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When water is being consecrated for the baptism of the Lord? Foreignness of the Epiphany. Clock. Fine. Vespers. Liturgy Vasily the Great. Great consecration of water. (text) when the water sanctification occurs

When the Savior entered Jordan and took the baptism from John, there was a contact of the Godhead with matter. And this day on the day of baptism is precisely on church, old style, when water is being consecrated in the temples, it is made nonplus, that is, it does not deteriorate for many years, even if they keep it in a closed vessel. It happens every year and only for the feast of baptism in the Orthodox, Julian calendar.

Listen to the words of prayers and chants, look at the rites, and you will feel that there is not only an ancient rank here, but something speaking and now, as thousands of years ago, about our lives, about our eternal and ineverance for clearing, revival, update. For it did not die and cannot die in a man's thirst for heaven, good, perfection, beauty, thirst, which is one truly and makes him a man.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is not at all the day of the mass set of holy water. This holiday gives us a feeling that no matter how breaking our life, whatever the darkness of moral dirt, inappropriate and enmity, we have filled it, everything can be cleaned, update, revive with God. There would be only a desire and faith. And the spray of consecrated water, burning our faces with their piercing graceful purity, will be reviving our feelings, respond to the feeling of joy and novelty of the life in touch with the shrine.

The rank of water-binding, which is made on the feast of the Epiphany, is called the great on the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memoir of the Baptism of the Lord, in which the church sees not only the values \u200b\u200bof the mysterious ablution of sins, but also the actual consecration of the nature of the water, through the immersion of God in the flesh itself. Great water binding is made on liturgy on the very day of the Epiphany, as well as in the forever of the Epiphany.

On the very day of the Epiphany (January 19, a new style), the water binding is performed with a solemn congestion, known as the "Troja to Jordan".

Chin Great Water Management consists of three parts: singing special solemn chants - trails, reading biblical texts and special prayers.

Both in the foreseeration of the Epiphany and the most feast, the priests go for water binding through Tsarist Gate. Formerly, the end of the cross of the rector or bishop in full closure three times the honest cross is only in front. The abbot or bishop puts the cross, holding it high above his head. Khorugvi, icons and grilled candles are in front. One of the clergymen carries the Holy Gospel. In this order, they go to a large vessels, in advance filled with water and on which three candles are already lit.

The great water binding begins with the singing of the trails: " The Glas of the Lord on the waters scines, verb: take, take all the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of the mind, the Spirit of the fear of God, who appeared to Christ, "the waters of the waters are consecrated."And others.

The paths swear repeatedly, slowly and solemnly, on a simple easily memorable melody, so that all praying can easily understand the meaning of their texts, remember and sing along with the choir. In them, theology is accurately revealed by the deep meaning of the Events of the Baptism of the Lord. If Christmas is sometimes called the "second Easter", then the feast of the Baptism of the Lord can rightly be called the "second trinity".

First, for the first time in biblical history, we meet with all three people of the Holy Trinity at the same time - hearing the voice of God Father, who opens to people the birth of her son, taking baptism in the Jordan River, and the Holy Spirit, who forth in Christ, is visible to us in the form of a pigeon . Secondly, this day will create the adoption of the Spirit of the Holy Administration all of us through Christ, which is more clearly for us on the day of the Holy Trinity. We are talking about this first troper water department Voice of the Lord on the waters", Calling us all to take in the phenomenon of Christ" The Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Mind, the Spirit of the Fear of God».

Second tropar Waters consecrated nature"It tells us that the nature of water itself has changed as a result of the baptism of Christ in Jordan. This thought is complemented by the end of the fourth and last path " To the guidance of the flag in the desert"Exclaiming on behalf of John the Forerunner and, at the same time, every Christian:" ... Sanctifying me and water, spas, swamping the world sin!"From this day, the water substance has become capable of clearing the sins of people in the church sacrament of baptism. The sign of such a transformation of the properties of water is the Aguiam - the Epiphany Holy Water, which has many well-known wonderful properties that we and "Hold" at the end of Epiphany worship.

In the third trapar " Yako man on the river"The church reminds us of the greatest humility of the divine drop, God not only accepted the human image, but is going to accept baptism - as a slave as one of the sinners. But even for pious Jews, John John Baptism seemed humiliating and shameful, because in those days such a ritual of ablution was committed to adopting pagans to Judaism, which were considered the focus of every dirt, sin and vices.

The final troparman returns us to the evangelical events and, the words of the Forerunner, expresses our thrill and bewilderment when meeting with one of the greatest divine secrets: " Why will the lamp of the light enlighten? What a slave will put a slave?"But not only people embraces this trepidation, even the material universe, represented by the waters of the Jordan River" Fish. "

After singing the trails are made five readings: Three three parmen from the book of the Prophet Isaiah (35, 1-10; 55, 1-13; 12, 3-6), excerpts from the message to Corinthians and from the Gospel of Mark.

In paesies, prophecies are given about the reviving grace of God, which the prophets are likened to water: " The desert and dry earth will argue, and the country will rejoice uninhabited and will bloom as Narcissus; It will be great to bloom and rejoice, will triumph and smooth. ... then (in the times of the Messiah), the eyes of the blind will open, and the ears of the deaf are rejected. Then the chrome will jump like a deer, and the tongue will sing; For the water breaks in the desert and in the steppes flows. Then turn the ghost of water into the lake, and the thirsty land - to the sources of water ... "Thdyful! go all to the waters; Even you, who have no silver, go ... In joy, you will hand writing water from the sources of salvation, and say that day: Sorry the Lord, call the name of it; Provide in the people of the case«.

