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Gooshad care and maintenance at home. How to avoid diseases of geese - preventive measures. Types of feed and feeding rates

Breeding geese on meat is a rather promising Bines idea. Goose is a voracious bird with good meat growth. In just 2.5 months, the living weight goose is 4-4.5 kg. And ready for a caution, if it is grown according to intensive feeding technology (without additives and chemistry). To achieve such high increments, you should also choose a large breed of hussak. The yield of meat with the goose reaches 63% excluding edible grooves. The diet of these birds includes a significant part of the most affordable feed - greens (anyone) and root. Such a diet significantly increases the profitability of the breeding business of geese.

Today, the demand for housing is growing. After all, large poultry farms supply the market with chicken and turkey meat, but the goose meat produces small private farms. Nevertheless, geese, like all poultry, have a higher weight gain from eaten feeds than agricultural animals. Based on this, we conclude that the "goose" market is not yet monopolized and has low competition.

It is worth noting that the goose itself is not a pick-up bird. They are not painful and fairly simple in content. It is also important that when breeding geese, there are practically no waste. After all, in Guses, absolutely absolutely everything - from meat to the pen. The feather goose is much more expensive than ducks, its price is $ 20 for 1 kg. From one hussak you can get 100g. Pen. In fact, the pen pays off a third of the feed costs. And the liver goose is the main component of the famous and expensive delicacy "Fu-Gra".

Intensive feeding technology geese

The technology of intensive feeding allows to achieve the weight of the adult hussak 4-4.5kg in the shortest deadlines (2.5 months). In order to grow to scoring mass (4-4.5 kg of live weight) in terms of 65-75 days, it is not necessary to use chemistry and various types of additive. This unit of agriculture does not stand still, and now there is a special method of cultivation, which does not worsen the quality of meat, feather and in general the carcass itself. This method was called "intensive". There are no secrets here, everything is easy and simple.

In order for this business to quickly make profit from breeding geese, they should feed them using intensive feeding technology. The essence of this technology is that youngsters from 20-30 day age are not released on pastures. Birds are moving into equipped with all necessary pens. In the period from 20 to 75 days, gesies are given in large quantities of food, and fresh greens. At the same time, the greens are given in the morning and in the evening, which prevents its rapid drying. The feed mixtures in a clumsy form in the feeders are put in such a quantity that the chicks have eaten a portion for 30-40 minutes, it will not give me a mixture to do. After the monastery is eaten, it is necessary to put a new portion in the feeder. In just 70-75 days of its growth, one goose should eat up to 15 kg of animal feed and up to 25 kg of various greenery.

The diet in the intensive cultivation method looks like this:

  • from 1 to 10 day - 20 g of animal feed and 50-60 g of greenery;
  • from 11 to 20 day - 50g feed and 100-110 g of greenery;
  • from 21 to 30 days - 120 digging feed and 200-220 g of fresh greenery;
  • from 31 to 75, the day of growth of chicks every 10 days, a portion of the feed is increasing for 20g, and the greenery is 100g. Thus, the goose aged 70-75 days should receive 220-240 g of the feed and 700-800g of greenery;
  • from 1.5 months in the diet of chicks, premixes corresponding to the age of the bird should be introduced.

With all this, it is important to regularly give gessy clean water for drinking and provide them with water.

Large goose breeds for breeding

With the successful breeding of geese on the meat for business, it is very important to correctly choose the appropriate breed. The most suitable breeds for this are:

  1. Large gray.
  2. Holmogorsk.
  3. Italian white.
  4. Kuban.

We suggest start to breed geese on meat just from the Kholmogorsk breed. This breed is easily recognizable, its distinctive admission is the thigh over the beak of the bird. Caring for the Gooses of the Kholmogorsk breed you have already received birds of bottom-old birds for 60-65 days. Her weight to this day will be 4kg. or more. These birds are the least whimsal for feeding and content are not painful and easily coming up in any climatic conditions.

Typically, a bird is suitable for a bottom, which has reached 4-4.5 kg of live weight, while the edible part of the scored goose will be about 65%. Such weight, with proper care, gesean is gaining in 2 months. It is not recommended to keep birds older than 75 days, because after 75 days aged age on the geeses, feathers are actively growing, which then gives meat rigidity. If, after all, for some reason, the goose did not have time to score at this age, then you can do it aged 130 days. After 130 days, the growth of feathers ends and the process of a set of fat in Gus begins. That is why geese older than 130-140 day age are not suitable for a hammer, because the advantage in goose meat is lost due to pending fat.

All you need for goose business

With a goose business, you can not only establish stable meat production with a rapid coefficient of turnover of invested funds, but also organize the sales of a pen and fluff. And this is an additional business idea. For example, a goose feather can be sold already in bed articles. But first consider everything you need to business for breeding geese on meat.

For the start of the goose business, favorable conditions for cultivation are created. First of all, it is necessary to calculate from what amount of goals you will start. After that, you can get calculations for expenses on:

  1. Fencing for walking.
  2. Artificial reservoir.
  3. Feed.
  4. Gosyat.

It is worth noting that the most appropriate people for this business will be the owners of the private sector, and even better country sites, close to the house and, naturally, is the perfect view of stable income for people from the countryside. The fact is that geese, though not picky, but will require constant walking.

Gusatnik with favorable conditions

In the gooseman must be pure. The disinfection of the gooseman is to whiten the walls of fresh lime. It is possible to build a goat. Gusatnik area must be calculated depending on the number of birds. 2 adult goose should be placed at least by 1 square meters. Meeting floor area. This space is enough for these birds to 2-3 months of age, and just during this period there is a goose to meat.

