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Emotional burnout: signs, pathogenesis, methods of struggle and prevention. e. External reasons. Emotional burnout at work

Usually people feel fatigue at the end of the work shift, by the end of the labor week or immediately before leaving. Unfortunately, there are cases when you feel overworking all the time. At the same time, you notice the absence of enthusiasm in relation to work. Together with fatigue in your consciousness, its faithful satellites are set in: cutting, cynicism and indifference. There is an emotional burnout.

Beach of modern people

Symptoms of emotional burnout in lately more and more common. This is due to modern labor realities and a rich rhythm of life. Employers are becoming increasingly demanding, and working conditions are increasingly tense. The situation is often complemented by a troubled decor in the team, intrigue and gossip. Let's talk about what causes emotional burnout and how to overcome this condition.

Analogy with a scorched house

The term "burnout" itself was invented in the 70s of the 20th century by the psychologist Herbert Freudenberger. A clear relationship with the concepts of "scorched land" or "burning house" can be traced here. If you ever passed past the burnt facility, you know how sad it is and sad sight. Wooden buildings Almost dottle burns out, leaving only part of the walls. Concrete structures are lucky. But if externally affected fire brick houses Almost do not change their appearance, then inside the eyes of the observer appears the sad sight. You will be amazed how much fire is cruel, and what can be a disaster scale. Dr. Freudenberger conducted an analogy with the scorched concrete construction and emotional burnout in humans. Outside, a person practically does not change, but its internal resources are completely empty.

Three degrees of burnout

Modern researchers allocate three degrees of burnout: exhaustion, cynicism and inefficiency. Let us consider in more detail what all these stages lead to. Exhaustion from burnout causes anxious feeling, difficulty with sleep, lack of concentration and even physical diseases. Cynicism is sometimes referred to as depersonalization or self-perception disorder. In this case, their own actions are perceived by a person not from the inside, but from the side. There is a resistant feeling that he has lost control over themselves, there is a sense of alienation from people with whom a person works, lack of interest in work. And finally, the third factor selects your confidence that you work well or cope well with your functions. This feeling grows not from scratch.

No person wants to fall into the trap of emotional burnout. On the one hand, everything is simple: you need to not overload yourself to work. But, on the other hand, everything is much more complicated, and the trouble can sneeze suddenly. To know how to cope with this state, you must be able to determine the causes of its occurrence.

What causes burnout?

In fact, the opinion that burnout comes in connection with the lack of weekends and vacations is quite common. This is what Alexander Michel says, a scientific writer from the Association of Psychological Sciences: "The burnout arises when negative factors associated with the work becomes more than positive. When the project delivery time is pressed, there are too high demands of the chief, there is a shortage of working time and there are other stress factors. At the same time, the remuneration for labor, the recognition of colleagues and rest occupy much less space. "


Professor of the University of California in Berkeley Christina Oils studies this problem since the 70s. An expert with colleagues proposed six factors of the workplace environment that are responsible for burning. These include load, control, remuneration, value, community and justice. A person feels an emotional void, when two or more factors from the above do not correspond to its needs. For example, an employee has a small salary with too highly overestimated requirements and serious labor. Unfortunately, many jobs cannot satisfy the basic needs of personnel. One major study conducted in Germany by Gallop showed that 2.7 million workers report symptoms of burnout. In 2013, among the directors of enterprises in the UK, a survey was conducted, during which the following was found out: 30 percent of managers believe that their firms are subject to mass burnout.

Risks and consequences

The consequences of this phenomenon are comparable except with a disaster of an universal scale. According to Dr. Michel, burnout is not just a state of mind. This condition leaves an indelible mark in brains and people's bodies. Fatigue and loss of interest in work is only the top of the iceberg. In fact, the risks of burnout are more serious. Persons suffering from burnout are inherent in chronic psychosocial stress, which damages personal and social functioning. This suppresses cognitive skills and adversely affects the neuroendocrine system. Over time, burnout effects lead to problems with memory functions and a decrease in the concentration of attention. There are also large risks of damage to the psyche, in particular, the emergence of depressive disorder.

Burnout affects brain functions

This problem was studied by scientists repeatedly. So, one of the later scientific research It has shown that persons suffering from emotional burnout, the prefrontal cerebral bark is thinned. This important department is responsible for cognitive features. Usually, the prefrontal bark becomes thinner with age, in the process of natural aging of the body. But, as we see, this process is certain conditions May be launched much earlier.

Risks of Ischemic Heart Disease

Stresses and others negative emotions Cannot not affect the work of the heart. Another study, which affected almost 9 thousand workers susceptible to burnout, showed that this category significantly increases the risks of coronary heart disease. These and other consequences sound quite dark, so you turn the topic into a more positive channel. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome burnout.

