%, which is quite low.

Also an aggregate operating on a diesel engine needs constant control. If you leave it at least for a week, it will lead to problems. After all, due to low quality fuel, the equipment can stop. As a result, water in the pipes will freeze and tear them.

Even despite all the advantages of the diesel device, it is necessary to install it only if this is the only way to organize the heating system

Solid fuel boiler

This type of equipment is as popular as gas. Large demand is caused by the economy and environmental friendliness of a solid fuel boiler. After all, this device is the cheapest device in operation. At the same time, it burns renewable fuel and is characterized by high energy efficiency.

The market offers an impressive choice. Savings in this matter is not always justified - deciding to buy the cheapest model, you need to be prepared for the appearance of soot, soot and accept the need for frequent cleaning.

The only minus of hard fuel boilers is the need to highlight the fuel storage space, which is required to work quite a lot

Electric heat generator

Equipment that uses current to work is the only solution for those regions where the centralized communication systems are not laid. Most often it is used as an additional option.

Today manufacturers offer wide. The market shows a power model from 6 to 30 kW. Such a wide range of performance allows you to order a device for a wooden house of any size.

Advantages of equipment:

  • small dimensions;
  • safety operation;
  • full autonomy;
  • cheapness;
  • Efficiency approaching 100%.

But consider that electricity is the most expensive energy carrier. Therefore, even despite the low cost of the aggregate, the operation of such a system will cost expensive.

Electrocotels are completely safe for a wooden house. But to avoid problems, you need to put the counter and select a cable with a calculation of 8 amps per 1 mm 2 of its cross section

Power calculation rules

To determine the optimal capacity of the boiler, it is not necessary to seek help from a specialist. For this you only need to determine the magnitude of heat losses. Knowing this value, it must be multiplied by the house area and the resulting number will be the desired power.

If the construction is in no way insulated, then it will take from 130 to 200 W for heating one square meter. For buildings with old windows and a facade, which is covered with a material that does not let the cold, the optimal value will be 90-120 W / m 2.

As for houses with good thermal insulation of artless and basement floors, plastic double-glazed windows, insulated doorways, properly arranged air exchange, then 50-80 W / m 2 will be enough for their heating.

Subtleties selection of radiators

Radiators are some of the most important components of the system. After all, they spread warmly by living space. Therefore, they need to be selected with all the responsibility, and not buy the first product.

Batteries are divided into categories depending on the design and material from which they are made. Since a wide range can be driven by an unprepared shopper in a dead end, before going to the store, it is necessary to deal with the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Aesthetics of aluminum structures

Such products appeared in Italy more than 35 years ago. Since its invention, heating immediately became popular and won recognition of professionals.

Selecting the heating radiator, first of all, should be familiar with the material of the sections. It depends on the heat transfer of the battery, its service life and weight

And it is not surprising at all, because these designs are distinguished by ease, high heat transfer, as well as an attractive design. But they are weakly resistant to corrosion and are susceptible to convincing.

Aluminum batteries can be litas or resulting from extrusion. The first form is a monolithic structure, and the second is a blank formed by the press from which the finished products are further cut.

Laundry structures are considered more reliable and durable. For the rest of the parameters, their analogue is not inferior to them.

Aluminum batteries have a relatively small weight. Thanks to this, they are easy to transport and connect, with which you can cope with yourself

Panel steel radiators

Steel is an excellent heat conductor. Therefore, the batteries made from it are considered to be most efficient and recommended for installation by all experts. In addition, they are a monolithic design, which greatly simplifies the installation.

Provided in the condition of use in the house or in the country with an autonomous system of heating, there are no shortcomings. If you comply with all the recommendations, then the service life can reach 30 years.

The batteries of this species are often complemented by heat exchangers. But this is in no way reflected in the appearance of the design.

Old good cast iron

For the first time, cast iron radiators began to be used more than a century ago. But even today they have not lost their relevance and are actively installed in the heating systems.

The reason for this lies in unpretentiousness in care and simply a huge service life - cast iron faith and the truth will last about 50 years. At the same time, he is well kept warm. The products are heated for a long time, but after disconnecting the heating, they will warm the room for a long time.