The Great Old Testament Prophet three times predicts the baptism of the Lord from John, which was performed on the verge of two covenants. He expresses the joy and hope of the church about the wrath of water from the source of salvation: "Thirsty! Go all to the waters ... Look for the Lord when you can find it; Call it when it is close. Yes, leaves his wicked way and the lawlessness - his thoughts, and yes will turn to the Lord, and he raises him, and to God to God, for he has a multi-fax "(Is. 55, 1; 6-7).

Then they read the message of the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 10, 1-4), in which Christ is compared with a stone from which the live water of salvation, which has already been eating the Old Testament Jews, and now sulking Christians. And in the premuting New Testament readings, excerpts from Isaiah we are talking about the future church of Christ, as the source of salvation of all nations healing all the illness and quenching any thirst. Their leitmotifs are words: "Hold water with merry, from the source of salvation."

Finally, the gospel is read from Mark (1, 9-12) briefly reminding us of the events of the holiday, where the apostle tells about the very baptism of the Lord. As amazing, high and divine voice of the church, which she calls the Lord from Heaven on our earthly waters!:
« Veliy Ecu Lord, and wonderful your business, and no one word will be pretty to the singing of wonders! Your willy from non-existence in Genesis was led by all sorts: IT IT IT CONTENTS CREATOR, AND THIS FISHING WORLD WORLD - DO YOU HAVE THE SMALL ON WRITH THE MONE: You have stars: you are listening to you: you are drunk Sources. You shoot the sky of this skin: you approved the Earth on the waters: you fenced the sea of \u200b\u200bsand: you left the air to breathing the air. Angelic Force serve to you: the Archangelsians of the Firs are bowing to you - the God is incosparable, the initial and unspecified - the Tsar man and the very host of the saint of your spirit and consecrate the water of this».

Simultaneously happens every water. The consecration of water when reading the prayer is accompanied by a three-year blessing of her shepherd hand when pronouncing words: " Himself, the recruitment of people and the same name of the Holy Spirit is now the host of the Holy Spirit and consecrate water».

Great Aguiam (Greek - "Shrine", so called water, consecrated by the chin-surrender of great sanctification) is consecrated, except for a threefold immersion in her honest cross, still with procession, blessing and stronger and complex prayers and chants than with a small sanctification of water committed On prayer.

« Himself, the recruitment, a philanthropy, king, coming and now the host of the Holy Spirit and consecrate the water of this. And the rain to her grace of deliverance, the blessing of Jordanovo: the coordinate of the union, the source, sanctification of the gift, sins permission, ailments of healing, demons to be dismissed, resist the forces will impregnable, Angelic Fortress is fulfilledu, "- this is said about the water that the angelic fortress is scored for her, and if it is scored, then, it means that it is possible to purchase so mysterious strength - and it will be ...

« Angelic Fortresses are executed, yes ECU leaning and communal to clean the shower and televisions, to the healing of passions, to the sanctification of houses, and to all the benefits are pretty ... And now, Vladyko, consecrate the water with the spirit of your saints. Location by all the touching her and communion, and it, consecration, health, cleansing and blessing"Such strong and responsibly powerful words pray to the Ieria.

And before this, Deacon crashes approximately the same petitions:
« Weekly sanctifying the waters of the weather sims and the action and the host of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will pray.
About the hedgehog leaning on the water of the purifier handful of the Trinity of Action ...
About the hedgehog to give them grace of deliverance, the blessing of Jordan, the power and action and the hostage of the Holy Spirit ...
About the hedgehog of the Lord God God blessing Jordanovo and sanctifying the water of this ...
About the whole water of this, sanctifying the gift, sins deliverance, in the healing of the soul and body, and the great benefit of the fairing ...
About everyday life of this one leading the eternal ...
About the hedgehog there is an alignment of any naval and invisible enemy ...
About the bait and shrouders in the consecration of houses ...
About everyday life of this in the cleansing of shower and telecons, everything with faith with the same and communion ...
About the hedgehog would like to fulfill the consecration, the waters of China, the invisible phenomenon of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will pray».

At the end of reading all prayers, the priest immerses an honest cross in the water, holding it with both hands right, when singing the feast of the Epiphany:
« In Jordan, the Lord, the Troic Twistful Worship: Parevelements Bo glans testifying to you, Beloved the Son's Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a blueberry, the verbose statement: Purchased, Christ, God, and the world of enlightenment, glory to you"Which once again in a compressed form expresses the thoughts of the four initial trails of the Great Water Management. After that, the priest, taking a vessel with consecrated water and frost, Kropyt Crosset on all sides and sprinkles the holy water of the gathered, all return to the temple, the premises of which are also sprinkled, and then the gratitude poem is We canre"And the final part of the festive liturgy serves.

Then they are suitable for the kissing of the cross, and each suitable priest can be consecrated by water.

According to the belief of the Church of the Aguiam - not a simple water of spiritual significance, but the new being, the spiritual and bodily being, the interconnectedness of the sky and the earth, grace and substances, and more than close.

That is why the Great Agiasma on the canons of church is considered as a kind of lowest degree of Holy Communion: In cases where the penis is superimposed on the sins of sins on a member of the Church, the ordinary canons of the reservation is made: "There is a sharpening Agiasma."

Many mistakenly believe that the water, consecrated in the Epiphany Christmas tree and water, consecrated on the very day of the Epiphany, is different, but in fact and on the Christmas Eve and on the very day of the Epiphany in consecration is used by the same chin of the Great Waterguide.

Epiphany water is a shrine that should be in every house of an Orthodox Christian. It is gently kept in the holy corner, near the icons.

In Christian culture, holy baptic water is very important. She is attributed to various properties. The sanctification of water on baptism has long acquired a sacral meaning. Many are perplexed, as it is possible to give water completely different properties, but almost no one thinks that she is very changeable, absorbs any vibration from outside (both positive and negative).