How to overcome the problem?

When a person feels the effect of burnout, he is concerned about his condition. The first thing that can relieve panic is to reduce the amount of work done. Psychologists offer to look for ways to manage the load in the following tricks: in delegation of instructions, the ability to refuse assistance, as well as infant diary. There you can record the conditions that make you feel stress in the workplace. However, burnout is associated not only with professional load. Learn to look at the world widely open eyes, try to enjoy the rest, hobbies and any cute moments that are not related to work. In order to lead to the balance of the negative and positive, you need to learn how to enjoy life.

Do what you like

Easy to forget about yourself when you are experiencing a period of emotional burnout. You live under the oppression of constant stress, so the only outlet is an increase in the number delicious dishes In the diet. However, sweets do not get rid of you from the problem itself. And here healthy nutrition, sufficient number Water and exercise will quickly lead you up to normal. Try to do what you like, take time to meet friends. In conclusion, we give the word developer software Kent Nguyen: "The burnout comes from the inability to do what you love, or what is important to you, on a regular basis."

The burnout syndrome is the process of gradual loss of energy, manifested in a state of depletion, physical fatigue, personal removal and reducing satisfaction with the performance of work. It is considered as a result of stress in the workplace (1).

For the first time, the term "burnout" was used in 1974 by the X. Frederberger psychiatrist. He further explored the state of mentally healthy people who, by the nature of their activities, provided psychological services.

Since then, burnout at work was investigated and diagnosed with representatives of different professions and of different agesThereby confirming the fact that "burnout" is subject to any person regardless of gender, age and kind of activity.

How to independently check for professional burnout syndrome?

The presence or absence of signs of professional burnout syndrome you can check on your own. If you have found at least one sign from the following listed, then we can talk about the beginning of the formation of burnout syndrome. If you have a combination of several signs, in this case, this indicates the burnout syndrome already formed, and this is a serious reason for paying attention to this, understand the reasons and eliminate them to prevent consequences.

There are three key signs of emotional burnout syndrome:

  1. "Emotional and / or physical exhaustion"
  2. Emotional exhaustion is manifested in the feelings of overvoltage and in the sense of devastation, the exhaustion of their emotional resources, a feeling of fatigue that does not pass after night sleep. After the rest period (weekends, vacation), the data of manifestations are reduced, but upon returning to the previous work situation is renewed.

  3. "Personal removal"
  4. This symptom is expressed in the fact that a person begins his thoughts, feelings and even actions to perceive alienately without internal involvement. The workflow becomes an impersonal, formal. Sometimes we call this state to "act on the machine". The person is filled with an invisible screen from any experiences, including a protective mechanism of savings and so depleted stocks and energy reserves.

  5. "Dissatisfaction with yourself" in connection with the work

We can talk about the availability of this feature if the successes in the work stopped you inspire you. If it seems to you that the results of the work are not worth their efforts. There may be a feeling of "trafficking in a cell" when you feel that you do not take your place, do not see the prospects for development, the work is reduced. Change jobs or the scope of activity it seems impossible in the existing circumstances of your life. But if you had the opportunity to change the work, then you would take advantage of it.

Fig. 1. Signs of professional burnout syndrome

As you can now make sure chronic fatigue, dissatisfaction with your work, the apparent lack of perspectives in your current workplace may be signs of formation of professional burnout syndrome, which can be subject to each. Therefore, attempts to find the reasons for their inner state in allegedly "bad" work will not lead to success. Even changing the place of work, the sphere of activity or leaving to the freelancing, after some time you will overtake you, adding the picture with new symptoms.

Therefore, the responsibility of each employee, regardless of the scope of activity, should be the ability to find and eliminate the causes of their professional burnout.

What are the causes of emotional burnout syndrome?

So, professional burnout is the result of stress at work. Consider several sources of stress in the work of the software developer.

1. Monotonicity in the work

Monotonous and simple operations that need to be performed in the process of activity quickly lead to boredom and apathy. And if it continues for a long time, then to the state of mental suggestion (disgust for operation). Monotonicity can be found in any employment. However, special attention to the ways to overcome monotony in the work should be given to designers, whose activities are related to the operating of GOST and SNIPS, where new ideas are difficult to break through. Also, the feeling of monotony may occur under large amounts of work, when a person understands how much of all he has to do.

Ways to cope with monotony in work

Monotonicity of activity causes nervous system lack of excitation of nervous processes, especially with a large amount of work. Accordingly, it is necessary to periodically change its usual activity, creating new conditions for themselves to which you need to get used to it in a new way. And as soon as you feel that you are accustomed to, change again. This also applies to the smallest things. This may be a change in the usual lunch place, changing the usual route to work and to the house, changing the sequence of actions "turned on the computer-went for coffee." Make on the contrary, illogical, "poured coffee-turned on the computer." Here and begin "Wonders", the brain will begin to move and think: "And what now in your free time to do while the computer is loaded?" This is the very moment when ideas and new behavioral methods are born, etc. And do not worry about what it may seem illogical and uneconomical. These two minutes do not save so much in fact, but can become for your nervous system Prevention against monotony and protection against "burnout" at work. Do not care about yourself not logical?

