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Relaxation to calm the nervous system with words. How to restore the nervous system after a long stress? Outcasting to calm the nervous system

Method of acquisition soul equilibrium Using a certain number of self-pressure techniques is called autotraining. Each person can inspire anything, including the state of moral rest. Many people need autotraining to calm down nervous system Due to the impact of various stressful circumstances. The method helps to restore the balance biochemical processes in organism. Sometimes you can change the traits of character, and in some cases - get rid of harmful habits. Learn autotrening simply, the main thing is to believe in your strength.

What is autotraining

This is a certain psychological technique that helps a person to acquire moral tranquility at the expense of some self-removal techniques. The essence of this process is to calm the nervous system and relaxation of the whole organism even in conditions of daily stress. According to psychologists, autotraining refers to hypnotic impact, but the main line of self-sustaining is direct participation in the process. The value of such training is the skill:

  • control muscle tone;
  • call at the request of the necessary emotional state;
  • positively influence the nervous system;
  • concentrate attention to the desired.

Indications and contraindications

Autotraining suits people suffering from such aids as: neurosis, panic attacks, neurasthenia and other psychosomatic diseases. Good indicators self-compliance shows in cure diseases based on emotional tension (Bronchial asthma, endocarditis, hypertension of the gastrointestinal disorder, constipation and others). Autotraining should not be engaged in those who suffer from vegetative crises, nonsense, the state of unclear consciousness and somatic seizures. Self-regulation helps heal the nervous system of children and pregnant women.

Self-regulation techniques

Managing its psycho-emotional state is called self-regulation. As a result successful work Over yourself can achieve the effects of soothing (reduce emotional tensions), restoration (eliminate the manifestations of depression) and activation (increase psycho-physiological reactivity). Natural techniques of self-regulation of the nervous system are:

Use such autotraining techniques at work and in other public places where the stress or fatigue can be fascinated. The most accessible techniques of natural self-regulation are:

  • laughter, humor;
  • meditation about pleasant;
  • smooth motion of the body (sipping);
  • admiring pleasant things (flowers, paintings, etc.);
  • bathing B. solar rays;
  • pleasant feelings from inhalation fresh air;
  • support compliments.

Basic tools autotraining

In addition to natural autotraining techniques, there are mental tools of self-regulation, which are expressed in visualization (the influence of mental images), affirmation (word power), respiratory management and muscle tone. They enter into one general concept - Meditation. Autotraining tools can be used in any situations, especially when the emotional state has reached a negative peak. Meditation for soothing - good way Set the impaired nervous system.

Breathing control

it effective tool Impact on the emotional brain departments and intense parts of the body included in autotraining. There are two types of breathing - breast and using abdominal muscles. The ability to control both methods of relaxation of the body leads to different effects. Deep and measured breathing with belly will relax the intense parts of the body. Sometimes to improve the mental state, tension is necessary for the organism. For this use frequent breast breathing, which will provide high level human activity.

Muscular tone management

Another way of autotraining is released from the voltage of muscle clamps. They often arise from a negative emotional state. The ability to relax muscles in the body will help to quickly restore strength. After the relaxation procedure in a well-processed muscle, a feeling of pleasant severity and heat will appear. Remove nervous tension Immediately throughout the body may not work, therefore it is worth paying attention to individual parts of the body.

Verbal impact

This method of autotreating affects the psychophysical functions of the body due to the self-pressure mechanism. The action of the method is made at the expense of short customizing orders to its "I", programming for success and self-storage. For example, to restrain in the tense, the nervous situation should mentally say: "Do not give up for a provocation!". In order for autotraining to work, you need to be programmed to success with the words: "Today I will succeed!" A mental praise will help to raise self-esteem: "I am well done!"