Gusatnik for young people consider the formula 1m2 to 6 chicks. The height of the gooseman may not exceed 2 meters. When careing goose, the room should be equipped with ventilation. Geese evaporates a certain amount of water (it can reach up to 1 liter with 5 birds per day), and the excess moisture indoors will contribute to the development of various diseases. Gusatnik must have windows. The windows themselves are not enough for the lighting of the goose, it is necessary to take care of the supply of your gussektnik's electricity. But in the presence of ventilation and windows, you must take care of the absence of through passage of air.

Himself the hollow can be built with almost any building material, from the shell to the wood. The roof should also be warm and waterproof. If you decide to make a wooden roof, you can cover it with several layers of rubberoid. The hollow floors can be earthen, wooden or concrete, but in any case they need to be covered with a bedding to 12 cm. The litter can be stacked by layers. The first layer must necessarily be not lower than 5 cm, and then with the moisture of the cavalo, a new dry filling should be added. Straw, peat, sawdust or large sand will be used as a litter. Before you put a litter in a housing, the floor must also be treated with hawed lime. Temperature regime in the gooseman in winter can be kept on zero. Often, this temperature is kept in it without your participation. Also note that the goose until the age of 2 should ensure temperature regime not lower than 10-14 degrees.

Requirements for goose walking

If you do not have the opportunity to produce a goose herd every day at the pasture is not a problem. It will be enough to embello some plot of land near the gooseman with a chain grid. Yes, and the permanent walking of chicks in the pasture increases their length of growth until they reach 4-4.5 kg of weight. With the flowing method of cultivation of chicks reach their sleep weight aged for about 4 months. So when growing geese on meat, a more suitable turning method. Also, you should not produce them to pastures with high grass, such grass geese is not fought.

Artificial reservoir for waterfowl birds

Gus waterfowl and water-loving birds. And in hot weather, they just do not do without reservoir. If there is no river or lake in your area, then you can install a large vessel with clean water under a canopy. To do this, a large bolia of galvanized steel has been used to half into the ground can be consolidated. But installing the container with water for swimming, do not forget to take care of drinking. In drinking water should always be in large quantities and clean. And so that your geese had a beautiful healthy funeral, they need once a month (in some cases up to three times a month) to make special sandy baths. To do this, add feed sulfur in the sand tank. She will help you forget about such a pest as a fluffy.

Feed for geese

Goose herbivore and voracious bird. Adults can absorb up to 2 kg of grass per day. Feed for geese consist of sololy grain cereals, legumes, kitchen waste, grass, root, flour mixtures, as well as premixes. To increase the digestibility of grain feed, you can porridge porridge to eliminate starch from feed, which is not digested. For young gesy, roots should be boiled. It is also recommended to leave food in the feeders at night, it is especially good to leave fresh greens overnight. Chicks Gusaty eat at night, especially sharpening their appetite under an early morning. In the winter period, hay gesyam is recommended to be groaning, in a soft, it is better absorbed.

Gooshad care

Gosyat is not difficult to grow with your own hands, but you can also purchase. The most suitable for the purchase will be the geussy, which reached 3 weeks. At this age, they no longer require additional heating. 2-3 weekly geussy can spend almost all day at the pasture. From 2-3 weeks old, when growing a gesy of meat, they begin to intensively refill. You can buy a geussing in special incubators, and it is also possible in people engaged in their breeding.

To make your business round year, you need to purchase not one batch of chicks, but more than three. This will give you the opportunity to grow hussaki gradually, which will ensure the stability of your profits.

Benefits of a business idea

Given the small competition and the shortest possible growth time of this type of agricultural birds to the bottom-up age, this type of business brings pretty good and stable income. But in order to score a bird (70-75) days during their growth, it is necessary to take care of the locations of the carcushes. It can be markets, shops and restaurants. Before this carcasses need to be checked for quality in the windborer, where the corresponding document will be given.

To use this business idea, all 100% should be careful about the sale of expensive goose feathers and fluff. In bed articles, they are considered the most valuable.

Breeding geese at home for beginners seems to be a very difficult occupation. Here, as in any branch of poultry farming, there are its own rules, strict observance of which simplifies the cultivation of young and the care of an adult bird. To avoid failures at the first attempts to keep poultry, you need to know its biological features.

How best to keep geese on the household plot?

Many mistakenly believe that the content and breeding of waterfowl requires a large reservoir on the site or next to it. The absence of a river or a pond holds back in the desire to dilute the houses of geese for growing on meat (during the country season) or for constant content and independent reproduction of the livestock. But the main condition for the content of these large birds is the presence of a walk - overgrown the grass.

If the geese will have nowhere to swim, they will fulfive and without it, but the abundance of green vegetation affects the cost of the bird content. Free feed allows you to save significant funds on the cultivation of geese, so the entire summer season is desirable to contain on grasp.

In the absence of free grazing for geese, you need to take and disperse the flowing courtyard. Its territory must have dimensions at the rate of 1 m² per 1 goose. The place must be chosen with this calculation so that in the middle of the day there was enough shadow to rest the bird.

The absence of a water branch can be compensated by the presence of a wide capacity with water. The depth of it can be no more than 10-15 cm, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror is desirable such that 2-3 individuals can fit simultaneously. Such a capacity will be enough for a flock of 15-20 heads, but the owner will have to constantly monitor the presence of water in the pool.

The container serves simultaneously and drinking, and a place for swimming, so it will be constantly raw around it. It is best to make a sinking out of rubble or large pebbles around the pool at a distance of 1 m from the side of the entire perimeter. This will avoid excessive dirt on the flowing courtyard.