If monotony arises from awareness of a large amount of work, then the way to cope is to use the methods of planning and structuring unusual for you. People with the structural type of planning will suit the method of spontaneous planning based on emotional selection. People planning chaotic, on the contrary, you can try time planning with alarm clock. The main thing is that it is unusual for you.

The most pleasant thing is that you are limited only by your fantasy. Changing the usual ways to perform automatic actions is an excellent prevention of stress and chronic fatigue.

2. Lack of social support

The role of praise, promotion and censure in labor activity was studied by many researchers. In my opinion, in these studies you can distinguish three main principles:

First principle

Feedback from the head, boss or colleagues is necessary for the prevention of "burnout". It matters like a negative assessment and positive. Lack of any assessment of labor activity, i.e. Immotional, smooth attitude is reflected in the worst way on the results of work. "Unnoticed", that is, not the estimated people begin to work worse and worse due to the decline in the strength of the motive for the work performed, as it was believed that she was not needed by anyone.

Second principle

It is necessary to avoid estimates of the entire person as a whole both positive and negative ("Well done", "you do not understand anything"). And, accordingly, evaluate only specific actions or activities in connection with a specific task. With a positive assessment of actions, a person realizes that not everything is done and success is not a reason for stagnation; With a negative assessment of actions, it does not lose confidence, the motivational potential does not decrease, it understands that failure can be overcome, because It has enough opportunities for this.

Third principle

Material encouragement effectively and stably motivates if the results of labor can be measured quantitatively. Mental work is extremely difficult to evaluate in numbers and indicators, so the material encouragement of mental labor workers can be perceived as an expression of the personal attitude of the head. This, in fact, is also not bad until this relationship is perceived as positive, i.e. until the first material deductions.

The way to cope with the lack of social support

Request from the leader, boss and colleagues feedback on the results of its activities. To ensure that the assessments relate only to activities and actions, and not the person as a whole, specify generalized claims and generalized praise. With praise, of course, the most difficult, it is not enough. With the lack of social support, many freelancers are facing. They may show signs of "burnout" if they do not learn from the receptions of self-support and self-admiration.

3. Work in the conditions of "Open Space"

The impact on the effectiveness of the activities of the presence of other people noted Academician V.M. Bekhterev, highlighting three types of people: socially excitable, socially brake and socially indifferent. A similar attitude to the presence of other people was noted by K. Jung in the Personal Type of Introvert / Extravert. Let me remind you that introversion / extroversion K. Jung was considered only from the point of view of the method to replenish the stocks of energy and the ability to focus. Those. The introverts rest and fill energy reserves, being alone. Extraverats are resting in the presence of other people, in communication and interaction.

The specifics of the programming work causes the community of psychological features of professional software developers. S. McConnell experience and S. Arkookovenkov - experts in the field of development of software, as well as mine personal experience It confirms that most professional software developers belong to introverts according to the Tiology of K. Yung. Those. Fill energy reserves, being alone, and the presence of other people for them is a stress factor that reduces energy reserves, respectively. At the same time, the person himself can not always realize that he loses energy if it is forced to work among other people, because Energy consumption occurs gradually during the day. However, their belonging to introverts or extroverts can be founded independently by analyzing different situations From your past experience.

The way to cope with the work in the conditions of "Open Space"

If possible, organize your workspace So that other people do not get into your attention. If you have a choice, then the workplace is worth choosing in a quiet corner, disadvantaged, preferably by the window to be able to unload the eyes from the computer. If you do not have the opportunity to organize your workplace, in this case, your holiday home should be most isolated from the presence of other people at least for several hours.

The organization of its livelihoods under its typological features will allow you to replenish the stock of the estate energy in time, avoid chronic fatigue and emotional exhaustion, thereby protecting itself from "burnout".

Fig. 2. Causes of professional burnout syndrome

The foregoing material covers only part of the main signs of professional burnout syndrome, as well as some of possible causes stress in the work of the software developer. Of course, the analysis of how the working process affects our psychological state, incl. On professional burnout, impossible without taking into account the individual characteristics and human life situation. Strong emotional experiences in personal life can contribute to the rapid development of burnout syndrome, even if there was no stress at work. Therefore, a highly qualified specialist should know how to deal with stress not only at work, but also know how to quickly get rid of the vast emotional experiences in personal life.