Taking into account all its advantages, only one non-essential minus is most weight. So, the mass of one section can reach 6 kg, and the weight of the entire battery is 36 kg.

Even compared to bimetallic and aluminum products, cast-iron structures are a good and universal solution with weight gain.

Tubular radiators made of steel

Tubular batteries, as a rule, refer to the products of the highest price segment. They fully comply with all quality standards and have a number of advantages in front of their counterparts.

First of all, such designs without problems carry sharp pressure drops, and in case of disconnection of heat, the battery will not be merged.

Also, tubular radiators have a smooth surface both outside and inside. Thanks to this, they differ in an attractive appearance, due to which they harmoniously fit into any interior.

Tubular radiators made of steel are expensive pleasure. But at the same time they serve about a quarter of a century, which completely pays for the cost

Modern bimetallic designs

This kind of battery is made of aluminum and steel alloy. These metals have completely different characteristics, and as a result of their compound, material with excellent performance indicators is obtained.

To speak more precisely, these radiators show high heat-conducting capacity and easily carry the hydroedar. Subject to high-quality assembly serve about 50 years. But they cost quite expensive.

Even despite the high price, it is better to spend once and buy a bimetallic radiator from a reliable supplier. Thanks to the long service, he fully justifies the money

Embedded outdoor convectors

This heating appliance is a tube of copper and aluminum, which moves the heat carrier. The main advantage is the ability to embed them directly to the floor.

In this case, the design does not occupy precious residential square meters, but at the same time the building warms well. The only thing that goes out is a decorative lattice or panel.

If it is incorrect to carry out installation, then inside the room can be formed. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the heating element - the air flows are well tolerated.

It is better to choose an outdoor convector made of copper, steel or aluminum. In this case, the design will last long, and the house will warm up almost instantly

Pipeline of heating system

The main task of the pipes is to transfer the heat carrier from the boiler to radiators. There are many of their species - they are divided into categories depending on the material.

Pipelines are:

  • polymer;
  • steel;
  • copper.

The last variety is distinguished by resistance to high temperatures and high pressure. Current copper pipes are most reliable and safe. Thanks to this, they can be hidden into the wall. But they cost quite expensive.

Now the heating pipelines are most often collected from metal-plastic or polypropylene products. They are characterized by simplicity of installation and corrosion resistance. Elements are connected to each other using soldering. Their disadvantage is low hydraulic resistance.

To install the steel pipeline, it is necessary to attract the welder - it will be necessary to cope with the works independently. In addition, such structures are subject to corrosion

Drawing up a heating scheme

Since water is mainly used as water carriers, the schemes considered further will be based on this factor. The essence of this kind of heating system of the wooden house is that the liquid is heated in the boiler and through the pipes falls into radiators where it is cooled. Next, water returns to the heat source.

Installation of a single-tube system

The selection of the scheme largely depends on whether the system is used with the gravitational or forced pumping of the coolant. In addition, when drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the number of contours.

When organizing a single-tube system of heating the building, it is almost impossible to adjust the temperature. It will be different in any case. The farther from the boiler, the lower the temperature

The advantage of creating one heating contour lies in the simplicity of installation. If you adhere to the scheme, you can quickly cope with the work and not attract the wizard.

A single-tube system saves plumbing fittings. And in order to maximize the temperature in the entire circuit, it is necessary to increase the number of radiators sections that are connected at the end. To accelerate the water stream, it is recommended to install a pump.

You should select a single-tube system only if it is possible to install the boiler below the radiators. Otherwise, water will not circulate by pipes

Subtleties of the organization of two-pipe heating

The system with two contours allows you to maintain the same temperature in all radiators, which is favorable on the efficiency of heating. The disadvantage of such a solution is the high consumption of materials.

The diagram of the two-pipe system of heating at home is also suitable for heat generators, which operate on solid fuel. The only thing to be corrected in this case is the pipeline material

When implementing a two-pipe project, each radiator must be provided with shut-off valves. Such elements will allow adjust the temperature in each room.

