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Read the best love novels. Modern love novels: Best books in the genre

We want to present to your attention a selection of 10 best books about love All time. Stories written in the distant 19th century, the hearts of the most whimsical readers still touches the hearts. They are striking with their frankness, touching feelings and sometimes even irony.

10. Lady Lady Chatterley (David Lawrence)

In 1928, David Lawrence released the first version of his work "Lady Lady Chatterley". Because of its frankness and many intimate details, this love romance caused a storm of indignation in people of that era, so the book was banned in many countries of the world. The novel corresponded three times because the author's contemporaries were overwhelmed and destroyed it. The main character - the young Constance tied his life with the Baronet Clifford, which after some time becomes disabled. The spouse of the girl can not condemn their beloved on life without caress and himself permits to make her lover.

9. Feeling and sensitivity (Jane Austin)

The author of the famous book about love "Feeling and Sensitivity" is Jane Austin, who wrote not few stories touched by hearts. Among others, this work is highlighted by the fact that it was written under the pseudonym lady and released in 1811. Throughout the novel, the reader is trying to understand what will lead to happiness: feeling or sensitivity. Two sisters Marianne and Elinor chose different ways. Marianna preferred sensitivity and bold actions, and Elinor is more involved in choosing a chosen one. History shows that there is no right recipe for the achievement of happiness, the main thing is to invest in this soul.

8. Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)

From under Pere Charlotte, Bronte came a lot of good works, but one of the most famous novel "Jane Eyre". The book tells the story of a young orphaned girl, which in addition to fragility is endowed with target, hardness and restraint. She dips the reader into the problem of the main character, perfectly passing all its emotions. The book tells about love, which is manifested not only in appearance, here the author does on the inner beauty, manner, education. He presents love as a all-consuming feeling that is worth putting all his strength for the sake of him. This novel teaches readers to how, despite the obstacles, you need to fight in order to get the desired.

7. Love Story (Eric Cigal)

The famous Roman "History of Love" Eric Sigala appeared on sale on the day of all in love with 1970. This book about love has become a real bestseller. Over the first year, over 20 million copies were sold. One of the most successful Harvard students, during the next visit to the library gets acquainted with a girl who is socially "full zero". At the same time, the main character of the rich family and is ready to sacrifice its position for the sake of life with the chosen. He quarrel with friends and relatives, and she refuses his dreams. This book, which makes see love in the smallest details and understand that the best world is a world for two.

6. Diary of memory (Nicholas Sparks)

The "Diary of Memory" is one of the best books about love relationships, at the base of which is a real story. For the first time, readers got acquainted with the work of Nicolas Sparks in 1996, and already in 2004 the film was released on large screens. Roman is a confirmation that at any age you can go crazy for each other. The plot develops on behalf of a man who is in the nursing home. The story he reads tells about the gentle feelings of the young couple of Noah and Ellie. They are not destined to be together due to the difference in the social position. Due to the misunderstanding from the side of close steam part. On the path of the couple, one more obstacle is becoming - the Second World War begins, during which all the plans of young lovers rushes.

5. Rebecca (Daphne du Sorrow)

Continuing a list of the best books about the love of "Rebecca" - the bestseller of the 20th century, which first saw the world in 1938 for the first time. The storyline is based on a girl who is looking for his happiness. She works by a governess from a rich American. In search of happiness, the main heroine gets acquainted with a man Maximilian, who has its own estate and will soon marry him. The servants in the house constantly compare the girl with the former wife Maximilian - Rebecca. Many of them say that the former wife was very attractive, was formed, had good manners and went under the sail. The girl feels that she is not a dollar of the former spouse and it seems to her that a man is trying to get rid of loneliness, which torments him after Rebecca drowned. The book tells about the difficult story of love, which is based on the principal heroine speculation. He teaches us that our reflections sometimes lead us in a false direction.

4. Singing in a thorns (Colin McCalow)

The famous Roman Colin McCalow "singing in the thorn" is the most popular bestseller, one of the best-selling books is almost half a century. This is a strong work telling about how weak people. "Singing in the thorns" is a saga consisting of seven books telling about love, church, family. The work shows for which people are ready to go for the benefit of love and what they are willing for sake it sample. The name did not happen from the legend that stars that everything pays off at the cost of huge losses and suffering. Family Saga is able to affect the strings of the soul and carries the same answers to many questions of fate, with whom at least once had to face everyone on their life path.

3. Gone by the wind (Margaret Mitchell)

Opens the top three best books about love Roman Margaret Mitchell "Gone by the Wind". The work of 1936 is a bestseller among American literature and brought its own author to worldwide fame. In history, it is narrated about incredibly complex love, for which sometimes you can blindly close your eyes on a lot. The main heroine of Roman - Scarlet O'Hara all his young life was not offended by male attention and was accustomed to achieving the desired one. Until a certain moment, the girl succeeded until Ashley met on her way - a young man who does not show any interest to the main heroine. For the sake of a joint future with Ashley, a girl made a lot and only with time realized one simple truth ...

2. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austin)

1813 brought the world a new work, because it was then that the famous Roman Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice" was published. The book immediately aroused the delight of readers and captured them with their irony and revelation. History tells about the family of Bennets, having five daughters and dreaming to give them successfully married. And at that moment, the familiarity of the family with a secured and young man Mr. Bingly, who shows an interest in the eldest daughter - Jane Bennette. At the same time, between a friend of a young man, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennette arises frank hostility based on male pride and ladies prejudice. This novel about the love of decades has won fans and in our time remains popular among the lovers of the genre.

1. Thunderstorm Pass (Emily Bronte)


Books that every woman should read.
Modern books for women. Female read. Best books for women.