When water is consecrated for baptism, it happens a change in the structure of water. It acquires higher vibrations, which leads to the fact that it can heal both spiritual and physical sensitivity, as well as help in other difficult life situations.

Feature of this action and holiday

Baptism came to us since the times of Jesus Christ. This event is described in the texts of the Holy Scriptures, in four Gospels. So, consider in more detail how it happened, where the water was happening which river washed the body of the Savior during the ritual.

The first waterway occurred at when Jesus Christ asked the Prophet John to make this action. It was a symbol of cleansing from sins, sincere repentance and faith in salvation. Christ was baptized for mankind and coming his salvation. He realized the importance of this event for people, as he said

After the Christ came out of the water and prayed, there was a voice of the Lord, who spoke that he was his son beloved. There was also a descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a pigeon. After his baptism, Christ held public ministry.

Formation of the festival of baptism

It is not known exactly when the sanctification of water for baptism has become a traditional ritual, and also when this holiday was approved. However, in the third century, the first mention of him is found in the "Stromats" of the Clement of Alexandria. Until the fourth century, the Day of Celebration was the sixth of January, he was built on the memories of both Christmas and the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ.

After the fourth century, these two holidays were divided into two different days - the baptism remained the sixth of January, and the Christmas began to celebrate the twenty-fifth of December.

Initially, the baptism of Christians took place once a year, it was for the holiday. But by the time Christianity accepted Russia, there was almost no such custom.

So, today, when water is consecrated for baptism, it is a tribute to the ancient event that happened during Jesus Christ. At the time when he his intercession and the sacrifice accepted the sins of mankind and showed the way to salvation for everyone.

How does this rank take place

Chin Consecration of water for baptism in its final version was installed in Russia in 1681. For people, it was a great holiday, which everyone noted with great flashes and mandatory doubt in the hole.

To date, this is an equally solemn holiday, which is also called great sanctification. Now consider in more detail how this rank occurs, and when water is being consecrated. In front of the day of the Epiphany itself, there is the first consecration of this blessed fluid. This action is devoted to the memory of how the Lord himself was baptized in the Jordan River, as well as the baptism of announced.

On the day of the Epiphany itself there is a memory of the event itself. But since Jesus took his baptism outside the temple, then a custom appeared on this day to go to the rivers and lakes and perform sanitization. This event is also called "walking to Jordan".

Chin himself, the consecration of water for baptism has the following actions. At the end of the liturgy there is a reconnect prayer or a leaking object. Then the rector in full use should go through to the font or to the source. Ahead of the procession of the sacred and carry candles, and people are going behind them who are saming the Personal Glory Troparies. Next follows the deacons and priests, and closes the procession of the prior, who carries a cross in front of himself.

At the place where the water binding should be started, there should be a table with water bowl and three candles. Then the rector throws water, and if the ritual passes in the temple, then the altar, and those present during the rite.

When water is consecrated for baptism, many passages are read from the Gospel, as well as excerpts from the book of the Prophet Isaiah, from the Apostolic reading. A variety of prayers are pronounced, in which he is asked to be a grace for water, so that as a result she could do both spiritual and bodily physical dishes. At the end of the rite, the abbot must bless the water with fingers and a cross, and after three times, immerse the last in the liquid. At the same time, he sings the trap "in Jordan is baptized with you, Lord." The rite ends with cruciform sprinkling in all directions, as well as the singing of the stimit.

When this action happens

Nowadays, after a long decline of the Orthodox faith, a lot of prejudices appeared about the quality of water. That liquid that was sanctified in the evening, and the one that was sanctified in the morning is the same in its properties. So, if you answer the question: "When water is being consecrated on baptism 18 or 19 of the number?" The correct will noted that there is no difference in this, because the chin is the same. The gracious force that descends on this fluid is the same in forever, and after the morning liturgy.

Swimming in Baptism

Another baptism rite is immersion in water in the hole. To make it in the place where the bathing will be burned in advance, cut into the form of a cross. Above the water, the priest reads chin (prayers), and after the water sanctifies. Traditionally dip in the hole in the evening of eighteenth, however, you can do it and nineteenth. By the way, only in the terrain, where there is a river or other reservoir nearby, there is a consecration of running water in the head. Most often it is happening in the morning, on the day of the Epiphany, after the liturgy.

Although water on the day of baptism and has special properties, but still during swimming should follow the safety rules, especially if you first dip in the water. Do not swim if you have any chronic or acute diseases (especially inflammatory). If you introduce to this child's ritual, then it should be done very carefully, after he breaks out of the hole, his body should be well confused by a towel, put in dry clothes and give a drink of hot tea.

It should also be noted that the dipping in the hole for baptism although it is of a healing force, but only it cannot be rid of all sins. This ritual does not eliminate the need for repentant prayer, the Holy Communion, as well as the sacraments of confession.

What is the feature of water as a liquid?

Now let's talk about what this liquid is so special, which on earth is almost eighty percent of the entire earth's surface. As mentioned above, the holy water in baptism has special properties. That is why it from ancient times they took a special role. In cinema, this topic was well lit in the video "Great Mystery of Water". It was removed from the statements of various academics and professors about the properties of this living fluid, how its structure could change under the influence of various words, musical compositions and even people's thoughts.

It tells about how the Holy Water is converted into baptism. Against the background of the knowledge gained, this does not seem so implausible, moreover, many experiments can be repeated at home.

What happens to water Epiphany evening

So, consider how water changes after baptism. Some scientists analyzed this driver and concluded that after holding a rite at the exit, purified water is obtained, as if silver. Moreover, it becomes not only the liquid on which the ritual was held in the temple (agree, it all gets more silver from the cross), but also so that is in large reservoirs, where the rite is carried out. The clergymen are convinced that this is the impact of prayer, as well as the descent of the Lord's grace.

