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Comparative characteristics of poor Lisa and Erast. Characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa". Psychological analysis of the characters of the main characters in the composition of N.M. Karamzin

N.M. Karamzin wrote an extremely touching and dramatic story about simple and together with the versatile situation: she loves, and he is not. But before answering the question of what the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa", you need to at least at least refresh the plot of the piece in memory.


Lisa - orphan. Left without a father, she is forced to go to work: Sell flowers in the city. The girl is very young and naive. In one of his "working days" Lisa saw in the city of a young man (Erast), who bought flowers from her, paying 20 times more than they cost. Erast said that these hands should collect flowers only for him. True, the next day he did not appear. Lisa was upset (like all young girls, she was very pardka for compliments). But the next day, Erast himself visited Lisa at her house and even talked to her mother. The old man's old man seemed very pleasant and polite.

So everything lasted for some time. Erast swept the virginity and the blamefulness of Lisa, and she (the peasant girl of the 19th century) was simply stunned by the courtships of a young beautiful nobleman.

The turning point in the relationship came when Lisa said his possible soon marriage. She was upset and depressed, but Erast calmed her down and painted her the future and said that the sky would be in diamonds.

Lisa had a little cheerful - she believed the east and in the wave of relief gave him his innocence. As it should be expected, the character of the meetings has changed. Now ERAST has mastered the girl again and again, without a branch of conscience using it for his needs. Then Lisa, and the relationship with her Erasta was bored, and he decided to escape from all this to the army, where he did not serve as Fatherland, and rapidly missed his fortune.

Returning from the army, Erast, of course, nor Palslov said Lisa about it, she herself somehow saw him on the street in a carriage. Rushed to him, but after not a very pleasant conversation, which happened between them, the former beloved put Lisa over the door, putting money.

Lisa from such a grief went and drowned in a pond. The old woman followed her in as soon as she learned about the death of her daughter, then she immediately had a blow, and she died.

Now we are ready to answer the question of what the characteristic of Liza from the story "Poor Lisa".

Character of Lisa

Lisa was actually a child, despite the fact that she had to go early to work early, as her father died. But she did not have time to learn how to learn. The inexperience of the girl and attracted the young surface nobleman, seeing the goal of his life in pleasure. Poor Lisa is also in this row with her admiration. The erastie is very stolen the attitude of such a young and so fresh girl, and she was naive to extremes. She took the attitude of a young honey for a clean coin, and that was all a game from boredom in fact. How to know maybe even Lisa secretly hoped to the position of Baryni over time. Of the other characteristics of its character, it is worth noting the kindness and immediacy.

Perhaps we described not all the facets of the personality of the main character, but, as it seems, there is enough information here that the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa" was understandable and covered by its essence of its being.

Erast and its internal content

The second main acting face of the story - ERAST is a typical aesthetic and a hedonist. He lives only in order to enjoy. He has a mind. He could be brilliantly formed, but instead, the young barin just burns his life, and Lisa for him is entertainment. While she was clean and immaculate, the girl was interested in Eraste, how he was fascinated by the ornithologist recently to them the species of birds, when Lisa surrendered to the erasta, then it became the same as everything, which means it was boring, and he, who was driving a thirst for pleasure, moved on , not particularly thinking about the consequences of his nasty behavior.

Although unethical behavior of a young man becomes only through the prism of certain moral values. If a person is unprincipled (in which ERAST was), then he cannot even feel the share of lowness that is contained in his actions.

A person seeking only pleasure in life, superficial by definition. He is not capable of deep feelings. And, of course, he is an adaptation, which proves Erast's marriage for money with a meal widow.

Confrontation of Liza and Eras as a struggle of light and shadow, good and evil

At first glance it seems that Lisa and Erast is like a day and night or good and evil. Accordingly, the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa" and the characteristic of the Erast is intentionally opposed by the author of the story, but this is not quite so.

If the image of Liza is good, then such good does not need to be neither the world nor people. It is just unsuitable. However, in general, it is well written (albeit slightly sentimental) the story "Poor Lisa". The characteristic of Lisa, which can determine it exhaustively, is naivety, reaching nonsense. But this is not her fault, for it is about the peasant girl of the 19th century.

Erast is also not evil in pure form. For evil, the power is needed, and it is not endowed with her a young nobleman, to his regret. Erast is just an infantile boy running from responsibility. It is absolutely empty and languid. His behavior is disgusting, but it is difficult to call him, and even more than the embodiment of evil. This is all that we have opened the story "Poor Lisa". The characteristic of the erast is more than exhaustive.

Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" is one of the most famous works of the Romantic Epoch. The tragity of the narrative does not leave indifferent readers of any age, and the relevance of the topic is obvious today. The central character of the work is ERAST - he and the source of all the troubles, and the embodiment of the author's thought.