If the boiler is installed in the basement, then the best choice is the system with a lower layout (the scheme is presented below). Such a solution is ideal for wooden houses, where a gas boiler is used as a heat generator.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video # 1. Organization of a simple inexpensive boiler room:

Video # 2. Heating of a wooden house with an area of \u200b\u200b120 m 2:

Video # 3. Pipeline laying nuances:

The heating system is the heart of any home. Therefore, in front of the owner of the building there is a task to correctly design and correctly establish such an important element. If you attach a little effort and take into account all the Tips given above, the installation of the heating system will not cause any difficulties when connected and problems during operation.

Tell us about how the heating contour was built in your own wooden dacha or in the house of permanent residence. Share useful information that can be useful to site visitors. Please write comments, publish the photo, ask questions in the block below.

The heating system is the most important element in creating comfort and comfort, so the question of how to choose heating radiators for a private house, stands in front of the homeowner especially acute. Regardless of climatic conditions, the construction material and the region of residence, the heating system must perfectly perform its function - to maintain a comfortable microclimate. On how to correctly calculate and choose batteries in a private house, and it will be discussed further.

Operation of radiators in a private house - what are the subtleties?

The nuances in the choice of radiators in a private house are associated, first of all, with autonomy of such a structure, as well as with various materials when building and interior decoration.

  1. 1. Low operational pressure. In a private house with autonomous heating, the pressure in the system highway, as a rule, does not exceed 2.5-3 atmospheres even at hydrodars. The absolute majority of modern radiators for this characteristic are suitable for installation in such conditions, in contrast to communal apartments, where pressure can reach 25 atmospheres.
  2. 2. The household knows (or can always learn), what is the acidity of the coolant in its system. Based on this, it is possible to optimally select the material of the manufacture of radiators.
  3. 3. Frame houses and houses from loose materials, for example, from foam concrete, impose a limit on the use of radiators with a lot of weight.
  4. 4. In a private house, it is always easier to calculate the necessary power of the batteries, due to the fact that all possible heat loss is known, and the situation when "a neighbor came from below, and the apartment does not heal", it is impossible.

How to calculate battery power - standard indicators

Before answering the question of which batteries it is better to choose for your home, the developer needs to correctly calculate the thermal power of radiators. It is from this indicator and will ultimately depend on the number and size of purchased products. The calculation is carried out according to the current standards. So, for optimal heating of the dwelling, having a ceiling height of no more than 3 meters, taking into account the correctly made insulation, if there is one standard window and one door, it is necessary to spend from 80 to 135 W thermal energy, depending on the region of residence.

This is provided that the coolant has a temperature of 70 degrees. With the height of the ceilings, over 3 meters, this thermal power indicator must be multiplied by a coefficient proportional to the increase. When planning the number of heating radiators, make a reserve for power to a large side by 15-20 percent in case of particularly cold winters or unforeseen emergency situations with some one radiator.

The difference of radiators by type - what are the most popular?

The modern market of heating systems offers several sizes of radiators. To answer the question of which it is better to choose, consider their main differences:

  1. 1. sectional type. The most common type of radiators, thanks to the convenience of selecting the necessary thermal power. Such devices consist of sections with a power of 90 to 150 W each, which are combined in batteries. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the required temperature in it, one battery may contain from 4 to 10 sections. Obviously, this type of batteries is better for a private house.
  2. 2. Plastic radiators. There are many metal plates strung parallel to each other on pipes with a coolant. Air heating is carried out by convection, i.e. Cold air fence occurs from below. It passing through the plates, heats up and rushes up. Wide propagation for heating residential premises did not receive due to the almost complete absence of thermal inertness.
  3. 3. Tubular type radiators. Several pipes whose form may be different, combined into a single design using collectors. Inside circulates the coolant. A significant disadvantage of such a device is a small surface area, as a result of which the recoil of thermal energy is minimized into an external environment. Also not too common.
  4. 4. Panel radiators. Consist of two or more practically flat panels, between which the coolant circulates. They have aesthetic appearance, so that they are often used in the heating systems of residential premises. They have an average heat transfer coefficient (higher than that of tubular systems, lower than that of sectional type devices).

Depending on the design of the room, the climate zone and the degree of insulation, the developer needs to choose the optimal option to create a comfortable temperature in a private house, the choice of radiators is now quite large.

Material manufacturing batteries - cast iron or steel?