  1. Makarov V.V., Makarova G.A. Transactional analysis is an oriental version. - M., 2002.
  2. Steve McConnell is the perfect code. Master class / lane. from English - M.: Publishing House "Russian edition", 2010.
  3. Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motifs - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000

Morning On July 11, two thousand Engo of the year was memorable for me: when the alarm clock ranked, I used to try to get out of bed: I threw one leg, after her, taking a sedentary position. Then I tried to get up, but failed - my body, like a sandbag, fell on the carpet. I remember the first idea that I came to mind then: "I'm late for the stedap." Fear that the body may be so easy to fall at any reason, it was not. Having squeezed on the hands, I again climbed the bed and again tried to get up - the body had a bad thing and having made two steps, I again collapsed to the floor. In the head was foggy and thoughts were confused, but still I thought of writing to my manager that I was late for work, and maybe even I would not come, but I will come tomorrow. Instead of one day, I returned to work three weeks later: two weeks I stupidly lay on the sofa, it was difficult to walk, even relying about the wall, my thoughts did not listen to me (as far as it applies to thoughts), I didn't want to eat at all, but I didn't want To do it, because I knew that it was necessary.
I am sure that you guessed why it happened - I burned at work. For those "First" two weeks that I was lying in bed I had to rethink something and come up with an algorithm, decisive task full recovery (in as soon as possible) After "burnout" at work.

The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting an article is inspired by this post.
I apologize in advance for the Anglicizms found in the article.

The entire laid list consists of the errors that I made and after the correction of which, 95% of my problems went. Also, all the text with tips can be reduced to one single phrase: "Stop steaming" (I first wanted to write the word "worry" but it is not exactly the characteristic of what I will try to convey to you). And now on items.

Start planning

All of us are very afraid of the unknown, when we do not know what to do, and what will happen next, we are thereby "winding" yourself and their own body for excitement. When we have a plan - we are not afraid: we know exactly what you need to do to achieve the goal.
Do you know what I noticed? No one panic when everything goes according to plan. Even if the plan is monstering. If tomorrow, I will state the press that one of the bandits will die, or a truck with soldiers takes off the air, no one will panic, because all this is part of the plan. But when I say that some miserable mayor will die, everyone is losing their head. Very a bit anarchy. Violation of the established order, and everything around turns into chaos. I am a carrier of chaos. Do you know what is the basis of chaos? This fear.
"Joker" from the movie "Dark Knight"

Example: No one is worried when he brews tea - he always "holds" a plan in his head, what to do for what to do to get the desired drink. But we plant a person with driving experience and ask to make a diagonal parking (at the same time threaten that if he won't make it, they will punish it) - you can not doubt, he will begin to worry and makes a bunch of mistakes - therefore he has no plan (rather algorithm) What actions need to be done to resist unknown punishment. Example exaggerated, but I think you understand what this is speech. Hence the conclusion: Learn to plan.
How to solve it: Of course, all things are not planning, as if I did not want. But 90% of the time of his life can be planned and it is not at all difficult, as it seems. The same applies to work: take care of yourself, coming to the workplace, the first thing to do is plan your day. To come, sit down at the table and paying twenty minutes of time, to paint on the clock (considering the error) what you plan to do. Thus, for every day you will have a plan, reflecting that you need to do, and, as a result, you will never have any kind of worry about something or not taken into account.
Of course, there are things that are not amenable to our control. For example, you made an implicit error in the code, they bought it on production and he lay down. Your Tim Leed comes to you and says "You put the Prod, come on Chini and Chini faster it is very important!". The most frequent reaction is a panic. Do not do that. It will be more reasonable to consider this in the context: "Production has fallen, it's just a case that in itself is another task that needs to be solved." But the excitement overcomes you and thoughts are confused, the hands are trembling, and you do not know how this all edit it is sold, aaaaa !!! Hence the following item.

Stop worrying

A man is so arranged that much of what he has is the habit. Good or bad, but habits. And habits, as you know, the body acquires over time until they become unconscious reactions to one or another external stimulus. Run in the mornings \\ smoking \\ scratching the heads are all habits. The excitement is also a habit. Especially excitement when something does not work.
How to solve it: Every time you understand that you start worrying, and your hands trembled - zerite; If you go - slow down a step or stop; If you often breathe - take control of your breath; If your thoughts are moving without control - stop thinking about everything and think about the cats (or what you like). The main thing is to bring the body from the state of "chaos" when you do not control each of your feeling. Next, it is necessary to focus on the thoughts that caused your excitement. When you are focused, it will become clear to you that the situation has already happened, and not change anything. When reconciled with this, you must understand that there are only three options for the development of events:
1. You do everything so that the situation improves
2. You do everything so that the situation has worsened
3. You do not do anything, and waiting for what will happen (the worst option)