📖 Jun Andersen is inherited from the aunt Ruby legendary bookstore "Blue Bird". Soon she discovers unique letters among books - testimony of old friendship between Ruby and the famous writer Margaret Wyz Brown. Since the store on the verge of ruin, June decides to save it with the help of the find. She appeals for help to Gavin, the owner of the restaurant in the neighborhood with the "blue bird" of the restaurant. It seems that they have a chance together, but Dzhun has a lot of secrets, and the Gavin trust turns out not so simple.

📖 The new book of Coello is devoted to the personality of the famous Kurtisani and the dancer, the shooting of which became a reason for civil unrest in Paris of 1917. What is her genuine story? Is the execution of a fatal mistake? The writer is not afraid to do unambiguous conclusions. His evidence base - documentary materials of the security services of Holland, Great Britain and Germany. Coelho is convinced: Mata Hari died not because of political intrigues, betrayal or promiscuity. Ahead of your time is a terrible curse. Spy Hari was one of the first feminists who was not afraid to declare himself. To live your time under the sun is not according to the traditional "housewife" template, throwing a challenge to men, choose an independent position - these are the principles that Mata Hari wanted.
📖 Wonderful, wonderful book! I read it all evening until the morning!This is such a spring book when you need to wake up from winter hibernation and stop living with your own life. If you feel that your life is similar to sitting in a swamp in order to others, then this book will smash you.The story of love, irresistible and unpredictable.The floor publishes the first novel and leaves San Francisco to Paris. Compounds, meets with readers - and feels immensely lonely. Mia runs from London, throwing her husband who made her husband, and finds a refuge at a friend-French fan. Mia accidentally goes to the dating site and appoints a meeting of the floor ...
📖 Fei about "Neil, a single mother with two children, forgot what to dream and believe in fairy tales. But it was worth it to move to an old Victorian mansion, how mysterious events began to occur. At night, Fayes merry strange lights outside the window, and in the apartment Over her lives an eccentric old woman Vende, who considers himself a friend of the famous fairy-tale character Peter Pan. At first, Fei did not treat it seriously, however, acquaintance with another neighbor - Jack Graham - made her look at a different look at what was happening. Jack does not remember anything about his childhood , and the only hook, which he finds, leads him ... to Wendy?

📖 The spiritual book in the style of old good England, but on modern way. Cozy and warm.Wonderful story from the modern English writer.A surprisingly kind, touching novel who will give everyone a sense of the holiday and the present New Year's mood. Five not too happy people in the will of circumstances are in the same house in the north of Scotland. Rosamund Pilcher with a warm, kind smile tells about his heroes, and the reader begins to believe that the approaching Christmas will definitely bring wonderful changes in their lives. The novel of the famous English writer is distinguished by lyricism, soft humor and unexpected turns of the plot.
📖 Wonderful Christmas story for the soul, when I do not want serious books, and the desire is only one thing - to relax in your heart and get lost, the unique feeling of the approaching miracle. This magic story, designed to become a real antidepressant, through the smells of appetizing baking, shot atmospheric New Year's lights and is felt by the romantic emotions of the main actors.

📖 Each woman is a bit bridget, even if she does not confess. The continuation of the adventures of the unspexed optimist Bridget Jones is a novel, in the heroine of which many women can learn themselves, and many men draw invalid information about the mysterious soul, tricks and weaknesses of the beautiful half of humanity.Continuation of the novel "Bridget Jones Diary" How Jealousy and Prison (where you just don't get fooling!) A little bit bridged to madness. But precisely when she lost hope for marriage with the irresistible boring Mark Darcy, she had a real chance to change his life.
📖 Helen Fielding continues the story of touching Bridget Jones. Bridget's diary - for such bad and tireless misfortunes of happiness, as she herself. In pursuit of happiness to the aid, girlfriends and dating sites come to the aid, but real love awaits Bridget completely elsewhere. Have you ever allowed yourself to eat a third cupcake, drink too much or without reason? Have you ever forgotten to pick up children from school? You did not promise myself that you throw smoking from Monday and start doing charging? Never looked stupid and ridiculous? And they did not write on Twitter about a date, although it was not over yet? Not? Then this book is not for you.
📖 Louise Clark is ready to start a new life. She comes to New York and falls into another world, in someone else's house full of secrets. Rainbow dreams are divided into cruel reality, but the girl with his sense of humor does not lose. She knows how many miles from her house in New York to London, where her new guy Sam lives. She knows that her boss is a good man and that his wife has its own secrets. But Lu does not know that she is about to meet Josh, who will turn her life from his legs. Just because Josh looks like someone who once caused her pain. And whatever decision Lou has accepted, it will change everything. Lou firmly knows that sooner or later will find a way to find himself. And it will also be sure to answer the question: whom does she really love? .. This novel teaches what you always need to stay myself, what you are, to be bold and go ahead, despite different difficulties. This is a book about finding yourself and your place in this world.

Lisa McCalin lives in a quiet town in Australia. However, Mike Dormer appears in him, who wants to turn it into a sparkling fashion resort. The only thing that Mike could not be foreseen is that Lisa McCalin will be in his way. And of course, he could not even think that love would break up in his heart ...

📖 This shop, peculiarly decorated, clogged by the most varied rare things, it is full of inexpensive jewelry and the aroma of the middle of the 20th century in it. And his hostess cooks the best in the city of coffee and proudly calls his store "Emporium Suzanna Picok". It was here that Suzanna, who constantly conflicts with his father and a stepmother, quarrels with her husband and considers himself guilty of the death of Mother, the shaking beauty of Athens Forster, will acquire the first in her life with real friends, finds out the truth about his mother and finds his love ...