How to relax the nervous system

Independent autotraining to calm the nervous system is possible due to some existing methods. At each of them, psychologists made up detailed step by step instructions:

  1. An example of self-regulation using breathing, after which the body will become calmer and balanced:
    • make a deep slow breath, counting to themselves up to four;
    • stick forward the belly, holding a fixed chest;
    • hold your breath to account 1-2-3-4;
    • make a smooth exhalation, counting from one to six;
    • before the next breath again, hold the breath for a few seconds.
  2. Autotraining muscular tone control:
    • stay on soft smooth surface;
    • inhale and exhale deeply;
    • mentally find the most intense parts of the body;
    • focus and strain the locations of the clamps even stronger (in the breath);
    • feel the stress that appeared;
    • relieve it sharply (in exhalation);
    • spend a procedure several times.
  3. Outcasting exercises using a verbal method:
  • word order yourself;
  • repeat it mentally several times;
  • if possible, say the order out loud.

Basic techniques

To learn the Azam psychoregulation is possible due to the works of the first inventors of the autogenic training of Vladimir Levy and Johann Schulz. Methods of these psychologists for the use of self-discharge in the medical sphere and everyday life went into the database of the treatment of the central nervous system. Autogenous workouts described in the works of Levi and Schulz will help to acquire self-confidence, establish the work of the internal organs and remove psychological tension.

Autogenous training on School

This method of restoring the nervous system helps to disclose natural ability in man - self-hypanosis. The main goal is to set up your body to restore by meditation, complete relaxation of the body and moral soothing. According to Schultsu, after occupation, autotraining arises certain therapeutic effects:

  • physical and moral soothing;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • awakening the protective forces of the body;
  • acquire self-confidence.

According to Vladimir Levi

The training course of self-regulation on Vladimir Levi is to apply the self-compliance formula for removing moral and physical stress, restoring the nervous system. Therapeutic effect is achieved both verbally and thanks to imagination. The autotraining development program proceeds throughout the 15-week course, and its main part is based on the principle of mental "stress-relaxation" muscles. Such therapy helps, subject to complete interest in the process and faith in their own capabilities.

Video for autogenous self-regulation

If you do not know how to relax with autotraining to calm the nervous system, then these useful videos are for you. Experienced psychologists Share the secrets of self-regulation. Doctors will answer the exciting questions: what are the verbal teams exist, does medical music assist for the nervous system, which is better to use autotraining techniques. Learn how to achieve the congestion of the CNS with the help of independent mental, verbal or respiratory training.

Outcasting for soothing, positive words

Text for relaxation

Music for relaxation

Training self-regulation on Bekhterev

Autotraining is an emotion management technique, self-sucking. This is a certain self-drive method in trance. In such a state, when a person has changed the background of consciousness, it is given various psychological attitudes. The concept was represented by a German psychotherapist Johann Schulz. Outcasting is used in the treatment of various psychological diseases, especially in diseases of the nervous system.

Autotraenings can be applied not only in therapeutic purposesBut for prevention. They have many directions. With their help, it is possible to instruct a person for certain purposes to which he will strive on the psychological level.

Body position in training

You can take two types of position:

  1. You are lying on your back, the hands are slightly bent in the elbows, lie along the body with palms down, legs are spread to 20-30 cm.
  2. If at your disposal there is a comfortable chair with the back and armrests, then sit on it, put hands on the armrests. If not, accept the posture position: Sit on the chair, straighten up, try to relax your back, lower the head, close your eyes, put your feet on the floor (they should be slightly spreading), hands on the knees of palms down, do not touch each other.

There may be an uncontrolled dormant state - in this case, make 3-4 deep breaths and exhalation and climb, without raising the age.

Remember, self-compliance formulas must be combined with emotional images to which you are striving - they need to pronounce about themselves, in the beat of breathing.

Outcasting for soothing

Used to remove fatigue, improve emotional background, with insomnia and depression. Almost everyone we worry before the speech before the public, an important meeting or before you do something important. In such situations, light excitement is even useful - in this state, all the forces of the body are mobilized, the reaction increases.