For growing geese on meat, it is not necessary to build heavy buildings. It is enough to have a boardwalk, protected from drafts. In such a room, geese will be able to be before slaughter or late autumn: due to a dense plumage and the poch, they can carry frost to -20 ° C. Winter content of this bird is irrational, as homemade geese will consume a large amount of grain feed. Only the tribal herd leaves for winter if the owner is going to independently receive young for further cultivation.

How to choose good geussy when buying young?

Currently, geese and traditional, and modern breeds are presented on the market. The best for beginners can be considered large gray and holmogorsk geese, as well as the Lindowing breed. These birds by the end of the season can reach mass in 5-6 kg. Some local breeds of geese are well adapted to life in a specific region, but most often a bit of the previous ones.

Choosing a geussing for home content, you need to pay attention to their appearance. As a rule, poultry farms sell young people aged 1-2 days. The average number of the goose at this age is about the palm of the adult. Already after 1 week, the chick will be 1.5-2 times larger. When buying a passive young, private traders in the market is important to remember this and not buy chicks with age 1 week and more if they are not large enough.

Even the daily goblet confidently holds on his paws. If he shake, sits down, closes his eyes, then you should not buy this. A healthy traveler is active and moved, he has a grabbing reflex: if you bring a finger or blade to the beak, the chick will catch them.

When choosing a geussy, you need to take each in your hand, clamping the back, and turn up the bump. Closer to the tail is the Pupovina. In 1-2 daily gesyat, it should be completely closed, without having a bleeding or covered wound crust. Ideally, a novice poultryman simply will not be able to see her in the fluff layer. At the base of the tail is Cloaca. The fluff in this place should be clean, without traces of litter. Wet fluff, white mucus on it should be a reason for refusing to buy a horse meat from this party, as they can be infected with infectious diseases.

The eyes of the goer must be clean, fully open and shiny. Pooh, depending on the breed, has a greenish-gray shade (holmogorsk, large gray and other breeds with a dark plumage) or may be bright yellow (Lindovskaya and other white breeds). In any case, he brightly shines in the sun. A little merchant guns on the back of the head are not a vice - the geese in the box often pulls each other due to the presence of grasping reflex.

How to grow young?

In the cultivation of geese at home for beginners there are some subtleties. Usually, the chicks take care of the geese, warming them when necessary, deriving for a walk and protecting against the attack of predators. And how to grow small chicks, if there is no goose?

The basic rules that must be adequately followed:

  1. The absence of drafts and dampness in the room where the geese will be. The drivingker must be such that the chicks could not fall there and die. Pet shops can be purchased special containers with lids and holes in them. With your own hands, you can make drinking from a shallow bowl or pallet for colors in which the bank is installed. It must be placed on the stand from the bars with such a calculation so that the neck is slightly lower than the side of the plates. The jar is filled with water, put on top of the bars, press the inverted mission and quickly flip the design. But even such a drinking will soon have to put on the pallet of a larger diameter, so that the geussing is not lily water on the litter.
  2. As a litter, you can use chips, straw or hay. Be sure to follow dry and clean material and replace it as needed. Most often have to do it near the drill. In a wet litter quickly starts the mold. Her disputes fall into the bird's respiratory tract and can lead to the death of young.
  3. In the first days of life, manganese (1 time per day) should be added to the water. The solution must be light pink. This simple measure helps to disinfect the cream and protects the geussing from diarrhea.
  4. Feeding of chicks to 7-10 days of age needs to be produced 5-6 times a day, in small portions. The amount of feed given in 1 time must be eaten in 20-30 minutes. The remains must be thrown away, and the next time it is to give less feed. Be sure to feel good to feed the geussy late in the evening.
  5. Losing chicks for walking in the first 10 days you only need after drying dew. In windy and rainy days, it is better not to produce them at all: the fluff has no water-repellent properties, the geusaty is easily wedged and are hypocheated.
  6. If it is cold in the room, then you need to suspend incandescent lamps with a capacity of 60-75 W at a height of 10 cm from the back of the trash. Chicks will be able to warm up, gathering under the lamp. For the effectiveness of the heater, you can make a cap from tin.

If the chicks are pumped into a bunch and pour themselves loudly, they are extremely necessary to warm them. The bench lamp with the lamp can be sufficient. When the chicks are comfortable, they move around the room, eat quietly, sleep, freely sitting next to the fellows.

In the first 7 days, the bunch, corn, wheat croup of food quality is considered the best feed. It can be bought in any supermarket. A small amount of cereals (or mixtures of them) need to be confused with a welded circular egg. Add finely chopped nettle leaves, dandelion, yarrow. Komok feed, compressed in hand, should not stick together.

When 3-4 days go oaths, it is necessary to add washed rolling sand. The fraction of its grains is 1-2 mm. The amount of sand should be about 10% of the feed volume. At the same time, a ground chalk or shell can be introduced into the ration.

From 7-10 days, the egg should be gradually replaced by the pea (pea cereals or illegible grains) from the meat grinder. Consistency of feed is the same as before. By April 14-15, it is possible to start gradually add boiled and sophisticated potatoes. Usually at this time of the guns are already grazing themselves, so the grass in the mixture is not added.

At the age of 3 weeks, the chicks become practically independent, and the care of the geese is reduced to feeding. If there is no possibility to produce a bird for grazing, she needs to ensure the opportunity to eat a large amount of herb. To do this, you need to hang nursery to the fencing of the courtyard.

Nursery can be made from the rails stuffed with a frame with a pitch of 5-7 cm. Inside laid dandelions, nettle, arms, rape and other vegetation. Leaf leaves are better to throw directly to the ground.