📖 Old dilapidated mansion is located on the shore of the lake in a picturesque place near London. And around this mansion, which local residents call the Spanish house, the passion flared up.For Isabella Delance, young widow with two children - this is a shelter from storms and adversity of life who fell on her after an unexpected death of a hot beloved husband. For Matt McCarthy, who is engaged in the repair of the house and at the same time trying, insanely overlapping his rates, survive Isabella, is a chance to get a Spanish house in property. For Nicholas Trent, developer, is the ability to create a luxurious village for the elite on the site of the old house. And Byron Firth tries to at least temporarily find the roof over his head.
📖 The book includes two stories. "One in Paris" is a story about Nell, modest and loving everything to calculate in advance. However, she dreams of spending a romantic weekend with her friend in Paris, and therefore on his own initiative organizes such a trip. But her friend is not at the station, and Nell rides in Paris alone. "Honeymoon in Paris" - Liv and Sophie share for almost a hundred years, but they both stand on the threshold of family life, both hoping for a happy honeymoon with a loved one ...

📖 When the 33-year-old Charlotte Graveness understood that Richard postponed the thought of the wedding in a long box, her sister Fliss prepared for the worst. What madness Lotty will decide in despair? Will fire from work? Will make a unthinkable tattoo? Carefully change the image? Or maybe it will begin serious relationship with the most unsuitable person for her? If only she did not make mistakes, which will then have bitterly regret ...

📖 In the life of Emily Wilson, once the most fortunate girl of New York, the dark band comes. Creative crisis, cool relationships with relatives, and then betraying the husband forced Emily to leave the metropolis and go to Bainbridge Island to their cousin Baby, to the house, next to Wild violets grow, and the ocean foams right at the porch.Emily will soon find dated 1943 Diary of a certain Esther Johnson, whose records shed light on the strange behavior of local residents and change the eyes of Emily to the island, which she adored from childhood.

📖 Work in the magazine mod ... Dream of any woman? A nightmare of any woman! Welcome to hell under the "glossy cover"! Coffee? Always cold and tasteless! Designer clothes discount? Send from fashion in the year before last! Work in aptural time? You can forget about personal life! But everything would be nothing if it were not for the boss - the legendary of the sterry of the world from Cutur, whether the soul of the soul of the devil, whether (by rumors) expelled from hell for the impossible character! ..
📖 Almost fifty years of the lives of the main characters fit into this book consisting of several hundred letters.The second novel of the young Irish writer Cecilia Ahern is a story about how much time is sometimes required to find his true love. Especially if she is very near.

📖 "Look at me" - the third superbestoseller brilliant Cecilia Ahern, who conquered almost fifty countries with his novels. Elizabeth, a young woman-designer, whose time is painted in minutes, once and forever banned himself to dream. Borrowed concerns about the father, younger sister and her child, she was forced several years ago to part with her beloved and knows from experience, how dangerous hopes are dangerous. However, wonders are suddenly beginning to occur in her life. She in her house, no matter how accidentally, the mysterious stranger appears, the beautiful, charming, casual, and Elizabeth is gradually thawing with him. But she does not know anything about him. A wonderful story of love is born - almost cloudless, almost ideal, if it were not for one circumstance: Chief Elizabeth came from another world.
📖 Sixteen-year-old Tamara Gudwin, the only daughter of secured parents, does not know anything in anything and for a minute does not think about the future. But the tragic event, the suicide of the Father, which has lost all the family condition, including a luxurious house in Dublin, and therefore decorated to such extreme measure, forces the girl along with the sickness from the grief of her mother to leave the city and move to the village to relatives. Having lost friends and favorite classes, Tamara misses the wilderness, not knowing how to take himself. But the appearance in the village of the mobile library and acquaintance with her owner who gave the girl with the magic properties of the book, helps her not only to grow up, but also to gain other life values.
📖 Brida - an exciting story about love, passion, secret and spiritual search, in which the magic speaks in all the languages \u200b\u200bof the human heart. The main heroine - Brida is a wonderful young Ireland, she seeks to know the world. Two people will affect her idea of \u200b\u200blife, whom she meets on his life path - a sage, a teaching of her to overcome fears, and a woman telling her how to move in the rhythm music of the world.Both mentors see a special gift in Brida, but to reveal it in themselves and continue her journey it should without their participation. While the brid is in search of his fate, her relationship with people come in contradiction with the desire to change themselves.
📖 Magic came to a quiet American town of Malllabi a few centuries ago and since then it has become legal, although not visible owner. For many years, night lights without demand are walking through neighboring lawns, the wallpaper change the pattern for the mood of the owner, and the sweet smell of baking barely by catching thread connects lovers. Residents of the city have long been accustomed to miracles. That's just no one warned Emily about them, who came to his mother's hometown to figure out the riddles of the past ... Little city, secrets, love - all this is shrouded in the smell of baking. Magic and beautiful fabulous story, from which the soul is so cozy and light that there is not enough words to describe it all. Wonderful, kind, warm, absolutely wonderful book.
📖 Billy - Roman-shock, Roman-Explosion, Roman-Revelation. There are no romance in her familiar sense, here is a severe reality and an attempt to get out of it. Nevertheless, it's still a novel about love and friendship, which are capable of transforming a person to unrecognizable, "raise" him from the very deep bottom ... This book is about courage, friendship, about love.

📖 Nova Zbіrka about Lvіv, Kohanne І Krasu. The beauty of the souls, Stosunk_v І Narodi - now in the spring setting. If Nature is perceptions, people are worried about іz her: turn the doli, gubers, uncomfortable ... dozkii rose in the sky of Brookіvtsі p_dslukhanі in the sky about the normіranny Kohannya, you want to zada черення, Opovіdayuchi about Zradey. Pleasure Lvіvskі Vishnі-Morelі Troy Majut soul і Singling. Woni Creative Diva, Povochnichi Lyudski Doli. І Vіdchuutyu so Samo, Yak People: Smoke і Place, Radіyut і Jury, І Shahyut Vіd Nerozdylennya Kohannya ... Cellian Spenting on Storinkam Onovnoye, in the spring Svіzhoi books!

