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How people sleep and why healthy sleep is so important for a person. How important is the right dream

The modern world is very rapidly ahead. New difficulties appear in our lives faster and faster. As we will handle those or other difficulties, it depends not only on our experience, but also from our well-being and healthy image Life. There are many components of our health, and one of the most important of them is a vacation.

Most of us do not attach a lot of sleep. We are too busy to find time for sleep. We need to work late, we need to have time to fly, or we find other reasons to not sleep. And it is completely wrong. As soon as you start to sleep required amount hours, everything in your life stabilizes. In the end, if you are tired, you are unlikely to start playing sports, or go for a walk. In addition, you are more likely to go behind Fast Food, buy drinks with a large caffeine and sugar content to get the necessary energy, but it will not help.

Before we respond to the most common questions about a dream, let's give the definition of sleep, as it is not just a time when your brain is turned off. During the sleep, the brain makes several actions. If you do not have time so that the brain makes all these tasks, the result will be identical to that if you delete temporary files from the computer: your body will slow down for a while!

Sleep is not a choice of your discretion. Sleep is necessary to maintain physical condition and emotional equilibrium of the body.

How long should I sleep?

These scientists are disappointing - more than half of people suffer from sleep disorders, but they are not at all suspect of it.

Some people say they are enough for a couple of hours of sleep, but there is a common opinion that it is necessary to eight hours, it turns out to be correct if you want to remain energetic during the day. In fact, it is important not the number of hours, but the quality of sleep. It happens that you sleep too much, which also adversely affects your day.

How to understand if I'm not easy enough?

If you do not get enough sleep, you will be more difficult to concentrate, you will be less confident in yourself, and solutions will hardly be given to you. During work, you probably, often yaw, especially if the room is warm.

In addition to the above, your brain will work slower, you will have less patience to what is happening, and you may leave the sense of humor. You will want to take off the day, and on the way home you will find that you fall asleep in the train. You can also fall asleep in a television chair.

If you continue this list of implications of the lack of sleep, you can add that negative influence Apply beyond day Sonliveness. Non-shows affects your judgments, coordination and reaction in time, not to mention your libido. The unsuccessful person experiences the feeling of akin to a hangover.

The consequences of the absence of a full sleep will be the mood swings, reduced immunity, problems with concentration, and, maybe even obesity, and a reduced sexual attraction.

Give a debt and keep up

If you can not provide your body and brain the necessary rest, you will be your own debtor just as when you take a bank loan. The difference is that loans can be paid off in the future, and sleep needs to get now today! To check if you are in debt, lie to bed for half an hour before usually. If you easily fall asleep, then you are indebted. Repeat so every day until you reach the sleep rate.

Of course, if you sleep longer on the weekend, it will help to restore forces for the working week, you can get out of the routine. But it is better to sleep a little longer every day, what to try to pay off the debt over the weekend.

Simple advice on a note:

    Most importantly, keep the mode. How often do you try to go to bed and get up at the same time.

    Before bedtime, do not watch TV at least within an hour. Turn it off. Spend this hour in bed!

    Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke before bedtime. As in the case of a TV, alcohol and smoking do not give the body to relax.

    It is quite useful to build a day. Business schedule of many world leaders includes time on . We have a rest of no more than twenty minutes. If you do not insert, you will light up for a long time, and after waking up you will not be vigorous.

    Do not forget to play sports so that your body felt the fatigue and the desire of rest.

    If you have problems with sleep, be sure to read these articles: " », « ».

What happens when we sleep?

The secret of the cheerful morning is to analyze all phases of activity through which the brain passes during sleep, after which you can choose the duration and interval of your sleep.

The brain works according to certain cycles. During hours of wakefulness, these cycles are called gamma or beta waves; Gamma is responsible for stronger stimulation (stress), and beta is the usual brain stimulation. When you sleep, beta waves go to alpha.

But this movement does not stop. Continue to sleep, and your brain will automatically go from the alpha wave phase to beta and delta, returning back to alpha. Each cycle takes about 90 minutes, they are repeated throughout your sleep. After six hours, the brain remains in the Alpha cycle for two hours.

Why is it so important? Because from what cycle you were when you woke up, all your day will depend. It is easiest to wake up a smaller brain stimulation (less deep sleep). If you wake up during the phases - deep sleep (Delta) or a deep rest (beta), then the day will not be given.

If you do not interfere with the brain to perform your work on the cycle, then the body itself will wake up as in the stage of alpha, which should be immediately for beta. And thus you will be cheerful.