When choosing heating radiators for a private house, the material is also played by the material from which the instruments are made. It can be both classic options for a small price and more technological and, therefore, expensive, modern models. Cast iron batteries are a classic of water heating devices. The first cast iron radiators began to be used more than 150 years ago. They have several explicit advantages over other products. First, a small price available to any developer. Another advantage is high strength and resistance to corrosion. Quality cast iron batteries can serve as faithfully over 50 years. The fact that so far more than half of the apartments are equipped with such devices - excessive confirmation.

The high strength of pig-iron radiators is due to their thick metal walls capable of withstanding pressure up to 15 atmospheres. In addition, a large amount of metal causes high heat capacity. This means that even after disconnecting the source of heating the coolant of the battery will give heat for a long time. Therefore, answering the question of which batteries are better, many sellers advise exactly this option, as the most practical.

When choosing a cast iron batteries, remember that you should not install them more than 10 sections in one device. This will reduce the heat transfer coefficient and will lead to uneven warming of the premises. It is more expedient to choose several batteries with fewer sections. But the installation of cast iron products is not suitable for cases when the bearing walls of the house are frame or made of. Such structures simply will not stand the impressive weight of such batteries. Another significant lack of cast-iron radiators is an inesttic appearance, they are quite difficult to enter into the original author's interior.

Steel products on the construction market appeared relatively recently. They can be panel and tubular. The main difference from cast-iron is that they have less heat capacity, and, therefore, warm up and cooled faster, which is a big plus when installing in systems with automatic temperature adjustment. At the same time, steel radiators are very sensitive to the presence of a coolant. Simply put, they must be constantly filled. Otherwise, they are inevitably subject to corrosion, why the service life is reduced several times.

A small thickness of the walls of such products causes them a small mass, their use is possible on any surfaces, with any types of bearing walls. The same characteristic is simultaneously a minus, thin-walled steel radiators are afraid of a large pressure, but in a private house it is not a hindrance for installation. The plus of steel products is and their low cost. These devices will cost cheaper any other option. Easy installation will also be on hand when installing radiators in the contour of the house.

When installing panel steel radiators, it is necessary to carefully calculate their thermal power. In case of error, it will take time-consuming work on the dismantling of old and installing new panels, since the ability to add sections in panel devices is missing.

What is good aluminum, and what are the pros of bimetallic products?

Aluminum sectional batteries have become widespread recently due to their excellent performance and presentable appearance. They are distinguished by the high coefficient of heat transfer, low thermality, which causes the possibility of applying them in automatic heating systems of private houses. Also, like cast-iron batteries, these products have the ability to select the required power by adding sections.

Boilers are widely distributed now in private home ownership and will function perfectly with aluminum radiators, due to their versatility, which consists in good throughput, compatibility with various types of tap fittings and a small weight of the radiators data. There are few minuses of this option. Among the main - sensitivity to the acidity of the coolant, which is leveled by the autonomy of heating in a private house. In addition, the service life of aluminum products is 15-20 years, which is not a positive characteristic of these radiators.

Bimetallic sectional radiators are very similar to aluminum batteries, but they have a fundamental difference. It lies in the fact that the foundation in which the home coolant circulates is made of steel or copper, and the outer layer is made of aluminum. This ensures the combination of reliability and durability of steel and good heat transfer, aluminum presentability. Such devices have a service life for more than 50 years, and in the variant with a copper "stuffing" - up to 70 years. The significant disadvantage of this option is the high cost, which can be more several times. This is especially true of copper-aluminum products.

What heating batteries are better to choose for your private home - everyone decides himself. But, summing up all of the above, it can be concluded that an average income-income homemade, choosing batteries for mounting the heating system, should look at the variant with steel radiators. Their durability and a wide selection of sizes will satisfy the most pretentious request. The buyer with more extensive financial capabilities can be advised to purchase bimetallic sectional radiators, as combining reliability, durability and sophistication.

The heating system is the most complex engineering project in the house. Types of heating are constantly being improved due to the high prices for energy. Any heating system will work efficiently only in the case of a competent heat engineering calculation and correctly completed installation.