Water for baptism properties has special. For example, from purely physical - this is absolute preservation during the year (the color and odor does not change). Agree, under the conditions of the current state of water, this is an indicator. In addition, the driver has both healing properties, which allows it to be used in non-standard situations.

How to use hurried water. Its properties

After you went to the church and brought home the holy driver, it is advisable to keep it near the icons as the shrine. It is believed that it should be in the house of every Christian. Since the water to the baptism of the property has special, it is used in cases where ordinary actions do not help.

By the way, in prayer, in consecration, it even refers to some of them. It is getting rid of sins, and healing from ailments, and cleansing from various demons. Very many elders and saints spoke on this, and there was no greater healing force for them than the spirit of the holy water.

It can be taken regular on an empty stomach, small portions. Before it should be prayed. If there is a special need, then the driver can be drunk and at another time (not forgetting about prayer too). If a person has sick places on the body, then it can anxious them. If necessary, it is allowed and sprinkling the dwelling. With all the actions you need to read special prayers.

Holy water in baptism, with regular consumption with proper respect and prayer, is able to sanctify the soul and body. The man in this case becomes more prone to any virtue, post and prayer. It can not approach it the unclean, as well as to affect it. Using her constantly duck with raging passions, a person becomes calm and balanced. Cleansing from evil and bad.

With the help of the Holy Water, you can consecrate any thing in everyday life, as well as the dwelling itself. Some elders advised to sprinkle with bacherskoy water.

There was a special attitude towards her ancestors. Grandmothers always advised to wash small children with a clik, after visiting bad or other people's people. She also helped during the evil eye or if the infants often go into the crying without a reason (it should be washed with water and read on any business it was useful.

By the way, holy water may (sometimes, but happens) to come into disrepair. It should be noted that this is an indicator of the misstatement of living in the house or what other attack. If it still happened, then pour this water into such a place where no one walks (for example, under a tree, and even better - in flow water, river). The container in which it was contained, it is impossible to use anymore.

Rules that should be observed during the consecration of water and bathing by parishioners

On this day, the rules also exist for parishioners. In the Epiphany Christmas Eve should refrain from food until the candles are taken after the liturgy, and the Holy Water will not be used. In baptism (yes, as well as in another such holiday), it is necessary to be benevolent towards other parishioners, do not crowind and not to create a fade, because a lot of people come to the temple.

Sometimes it can be sad to look at how many parishioners are rushing to get the first to the sprinkling of holy water, swelling everyone in their path and swears. Be careful to each other.

Before the priest comes to consecrate water, you must open all the containers that brought with you (they should be with a wide neck).

During swimming in the hole, especially if it is a place with a large cluster of the people, you should also be polite and friendly. It is not necessary to bring and drink alcoholic beverages, as it can end well. Observe care during dipping, do not push other people, do not rush. Do not forget to pronounce prayer before entering water.


Thus, we see when water is consecrated for baptism, a great action occurs. We get a wonderful liquid with special properties that can be used in various situations. By the way, this carria is also called "Agiasma", which means "shrine". Some compare this miracle with the one that happened by the will of the Lord in Cana Galilee, when he turned water into wine.

Remember when the Water is being consecrated on Christmas Eve, as well as the next day of the Epiphany, it has the same properties. These two days over it is performed by the same rank and the same grace is conducive. Use this driver with a prayer, keep with her with awe like the shrine, and then in all you will have help from her. Do not forget about necessarily visiting the temple during the holiday of baptism, as well as staying in service.

The story about the special properties of the Water, scored on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, we can see in one of the sermons of John Zlatoust (387):

"In this holiday, everything, hovering water, bring it home and stored in the whole year, as water is consecrated today; And there is an explicit sign: this water is essential not spoiled over time, but, hoped today, it is a whole year, and often two and three years remains intact and fresh. "

The memoil of the Jordanian event church annually renews the Great Consecration of Water, which is carried out (if the liturgy of St. Vasily's Great) is served) after seamvon prayer. If the evening is performed separately, the rank is put on her ending: after the "Budi Buda" priced, the priest through the royal gates during the singing of the Tropar "Glory Lord on Waters" goes to the vessels filled with water, carrying an honest cross, and the sanctification of water begins. It is also committed in the most holiday after the liturgy (also after the reconnect prayer). In foreseerating, the sanctification of water was committed in the memory of the Baptism of the Lord, sanctified the water nature, as well as the baptism of the announced, which in antiquity was made in the forever of the Epiphany. In the very same feast, the consecration of water is in the memory of the Events of the Baptism of the Savior.

This chin received his origin in the Jerusalem Church, in the IV-V centuries was practiced only in it alone: \u200b\u200baccording to custom, everyone went on the Jordan River for Water Engineering into the Memoria of the Baptism of the Savior. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the water binding in the forever takes place in the temples, it usually occurs on the holiday, sources and in wells in the so-called Jordan, since Christ was baptized outside the temple. Chin himself is attributed to the evangelist Matthew. Several prayers for this rank written by Saint Protantinople. The follow-up to the great consecration of water both in forever and in the most holiday, naturally, the same thing in some parts is similar to the selection of small sanctification of water. It consists in the memory of the prophecies belonging to the Event of Baptism (Pamentia), the event (apostle and the gospel) and its meaning (objects and prayer), in the urge of the blessing of God on the water and a three-time immersion in them in their lively Cross of the Lord. In the forever after the release of the evening or liturgy, a lamp (and not an allay with an icon) is supplied in the middle of the church, before which the clergy and singers sing a trophari and (on "Glory, and now") Kondak of the holiday. Candle symbolizes the light of Christ the exercise, the divine enlightenment, donated in the Epiphany. After that, praying is applied to the cross, and the priest sprinkles each holy water.