Now you know: It is always necessary to start the alarm clock for the time when your brain will be in the alpha stage. In other words, if you can't sleep eight hours, it is better to sleep four and a half or six hours than five and a half.

If you fly in the plane, better sleep for three hours than four. Always consider 90 minutes as the basis of one cycle.

By the way, you do not need an alarm clock at all. Your subconscious mind will help you - just tell me yourself when you need to wake up and you will wake up.

The most important thing is to give SNA as much attention as another an important aspects vital activity. Many of us forget about it. It seems that there are many other, more important needs, but as well as food and charging is necessary for a healthy lifestyle, the quality of sleep is really affected by the vigor of your spirit, including sharpness of the reaction, emotional balance, creativity of thinking, physical mobility, and even your weight. No other activity is compared with sleep according to the degree of influence on your life.

Sleep - an important function, a condition having a huge wholebiological value. A third of their lives a man spends in a dream and cannot do without sleep. In a dream, a person decreases the activity of metabolic processes and muscle tone, the processes of anabolism are more active, nervous structures are braked. All this contributes to the restoration of forces after day mental and physical work. But, as noted by I.P. Pavlov, sleep is not just a holiday, but the active condition of the bodywhich is characterized by a special form of brain activity. In particular, during sleep, the analysis and processing of information accumulated by a person over the previous time takes place. If such a sorting was successful, the brain turns out to be freed from excessive information accumulated on the eve, and is ready to work again. Due to this, a man normalizes a neuropsychic state, the performance is restored. Sleep provides programming processes in the brain and performs whole line other functions.

Sleep - complex phenomenon in structural attitude. It consists, at extreme Merc, from two large stages, which are natural and cyclically replaced by each other: 1) sleep slow duration 60 - 90 minutes; He, in turn, consists of several phases and 2) sleep fast (Paradoxual) - 10 20 minutes.

For fast sleep, the deeper structures of the brain are responsible, and in young children it dominates. With age increases the proportion of slow sleep associated with the younger evolutionary structures of the brain; It is more difficult organized.

For a long time it was believed that imprisonment of a quick sleep man is harder to his health than slow. But this is not the case - the normal structure of sleep is the main value, i.e. Specific ratios of slow and fast phases. If this ratio is violated (which happens, for example, when taking sleep drugs), then sleep, even durable, does not bring a feeling of welcome recreation. If the dream is shortened, and the person fails to sleep, then the performance falls and some neurotic disorders arise; If the lack of sleep is regularly, these changes are gradually accumulating, and severe functional diseases may come due to the deepening of neurosis.

A characteristic feature of fast sleep is dream. Although it is now known that both the fast, and slow dream may be accompanied by dreams, but bright, emotionally painted, sometimes with fantastic or detective scenes of dreams most often from fast sleep when the brain works very tensely, reminding its activity of wakefulness.

Dreams are characteristic of all, but not all people and not every one of them remember.

[[Psychology Freud | 3 Mongund Freud]] considered dreams as a special and very important language of consciousness of people, as a breakthrough into the consciousness of the unconscious, often in a symbolic, veiled form. It is this feature that sometimes in a dream to solve some difficult tasks, to make a breakthrough in new area Knowledge and even generate ingenious ideas. 3. Freud believed that in a dream, the struggle of a psychobiological "I" of a person with various social constraints, which he was forced to obey in awake, because of which his psyche is in a state of constant voltage. Thanks to dreams, when the barriers are removed, neuropsychic stress decreases (the Russian proverb says not in vain: "Wasting to sleep - not to see grief"). 3. Freud developed a special system of psychoanalysis, the basis of which constitutes deciphering the characteristic symbols of dreams, which allows you to find the chronic cause, which causes his nervous impairment. Symbols, the motivation of dreams depend on the psycho-physiological characteristics of a person, the level of its culture, the environmental conditions that define requests, habits, interests. That is why numerous dreams who do not take into account all these features do not have a practical meaning.

The specific duration of sleep is purely individual and depends on the nature of preceding activities, general status man, age, time of year, features of human GNI and other factors. In particular, after intense mental or physical work, a longer sleep is required.

As practice shows, the main condition of the fullness of sleep is its continuity - it creates in the brain optimal conditions For processing information, for comparison, information accumulated over the previous day, with already established or genetically deterministic. It is precisely because of this in a dream, a memory reserves are exempt, NS-necessary information is erased and unnecessary reactions that have formed during wakefulness are eliminated.