That is, the situation itself is no longer able to change, but the consequences are quite.
The man is very afraid of an unknown when he does not know what to do and what will happen next than the "winding" itself and its body for even greater excitement. In our case, we know what to do - we must do everything so that the situation has improved. At the same time, it is worth remembering that before doing something, it is necessary to plan it. Therefore, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bcalm down, take the fact that something happened and in full calm to sit down to plan how you will solve the situation.
As mentioned above, we cannot provide everything, but we can generalize everything that cannot be provided in a separate category of "unforeseen affairs". 10% of the cases that will happen you want this or not. You just need to relate to this calmly. The main thing in all this is to stop accepting emotional participation in the problem. If you do not know what to do and start thinking "what will think about me" - stop doing it right now. Especially chasing the thought: And if I do not have time, oh what will happen then, Aaaa is scary how. As a result: shaking hands, headache and bad Son., and, as a result, braking with the timing of the task. The solution to this problem is the following paragraph.

Replace concern for analyzing

When a problem arises (task), a frequent reaction is a fear \\ fright \\ panic that you have no idea how to solve the task. I already wrote it in the previous article, but I repeat this story again, as very indicative:
Harry Kasparova, the world champion of chess, somehow asked how many moves, he thinks in the party, planning the next move. Asking believed that he would inform some impressive figure, and then they would understand what makes him the winner. But the said to them showed people that they incorrectly perceive even the very essence of the game: "The main thing in chess is not how much moves you think, and how well you analyze the current situation."
The essence of this method is that, not knowing the objective of your entire situation, people begin to calculate the options that initially turn out to be erroneous. And since it is not possible to calculate everything, the queue to the right moves never comes. As a result, we choose the best way From the worst. The best of those we tried to consider so carefully.
Applying the same strategy to life, you can understand how often we, instead of objectively evaluate what is happening, trying to calculate the moves in advance, and as often later these moves are directed not forward, but aside.
It is clear to realize the present situation - it means to make the options discover themselves. He who says that he does not know what to do next, he doesn't know what happens to him now.
In other words, we cannot understand the current situation.
How to solve it: Start analyzing the task. Write on the leaf of all the thoughts that you cause bewilderment when you ask how it is possible to solve this task. When all questions are written, stop yourself again and think how you could answer them. Suppose you will have from zero to three answers.
Read each answer again and think about which of these answers is definitely wrong. Crouch them out of the list. It may well happen that more than half of the questions you can answer yourself and everything will be much easier. Remaining questions to discuss with more wiser colleagues.
And here there is a miracle - you stopped worrying, the brain can not worry while he analyzes. It's just a biology - while you take the brain with something one, he cannot do others. It is logical than the less time we will think about work, the less we will have to plan, hence the next item.

Divide Time

Start with simple: divide the time for working and your own. Working time - These are the eight hours that you spend at work. As soon as eight hours have expired, you no longer belong to any project nor the boss, nor the fact that "production in fire". For those who are angry in the soul, it is indignant: "How not to pay attention to the underlying extension," I will remind you about previous items: you need to understand what happened because it happened. In this situation, we must act as always: we have a task, we need to solve it. If we are worried and get nervous to nothing good (the nerves add errors).
How to solve it:today, when you come home, stop thinking about work. As soon as you went out for the mind threshold, work stopped existing. You think only about yourself and your affairs. Highly good practice - To delete the work mail from your phone, and ideally get rid of everything that connected you with work. Work at work, house - houses.
The brain is so arranged that the subconscious will still be "in the background" to solve such problems. And if the problem is solved, the subconscious will find an answer. Do not intentionally load your head with outsided thoughts when they did not come. Let me explain your words: when you go on the weekend, let's say, in the cinema, you go to the cinema - the idea should not knock on the head, the kind: "You need to call the electrician to transfer the outlets"; When you are in the car, your attention is only on the road, and not about how to get rid of the legacy code, which has been the whole soul for the year.
Even if you are the head of the project, and the priest lay, take it calmly (but, I think, if you have passed to the main thing - you are well aware of what to do)

Stop being humane

For example, you have a person who is constantly asking for help. In any little things. You help a person one, the other, the tenth time. Thereby encouraging his behavior. And as a result, he asks more and more, and you can't refuse him, because you feel sorry for him and you want to help. As a result, you do not have time with your tasks and spend your nerves on other people's problems.
How to solve it: Teach yourself relates to some things occurring at work, cynical. It is impossible to encourage such behavior, a person begins to quickly hit and any problem to ask you again. Become a cynic to such colleagues - it does not work, disassemble yourself. Three months have passed, and you still facaping, without even thinking to do any effort to break yourself? I think it is time for us to stop cooperation. Do not adhere to the concerns of others - everyone has their own duties that you need to follow, constant other people's problems you do not need.