Very willingly, geussy eat weeds performed in the garden. Cabbage leaves, young carrots and radish trees, salad, melon and watermelon crusts - welcome delicacies for young geese. The more diverse greenery they get, the better grow.

In addition to juicy feeds, it is necessary to give grain. For geese, you can buy special feed or crushed grain. In the morning, wet mixers based on boiled vegetables are usually given. It is desirable to add fish waste or flour to congested by protein substances. In the evening, it is better to fall asleep in the feeders dry grain so that the geese could eat it and at night.

Do not leave the bird without water, especially in hot weather. If there is an opportunity, the hose must be brought to the pool, from which it will be gradually dripping water, accumulating in the tank. The hose needs to fasten well, as the geese will definitely taste it and pull out of the pool.

Autumn fattening

At the age of 4 months, geese must begin to refill to get delicious meat. At the end of the summer, harvesting is and cleaning, so everything that is not subject to winter storage can be given a bird. Non-ended potatoes and grains make up the basis of the diet.

Potatoes need to boil and knead in mashed potatoes. In the hot mass it is necessary to float the ground grain (fodder, grain consists) at the rate of 10 kg of potatoes 5-7 kg of fluster. Mix mix and cool. If you wish, you can add kitchen waste, crushed root crops, zucchini, etc. Geese eaten eagerly and in large quantities.

How to select tribal birds?

Little geussy is almost impossible to distinguish on the floor. Therefore, the selection of tribal birds is produced at the age of 4-5 months. The males are noticeable on the beak, according to which they can be distinguished from females.

The live weight of the male at this time should be about 4.5 kg depending on the breed. The female weighs a little less. There are several hussaks and 3 goose for everyone to the tribe. The number of birds depends on the area, which will be assigned to winter content: it takes at least 0.8 m2 for each head.

To feed the bird in winter, it is necessary to prepare 30-45 kg of potatoes and beets, 10-15 kg of carrots, 15 kg of hay on each goose. Grain feed will be required 300 g per day for each bird. If there is an opportunity, it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bmore grain, it positively affects the geese eggs.

Goose egg laying start at the age of 8 months. Small eggs are better not to leave for the removal of the offspring, among them a lot of uncomfortable. After 3-4 weeks after the start of the egg laying, you can start collecting an egg to incubation or for lining under the zeal.

Under the goose you can lay no more than 12-13 eggs. These birds are considered good nasal and caring mothers. In the new season, it will be much easier to take care of young people, as it is already familiar with the basic rules, how to breed geese.

Video - breeding geese at home

Along with the Kuras, which are not only residents of the countryside, but also ordinary daches, great popularity as poultry enjoy both geese. These birds easily adapt to various conditions of content, resistant to diseases and are very smart, and, the main thing is quite unpretentious. With the cultivation of geese at home, even beginners will be cited. In this case, the content of geese is very beneficial and is an excellent help for the family budget.

How it would be trite not sounded, but goose - a bird is useful. This is one of the first featured creatures that a man has tamed. From those times, geese mainly serve people. Legends, myths, interesting fairy tales and exciting stories are associated with these feathers. The most famous - about how Geese was rescued by Rome, in time Zaganov and thereby warning Roman soldiers about the invasion of the enemy.

Geese - Birds unpretentious in content. If you provide them with a roof over your head in the form of a shed, and in a sunny day you will withdraw on pasture and give the opportunity to buy in the water branch, they will repay you with a storm. As a result, you will receive:

  • meat with excellent taste qualities;
  • a goose liver, which is very useful and highly appreciated;
  • nutritious and tasty eggs;
  • soft fluff, which is useful in everyday life.

By the way, earlier a person used in everyday life and goose feathers - they were used as a means for writing. Now feather geese can be used to create crafts and decorations.

What kind of breed to choose

Thanks to the work of breeders, breeds of geese exists in our time quite a lot - about 25. Birds are distinguished by appearance, sizes, content requirements, cultivation conditions, egg stage and other characteristics. And newcomers in the world of homepage are often wondering what kind of breed to choose.

The breed of geese is divided into three main categories:

  • HeavySimply put, meat breeds. Geese such breeds give meat more than others, and it is advisable to grow to produce food. Representatives of this category are large, rarely used in industrial poultry farming, as some breeds of birds are difficult to acquire, besides, they are far from cheap. Heavy geese is distinguished by low egg stage compared to representatives of other categories, and, therefore, complex in breeding.
  • Medium-heavy The breed is mostly decorative and designed to give a peculiar area of \u200b\u200ba kind of rural charm. There are such birds are quite expensive.
  • Lungs - Small birds that are well carried eggs, and therefore are simple in breeding. Completed in industrial poultry farming. Eating a lot, but the masses are not eaten.

The table below shows the main breeds of geese, which are most often grown at home.

Table 1. Main breeds of geese for growing at home


Refers to heavy breeds of geese, originally from the Nizhny Novgorod region. Beautiful large birds with white plumage. Used in industrial poultry farming, as they have good egg production for heavy geese. Guards with a good character, friendly, unpretentious in care. Bred on meat. Carcasses because of the white color of the pen are obtained very clean and beautiful, with a wonderful commodity view. The average weight of an adult goose - from 8 to 12 kg. Goose are well sitting on eggs, they do not throw nests. Gosyat grows quickly - in 3 months, the goose has already weigh about 4 kilograms.

The name speaks for itself - the geese of this breed is massive, and the color of the plumage is gray on the back, and on the stomach - white. Motherland breed - Ukraine. The weight of the adult bird is from 6.5 to 9.5 kg. Egg staged and vitality of masonry lower than the Lindowing rock. Housings are actively growing and quickly gaining weight: in 2.5 months, a young bird reaches a body weight equal to 4.5 kg. Excellent breed for meat and liver. Unpretentious in care: they do not even require a water to normal well-being. With feeding of these birds, it also does not arise problems.