Beneficially affects the organization and structure of sleep the habit of falling down and get up in the same clock. This generates a stereotype, which is automatically turned on at a specified time, and the fallback occurs quickly and without difficulty. This is of particular importance for workers of mental work, which, as often happens,, due to various reasons, shifted mental work at a later time, but such a regime can gain and gradually lead to sleep disorders, and then to pathology. It is necessary to take into account the biorhythmic features of a person. So, the typical "lark" falls to sleep on average by 1.5, and gets 2 hours earlier than the "night owls".

With breakdowns, it is advisable to make evening hours Time for recreation and relaxation, as significant physical and mental day loads worsen the subsequent dream. For the same purpose, in the evening, the difference in high emotionality of activity should be avoided (disputes, viewing emotional TV shows, etc.), heavy and abundant food, drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, coca-cola) - in general, total what, exciting nervous system, breaks sleep. Snah must be preceded by a relaxing situation. A rich interesting work day, a reasonable combination of mental and physical exertion, active and diverse vacation, physical education classes - good background of normal sleep. Useful and evening walk.

If a person sleeps bad at night, you do not need to sleep during the day, but some people helps a short (before half an hour) day sleep in the interruptions between tense mental activities, which helps them remove excessive tension and increase productivity.

It is better to sleep in a warm, dry, quiet, darkened room, on a wrong soft, elastic mattress. Before bedtime, it is not bad to do simple soothing procedures, for example, to accept warm shower, read the enjoyment of the book. But the eligible selection of the preparation mode is the person on the basis of his own experience, the conditions, analysis of sensations and well-being.

No one is a secret that the dream is very important for the body.

It is during sleep that our organism begins to actively recover.

Sleep helps us not only feel better, but also look good.

Specialists argue that women should sleep an odd number of hours, and men are even.

So, for example, for a woman you need to sleep seven or nine hours, while a man takes six to eight. At the same time, it is interesting that women who need to be removed to sleep for an hour more time than a strong half of humanity, much more easier men carry a lack of sleep. Apparently, the wise nature arranged everything so that the sleep was quite acceptable for a woman, forced to jump at night to crying children. Women must go to bed earlier than men, and get up later.

An excellent half of humanity is difficult to adapt to get up and go to bed in an inconvenient time. However, it is important to note that with its abilities it is easy to carry inappropriate, it is not necessary to abuse. During sleep, the body conducts self-diagnostics and eliminates the problems that have arisen in its work. And if you do not give the body enough time for sleep, then for it you can pay unimportant well-being.

You should also not forget that if you believe the discovery of American scientists, then 24% of women who allocate for sleep for two hours less laid, suffer overweight. This is explained very simple - the smaller you sleep, the more time remains for food.

If, for example, you have dinner at 19-20 hours, then approximately by midnight you want to eat again and go to the refrigerator, which, of course, will affect your figure is not the best way.

Scientists are alarming: over the past fifty years, the number of women aged 20 to 45 years have increased by 37%, which sleep less than seven hours per day.

It is precisely the specialists who explain the ever-growing number of women suffering from gynecological diseases.

The number of women suffering from such diseases increases annually several times.

The fact is that the female sex glands regulate their work in accordance with sleep and waking modes. If your daily schedule is broken, then menstruation starts coming later than the deadline, which in turn entails various gynecological problems.

It should also be noted that insomnia can be caused by a disadvantage of the body of the most important female hormone - estrogen, who plays the role of natural sleeping pills. The deficiency of these hormones can be caused by dysfunction of ovaries or overwork.

The need to raise says the fact that the reaction from drivers suffering from constant lack of sleep is worsening at ten or twelve times.

Especially neatly on the road should be conducted in the afternoon, since our biological watches are arranged in such a way that we want to sleep during this period.

Experts also argue that the lack of sleep can cause such a disease as dyslexia.

When dysxia, the work of one hemisphere of the brain is ahead of the work of another, which leads to the fact that we begin to impose their thoughts in vague, confuse letters in words, incorrect proposals.

Some people are born with this feature, other signs of dyslexia begin to manifest after stroke or brain injuryBut it turns out that lack of sleep can also entail such a disorder.

Therefore, if you notice that the surrounding people look at you with a bewilderment when you start talking, it's time to send to bed. In order to bring your thoughts in order, you will be enough 20-30 minutes of sleep.

And finally, it must be said that the lack of sleep negatively affects our memory. During sleep, our brain processes information received overnight, "folding" it in "cells". If you highlight a little time to sleep, then the brain simply does not have time to cope with your task, which leads to the fact that we not only can not learn new information, but also forget the old one, since the brain "overlaps access to it."