If the excitement is too strong and you almost "kogotit", you should make several exercises. Exercises for calm better do in a lying position. Such exercises help learn:

  • The ability to cause complete relaxation of the muscles;
  • The appearance of the feeling of heat in the limbs and abdomen region, coolness in the forehead region;
  • Regulation of the amount of heart abbreviations, pulse and breathing management.

Outcasting must be performed daily, regardless of the state.

The exercise:

Training lasts no more than 15 minutes

Take away from extraneous thoughts and sensations, repeat about yourself:

  • I'm calm;
  • I rest;
  • The excitement goes away, the alarms go;
  • I am distrated from everything around;
  • My thoughts slowly flow through me.

Vividly imagine that your limbs are heavy, try to feel that your hands and legs are heavy and relaxed, and you are calm.

If you spend your workout before taking active activities, then repeat yourself that you feel ease, comfort and vigor. Try to impose this feeling.

If during auto-study you became bad and you felt discomfort, then consult a psychologist.

For self-confidence:

This type of autotraining is better to spend in the morning when there is still a whole day. The main goal is a volitional relaxation, an increase in self-esteem. If you have an important meeting, spend 5-10 minutes from the mirror, tell yourself good words, words of confidence in today's day, gesticulating, smile - no need to shy it. In this case, you yourself can invent yourself a suggestion formula, while you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. I will give up the words "try" and "I will try", replace the word "I can", "I will do", etc.;
  2. Exclude a particle "not" from the formula;
  3. Conclude formulas phrases "I am now aware."

To improve the effectiveness of such an exercise, do an exercise before it to create cheerfulness and lightness (see exercise for soothing, replacing formulas).

Formulas can be diverse:

  • I will succeed;
  • Nothing will bring me out of equilibrium;
  • I'm calm;
  • Indecisiveness and fear leave me.

In this exercise, the will of your fantasy is given - be sure that you are talking and tune yourself for the best.

For weight loss

Outcasting for weight loss consists of three stages:

Stage 1.

Before starting any training, you need to put a clear goal: "I will lose weight!". Draw your goal: Take a piece and pen, depict the figure to which you are striving, weight and your volumes. Remember that only a surgeon will help you to reset a huge number of kilograms in a short time. Make a plan of action that will lead to your goal. Specify the name of your diet if you are going to sit on it, or the type of physical activity, be it yoga, swimming or fitness.

Stage 2.

The brain gives the impetus to everything. Using the impact on your mind, you will directly affect your body. Let's install yourself:

  • I am slim;
  • I have a flawless figure;
  • Men crazy about my body.

You can invent the installation yourself, stick to several rules:

  1. Speak yourself only good words;
  2. You yourself must desire what you say;
  3. Speak words sincerely.

During training, do not be distracted by anything - you must be cut off from all possible external stimuli.

Stage 3.

This stage is most important because it is fixing.

During classes, you must be alone with you. Let's follow a few formulas about weight loss, or save them in notepad so as not to forget later.

Lower on the bed, completely relax (you can conduct autotraining for soothing), feel yourself. Close your eyes and say to yourself:

- I am completely relaxed, my legs and hands are relaxed. I rest, all my muscles, every cell of my body rests.

Pass, relax, but do not fall asleep. Slowly open your eyes and stand up, take a seitant position, get the sheet on which the formulas are recorded slowly start reading them. Be confident in each of them, they should become a certain prayer for you.

Such training regularly, preferably before bedtime.

Outcasting is safe tool To achieve any goal that is available absolutely to everyone. The main principle of such trainings is faith in yourself. Be confident, and you will succeed!

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After the stressful situation, it is not easy to come to a normal state without auxiliary means. For the restoration of spiritual peace, the methods of self-alignment, the so-called autotrehenings are perfectly helped. With autotraining, you can not only soothe the nervous system, correctly selected methods can get rid of bad habits, restore biochemical processes in the body, and sometimes even change negative traits character of man. Autotraenings can be used in the treatment of many diseases associated with the nervous system. Self-adequation well contributes to the cure of hypertension, bronchial asthma, violations gastrointestinal tract and other diseases that react to emotional tension.