In the Orthodox Church, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord belongs to the number of the two-month, on a new style he is celebrated on January 19. It is celebrated with the greatness of Christmas to Christ. Both of these holidays are "connected" by the Holy. The eve of the holiday is called forever in the Epiphany, or Christmas Eve. His services are similar to the home of the Nativity of Christ. On Christmas Eve (as well as the Christmas Eve of Christ), a strict post is prescribed: making food once after the consecration of water. If forever happens on Saturday and Sunday, the post is facilitated: the adoption of food is allowed twice - also after liturgy. The baptism of the Lord lasts eight days.

Farmer of the holiday

In Jordan, the Lord, the Troic worship of the worship: the parents of Bo glans testifying to you, Beloved the son of the son called: and the Spirit in the form of a pigeon of the vernal word A statement: Jaws, Christ, God, and the world of enlightenment, glory to you.

Lord, when you were baptized in Jordan, the worship of St. Trinity was the worship; For the voice of the Father testified to you, calling you the beloved son, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the truth of the words (Father); Christ God, who appeared and shifted the world, thank you

Kondak Holiday

There was an embarrassment of the settlement, and the light of yours, the Lord, banned on us, in the mind of singing out: I came across and appeared, the light is impregnable.

Today you, Lord, came the universe, and the light opened to us, reasonably chanting you: "The light is impregnable, you came and appeared to us."


Chorus: Magnifier, my soul, a honest mountain military, the Virgin Most Mary.

Unsonfine all the language of collapses in the property, the mind and premium Petita, the Virgin Mary, is inhabited; Obache whims, because the love of the weight of the Divine is divine: you bo Christians are a representative, the Major.

Chorus: Magnitude, my soul, the most extreme to the Mother of God, who is honorable heavenly (angel) military.

No language is unable to praise on dignity, and even an angelic mind is perplexed (, as) to try you, the Virgin; But, as a good, accept faith, because the love of our lively you know; You are the Concern Christians; We are magnifying you.


Major, exorbitant Christ, we are for the sake of the root of the cross-hassia from John in the waters of Jordanian.

We are singing you, the owner of life, Christ, for the sake of us today trapped on the flesh from John in the waters of Jordanian.

Why are water sanctified?

The text of the rank of sanctification of water.

When does the Holy Water Helps? Stories about the fertile strength of baptisma water.

Water binding

"What gift is so much necessary for us like water? - asks Schchmch. Hippolit Roman. - everything is washed with water, and feeds, and cleared, and irrigated. The water will fall to the ground, produces Rosew, grapes covers, leads to the maturity of the corporal ...

But why do you mean much? Without water, nothing of the visible us can exist: the water is so necessary that when other elements have a dwelling under the arches of heaven, she received for itself a compatibility and over heaven. This is evidenced by the prophet himself, calling: "Praise him, heaven of heaven and water, which is above heaven" (Ps. 148: 4).

So frozen consecrated water. Mystically beautiful ...

Why exactly in this substance - the Water - Christian and universal consciousness finds a cleansing, life-giving force? Saint Kirill Jerusalemsky speaks of this primary element: "The beginning of MIR - water, and the beginning of the Gospel - Jordan. From the water, the light was sensual, for the Spirit of God was rushed with the top of the water and commanded the light from darkness. The light of the Holy Gospel of Jordan, because, as the Holy Evangelist writes, "since that time," that is, from the time of baptism, Jesus began to preach and say: "Refer, because the kingdom of heaven approached" (MF 4:17). The baptism of his Jesus Christ "Sins of Jordan's sins of all Mira in the waters of Jordan", consecrated water nature.

Conditions of our life - drinking, ablution, the necessary part of many types of food, means of transportation, means of cooling and refreshment - create value and value for us water already in its natural state - as a gift of God.

Water, like God created, is sacred as such, according to involvement, along with all that "the blesses", that is, Christ, the secret of the construction of God, heading for the salvation of MIR. In the Christian life, this "natural" is, that is, without vicious actions on our part, consecration increases with the crosses, above it is performed - over drinking water, over water for the evan, drink it from consecrated dishes and so on.

In the well Christian - not simple water: already the "digging of the folding" is consecrated by a special cyanocent. "Give us water in a four place, the sweet and tasty, please sat down to the needs, extractable to accept ...," the priest prays and the first is beginning to dig a well. Above the focusing store new again, a special prayer is made: "It is possible to conquer the water and promote all ... You yourself are so consecrated by the water: Ambassador to NU Holy Power on every resistant Children, and give everyone to everyone who is susceptible to The health of the soul and body, on the change of any passion and there are no guests: I will be the healing of water and rest all touched on it and the accomplishment of Yu ... "

Even such, apparently the ordinary thing, like well water, is the subject of the miracle - "water of healing and peace."

From the Old Testament, we learn how the holy prophet and the Moses of Moses have extended, at the direction of God, water from the rock with a blow of a rod (Ex. 17: 2-7). And the source was tested from the stone, the thirst for the people of Israeli is not only natural, but also spiritual: for people have rushed on God and Moses, and the apparent miracle strengthened faith to doubt and forced to encourage unwell. The source of Moses was joined by Moses, of course, not a simple water, but the water is special.

The water in the well of the Samaritan, the samaricist, the Savior and the Savior and the Savior and the Savior and the Savior, even consecrated with him, and even made forever, in which the highest spiritual truths were embodied. Here in a conversation with Samaryanka, the Lord pronounced it at first, fulfilled the deepest mysterious meaning of the word: "Who will drink the water that I will give him, he will not crave late; But the water I will give him to be done in it the source of water flowing into the life of the eternal "(Ying 4:14).