How well do you feel? Do not worry about fatigue? Do you feel "decay forces"? What is happening with your vacation, and in particular, with sleep?

Find internal answers to such questions:

How long does your night sleep last?
Do you feel fresh, waking up in the morning?
What time do you go to bed?
What do you do, waking up among the night and finding you can't fall asleep?
How much time do you need to fall asleep?
Do you accept sleeping pills?
What is in your bedroom: computer, simulators ....?

Sleep is one of the wonderful gifts of life. And it must be treated very responsibly and consciously. Normal sleep is a pledge of health and beauty.

What is happening in our body while sleeping? This is a precious clock for self-healing. Restore and prepare for the new working day all systems and organs. Cleansing from garbage (old squeezed cells0) and replacing them with new healthy cells. The brain relaxes, which leads to the preservation of mental and mental health.

What would happen if we didn't have this influential and pleasant recovery mechanism? It's hard to imagine it. We are accustomed to fall to sleep, how about what is due, because good dream We should not absolutely nothing. But bad Son. It can do it quite expensive in physical and material plan.

Sleep value for man

1. During sleep, important hormones are allocated. You probably heard the expression that in a dream kids grow. This is not fiction and not the motivation of children to sleep. The fact is that during sleep, the growth hormone is highlighted - somatotropin. Thanks to him, children are really growing, and adults are regulated muscle mass and there is a container fat deposits.

If the dream is broken, then the function of this hormone is broken. Take it on a note wishing to lose weight.
So sleep and weight loss things are interrelated. In addition to somatotropin, during sleep hormone leptin, which directly affects appetite and regulates the same fat deposits. It is thanks to this hormone that we feel when we need to stay in a meal. With its lack of appetite grows.

2. Normal sleep is the key to youth and beauty and health. During sleep, aging processes slow down. This is an excellent means of preventing wrinkles. The lifetime of life often depends on its quality.

3. Why sick people often sleep. The answer is simple - sleep strengthens immune system. People who sleep for nine hours per day have an enhanced activity of immune cells, "killer cells." They destroy viruses, bacteria and cancer cells.

4. Do you remember yourself after a sleepless night? How did you feel? The fact is that even short-term shortage of sleep can reduce brain activity, the ability to focus, the ability to perceive information. Also, sleep is needed to assimage the information accumulated per day. Full sleep Help learns even some physical skills. Numerous studies have shown that sleep contributes to strengthening procedural memory. What you do during the day, your brain continues to learn in a dream.

5. During sleep, the Corimol hormone is reduced in the blood. This is a hormone of stress. With excessive accumulation of this hormone in the blood. Irritability arises, anxiety, a tendency to depression.
Therefore, sleep is one of the main points that are important for health. The depriving body of sleep, people unconsciously destroy their own health.
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It is difficult to overestimate the importance of sleep for a person. Sleep is a whole mysterious worldliving in his own, different from earthly, laws. On average, a quarter of a century, a person spends in such a state without reacting to the world around.

Thanks artificial lighting No need to go to bed with the sunset. And the modern resident of the Earth began to sleep less than his ancestors. On average, a man's duration of a person is 7 hours, but a hundred years ago he slept at least 9. Acquired 2 hours for Javi, did not do without loss. Previously, the rhythm of the body was led by nature. And despite the fact that most of the day people are surrounded artificial lightIn the cells of the body laid information about the natural biological rhythm. To deceive this chronometer is impossible.

Sleep rate for man per day - at least 8 hours. If a person gives him a smaller number of time, the following happens in the body:

  • the accumulation of the blood of amyloid is a protein that destroys the walls of the vessels. He also affects connect fabric and contributes to the emergence of heart disease;
  • up to 30% of immune cells is lost, which means that the risk of breeding in the body of pathogenic bacteria and viruses increases.

Scientists found out that if a person's sleep duration is less than 6 hours - the intellect ratio decreases by 15%, and the risk of obesity increases by 23%. They directly associate obesity modern people and Rost. cardiovascular diseases With violation daily norm Sleep and violation of circadian rhythms (biological clock).

What happens to a man without sleep

Sleep deprivation is primarily reflected in the mental state: irritability, an increase in the number of errors, difficulties in interaction with others. In the future, this can lead to serious diseases - psychosomatic disorders.

The lack of sleep contributes to what the information ceases to remember, attention is reduced, the speed of the reaction is reduced, and the ability to quickly state their thoughts.