What is autotraining

Outcasting to calm the nervous system is a certain psychological technique that helps a person to gain peace of mind with the help of special self-adhesive techniques. The meaning of the use of the technique is to calm the nervous system and the relaxation of the body. In psychology, autotransigues refer to hypnotic effects, but not based on an outsider suggestion, but on the direct participation of the person himself in this process - in self-sufficiency. Distinctive feature Such training are the following skills:

  • the ability to cause the necessary emotional state at will;
  • the ability to positively influence the nervous system of the body;
  • muscle tone management;
  • concentration of attention to the desired.

Self-regulation perfectly helps to restore the nervous system in neurosis, but the use of such methods is contraindicated to persons suffering from vegetative crises, states of unclear consciousness, nonsense and somatic attacks.


Managing its psycho-emotional state is self-regulation. It is part of any autotraining. With successful results independent work It is possible to effectively:

  • achieve soothe and reduce emotional tensions;
  • restore positive settings and get rid of the manifestations of depression;
  • activate, increase psycho-physiological reactivity.

The nervous system is capable of restoring independently when using the following self-regulation techniques:

  • right sleep;
  • useful food;
  • listening to music;
  • moderately active or passive rest and others.

These autotraining techniques are great for relaxation and contribute to the removal of the nervous voltage, but their use in everyday life not always possible, so in stressful situations At work or in other public places it is recommended to apply available techniques of natural self-regulation:

  • humor and laughter;
  • pleasant conversations and reflections;
  • smooth movements or bodily sipping;
  • contemplation of beautiful things, admiring nature and others.

If autotraining natural techniques do not help, you can use specialized techniques that are considered the most efficient and efficient.


The breathing exercises included in the compositions of autotrehening are suitable for removing stress, very effectively affect the intense parts of the body and the emotional brain departments. For autotrehening, two types of breathing are used - with the help of abdominal muscles and chest. Effects depend on the selected breathing type. To relax intense parts of the body, a measured, deep breath of belly is suitable. If it is necessary to preserve some tensions of the body, the frequent breast breathing is used, which contributes to ensuring increased activity.

During autotraining, you need to sit or standing try to relax the muscles of the body and focus on breathing. Next, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. 1. At the expense of 1-2-3-4, a slow deep breath is made (while the stomach is filled forward, and the chest can remain still).
  2. 2. The following four accounts should be delayed breathing.
  3. 3. Then you need to make a smooth exhalation from one to six.
  4. 4. To hold the breath again before the next breath on account 1-2-3-4.

The effect can be seen after 3-5 minutes, the emotional state becomes significantly balanced and calm.

Muscular tone

Eliminating the excited state well contributes to the liberation of the body from the voltage and muscle clamps that arise due to negative emotions. The ability to relax muscles in the body helps the rapid restoration of forces. After the relaxation procedure in well-processed muscles, a feeling of heat and pleasant severity appear. Removing the nervous voltage at once throughout the body is a complex process, so it is recommended to start autotrehening from individual parts of the body.

When carrying out autotraining, it is necessary to sit comfortably and close your eyes, then perform the following steps:

  1. 1. Make some deep and slow breaths and exhale.
  2. 2. To present that the entire body is inspected by internal eyes, find the places of the greatest tension and focus on them.
  3. 3. To inhale try to strain clamps to maximum voltage With a shiver in the muscles.
  4. 4. To hold the breath and feel the created voltage, and in exhale it is sharply relaxed, feel relaxation.

The procedure must be repeated several times until the appearance of pleasant gravity and heat in the tensioned muscles. If the removal of the clamp fails, it is recommended to try the physical impact - smoothing the clamp using self-massage. It is necessary to do it neatly, light circular movements of the fingers, without strong pressure and sharp movements.