The breed of geese belonging to the category "medium-heavy". Country of origin - Germany. Birds with white plumage, with good meat qualities, excellent for this category, eggs. Adult geese weighs 5.5 kg, hussak - 6.5 kg. Gosses are quickly gaining a lot: in 2 months, the pennate kids are already gaining 4 kg of weight. The breed is used to obtain meat, and also refills to obtain a bold liver. Goose on the eggs are not very good, therefore, it is not recommended to plant this breed for newcomers.

Decorative breed of geese, which was derived in Europe. White or gray-white plumage. The characteristic feature of the appearance is long curly feathers on the wings, tail, back. Ribbon geese of a small size: the mass of adult birds ranges from 4.5 to 5.5 kg. Productive qualities are low. Geese of this breed are used to decorate the naud.

Refers to easy gesies. About the birthplace of the breed name speaks for itself - these geese were bred in the Krasnodar Territory. The color of feathers is gray, sometimes with a brownish tint. On the back in the birds of this breed there is a characteristic brown strip - the so-called "belt". Mass of an adult bird - about 4.5-6 kg. The egg production is high enough, but the instinct of reaching the goose is bad. Bird is unpretentious and well adapts to any conditions of content.

White birds come from Italy. In Russia, they appeared relatively recently, about 30-40 years ago. The bird is unpretentious to the conditions of content (it does not matter whether the presence of a reservoir), youngsters quickly gaining a lot - 2 kg weigh the gooshad in 2 months. Hussing survival instinct is well developed. Birds give meat with excellent taste, and small carcass dimensions allow you to use a bird for smoking. It is also grown to obtain a bold goose liver.

How to choose young

So, having studied all the information about the most common breeds of geese, you have made your choice in favor of the one you plan to purchase and settle at your summer cottage. Now it is time to buy young people whose cultivation you will do. But here everything is not so simple: often unscrupulous vendors, trying to catch up, sell hypocarly gesyat, and often, even patients. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the purchase of young people with special care.

It is best to go buy a goose in the company with a person who is not familiar with this bird: it will help you choose high-quality and healthy kids from which you successfully grow a good bird. If there is no such person "at hand", you are guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Explore information about the breed you want to start.
  2. Exclude from the locations of the search for young "bird markets": here you will not get any guarantee that the geese is purebred and healthy. If the kids die on your site due to the fault of the breeder's unscrupulousness, then nobody compensate for you, and moral damages. Better to go on a poultry farm.
  3. Choose those geussy, which has already been 5-7 days. Too small birds are hard to carry transportation, and older people can be buggy, and they will be hard with them.
  4. Rate the appearance of the birds: the guns on the chicks should be yellow, soft and fluffy, and, most importantly, dry, without slicer pieces.
  5. Pupovina should be overgrown, without traces of crusts, and the fluff under the tail should be dry and clean, it should not be traces of any discharge.
  6. Inspect the tummy - he should not be accusing.
  7. Look at the beak - there should be no discretion from the nostrils.
  8. Choose the most active birds: sedentary, sitting calmly in the corner with closed eyes of the geusy can be sick. Small healthy chicks actively react to unfamiliar sounds and objects.
  9. Birds should stand quite tightly on their paws.
  10. When buying a horse, familiarize yourself, whether they have all the necessary vaccinations by age.

Requirements for the conditions of content Gosyat

And here you are a happy owner of three, five, and maybe ten small yellow gesyat. They hung up in a box and look at you with their eyes-beads, asking: "Where are you carrying us?". Of course, before you go shopping, you needed to equip a house for them in which they will live.

To settle the kids best in a specially built horst. If there is no such thing in the presence, then a small shed is suitable. Before settling in it, young shed is clean, disinfect, it is desirable to whitewash the walls, and the floor is closed with a straw layer 10-15 cm. If it's still cold on the street, and you have already bought a gesy, then set them on the summer kitchen, where there is the possibility of warming up the room. By the way, in warm rooms, the gesyat holds until the age of 15-20 days (warm weather should also be installed on the street).

Temperature regime is very important: If the birds are cold, they will be bored and crushed each other, and they can also die from excessive heat. In order to gooshads to be comfortable, the poultry farports are recommended to observe the following temperature:

AgeAir temperature
1-5 days28-27 degrees
6-15 days 26-24 degrees
16-20 days23-18 degrees

In the room for kids should be drinkers and feeders. To avoid dampness, plotting on the lattice, under which the tank of the type of antifreeze is located to collect the spillable water.

Little geussy can not be held with a squash - they can suppress each other if there are too many of them: divide the room into separate compartments. At 1 square meter, about 10 guns under the age of 3 week can safely exist. At the same time, in hot weather, the number of geussing on the same area must be reduced by 1.5 times.

Video - Growing geese at home

It is possible to release on the street on the street from the first days of life if the air temperature is high enough outside the window. To the luggage of birds teach gradually. It is best to walk them in a spectacle to do not get predatory birds. As soon as the warm weather is finally established, drive a geussy to the pasture, where they can also pinch herbs. From 45 days with geese, we can visit the reservoirs.

Feeding Gosyat

Very small gesyat fed militant or oatmeal with the addition of a finely abandoned boiled egg or cottage cheese. After 3-4 days, crushed grass is added to food. At the age of 1 month, the gosses in the diet include carrots - a source of carotene. It should be lost on a shallow grater and give 5 times a day. A mixture of cereal, carrots, greenery and cottage cheese is called "Mashanka", the geese is very loved. It gives babies 5-6 times a day. The mixture should be crumbly, soft, but not water.