When waking up for 3 days, when a dangerous face for health is not yet passed, the following happens to the body:

  • sharp mood swings, depressive condition, aggression;
  • blood pressure jumps, pulse violation and blood coagulation;
  • disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism, the possible appearance of signs of characteristic of the early stages of diabetes mellitus.

Continuous wakefulness for 20 hours weakens attention, as if 0.5% ethanol was contained in the blood. This corresponds to a light degree of intoxication. Therefore, it's not sleeping behind the wheel - I don't care what to drink before that. The reaction at this state slows down 5-10 times.

For the second day:

  • there are malfunctions with cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • fatigue, Breaky;
  • microsens appear.

On the third day, the sleep absorbs completely.

It is experimentally established that after 11 sleepless days, the psyche does not withstand, and a person is deprived of a reason that cannot be restored.

Sleep or snoring pathology

Today, 89 dream diseases or pathological conditions related to it are known. They are not familiar with ordinary inhabitants, with the exception of lethargy, high daily drowsiness, insomnia, apnea in a dream.

The main problem of doctors see in such pathology as apnea when a man suffocates in a dream. Its main symptom is a loud, intermittent snoring. According to statistics among people aged 30 to 60 years old, 44% of men and 28% of women snatch. Snoring is a symptom of the narrowing of the respiratory tract, respiratory stops, hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Cause of snoring

When falling asleep, the muscle tone is reduced, including in respiratory tract. Muscles accuse and prevent the flow of air into the lungs. When the brain sleeps, he does not feel, a man breathes or not. It sends respiratory impulses, but attempts to breathe are not implemented, as the respiratory tract is blocked. It can last from 20 seconds to a minute, and in record cases up to 2 minutes. Such a lack of oxygen awakens the brain, it opens the respiratory tract and man sores. Having received oxygen, the brain falls asleep again. And everything is repeated again. The number of cycles per night can reach 500.

As a result, a person feels in the morning did not sleep, he is worried about headaches, high blood pressure. But the most terrible consequence of respiratory stops in a dream is an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. It turns out that sleep can be dangerous. But this is not a reason to give up him, because he is also a natural leak.

Why do you need a dream man

Muscles lose their tone a few minutes after falling asleep. Thus, nature defended us from body damage in a dream. But if parts of the body do not move, it does not mean that the brain does not work. At this time, its activity may be higher than during the wakefulness period.

Sleep has two phases:

  • Metabolic - the first 3-4 hours of deep sleep, when growth hormones and testosterone are produced.
  • Information - starts closer to the morning when the brain recycle the information received per day.

The importance of sleep is due to the fact that at this time the main immune cells that destroy viruses and bacteria are activated. That is why they say that a person recovers in a dream. Neurons and brain cortexes, which in wakefulness are engaged in analyzing the signals coming by their external world and then coordinate our movements, in the state of rest are switching to the analysis of signals coming from internal organs. Thus, work on errors goes in each system and organ:

  • skin cells are updated;
  • toxins are actively displayed;
  • intensively produces protein collagen, which ensures the elasticity and strength of the skin;
  • intensive metabolism and energy in cells is carried out.

Even nightmarish dreams are considered scientific scientists. People often seeing nightmares are better adapted to environment. The brain playing such a situation leads to the search for the exit of it.

In the dark in a dream there is a hormone melatonin. It protects against stress and premature aging, from colds and oncological diseases. Therefore, the lack of a person's sleep duration, which means that the reduction in the daily dose of melatonin, leads not only to chronic diseases, tumors, infarction, but also to a decrease in intellectual potential.

Dreams - the key to the raystery of secret desires

On average, the duration of dreams is 6 years. This happens every 90 minutes after falling asleep, and the longest half-hour dreams happen in the morning. Interesting dreams of people are rarely preserved in memories after awakening.

Famous psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud with their interpretation gives the key to understanding secret desires:

  • The plots of nudity and feelings of shame associated with it, which are most often in dreams - a subconscious desire to return to childhood, when nude was natural.
  • Flights - overwhelmed sexual excitement.
  • Pursuit, attacks, murders - own aggressive impulses.

An interesting fact: people who devoid of vision also have a dream, only they do not see them, but hear and feel.

Researchers believe that dreams hide from us true desires and thoughts. It is always difficult to directly and frankly look at yourself, for your desires, emotional state by side. But there is willingness to perceive this information if it is presented in the form of images. Only not everything seen in a dream should betray meaning. Images, scientists consider not only the language of the subconscious, but also the result of the analysis and processing of information that enters the brain through hearing, vision, touch, smell. Most of the information is perceived through vision (90%) and processed by the brain in vision. We dream of what we see.