And not simple water, according to the beliefs of Christians from ancient times and Donyn, in the river Jordan, consecrated by the baptism of the Savior.

In addition, in the lives of many saints, we find the narrative of the venue from the ground of water sources, killing ailment and distinguishing unclean power. "Rejoice, in Sousse a place a stream of water aquet for God is as scared; Rejoice, Yako Tayazhda water, the prayer of your healing ailments, mysterious, "the Akathist St. Sergia Radonezh reverends in 4 Ikos.

Further, it is necessary to put water consecrated in the exact meaning of this word to committing special rites: such, for example, the water installed in the church in the church, descended from the pricious copy of the priest when pronouncing a special prayer.

Next - the water of small waters, or small Agiasma - in Greek "then Micron Agiasma" (Agiasma in Greek. - "Shrine"), that is, water consecrated by the immersion of the honest cross when performing a water jetster. "Siah water and a sprinkling of water, your blessing is low, the fading of the passions ..." - the priest prays, and further asks: "To her, we pray, to visit our, invigorate, weave, and our ailments, our illness, and your bodies, are yours .. . ", I.e. Requests for healing - along with the consecration of water, and then: "And the controversy of us will perform the consecration of your water, the water is a communion: and there will be us, Lord, in the health of the soul and body."

Small water binding is like a great, that is, done in and on the very day. Great Aguiam - "Macron Agiasma" is consecrated, except for a threefold immersion in her honest cross, still with a congestion, blessing - in it, inside it performed - and special prayers and chants.

The grace of God here is manifested so clearly that even in terms of physical Epiphany water receives a property without blooming mold, not to rot. The saint John Zlatoust says this property. In a note to the service of the Epiphany, contained in Main, his words are given that the Holy Epiphany Water in continuation of many years remains nonplus, it is fresh, clean and pleasant, as if this is just a minute I was drawn from a living source. This is a miracle of the grace of God and now sees everyone.

Chin Great Water Surface

Water-binding is small and great: the small one is performed during the year, and the Great - only on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The water binding is called the Great for the special solemnity of the rite, imbued with the memoir of the Baptism of the Lord, which was not only the prime of the mysterious ablution of sins, but also by the actual consecration of the nature of the water, through the immersion in her of God in the flesh.

Great water binding is committed according to the statute at the end of the liturgy, after the memorial prayer. It is performed on the very day of the Epiphany (January 6/19), as well as in the foreclosure of the Epiphany (January 5/8/28). On the very day of the Epiphany, the water binding is performed with a solemn procession, known as the "Stroya to Jordan".

After the calamon prayer, the clergymen overlook the sanctuary through the royal gates. Great water binding begins by the tropari: "The Glory of the Lord on the waters screams, the verb: take, put the Vsi spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of the mind, the Spirit of God's fear, the nature of Christ," the nature of the waters is consecrated ... "," Yako man on the river came to the river , Christ King ... "," Glory, and now "," To the guide of a cryatry in the desert ... ". Then you are read by parium from the book of the Prophet Isaiah. The Great Old Testament Prophet three times predicts the baptism of the Lord. He expresses the joy and hope of the church about the wrath of water from the source of salvation: "Thirsty! Go all to the waters ... Look for the Lord when you can find it; Call it when it is close. Yes, it will leave his wicked path and the lawlessness - their thoughts, and yes will turn to the Lord, and he raises him, and to God to God, for he has a multi-faunch "(Is. 55: 1; 6-7).

Then the message of the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 10: 1-4) is read about the mysterious prototype of the baptism of the Jews, in the name of Moses among the clouds and the sea, and their spiritual food in the desert and drinking from the spiritual stone, which was the dimming Christ. Finally, the Gospel is read from Mark (1: 9-11), where the apostle tells about the baptism of the Lord. Then, it follows: "The world will pray to the Lord ...", in which the solemn petitions on the sanctification of water are ascended:

"Weekly sanctifying the waters of the weather similum, and the name and the host of the Holy Spirit, the Lord pray.

About the hedgehog leaning on the water of the purifier handful of the Trinity of Action ...

About the hedgehog to give them grace of deliverance, the blessing of Jordan power, and the action, and the host of the Holy Spirit ...

About the hedgehog low graduate of the Lord God blessing Jordanovo, and sanctifying the water of this ...

About the everyday life of this, sanctifying the gift, sins deliverance, in the healing of the soul and body, and for all benefits of a fairious ...

About everyday life of this Introducing Eternal ...

Oh a member of the impact of the imaginary and invisible enemy ...

About the bait and swimming in the consecration of houses ...

About everyday life in the cleansing of souls and telecons to everyone, with faith with the same and communion of one ...

It is advantageous for it to fulfill the consecration of the waters in the invisible phenomenon of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will pray. "

Then the priest reads the prayer at first a mystery, and then the veleglass, in which the Lord is asking the chief of the Holy Spirit to sanctify water.

"Vitya, Lord, and wonderful of your business, and no one word will be pretty to singing wonders! (Three times).

You'dably give your way to everybody in everyday life in everyday life, and your contents of the contents of the creature and your fishery to build MIR ... smart all strength will be treated for you, the sun sings you, I feel the moon, you have stars, you are listening to you, the abyss , You have sources. You shoot the sky of this skin, you approved the earth on the waters, you fenced the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea, you spilled air to the air. Angelskaya Power serve to you, the Archangelism of the Firs are bowing to you ... You bo God is incosparable, the initial and non-inflammatory ... You are a worm, a humor of the king, to come and now the host of your spirit and consecrate the water.