Experts advise to acquire a geussy in the spring-summer period, when nature is dressed in its green outfit: during this period, there are plenty of natural pastures, where the goosses can graze and consume fresh green plants. By the way, the monthly traveler eats almost a kilogram of grass per day. Most of all kids like nettle, dandelion, sorrel, odd.

  • In addition to food and fresh water, boarding should also be made with gravel or large sand - they are needed so that the bird's stomach can hand over food.
  • Do not forget about the water - geese drink a lot, and the water should be in constant access. If you believe the observations, one goose at the age of 50 drinks a day to 1 liter of water.

  • The geese feature is that they cannot distinguish between the meal temperature, so make sure that the food for the geussing is not hot or very cold.
  • If you grow a geussing for meat, it is advisable to feed them with highly concentrated feed mixtures, while about 50% of the total food should be fresh greens.

You can score a geussy to obtain meat already at the age of 70 days - by this time they are already gaining quite a large mass. If you have missed the time, and the geussy turned out this age, then it is necessary to begin 60-70 days to approach the caution, when the growth of new feathers is over.

Breeding geese at home for beginners - a fascinating occupation, which over time can turn into a very profitable business. Growing geese and small gesyat with the right approach to the case does not require special costs and under the power of the novice poultry industry.

The main thing is to know how to care for geese and geusing, have a premises and equipment necessary for breeding geese, to know all the subtleties of growing geussing at home. Properly organized geese content - the basis of their successful breeding.

Those who are just starting to breed geese and growing geussing at home must, first of all, have a separate premises for keeping at home by adult geese and geussing.

First of all, a novice poultry farmer should pay attention to the following aspects of the maintenance of geese at home:

  • feeding adult geese and geussing;
  • content of goose livestock in the cold season;
  • growing geussing at home;
  • implementation of goose meat and eggs;
  • maintaining a certain number of goose livestock;
  • breeding tribal geese at home.

These aspects of the content of geese and breeding geussy at home are represented most important For those who make the first steps in the content of the goose livestock. It is especially serious necessary to approach the content and feeding geussy.

Little geese differ pretty weak immunityTherefore, incorrect feeding, insufficient (excessive) feeding or content in unsuitable conditions can cause a serious illness or even the death of the goose.

Principles of growing geese at home for beginners

Breeding geese at home has its own specifics. The main feature of the content of geese at home is that they cannot be kept in cells, such as, for example, chickens or trails.

A beginner poultry farmer will benefit from this bird, if not far from the place of keeping geese is located place for grazing - At least a small pasture with small natural reservoirs: river, lake or artificially created by water (pond).

For geese, you must need free space, they are large fans of space. For intensive growth and the full development of Gus must certainly walk as much as possible in the fresh air, move.

That is why meat geese is always darker than the meat of chicken (in the muscles geese there is much more blood vessels - veins, arteries, capillaries).

Breed geese for breeding

The most popular breeds of geese for breeding at home are as follows:

To eliminate small geussing from the egg is better using a geese-naewk, than in the incubator. However, if there is only one challenge on the bird yard, then in the end it turns out a small brood of the gesyat, up to fourteen goals, as the goose eggs are very large.

To successfully remove chicks create suitable conditions. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to maintain in the room where the goose-zeper is located, the optimal air temperature in the area of \u200b\u200bfifteen degrees, not less.

Basic requirements for the nest for elimination Gosyat

For the successful elimination of the guns from eggs, the nest in which there are eggs and a zeal, must comply with the following important requirements:

The nest must certainly be dry. Accidentally damaged eggs need to be urgently eliminated, while it is necessary to wipe the other eggs, those that survived.

Need to build partitions between sockets Different challenges are associated with the fact that, while there is no one there, the other geese moves her eggs to him, because the maternal instinct in geese is extremely developed.

The excess accumulation of eggs in some one nest will inevitably lead to the complete impossibility of their simultaneous heating. And also in such a situation there is an extra risk of egg damage.

Need to follow when the nasals return to their nests after the mandatory walking, feeding and bathing to each ranked his nest, not a neighbor nest. When the geese is sitting on the eggs, in the sheel at the vases it is necessary to change water daily, for the prevention of the stomach disorder.

For feeding the nasal is recommended to use exclusively selected grain. And with the hatching of chicks, the zoom will cope without assistance. In order for the eggs in the nest to be heated evenly, the goose periodically rolls them into different directions.

If suddenly, for some reason, the geese does not come in place in his nest after feeding for twenty minutes, it must certainly sign on the nest. This happens, as a rule, with a bird, picking chicks for the first time.

The first goosses are usually born twenty-eighth day. After birth gosyt remove from the nest, put in a separate box and organize round-the-clock lighting to adjust the air temperature in the box. After the birth of everyone, they give them back geese. In the first two days, the goose can be put a couple of geussing from eggs born in the incubator. This procedure is usually done in the evening.

Features of elimination geussing from eggs in the incubator

The elimination of small geshes in the incubator is much more difficult than eliminating chickens in the incubator. These difficulties are due to the fact that in the goose eggs there is a large amount of fat, and in addition they are very large.

When more than seventy percent appeared from one masonry to light, it is considered good result. Basic rules of excubator geussing from eggs in the incubator:

  1. Eggs are selected for ten days.
  2. For three or four hours before laying eggs, you need to warm the incubator to a temperature of thirty nine degrees.
  3. To remove in the incubator you need to use only healthy eggs of the right shape.
  4. Eggs designed to eliminate the geussing in the incubator can not be washed, but you can disinfect them, slightly sprinkled with a non-concentrated solution of manganese.
  5. The first four or five hours after laying eggs The temperature in the incubator should reach thirty-eight degrees. Then it gradually reduce to thirty seven and a half.
  6. Eggs must be turned over at least six to eight times a day so that the shell does not stick to the grid or form, as well as for the implementation of uniform heating.
  7. In order not to occur with the accumulation of harmful gases, the incubator after fifteen days from the moment the bookmark must be periodically open for ten to fifteen minutes for ventilation.