Erotic genre:
Books about sex

📖 sensually. Frankly. Exciting. Attractively. Brightly. Handsomely. Banal story, but an incredibly exciting syllable of the author. Anna Todd read very easy. This book will make your breathing more rapidly. Excites. Inspires. Your chest will go up and descend more and more) During reading, get ready for goosebumps in all parts of your body ... Descriptions of scenes with kisses above all sorts ... A love romance that will allow you to feel alive.
📖 "Put me like a seal, on your heart, like a ring, on your hand, because a strong, like death, love, and cruel, like hell, jealousy: Arrows of her - Arrows fiery." The author describes the triumph of earthly love, high happiness. This feeling allows you to admire the world and man, perceiving them as a true miracle. But the chains of conventions, envy inevitably lead to the tragic outcome of an exalted feeling. The story is taken from the Old Testament Book of Song Song Solomon.
📖 "It's a pity that you wrote that in the" Dark Allahs "there is some excess examination of women's prevails ... What there is a" excess! "I gave only a thousandth of how men of all tribes and peoples" consider "everywhere, always women with His ten-year-old and up to 90 years old. " Here the writer's attitude towards a sense of love as the highest, tense moment of being, "rare a moment of happiness" was most bright.

📖 Ivan Bunin - Heinrich (November 10, 1940)(Dark alleys)
📖 Ivan Bunin -Galya Ganskaya (October 28, 1940)(Dark alleys)

Books for those who are experiencing bitterness of loss, gap.
Books for those who have lost a loved one:

📖 Bestseller of the famous Irish Cecilia Ahern "P.S. I love you" - a modern story about how love is stronger than death. Having lost his beloved husband, the thirty-year-old Holly Kennedy falls into despair, stops getting out of the house, communicate with people. And suddenly receives a package with letters by mail: you can print them only one per month, but they are the most important person, the parting with whom such suffering brings it. It turns out, shortly before death, he decided to help her live on. Whenever she is looking forward to the first day to open another envelope and, strictly following the instructions, take another step returning it to life: buy a new dress, take part in the karaoke competition, go to the sea.
📖 Lou Clark knows how many steps from the bus stop to her house. She knows that she really likes working in a cafe and that, most likely, she does not like her boyfriend Patrick. But Lu does not know what is about to lose his work and that in the near future she will need all the strength to overcome the problems that have enjoyed it.Will Treynor knows that the motorcyclist who shot his motorcyclist took his desire to live. And he knows exactly what needs to be done to put an end to all this. But he does not know that Lou will soon burst into his world as a riot of paints. And both of them do not know that each other will change forever.A sad story about a little life and big dreams that make you cry.
📖 Honestly, I did not want to add this book to the list of worst, but really - continuous disappointment.The first book is much stronger .. much. Mumped. "To meet you," made Jodjo Moys of a very popular author, and the book is really a bestseller. Then other works went, but this is the first book - she is really masterpiece. I sobbed, could not stop after reading. And now there is a continuation of this sensational history "before meeting with you." I already lost a gift speech. I could not remember again to plunge into the experiences of the main character, I wanted to read again about the further fate of the heroes. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. No, you can read, of course ... But the second part will only be because everyone who read the first book, of course, will want to know - and what's next ... Personally, I am not delighted. During reading the first book, I sobbed, during reading the continuation, I did not feel anything. I read and waited all the time - well, let's, there should be something emotional already happen. Not. Somehow is unnecessarily sentimentally and with the taste of the American Happi-End.And did you need to write this in general? It seems to me that there is no.

📖 Seattle, 1933. A single mother of Vera Ray kisses her little son before bedtime and goes to the night work in a local hotel. In the morning, she discovers that the city is drowning in the snow, and her son disappeared. Not far from the house, in a snowdrift, faith finds the beloved teddy bear Daniel, but there is no more trace on the outbreak road.Seattle, our days. Reporter Claire Aldridge writes an essay on the paralyzed city of Pervomaisky snowy buran. It turns out that there was almost eighty years ago, and a boy disappeared during the snowfall. Claire without enthusiasm is taken for this case, but soon discovers that the story of Ray is intertwined with her own destiny ... Books on the psychology of pleasure.

No woman can live without love and romance. There are such moments when you want to plunge into the world of unearthly love. If you want to break away from reality and live an amazing story, then read the best love novels.

With many novels from this lists you are already familiar, and if not, then be sure to read.