Brief conclusions

Summing up, we will pass over all points:
1. Start planning - When everything goes according to plan, you are calm since there is no frightening unknown ahead
2. Stop worrying - excitement adds errors
3. Replace concern for analyzing - Learn not to be afraid of the problem, but to analyze it. When the brain is engaged in the analysis, he has no time to worry.
4. Divide Time - Learn to think only about one separate time
5. Stop being humane - Do not adhere to other people's problems, you are not Mother Teresa

The methods described in the article, an unprepared person, will be complex in perception and implementation. But when you get to fully follow these five points, you will understand that you will never get to burn at work.

Emotional burnout syndrome (CEV) is a negative body reaction for long-term stress associated with the performance of professional duties. He often arises from managers or employees who occupy responsible positions, but in the risk group are not only they are. The CMEA may also develop in humans, due to the professional duties dealing with the troubles of other people (doctors, social service staff, etc.). The point here is not so much in specialization, but in a pathologically conscientious attitude towards your work. People who are constantly seeking to do everything "best of all", exaggerating their own responsibility for the work of a whole team who cannot be distracted from production problems, sooner or later become a victim of burnout.

Permanent feeling of fatigue

One of the main properties of a recognized workaholic is inability to be distracted from work. After a working day, he continues to scroll into working moments in the minds, think about them, look for ways to solve problems that have arisen. As a result of a full-fledged rest, it does not work even if a person seems to respect the mode of sleep and wakefulness. Every day, he feels increasingly tired, the effectiveness of the work decreases that with its responsible attitude towards its duties only strengthens stress.

The way to solve the problem in this case is one: you need to learn to switch the brain and for a while forget about the service. In the most difficult cases, the patient is required to help a psychologist, but something can do something:

  1. Out of work, it is necessary to completely exclude the impact of any factors that may return thoughts to the professional field (not to communicate with colleagues, disable the phone, do not go to the service page email etc.).
  2. Active recreation related to sports or tourism (work at the cottage).
  3. To try to find a hobby, attractive enough to distract from official duties. In this sense optimal option is needlework. Let's explain said. Professional activity of the majority modern people is collective. IN ordinary life We are practically deprived of unusually strong positive emotionswhich cause the creative process itself and the personnel creating any object. The choice of the type of needlework is the case is purely individual. There are many educational courses, master classes, literature capable of facilitating the search for a hobby and do not give a novice master to get confused in the abundance of technician and materials.



A man suffering from SEV is afraid of doing something wrong, losing control over the situation. It is constantly in tension that provokes a headache. Unpleasant sensations usually occur at the end of the working day and cannot be eliminated using painkillers. Headache Reduces the quality of night sleep and contributes to strengthening the feeling of fatigue.

Help in solving problems can breathing exercises. The choice of a specific methodology and the development of an individual training regime is better to entrust the doctor: the lack of awareness of the patient in such matters may lead to the fact that the breathing practice will not bring the desired relief.


Back pain and chest

Permanent stress is negatively reflected in the state of muscles. Emotional burnout syndrome is often manifested by spasms of muscles of the back and chest. There is an obsessive pain that reduces the quality of life.

In this case, special complexes are recommended to get rid of unpleasant sensations. breathing exercises and long walking on fresh airallowing you to relax and reduce the oppressive sense of responsibility. Significant relief and sessions of psychotherapy are also brought.


Appearance of excess weight

The desire to be an eternal excellent card creates a constant tension and a negative emotional background. Many find an exit in the "jamming" of unpleasant sensations, which leads to a set of excess weight. The mass of the body during CMEA may increase without overeating. The cause becomes a violation of metabolism, provoked by a long stress.

Trying to limit food intake and choose a diet in this case is useless. It is important to understand what the problem is psychological character, and deal with it.


Searches for distracting classes

With an emotional burnout, a person tries to find a lesson distracting from painful thoughts. Some in such cases give preference to shop, others begin to abuse alcohol, smoking or enjoyed with gambling.

Funds of this kind, as a rule, do not bring relief. People suffering from CMEA have a high sense of responsibility, and harmful habits cause them a sense of guilt. If a person ceases to enjoy even such a relatively harmless lesson, like shopping, is an alarming symptom. It is necessary to refer to the psychologist.


Problems with the execution of current affairs

Emotional burnout Leads to reduce the ability to work and the emergence of problems with the fulfillment of the usual duties. A person stops striving to receive new information, produce creative ideas, it becomes not flexible. For people who occupy guidelinesSuch changes are fraught with a decrease in professional and public status. The consciousness that he began to work worse, a considerable suffering brings a perfectionist.