The consecration of water when reading the prayer is accompanied by a three-year blessing of her head of the shepherd during the pronunciation of words: "You are a worm, a humor of the king, coming and now the host of the Holy Spirit and consecrate the water of this. And giving her grace of deliverance, the blessing of Jordanovo, the coordinate of the union, the source, sanctification of the gift, sins, resolution, ailments, demons, demons, residing inequacious, Angelic fortress, fulfilled, yes WSI leisure and communion, to clean the shower and telecons, to healing passions To consecrate the houses, and to all the benefits are pretty ... and now, Vladyko, consecrate the water with the spirit of your saints. Location by all the touching she, and the mercy, and the consecration, consecration, health, cleansing and blessings. "

At the end of reading all the prayers, the priest immerses the honest cross in the water three times, holding it with both hands right, when singing the feast of the feast of the Epiphany: "In Jordan, I am baptized to you, Lord, the Troic worship of the worship: the parents of Bo glans are a testimony to you, the Son is called And the Spirit in the form of a blueberry verbose word statement. Jaws, Christ, God, and MIR enlighteous, thank you. "

The priest, taking a vessel with consecrated water and frost, kropyt cross-shaped on all sides. Then, when singing the stimit, "Ind, Vermina, myself about us, God's greatness of God ..." Ieria sprinkles the temple. Then go: "Budy the name of the Lord is blessed from now before the century," and there is a perfect vacation: "Ince in Jordan is baptized from John ...".

Consecration of the Church of Water Nature

On the day of the baptism, the Lord is not consecrated by some part, but all the nature of water, spilled on the ground. Why? Because the great consecration of water in the essence of its own is the memory of the Baptism of the Lord, who sanctified the water nature.

Why does the church again and again sanctify water when she is consecrated by the baptism of the Son of God?

We, fallen, although we can be updated by the grace of God, people, can always sin, and thus again and again enter into the surrounding MIR uncleanness and degeneration. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ, having risen on the sky, gave a believing right of the power of faith and prayer to reduce the blessing of the father of heaven, sent a comforter of the spirit of truth, who always stays in the Church of Christ, so that the church, despite the human seed and impurity inherent in the heart, always had An inexorable source of sanctification and life.

Keeping this commandment to the Lord, the Holy Church consecrates with its sacraments and prayers is always not only the person himself, but everything that he enjoys in MIR.

On this basis, the church sanctifies the land, asking her the blessing of fertility, sanctifies bread, serving food to us, and water, quenching our thirst. By the sanctification of water, the church returns the water elements of primitive purity and holiness, germs to the water, the power of prayer and the words of God, the blessing of the Lord and the grace of the Blessed and Life-friendly Spirit.

About the use of holy water

"Sanctified Water, - wrote St. Dimitri Khersonsky," has the strength to consecrate the shower and telecons of all using it. " She, acceptable with faith and prayer, doctors our bodily diseases. Holy Water extinguishes the flame of passions, distinguishes the evil spirits - this is why they sprinkle with holy water dwelling and any thing that is sanctified.

Rev. Seraphim after the confession of pilgrims always gave them to eat from the Bowl of Holy Epiphany Water.

Rev. Amvrosiy was a deadly patient sent a bottle with holy water - and the incurable disease to the amazement of doctors was departed.

The old man of Jeroshimones Seraphim, Vyritsky, always advised the sprinkling products and the food itself of Jordanian (bachechenskaya) water, which, according to him, "all sanctifies everything." When someone hurt himself, the old man of Seraphim blessed to take on a tablespoon of consecrated water through every hour.

The elder said that stronger medications than holy water and consecrated oil, no.

And the famous devotee of the XX century St. Kushsha Odessa, as his life tells, advised all new things and products to condemn to holy water, before bedtime sprinkle Kelia (room). In the morning, leaving the Kehelia, he always sprinkled himself with holy water.

The presence of the Holy Water is also said and the presented elders of Warsconufy Great and John. When one of the village complained about him that the locust was spoiled by his Niva, they gave such an answer: "Take our Holy Water and Crop your Niva" (Ot. 691).

In the miraculousness of the Holy Water convinces us and our personal experience of believers. The grace descending into water on the prayers of the priest of God grace gives the force to heal the disease - be it headache or insomnia, irritation or just what is being taken to call "stress", to guess passion and weaken the sinful attacks that arise. Through the Holy Water, any thing is consecrated in everyday life of the Orthodox Christian - whether it is a means of movement, clothes, dwelling or anything else. Therefore, many believers have a very useful wings often sprinkling their homes. It is served for drinking to drink, melting it the amazed parts of the body.

Holy water, like the prosfora, is customary to use an empty stomach, after the morning prayer rule, with a special reverence as a shrine. There is a special prayer, readable when attracting prosphora and holy water:

Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water

"Lord God, so will be the gift of your holy and holy your water to leaving my sins, in the enlightenment of my mind, to strengthen my spiritual and bodily forces, in the health of my souls and my bodies, in the conquest of the passions and the nests of my internally Mercy, the prayers of Mother and all saints of yours. Amen".

Although preferably - from awe to the shrine - to take on an empty stomach in the Holy Water, but at a special need for God's help - with death or attacks of evil forces - you can drink it, without hesitation, at any time of the day and night.

As mentioned above, Epiphany water has a property not blooming mold and not to heat up for many years. (And even more so surprisingly, such properties have "ordinary" water, taken at midnight on the Epiphany from any source.)

With reverent, the holy water remains fresh and enjoyable for a long time. It should be stored in a separate place, better next to the home iconostasis (but not in the refrigerator!).