  1. Gone to the wind - Margaret Mitchell. Cult novel, which is known worldwide. History not only about love, but also about the Civil War. Political grain and fate of ordinary people. In the center of Roman - Scarlett O'Hara and Rett Butler. Complex fates, difficult relationships, intrigues and love. In the novel, there is everything, it can be considered the leadership "how to seduce a man."
  2. Singing in the thorns - Colin McCalow. The story of the family, which from the poor rose to the very top. The story of the difficult love between the simple Girl Maggie and the priest Ralph. History about choosing. What will be stronger - love or religion? The book is divided by seven parts, the nature of one of the main characters is revealed in each part. The book keeps in tension, because it is not clear to the end, what the heroes will be chosen.
  3. Hello, sadness! - Francoise Sagan. After the death of the mother, Cecil lived in the pension at the monastery. Restrictions and hard frames made it with a rebar. She returns to his father and falls into the world where there is no rules. She begins to live in his pleasure, without denying himself. She meets her love, but can not cross through his egoism. But life loves to prevent surprises, and in the life of Cecil, a friend of the late mother - Anna appears. Strong and independent woman. How will she affect the young girl?
  4. P.S. I love you - Cecilia Ahern. Modern novel who is known to the world. The story of the power of love, which even death will not stop. Holly after the death of her husband closes in itself and does not go out of the house. One day she comes a package with letters. Letters can be opened one each month. Letters are written by her late husband. Each letter contains the instructions that it must be performed. So, since the world, a loved one helped feel the taste of life and show that life continues. This romantic story will make shed a lot of tears.
  5. Dangerous connections - Skoderlo de Laklo. Roman in letters that will not leave anyone indifferent. Mrs. de Volange picks up his daughter Cecile from the monastery, where Tu was prepared to marry the count. His mistress of Marquis de Meretree, wants to take revenge on the count and decides to seduce his bride and thereby defraight in the eyes of the highest light. Marquis asks for the help of the handsome and the heart of Viscont de Valmont. He must seduce the young Cecil. Valmont himself falls in love with Cecile. Istria about love, loyalty and betrayal.
  6. The story of love - Eric Cigal. On the one hand, there is nothing special in the book, but with another beautiful story that will not leave anyone indifferent. Oliver is not only the best student, but beautiful and rich. Jennifer is a simple girl in which there is nothing outstanding. Such different, but such relatives. They love each other and spit on the rest of the world. No one succeeds to solve them, except for terrible disease.
  7. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte. This novel can be read and reread infinitely at any age. The story of a cute girl Jane, who since childhood had to learn all the lives of life. This novel tells about all-friendly love and cruel reality.
  8. Night is gentle - Francis Scott Fitzgerald. At one time, the novel was not popular. The story of a married couple, whose life failed, and the marriage turned out to be unsuccessful. Once they loved each other, but her illness and constant treason of her husband, led to the divorce. This story reflects real and everyday life.
  9. Fried green tomatoes in the cafe "Films" - Fenni Flagg. Family history, where there is friendship, and love, and problems. The book tells the history of several women, and the reader has to deal with himself when and what happened because there are no clear time frames. This novel creates an unusual atmosphere and helps revise their lives.
  10. Lover of French lieutenant - John Falez. History tells about the young aristocrat from impoverished and the maid, which threw a climbing lieutenant. He is engaged with a rich, but not a distant girl, she dreams of love. Once they meet, and she tells him his sad story. He does not remain indifferent, and they are found at the hotel where he learns that she is a virgin. He breaks the engagement and wants to leave with her, but she disappeared. The novel is interesting not only to the beautiful history of love, but also three options for the final. You must choose yourself how the story should end.

Books open the doors in our minds, which allows us to live whole lives and travel around the world, without even getting out of the chair. As William Stairon said: "The Great Book should leave you with experience and a little tired. You must live a few lives reading it. "
Before you a list of 22, at least once in life.
The narrative is conducted against the background of a changing political situation in Afghanistan in the 1970s in the period after 9/11. "Running over the wind" is the story of an unlikely and complex friendship between Amir (the son of a rich merchant) and Hasan (the son of his father's slave). Cultural and class differences, as well as the shocks and cruelty of war, tear them into parts. Each of them has their own tragedy and their fate. But they remain connected all their life. Hosseini shows us the world of ordinary people who live, die, pray, dream and love. This is the story that the long shadows of family secrets fall at the decades of descendants, it is a story about the incredit friendship of love and transforming for forgiveness.

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This most famous job Jane Austin is something much more than a comedy of morals about marriage issues and life in a secular society in England in the 19th century. "Pride and Prejudice" remains one of the most lively works of English literature, not because we get an unforgettable pleasure, watching the sparks of the feelings between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy (although it is, of course, a sufficiently weighty reason). Readers are penetrated by this novel because Austin is frankly offending the human character with all its beauties and its shortcomings. "Pride and Prejudice" is a novel about overcoming disagreements and public classes, about the ability to laugh in life, even when it becomes extremely unfair. This is a book that love someone means to love him in spite of everything, and not because of something.

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Ornate written Roman with catchy and memorable characters, "Little women" invites us to a warm comfortable home of the American family of the 19th century. Everyone can find that the character of this book among the heroes of this book that would resonate with him, whether the characterism of Joe, vanity Meg, Amy's mischief or Beth's shyness. The novel is a story representing the transition of four sisters from the virility to femininity during the Civil War in America. Together, they learn about the harsh realities of poverty, diseases and death, and, as in a dream, fall in love and laugh, passing through all this. This is a touching novel about the importance of the family and simplicity, home comfort, in which no one will ever be lonely.

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Although this novel cannot be called a light ball, it's still one of the first novels that I suggest read when someone asks me to recommend me, as this work really has the power. Roman shows one day from the life of George Falconer - the English Professor of Middle Age, which is experiencing the loss of his beloved Jim. George struggles against the exciting depression and wonders that it is important for him in this life, he gradually learn, thanks to dinner with a better friend and conversation for souls with a student, the gift of life with all his tests and triumphs. Thanks to such a description of one day in a person's life, Ishherwood reminds us that every moment has its value. Its clear and direct prose grab you, make you think and calls to see death in the face.

Who does not like novels about talking animals? This wonderful work makes us wonder what our world would be if the animals could talk. If we talk about the meaning of the novel on a more serious note, then we can say that the author challenges his readers and suggests to ask himself, as if we began to treat animals if they could speak. How would we behave if they could tell us about their joys and fears? Would you then humanity to treat four-legged friends more humane? Roman White is a lesson for children and reminder for adults about the beauty of nature, life, and how important it is to remember that every creature has its own rightful place on this land.

Classic Roman Bronte tells the story of the struggle of a young girl for his place under the sun and his happiness in this heavy and cruel world. It is experiencing tyranny in childhood, as it remains poor orphan under the roof of angry aunt, the deplorable conditions in the orphan school and faces the dark secrets of the family when as a governess falls into the house of the mysterious and mounted Mr. Rochester. Volva and strong, Jane is eager for independence, in which Victorian England refused to all women. Her tragic story acts as an example of how a woman chooses his own way in life in the face of many difficulties and ridicule. But, besides this, "Jen Air" is a wonderful story of real love!