In such a situation, assistance is needed a psychologist to change the system of values \u200b\u200bin the patient. It is important to learn how to compare ourselves with others, try to relax and stop picking up your own shoulders responsibility for not bye.


Loss of interest in life

With emotional burnout, a person experiences hopelessness and helplessness. The operation of the mechanism of psychological protection makes it more indifferently refer to his work. As a result, he loses interest not only to professional activities, but also to other parties to life. In this state, the patient may refuse the most attractive ways to discharge: interesting tourist trips, campaigns in the theater or exhibitions and even communication with loved ones.

If a person ceases to be interested in the news (including in the professional field), entertainment, becomes cutting with relatives - he needs immediate assistance.

Emotional burnout syndrome is a state when a person feels heavily morally, mentally, and physically. It's harder to wake up in the morning and start labor activity. It is more difficult to focus on your duties and fulfill them in a timely manner. The working day is stretched until late at night, collapses the usual way of life, deteriorates relationships with others.

Those who have encountered such a phenomenon do not immediately understand what is happening. Emotional burnout, in his "incubation" period, similar to Handra. People become irritable, offended. They give hands at the slightest failures and do not know what to do with all this, what treatment to do. Because it is so important to see the first "calls" in an emotional background, take preventive measures And do not bring themselves to the nervous breakdown.


The phenomenon of emotional burnout, as a mental disorder, was paid back in 1974. American psychologist Herbert Freudenberg first noted the seriousness of the problem of emotional exhaustion and its influence on the identity of man. At the same time, the main causes, signs and stages of the development of the disease were described.

Most often, emotional burnout syndrome is associated with problems at work, although such a mental disorder may also appear in ordinary housewives or young mothers, as well as creative people. All these cases are united by the same signs: fast fatigue and loss of interest in duties.

As statistical data show, the syndrome is most often striking those who are dealing with a human factor every day:

  • working in salvation services and hospitals;
  • taught in schools and universities;
  • serving large client streams in serving services.

Coming in a negative daily, someone else's mood or inadequate behavior, a person is constantly experiencing emotional stresswhich over time is only enhanced.

The follower of the American scientist George Greenberg allocated five stages of the increase in mental tension associated with professional activities, and identified them as "stages of emotional burnout":

  1. Man is pleased with his work. But constant stress gradually fill energy.
  2. The first signs of the syndrome are observed: insomnia, reduced performance and partial loss of interest in their work.
  3. At this stage, a person is so hard to focus on the work that everything is performed very slowly. Attempts to "catch up" turn into a constant habit of working late in the evening or on weekends.
  4. Chronic fatigue It is projected into physical health: immunity is reduced, and colds are turned into chronic, "old" sores are manifested. People at this stage are experiencing constant discontent with themselves and others often quarrel with colleagues.
  5. Emotional instability, decay of forces, aggravation chronic diseases - These are signs of the fifth stage of emotional burnout syndrome.

If you do nothing and do not begin treatment, the condition of a person will only deteriorate, dismantle into deep depression.

The reasons

As already mentioned emotional burnout syndrome can happen due to constant stress at work. But the reasons for the professional crisis lies not only in frequent contacts with a complex contingent of people. Chronic fatigue and accumulated discontent may have other roots:

  • monotony of repetitive actions;
  • tense rhythm;
  • insufficient promotion of labor (material and psychological);
  • frequent undeserved criticism;
  • obscure setting of tasks;
  • feeling undervaluation or unnecessaryness.

The burnout syndrome is often found in people who have certain features of character:

  • maximalism, the desire to do everything perfectly correctly;
  • increased responsibility and inclination to sacrifice their own interests;
  • dreamability, which sometimes leads to an inadequate assessment of its capabilities and abilities;
  • a tendency to idealism.

People who abuse alcohol, cigarettes and energy drinks easily fall into the risk zone. Artificial "stimulants" they are trying to improve performance when temporary troubles are happening or wets. But bad habits only aggravate the situation. For example, getting used to energy. A person begins to take them even more, but the effect is reverse. The body is depleted and begins to resist.

Emotional burnout syndrome can happen at a housewife. The reasons for disorder are similar to those who experience people in monotonous work. Especially this is sharply manifested if the woman seems to be that no one appreciates her work.

The same sometimes experience people who are forced to care for seriously ill relatives. They understand that this is their duty. But inside the resentment to the unfair peace and the feeling of hopelessness.

Related sensations appear in a person who cannot quit an adult job, feeling responsible to the family and the need to provide it.

Another group of people susceptible to emotional burnout is writers, artists, stylists and other representatives of creative professions. The reasons for their crisis should be sought in disbelief in own forces. Especially when their talent does not find recognition in society or receive negative references from critics.

In fact, any person who does not receive approval and support can be subjected to the emotional burnout syndrome, but continuing to overload oneself.