Erast is a representative of a typical young nobility. He is full of romance and love, full of illusions and hope for the future. It seems to him that he is able to break well established traditions and can go against the family, and against friends for his love. However, in fact, it turns out to be much weaker than it imagines himself, it gives up under the ones of the first vital difficulties. It is impossible to overestimate the role of ERAST in the plot, since it is his character, his internal traits determine the plot and make any other ending simply impossible.

Characteristic of the hero

The main features of the hero are quite contradictory, the author does not paint it exclusively by a cunning seductor and a unprincipled man. The negative features of the ERAST include its windiness and inability to keep their own word. Also, the author sharply condemns his self-deception: going to the war, he justifies this coldness to the girl, however, it does not show himself, but only plays in the maps and having fun with friends. Erast does not have the wills of will to overcome life difficulties and chooses the easiest way: instead of work hard, he just marries the rich elderly widow, without thinking about the consequences for others. Another sharply negative quality of Erasta is his conviction that money can help the heart of the girl wounded.

However, there is positive features in this man. First of all, it is sincerity. He really loved Lisa, although he could not confess in the cooling of his own passion. He sincerely believes that they will be able to overcome social barriers and all the difficulties of inequality. Offering Lisa money, he is also convinced that it can go to her benefit. Evils in his actions, deception and cunning are actually no. That is why perception of ERAST only as a negative character is impossible. The fact that his positive features, his conscience and his compassion "alive" says and the final: until the end of his life he will suffer because of the evil who became faith. Such a psychological portrait is quite complicated and multifaceted, it actually determines the entire plot. In general, the Character himself characterizes as a hero is not bad, but spoiled by obsolete ordinary and noble life.

The image of the hero in the work

In the work of Karamzin, Erast becomes an embodiment of two most important topics laid by the author to the plot and in his hidden meaning. First of all, through the actions of the romantic hero, a contradiction between natural feelings and artificially created laws, including social ones, is expressed. Erast is almost completely created from these contradictions, and his fate becomes a demonstration of why the laws of a person won most often, and not the laws of nature. Above the Estra takes the top of the thirst for financial well-being and social recognition, the natural gusts of his own soul he has to move back to the background. As a result, deep mental suffering that occur from the unnaturalness of such relationships between people.

What is important, through the image of Erast Karamzin expresses its own position to such representatives of the nobility. On the one hand, he condemns them morally, encourages the flour of conscience and does not allow you to quietly reconcile with its own weaknesses. On the other hand, aesthetically, the author justifies the hero, showing that he is not a culprit of the circumstances, but rather their hostage. Such a position was noted not only by literary criticism, but also with compatriots. Immediately after the publication, the name of the ERAST became the most popular among the highest estates.

The role of Erast and in the history of Russian romanticism as a whole is very important. He became the first central character who embodied the image of the so-called "excess person." After that, such characters appeared from most authors, but the founder of such a direction is precisely carmazine.

Lisa is a young innocent girl living near Moscow one with a mother who constantly shed tears in early deceased husband early, and Lisa had to fulfill all the work on the house and care for her. Lisa was very honest and naive, she was accustomed to believe people, she had one whole character, that is, if she was given to any feeling or case, it made this action completely, to the end. At the same time, she did not know life at all, because all the time he lived with the God-fearing mother aside from all sorts of noisy rustic entertainment.

Mother calls Lisa "courtesy", "Mile": Karamzin puts these epithets in the mouth, proving that the peasants have a sensitive soul.

Lisa believed a young beautiful erant, because she really liked him, and she also never met with such elegant severity. She loved Erast, but her love was Platonic love, she did not perceive herself as a woman. Erasta was at first suited, since after the depraved metropolitan life he wanted to relax from constant sexual intrigues, but after he inevitably faded Liza as a woman, because she was very beautiful. Lisa did not understand this, she only felt like something changed in their relationship, and it was disturbing. The event of Erast on the war was with a genuine misfortune, but she could not think that Erast had some of his plans . When she saw Erast in Moscow and talked to him, he experienced the strongest shock. All its credulity and naivety were deceived and attacked and the dust. As an extremely impressionable nature, she did not stand such a blow. All her life, which before it seemed to her clear and direct, turned into a monstrous journey of incomprehensible events. Lisa could not survive the treason of Erast and committed suicide. Of course, such a decision was a desperate means to get away from solving a vital problem, which in front of her got up, and Lisa could not cope with her. Frightened by real life and the need to get out of the illusory world, she chose to firmly, rather than fight and try to understand the life of such as it is in reality.

You can use a modern analogy, which describes such situations very well: it was so immersed in the "matrix" that the real world turned out to be hostile and equivalent to the complete extinction of the person.