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This is another one of those books that are filled with truth nuggets, which you can run all your teeth. Its essence needs to be able to understand and accept. The novel talks about a short, but changing life, adultery between Maurice Benriks and Sarah Miles. Shocks of World War II, personal love battles, hatred, feeling of guilt and search for truth - all this is very acute and shrilled in the novel. The story of Maurice and Sarah reminds us that what we do for love can cause an inexorable turn of fate, which is able to draw our life to passionate and sometimes a dangerous journey, and that while love does not always last forever, we can always extract From her useful lessons.

This novel turned on even more attention to the public after a recent statement, what does it intend to let the prequel, so even if you read it before, now has a good time to return to it again. The story is conducted on the face of a 6-year-old Scout Finch, his story concerns the incident that the Alabamo shook his hometown when African American Tom Robinson was accused of rapening a young white woman. The father of scout, Attikus Finch, becomes a lawyer assigned to Robinson. Binding a sense of humor and extreme honesty and seriousness, Roman critically looks at social issues regarding class, racial and sexual politics and sometimes ironic injustice of the American legal system.

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10. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" J.K. Rowling

Yes, this magnificent book needs to be read! Even if you are already familiar with all the books from the series, it is unlikely to prevent you from a new plunge into this wonderful world, right? The Magic World of Harry Potter was captivated both children and adults. The story of a boy, who survived - drunk, emotionally neglected orphans, who once discovers that he is a wizard - attracts people of all ages. The speech in this book is about the eternal friendship of love, about the pain of loss, the celebration of goodness over the evil and the reality that sometimes our fierce battles are in our ourselves.

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The favorite of many readers around the world Mary Lennox goes to the English estate of her uncle-pinning after her parents die from cholera. The "mysterious garden" is a timeless classic product about the beauty of nature, the healing force of love and faith in magic. Throughout all the incredible adventures of a little girl, you will laugh together and cry with her. You will empathize to her and live together her lessons of love and trust, and also see Mary comprehends himself and the world around.

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When Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and slip into the magic country of the narnia, they meet the friendly of the speaker animals and a white sorcerer. In these meetings, the guys understand the true meaning of family bonds and courage. It is more than a story about a fantastic world hidden in old furniture. This is a novel about the infinity of human imagination. Described against the background of the Second World War in England, the land of Narnia is a timeless hope for the best, a bright future.

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13. "Anya from Green Mesonins" Lucy Montgomery Mod

When an 11-year-old Sirot Anya meets with the older brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, she discovers that some kind of mistake happened, and that they actually wanted to adopt the boy, not a girl. Although this fiasco initially leads Anna to the world, where she is afraid to be rejected and unloved, ultimately lively a girl's fantasy and her infinitely good heart will help her win over everything that will be presenting life. This is a touching story about love and friendship with a bitter reminder that in life everything sometimes happens completely differently as we want, but in any case everything always goes as it should and only for the better.

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Pop icon after the debut in 1996, Bridget Jones turned into a symbol of everyday feminism for women worldwide from the UK to Japan. Its self-sensitive and frank description of the disaster and falls related to dating and diet, with the struggle for the beautiful image and body, its aspirations for personal and financial independence resonates with readers, because we all experienced something like this at a certain point in our life. Humorous and touching, Roman Fielding offers readers funny, but a critical commentary of what it means to be a woman in the modern world, and reminds all women (and men, of course) that feminism is now less related to bragging bras and causing relation to marriage. Now he is increasingly associated with the struggle for his happiness and the desire to love himself as you are.

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"Uncle Tom Hut" is a political and puritan accusation and condemnation of American slavery. Stoa gossip together the stories of several slaves from the rigid elza, which do not stop before, to save at least their child from the terrible shackles of slavery. This is the story of a modest Uncle Tome, who carries his burden quietly and quietly, serving his gentlemen with the faithful honesty of a person for whom freedom is more the state of mind and soul than a physical condition. This is a novel about the endurance of the human spirit and a moral obligation to fight for their rights.

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The novel "Under the glass cap" is an intrusive realistic novel based on stories from Sylvia's own life. It is told by the story of Esther Greenwood - a talented young woman who passes the summer internship in a large New Yor journal and discovers that instead of enjoying the glamorous New York lifestyle, she finds him terrible and knocking out of the gauge. Created on the realities of their own struggle with depression boards, the novel "under the glass cap" shows a genuine look into the human psyche and sheds the light on real mental illnesses.

We have the world famous classic work of Victorian children's fiction. This is a quaint story about magic and nonsense, in which Alice turns out to be in the imaginary world after chase behind the White Rabbit, which she sees, sitting calmly on the banks of the river. This brilliant novel invites readers to fall into the notorious rabbit Nora and to be in the world of speaking animals and magic fungi, which allow Alice to grow or decrease depending on which side it will take them. This novel gives pleasure and children, and adults. He blurs all the boundaries between reality and fiction.

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In this frightening novel, Dorian Gray's main character becomes a model for a portrait of the artist Basila Hallojd, who is simply in love with Dorian's beauty. Knowing that his youth will eventually fade, Dorian wants to sell his immortal soul in exchange for beauty and youth, and his desire is fulfilled. As Dorian is becoming increasingly beautiful, his appearance in the portrait is becoming more and more monstrous, reflecting all the dark sides of the inner world of a man. Obsessively descriptive character and delicate writing of the Noman Wilde makes us look at yourself and recognize the dark side of human nature. This novel tells us about the eternal struggle between good and evil, which is happening in the soul of each of us.

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In one of the most attractive secrets of Agatha Christie, a luxurious oriental express stops in the snowdrifts in a deaf night, and the next morning of the grumpy and unwriting American passenger is found dead with twelve knife wounds behind the locked door. Only the rest of the passengers can be involved in the murder, as the killer came from another place is unlikely due to a strong snow storm. This strange thing is investigating the Detective Erkul Poirot, he finds himself face to face with many terrible stories intertwined around the dead, and every passenger seems to be associated with him. With the usual outbreak of intrigue, Agatha Christie gives us a secret that blurs the boundaries between legal and moral justice, calls us to decide whether it is possible to justify the person who takes the law into his hands. .