Some Christians mistakenly believe that water, consecrated in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, and water consecrated on the very day of the Epiphany - Different: It is said that the water that is sanctified on Christmas Eve, January 18, is the water of the Bogoyavlensky, and that that is consecrated 19 - Epiphany. At the same time, they try to gain holy water for two days in a row and stored it later in different vessels, fearing to confuse. This is a meaningless superstition. In fact, both on the holiday, and on Christmas Eve, the water is consecrated by the same chine of the great water binding - in memory of the descent of the Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River.

A small drop of holy water, hitting the large vessel in any way, sanctifies all the water in it. And you can in this vessel, how much time to add clean water - it will ensure. Therefore, those who bring whole barrels on the holiday are ridiculous, canisters, flasks in order to gain as much water as possible - "friends, relatives, neighbors."

When holy water does not help us

It can be argued that there is not a single jet of water, not a single drop that would not be consecrated, enjoyed by prayer and, therefore, which would not be a life-life and saving for people, animals, the very Earth. A drop of holy water, as they say, sanctifies the sea.

If we always did, as the Church teaches us and the Word of God, then the graceful gifts of the Holy Spirit would constantly pour on us, then every source would have been a source of healing from the ailments of bodily and spiritual, each body of water would serve as purification and enlightenment, "Water healing and rest."

But it does not happen. Not only simple, but sometimes holy water can not help us!

"All grace, coming from God through St. Cross, St. icons, sv. Water, power, consecrated bread (arthos, antidor, prosphoras), etc., including the Holy Body Communion and Blood Blood, Serving people, the deeds of mercy and the manifestation of other virtues of Christian. But if there are no them, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically as a talisman, and it is useless for wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues). "

Miracles, healing occur in our day. But only those who accept her with a lively faith in the promise of God and the power of the prayer of the Holy Church, those who have a clean and sincere desire to change the life, repentance, rescue, are honored with the wonderful actions of the holy water. God does not create miracles where they want to see them only from curiosity, without sincere intention to take advantage of them to their salvation. "Rod is crazy and adulterial," said the Savior about his unbelievers of contemporaries, - looking for ZNMI; And znychynia will not give him. "

So that the Holy Water benefits will take care of the purity of the soul, about the high dignity of our thoughts and actions.

Stories about the fertile strength of baptisma water

I was born in 1918, and although my mother was a believer, religion was alien to me.

I was already married when I saw the heavy form of pleuritis and was at death. I heard the doctor spoke of my mother: "Leave her, she is hopeless."

In a state of mortal agony, in half fears, my thought flashed: "Lord, what should I do to recover?" And then I clearly heard a voice that meets me: "Drink the holy water, eat Artos and believe in me."

Until then, I did not know the words "Artos", but, waking up, I remembered him well. I called my mother and asked to give me holy water and arthos. Mother, surprised by my request, said: "Seen, you die if you ask the holy water and arthos."

She performed at once my request, and I swallowed a sip of water and a piece of arthos with great strength. After that, I immediately fell asleep and slept for a long time, and I woke up quite healthy. Since then, my life has changed. I live in faith and in faith in the Lord bringing up my children.

Help in healing from the launion

In one medical book on psychiatry, published at the beginning of the 20th century, her author, professor, writes that he distinguishes the mentally illness from "obsessed" and patients with physical damage to the nervous system. First, he determined in a very simple way: let them drink holy water. But no one could make obsessed with holy water.

One mother about his sick daughter, who suffered a lack of a launcher, told the following. To help her spiritually, she in the food cooked for her daughter certainly poured a few drops of holy emanciphered water. Mother did it secretly from his daughter. But whenever she brought her cooked food with holy empty water to the table, the sick daughter usually shouted: "Mother, what do you disassemble me? I can't eat this food and I can't even look at it without horror! " With these words, she popped out from the table and tried to leave home. So unbearable the fertile strength of the Holy Epiphany water for the devil.

It is wonderful that the patient was everywhere and everywhere felt the presence of holy water and avoided it in every way. Mother, calling for the help of God, has never lost hope for his daughter's assimilation with sacred water. For some time, the patient became much quieter and the communion of the Holy Tyunes was already approached and even with tears. A year after that, she quietly, as a true Christian, died.

Claimed water

On the day of the feast of the Epiphany, one priest stood in the temple and poured into the vessels of the Bogomoles only that consecrated water. The woman is suitable and stretches his bottle. Only started the priest to pour water into it, like a bottle in his hands burst and scattered into small fragments.

The amazed priest asks a woman: "What is this bottle? Was there anything in it? "

An embarrassed woman answers: "Batyushka, I wanted one guy to marry my daughter. To wander it, I got the spoken water from one old woman. But I was afraid to give her daughter. For loyalty, I wanted to add to this water to the bachechenskaya. "

Could not be mixed in one vessel, demonic spoken water and the sacred bogoyloral.

From the story of Professor N

During the sanctification of water, a wonderful prayer is pronounced, in which healing is requested from diseases for those using this water. In general, in consecrated items there are spiritual properties that are not inherent in the usual substance.

The numerous manifestations of the special healing properties of the holy water can be added another completely reliable case, which took place at the end of the winter of 1961.

The elderly teacher-pensioner A.I., sick with eyes (dark water) and treated in the eye dispensary, completely blinded. However, being a believer man, she a few days in a row with a prayer applied to the eyes of a vat, moistened with Holy Epiphany water. Suddenly, to the surprise of doctors, in one (really beautiful) Morning teacher began to see well.

It is known that in patients with glaucoma, such sharp improvements under normal flow are not possible, and deliverance A.I. From blindness can be considered as one of the manifestations of the healing properties of holy water, as one of the wonders that occurring currently occurring.

Unfortunately, not all miracles are fixed and announced, and every one of us simply does not know. Even this is a miracle that I told, obviously, it will be known only to a narrow circle of people, but we, inquiring, in the grace of God, be among them, will pay thanks and glory to God.