  1. New!

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    Lisa is a poor peasant girl. She lives with her mother ("sensitive, good old") in the village. To earn money on bread, Lisa is taken for any job. In Moscow, selling flowers, the heroine gets acquainted with a young noble entrant and falls in love ...

  3. New!

    Erast was a rich young nobleman, satisfied and tired of life. He had a good deposit and tried to be honest as her strength; At least he understood what he was doing sincerely, but what. We can say that wealth spoiled him because he ...

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One of the main characters of the work is ERAST, presented in the image of a young, attractive and rich nobleman.

The writer describes Eras as a pleasant young man, well-dressed with a good face and gentle, cute eyes. It is characterized by a young kindness of nature, affectionate attitude towards others, smile and outstanding mind.

Erast is distinguished by the presence of live imagination, enthusiastically reading in the book novels. At the same time, the ERAST demonstrates secular depravation, frivolity, recklessness and weak will. The characteristic feature of the young man is generosity, lack of greed, willingness to spend a large amount in order to impress.

As a non-heedled aristocrat, Erast is inclined to the wrong way of life, in which there is a passion for card games and windiness in relation to the female sex, enjoying pleasures and entertainment. Reflecting on its voluptuous existence, EAST sometimes relates to his own person, bored among representatives of secular society.

Coming once with the peasant girl named Lisa, Erast at first glance falls in love with his fascinated woman, admiring her beauty, simplicity and naturalness. As a dreamy nature, Erast represents that he gained his real half, which is a symbol of impaired and purity, but understands that it will never be possible to enter into marriage with Liza belonging to the lower class.

He gives a promise to a girl to take her far away to the village to spend a happy and quiet life together, but in one of the days aware that love relationships with Lisa begin to take it, so Erast decides to go to the service in the army.

In a military campaign, the young man turns out to be a loser in the card game all its condition and is forced to agree to marriage with a rich widow, providing him to the sign of attention.

Desperate Lisa, aware of the betrayal of the beloved, which was discounted, decides to end his life with suicide, drowned in a pond. A young man remembers pure and tender relationships with poor Liza to his very death, Winter himself in her death.

Talking about the tragic fate of the girl and revealing the image of Eras in the novel, the writer compares the hero with the depravity of a big city, which destroys naturalness in people and humanity.

Essay about Erast

"Poor Lisa" - the story of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin published in 1792. The story marked the beginning of a new writing style and opened a new branch of Russian literature.

One of the main characters of this work is ERAST. It was a beautiful and pleasant young man, with whom it was nice to communicate anyone, he knew how to play people well. Erast was a rich nobleman and popular secular personality. He was very kind, but also windy and non-permanent. Erast spent a huge amount of entertainment time, personal satisfaction and entertainment is the main excitement of this character.

He always tried to enjoy his position in society. Our hero was a member of all secular events. But even such a life may be bored. Erast tried to find something new, bright - a sense of real love. Our hero succeeded to do it.

Once, meets Lisa, our hero felt that such real love was. They took possession of the beauty of the girl, her simplicity, kindness and sincerity. He, a romantic and a dreamer in the shower, constantly wandered in his world, where he represented a happy love, where he and Lisa lived happily and loved each other. His dreams were based on the romantic agents of the time in which the brightest love stories were described, he was inspired by them. Erast sincerely believed that their love would be eternal and that he would not spit her away. Their and their love, which he often represented - the fruit of his romantic fantasies. However, when Lisa fell in love with him and gave himself without a rest, his feelings began To fade He became very cold in relation to her, then he decides to go to a military campaign.

Erast can not be considered a negative character, he did not want to betray and deceive the girl. He sincerely believed in his feelings, in their lucky future. Even when he went hiking, he was very regretting his act, he was tormented by a conscience.

For this character, money solved almost everything. Erast decides to pay off by Eliza. However, in the campaign, he lost his condition, losing all the money. This was the reason for his marriage in a rich widow. Having met Lisa, he decides to give her 100 rubles to pay off her love. He thought that the money decide everything, but for Lisa it was like a knife in the heart.

Option 3.

The protagonist of the work of the guard of the ERAST, it comes from the aristocratic family. This is a handsome young young man who is attractive outward, having a good heart and good manners. It easily finds a common language with everyone, so the circle of communication is quite wide and diverse, it is loved in society.

The only disadvantages of the young nobleman, windy actions and weak willpower. Having met Lisa, he loved her at first glance, but if you consider this feeling in more detail, it was ordinary love. After all, after some time spent with Liza, walking around the fields, enjoying each other's society.

He is many actions and words that the beloved says, read in novels, but soon understands that these relationships were just hobbies. Lisa, on the contrary, loved the Erast strongly, deep and real love. East of this feeling does not feel about her, after a long time met with the peasant and got something that he wanted, he understood that she was already bored.