The radiator system of heating and in this century continues to function reliably, has undergone some modernization. The number of radiators of heating for installation is determined by the calculation, and not "see how a neighbor". Do not deal with the comparison of houses, your home is still not like that. Only the right calculation and high-quality heating system can create a warm and cozy atmosphere in your abode.

Classes of heating radiators

The modern market of heating technology offers a wide selection of their design solutions and manufacturers. With this abundance it is easy to make the wrong choice that in the end will lead to great troubles. For example, radiators in the central heating system are subject to the most severe operating conditions:

  • Large and changing pressure in the system;
  • The destructive actions of the hydrouds for heating devices reduce their life;
  • Increased corrosion and abrasive wear by the effect of coolant, saturated with oxygen and small solid particles;
  • Outside the heating period, the central system is without water, which contributes to the destruction of pipelines and radiators;
  • Not everyone will stand after this crimping system before the start of the heating season of high pressure exceeding the working one and a half times.

Much better conditions for the operation of radiators in autonomous systems of the heating of private home ownership, but there are a lot of "pitfalls". The traditional material for their manufacture is steel, cast iron and aluminum.

These materials have different heat transfer characteristics, in different ways react to the heating system coolant, the service life of radiators and their cost depends on this. For example, copper would be perfect, but their price and service life are incommensurable.

Cast iron sectional radiators

Now many, living in "Khrushchev" and "Stalinki" began to consider cast-iron radiators with the remnant of the past, primarily due to large sizes, not fashionable design for the modern interior and several layers of paint on them. Yes, and worked out the floor in the central heating system, the end sections have not been warmed for a long time.

This problem is operational, but not the reason for the refusal of them when working in urban networks. Modern artistic cast iron casting and bold design solutions have significantly changed the appearance of cast-iron radiators, retaining their effectiveness and durability.

Advantages of cast-iron batteries:

  • The longest life of more than 50 years;
  • Resistant to corrosion and aggressive coolants;
  • Large inertia when stopping the heating system, up to 2 hours;
  • High working pressure;
  • Minor hydraulic resistance, which involves their operation and in systems with natural water circulation;
  • A small cost with an unlimited service life.

With such quantities of piggy batteries, there are significant drawbacks:

  • Large dimensions and weight makes installation;
  • The fragile cast iron is poorly withstanding the hydrowarders;
  • Radiators are projected on sale, so they require painting after installation;
  • Heating takes radiation with a slight convection, which complicates uniform heating of the room;
  • Increased inertia complicates the work of weather-dependent automation;
  • Large liquid volume that in the autonomous heating system leads to an increase in fuel consumption.

Cast iron batteries are an ideal inexpensive option for a central heating system and their use is not recommended in individual systems of houses and cottages (although during the operation of a cast-iron solid-fuel boiler operating on the corner, pig-iron radiators have proven themselves well).

Bimetallic radiators

The high cost of bimetallic radiators is due to their special design: the durable steel pipes of the inner layer ensure the reliability of operation, and the outer layer of aluminum accelerates the heat exchange and gives them a modern appearance. Their sectional structure allows you to adjust the size of the set and its power.

These advantages should be attributed:

  • Large service life, from 20 to 50 years;
  • Do not be afraid of the hydrowards due to the durable steel core;
  • The aluminum case provides high heat transfer;
  • Less susceptible to corrosion, which is significantly due to their operation in the central heating system;
  • A small amount of fluid guarantees a quick response to the operation of the thermostat, which contributes to the efficient and comfortable housing heating;
  • Do not require painting, aluminum gives them a nice appearance.

The high quality of composite radiators implies one and their biggest drawback: high cost. The appearance of them is pretty, therefore, when searching for the manufacturer, it should be based on the thickness of the walls of the steel structure, the quality of the aluminum coating, the absence of aluminum contact with the coolant, etc.

Aluminum radiators

Aluminum has a higher heat transfer than cast iron and steel, its plasticity allows you to give a different form of radiators sections. Sections are manufactured by pressing aluminum with silicon additive. Between themselves they are connected by carvings, and assume the upper and lower connection to the heating system.

Advantages of aluminum radiators:

  • Low inertia provides fast premises;
  • Low weight allows installation on plasterboard structures;
  • High external appeal at a democratic price;
  • In addition to radiation heat, elements for convection heating are provided in the design;
  • Life without the use of teflon internal coating up to 20 years;
  • Quickly react to the room thermostat commands.