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The most translated book from the French language, the "Little Prince" is the story of a little boy who falls on Earth from an asteroid after visiting several other asteroids to try to understand humanity. In his travels, he meets some strange and wonderful heroes, including the king without any subordinates, drunk, who drinks to forget about the shame to be drunk, and wild fox. The "Little Prince" is an allegory of the stupidity of man and its tendency to self-destruct by violence, as well as a touching story about the transformative force of friendship, love and trust.

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This convincing and touching story talks about the life of Heizel, who is sick with cancer, and her teenagers. They together share all fears and joys, and readers come to an understanding of the brittleness of life thanks to these young votes, whose life is intensively burned by the day of day and the moment of death is already flickering on the horizon. Green reflects in his book a struggle of a man with an incurable disease with stunning tenderness and amazing reliability, reminding us that love, friendship and faith can exceed everything, even death itself.

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Classic novel about adventures and magic, "Wizard from Oz" tells readers what is happening with a little Dorothy Gale, when she and her dog Toto fall into the cyclone and find themselves in the Oz Lake, where they meet many colorful characters, including scarecrow, iron wood And the cowardly lion. Together, they are sent to the emerald city to meet with the famous wizard in order to gain wisdom, love, courage and house. This superb novel is a touching story about friendship and courage, about what you need to be grateful for what you have, and never forget that your home is where your heart is.

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When we read the book, we would like to wear other people's shoes, look at the world with other people's eyes and attend the places that we can never visit in real life, whether it is a small village in India or the green fields of Narnia.

Books are a great achievement of humanity at least because they tell us about such important things as love, grief, friendship, war, social injustice and persistence of the human spirit. Read Books And leave your feedback and recommendations in the comments!

This article presents a selection and a brief description of the best female novels of all time. Reading lovers will find many interesting ideas for themselves.

The most versatile faces of love can be seen and feel, reading the novels about love. Maybe among lines of love you will see your love story.

Important: Classic novels are books, time over which is not powerful. The names of the main characters are permanently cut into memory, and their stories leave the reader's deeper trail in the shower.

We have collected for you a selection of the best novels about love, which are rightfully considered classics. Among them, the works of Russian and foreign authors.

  • Margaret Mitchell "Worked Wind" - Masterpiece of world classics. The novel of the American writer received a phenomenal success in the world. Events unfold during the US Civil War. The main heroine of the novel is the young Scarlett O'Hara, which has a cute flirty peer and not in female with a calculating mind. The heroine will have to face many difficulties in life. In love with her strong and domineering male Rett Butler is ready to quit the whole world to his feet beloved. Will he be reciprocating Scarlett?
  • Collin McCalow "singing in a thorns" - The plot of works covers half a century. The book is a family saga, which describes the life path of the members of the Clery family. In the center of the plot, Maggie girl and the priest Ralph, a forbidden feeling broke out between them. Roman has unexpected turns and to the end is incomprehensible, whether Happi & End will be.
  • Erich Maria Remarik "Three Comrades" - The story of faithful love, real male friendship and post-war echoes. The author leaves no illusions to the reader, the main thing tells so penetrating that the tears come to the eyes. After reading this book, the reader will be forced to overestimate the values \u200b\u200bof life.
  • Mikhail Sholokhov "Quiet Don" - Historic novel, brought by the author of the Nobel Prize. The story of the Don Cossacks, revolutionary years and the Civil War. The book describes the throwing of the main character Grigory Melekhov between red and white, as well as between two women: Natalia's wife and Absignan's mistress. Love and passion, offense and disappointment, hatred and pain from the loss of loved ones are boiled in the novel.

Masterpieces of world classics

Video: Good Love Books

Top 10 best love romance for women: rating

  1. Cecilia Ahern "P.S. I love you" - The story of love that has become stronger than death.
  2. Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre" "Searching for a better life and a long-faced love of a girl-orphans named Jane Eyre.
  3. Francis Scott Fitzgerald "Night" - Tragic story of the love and life of a talented psychiatrist.
  4. John Falez "Lover of French General" - Deep love romance, where the reader is offered three versions of the ending.
  5. Joanna Lindsay "Male of My Dream" - Beautiful novel of two people: Megan, Daughter of Squire, and the Duke of Rotston, who is forced to give out of her groom.
  6. Sandra Brown "French Silk" - Fascinating Love and Detective Line.
  7. Francoise Sagan "Hello, sadness!" "A novel about the experiences of the main character of Cecil, which early lost his mother, and after living in the monastery guesthouse with joy of bohemian life.
  8. Simon Vilar "Confession of Rivals" - Two beautiful, decisive women are struggling for the love of one beautiful lover.
  9. Nicholas Sparks "Diary of Memory" - The history of love of two young people who were able to find their happiness after many years.
  10. Joanna Lindsay "Angel" - An exciting story of the love of the most ruthless arrow of Texas and the innocent Kassi Stewart.

Best love novels

Modern most readable women's love novels with high ratings: review, list, names, brief description

Important: Modern love novels became a separate genre in the literature. In our selection of modern novels there are those works that are written relatively recently and gained great success.

  • Jodjo Moys "See you with you" - The plot unfolds around Lou Clark and Will Treinar. The mass of problems fell on these two people, Lou Clark lost his job, and Will became disabled and wants to commit suicide. Will his decision change after this meeting?
  • Jodjo Moys "After you" - Continuation of the previous book. Initially, the author did not plan to write a continuation, but numerous requests of readers convicted her.
  • Elchin Safarley "If you knew ..." - The story and experiences of a woman who broke up with his beloved.
  • Federico Moccia "Three meters above the sky" - The history of warm reverent love between two opposites - Babi and Stephene, as well as the sad end of this story.