Emotional burnout is not collapsed immediately, it has a sufficiently long latent period. At first, the person feels that his enthusiasm decreases to the duties. I want to fulfill their peristers, but it turns out the opposite - very slowly. This is due to the loss of skill to focus on the fact that it is no longer interesting. The irritability and feeling of fatigue appears.

The symptoms of emotional burnout can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Physical manifestations:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • weakness and lethargy in the muscles;
  • frequent migraines;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • increased sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness and darkening in the eyes;
  • "Nighting" joints and loin.

The syndrome is often accompanied by a disruption of appetite or excessive voraciousness, which, accordingly, leads to a noticeable change in weight.

  1. Socio-behavioral signs:
  • the desire for isolation, the reduction of communication with other people to a minimum;
  • evasion of responsibilities and responsibilities;
  • the desire to blame those surrounding in their own troubles;
  • manifestation of malice and envy;
  • complaints about life and what you have to work "around the clock";
  • the habit of expressing gloomy forecasts: from bad weather for the next month to world collapse.

In an attempt to escape from the "aggressive" reality or "to cheer up" a person can start using narcotic substances and alcohol. Or there are high-calorie food in unmeared quantities.

  1. Psycho-emotional signs:
  • indifference to what is happening around the events;
  • disbelief in their strength;
  • crashing personal ideals;
  • loss of professional motivation;
  • quick temper and discontent with close people;
  • permanent bad mood.

Mental burnout syndrome, its clinical picture, similar to depression. A person is experiencing deep suffering from the apparent feeling of loneliness and doom. In such a state it is difficult to do something, something will focus on something. Nevertheless, overcoming emotional burnout is much easier than depressive syndrome.


Emotional burnout syndrome - a poor, which, unfortunately, do not always pay attention. People often do not consider it necessary to begin treatment. They think that they are just a little enough "podnaping" and finally finally work, which stalled, contrary to overwork and mental decline. And this is their main mistake.

In the case when the mental burnout syndrome is diagnosed, the first thing to be done is to slow down. It is not even more time to spend even more time to work, but to do big breaks between individual tasks. And while resting to do what the soul is.

This advice of psychologists helps a lot of housewives during the fight against syndrome. If a homework Having watched the dental gross, its execution stimulates pleasant breaks that the woman awards himself: He welded soup - hence, he deserved to see one series of his beloved series, stroked things - you can lie down with love Roman in hand. Similar encouragement is a stimulus to do its work much faster. And the fixation of each fact of completing the useful business gives internal satisfaction and increases interest in life.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to do frequent breaks. Especially on office work. Employees suffering from phenomenon emotional burnout is better to ask extraordinary vacation. Or take a hospital for a couple of weeks. During this period, a person will have time to restore forces a little, and analyze the situation.

Analysis of the reasons leading to a mental disorder is another effective strategy for combating burnout syndrome. It is advisable to state the facts to another person (to a friend, relative or psychotherapist), which will help to look at the situation from the part.

Or you can write out the causes of burnout on a sheet of paper, leaving opposite each item place to write a solution to the problem. For example, if it is difficult to perform working tasks because of their ambiguity, ask the manager to clarify and specify the results that he wants to see. Does not suit low-paying work - ask for a supervision from the head or search for alternatives (study the vacancies market, send the resume, to ask the acquaintances of free places, etc.).

That detailed description and drawing up a solution plan helps to express priorities, enlist support close manAnd at the same time will serve as a warning of new disruptions.


Emotional burnout syndrome comes against the background of the physical and mental depletion of man. Therefore, preventive measures aimed at improving health will help prevent such a disease.

  1. Physical prevention of emotional burnout:

  • diet food, with minimum quantity fats, but including vitamins, plant fiber and minerals;
  • physical education or at least walking in the fresh air;
  • full sleep at least eight hours;
  • compliance with the regime of the day.
  1. Psychological prevention of emotional burnout syndrome:
  • mandatory day off once a week during which only what I want to do;
  • "Cleansing" of the head from disturbing thoughts or problems by analyzing (on paper or in a conversation with a careful listener);
  • prioritization (first of all actually important cases, and the rest - as good as possible);
  • meditation and autotranengi;
  • aromatherapy.

In order to prevent the appearance of the syndrome or strengthen the existing phenomenon of emotional burnout, psychologists recommend learn to put up with losses. Start the fight against syndrome is easier when you look at your fear "in the eye." For example, the meaning of life is lost or vital energy. It is necessary to recognize this and tell yourself that you start all at first: you will find a new stimulus and new sources of force.

Another important skill, according to experts, is the ability to abandon unnecessary things, the pursuit of which leads to an emotional burnout syndrome. When a person knows what he wants personally, and not a generally accepted opinion, he becomes invulnerable to emotional burnout.