In the first five to seven days of life, geussing is very useful to give yolk cooked by screwing chicken eggs. The weak organism geussy well digesors this food.

During feeding you need be sure to give chicks fresh greens. This is a valuable source of vitamins necessary for intensive growth and development.

Gosyaty love finely chopped feathers of fresh green onions. To do this, it is necessary to finely chop the feathers of a green bow and mix them with an accomplished yellow boiled chicken egg. In the first two days of the life of newborns, the geussy must be fed at least seven-eight times a day. This is the main condition for their full growth and development in the future. Drinkers for kids should be very comfortable and shallow so that the geese can not choke in the water or even drown.

In the aviary intended for the content of newborns geussy, it should be warm and dryThere should be no draft. Gradually, the diet is geussing, as they are growing, various feed herbs are introduced. Lucerne and clover are most popular due to their high nutritional value.

Water in drinks for geussing it is necessary to change regularly, especially in hot weather, in order not to provoke a stomach disorder or diarrhea. When the geussing become older, they can be gradually involved in boiled potatoes and cornpage.

Breeding geese at home is a very profitable business. The main thing for the novice poultry is - comply with the basic recommendations Experts on the maintenance and feeding of the goose livestock. And it is also necessary to pay special attention to the correct development of young, because it is precisely from the right care and content that the subsequent development of the goosal depends.

As well as the novice poultryman must pay special attention to the choice of breed, suitable for the climate conditions of a particular region, as each breed of geese is adapted for accommodation in various climatic conditions.

Goose is the first of the birds that have become homemade. Every year the number of people will increase their breeding.

Breeding geese at home for beginners is not too complex task, since these poultry have a large share of independence.

Geese are valuable to obtain a variety of products:

  • dietary meat (on average 6 kg);
  • liver;
  • nutrient eggs;
  • valuable fat used in medicine (on average 2.5 kg);
  • soft fluff.

The meat of the goose is darker due to the presence of a large number of blood vessels in the muscles. In its composition: Manganese, zinc iron, microelements, amino acids, vitamins: A, C, B, B12.

Breeding geese - Interesting and advantageous lesson.

Total characteristic of birds

  • they differ rapid addiction to the owner, quite intellectual;
  • to the power conditions and content of unpretentious;
  • their rapid growth is observed (in 2 months they are added in weight 40 times) and resistance to diseases.

It is advantageous whether to grow geese, demonstrate visual facts:

  1. They quickly gain weight up to 4-8 kg, of which 65% edible (300 rubles per kg).
  2. The outlet of the fluff from one bird is 600 grams (approximately 1000 rubles).
  3. The egg production is low (40-50 pieces per year), however the value of eggs is indisputable.
  4. Perhaps independent production of down pillows for sale.

Breeding activities Gusey is profitable and not too time-consuming.

Breed geese for home breeding

Holmogora - the oldest breed, divorced in the central regions of Russia

There are approximately 40 breeds of geese. Representatives of rocks are distinguished by dimensions, constitution, color, productivity.

Favorable for breeding of the breed of geese: Italian, Kuban, Toulouse, Lerta, gray. The individuals belonging to these rocks characterize:

  • resistance to bird diseases;
  • rapid gain in weight;
  • liver of impressive size.

Brief overview of some breeds:

Depending on the breed geese bring 30-90 eggs per season.

Features of dilution

Goose in the nest rises eggs

You can withdraw geese as natural (using the zeal) and artificial way (by incubator). Industrial breeding of geese is carried out on a large scale. However, there are small (home) incubators.

Buy both geese for divorce and eggs for incubation can be in farms. Before the acquisition of young and accurate understanding, how to remove geese, one should familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of the breed, feeding and maintenance bases.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the right eggs and wait for the goose offspring.

Discross Yaitz

How to select instances for incubation correctly, suggests a number of requirements for them:

  • they must be fertilized, which confirms translucent by 6-7 days (87%);
  • have deleasibility (what is the yield of chicks from the laid number of eggs) - 65%;
  • they cannot be contaminated with litter, because This reduces the leading.

Obesity of hussaks reduces the indicators of fertilization in gezzles.

Also substandardly counted specimens:

  • with two yolks, with rolling yolk, blood clots;
  • unusual shape, with non-standard air chamber;
  • with the shell impaired.

Eggs are placed in a ventulous place up to 10 days, turning three times during this time.

Readiness for masonry goose expresses restless behavior. On the eggs sit around in early April (February-May). For one bird require no more than 13 eggs for high-quality survival. More to heat it will be difficult.

For the recovery should be equipped with a slope at a sufficient distance from the herd. The place should be quiet, dry, temperature regime - 15 degrees. If there are several naists, we must divide them by partitions. Feeding is made with selected grain. Situation lasts 28-30 days.

At the end of this period, the eggs should be placed in the prepared box and highlight the lamp. When punishing chicks, return their goose.

The optimal option is to find the appeals of chicks along with the zeal.

If this ability should be equipped with a dry warm aviary for them.

When accidenting, non-standard situations may occur. Here is some of them.

  1. Situation 1: One of the eggs crashed. Actions: Broken instance Remove, Wrone the rest.
  2. Situation 2: The zoom left the nest and does not return to share for 20 minutes. Actions: Return it forcibly. Perhaps it is on eggs for the first time and instinct did not fully evolve.