Verbal impact

The verbal impact method is based on self-sustainment, with which the psychophysical functions of the body are affected. The action takes place at the expense of short, clear, configuring orders to itself. This is a peculiar self-programming of success based on promotions. For example, to restrain in the nervous, intense situation, it is necessary to mentally say: "Do not give up for a provocation!". In order for autotraining to work, you should believe in success and confirm it with it: "I will succeed!" To raise self-esteem, mental praise is pronounced: "I am well done!"

A life modern man - This is a daily bustle, manic workolism and ambitions. In inclusive tasks and worries it is difficult to find time for a full rest, relaxing communication, trips to nature. The result is chronic stress, nervous breakdowns, desire to quit and escape. Is it possible to cope with the voltage? Yes, it is easy. High-quality relaxation for nerve calm will take only 10-15 minutes and restore power. The editorial board offers to familiarize yourself with several effective relaxation techniques.

How does the relaxation work for nerve reassurance

The concept of "relaxation" occurred from the Latin word "Relaxation", which means "relaxation". This term is called both the state of the nervous system, when restoration processes occur and the relaxation process itself. Relaxation only looks like a vacation. In fact, the body works hard to restore physical and mental forces.

Relaxation can be arbitrary and involuntary. In the first case, a person consciously controls the relaxation process using special techniques. In the second, the body itself "turns off" consciousness and "reboots". This usually happens in a dream when the psyche recycles the accumulated impressions. At the same time, cells are intensively divided, toxins are derived, due to which fatigue passes.

Psychotherapists believe that conscious relaxation for the reassuring of nerves - the best way Restore forces during the day. Powerful psycho-emotional tension leads to muscle spasms, which affects physical well-being. Relaxing muscles, you can achieve reverse effect - Feeling lightness, tide of strength, calmness. The main thing is to choose the appropriate technique and perform exercises regularly.

3 Useful techniques for relaxation and calm

If you feel physical fatigue or nervous tension, find a few minutes to relax .. they differ in terms of performance and the method of impact on the body, but everyone is useful and help with nervous overloads. Choose that methodology that will seem most comfortable to you. All you need is: 10-15 minutes and a secluded place where you will not disturb during this time.

1. Respiratory control is simple, but superffective practice

You only need to breathe, and that's it! It is important to do it right:

    Take a convenient posture, close your eyes and concentrate your breath. Try to fully sense how cool air passes through the nose, poured into the lungs.

    Having made a deep breath, briefly hold the breath, and then slowly exhale. Feel the heat of the air.

    Repeat the breathing cycles as much as you need to calm down.

    You do not need to specifically relax muscles. This will happen in itself until you concentrate on breathing.

    It is important not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts. If you catch yourself on this, start to repeat the words "inhale" and "exhalation." When annoying thoughts retrete, it is no longer necessary.

If you do not have the opportunity to allocate for this practice 15 minutes or you are afraid to fall asleep, set the timer at least 5 minutes.

Even this time is enough to abstract from reality, reduce the heart rate and fully relax. Respiratory technique is universal. Having mastered it, you can relax even in the presence of other people.

2. Progressive Muscular Relaxation - Jacobson Technique

The American doctor Edmund Jacobson proposed to fight muscle spasms according to the "Wedge Wedge wedge" principle. It works. If one alternately strain different groups of muscles, the voltage retreats, and thoughts calm down. The main thing is to act strictly on the proposed scheme and not overvolt.

Sit more comfortable, make some slow calm breaths, and then proceed to the main exercises:

    Squeeze and relax the fists, then your fingers.

    Alternately strain, and then relax biceps and triceps.

    Strain shoulders, throwing them back. Relax. Repeat the exercise with the end of the shoulder forward.

    Tense neck muscles, turn the head to the right. Relax. Repeat the exercise with a turn of the head left.

    Press your chin to chest. Relax.

    Wide open the mouth. Relax.

    Squeeze the lips strongly. Relax.