But there is a problem with the joint operation of aluminum batteries, steel pipes and copper-containing boiler designs that enhance corrosion inside the radiator sections. And low working pressure generally excludes their installation in central heating.

The scope of aluminum batteries is quite narrow: Individual systems of heating of houses and cottages, excluding boiler equipment with a copper heat exchanger.

Radiators Tubular

In the last century, the main structural material was cast iron, alternative steel tubular and panel radiators became popular. Tubular radiators represent the design of bent tubes located vertically or horizontally without rigidity. Therefore, its effectiveness depends on the length of the tubes, their number and step between them. Such a system is unbearable, which eliminates the leakage on the threaded connections.

Advantages of tubular radiators:

  • Good heat transfer that directly depends on the diameter of the tubes;
  • Aesthetic appeal;
  • Low weight;
  • Internal polymeric material reliably protects against corrosion;
  • High working pressure;
  • The absence of sharp corners, smooth forms suggest installation in children's rooms;
  • Mature color and design solutions.

Despite the polymer coating, the presence of welding seams restricted their operation in multi-storey houses with central heating. There is a low resistance to hydrowards and the formation of deposits that increase the hydraulic resistance and reduce the duct.

Panel radiators

When the residential buildings are heating, the financial question is of the greatest importance: how to warm and how much to pay for it? This problem has made popular panel radiators, thanks to the combination of efficiency and small prices.

Such a heater is interconnected two stamped steel sheets with channels for circulation of the coolant. The power of the panel radiator depends on the size of the weld panel and their quantity, for example, 33 The type of radiator involves the design of three panels.


  • Maximum heat transfer coefficient;
  • High heating rate due to convection effect;
  • The smallest volume of water, which ensures fast water circulation and reduce costs for its heating;
  • Light weight makes it easy to install;
  • Reacts well to the thermostat commands;
  • Panels are painted and equipped with decorative lattices;
  • The package includes fasteners, mounting kit, plug and crane Maevsky.

But the small inner volume of water involves its rapid cooling, and the narrow channels and the presence of free oxygen limit their uses in systems with natural circulation and in the central heating system. The working pressure of such radiators directly depends on the thickness of the steel panels.

Convectors (lamellar batteries)

Structurally, they consist of a pipe with a coolant, which is spaced a set of plates. Such radiators have sufficient reliability, high heat transfer. Unlike previous radiators, it is possible to install in the floor here, which significantly saves the space of residential premises. But it does not provide uniformized premises and there is a problem with removing dust when mounting in the floor.

What heepings are best suitable for a private house?

What the owners of their own houses are proud, so it is their own heating system. Such a system operates with a low pressure of the coolant, the water in the system is clean, there are no hydrowards, which involves the use of radiators of any type.

But each type of radiator requires the creation of operating conditions for it, taking into account the design of the heating system (forced or natural circulation), the conditions of its operation (water or antifreeze coolant), the type of boiler equipment (solid fuel boiler, gas steel floor, gas mounted two-circuit or electric).

For a private house, pay attention to two options: these are aluminum and steel panel radiators.

What needs to be relying when choosing a type of radiator for a private house

Comparison of working pressure and applications of various radiators

Type of radiatorWorking pressure, atm.Application area
Steel panels6 — 10
Steel tubular8 — 15 For individual heating
Aluminum (section)6 — 25 For individual heating
Bimetallic (section)20 — 30
Cast iron (section)6 — 9 For individual and central heating

Power of the radiators section and its parameters

  • Domestic section of the cast-iron radiator MS-140 with a height of 588 mm has a weight of 8.2 kg, the volume of 1.45 liters and the surface area of \u200b\u200bheating 0.244 sq.m;
  • Section of an aluminum radiator height of 580 mm, 80 mm width and a depth of 81 mm has a weight of 1.35 kg, a volume of about 0.4 liters and heat transfer 152 W;
  • Section of the bimetallic radiator height of 564 mm, 80 mm width and a depth of 80 mm has a weight of 1.75 kg, a volume of 0.2 liters and heat transfer of 168 W;
  • Steel panel radiator 22 500 mm long, 505 mm height, a depth of 102 mm has a weight of 18 kg and a power of 1078 W (for comparison, an aluminum radiator of 7 sections will have the same power).