With a poorly developed maternal instinct or for other reasons, an alternative to natural survival is the use of an incubator to obtain offspring.

When playing incubation paths should be purchased:

  • incubator;
  • special heating device for chicks (broom);
  • device for an inspection of eggs (ovoskop).

A good result of hatpings in the incubator is 70%.

Step-by-step incubation excretions:

  1. Select eggs no older than 10 days. They must be healthy, perfect shape. It is impossible to wash them. You can only sprinkle with manganese for disinfection.
  2. The incubator is pre-warm up to 39 devices (4 hours before the bookmark). Humidity maintain in mode 60-65%.
  3. Eggs lay and withstand in the home incubator at a temperature of 38 degrees 4-5 hours. Then reduce to 37.8. 2-3 days before the excavation to bring the temperature to 37.5.
  4. Up to 8 times a day, eggs must be rotated for even heating. 15 days after the bookmark, periodic ventilation of the incubator is recommended for 10 minutes.

At 11 and 27, the masonry is inspected. If the dark spot of the embryo does not appear, the eggs are removed.

During the second inspection, the dark solid mass means the death of the embryo.

Rules for the content of parental herds

Particularly important in the household the quality of the tribal herd. The recruitment of the parental herd is a matter of responsible. For him, you need to select the best individuals.

To do this, discard poorly developing specimens in stages.

  1. In daily age, privileged inactive geese is excluded.
  2. At 8 weeks, individuals are excluded, taking into account the quality of the physique, plumage, growth.
  3. At 26 weeks, the best instances of the amount of indicators are selected.

For optimal geese reproduction, select three times more than hussaki.

Care is not particularly difficult. For the development of immunity, conditions of detention from the first days of chicks are important. It is important to take into account the three components of the factor: the features of the room, feeding and care.

Requirements for the room

First, for the flock you need a corresponding room in which high-quality lighting should be, including using artificial sources. With a lack of light, egg production decreases.

Important requirements for the premises are purity, dryness, regularly connected high-quality litter (sawdust, chips, straw).

Basic housing elements:

  • feeders, drinkers;
  • nests;
  • litter;
  • lases for the passage;
  • capacity for water procedures.

Near the room should be equipped. Along its walls to equip boards with a fresh bubble for laying eggs.

It will be useful to arrange a reservoir with regularly replaced by water. Breeders note a direct connection between the wet plumage and the delay of the gesyat. In the fresh air, birds grow faster.

If necessary, disinfection is required. Square per bird: approximately 1 m².

The habitat of young people should be reliably protected from visits to predatory animals (rats).

Use food geese is quite often due to increased metabolism. The first feeding is carried out immediately after drying chicks. For stimulation you can knock on the trough, this contributes to their involvement.

Within a period of one and a half after the emergence of the power, the power must be 6-8 times. It includes different products:

  • Meshaccles: ground grain, wheat bran, boiled potatoes, chopped grass.
  • Meshacca of lactic acid products.
  • Eggs welded screwed and finely cut (can be mixed with chopped green onion feathers).
  • Permanent access to water, mineral additives (feeding) are needed. However, do not forget to ensure that the chicks do not choose and drowned.

From one month: The feed is green and grain. As well as bone flour, shells, gravel. In the feed you should enter small animals: frogs, worms, beetles. Peas is useful, pre-closed for 10-12 hours and crushed. Corn porridge also love kids. Drinkers increase. Bowls are recommended as mini-reservoirs. New elements of feed in the cultivation of young people are introduced gradually in small volumes.

Juicy grass and bathing water - pleasure for geese, growth stimulator.

Adult birds eat a lot of herbs (up to 3 kg). As well as tops, root, grain mixture, silo. Gusey is beneficial to breed, as they are pleased to eat residues of vegetables (beets, pumpkins, potatoes, carrots).

Optimal is the use of green grass straight from the meadow (nettle, clover, dandelions, sorrel, alfalfa), as well as algae.

Required inventory:

  • feeders are long, with high sides, in order to avoid scattering feed;
  • nursery for grass in order to avoid her sweeping;
  • drinkers (ideally autopochka).

An important rule: To avoid freezing water in winter, it is poured hot.


To protect against winter cold weather, good-free warmed rooms without drafts are needed. The floor is equipped with a special flooring up to 30 cm. In summer, goose comfortably in aviaries with sunlight and rain.

The optimal temperature for chicks is 28 degrees with a gradual decline to 22. From 21 days from the nature of the individual, adapt to natural conditions. From the whims of the weather they save the heat of the plumage and the fat layer. At temperatures up to 15 degrees, frost they feel comfortable.

Geese fear not cold, but drafts!

Common diseases of geese: rickets, paratif, aspergillosis, cheerful peritonitis, cholera, poisoning.

In general, geese are hardy. Walk outdoors in every weather in winter and summer. In Busatnik, are only at night. They are ready to achieve 2 kg of live weight to independent grazing..

Love geese "water treatments". Birds are perfectly oriented, find food and home home. So that he does not fly away, in adulthood, their wings are cut.

Geese love spacious, walking, movement.

With good care, the geese is gaining weight with 100 grams of daily chicks up to 5-6 kg (some breeds to 10) in 5 months. By 12 months, the weight increases even twice.


Gus for divorce is not a complex and fairly profitable occupation in rural areas. Unpretentiousness in care, undemanding to feed, natural conditions for walking facilitate the strengthening of their immunity, an increase in egg production.

Among all domestic birds geese most independent. Juicy meat, goose fat, dietary liver, Puot and Feather, they will provide a breeder not only for personal needs, but also for sale.