The most important thing in this story is that Eras initially believed that he loves Lisa and was not going to betray her. Even after the Erast with her broke up, he torments himself with thoughts that he deceived the young girl. In order for her at least to help her, he offers her 100 rubles, but Lisa is terribly offended by this sentence.

EAST from a rich family and used to all the problems to solve with the help of money, he, as soon as he saw Lisa, wanted to buy all her flowers, then wanted to help her with money, but she refused. After parting, Lisa did not take a penny at Erast. He wanted to help her financially, but lost all his money and in order not to become a poor, he had to marry a rich widow.

Here Lisa he said that he went to the army to serve, but after he lost his condition, was forced to leave the military service and marry. But because of his weakness, he could not tell Liz about that he soon was forced to marry. Lisa accidentally found out about his marriage and, without preparing such a betrayal, committed suicide.

Lisa wandered around the city and found a pond, which rushed, Erast, having learned about this tragedy and could not forgive himself, what was betrayed by a young girl. He could not forgive himself for the fact that Lisa died.

As a result, Erast could not be happy and did not forgive himself for becoming guilty to Lisa's death. The Erast is good, but too windy, who does not have the strength of the will, because of his weakness could not be happy Lisa and he himself.

As much role in this story was played by the fact that Lisa and Erast from different classes, he is nobles, she is an ordinary peasant. This was the cause of such a tragic story, in the final of which Lisa died. After all, even if the Erast wanted to marry her, the society would not accept this marriage and would be condemned by Lisa and Eras until the end of his life.

Sample 4.

In his works, Karamzin has always pursued the goal of writing such a text in order for he touched him for a living, forcing him to think about the one or another aspect of his life. He often spoke of the injustice of life, pain, which is caused by good and gullible people, and about fate, which, as such, is not at all. Thus, we see that the atmosphere in the works of Karamzin is filled with a dark, sad atmosphere, because of which the worldview read slightly changes and look at some things. An example of such a work is "poor Lisa".

The story tells us the story of a girl named Lisa, who dreaming about deep, highly moral, and most importantly, real love, meets a young man, with rather beautiful appearance, status, and a rich inner world. And everything initially goes well, even too, but later the most unpleasant features of the character and image of Erast.

ERAST - a young, pleasant view of the nobleman, with a rich family who all his life also dreamed of real love, who eclipses all the absurdity of his life, but, however, the presentation and desire is very distorted, not like Liza . Erast has an idea of \u200b\u200blove, as a certain material thing, which can be bought for money, or opposite to pay money in order not to love someone. This opinion partly takes place due to its upbringing, as it grew up in the noble family and all things in his life have the price. The very character of the ERAST is a good, kind, but the short-lived person, who, with even the slightest loss of interest, immediately replaces his object of attention, whether it is a person or a simple thing. Erast got used to live as he wants, and very often he does not even think about what pain he can hurt people who trusted him, which also characterizes him as a short-sighted person. Erast is also dependent on gambling.

In the work, the ERAST is rather anti-formal character, and the author seeks to show that it is not necessary to strive for such a lifestyle, let him behave quite a large number of people. Thus, the author pushes the reader to reflections, making its own adjustments for the further development of his thoughts. And having transferred the image of Erast in this way, the author created a certain prototype in his work how low the man can fall, simply going on his desires and instincts.

I believe that it is these features that prevail in the image of Erast from the work of Karamzin's "poor Lisa".

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Erast was a rich young nobleman, satisfied and tired of life. He had a good deposit and tried to be honest as her strength; At least he understood what he was doing sincerely, but what. It can be said that wealth spoiled him, because he got used to himself not to refuse. In the same way, when he was fond of a poor girl from the Moscow suburbs, he put every effort to win her location and the location of her mother.

He poorly understood himself and believed that sentimental in love with a poor girl, so beautiful and unspoiled, will help him get away from boredom and empty outbidden life in the capital. He read foreign sentimental stories and naphnthazed himself a quiet pastoral love for a peasant girl. For a while he was quite happy with this game and drove it, especially since Lisa responded to his courting with all the hottest of the first love. But time passed, and the game began to tire Erast, he was not ready to quit his wealth, besides his began to pursue monetary failures. Perfectly realizing that he came to himself, he came up with a story about what goes to war, and he himself married a rich woman to correct his condition. The fact that he made his life choice between money and heartily happiness was completely thoughtful and understood what exactly did, his response to the suicide Lisa shows. Attempting to persuade her and pay off the hopeless, and Erast remained unfortunately, because he was not an evil and cynical man, he simply did not have enough spiritual strength to go with Lisa to the end and fully change his life.

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