There are averaged data to determine the power of the heating device: 1 kW will provide a warm room with an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. m with ceiling height 2.5 m.

Dimensions of radiators

The simple installation of heating radiators is due to their universal dimensions that are suitable for most rooms and their parameters satisfy operational requirements. But this choice is not always produced from aesthetic considerations, heat transfer conditions have the main importance.

Their heat transfer and the reality of the installation in a certain project place depends on the number of radiators sections. When installing the radiator under the window, to ensure its efficient operation, the distance from the radiator to the windowsill should be at least 100 mm, from the bottom edge to the floor at least 80 mm.

Preferably, the radiator length corresponds to the width of the window opening. Thus, following these rules, you can choose the optimal size of the panel radiator or decide on the set of sections of the sectional battery.


In addition to standard radiators, their new design solutions have now appeared for non-standard interior. For example, pig-iron radiators with decorative ornament (retro design) and original appearance created by artistic casting, will decorate a country house, a fireplace room, a restaurant.

Now the market offers a wide selection of designer radiators of stainless steel heating having a unique performance. Often they, in addition to the heating function, perform the role of a heated towel rail or. The use of such radiators in the interior gives any room a unique atmosphere of comfort and comfort.


All countries whose geographical location assumes the presence of the heating season, produce radiators. But the leading position traditionally occupies German companies with their guaranteed quality and durability (Kermi, Buderus, Oventrop). Finland and Italy (Fondital, Calidor, Radena) are not lagging behind them. Our buyers are now in the greatest interest. Konner cast iron radiators (China), well, we love cast iron.

Price comparison table for different types of radiators

Type of radiatorPrice
Steel panelsNot high
Steel tubularMedium, but on decorative models is very high
Aluminum (section)Not high
BimetallicOn the radiators of domestic and Chinese production average. European manufacturers are high.
Cast iron (section)MS low radiators. Decorative casting is very high.

The above recommendations for the choice of the radiator are not instructions for use, and these are the prompts, since each type of radiators corresponds to certain operating conditions, taking into account the technical characteristics of this system of heating and the properties of the house or apartments in general. The budget size is not much important, therefore it is desirable to find the "golden" middle between the technical capabilities of radiators and their price.

What are the heating batteries better for a private house?

Radiators and heating batteries - what better for a private house? Such a question asks for himself every owner of a country house, which decided to provide his dwelling with an autonomous heating system. Today we will look at what radiators to choose for the cottage.

For mounting in the apartment where the centralized heating system was carried out, not all radiators can be applied. But for the country house all types of devices will fit. After all, in water, which passes through pipes in private houses, most often no impurities with chlorine and alkali. For the manufacture of radiators, a variety of materials are used:

  • cast iron;
  • metal (steel);
  • aluminum;
  • bimetal.

Types of heating appliances for a country house

And in its design, aluminum and other devices are divided into sectional, tubular, panel and convectable. Let's study each of the types of heating radiators for installation in a private house - knowledge of the benefits, disadvantages and features of operation will help to make the right choice.

The easiest type of radiators is cast-iron. These products are still popular in the market, despite more modern analogues. Explain such popularity is very simple - cast-iron products have a lot of advantages, including:

  • strength and durability, time proven - can serve two decades and more;
  • the ability to assemble the radiator from a different number of sections;
  • resistance to rust;
  • low heat transfer;
  • the material is not afraid of chemical exposure.

Cast iron radiators

Strength is due to the fact that cast-iron batteries are equipped with very thick walls. But it is precisely the main minus of the products - too much weight due to the severity used for the production of materials. Low thermal conductivity is considered a plus, and a minus at the same time. The main advantage is that batteries, although slowly warm up, also slowly cool - if the heating turns off, the radiators will remain warm for some time. But it will not work with such radiators to quickly adjust the temperature with the help of regulators.

Another lack of cast iron batteries are their non-preventability. True, in the modern market you can find models with an exclusive design, however, their cost will be significantly higher than the price of ordinary radiators.