    Work with the muscles of the language. First, drop it as much as possible, draw, and then press down. After each exercise, relax the muscles.

    Wide open, and then he grind your eyes. Relax after exercise.

    Make a full breath, then draw into the lungs some more air and only then exhale. Then breathe 15 seconds as usual. The same repeat the exhale.

    Slightly drive forward, straining your back. Relax.

    Strongly draw the stomach, then inflate. Relax after each exercise.

    Strain and relax the buttocks, slightly raising the pelvis.

    Strain and lift your legs, and then press the floor strongly. Do not forget to relax.

    Final stage. Lift the legs up. Relax. Then lift and relax the feet.

It is important not to be distracted while practicing. Then after the exercises you will feel calm and complete relaxation.

3. Visualization: Learn to relax and work with consciousness

To learn visualization is not easy, but, having mastered this practice, you can not only relax, but also to configure yourself to achieve the necessary results. It is not for nothing that the visualization is used in the techniques of the realization of desires. Do not be mistaken if it does not work the first time. Keep working.

Step-by-step instruction:

    Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Make some slow breaths, exhale to disconnect from extraneous thoughts.

    Imagine beautiful placewhere you feel safe. Here quietly and calmly.

    Mentally transfer yourself to your picture and enjoy the feeling of pacification. Relax, plunging in peace, deeper and deeper.

    Gradually add parts to your mental slide: sounds, images, odors, tactile sensations.

    Immerse yourself in the created image as much time as you are pleased.

    When you decide that you are ready to return to real world, slowly open your eyes, make some more deep breaths.

Remember what your personal peace and beauty looks like. The next time you will be much easier to return to it to relax and gain strength.

The method of acquiring mental equilibrium using a certain number of self-pressure techniques is called autotraining. Each person can inspire anything, including the state of moral rest. Many people need autotraining to calm the nervous system due to the impact of various stressful circumstances. The method helps restore the balance of biochemical processes in the body. Sometimes you can change the traits of character, and in some cases - to get rid of bad habits. Learn autotrening simply, the main thing is to believe in your strength.

What is autotraining

This is a certain psychological technique that helps a person to acquire moral tranquility at the expense of some self-removal techniques. The essence of this process is to calm the nervous system and relaxation of the whole organism even in conditions of daily stress. According to psychologists, autotraining refers to hypnotic impact, but the main line of self-sustaining is direct participation in the process. The value of such training is the skill:

  • control muscle tone;
  • call at the request of the necessary emotional state;
  • positively influence the nervous system;
  • concentrate attention to the desired.

Indications and contraindications

Autotraining suits people suffering from such aids as: neurosis, panic attacks, neurasthenia and other psychosomatic diseases. Good indicators self-compliance shows in the cure of diseases based on emotional stress (bronchial asthma, endocarditis, hypertension of the gastrointestinal disorder, constipation and others). Autotraining should not be engaged in those who suffer from vegetative crises, nonsense, the state of unclear consciousness and somatic seizures. Self-regulation helps heal the nervous system of children and pregnant women.

Self-regulation techniques

Managing its psycho-emotional state is called self-regulation. As a result of successful work on itself, it is possible to achieve the effects of soothery (reduce emotional tensions), restoration (eliminate the manifestations of depression) and activation (increase psycho-physiological reactivity). Natural techniques of self-regulation of the nervous system are:

Use such autotraining techniques at work and in other public places where the stress or fatigue can be fascinated. The most accessible techniques of natural self-regulation are:

  • laughter, humor;
  • meditation about pleasant;
  • smooth motion of the body (sipping);
  • admiring pleasant things (flowers, paintings, etc.);
  • swimming in sun rays;
  • pleasant sensations from inhalation of fresh air;
  • support compliments.

Basic tools autotraining

In addition to natural autotraining techniques, there are mental tools of self-regulation, which are expressed in visualization (the influence of mental images), affirmation (word power), respiratory management and muscle tone. They enter into one general concept - meditation. Autotraining tools can be used in any situations, especially when the emotional state has reached a negative peak. Meditation for soothing is a good way to establish a disturbed nervous system.