Modern love novels

Love novels Bestsellers for women: list

Important: In the next selection, the best love bestsellers are collected. If you have not read these books yet, you probably heard about them, because these works are greatly popular in the world of literature.

  1. Helen Fielding "Diary Bridget Jones" - A popular series of books about life and search for love residents of London.
  2. Yanush Vishnevsky "loneliness in the network" - On the virtual love of two people. In real life, they are alone, but in the network they love each other, share erotic fantasies, worry. Once they will meet ...
  3. Frederick Begbeder "Love lives three years" - The plot unfolds around the journalist who is confident that love passes after three years. Can he change his opinion?

Best Bestsellers Novels

Most Popular Love Novels for Women: List

Important: Many love novels were fused, some more than once. The names of the main characters of the most popular novels are spinning to hearing even those who have not read them.

  • Lion Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" - Roman about the forbidden love of Married Anna Karenina and a brilliant officer of Vronsky. A vivid example of the fact that sometimes even mutual love can bring misfortune.
  • Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" - The sensational Roman Bulgakova, which reveals many meanings - the love, the actions of the power and value of people, the reality of God and the devil. Roman is not deprived of satire and humor.
  • William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet - Tragedy, which tells about the love of two young families from the warring noble families.
  • Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice" - Psychotherapeutic novel, who will make the reader think about how often we are deceiving themselves, being in captivity of stereotypes.

Most Popular Love Novels

Video: Overview of the best love romance

Historical women's love novels: list

Important: This genre of Romanov is interesting because the beautiful love line is intertwined with historical events. Very fascinating to plunge into the past and feel like a hero of that time.

  1. Alexander Duma "Countess de Monsoro" - Among the cunning, lies and the depravation of the Royal Court in France, the love of fearless Count De Bursti flashes and his beloved Diana.
  2. Ethel Lilian Voyniche "Wood" - A revolutionary-romantic novel, in which the main character rejected by all imitates suicide and later appears with a cruel heart with a cynic heart.
  3. Victor Hugo "Cathedral of Parisian Our Lady" - The famous novel, where the plot of love is intertwined with the tour of Paris.

Historical novels about love

Foreign women's love novels: List

Important: love is the most beautiful feeling that is given to know a person. It is happiness that two friends give each other. Sometimes love brings pain, it happens unrequited, too cruel. Nevertheless, most people are grateful to the fate for giving them this priceless gift.

  • Schedule Nuri Guntkein "The Korolets - Poultry Poultry" - An exciting novel about love Ferida and Kamrana, about the difficulties that the fate came to survive the poor girl-sirotot.
  • Judith Maknot "Paradise" - The story of how fate once separated a couple. But after 11 years they met again, will they be able to return their happiness?
  • Jean Seson "Memoirs Princess" - The plot is based on the personal experience of the writer who has lived in the east for many years.

Foreign novels about love

The most interesting love novels and love books for women

Important: readers perceive the same book in different ways. Therefore, it is difficult to definitely call the most interesting book - for everyone she is their own. However, we picked up a lot of options in the hope that you will find a book worthy of your attention.

The novels of the French writer Mark Levi.:

  • "Between heaven and earth"
  • "Those words that we did not say to each other"
  • "Meet again"

Novels American writer Joanna Lindsay:

  • "Angel in the flesh"
  • "Sawn and Cook"
  • "Be mine"

The most famous beautiful love novels for women: list

Important: Every love story with a happy ending gives a feeling of happiness, joy. Therefore, we collected a selection of books where everything ended with Heppi And.

  1. Cecilia Ahern. "I do not believe. I do not hope. Love "
  2. Mark Levi. "Seven days of creation"
  3. Arthur Golden. "Memoirs of a Geisha"
  4. Jamie McGawire "My wonderful misfortune"
  5. Sophie Kinsella "Wedding night"

Beautiful love novels

Passionate, erotic love novels for women: list

  1. Paulo Coelho "Eleven Minutes" - Frank Roman of the Brazilian Writer about the girl-prostitute named Maria, who is trying to know his female nature. In the book, the author reveals the problems that in society is considered to be silent.
  2. E.L. James "50 shades of gray" - a scandalous erotic romance about the relationship and the incarnation of sexual fantasies of the anasta style and Christian Gray.
  3. E. L. James Gray - Continuation of the history of the relationship of Anastaishi and Christian. Only in the first book, the story was on behalf of the anastheship, in the given book the author revealed the motives of the behavior, feelings and thoughts of Christian Gray.
  4. John Claland "Fanny Hill. Memoirs women for joy " - Roman discouraged the fame of indecent literature. For many years in America, censorship was imposed in America, but later the novel was recognized as a talented work.

The most famous erotic novels

Love-fiction women's love novels: list

Important: A fantastic genre is gaining increasing popularity. It is not surprising that loving fantastic novels are in great demand among readers of the whole world.

Among love-fantastic novels, the most readable are the following:

  1. Karina Demin "Bride"
  2. Eavankhelina Anderson "Deal with the devil"
  3. Stephanie Morgan Meier "Dusk"
  4. Elena Starle "Just one kiss"
  5. Olga Huseynova "Binding Energy"

Love fiction novels

Short Women's Love Novels and Love Books: List

Important: If you want to read something light, simple and unobtrusive, give preference to short love novels. Often these books are forgotten as quickly as read. However, a pleasant aftertaste after reading such novels remains.

  • Jessica Hart "Wedding for Cinderella"
  • Sandra Marton "I love ... and nothing else"
  • Inga Berrister. "Love spell"
  • Michel Reed "Groom her girlfriend"
  • Maya Banks. "Disposher Bride"

We hope that from the proposed list, there will be a book worthy of your attention. Enjoy reading!

Video: All-selling female novels