Steel batteries produce two types: they can be tubular and panel. Panels are two connected plates with a thickness of up to 2 mm. Their advantages include small inertia, radiation of a large amount of heat, a modern stylish look, the possibility of manufacturing products of different forms, a small cost and resistance to two-seater inside the heating system. However, steel types of radiators possess such minuses as:

  • high risk of rust;
  • restrictions on the use of heating systems, the coolant in which contains various alkali reagents;
  • the inability to choose the number of sections is steel radiators are produced by ready-made panels.

Steel battery

One of the varieties of steel radiators is tubular models. Their main advantage in interesting design and the possibility of choosing a suitable form. You can buy an internal coating product with special polymer compositions, which will reduce the risk of rust.

Autonomous types of heating in private houses are most often made in the form of a system of pipes and radiators, where hot water is the coolant. Such systems were called. If you have such a system at home, it is better to stay on aluminum heating radiators for a private house. They have such advantages as:

  • low weight, which will allow you to install radiators even on fragile walls of plasterboard;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • high heat transfer;
  • ability to adjust the temperature with special cranes.

Cranic for regulating the temperature of the aluminum radiator

However, aluminum products have some disadvantages that are desirable to learn in advance. For example, the coolant in such radiators should be clean from chemical additives and solid particles capable of destroying the material. In addition, aluminum radiators are known in that they have threaded compounds of not the highest quality, which increases the level of risk of leakage.

Today, you can find a new type of radiators - bimetallic. Such batteries are made of aluminum alloy and steel, which makes them quite practical and reliable. The design of the device is represented as a core of steel, which is covered with aluminum. As a result, the coolant, passing through steel elements, does not harm aluminum. Thanks to such a design, such radiators can be used in apartments with a centralized heating system. The main advantages include:

  • the ability to withstand pressure jumps in pipes (up to 35 atmospheres);
  • low weight by applying aluminum;
  • high heat transfer.

Bimetallic radiator

If we talk about minuses, then it is one - a fairly high price. Such radiators cost more than aluminum, steel and cast-iron, which slows down their wide distribution.

How to properly select heating radiators for a private house? Not only the appearance of products, but also the power - when buying an instrument, it is necessary to find out how much power will need for heating the system. Make it is not as difficult as it may seem first. So, on the heating of one square meter in the room with the height of the ceilings three meters and one window needs about 100 W. Then simply multiplied the room area by 100 watts. And so that the calculations were even more accurate, do not forget:

  • if in the room one window and two external walls, add to the calculated power of about 20%;
  • if two windows and two outer walls - add about 25-30%;
  • when the window goes to the northern part, it is worth a minimum of 10% to the calculations.

After conducting such calculations, you can more accurately pick up a suitable radiator for home. And the power of the instruments can always be viewed in the documents - the "passport" of the device. By the way, it absolutely no matter what you decide to choose the battery of heating for installation in a private house, if you incorrectly install them, they will decorate your home, but will not give the desired heat to heat the room.

Selection of radiators for a country house

Let's look at where the radiators are mounted - this information will definitely be useful to you when you create. So, placing batteries follows light openings - windows. This place always has most heat losses, even if you have modern double-glazed windows. The radiator placed under the window warms the air around him. After that, the heated air rises up and create a curtain in front of the window that prevents the penetration of the cold to the room.

Choosing which heating radiators are better to purchase for a private house, do not forget about the importance of the length of the instruments - it must correspond to the width of the window opening. In extreme cases, the length should be at least 50% of the width of the window. In the corner room, it is worth placing 1-2 additional devices along the outer walls exposed to cold air. It is intended to install heating risers, mount them in the corners, which will ensure their heating and will avoid the likelihood of blaming the walls and the appearance of molds in them.

And do not forget that access to batteries should be open. Many owners of private houses close the heating radiators with sheets of plasterboard, which is undesirable - this will complicate the process of cleaning and repairing devices if necessary. In addition, the use of such a fence will lead to the revision of the previously carried out calculations for power.

We told you how and what heating batteries are best to choose to install in a private house. Now you know that when buying devices, you need to take into account the quality of water in the pipes, the power of the devices, their appearance and even the possibility of installing on fragile partitions, if necessary.