Breathing control

This is an effective means of exposure to emotional brain departments and intense parts of the body, which is part of autotraining. There are two types of breathing - breast and using abdominal muscles. The ability to control both methods of relaxation of the body leads to different effects. Deep and measured breathing with belly will relax the intense parts of the body. Sometimes to improve the mental state, tension is necessary for the organism. For this use frequent breast breathing, which will provide a high level of human activity.

Muscular tone management

Another way of autotraining is released from the voltage of muscle clamps. They often arise from a negative emotional state. The ability to relax muscles in the body will help to quickly restore strength. After the relaxation procedure in a well-processed muscle, a feeling of pleasant severity and heat will appear. Remove the nervous tension at once in the whole body may not work, so it is worth paying attention to individual parts of the body.

Verbal impact

This method of autotreating affects the psychophysical functions of the body due to the self-pressure mechanism. The method of the method is made at the expense of short customizing orders to its "I", programming for success and self-storage. For example, to restrain in the tense, the nervous situation should mentally say: "Do not give up for a provocation!". In order for autotraining to work, you need to be programmed to success with the words: "Today I will succeed!" A mental praise will help to raise self-esteem: "I am well done!"

How to relax the nervous system

Independent autotraining to calm the nervous system is possible due to some existing methods. At each of them, psychologists made up detailed step-by-step instructions:

  1. An example of self-regulation using breathing, after which the body will become calmer and balanced:
    • make a deep slow breath, counting to themselves up to four;
    • stick forward the belly, holding a fixed chest;
    • hold your breath to account 1-2-3-4;
    • make a smooth exhalation, counting from one to six;
    • before the next breath again, hold the breath for a few seconds.
  2. Autotraining muscular tone control:
    • settle on the soft smooth surface;
    • inhale and exhale deeply;
    • mentally find the most intense parts of the body;
    • focus and strain the locations of the clamps even stronger (in the breath);
    • feel the stress that appeared;
    • relieve it sharply (in exhalation);
    • spend a procedure several times.
  3. Outcasting exercises using a verbal method:
  • word order yourself;
  • repeat it mentally several times;
  • if possible, say the order out loud.

Basic techniques

To learn the Azam psychoregulation is possible due to the works of the first inventors of the autogenic training of Vladimir Levy and Johann Schulz. Methods of these psychologists for the use of self-discharge in the medical sphere and everyday life went into the database of the treatment of the central nervous system. Autogenous workouts described in the works of Levi and Schulz will help to gain confidence in themselves, to establish the work of the internal organs and remove the psychological tension.

Autogenous training on School

This method of restoring the nervous system helps to disclose natural ability in man - self-hypanosis. The main goal is to set up your body to restore by meditation, complete relaxation of the body and moral soothing. According to Schultsu, after occupation, autotraining arises certain therapeutic effects:

  • physical and moral soothing;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • awakening the protective forces of the body;
  • acquire self-confidence.

According to Vladimir Levi

The training course of self-regulation on Vladimir Levi is to apply the self-compliance formula for removing moral and physical stress, restoring the nervous system. Therapeutic effect is achieved both verbally and thanks to imagination. The autotraining development program proceeds throughout the 15-week course, and its main part is based on the principle of mental "stress-relaxation" muscles. Such therapy helps, subject to complete interest in the process and faith in their own capabilities.

Video for autogenous self-regulation

If you do not know how to relax with autotraining to calm the nervous system, then these useful videos are for you. Experienced psychologists will share self-regulation secrets. Doctors will answer the exciting questions: what are the verbal teams exist, does medical music assist for the nervous system, which is better to use autotraining techniques. Learn how to achieve the congestion of the CNS with the help of independent mental, verbal or respiratory training.

Outcasting for soothing, positive words

Text for relaxation

Music for relaxation

Training self-regulation on Bekhterev